Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // Filename      : TopologyBridge.hpp
00003 //
00004 // Purpose       : This file contains the declarations of the base class 
00005 //                 TopologyBridge.  Sub-classes of TopologyBridge
00006 //                 represent the link between the Cubit representation
00007 //                 of an entity (such as RefVertex) and the GME representation
00008 //                 of an entity (such as an acis VERTEX).
00009 //
00010 // Creator       : Darryl Melander
00011 //
00012 // Creation Date : 01/10/99
00013 //
00014 // Owner         : Darryl Melander
00015 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00020 // ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES         **********
00021 #include "CubitDefines.h"
00022 #include "CGMGeomConfigure.h"
00023 // ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
00025 // ********** BEGIN FORWARD DECLARATIONS   **********
00026 class TopologyEntity;
00027 class RefVolume;
00028 class GeometryQueryEngine;
00029 class CubitSimpleAttrib;
00030 class CubitSimpleAttrib;
00031 class CubitString;
00032 class BridgeManager;
00033 class TBOwner;
00034 template <class X> class DLIList;
00035 class Lump;
00036 class ShellSM;
00037 class Surface;
00038 class LoopSM;
00039 class Curve;
00040 class CoEdgeSM;
00041 class TBPoint;
00042 class TopologyBridge;
00043 class TopologyEntity;
00044 class BodySM;
00045 class Lump;
00046 class ShellSM;
00047 class Surface;
00048 class LoopSM;
00049 class Curve;
00050 class CoEdgeSM;
00052 // ********** END FORWARD DECLARATIONS     **********
00054 class CUBIT_GEOM_EXPORT TopologyBridge 
00055 {
00056 public:
00057   TopologyBridge() 
00058       : bridgeOwner(0),
00059         bridgeSense(CUBIT_FORWARD)
00060     {}
00062   virtual ~TopologyBridge();
00064   virtual void append_simple_attribute_virt(const CubitSimpleAttrib&) = 0;
00065     //R void
00066     //I name
00067     //I- A reference to a constant CubitString object which is the name
00068     //I- that is to be appended to the TopologyBridge object.
00069     //- The purpose of this function is to append a string
00070     //- attribute to the TB. The name is attached to each 
00071     //- of the underlying solid model entities.
00073   virtual void remove_simple_attribute_virt(const CubitSimpleAttrib&) = 0;
00074     //R void
00075     //I CubitSimpleAttrib*
00076     //I- A reference to a CubitSimpleAttrib object which is the object
00077     //I- that is to be removed to this TB object.
00078     //- The purpose of this function is to remove a simple
00079     //- attribute from the TB. The attribute is attached to each of the
00080     //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
00082   virtual void remove_all_simple_attribute_virt() = 0;
00083     //R void
00084     //I-
00085     //- The purpose of this function is to remove all simple
00086     //- attributes from the TB. 
00088   virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib>&) = 0;
00089     //R CubitSimpleAttrib*
00090     //R- the returned cubit simple attribute.
00091     //- The purpose of this function is to get the attributes
00092     //- of the geometry entity. The name is attached to the underlying solid
00093     //- model entity(ies) this one points to.
00094     //- The default implementation returns a NULL.
00095     //- MJP Note:
00096     //- This is the code that implements the requirement that names
00097     //- of VGI Entities propagate across solid model boolean
00098     //- operations.  The success of this relies, of course, on the underlying
00099     //- solid modeler being able to propagate attributes across
00100     //- such operations on its entities. If it cannot, then "names"
00101     //- of VGI entities will not propagate.
00103   virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(const CubitString& name,
00104                                     DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib>& ) = 0;
00106   TopologyEntity* topology_entity() const;
00107     //R TopologyEntity*
00108     //R- Pointer to the TopologyEntity using this TopologyBridge.
00109     //- This (pure virtual) function returns a pointer to the
00110     //- TopologyEntity that is using this object, i.e. owner of this
00111     //- TopologyBridge. It is implied that a TopologyBridge is not
00112     //- used by more than one TopologyEntity.
00114   TBOwner* owner() const
00115     { return bridgeOwner; }
00117   void owner( TBOwner* new_owner )
00118     { bridgeOwner = new_owner; }
00120   BridgeManager* bridge_manager() const;
00121   void bridge_manager(BridgeManager* manager);
00123   CubitSense bridge_sense() 
00124     { return bridgeSense; }
00125   void reverse_bridge_sense() 
00126     { bridgeSense = bridgeSense == CUBIT_UNKNOWN ? CUBIT_UNKNOWN  :
00127                     bridgeSense == CUBIT_FORWARD ? CUBIT_REVERSED :
00128                                                    CUBIT_FORWARD; }
00129     //- Get or switch the bridge sense.
00130     //-
00131     //- The bridge sense is the sense of the TopologyBridge with
00132     //- respect to it's owning TopologyEntity.  The results of
00133     //- geometric evaluation functions on the ownging TopologyEntity
00134     //- may be affected by this value.  
00135     //-
00136     //- Currently, this is only set for Surfaces and Curves, as the
00137     //- sense of either may be opposite that of its owning RefFace
00138     //- or RefEdge when merging occurs.  It is not set/used on Loops
00139     //- or CoEdges because a) there are no geometric evaluations on
00140     //- the underlying LoopSMs or CoEdgeSMs and b) the relative sense
00141     //- can be inferred from that of the corresponding Surface and
00142     //- Curve.
00143     //-
00144     //- This value is saved in the MergePartner attribute.
00146   virtual GeometryQueryEngine* get_geometry_query_engine() const = 0;
00147     //- This function returns a pointer to the geometry query engine
00148     //- associated with the object.
00150   virtual int validate(const CubitString&,
00151                        DLIList <TopologyEntity*>&)
00152     { return 0; }
00153     //- Check that entity is valid. Returns number of problems detected.
00154     //- For sub-classes that don't implement this, just assume there are
00155     //- no problems and return 0.
00158   enum { MAX_TB_LAYER = 255 };
00159   virtual int layer() const { return 0; }
00160     //- Bridge layer at which this bridge occurs.
00161     //- 0   - real geometry
00162     //- 126 - sub-composite partition layer
00163     //- 127 - composite layer
00164     //- 128 - super-composite partition layer
00166   void get_parents(DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &parents);
00167     //- get parent topology bridges
00169   void get_children(DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &children,
00170                     bool return_hidden_entities = false,
00171                     int layer = MAX_TB_LAYER );
00172     //- get child topology bridges
00174   void bodysms(DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies,bool unique = true);
00175   void lumps(DLIList<Lump*> &lumps,bool unique = true);
00176   void shellsms(DLIList<ShellSM*> &shellsms,bool unique = true);
00177   void surfaces(DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces,bool unique = true);
00178   void surfaces_ignore_virtual(DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces,bool unique = true);
00179   void loopsms(DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms,bool unique = true);
00180   void curves(DLIList<Curve*> &curves, bool unique = true);
00181   void curves_ignore_virtual(DLIList<Curve*> &curves, bool unique = true);
00182   void coedgesms(DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedgesms,bool unique = true);
00183   void points(DLIList<TBPoint*> &points,bool unique = true);
00184     //- topology traversal of TB's; implemented based on native traversal
00185     //- functions in the modeler
00187   BodySM *bodysm();
00188   Lump *lump();
00189   LoopSM *loopsm();
00191   virtual void get_parents_virt(DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &parents ) = 0;
00192     //- Get parent topology bridges as returned by solid modeler.
00193     //- Derived classes must provide this method for use in the
00194     //- implementation of get_parents(..).  You probably want to 
00195     //- be using get_parents(..) rather than this method.
00197   virtual void get_children_virt(DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &children ) = 0;
00198     //- Get child topology bridges as returned by solid modeler.
00199     //- Derived classes must provide this method for use in the
00200     //- implementation of get_children(..).  You probably want to 
00201     //- be using get_children(..) rather than this method.
00203 private:
00206   TBOwner* bridgeOwner;
00208   CubitSense bridgeSense;
00209     //- (See comments for bridge_sense() method.)
00211 };
00213 #endif
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