missingIncludestyleCppcheck cannot find all the include files (use --check-config for details)
19uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyGen::m_nSides' is not initialized in the constructor.
19uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyGen::m_nAssemblyMat' is not initialized in the constructor.
19uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyGen::m_nAssmVol' is not initialized in the constructor.
19uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyGen::m_nPin' is not initialized in the constructor.
19uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyGen::m_nPinX' is not initialized in the constructor.
19uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyGen::m_nPinY' is not initialized in the constructor.
19uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyGen::m_dPitch' is not initialized in the constructor.
19uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyGen::m_dZstart' is not initialized in the constructor.
19uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyGen::m_dZend' is not initialized in the constructor.
28useInitializationListstyleVariable 'szComment' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
38useInitializationListstyleVariable 'm_szEngine' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
39useInitializationListstyleVariable 'm_szMeshType' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
43useInitializationListstyleVariable 'm_szSideset' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
48useInitializationListstyleVariable 'm_szInfo' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
49useInitializationListstyleVariable 'm_szMeshScheme' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
50useInitializationListstyleVariable 'pin_name' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
59useInitializationListstyleVariable 'm_szInnerDuct' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
60useInitializationListstyleVariable 'm_szSmooth' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
125unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'PrepareIO' is never used.
178duplicateBreakstyleConsecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary.
478variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bDone' can be reduced.
668variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dLZ' can be reduced.
668variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dFlatF' can be reduced.
668variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPX' can be reduced.
668variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPY' can be reduced.
668variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPZ' can be reduced.
1186variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nTemp' can be reduced.
1437unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: temp1
1493unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: card
1552variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nTempPin1' can be reduced.
1552variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nTempPin2' can be reduced.
1552variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nInputLines' can be reduced.
1568variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPX1' can be reduced.
1568variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPY1' can be reduced.
1568variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPZ1' can be reduced.
1568variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPX2' can be reduced.
1568variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPY2' can be reduced.
1568variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPZ2' can be reduced.
1657passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'sMatName' should be passed by reference.
1815passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'szReverse' should be passed by reference.
2070variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nInputLines' can be reduced.
2070variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nTempPin' can be reduced.
2070variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nIFlag' can be reduced.
2071variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dHeight' can be reduced.
2071variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPX' can be reduced.
2071variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPY' can be reduced.
2071variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPZ' can be reduced.
2167unreadVariablestyleVariable 'dX' is assigned a value that is never used.
2168unreadVariablestyleVariable 'dY' is assigned a value that is never used.
2193unreadVariablestyleVariable 'sMatName0' is assigned a value that is never used.
2194unreadVariablestyleVariable 'sMatName1' is assigned a value that is never used.
2374unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'Imprint_Merge' is never used.
2504unreadVariablestyleVariable 'sMatName1' is assigned a value that is never used.
2883unreadVariablestyleVariable 'sMatName0' is assigned a value that is never used.
2884unreadVariablestyleVariable 'sMatName1' is assigned a value that is never used.
135passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'sMatName' should be passed by reference.
274redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'szSize' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
25uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyMesher::m_nSides' is not initialized in the constructor.
25uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyMesher::have_common' is not initialized in the constructor.
25uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyMesher::m_nAssemblyMat' is not initialized in the constructor.
25uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyMesher::m_nPincells' is not initialized in the constructor.
25uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'AssyMesher::m_dPitch' is not initialized in the constructor.
32useInitializationListstyleVariable 'szComment' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
41useInitializationListstyleVariable 'm_szEngine' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
42useInitializationListstyleVariable 'm_szMeshType' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
46useInitializationListstyleVariable 'm_szSideset' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
48useInitializationListstyleVariable 'm_GeomFile' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
496unreadVariablestyleVariable 'szFormatString' is assigned a value that is never used.
642variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nTemp' can be reduced.
751variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dLZ' can be reduced.
751variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dFlatF' can be reduced.
751variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPX' can be reduced.
751variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPY' can be reduced.
751variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dPZ' can be reduced.
46postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
59postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
237variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'begin' can be reduced.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::ms_startid' is not initialized in the constructor.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::ns_startid' is not initialized in the constructor.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::em' is not initialized in the constructor.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::rank' is not initialized in the constructor.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::procs' is not initialized in the constructor.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::nrings' is not initialized in the constructor.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::pitch' is not initialized in the constructor.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::pitchx' is not initialized in the constructor.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::pitchy' is not initialized in the constructor.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::back_mesh' is not initialized in the constructor.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::nassys' is not initialized in the constructor.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::tot_assys' is not initialized in the constructor.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::nssall_Id' is not initialized in the constructor.
17uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CoreGen::pc' is not initialized in the constructor.
79variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'ctload' can be reduced.
82variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'ld_t' can be reduced.
82variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'ld_tload' can be reduced.
550uselessAssignmentArgstyleAssignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function.
612variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'k' can be reduced.
660uselessAssignmentArgstyleAssignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function.
669variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'temp_index' can be reduced.
689unreachableCodestyleStatements following return, break, continue, goto or throw will never be executed.
790arrayIndexThenCheckstyleArray index 'i' is used before limits check.
851postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
884variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'mvol_temp' can be reduced.
1007postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1033postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1327postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1467unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'write_minfofile' is never used.
1480variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'rval' can be reduced.
1487postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1550unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'prepareIO' is never used.
1642duplicateBreakstyleConsecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary.
1881unreadVariablestyleVariable 'formatstring' is assigned a value that is never used.
2152unreadVariablestyleVariable 'formatstring' is assigned a value that is never used.
2199redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'path' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
2200redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'filename' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
190variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'ctag_names' can be reduced.
191variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'ctag_vals' can be reduced.
193variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'flag' can be reduced.
195variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dx_orig' can be reduced.
195variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dx' can be reduced.
21uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CurveFacetMeshReader::facet_tol' is not initialized in the constructor.
21uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CurveFacetMeshReader::geom_res' is not initialized in the constructor.
39postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
55postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
79postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
232postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
29passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'd1' should be passed by reference.
29passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'd2' should be passed by reference.
33passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'd1' should be passed by reference.
33passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'd2' should be passed by reference.
33unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'equal_intersect' is never used.
127postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
157cstyleCaststyleC-style pointer casting
211postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
256unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'set_num_interval' is never used.
313unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'export_mesh' is never used.
318variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced.
364unreadVariablestyleVariable 'hex_stat' is assigned a value that is never used.
698unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'make_scd_hexes' is never used.
705unreadVariablestyleVariable 'max_coords' is assigned a value that is never used.
729variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'ii' can be reduced.
729variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'jj' can be reduced.
729variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'kk' can be reduced.
803variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'iHex' can be reduced.
807postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
825postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
886unreadVariablestyleVariable 'iNodeEnd' is assigned a value that is never used.
887unreadVariablestyleVariable 'nNodeSlice' is assigned a value that is never used.
1085variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nParent' can be reduced.
1101unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_grid_and_edges_techX' is never used.
1105variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'ii' can be reduced.
1105variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'jj' can be reduced.
1105variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'kk' can be reduced.
1166postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1255unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_grid_and_edges' is never used.
1259variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'ii' can be reduced.
1259variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'jj' can be reduced.
1259variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'kk' can be reduced.
1259variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'iHex' can be reduced.
1272postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1352postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1494variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dir' can be reduced.
1494variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nFrc' can be reduced.
1501postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1747unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_volume_fraction' is never used.
1758unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: edge_handles
1780unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: frac_length
1807unreadVariablestyleVariable 'otherDir1' is assigned a value that is never used.
1808unreadVariablestyleVariable 'otherDir2' is assigned a value that is never used.
1967postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
2032postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
2101unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'set_obb_tree_box_dimension' is never used.
57postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
111postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
135postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
208postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
267unreadVariablestyleVariable 'measure' is assigned a value that is never used.
300unreadVariablestyleVariable 'measure' is assigned a value that is never used.
303variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'uMid' can be reduced.
407variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'u' can be reduced.
407variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dist' can be reduced.
468variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'u' can be reduced.
468variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dist' can be reduced.
567unreadVariablestyleVariable 'measure' is assigned a value that is never used.
576redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'gerr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
768arrayIndexThenCheckstyleArray index 'i' is used before limits check.
840variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dx' can be reduced.
840variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dy' can be reduced.
840variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dz' can be reduced.
840variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'dl' can be reduced.
59postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
59uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IABendNlp::wave_even_constraint_start' is not initialized in the constructor.
59uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IABendNlp::evenConstraintsActive' is not initialized in the constructor.
74invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
75invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
76invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
430invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'.
510invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'.
578invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'.
795invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'.
36invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
176invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'.
293invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'.
511invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'.
332invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
332invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 2) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
332invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 3) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
356invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
356invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 2) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
359invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
369invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
424unsignedPositivestyleUnsigned variable 'c' can't be negative so it is unnecessary to test it.
470unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'subdivide_problem_one' is never used.
289unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'eval_S_i' is never used.
306unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'eval_grad_S_i' is never used.
325unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'eval_hess_S_i' is never used.
543variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'rhs' can be reduced.
543variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'lhs' can be reduced.
549invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IAMilp::deltaConstraintStart' is not initialized in the constructor.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IAMilp::mwp_i' is not initialized in the constructor.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IAMilp::mwp_j' is not initialized in the constructor.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IAMilp::mwm_i' is not initialized in the constructor.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IAMilp::mwm_j' is not initialized in the constructor.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IAMilp::mw_i' is not initialized in the constructor.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IAMilp::mw_j' is not initialized in the constructor.
263pointerOutOfBoundsstyleUndefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'ind-1' is out of bounds.
263pointerOutOfBoundsstyleUndefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'val-1' is out of bounds.
516pointerOutOfBoundsstyleUndefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'indp-1' is out of bounds.
516pointerOutOfBoundsstyleUndefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'valp-1' is out of bounds.
522pointerOutOfBoundsstyleUndefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'indm-1' is out of bounds.
522pointerOutOfBoundsstyleUndefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'valm-1' is out of bounds.
529pointerOutOfBoundsstyleUndefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'val-1' is out of bounds.
529pointerOutOfBoundsstyleUndefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'indpp-1' is out of bounds.
532pointerOutOfBoundsstyleUndefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'val-1' is out of bounds.
532pointerOutOfBoundsstyleUndefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'indmm-1' is out of bounds.
45invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
46invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
545variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'rhs' can be reduced.
545variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'lhs' can be reduced.
553invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'.
69invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
70invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
20uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IASolverBend::myianlp' is not initialized in the constructor.
20uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IASolverBend::bendData' is not initialized in the constructor.
557invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%u in format string (no. 4) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'int'.
590invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%u in format string (no. 4) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'int'.
18uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IASolverEven::myianlp' is not initialized in the constructor.
330invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%ld in format string (no. 3) requires 'long' but the argument type is 'const unsigned long'.
467stlSizestylePossible inefficient checking for 'rounding_map' emptiness.
455unreadVariablestyleVariable 'solved' is assigned a value that is never used.
132invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'.
147invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
152invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
218unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'even_floor_ceil' is never used.
224unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'int_floor_ceil' is never used.
92invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'.
87unreadVariablestyleVariable 'fabs_max_weight' is assigned a value that is never used.
163invalidPrintfArgType_sintstyle%d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'.
315noCopyConstructorstyle'struct SubProblem' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since the class contains a pointer to allocated memory.
16uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IASolution::obj_value' is not initialized in the constructor.
25uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'IPBend::xl' is not initialized in the constructor.
365invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
375invalidPrintfArgType_uintstyle%lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'.
430unsignedPositivestyleUnsigned variable 'c' can't be negative so it is unnecessary to test it.
267unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'mapping_test' is never used.
470unreadVariablestyleVariable 'side_1' is assigned a value that is never used.
507unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'test_scaling_by_curves' is never used.
533unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'test_map_skew' is never used.
538unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: correct_solution
663unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'paving_test' is never used.
41unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'set_options' is never used.
55unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'add_points' is never used.
81unreadVariablestyleVariable 'nameOp' is assigned a value that is never used.
125postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
184postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
62postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
112unreadVariablestyleVariable 'indexVertex' is assigned a value that is never used.
237postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
29uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'MergeMesh::mergeTolSq' is not initialized in the constructor.
71postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
171postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
218postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
229postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
37postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
51postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
131unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'print_mesh' is never used.
146postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
28postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
46postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
13uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'ParSendPostSurfMesh::m_incoming1' is not initialized in the constructor.
13uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'ParSendPostSurfMesh::m_incoming2' is not initialized in the constructor.
27postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
43postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
90postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
109postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
123postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
227postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
273postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
12uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'PostBL::m_HConn' is not initialized in the constructor.
12uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'PostBL::m_Thickness' is not initialized in the constructor.
12uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'PostBL::m_MinEdgeLength' is not initialized in the constructor.
12uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'PostBL::m_Intervals' is not initialized in the constructor.
12uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'PostBL::m_Bias' is not initialized in the constructor.
12uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'PostBL::m_GD' is not initialized in the constructor.
12uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'PostBL::m_BLDim' is not initialized in the constructor.
32useInitializationListstyleVariable 'szComment' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
151postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
314postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
324postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
390uselessCallsEmptystyleIneffective call of function 'empty()'. Did you intend to call 'clear()' instead?
964postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1249unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'find_min_edge_length' is never used.
1258variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'len' can be reduced.
1280unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_det_jacobian' is never used.
46uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'ProjectShell::m_numEdges' is not initialized in the constructor.
46uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'ProjectShell::m_numCurrentNodes' is not initialized in the constructor.
46uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'ProjectShell::m_numFinalTriangles' is not initialized in the constructor.
46uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'ProjectShell::m_numPos' is not initialized in the constructor.
46uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'ProjectShell::m_numNeg' is not initialized in the constructor.
46uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'ProjectShell::m_2dcapacity' is not initialized in the constructor.
107unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'getEdge' is never used.
112postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1123postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1172memleakerrorMemory leak: foundIds
22unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'addPoint' is never used.
38unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'complete' is never used.
36useInitializationListstyleVariable 'n' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
8unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'trans' is never used.
24unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'xrot' is never used.
35unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'yrot' is never used.
46unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'zrot' is never used.
91unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'cramerInverse' is never used.
120variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'max' can be reduced.
120variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'pivot' can be reduced.
313postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
331postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
434cstyleCaststyleC-style pointer casting
571redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'rval' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
584unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'decimate_quadric' is never used.
595variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'top' can be reduced.
602cstyleCaststyleC-style pointer casting
626unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'decimate_error' is never used.
638variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'top' can be reduced.
645cstyleCaststyleC-style pointer casting
736postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
740postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
828postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
838postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
848postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
889redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'rval' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
893postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
936postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
947postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
959postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
965postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
993postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1028postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1059postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1076postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
22uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'QslimMesher::_worker' is not initialized in the constructor.
136unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'check_for_discontinuity' is never used.
56nullPointererrorPossible null pointer dereference: text
117unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'apply_advance_front_bridge_rule' is never used.
357unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'advancing_front_edges_swap' is never used.
95variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'progress' can be reduced.
105unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'dijkstra_shortest_path_test' is never used.
174unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'insert_boundary_doublet' is never used.
175unreadVariablestyleVariable 'nSize' is assigned a value that is never used.
332publicAllocationErrorstylePossible leak in public function. The pointer 'faceclose' is not deallocated before it is allocated.
384unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'degree_5_dominated' is never used.
427unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'remove_diamonds_in_layer' is never used.
497unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'doublerand' is never used.
523unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'narrowdoublerand' is never used.
548unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'uniformdoublerand' is never used.
566unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'floatrand' is never used.
591unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'narrowfloatrand' is never used.
615unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'uniformfloatrand' is never used.
699unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'grow_expansion' is never used.
702variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'Qnew' can be reduced.
704variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'enow' can be reduced.
705variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bvirt' can be reduced.
706variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'avirt' can be reduced.
706variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bround' can be reduced.
706variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'around' can be reduced.
732unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'grow_expansion_zeroelim' is never used.
734variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'hh' can be reduced.
735variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'Qnew' can be reduced.
737variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'enow' can be reduced.
738variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bvirt' can be reduced.
739variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'avirt' can be reduced.
739variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bround' can be reduced.
739variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'around' can be reduced.
770unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'expansion_sum' is never used.
814unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'expansion_sum_zeroelim1' is never used.
869unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'expansion_sum_zeroelim2' is never used.
921unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'fast_expansion_sum' is never used.
1073unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'linear_expansion_sum' is never used.
1079variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'avirt' can be reduced.
1079variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bround' can be reduced.
1079variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'around' can be reduced.
1132unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'linear_expansion_sum_zeroelim' is never used.
1138variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'avirt' can be reduced.
1138variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bround' can be reduced.
1138variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'around' can be reduced.
1201unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'scale_expansion' is never used.
1204variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'sum' can be reduced.
1205variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'product1' can be reduced.
1206variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'product0' can be reduced.
1208variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'enow' can be reduced.
1209variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bvirt' can be reduced.
1210variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'avirt' can be reduced.
1210variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bround' can be reduced.
1210variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'around' can be reduced.
1248variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'sum' can be reduced.
1250variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'product1' can be reduced.
1251variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'product0' can be reduced.
1253variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'enow' can be reduced.
1254variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bvirt' can be reduced.
1255variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'avirt' can be reduced.
1255variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bround' can be reduced.
1255variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'around' can be reduced.
1297unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'compress' is never used.
1303variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'enow' can be reduced.
1303variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'hnow' can be reduced.
1377unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'orient2dfast' is never used.
1388unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'orient2dexact' is never used.
1430unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'orient2dslow' is never used.
1613unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'orient3dfast' is never used.
1634unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'orient3dexact' is never used.
1711unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'orient3dslow' is never used.
1838variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bdxt_cdyt1' can be reduced.
1838variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cdxt_bdyt1' can be reduced.
1838variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cdxt_adyt1' can be reduced.
1839variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'adxt_cdyt1' can be reduced.
1839variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'adxt_bdyt1' can be reduced.
1839variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bdxt_adyt1' can be reduced.
1840variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bdxt_cdyt0' can be reduced.
1840variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cdxt_bdyt0' can be reduced.
1840variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cdxt_adyt0' can be reduced.
1841variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'adxt_cdyt0' can be reduced.
1841variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'adxt_bdyt0' can be reduced.
1841variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bdxt_adyt0' can be reduced.
2270unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'incirclefast' is never used.
2293unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'incircleexact' is never used.
2391unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'incircleslow' is never used.
2569variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'adxadx1' can be reduced.
2569variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'adyady1' can be reduced.
2569variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bdxbdx1' can be reduced.
2569variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bdybdy1' can be reduced.
2569variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cdxcdx1' can be reduced.
2569variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cdycdy1' can be reduced.
2570variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'adxadx0' can be reduced.
2570variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'adyady0' can be reduced.
2570variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bdxbdx0' can be reduced.
2570variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bdybdy0' can be reduced.
2570variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cdxcdx0' can be reduced.
2570variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cdycdy0' can be reduced.
2572variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'aa3' can be reduced.
2572variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bb3' can be reduced.
2572variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cc3' can be reduced.
2581variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'axtbb' can be reduced.
2581variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'axtcc' can be reduced.
2581variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'aytbb' can be reduced.
2581variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'aytcc' can be reduced.
2582variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'axtbblen' can be reduced.
2582variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'axtcclen' can be reduced.
2582variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'aytbblen' can be reduced.
2582variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'aytcclen' can be reduced.
2583variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bxtaa' can be reduced.
2583variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bxtcc' can be reduced.
2583variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bytaa' can be reduced.
2583variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bytcc' can be reduced.
2584variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bxtaalen' can be reduced.
2584variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bxtcclen' can be reduced.
2584variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bytaalen' can be reduced.
2584variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bytcclen' can be reduced.
2585variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cxtaa' can be reduced.
2585variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cxtbb' can be reduced.
2585variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cytaa' can be reduced.
2585variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cytbb' can be reduced.
2586variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cxtaalen' can be reduced.
2586variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cxtbblen' can be reduced.
2586variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cytaalen' can be reduced.
2586variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cytbblen' can be reduced.
2589variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'axtbct' can be reduced.
2589variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'aytbct' can be reduced.
2589variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bxtcat' can be reduced.
2589variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bytcat' can be reduced.
2589variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cxtabt' can be reduced.
2589variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cytabt' can be reduced.
2590variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'axtbctlen' can be reduced.
2590variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'aytbctlen' can be reduced.
2590variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bxtcatlen' can be reduced.
2590variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bytcatlen' can be reduced.
2590variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cxtabtlen' can be reduced.
2590variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cytabtlen' can be reduced.
2591variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'axtbctt' can be reduced.
2591variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'aytbctt' can be reduced.
2591variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bxtcatt' can be reduced.
2592variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bytcatt' can be reduced.
2592variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cxtabtt' can be reduced.
2592variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cytabtt' can be reduced.
2593variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'axtbcttlen' can be reduced.
2593variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'aytbcttlen' can be reduced.
2593variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bxtcattlen' can be reduced.
2593variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bytcattlen' can be reduced.
2593variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cxtabttlen' can be reduced.
2593variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cytabttlen' can be reduced.
2594variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'abt' can be reduced.
2594variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bct' can be reduced.
2594variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cat' can be reduced.
2595variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'abtlen' can be reduced.
2595variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bctlen' can be reduced.
2595variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'catlen' can be reduced.
2596variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'abtt' can be reduced.
2596variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bctt' can be reduced.
2596variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'catt' can be reduced.
2597variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'abttlen' can be reduced.
2597variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bcttlen' can be reduced.
2597variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cattlen' can be reduced.
2598variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'abtt3' can be reduced.
2598variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bctt3' can be reduced.
2598variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'catt3' can be reduced.
3116unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'incircle' is never used.
3185unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'inspherefast' is never used.
3480unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'insphereslow' is never used.
4023unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'insphere' is never used.
129unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_interior_angles' is never used.
209unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'is_cyclic_quad' is never used.
672variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'triarea' can be reduced.
728variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'd0' can be reduced.
728variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'd1' can be reduced.
728variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'd2' can be reduced.
728variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'd3' can be reduced.
1431unreadVariablestyleVariable 'nSize' is assigned a value that is never used.
1533unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'getPartMesh' is never used.
1564unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'getNumPartitions' is never used.
1596unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'boundary_chain_nodes' is never used.
1647unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'check_convexity' is never used.
1668unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'getMinMaxFaceArea' is never used.
1749unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'deep_copy' is never used.
2265unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'nearest_neighbour' is never used.
2782unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'getComponent' is never used.
2816unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'struct_tri_grid' is never used.
2868unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'struct_quad_grid' is never used.
2919variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'vn0' can be reduced.
2919variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'vn1' can be reduced.
2921variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nextface' can be reduced.
3129unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'set_strip_markers' is never used.
3213variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'lid' can be reduced.
3277variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced.
3327variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'lid' can be reduced.
3397variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced.
3447unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'verify_front_ordering' is never used.
3490unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'remove_unreferenced_nodes' is never used.
3526variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'facearea' can be reduced.
3925unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'hasDuplicates' is never used.
4030unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'getBoundingBox' is never used.
4074unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'getLength' is never used.
4264variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'endvertex' can be reduced.
4532unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'set_constrained_tag' is never used.
4548unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'has_all_bound_nodes' is never used.
4559unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'setNormals' is never used.
4828unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'set_irregular_path_tag' is never used.
4982stlSizestylePossible inefficient checking for 'corners' emptiness.
5157unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'quad_concave_tests' is never used.
5309unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'advancing_front_triangle_cleanup' is never used.
5331variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced.
5341variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nirregular0' can be reduced.
5341variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nirregular1' can be reduced.
381unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'plot_all_tri_quality_measures' is never used.
467unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'setAttributes' is never used.
836unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'is_quad_breakable_at' is never used.
897variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'tb' can be reduced.
897variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'tc' can be reduced.
982variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced.
1109variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'vertex' can be reduced.
1204variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced.
1245variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'topo_convex_region' can be reduced.
1250variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced.
1613unreadVariablestyleVariable 'num_curr_irregular_nodes' is assigned a value that is never used.
119unreadVariablestyleVariable 'err' is assigned a value that is never used.
313unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'search_flat_quads' is never used.
348unreadVariablestyleVariable 'edgefaces' is assigned a value that is never used.
376unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'search_restricted_faces' is never used.
528unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'cleanup_internal_boundary_face' is never used.
570variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'vertex' can be reduced.
635unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'has_interior_nodes_degree_345' is never used.
637unreadVariablestyleVariable 'relexist' is assigned a value that is never used.
705duplicateBreakstyleConsecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary.
713variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'ncount' can be reduced.
928unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'refine_3434_pattern' is never used.
141uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'StructuredMesh2D::myID' is not initialized in the constructor.
359variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'ncount' can be reduced.
360variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'numneighs' can be reduced.
63variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'curr_count' can be reduced.
344variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced.
354variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nirregular0' can be reduced.
70variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'tri1' can be reduced.
70variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'tri2' can be reduced.
70variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'quad' can be reduced.
442variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'currnode' can be reduced.
404unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'TriCircumCenter2D' is never used.
447unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'test_tet_circumcenter' is never used.
497unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'test_tri3d_circumcenter' is never used.
200unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: x
200unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: y
200unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: z
965variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'angle' can be reduced.
1038redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
1039redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
1040redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
1096redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
1097redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
97variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'weight' can be reduced.
255unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'convexify' is never used.
40unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: oldConnect
40unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: newConnect
117unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: restline
69variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'numiters' can be reduced.
69variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'topo_improve' can be reduced.
87unreadVariablestyleVariable 'numiters' is assigned a value that is never used.
90unreadVariablestyleVariable 'topo_improve' is assigned a value that is never used.
130unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: algo
130unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: numiter
213unreadVariablestyleVariable 'qpath' is assigned a value that is never used.
265assertWithSideEffectstyleAssert statement calls a function which may have desired side effects: 'getBoundarySize'.
186uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'BinaryTree::root' is not initialized in the constructor.
30uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'DualGraph::mesh' is not initialized in the constructor.
11noConstructorstyleThe class 'JaalMoabConverter' does not have a constructor.
131useInitializationListstyleVariable 'name' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
272uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'MeshEntity::gid' is not initialized in the constructor.
440unsafeClassCanLeakstyleClass 'MeshEntity' is unsafe, 'MeshEntity::relationRep' can leak by wrong usage.
463uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'Vertex::xyz' is not initialized in the constructor.
826unnecessaryQualificationstyleThe extra qualification 'Face::' is unnecessary and is considered an error by many compilers.
840noConstructorstyleThe struct 'BoundingBox' does not have a constructor.
989uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'Mesh::normalize_factor' is not initialized in the constructor.
1454noConstructorstyleThe struct 'MeshImporter' does not have a constructor.
1498unsafeClassCanLeakstyleClass 'MeshImporter' is unsafe, 'MeshImporter::mesh' can leak by wrong usage.
1551noConstructorstyleThe class 'MeshOptimization' does not have a constructor.
1776variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced.
2054unusedPrivateFunctionstyleUnused private function: 'QTrack::advance_single_step'
2063uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'StructuredMesh2D::myID' is not initialized in the constructor.
75uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'MeshRefine2D::mesh' is not initialized in the constructor.
75uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'MeshRefine2D::edgemap' is not initialized in the constructor.
75uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'MeshRefine2D::numfacesRefined' is not initialized in the constructor.
75uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'MeshRefine2D::desiredAspectRatio' is not initialized in the constructor.
75uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'MeshRefine2D::desiredArea' is not initialized in the constructor.
75uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'MeshRefine2D::desiredMinAngle' is not initialized in the constructor.
75uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'MeshRefine2D::desiredMaxAngle' is not initialized in the constructor.
75uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'MeshRefine2D::featureAngle' is not initialized in the constructor.
75uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'MeshRefine2D::maxAllowedCells' is not initialized in the constructor.
60noCopyConstructorstyle'struct Pool' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since the class contains a pointer to allocated memory.
164uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'Doublet::shield' is not initialized in the constructor.
218uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'OneDefectPatch::quad_splitting_node_degree' is not initialized in the constructor.
218uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'OneDefectPatch::partSegments' is not initialized in the constructor.
225uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'OneDefectPatch::quad_splitting_node_degree' is not initialized in the constructor.
225uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'OneDefectPatch::partSegments' is not initialized in the constructor.
441uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'QuadCleanUp::mesh' is not initialized in the constructor.
441uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'QuadCleanUp::mopt' is not initialized in the constructor.
446uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'QuadCleanUp::mopt' is not initialized in the constructor.
10uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'RegisterCounter::rbegin' is not initialized in the constructor.
10uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'RegisterCounter::rend' is not initialized in the constructor.
35uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'StopWatch::rbegin' is not initialized in the constructor.
35uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'StopWatch::rend' is not initialized in the constructor.
148uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SwapQuadEdge::bkp_data' is not initialized in the constructor.
158uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SwapQuadEdge::check_fronts' is not initialized in the constructor.
158uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SwapQuadEdge::bkp_data' is not initialized in the constructor.
50uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'Tri2Quads::maxfaceID' is not initialized in the constructor.
71uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'LVertex::mate' is not initialized in the constructor.
71uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'LVertex::dual' is not initialized in the constructor.
15noConstructorstyleThe class 'Array' does not have a constructor.
134variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'cf' can be reduced.
6unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'skip_comments' is never used.
40variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'vertex' can be reduced.
102unreachableCodestyleStatements following return, break, continue, goto or throw will never be executed.
13unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: err
341unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'blend_from_corners' is never used.
382variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'r' can be reduced.
536variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'r' can be reduced.
536variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 's' can be reduced.
651variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 't' can be reduced.
991variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'r' can be reduced.
991variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 's' can be reduced.
991variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 't' can be reduced.
86variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'n3' can be reduced.
116unreadVariablestyleVariable 'facetype' is assigned a value that is never used.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::interfaceType' is not initialized in the constructor.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::gridType' is not initialized in the constructor.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::axisType' is not initialized in the constructor.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::geomType' is not initialized in the constructor.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::scdIface' is not initialized in the constructor.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::coarse_i' is not initialized in the constructor.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::coarse_j' is not initialized in the constructor.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::coarse_k' is not initialized in the constructor.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::minCoord' is not initialized in the constructor.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::maxCoord' is not initialized in the constructor.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::num_i' is not initialized in the constructor.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::num_j' is not initialized in the constructor.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::num_k' is not initialized in the constructor.
32uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SCDMesh::num_verts' is not initialized in the constructor.
68postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
80postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
130variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'box_size' can be reduced.
147variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'box_size' can be reduced.
180variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'ifn_size' can be reduced.
191variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'jfn_size' can be reduced.
202variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'kfn_size' can be reduced.
22uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SurfaceFacetMeshReader::facet_tol' is not initialized in the constructor.
22uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SurfaceFacetMeshReader::geom_res' is not initialized in the constructor.
43cstyleCaststyleC-style pointer casting
48postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
64postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
80postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
13uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'Deform2D::num_interior' is not initialized in the constructor.
21unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'SetupInteriorNodes' is never used.
28unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'GetInteriorNodes' is never used.
44unreadVariablestyleVariable 'tmp_var' is assigned a value that is never used.
108redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'value' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
20uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'Dijkstra::topmost_target_surf' is not initialized in the constructor.
25unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'getResults' is never used.
49unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'getSurfList' is never used.
36postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
100variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'error' can be reduced.
46uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'Vertex::id' is not initialized in the constructor.
46uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'Vertex::index' is not initialized in the constructor.
46uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'Vertex::onCorner' is not initialized in the constructor.
24unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'SetupCages' is never used.
165unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'GetDeformedVertices' is never used.
27postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
38unusedFunctionstyleThe function '_map' is never used.
41postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
57postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
61postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
81postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
90postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
106postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
118postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
123postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
43unusedPrivateFunctionstyleUnused private function: 'HarmonicMapper::_map'
36postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
88postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
110variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'error' can be reduced.
122postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
176unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'UpdateWeight' is never used.
57unusedPrivateFunctionstyleUnused private function: 'IsoLaplace::UpdateWeight'
9uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'LPSolveClass::obj_const' is not initialized in the constructor.
107variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'j' can be reduced.
236unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'VolumeMeshImprove' is never used.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'OneToOneSwept::mb' is not initialized in the constructor.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'OneToOneSwept::numLayers' is not initialized in the constructor.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'OneToOneSwept::numLoops' is not initialized in the constructor.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'OneToOneSwept::sizeBLayer' is not initialized in the constructor.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'OneToOneSwept::igeom_inst' is not initialized in the constructor.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'OneToOneSwept::index_src' is not initialized in the constructor.
28uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'OneToOneSwept::index_tar' is not initialized in the constructor.
73postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
169cstyleCaststyleC-style pointer casting
188postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
318postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
565postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
57unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'run_wrapper' is never used.
35uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SubMapping::size_low_bound' is not initialized in the constructor.
35uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SubMapping::start_index' is not initialized in the constructor.
56postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
99unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: coords
109postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
147unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'SetupMeshSize' is never used.
257postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
278postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
389postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
468unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'isCurved' is never used.
567unreadVariablestyleVariable 'second_index' is assigned a value that is never used.
1136unsignedPositivestyleUnsigned variable 'j' can't be negative so it is unnecessary to test it.
1264unreadVariablestyleVariable 'j_value' is assigned a value that is never used.
1267unreadVariablestyleVariable 'i_value' is assigned a value that is never used.
1426postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1443postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1444postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1460postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1461postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1477postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1478postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
8uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SurfProHarmonicMap::size_src_e' is not initialized in the constructor.
8uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SurfProHarmonicMap::size_tgt_e' is not initialized in the constructor.
48postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
131postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
135postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
149postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
154postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
166postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
168postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
170postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
172postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
174postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
176postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
283postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
352postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
356postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
367postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
429postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
492postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
496postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
503postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
675uninitvarerrorUninitialized variable: u_src
688postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
699postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
711postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
726postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
731postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
742postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
753postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
765postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
779postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
784postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
809postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
829postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
884postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
891postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
943unreadVariablestyleVariable 'total_dist_source' is assigned a value that is never used.
943unreadVariablestyleVariable 'total_dist_target' is assigned a value that is never used.
967postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
969postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
977unreadVariablestyleVariable 'len_curve' is assigned a value that is never used.
978unreadVariablestyleVariable 'start_vertex' is assigned a value that is never used.
979postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
984postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1335variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'second_vertex' can be reduced.
55unusedPrivateFunctionstyleUnused private function: 'SurfProHarmonicMap::test'
80unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'have_surface_orient' is never used.
62postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
256postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
366variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'linkingEdgeNodeII' can be reduced.
1039unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: weight
1166postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1184postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1185postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1204postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1205postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1224postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1225postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
13uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'TriharmonicRBF::num_interior' is not initialized in the constructor.
56unreadVariablestyleVariable 'tmp_var' is assigned a value that is never used.
144redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'value' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
51postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
84unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'remove_opposite_pairs_of_edges' is never used.
187unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: leaky_surfs
187unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: leaky_vols
14unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'remove_obb_tree' is never used.
42postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
81unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'delete_small_edge_and_tris' is never used.
116postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
125postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
154postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
178postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
424unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'cleanup_edges' is never used.
427postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
63unreadVariablestyleVariable 'dim' is assigned a value that is never used.
385postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
390postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
397stlSizestylePossible inefficient checking for 'leaky_vols' emptiness.
397stlSizestylePossible inefficient checking for 'leaky_surfs' emptiness.
25passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'message' should be passed by reference.
100unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'print_vertex_cubit' is never used.
126unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'print_triangles' is never used.
127postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
151postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
174postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
180unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'print_range' is never used.
183postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
191postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
197unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'print_vertex_count' is never used.
209passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'arcs' should be passed by reference.
216passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'arc_of_edges' should be passed by reference.
221postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
235passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'loop_of_verts' should be passed by reference.
255passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'arc_of_verts' should be passed by reference.
303passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'loop_of_verts' should be passed by reference.
491postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
502postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
516postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
526unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'n_adj_edges' is never used.
540unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'edges_adjacent' is never used.
559unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_direction' is never used.
718postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
747postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1006passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'verts' should be passed by reference.
1030passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'verts' should be passed by reference.
1052passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'verts' should be passed by reference.
1061passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'verts' should be passed by reference.
1248passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'ordered_edges' should be passed by reference.
1258postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1280passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'arc0' should be passed by reference.
1281passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'arc1' should be passed by reference.
1491postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1582unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: surf_volumes
1674unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_signed_volume' is never used.
1745variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'edim' can be reduced.
1948postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1985postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
2184postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
52passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'vec' should be passed by reference.
27passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'message' should be passed by reference.
48passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'arc_of_edges' should be passed by reference.
50passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'arcs' should be passed by reference.
52passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'loop_of_verts' should be passed by reference.
55passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'arc_of_verts' should be passed by reference.
61passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'loop_of_verts' should be passed by reference.
110passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'curve' should be passed by reference.
113passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'curve' should be passed by reference.
170passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'ordered_edges' should be passed by reference.
175passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'arc0' should be passed by reference.
176passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'arc1' should be passed by reference.
33passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'norms0' should be passed by reference.
34passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'norms1' should be passed by reference.
43passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'arcs' should be passed by reference.
122postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
240unreadVariablestyleVariable 'debug' is assigned a value that is never used.
242variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'verbose' can be reduced.
261variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'is_acis' can be reduced.
288unreadVariablestyleVariable 'is_acis' is assigned a value that is never used.
428unreadVariablestyleVariable 'SME_RESABS_TOL' is assigned a value that is never used.
429unreadVariablestyleVariable 'FACET_TOL' is assigned a value that is never used.
449postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
604postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
89postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
151postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
938unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: sealed_curve
979postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1107postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1274postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1322postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1507postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1570postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
1660uselessAssignmentArgstyleAssignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function.
1864postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
61postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
107postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
150unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'remove_failed_loop_and_curve' is never used.
175postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
197postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
302postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
411postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
148postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
233passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'norms0' should be passed by reference.
234passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'norms1' should be passed by reference.
301redundantAssignmentstyleVariable 'tris_to_refacet2' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
359postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
450postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
514passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'arcs' should be passed by reference.
558postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
80uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'VolFrac::ePnt' is not initialized in the constructor.
88passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'key1' should be passed by reference.
88passedByValuestyleFunction parameter 'key2' should be passed by reference.
7uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'Error::errorCode' is not initialized in the constructor.
108postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
243unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: new_ents
255postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
284postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
301postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
374assertWithSideEffectstyleAssert statement calls a function which may have desired side effects: 'irel_pair'.
384unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'load_geometry' is never used.
391assertWithSideEffectstyleAssert statement calls a function which may have desired side effects: 'irel_pair'.
399unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'load_mesh' is never used.
407assertWithSideEffectstyleAssert statement calls a function which may have desired side effects: 'irel_pair'.
427unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'save_mesh_from_model_ents' is never used.
508unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'register_meshop' is never used.
523unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'num_meshops' is never used.
528unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'meshop_index' is never used.
585unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'meshop_by_dimension' is never used.
591unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'meshop_by_modelent' is never used.
651unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'remove_mesh_based_geometry' is never used.
671unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: tmp_ents
680unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'delete_all' is never used.
703postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
31postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
96unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'print_bfs_graph' is never used.
126unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'find_meshop' is never used.
23postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
36postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
45postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
179unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'remove_modelent' is never used.
12postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
19postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
140postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
230postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
233catchExceptionByValuestyleException should be caught by reference.
248postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
271postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
290postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
318unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: senses
320unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: ments
322postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
407unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'measure_discrete' is never used.
545postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
566postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
777catchExceptionByValuestyleException should be caught by reference.
803postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
808postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
866postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
12uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SizingFunctionVar::a' is not initialized in the constructor.
12uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SizingFunctionVar::b' is not initialized in the constructor.
12uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SizingFunctionVar::c' is not initialized in the constructor.
12uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SizingFunctionVar::d' is not initialized in the constructor.
12uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'SizingFunctionVar::fixed' is not initialized in the constructor.
24unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'set_linear_coeff' is never used.
34unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'set_coeff' is never used.
558postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
560postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
576postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
578postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
10unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'arc_length' is never used.
15unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'is_parametric' is never used.
20unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'is_periodic' is never used.
32unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_param_range' is never used.
38unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'u_from_arc_length' is never used.
55unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'move_to_curve' is never used.
64unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'u_from_position' is never used.
72unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'start_coordinates' is never used.
80unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'end_coordinates' is never used.
51postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
66postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
13unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'size_at_point' is never used.
25unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'stretch_vector' is never used.
34unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'tensor_at_point' is never used.
74unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'is_anisotropic' is never used.
22unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'bounding_box' is never used.
68unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'is_planar' is never used.
84unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'is_periodic_in_u' is never used.
92unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'is_periodic_in_v' is never used.
100unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_param_range_u' is never used.
107unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'get_param_range_v' is never used.
114unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'uv_from_position' is never used.
138unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'position_from_uv' is never used.
145unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'distortion_at_uv' is never used.
173unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'correct_orientation' is never used.
27uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CAMALTetMesher::cmlTetMesher' is not initialized in the constructor.
45unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: meshops
48postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
60postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
78postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
45postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
125unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'smooth_with_fixed_boundary' is never used.
130unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'smooth_with_free_boundary' is never used.
207unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'all_model_ents_have_geom' is never used.
314unreadVariablestyleVariable 'igeom' is assigned a value that is never used.
16unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'snap_to' is never used.
60unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'closest_point' is never used.
73unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'domain_DoF' is never used.
31unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: proxies
43postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
55postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
75postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
34unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: proxies
46postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
58postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
81postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
29uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'TriangleMesher::_opts' is not initialized in the constructor.
29uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'TriangleMesher::_dir' is not initialized in the constructor.
29uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'TriangleMesher::_fretting' is not initialized in the constructor.
52unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'getWinProcTimes' is never used.
92unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'getWinFormattedDate' is never used.
119unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'getWinRndSeed' is never used.
63unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'MarkTime' is never used.
73unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'GetMarkedTime' is never used.
95obsoleteFunctionsasctimestyleObsolete function 'asctime' called. It is recommended to use the function 'strftime' instead.
10uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CCylinder::m_nRadii' is not initialized in the constructor.
10uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CCylinder::m_nType' is not initialized in the constructor.
22uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CCylinder::m_nRadii' is not initialized in the constructor.
22uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CCylinder::m_nType' is not initialized in the constructor.
215operatorEqVarErrorstyleMember variable 'iMesh::iMeshInstanceOwner' is not assigned a value in 'iMesh::operator='.
257operatorEqVarErrorstyleMember variable 'iRel::iRelInstanceOwner' is not assigned a value in 'iRel::operator='.
339postfixOperatorstylePrefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
47variableScopestyleThe scope of the variable 'bWhSpc' can be reduced.
256unusedVariablestyleUnused variable: tempInput
262duplicateBreakstyleConsecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary.
266duplicateBreakstyleConsecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary.
9uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_nInputLines' is not initialized in the constructor.
9uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_nIFlag' is not initialized in the constructor.
9uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_dPX' is not initialized in the constructor.
9uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_dPY' is not initialized in the constructor.
9uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_dPZ' is not initialized in the constructor.
9uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_dFlatF' is not initialized in the constructor.
9uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_dZL' is not initialized in the constructor.
9uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_nMaterials' is not initialized in the constructor.
9uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_nNumCyl' is not initialized in the constructor.
18uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_nInputLines' is not initialized in the constructor.
18uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_dPX' is not initialized in the constructor.
18uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_dPY' is not initialized in the constructor.
18uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_dPZ' is not initialized in the constructor.
18uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_dFlatF' is not initialized in the constructor.
18uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_dZL' is not initialized in the constructor.
18uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_nMaterials' is not initialized in the constructor.
18uninitMemberVarstyleMember variable 'CPincell::m_nNumCyl' is not initialized in the constructor.
365unusedFunctionstyleThe function 'GetMatArray' is never used.