Bug Summary

Warning:line 638, column 10
2nd function call argument is an uninitialized value

Annotated Source Code

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1#include <petsc/private/petscfeimpl.h> /*I "petscfe.h" I*/
2#include <petscdmplex.h>
4static PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetTensor_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp, PetscBool *tensor)
6 PetscDualSpace_Lag *lag = (PetscDualSpace_Lag *)sp->data;
8 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 8; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
9 *tensor = lag->tensorSpace;
10 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
13static PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetTensor_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp, PetscBool tensor)
15 PetscDualSpace_Lag *lag = (PetscDualSpace_Lag *)sp->data;
17 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 17; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
18 lag->tensorSpace = tensor;
19 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
23 LatticePointLexicographic_Internal - Returns all tuples of size 'len' with nonnegative integers that sum up to at most 'max'.
24 Ordering is lexicographic with lowest index as least significant in ordering.
25 e.g. for len == 2 and max == 2, this will return, in order, {0,0}, {1,0}, {2,0}, {0,1}, {1,1}, {2,0}.
27 Input Parameters:
28+ len - The length of the tuple
29. max - The maximum sum
30- tup - A tuple of length len+1: tup[len] > 0 indicates a stopping condition
32 Output Parameter:
33. tup - A tuple of len integers whos sum is at most 'max'
35static PetscErrorCode LatticePointLexicographic_Internal(PetscInt len, PetscInt max, PetscInt tup[])
37 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 37; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
38 while (len--) {
39 max -= tup[len];
40 if (!max) {
41 tup[len] = 0;
42 break;
43 }
44 }
45 tup[++len]++;
46 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
50 TensorPointLexicographic_Internal - Returns all tuples of size 'len' with nonnegative integers that are all less than or equal to 'max'.
51 Ordering is lexicographic with lowest index as least significant in ordering.
52 e.g. for len == 2 and max == 2, this will return, in order, {0,0}, {1,0}, {2,0}, {0,1}, {1,1}, {2,1}, {0,2}, {1,2}, {2,2}.
54 Input Parameters:
55+ len - The length of the tuple
56. max - The maximum value
57- tup - A tuple of length len+1: tup[len] > 0 indicates a stopping condition
59 Output Parameter:
60. tup - A tuple of len integers whos sum is at most 'max'
62static PetscErrorCode TensorPointLexicographic_Internal(PetscInt len, PetscInt max, PetscInt tup[])
64 PetscInt i;
66 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 66; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
67 for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
68 if (tup[i] < max) {
69 break;
70 } else {
71 tup[i] = 0;
72 }
73 }
74 tup[i]++;
75 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
79#define BaryIndex(perEdge,a,b,c)(((b)*(2*perEdge+1-(b)))/2)+(c) (((b)*(2*perEdge+1-(b)))/2)+(c)
81#define CartIndex(perEdge,a,b)(perEdge*(a)+b) (perEdge*(a)+b)
83static PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceGetSymmetries_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp, const PetscInt ****perms, const PetscScalar ****flips)
86 PetscDualSpace_Lag *lag = (PetscDualSpace_Lag *) sp->data;
87 PetscInt dim, order, p, Nc;
88 PetscErrorCode ierr;
90 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 90; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
91 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetOrder(sp,&order);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
92 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetNumComponents(sp,&Nc);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
93 ierr = DMGetDimension(sp->dm,&dim);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
94 if (!dim || !lag->continuous || order < 3) PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
95 if (dim > 3) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Lagrange symmetries not implemented for dim = %D > 3",dim)return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),95,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,56,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Lagrange symmetries not implemented for dim = %D > 3"
96 if (!lag->symmetries) { /* store symmetries */
97 PetscDualSpace hsp;
98 DM K;
99 PetscInt numPoints = 1, d;
100 PetscInt numFaces;
101 PetscInt ***symmetries;
102 const PetscInt ***hsymmetries;
104 if (lag->simplexCell) {
105 numFaces = 1 + dim;
106 for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) numPoints = numPoints * 2 + 1;
107 }
108 else {
109 numPoints = PetscPowInt(3,dim);
110 numFaces = 2 * dim;
111 }
112 ierr = PetscCalloc1(numPoints,&symmetries)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,112,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
113 if (0 < dim && dim < 3) { /* compute self symmetries */
114 PetscInt **cellSymmetries;
116 lag->numSelfSym = 2 * numFaces;
117 lag->selfSymOff = numFaces;
118 ierr = PetscCalloc1(2*numFaces,&cellSymmetries)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,118,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
119 /* we want to be able to index symmetries directly with the orientations, which range from [-numFaces,numFaces) */
120 symmetries[0] = &cellSymmetries[numFaces];
121 if (dim == 1) {
122 PetscInt dofPerEdge = order - 1;
124 if (dofPerEdge > 1) {
125 PetscInt i, j, *reverse;
127 ierr = PetscMalloc1(dofPerEdge*Nc,&reverse)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,127,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
128 for (i = 0; i < dofPerEdge; i++) {
129 for (j = 0; j < Nc; j++) {
130 reverse[i*Nc + j] = Nc * (dofPerEdge - 1 - i) + j;
131 }
132 }
133 symmetries[0][-2] = reverse;
135 /* yes, this is redundant, but it makes it easier to cleanup if I don't have to worry about what not to free */
136 ierr = PetscMalloc1(dofPerEdge*Nc,&reverse)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,136,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
137 for (i = 0; i < dofPerEdge; i++) {
138 for (j = 0; j < Nc; j++) {
139 reverse[i*Nc + j] = Nc * (dofPerEdge - 1 - i) + j;
140 }
141 }
142 symmetries[0][1] = reverse;
143 }
144 } else {
145 PetscInt dofPerEdge = lag->simplexCell ? (order - 2) : (order - 1), s;
146 PetscInt dofPerFace;
148 if (dofPerEdge > 1) {
149 for (s = -numFaces; s < numFaces; s++) {
150 PetscInt *sym, i, j, k, l;
152 if (!s) continue;
153 if (lag->simplexCell) {
154 dofPerFace = (dofPerEdge * (dofPerEdge + 1))/2;
155 ierr = PetscMalloc1(Nc*dofPerFace,&sym)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,155,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
156 for (j = 0, l = 0; j < dofPerEdge; j++) {
157 for (k = 0; k < dofPerEdge - j; k++, l++) {
158 i = dofPerEdge - 1 - j - k;
159 switch (s) {
160 case -3:
161 sym[Nc*l] = BaryIndex(dofPerEdge,i,k,j)(((k)*(2*dofPerEdge+1-(k)))/2)+(j);
162 break;
163 case -2:
164 sym[Nc*l] = BaryIndex(dofPerEdge,j,i,k)(((i)*(2*dofPerEdge+1-(i)))/2)+(k);
165 break;
166 case -1:
167 sym[Nc*l] = BaryIndex(dofPerEdge,k,j,i)(((j)*(2*dofPerEdge+1-(j)))/2)+(i);
168 break;
169 case 1:
170 sym[Nc*l] = BaryIndex(dofPerEdge,k,i,j)(((i)*(2*dofPerEdge+1-(i)))/2)+(j);
171 break;
172 case 2:
173 sym[Nc*l] = BaryIndex(dofPerEdge,j,k,i)(((k)*(2*dofPerEdge+1-(k)))/2)+(i);
174 break;
175 }
176 }
177 }
178 } else {
179 dofPerFace = dofPerEdge * dofPerEdge;
180 ierr = PetscMalloc1(Nc*dofPerFace,&sym)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,180,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
181 for (j = 0, l = 0; j < dofPerEdge; j++) {
182 for (k = 0; k < dofPerEdge; k++, l++) {
183 switch (s) {
184 case -4:
185 sym[Nc*l] = CartIndex(dofPerEdge,k,j)(dofPerEdge*(k)+j);
186 break;
187 case -3:
188 sym[Nc*l] = CartIndex(dofPerEdge,(dofPerEdge - 1 - j),k)(dofPerEdge*((dofPerEdge - 1 - j))+k);
189 break;
190 case -2:
191 sym[Nc*l] = CartIndex(dofPerEdge,(dofPerEdge - 1 - k),(dofPerEdge - 1 - j))(dofPerEdge*((dofPerEdge - 1 - k))+(dofPerEdge - 1 - j));
192 break;
193 case -1:
194 sym[Nc*l] = CartIndex(dofPerEdge,j,(dofPerEdge - 1 - k))(dofPerEdge*(j)+(dofPerEdge - 1 - k));
195 break;
196 case 1:
197 sym[Nc*l] = CartIndex(dofPerEdge,(dofPerEdge - 1 - k),j)(dofPerEdge*((dofPerEdge - 1 - k))+j);
198 break;
199 case 2:
200 sym[Nc*l] = CartIndex(dofPerEdge,(dofPerEdge - 1 - j),(dofPerEdge - 1 - k))(dofPerEdge*((dofPerEdge - 1 - j))+(dofPerEdge - 1 - k));
201 break;
202 case 3:
203 sym[Nc*l] = CartIndex(dofPerEdge,k,(dofPerEdge - 1 - j))(dofPerEdge*(k)+(dofPerEdge - 1 - j));
204 break;
205 }
206 }
207 }
208 }
209 for (i = 0; i < dofPerFace; i++) {
210 sym[Nc*i] *= Nc;
211 for (j = 1; j < Nc; j++) {
212 sym[Nc*i+j] = sym[Nc*i] + j;
213 }
214 }
215 symmetries[0][s] = sym;
216 }
217 }
218 }
219 }
220 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetHeightSubspace(sp,1,&hsp);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
221 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetSymmetries(hsp,&hsymmetries,NULL((void*)0));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
222 if (hsymmetries) {
223 PetscBool *seen;
224 const PetscInt *cone;
225 PetscInt KclosureSize, *Kclosure = NULL((void*)0);
227 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetDM(sp,&K);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
228 ierr = PetscCalloc1(numPoints,&seen)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,228,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
229 ierr = DMPlexGetCone(K,0,&cone);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
230 ierr = DMPlexGetTransitiveClosure(K,0,PETSC_TRUE,&KclosureSize,&Kclosure);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
231 for (p = 0; p < numFaces; p++) {
232 PetscInt closureSize, *closure = NULL((void*)0), q;
234 ierr = DMPlexGetTransitiveClosure(K,cone[p],PETSC_TRUE,&closureSize,&closure);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
235 for (q = 0; q < closureSize; q++) {
236 PetscInt point = closure[2*q], r;
238 if(!seen[point]) {
239 for (r = 0; r < KclosureSize; r++) {
240 if (Kclosure[2 * r] == point) break;
241 }
242 seen[point] = PETSC_TRUE;
243 symmetries[r] = (PetscInt **) hsymmetries[q];
244 }
245 }
246 ierr = DMPlexRestoreTransitiveClosure(K,cone[p],PETSC_TRUE,&closureSize,&closure);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
247 }
248 ierr = DMPlexRestoreTransitiveClosure(K,0,PETSC_TRUE,&KclosureSize,&Kclosure);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
249 ierr = PetscFree(seen)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(seen),249,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
) || ((seen) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
250 }
251 lag->symmetries = symmetries;
252 }
253 if (perms) *perms = (const PetscInt ***) lag->symmetries;
254 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
258 PetscDualSpaceGetSymmetries - Returns a description of the symmetries of this basis
260 Not collective
262 Input Parameter:
263. sp - the PetscDualSpace object
265 Output Parameters:
266+ perms - Permutations of the local degrees of freedom, parameterized by the point orientation
267- flips - Sign reversal of the local degrees of freedom, parameterized by the point orientation
269 Note: The permutation and flip arrays are organized in the following way
270$ perms[p][ornt][dof # on point] = new local dof #
271$ flips[p][ornt][dof # on point] = reversal or not
273 Level: developer
275.seealso: PetscDualSpaceSetSymmetries()
277PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceGetSymmetries(PetscDualSpace sp, const PetscInt ****perms, const PetscScalar ****flips)
279 PetscErrorCode ierr;
281 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 281; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
282 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(sp,PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID,1)do { if (!sp) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),282,__func__
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(sp,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid != PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),282,__func__
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d"
,1); } } while (0)
283 if (perms) {
284 PetscValidPointer(perms,2)do { if (!perms) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),284
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(perms,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0)
285 *perms = NULL((void*)0);
286 }
287 if (flips) {
288 PetscValidPointer(flips,3)do { if (!flips) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),288
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",3); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(flips,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",3);
} while (0)
289 *flips = NULL((void*)0);
290 }
291 if (sp->ops->getsymmetries) {
292 ierr = (sp->ops->getsymmetries)(sp,perms,flips);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
293 }
294 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
297static PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceLagrangeView_Ascii(PetscDualSpace sp, PetscViewer viewer)
299 PetscDualSpace_Lag *lag = (PetscDualSpace_Lag *) sp->data;
300 PetscErrorCode ierr;
302 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 302; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
303 ierr = PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "%s %sLagrange dual space\n", lag->continuous ? "Continuous" : "Discontinuous", lag->tensorSpace ? "tensor " : "");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
304 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
307PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceView_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp, PetscViewer viewer)
309 PetscBool iascii;
310 PetscErrorCode ierr;
312 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 312; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
313 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(sp, PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID, 1)do { if (!sp) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),313,__func__
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(sp,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid != PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),313,__func__
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d"
,1); } } while (0)
314 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(viewer, PETSC_VIEWER_CLASSID, 2)do { if (!viewer) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),314
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",2); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(viewer,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,2); if (((PetscObject)(viewer))->classid != PETSC_VIEWER_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(viewer))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,2); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),314,__func__
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d"
,2); } } while (0)
315 ierr = PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject) viewer, PETSCVIEWERASCII"ascii", &iascii);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
316 if (iascii) {ierr = PetscDualSpaceLagrangeView_Ascii(sp, viewer);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
317 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
320static PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceGetDimension_SingleCell_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp, PetscInt order, PetscInt *dim)
322 PetscDualSpace_Lag *lag = (PetscDualSpace_Lag *) sp->data;
323 PetscReal D = 1.0;
324 PetscInt n, i;
325 PetscErrorCode ierr;
327 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 327; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
328 *dim = -1; /* Ensure that the compiler knows *dim is set. */
329 ierr = DMGetDimension(sp->dm, &n);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
330 if (!lag->tensorSpace) {
331 for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
332 D *= ((PetscReal) (order+i))/i;
333 }
334 *dim = (PetscInt) (D + 0.5);
335 } else {
336 *dim = 1;
337 for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) *dim *= (order+1);
338 }
339 *dim *= sp->Nc;
340 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
343static PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceCreateHeightSubspace_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp, PetscInt height, PetscDualSpace *bdsp)
345 PetscDualSpace_Lag *lag = (PetscDualSpace_Lag *) sp->data;
346 PetscBool continuous, tensor;
347 PetscInt order;
348 PetscErrorCode ierr;
350 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 350; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
351 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(sp, PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID, 1)do { if (!sp) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),351,__func__
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(sp,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid != PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),351,__func__
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d"
,1); } } while (0)
352 PetscValidPointer(bdsp,2)do { if (!bdsp) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),352,
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(bdsp,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0)
353 ierr = PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity(sp,&continuous);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
354 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetOrder(sp,&order);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
355 if (height == 0) {
356 ierr = PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)sp);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
357 *bdsp = sp;
358 } else if (continuous == PETSC_FALSE || !order) {
359 *bdsp = NULL((void*)0);
360 } else {
361 DM dm, K;
362 PetscInt dim;
364 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetDM(sp,&dm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
365 ierr = DMGetDimension(dm,&dim);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
366 if (height > dim || height < 0) {SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Asked for dual space at height %d for dimension %d reference element\n",height,dim)return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),366,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,63,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Asked for dual space at height %d for dimension %d reference element\n"
367 ierr = PetscDualSpaceDuplicate(sp,bdsp);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
368 ierr = PetscDualSpaceCreateReferenceCell(*bdsp, dim-height, lag->simplexCell, &K);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
369 ierr = PetscDualSpaceSetDM(*bdsp, K);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
370 ierr = DMDestroy(&K);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
371 ierr = PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetTensor(sp,&tensor);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
372 ierr = PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetTensor(*bdsp,tensor);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
373 ierr = PetscDualSpaceSetUp(*bdsp);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
374 }
375 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
378PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceSetUp_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp)
380 PetscDualSpace_Lag *lag = (PetscDualSpace_Lag *) sp->data;
381 DM dm = sp->dm;
382 PetscInt order = sp->order;
383 PetscInt Nc = sp->Nc;
384 PetscBool continuous;
385 PetscSection csection;
386 Vec coordinates;
387 PetscReal *qpoints, *qweights;
388 PetscInt depth, dim, pdimMax, pStart, pEnd, p, *pStratStart, *pStratEnd, coneSize, d, f = 0, c;
389 PetscBool simplex, tensorSpace;
390 PetscErrorCode ierr;
392 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 392; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
393 /* Classify element type */
394 if (!order) lag->continuous = PETSC_FALSE;
395 continuous = lag->continuous;
396 ierr = DMGetDimension(dm, &dim);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
397 ierr = DMPlexGetDepth(dm, &depth);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
398 ierr = DMPlexGetChart(dm, &pStart, &pEnd);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
399 ierr = PetscCalloc1(dim+1, &lag->numDof)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,399,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
400 ierr = PetscMalloc2(depth+1,&pStratStart,depth+1,&pStratEnd)PetscMallocA(2,PETSC_FALSE,400,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
401 for (d = 0; d <= depth; ++d) {ierr = DMPlexGetDepthStratum(dm, d, &pStratStart[d], &pStratEnd[d]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
402 ierr = DMPlexGetConeSize(dm, pStratStart[depth], &coneSize);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
403 ierr = DMGetCoordinateSection(dm, &csection);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
404 ierr = DMGetCoordinatesLocal(dm, &coordinates);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
405 if (depth == 1) {
406 if (coneSize == dim+1) simplex = PETSC_TRUE;
407 else if (coneSize == 1 << dim) simplex = PETSC_FALSE;
408 else SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Only support simplices and tensor product cells")return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),408,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,56,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Only support simplices and tensor product cells"
409 } else if (depth == dim) {
410 if (coneSize == dim+1) simplex = PETSC_TRUE;
411 else if (coneSize == 2 * dim) simplex = PETSC_FALSE;
412 else SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Only support simplices and tensor product cells")return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),412,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,56,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Only support simplices and tensor product cells"
413 } else SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Only support cell-vertex meshes or interpolated meshes")return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),413,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,56,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Only support cell-vertex meshes or interpolated meshes"
414 lag->simplexCell = simplex;
415 if (dim > 1 && continuous && lag->simplexCell == lag->tensorSpace) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Mismatching simplex/tensor cells and spaces only allowed for discontinuous elements")return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),415,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,56,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Mismatching simplex/tensor cells and spaces only allowed for discontinuous elements"
416 tensorSpace = lag->tensorSpace;
417 lag->height = 0;
418 lag->subspaces = NULL((void*)0);
419 if (continuous && sp->order > 0 && dim > 0) {
420 PetscInt i;
422 lag->height = dim;
423 ierr = PetscMalloc1(dim,&lag->subspaces)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,423,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
424 ierr = PetscDualSpaceCreateHeightSubspace_Lagrange(sp,1,&lag->subspaces[0]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
425 ierr = PetscDualSpaceSetUp(lag->subspaces[0]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
426 for (i = 1; i < dim; i++) {
427 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetHeightSubspace(lag->subspaces[i-1],1,&lag->subspaces[i]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
428 ierr = PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)(lag->subspaces[i]));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
429 }
430 }
431 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetDimension_SingleCell_Lagrange(sp, sp->order, &pdimMax);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
432 pdimMax *= (pStratEnd[depth] - pStratStart[depth]);
433 ierr = PetscMalloc1(pdimMax, &sp->functional)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,433,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
434 if (!dim) {
435 for (c = 0; c < Nc; ++c) {
436 ierr = PetscQuadratureCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), &sp->functional[f]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
437 ierr = PetscCalloc1(Nc, &qweights)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,437,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
438 ierr = PetscQuadratureSetOrder(sp->functional[f], 0);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
439 ierr = PetscQuadratureSetData(sp->functional[f], 0, Nc, 1, NULL((void*)0), qweights);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
440 qweights[c] = 1.0;
441 ++f;
442 lag->numDof[0]++;
443 }
444 } else {
445 PetscInt *tup;
446 PetscReal *v0, *hv0, *J, *invJ, detJ, hdetJ;
447 PetscSection section;
449 ierr = PetscSectionCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),&section);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
450 ierr = PetscSectionSetChart(section,pStart,pEnd);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
451 ierr = PetscCalloc5(dim+1,&tup,dim,&v0,dim,&hv0,dim*dim,&J,dim*dim,&invJ)PetscMallocA(5,PETSC_TRUE,451,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
452 for (p = pStart; p < pEnd; p++) {
453 PetscInt pointDim, d, nFunc = 0;
454 PetscDualSpace hsp;
456 ierr = DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFEM(dm, p, NULL((void*)0), v0, J, invJ, &detJ);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
457 for (d = 0; d < depth; d++) {if (p >= pStratStart[d] && p < pStratEnd[d]) break;}
458 pointDim = (depth == 1 && d == 1) ? dim : d;
459 hsp = ((pointDim < dim) && lag->subspaces) ? lag->subspaces[dim - pointDim - 1] : NULL((void*)0);
460 if (hsp) {
461 PetscDualSpace_Lag *hlag = (PetscDualSpace_Lag *) hsp->data;
462 DM hdm;
464 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetDM(hsp,&hdm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
465 ierr = DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFEM(hdm, 0, NULL((void*)0), hv0, NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0), &hdetJ);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
466 nFunc = lag->numDof[pointDim] = hlag->numDof[pointDim];
467 }
468 if (pointDim == dim) {
469 /* Cells, create for self */
470 PetscInt orderEff = continuous ? (!tensorSpace ? order-1-dim : order-2) : order;
471 PetscReal denom = continuous ? order : (!tensorSpace ? order+1+dim : order+2);
472 PetscReal numer = (!simplex || !tensorSpace) ? 2. : (2./dim);
473 PetscReal dx = numer/denom;
474 PetscInt cdim, d, d2;
476 if (orderEff < 0) continue;
477 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetDimension_SingleCell_Lagrange(sp, orderEff, &cdim);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
478 ierr = PetscMemzero(tup,(dim+1)*sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
479 if (!tensorSpace) {
480 while (!tup[dim]) {
481 for (c = 0; c < Nc; ++c) {
482 ierr = PetscQuadratureCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), &sp->functional[f]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
483 ierr = PetscMalloc1(dim, &qpoints)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,483,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
484 ierr = PetscCalloc1(Nc, &qweights)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,484,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
485 ierr = PetscQuadratureSetOrder(sp->functional[f], 0);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
486 ierr = PetscQuadratureSetData(sp->functional[f], dim, Nc, 1, qpoints, qweights);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
487 for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
488 qpoints[d] = v0[d];
489 for (d2 = 0; d2 < dim; ++d2) qpoints[d] += J[d*dim+d2]*((tup[d2]+1)*dx);
490 }
491 qweights[c] = 1.0;
492 ++f;
493 }
494 ierr = LatticePointLexicographic_Internal(dim, orderEff, tup);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
495 }
496 } else {
497 while (!tup[dim]) {
498 for (c = 0; c < Nc; ++c) {
499 ierr = PetscQuadratureCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), &sp->functional[f]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
500 ierr = PetscMalloc1(dim, &qpoints)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,500,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
501 ierr = PetscCalloc1(Nc, &qweights)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,501,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
502 ierr = PetscQuadratureSetOrder(sp->functional[f], 0);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
503 ierr = PetscQuadratureSetData(sp->functional[f], dim, Nc, 1, qpoints, qweights);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
504 for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
505 qpoints[d] = v0[d];
506 for (d2 = 0; d2 < dim; ++d2) qpoints[d] += J[d*dim+d2]*((tup[d2]+1)*dx);
507 }
508 qweights[c] = 1.0;
509 ++f;
510 }
511 ierr = TensorPointLexicographic_Internal(dim, orderEff, tup);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
512 }
513 }
514 lag->numDof[dim] = cdim;
515 } else { /* transform functionals from subspaces */
516 PetscInt q;
518 for (q = 0; q < nFunc; q++, f++) {
519 PetscQuadrature fn;
520 PetscInt fdim, Nc, c, nPoints, i;
521 const PetscReal *points;
522 const PetscReal *weights;
523 PetscReal *qpoints;
524 PetscReal *qweights;
526 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetFunctional(hsp, q, &fn);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
527 ierr = PetscQuadratureGetData(fn,&fdim,&Nc,&nPoints,&points,&weights);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
528 if (fdim != pointDim) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"Expected height dual space dim %D, got %D",pointDim,fdim)return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),528,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,77,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Expected height dual space dim %D, got %D"
529 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nPoints * dim, &qpoints)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,529,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,(size_t)(nPoints * dim)*sizeof(**(&qpoints)),(&qpoints
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
530 ierr = PetscCalloc1(nPoints * Nc, &qweights)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,530,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,(size_t)(nPoints * Nc)*sizeof(**(&qweights)),(&qweights
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
531 for (i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
532 PetscInt j, k;
533 PetscReal *qp = &qpoints[i * dim];
535 for (c = 0; c < Nc; ++c) qweights[i*Nc+c] = weights[i*Nc+c];
536 for (j = 0; j < dim; ++j) qp[j] = v0[j];
537 for (j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
538 for (k = 0; k < pointDim; k++) qp[j] += J[dim * j + k] * (points[pointDim * i + k] - hv0[k]);
539 }
540 }
541 ierr = PetscQuadratureCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), &sp->functional[f]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
542 ierr = PetscQuadratureSetOrder(sp->functional[f],0);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
543 ierr = PetscQuadratureSetData(sp->functional[f],dim,Nc,nPoints,qpoints,qweights);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
544 }
545 }
546 ierr = PetscSectionSetDof(section,p,lag->numDof[pointDim]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
547 }
548 ierr = PetscFree5(tup,v0,hv0,J,invJ)PetscFreeA(5,548,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
549 ierr = PetscSectionSetUp(section);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
550 { /* reorder to closure order */
551 PetscInt *key, count;
552 PetscQuadrature *reorder = NULL((void*)0);
554 ierr = PetscCalloc1(f,&key)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,554,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
555 ierr = PetscMalloc1(f*sp->Nc,&reorder)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,555,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
557 for (p = pStratStart[depth], count = 0; p < pStratEnd[depth]; p++) {
558 PetscInt *closure = NULL((void*)0), closureSize, c;
560 ierr = DMPlexGetTransitiveClosure(dm,p,PETSC_TRUE,&closureSize,&closure);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
561 for (c = 0; c < closureSize; c++) {
562 PetscInt point = closure[2 * c], dof, off, i;
564 ierr = PetscSectionGetDof(section,point,&dof);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
565 ierr = PetscSectionGetOffset(section,point,&off);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
566 for (i = 0; i < dof; i++) {
567 PetscInt fi = i + off;
568 if (!key[fi]) {
569 key[fi] = 1;
570 reorder[count++] = sp->functional[fi];
571 }
572 }
573 }
574 ierr = DMPlexRestoreTransitiveClosure(dm,p,PETSC_TRUE,&closureSize,&closure);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
575 }
576 ierr = PetscFree(sp->functional)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(sp->functional),576,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
) || ((sp->functional) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
577 sp->functional = reorder;
578 ierr = PetscFree(key)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(key),578,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
) || ((key) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
579 }
580 ierr = PetscSectionDestroy(&section);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
581 }
582 if (pStratEnd[depth] == 1 && f != pdimMax) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Number of dual basis vectors %d not equal to dimension %d", f, pdimMax)return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),582,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,77,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Number of dual basis vectors %d not equal to dimension %d"
583 ierr = PetscFree2(pStratStart, pStratEnd)PetscFreeA(2,583,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
584 if (f > pdimMax) SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_PLIB, "Number of dual basis vectors %d is greater than dimension %d", f, pdimMax)return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),584,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,77,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Number of dual basis vectors %d is greater than dimension %d"
585 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
588PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceDestroy_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp)
590 PetscDualSpace_Lag *lag = (PetscDualSpace_Lag *) sp->data;
591 PetscInt i;
592 PetscErrorCode ierr;
594 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 594; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
595 if (lag->symmetries) {
596 PetscInt **selfSyms = lag->symmetries[0];
598 if (selfSyms) {
599 PetscInt i, **allocated = &selfSyms[-lag->selfSymOff];
601 for (i = 0; i < lag->numSelfSym; i++) {
602 ierr = PetscFree(allocated[i])((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(allocated[i]),602,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
) || ((allocated[i]) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
603 }
604 ierr = PetscFree(allocated)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(allocated),604,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
) || ((allocated) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
605 }
606 ierr = PetscFree(lag->symmetries)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(lag->symmetries),606,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
) || ((lag->symmetries) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
607 }
608 for (i = 0; i < lag->height; i++) {
609 ierr = PetscDualSpaceDestroy(&lag->subspaces[i]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
610 }
611 ierr = PetscFree(lag->subspaces)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(lag->subspaces),611,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
) || ((lag->subspaces) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
612 ierr = PetscFree(lag->numDof)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(lag->numDof),612,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
) || ((lag->numDof) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
613 ierr = PetscFree(lag)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(lag),613,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
) || ((lag) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
614 ierr = PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject) sp, "PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity_C", NULL)PetscObjectComposeFunction_Private((PetscObject) sp,"PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity_C"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
615 ierr = PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject) sp, "PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity_C", NULL)PetscObjectComposeFunction_Private((PetscObject) sp,"PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity_C"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
616 ierr = PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject) sp, "PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetTensor_C", NULL)PetscObjectComposeFunction_Private((PetscObject) sp,"PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetTensor_C"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
617 ierr = PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject) sp, "PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetTensor_C", NULL)PetscObjectComposeFunction_Private((PetscObject) sp,"PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetTensor_C"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
618 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
621PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceDuplicate_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp, PetscDualSpace *spNew)
623 PetscInt order, Nc;
624 PetscBool cont, tensor;
'cont' declared without an initial value
625 const char *name;
626 PetscErrorCode ierr;
628 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 628; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
629 ierr = PetscDualSpaceCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) sp), spNew);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
630 ierr = PetscObjectGetName((PetscObject) sp, &name);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
631 ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) *spNew, name);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
632 ierr = PetscDualSpaceSetType(*spNew, PETSCDUALSPACELAGRANGE"lagrange");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
633 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetOrder(sp, &order);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
634 ierr = PetscDualSpaceSetOrder(*spNew, order);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
635 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetNumComponents(sp, &Nc);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
636 ierr = PetscDualSpaceSetNumComponents(*spNew, Nc);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
637 ierr = PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity(sp, &cont);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
Calling 'PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity'
Returning from 'PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity'
638 ierr = PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity(*spNew, cont);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
2nd function call argument is an uninitialized value
639 ierr = PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetTensor(sp, &tensor);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
640 ierr = PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetTensor(*spNew, tensor);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
641 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
644PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceSetFromOptions_Lagrange(PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject,PetscDualSpace sp)
646 PetscBool continuous, tensor, flg;
647 PetscErrorCode ierr;
649 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 649; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
650 ierr = PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity(sp, &continuous);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
651 ierr = PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetTensor(sp, &tensor);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
652 ierr = PetscOptionsHead(PetscOptionsObject,"PetscDualSpace Lagrange Options");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
653 ierr = PetscOptionsBool("-petscdualspace_lagrange_continuity", "Flag for continuous element", "PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity", continuous, &continuous, &flg)PetscOptionsBool_Private(PetscOptionsObject,"-petscdualspace_lagrange_continuity"
,"Flag for continuous element","PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
654 if (flg) {ierr = PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity(sp, continuous);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
655 ierr = PetscOptionsBool("-petscdualspace_lagrange_tensor", "Flag for tensor dual space", "PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity", tensor, &tensor, &flg)PetscOptionsBool_Private(PetscOptionsObject,"-petscdualspace_lagrange_tensor"
,"Flag for tensor dual space","PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
656 if (flg) {ierr = PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetTensor(sp, tensor);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
657 ierr = PetscOptionsTail()0; {if (PetscOptionsObject->count != 1) do { do { ; if (petscstack
&& petscstack->currentsize > 0) { petscstack->
currentsize--; petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack)
{ petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<
(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return
(0);} while (0);}
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
658 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
661PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceGetDimension_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp, PetscInt *dim)
663 DM K;
664 const PetscInt *numDof;
665 PetscInt spatialDim, Nc, size = 0, d;
666 PetscErrorCode ierr;
668 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 668; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
669 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetDM(sp, &K);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
670 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetNumDof(sp, &numDof);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
671 ierr = DMGetDimension(K, &spatialDim);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
672 ierr = DMPlexGetHeightStratum(K, 0, NULL((void*)0), &Nc);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
673 if (Nc == 1) {ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetDimension_SingleCell_Lagrange(sp, sp->order, dim);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
; PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
674 for (d = 0; d <= spatialDim; ++d) {
675 PetscInt pStart, pEnd;
677 ierr = DMPlexGetDepthStratum(K, d, &pStart, &pEnd);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
678 size += (pEnd-pStart)*numDof[d];
679 }
680 *dim = size;
681 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
684PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceGetNumDof_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp, const PetscInt **numDof)
686 PetscDualSpace_Lag *lag = (PetscDualSpace_Lag *) sp->data;
688 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 688; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
689 *numDof = lag->numDof;
690 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
693static PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp, PetscBool *continuous)
695 PetscDualSpace_Lag *lag = (PetscDualSpace_Lag *) sp->data;
697 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 697; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
698 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(sp, PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID, 1)do { if (!sp) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),698,__func__
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(sp,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid != PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),698,__func__
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d"
,1); } } while (0)
699 PetscValidPointer(continuous, 2)do { if (!continuous) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(continuous,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0)
700 *continuous = lag->continuous;
701 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
704static PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp, PetscBool continuous)
706 PetscDualSpace_Lag *lag = (PetscDualSpace_Lag *) sp->data;
708 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 708; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
709 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(sp, PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID, 1)do { if (!sp) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),709,__func__
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(sp,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid != PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),709,__func__
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d"
,1); } } while (0)
710 lag->continuous = continuous;
711 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
715 PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity - Retrieves the flag for element continuity
717 Not Collective
719 Input Parameter:
720. sp - the PetscDualSpace
722 Output Parameter:
723. continuous - flag for element continuity
725 Level: intermediate
727.keywords: PetscDualSpace, Lagrange, continuous, discontinuous
728.seealso: PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity()
730PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity(PetscDualSpace sp, PetscBool *continuous)
732 PetscErrorCode ierr;
734 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 734; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
Within the expansion of the macro 'PetscFunctionBegin':
Assuming 'petscstack' is null
735 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(sp, PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID, 1)do { if (!sp) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),735,__func__
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(sp,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid != PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),735,__func__
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d"
,1); } } while (0)
Within the expansion of the macro 'PetscValidHeaderSpecific':
Assuming 'sp' is non-null
Assuming the condition is false
736 PetscValidPointer(continuous, 2)do { if (!continuous) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(continuous,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0)
Within the expansion of the macro 'PetscValidPointer':
Assuming the condition is false
737 ierr = PetscTryMethod(sp, "PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity_C", (PetscDualSpace,PetscBool*),(sp,continuous))0;{ PetscErrorCode (*f)(PetscDualSpace,PetscBool*), __ierr; __ierr
= PetscObjectQueryFunction_Private(((PetscObject)sp),("PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity_C"
),(PetscVoidFunction*)(&f));do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(__ierr
),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),737,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,__ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0); if (f) {__ierr =
(*f)(sp,continuous);do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(__ierr),0)) return
,__ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0);} }
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
Within the expansion of the macro 'PetscTryMethod':
Assuming '__ierr' is 0
Assuming 'f' is null
Within the expansion of the macro 'CHKERRQ':
738 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
Within the expansion of the macro 'PetscFunctionReturn':
Assuming 'petscstack' is null
742 PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity - Indicate whether the element is continuous
744 Logically Collective on PetscDualSpace
746 Input Parameters:
747+ sp - the PetscDualSpace
748- continuous - flag for element continuity
750 Options Database:
751. -petscdualspace_lagrange_continuity <bool>
753 Level: intermediate
755.keywords: PetscDualSpace, Lagrange, continuous, discontinuous
756.seealso: PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity()
758PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity(PetscDualSpace sp, PetscBool continuous)
760 PetscErrorCode ierr;
762 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 762; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
763 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(sp, PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID, 1)do { if (!sp) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),763,__func__
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(sp,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid != PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),763,__func__
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d"
,1); } } while (0)
764 PetscValidLogicalCollectiveBool(sp, continuous, 2)do { PetscErrorCode _7_ierr; PetscMPIInt b1[2],b2[2]; b1[0] =
-(PetscMPIInt)continuous; b1[1] = (PetscMPIInt)continuous; _7_ierr
= (PetscAllreduceBarrierCheck(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)sp
) || ((petsc_allreduce_ct += PetscMPIParallelComm((PetscObjectComm
((PetscObject)sp))),0) || MPI_Allreduce((b1),(b2),(2),(((MPI_Datatype
)sp)))));do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(_7_ierr),0)) return PetscError
,_7_ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0); if (-b2[0] != b2
[1]) return PetscError(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)sp),764,__func__
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Bool value must be same on all processes, argument # %d"
,2); } while (0)
765 ierr = PetscTryMethod(sp, "PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity_C", (PetscDualSpace,PetscBool),(sp,continuous))0;{ PetscErrorCode (*f)(PetscDualSpace,PetscBool), __ierr; __ierr
= PetscObjectQueryFunction_Private(((PetscObject)sp),("PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity_C"
),(PetscVoidFunction*)(&f));do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(__ierr
),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),765,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,__ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0); if (f) {__ierr =
(*f)(sp,continuous);do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(__ierr),0)) return
,__ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0);} }
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
766 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
769PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceGetHeightSubspace_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp, PetscInt height, PetscDualSpace *bdsp)
771 PetscDualSpace_Lag *lag = (PetscDualSpace_Lag *) sp->data;
772 PetscErrorCode ierr;
774 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 774; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
775 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(sp, PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID, 1)do { if (!sp) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),775,__func__
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(sp,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid != PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),775,__func__
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d"
,1); } } while (0)
776 PetscValidPointer(bdsp,2)do { if (!bdsp) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),776,
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(bdsp,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0)
777 if (height == 0) {
778 *bdsp = sp;
779 }
780 else {
781 DM dm;
782 PetscInt dim;
784 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetDM(sp,&dm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
785 ierr = DMGetDimension(dm,&dim);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
786 if (height > dim || height < 0) {SETERRQ2(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Asked for dual space at height %d for dimension %d reference element\n",height,dim)return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),786,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,63,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Asked for dual space at height %d for dimension %d reference element\n"
787 if (height <= lag->height) {
788 *bdsp = lag->subspaces[height-1];
789 }
790 else {
791 *bdsp = NULL((void*)0);
792 }
793 }
794 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
797PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceInitialize_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp)
799 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 799; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
800 sp->ops->setfromoptions = PetscDualSpaceSetFromOptions_Lagrange;
801 sp->ops->setup = PetscDualSpaceSetUp_Lagrange;
802 sp->ops->view = PetscDualSpaceView_Lagrange;
803 sp->ops->destroy = PetscDualSpaceDestroy_Lagrange;
804 sp->ops->duplicate = PetscDualSpaceDuplicate_Lagrange;
805 sp->ops->getdimension = PetscDualSpaceGetDimension_Lagrange;
806 sp->ops->getnumdof = PetscDualSpaceGetNumDof_Lagrange;
807 sp->ops->getheightsubspace = PetscDualSpaceGetHeightSubspace_Lagrange;
808 sp->ops->getsymmetries = PetscDualSpaceGetSymmetries_Lagrange;
809 sp->ops->apply = PetscDualSpaceApplyDefault;
810 sp->ops->applyall = PetscDualSpaceApplyAllDefault;
811 sp->ops->createallpoints = PetscDualSpaceCreateAllPointsDefault;
812 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
816 PETSCDUALSPACELAGRANGE = "lagrange" - A PetscDualSpace object that encapsulates a dual space of pointwise evaluation functionals
818 Level: intermediate
820.seealso: PetscDualSpaceType, PetscDualSpaceCreate(), PetscDualSpaceSetType()
823PETSC_EXTERNextern __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) PetscErrorCode PetscDualSpaceCreate_Lagrange(PetscDualSpace sp)
825 PetscDualSpace_Lag *lag;
826 PetscErrorCode ierr;
828 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 828; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
829 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(sp, PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID, 1)do { if (!sp) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),829,__func__
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(sp,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid != PETSCDUALSPACE_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(sp))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),829,__func__
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d"
,1); } } while (0)
830 ierr = PetscNewLog(sp,&lag)(PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,830,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/dm/dt/dualspace/impls/lagrange/dspacelagrange.c"
,(size_t)(1)*sizeof(**(((&lag)))),(((&lag)))) || PetscLogObjectMemory
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
831 sp->data = lag;
833 lag->numDof = NULL((void*)0);
834 lag->simplexCell = PETSC_TRUE;
835 lag->tensorSpace = PETSC_FALSE;
836 lag->continuous = PETSC_TRUE;
838 ierr = PetscDualSpaceInitialize_Lagrange(sp);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
839 ierr = PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject) sp, "PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity_C", PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity_Lagrange)PetscObjectComposeFunction_Private((PetscObject) sp,"PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetContinuity_C"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
840 ierr = PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject) sp, "PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity_C", PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity_Lagrange)PetscObjectComposeFunction_Private((PetscObject) sp,"PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetContinuity_C"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
841 ierr = PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject) sp, "PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetTensor_C", PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetTensor_Lagrange)PetscObjectComposeFunction_Private((PetscObject) sp,"PetscDualSpaceLagrangeGetTensor_C"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
842 ierr = PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject) sp, "PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetTensor_C", PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetTensor_Lagrange)PetscObjectComposeFunction_Private((PetscObject) sp,"PetscDualSpaceLagrangeSetTensor_C"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
843 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)