(Fixed for 20 July) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- QED Workshop II, Warsaw, July 20 - 22, 1995 AUSTRALIA Rajeev Gore (rpg@cisr.anu.edu.au) CANADA Malgorzata Korolkiewicz (mkorolki@vega.math.ualberta.ca) Bill Pase (bill@ora.on.ca) (*) Piotr Rudnicki (piotr@cs.ualberta.ca) - To type or not to type ESTONIA Rein Prank (prank@cs.ut.ee) GERMANY (*) Bernd Ingo Dahn (dahn@mathematik.hu-berlin.de) - Cooperation of automated and interactive theorem provers, Wolfgang Jaksch (Wolfgang.Jaksch@informatik.uni-erlangen.de) (**) Manfred Kerber (kerber@cs.uni-sb.de) - Possible use of already formalized mathematical knowledge, - Why we are needed by mathematics, Herbert Stoyan (Herbert.Stoyan@informatik.uni-erlangen.de) (*) Martin Strecker (strecker@informatik.uni-ulm.de) - The organization of a data base of mathematical knowledge, Claus Zinn (Claus.Zinn@informatik.uni-erlangen.de) JAPAN Yozo Toda (yozo@aohakobe.ipc.chiba-u.ac.jp) POLAND (*) Grzegorz Bancerek (bancerek@impan.gov.pl) - Mizar proof of the mutilated checkerboard problem, Roman Matuszewski (romat@plearn.edu.pl) Bogdan Nowak (bnowak@krysia.uni.lodz.pl) Stanislaw Spiez (spiez@impan.gov.pl) Andrzej Tarlecki (tarlecki@mimuw.edu.pl) (**) Andrzej Trybulec (trybulec@cksr.ac.bialystok.pl) - Computer reconstruction of mathematical technology, - Syntax vs. semantics, RUSSIA Oleg Okhotnikov (okhezinv@math.urgu.e-burg.su) UK (*) John Harrison (John.Harrison@cl.cam.ac.uk) - Reflection: practically necessary or not, US Robert Boyer (boyer@cli.com) (*) John McCarthy (jmc@sail.stanford.edu) - Heavy duty set theory, William McCune (mccune@mcs.anl.gov) (*) Randall Holmes (holmes@math.idbsu.edu) - Indeterminateness, (*) Paul Jackson (jackson@cs.cornell.edu) - Can we agreeably resolve the tension between type theorists (constructivists, de Bruijn, Martin Lof, Constable) and the classical mathematicians? (*) Deepak Kapur (kapur@cs.albany.edu) - What are the connections, interrelations, and antipathies between proof checking and automatic theorem proving? (*) Javier Thayer (jt@linus.mitre.org) - Formalized Analysis (*) Peter White (peter@opus.geg.mot.com) - Mathematical synthesis