LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - algs/AdvFront/meshkit - AF2RuleNewFace.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 2 2 100.0 %
Date: 2020-07-01 15:24:36 Functions: 2 2 100.0 %
Branches: 1 2 50.0 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : /*
       2                 :            :  * AF2RuleNewFace.hpp
       3                 :            :  *
       4                 :            :  * A specification of a new element that would be created by applying some
       5                 :            :  * 2-dimensional advancing front rule.
       6                 :            :  */
       7                 :            : #ifndef AF2RULENEWFACE_HPP
       8                 :            : #define AF2RULENEWFACE_HPP
       9                 :            : 
      10                 :        390 : class AF2RuleNewFace
      11                 :            : {
      12                 :            :   public:
      13                 :            : 
      14         [ -  + ]:        780 :     virtual ~AF2RuleNewFace() {}
      15                 :            : 
      16                 :            :     /**
      17                 :            :      * \brief Get the number of vertices that the element this rule would
      18                 :            :      * create would have.
      19                 :            :      *
      20                 :            :      * \return the number of vertices that the element would have
      21                 :            :      */
      22                 :            :     virtual unsigned int getNumVertices() const = 0;
      23                 :            : 
      24                 :            :     /**
      25                 :            :      * \brief Get the index of one of the vertices of the element
      26                 :            :      * that the rule would create.
      27                 :            :      *
      28                 :            :      * Indices returned by this method index into the list of vertices
      29                 :            :      * associated with the rule, i.e., a list consisting of a list
      30                 :            :      * of the rule's existing vertices followed by a list of the new
      31                 :            :      * vertices that the rule would create.  The numbering of the vertices
      32                 :            :      * of the face begins with 0, so the valid arguments to this method are
      33                 :            :      * 0 through n - 1, where n is the value returned from getNumVertices().
      34                 :            :      *
      35                 :            :      * \param vtxNum the number of the vertex for which to get the index
      36                 :            :      * \return the index in the list of the rule vertices of
      37                 :            :      *   vertex number vtxNum of the element
      38                 :            :      */
      39                 :            :     virtual unsigned int getVertexIndex(unsigned int vtxNum) const = 0;
      40                 :            : };
      41                 :            : 
      42                 :            : #endif

Generated by: LCOV version 1.11