BinaryNode::ActiveNode | |
AF2Algorithm | |
AF2AlgorithmResult | |
AF2Binding | |
AF2DfltPlaneProjMaker | |
AF2DfltRuleAppVisitor | |
AF2DfltTriangleMeshOp | |
AF2DfltTriangleRules | |
AF2Edge2D | |
AF2Edge3D | |
AF2FreeZone | |
AF2FreeZoneDef | |
AF2FreeZoneDefLCQualLim | |
AF2FreeZoneDefSimple | |
AF2Front | |
AF2LocalTransform | |
AF2LocalTransformMaker | |
AF2Neighborhood | |
AF2PlaneProjection | |
AF2PntTrnsfrmLnrV | |
AF2Point3D | |
AF2PointTransform | |
AF2PointTransformNone | |
AF2Polygon2D | |
AF2Polygon3D | |
AF2Rule | |
AF2RuleApplication | |
AF2RuleAppVisitor | |
AF2RuleExistEdge | |
AF2RuleExistVertex | |
AF2RuleNewEdge | |
AF2RuleNewFace | |
AF2RuleNewTriangle | |
AF2RuleNewVertex | |
array< T > | |
Array< DataType, n > | |
ArrayAttribute< T, n > | |
AssyGen | |
AssyMesher | |
AttribRep | |
Attribute | |
SwapQuadEdge::BackUpData | |
BaseEdge | |
BaseFace | |
BaseVertex | |
BasicTransform< T > | A utility class for transforming copied meshes |
BasicTransform< T > | A utility class for transforming extruded meshes |
BinaryNode | |
BinaryTree | |
BoundingBox | |
Bounds | |
buffer< T > | |
c_unique | |
CAMALCurveEval | The curve geometry evaluator class defines the pure virtual interface for CAMAL interaction with curves |
CAMALPaver | The MeshKit-based surface evaluator for CAMAL meshing algorithms |
CAMALSizeEval | The MeshKit-based size evaluator for CAMAL meshing algorithms |
CAMALSurfEval | The MeshKit-based surface evaluator for CAMAL meshing algorithms |
CAMALTetMesher | The wrapper for the CAMAL tet mesher |
CAMALTriAdvance | The interface to the CAMAL TriAdvance algorithm |
CClock | |
CCylinder | |
CentroidRefine2D | |
CentroidRefine2D | |
CESets | |
CircleRemeshTemplate | |
CMatrix< T > | |
ConsistencyRefine2D | |
ConsistencyRefine2D | |
IAData::constraintRow | |
coords_and_id | Struct to hold coordinates of skin edge, it's surface id, and a matched flag |
coords_and_id | |
CopyGeom | |
CopyMesh | A simple class for meshing copy moving meshes |
CoreGen | |
CParser | |
CPincell | |
CurveFacetMeshReader | |
CutCellSurfEdgeKey | |
CutFraction | Stores boundary element edge cut fraction |
CVector< T > | |
Deform2D | |
DelaunayRefinement2D | |
DelaunayRefinement2D | |
Diamond | |
Dijkstra | Build lengths between each pair of vertices |
DijkstraShortestPath | |
DiskQuadMesher | |
Doublet | |
DualGraph | |
EBMesher | A meshing geometry as Cartesian structured mesh It makes constructs tree structure with triangles and makes hexes bounding geometry With ray-tracing, find intersections and determine element inside/outside/boundary. Intersection fraction is stored to boundary elements. Element inside/outside/boundary status are stored as tag |
DiskQuadMesher::Edge | |
Edge | |
Edge | |
edge | |
ProjectShell::Edge | |
EdgeMesher | Generate the mesh for edges |
EndPointLess | |
iMesh::EntArrIter | Class for iterating over iMesh entity arrays |
iGeom::EntArrIter | Class for iterating over iGeom entity arrays |
EntArrIter | Class for iterating over FBiGeom entity arrays |
iGeom::EntIter | Class for iterating over iGeom entities |
iMesh::EntIter | Class for iterating over iMesh entities |
EntIter | Class for iterating over FBiGeom entities |
EntityRemovedPred | |
EquipotentialSmooth | Do the EquipotentialSmooth smoothing for surface mesh (Winslow) This class is only for smoothing structured quad mesh |
Error | The Error object returned from or thrown by many MeshKit functions |
ExtrudeMesh | A simple class for extruding meshes |
FabsWeightComparer | |
Face | |
Face | |
FaceClose | |
FBiGeom::FBEntArrIter | |
FBiGeom::FBEntIter | |
FBiGeom | C++ interface to ITAPS FBiGeom interface |
ProjectShell::FinalTriangle | |
FirstIrregularNode | |
SwapEdges::FlipEdge | |
SwapTriEdge::FlipEdge | |
Global | Define the data structure for Sweeping |
GlpRepresentation | |
GradeRefine2D | |
GradeRefine2D | |
GraphNode | A parent class for anything that will be a graph node |
GreenCoordinates3D | |
HarmonicMapper | |
Heap | |
heap_node | |
Heapable | |
HighVertexDegreeCompare | |
IABendNlp | |
IAData | |
IADataBuilder | |
IAIntCosNlp | |
IAInterface | The class used in MeshKit for Interval Assignment |
IAIntParabolaNlp | |
IAIntWaveNlp | |
IAMilp | |
IAMINlp | |
IANlp | |
IARoundingFar3StepNlp | |
IARoundingFarNlp | |
IARoundingHeuristicMINLP | |
IARoundingNlp | |
IASolution | |
IASolver | |
IASolverBend | |
IASolverEven | |
IASolverInt | |
IASolverRelaxed | |
IASolverTool | |
IASolverToolInt | |
IAVariable | Class defining a variable for interval assignment. These are the data objects shared between Interval Assignment and the rest of MeshKit |
IAWeights | |
Identity | The identity transformation |
iGeom | C++ interface to ITAPS iGeom interface |
iMesh | C++ interface to ITAPS iMesh interface |
IntersectDist | Stores intersection distances |
IPBend | |
IPBendData | |
IPData | |
iRel | C++ interface to ITAPS iRel interface |
IsoLaplace | Do the IsoLaplace smoothing for surface mesh |
JaalMoabConverter | |
LaplaceAreaWeight | |
LaplaceLengthWeight | |
LaplaceNoWeight | |
LaplaceSmoothing | |
LaplaceWeight | |
LessThan | |
ListAttribute< T > | |
LocalSet | |
LocalTag | |
LongestEdgeRefine2D | |
LongestEdgeRefine2D | |
LowLayerCompare | |
LowVertexDegreeCompare | |
LPSolveClass | Do the LPSolveClass to solve the linear programming problem |
DijkstraShortestPath::LVertex | |
LaplaceSmoothing::LVertex | |
Tri2Quads::LVertex | |
Mat4 | |
Matrix< R, C > | Fixed-size matrix class |
Matrix< 1, 1 > | |
matrixtemplate | For engineering style matrix starting from 1 |
MBGeomOp | |
MBSplitOp | |
MBVolOp | |
MergeMesh | A simple class for merging meshes |
Mesh | |
MeshEntity | |
MeshExporter | |
MeshFilter | |
MeshImporter | |
MeshImprove | |
MeshOp | An operation that operates on mesh data |
MeshOpProxy | Polymorphic behavior for MeshOp classes (as opposed to instances) |
MeshOpSet | Maintain global, singletin list of registered MeshOps |
MeshOpTemplate | |
MeshOptimization | |
MeshRefine2D | 2D Mesh Refinement class |
MeshRefine2D | 2D Mesh Refinement class |
MeshScheme | A class that generates mesh |
MKCore | The core MeshKit instance |
MKGraph | Class encapsulating manipulations of the meshing operation graph |
ModelEnt | The class used in MeshKit for referring to model entities and mesh associated with them |
mstream | Print something on console and file using redirection symbol <<, open a file in your program: <mstream object>=""> (m_LogName.c_str(), std::ios::out); |
myany | |
MyScheme | |
NGTetMesher | The wrapper for the Netgen tet mesher |
ProjectShell::Node | |
NoOp | Dummy Operation |
ObjectPool< T > | |
ObtuseRefine2D | |
ObtuseRefine2D | |
OneDefectPatch | |
OneToOneSwept | Generate the all-hexahedral mesh by sweeping |
pair_info | |
iRel::PairHandle | Class for storing, querying and modifying relations data |
ParallelMesher | |
ParExchangeMesh | |
ParRecvSurfMesh | |
ParSendPostSurfMesh | |
parser | Keyword parser template for reading input files |
PentaRemeshTemplate | |
Plane | |
Point2D | |
EdgeMesher::Point3D | |
ObjectPool< T >::Pool | |
PostBL | Options and Keywords Used in PostBL Algorithm |
PostBL | |
IAInterface::ProblemSets | Collections of indicator sets of variables and constraints that define a subproblem, or define the global problem, or define the remaining part of the global problem |
ProjectShell | Project the bounding shell of a 3D convex volume onto a plane |
ProjectShell | |
QslimDecimation | |
QslimMesher | Decimate a set of triangles |
QslimOptions | Place holder for decimation options |
QTrack | |
QuadCleanUp | |
QuadEdge | |
QuadMesher | Triangle to Quad Transformation |
QuadRemeshTemplate | |
QualityDecreaseObserver | |
Refine2D14 | |
Refine2D14 | |
MeshRefine2D::RefinedEdgeMap::RefinedEdge | |
MeshRefine2D::RefinedEdgeMap | |
RegisterCounter | |
RegisterMeshOp< TYPE > | Utility class for registering MeshOps with MKCore |
RelationRep | |
RemeshTemplate | |
Rotate | A rotation function, using Rodrigues' formula |
Rotate | A rotation function, using Rodrigues' formula |
SaveLastVisitor | |
SCDMesh | Generate a structured Cartesian grid over a geometry |
SetAttribute< T > | |
SimpleArray< T > | |
Singlet | |
SizingFunction | A sizing function used with meshing algorithms |
SizingFunctionVar | |
SmartLaplaceWrapper | |
SolidCurveMesher | A class for generating facet-based mesh of geometric curves. INPUT: one or more ModelEnts representing geometric curves MESH TYPE(S): MBEDGE, MBVERTEX OUTPUT: a set of edges and vertices for each ModelEnt DEPENDENCIES: meshkit build with iGeom interface |
IAData::sparseEntry | |
IABendNlp::SparseMatrixEntry | |
IAIntWaveNlp::SparseMatrixEntry | |
Sqrt3Refine2D | |
Sqrt3Refine2D | |
StopWatch | |
myany::storage< T > | |
myany::storage_base | |
StructuredMesh2D | |
SubMapping | Generate the structural mesh for linking surface |
IAInterface::SubProblem | Represent a subproblem, its IAData and its mapping back to the global problem |
IAData::sumEvenConstraintRow | |
AssyGen::superblocks | |
SurfaceFacetMeshReader | A class for generating facet-based mesh of geometric surfaces INPUT: one or more ModelEnts representing geometric surfaces MESH TYPE(S): MBEDGE, MBVERTEX, MBTRI OUTPUT: a set of triangles, edges and verticesfor each ModelEnt DEPENDENCIES: meshkit build with iGeom interface |
SurfPatch | |
SurfProHarmonicMap | |
SwapEdges | |
SwapQuadEdge | |
SwapTriEdge | |
SwapTriEdges | |
SweepWrapper | |
CESets::tag_data | |
TargetFlipper | |
TestVisitor | |
TFIMapping | Generate the all-Quad mesh by TFI mapping |
Transform | A base class for transforming extruded meshes |
Transform | A base class for transforming copied meshes |
Translate | A translation function |
Translate | A translation function |
Tri2Quads | |
ProjectShell::Triangle2D | |
ProjectShell::Triangle3D | |
TriangleMesher | |
triangles | |
TriharmonicRBF | |
TriRemeshTemplate | |
IAInterface::VariableConstraintDependencies | Represent the dependency of the problem using indicator sets |
Vec3 | |
Vec4 | |
VecAttribute< T > | |
Vector< L > | Vector is a 1xL Matrix |
vectortemplate | For engineering style vector starting from 1 |
VecUtil | A class of vector utilities |
vert_info | |
Vertex | |
Vertex | |
VertexMesher | A simple class for meshing geometric vertices |
VolFrac | Stores volume fractions |
AF2Binding::VtxBindRec | |