Bug Summary

Warning:line 656, column 7
Value stored to 'qc' is never read

Annotated Source Code

[?] Use j/k keys for keyboard navigation

1#include <petscdmadaptor.h> /*I "petscdmadaptor.h" I*/
2#include <petscdmplex.h>
3#include <petscdmforest.h>
4#include <petscds.h>
5#include <petscblaslapack.h>
7#include <petsc/private/dmadaptorimpl.h>
8#include <petsc/private/dmpleximpl.h>
9#include <petsc/private/petscfeimpl.h>
11static PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorSimpleErrorIndicator_Private(DMAdaptor, PetscInt, PetscInt, const PetscScalar *, const PetscScalar *, const PetscFVCellGeom *, PetscReal *, void *);
13static PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorTransferSolution_Exact_Private(DMAdaptor adaptor, DM dm, Vec u, DM adm, Vec au, void *ctx)
15 PetscErrorCode ierr;
17 PetscFunctionBeginUserdo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 17; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
18 ierr = DMProjectFunction(adm, 0.0, adaptor->exactSol, (void **) ctx, INSERT_ALL_VALUES, au);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
19 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
23 DMAdaptorCreate - Create a DMAdaptor object. Its purpose is to construct a adaptation DMLabel or metric Vec that can be used to modify the DM.
25 Collective on MPI_Comm
27 Input Parameter:
28. comm - The communicator for the DMAdaptor object
30 Output Parameter:
31. adaptor - The DMAdaptor object
33 Level: beginner
35.keywords: DMAdaptor, convergence, create
36.seealso: DMAdaptorDestroy(), DMAdaptorAdapt()
38PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorCreate(MPI_Comm comm, DMAdaptor *adaptor)
40 VecTaggerBox refineBox, coarsenBox;
41 PetscErrorCode ierr;
43 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 43; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
44 PetscValidPointer(adaptor, 2)do { if (!adaptor) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),44
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(adaptor,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError((
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0)
45 ierr = PetscSysInitializePackage();CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
46 ierr = PetscHeaderCreate(*adaptor, DM_CLASSID, "DMAdaptor", "DM Adaptor", "SNES", comm, DMAdaptorDestroy, DMAdaptorView)(PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_TRUE,46,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
)) || PetscHeaderCreate_Private((PetscObject)*adaptor,DM_CLASSID
,"DMAdaptor","DM Adaptor","SNES",comm,(PetscObjectDestroyFunction
)DMAdaptorDestroy,(PetscObjectViewFunction)DMAdaptorView) || (
(PetscLogPHC) ? (*PetscLogPHC)((PetscObject)(*adaptor)) : 0) ||
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
48 (*adaptor)->monitor = PETSC_FALSE;
49 (*adaptor)->adaptCriterion = DM_ADAPTATION_NONE;
50 (*adaptor)->numSeq = 1;
51 (*adaptor)->Nadapt = -1;
52 (*adaptor)->refinementFactor = 2.0;
53 (*adaptor)->h_min = 1.;
54 (*adaptor)->h_max = 10000.;
55 (*adaptor)->ops->computeerrorindicator = DMAdaptorSimpleErrorIndicator_Private;
56 refineBox.min = refineBox.max = PETSC_MAX_REAL1.7976931348623157e+308;
57 ierr = VecTaggerCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) *adaptor), &(*adaptor)->refineTag);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
58 ierr = PetscObjectSetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject) (*adaptor)->refineTag, "refine_");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
59 ierr = VecTaggerSetType((*adaptor)->refineTag, VECTAGGERABSOLUTE"absolute");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
60 ierr = VecTaggerAbsoluteSetBox((*adaptor)->refineTag, &refineBox);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
61 coarsenBox.min = coarsenBox.max = PETSC_MAX_REAL1.7976931348623157e+308;
62 ierr = VecTaggerCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) *adaptor), &(*adaptor)->coarsenTag);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
63 ierr = PetscObjectSetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject) (*adaptor)->coarsenTag, "coarsen_");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
64 ierr = VecTaggerSetType((*adaptor)->coarsenTag, VECTAGGERABSOLUTE"absolute");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
65 ierr = VecTaggerAbsoluteSetBox((*adaptor)->coarsenTag, &coarsenBox);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
66 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
70 DMAdaptorDestroy - Destroys a DMAdaptor object
72 Collective on DMAdaptor
74 Input Parameter:
75. adaptor - The DMAdaptor object
77 Level: beginner
79.keywords: DMAdaptor, convergence, destroy
80.seealso: DMAdaptorCreate(), DMAdaptorAdapt()
82PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorDestroy(DMAdaptor *adaptor)
84 PetscErrorCode ierr;
86 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 86; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
87 if (!*adaptor) PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
88 PetscValidHeaderSpecific((*adaptor), DM_CLASSID, 1)do { if (!(*adaptor)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer((*adaptor),PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)((*adaptor)))->classid != DM_CLASSID
) { if (((PetscObject)((*adaptor)))->classid == -1) return
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),88,__func__
PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1)
; } } while (0)
89 if (--((PetscObject)(*adaptor))->refct > 0) {
90 *adaptor = NULL((void*)0);
91 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
92 }
93 ierr = VecTaggerDestroy(&(*adaptor)->refineTag);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
94 ierr = VecTaggerDestroy(&(*adaptor)->coarsenTag);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
95 ierr = PetscFree((*adaptor)->exactSol)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)((*adaptor)->exactSol),95,__func__,
"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c") || (
((*adaptor)->exactSol) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
96 ierr = PetscHeaderDestroy(adaptor)(PetscHeaderDestroy_Private((PetscObject)(*adaptor)) || ((*PetscTrFree
) || ((*adaptor) = 0,0)))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
97 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
101 DMAdaptorSetFromOptions - Sets a DMAdaptor object from options
103 Collective on DMAdaptor
105 Input Parameters:
106. adaptor - The DMAdaptor object
108 Options Database Keys:
109+ -adaptor_monitor <bool> : Monitor the adaptation process
110. -adaptor_sequence_num <num> : Number of adaptations to generate an optimal grid
111. -adaptor_target_num <num> : Set the target number of vertices N_adapt, -1 for automatic determination
112. -adaptor_refinement_factor <r> : Set r such that N_adapt = r^dim N_orig
113. -adaptor_metric_h_min <min> : Set the minimum eigenvalue of Hessian (sqr max edge length)
114- -adaptor_metric_h_max <max> : Set the maximum eigenvalue of Hessian (sqr min edge length)
116 Level: beginner
118.keywords: DMAdaptor, convergence, options
119.seealso: DMAdaptorCreate(), DMAdaptorAdapt()
121PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorSetFromOptions(DMAdaptor adaptor)
123 PetscErrorCode ierr;
125 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 125; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
126 ierr = PetscOptionsBegin(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) adaptor), "", "DM Adaptor Options", "DMAdaptor")0; do { PetscOptionItems PetscOptionsObjectBase; PetscOptionItems
*PetscOptionsObject = &PetscOptionsObjectBase; PetscMemzero
(PetscOptionsObject,sizeof(PetscOptionItems)); for (PetscOptionsObject
->count=(PetscOptionsPublish?-1:1); PetscOptionsObject->
count<2; PetscOptionsObject->count++) { PetscErrorCode _5_ierr
= PetscOptionsBegin_Private(PetscOptionsObject,PetscObjectComm
((PetscObject) adaptor),"","DM Adaptor Options","DMAdaptor");
do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(_5_ierr),0)) return PetscError(((
,_5_ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0);
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
127 ierr = PetscOptionsBool("-adaptor_monitor", "Monitor the adaptation process", "DMAdaptorMonitor", adaptor->monitor, &adaptor->monitor, NULL)PetscOptionsBool_Private(PetscOptionsObject,"-adaptor_monitor"
,"Monitor the adaptation process","DMAdaptorMonitor",adaptor->
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
128 ierr = PetscOptionsInt("-adaptor_sequence_num", "Number of adaptations to generate an optimal grid", "DMAdaptorSetSequenceLength", adaptor->numSeq, &adaptor->numSeq, NULL)PetscOptionsInt_Private(PetscOptionsObject,"-adaptor_sequence_num"
,"Number of adaptations to generate an optimal grid","DMAdaptorSetSequenceLength"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
129 ierr = PetscOptionsInt("-adaptor_target_num", "Set the target number of vertices N_adapt, -1 for automatic determination", "DMAdaptor", adaptor->Nadapt, &adaptor->Nadapt, NULL)PetscOptionsInt_Private(PetscOptionsObject,"-adaptor_target_num"
,"Set the target number of vertices N_adapt, -1 for automatic determination"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
130 ierr = PetscOptionsReal("-adaptor_refinement_factor", "Set r such that N_adapt = r^dim N_orig", "DMAdaptor", adaptor->refinementFactor, &adaptor->refinementFactor, NULL)PetscOptionsReal_Private(PetscOptionsObject,"-adaptor_refinement_factor"
,"Set r such that N_adapt = r^dim N_orig","DMAdaptor",adaptor
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
131 ierr = PetscOptionsReal("-adaptor_metric_h_min", "Set the minimum eigenvalue of Hessian (sqr max edge length)", "DMAdaptor", adaptor->h_min, &adaptor->h_min, NULL)PetscOptionsReal_Private(PetscOptionsObject,"-adaptor_metric_h_min"
,"Set the minimum eigenvalue of Hessian (sqr max edge length)"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
132 ierr = PetscOptionsReal("-adaptor_metric_h_max", "Set the maximum eigenvalue of Hessian (sqr min edge length)", "DMAdaptor", adaptor->h_max, &adaptor->h_max, NULL)PetscOptionsReal_Private(PetscOptionsObject,"-adaptor_metric_h_max"
,"Set the maximum eigenvalue of Hessian (sqr min edge length)"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
133 ierr = PetscOptionsEnd()_5_ierr = PetscOptionsEnd_Private(PetscOptionsObject);do {if (
__builtin_expect(!!(_5_ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,_5_ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0);}} while (0)
134 ierr = VecTaggerSetFromOptions(adaptor->refineTag);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
135 ierr = VecTaggerSetFromOptions(adaptor->coarsenTag);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
136 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
140 DMAdaptorView - Views a DMAdaptor object
142 Collective on DMAdaptor
144 Input Parameters:
145+ adaptor - The DMAdaptor object
146- viewer - The PetscViewer object
148 Level: beginner
150.keywords: DMAdaptor, adaptivity, view
151.seealso: DMAdaptorCreate(), DMAdaptorAdapt()
153PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorView(DMAdaptor adaptor, PetscViewer viewer)
155 PetscErrorCode ierr;
157 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 157; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
158 ierr = PetscObjectPrintClassNamePrefixType((PetscObject) adaptor, viewer);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
159 ierr = PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "DM Adaptor\n");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
160 ierr = PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, " sequence length: %D\n", adaptor->numSeq);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
161 ierr = VecTaggerView(adaptor->refineTag, viewer);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
162 ierr = VecTaggerView(adaptor->coarsenTag, viewer);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
163 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
167 DMAdaptorGetSolver - Gets the solver used to produce discrete solutions
169 Not collective
171 Input Parameter:
172. adaptor - The DMAdaptor object
174 Output Parameter:
175. snes - The solver
177 Level: intermediate
179.keywords: DMAdaptor, convergence
180.seealso: DMAdaptorSetSolver(), DMAdaptorCreate(), DMAdaptorAdapt()
182PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorGetSolver(DMAdaptor adaptor, SNES *snes)
184 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 184; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
185 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(adaptor, DM_CLASSID, 1)do { if (!adaptor) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),185
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(adaptor,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(adaptor))->classid != DM_CLASSID) {
if (((PetscObject)(adaptor))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),185,__func__
PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1)
; } } while (0)
186 PetscValidPointer(snes, 2)do { if (!snes) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),186,
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if
(!PetscCheckPointer(snes,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0)
187 *snes = adaptor->snes;
188 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
192 DMAdaptorSetSolver - Sets the solver used to produce discrete solutions
194 Not collective
196 Input Parameters:
197+ adaptor - The DMAdaptor object
198- snes - The solver
200 Level: intermediate
202 Note: The solver MUST have an attached DM/DS, so that we know the exact solution
204.keywords: DMAdaptor, convergence
205.seealso: DMAdaptorGetSolver(), DMAdaptorCreate(), DMAdaptorAdapt()
207PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorSetSolver(DMAdaptor adaptor, SNES snes)
209 PetscErrorCode ierr;
211 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 211; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
212 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(adaptor, DM_CLASSID, 1)do { if (!adaptor) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),212
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(adaptor,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(adaptor))->classid != DM_CLASSID) {
if (((PetscObject)(adaptor))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),212,__func__
PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1)
; } } while (0)
213 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(snes, SNES_CLASSID, 2)do { if (!snes) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),213,
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",2); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(snes,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,2); if (((PetscObject)(snes))->classid != SNES_CLASSID) {
if (((PetscObject)(snes))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,2); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),213,__func__
PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",2)
; } } while (0)
214 adaptor->snes = snes;
215 ierr = SNESGetDM(adaptor->snes, &adaptor->idm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
216 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
220 DMAdaptorGetSequenceLength - Gets the number of sequential adaptations
222 Not collective
224 Input Parameter:
225. adaptor - The DMAdaptor object
227 Output Parameter:
228. num - The number of adaptations
230 Level: intermediate
232.keywords: DMAdaptor, convergence
233.seealso: DMAdaptorSetSequenceLength(), DMAdaptorCreate(), DMAdaptorAdapt()
235PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorGetSequenceLength(DMAdaptor adaptor, PetscInt *num)
237 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 237; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
238 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(adaptor, DM_CLASSID, 1)do { if (!adaptor) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),238
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(adaptor,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(adaptor))->classid != DM_CLASSID) {
if (((PetscObject)(adaptor))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),238,__func__
PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1)
; } } while (0)
239 PetscValidPointer(num, 2)do { if (!num) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),239,__func__
PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Pointer: Parameter # %d",2); if (!PetscCheckPointer
(num,PETSC_CHAR)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),239
,68,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer: Parameter # %d",2);
} while (0)
240 *num = adaptor->numSeq;
241 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
245 DMAdaptorSetSequenceLength - Sets the number of sequential adaptations
247 Not collective
249 Input Parameters:
250+ adaptor - The DMAdaptor object
251- num - The number of adaptations
253 Level: intermediate
255.keywords: DMAdaptor, convergence
256.seealso: DMAdaptorGetSequenceLength(), DMAdaptorCreate(), DMAdaptorAdapt()
258PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorSetSequenceLength(DMAdaptor adaptor, PetscInt num)
260 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 260; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
261 PetscValidHeaderSpecific(adaptor, DM_CLASSID, 1)do { if (!adaptor) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),261
,85,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Null Object: Parameter # %d",1); if (
!PetscCheckPointer(adaptor,PETSC_OBJECT)) return PetscError((
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid Pointer to Object: Parameter # %d"
,1); if (((PetscObject)(adaptor))->classid != DM_CLASSID) {
if (((PetscObject)(adaptor))->classid == -1) return PetscError
,64,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Object already free: Parameter # %d"
,1); else return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),261,__func__
PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Wrong type of object: Parameter # %d",1)
; } } while (0)
262 adaptor->numSeq = num;
263 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
267 DMAdaptorSetUp - After the solver is specified, we create structures for controlling adaptivity
269 Collective on DMAdaptor
271 Input Parameters:
272. adaptor - The DMAdaptor object
274 Level: beginner
276.keywords: DMAdaptor, convergence, setup
277.seealso: DMAdaptorCreate(), DMAdaptorAdapt()
279PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorSetUp(DMAdaptor adaptor)
281 PetscDS prob;
282 PetscInt Nf, f;
283 PetscErrorCode ierr;
285 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 285; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
286 ierr = DMGetDS(adaptor->idm, &prob);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
287 ierr = VecTaggerSetUp(adaptor->refineTag);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
288 ierr = VecTaggerSetUp(adaptor->coarsenTag);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
289 ierr = PetscDSGetNumFields(prob, &Nf);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
290 ierr = PetscMalloc1(Nf, &adaptor->exactSol)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,290,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
291 for (f = 0; f < Nf; ++f) {
292 ierr = PetscDSGetExactSolution(prob, f, &adaptor->exactSol[f]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
293 /* TODO Have a flag that forces projection rather than using the exact solution */
294 if (adaptor->exactSol[0]) {ierr = DMAdaptorSetTransferFunction(adaptor, DMAdaptorTransferSolution_Exact_Private);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
295 }
296 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
299PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorGetTransferFunction(DMAdaptor adaptor, PetscErrorCode (**tfunc)(DMAdaptor, DM, Vec, DM, Vec, void *))
301 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 301; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
302 *tfunc = adaptor->ops->transfersolution;
303 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
306PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorSetTransferFunction(DMAdaptor adaptor, PetscErrorCode (*tfunc)(DMAdaptor, DM, Vec, DM, Vec, void *))
308 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 308; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
309 adaptor->ops->transfersolution = tfunc;
310 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
313PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorPreAdapt(DMAdaptor adaptor, Vec locX)
315 DM plex;
316 PetscDS prob;
317 PetscObject obj;
318 PetscClassId id;
319 PetscBool isForest;
320 PetscErrorCode ierr;
322 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 322; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
323 ierr = DMConvert(adaptor->idm, DMPLEX"plex", &plex);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
324 ierr = DMGetDS(adaptor->idm, &prob);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
325 ierr = PetscDSGetDiscretization(prob, 0, &obj);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
326 ierr = PetscObjectGetClassId(obj, &id);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
327 ierr = DMIsForest(adaptor->idm, &isForest);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
328 if (adaptor->adaptCriterion == DM_ADAPTATION_NONE) {
329 if (isForest) {adaptor->adaptCriterion = DM_ADAPTATION_LABEL;}
330#if defined(PETSC_HAVE_PRAGMATIC)
331 else {adaptor->adaptCriterion = DM_ADAPTATION_METRIC;}
333 else {adaptor->adaptCriterion = DM_ADAPTATION_REFINE;}
335 }
336 if (id == PETSCFV_CLASSID) {adaptor->femType = PETSC_FALSE;}
337 else {adaptor->femType = PETSC_TRUE;}
338 if (adaptor->femType) {
339 /* Compute local solution bc */
340 ierr = DMPlexInsertBoundaryValues(plex, PETSC_TRUE, locX, 0.0, adaptor->faceGeom, adaptor->cellGeom, NULL((void*)0));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
341 } else {
342 PetscFV fvm = (PetscFV) obj;
343 PetscLimiter noneLimiter;
344 Vec grad;
346 ierr = PetscFVGetComputeGradients(fvm, &adaptor->computeGradient);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
347 ierr = PetscFVSetComputeGradients(fvm, PETSC_TRUE);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
348 /* Use no limiting when reconstructing gradients for adaptivity */
349 ierr = PetscFVGetLimiter(fvm, &adaptor->limiter);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
350 ierr = PetscObjectReference((PetscObject) adaptor->limiter);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
351 ierr = PetscLimiterCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) fvm), &noneLimiter);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
352 ierr = PetscLimiterSetType(noneLimiter, PETSCLIMITERNONE"none");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
353 ierr = PetscFVSetLimiter(fvm, noneLimiter);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
354 /* Get FVM data */
355 ierr = DMPlexGetDataFVM(plex, fvm, &adaptor->cellGeom, &adaptor->faceGeom, &adaptor->gradDM);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
356 ierr = VecGetDM(adaptor->cellGeom, &adaptor->cellDM);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
357 ierr = VecGetArrayRead(adaptor->cellGeom, &adaptor->cellGeomArray);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
358 /* Compute local solution bc */
359 ierr = DMPlexInsertBoundaryValues(plex, PETSC_TRUE, locX, 0.0, adaptor->faceGeom, adaptor->cellGeom, NULL((void*)0));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
360 /* Compute gradients */
361 ierr = DMCreateGlobalVector(adaptor->gradDM, &grad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
362 ierr = DMPlexReconstructGradientsFVM(plex, locX, grad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
363 ierr = DMGetLocalVector(adaptor->gradDM, &adaptor->cellGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
364 ierr = DMGlobalToLocalBegin(adaptor->gradDM, grad, INSERT_VALUES, adaptor->cellGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
365 ierr = DMGlobalToLocalEnd(adaptor->gradDM, grad, INSERT_VALUES, adaptor->cellGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
366 ierr = VecDestroy(&grad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
367 ierr = VecGetArrayRead(adaptor->cellGrad, &adaptor->cellGradArray);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
368 }
369 ierr = DMDestroy(&plex);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
370 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
373PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorTransferSolution(DMAdaptor adaptor, DM dm, Vec x, DM adm, Vec ax)
375 PetscReal time = 0.0;
376 Mat interp;
377 void *ctx;
378 PetscErrorCode ierr;
380 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 380; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
381 ierr = DMGetApplicationContext(dm, &ctx);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
382 if (adaptor->ops->transfersolution) {
383 ierr = (*adaptor->ops->transfersolution)(adaptor, dm, x, adm, ax, ctx);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
384 } else {
385 switch (adaptor->adaptCriterion) {
387 ierr = DMForestTransferVec(dm, x, adm, ax, PETSC_TRUE, time);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
388 break;
391 ierr = DMCreateInterpolation(dm, adm, &interp, NULL((void*)0));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
392 ierr = MatInterpolate(interp, x, ax);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
393 ierr = DMInterpolate(dm, interp, adm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
394 ierr = MatDestroy(&interp);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
395 break;
396 default: SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) adaptor), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "No built-in projection for this adaptation criterion: %D", adaptor->adaptCriterion)return PetscError(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) adaptor),396,
,56,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"No built-in projection for this adaptation criterion: %D"
397 }
398 }
399 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
402PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorPostAdapt(DMAdaptor adaptor)
404 PetscDS prob;
405 PetscObject obj;
406 PetscClassId id;
407 PetscErrorCode ierr;
409 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 409; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
410 ierr = DMGetDS(adaptor->idm, &prob);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
411 ierr = PetscDSGetDiscretization(prob, 0, &obj);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
412 ierr = PetscObjectGetClassId(obj, &id);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
413 if (id == PETSCFV_CLASSID) {
414 PetscFV fvm = (PetscFV) obj;
416 ierr = PetscFVSetComputeGradients(fvm, adaptor->computeGradient);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
417 /* Restore original limiter */
418 ierr = PetscFVSetLimiter(fvm, adaptor->limiter);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
420 ierr = VecRestoreArrayRead(adaptor->cellGeom, &adaptor->cellGeomArray);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
421 ierr = VecRestoreArrayRead(adaptor->cellGrad, &adaptor->cellGradArray);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
422 ierr = DMRestoreLocalVector(adaptor->gradDM, &adaptor->cellGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
423 }
424 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
427static PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorModifyHessian_Private(PetscInt dim, PetscReal h_min, PetscReal h_max, PetscScalar Hp[])
429 PetscScalar *Hpos;
430 PetscReal *eigs;
431 PetscInt i, j, k;
432 PetscErrorCode ierr;
434 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 434; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
435 ierr = PetscMalloc2(dim*dim, &Hpos, dim, &eigs)PetscMallocA(2,PETSC_FALSE,435,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
436#if 0
437 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "H = [");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
438 for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
439 if (i > 0) {ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), " ");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
440 for (j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
441 if (j > 0) {ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), ", ");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
442 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "%g", Hp[i*dim+j]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
443 }
444 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "\n");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
445 }
446 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "]\n");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
448 /* Symmetrize */
449 for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
450 Hpos[i*dim+i] = Hp[i*dim+i];
451 for (j = i+1; j < dim; ++j) {
452 Hpos[i*dim+j] = 0.5*(Hp[i*dim+j] + Hp[j*dim+i]);
453 Hpos[j*dim+i] = Hpos[i*dim+j];
454 }
455 }
456#if 0
457 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "Hs = [");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
458 for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
459 if (i > 0) {ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), " ");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
460 for (j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
461 if (j > 0) {ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), ", ");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
462 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "%g", Hpos[i*dim+j]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
463 }
464 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "\n");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
465 }
466 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "]\n");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
468 /* Compute eigendecomposition */
469 {
470 PetscScalar *work;
471 PetscBLASInt lwork;
473 lwork = 5*dim;
474 ierr = PetscMalloc1(5*dim, &work)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,474,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
476 SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) dm), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "GEEV - Lapack routine is unavailable\nNot able to provide eigen values.")return PetscError(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) dm),476,__func__
PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"GEEV - Lapack routine is unavailable\nNot able to provide eigen values."
478 {
479 PetscBLASInt lierr;
480 PetscBLASInt nb;
482 ierr = PetscBLASIntCast(dim, &nb);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
483 ierr = PetscFPTrapPush(PETSC_FP_TRAP_OFF);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
484#if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
485 {
486 PetscReal *rwork;
487 ierr = PetscMalloc1(3*dim, &rwork)PetscMallocA(1,PETSC_FALSE,487,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
488 PetscStackCallBLAS("LAPACKsyev",LAPACKsyev_("V","U",&nb,Hpos,&nb,eigs,work,&lwork,rwork,&lierr))do { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = "LAPACKsyev"; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize
] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 488; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
,&lierr); do { do {PetscErrorCode _7_ierr = PetscMallocValidate
);do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(_7_ierr),0)) return PetscError(
,_7_ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0);} while(0); do {
; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize > 0
) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; }
if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->
hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ;
} while (0); } while (0); } while(0)
489 ierr = PetscFree(rwork)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(rwork),489,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
) || ((rwork) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
490 }
492 PetscStackCallBLAS("LAPACKsyev",LAPACKsyev_("V","U",&nb,Hpos,&nb,eigs,work,&lwork,&lierr))do { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = "LAPACKsyev"; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize
] = "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c";
petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 492; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; petscstack
->currentsize++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth
+= (PETSC_TRUE || petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0);
lierr); do { do {PetscErrorCode _7_ierr = PetscMallocValidate
);do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(_7_ierr),0)) return PetscError(
,_7_ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0);} while(0); do {
; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize > 0
) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack
->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_FALSE; }
if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth = (((petscstack->
hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->hotdepth-1)); } ;
} while (0); } while (0); } while(0)
494 if (lierr) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "Error in LAPACK routine %d", (int) lierr)return PetscError(((MPI_Comm)0x44000001),494,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
,76,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Error in LAPACK routine %d",(int) lierr
495 ierr = PetscFPTrapPop();CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
496 }
498 ierr = PetscFree(work)((*PetscTrFree)((void*)(work),498,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
) || ((work) = 0,0))
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
499 }
500#if 0
501 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "L = [");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
502 for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
503 if (i > 0) {ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), ", ");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
504 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "%g", eigs[i]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
505 }
506 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "]\n");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
507 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "Q = [");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
508 for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
509 if (i > 0) {ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), " ");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
510 for (j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
511 if (j > 0) {ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), ", ");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
512 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "%g", Hpos[i*dim+j]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
513 }
514 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "\n");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
515 }
516 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "]\n");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
518 /* Reflect to positive orthant, enforce maximum and minimum size, \lambda \propto 1/h^2
519 TODO get domain bounding box */
520 for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i) eigs[i] = PetscMin(h_max, PetscMax(h_min, PetscAbsReal(eigs[i])))(((h_max)<((((h_min)<(fabs(eigs[i]))) ? (fabs(eigs[i]))
: (h_min)))) ? (h_max) : ((((h_min)<(fabs(eigs[i]))) ? (fabs
(eigs[i])) : (h_min))))
521 /* Reconstruct Hessian */
522 for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
523 for (j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
524 Hp[i*dim+j] = 0.0;
525 for (k = 0; k < dim; ++k) {
526 Hp[i*dim+j] += Hpos[k*dim+i] * eigs[k] * Hpos[k*dim+j];
527 }
528 }
529 }
530 ierr = PetscFree2(Hpos, eigs)PetscFreeA(2,530,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
531#if 0
532 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "H+ = [");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
533 for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
534 if (i > 0) {ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), " ");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
535 for (j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
536 if (j > 0) {ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), ", ");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
537 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "%g", Hp[i*dim+j]);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
538 }
539 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "\n");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
540 }
541 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "]\n");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
543 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
546static void detHFunc(PetscInt dim, PetscInt Nf, PetscInt NfAux,
547 const PetscInt uOff[], const PetscInt uOff_x[], const PetscScalar u[], const PetscScalar u_t[], const PetscScalar u_x[],
548 const PetscInt aOff[], const PetscInt aOff_x[], const PetscScalar a[], const PetscScalar a_t[], const PetscScalar a_x[],
549 PetscReal t, const PetscReal x[], PetscInt numConstants, const PetscScalar constants[], PetscScalar f0[])
551 const PetscInt p = 1;
552 PetscReal detH = 0.0;
554 if (dim == 2) DMPlex_Det2D_Scalar_Internal(&detH, u);
555 else if (dim == 3) DMPlex_Det3D_Scalar_Internal(&detH, u);
556 f0[0] = PetscPowReal(detH, p/(2.*p + dim))pow(detH,p/(2.*p + dim));
560 DMAdaptorSimpleErrorIndicator - Just use the integrated gradient as an error indicator
562 Input Parameters:
563+ adaptor - The DMAdaptor object
564. dim - The topological dimension
565. cell - The cell
566. field - The field integrated over the cell
567. gradient - The gradient integrated over the cell
568. cg - A PetscFVCellGeom struct
569- ctx - A user context
571 Output Parameter:
572. errInd - The error indicator
574.seealso: DMAdaptorComputeErrorIndicator()
576static PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorSimpleErrorIndicator_Private(DMAdaptor adaptor, PetscInt dim, PetscInt Nc, const PetscScalar *field, const PetscScalar *gradient, const PetscFVCellGeom *cg, PetscReal *errInd, void *ctx)
578 PetscReal err = 0.;
579 PetscInt c, d;
581 PetscFunctionBeginHotdo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 581; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_TRUE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
582 for (c = 0; c < Nc; c++) {
583 for (d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
584 err += PetscSqr(PetscRealPart(gradient[c*dim+d]))(((gradient[c*dim+d]))*((gradient[c*dim+d])));
585 }
586 }
587 *errInd = cg->volume * err;
588 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
591static PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorComputeErrorIndicator_Private(DMAdaptor adaptor, DM plex, PetscInt cell, Vec locX, PetscReal *errInd)
593 PetscDS prob;
594 PetscObject obj;
595 PetscClassId id;
596 void *ctx;
597 PetscQuadrature quad;
598 PetscInt dim, d, cdim, Nc;
599 PetscErrorCode ierr;
601 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 601; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
602 *errInd = 0.;
603 ierr = DMGetDimension(plex, &dim);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
604 ierr = DMGetCoordinateDim(plex, &cdim);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
605 ierr = DMGetApplicationContext(plex, &ctx);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
606 ierr = DMGetDS(plex, &prob);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
607 ierr = PetscDSGetDiscretization(prob, 0, &obj);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
608 ierr = PetscObjectGetClassId(obj, &id);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
609 if (id == PETSCFV_CLASSID) {
610 const PetscScalar *pointSols;
611 const PetscScalar *pointSol;
612 const PetscScalar *pointGrad;
613 PetscFVCellGeom *cg;
615 ierr = PetscFVGetNumComponents((PetscFV) obj, &Nc);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
616 ierr = VecGetArrayRead(locX, &pointSols);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
617 ierr = DMPlexPointLocalRead(plex, cell, pointSols, (void *) &pointSol);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
618 ierr = DMPlexPointLocalRead(adaptor->gradDM, cell, adaptor->cellGradArray, (void *) &pointGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
619 ierr = DMPlexPointLocalRead(adaptor->cellDM, cell, adaptor->cellGeomArray, &cg);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
620 ierr = (*adaptor->ops->computeerrorindicator)(adaptor, dim, Nc, pointSol, pointGrad, cg, errInd, ctx);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
621 ierr = VecRestoreArrayRead(locX, &pointSols);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
622 } else {
623 PetscScalar *x = NULL((void*)0), *field, *gradient, *interpolant, *interpolantGrad;
624 PetscFVCellGeom cg;
625 const PetscReal *quadWeights;
626 PetscReal *coords, *detJ, *J, *invJ;
627 PetscInt Nb, fc, Nq, qNc, Nf, f, fieldOffset;
629 ierr = PetscDSGetNumFields(prob, &Nf);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
630 ierr = PetscFEGetQuadrature((PetscFE) obj, &quad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
631 ierr = DMPlexVecGetClosure(plex, NULL((void*)0), locX, cell, NULL((void*)0), &x);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
632 ierr = PetscFEGetDimension((PetscFE) obj, &Nb);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
633 ierr = PetscFEGetNumComponents((PetscFE) obj, &Nc);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
634 ierr = PetscQuadratureGetData(quad, NULL((void*)0), &qNc, &Nq, NULL((void*)0), &quadWeights);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
635 ierr = PetscMalloc6(Nc,&field,cdim*Nc,&gradient,cdim*Nq,&coords,Nq,&detJ,cdim*cdim*Nq,&J,cdim*cdim*Nq,&invJ)PetscMallocA(6,PETSC_FALSE,635,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
636 ierr = PetscMalloc2(Nc, &interpolant, cdim*Nc, &interpolantGrad)PetscMallocA(2,PETSC_FALSE,636,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
637 ierr = DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFEM(plex, cell, quad, coords, J, invJ, detJ);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
638 ierr = DMPlexComputeCellGeometryFVM(plex, cell, &cg.volume, NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
639 ierr = PetscMemzero(gradient, cdim*Nc * sizeof(PetscScalar));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
640 for (f = 0, fieldOffset = 0; f < Nf; ++f) {
641 PetscInt qc = 0, q;
643 ierr = PetscDSGetDiscretization(prob, f, &obj);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
644 ierr = PetscMemzero(interpolant, Nc * sizeof(PetscScalar));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
645 ierr = PetscMemzero(interpolantGrad, cdim*Nc * sizeof(PetscScalar));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
646 for (q = 0; q < Nq; ++q) {
647 ierr = PetscFEInterpolateFieldAndGradient_Static((PetscFE) obj, x, dim, invJ, q, interpolant, interpolantGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
648 for (fc = 0; fc < Nc; ++fc) {
649 const PetscReal wt = quadWeights[q*qNc+qc+fc];
651 field[fc] += interpolant[fc]*wt*detJ[q];
652 for (d = 0; d < cdim; ++d) gradient[fc*cdim+d] += interpolantGrad[fc*dim+d]*wt*detJ[q];
653 }
654 }
655 fieldOffset += Nb;
656 qc += Nc;
Value stored to 'qc' is never read
657 }
658 ierr = PetscFree2(interpolant, interpolantGrad)PetscFreeA(2,658,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
659 ierr = DMPlexVecRestoreClosure(plex, NULL((void*)0), locX, cell, NULL((void*)0), &x);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
660 for (fc = 0; fc < Nc; ++fc) {
661 field[fc] /= cg.volume;
662 for (d = 0; d < cdim; ++d) gradient[fc*cdim+d] /= cg.volume;
663 }
664 ierr = (*adaptor->ops->computeerrorindicator)(adaptor, dim, Nc, field, gradient, &cg, errInd, ctx);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
665 ierr = PetscFree6(field,gradient,coords,detJ,J,invJ)PetscFreeA(6,665,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
666 }
667 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
670static PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorAdapt_Sequence_Private(DMAdaptor adaptor, Vec inx, PetscBool doSolve, DM *adm, Vec *ax)
672 PetscDS prob;
673 void *ctx;
674 MPI_Comm comm;
675 PetscInt numAdapt = adaptor->numSeq, adaptIter;
676 PetscInt dim, coordDim, numFields, cStart, cEnd, cEndInterior, c;
677 PetscErrorCode ierr;
679 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 679; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
680 ierr = DMViewFromOptions(adaptor->idm, NULL((void*)0), "-dm_adapt_pre_view");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
681 ierr = VecViewFromOptions(inx, NULL((void*)0), "-sol_adapt_pre_view");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
682 ierr = PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject) adaptor, &comm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
683 ierr = DMGetDimension(adaptor->idm, &dim);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
684 ierr = DMGetCoordinateDim(adaptor->idm, &coordDim);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
685 ierr = DMGetApplicationContext(adaptor->idm, &ctx);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
686 ierr = DMGetDS(adaptor->idm, &prob);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
687 ierr = PetscDSGetNumFields(prob, &numFields);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
689 /* Adapt until nothing changes */
690 /* Adapt for a specified number of iterates */
691 for (adaptIter = 0; adaptIter < numAdapt-1; ++adaptIter) {ierr = PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(comm));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
692 for (adaptIter = 0; adaptIter < numAdapt; ++adaptIter) {
693 PetscBool adapted = PETSC_FALSE;
694 DM dm = adaptIter ? *adm : adaptor->idm, odm;
695 Vec x = adaptIter ? *ax : inx, locX, ox;
697 ierr = DMGetLocalVector(dm, &locX);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
698 ierr = DMGlobalToLocalBegin(dm, adaptIter ? *ax : x, INSERT_VALUES, locX);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
699 ierr = DMGlobalToLocalEnd(dm, adaptIter ? *ax : x, INSERT_VALUES, locX);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
700 ierr = DMAdaptorPreAdapt(adaptor, locX);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
701 if (doSolve) {
702 SNES snes;
704 ierr = DMAdaptorGetSolver(adaptor, &snes);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
705 ierr = SNESSolve(snes, NULL((void*)0), adaptIter ? *ax : x);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
706 }
707 /* ierr = DMAdaptorMonitor(adaptor);CHKERRQ(ierr);
708 Print iterate, memory used, DM, solution */
709 switch (adaptor->adaptCriterion) {
711 ierr = DMRefine(dm, comm, &odm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
712 if (!odm) SETERRQ(comm, PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP, "DMRefine() did not perform any refinement, cannot continue grid sequencing")return PetscError(comm,712,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
,75,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"DMRefine() did not perform any refinement, cannot continue grid sequencing"
713 adapted = PETSC_TRUE;
714 break;
716 {
717 /* Adapt DM
718 Create local solution
719 Reconstruct gradients (FVM) or solve adjoint equation (FEM)
720 Produce cellwise error indicator */
721 DM plex;
722 DMLabel adaptLabel;
723 IS refineIS, coarsenIS;
724 Vec errVec;
725 PetscScalar *errArray;
726 const PetscScalar *pointSols;
727 PetscReal minMaxInd[2] = {PETSC_MAX_REAL1.7976931348623157e+308, PETSC_MIN_REAL(-1.7976931348623157e+308)}, minMaxIndGlobal[2];
728 PetscInt nRefine, nCoarsen;
730 ierr = DMConvert(dm, DMPLEX"plex", &plex);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
731 ierr = DMLabelCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "adapt", &adaptLabel);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
732 ierr = DMPlexGetHeightStratum(plex, 0, &cStart, &cEnd);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
733 ierr = DMPlexGetHybridBounds(plex, &cEndInterior, NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
734 cEnd = (cEndInterior < 0) ? cEnd : cEndInterior;
736 ierr = VecCreateMPI(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) adaptor), cEnd-cStart, PETSC_DETERMINE-1, &errVec);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
737 ierr = VecSetUp(errVec);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
738 ierr = VecGetArray(errVec, &errArray);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
739 ierr = VecGetArrayRead(locX, &pointSols);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
740 for (c = cStart; c < cEnd; ++c) {
741 PetscReal errInd;
743 ierr = DMAdaptorComputeErrorIndicator_Private(adaptor, plex, c, locX, &errInd);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
744 errArray[c-cStart] = errInd;
745 minMaxInd[0] = PetscMin(minMaxInd[0], errInd)(((minMaxInd[0])<(errInd)) ? (minMaxInd[0]) : (errInd));
746 minMaxInd[1] = PetscMax(minMaxInd[1], errInd)(((minMaxInd[1])<(errInd)) ? (errInd) : (minMaxInd[1]));
747 }
748 ierr = VecRestoreArrayRead(locX, &pointSols);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
749 ierr = VecRestoreArray(errVec, &errArray);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
750 ierr = PetscGlobalMinMaxReal(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) adaptor), minMaxInd, minMaxIndGlobal);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
751 ierr = PetscInfo2(adaptor, "DMAdaptor: error indicator range (%E, %E)\n", minMaxIndGlobal[0], minMaxIndGlobal[1])PetscInfo_Private(__func__,adaptor,"DMAdaptor: error indicator range (%E, %E)\n"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
752 /* Compute IS from VecTagger */
753 ierr = VecTaggerComputeIS(adaptor->refineTag, errVec, &refineIS);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
754 ierr = VecTaggerComputeIS(adaptor->coarsenTag, errVec, &coarsenIS);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
755 ierr = ISGetSize(refineIS, &nRefine);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
756 ierr = ISGetSize(coarsenIS, &nCoarsen);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
757 ierr = PetscInfo2(adaptor, "DMAdaptor: numRefine %D, numCoarsen %D\n", nRefine, nCoarsen)PetscInfo_Private(__func__,adaptor,"DMAdaptor: numRefine %D, numCoarsen %D\n"
;CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
758 if (nRefine) {ierr = DMLabelSetStratumIS(adaptLabel, DM_ADAPT_REFINE, refineIS);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
759 if (nCoarsen) {ierr = DMLabelSetStratumIS(adaptLabel, DM_ADAPT_COARSEN, coarsenIS);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
760 ierr = ISDestroy(&coarsenIS);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
761 ierr = ISDestroy(&refineIS);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
762 ierr = VecDestroy(&errVec);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
763 /* Adapt DM from label */
764 if (nRefine || nCoarsen) {
765 ierr = DMAdaptLabel(dm, adaptLabel, &odm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
766 adapted = PETSC_TRUE;
767 }
768 ierr = DMLabelDestroy(&adaptLabel);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
769 ierr = DMDestroy(&plex);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
770 }
771 break;
773 {
774 DM dmGrad, dmHess, dmMetric;
775 PetscDS probGrad, probHess;
776 Vec xGrad, xHess, metric;
777 PetscSection sec, msec;
778 PetscScalar *H, *M, integral;
779 PetscReal N;
780 DMLabel bdLabel;
781 PetscInt Nd = coordDim*coordDim, f, vStart, vEnd, v;
783 /* Compute vertexwise gradients from cellwise gradients */
784 ierr = DMClone(dm, &dmGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
785 ierr = DMClone(dm, &dmHess);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
786 ierr = DMGetDS(dmGrad, &probGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
787 ierr = DMGetDS(dmHess, &probHess);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
788 for (f = 0; f < numFields; ++f) {
789 PetscFE fe, feGrad, feHess;
790 PetscDualSpace Q;
791 DM K;
792 PetscQuadrature q;
793 PetscInt Nc, qorder;
794 const char *prefix;
796 ierr = PetscDSGetDiscretization(prob, f, (PetscObject *) &fe);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
797 ierr = PetscFEGetNumComponents(fe, &Nc);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
798 ierr = PetscFEGetDualSpace(fe, &Q);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
799 ierr = PetscDualSpaceGetDM(Q, &K);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
800 ierr = DMPlexGetDepthStratum(K, 0, &vStart, &vEnd);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
801 ierr = PetscFEGetQuadrature(fe, &q);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
802 ierr = PetscQuadratureGetOrder(q, &qorder);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
803 ierr = PetscObjectGetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject) fe, &prefix);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
804 ierr = PetscFECreateDefault(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) dmGrad), dim, Nc*coordDim, (vEnd-vStart) == dim+1 ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE, prefix, qorder, &feGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
805 ierr = PetscDSSetDiscretization(probGrad, f, (PetscObject) feGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
806 ierr = PetscFECreateDefault(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) dmHess), dim, Nc*Nd, (vEnd-vStart) == dim+1 ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE, prefix, qorder, &feHess);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
807 ierr = PetscDSSetDiscretization(probHess, f, (PetscObject) feHess);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
808 ierr = PetscFEDestroy(&feGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
809 ierr = PetscFEDestroy(&feHess);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
810 }
811 ierr = DMGetGlobalVector(dmGrad, &xGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
812 ierr = VecViewFromOptions(x, NULL((void*)0), "-sol_adapt_loc_pre_view");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
813 ierr = DMPlexComputeGradientClementInterpolant(dm, locX, xGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
814 ierr = VecViewFromOptions(xGrad, NULL((void*)0), "-adapt_gradient_view");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
815 /* Compute vertexwise Hessians from cellwise Hessians */
816 ierr = DMGetGlobalVector(dmHess, &xHess);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
817 ierr = DMPlexComputeGradientClementInterpolant(dmGrad, xGrad, xHess);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
818 ierr = VecViewFromOptions(xHess, NULL((void*)0), "-adapt_hessian_view");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
819 /* Compute metric */
820 ierr = DMClone(dm, &dmMetric);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
821 ierr = DMGetSection(dm, &sec);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
822 ierr = DMPlexGetDepthStratum(dm, 0, &vStart, &vEnd);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
823 ierr = PetscSectionCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) dm), &msec);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
824 ierr = PetscSectionSetNumFields(msec, 1);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
825 ierr = PetscSectionSetFieldComponents(msec, 0, Nd);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
826 ierr = PetscSectionSetChart(msec, vStart, vEnd);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
827 for (v = vStart; v < vEnd; ++v) {
828 ierr = PetscSectionSetDof(msec, v, Nd);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
829 ierr = PetscSectionSetFieldDof(msec, v, 0, Nd);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
830 }
831 ierr = PetscSectionSetUp(msec);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
832 ierr = DMSetSection(dmMetric, msec);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
833 ierr = PetscSectionDestroy(&msec);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
834 ierr = DMGetLocalVector(dmMetric, &metric);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
835 /* N is the target size */
836 N = adaptor->Nadapt >= 0 ? adaptor->Nadapt : PetscPowRealInt(adaptor->refinementFactor, dim)*((PetscReal) (vEnd - vStart));
837 if (adaptor->monitor) {ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "N_orig: %D N_adapt: %g\n", vEnd - vStart, N);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
838 /* |H| means take the absolute value of eigenvalues */
839 ierr = VecGetArray(xHess, &H);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
840 ierr = VecGetArray(metric, &M);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
841 for (v = vStart; v < vEnd; ++v) {
842 PetscScalar *Hp;
844 ierr = DMPlexPointLocalRef(dmHess, v, H, &Hp);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
845 ierr = DMAdaptorModifyHessian_Private(coordDim, adaptor->h_min, adaptor->h_max, Hp);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
846 }
847 /* Pointwise on vertices M(x) = N^{2/d} (\int_\Omega det(|H|)^{p/(2p+d)})^{-2/d} det(|H|)^{-1/(2p+d)} |H| for L_p */
848 ierr = PetscDSSetObjective(probHess, 0, detHFunc);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
849 ierr = DMPlexComputeIntegralFEM(dmHess, xHess, &integral, NULL((void*)0));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
850 for (v = vStart; v < vEnd; ++v) {
851 const PetscInt p = 1;
852 const PetscScalar *Hp;
853 PetscScalar *Mp;
854 PetscReal detH, fact;
855 PetscInt i;
857 ierr = DMPlexPointLocalRead(dmHess, v, H, (void *) &Hp);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
858 ierr = DMPlexPointLocalRef(dmMetric, v, M, &Mp);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
859 if (dim == 2) DMPlex_Det2D_Scalar_Internal(&detH, Hp);
860 else if (dim == 3) DMPlex_Det3D_Scalar_Internal(&detH, Hp);
861 else SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) adaptor), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Dimension %d not supported", dim)return PetscError(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) adaptor),861,
,56,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Dimension %d not supported",dim)
862 fact = PetscPowReal(N, 2.0/dim)pow(N,2.0/dim) * PetscPowReal(PetscRealPart(integral), -2.0/dim)pow((integral),-2.0/dim) * PetscPowReal(PetscAbsReal(detH), -1.0/(2*p+dim))pow(fabs(detH),-1.0/(2*p+dim));
863#if 0
864 ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF((MPI_Comm)0x44000001), "fact: %g integral: %g |detH|: %g termA: %g termB: %g\n", fact, integral, PetscAbsReal(detH)fabs(detH), PetscPowReal(integral, -2.0/dim)pow(integral,-2.0/dim), PetscPowReal(PetscAbsReal(detH), -1.0/(2*p+dim))pow(fabs(detH),-1.0/(2*p+dim)));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
865 ierr = DMPrintCellMatrix(v, "H", coordDim, coordDim, Hp);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
867 for (i = 0; i < Nd; ++i) {
868 Mp[i] = fact * Hp[i];
869 }
870 }
871 ierr = VecRestoreArray(xHess, &H);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
872 ierr = VecRestoreArray(metric, &M);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
873 /* Adapt DM from metric */
874 ierr = DMGetLabel(dm, "marker", &bdLabel);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
875 ierr = DMAdaptMetric(dm, metric, bdLabel, &odm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
876 adapted = PETSC_TRUE;
877 /* Cleanup */
878 ierr = DMRestoreLocalVector(dmMetric, &metric);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
879 ierr = DMDestroy(&dmMetric);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
880 ierr = DMRestoreGlobalVector(dmHess, &xHess);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
881 ierr = DMRestoreGlobalVector(dmGrad, &xGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
882 ierr = DMDestroy(&dmGrad);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
883 ierr = DMDestroy(&dmHess);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
884 }
885 break;
886 default: SETERRQ1(comm, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Invalid adaptation type: %D", adaptor->adaptCriterion)return PetscError(comm,886,__func__,"/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Invalid adaptation type: %D",adaptor
887 }
888 ierr = DMAdaptorPostAdapt(adaptor);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
889 ierr = DMRestoreLocalVector(dm, &locX);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
890 /* If DM was adapted, replace objects and recreate solution */
891 if (adapted) {
892 const char *name;
894 ierr = PetscObjectGetName((PetscObject) dm, &name);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
895 ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) odm, name);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
896 /* Reconfigure solver */
897 ierr = SNESReset(adaptor->snes);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
898 ierr = SNESSetDM(adaptor->snes, odm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
899 ierr = DMAdaptorSetSolver(adaptor, adaptor->snes);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
900 ierr = DMPlexSetSNESLocalFEM(odm, ctx, ctx, ctx);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
901 ierr = SNESSetFromOptions(adaptor->snes);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
902 /* Transfer system */
903 ierr = DMCopyDisc(adaptor->idm, odm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
904 /* Transfer solution */
905 ierr = DMCreateGlobalVector(odm, &ox);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
906 ierr = PetscObjectGetName((PetscObject) x, &name);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
907 ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) ox, name);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
908 ierr = DMAdaptorTransferSolution(adaptor, dm, x, odm, ox);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
909 /* Cleanup adaptivity info */
910 if (adaptIter > 0) {ierr = PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(comm));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
911 ierr = DMForestSetAdaptivityForest(dm, NULL((void*)0));CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
; /* clear internal references to the previous dm */
912 ierr = DMDestroy(&dm);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
913 ierr = VecDestroy(&x);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
914 *adm = odm;
915 *ax = ox;
916 } else {
917 *adm = dm;
918 *ax = x;
919 adaptIter = numAdapt;
920 }
921 if (adaptIter < numAdapt-1) {
922 ierr = DMViewFromOptions(odm, NULL((void*)0), "-dm_adapt_iter_view");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
923 ierr = VecViewFromOptions(ox, NULL((void*)0), "-sol_adapt_iter_view");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
924 }
925 }
926 ierr = DMViewFromOptions(*adm, NULL((void*)0), "-dm_adapt_view");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
927 ierr = VecViewFromOptions(*ax, NULL((void*)0), "-sol_adapt_view");CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
928 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)
932 DMAdaptorAdapt - Creates a new DM that is adapted to the problem
934 Not collective
936 Input Parameter:
937+ adaptor - The DMAdaptor object
938. x - The global approximate solution
939- strategy - The adaptation strategy
941 Output Parameters:
942+ adm - The adapted DM
943- ax - The adapted solution
945 Options database keys:
946. -snes_adapt <strategy> : initial, sequential, multigrid
947. -adapt_gradient_view : View the Clement interpolant of the solution gradient
948. -adapt_hessian_view : View the Clement interpolant of the solution Hessian
949. -adapt_metric_view : View the metric tensor for adaptive mesh refinement
951 Note: The available adaptation strategies are:
952$ 1) Adapt the intial mesh until a quality metric, e,g, a priori error bound, is satisfied
953$ 2) Solve the problem on a series of adapted meshes until a quality metric, e.g. a posteriori error bound, is satisfied
954$ 3) Solve the problem on a hierarchy of adapted meshes generated to satisfy a quality metric using multigrid
956 Level: intermediate
958.keywords: DMAdaptor, convergence
959.seealso: DMAdaptorSetSolver(), DMAdaptorCreate(), DMAdaptorAdapt()
961PetscErrorCode DMAdaptorAdapt(DMAdaptor adaptor, Vec x, DMAdaptationStrategy strategy, DM *adm, Vec *ax)
963 PetscErrorCode ierr;
965 PetscFunctionBegindo { do { ; if (petscstack && (petscstack->currentsize
< 64)) { petscstack->function[petscstack->currentsize
] = __func__; petscstack->file[petscstack->currentsize]
= "/sandbox/petsc/petsc.next-tmp/src/snes/utils/dmadapt.c"; petscstack
->line[petscstack->currentsize] = 965; petscstack->petscroutine
[petscstack->currentsize] = PETSC_TRUE; petscstack->currentsize
++; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth += (PETSC_FALSE
|| petscstack->hotdepth); } ; } while (0); ; } while (0)
966 switch (strategy)
967 {
969 ierr = DMAdaptorAdapt_Sequence_Private(adaptor, x, PETSC_FALSE, adm, ax);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
970 break;
972 ierr = DMAdaptorAdapt_Sequence_Private(adaptor, x, PETSC_TRUE, adm, ax);CHKERRQ(ierr)do {if (__builtin_expect(!!(ierr),0)) return PetscError(((MPI_Comm
,ierr,PETSC_ERROR_REPEAT," ");} while (0)
973 break;
974 default: SETERRQ1(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) adaptor), PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Unrecognized adaptation strategy %d", strategy)return PetscError(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject) adaptor),974,
,62,PETSC_ERROR_INITIAL,"Unrecognized adaptation strategy %d"
975 }
976 PetscFunctionReturn(0)do { do { ; if (petscstack && petscstack->currentsize
> 0) { petscstack->currentsize--; petscstack->function
[petscstack->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->file[petscstack
->currentsize] = 0; petscstack->line[petscstack->currentsize
] = 0; petscstack->petscroutine[petscstack->currentsize
] = PETSC_FALSE; } if (petscstack) { petscstack->hotdepth =
(((petscstack->hotdepth-1)<(0)) ? (0) : (petscstack->
hotdepth-1)); } ; } while (0); return(0);} while (0)