like Flock failed
and Slept and flocked
. What do they mean?
I changed the background color for the server via .../config/make. When I add a new solver, though, it reverts to the old background color. Why is this?
If the location of perl
on your Web server
differs from that on the machine
running the Server, then you must substitute the absolute
path to perl
on the Web server machine for the
<PERL> token at the top of each of the files in
You should also experiment with the monitor in
You can now create additional solver types and add solvers to the Server.
under server-
with links to download the Tcl/Tk
submission tool and java.html
with links to download the
JAVA submission tool.
Untar the Server distribution files within a Web-accessible location.
This creates a server-
Use the ps command to check that the
initializer.pl ,
scheduler.pl , and
socket-server.pl scripts are running.
You may need to use some options with the ps command
to view processes with no controlling terminals;
try auw or -fu neos , where
neos is the user installing the Server.
You must edit the file lib/solver_tree under your directory
for variable length files.
The NEOS software library is divided into areas for the solvers.
The entries of the solver tree specify the areas.
The default solver tree has an entry for
contributing solvers and a miscellaneous entry.
If, for example, you want an entry for linear algebra problems, then
add a line to the solver tree of the form
Linear algebra=la
In this case Linear algebra is the title and
la is the token for the area.
The token is arbitrary but must be in lower case.
If you execute make , you will see a new area in the
list of solvers.
First, disable the solver crontabs and delete the communications daemons (or
have the solver administrators do so) for each of the solvers using the
correct client-*.* comms tool. You may delete the .comms and
.submit directories
if they are not being used for any other server.
Disable the NEOS Server cron jobs by either executing
crontab -r or, if you have other cron jobs running under the NEOS user
name, edit the crontab via crontab -e to delete the lines related to
the checker, cleaner, weekly report and daily report. Then kill the server
with a server-
Enter server-
These messages are meant to indicate problems with the database writing system. Each
solver tries to get a lock on the master database file before writing. The
While most changes to files can be integrated by running .../config/make, changing certain files requires that the server be killed with .../bin/kill-server before the .../config/make and restarted afterward with .../bin/restart. My rule of thumb is that changes that can be thought of as aesthetic usually do not require a server shut-down. Here you see an example where my rule fails because any change to the configuration data entered for .../config/make requires the shut-down and restart for everything to run correctly in the long run.
Updating the NEOS Server Software
If you want to re-install or to a new version of the NEOS Server software, follow these steps.
If you placed your directory for variable length files under
the server-version directory, you should move or back-up
that directory before unzipping the updated server software in
the same place.
file under ../server/var/lib/
. You will need to copy the master database file from the old server under ../server/var/databases/master
, making sure that the number you insert corresponds to the next entry in this database. Otherwise, you will receive error messages from the report and cleaner programs once your new server is in use.
like Flock failed
and Slept and flocked
. What do they mean?Slept and flocked
warning just means that the server was experiencing heavy traffic so that jobs needed to wait for one another to write to the database. Flock failed
may indicate that file locking is not implemented on your operating system. This may occur on network file systems especially. It could also be a sign that one of your solver.pl
processes died while it had a lock on the database. In some cases, it may indicate extremely heavy traffic. You might want to make sure than no one has written a script that sends jobs to your server at alarming rates.