Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // Class: PointLoopFacetor
00003 // Description:
00004 // Creates a set of CubitFacets which is a Delauney triagulation of the boundary
00005 // points.  No interior points are added.  The points form a closed loop, and may
00006 // consist of several loops.  The first loop must be the exterior loop, followed by
00007 // any internal loops (or holes).
00008 // Creator: David R. White
00009 // Owner: David R. White
00010 // Creation Date: 3/1/2003
00011 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00012 #include "PointLoopFacetor.hpp"
00013 #include "DLIList.hpp"
00014 #include "CubitPoint.hpp"
00015 #include "CubitFacet.hpp"
00016 #include "CubitFacetData.hpp"
00017 #include "CubitFacetEdge.hpp"
00018 #include "CubitPointData.hpp"
00019 #include "LoopParamTool.hpp"
00020 #include "TDVector.hpp"
00021 #include "FacetorTool.hpp"
00022 #include <stdio.h>
00023 CubitStatus PointLoopFacetor::generate_facets( PointLoopList &boundary_loops,
00024                                                DLIList<CubitFacet*> &resulting_triangles)
00025 {
00026     //First transform the boundary points to the XY plane.
00027   LoopParamTool *l_tool = new LoopParamTool;
00028   if ( l_tool->new_space_LoopParam(boundary_loops) != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
00029   {
00030     delete l_tool;
00032     PRINT_ERROR("Faild to generate loop u-v space for generating facets of boundary points.\n");
00033     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
00034   }
00035     //Now transform the poins.
00036   int ii, jj;
00037   if ( l_tool->transform_loopspoints_to_uv(boundary_loops) != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
00038   {
00039     write_xy(boundary_loops);
00040       //Now transform the points back to their original location and remomve the TDVector.
00041     CubitPoint *curr_point;
00042     ToolData *td;
00043     TDVector *td_vec;
00044     CubitVector orig_vec;
00045     PointList bounding_points, *curr_list;
00046     for ( ii = 0; ii < boundary_loops.size(); ii++)
00047     {
00048       curr_list = boundary_loops.get_and_step();
00049       bounding_points += (*curr_list);
00050     }
00051     for ( ii = 0; ii < bounding_points.size(); ii++ )
00052     {
00053       curr_point = bounding_points.get_and_step();
00054       td = curr_point->get_TD(&TDVector::is_td_vector);
00055       if ( td == NULL )
00056       {
00057         PRINT_ERROR("No TDVector on CubitPoint, can't transform back to x-y-z.\n");
00058         assert(td !=NULL);
00059       }
00060       td_vec = CAST_TO(td, TDVector);
00061       orig_vec = td_vec->get_vector();
00062       curr_point->set(orig_vec);
00063       curr_point->delete_TD(&TDVector::is_td_vector);
00064     }
00065     write_xyz(boundary_loops);
00067     delete l_tool;
00068     PRINT_ERROR("Faild to transform loop to u-v space for generating facets of boundary points.\n");
00069     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
00070   }
00071   delete l_tool;
00072     //now generate a triangulation for these nodes.
00073   int num_boundary_edges = 0;
00074   PointList bounding_points, *curr_list;
00075   for ( ii = 0; ii < boundary_loops.size(); ii++)
00076   {
00077     curr_list = boundary_loops.get_and_step();
00078     num_boundary_edges += curr_list->size();
00079     bounding_points += (*curr_list);
00080   }
00081   CubitPoint **start_nodes = new CubitPoint* [num_boundary_edges];
00082   CubitPoint **end_nodes = new CubitPoint* [num_boundary_edges];
00083   int array_index = 0;
00084   for ( ii = 0; ii < boundary_loops.size(); ii++ )
00085   {
00086     curr_list = boundary_loops.get_and_step();
00087     for ( jj = 0; jj < curr_list->size(); jj++ )
00088     {
00089       assert(array_index < num_boundary_edges);
00090       start_nodes[array_index] = curr_list->get_and_step();
00091       end_nodes[array_index] = curr_list->get();
00092       array_index++;
00093     }
00094   }
00095   if ( array_index != bounding_points.size() )
00096   {
00097     PRINT_ERROR("Problem building edge arrays for faceting.\n");
00098     assert(array_index == bounding_points.size());
00099     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
00100   }
00101   int dummy_variable = -1;
00102   int surf_id = 1;
00103   FacetorTool<int,CubitFacet, CubitFacetEdge,
00104               CubitPoint, CubitFacetData, CubitPointData, int>
00105     facetor = FacetorTool<int,CubitFacet, CubitFacetEdge, CubitPoint,
00106               CubitFacetData, CubitPointData, int> (&surf_id, bounding_points,
00107                                                     start_nodes, end_nodes, num_boundary_edges,
00108                                                     &dummy_variable, l_tool);
00109   if (facetor.mesh_surfwoIP(resulting_triangles) != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
00110   {
00111     PRINT_ERROR("The facetor tool failed.\n");
00112     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
00113   }
00114     //Now transform the points back to their original location and remomve the TDVector.
00115   CubitPoint *curr_point;
00116   ToolData *td;
00117   TDVector *td_vec;
00118   CubitVector orig_vec;
00119   for ( ii = 0; ii < bounding_points.size(); ii++ )
00120   {
00121     curr_point = bounding_points.get_and_step();
00122     td = curr_point->get_TD(&TDVector::is_td_vector);
00123     if ( td == NULL )
00124     {
00125       PRINT_ERROR("No TDVector on CubitPoint, can't transform back to x-y-z.\n");
00126       assert(td !=NULL);
00127     }
00128     td_vec = CAST_TO(td, TDVector);
00129     orig_vec = td_vec->get_vector();
00130     curr_point->set(orig_vec);
00131     curr_point->delete_TD(&TDVector::is_td_vector);
00132   }
00133     //Now update the facet planes...
00134   CubitFacet *facet;
00135   for ( ii = 0; ii < resulting_triangles.size(); ii++ )
00136   {
00137     facet = resulting_triangles.get_and_step();
00138     facet->reset_bounding_box();
00139     facet->update_plane();
00140   }
00141   return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
00142 }
00143 void PointLoopFacetor::write_xyz(PointLoopList &boundary_loops)
00144 {
00146   FILE *fp = fopen("Loop.txt", "w");
00147   if (!fp)
00148   {
00149     PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't open temp file for writing.\n");
00150     return;
00151   }
00152   PointList *node_loop;
00153   CubitPoint *point_ptr;
00154   CubitVector coords;
00155   fprintf(fp, "Real locations\n");
00156   int ii, jj;
00157   for ( ii = boundary_loops.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
00158   {
00159     node_loop = boundary_loops.get_and_step();
00160     fprintf(fp, "Loop %d, contains %d nodes\n", ii, node_loop->size());
00161     node_loop->reset();
00162     for(jj=0; jj<node_loop->size(); jj++)
00163     {
00164       point_ptr = node_loop->get_and_step();
00165       coords = point_ptr->coordinates();
00166       fprintf(fp,"%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", jj, coords.x(), coords.y(), coords.z());
00167     }
00168   }
00169   fclose(fp);
00170 }
00171 void PointLoopFacetor::write_xy(PointLoopList &boundary_loops)
00172 {
00174   FILE *fp = fopen("Loop_transformed.txt", "w");
00175   if (!fp)
00176   {
00177     PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't open temp file for writing.\n");
00178     return;
00179   }
00180   PointList *node_loop;
00181   CubitPoint *point_ptr;
00182   CubitVector coords;
00183   fprintf(fp, "Transformed locations\n");
00184   int ii, jj;
00185   for ( ii = boundary_loops.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
00186   {
00187     node_loop = boundary_loops.get_and_step();
00188     fprintf(fp, "Loop %d, contains %d nodes\n", ii, node_loop->size());
00189     node_loop->reset();
00190     for(jj=0; jj<node_loop->size(); jj++)
00191     {
00192       point_ptr = node_loop->get_and_step();
00193       coords = point_ptr->coordinates();
00194       fprintf(fp,"%d\t%f\t%f\n", jj, coords.x(), coords.y());
00196     }
00197   }
00198   fclose(fp);
00199 }
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