MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
CachingTargetTest Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for CachingTargetTest:
+ Collaboration diagram for CachingTargetTest:

Public Member Functions

void setUp ()
void tearDown ()
void test_surface_orient_flag ()
void test_3d_targets_cached ()
void test_2d_targets_cached ()
void test_surface_targets_cached ()
void test_3d_target_values ()
void test_2d_target_values ()
void test_surface_target_values ()
void test_3d_target_subpatch ()
void test_2d_target_subpatch ()
void test_surface_target_subpatch ()
void test_cache_cleared ()

Private Member Functions

 CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE (CachingTargetTest)
 CPPUNIT_TEST (test_surface_orient_flag)
 CPPUNIT_TEST (test_3d_targets_cached)
 CPPUNIT_TEST (test_2d_targets_cached)
 CPPUNIT_TEST (test_surface_targets_cached)
 CPPUNIT_TEST (test_3d_target_values)
 CPPUNIT_TEST (test_2d_target_values)
 CPPUNIT_TEST (test_surface_target_values)
 CPPUNIT_TEST (test_3d_target_subpatch)
 CPPUNIT_TEST (test_2d_target_subpatch)
 CPPUNIT_TEST (test_surface_target_subpatch)
 CPPUNIT_TEST (test_cache_cleared)
unsigned request_all_targets_3d ()
unsigned request_all_targets_2d ()
unsigned request_all_targets_surf ()

Private Attributes

PatchData patch_3d
PatchData patch_2d

Detailed Description

Definition at line 44 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Definition at line 216 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.


    unsigned total = 0;
    MsqMatrix< 2, 2 > W;
    MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
    std::vector< Sample > locations;

    for( size_t i = 0; i < patch_2d.num_elements(); ++i )
        patch_2d.get_samples( i, locations, err );
        ASSERT_NO_ERROR( err );
        total += locations.size();
        for( unsigned j = 0; j < locations.size(); ++j )
            bool rval = cacher->get_2D_target( patch_2d, i, locations[j], W, err );
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( rval );
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );
    return total;

Definition at line 194 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.


    unsigned total = 0;
    MsqMatrix< 3, 3 > W;
    MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
    std::vector< Sample > locations;

    for( size_t i = 0; i < patch_3d.num_elements(); ++i )
        patch_3d.get_samples( i, locations, err );
        ASSERT_NO_ERROR( err );
        total += locations.size();
        for( unsigned j = 0; j < locations.size(); ++j )
            bool rval = cacher->get_3D_target( patch_3d, i, locations[j], W, err );
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( rval );
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );
    return total;

Definition at line 238 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.


    unsigned total = 0;
    MsqMatrix< 3, 2 > W;
    MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
    std::vector< Sample > locations;

    for( size_t i = 0; i < patch_2d.num_elements(); ++i )
        patch_2d.get_samples( i, locations, err );
        ASSERT_NO_ERROR( err );
        total += locations.size();
        for( unsigned j = 0; j < locations.size(); ++j )
            bool rval = cacher->get_surface_target( patch_2d, i, locations[j], W, err );
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( rval );
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );
    return total;

Definition at line 177 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.

References CPPUNIT_ASSERT, MBMesquite::create_four_quads_patch(), and MBMesquite::create_qm_two_hex_patch().

    // make sure these are null so that if we fail within setUp,
    // tearDown doesn't try to delete stale pointers
    cached = 0;
    cacher = 0;

    MsqError err;
    create_four_quads_patch( patch_2d, err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );
    create_qm_two_hex_patch( patch_3d, err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );

    cached = new CachedTargetCalculator();
    cacher = new CachingTargetCalculator( cached );

Definition at line 260 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.

    delete cacher;
    delete cached;

Definition at line 442 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.

References ASSERT_MATRICES_EQUAL, ASSERT_NO_ERROR, CPPUNIT_ASSERT, CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL, MBMesquite::PatchData::get_subpatch(), CachedTargetCalculator::make_2d(), and u.

    MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
    std::vector< Sample > locations;

    // cache some values on the main patch
    cached->surf_orient( false );

    // clear the count so we know if any additional
    // evalutions of the base target calculator are
    // done during subpatch creation.

    // create a sub-patch
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( patch_2d.num_nodes() > 1 );
    PatchData subpatch;
    patch_2d.get_subpatch( 1, 1, subpatch, err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );

    // make sure we copied the cached values onto the subpatch
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( cached->calls_2d(), 0u );

    // Test the values for each cached matrix on the subpatch
    // NOTE:  This test takes advantange of the fact that the
    // "handles" in the subpatch are indices into the main patch.

    // test each value
    for( size_t i = 0; i < subpatch.num_elements(); ++i )
        subpatch.get_samples( i, locations, err );
        ASSERT_NO_ERROR( err );
        for( unsigned j = 0; j < locations.size(); ++j )
            MsqMatrix< 2, 2 > W;
            bool rval = cacher->get_2D_target( subpatch, i, locations[j], W, err );
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( rval && !err );

            Mesh::ElementHandle h      = subpatch.get_element_handles_array()[i];
            Mesh::ElementHandle* old_h = patch_2d.get_element_handles_array();
            size_t old_idx             = std::find( old_h, old_h + patch_2d.num_elements(), h ) - old_h;
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( old_idx < patch_2d.num_elements() );
            MsqMatrix< 2, 2 > M = CachedTargetCalculator::make_2d( old_idx, locations[j] );

Definition at line 343 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.

References ASSERT_MATRICES_EQUAL, ASSERT_NO_ERROR, CPPUNIT_ASSERT, and CachedTargetCalculator::make_2d().

    MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
    std::vector< Sample > locations;

    // evaluate all once to make sure we test the cached values
    cached->surf_orient( false );

    // test each value
    for( size_t i = 0; i < patch_2d.num_elements(); ++i )
        patch_2d.get_samples( i, locations, err );
        ASSERT_NO_ERROR( err );
        for( unsigned j = 0; j < locations.size(); ++j )
            MsqMatrix< 2, 2 > W;
            bool rval = cacher->get_2D_target( patch_2d, i, locations[j], W, err );
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( rval && !err );

            MsqMatrix< 2, 2 > M = CachedTargetCalculator::make_2d( i, locations[j] );

Definition at line 395 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.

References ASSERT_MATRICES_EQUAL, ASSERT_NO_ERROR, CPPUNIT_ASSERT, CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL, MBMesquite::PatchData::get_subpatch(), CachedTargetCalculator::make_3d(), and u.

    MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
    std::vector< Sample > locations;

    // cache some values on the main patch

    // clear the count so we know if any additional
    // evalutions of the base target calculator are
    // done during subpatch creation.

    // create a sub-patch
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( patch_3d.num_nodes() > 1 );
    PatchData subpatch;
    patch_3d.get_subpatch( 1, 1, subpatch, err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );

    // make sure we copied the cached values onto the subpatch
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( cached->calls_3d(), 0u );

    // Test the values for each cached matrix on the subpatch
    // NOTE:  This test takes advantange of the fact that the
    // "handles" in the subpatch are indices into the main patch.

    // test each value
    for( size_t i = 0; i < subpatch.num_elements(); ++i )
        subpatch.get_samples( i, locations, err );
        ASSERT_NO_ERROR( err );
        for( unsigned j = 0; j < locations.size(); ++j )
            MsqMatrix< 3, 3 > W;
            bool rval = cacher->get_3D_target( subpatch, i, locations[j], W, err );
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( rval && !err );

            Mesh::ElementHandle h      = subpatch.get_element_handles_array()[i];
            Mesh::ElementHandle* old_h = patch_3d.get_element_handles_array();
            size_t old_idx             = std::find( old_h, old_h + patch_3d.num_elements(), h ) - old_h;
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( old_idx < patch_3d.num_elements() );
            MsqMatrix< 3, 3 > M = CachedTargetCalculator::make_3d( old_idx, locations[j] );

Definition at line 318 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.

References ASSERT_MATRICES_EQUAL, ASSERT_NO_ERROR, CPPUNIT_ASSERT, and CachedTargetCalculator::make_3d().

    MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
    std::vector< Sample > locations;

    // evaluate all once to make sure we test the cached values

    // test each value
    for( size_t i = 0; i < patch_3d.num_elements(); ++i )
        patch_3d.get_samples( i, locations, err );
        ASSERT_NO_ERROR( err );
        for( unsigned j = 0; j < locations.size(); ++j )
            MsqMatrix< 3, 3 > W;
            bool rval = cacher->get_3D_target( patch_3d, i, locations[j], W, err );
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( rval && !err );

            MsqMatrix< 3, 3 > M = CachedTargetCalculator::make_3d( i, locations[j] );

Definition at line 538 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.

References CPPUNIT_ASSERT, CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL, and MBMesquite::create_twelve_hex_patch().

    MsqPrintError err( std::cout );

    // cache some values on the main patch

    // clear the count so we know if any additional
    // evalutions of the base target calculator are
    // done.

    // now re-create the patch, which should result in the
    // cached data being notified that the mesh has changed
    create_twelve_hex_patch( patch_3d, err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );

    // now get cached values for each element
    unsigned count = request_all_targets_3d();

    // and check that they were all re-calculated
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( cached->calls_3d(), count );

Definition at line 490 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.

References ASSERT_MATRICES_EQUAL, ASSERT_NO_ERROR, CPPUNIT_ASSERT, CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL, MBMesquite::PatchData::get_subpatch(), CachedTargetCalculator::make_surf(), and u.

    MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
    std::vector< Sample > locations;

    // cache some values on the main patch
    cached->surf_orient( true );

    // clear the count so we know if any additional
    // evalutions of the base target calculator are
    // done during subpatch creation.

    // create a sub-patch
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( patch_2d.num_nodes() > 1 );
    PatchData subpatch;
    patch_2d.get_subpatch( 1, 1, subpatch, err );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );

    // make sure we copied the cached values onto the subpatch
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( cached->calls_2d(), 0u );

    // Test the values for each cached matrix on the subpatch
    // NOTE:  This test takes advantange of the fact that the
    // "handles" in the subpatch are indices into the main patch.

    // test each value
    for( size_t i = 0; i < subpatch.num_elements(); ++i )
        subpatch.get_samples( i, locations, err );
        ASSERT_NO_ERROR( err );
        for( unsigned j = 0; j < locations.size(); ++j )
            MsqMatrix< 3, 2 > W;
            bool rval = cacher->get_surface_target( subpatch, i, locations[j], W, err );
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( rval && !err );

            Mesh::ElementHandle h      = subpatch.get_element_handles_array()[i];
            Mesh::ElementHandle* old_h = patch_2d.get_element_handles_array();
            size_t old_idx             = std::find( old_h, old_h + patch_2d.num_elements(), h ) - old_h;
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( old_idx < patch_2d.num_elements() );
            MsqMatrix< 3, 2 > M = CachedTargetCalculator::make_surf( old_idx, locations[j] );

Definition at line 369 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.

References ASSERT_MATRICES_EQUAL, ASSERT_NO_ERROR, CPPUNIT_ASSERT, and CachedTargetCalculator::make_surf().

    MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
    std::vector< Sample > locations;

    // evaluate all once to make sure we test the cached values
    cached->surf_orient( true );

    // test each value
    for( size_t i = 0; i < patch_2d.num_elements(); ++i )
        patch_2d.get_samples( i, locations, err );
        ASSERT_NO_ERROR( err );
        for( unsigned j = 0; j < locations.size(); ++j )
            MsqMatrix< 3, 2 > W;
            bool rval = cacher->get_surface_target( patch_2d, i, locations[j], W, err );
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT( rval && !err );

            MsqMatrix< 3, 2 > M = CachedTargetCalculator::make_surf( i, locations[j] );

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 61 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.

Definition at line 61 of file CachingTargetTest.cpp.

List of all members.

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