Line | Id | Severity | Message |
| missingInclude | style | Cppcheck cannot find all the include files (use --check-config for details) |
src/algs/AssyGen/AssyGen.cpp |
19 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyGen::m_nSides' is not initialized in the constructor. |
19 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyGen::m_nAssemblyMat' is not initialized in the constructor. |
19 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyGen::m_nAssmVol' is not initialized in the constructor. |
19 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyGen::m_nPin' is not initialized in the constructor. |
19 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyGen::m_nPinX' is not initialized in the constructor. |
19 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyGen::m_nPinY' is not initialized in the constructor. |
19 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyGen::m_dPitch' is not initialized in the constructor. |
19 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyGen::m_dZstart' is not initialized in the constructor. |
19 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyGen::m_dZend' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'szComment' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
38 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'm_szEngine' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
39 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'm_szMeshType' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
43 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'm_szSideset' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
48 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'm_szInfo' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
49 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'm_szMeshScheme' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
50 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'pin_name' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
59 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'm_szInnerDuct' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
60 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'm_szSmooth' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
125 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'PrepareIO' is never used. |
178 | duplicateBreak | style | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
478 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bDone' can be reduced. |
668 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dLZ' can be reduced. |
668 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dFlatF' can be reduced. |
668 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPX' can be reduced. |
668 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPY' can be reduced. |
668 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPZ' can be reduced. |
1186 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nTemp' can be reduced. |
1437 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: temp1 |
1493 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: card |
1552 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nTempPin1' can be reduced. |
1552 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nTempPin2' can be reduced. |
1552 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nInputLines' can be reduced. |
1568 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPX1' can be reduced. |
1568 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPY1' can be reduced. |
1568 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPZ1' can be reduced. |
1568 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPX2' can be reduced. |
1568 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPY2' can be reduced. |
1568 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPZ2' can be reduced. |
1657 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'sMatName' should be passed by reference. |
1815 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'szReverse' should be passed by reference. |
2070 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nInputLines' can be reduced. |
2070 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nTempPin' can be reduced. |
2070 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nIFlag' can be reduced. |
2071 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dHeight' can be reduced. |
2071 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPX' can be reduced. |
2071 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPY' can be reduced. |
2071 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPZ' can be reduced. |
2167 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'dX' is assigned a value that is never used. |
2168 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'dY' is assigned a value that is never used. |
2193 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'sMatName0' is assigned a value that is never used. |
2194 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'sMatName1' is assigned a value that is never used. |
2374 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'Imprint_Merge' is never used. |
2504 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'sMatName1' is assigned a value that is never used. |
2883 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'sMatName0' is assigned a value that is never used. |
2884 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'sMatName1' is assigned a value that is never used. |
src/algs/AssyGen/meshkit/AssyGen.hpp |
135 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'sMatName' should be passed by reference. |
src/algs/AssyGen/meshscript.cpp |
274 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'szSize' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
src/algs/AssyMesher/AssyMesher.cpp |
25 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyMesher::m_nSides' is not initialized in the constructor. |
25 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyMesher::have_common' is not initialized in the constructor. |
25 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyMesher::m_nAssemblyMat' is not initialized in the constructor. |
25 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyMesher::m_nPincells' is not initialized in the constructor. |
25 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'AssyMesher::m_dPitch' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'szComment' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
41 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'm_szEngine' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
42 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'm_szMeshType' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
46 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'm_szSideset' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
48 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'm_GeomFile' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
496 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'szFormatString' is assigned a value that is never used. |
642 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nTemp' can be reduced. |
751 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dLZ' can be reduced. |
751 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dFlatF' can be reduced. |
751 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPX' can be reduced. |
751 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPY' can be reduced. |
751 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dPZ' can be reduced. |
src/algs/CopyGeom.cpp |
46 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/CopyMesh.cpp |
59 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
237 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'begin' can be reduced. |
src/algs/CoreGen/CoreGen.cpp |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::ms_startid' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::ns_startid' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::em' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::rank' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::procs' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::nrings' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::pitch' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::pitchx' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::pitchy' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::back_mesh' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::nassys' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::tot_assys' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::nssall_Id' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CoreGen::pc' is not initialized in the constructor. |
79 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'ctload' can be reduced. |
82 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'ld_t' can be reduced. |
82 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'ld_tload' can be reduced. |
550 | uselessAssignmentArg | style | Assignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function. |
612 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'k' can be reduced. |
660 | uselessAssignmentArg | style | Assignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function. |
669 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'temp_index' can be reduced. |
689 | unreachableCode | style | Statements following return, break, continue, goto or throw will never be executed. |
790 | arrayIndexThenCheck | style | Array index 'i' is used before limits check. |
851 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
884 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'mvol_temp' can be reduced. |
1007 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1033 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1327 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1467 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'write_minfofile' is never used. |
1480 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'rval' can be reduced. |
1487 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1550 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'prepareIO' is never used. |
1642 | duplicateBreak | style | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
1881 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'formatstring' is assigned a value that is never used. |
2152 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'formatstring' is assigned a value that is never used. |
2199 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'path' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
2200 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'filename' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
src/algs/CoreGen/copymove_parallel.cpp |
190 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'ctag_names' can be reduced. |
191 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'ctag_vals' can be reduced. |
193 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'flag' can be reduced. |
195 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dx_orig' can be reduced. |
195 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dx' can be reduced. |
src/algs/CurveFacetMeshReader.cpp |
21 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CurveFacetMeshReader::facet_tol' is not initialized in the constructor. |
21 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CurveFacetMeshReader::geom_res' is not initialized in the constructor. |
39 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
55 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
79 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
232 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/EBMesher.cpp |
29 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'd1' should be passed by reference. |
29 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'd2' should be passed by reference. |
33 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'd1' should be passed by reference. |
33 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'd2' should be passed by reference. |
33 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'equal_intersect' is never used. |
127 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
157 | cstyleCast | style | C-style pointer casting |
211 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
256 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'set_num_interval' is never used. |
313 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'export_mesh' is never used. |
318 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced. |
364 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'hex_stat' is assigned a value that is never used. |
698 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'make_scd_hexes' is never used. |
705 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'max_coords' is assigned a value that is never used. |
729 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'ii' can be reduced. |
729 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'jj' can be reduced. |
729 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'kk' can be reduced. |
803 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'iHex' can be reduced. |
807 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
825 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
886 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'iNodeEnd' is assigned a value that is never used. |
887 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'nNodeSlice' is assigned a value that is never used. |
1085 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nParent' can be reduced. |
1101 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'get_grid_and_edges_techX' is never used. |
1105 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'ii' can be reduced. |
1105 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'jj' can be reduced. |
1105 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'kk' can be reduced. |
1166 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1255 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'get_grid_and_edges' is never used. |
1259 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'ii' can be reduced. |
1259 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'jj' can be reduced. |
1259 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'kk' can be reduced. |
1259 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'iHex' can be reduced. |
1272 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1352 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1494 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dir' can be reduced. |
1494 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nFrc' can be reduced. |
1501 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1747 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'get_volume_fraction' is never used. |
1758 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: edge_handles |
1780 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: frac_length |
1807 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'otherDir1' is assigned a value that is never used. |
1808 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'otherDir2' is assigned a value that is never used. |
1967 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
2032 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
2101 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'set_obb_tree_box_dimension' is never used. |
src/algs/EdgeMesher.cpp |
57 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
111 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
135 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
208 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
267 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'measure' is assigned a value that is never used. |
300 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'measure' is assigned a value that is never used. |
303 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'uMid' can be reduced. |
407 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'u' can be reduced. |
407 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dist' can be reduced. |
468 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'u' can be reduced. |
468 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dist' can be reduced. |
567 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'measure' is assigned a value that is never used. |
576 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'gerr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
768 | arrayIndexThenCheck | style | Array index 'i' is used before limits check. |
840 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dx' can be reduced. |
840 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dy' can be reduced. |
840 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dz' can be reduced. |
840 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'dl' can be reduced. |
src/algs/ExtrudeMesh.cpp |
59 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/IABendNlp.cpp |
59 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IABendNlp::wave_even_constraint_start' is not initialized in the constructor. |
59 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IABendNlp::evenConstraintsActive' is not initialized in the constructor. |
74 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
75 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
76 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
430 | invalidPrintfArgType_sint | style | %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. |
510 | invalidPrintfArgType_sint | style | %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. |
578 | invalidPrintfArgType_sint | style | %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. |
795 | invalidPrintfArgType_sint | style | %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/IAIntWaveNlp.cpp |
36 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
176 | invalidPrintfArgType_sint | style | %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. |
293 | invalidPrintfArgType_sint | style | %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. |
511 | invalidPrintfArgType_sint | style | %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/IAInterface.cpp |
332 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
332 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 2) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
332 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 3) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
356 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
356 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 2) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
359 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
369 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
424 | unsignedPositive | style | Unsigned variable 'c' can't be negative so it is unnecessary to test it. |
470 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'subdivide_problem_one' is never used. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/IAMINlp.cpp |
289 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'eval_S_i' is never used. |
306 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'eval_grad_S_i' is never used. |
325 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'eval_hess_S_i' is never used. |
543 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'rhs' can be reduced. |
543 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'lhs' can be reduced. |
549 | invalidPrintfArgType_sint | style | %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/IAMilp.cpp |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IAMilp::deltaConstraintStart' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IAMilp::mwp_i' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IAMilp::mwp_j' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IAMilp::mwm_i' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IAMilp::mwm_j' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IAMilp::mw_i' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IAMilp::mw_j' is not initialized in the constructor. |
263 | pointerOutOfBounds | style | Undefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'ind-1' is out of bounds. |
263 | pointerOutOfBounds | style | Undefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'val-1' is out of bounds. |
516 | pointerOutOfBounds | style | Undefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'indp-1' is out of bounds. |
516 | pointerOutOfBounds | style | Undefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'valp-1' is out of bounds. |
522 | pointerOutOfBounds | style | Undefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'indm-1' is out of bounds. |
522 | pointerOutOfBounds | style | Undefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'valm-1' is out of bounds. |
529 | pointerOutOfBounds | style | Undefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'val-1' is out of bounds. |
529 | pointerOutOfBounds | style | Undefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'indpp-1' is out of bounds. |
532 | pointerOutOfBounds | style | Undefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'val-1' is out of bounds. |
532 | pointerOutOfBounds | style | Undefined behaviour, pointer arithmetic 'indmm-1' is out of bounds. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/IANlp.cpp |
45 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
46 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
545 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'rhs' can be reduced. |
545 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'lhs' can be reduced. |
553 | invalidPrintfArgType_sint | style | %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/IARoundingNlp.cpp |
69 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
70 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/IASolverBend.cpp |
20 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IASolverBend::myianlp' is not initialized in the constructor. |
20 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IASolverBend::bendData' is not initialized in the constructor. |
557 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %u in format string (no. 4) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'int'. |
590 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %u in format string (no. 4) requires 'unsigned int' but the argument type is 'int'. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/IASolverEven.cpp |
18 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IASolverEven::myianlp' is not initialized in the constructor. |
330 | invalidPrintfArgType_sint | style | %ld in format string (no. 3) requires 'long' but the argument type is 'const unsigned long'. |
467 | stlSize | style | Possible inefficient checking for 'rounding_map' emptiness. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/IASolverInt.cpp |
455 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'solved' is assigned a value that is never used. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/IASolverTool.cpp |
132 | invalidPrintfArgType_sint | style | %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. |
147 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
152 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
218 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'even_floor_ceil' is never used. |
224 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'int_floor_ceil' is never used. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/IASolverToolInt.cpp |
92 | invalidPrintfArgType_sint | style | %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/IAWeights.cpp |
87 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'fabs_max_weight' is assigned a value that is never used. |
163 | invalidPrintfArgType_sint | style | %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/meshkit/IAInterface.hpp |
315 | noCopyConstructor | style | 'struct SubProblem' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since the class contains a pointer to allocated memory. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/meshkit/IASolution.hpp |
16 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IASolution::obj_value' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/meshkit/IPBend.hpp |
25 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'IPBend::xl' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/stubs/IAInterfaceStub.cpp |
365 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
375 | invalidPrintfArgType_uint | style | %lu in format string (no. 1) requires 'unsigned long' but the argument type is 'size_t {aka unsigned long}'. |
430 | unsignedPositive | style | Unsigned variable 'c' can't be negative so it is unnecessary to test it. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/stubs/ia_main_old.cpp |
267 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'mapping_test' is never used. |
src/algs/IntervalAssignment/stubs/ia_main_stub.cpp |
470 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'side_1' is assigned a value that is never used. |
507 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'test_scaling_by_curves' is never used. |
533 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'test_map_skew' is never used. |
538 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: correct_solution |
663 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'paving_test' is never used. |
src/algs/MBSplitOp.cpp |
41 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'set_options' is never used. |
55 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'add_points' is never used. |
81 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'nameOp' is assigned a value that is never used. |
125 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
184 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/MBVolOp.cpp |
62 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
112 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'indexVertex' is assigned a value that is never used. |
237 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/MergeMesh.cpp |
29 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'MergeMesh::mergeTolSq' is not initialized in the constructor. |
71 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
171 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
218 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
229 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/ParExchangeMesh.cpp |
37 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
51 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
131 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'print_mesh' is never used. |
146 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/ParRecvSurfMesh.cpp |
28 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
46 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/ParSendPostSurfMesh.cpp |
13 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'ParSendPostSurfMesh::m_incoming1' is not initialized in the constructor. |
13 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'ParSendPostSurfMesh::m_incoming2' is not initialized in the constructor. |
27 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
43 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/ParallelMesher.cpp |
90 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
109 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
123 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
227 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
273 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/PostBL/PostBL.cpp |
12 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'PostBL::m_HConn' is not initialized in the constructor. |
12 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'PostBL::m_Thickness' is not initialized in the constructor. |
12 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'PostBL::m_MinEdgeLength' is not initialized in the constructor. |
12 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'PostBL::m_Intervals' is not initialized in the constructor. |
12 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'PostBL::m_Bias' is not initialized in the constructor. |
12 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'PostBL::m_GD' is not initialized in the constructor. |
12 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'PostBL::m_BLDim' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'szComment' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
151 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
314 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
324 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
390 | uselessCallsEmpty | style | Ineffective call of function 'empty()'. Did you intend to call 'clear()' instead? |
964 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1249 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'find_min_edge_length' is never used. |
1258 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'len' can be reduced. |
1280 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'get_det_jacobian' is never used. |
src/algs/ProjectShell.cpp |
46 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'ProjectShell::m_numEdges' is not initialized in the constructor. |
46 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'ProjectShell::m_numCurrentNodes' is not initialized in the constructor. |
46 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'ProjectShell::m_numFinalTriangles' is not initialized in the constructor. |
46 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'ProjectShell::m_numPos' is not initialized in the constructor. |
46 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'ProjectShell::m_numNeg' is not initialized in the constructor. |
46 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'ProjectShell::m_2dcapacity' is not initialized in the constructor. |
107 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'getEdge' is never used. |
112 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1123 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1172 | memleak | error | Memory leak: foundIds |
src/algs/Qslim/3D.cpp |
22 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'addPoint' is never used. |
38 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'complete' is never used. |
src/algs/Qslim/3D.h |
36 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'n' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
src/algs/Qslim/Mat4.cpp |
8 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'trans' is never used. |
24 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'xrot' is never used. |
35 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'yrot' is never used. |
46 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'zrot' is never used. |
91 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'cramerInverse' is never used. |
120 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'max' can be reduced. |
120 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'pivot' can be reduced. |
src/algs/Qslim/QslimDecimation.cpp |
313 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
331 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
434 | cstyleCast | style | C-style pointer casting |
571 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'rval' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
584 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'decimate_quadric' is never used. |
595 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'top' can be reduced. |
602 | cstyleCast | style | C-style pointer casting |
626 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'decimate_error' is never used. |
638 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'top' can be reduced. |
645 | cstyleCast | style | C-style pointer casting |
736 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
740 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
828 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
838 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
848 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
889 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'rval' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
893 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
936 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
947 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
959 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
965 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
993 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1028 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1059 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1076 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/Qslim/QslimMesher.cpp |
22 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'QslimMesher::_worker' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/algs/Qslim/quadrics.cpp |
136 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'check_for_discontinuity' is never used. |
src/algs/Qslim/std.h |
56 | nullPointer | error | Possible null pointer dereference: text |
src/algs/QuadMesher/AdfrontClean.cpp |
117 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'apply_advance_front_bridge_rule' is never used. |
357 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'advancing_front_edges_swap' is never used. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/DijkstraShortestPath.cpp |
95 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'progress' can be reduced. |
105 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'dijkstra_shortest_path_test' is never used. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/Doublet.cpp |
174 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'insert_boundary_doublet' is never used. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/FaceClose.cpp |
175 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'nSize' is assigned a value that is never used. |
332 | publicAllocationError | style | Possible leak in public function. The pointer 'faceclose' is not deallocated before it is allocated. |
384 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'degree_5_dominated' is never used. |
427 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'remove_diamonds_in_layer' is never used. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/GeomPredicates.cpp |
497 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'doublerand' is never used. |
523 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'narrowdoublerand' is never used. |
548 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'uniformdoublerand' is never used. |
566 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'floatrand' is never used. |
591 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'narrowfloatrand' is never used. |
615 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'uniformfloatrand' is never used. |
699 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'grow_expansion' is never used. |
702 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'Qnew' can be reduced. |
704 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'enow' can be reduced. |
705 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bvirt' can be reduced. |
706 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'avirt' can be reduced. |
706 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bround' can be reduced. |
706 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'around' can be reduced. |
732 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'grow_expansion_zeroelim' is never used. |
734 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'hh' can be reduced. |
735 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'Qnew' can be reduced. |
737 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'enow' can be reduced. |
738 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bvirt' can be reduced. |
739 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'avirt' can be reduced. |
739 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bround' can be reduced. |
739 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'around' can be reduced. |
770 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'expansion_sum' is never used. |
814 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'expansion_sum_zeroelim1' is never used. |
869 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'expansion_sum_zeroelim2' is never used. |
921 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'fast_expansion_sum' is never used. |
1073 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'linear_expansion_sum' is never used. |
1079 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'avirt' can be reduced. |
1079 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bround' can be reduced. |
1079 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'around' can be reduced. |
1132 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'linear_expansion_sum_zeroelim' is never used. |
1138 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'avirt' can be reduced. |
1138 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bround' can be reduced. |
1138 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'around' can be reduced. |
1201 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'scale_expansion' is never used. |
1204 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'sum' can be reduced. |
1205 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'product1' can be reduced. |
1206 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'product0' can be reduced. |
1208 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'enow' can be reduced. |
1209 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bvirt' can be reduced. |
1210 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'avirt' can be reduced. |
1210 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bround' can be reduced. |
1210 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'around' can be reduced. |
1248 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'sum' can be reduced. |
1250 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'product1' can be reduced. |
1251 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'product0' can be reduced. |
1253 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'enow' can be reduced. |
1254 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bvirt' can be reduced. |
1255 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'avirt' can be reduced. |
1255 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bround' can be reduced. |
1255 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'around' can be reduced. |
1297 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'compress' is never used. |
1303 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'enow' can be reduced. |
1303 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'hnow' can be reduced. |
1377 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'orient2dfast' is never used. |
1388 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'orient2dexact' is never used. |
1430 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'orient2dslow' is never used. |
1613 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'orient3dfast' is never used. |
1634 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'orient3dexact' is never used. |
1711 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'orient3dslow' is never used. |
1838 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bdxt_cdyt1' can be reduced. |
1838 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cdxt_bdyt1' can be reduced. |
1838 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cdxt_adyt1' can be reduced. |
1839 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'adxt_cdyt1' can be reduced. |
1839 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'adxt_bdyt1' can be reduced. |
1839 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bdxt_adyt1' can be reduced. |
1840 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bdxt_cdyt0' can be reduced. |
1840 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cdxt_bdyt0' can be reduced. |
1840 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cdxt_adyt0' can be reduced. |
1841 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'adxt_cdyt0' can be reduced. |
1841 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'adxt_bdyt0' can be reduced. |
1841 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bdxt_adyt0' can be reduced. |
2270 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'incirclefast' is never used. |
2293 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'incircleexact' is never used. |
2391 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'incircleslow' is never used. |
2569 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'adxadx1' can be reduced. |
2569 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'adyady1' can be reduced. |
2569 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bdxbdx1' can be reduced. |
2569 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bdybdy1' can be reduced. |
2569 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cdxcdx1' can be reduced. |
2569 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cdycdy1' can be reduced. |
2570 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'adxadx0' can be reduced. |
2570 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'adyady0' can be reduced. |
2570 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bdxbdx0' can be reduced. |
2570 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bdybdy0' can be reduced. |
2570 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cdxcdx0' can be reduced. |
2570 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cdycdy0' can be reduced. |
2572 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'aa3' can be reduced. |
2572 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bb3' can be reduced. |
2572 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cc3' can be reduced. |
2581 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'axtbb' can be reduced. |
2581 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'axtcc' can be reduced. |
2581 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'aytbb' can be reduced. |
2581 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'aytcc' can be reduced. |
2582 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'axtbblen' can be reduced. |
2582 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'axtcclen' can be reduced. |
2582 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'aytbblen' can be reduced. |
2582 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'aytcclen' can be reduced. |
2583 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bxtaa' can be reduced. |
2583 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bxtcc' can be reduced. |
2583 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bytaa' can be reduced. |
2583 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bytcc' can be reduced. |
2584 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bxtaalen' can be reduced. |
2584 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bxtcclen' can be reduced. |
2584 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bytaalen' can be reduced. |
2584 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bytcclen' can be reduced. |
2585 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cxtaa' can be reduced. |
2585 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cxtbb' can be reduced. |
2585 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cytaa' can be reduced. |
2585 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cytbb' can be reduced. |
2586 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cxtaalen' can be reduced. |
2586 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cxtbblen' can be reduced. |
2586 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cytaalen' can be reduced. |
2586 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cytbblen' can be reduced. |
2589 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'axtbct' can be reduced. |
2589 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'aytbct' can be reduced. |
2589 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bxtcat' can be reduced. |
2589 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bytcat' can be reduced. |
2589 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cxtabt' can be reduced. |
2589 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cytabt' can be reduced. |
2590 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'axtbctlen' can be reduced. |
2590 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'aytbctlen' can be reduced. |
2590 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bxtcatlen' can be reduced. |
2590 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bytcatlen' can be reduced. |
2590 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cxtabtlen' can be reduced. |
2590 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cytabtlen' can be reduced. |
2591 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'axtbctt' can be reduced. |
2591 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'aytbctt' can be reduced. |
2591 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bxtcatt' can be reduced. |
2592 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bytcatt' can be reduced. |
2592 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cxtabtt' can be reduced. |
2592 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cytabtt' can be reduced. |
2593 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'axtbcttlen' can be reduced. |
2593 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'aytbcttlen' can be reduced. |
2593 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bxtcattlen' can be reduced. |
2593 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bytcattlen' can be reduced. |
2593 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cxtabttlen' can be reduced. |
2593 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cytabttlen' can be reduced. |
2594 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'abt' can be reduced. |
2594 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bct' can be reduced. |
2594 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cat' can be reduced. |
2595 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'abtlen' can be reduced. |
2595 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bctlen' can be reduced. |
2595 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'catlen' can be reduced. |
2596 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'abtt' can be reduced. |
2596 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bctt' can be reduced. |
2596 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'catt' can be reduced. |
2597 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'abttlen' can be reduced. |
2597 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bcttlen' can be reduced. |
2597 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cattlen' can be reduced. |
2598 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'abtt3' can be reduced. |
2598 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bctt3' can be reduced. |
2598 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'catt3' can be reduced. |
3116 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'incircle' is never used. |
3185 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'inspherefast' is never used. |
3480 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'insphereslow' is never used. |
4023 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'insphere' is never used. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/Mesh.cpp |
129 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'get_interior_angles' is never used. |
209 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'is_cyclic_quad' is never used. |
672 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'triarea' can be reduced. |
728 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'd0' can be reduced. |
728 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'd1' can be reduced. |
728 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'd2' can be reduced. |
728 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'd3' can be reduced. |
1431 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'nSize' is assigned a value that is never used. |
1533 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'getPartMesh' is never used. |
1564 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'getNumPartitions' is never used. |
1596 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'boundary_chain_nodes' is never used. |
1647 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'check_convexity' is never used. |
1668 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'getMinMaxFaceArea' is never used. |
1749 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'deep_copy' is never used. |
2265 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'nearest_neighbour' is never used. |
2782 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'getComponent' is never used. |
2816 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'struct_tri_grid' is never used. |
2868 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'struct_quad_grid' is never used. |
2919 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'vn0' can be reduced. |
2919 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'vn1' can be reduced. |
2921 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nextface' can be reduced. |
3129 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'set_strip_markers' is never used. |
3213 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'lid' can be reduced. |
3277 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced. |
3327 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'lid' can be reduced. |
3397 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced. |
3447 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'verify_front_ordering' is never used. |
3490 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'remove_unreferenced_nodes' is never used. |
3526 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'facearea' can be reduced. |
3925 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'hasDuplicates' is never used. |
4030 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'getBoundingBox' is never used. |
4074 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'getLength' is never used. |
4264 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'endvertex' can be reduced. |
4532 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'set_constrained_tag' is never used. |
4548 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'has_all_bound_nodes' is never used. |
4559 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'setNormals' is never used. |
4828 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'set_irregular_path_tag' is never used. |
4982 | stlSize | style | Possible inefficient checking for 'corners' emptiness. |
5157 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'quad_concave_tests' is never used. |
5309 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'advancing_front_triangle_cleanup' is never used. |
5331 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced. |
5341 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nirregular0' can be reduced. |
5341 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nirregular1' can be reduced. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/MeshQuality.cpp |
381 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'plot_all_tri_quality_measures' is never used. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/OneDefectRemeshing.cpp |
467 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'setAttributes' is never used. |
836 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'is_quad_breakable_at' is never used. |
897 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'tb' can be reduced. |
897 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'tc' can be reduced. |
982 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced. |
1109 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'vertex' can be reduced. |
1204 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced. |
1245 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'topo_convex_region' can be reduced. |
1250 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced. |
1613 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'num_curr_irregular_nodes' is assigned a value that is never used. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/QuadCleanUp.cpp |
119 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'err' is assigned a value that is never used. |
313 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'search_flat_quads' is never used. |
348 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'edgefaces' is assigned a value that is never used. |
376 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'search_restricted_faces' is never used. |
528 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'cleanup_internal_boundary_face' is never used. |
570 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'vertex' can be reduced. |
635 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'has_interior_nodes_degree_345' is never used. |
637 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'relexist' is assigned a value that is never used. |
705 | duplicateBreak | style | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
713 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'ncount' can be reduced. |
928 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'refine_3434_pattern' is never used. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/QuadPatches.cpp |
141 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'StructuredMesh2D::myID' is not initialized in the constructor. |
359 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'ncount' can be reduced. |
360 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'numneighs' can be reduced. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/SwapTriEdges.cpp |
63 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'curr_count' can be reduced. |
344 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced. |
354 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nirregular0' can be reduced. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/Tri2Quad.cpp |
70 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'tri1' can be reduced. |
70 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'tri2' can be reduced. |
70 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'quad' can be reduced. |
442 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'currnode' can be reduced. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/circumcenter.cpp |
404 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'TriCircumCenter2D' is never used. |
447 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'test_tet_circumcenter' is never used. |
497 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'test_tri3d_circumcenter' is never used. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/iMeshRefine2D.cpp |
200 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: x |
200 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: y |
200 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: z |
965 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'angle' can be reduced. |
1038 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
1039 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
1040 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
1096 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
1097 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'err' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/laplace.cpp |
97 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'weight' can be reduced. |
255 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'convexify' is never used. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/mesh_io.cpp |
40 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: oldConnect |
40 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: newConnect |
117 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: restline |
src/algs/QuadMesher/meshclean.cpp |
69 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'numiters' can be reduced. |
69 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'topo_improve' can be reduced. |
87 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'numiters' is assigned a value that is never used. |
90 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'topo_improve' is assigned a value that is never used. |
130 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: algo |
130 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: numiter |
213 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'qpath' is assigned a value that is never used. |
265 | assertWithSideEffect | style | Assert statement calls a function which may have desired side effects: 'getBoundarySize'. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/meshkit/BinaryTree.hpp |
186 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'BinaryTree::root' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/meshkit/DualGraph.hpp |
30 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'DualGraph::mesh' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/meshkit/JaalMoabConverter.hpp |
11 | noConstructor | style | The class 'JaalMoabConverter' does not have a constructor. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/meshkit/Mesh.hpp |
131 | useInitializationList | style | Variable 'name' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
272 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'MeshEntity::gid' is not initialized in the constructor. |
440 | unsafeClassCanLeak | style | Class 'MeshEntity' is unsafe, 'MeshEntity::relationRep' can leak by wrong usage. |
463 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'Vertex::xyz' is not initialized in the constructor. |
826 | unnecessaryQualification | style | The extra qualification 'Face::' is unnecessary and is considered an error by many compilers. |
840 | noConstructor | style | The struct 'BoundingBox' does not have a constructor. |
989 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'Mesh::normalize_factor' is not initialized in the constructor. |
1454 | noConstructor | style | The struct 'MeshImporter' does not have a constructor. |
1498 | unsafeClassCanLeak | style | Class 'MeshImporter' is unsafe, 'MeshImporter::mesh' can leak by wrong usage. |
1551 | noConstructor | style | The class 'MeshOptimization' does not have a constructor. |
1776 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'nSize' can be reduced. |
2054 | unusedPrivateFunction | style | Unused private function: 'QTrack::advance_single_step' |
2063 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'StructuredMesh2D::myID' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/meshkit/MeshRefine2D.hpp |
75 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'MeshRefine2D::mesh' is not initialized in the constructor. |
75 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'MeshRefine2D::edgemap' is not initialized in the constructor. |
75 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'MeshRefine2D::numfacesRefined' is not initialized in the constructor. |
75 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'MeshRefine2D::desiredAspectRatio' is not initialized in the constructor. |
75 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'MeshRefine2D::desiredArea' is not initialized in the constructor. |
75 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'MeshRefine2D::desiredMinAngle' is not initialized in the constructor. |
75 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'MeshRefine2D::desiredMaxAngle' is not initialized in the constructor. |
75 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'MeshRefine2D::featureAngle' is not initialized in the constructor. |
75 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'MeshRefine2D::maxAllowedCells' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/meshkit/ObjectPool.hpp |
60 | noCopyConstructor | style | 'struct Pool' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since the class contains a pointer to allocated memory. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/meshkit/QuadCleanUp.hpp |
164 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'Doublet::shield' is not initialized in the constructor. |
218 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'OneDefectPatch::quad_splitting_node_degree' is not initialized in the constructor. |
218 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'OneDefectPatch::partSegments' is not initialized in the constructor. |
225 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'OneDefectPatch::quad_splitting_node_degree' is not initialized in the constructor. |
225 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'OneDefectPatch::partSegments' is not initialized in the constructor. |
441 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'QuadCleanUp::mesh' is not initialized in the constructor. |
441 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'QuadCleanUp::mopt' is not initialized in the constructor. |
446 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'QuadCleanUp::mopt' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/meshkit/StopWatch.hpp |
10 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'RegisterCounter::rbegin' is not initialized in the constructor. |
10 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'RegisterCounter::rend' is not initialized in the constructor. |
35 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'StopWatch::rbegin' is not initialized in the constructor. |
35 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'StopWatch::rend' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/meshkit/SwapEdges.hpp |
148 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SwapQuadEdge::bkp_data' is not initialized in the constructor. |
158 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SwapQuadEdge::check_fronts' is not initialized in the constructor. |
158 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SwapQuadEdge::bkp_data' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/meshkit/Tri2Quad.hpp |
50 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'Tri2Quads::maxfaceID' is not initialized in the constructor. |
71 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'LVertex::mate' is not initialized in the constructor. |
71 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'LVertex::dual' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/meshkit/basic_math.hpp |
15 | noConstructor | style | The class 'Array' does not have a constructor. |
134 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'cf' can be reduced. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/off_io.cpp |
6 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'skip_comments' is never used. |
40 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'vertex' can be reduced. |
102 | unreachableCode | style | Statements following return, break, continue, goto or throw will never be executed. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/ |
13 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: err |
src/algs/QuadMesher/tfiblend.cpp |
341 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'blend_from_corners' is never used. |
382 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'r' can be reduced. |
536 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'r' can be reduced. |
536 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 's' can be reduced. |
651 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 't' can be reduced. |
991 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'r' can be reduced. |
991 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 's' can be reduced. |
991 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 't' can be reduced. |
src/algs/QuadMesher/tri_io.cpp |
86 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'n3' can be reduced. |
116 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'facetype' is assigned a value that is never used. |
src/algs/SCDMesh.cpp |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::interfaceType' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::gridType' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::axisType' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::geomType' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::scdIface' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::coarse_i' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::coarse_j' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::coarse_k' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::minCoord' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::maxCoord' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::num_i' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::num_j' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::num_k' is not initialized in the constructor. |
32 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SCDMesh::num_verts' is not initialized in the constructor. |
68 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
80 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
130 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'box_size' can be reduced. |
147 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'box_size' can be reduced. |
180 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'ifn_size' can be reduced. |
191 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'jfn_size' can be reduced. |
202 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'kfn_size' can be reduced. |
src/algs/SurfaceFacetMeshReader.cpp |
22 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SurfaceFacetMeshReader::facet_tol' is not initialized in the constructor. |
22 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SurfaceFacetMeshReader::geom_res' is not initialized in the constructor. |
43 | cstyleCast | style | C-style pointer casting |
48 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
64 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
80 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/Sweep/Deform2D.cpp |
13 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'Deform2D::num_interior' is not initialized in the constructor. |
21 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'SetupInteriorNodes' is never used. |
28 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'GetInteriorNodes' is never used. |
44 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'tmp_var' is assigned a value that is never used. |
108 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'value' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
src/algs/Sweep/Dijkstra.cpp |
20 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'Dijkstra::topmost_target_surf' is not initialized in the constructor. |
25 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'getResults' is never used. |
49 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'getSurfList' is never used. |
src/algs/Sweep/EquipotentialSmooth.cpp |
36 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
100 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'error' can be reduced. |
src/algs/Sweep/Global.hpp |
46 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'Vertex::id' is not initialized in the constructor. |
46 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'Vertex::index' is not initialized in the constructor. |
46 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'Vertex::onCorner' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/algs/Sweep/GreenCoordinates3D.cpp |
24 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'SetupCages' is never used. |
165 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'GetDeformedVertices' is never used. |
src/algs/Sweep/HarmonicMapper.cpp |
27 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
38 | unusedFunction | style | The function '_map' is never used. |
41 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
57 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
61 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
81 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
90 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
106 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
118 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
123 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/Sweep/HarmonicMapper.hpp |
43 | unusedPrivateFunction | style | Unused private function: 'HarmonicMapper::_map' |
src/algs/Sweep/IsoLaplace.cpp |
36 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
88 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
110 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'error' can be reduced. |
122 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
176 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'UpdateWeight' is never used. |
src/algs/Sweep/IsoLaplace.hpp |
57 | unusedPrivateFunction | style | Unused private function: 'IsoLaplace::UpdateWeight' |
src/algs/Sweep/LPSolveClass.cpp |
9 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'LPSolveClass::obj_const' is not initialized in the constructor. |
107 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'j' can be reduced. |
src/algs/Sweep/MeshImprove.cpp |
236 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'VolumeMeshImprove' is never used. |
src/algs/Sweep/OneToOneSwept.cpp |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'OneToOneSwept::mb' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'OneToOneSwept::numLayers' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'OneToOneSwept::numLoops' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'OneToOneSwept::sizeBLayer' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'OneToOneSwept::igeom_inst' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'OneToOneSwept::index_src' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'OneToOneSwept::index_tar' is not initialized in the constructor. |
73 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
169 | cstyleCast | style | C-style pointer casting |
188 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
318 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
565 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/Sweep/SmartLaplaceWrapper.cpp |
57 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'run_wrapper' is never used. |
src/algs/Sweep/SubMapping.cpp |
35 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SubMapping::size_low_bound' is not initialized in the constructor. |
35 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SubMapping::start_index' is not initialized in the constructor. |
56 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
99 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: coords |
109 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
147 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'SetupMeshSize' is never used. |
257 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
278 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
389 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
468 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'isCurved' is never used. |
567 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'second_index' is assigned a value that is never used. |
1136 | unsignedPositive | style | Unsigned variable 'j' can't be negative so it is unnecessary to test it. |
1264 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'j_value' is assigned a value that is never used. |
1267 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'i_value' is assigned a value that is never used. |
1426 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1443 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1444 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1460 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1461 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1477 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1478 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/Sweep/SurfProHarmonicMap.cpp |
8 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SurfProHarmonicMap::size_src_e' is not initialized in the constructor. |
8 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SurfProHarmonicMap::size_tgt_e' is not initialized in the constructor. |
48 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
131 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
135 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
149 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
154 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
166 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
168 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
170 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
172 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
174 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
176 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
283 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
352 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
356 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
367 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
429 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
492 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
496 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
503 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
675 | uninitvar | error | Uninitialized variable: u_src |
688 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
699 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
711 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
726 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
731 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
742 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
753 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
765 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
779 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
784 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
809 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
829 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
884 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
891 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
943 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'total_dist_source' is assigned a value that is never used. |
943 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'total_dist_target' is assigned a value that is never used. |
967 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
969 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
977 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'len_curve' is assigned a value that is never used. |
978 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'start_vertex' is assigned a value that is never used. |
979 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
984 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1335 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'second_vertex' can be reduced. |
src/algs/Sweep/SurfProHarmonicMap.hpp |
55 | unusedPrivateFunction | style | Unused private function: 'SurfProHarmonicMap::test' |
src/algs/Sweep/SweepWrapper.cpp |
80 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'have_surface_orient' is never used. |
src/algs/Sweep/TFIMapping.cpp |
62 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
256 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
366 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'linkingEdgeNodeII' can be reduced. |
1039 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: weight |
1166 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1184 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1185 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1204 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1205 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1224 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1225 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/Sweep/TriharmonicRBF.cpp |
13 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'TriharmonicRBF::num_interior' is not initialized in the constructor. |
56 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'tmp_var' is assigned a value that is never used. |
144 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'value' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
src/algs/VertexMesher.cpp |
51 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/make_watertight/arc.cpp |
84 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'remove_opposite_pairs_of_edges' is never used. |
src/algs/make_watertight/check_watertight.cpp |
187 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: leaky_surfs |
187 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: leaky_vols |
src/algs/make_watertight/cleanup.cpp |
14 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'remove_obb_tree' is never used. |
42 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
81 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'delete_small_edge_and_tris' is never used. |
116 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
125 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
154 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
178 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
424 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'cleanup_edges' is never used. |
427 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/make_watertight/cw_func.cpp |
63 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'dim' is assigned a value that is never used. |
385 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
390 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
397 | stlSize | style | Possible inefficient checking for 'leaky_vols' emptiness. |
397 | stlSize | style | Possible inefficient checking for 'leaky_surfs' emptiness. |
src/algs/make_watertight/gen.cpp |
25 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'message' should be passed by reference. |
100 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'print_vertex_cubit' is never used. |
126 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'print_triangles' is never used. |
127 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
151 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
174 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
180 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'print_range' is never used. |
183 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
191 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
197 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'print_vertex_count' is never used. |
209 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'arcs' should be passed by reference. |
216 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'arc_of_edges' should be passed by reference. |
221 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
235 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'loop_of_verts' should be passed by reference. |
255 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'arc_of_verts' should be passed by reference. |
303 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'loop_of_verts' should be passed by reference. |
491 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
502 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
516 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
526 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'n_adj_edges' is never used. |
540 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'edges_adjacent' is never used. |
559 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'get_direction' is never used. |
718 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
747 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1006 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'verts' should be passed by reference. |
1030 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'verts' should be passed by reference. |
1052 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'verts' should be passed by reference. |
1061 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'verts' should be passed by reference. |
1248 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'ordered_edges' should be passed by reference. |
1258 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1280 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'arc0' should be passed by reference. |
1281 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'arc1' should be passed by reference. |
1491 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1582 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: surf_volumes |
1674 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'get_signed_volume' is never used. |
1745 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'edim' can be reduced. |
1948 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1985 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
2184 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/make_watertight/meshkit/arc.hpp |
52 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'vec' should be passed by reference. |
src/algs/make_watertight/meshkit/gen.hpp |
27 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'message' should be passed by reference. |
48 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'arc_of_edges' should be passed by reference. |
50 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'arcs' should be passed by reference. |
52 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'loop_of_verts' should be passed by reference. |
55 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'arc_of_verts' should be passed by reference. |
61 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'loop_of_verts' should be passed by reference. |
110 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'curve' should be passed by reference. |
113 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'curve' should be passed by reference. |
170 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'ordered_edges' should be passed by reference. |
175 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'arc0' should be passed by reference. |
176 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'arc1' should be passed by reference. |
src/algs/make_watertight/meshkit/zip.hpp |
33 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'norms0' should be passed by reference. |
34 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'norms1' should be passed by reference. |
43 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'arcs' should be passed by reference. |
src/algs/make_watertight/mw_fix.cpp |
122 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
240 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'debug' is assigned a value that is never used. |
242 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'verbose' can be reduced. |
261 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'is_acis' can be reduced. |
288 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'is_acis' is assigned a value that is never used. |
428 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'SME_RESABS_TOL' is assigned a value that is never used. |
429 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'FACET_TOL' is assigned a value that is never used. |
449 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
604 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/make_watertight/mw_func.cpp |
89 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
151 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
938 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: sealed_curve |
979 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1107 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1274 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1322 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1507 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1570 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
1660 | uselessAssignmentArg | style | Assignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function. |
1864 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/make_watertight/post_process.cpp |
61 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
107 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
150 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'remove_failed_loop_and_curve' is never used. |
175 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
197 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
302 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
411 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/make_watertight/zip.cpp |
148 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
233 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'norms0' should be passed by reference. |
234 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'norms1' should be passed by reference. |
301 | redundantAssignment | style | Variable 'tris_to_refacet2' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
359 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
450 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
514 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'arcs' should be passed by reference. |
558 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/algs/meshkit/EBMesher.hpp |
80 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'VolFrac::ePnt' is not initialized in the constructor. |
88 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'key1' should be passed by reference. |
88 | passedByValue | style | Function parameter 'key2' should be passed by reference. |
src/core/Error.cpp |
7 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'Error::errorCode' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/core/MKCore.cpp |
108 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
243 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: new_ents |
255 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
284 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
301 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
374 | assertWithSideEffect | style | Assert statement calls a function which may have desired side effects: 'irel_pair'. |
384 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'load_geometry' is never used. |
391 | assertWithSideEffect | style | Assert statement calls a function which may have desired side effects: 'irel_pair'. |
399 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'load_mesh' is never used. |
407 | assertWithSideEffect | style | Assert statement calls a function which may have desired side effects: 'irel_pair'. |
427 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'save_mesh_from_model_ents' is never used. |
508 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'register_meshop' is never used. |
523 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'num_meshops' is never used. |
528 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'meshop_index' is never used. |
585 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'meshop_by_dimension' is never used. |
591 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'meshop_by_modelent' is never used. |
651 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'remove_mesh_based_geometry' is never used. |
671 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: tmp_ents |
680 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'delete_all' is never used. |
703 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/core/MKGraph.cpp |
31 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
96 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'print_bfs_graph' is never used. |
126 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'find_meshop' is never used. |
src/core/MeshOp.cpp |
23 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
36 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
45 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
179 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'remove_modelent' is never used. |
src/core/MeshScheme.cpp |
12 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
19 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/core/ModelEnt.cpp |
140 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
230 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
233 | catchExceptionByValue | style | Exception should be caught by reference. |
248 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
271 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
290 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
318 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: senses |
320 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: ments |
322 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
407 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'measure_discrete' is never used. |
545 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
566 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
777 | catchExceptionByValue | style | Exception should be caught by reference. |
803 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
808 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
866 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/core/SizingFunctionVar.cpp |
12 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SizingFunctionVar::a' is not initialized in the constructor. |
12 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SizingFunctionVar::b' is not initialized in the constructor. |
12 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SizingFunctionVar::c' is not initialized in the constructor. |
12 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SizingFunctionVar::d' is not initialized in the constructor. |
12 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'SizingFunctionVar::fixed' is not initialized in the constructor. |
24 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'set_linear_coeff' is never used. |
34 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'set_coeff' is never used. |
src/core/meshkit/ModelEnt.hpp |
558 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
560 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
576 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
578 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/extern/CAMAL/CAMALCurveEval.cpp |
10 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'arc_length' is never used. |
15 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'is_parametric' is never used. |
20 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'is_periodic' is never used. |
32 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'get_param_range' is never used. |
38 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'u_from_arc_length' is never used. |
55 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'move_to_curve' is never used. |
64 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'u_from_position' is never used. |
72 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'start_coordinates' is never used. |
80 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'end_coordinates' is never used. |
src/extern/CAMAL/CAMALPaver.cpp |
51 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
66 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/extern/CAMAL/CAMALSizeEval.cpp |
13 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'size_at_point' is never used. |
25 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'stretch_vector' is never used. |
34 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'tensor_at_point' is never used. |
74 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'is_anisotropic' is never used. |
src/extern/CAMAL/CAMALSurfEval.cpp |
22 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'bounding_box' is never used. |
68 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'is_planar' is never used. |
84 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'is_periodic_in_u' is never used. |
92 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'is_periodic_in_v' is never used. |
100 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'get_param_range_u' is never used. |
107 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'get_param_range_v' is never used. |
114 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'uv_from_position' is never used. |
138 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'position_from_uv' is never used. |
145 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'distortion_at_uv' is never used. |
173 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'correct_orientation' is never used. |
src/extern/CAMAL/CAMALTetMesher.cpp |
27 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CAMALTetMesher::cmlTetMesher' is not initialized in the constructor. |
45 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: meshops |
48 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
60 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
78 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/extern/CAMAL/CAMALTriAdvance.cpp |
45 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/extern/mesquite/MesquiteOpt.cpp |
125 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'smooth_with_fixed_boundary' is never used. |
130 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'smooth_with_free_boundary' is never used. |
207 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'all_model_ents_have_geom' is never used. |
314 | unreadVariable | style | Variable 'igeom' is assigned a value that is never used. |
src/extern/mesquite/MsqFBiGeom.cpp |
16 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'snap_to' is never used. |
60 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'closest_point' is never used. |
73 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'domain_DoF' is never used. |
src/extern/netgen/NGTetMesher.cpp |
31 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: proxies |
43 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
55 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
75 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/extern/tetgen/TGTetMesher.cpp |
34 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: proxies |
46 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
58 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
81 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/extern/triangle/TriangleMesher.cpp |
29 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'TriangleMesher::_opts' is not initialized in the constructor. |
29 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'TriangleMesher::_dir' is not initialized in the constructor. |
29 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'TriangleMesher::_fretting' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/lemon/lemon/bits/ |
52 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'getWinProcTimes' is never used. |
92 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'getWinFormattedDate' is never used. |
119 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'getWinRndSeed' is never used. |
src/utils/clock.cpp |
63 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'MarkTime' is never used. |
73 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'GetMarkedTime' is never used. |
95 | obsoleteFunctionsasctime | style | Obsolete function 'asctime' called. It is recommended to use the function 'strftime' instead. |
src/utils/cylinder.cpp |
10 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CCylinder::m_nRadii' is not initialized in the constructor. |
10 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CCylinder::m_nType' is not initialized in the constructor. |
22 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CCylinder::m_nRadii' is not initialized in the constructor. |
22 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CCylinder::m_nType' is not initialized in the constructor. |
src/utils/meshkit/iMesh.hpp |
215 | operatorEqVarError | style | Member variable 'iMesh::iMeshInstanceOwner' is not assigned a value in 'iMesh::operator='. |
src/utils/meshkit/iRel.hpp |
257 | operatorEqVarError | style | Member variable 'iRel::iRelInstanceOwner' is not assigned a value in 'iRel::operator='. |
339 | postfixOperator | style | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
src/utils/parser.cpp |
47 | variableScope | style | The scope of the variable 'bWhSpc' can be reduced. |
256 | unusedVariable | style | Unused variable: tempInput |
262 | duplicateBreak | style | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
266 | duplicateBreak | style | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
src/utils/pincell.cpp |
9 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_nInputLines' is not initialized in the constructor. |
9 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_nIFlag' is not initialized in the constructor. |
9 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_dPX' is not initialized in the constructor. |
9 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_dPY' is not initialized in the constructor. |
9 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_dPZ' is not initialized in the constructor. |
9 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_dFlatF' is not initialized in the constructor. |
9 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_dZL' is not initialized in the constructor. |
9 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_nMaterials' is not initialized in the constructor. |
9 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_nNumCyl' is not initialized in the constructor. |
18 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_nInputLines' is not initialized in the constructor. |
18 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_dPX' is not initialized in the constructor. |
18 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_dPY' is not initialized in the constructor. |
18 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_dPZ' is not initialized in the constructor. |
18 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_dFlatF' is not initialized in the constructor. |
18 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_dZL' is not initialized in the constructor. |
18 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_nMaterials' is not initialized in the constructor. |
18 | uninitMemberVar | style | Member variable 'CPincell::m_nNumCyl' is not initialized in the constructor. |
365 | unusedFunction | style | The function 'GetMatArray' is never used. |