MeshKit  1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "meshkit/Mesh.hpp"
00003 using namespace Jaal;
00005 void quality_values( const vector<double> &quality)
00006 {
00007    cout << "   MinValue     : " << *min_element( quality.begin(), quality.end() ) << endl;
00008    cout << "   MaxValue     : " << *max_element( quality.begin(), quality.end() ) << endl;
00009    cout << "   Mean Value   : " << quality[quality.size()/2] << endl;
00010    size_t nSize = quality.size();
00011    double sum = 0.0;
00012    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
00013         sum += quality[i];
00014    cout << "   Avg Value    : " << sum/(double)quality.size() << endl;
00015 }
00017 void print_histogram( const vector<double> &quality, const string &header, int n )
00018 {
00019     string filename;
00020     switch( n ) {
00021     case 3:
00022         filename ="./QData/T" +  header + ".gnu";
00023         break;
00024     case 4:
00025         filename = "./QData/Q" +  header + ".gnu";
00026         break;
00027     }
00029     ofstream ofile( filename.c_str(), ios::out);
00030     if( ) {
00031         cout << "Warning: Can not open file " << filename << endl;
00032         return;
00033     }
00035     ofile << "set title \" QuadMesh Quality:  " <<  header << "\"" << "  font \"Helvetica,20\"" << endl;
00036     ofile << "set xlabel \"Quad Elements\"  font \"Helvetica,15 \"" << endl;
00037     ofile << "set ylabel \"" << header  << "\" font \"Helvetica,15\""  << endl;
00038     ofile << "set format y \"%11.3E\"" << endl;
00039     ofile << "set grid" << endl;
00040     ofile << "set terminal png" << endl;
00042     switch( n ) {
00043     case 3:
00044         filename = "./QData/T" +  header + ".data";
00045         ofile << "set output \"" << "T" << header << ".png\"" <<  endl;
00046         ofile << "plot \"" << "T" << header << ".data\"" <<  "  notitle with impulses" << endl;
00047         break;
00048     case 4:
00049         filename = "./QData/Q" +  header + ".data";
00050         ofile << "set output \"" << "Q" << header << ".png\"" <<  endl;
00051         ofile << "plot \"" << "Q" << header << ".data\"" <<  "  notitle with impulses" << endl;
00052         break;
00053     }
00054     ofile.close();
00056 filename.c_str(), ios::out);
00057     if( ) return;
00059     for( unsigned int i = 0; i < quality.size(); i++)
00060         ofile << i << " " << quality[i] << endl;
00062 }
00065 void plot_all_quad_quality_measures( Jaal::Mesh *mesh )
00066 {
00067 #ifdef HAVE_VERDICT
00068     VERDICT_REAL  coords[4][3];
00069     Point3D xyz;
00070     int num_nodes = 4;
00072     size_t numfaces = mesh->getSize(2);
00074     vector<double> quality( numfaces );
00078     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00079         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00080         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00081             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00082             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00083             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00084             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00085             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00086         }
00087         quality[i] =  v_quad_aspect( num_nodes, coords);
00088     }
00089     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00090     print_histogram( quality, "AspectRatio", 4  );
00091     cout << "Quality: AspectRatio " << endl;
00092     quality_values( quality );
00096     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00097         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00098         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00099             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00100             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00101             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00102             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00103             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00104         }
00105         quality[i] = v_quad_skew( num_nodes, coords );
00106     }
00107     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00108     print_histogram( quality, "Skewness", 4 );
00112     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00113         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00114         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00115             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00116             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00117             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00118             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00119             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00120         }
00121         quality[i] =  v_quad_taper( num_nodes, coords );
00122     }
00123     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00124     print_histogram( quality, "Taper", 4 );
00128     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00129         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00130         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00131             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00132             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00133             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00134             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00135             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00136         }
00137         quality[i]  = v_quad_warpage( num_nodes, coords );
00138     }
00139     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00140     print_histogram( quality, "Warpage", 4 );
00145     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00146         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00147         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00148             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00149             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00150             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00151             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00152             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00153         }
00154         quality[i] = v_quad_area( num_nodes, coords );
00155     }
00156     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00157     print_histogram( quality, "Area", 4 );
00158     cout << "Quality: Area " << endl;
00159     quality_values( quality );
00164     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00165         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00166         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00167             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00168             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00169             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00170             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00171             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00172         }
00173         quality[i] = v_quad_stretch( num_nodes, coords );
00174     }
00175     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00176     print_histogram( quality, "Stretch", 4 );
00180     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00181         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00182         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00183             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00184             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00185             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00186             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00187             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00188         }
00189         quality[i] = v_quad_minimum_angle( num_nodes, coords );
00190     }
00191     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00192     print_histogram( quality, "MinAngle", 4 );
00193     cout << "Quality: MinAngle (in Degrees) " << endl;
00194     quality_values( quality );
00198     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00199         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00200         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00201             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00202             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00203             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00204             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00205             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00206         }
00207         quality[i] = v_quad_maximum_angle( num_nodes, coords );
00208     }
00209     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00210     print_histogram( quality, "MaxAngle", 4 );
00211     cout << "Quality: MaxAngle (in Degrees) " << endl;
00212     quality_values( quality );
00216     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00217         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00218         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00219             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00220             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00221             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00222             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00223             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00224         }
00225         quality[i] = v_quad_oddy( num_nodes, coords );
00226     }
00227     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00228     print_histogram( quality, "Oddy", 4 );
00232     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00233         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00234         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00235             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00236             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00237             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00238             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00239             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00240         }
00241         quality[i] = v_quad_condition( num_nodes, coords );
00242     }
00243     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00244     print_histogram( quality, "ConditionNumber", 4 );
00248     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00249         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00250         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00251             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00252             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00253             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00254             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00255             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00256         }
00257         quality[i] = v_quad_jacobian( num_nodes, coords );
00258     }
00259     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00260     print_histogram( quality, "Jacobian", 4 );
00264     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00265         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00266         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00267             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00268             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00269             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00270             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00271             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00272         }
00273         quality[i] = v_quad_scaled_jacobian( num_nodes, coords );
00274     }
00275     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00276     print_histogram( quality, "ScaledJacobian", 4 );
00280     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00281         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00282         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00283             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00284             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00285             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00286             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00287             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00288         }
00289         quality[i] = v_quad_shear( num_nodes, coords );
00290     }
00291     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00292     print_histogram( quality, "Shear", 4 );
00296     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00297         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00298         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00299             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00300             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00301             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00302             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00303             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00304         }
00305         quality[i] = v_quad_shape( num_nodes, coords );
00306     }
00307     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00308     print_histogram( quality, "Shape", 4 );
00312     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00313         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00314         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00315             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00316             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00317             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00318             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00319             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00320         }
00321         quality[i] = v_quad_relative_size_squared( num_nodes, coords );
00322     }
00323     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00324     print_histogram( quality, "RelativeSizeSquared", 4 );
00328     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00329         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00330         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00331             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00332             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00333             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00334             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00335             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00336         }
00337         quality[i] = v_quad_shape_and_size( num_nodes, coords );
00338     }
00339     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00340     print_histogram( quality, "ShapeSize", 4 );
00344     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00345         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00346         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00347             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00348             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00349             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00350             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00351             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00352         }
00353         quality[i] = v_quad_shear_and_size( num_nodes, coords );
00354     }
00355     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00356     print_histogram( quality, "ShearSize", 4 );
00360     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00361         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00362         for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
00363             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00364             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00365             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00366             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00367             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00368         }
00369         quality[i] = v_quad_distortion( num_nodes, coords );
00370     }
00371     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00372     print_histogram( quality, "Distortion", 4 );
00373     cout << "Quality: Distortion " << endl;
00374     quality_values( quality );
00378 #endif
00379 }
00381 void plot_all_tri_quality_measures( Jaal::Mesh *mesh )
00382 {
00383 #ifdef HAVE_VERDICT
00384     VERDICT_REAL  coords[3][3];
00385     Point3D xyz;
00386     int num_nodes = 3;
00388     size_t numfaces = mesh->getSize(2);
00390     vector<double> quality( numfaces );
00394     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00395         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00396         for( int j = 0; j < num_nodes; j++) {
00397             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00398             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00399             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00400             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00401             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00402         }
00403         quality[i] =  v_tri_aspect( num_nodes, coords);
00404     }
00405     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00406     print_histogram( quality, "AspectRatio",3  );
00410     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00411         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00412         for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
00413             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00414             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00415             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00416             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00417             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00418         }
00419         quality[i] = v_tri_area( num_nodes, coords );
00420     }
00421     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00422     print_histogram( quality, "Area" ,3);
00426     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00427         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00428         for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
00429             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00430             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00431             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00432             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00433             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00434         }
00435         quality[i] = v_tri_minimum_angle( num_nodes, coords );
00436     }
00437     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00438     print_histogram( quality, "MinAngle" ,3);
00443     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00444         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00445         for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
00446             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00447             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00448             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00449             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00450             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00451         }
00452         quality[i] = v_tri_maximum_angle( num_nodes, coords );
00453     }
00454     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00455     print_histogram( quality, "MaxAngle" ,3);
00459     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00460         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00461         for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
00462             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00463             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00464             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00465             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00466             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00467         }
00468         quality[i] = v_tri_condition( num_nodes, coords );
00469     }
00470     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00471     print_histogram( quality, "ConditionNumber" ,3);
00475     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00476         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00477         for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
00478             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00479             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00480             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00481             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00482             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00483         }
00484         quality[i] = v_tri_scaled_jacobian( num_nodes, coords );
00485     }
00486     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00487     print_histogram( quality, "ScaledJacobian" ,3);
00491     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00492         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00493         for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
00494             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00495             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00496             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00497             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00498             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00499         }
00500         quality[i] = v_tri_shape( num_nodes, coords );
00501     }
00502     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00503     print_histogram( quality, "Shape" ,3);
00507     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00508         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00509         for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
00510             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00511             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00512             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00513             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00514             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00515         }
00516         quality[i] = v_tri_shape_and_size( num_nodes, coords );
00517     }
00518     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00519     print_histogram( quality, "ShapeSize" ,3);
00523     for( size_t i = 0; i < numfaces; i++) {
00524         Face *face = mesh->getFaceAt(i);
00525         for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
00526             Vertex *vertex = face->getNodeAt(j);
00527             xyz  = vertex->getXYZCoords();
00528             coords[j][0] = xyz[0];
00529             coords[j][1] = xyz[1];
00530             coords[j][2] = xyz[2];
00531         }
00532         quality[i] = v_tri_distortion( num_nodes, coords );
00533     }
00534     sort( quality.begin(), quality.end() );
00535     print_histogram( quality, "Distortion" ,3);
00538 #endif
00539 }
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