Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
Array-based unstructured mesh datastructure
moab::MeshGeneration Class Reference

#include <MeshGeneration.hpp>

+ Collaboration diagram for moab::MeshGeneration:


struct  BrickOpts

Public Member Functions

 MeshGeneration (Interface *mbi, EntityHandle rset=0)
virtual ~MeshGeneration ()
ErrorCode BrickInstance (BrickOpts &opts)

Private Attributes

EntityHandle cset

Detailed Description


Definition at line 18 of file MeshGeneration.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 30 of file MeshGeneration.cpp.

References moab::ParallelComm::get_pcomm(), and mb.

    : mb( impl ),
      pc( comm ),
      cset( rset )
    // ErrorCode error;

    // Get the Parallel Comm instance to prepare all new sets to work in parallel
    // in case the user did not provide any arguments
    if( !comm ) pc = moab::ParallelComm::get_pcomm( mb, 0 );

Definition at line 50 of file MeshGeneration.cpp.


Member Function Documentation


Definition at line 52 of file MeshGeneration.cpp.

References moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::A, moab::Interface::add_entities(), moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::adjEnts, moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::B, moab::Range::begin(), moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::blockSize, moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::C, CC, moab::Interface::create_meshset(), cset, moab::E, moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::F, moab::Interface::get_adjacencies(), moab::ReadUtilIface::get_element_connect(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_dimension(), moab::ReadUtilIface::get_node_coords(), moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::GL, iface, moab::Range::insert(), moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::K, moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::keep_skins, moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::M, mb, MB_CHK_ERR, MB_CHK_SET_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, MB_TAG_CREAT, MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TAG_SPARSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, MBHEX, MBTET, moab::ParallelMergeMesh::merge(), moab::Range::merge(), moab::MergeMesh::merge_entities(), moab::MergeMesh::merge_using_integer_tag(), MESHSET_SET, moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::N, moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::newMergeMethod, moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::parmerge, moab::Range::print(), moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::quadratic, moab::Interface::query_interface(), moab::Interface::remove_entities(), size, moab::Range::size(), moab::Interface::tag_delete(), moab::Interface::tag_get_handle(), moab::Interface::tag_set_data(), moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::tetra, moab::Interface::UNION, moab::ReadUtilIface::update_adjacencies(), moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::xsize, moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::ysize, and moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts::zsize.

Referenced by main().

    int A = opts.A, B = opts.B, C = opts.C, M = opts.M, N = opts.N, K = opts.K;
    int blockSize = opts.blockSize;
    double xsize = opts.xsize, ysize = opts.ysize, zsize = opts.zsize;  // The size of the region
    bool newMergeMethod = opts.newMergeMethod;
    bool quadratic      = opts.quadratic;
    bool tetra          = opts.tetra;
    bool adjEnts        = opts.adjEnts;
    bool parmerge       = opts.parmerge;

    int GL          = opts.GL;  // number of ghost layers
    bool keep_skins = opts.keep_skins;

    int rank = 0, size = 1;
#ifndef _MSC_VER /* windows */
    clock_t tt = clock();
    rank = pc->rank();
    size = pc->size();

    if( M * N * K != size )
        if( 0 == rank ) std::cout << "M*N*K = " << M * N * K << " != size = " << size << "\n";

        return MB_FAILURE;
    // Determine m, n, k for processor rank
    int m, n, k;
    k            = rank / ( M * N );
    int leftover = rank % ( M * N );
    n            = leftover / M;
    m            = leftover % M;

    // Used for nodes increments
    int q = ( quadratic ) ? 2 : 1;
    // Used for element increments
    int factor = ( tetra ) ? 6 : 1;

    double dx = xsize / ( A * M * blockSize * q );  // Distance between 2 nodes in x direction
    double dy = ysize / ( B * N * blockSize * q );  // Distance between 2 nodes in y direction
    double dz = zsize / ( C * K * blockSize * q );  // Distance between 2 nodes in z direction

    int NX  = ( q * M * A * blockSize + 1 );
    int NY  = ( q * N * B * blockSize + 1 );
    int nex = M * A * blockSize;  // Number of elements in x direction, used for global id on element
    int ney = N * B * blockSize;  // Number of elements in y direction ...
    // int NZ = (K * C * blockSize + 1); // Not used
    int blockSize1       = q * blockSize + 1;  // Used for vertices
    long num_total_verts = (long)NX * NY * ( K * C * blockSize + 1 );
    if( 0 == rank )
        std::cout << "Generate mesh on " << size << " processors \n";
        std::cout << "Total number of vertices: " << num_total_verts << "\n";
    // int xstride = 1;
    int ystride = blockSize1;

    int zstride = blockSize1 * blockSize1;
    // Generate the block at (a, b, c); it will represent a partition, it will get a partition tag

    ReadUtilIface* iface;
    ErrorCode rval = mb->query_interface( iface );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get reader interface" );

    Tag global_id_tag;
    rval = mb->tag_get_handle( "GLOBAL_ID", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, global_id_tag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get global id tag" );

    // set global ids
    Tag new_id_tag;
    if( !parmerge )
        rval =
            mb->tag_get_handle( "HANDLEID", sizeof( long ), MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, new_id_tag, MB_TAG_CREAT | MB_TAG_DENSE );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get handle id tag" );
    Tag part_tag;
    int dum_id = -1;
    rval =
        mb->tag_get_handle( "PARALLEL_PARTITION", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, part_tag, MB_TAG_CREAT | MB_TAG_SPARSE, &dum_id );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get parallel partition tag" );

    Range wsets;  // write only part sets
    Range localVerts;
    Range all3dcells;
    for( int a = 0; a < A; a++ )
        for( int b = 0; b < B; b++ )
            for( int c = 0; c < C; c++ )
                // We will generate (q*block + 1)^3 vertices, and block^3 hexas; q is 1 for linear,
                // 2 for quadratic the global id of the vertices will come from m, n, k, a, b, c x
                // will vary from  m*A*q*block + a*q*block to m*A*q*block + (a+1)*q*block etc;
                int num_nodes = blockSize1 * blockSize1 * blockSize1;

                vector< double* > arrays;
                EntityHandle startv;
                rval = iface->get_node_coords( 3, num_nodes, 0, startv, arrays );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get node coords" );

                // Will start with the lower corner:
                int x  = m * A * q * blockSize + a * q * blockSize;
                int y  = n * B * q * blockSize + b * q * blockSize;
                int z  = k * C * q * blockSize + c * q * blockSize;
                int ix = 0;
                vector< int > gids( num_nodes );
                vector< long > lgids( num_nodes );
                Range verts( startv, startv + num_nodes - 1 );
                for( int kk = 0; kk < blockSize1; kk++ )
                    for( int jj = 0; jj < blockSize1; jj++ )
                        for( int ii = 0; ii < blockSize1; ii++ )
                            arrays[0][ix] = ( x + ii ) * dx;
                            arrays[1][ix] = ( y + jj ) * dy;
                            arrays[2][ix] = ( z + kk ) * dz;
                            gids[ix]      = 1 + ( x + ii ) + ( y + jj ) * NX + ( z + kk ) * ( NX * NY );
                            if( !parmerge )
                                lgids[ix] = 1 + ( x + ii ) + ( y + jj ) * NX + (long)( z + kk ) * ( NX * NY );
                            // Set int tags, some nice values?


                rval = mb->tag_set_data( global_id_tag, verts, &gids[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't set global ids to vertices" );
                if( !parmerge )
                    rval = mb->tag_set_data( new_id_tag, verts, &lgids[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't set the new handle id tags" );
                localVerts.merge( verts );
                int num_hexas = blockSize * blockSize * blockSize;
                int num_el    = num_hexas * factor;

                EntityHandle starte;  // Connectivity
                EntityHandle* conn;
                int num_v_per_elem = 8;
                if( quadratic )
                    num_v_per_elem = 27;
                    rval           = iface->get_element_connect( num_el, 27, MBHEX, 0, starte, conn );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get element connectivity" );
                else if( tetra )
                    num_v_per_elem = 4;
                    rval           = iface->get_element_connect( num_el, 4, MBTET, 0, starte, conn );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get element connectivity" );
                    rval = iface->get_element_connect( num_el, 8, MBHEX, 0, starte, conn );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get element connectivity" );

                Range cells( starte, starte + num_el - 1 );  // Should be elements
                // Fill cells
                ix = 0;
                // Identify the elements at the lower corner, for their global ids
                int xe = m * A * blockSize + a * blockSize;
                int ye = n * B * blockSize + b * blockSize;
                int ze = k * C * blockSize + c * blockSize;
                gids.resize( num_el );
                lgids.resize( num_el );
                int ie = 0;  // Index now in the elements, for global ids
                for( int kk = 0; kk < blockSize; kk++ )
                    for( int jj = 0; jj < blockSize; jj++ )
                        for( int ii = 0; ii < blockSize; ii++ )
                            EntityHandle corner = startv + q * ii + q * jj * ystride + q * kk * zstride;
                            // These could overflow for large numbers
                            gids[ie] = 1 + ( ( xe + ii ) + ( ye + jj ) * nex + ( ze + kk ) * ( nex * ney ) ) *
                                               factor;  // 6 more for tetra
                            lgids[ie] = 1 + ( ( xe + ii ) + ( ye + jj ) * nex + (long)( ze + kk ) * ( nex * ney ) ) *
                                                factor;  // 6 more for tetra
                            // EntityHandle eh = starte + ie;

                            if( quadratic )
                                //                    4   ----- 19   -----  7
                                //                .   |                 .   |
                                //            16         25         18      |
                                //         .          |          .          |
                                //      5   ----- 17   -----  6             |
                                //      |            12       | 23         15
                                //      |                     |             |
                                //      |     20      |  26   |     22      |
                                //      |                     |             |
                                //     13         21  |      14             |
                                //      |             0   ----- 11   -----  3
                                //      |         .           |         .
                                //      |      8         24   |     10
                                //      |  .                  |  .
                                //      1   -----  9   -----  2
                                conn[ix]      = corner;
                                conn[ix + 1]  = corner + 2;
                                conn[ix + 2]  = corner + 2 + 2 * ystride;
                                conn[ix + 3]  = corner + 2 * ystride;
                                conn[ix + 4]  = corner + 2 * zstride;
                                conn[ix + 5]  = corner + 2 + 2 * zstride;
                                conn[ix + 6]  = corner + 2 + 2 * ystride + 2 * zstride;
                                conn[ix + 7]  = corner + 2 * ystride + 2 * zstride;
                                conn[ix + 8]  = corner + 1;                              // 0-1
                                conn[ix + 9]  = corner + 2 + ystride;                    // 1-2
                                conn[ix + 10] = corner + 1 + 2 * ystride;                // 2-3
                                conn[ix + 11] = corner + ystride;                        // 3-0
                                conn[ix + 12] = corner + zstride;                        // 0-4
                                conn[ix + 13] = corner + 2 + zstride;                    // 1-5
                                conn[ix + 14] = corner + 2 + 2 * ystride + zstride;      // 2-6
                                conn[ix + 15] = corner + 2 * ystride + zstride;          // 3-7
                                conn[ix + 16] = corner + 1 + 2 * zstride;                // 4-5
                                conn[ix + 17] = corner + 2 + ystride + 2 * zstride;      // 5-6
                                conn[ix + 18] = corner + 1 + 2 * ystride + 2 * zstride;  // 6-7
                                conn[ix + 19] = corner + ystride + 2 * zstride;          // 4-7
                                conn[ix + 20] = corner + 1 + zstride;                    // 0154
                                conn[ix + 21] = corner + 2 + ystride + zstride;          // 1265
                                conn[ix + 22] = corner + 1 + 2 * ystride + zstride;      // 2376
                                conn[ix + 23] = corner + ystride + zstride;              // 0374
                                conn[ix + 24] = corner + 1 + ystride;                    // 0123
                                conn[ix + 25] = corner + 1 + ystride + 2 * zstride;      // 4567
                                conn[ix + 26] = corner + 1 + ystride + zstride;          // center
                                ix += 27;
                            else if( tetra )
                                //        E      H
                                //     F     G
                                //        A     D
                                //     B     C
                                EntityHandle AA = corner;
                                EntityHandle BB = corner + 1;
                                EntityHandle CC = corner + 1 + ystride;
                                EntityHandle D  = corner + ystride;
                                EntityHandle E  = corner + zstride;
                                EntityHandle F  = corner + 1 + zstride;
                                EntityHandle G  = corner + 1 + ystride + zstride;
                                EntityHandle H  = corner + ystride + zstride;

                                // tet EDHG
                                conn[ix]     = E;
                                conn[ix + 1] = D;
                                conn[ix + 2] = H;
                                conn[ix + 3] = G;

                                // tet ABCF
                                conn[ix + 4] = AA;
                                conn[ix + 5] = BB;
                                conn[ix + 6] = CC;
                                conn[ix + 7] = F;

                                // tet ADEF
                                conn[ix + 8]  = AA;
                                conn[ix + 9]  = D;
                                conn[ix + 10] = E;
                                conn[ix + 11] = F;

                                // tet CGDF
                                conn[ix + 12] = CC;
                                conn[ix + 13] = G;
                                conn[ix + 14] = D;
                                conn[ix + 15] = F;

                                // tet ACDF
                                conn[ix + 16] = AA;
                                conn[ix + 17] = CC;
                                conn[ix + 18] = D;
                                conn[ix + 19] = F;

                                // tet DGEF
                                conn[ix + 20] = D;
                                conn[ix + 21] = G;
                                conn[ix + 22] = E;
                                conn[ix + 23] = F;
                                ix += 24;
                                for( int ff = 0; ff < factor - 1; ff++ )
                                    gids[ie] = gids[ie - 1] + 1;  // 6 more for tetra

                                    // eh = starte + ie;

                            {  // Linear hex
                                conn[ix]     = corner;
                                conn[ix + 1] = corner + 1;
                                conn[ix + 2] = corner + 1 + ystride;
                                conn[ix + 3] = corner + ystride;
                                conn[ix + 4] = corner + zstride;
                                conn[ix + 5] = corner + 1 + zstride;
                                conn[ix + 6] = corner + 1 + ystride + zstride;
                                conn[ix + 7] = corner + ystride + zstride;
                                ix += 8;

                EntityHandle part_set;
                rval = mb->create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, part_set );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't create mesh set" );
                rval = mb->add_entities( part_set, cells );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't add entities to set" );
                all3dcells.merge( cells );
                // update adjacencies now, because some elements are new;
                rval = iface->update_adjacencies( starte, num_el, num_v_per_elem, conn );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't update adjacencies" );
                // If needed, add all edges and faces
                if( adjEnts )
                    // Generate all adj entities dimension 1 and 2 (edges and faces/ tri or qua)
                    Range edges, faces;
                    rval = mb->get_adjacencies( cells, 1, true, edges, Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get edges" );
                    rval = mb->get_adjacencies( cells, 2, true, faces, Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get faces" );
                    // rval = mb->add_entities(part_set, edges);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Can't add
                    // edges to partition set"); rval = mb->add_entities(part_set,
                    // faces);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Can't add faces to partition set");

                rval = mb->tag_set_data( global_id_tag, cells, &gids[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't set global ids to elements" );
                if( !parmerge )
                    rval = mb->tag_set_data( new_id_tag, cells, &lgids[0] );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't set new ids to elements" );
                int part_num = a + m * A + ( b + n * B ) * ( M * A ) + ( c + k * C ) * ( M * A * N * B );
                rval         = mb->tag_set_data( part_tag, &part_set, 1, &part_num );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't set part tag on set" );
                wsets.insert( part_set );

    mb->add_entities( cset, all3dcells );
    rval = mb->add_entities( cset, wsets );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't add entity sets" );
    pc->partition_sets() = wsets;

    // Before merge locally
    rval = mb->write_file("test0.h5m", 0, ";;PARALLEL=WRITE_PART");MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Can't write
    in parallel, before merging");
    // After the mesh is generated on each proc, merge the vertices
    MergeMesh mm( mb );

    // rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension(0, 3, all3dcells);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Can't get all 3d
    // cells elements");

    if( 0 == rank )
#ifndef _MSC_VER /* windows */
        std::cout << "generate local mesh: " << ( clock() - tt ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
        tt = clock();

        std::cout << "number of elements on rank 0: " << all3dcells.size() << endl;
        std::cout << "Total number of elements " << all3dcells.size() * size << endl;
        std::cout << "Element type: " << ( tetra ? "MBTET" : "MBHEX" )
                  << " order:" << ( quadratic ? "quadratic" : "linear" ) << endl;

    if( A * B * C != 1 )
    {  // Merge needed
        if( newMergeMethod )
            rval = mm.merge_using_integer_tag( localVerts, global_id_tag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't merge" );
            rval = mm.merge_entities( all3dcells, 0.0001 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't merge" );
#ifndef _MSC_VER /* windows */
        if( 0 == rank )
            std::cout << "merge locally: " << ( clock() - tt ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
            tt = clock();
    // if adjEnts, add now to each set
    if( adjEnts )
        for( Range::iterator wsit = wsets.begin(); wsit != wsets.end(); ++wsit )
            EntityHandle ws = *wsit;  // write set
            Range cells, edges, faces;
            rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension( ws, 3, cells );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get cells" );
            rval = mb->get_adjacencies( cells, 1, false, edges, Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get edges" );
            rval = mb->get_adjacencies( cells, 2, false, faces, Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get faces" );
            rval = mb->add_entities( ws, edges );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't add edges to partition set" );
            rval = mb->add_entities( ws, faces );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't add faces to partition set" );
    if( size > 1 )

        // rval = mb->create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, mesh_set);MB_CHK_SET_ERR(rval, "Can't create new
        // set");

        if( parmerge )
            ParallelMergeMesh pm( pc, 0.00001 );
            rval = pm.merge();MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't resolve shared ents" );
#ifndef _MSC_VER /* windows */
            if( 0 == rank )
                std::cout << "parallel mesh merge: " << ( clock() - tt ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
                tt = clock();
            rval = pc->resolve_shared_ents( cset, -1, -1, &new_id_tag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't resolve shared ents" );
#ifndef _MSC_VER /* windows */
            if( 0 == rank )
                std::cout << "resolve shared entities: " << ( clock() - tt ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds"
                          << endl;
                tt = clock();
        if( !keep_skins )
        {  // Default is to delete the 1- and 2-dimensional entities
            // Delete all quads and edges
            Range toDelete;
            rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension( cset, 1, toDelete );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get edges" );

            rval = mb->get_entities_by_dimension( cset, 2, toDelete );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't get faces" );

            rval = pc->delete_entities( toDelete );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't delete entities" );
            rval = mb->remove_entities( cset, toDelete );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't remove entities from base set" );
            if( 0 == rank )

                std::cout << "delete edges and faces \n";
                toDelete.print( std::cout );
#ifndef _MSC_VER /* windows */
                std::cout << ( clock() - tt ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds" << endl;
                tt = clock();
        // do some ghosting if required
        if( GL > 0 )
            rval = pc->exchange_ghost_cells( 3,   // int ghost_dim
                                             0,   // int bridge_dim
                                             GL,  // int num_layers
                                             0,   // int addl_ents
                                             true );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );  // bool store_remote_handles
#ifndef _MSC_VER                 /* windows */
            if( 0 == rank )
                std::cout << "exchange  " << GL << " ghost layer(s) :" << ( clock() - tt ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC
                          << " seconds" << endl;
                tt = clock();

    if( !parmerge )
        rval = mb->tag_delete( new_id_tag );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't delete new ID tag" );

    return MB_SUCCESS;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 53 of file MeshGeneration.hpp.

Referenced by BrickInstance().

Definition at line 49 of file MeshGeneration.hpp.

Referenced by BrickInstance(), and MeshGeneration().

List of all members.

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