Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
Array-based unstructured mesh datastructure
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // Filename      : NCHelper.hpp
00003 //
00004 // Purpose       : Climate NC file helper
00005 //
00006 // Creator       : Danqing Wu
00007 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00009 #ifndef NCHELPER_HPP
00010 #define NCHELPER_HPP
00012 #include "ReadNC.hpp"
00014 #ifdef WIN32
00015 #ifdef size_t
00016 #undef size_t
00017 #endif
00018 #endif
00020 namespace moab
00021 {
00023 //! Helper class to isolate reading of several different nc file formats
00024 class NCHelper
00025 {
00026   public:
00027     NCHelper( ReadNC* readNC, int fileId, const FileOptions& opts, EntityHandle fileSet )
00028         : _readNC( readNC ), _fileId( fileId ), _opts( opts ), _fileSet( fileSet ), nTimeSteps( 0 ), nLevels( 1 ),
00029           tDim( -1 ), levDim( -1 )
00030     {
00031     }
00032     virtual ~NCHelper() {}
00034     //! Get appropriate helper instance for ReadNC class
00035     static NCHelper* get_nc_helper( ReadNC* readNC, int fileId, const FileOptions& opts, EntityHandle fileSet );
00037     //! Interfaces to be implemented in child classes
00038     virtual ErrorCode init_mesh_vals()                                                                        = 0;
00039     virtual ErrorCode check_existing_mesh()                                                                   = 0;
00040     virtual ErrorCode create_mesh( Range& faces )                                                             = 0;
00041     virtual ErrorCode read_variables( std::vector< std::string >& var_names, std::vector< int >& tstep_nums ) = 0;
00042     virtual std::string get_mesh_type_name()                                                                  = 0;
00044     //! Create NC conventional tags
00045     ErrorCode create_conventional_tags( const std::vector< int >& tstep_nums );
00047     //! Update time tag values if timesteps spread across files
00048     ErrorCode update_time_tag_vals();
00050     // An object to hold vertex coordinates, and an operator
00051     // for storing them in a STL tree-based container. use a tolerance saved somewhere as 1.e-12
00052     class Node3D
00053     {
00054       public:
00055         double coords[3];
00056         bool operator<( const Node3D& ) const;
00057         Node3D( double x, double y, double z )
00058         {
00059             coords[0] = x;
00060             coords[1] = y;
00061             coords[2] = z;
00062         }
00063     };
00065   protected:
00066     //! Separate set and non-set variables (common to scd mesh and ucd mesh)
00067     ErrorCode read_variables_setup( std::vector< std::string >& var_names,
00068                                     std::vector< int >& tstep_nums,
00069                                     std::vector< ReadNC::VarData >& vdatas,
00070                                     std::vector< ReadNC::VarData >& vsetdatas );
00072     //! Read set variables (common to scd mesh and ucd mesh)
00073     ErrorCode read_variables_to_set( std::vector< ReadNC::VarData >& vdatas, std::vector< int >& tstep_nums );
00075     ErrorCode read_coordinate( const char* var_name, int lmin, int lmax, std::vector< double >& cvals );
00077     ErrorCode get_tag_to_set( ReadNC::VarData& var_data, int tstep_num, Tag& tagh );
00079     ErrorCode get_tag_to_nonset( ReadNC::VarData& var_data, int tstep_num, Tag& tagh, int num_lev );
00081     //! Create a character string attString of attMap. with '\0'
00082     //! terminating each attribute name, ';' separating the data type
00083     //! and value, and ';' separating one name/data type/value from
00084     //! the next'. attLen stores the end position for each name/data
00085     //! type/ value.
00086     ErrorCode create_attrib_string( const std::map< std::string, ReadNC::AttData >& attMap,
00087                                     std::string& attString,
00088                                     std::vector< int >& attLen );
00090     //! For a dimension that does not have a corresponding coordinate variable (e.g. ncol for
00091     //! HOMME), create a dummy variable with a sparse tag to store the dimension length
00092     ErrorCode create_dummy_variables();
00094   private:
00095     //! Used by read_variables_to_set()
00096     ErrorCode read_variables_to_set_allocate( std::vector< ReadNC::VarData >& vdatas, std::vector< int >& tstep_nums );
00098   protected:
00099     //! Allow NCHelper to directly access members of ReadNC
00100     ReadNC* _readNC;
00102     //! Cache some information from ReadNC
00103     int _fileId;
00104     const FileOptions& _opts;
00105     EntityHandle _fileSet;
00107     //! Dimensions of time and level
00108     int nTimeSteps, nLevels;
00110     //! Values for time and level
00111     std::vector< double > tVals, levVals;
00113     //! Dimension numbers for time and level
00114     int tDim, levDim;
00116     //! Ignored variables
00117     std::set< std::string > ignoredVarNames;
00119     //! Dummy variables
00120     std::set< std::string > dummyVarNames;
00121 };
00123 //! Child helper class for scd mesh, e.g. CAM_EL or CAM_FV
00124 class ScdNCHelper : public NCHelper
00125 {
00126   public:
00127     ScdNCHelper( ReadNC* readNC, int fileId, const FileOptions& opts, EntityHandle fileSet )
00128         : NCHelper( readNC, fileId, opts, fileSet ), iDim( -1 ), jDim( -1 ), iCDim( -1 ), jCDim( -1 )
00129     {
00130         for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
00131         {
00132             gDims[i]  = -1;
00133             lDims[i]  = -1;
00134             gCDims[i] = -1;
00135             lCDims[i] = -1;
00136         }
00138         locallyPeriodic[0] = locallyPeriodic[1] = locallyPeriodic[2] = 0;
00139         globallyPeriodic[0] = globallyPeriodic[1] = globallyPeriodic[2] = 0;
00140     }
00141     virtual ~ScdNCHelper() {}
00143   private:
00144     //! Implementation of NCHelper::check_existing_mesh()
00145     virtual ErrorCode check_existing_mesh();
00146     //! Implementation of NCHelper::create_mesh()
00147     virtual ErrorCode create_mesh( Range& faces );
00148     //! Implementation of NCHelper::read_variables()
00149     virtual ErrorCode read_variables( std::vector< std::string >& var_names, std::vector< int >& tstep_nums );
00151     //! Read non-set variables for scd mesh
00152     ErrorCode read_scd_variables_to_nonset_allocate( std::vector< ReadNC::VarData >& vdatas,
00153                                                      std::vector< int >& tstep_nums );
00154     ErrorCode read_scd_variables_to_nonset( std::vector< ReadNC::VarData >& vdatas, std::vector< int >& tstep_nums );
00156     //! Create COORDS tag for quads coordinate
00157     ErrorCode create_quad_coordinate_tag();
00159     template < typename T >
00160     void kji_to_jik( size_t ni, size_t nj, size_t nk, void* dest, T* source )
00161     {
00162         size_t nik = ni * nk, nij = ni * nj;
00163         T* tmp_data = reinterpret_cast< T* >( dest );
00164         for( std::size_t j = 0; j != nj; j++ )
00165             for( std::size_t i = 0; i != ni; i++ )
00166                 for( std::size_t k = 0; k != nk; k++ )
00167                     tmp_data[j * nik + i * nk + k] = source[k * nij + j * ni + i];
00168     }
00170   protected:
00171     //! Dimensions of global grid in file
00172     int gDims[6];
00174     //! Dimensions of my local part of grid
00175     int lDims[6];
00177     //! Center dimensions of global grid in file
00178     int gCDims[6];
00180     //! Center dimensions of my local part of grid
00181     int lCDims[6];
00183     //! Values for i/j
00184     std::vector< double > ilVals, jlVals;
00186     //! Center values for i/j
00187     std::vector< double > ilCVals, jlCVals;
00189     //! Dimension numbers for i/j
00190     int iDim, jDim;
00192     //! Center dimension numbers for i/j
00193     int iCDim, jCDim;
00195     //! Whether mesh is locally periodic in i or j or k
00196     int locallyPeriodic[3];
00198     //! Whether mesh is globally periodic in i or j or k
00199     int globallyPeriodic[3];
00200 };
00202 //! Child helper class for ucd mesh, e.g. CAM_SE (HOMME) or MPAS
00203 class UcdNCHelper : public NCHelper
00204 {
00205   public:
00206     UcdNCHelper( ReadNC* readNC, int fileId, const FileOptions& opts, EntityHandle fileSet )
00207         : NCHelper( readNC, fileId, opts, fileSet ), nCells( 0 ), nEdges( 0 ), nVertices( 0 ), nLocalCells( 0 ),
00208           nLocalEdges( 0 ), nLocalVertices( 0 ), cDim( -1 ), eDim( -1 ), vDim( -1 )
00209     {
00210     }
00211     virtual ~UcdNCHelper() {}
00213   private:
00214     //! Implementation of NCHelper::read_variables()
00215     virtual ErrorCode read_variables( std::vector< std::string >& var_names, std::vector< int >& tstep_nums );
00217     //! Read non-set variables for ucd mesh (implemented differently in child classes)
00218     virtual ErrorCode read_ucd_variables_to_nonset_allocate( std::vector< ReadNC::VarData >& vdatas,
00219                                                              std::vector< int >& tstep_nums ) = 0;
00220 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_PNETCDF
00221     virtual ErrorCode read_ucd_variables_to_nonset_async( std::vector< ReadNC::VarData >& vdatas,
00222                                                           std::vector< int >& tstep_nums ) = 0;
00223 #else
00224     virtual ErrorCode read_ucd_variables_to_nonset( std::vector< ReadNC::VarData >& vdatas,
00225                                                     std::vector< int >& tstep_nums ) = 0;
00226 #endif
00228   protected:
00229     //! This version takes as input the moab range, from which we actually need just the
00230     //! size of each sequence, for a proper transpose of the data
00231     template < typename T >
00232     void kji_to_jik_stride( size_t, size_t nj, size_t nk, void* dest, T* source, Range& localGid )
00233     {
00234         std::size_t idxInSource = 0;  // Position of the start of the stride
00235         // For each subrange, we will transpose a matrix of size
00236         // subrange*nj*nk (subrange takes the role of ni)
00237         T* tmp_data = reinterpret_cast< T* >( dest );
00238         for( Range::pair_iterator pair_iter = localGid.pair_begin(); pair_iter != localGid.pair_end(); ++pair_iter )
00239         {
00240             std::size_t size_range = pair_iter->second - pair_iter->first + 1;
00241             std::size_t nik = size_range * nk, nij = size_range * nj;
00242             for( std::size_t j = 0; j != nj; j++ )
00243                 for( std::size_t i = 0; i != size_range; i++ )
00244                     for( std::size_t k = 0; k != nk; k++ )
00245                         tmp_data[idxInSource + j * nik + i * nk + k] =
00246                             source[idxInSource + k * nij + j * size_range + i];
00247             idxInSource += ( size_range * nj * nk );
00248         }
00249     }
00251     //! Dimensions of global grid in file
00252     int nCells;
00253     int nEdges;
00254     int nVertices;
00256     //! Dimensions of my local part of grid
00257     int nLocalCells;
00258     int nLocalEdges;
00259     int nLocalVertices;
00261     //! Coordinate values for vertices
00262     std::vector< double > xVertVals, yVertVals, zVertVals;
00264     //! Dimension numbers for nCells, nEdges and nVertices
00265     int cDim, eDim, vDim;
00267     //! Local global ID for cells, edges and vertices
00268     Range localGidCells, localGidEdges, localGidVerts;
00269 };
00271 }  // namespace moab
00273 #endif
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