UFget: a MATLAB interface to the UF sparse matrix collection. MATLAB 7.0 or later is required. Date: April 1, 2008. Copyright 2005-2008, Tim Davis, University of Florida. Authors: Tim Davis and Erich Mirabel. Availability: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/mat/UFget See http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/mat/UFget.tar.gz for a single archive file with all the files listed below. UFget/Contents.m help for UFget UFget/README.txt this file UFget/UFget_defaults.m default parameter settings for UFget UFget/UFget_example.m demo for UFget UFget/UFget_lookup.m get the group, name, and id of a matrix UFget/UFget.m primary user interface UFget/UFweb.m opens the URL for a matrix or collection UFget/mat default download directory (can be changed) UFget/mat/UF_Index.mat index to the UF sparse matrix collection To install the package, just add the path containing the UFget directory to your MATLAB path. Type "pathtool" in MATLAB for more details. For a simple example of use, type this command in MATLAB: UFget_example The MATLAB statement Problem = UFget ('HB/arc130') (for example), will download a sparse matrix called HB/arc130 (a laser simulation problem) and load it into MATLAB. You don't need to use your web browser to load the matrix. The statement Problem = UFget (6) will also load same the HB/arc130 matrix. Each matrix in the collection has a unique identifier, in the range 1 to the number of matrices. As new matrices are added, the id's of existing matrices will not change. To view an index of the entire collection, just type UFget in MATLAB. To modify your download directory, edit the UFget_defaults.m file. To open a URL of the entire collection, just type UFweb To open the URL of a group of matrices in the collection: UFweb ('HB') To open the web page for one matrix, use either of these formats: UFweb ('HB/arc130') UFweb (6) To download a new index, to get access to new matrices: UFget ('refresh') (by default, using UFget downloads the index every 90 days anyway). For more information on how the index entries were created, see http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/SuiteSparse.