![]() |
Mesh Oriented datABase
(version 5.4.1)
Array-based unstructured mesh datastructure
moab::common_tree::_Element_data< T1, T2 > | |
moab::Tqdcfr::AcisRecord | |
moab::AdaptiveKDTree | Adaptive KD tree, for sorting and searching entities spatially |
moab::AdaptiveKDTreeIter | Iterate over leaves of an adaptive kD-tree |
moab::HalfFacetRep::adj_matrix | |
moab::AdjSides< CORNERS > | |
moab::AEntityFactory | Class AEntityFactory |
AffineXform | Define an affine transformatino |
moab::AffineXform | Define an affine transformation |
moab::angleAndIndex | |
appData | |
moab::Element::Map::ArgError | |
moab::Tqdcfr::FEModelHeader::ArrayInfo | |
ArrayManager | |
AssocPair | |
AssocPairSide | |
moab::WriteNC::AttData | |
moab::ReadNC::AttData | |
moab::AxisBox | Class representing axis-aligned bounding box |
moab::BinaryHeader | |
moab::BinaryTri | |
moab::BinTri | |
moab::BitPage | Bit tag data |
moab::BitTag | Data for a single bit tag |
moab::Tqdcfr::BlockHeader | |
moab::ReadRTT::boundary | |
moab::BoundBox | |
moab::common_tree::Box< T > | |
moab::BoxPlaneIter | |
moab::MeshGeneration::BrickOpts | |
moab::BSPTree | BSP tree, for sorting and searching entities spatially |
moab::BSPTreeBoxIter | Iterate over leaves of a BSPTree |
moab::BSPTreeIter | Iterate over leaves of a BSPTree |
moab::BSPTreePlaneIter | |
moab::BSPTreePoly | Convex polyhedron |
moab::BVHTree::Bucket | |
moab::ParallelComm::Buffer | |
moab::TupleList::buffer | |
moab::Bvh_tree< _Entity_handles, _Box, _Moab, _Parametrizer > | |
moab::BVHTree | Bounding Volume Hierarchy (sorta like a tree), for sorting and searching entities spatially |
moab::ByteArrayIterator | |
moab::CartVect | Cartesian Vector |
CartVect3D | |
moab::ReadRTT::cell | |
smoab::CellSet | |
moab::CheckOpenReadHDF5Handles | |
moab::CheckOpenWriteHDF5Handles | |
moab::ReadSmf::cmd_entry | |
moab::CN | Canonical numbering data and functions This class represents canonical ordering of finite-element meshes. Elements in the finite element "zoo" are represented. Canonical numbering denotes the vertex, edge, and face numbers making up each kind of element, and the vertex numbers defining those entities. Functions for evaluating adjacencies and other things based on vertex numbering are also provided. By default, this class defines a zero-based numbering system. For a complete description of this class, see the document "MOAB Canonical Numbering Conventions", Timothy J. Tautges, Sandia National Laboratories Report #SAND2004-xxxx |
moab::NestedRefine::codeperf | |
moab::MeshSet::CompactList | If the number of entities is less than 3, store the handles directly in the hnd member. Otherwise use the ptr member to hold the beginning and end of a dynamically allocated array |
moab::ComponentFactory | |
moab::CompSortedVect | |
moab::CN::ConnMap | |
moab::Range::const_iterator | Const iterator which iterates over an Range |
moab::Range::const_pair_iterator | |
moab::Range::const_reverse_iterator | Const reverse iterator which iterates over an Range |
smoab::detail::ContinousCellInfo | |
moab::Core | Implementation of MOAB Interface Implementation of the MOAB Interface class. You shouldn't call functions directly on an object of type Core (use Interface instead), unless you really have to access non-API functionality |
moab::BSPTreeBoxIter::Corners | |
moab::Coupler | This class couples data between meshes |
moab::OrientedBox::CovarienceData | |
LloydSmoother::cpp | Perform Lloyd relaxation on a mesh and its dual |
moab::CpuTimer | |
moab::gs_data::crystal_data | |
moab::CxxDebugStream | |
moab::CxxErrorStream | |
moab::DamselUtil | |
moab::Data | |
moab::DataCoupler | This class couples data between meshes |
smoab::DataSetConverter | |
moab::WriteHDF5Parallel::DataSetCreator | Argument ot create_dataset |
moab::DatasetVals | |
moab::DebugOutput | Utility class for printing debug output |
moab::DebugOutputStream | |
DeformMeshRemap | |
moab::DenseTag | Dense storage of fixed-length tag data |
moab::DGMSolver | |
moab::MeshSet::dim_test | |
moab::WriteAns::DirichletSetData | Struct used to hold data for each nodeset to be output; used by initialize_file to initialize the file header for increased speed |
moab::DirichletSetData | Struct used to hold data for each nodeset to be output in Exodus; used by initialize_exodus_file to initialize the file header for increased speed |
moab::WriteSLAC::DirichletSetData | Struct used to hold data for each nodeset to be output; used by initialize_file to initialize the file header for increased speed |
moab::WriteTemplate::DirichletSetData | Struct used to hold data for each nodeset to be output; used by initialize_file to initialize the file header for increased speed |
smoab::DirichletTag | |
moab::IODebugTrack::DRange | |
moab::DamselUtil::DtagP< T > | |
moab::DualTool | Tools for constructing and working with mesh duals (both tet- and hex-based, though some functions may not make sense for tet duals) |
moab::TypeSequenceManager::DummySequence | Dummy EntitySequence for use in querying set container |
edge | |
moab::BSPTreePoly::Edge | |
EdgeMetricVals | |
moab::EdgeSizeEvaluator | |
moab::EdgeSizeSimpleImplicit | |
moab::BSPTreePoly::EdgeUse | |
EHARR< size > | |
moab::element_utility::Element_parametrizer< Element_map > | |
moab::Element_tree< _Entity_handles, _Box, _Moab, _Parametrizer > | |
moab::ElementSequence | |
moab::ElemEvaluator | Class facilitating local discretization-related functionsThis class implements discretization-related functionality operating on data in MOAB. A member of this class caches certain data about the element it's currently operating on, but is not meant to be instantiated one-per-element, but rather one-per-search (or other operation on a collection of elements) |
moab::ElemInfo | |
moab::elemtype | |
moab::EntityRefiner | |
moab::EntityRefinerOutputFunctor | |
EntityRefinerOutputFunctor | |
moab::EntitySequence | |
moab::EntitySource | |
moab::EntitySourceRecord | |
moab::Error | |
moab::ErrorOutput | Utility class for printing error output |
moab::ErrorOutputStream | |
moab::EvalSet | |
moab::Element::Map::EvaluationError | |
moab::ReadHDF5Dataset::Exception | |
moab::WriteNCDF::ExodusMeshInfo | General information about a mesh |
moab::ExoIIInterface | |
moab::ExoIIUtil | |
moab::WriteHDF5::ExportSet | Range of entities, grouped by type, to export |
moab::WriteHDF5::ExportType | |
smoab::ExtractShell | |
face | |
moab::BSPTreePoly::Face | |
smoab::FaceCellSet | |
smoab::FacesAdjRegions | |
moab::ReadRTT::facet | |
moab::FBEngine | |
FBGeomAssocPairSide | |
moab::Tqdcfr::FEModelHeader | |
moab::point_locator::io::File_options< String, String_vector, Char_vector > | |
moab::FILEDebugStream | |
moab::FILEErrorStream | |
moab::FileOptions | Parse options string passed to file IO routines |
moab::Tqdcfr::FileTOC | |
moab::FileTokenizer | Parse a file as space-separated tokens |
findpt_data_2 | |
findpt_data_3 | |
findpt_listel | |
FindVolume_IntRegCtxt | An intersection context used for finding a volume |
moab::FindVolumeIntRegCtxt | |
GeomAssocPairSide | |
moab::Tqdcfr::GeomHeader | |
moab::GeomQueryTool | Tool for querying different aspects of geometric topology sets in MOAB |
smoab::GeomTag | |
moab::GeomTopoTool | Tool for interpreting geometric topology sets in MOAB database Tool for interpreting geometric topology sets in MOAB database; see MOAB metadata_info document for information on how geometric topology sets are read and represented |
GeomUtil | Functions for computational geometry on triangles, rays, and boxes |
GlobalContext | |
moab::GmshElemType | Structure defining relation between MOAB and VTK element types. VTK had different types for quadratic than linear elements, so a tuple of the MOAB type and number of elements maps to a VTK type |
moab::GmshUtil | General data about GMsh files for use by read and write code |
moab::GQT_IntRegCtxt | An implementation of an Intersection Registration Context for use GQT ray-firing |
moab::DualTool::GraphicsPoint | Struct for storing a graphics pt |
moab::Tqdcfr::GroupHeader | |
smoab::GroupTag | |
moab::gs_data | |
moab::HalfFacetRep | |
moab::handle_id | |
moab::BVHTree::HandleData | |
moab::BVHTree::HandleData_comparator | |
moab::ReaderWriterSet::Handler | |
hash_data_2 | |
hash_data_3 | |
moab::WriteHDF5::HDF5ErrorHandler | Store old HDF5 error handling function |
moab::ReadHDF5::HDF5ErrorHandler | Store old HDF5 error handling function |
moab::MeshSet::hdl_iter | |
moab::ReadRTT::headerData | |
HexMetricVals | |
moab::HigherOrderFactory | Functions for converting to/from higher-order elements |
moab::HiReconstruction | |
moab::HomCoord | Homogeneous coordinate vector |
moab::HomXform | Homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix |
moab::Core::HONodeAddedRemoved | Function object for recieving events from MB of higher order nodes added to entities |
moab::Interface::HONodeAddedRemoved | Function object for recieving events from MB of higher order nodes added to entities |
iBase_EntityArrIterator_Private | |
moab::ReadHDF5::IDConnectivity | List of connectivity arrays for which conversion from file ID to handle was deferred until later |
moab::ReaderIface::IDTag | |
iMeshArrayManager | |
iMOAB | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_CreateElements | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_CreateVertices | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_DefineTagStorage | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_DeregisterApplication | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_DetermineGhostEntities | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_DuplicateAppMesh | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_Finalize | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetBlockElementConnectivities | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetBlockID | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetBlockInfo | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetDoubleTagStorage | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetElementConnectivity | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetElementID | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetElementOwnership | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetGlobalInfo | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetIntTagStorage | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetMeshInfo | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetNeighborElements | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetNeighborVertices | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetPointerToSurfaceBC | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetPointerToVertexBC | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetVertexID | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetVertexOwnership | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetVisibleElementsInfo | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_GetVisibleVerticesCoordinates | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_Initialize | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_LoadMesh | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_ReadHeaderInfo | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_ReduceTagsMax | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_RegisterApplication | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_ResolveSharedEntities | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_SetDoubleTagStorage | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_SetDoubleTagStorageWithGid | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_SetGlobalInfo | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_SetIntTagStorage | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_SynchronizeTags | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_UpdateMeshInfo | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_WriteLocalMesh | |
iMOAB::iMOAB_WriteMesh | |
moab::InsertCount | |
smoab::Interface | |
moab::Interface | Main interface class to MOAB |
moab::NestedRefine::intFEdge | Helper |
moab::OrientedBoxTreeTool::IntRegCtxt | Default/Base class to provide a context for registering intersections |
moab::Intx2Mesh | |
moab::Intx2MeshInPlane | |
moab::Intx2MeshOnSphere | |
moab::IntxAreaUtils | |
moab::IntxRllCssphere | |
moab::IntxUtils | |
IntxUtilsCSLAM | |
moab::IODebugTrack | Tool for debugging binary IO |
iBase_EntityArrIterator_Private::IsType | |
moab::MeshSet::hdl_iter::iterator_category | |
smoab::detail::internal::key_inserter | |
smoab::detail::internal::KeyType | |
KnifeMetricVals | |
lagrange_data | |
Lasso | |
moab::SharedSetData::less_vect | |
moab::NestedRefine::level_memory | |
moab::element_utility::Linear_hex_map | |
moab::element_utility::Linear_tet_map< Entity_handle, Matrix > | |
smoab::detail::LinearCellConnectivity | |
moab::Element::LinearEdge | Shape function space for bilinear quadrilateral, obtained from the canonical linear (affine) functions |
moab::Element::LinearHex | Shape function space for trilinear hexahedron, obtained by a pushforward of the canonical linear (affine) functions |
moab::LinearHex | |
moab::GeomUtil::LinearHexMap | Shape function for trilinear hexahedron |
moab::ElemUtil::LinearHexMap | Shape function for trilinear hexahedron |
moab::Element::LinearQuad | Shape function space for bilinear quadrilateral, obtained from the canonical linear (affine) functions |
moab::LinearQuad | |
moab::Element::LinearTet | Shape function space for a linear tetrahedron, obtained by a pushforward of the canonical affine shape functions |
moab::LinearTet | |
moab::Element::LinearTri | Shape function space for linear triangle, similar to linear tet |
moab::LinearTri | |
List | A class to iterator over MOAB list-type meshsets |
moab::LloydSmoother | |
smoab::detail::LoadGeometry | |
smoab::detail::LoadPoly | |
lob_bnd_base | |
lob_bnd_ext | |
moab::HalfFacetRep::LocalMaps2D | 2D local maps |
moab::HalfFacetRep::LocalMaps3D | 3D local maps |
moab::Element::Map | Class representing a map (diffeomorphism) F parameterizing a 3D element by its canonical preimage |
moab::WriteAns::MaterialSetData | Struct used to hold data for each block to be output; used by initialize_file to initialize the file header for increased speed |
moab::WriteCCMIO::MaterialSetData | |
moab::WriteTemplate::MaterialSetData | Struct used to hold data for each block to be output; used by initialize_file to initialize the file header for increased speed |
moab::MaterialSetData | Struct used to hold data for each block to be output in Exodus; used by initialize_exodus_file to initialize the file header for increased speed |
moab::WriteSLAC::MaterialSetData | Struct used to hold data for each block to be output; used by initialize_file to initialize the file header for increased speed |
smoab::MaterialTag | |
moab::Matrix3 | |
MBiGeom | |
MBiMesh | |
MBIter< Container > | |
moab::MBuuid | Struct that handles universally unique id's for the Mesh Database |
McnpData | |
MemStats | |
moab::MergeMesh | |
MeshAssocPairSide | |
moab::MeshGeneration | |
moab::WriteAns::MeshInfo | Number of dimensions in this file |
moab::WriteCCMIO::MeshInfo | General information about a mesh |
moab::WriteSLAC::MeshInfo | General information about a mesh |
moab::WriteTemplate::MeshInfo | General information about a mesh |
moab::MeshOutputFunctor | Implements the abstract EntityRefinerOutputFunctor class |
moab::MeshRefiner | Refine a mesh using a streaming operation |
moab::MeshRefinerIterator | |
moab::MeshSet | Class to implement entity set functionality |
Meshset | A class to iterator over MOAB Meshsets |
moab::MeshSetRComp | |
moab::MeshSetSequence | |
moab::MeshTag | Tag with only a global/mesh value |
moab::MeshTopoUtil | MeshTopoUtil contains general mesh utility functions |
moab::Tqdcfr::MetaDataContainer | |
moab::Tqdcfr::MetaDataContainer::MetaDataEntry | |
MetisPartitioner | |
mhdf_ElemDesc | |
mhdf_EntDesc | |
mhdf_FileDesc | |
mhdf_TagDesc | |
smoab::detail::MixedCellConnectivity | |
moab::Tqdcfr::ModelEntry | |
moab::DamselUtil::MtagP< T > | |
moab::NCHelper | Helper class to isolate reading of several different nc file formats |
moab::NCHelperDomain | Child helper class for Domain grid |
moab::NCHelperEuler | Child helper class for Eulerian Spectral grid (CAM_EUL) |
moab::NCHelperFV | Child helper class for Finite Volume grid (CAM_FV) |
moab::NCHelperGCRM | Child helper class for GCRM grid |
moab::NCHelperHOMME | Child helper class for HOMME grid (CAM_SE) |
moab::NCHelperMPAS | Child helper class for MPAS grid |
moab::NCHelperScrip | |
moab::NCWriteEuler | |
moab::NCWriteFV | |
moab::NCWriteGCRM | |
moab::NCWriteHelper | |
moab::NCWriteHOMME | |
moab::NCWriteMPAS | |
moab::NestedRefine | |
moab::WriteAns::NeumannSetData | Struct used to hold data for each sideset to be output; used by initialize_file to initialize the file header for increased speed |
moab::WriteSLAC::NeumannSetData | Struct used to hold data for each sideset to be output; used by initialize_file to initialize the file header for increased speed |
moab::WriteCCMIO::NeumannSetData | |
moab::WriteTemplate::NeumannSetData | Struct used to hold data for each sideset to be output; used by initialize_file to initialize the file header for increased speed |
moab::NeumannSetData | Struct used to hold data for each sideset to be output in Exodus; used by initialize_exodus_file to initialize the file header for increased speed |
smoab::NeumannTag | |
moab::BVHTree::Node | |
moab::ReadRTT::node | |
moab::NCHelper::Node3D | |
moab::NodeDistance | |
moab::NodeSeg | |
moab::Tqdcfr::NodesetHeader | |
moab::WriteHDF5Parallel::NoopDescCreator | |
moab::MeshSet::not_dim_test | |
moab::MeshSet::not_type_test | |
obbox_2 | |
obbox_3 | |
obbox_data_2 | |
obbox_data_3 | |
moab::OBBTreeCPFrame | |
moab::OBBTreeSITFrame | |
moab::OrientedBoxTreeTool::Op | Implement this and pass instance to preorder_traverse |
opt_data_2 | |
opt_data_3 | |
opt_edge_data_2 | |
opt_edge_data_3 | |
opt_face_data_3 | |
opt_point_data_2 | |
opt_point_data_3 | |
moab::OrientedBox | Oriented bounding box |
moab::OrientedBoxTreeTool | Class for constructing and querying Hierarchical Oriented Bounding Box trees |
moab::Range::pair_iterator | Used to iterate over sub-ranges of a range |
moab::Range::PairNode | |
moab::ParallelComm | Parallel communications in MOAB |
moab::ParallelData | Parallel data in MOAB |
moab::ParallelMergeMesh | |
moab::element_utility::Parametrizer | |
moab::ParCommGraph | |
PartBoundaryIter | |
PartitionerBase< T > | |
PartMap | |
moab::BSPTree::Plane | Struct to store a plane |
moab::AdaptiveKDTree::Plane | Split plane |
moab::NestedRefine::pmat | |
moab::ReadSTL::Point | |
moab::Point_search< _Tree, _Boxes > | |
moab::PolyElementSeq | |
moab::ProcConfig | Multi-CPU information for parallel MOAB |
moab::ProcessSet | Represent a set of processes using a bit vector |
moab::ProcList | |
ProgOpt | |
ProgOptions | |
PyramidMetricVals | |
QuadMetricVals | |
moab::element_utility::Quadratic_hex_map< _Matrix > | |
moab::Element::QuadraticHex | Shape function space for trilinear hexahedron, obtained by a pushforward of the canonical linear (affine) functions |
moab::QuadraticHex | |
smoab::detail::QuadratricOrdering< N > | |
smoab::detail::QuadratricOrdering< VTK_QUADRATIC_WEDGE > | |
smoab::detail::QuadratricOrdering< VTK_TRIQUADRATIC_HEXAHEDRON > | |
moab::Range | Class Range |
moab::RangeMap< KeyType, ValType, NullVal >::Range | |
moab::range_base_iter | |
moab::range_data | |
moab::range_inserter | Use as you would an STL back_inserter |
moab::range_iter_tag | |
moab::range_tool< pair_iter_t > | Methods to insert/remove range-based data from contents list. Templatized to operate on both Range and set-based MeshSets |
moab::RangeMap< KeyType, ValType, NullVal > | Map ranges of values |
moab::RangeSeqIntersectIter | Iterate over the blocks of EntityHandles in an Range that are in the same EntitySequence |
moab::RangeSetIterator | |
moab::StatData::Ratio | |
moab::GeomQueryTool::RayHistory | |
moab::RayIntersector | |
moab::RayIntersectSets | |
moab::ReadABAQUS | |
moab::ReadBlockData | |
moab::ReadCCMIO | |
moab::ReadCGM | |
moab::ReadCGNS | Export CGNS files |
ReadCGNS | Template for writing a new reader in MOAB |
moab::ReadDamsel | |
moab::ReaderIface | Interface for mesh reader implementations |
moab::ReaderWriterSet | Maintain list of readers and writers |
moab::ReadFaceBlockData | |
moab::ReadGmsh | Gmsh (http://www.geuz.org/gmsh) file reader |
ReadGmsh | Gmsh (http://www.geuz.org/gmsh) file reader |
moab::ReadHDF5 | Read mesh from MOAB HDF5 (.h5m) file |
moab::ReadHDF5Dataset | Utility used for reading portions of an HDF5 dataset |
moab::ReadHDF5VarLen | Read variable-length data from 1-D array dataset |
moab::ReadIDEAS | |
moab::ReadMCNP5 | |
moab::ReadNASTRAN | |
moab::ReadNC | Output Exodus File for VERDE |
moab::ReadNCDF | Output Exodus File for VERDE |
moab::ReadOBJ | |
moab::ReadParallel | |
ReadRTT | ReadRTT based on ReadNASTRAN |
moab::ReadRTT | |
ReadSmf | SMF reader from QSLIM |
moab::ReadSmf | Read SMF (Simple Model Format) files |
ReadSms | Sms (http://www.geuz.org/sms) file reader |
moab::ReadSms | |
smoab::detail::ReadSparseTag | |
moab::ReadSTL | ASCII and Binary Stereo Lithography File readers |
ReadSTL | ASCII and Binary Stereo Lithography File readers |
moab::ReadTemplate | Template for implementing new file readers in MOAB This class is a template for writing new file readers in MOAB. This shows how to efficiently create vertices and elements using the ReadUtilIface class, and to translate indices in connectivity lists into vertex handles created during the read |
ReadTemplate | Template for writing a new reader in MOAB |
moab::ReadTetGen | |
moab::ReadUtil | |
moab::ReadUtilIface | Interface implemented in MOAB which provides memory for mesh reading utilities |
moab::ReadVtk | |
ReadVtk | VTK reader from Mesquite |
moab::RefinerTagManager | |
moab::NestedRefine::refPatterns | RefPatterns |
moab::Remapper | |
moab::ReorderTool | |
moab::ScdBox | |
moab::ScdElementData | |
moab::ScdInterface | A structured mesh interface for MOAB-based data |
moab::ScdNCHelper | Child helper class for scd mesh, e.g. CAM_EL or CAM_FV |
moab::ScdNCWriteHelper | Child helper class for scd mesh, e.g. CAM_EL or CAM_FV |
moab::ScdParData | Struct for keeping parallel data in one place |
moab::ScdVertexData | |
moab::TypeSequenceManager::SequenceCompare< T > | Comparison function used in std::set |
moab::SequenceData | |
moab::TypeSequenceManager::SequenceDataPtr | |
moab::SequenceManager | |
moab::serial_tag_data | |
Set | A class to iterator over MOAB set-type meshsets |
set_stats | |
moab::set_tuple | |
moab::SetContOffComp | |
moab::OrientedBoxTreeTool::SetData | |
SetIntersectIter< Container > | |
moab::SetIterator | |
moab::WriteCGNS::SetStruct | |
moab::OrientedBoxTreeTool::Settings | Misc. knobs controlling tree subdivision |
moab::ParallelComm::SharedEntityData | |
moab::SharedSetData | ParallelComm data about shared entity sets |
moab::SharedSetData::SharedSetTagData | Per-set tag data |
moab::AdjSides< CORNERS >::Side | |
moab::ReadRTT::side | |
moab::Tqdcfr::SidesetHeader | |
SimpleArray< T > | |
moab::SimpleStat< T > | |
moab::SimplexTemplateRefiner | |
moab::SimplexTemplateTagAssigner | |
moab::Skinner | Class for constructing and querying skin of a mesh Class for constructing and querying skin of a mesh, defined as the outside lower-dimensional boundary of a mesh or a given set of entities. This class provides options for finding the forward- and reverse-oriented members of the skin. Several methods are available for computing the skin, e.g. using geometric topology sets, vertex-entity adjacencies, or directly from (n-1)-dimensional entities |
moab::SMF_ivars | |
moab::SMF_State | |
moab::SmoothCurve | |
moab::SmoothFace | Implement CAMAL geometry callbacks using smooth iMesh |
moab::TupleList::SortData< Value > | |
moab::SparseTag | Sparse tag data |
moab::SparseTagDataAllocator | Allocator for tag data |
moab::SpatialLocator | Tool to facilitate spatial location of a point in a mesh |
moab::SpatialLocatorTimes | Statistics for spatial location |
moab::WriteHDF5::SpecialSetData | Struct describing a set for which the contained and linked entity lists are something other than the local values. Used to store data for shared sets owned by this process when writing in parallel |
moab::WriteHDF5::SpecSetLess | |
moab::element_utility::Spectral_hex_map< _Matrix > | |
moab::SpectralHex | |
moab::Element::SpectralHex | |
moab::SpectralMeshTool | Class with convenience functions for handling spectral mesh Class with convenience functions for handling spectral meshes. See description of spectral mesh handling in doc/metadata_info.doc and in the MOAB user's guide |
moab::SpectralQuad | |
moab::Element::SpectralQuad | |
moab::IntxUtils::SphereCoords | |
SphereDecomp | |
moab::Element::SphericalQuad | Shape function space for bilinear quadrilateral on sphere, obtained from the canonical linear (affine) functions. It is mapped using gnomonic projection to a plane tangent at the first vertex It works well for edges that are great circle arcs; RLL meshes do not have this property, but HOMME or MPAS meshes do have it |
moab::Element::SphericalTri | Shape function space for linear triangle on sphere, obtained from the canonical linear (affine) functions. It is mapped using gnomonic projection to a plane tangent at the first vertex It works well for edges that are great circle arcs; RLL meshes do not have this property, but HOMME or MPAS meshes do have it |
moab::BVHTree::Split_comparator | |
moab::BVHTree::SplitData | |
moab::SplitVertexIndex< _n > | |
moab::SplitVertices< _n > | A dictionary of new vertices |
moab::SplitVerticesBase | |
moab::AdaptiveKDTreeIter::StackObj | |
moab::StatData::Stat< T > | |
stat_set | |
moab::StatData | |
struct_FileHandle | |
struct_mhdf_Status | Struct used to return error status |
moab::StructuredElementSeq | |
moab::ReadDamsel::subrange | |
smoab::detail::internal::SubsetArray | |
moab::ReaderIface::SubsetList | |
moab::SweptElementData | |
moab::SweptElementSeq | |
moab::SweptVertexData | |
smoab::Tag | |
tag_struct | |
moab::TagBytesEqual | |
moab::TagBytesLess | |
TagCounts | |
moab::WriteHDF5::TagDesc | Tag to write to file |
moab::TagInfo | |
moab::TagNameCompare | |
moab::TagOneTypeEqual< T > | |
moab::TagOneTypeLess< T > | |
TagSpec | |
TagStruct | |
moab::TagTypeEqual< T > | |
moab::TagTypeLess< T > | |
moab::TagVarBytesEqual | |
moab::TagVarBytesLess | |
moab::TagVarTypeEqual< T > | |
moab::TagVarTypeLess< T > | |
moab::TempestOnlineMap | An offline map between two Meshes |
moab::TempestRemapper | |
moab::ReadRTT::tet | |
TetMetricVals | |
moab::DamselUtil::tinfo | Struct to hold information on damsel/moab tags |
ToolContext | |
moab::Tqdcfr | |
moab::Tree | Parent class of various tree types in MOAB |
moab::TreeLayoutPrinter | |
moab::BVHTree::TreeNode | |
moab::TreeNodePrinter | |
moab::TreeStats | Traversal statistics accumulating and reporting |
moab::ReadSTL::Triangle | |
TriCounter | |
TriMetricVals | |
TriStats | |
moab::OrientedBoxTreeTool::TrvStats | Traversal statistics structure |
moab::TupleList | |
moab::type_equals | Predicate for STL algorithms. Returns true if the entity handle is of the specified type. For example, to remove all the tris out of a list of 2D entities retrieved using get_adjacencies you could do std::remove_if(list.begin(), list.end(), type_equals(gMB, MBTRI)); |
moab::type_not_equals | Predicate for STL algorithms. Returns true if the entity handle is not of the specified type. For example, to remove all but the tris out of a list of 2D entities retrieved using get_adjacencies you could do std::remove_if(list.begin(), list.end(), type_not_equals(gMB, MBTRI)); |
moab::MeshSet::type_test | |
moab::TypeSequenceManager | Maintain data structures organizing EntitySequence instances |
moab::UcdNCHelper | Child helper class for ucd mesh, e.g. CAM_SE (HOMME) or MPAS |
moab::UcdNCWriteHelper | Child helper class for ucd mesh, e.g. CAM_SE (HOMME) or MPAS |
moab::UnknownInterface | Base class for all interface classes |
moab::UnstructuredElemSeq | |
moab::CN::UpConnMap | |
smoab::detail::UsageTable | |
moab::Util | Utility functions for computational geometry and mathematical calculations |
moab::ReadNC::VarData | |
moab::WriteNC::VarData | |
moab::VarLenDenseTag | Dense storage of variable-length tag data |
moab::VarLenSparseTag | Sparse tag variable-length data |
moab::VarLenTag | Class for storing variable-length tag data |
moab::VarLenTagData | |
moab::VectorSetIterator | |
VerdictVector | |
moab::VerdictWrapper | |
vertex | |
moab::BSPTreePoly::Vertex | |
moab::SweptElementData::VertexDataRef | Structure to hold references to bounding vertex blocks |
moab::ScdElementData::VertexDataRef | Structure to hold references to bounding vertex blocks |
moab::VertexSequence | |
moab::BSPTreePoly::VertexUse | |
moab::ElemUtil::VolMap | Class representing a 3-D mapping function (e.g. shape function for volume element) |
moab::GeomUtil::VolMap | Class representing a 3-D mapping function (e.g. shape function for volume element) |
moab::VtkElemType | Structure defining relation between MOAB and VTK element types. VTK had different types for quadratic than linear elements, so a tuple of the MOAB type and number of elements maps to a VTK type |
vtkMoabReader | |
moab::VtkUtil | General data about VTK files for use by read and write code |
VtxCopyData | |
WedgeMetricVals | |
moab::WriteAns | |
moab::WriteCCMIO | |
moab::WriteCGNS | Export CGNS files |
moab::WriteDamsel | |
moab::WriteGmsh | Export Gmsh files |
moab::WriteGMV | Output Exodus File for VERDE |
moab::WriteHDF5 | Write mesh database to MOAB's native HDF5-based file format |
moab::WriteHDF5Parallel | Write MOAB HDF5 file in parallel |
moab::WriteNC | Export NC files |
moab::WriteNCDF | Output Exodus File for VERDE |
moab::WriterIface | Interface for mesh writer implementations |
moab::WriteSLAC | |
moab::WriteSmf | |
WriteSTL | ASCII and Binary Stereo Lithography File writers |
moab::WriteSTL | ASCII and Binary Stereo Lithography File writers |
moab::WriteTemplate | |
moab::WriteUtil | |
moab::WriteUtilIface | Interface implemented in MOAB which provides memory for mesh reading utilities |
moab::WriteVtk | |
ZoltanPartitioner |