Bug Summary

Warning:line 196, column 10
Array access (via field 'flags') results in a null pointer dereference

Annotated Source Code

[?] Use j/k keys for keyboard navigation


2#include <petsc/private/isimpl.h> /*I "petscis.h" I*/
3#include <petsc/private/hashmapi.h>
4#include <petscsf.h>
5#include <petscviewer.h>
8static PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockInfo_Private(ISLocalToGlobalMapping,PetscInt*,PetscInt**,PetscInt**,PetscInt***);
10typedef struct {
11 PetscInt *globals;
12} ISLocalToGlobalMapping_Basic;
14typedef struct {
15 PetscHMapI globalht;
16} ISLocalToGlobalMapping_Hash;
19PetscErrorCode ISGetPointRange(IS pointIS, PetscInt *pStart, PetscInt *pEnd, const PetscInt **points)
21 PetscInt numCells, step = 1;
22 PetscBool isStride;
23 PetscErrorCode ierr;
25 PetscFunctionBeginHotdo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 25; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0)
26 *pStart = 0;
27 *points = NULL((void*)0);
28 ierr = ISGetLocalSize(pointIS, &numCells);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
29 ierr = PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject) pointIS, ISSTRIDE"stride", &isStride);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
30 if (isStride) {ierr = ISStrideGetInfo(pointIS, pStart, &step);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
31 *pEnd = *pStart + numCells;
32 if (!isStride || step != 1) {ierr = ISGetIndices(pointIS, points);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
33 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
36PetscErrorCode ISRestorePointRange(IS pointIS, PetscInt *pStart, PetscInt *pEnd, const PetscInt **points)
38 PetscInt step = 1;
39 PetscBool isStride;
40 PetscErrorCode ierr;
42 PetscFunctionBeginHotdo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 42; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0)
43 ierr = PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject) pointIS, ISSTRIDE"stride", &isStride);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
44 if (isStride) {ierr = ISStrideGetInfo(pointIS, pStart, &step);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
45 if (!isStride || step != 1) {ierr = ISGetIndices(pointIS, points);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
46 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
49PetscErrorCode ISGetPointSubrange(IS subpointIS, PetscInt pStart, PetscInt pEnd, const PetscInt *points)
51 PetscErrorCode ierr;
53 PetscFunctionBeginHotdo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 53; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0)
54 if (points) {
55 ierr = ISSetType(subpointIS, ISGENERAL"general");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
56 ierr = ISGeneralSetIndices(subpointIS, pEnd-pStart, &points[pStart], PETSC_USE_POINTER);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
57 } else {
58 ierr = ISSetType(subpointIS, ISSTRIDE"stride");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
59 ierr = ISStrideSetStride(subpointIS, pEnd-pStart, pStart, 1);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
60 }
61 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
64/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
67 Creates the global mapping information in the ISLocalToGlobalMapping structure
69 If the user has not selected how to handle the global to local mapping then use HASH for "large" problems
71static PetscErrorCode ISGlobalToLocalMappingSetUp(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping)
73 PetscInt i,*idx = mapping->indices,n = mapping->n,end,start;
74 PetscErrorCode ierr;
76 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 76; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
77 if (mapping->data) PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
78 end = 0;
79 start = PETSC_MAX_INT2147483647;
81 for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
82 if (idx[i] < 0) continue;
83 if (idx[i] < start) start = idx[i];
84 if (idx[i] > end) end = idx[i];
85 }
86 if (start > end) {start = 0; end = -1;}
87 mapping->globalstart = start;
88 mapping->globalend = end;
89 if (!((PetscObject)mapping)->type_name) {
90 if ((end - start) > PetscMax(4*n,1000000)(((4*n)<(1000000)) ? (1000000) : (4*n))) {
91 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType(mapping,ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGHASH"hash");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
92 } else {
93 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType(mapping,ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGBASIC"basic");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
94 }
95 }
96 ierr = (*mapping->ops->globaltolocalmappingsetup)(mapping);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
97 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
100static PetscErrorCode ISGlobalToLocalMappingSetUp_Basic(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping)
102 PetscErrorCode ierr;
103 PetscInt i,*idx = mapping->indices,n = mapping->n,end,start,*globals;
104 ISLocalToGlobalMapping_Basic *map;
106 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 106; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
107 start = mapping->globalstart;
108 end = mapping->globalend;
109 ierr = PetscNew(&map)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,109,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
110 ierr = PetscMalloc1(end-start+2,&globals)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,110,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
111 map->globals = globals;
112 for (i=0; i<end-start+1; i++) globals[i] = -1;
113 for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
114 if (idx[i] < 0) continue;
115 globals[idx[i] - start] = i;
116 }
117 mapping->data = (void*)map;
118 ierr = PetscLogObjectMemory((PetscObject)mapping,(end-start+1)*sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
119 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
122static PetscErrorCode ISGlobalToLocalMappingSetUp_Hash(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping)
124 PetscErrorCode ierr;
125 PetscInt i,*idx = mapping->indices,n = mapping->n;
126 ISLocalToGlobalMapping_Hash *map;
128 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 128; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
129 ierr = PetscNew(&map)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,129,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
130 ierr = PetscHMapICreate(&map->globalht);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
Calling 'PetscHMapICreate'
Returning from 'PetscHMapICreate'
131 for (i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
Assuming 'i' is < 'n'
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
132 if (idx[i] < 0) continue;
Assuming the condition is false
Taking false branch
133 ierr = PetscHMapISet(map->globalht,idx[i],i);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
Calling 'PetscHMapISet'
134 }
135 mapping->data = (void*)map;
136 ierr = PetscLogObjectMemory((PetscObject)mapping,2*n*sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
137 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
140static PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy_Basic(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping)
142 PetscErrorCode ierr;
143 ISLocalToGlobalMapping_Basic *map = (ISLocalToGlobalMapping_Basic *)mapping->data;
145 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 145; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
146 if (!map) PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
147 ierr = PetscFree(map->globals)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(map->globals),147,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((map->globals) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
148 ierr = PetscFree(mapping->data)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(mapping->data),148,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((mapping->data) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
149 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
152static PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy_Hash(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping)
154 PetscErrorCode ierr;
155 ISLocalToGlobalMapping_Hash *map = (ISLocalToGlobalMapping_Hash*)mapping->data;
157 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 157; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
158 if (!map) PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
159 ierr = PetscHMapIDestroy(&map->globalht);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
160 ierr = PetscFree(mapping->data)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(mapping->data),160,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((mapping->data) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
161 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
164#define GTOLTYPE _Basic
165#define GTOLNAME _Basic
166#define GTOLBS mapping->bs
167#define GTOL(g, local) do { \
168 local = map->globals[g/bs - start]; \
169 local = bs*local + (g % bs); \
170 } while (0)
172#include <../src/vec/is/utils/isltog.h>
174#define GTOLTYPE _Basic
175#define GTOLNAME Block_Basic
176#define GTOLBS 1
177#define GTOL(g, local) do { \
178 local = map->globals[g - start]; \
179 } while (0)
180#include <../src/vec/is/utils/isltog.h>
182#define GTOLTYPE _Hash
183#define GTOLNAME _Hash
184#define GTOLBS mapping->bs
185#define GTOL(g, local) do { \
186 (void)PetscHMapIGet(map->globalht,g/bs,&local); \
187 local = bs*local + (g % bs); \
188 } while (0)
189#include <../src/vec/is/utils/isltog.h>
191#define GTOLTYPE _Hash
192#define GTOLNAME Block_Hash
193#define GTOLBS 1
194#define GTOL(g, local) do { \
195 (void)PetscHMapIGet(map->globalht,g,&local); \
196 } while (0)
197#include <../src/vec/is/utils/isltog.h>
200 ISLocalToGlobalMappingDuplicate - Duplicates the local to global mapping object
202 Not Collective
204 Input Parameter:
205. ltog - local to global mapping
207 Output Parameter:
208. nltog - the duplicated local to global mapping
210 Level: advanced
212 Concepts: mapping^local to global
214.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate()
216PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingDuplicate(ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltog,ISLocalToGlobalMapping* nltog)
218 PetscErrorCode ierr;
220 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 220; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
221 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(ltog,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!ltog) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),221,
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(ltog,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(ltog))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(ltog))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),221,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
222 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ltog),ltog->bs,ltog->n,ltog->indices,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,nltog);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
223 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
227 ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetSize - Gets the local size of a local to global mapping
229 Not Collective
231 Input Parameter:
232. ltog - local to global mapping
234 Output Parameter:
235. n - the number of entries in the local mapping, ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetIndices() returns an array of this length
237 Level: advanced
239 Concepts: mapping^local to global
241.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate()
243PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetSize(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,PetscInt *n)
245 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 245; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
246 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),246
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),246,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
247 PetscValidIntPointer(n,2)do { if (!n) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),247,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if (!
PetscCheckPointer(n,PETSC_INT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Int: Parameter # %d"
,2); } while (0)
248 *n = mapping->bs*mapping->n;
249 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
253 ISLocalToGlobalMappingView - View a local to global mapping
255 Not Collective
257 Input Parameters:
258+ ltog - local to global mapping
259- viewer - viewer
261 Level: advanced
263 Concepts: mapping^local to global
265.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate()
267PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingView(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,PetscViewer viewer)
269 PetscInt i;
270 PetscMPIInt rank;
271 PetscBool iascii;
272 PetscErrorCode ierr;
274 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 274; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
275 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),275
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),275,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
276 if (!viewer) {
277 ierr = PetscViewerASCIIGetStdout(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)mapping),&viewer);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
278 }
279 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(viewer,PETSC_VIEWER_CLASSID,2)do { if (!viewer) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),279
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",2); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(viewer,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,2); if (((PetscObject)(viewer))->classid != PETSC_VIEWER_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(viewer))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,2); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),279,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",2
); } } while (0)
281 ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)mapping),&rank);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
282 ierr = PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII"ascii",&iascii);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
283 if (iascii) {
284 ierr = PetscObjectPrintClassNamePrefixType((PetscObject)mapping,viewer);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
285 ierr = PetscViewerASCIIPushSynchronized(viewer);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
286 for (i=0; i<mapping->n; i++) {
287 ierr = PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(viewer,"[%d] %D %D\n",rank,i,mapping->indices[i]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
288 }
289 ierr = PetscViewerFlush(viewer);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
290 ierr = PetscViewerASCIIPopSynchronized(viewer);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
291 }
292 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
296 ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS - Creates a mapping between a local (0 to n)
297 ordering and a global parallel ordering.
299 Not collective
301 Input Parameter:
302. is - index set containing the global numbers for each local number
304 Output Parameter:
305. mapping - new mapping data structure
307 Notes:
308 the block size of the IS determines the block size of the mapping
309 Level: advanced
311 Concepts: mapping^local to global
313.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetFromOptions()
315PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS(IS is,ISLocalToGlobalMapping *mapping)
317 PetscErrorCode ierr;
318 PetscInt n,bs;
319 const PetscInt *indices;
320 MPI_Comm comm;
321 PetscBool isblock;
323 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 323; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
324 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(is,IS_CLASSID,1)do { if (!is) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),324,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (!PetscCheckPointer
(is,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),324
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(is))->classid != IS_CLASSID) { if (
((PetscObject)(is))->classid == -1) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),324,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
325 PetscValidPointer(mapping,2)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),325
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError((
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0)
327 ierr = PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)is,&comm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
328 ierr = ISGetLocalSize(is,&n);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
329 ierr = PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)is,ISBLOCK"block",&isblock);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
330 if (!isblock) {
331 ierr = ISGetIndices(is,&indices);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
332 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(comm,1,n,indices,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,mapping);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
333 ierr = ISRestoreIndices(is,&indices);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
334 } else {
335 ierr = ISGetBlockSize(is,&bs);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
336 ierr = ISBlockGetIndices(is,&indices);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
337 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(comm,bs,n/bs,indices,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,mapping);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
338 ierr = ISBlockRestoreIndices(is,&indices);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
339 }
340 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
344 ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateSF - Creates a mapping between a local (0 to n)
345 ordering and a global parallel ordering.
347 Collective
349 Input Parameter:
350+ sf - star forest mapping contiguous local indices to (rank, offset)
351- start - first global index on this process
353 Output Parameter:
354. mapping - new mapping data structure
356 Level: advanced
358 Concepts: mapping^local to global
360.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetFromOptions()
362PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateSF(PetscSF sf,PetscInt start,ISLocalToGlobalMapping *mapping)
364 PetscErrorCode ierr;
365 PetscInt i,maxlocal,nroots,nleaves,*globals,*ltog;
366 const PetscInt *ilocal;
367 MPI_Comm comm;
369 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 369; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
370 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(sf,PETSCSF_CLASSID,1)do { if (!sf) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),370,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (!PetscCheckPointer
(sf,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),370
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(sf))->classid != PETSCSF_CLASSID) {
if (((PetscObject)(sf))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),370,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
371 PetscValidPointer(mapping,3)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),371
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",3); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError((
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",3);
} while (0)
373 ierr = PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)sf,&comm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
374 ierr = PetscSFGetGraph(sf,&nroots,&nleaves,&ilocal,NULL((void*)0));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
375 if (ilocal) {
376 for (i=0,maxlocal=0; i<nleaves; i++) maxlocal = PetscMax(maxlocal,ilocal[i]+1)(((maxlocal)<(ilocal[i]+1)) ? (ilocal[i]+1) : (maxlocal));
377 }
378 else maxlocal = nleaves;
379 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nroots,&globals)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,379,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
380 ierr = PetscMalloc1(maxlocal,&ltog)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,380,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
381 for (i=0; i<nroots; i++) globals[i] = start + i;
382 for (i=0; i<maxlocal; i++) ltog[i] = -1;
383 ierr = PetscSFBcastBegin(sf,MPIU_INT((MPI_Datatype)0x4c000405),globals,ltog);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
384 ierr = PetscSFBcastEnd(sf,MPIU_INT((MPI_Datatype)0x4c000405),globals,ltog);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
385 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(comm,1,maxlocal,ltog,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,mapping);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
386 ierr = PetscFree(globals)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(globals),386,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((globals) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
387 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
391 ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetBlockSize - Sets the blocksize of the mapping
393 Not collective
395 Input Parameters:
396. mapping - mapping data structure
397. bs - the blocksize
399 Level: advanced
401 Concepts: mapping^local to global
403.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS()
405PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetBlockSize(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,PetscInt bs)
407 PetscInt *nid;
408 const PetscInt *oid;
409 PetscInt i,cn,on,obs,nn;
410 PetscErrorCode ierr;
412 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 412; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
413 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),413
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),413,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
414 if (bs < 1) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Invalid block size %D",bs)return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),414,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid block size %D",bs)
415 if (bs == mapping->bs) PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
416 on = mapping->n;
417 obs = mapping->bs;
418 oid = mapping->indices;
419 nn = (on*obs)/bs;
420 if ((on*obs)%bs) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Block size %D is inconsistent with block size %D and number of block indices %D",bs,obs,on)return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),420,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Block size %D is inconsistent with block size %D and number of block indices %D"
422 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nn,&nid)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,422,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
423 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetIndices(mapping,&oid);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
424 for (i=0;i<nn;i++) {
425 PetscInt j;
426 for (j=0,cn=0;j<bs-1;j++) {
427 if (oid[i*bs+j] < 0) { cn++; continue; }
428 if (oid[i*bs+j] != oid[i*bs+j+1]-1) SETERRQ4(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Block sizes %D and %D are incompatible with the block indices: non consecutive indices %D %D",bs,obs,oid[i*bs+j],oid[i*bs+j+1])return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),428,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Block sizes %D and %D are incompatible with the block indices: non consecutive indices %D %D"
429 }
430 if (oid[i*bs+j] < 0) cn++;
431 if (cn) {
432 if (cn != bs) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"Block sizes %D and %D are incompatible with the block indices: invalid number of negative entries in block %D",bs,obs,cn)return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),432,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Block sizes %D and %D are incompatible with the block indices: invalid number of negative entries in block %D"
433 nid[i] = -1;
434 } else {
435 nid[i] = oid[i*bs]/bs;
436 }
437 }
438 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreIndices(mapping,&oid);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
440 mapping->n = nn;
441 mapping->bs = bs;
442 ierr = PetscFree(mapping->indices)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(mapping->indices),442,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((mapping->indices) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
443 mapping->indices = nid;
444 mapping->globalstart = 0;
445 mapping->globalend = 0;
447 /* reset the cached information */
448 ierr = PetscFree(mapping->info_procs)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(mapping->info_procs),448,__func__,
"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c") ||
((mapping->info_procs) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
449 ierr = PetscFree(mapping->info_numprocs)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(mapping->info_numprocs),449,__func__
,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c") ||
((mapping->info_numprocs) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
450 if (mapping->info_indices) {
451 PetscInt i;
453 ierr = PetscFree((mapping->info_indices)[0])((*PetscTrFree)((void*)((mapping->info_indices)[0]),453,__func__
,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c") ||
(((mapping->info_indices)[0]) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
454 for (i=1; i<mapping->info_nproc; i++) {
455 ierr = PetscFree(mapping->info_indices[i])((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(mapping->info_indices[i]),455,__func__
,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c") ||
((mapping->info_indices[i]) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
456 }
457 ierr = PetscFree(mapping->info_indices)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(mapping->info_indices),457,__func__
,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c") ||
((mapping->info_indices) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
458 }
459 mapping->info_cached = PETSC_FALSE;
461 if (mapping->ops->destroy) {
462 ierr = (*mapping->ops->destroy)(mapping);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
463 }
464 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
468 ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockSize - Gets the blocksize of the mapping
469 ordering and a global parallel ordering.
471 Not Collective
473 Input Parameters:
474. mapping - mapping data structure
476 Output Parameter:
477. bs - the blocksize
479 Level: advanced
481 Concepts: mapping^local to global
483.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS()
485PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockSize(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,PetscInt *bs)
487 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 487; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
488 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),488
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),488,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
489 *bs = mapping->bs;
490 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
494 ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate - Creates a mapping between a local (0 to n)
495 ordering and a global parallel ordering.
497 Not Collective, but communicator may have more than one process
499 Input Parameters:
500+ comm - MPI communicator
501. bs - the block size
502. n - the number of local elements divided by the block size, or equivalently the number of block indices
503. indices - the global index for each local element, these do not need to be in increasing order (sorted), these values should not be scaled (i.e. multiplied) by the blocksize bs
504- mode - see PetscCopyMode
506 Output Parameter:
507. mapping - new mapping data structure
509 Notes:
510 There is one integer value in indices per block and it represents the actual indices bs*idx + j, where j=0,..,bs-1
512 For "small" problems when using ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply() and ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyBlock(), the ISLocalToGlobalMappingType of ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGBASIC will be used;
513 this uses more memory but is faster; this approach is not scalable for extremely large mappings. For large problems ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGHASH is used, this is scalable.
514 Use ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType() or call ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetFromOptions() with the option -islocaltoglobalmapping_type <basic,hash> to control which is used.
516 Level: advanced
518 Concepts: mapping^local to global
520.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetFromOptions(), ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGBASIC, ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGHASH
521 ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingType
523PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(MPI_Comm comm,PetscInt bs,PetscInt n,const PetscInt indices[],PetscCopyMode mode,ISLocalToGlobalMapping *mapping)
525 PetscErrorCode ierr;
526 PetscInt *in;
528 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 528; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
529 if (n) PetscValidIntPointer(indices,3)do { if (!indices) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),529
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",3); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(indices,PETSC_INT)) return PetscError(((
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Int: Parameter # %d"
,3); } while (0)
530 PetscValidPointer(mapping,4)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),530
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",4); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError((
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",4);
} while (0)
532 *mapping = NULL((void*)0);
533 ierr = ISInitializePackage();CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
535 ierr = PetscHeaderCreate(*mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,"ISLocalToGlobalMapping","Local to global mapping","IS",(PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,536,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
)) || PetscHeaderCreate_Private((PetscObject)*mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
,"ISLocalToGlobalMapping","Local to global mapping","IS",comm
)ISLocalToGlobalMappingView) || ((PetscLogPHC) ? (*PetscLogPHC
)((PetscObject)(*mapping)) : 0) || PetscLogObjectMemory((PetscObject
536 comm,ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy,ISLocalToGlobalMappingView)(PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,536,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
)) || PetscHeaderCreate_Private((PetscObject)*mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
,"ISLocalToGlobalMapping","Local to global mapping","IS",comm
)ISLocalToGlobalMappingView) || ((PetscLogPHC) ? (*PetscLogPHC
)((PetscObject)(*mapping)) : 0) || PetscLogObjectMemory((PetscObject
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
537 (*mapping)->n = n;
538 (*mapping)->bs = bs;
539 (*mapping)->info_cached = PETSC_FALSE;
540 (*mapping)->info_free = PETSC_FALSE;
541 (*mapping)->info_procs = NULL((void*)0);
542 (*mapping)->info_numprocs = NULL((void*)0);
543 (*mapping)->info_indices = NULL((void*)0);
544 (*mapping)->info_nodec = NULL((void*)0);
545 (*mapping)->info_nodei = NULL((void*)0);
547 (*mapping)->ops->globaltolocalmappingapply = NULL((void*)0);
548 (*mapping)->ops->globaltolocalmappingapplyblock = NULL((void*)0);
549 (*mapping)->ops->destroy = NULL((void*)0);
550 if (mode == PETSC_COPY_VALUES) {
551 ierr = PetscMalloc1(n,&in)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,551,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
552 ierr = PetscMemcpy(in,indices,n*sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
553 (*mapping)->indices = in;
554 ierr = PetscLogObjectMemory((PetscObject)*mapping,n*sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
555 } else if (mode == PETSC_OWN_POINTER) {
556 (*mapping)->indices = (PetscInt*)indices;
557 ierr = PetscLogObjectMemory((PetscObject)*mapping,n*sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
558 }
559 else SETERRQ(comm,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Cannot currently use PETSC_USE_POINTER")return PetscError(comm,559,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
560 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
563PetscFunctionList ISLocalToGlobalMappingList = NULL((void*)0);
567 ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetFromOptions - Set mapping options from the options database.
569 Not collective
571 Input Parameters:
572. mapping - mapping data structure
574 Level: advanced
577PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetFromOptions(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping)
579 PetscErrorCode ierr;
580 char type[256];
581 ISLocalToGlobalMappingType defaulttype = "Not set";
582 PetscBool flg;
584 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 584; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
585 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),585
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),585,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
586 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegisterAll();CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
587 ierr = PetscObjectOptionsBegin((PetscObject)mapping)0; do { PetscOptionItems PetscOptionsObjectBase; PetscOptionItems
*PetscOptionsObject = &PetscOptionsObjectBase; PetscOptionsObject
->options = ((PetscObject)(PetscObject)mapping)->options
; for (PetscOptionsObject->count=(PetscOptionsPublish?-1:1
); PetscOptionsObject->count<2; PetscOptionsObject->
count++) { PetscErrorCode _5_ierr = PetscObjectOptionsBegin_Private
(PetscOptionsObject,(PetscObject)mapping);do {if (__builtin_expect
(!!(_5_ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),587
,_5_ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0);
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
588 ierr = PetscOptionsFList("-islocaltoglobalmapping_type","ISLocalToGlobalMapping method","ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType",ISLocalToGlobalMappingList,(char*)(((PetscObject)mapping)->type_name) ? ((PetscObject)mapping)->type_name : defaulttype,type,256,&flg)PetscOptionsFList_Private(PetscOptionsObject,"-islocaltoglobalmapping_type"
,"ISLocalToGlobalMapping method","ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType"
type_name) ? ((PetscObject)mapping)->type_name : defaulttype
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
589 if (flg) {
590 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType(mapping,type);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
591 }
592 ierr = PetscOptionsEnd()_5_ierr = PetscOptionsEnd_Private(PetscOptionsObject);do {if (
__builtin_expect(!!(_5_ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,_5_ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0);}} while (0)
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
593 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
597 ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy - Destroys a mapping between a local (0 to n)
598 ordering and a global parallel ordering.
600 Note Collective
602 Input Parameters:
603. mapping - mapping data structure
605 Level: advanced
607.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate()
609PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(ISLocalToGlobalMapping *mapping)
611 PetscErrorCode ierr;
613 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 613; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
614 if (!*mapping) PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
615 PetscValidHeaderSpecific((*mapping),IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!(*mapping)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer((*mapping),PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)((*mapping)))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)((*mapping)))->classid == -1) return
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),615,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
616 if (--((PetscObject)(*mapping))->refct > 0) {*mapping = 0;PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
617 ierr = PetscFree((*mapping)->indices)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)((*mapping)->indices),617,__func__,
"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c") ||
(((*mapping)->indices) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
618 ierr = PetscFree((*mapping)->info_procs)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)((*mapping)->info_procs),618,__func__
,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c") ||
(((*mapping)->info_procs) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
619 ierr = PetscFree((*mapping)->info_numprocs)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)((*mapping)->info_numprocs),619,__func__
,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c") ||
(((*mapping)->info_numprocs) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
620 if ((*mapping)->info_indices) {
621 PetscInt i;
623 ierr = PetscFree(((*mapping)->info_indices)[0])((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(((*mapping)->info_indices)[0]),623
) || ((((*mapping)->info_indices)[0]) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
624 for (i=1; i<(*mapping)->info_nproc; i++) {
625 ierr = PetscFree(((*mapping)->info_indices)[i])((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(((*mapping)->info_indices)[i]),625
) || ((((*mapping)->info_indices)[i]) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
626 }
627 ierr = PetscFree((*mapping)->info_indices)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)((*mapping)->info_indices),627,__func__
,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c") ||
(((*mapping)->info_indices) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
628 }
629 if ((*mapping)->info_nodei) {
630 ierr = PetscFree(((*mapping)->info_nodei)[0])((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(((*mapping)->info_nodei)[0]),630,__func__
,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c") ||
((((*mapping)->info_nodei)[0]) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
631 }
632 ierr = PetscFree((*mapping)->info_nodei)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)((*mapping)->info_nodei),632,__func__
,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c") ||
(((*mapping)->info_nodei) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
633 ierr = PetscFree((*mapping)->info_nodec)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)((*mapping)->info_nodec),633,__func__
,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c") ||
(((*mapping)->info_nodec) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
634 if ((*mapping)->ops->destroy) {
635 ierr = (*(*mapping)->ops->destroy)(*mapping);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
636 }
637 ierr = PetscHeaderDestroy(mapping)(PetscHeaderDestroy_Private((PetscObject)(*mapping)) || ((*PetscTrFree
) || ((*mapping) = 0,0)))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
638 *mapping = 0;
639 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
643 ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyIS - Creates from an IS in the local numbering
644 a new index set using the global numbering defined in an ISLocalToGlobalMapping
645 context.
647 Collective on is
649 Input Parameters:
650+ mapping - mapping between local and global numbering
651- is - index set in local numbering
653 Output Parameters:
654. newis - index set in global numbering
656 Notes:
657 The output IS will have the same communicator of the input IS.
659 Level: advanced
661 Concepts: mapping^local to global
663.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(),
664 ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply()
666PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyIS(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,IS is,IS *newis)
668 PetscErrorCode ierr;
669 PetscInt n,*idxout;
670 const PetscInt *idxin;
672 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 672; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
673 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),673
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),673,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
674 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(is,IS_CLASSID,2)do { if (!is) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),674,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",2); if (!PetscCheckPointer
(is,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),674
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,2); if (((PetscObject)(is))->classid != IS_CLASSID) { if (
((PetscObject)(is))->classid == -1) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,2); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),674,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",2
); } } while (0)
675 PetscValidPointer(newis,3)do { if (!newis) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),675
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",3); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(newis,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",3);
} while (0)
677 ierr = ISGetLocalSize(is,&n);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
678 ierr = ISGetIndices(is,&idxin);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
679 ierr = PetscMalloc1(n,&idxout)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,679,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
680 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(mapping,n,idxin,idxout);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
681 ierr = ISRestoreIndices(is,&idxin);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
682 ierr = ISCreateGeneral(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)is),n,idxout,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,newis);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
683 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
687 ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply - Takes a list of integers in a local numbering
688 and converts them to the global numbering.
690 Not collective
692 Input Parameters:
693+ mapping - the local to global mapping context
694. N - number of integers
695- in - input indices in local numbering
697 Output Parameter:
698. out - indices in global numbering
700 Notes:
701 The in and out array parameters may be identical.
703 Level: advanced
705.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyBlock(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(),ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(),
706 ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyIS(),AOCreateBasic(),AOApplicationToPetsc(),
707 AOPetscToApplication(), ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply()
709 Concepts: mapping^local to global
711PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,PetscInt N,const PetscInt in[],PetscInt out[])
713 PetscInt i,bs,Nmax;
715 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 715; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
716 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),716
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),716,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
717 bs = mapping->bs;
718 Nmax = bs*mapping->n;
719 if (bs == 1) {
720 const PetscInt *idx = mapping->indices;
721 for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
722 if (in[i] < 0) {
723 out[i] = in[i];
724 continue;
725 }
726 if (in[i] >= Nmax) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Local index %D too large %D (max) at %D",in[i],Nmax-1,i)return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),726,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
,63,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Local index %D too large %D (max) at %D"
727 out[i] = idx[in[i]];
728 }
729 } else {
730 const PetscInt *idx = mapping->indices;
731 for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
732 if (in[i] < 0) {
733 out[i] = in[i];
734 continue;
735 }
736 if (in[i] >= Nmax) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Local index %D too large %D (max) at %D",in[i],Nmax-1,i)return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),736,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
,63,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Local index %D too large %D (max) at %D"
737 out[i] = idx[in[i]/bs]*bs + (in[i] % bs);
738 }
739 }
740 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
744 ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyBlock - Takes a list of integers in a local block numbering and converts them to the global block numbering
746 Not collective
748 Input Parameters:
749+ mapping - the local to global mapping context
750. N - number of integers
751- in - input indices in local block numbering
753 Output Parameter:
754. out - indices in global block numbering
756 Notes:
757 The in and out array parameters may be identical.
759 Example:
760 If the index values are {0,1,6,7} set with a call to ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,2,2,{0,3}) then the mapping applied to 0
761 (the first block) would produce 0 and the mapping applied to 1 (the second block) would produce 3.
763 Level: advanced
765.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(),ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(),
766 ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyIS(),AOCreateBasic(),AOApplicationToPetsc(),
767 AOPetscToApplication(), ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply()
769 Concepts: mapping^local to global
771PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingApplyBlock(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,PetscInt N,const PetscInt in[],PetscInt out[])
774 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 774; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
775 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),775
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),775,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
776 {
777 PetscInt i,Nmax = mapping->n;
778 const PetscInt *idx = mapping->indices;
780 for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
781 if (in[i] < 0) {
782 out[i] = in[i];
783 continue;
784 }
785 if (in[i] >= Nmax) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Local block index %D too large %D (max) at %D",in[i],Nmax-1,i)return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),785,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
,63,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Local block index %D too large %D (max) at %D"
786 out[i] = idx[in[i]];
787 }
788 }
789 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
793 ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply - Provides the local numbering for a list of integers
794 specified with a global numbering.
796 Not collective
798 Input Parameters:
799+ mapping - mapping between local and global numbering
800. type - IS_GTOLM_MASK - replaces global indices with no local value with -1
801 IS_GTOLM_DROP - drops the indices with no local value from the output list
802. n - number of global indices to map
803- idx - global indices to map
805 Output Parameters:
806+ nout - number of indices in output array (if type == IS_GTOLM_MASK then nout = n)
807- idxout - local index of each global index, one must pass in an array long enough
808 to hold all the indices. You can call ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply() with
809 idxout == NULL to determine the required length (returned in nout)
810 and then allocate the required space and call ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply()
811 a second time to set the values.
813 Notes:
814 Either nout or idxout may be NULL. idx and idxout may be identical.
816 For "small" problems when using ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply() and ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyBlock(), the ISLocalToGlobalMappingType of ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGBASIC will be used;
817 this uses more memory but is faster; this approach is not scalable for extremely large mappings. For large problems ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGHASH is used, this is scalable.
818 Use ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType() or call ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetFromOptions() with the option -islocaltoglobalmapping_type <basic,hash> to control which is used.
820 Level: advanced
822 Developer Note: The manual page states that idx and idxout may be identical but the calling
823 sequence declares idx as const so it cannot be the same as idxout.
825 Concepts: mapping^global to local
827.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(), ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyBlock(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(),
828 ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy()
830PetscErrorCode ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,ISGlobalToLocalMappingMode type,PetscInt n,const PetscInt idx[],PetscInt *nout,PetscInt idxout[])
832 PetscErrorCode ierr;
834 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 834; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
835 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),835
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),835,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
836 if (!mapping->data) {
837 ierr = ISGlobalToLocalMappingSetUp(mapping);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
838 }
839 ierr = (*mapping->ops->globaltolocalmappingapply)(mapping,type,n,idx,nout,idxout);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
840 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
844 ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyIS - Creates from an IS in the global numbering
845 a new index set using the local numbering defined in an ISLocalToGlobalMapping
846 context.
848 Not collective
850 Input Parameters:
851+ mapping - mapping between local and global numbering
852. type - IS_GTOLM_MASK - replaces global indices with no local value with -1
853 IS_GTOLM_DROP - drops the indices with no local value from the output list
854- is - index set in global numbering
856 Output Parameters:
857. newis - index set in local numbering
859 Notes:
860 The output IS will be sequential, as it encodes a purely local operation
862 Level: advanced
864 Concepts: mapping^local to global
866.seealso: ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(),
867 ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy()
869PetscErrorCode ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyIS(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,ISGlobalToLocalMappingMode type,IS is,IS *newis)
871 PetscErrorCode ierr;
872 PetscInt n,nout,*idxout;
873 const PetscInt *idxin;
875 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 875; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
876 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),876
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),876,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
877 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(is,IS_CLASSID,3)do { if (!is) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),877,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",3); if (!PetscCheckPointer
(is,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),877
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,3); if (((PetscObject)(is))->classid != IS_CLASSID) { if (
((PetscObject)(is))->classid == -1) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,3); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),877,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",3
); } } while (0)
878 PetscValidPointer(newis,4)do { if (!newis) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),878
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",4); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(newis,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",4);
} while (0)
880 ierr = ISGetLocalSize(is,&n);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
881 ierr = ISGetIndices(is,&idxin);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
882 if (type == IS_GTOLM_MASK) {
883 ierr = PetscMalloc1(n,&idxout)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,883,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
884 } else {
885 ierr = ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply(mapping,type,n,idxin,&nout,NULL((void*)0));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
886 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nout,&idxout)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,886,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
887 }
888 ierr = ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply(mapping,type,n,idxin,&nout,idxout);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
889 ierr = ISRestoreIndices(is,&idxin);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
890 ierr = ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),nout,idxout,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,newis);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
891 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
895 ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyBlock - Provides the local block numbering for a list of integers
896 specified with a block global numbering.
898 Not collective
900 Input Parameters:
901+ mapping - mapping between local and global numbering
902. type - IS_GTOLM_MASK - replaces global indices with no local value with -1
903 IS_GTOLM_DROP - drops the indices with no local value from the output list
904. n - number of global indices to map
905- idx - global indices to map
907 Output Parameters:
908+ nout - number of indices in output array (if type == IS_GTOLM_MASK then nout = n)
909- idxout - local index of each global index, one must pass in an array long enough
910 to hold all the indices. You can call ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyBlock() with
911 idxout == NULL to determine the required length (returned in nout)
912 and then allocate the required space and call ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyBlock()
913 a second time to set the values.
915 Notes:
916 Either nout or idxout may be NULL. idx and idxout may be identical.
918 For "small" problems when using ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply() and ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyBlock(), the ISLocalToGlobalMappingType of ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGBASIC will be used;
919 this uses more memory but is faster; this approach is not scalable for extremely large mappings. For large problems ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGHASH is used, this is scalable.
920 Use ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType() or call ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetFromOptions() with the option -islocaltoglobalmapping_type <basic,hash> to control which is used.
922 Level: advanced
924 Developer Note: The manual page states that idx and idxout may be identical but the calling
925 sequence declares idx as const so it cannot be the same as idxout.
927 Concepts: mapping^global to local
929.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(), ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(),
930 ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy()
932PetscErrorCode ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyBlock(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,ISGlobalToLocalMappingMode type,
933 PetscInt n,const PetscInt idx[],PetscInt *nout,PetscInt idxout[])
935 PetscErrorCode ierr;
937 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 937; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
938 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),938
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),938,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
939 if (!mapping->data) {
940 ierr = ISGlobalToLocalMappingSetUp(mapping);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
941 }
942 ierr = (*mapping->ops->globaltolocalmappingapplyblock)(mapping,type,n,idx,nout,idxout);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
943 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
948 ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockInfo - Gets the neighbor information for each processor and
949 each index shared by more than one processor
951 Collective on ISLocalToGlobalMapping
953 Input Parameters:
954. mapping - the mapping from local to global indexing
956 Output Parameter:
957+ nproc - number of processors that are connected to this one
958. proc - neighboring processors
959. numproc - number of indices for each subdomain (processor)
960- indices - indices of nodes (in local numbering) shared with neighbors (sorted by global numbering)
962 Level: advanced
964 Concepts: mapping^local to global
966 Fortran Usage:
967$ ISLocalToGlobalMpngGetInfoSize(ISLocalToGlobalMapping,PetscInt nproc,PetscInt numprocmax,ierr) followed by
968$ ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetInfo(ISLocalToGlobalMapping,PetscInt nproc, PetscInt procs[nproc],PetscInt numprocs[nproc],
969 PetscInt indices[nproc][numprocmax],ierr)
970 There is no ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreInfo() in Fortran. You must make sure that procs[], numprocs[] and
971 indices[][] are large enough arrays, either by allocating them dynamically or defining static ones large enough.
974.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(),
975 ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreInfo()
977PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockInfo(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,PetscInt *nproc,PetscInt *procs[],PetscInt *numprocs[],PetscInt **indices[])
979 PetscErrorCode ierr;
981 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 981; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
982 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),982
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),982,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
983 if (mapping->info_cached) {
984 *nproc = mapping->info_nproc;
985 *procs = mapping->info_procs;
986 *numprocs = mapping->info_numprocs;
987 *indices = mapping->info_indices;
988 } else {
989 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockInfo_Private(mapping,nproc,procs,numprocs,indices);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
990 }
991 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
994static PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockInfo_Private(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,PetscInt *nproc,PetscInt *procs[],PetscInt *numprocs[],PetscInt **indices[])
996 PetscErrorCode ierr;
997 PetscMPIInt size,rank,tag1,tag2,tag3,*len,*source,imdex;
998 PetscInt i,n = mapping->n,Ng,ng,max = 0,*lindices = mapping->indices;
999 PetscInt *nprocs,*owner,nsends,*sends,j,*starts,nmax,nrecvs,*recvs,proc;
1000 PetscInt cnt,scale,*ownedsenders,*nownedsenders,rstart,nowned;
1001 PetscInt node,nownedm,nt,*sends2,nsends2,*starts2,*lens2,*dest,nrecvs2,*starts3,*recvs2,k,*bprocs,*tmp;
1002 PetscInt first_procs,first_numprocs,*first_indices;
1003 MPI_Request *recv_waits,*send_waits;
1004 MPI_Status recv_status,*send_status,*recv_statuses;
1005 MPI_Comm comm;
1006 PetscBool debug = PETSC_FALSE;
1008 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1008; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1009 ierr = PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)mapping,&comm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1010 ierr = MPI_Comm_size(comm,&size);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1011 ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&rank);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1012 if (size == 1) {
1013 *nproc = 0;
1014 *procs = NULL((void*)0);
1015 ierr = PetscNew(numprocs)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,1015,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1016 (*numprocs)[0] = 0;
1017 ierr = PetscNew(indices)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,1017,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1018 (*indices)[0] = NULL((void*)0);
1019 /* save info for reuse */
1020 mapping->info_nproc = *nproc;
1021 mapping->info_procs = *procs;
1022 mapping->info_numprocs = *numprocs;
1023 mapping->info_indices = *indices;
1024 mapping->info_cached = PETSC_TRUE;
1025 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1026 }
1028 ierr = PetscOptionsGetBool(((PetscObject)mapping)->options,NULL((void*)0),"-islocaltoglobalmappinggetinfo_debug",&debug,NULL((void*)0));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1030 /*
1031 Notes on ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockInfo
1033 globally owned node - the nodes that have been assigned to this processor in global
1034 numbering, just for this routine.
1036 nontrivial globally owned node - node assigned to this processor that is on a subdomain
1037 boundary (i.e. is has more than one local owner)
1039 locally owned node - node that exists on this processors subdomain
1041 nontrivial locally owned node - node that is not in the interior (i.e. has more than one
1042 local subdomain
1043 */
1044 ierr = PetscObjectGetNewTag((PetscObject)mapping,&tag1);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1045 ierr = PetscObjectGetNewTag((PetscObject)mapping,&tag2);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1046 ierr = PetscObjectGetNewTag((PetscObject)mapping,&tag3);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1048 for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
1049 if (lindices[i] > max) max = lindices[i];
1050 }
1051 ierr = MPIU_Allreduce(&max,&Ng,1,MPIU_INT,MPI_MAX,comm)(PetscAllreduceBarrierCheck(comm,1,1051,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((petsc_allreduce_ct += PetscMPIParallelComm((comm)),0) ||
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1052 Ng++;
1053 ierr = MPI_Comm_size(comm,&size);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1054 ierr = MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&rank);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1055 scale = Ng/size + 1;
1056 ng = scale; if (rank == size-1) ng = Ng - scale*(size-1); ng = PetscMax(1,ng)(((1)<(ng)) ? (ng) : (1));
1057 rstart = scale*rank;
1059 /* determine ownership ranges of global indices */
1060 ierr = PetscMalloc1(2*size,&nprocs)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1060,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1061 ierr = PetscMemzero(nprocs,2*size*sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1063 /* determine owners of each local node */
1064 ierr = PetscMalloc1(n,&owner)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1064,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1065 for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
1066 proc = lindices[i]/scale; /* processor that globally owns this index */
1067 nprocs[2*proc+1] = 1; /* processor globally owns at least one of ours */
1068 owner[i] = proc;
1069 nprocs[2*proc]++; /* count of how many that processor globally owns of ours */
1070 }
1071 nsends = 0; for (i=0; i<size; i++) nsends += nprocs[2*i+1];
1072 ierr = PetscInfo1(mapping,"Number of global owners for my local data %D\n",nsends)PetscInfo_Private(__func__,mapping,"Number of global owners for my local data %D\n"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1074 /* inform other processors of number of messages and max length*/
1075 ierr = PetscMaxSum(comm,nprocs,&nmax,&nrecvs);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1076 ierr = PetscInfo1(mapping,"Number of local owners for my global data %D\n",nrecvs)PetscInfo_Private(__func__,mapping,"Number of local owners for my global data %D\n"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1078 /* post receives for owned rows */
1079 ierr = PetscMalloc1((2*nrecvs+1)*(nmax+1),&recvs)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1079,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1080 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nrecvs+1,&recv_waits)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1080,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1081 for (i=0; i<nrecvs; i++) {
1082 ierr = MPI_Irecv(recvs+2*nmax*i,2*nmax,MPIU_INT,MPI_ANY_SOURCE,tag1,comm,recv_waits+i)((petsc_irecv_ct++,0) || PetscMPITypeSize(&(petsc_irecv_len
),(2*nmax),(((MPI_Datatype)0x4c000405))) || MPI_Irecv((recvs+
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1083 }
1085 /* pack messages containing lists of local nodes to owners */
1086 ierr = PetscMalloc1(2*n+1,&sends)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1086,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1087 ierr = PetscMalloc1(size+1,&starts)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1087,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1088 starts[0] = 0;
1089 for (i=1; i<size; i++) starts[i] = starts[i-1] + 2*nprocs[2*i-2];
1090 for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
1091 sends[starts[owner[i]]++] = lindices[i];
1092 sends[starts[owner[i]]++] = i;
1093 }
1094 ierr = PetscFree(owner)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(owner),1094,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((owner) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1095 starts[0] = 0;
1096 for (i=1; i<size; i++) starts[i] = starts[i-1] + 2*nprocs[2*i-2];
1098 /* send the messages */
1099 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nsends+1,&send_waits)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1099,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1100 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nsends+1,&dest)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1100,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1101 cnt = 0;
1102 for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
1103 if (nprocs[2*i]) {
1104 ierr = MPI_Isend(sends+starts[i],2*nprocs[2*i],MPIU_INT,i,tag1,comm,send_waits+cnt)((petsc_isend_ct++,0) || PetscMPITypeSize(&(petsc_isend_len
),(2*nprocs[2*i]),(((MPI_Datatype)0x4c000405))) || MPI_Isend(
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1105 dest[cnt] = i;
1106 cnt++;
1107 }
1108 }
1109 ierr = PetscFree(starts)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(starts),1109,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((starts) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1111 /* wait on receives */
1112 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nrecvs+1,&source)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1112,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1113 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nrecvs+1,&len)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1113,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1114 cnt = nrecvs;
1115 ierr = PetscMalloc1(ng+1,&nownedsenders)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1115,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1116 ierr = PetscMemzero(nownedsenders,ng*sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1117 while (cnt) {
1118 ierr = MPI_Waitany(nrecvs,recv_waits,&imdex,&recv_status)((petsc_wait_any_ct++,petsc_sum_of_waits_ct++,0) || MPI_Waitany
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1119 /* unpack receives into our local space */
1120 ierr = MPI_Get_count(&recv_status,MPIU_INT((MPI_Datatype)0x4c000405),&len[imdex]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1121 source[imdex] = recv_status.MPI_SOURCE;
1122 len[imdex] = len[imdex]/2;
1123 /* count how many local owners for each of my global owned indices */
1124 for (i=0; i<len[imdex]; i++) nownedsenders[recvs[2*imdex*nmax+2*i]-rstart]++;
1125 cnt--;
1126 }
1127 ierr = PetscFree(recv_waits)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(recv_waits),1127,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((recv_waits) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1129 /* count how many globally owned indices are on an edge multiplied by how many processors own them. */
1130 nowned = 0;
1131 nownedm = 0;
1132 for (i=0; i<ng; i++) {
1133 if (nownedsenders[i] > 1) {nownedm += nownedsenders[i]; nowned++;}
1134 }
1136 /* create single array to contain rank of all local owners of each globally owned index */
1137 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nownedm+1,&ownedsenders)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1137,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1138 ierr = PetscMalloc1(ng+1,&starts)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1138,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1139 starts[0] = 0;
1140 for (i=1; i<ng; i++) {
1141 if (nownedsenders[i-1] > 1) starts[i] = starts[i-1] + nownedsenders[i-1];
1142 else starts[i] = starts[i-1];
1143 }
1145 /* for each nontrival globally owned node list all arriving processors */
1146 for (i=0; i<nrecvs; i++) {
1147 for (j=0; j<len[i]; j++) {
1148 node = recvs[2*i*nmax+2*j]-rstart;
1149 if (nownedsenders[node] > 1) ownedsenders[starts[node]++] = source[i];
1150 }
1151 }
1153 if (debug) { /* ----------------------------------- */
1154 starts[0] = 0;
1155 for (i=1; i<ng; i++) {
1156 if (nownedsenders[i-1] > 1) starts[i] = starts[i-1] + nownedsenders[i-1];
1157 else starts[i] = starts[i-1];
1158 }
1159 for (i=0; i<ng; i++) {
1160 if (nownedsenders[i] > 1) {
1161 ierr = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(comm,"[%d] global node %D local owner processors: ",rank,i+rstart);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1162 for (j=0; j<nownedsenders[i]; j++) {
1163 ierr = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(comm,"%D ",ownedsenders[starts[i]+j]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1164 }
1165 ierr = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(comm,"\n");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1166 }
1167 }
1168 ierr = PetscSynchronizedFlush(comm,PETSC_STDOUT);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1169 } /* ----------------------------------- */
1171 /* wait on original sends */
1172 if (nsends) {
1173 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nsends,&send_status)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1173,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1174 ierr = MPI_Waitall(nsends,send_waits,send_status)((petsc_wait_all_ct++,petsc_sum_of_waits_ct += (PetscLogDouble
) (nsends),0) || MPI_Waitall((nsends),(send_waits),(send_status
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1175 ierr = PetscFree(send_status)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(send_status),1175,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((send_status) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1176 }
1177 ierr = PetscFree(send_waits)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(send_waits),1177,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((send_waits) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1178 ierr = PetscFree(sends)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(sends),1178,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((sends) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1179 ierr = PetscFree(nprocs)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(nprocs),1179,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((nprocs) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1181 /* pack messages to send back to local owners */
1182 starts[0] = 0;
1183 for (i=1; i<ng; i++) {
1184 if (nownedsenders[i-1] > 1) starts[i] = starts[i-1] + nownedsenders[i-1];
1185 else starts[i] = starts[i-1];
1186 }
1187 nsends2 = nrecvs;
1188 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nsends2+1,&nprocs)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1188,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
; /* length of each message */
1189 for (i=0; i<nrecvs; i++) {
1190 nprocs[i] = 1;
1191 for (j=0; j<len[i]; j++) {
1192 node = recvs[2*i*nmax+2*j]-rstart;
1193 if (nownedsenders[node] > 1) nprocs[i] += 2 + nownedsenders[node];
1194 }
1195 }
1196 nt = 0;
1197 for (i=0; i<nsends2; i++) nt += nprocs[i];
1199 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nt+1,&sends2)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1199,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1200 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nsends2+1,&starts2)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1200,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1202 starts2[0] = 0;
1203 for (i=1; i<nsends2; i++) starts2[i] = starts2[i-1] + nprocs[i-1];
1204 /*
1205 Each message is 1 + nprocs[i] long, and consists of
1206 (0) the number of nodes being sent back
1207 (1) the local node number,
1208 (2) the number of processors sharing it,
1209 (3) the processors sharing it
1210 */
1211 for (i=0; i<nsends2; i++) {
1212 cnt = 1;
1213 sends2[starts2[i]] = 0;
1214 for (j=0; j<len[i]; j++) {
1215 node = recvs[2*i*nmax+2*j]-rstart;
1216 if (nownedsenders[node] > 1) {
1217 sends2[starts2[i]]++;
1218 sends2[starts2[i]+cnt++] = recvs[2*i*nmax+2*j+1];
1219 sends2[starts2[i]+cnt++] = nownedsenders[node];
1220 ierr = PetscMemcpy(&sends2[starts2[i]+cnt],&ownedsenders[starts[node]],nownedsenders[node]*sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1221 cnt += nownedsenders[node];
1222 }
1223 }
1224 }
1226 /* receive the message lengths */
1227 nrecvs2 = nsends;
1228 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nrecvs2+1,&lens2)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1228,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1229 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nrecvs2+1,&starts3)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1229,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1230 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nrecvs2+1,&recv_waits)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1230,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1231 for (i=0; i<nrecvs2; i++) {
1232 ierr = MPI_Irecv(&lens2[i],1,MPIU_INT,dest[i],tag2,comm,recv_waits+i)((petsc_irecv_ct++,0) || PetscMPITypeSize(&(petsc_irecv_len
),(1),(((MPI_Datatype)0x4c000405))) || MPI_Irecv((&lens2[
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1233 }
1235 /* send the message lengths */
1236 for (i=0; i<nsends2; i++) {
1237 ierr = MPI_Send(&nprocs[i],1,MPIU_INT,source[i],tag2,comm)((petsc_send_ct++,0) || PetscMPITypeSize((&petsc_send_len
),(1),(((MPI_Datatype)0x4c000405))) || MPI_Send((&nprocs[
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1238 }
1240 /* wait on receives of lens */
1241 if (nrecvs2) {
1242 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nrecvs2,&recv_statuses)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1242,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1243 ierr = MPI_Waitall(nrecvs2,recv_waits,recv_statuses)((petsc_wait_all_ct++,petsc_sum_of_waits_ct += (PetscLogDouble
) (nrecvs2),0) || MPI_Waitall((nrecvs2),(recv_waits),(recv_statuses
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1244 ierr = PetscFree(recv_statuses)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(recv_statuses),1244,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((recv_statuses) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1245 }
1246 ierr = PetscFree(recv_waits)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(recv_waits),1246,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((recv_waits) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1248 starts3[0] = 0;
1249 nt = 0;
1250 for (i=0; i<nrecvs2-1; i++) {
1251 starts3[i+1] = starts3[i] + lens2[i];
1252 nt += lens2[i];
1253 }
1254 if (nrecvs2) nt += lens2[nrecvs2-1];
1256 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nt+1,&recvs2)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1256,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1257 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nrecvs2+1,&recv_waits)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1257,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1258 for (i=0; i<nrecvs2; i++) {
1259 ierr = MPI_Irecv(recvs2+starts3[i],lens2[i],MPIU_INT,dest[i],tag3,comm,recv_waits+i)((petsc_irecv_ct++,0) || PetscMPITypeSize(&(petsc_irecv_len
),(lens2[i]),(((MPI_Datatype)0x4c000405))) || MPI_Irecv((recvs2
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1260 }
1262 /* send the messages */
1263 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nsends2+1,&send_waits)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1263,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1264 for (i=0; i<nsends2; i++) {
1265 ierr = MPI_Isend(sends2+starts2[i],nprocs[i],MPIU_INT,source[i],tag3,comm,send_waits+i)((petsc_isend_ct++,0) || PetscMPITypeSize(&(petsc_isend_len
),(nprocs[i]),(((MPI_Datatype)0x4c000405))) || MPI_Isend((sends2
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1266 }
1268 /* wait on receives */
1269 if (nrecvs2) {
1270 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nrecvs2,&recv_statuses)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1270,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1271 ierr = MPI_Waitall(nrecvs2,recv_waits,recv_statuses)((petsc_wait_all_ct++,petsc_sum_of_waits_ct += (PetscLogDouble
) (nrecvs2),0) || MPI_Waitall((nrecvs2),(recv_waits),(recv_statuses
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1272 ierr = PetscFree(recv_statuses)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(recv_statuses),1272,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((recv_statuses) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1273 }
1274 ierr = PetscFree(recv_waits)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(recv_waits),1274,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((recv_waits) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1275 ierr = PetscFree(nprocs)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(nprocs),1275,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((nprocs) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1277 if (debug) { /* ----------------------------------- */
1278 cnt = 0;
1279 for (i=0; i<nrecvs2; i++) {
1280 nt = recvs2[cnt++];
1281 for (j=0; j<nt; j++) {
1282 ierr = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(comm,"[%d] local node %D number of subdomains %D: ",rank,recvs2[cnt],recvs2[cnt+1]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1283 for (k=0; k<recvs2[cnt+1]; k++) {
1284 ierr = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(comm,"%D ",recvs2[cnt+2+k]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1285 }
1286 cnt += 2 + recvs2[cnt+1];
1287 ierr = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(comm,"\n");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1288 }
1289 }
1290 ierr = PetscSynchronizedFlush(comm,PETSC_STDOUT);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1291 } /* ----------------------------------- */
1293 /* count number subdomains for each local node */
1294 ierr = PetscMalloc1(size,&nprocs)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1294,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1295 ierr = PetscMemzero(nprocs,size*sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1296 cnt = 0;
1297 for (i=0; i<nrecvs2; i++) {
1298 nt = recvs2[cnt++];
1299 for (j=0; j<nt; j++) {
1300 for (k=0; k<recvs2[cnt+1]; k++) nprocs[recvs2[cnt+2+k]]++;
1301 cnt += 2 + recvs2[cnt+1];
1302 }
1303 }
1304 nt = 0; for (i=0; i<size; i++) nt += (nprocs[i] > 0);
1305 *nproc = nt;
1306 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nt+1,procs)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1306,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1307 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nt+1,numprocs)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1307,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1308 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nt+1,indices)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1308,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1309 for (i=0;i<nt+1;i++) (*indices)[i]=NULL((void*)0);
1310 ierr = PetscMalloc1(size,&bprocs)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1310,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1311 cnt = 0;
1312 for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
1313 if (nprocs[i] > 0) {
1314 bprocs[i] = cnt;
1315 (*procs)[cnt] = i;
1316 (*numprocs)[cnt] = nprocs[i];
1317 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nprocs[i],&(*indices)[cnt])PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1317,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1318 cnt++;
1319 }
1320 }
1322 /* make the list of subdomains for each nontrivial local node */
1323 ierr = PetscMemzero(*numprocs,nt*sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1324 cnt = 0;
1325 for (i=0; i<nrecvs2; i++) {
1326 nt = recvs2[cnt++];
1327 for (j=0; j<nt; j++) {
1328 for (k=0; k<recvs2[cnt+1]; k++) (*indices)[bprocs[recvs2[cnt+2+k]]][(*numprocs)[bprocs[recvs2[cnt+2+k]]]++] = recvs2[cnt];
1329 cnt += 2 + recvs2[cnt+1];
1330 }
1331 }
1332 ierr = PetscFree(bprocs)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(bprocs),1332,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((bprocs) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1333 ierr = PetscFree(recvs2)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(recvs2),1333,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((recvs2) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1335 /* sort the node indexing by their global numbers */
1336 nt = *nproc;
1337 for (i=0; i<nt; i++) {
1338 ierr = PetscMalloc1((*numprocs)[i],&tmp)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1338,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1339 for (j=0; j<(*numprocs)[i]; j++) tmp[j] = lindices[(*indices)[i][j]];
1340 ierr = PetscSortIntWithArray((*numprocs)[i],tmp,(*indices)[i]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1341 ierr = PetscFree(tmp)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(tmp),1341,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((tmp) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1342 }
1344 if (debug) { /* ----------------------------------- */
1345 nt = *nproc;
1346 for (i=0; i<nt; i++) {
1347 ierr = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(comm,"[%d] subdomain %D number of indices %D: ",rank,(*procs)[i],(*numprocs)[i]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1348 for (j=0; j<(*numprocs)[i]; j++) {
1349 ierr = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(comm,"%D ",(*indices)[i][j]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1350 }
1351 ierr = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(comm,"\n");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1352 }
1353 ierr = PetscSynchronizedFlush(comm,PETSC_STDOUT);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1354 } /* ----------------------------------- */
1356 /* wait on sends */
1357 if (nsends2) {
1358 ierr = PetscMalloc1(nsends2,&send_status)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1358,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1359 ierr = MPI_Waitall(nsends2,send_waits,send_status)((petsc_wait_all_ct++,petsc_sum_of_waits_ct += (PetscLogDouble
) (nsends2),0) || MPI_Waitall((nsends2),(send_waits),(send_status
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1360 ierr = PetscFree(send_status)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(send_status),1360,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((send_status) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1361 }
1363 ierr = PetscFree(starts3)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(starts3),1363,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((starts3) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1364 ierr = PetscFree(dest)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(dest),1364,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((dest) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1365 ierr = PetscFree(send_waits)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(send_waits),1365,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((send_waits) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1367 ierr = PetscFree(nownedsenders)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(nownedsenders),1367,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((nownedsenders) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1368 ierr = PetscFree(ownedsenders)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(ownedsenders),1368,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((ownedsenders) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1369 ierr = PetscFree(starts)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(starts),1369,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((starts) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1370 ierr = PetscFree(starts2)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(starts2),1370,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((starts2) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1371 ierr = PetscFree(lens2)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(lens2),1371,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((lens2) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1373 ierr = PetscFree(source)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(source),1373,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((source) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1374 ierr = PetscFree(len)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(len),1374,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((len) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1375 ierr = PetscFree(recvs)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(recvs),1375,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((recvs) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1376 ierr = PetscFree(nprocs)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(nprocs),1376,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((nprocs) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1377 ierr = PetscFree(sends2)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(sends2),1377,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((sends2) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1379 /* put the information about myself as the first entry in the list */
1380 first_procs = (*procs)[0];
1381 first_numprocs = (*numprocs)[0];
1382 first_indices = (*indices)[0];
1383 for (i=0; i<*nproc; i++) {
1384 if ((*procs)[i] == rank) {
1385 (*procs)[0] = (*procs)[i];
1386 (*numprocs)[0] = (*numprocs)[i];
1387 (*indices)[0] = (*indices)[i];
1388 (*procs)[i] = first_procs;
1389 (*numprocs)[i] = first_numprocs;
1390 (*indices)[i] = first_indices;
1391 break;
1392 }
1393 }
1395 /* save info for reuse */
1396 mapping->info_nproc = *nproc;
1397 mapping->info_procs = *procs;
1398 mapping->info_numprocs = *numprocs;
1399 mapping->info_indices = *indices;
1400 mapping->info_cached = PETSC_TRUE;
1401 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1405 ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreBlockInfo - Frees the memory allocated by ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockInfo()
1407 Collective on ISLocalToGlobalMapping
1409 Input Parameters:
1410. mapping - the mapping from local to global indexing
1412 Output Parameter:
1413+ nproc - number of processors that are connected to this one
1414. proc - neighboring processors
1415. numproc - number of indices for each processor
1416- indices - indices of local nodes shared with neighbor (sorted by global numbering)
1418 Level: advanced
1420.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(),
1421 ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetInfo()
1423PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreBlockInfo(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,PetscInt *nproc,PetscInt *procs[],PetscInt *numprocs[],PetscInt **indices[])
1425 PetscErrorCode ierr;
1427 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1427; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1428 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1428
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1428,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
1429 if (mapping->info_free) {
1430 ierr = PetscFree(*numprocs)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(*numprocs),1430,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((*numprocs) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1431 if (*indices) {
1432 PetscInt i;
1434 ierr = PetscFree((*indices)[0])((*PetscTrFree)((void*)((*indices)[0]),1434,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || (((*indices)[0]) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1435 for (i=1; i<*nproc; i++) {
1436 ierr = PetscFree((*indices)[i])((*PetscTrFree)((void*)((*indices)[i]),1436,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || (((*indices)[i]) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1437 }
1438 ierr = PetscFree(*indices)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(*indices),1438,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((*indices) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1439 }
1440 }
1441 *nproc = 0;
1442 *procs = NULL((void*)0);
1443 *numprocs = NULL((void*)0);
1444 *indices = NULL((void*)0);
1445 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1449 ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetInfo - Gets the neighbor information for each processor and
1450 each index shared by more than one processor
1452 Collective on ISLocalToGlobalMapping
1454 Input Parameters:
1455. mapping - the mapping from local to global indexing
1457 Output Parameter:
1458+ nproc - number of processors that are connected to this one
1459. proc - neighboring processors
1460. numproc - number of indices for each subdomain (processor)
1461- indices - indices of nodes (in local numbering) shared with neighbors (sorted by global numbering)
1463 Level: advanced
1465 Concepts: mapping^local to global
1467 Notes: The user needs to call ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreInfo when the data is no longer needed.
1469 Fortran Usage:
1470$ ISLocalToGlobalMpngGetInfoSize(ISLocalToGlobalMapping,PetscInt nproc,PetscInt numprocmax,ierr) followed by
1471$ ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetInfo(ISLocalToGlobalMapping,PetscInt nproc, PetscInt procs[nproc],PetscInt numprocs[nproc],
1472 PetscInt indices[nproc][numprocmax],ierr)
1473 There is no ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreInfo() in Fortran. You must make sure that procs[], numprocs[] and
1474 indices[][] are large enough arrays, either by allocating them dynamically or defining static ones large enough.
1477.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(),
1478 ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreInfo()
1480PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetInfo(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,PetscInt *nproc,PetscInt *procs[],PetscInt *numprocs[],PetscInt **indices[])
1482 PetscErrorCode ierr;
1483 PetscInt **bindices = NULL((void*)0),*bnumprocs = NULL((void*)0),bs = mapping->bs,i,j,k;
1485 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1485; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1486 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1486
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1486,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
1487 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockInfo(mapping,nproc,procs,&bnumprocs,&bindices);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1488 if (bs > 1) { /* we need to expand the cached info */
1489 ierr = PetscCalloc1(*nproc,&*indices)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,1489,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1490 ierr = PetscCalloc1(*nproc,&*numprocs)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,1490,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1491 for (i=0; i<*nproc; i++) {
1492 ierr = PetscMalloc1(bs*bnumprocs[i],&(*indices)[i])PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1492,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1493 for (j=0; j<bnumprocs[i]; j++) {
1494 for (k=0; k<bs; k++) {
1495 (*indices)[i][j*bs+k] = bs*bindices[i][j] + k;
1496 }
1497 }
1498 (*numprocs)[i] = bnumprocs[i]*bs;
1499 }
1500 mapping->info_free = PETSC_TRUE;
1501 } else {
1502 *numprocs = bnumprocs;
1503 *indices = bindices;
1504 }
1505 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1509 ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreInfo - Frees the memory allocated by ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetInfo()
1511 Collective on ISLocalToGlobalMapping
1513 Input Parameters:
1514. mapping - the mapping from local to global indexing
1516 Output Parameter:
1517+ nproc - number of processors that are connected to this one
1518. proc - neighboring processors
1519. numproc - number of indices for each processor
1520- indices - indices of local nodes shared with neighbor (sorted by global numbering)
1522 Level: advanced
1524.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(),
1525 ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetInfo()
1527PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreInfo(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,PetscInt *nproc,PetscInt *procs[],PetscInt *numprocs[],PetscInt **indices[])
1529 PetscErrorCode ierr;
1531 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1531; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1532 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreBlockInfo(mapping,nproc,procs,numprocs,indices);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1533 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1537 ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetNodeInfo - Gets the neighbor information for each node
1539 Collective on ISLocalToGlobalMapping
1541 Input Parameters:
1542. mapping - the mapping from local to global indexing
1544 Output Parameter:
1545+ nnodes - number of local nodes (same ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetSize())
1546. count - number of neighboring processors per node
1547- indices - indices of processes sharing the node (sorted)
1549 Level: advanced
1551 Concepts: mapping^local to global
1553 Notes: The user needs to call ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreInfo when the data is no longer needed.
1555.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(),
1556 ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetInfo(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreNodeInfo()
1558PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetNodeInfo(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,PetscInt *nnodes,PetscInt *count[],PetscInt **indices[])
1560 PetscInt n;
1561 PetscErrorCode ierr;
1563 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1563; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1564 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1564
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1564,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
1565 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetSize(mapping,&n);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1566 if (!mapping->info_nodec) {
1567 PetscInt i,m,n_neigh,*neigh,*n_shared,**shared;
1569 ierr = PetscCalloc1(n+1,&mapping->info_nodec)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,1569,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
; /* always allocate to flag setup */
1570 ierr = PetscMalloc1(n,&mapping->info_nodei)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1570,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1571 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetInfo(mapping,&n_neigh,&neigh,&n_shared,&shared);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1572 for (i=0,m=0;i<n;i++) { mapping->info_nodec[i] = 1; m++; }
1573 for (i=1;i<n_neigh;i++) {
1574 PetscInt j;
1576 m += n_shared[i];
1577 for (j=0;j<n_shared[i];j++) mapping->info_nodec[shared[i][j]] += 1;
1578 }
1579 if (n) { ierr = PetscMalloc1(m,&mapping->info_nodei[0])PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1579,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
; }
1580 for (i=1;i<n;i++) mapping->info_nodei[i] = mapping->info_nodei[i-1] + mapping->info_nodec[i-1];
1581 ierr = PetscMemzero(mapping->info_nodec,n*sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1582 for (i=0;i<n;i++) { mapping->info_nodec[i] = 1; mapping->info_nodei[i][0] = neigh[0]; }
1583 for (i=1;i<n_neigh;i++) {
1584 PetscInt j;
1586 for (j=0;j<n_shared[i];j++) {
1587 PetscInt k = shared[i][j];
1589 mapping->info_nodei[k][mapping->info_nodec[k]] = neigh[i];
1590 mapping->info_nodec[k] += 1;
1591 }
1592 }
1593 for (i=0;i<n;i++) { ierr = PetscSortRemoveDupsInt(&mapping->info_nodec[i],mapping->info_nodei[i]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
; }
1594 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreInfo(mapping,&n_neigh,&neigh,&n_shared,&shared);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1595 }
1596 if (nnodes) *nnodes = n;
1597 if (count) *count = mapping->info_nodec;
1598 if (indices) *indices = mapping->info_nodei;
1599 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1603 ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreNodeInfo - Frees the memory allocated by ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetNodeInfo()
1605 Collective on ISLocalToGlobalMapping
1607 Input Parameters:
1608. mapping - the mapping from local to global indexing
1610 Output Parameter:
1611+ nnodes - number of local nodes
1612. count - number of neighboring processors per node
1613- indices - indices of processes sharing the node (sorted)
1615 Level: advanced
1617.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateIS(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(),
1618 ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetInfo()
1620PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreNodeInfo(ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping,PetscInt *nnodes,PetscInt *count[],PetscInt **indices[])
1622 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1622; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1623 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(mapping,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!mapping) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1623
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(mapping,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(mapping))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1623,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
1624 if (nnodes) *nnodes = 0;
1625 if (count) *count = NULL((void*)0);
1626 if (indices) *indices = NULL((void*)0);
1627 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1631 ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetIndices - Get global indices for every local point that is mapped
1633 Not Collective
1635 Input Arguments:
1636. ltog - local to global mapping
1638 Output Arguments:
1639. array - array of indices, the length of this array may be obtained with ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetSize()
1641 Level: advanced
1643 Notes:
1644 ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetSize() returns the length the this array
1646.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreIndices(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockIndices(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreBlockIndices()
1648PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetIndices(ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltog,const PetscInt **array)
1650 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1650; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1651 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(ltog,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!ltog) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1651
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(ltog,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(ltog))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(ltog))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1651,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
1652 PetscValidPointer(array,2)do { if (!array) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1652
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(array,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0)
1653 if (ltog->bs == 1) {
1654 *array = ltog->indices;
1655 } else {
1656 PetscInt *jj,k,i,j,n = ltog->n, bs = ltog->bs;
1657 const PetscInt *ii;
1658 PetscErrorCode ierr;
1660 ierr = PetscMalloc1(bs*n,&jj)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1660,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1661 *array = jj;
1662 k = 0;
1663 ii = ltog->indices;
1664 for (i=0; i<n; i++)
1665 for (j=0; j<bs; j++)
1666 jj[k++] = bs*ii[i] + j;
1667 }
1668 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1672 ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreIndices - Restore indices obtained with ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetIndices()
1674 Not Collective
1676 Input Arguments:
1677+ ltog - local to global mapping
1678- array - array of indices
1680 Level: advanced
1682.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetIndices()
1684PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreIndices(ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltog,const PetscInt **array)
1686 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1686; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1687 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(ltog,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!ltog) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1687
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(ltog,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(ltog))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(ltog))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1687,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
1688 PetscValidPointer(array,2)do { if (!array) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1688
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(array,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0)
1689 if (ltog->bs == 1 && *array != ltog->indices) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_BADPTR,"Trying to return mismatched pointer")return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1689,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Trying to return mismatched pointer"
1691 if (ltog->bs > 1) {
1692 PetscErrorCode ierr;
1693 ierr = PetscFree(*(void**)array)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(*(void**)array),1693,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
) || ((*(void**)array) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1694 }
1695 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1699 ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockIndices - Get global indices for every local block
1701 Not Collective
1703 Input Arguments:
1704. ltog - local to global mapping
1706 Output Arguments:
1707. array - array of indices
1709 Level: advanced
1711.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreBlockIndices()
1713PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockIndices(ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltog,const PetscInt **array)
1715 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1715; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1716 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(ltog,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!ltog) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1716
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(ltog,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(ltog))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(ltog))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1716,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
1717 PetscValidPointer(array,2)do { if (!array) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1717
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(array,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0)
1718 *array = ltog->indices;
1719 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1723 ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreBlockIndices - Restore indices obtained with ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetBlockIndices()
1725 Not Collective
1727 Input Arguments:
1728+ ltog - local to global mapping
1729- array - array of indices
1731 Level: advanced
1733.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingApply(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetIndices()
1735PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreBlockIndices(ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltog,const PetscInt **array)
1737 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1737; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1738 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(ltog,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!ltog) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1738
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(ltog,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(ltog))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(ltog))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1738,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
1739 PetscValidPointer(array,2)do { if (!array) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1739
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(array,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0)
1740 if (*array != ltog->indices) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_BADPTR,"Trying to return mismatched pointer")return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1740,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Trying to return mismatched pointer"
1741 *array = NULL((void*)0);
1742 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1746 ISLocalToGlobalMappingConcatenate - Create a new mapping that concatenates a list of mappings
1748 Not Collective
1750 Input Arguments:
1751+ comm - communicator for the new mapping, must contain the communicator of every mapping to concatenate
1752. n - number of mappings to concatenate
1753- ltogs - local to global mappings
1755 Output Arguments:
1756. ltogcat - new mapping
1758 Note: this currently always returns a mapping with block size of 1
1760 Developer Note: If all the input mapping have the same block size we could easily handle that as a special case
1762 Level: advanced
1764.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate()
1766PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingConcatenate(MPI_Comm comm,PetscInt n,const ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltogs[],ISLocalToGlobalMapping *ltogcat)
1768 PetscInt i,cnt,m,*idx;
1769 PetscErrorCode ierr;
1771 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1771; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1772 if (n < 0) SETERRQ1(comm,PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Must have a non-negative number of mappings, given %D",n)return PetscError(comm,1772,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
,63,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Must have a non-negative number of mappings, given %D"
1773 if (n > 0) PetscValidPointer(ltogs,3)do { if (!ltogs) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1773
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",3); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ltogs,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",3);
} while (0)
1774 for (i=0; i<n; i++) PetscValidHeaderSpecific(ltogs[i],IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,3)do { if (!ltogs[i]) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",3); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(ltogs[i],PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,3); if (((PetscObject)(ltogs[i]))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(ltogs[i]))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,3); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1774,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",3
); } } while (0)
1775 PetscValidPointer(ltogcat,4)do { if (!ltogcat) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1775
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",4); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ltogcat,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError((
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",4);
} while (0)
1776 for (cnt=0,i=0; i<n; i++) {
1777 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetSize(ltogs[i],&m);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1778 cnt += m;
1779 }
1780 ierr = PetscMalloc1(cnt,&idx)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,1780,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1781 for (cnt=0,i=0; i<n; i++) {
1782 const PetscInt *subidx;
1783 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetSize(ltogs[i],&m);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1784 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingGetIndices(ltogs[i],&subidx);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1785 ierr = PetscMemcpy(&idx[cnt],subidx,m*sizeof(PetscInt));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1786 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingRestoreIndices(ltogs[i],&subidx);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1787 cnt += m;
1788 }
1789 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(comm,1,cnt,idx,PETSC_OWN_POINTER,ltogcat);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1790 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1794 ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGBASIC - basic implementation of the ISLocalToGlobalMapping object. When ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply() is
1795 used this is good for only small and moderate size problems.
1797 Options Database Keys:
1798+ -islocaltoglobalmapping_type basic - select this method
1800 Level: beginner
1802.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType(), ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGHASH
1804PETSC_EXTERNextern __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate_Basic(ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltog)
1806 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1806; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1807 ltog->ops->globaltolocalmappingapply = ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply_Basic;
1808 ltog->ops->globaltolocalmappingsetup = ISGlobalToLocalMappingSetUp_Basic;
1809 ltog->ops->globaltolocalmappingapplyblock = ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyBlock_Basic;
1810 ltog->ops->destroy = ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy_Basic;
1811 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1815 ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGHASH - hash implementation of the ISLocalToGlobalMapping object. When ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply() is
1816 used this is good for large memory problems.
1818 Options Database Keys:
1819+ -islocaltoglobalmapping_type hash - select this method
1822 Notes:
1823 This is selected automatically for large problems if the user does not set the type.
1825 Level: beginner
1827.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType(), ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGHASH
1829PETSC_EXTERNextern __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate_Hash(ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltog)
1831 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1831; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1832 ltog->ops->globaltolocalmappingapply = ISGlobalToLocalMappingApply_Hash;
1833 ltog->ops->globaltolocalmappingsetup = ISGlobalToLocalMappingSetUp_Hash;
1834 ltog->ops->globaltolocalmappingapplyblock = ISGlobalToLocalMappingApplyBlock_Hash;
1835 ltog->ops->destroy = ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy_Hash;
1836 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1841 ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegister - Adds a method for applying a global to local mapping with an ISLocalToGlobalMapping
1843 Not Collective
1845 Input Parameters:
1846+ sname - name of a new method
1847- routine_create - routine to create method context
1849 Notes:
1850 ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegister() may be called multiple times to add several user-defined mappings.
1852 Sample usage:
1854 ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegister("my_mapper",MyCreate);
1857 Then, your mapping can be chosen with the procedural interface via
1858$ ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType(ltog,"my_mapper")
1859 or at runtime via the option
1860$ -islocaltoglobalmapping_type my_mapper
1862 Level: advanced
1864.keywords: ISLocalToGlobalMappingType, register
1866.seealso: ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegisterAll(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegisterDestroy(), ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGBASIC, ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGHASH
1869PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegister(const char sname[],PetscErrorCode (*function)(ISLocalToGlobalMapping))
1871 PetscErrorCode ierr;
1873 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1873; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1874 ierr = ISInitializePackage();CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1875 ierr = PetscFunctionListAdd(&ISLocalToGlobalMappingList,sname,function)PetscFunctionListAdd_Private((&ISLocalToGlobalMappingList
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1876 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1880 ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType - Builds ISLocalToGlobalMapping for a particular global to local mapping approach.
1882 Logically Collective on ISLocalToGlobalMapping
1884 Input Parameters:
1885+ ltog - the ISLocalToGlobalMapping object
1886- type - a known method
1888 Options Database Key:
1889. -islocaltoglobalmapping_type <method> - Sets the method; use -help for a list
1890 of available methods (for instance, basic or hash)
1892 Notes:
1893 See "petsc/include/petscis.h" for available methods
1895 Normally, it is best to use the ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetFromOptions() command and
1896 then set the ISLocalToGlobalMapping type from the options database rather than by using
1897 this routine.
1899 Level: intermediate
1901 Developer Note: ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegister() is used to add new types to ISLocalToGlobalMappingList from which they
1902 are accessed by ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType().
1904.keywords: ISLocalToGlobalMapping, set, method
1906.seealso: PCSetType(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingType, ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegister(), ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate()
1909PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingSetType(ISLocalToGlobalMapping ltog, ISLocalToGlobalMappingType type)
1911 PetscErrorCode ierr,(*r)(ISLocalToGlobalMapping);
1912 PetscBool match;
1914 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1914; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1915 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(ltog,IS_LTOGM_CLASSID,1)do { if (!ltog) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1915
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(ltog,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(ltog))->classid != IS_LTOGM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)(ltog))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1915,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1
); } } while (0)
1916 PetscValidCharPointer(type,2)do { if (!type) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),1916
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(type,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to char: Parameter # %d"
,2); } while (0)
1918 ierr = PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)ltog,type,&match);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1919 if (match) PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1921 ierr = PetscFunctionListFind(ISLocalToGlobalMappingList,type,&r)PetscFunctionListFind_Private((ISLocalToGlobalMappingList),(type
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1922 if (!r) SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ltog),PETSC_ERR_ARG_UNKNOWN_TYPE,"Unable to find requested ISLocalToGlobalMapping type %s",type)return PetscError(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ltog),1922,__func__
,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Unable to find requested ISLocalToGlobalMapping type %s"
1923 /* Destroy the previous private LTOG context */
1924 if (ltog->ops->destroy) {
1925 ierr = (*ltog->ops->destroy)(ltog);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1926 ltog->ops->destroy = NULL((void*)0);
1927 }
1928 ierr = PetscObjectChangeTypeName((PetscObject)ltog,type);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1929 ierr = (*r)(ltog);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1930 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1933PetscBool ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegisterAllCalled = PETSC_FALSE;
1936 ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegisterAll - Registers all of the local to global mapping components in the IS package.
1938 Not Collective
1940 Level: advanced
1942.keywords: IS, register, all
1943.seealso: ISRegister(), ISLocalToGlobalRegister()
1945PetscErrorCode ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegisterAll(void)
1947 PetscErrorCode ierr;
1949 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/vec/is/utils/isltog.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 1949; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0)
1950 if (ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegisterAllCalled) PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
1951 ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegisterAllCalled = PETSC_TRUE;
1953 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegister(ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGBASIC"basic", ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate_Basic);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1954 ierr = ISLocalToGlobalMappingRegister(ISLOCALTOGLOBALMAPPINGHASH"hash", ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate_Hash);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
1955 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)


1#if !defined(PETSC_HASHMAPI_H)
4#include <petsc/private/hashmap.h>
6PETSC_HASH_MAP(HMapI, PetscInt, PetscInt, PetscHashInt, PetscHashEqual, -1)typedef struct kh_HMapI_s { khint_t n_buckets, size, n_occupied
, upper_bound; khint32_t *flags; PetscInt *keys; PetscInt *vals
; } kh_HMapI_t; static inline __attribute((unused)) kh_HMapI_t
*kh_init_HMapI(void) { return (kh_HMapI_t*)calloc(1,sizeof(kh_HMapI_t
)); } static inline __attribute((unused)) void kh_destroy_HMapI
(kh_HMapI_t *h) { if (h) { free((void *)h->keys); free(h->
flags); free((void *)h->vals); free(h); } } static inline __attribute
((unused)) void kh_clear_HMapI(kh_HMapI_t *h) { if (h &&
h->flags) { memset(h->flags, 0xaa, ((h->n_buckets) <
16? 1 : (h->n_buckets)>>4) * sizeof(khint32_t)); h->
size = h->n_occupied = 0; } } static inline __attribute((unused
)) khint_t kh_get_HMapI(const kh_HMapI_t *h, PetscInt key) { if
(h->n_buckets) { khint_t k, i, last, mask, step = 0; mask
= h->n_buckets - 1; k = PetscHashInt(key); i = k & mask
; last = i; while (!((h->flags[i>>4]>>((i&
0xfU)<<1))&2) && (((h->flags[i>>4]
>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&1) || !((h->keys[i]) ==
(key)))) { i = (i + (++step)) & mask; if (i == last) return
h->n_buckets; } return ((h->flags[i>>4]>>(
(i&0xfU)<<1))&3)? h->n_buckets : i; } else return
0; } static inline __attribute((unused)) int kh_resize_HMapI
(kh_HMapI_t *h, khint_t new_n_buckets) { khint32_t *new_flags
= 0; khint_t j = 1; { (--(new_n_buckets), (new_n_buckets)|=(
new_n_buckets)>>1, (new_n_buckets)|=(new_n_buckets)>>
2, (new_n_buckets)|=(new_n_buckets)>>4, (new_n_buckets)
|=(new_n_buckets)>>8, (new_n_buckets)|=(new_n_buckets)>>
16, ++(new_n_buckets)); if (new_n_buckets < 4) new_n_buckets
= 4; if (h->size >= (khint_t)(new_n_buckets * __ac_HASH_UPPER
+ 0.5)) j = 0; else { new_flags = (khint32_t*)malloc(((new_n_buckets
) < 16? 1 : (new_n_buckets)>>4) * sizeof(khint32_t))
; if (!new_flags) return -1; memset(new_flags, 0xaa, ((new_n_buckets
) < 16? 1 : (new_n_buckets)>>4) * sizeof(khint32_t))
; if (h->n_buckets < new_n_buckets) { PetscInt *new_keys
= (PetscInt*)realloc((void *)h->keys,new_n_buckets * sizeof
(PetscInt)); if (!new_keys) { free(new_flags); return -1; } h
->keys = new_keys; if (1) { PetscInt *new_vals = (PetscInt
*)realloc((void *)h->vals,new_n_buckets * sizeof(PetscInt)
); if (!new_vals) { free(new_flags); return -1; } h->vals =
new_vals; } } } } if (j) { for (j = 0; j != h->n_buckets;
++j) { if (((h->flags[j>>4]>>((j&0xfU)<<
1))&3) == 0) { PetscInt key = h->keys[j]; PetscInt val
; khint_t new_mask; new_mask = new_n_buckets - 1; if (1) val =
h->vals[j]; (h->flags[j>>4]|=1ul<<((j&
0xfU)<<1)); while (1) { khint_t k, i, step = 0; k = PetscHashInt
(key); i = k & new_mask; while (!((new_flags[i>>4]>>
((i&0xfU)<<1))&2)) i = (i + (++step)) & new_mask
; (new_flags[i>>4]&=~(2ul<<((i&0xfU)<<
1))); if (i < h->n_buckets && ((h->flags[i>>
4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&3) == 0) { { PetscInt tmp
= h->keys[i]; h->keys[i] = key; key = tmp; } if (1) { PetscInt
tmp = h->vals[i]; h->vals[i] = val; val = tmp; } (h->
flags[i>>4]|=1ul<<((i&0xfU)<<1)); } else
{ h->keys[i] = key; if (1) h->vals[i] = val; break; } }
} } if (h->n_buckets > new_n_buckets) { h->keys = (
PetscInt*)realloc((void *)h->keys,new_n_buckets * sizeof(PetscInt
)); if (1) h->vals = (PetscInt*)realloc((void *)h->vals
,new_n_buckets * sizeof(PetscInt)); } free(h->flags); h->
flags = new_flags; h->n_buckets = new_n_buckets; h->n_occupied
= h->size; h->upper_bound = (khint_t)(h->n_buckets *
__ac_HASH_UPPER + 0.5); } return 0; } static inline __attribute
((unused)) khint_t kh_put_HMapI(kh_HMapI_t *h, PetscInt key, int
*ret) { khint_t x; if (h->n_occupied >= h->upper_bound
) { if (h->n_buckets > (h->size<<1)) { if (kh_resize_HMapI
(h, h->n_buckets - 1) < 0) { *ret = -1; return h->n_buckets
; } } else if (kh_resize_HMapI(h, h->n_buckets + 1) < 0
) { *ret = -1; return h->n_buckets; } } { khint_t k, i, site
, last, mask = h->n_buckets - 1, step = 0; x = site = h->
n_buckets; k = PetscHashInt(key); i = k & mask; if (((h->
flags[i>>4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&2)) x =
i; else { last = i; while (!((h->flags[i>>4]>>
((i&0xfU)<<1))&2) && (((h->flags[i>>
4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&1) || !((h->keys[i]
) == (key)))) { if (((h->flags[i>>4]>>((i&
0xfU)<<1))&1)) site = i; i = (i + (++step)) & mask
; if (i == last) { x = site; break; } } if (x == h->n_buckets
) { if (((h->flags[i>>4]>>((i&0xfU)<<
1))&2) && site != h->n_buckets) x = site; else
x = i; } } } if (((h->flags[x>>4]>>((x&0xfU
)<<1))&2)) { h->keys[x] = key; (h->flags[x>>
4]&=~(3ul<<((x&0xfU)<<1))); ++h->size;
++h->n_occupied; *ret = 1; } else if (((h->flags[x>>
4]>>((x&0xfU)<<1))&1)) { h->keys[x] = key
; (h->flags[x>>4]&=~(3ul<<((x&0xfU)<<
1))); ++h->size; *ret = 2; } else *ret = 0; return x; } static
inline __attribute((unused)) void kh_del_HMapI(kh_HMapI_t *h
, khint_t x) { if (x != h->n_buckets && !((h->flags
[x>>4]>>((x&0xfU)<<1))&3)) { (h->
flags[x>>4]|=1ul<<((x&0xfU)<<1)); --h->
size; } } typedef kh_HMapI_t *PetscHMapI; static inline __attribute
((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapICreate(PetscHMapI *ht) { do
{ do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); *ht = kh_init_HMapI(); do { if (__builtin_expect
(!!(!(*ht!=((void*)0))),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.","*ht!=((void*)0)"
); } while(0); do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack
->currentsize > 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack
->function[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->
file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack
->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack
->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) :
(petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while
(0); } static inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapIDestroy
(PetscHMapI *ht) { do { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack
->currentsize < 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack
->currentsize] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->
currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); if (!*ht) do { do { ; if (petscstack &&
petscstack->currentsize > 0) { petscstack->currentsize
--; petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack)
{ petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<
(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return
(0);} while (0); kh_destroy_HMapI(*ht); *ht = ((void*)0); do {
do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize >
0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; }
if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->
hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ;
} while (0); return(0);} while (0); } static inline __attribute
((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapIReset(PetscHMapI ht) { do
{ do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); { if (ht) { free((ht)->keys); free((ht)->
flags); free((ht)->vals); memset((ht), 0x00, sizeof(*(ht))
); } }; do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->
currentsize > 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack
->function[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->
file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack
->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack
->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) :
(petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while
(0); } static inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapIDuplicate
(PetscHMapI ht,PetscHMapI *hd) { int ret; PetscInt key; PetscInt
val; do { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); do { if (!hd) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(hd,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0); *hd = kh_init_HMapI(); do { if (__builtin_expect
(!!(!(*hd!=((void*)0))),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.","*hd!=((void*)0)"
); } while(0); ret = kh_resize_HMapI(*hd, ((ht)->size)); do
{ if (__builtin_expect(!!(!(ret==0)),0)) return PetscError((
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.","ret==0"
); } while(0); { khint_t __i; for (__i = (khint_t)(0); __i !=
((ht)->n_buckets); ++__i) { if (!(!(((ht)->flags[(__i)
>>4]>>(((__i)&0xfU)<<1))&3))) continue
; (key) = ((ht)->keys[__i]); (val) = ((ht)->vals[__i]);
{ khiter_t i; i = kh_put_HMapI(*hd, key, &ret); do { if (
__builtin_expect(!!(!(ret>=0)),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.","ret>=0"
); } while(0); ((*hd)->vals[i]) = val;}; } } do { do { ; if
(petscstack && petscstack->currentsize > 0) { petscstack
->currentsize--; petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack)
{ petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<
(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return
(0);} while (0); } static inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode
PetscHMapIClear(PetscHMapI ht) { do { do { ; if (petscstack &&
(petscstack->currentsize < 64)) { petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = __func__; petscstack->file[
petscstack->currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); kh_clear_HMapI(ht); do { do { ; if (petscstack &&
petscstack->currentsize > 0) { petscstack->currentsize
--; petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack)
{ petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<
(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return
(0);} while (0); } static inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode
PetscHMapIResize(PetscHMapI ht,PetscInt nb) { int ret; do { do
{ ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize <
64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize] =
__func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); ret = kh_resize_HMapI(ht, (khint_t)nb); do { if
(__builtin_expect(!!(!(ret>=0)),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.","ret>=0"
); } while(0); do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack
->currentsize > 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack
->function[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->
file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack
->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack
->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) :
(petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while
(0); } static inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapIGetSize
(PetscHMapI ht,PetscInt *n) { do { do { ; if (petscstack &&
(petscstack->currentsize < 64)) { petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = __func__; petscstack->file[
petscstack->currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); do { if (!n) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(n,PETSC_INT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Int: Parameter # %d"
,2); } while (0); *n = (PetscInt)((ht)->size); do { do { ;
if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize > 0)
{ petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; }
if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->
hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ;
} while (0); return(0);} while (0); } static inline __attribute
((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapIHas(PetscHMapI ht,PetscInt
key,PetscBool *has) { khiter_t iter; do { do { ; if (petscstack
&& (petscstack->currentsize < 64)) { petscstack
->function[petscstack->currentsize] = __func__; petscstack
->file[petscstack->currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); do { if (!has) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",3); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(has,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",3);
} while (0); iter = kh_get_HMapI(ht, key); *has = (iter != (
(ht)->n_buckets)) ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE; do { do { ; if
(petscstack && petscstack->currentsize > 0) { petscstack
->currentsize--; petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack)
{ petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<
(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return
(0);} while (0); } static inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode
PetscHMapIGet(PetscHMapI ht,PetscInt key,PetscInt *val) { khiter_t
iter; do { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->
currentsize < 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->
currentsize] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize
] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); do { if (!val) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",3); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(val,PETSC_INT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Int: Parameter # %d"
,3); } while (0); iter = kh_get_HMapI(ht, key); *val = (iter !=
((ht)->n_buckets)) ? ((ht)->vals[iter]) : (-1); do { do
{ ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize >
0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; }
if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->
hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ;
} while (0); return(0);} while (0); } static inline __attribute
((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapISet(PetscHMapI ht,PetscInt
key,PetscInt val) { int ret; khiter_t iter; do { do { ; if (
petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize < 64)) {
petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize] = __func__
; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); iter = kh_put_HMapI(ht, key, &ret); do { if
(__builtin_expect(!!(!(ret>=0)),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.","ret>=0"
); } while(0); ((ht)->vals[iter]) = val; do { do { ; if (petscstack
&& petscstack->currentsize > 0) { petscstack->
currentsize--; petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack)
{ petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<
(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return
(0);} while (0); } static inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode
PetscHMapIDel(PetscHMapI ht,PetscInt key) { khiter_t iter; do
{ do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); iter = kh_get_HMapI(ht, key); kh_del_HMapI(ht, iter
); do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0); } static
inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapIQuerySet
(PetscHMapI ht,PetscInt key,PetscInt val,PetscBool *missing) {
int ret; khiter_t iter; do { do { ; if (petscstack &&
(petscstack->currentsize < 64)) { petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = __func__; petscstack->file[
petscstack->currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); do { if (!missing) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",3); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(missing,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError((
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",3);
} while (0); iter = kh_put_HMapI(ht, key, &ret); do { if
(__builtin_expect(!!(!(ret>=0)),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.","ret>=0"
); } while(0); ((ht)->vals[iter]) = val; *missing = ret ? PETSC_TRUE
: PETSC_FALSE; do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack
->currentsize > 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack
->function[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->
file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack
->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack
->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) :
(petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while
(0); } static inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapIQueryDel
(PetscHMapI ht,PetscInt key,PetscBool *present) { khiter_t iter
; do { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); do { if (!present) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",3); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(present,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError((
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",3);
} while (0); iter = kh_get_HMapI(ht, key); if (iter != ((ht)
->n_buckets)) { kh_del_HMapI(ht, iter); *present = PETSC_TRUE
; } else { *present = PETSC_FALSE; } do { do { ; if (petscstack
&& petscstack->currentsize > 0) { petscstack->
currentsize--; petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack)
{ petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<
(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return
(0);} while (0); } static inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode
PetscHMapIFind(PetscHMapI ht,PetscInt key,PetscHashIter *iter
,PetscBool *found) { do { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack
->currentsize < 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack
->currentsize] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->
currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); do { if (!iter) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(iter,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0); do { if (!found) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",3); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(found,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",3);
} while (0); *iter = kh_get_HMapI(ht, key); *found = (*iter !=
((ht)->n_buckets)) ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE; do { do { ;
if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize > 0)
{ petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; }
if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->
hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ;
} while (0); return(0);} while (0); } static inline __attribute
((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapIPut(PetscHMapI ht,PetscInt
key,PetscHashIter *iter,PetscBool *missing) { int ret; do { do
{ ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize <
64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize] =
__func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); do { if (!iter) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(iter,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0); do { if (!missing) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",3); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(missing,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError((
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",3);
} while (0); *iter = kh_put_HMapI(ht, key, &ret); do { if
(__builtin_expect(!!(!(ret>=0)),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.","ret>=0"
); } while(0); *missing = ret ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE; do {
do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize >
0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; }
if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->
hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ;
} while (0); return(0);} while (0); } static inline __attribute
((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapIIterGet(PetscHMapI ht,PetscHashIter
iter,PetscInt *val) { do { do { ; if (petscstack && (
petscstack->currentsize < 64)) { petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = __func__; petscstack->file[
petscstack->currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); do { if (!val) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",3); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(val,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",3);
} while (0); *val = __builtin_expect(!!(iter < ((ht)->
n_buckets) && (!(((ht)->flags[(iter)>>4]>>
(((iter)&0xfU)<<1))&3))),1) ? ((ht)->vals[iter
]) : (-1); do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->
currentsize > 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack
->function[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->
file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack
->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack
->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) :
(petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while
(0); } static inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapIIterSet
(PetscHMapI ht,PetscHashIter iter,PetscInt val) { do { do { ;
if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize < 64
)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize] = __func__
; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); if (__builtin_expect(!!(iter < ((ht)->n_buckets
) && (!(((ht)->flags[(iter)>>4]>>(((iter
)&0xfU)<<1))&3))),1)) ((ht)->vals[iter]) = val
; do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0); } static
inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapIIterDel
(PetscHMapI ht,PetscHashIter iter) { do { do { ; if (petscstack
&& (petscstack->currentsize < 64)) { petscstack
->function[petscstack->currentsize] = __func__; petscstack
->file[petscstack->currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); if (__builtin_expect(!!(iter < ((ht)->n_buckets
)),1)) kh_del_HMapI(ht, iter); do { do { ; if (petscstack &&
petscstack->currentsize > 0) { petscstack->currentsize
--; petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack)
{ petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<
(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return
(0);} while (0); } static inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode
PetscHMapIGetKeys(PetscHMapI ht,PetscInt *off,PetscInt array
[]) { PetscInt key; PetscInt pos; do { do { ; if (petscstack &&
(petscstack->currentsize < 64)) { petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = __func__; petscstack->file[
petscstack->currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); do { if (!off) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(off,PETSC_INT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Int: Parameter # %d"
,2); } while (0); pos = *off; { khint_t __i; for (__i = (khint_t
)(0); __i != ((ht)->n_buckets); ++__i) { if (!(!(((ht)->
3))) continue; (key) = ((ht)->keys[__i]); array[pos++] = key
; } }; *off = pos; do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack
->currentsize > 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack
->function[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->
file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack
->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack
->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) :
(petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while
(0); } static inline __attribute((unused)) PetscErrorCode PetscHMapIGetVals
(PetscHMapI ht,PetscInt *off,PetscInt array[]) { PetscInt val
; PetscInt pos; do { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack
->currentsize < 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack
->currentsize] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->
currentsize] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashmapi.h"
; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 6; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_FALSE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0)
; ; } while (0); do { if (!ht) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",1); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(ht,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",1);
} while (0); do { if (!off) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(off,PETSC_INT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Int: Parameter # %d"
,2); } while (0); pos = *off; { khint_t __i; for (__i = (khint_t
)(0); __i != ((ht)->n_buckets); ++__i) { if (!(!(((ht)->
3))) continue; (val) = ((ht)->vals[__i]); array[pos++] = val
; } }; *off = pos; do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack
->currentsize > 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack
->function[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->
file[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack
->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack
->hotdepth = (((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) :
(petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while
(0); }
Within the expansion of the macro 'PETSC_HASH_MAP':
Assuming 'petscstack' is null
Assuming 'ht' is non-null
Assuming the condition is false
Calling 'kh_init_HMapI'
Returning from 'kh_init_HMapI'
Assuming the condition is true
Assuming 'petscstack' is null
Within the expansion of the macro 'PETSC_HASH_MAP':
Null pointer value stored to field 'flags'
Within the expansion of the macro 'PETSC_HASH_MAP':
Assuming the condition is false
Calling 'kh_put_HMapI'
Within the expansion of the macro 'PETSC_HASH_MAP':
Calling 'kh_resize_HMapI'
Returning from 'kh_resize_HMapI'
Calling 'PetscHashInt'
Returning from 'PetscHashInt'
Array access (via field 'flags') results in a null pointer dereference
Within the expansion of the macro 'PETSC_HASH_MAP':
8#endif /* PETSC_HASHMAPI_H */


1#if !defined(PETSC_HASHTABLE_H)
4#include <petsc/private/petscimpl.h>
6#define kh_inlineinline PETSC_INLINEinline
7#define klib_unused__attribute((unused)) PETSC_UNUSED__attribute((unused))
8#include <petsc/private/kernels/khash.h>
10/* Required for khash <= 0.2.5 */
11#if !defined(kcalloc)
12#define kcalloc(N,Z)calloc(N,Z) calloc(N,Z)
14#if !defined(kmalloc)
15#define kmalloc(Z)malloc(Z) malloc(Z)
17#if !defined(krealloc)
18#define krealloc(P,Z)realloc(P,Z) realloc(P,Z)
20#if !defined(kfree)
21#define kfree(P)free(P) free(P)
24/* --- Useful extensions to khash --- */
26#if !defined(kh_reset)
27/*! @function
28 @abstract Reset a hash table to initial state.
29 @param name Name of the hash table [symbol]
30 @param h Pointer to the hash table [khash_t(name)*]
31 */
32#define kh_reset(name, h){ if (h) { free((h)->keys); free((h)->flags); free((h)->
vals); memset((h), 0x00, sizeof(*(h))); } }
{ \
33 if (h) { \
34 kfree((h)->keys)free((h)->keys); kfree((h)->flags)free((h)->flags); \
35 kfree((h)->vals)free((h)->vals); \
36 memset((h), 0x00, sizeof(*(h))); \
37 } }
38#endif /*kh_reset*/
40#if !defined(kh_foreach)
41/*! @function
42 @abstract Iterate over the entries in the hash table
43 @param h Pointer to the hash table [khash_t(name)*]
44 @param kvar Variable to which key will be assigned
45 @param vvar Variable to which value will be assigned
46 @param code Block of code to execute
47 */
48#define kh_foreach(h, kvar, vvar, code){ khint_t __i; for (__i = (khint_t)(0); __i != ((h)->n_buckets
); ++__i) { if (!(!(((h)->flags[(__i)>>4]>>(((
__i)&0xfU)<<1))&3))) continue; (kvar) = ((h)->
keys[__i]); (vvar) = ((h)->vals[__i]); code; } }
{ khint_t __i; \
49 for (__i = kh_begin(h)(khint_t)(0); __i != kh_end(h)((h)->n_buckets); ++__i) { \
50 if (!kh_exist(h,__i)(!(((h)->flags[(__i)>>4]>>(((__i)&0xfU)<<
) continue; \
51 (kvar) = kh_key(h,__i)((h)->keys[__i]); \
52 (vvar) = kh_val(h,__i)((h)->vals[__i]); \
53 code; \
54 } }
55#endif /*kh_foreach*/
57#if !defined(kh_foreach_key)
58/*! @function
59 @abstract Iterate over the keys in the hash table
60 @param h Pointer to the hash table [khash_t(name)*]
61 @param kvar Variable to which key will be assigned
62 @param code Block of code to execute
63 */
64#define kh_foreach_key(h, kvar, code){ khint_t __i; for (__i = (khint_t)(0); __i != ((h)->n_buckets
); ++__i) { if (!(!(((h)->flags[(__i)>>4]>>(((
__i)&0xfU)<<1))&3))) continue; (kvar) = ((h)->
keys[__i]); code; } }
{ khint_t __i; \
65 for (__i = kh_begin(h)(khint_t)(0); __i != kh_end(h)((h)->n_buckets); ++__i) { \
66 if (!kh_exist(h,__i)(!(((h)->flags[(__i)>>4]>>(((__i)&0xfU)<<
) continue; \
67 (kvar) = kh_key(h,__i)((h)->keys[__i]); \
68 code; \
69 } }
70#endif /*kh_foreach_key*/
72#if !defined(kh_foreach_value)
73/*! @function
74 @abstract Iterate over the values in the hash table
75 @param h Pointer to the hash table [khash_t(name)*]
76 @param vvar Variable to which value will be assigned
77 @param code Block of code to execute
78 */
79#define kh_foreach_value(h, vvar, code){ khint_t __i; for (__i = (khint_t)(0); __i != ((h)->n_buckets
); ++__i) { if (!(!(((h)->flags[(__i)>>4]>>(((
__i)&0xfU)<<1))&3))) continue; (vvar) = ((h)->
vals[__i]); code; } }
{ khint_t __i; \
80 for (__i = kh_begin(h)(khint_t)(0); __i != kh_end(h)((h)->n_buckets); ++__i) { \
81 if (!kh_exist(h,__i)(!(((h)->flags[(__i)>>4]>>(((__i)&0xfU)<<
) continue; \
82 (vvar) = kh_val(h,__i)((h)->vals[__i]); \
83 code; \
84 } }
85#endif /*kh_foreach_value*/
88/* --- Helper macro for error checking --- */
90#if defined(PETSC_USE_DEBUG1)
91#define PetscHashAssert(expr)do { if (__builtin_expect(!!(!(expr)),0)) return PetscError((
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.","expr"
); } while(0)
do { \
92 if (PetscUnlikely(!(expr))__builtin_expect(!!(!(expr)),0)) \
93 SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB, \return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),95,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashtable.h"
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.","expr"
94 "[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.", \return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),95,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashtable.h"
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.","expr"
95 PetscStringize(expr))return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),95,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/include/petsc/private/hashtable.h"
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.","expr"
; \
96} while(0)
98#define PetscHashAssert(expr)do { if (__builtin_expect(!!(!(expr)),0)) return PetscError((
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"[khash] Assertion: `%s' failed.","expr"
); } while(0)
102/* --- Low level iterator API --- */
104typedef khiter_t PetscHashIter;
106#define PetscHashIterBegin(ht,i)do { (i) = (khint_t)(0); if ((i) != (((ht))->n_buckets) &&
)<<1))&3))) do { ++((i)); } while (((i)) != ((((ht)
))->n_buckets) && !(!(((((ht)))->flags[(((i)))>>
4]>>(((((i)))&0xfU)<<1))&3))); } while (0
do { \
107 (i) = kh_begin((ht))(khint_t)(0); \
108 if ((i) != kh_end((ht))(((ht))->n_buckets) && !kh_exist((ht),(i))(!((((ht))->flags[((i))>>4]>>((((i))&0xfU)
) \
109 PetscHashIterNext((ht),(i))do { ++((i)); } while (((i)) != ((((ht)))->n_buckets) &&
; \
110} while (0)
112#define PetscHashIterNext(ht,i)do { ++(i); } while ((i) != (((ht))->n_buckets) &&
113 do { ++(i); } while ((i) != kh_end((ht))(((ht))->n_buckets) && !kh_exist((ht),(i))(!((((ht))->flags[((i))>>4]>>((((i))&0xfU)
115#define PetscHashIterAtEnd(ht,i)((i) == (((ht))->n_buckets)) ((i) == kh_end((ht))(((ht))->n_buckets))
117#define PetscHashIterGetKey(ht,i,k)((k) = (((ht))->keys[(i)])) ((k) = kh_key((ht),(i))(((ht))->keys[(i)]))
119#define PetscHashIterGetVal(ht,i,v)((v) = (((ht))->vals[(i)])) ((v) = kh_val((ht),(i))(((ht))->vals[(i)]))
121#define PetscHashIterSetVal(ht,i,v)((((ht))->vals[(i)]) = (v)) (kh_val((ht),(i))(((ht))->vals[(i)]) = (v))
124/* --- Thomas Wang integer hash functions --- */
126typedef khint32_t PetscHash32_t;
127typedef khint64_t PetscHash64_t;
128typedef khint_t PetscHash_t;
130/* Thomas Wang's first version for 32bit integers */
131PETSC_STATIC_INLINEstatic inline PetscHash_t PetscHash_UInt32_v0(PetscHash32_t key)
133 key += ~(key << 15);
134 key ^= (key >> 10);
135 key += (key << 3);
136 key ^= (key >> 6);
137 key += ~(key << 11);
138 key ^= (key >> 16);
139 return key;
142/* Thomas Wang's second version for 32bit integers */
143PETSC_STATIC_INLINEstatic inline PetscHash_t PetscHash_UInt32_v1(PetscHash32_t key)
145 key = ~key + (key << 15); /* key = (key << 15) - key - 1; */
146 key = key ^ (key >> 12);
147 key = key + (key << 2);
148 key = key ^ (key >> 4);
149 key = key * 2057; /* key = (key + (key << 3)) + (key << 11); */
150 key = key ^ (key >> 16);
151 return key;
154PETSC_STATIC_INLINEstatic inline PetscHash_t PetscHash_UInt32(PetscHash32_t key)
156 return PetscHash_UInt32_v1(key);
Calling 'PetscHash_UInt32_v1'
Returning from 'PetscHash_UInt32_v1'
159/* Thomas Wang's version for 64bit integer -> 32bit hash */
160PETSC_STATIC_INLINEstatic inline PetscHash32_t PetscHash_UInt64_32(PetscHash64_t key)
162 key = ~key + (key << 18); /* key = (key << 18) - key - 1; */
163 key = key ^ (key >> 31);
164 key = key * 21; /* key = (key + (key << 2)) + (key << 4); */
165 key = key ^ (key >> 11);
166 key = key + (key << 6);
167 key = key ^ (key >> 22);
168 return (PetscHash32_t)key;
171/* Thomas Wang's version for 64bit integer -> 64bit hash */
172PETSC_STATIC_INLINEstatic inline PetscHash64_t PetscHash_UInt64_64(PetscHash64_t key)
174 key = ~key + (key << 21); /* key = (key << 21) - key - 1; */
175 key = key ^ (key >> 24);
176 key = key * 265; /* key = (key + (key << 3)) + (key << 8); */
177 key = key ^ (key >> 14);
178 key = key * 21; /* key = (key + (key << 2)) + (key << 4); */
179 key = key ^ (key >> 28);
180 key = key + (key << 31);
181 return key;
184PETSC_STATIC_INLINEstatic inline PetscHash_t PetscHash_UInt64(PetscHash64_t key)
186 return sizeof(PetscHash_t) < sizeof(PetscHash64_t)
187 ? (PetscHash_t)PetscHash_UInt64_32(key)
188 : (PetscHash_t)PetscHash_UInt64_64(key);
191PETSC_STATIC_INLINEstatic inline PetscHash_t PetscHashInt(PetscInt key)
193#if defined(PETSC_USE_64BIT_INDICES)
194 return PetscHash_UInt64((PetscHash64_t)key);
196 return PetscHash_UInt32((PetscHash32_t)key);
Calling 'PetscHash_UInt32'
Returning from 'PetscHash_UInt32'
200PETSC_STATIC_INLINEstatic inline PetscHash_t PetscHashCombine(PetscHash_t seed, PetscHash_t hash)
202 /* https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.10170 */
203 /* https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=759509 */
204 return seed ^ (hash + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2));
207#define PetscHashEqual(a,b)((a) == (b)) ((a) == (b))
210#endif /* PETSC_HASHTABLE_H */