Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
Array-based unstructured mesh datastructure
moab::AEntityFactory Class Reference

class AEntityFactory More...

#include <AEntityFactory.hpp>

+ Collaboration diagram for moab::AEntityFactory:

Public Member Functions

 AEntityFactory (Core *mdb)
 require an Interface object in order to access tags on that interface
 ~AEntityFactory ()
ErrorCode add_adjacency (EntityHandle from_ent, EntityHandle to_ent, const bool both_ways=false)
 add an adjacency from from_ent to to_ent; if both_ways is true, add one in reverse too NOTE: this function is defined even though we may only be implementing vertex-based up-adjacencies
ErrorCode remove_adjacency (EntityHandle base_entity, EntityHandle adjacency_to_remove)
 remove an adjacency from from the base_entity.
ErrorCode remove_all_adjacencies (EntityHandle base_entity, const bool delete_adj_list=false)
 remove all adjacencies from from the base_entity.
ErrorCode get_elements (EntityHandle source_entity, const unsigned int target_dimension, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities, const bool create_if_missing, const int create_adjacency_option=-1)
 Get adjacencies for a single source entity.
ErrorCode get_polyhedron_vertices (const EntityHandle source_entity, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities)
 get the vertices for a polyhedron (special implementation because for polyhedra connectivity array stores faces)
ErrorCode get_associated_meshsets (EntityHandle source_entity, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities)
 get the meshsets that are in source_entitiy's adjacency vector
ErrorCode get_element (const EntityHandle *vertex_list, const int vertex_list_size, const EntityType target_type, EntityHandle &target_entity, const bool create_if_missing, const EntityHandle source_entity=0, const int create_adjacency_option=-1)
 get the element defined by the vertices in vertex_list, of the type target_type, passing back in target_entity; if create_if_missing is true and no entity is found, one is created; if create_adjacency_option is >= 0, adjacencies from entities of that dimension to target_entity are created (only create_adjacency_option=0 is supported right now, so that never creates other ancillary entities); explicitly require the vertex_list_size for consistency, even though we could probably get it from target_type
ErrorCode get_adjacencies (const EntityHandle entity, const unsigned int to_dimension, bool create_if_missing, std::vector< EntityHandle > &adjacent_entities)
 Get adjacent entities.
ErrorCode get_adjacencies (EntityHandle entity, const EntityHandle *&adjacent_entities, int &num_entities) const
 return const array * for adjacencies
ErrorCode get_adjacencies (EntityHandle entity, std::vector< EntityHandle > *&adj_vec_ptr_out, bool create_if_missing=false)
ErrorCode get_adjacencies (EntityHandle entity, std::vector< EntityHandle > &adjacent_entities) const
 returns the entities in sorted order
ErrorCode create_vert_elem_adjacencies ()
 creates vertex to element adjacency information
bool vert_elem_adjacencies () const
 returns whether vertex to element adjacencies are being stored
ErrorCode notify_delete_entity (EntityHandle entity)
 calling code notifying this that an entity is getting deleted
ErrorCode notify_create_entity (const EntityHandle entity, const EntityHandle *node_array, const int number_nodes)
 calling code notifying this that to update connectivity of 'entity'
ErrorCode notify_change_connectivity (EntityHandle entity, const EntityHandle *old_array, const EntityHandle *new_array, int number_nodes)
 calling code notifying that an entity changed its connectivity
bool explicitly_adjacent (const EntityHandle ent1, const EntityHandle ent2)
 return true if 2 entities are explicitly adjacent
ErrorCode merge_adjust_adjacencies (EntityHandle entity_to_keep, EntityHandle entity_to_remove)
 in preparation for merging two entities, adjust adjacencies so that entity_to_keep will be adjacent to the "right" entities after merge (also checks for potential formation of equivalent entities and creates explicit adjacencies accordingly)
void get_memory_use (unsigned long long &total_entity_storage, unsigned long long &total_storage)
ErrorCode get_memory_use (const Range &entities, unsigned long long &total_entity_storage, unsigned long long &total_amortized_storage)

Private Member Functions

ErrorCode get_adjacency_ptr (EntityHandle, std::vector< EntityHandle > *&)
ErrorCode get_adjacency_ptr (EntityHandle, const std::vector< EntityHandle > *&) const
ErrorCode set_adjacency_ptr (EntityHandle, std::vector< EntityHandle > *)
ErrorCode get_vertices (EntityHandle h, const EntityHandle *&vect_out, int &count_out, std::vector< EntityHandle > &storage)
 AEntityFactory ()
 private constructor to prevent the construction of a default one
bool entities_equivalent (const EntityHandle this_entity, const EntityHandle *vertex_list, const int vertex_list_size, const EntityType target_type)
 compare vertex_list to the vertices in this_entity, and return true if they contain the same vertices
ErrorCode get_zero_to_n_elements (EntityHandle source_entity, const unsigned int target_dimension, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities, const bool create_if_missing, const int create_adjacency_option=-1)
ErrorCode get_down_adjacency_elements (EntityHandle source_entity, const unsigned int target_dimension, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities, const bool create_if_missing, const int create_adjacency_option=-1)
ErrorCode get_down_adjacency_elements_poly (EntityHandle source_entity, const unsigned int target_dimension, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities, const bool create_if_missing, const int create_adjacency_option=-1)
ErrorCode get_up_adjacency_elements (EntityHandle source_entity, const unsigned int target_dimension, std::vector< EntityHandle > &target_entities, const bool create_if_missing, const int create_adjacency_option=-1)
ErrorCode check_equiv_entities (EntityHandle entity_to_keep, EntityHandle entity_to_remove)
 check for equivalent entities that may be formed when merging two entities, and create explicit adjacencies accordingly
ErrorCode create_explicit_adjs (EntityHandle this_ent)
 create explicit adjacencies between this_ent and all adjacent entities of higher dimension

Private Attributes

 interface associated with this tool
bool mVertElemAdj
 whether vertex to element adjacencies are begin done

Detailed Description

class AEntityFactory

Definition at line 33 of file AEntityFactory.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

require an Interface object in order to access tags on that interface

Definition at line 55 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References mVertElemAdj, and thisMB.

    assert( NULL != mdb );
    thisMB       = mdb;
    mVertElemAdj = false;


Definition at line 62 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References moab::TypeSequenceManager::begin(), moab::TypeSequenceManager::end(), moab::SequenceManager::entity_map(), MBENTITYSET, MBVERTEX, moab::Core::sequence_manager(), and thisMB.

    // clean up all the adjacency information that was created
    EntityType ent_type;

    // iterate through each element type
    for( ent_type = MBVERTEX; ent_type <= MBENTITYSET; ent_type++ )
        TypeSequenceManager::iterator i;
        TypeSequenceManager& seqman = thisMB->sequence_manager()->entity_map( ent_type );
        for( i = seqman.begin(); i != seqman.end(); ++i )
            std::vector< EntityHandle >** adj_list = ( *i )->data()->get_adjacency_data();
            if( !adj_list ) continue;
            adj_list += ( *i )->start_handle() - ( *i )->data()->start_handle();

            for( EntityID j = 0; j < ( *i )->size(); ++j )
                delete adj_list[j];
                adj_list[j] = 0;

private constructor to prevent the construction of a default one

Member Function Documentation

ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::add_adjacency ( EntityHandle  from_ent,
EntityHandle  to_ent,
const bool  both_ways = false 

add an adjacency from from_ent to to_ent; if both_ways is true, add one in reverse too NOTE: this function is defined even though we may only be implementing vertex-based up-adjacencies

Definition at line 368 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References ErrorCode, get_adjacencies(), MB_ALREADY_ALLOCATED, MB_SUCCESS, MBVERTEX, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by moab::MeshSet::create_adjacencies(), create_explicit_adjs(), create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), get_down_adjacency_elements_poly(), merge_adjust_adjacencies(), notify_change_connectivity(), notify_create_entity(), moab::range_tool< pair_iter_t >::ranged_insert_entities(), moab::MeshSet::replace_entities(), moab::range_tool< pair_iter_t >::vector_insert_entities(), and moab::vector_insert_vector().

    EntityType to_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( to_ent );

    if( to_type == MBVERTEX ) return MB_ALREADY_ALLOCATED;

    AdjacencyVector* adj_list_ptr = NULL;
    ErrorCode result              = get_adjacencies( from_ent, adj_list_ptr, true );
    if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

    // get an iterator to the right spot in this sorted vector
    AdjacencyVector::iterator adj_iter;
    if( !adj_list_ptr->empty() )
        adj_iter = std::lower_bound( adj_list_ptr->begin(), adj_list_ptr->end(), to_ent );

        if( adj_iter == adj_list_ptr->end() || to_ent != *adj_iter )
            adj_list_ptr->insert( adj_iter, to_ent );
        adj_list_ptr->push_back( to_ent );

    // if both_ways is true, recursively call this function
    if( true == both_ways && to_type != MBVERTEX ) result = add_adjacency( to_ent, from_ent, false );

    return result;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::check_equiv_entities ( EntityHandle  entity_to_keep,
EntityHandle  entity_to_remove 
) [private]

check for equivalent entities that may be formed when merging two entities, and create explicit adjacencies accordingly

Definition at line 1343 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References moab::Range::begin(), create_explicit_adjs(), dim, moab::Core::dimension_from_handle(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Range::find(), moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), MB_SUCCESS, moab::Range::size(), thisMB, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), moab::Interface::UNION, and moab::CN::VerticesPerEntity().

Referenced by merge_adjust_adjacencies().

    if( thisMB->dimension_from_handle( entity_to_keep ) > 0 ) return MB_SUCCESS;

    // get all the adjacencies for both entities for all dimensions > 0
    Range adjs_keep, adjs_remove;
    ErrorCode result;

    for( int dim = 1; dim <= 3; dim++ )
        result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &entity_to_keep, 1, dim, false, adjs_keep, Interface::UNION );
        if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
        result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &entity_to_remove, 1, dim, false, adjs_remove, Interface::UNION );
        if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

    // now look for equiv entities which will be formed
    // algorithm:
    // for each entity adjacent to removed entity:
    EntityHandle two_ents[2];
    for( Range::iterator rit_rm = adjs_remove.begin(); rit_rm != adjs_remove.end(); ++rit_rm )
        two_ents[0] = *rit_rm;

        // - for each entity of same dimension adjacent to kept entity:
        for( Range::iterator rit_kp = adjs_keep.begin(); rit_kp != adjs_keep.end(); ++rit_kp )
            if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *rit_kp ) != TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *rit_rm ) ) continue;

            Range all_verts;
            two_ents[1] = *rit_kp;
            //   . get union of adjacent vertices to two entities
            result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( two_ents, 2, 0, false, all_verts, Interface::UNION );
            if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

            assert( all_verts.find( entity_to_keep ) != all_verts.end() &&
                    all_verts.find( entity_to_remove ) != all_verts.end() );

            //   . if # vertices != number of corner vertices + 1, continue
            if( CN::VerticesPerEntity( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *rit_rm ) ) + 1 != (int)all_verts.size() ) continue;

            //   . for the two entities adjacent to kept & removed entity:
            result = create_explicit_adjs( *rit_rm );
            if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
            result = create_explicit_adjs( *rit_kp );
            if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
            //   . (end for)
        // - (end for)

    return MB_SUCCESS;

create explicit adjacencies between this_ent and all adjacent entities of higher dimension

Definition at line 1397 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References add_adjacency(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Core::dimension_from_handle(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), MB_SUCCESS, thisMB, and smoab::UNION.

Referenced by check_equiv_entities().

    //     - get adjacent entities of next higher dimension
    Range all_adjs;
    ErrorCode result;
    result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &this_ent, 1, thisMB->dimension_from_handle( this_ent ) + 1, false, all_adjs,
                                      Interface::UNION );
    if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

    //     - create explicit adjacency to these entities
    for( Range::iterator rit = all_adjs.begin(); rit != all_adjs.end(); ++rit )
        result = add_adjacency( this_ent, *rit );
        if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

    return MB_SUCCESS;

creates vertex to element adjacency information

Definition at line 475 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References add_adjacency(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::clear(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_entities_by_type(), get_vertices(), MB_SUCCESS, MBEDGE, MBENTITYSET, mVertElemAdj, and thisMB.

Referenced by moab::HigherOrderFactory::center_node_exist(), moab::NCHelperDomain::create_mesh(), moab::NCHelperScrip::create_mesh(), moab::Skinner::find_skin(), get_adjacencies(), get_element(), get_elements(), iMOAB_DuplicateAppMesh(), and moab::ParCommGraph::receive_mesh().


    mVertElemAdj = true;

    EntityType ent_type;
    Range::iterator i_range;
    const EntityHandle* connectivity;
    std::vector< EntityHandle > aux_connect;
    int number_nodes;
    ErrorCode result;
    Range handle_range;

    // 1. over all element types, for each element, create vertex-element adjacencies
    for( ent_type = MBEDGE; ent_type != MBENTITYSET; ent_type++ )

        // get this type of entity
        result = thisMB->get_entities_by_type( 0, ent_type, handle_range );
        if( result != MB_SUCCESS ) return result;

        for( i_range = handle_range.begin(); i_range != handle_range.end(); ++i_range )
            result = get_vertices( *i_range, connectivity, number_nodes, aux_connect );
            if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

            // add the adjacency
            for( int k = 0; k < number_nodes; k++ )
                if( ( result = add_adjacency( connectivity[k], *i_range ) ) != MB_SUCCESS ) return result;

    return MB_SUCCESS;
bool moab::AEntityFactory::entities_equivalent ( const EntityHandle  this_entity,
const EntityHandle vertex_list,
const int  vertex_list_size,
const EntityType  target_type 
) [private]

compare vertex_list to the vertices in this_entity, and return true if they contain the same vertices

Definition at line 293 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References moab::Core::get_connectivity(), MBPOLYGON, MBPOLYHEDRON, MBVERTEX, thisMB, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), and moab::CN::VerticesPerEntity().

Referenced by get_element().

    // compare vertices of this_entity with those in the list, returning true if they
    // represent the same element
    EntityType this_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( this_entity );

    if( this_type != target_type )
        return false;

    else if( this_type == MBVERTEX && ( vertex_list_size > 1 || vertex_list[0] != this_entity ) )
        return false;

    // need to compare the actual vertices
    const EntityHandle* this_vertices = NULL;
    int num_this_vertices             = 0;
    std::vector< EntityHandle > storage;
    thisMB->get_connectivity( this_entity, this_vertices, num_this_vertices, false, &storage );

    // see if we can get one node id to match
    assert( vertex_list_size > 0 );
    int num_corner_verts =
        ( ( this_type == MBPOLYGON || this_type == MBPOLYHEDRON ) ? num_this_vertices
                                                                  : CN::VerticesPerEntity( target_type ) );
    const EntityHandle* iter = std::find( this_vertices, ( this_vertices + num_corner_verts ), vertex_list[0] );
    if( iter == ( this_vertices + num_corner_verts ) ) return false;

    // now lets do connectivity matching
    bool they_match = true;

    // line up our vectors
    int i;
    int offset = iter - this_vertices;

    // first compare forward
    for( i = 1; i < num_corner_verts; ++i )
        if( i >= vertex_list_size )
            they_match = false;

        if( vertex_list[i] != this_vertices[( offset + i ) % num_corner_verts] )
            they_match = false;

    if( they_match == true ) return true;

    they_match = true;

    // then compare reverse
    // offset iter to avoid addition inside loop; this just makes sure we don't
    // go off beginning of this_vertices with an index < 0
    offset += num_corner_verts;
    for( i = 1; i < num_corner_verts; i++ )
        if( vertex_list[i] != this_vertices[( offset - i ) % num_corner_verts] )
            they_match = false;
    return they_match;

return true if 2 entities are explicitly adjacent

Definition at line 1259 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References get_adjacencies().

Referenced by merge_adjust_adjacencies(), and remove_all_adjacencies().

    const EntityHandle* explicit_adjs;
    int num_exp;
    get_adjacencies( ent1, explicit_adjs, num_exp );
    if( std::find( explicit_adjs, explicit_adjs + num_exp, ent2 ) != explicit_adjs + num_exp )
        return true;
        return false;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_adjacencies ( const EntityHandle  entity,
const unsigned int  to_dimension,
bool  create_if_missing,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  adjacent_entities 

Get adjacent entities.

entityThe source entity for which to retrieve adjacent entities.
to_dimensionThe adjacent entities to retrieve, specified by dimension.
create_if_missingCreate adjacent entities that do not already exist.
adjacent_entitiesThe resulting adjacent entities are appended to this list.

Definition at line 560 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), moab::CN::Dimension(), ErrorCode, get_associated_meshsets(), moab::Core::get_connectivity(), get_down_adjacency_elements(), get_polyhedron_vertices(), get_up_adjacency_elements(), get_zero_to_n_elements(), MB_SUCCESS, MBPOLYHEDRON, mVertElemAdj, thisMB, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by add_adjacency(), moab::HigherOrderFactory::center_node_exist(), explicitly_adjacent(), moab::WriteUtil::get_adjacencies(), moab::get_adjacencies_intersection(), moab::get_adjacencies_union(), get_associated_meshsets(), get_down_adjacency_elements_poly(), get_element(), get_zero_to_n_elements(), merge_adjust_adjacencies(), notify_create_entity(), notify_delete_entity(), remove_adjacency(), remove_all_adjacencies(), and moab::HigherOrderFactory::tag_for_deletion().

    const EntityType source_type    = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( source_entity );
    const unsigned source_dimension = CN::Dimension( source_type );

    ErrorCode result;
    if( target_dimension == 4 )
    {  // get meshsets 'source' is in
        result = get_associated_meshsets( source_entity, target_entities );
    else if( target_dimension == ( source_type != MBPOLYHEDRON ? 0 : 2 ) )
        std::vector< EntityHandle > tmp_storage;
        const EntityHandle* conn = NULL;
        int len                  = 0;
        result                   = thisMB->get_connectivity( source_entity, conn, len, false, &tmp_storage );
        target_entities.insert( target_entities.end(), conn, conn + len );
    else if( target_dimension == 0 && source_type == MBPOLYHEDRON )
        result = get_polyhedron_vertices( source_entity, target_entities );
    else if( source_dimension == target_dimension )
        target_entities.push_back( source_entity );
        result = MB_SUCCESS;
        if( mVertElemAdj == false )
            result = create_vert_elem_adjacencies();
            if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

        if( source_dimension == 0 )
            result = get_zero_to_n_elements( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing );
        else if( source_dimension > target_dimension )
            result = get_down_adjacency_elements( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing );
        else  // if(source_dimension < target_dimension)
            result = get_up_adjacency_elements( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing );

    return result;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_adjacencies ( EntityHandle  entity,
const EntityHandle *&  adjacent_entities,
int &  num_entities 
) const

return const array * for adjacencies

Definition at line 511 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References ErrorCode, get_adjacency_ptr(), and MB_SUCCESS.

    AdjacencyVector const* vec_ptr = 0;
    ErrorCode result               = get_adjacency_ptr( entity, vec_ptr );
    if( MB_SUCCESS != result || !vec_ptr )
        adjacent_entities = 0;
        num_entities      = 0;
        return result;

    num_entities      = vec_ptr->size();
    adjacent_entities = ( vec_ptr->empty() ) ? NULL : &( ( *vec_ptr )[0] );
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_adjacencies ( EntityHandle  entity,
std::vector< EntityHandle > *&  adj_vec_ptr_out,
bool  create_if_missing = false 

Definition at line 543 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References ErrorCode, get_adjacency_ptr(), MB_SUCCESS, and set_adjacency_ptr().

    adj_vec          = 0;
    ErrorCode result = get_adjacency_ptr( entity, adj_vec );
    if( MB_SUCCESS == result && !adj_vec && create )
        adj_vec = new AdjacencyVector;
        result  = set_adjacency_ptr( entity, adj_vec );
        if( MB_SUCCESS != result )
            delete adj_vec;
            adj_vec = 0;
    return result;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_adjacencies ( EntityHandle  entity,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  adjacent_entities 
) const

returns the entities in sorted order

Definition at line 529 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References ErrorCode, get_adjacency_ptr(), and MB_SUCCESS.

    AdjacencyVector const* vec_ptr = 0;
    ErrorCode result               = get_adjacency_ptr( entity, vec_ptr );
    if( MB_SUCCESS != result || !vec_ptr )
        return result;

    adjacent_entities = *vec_ptr;
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_adjacency_ptr ( EntityHandle  entity,
std::vector< EntityHandle > *&  ptr 
) [private]

Definition at line 1416 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References moab::EntitySequence::data(), ErrorCode, moab::SequenceManager::find(), moab::SequenceData::get_adjacency_data(), MB_SUCCESS, moab::Core::sequence_manager(), moab::SequenceData::start_handle(), and thisMB.

Referenced by get_adjacencies(), get_memory_use(), and get_up_adjacency_elements().

    ptr = 0;

    EntitySequence* seq;
    ErrorCode rval = thisMB->sequence_manager()->find( entity, seq );
    if( MB_SUCCESS != rval || !seq->data()->get_adjacency_data() ) return rval;

    ptr = seq->data()->get_adjacency_data()[entity - seq->data()->start_handle()];
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_adjacency_ptr ( EntityHandle  entity,
const std::vector< EntityHandle > *&  ptr 
) const [private]

Definition at line 1428 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References moab::EntitySequence::data(), ErrorCode, moab::SequenceManager::find(), moab::SequenceData::get_adjacency_data(), MB_SUCCESS, moab::Core::sequence_manager(), moab::SequenceData::start_handle(), and thisMB.

    ptr = 0;

    EntitySequence* seq;
    ErrorCode rval = thisMB->sequence_manager()->find( entity, seq );
    if( MB_SUCCESS != rval || !seq->data()->get_adjacency_data() ) return rval;

    ptr = seq->data()->get_adjacency_data()[entity - seq->data()->start_handle()];
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_associated_meshsets ( EntityHandle  source_entity,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities 

get the meshsets that are in source_entitiy's adjacency vector

Definition at line 152 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References moab::CREATE_HANDLE(), moab::dum, ErrorCode, get_adjacencies(), MB_END_ID, MB_START_ID, MB_SUCCESS, and moab::CN::TypeDimensionMap.

Referenced by get_adjacencies().


    ErrorCode result;

    const EntityHandle* adj_vec;
    int num_adj;
    result = get_adjacencies( source_entity, adj_vec, num_adj );
    if( result != MB_SUCCESS || adj_vec == NULL ) return result;

    // find the meshsets in this vector
    DimensionPair dim_pair = CN::TypeDimensionMap[4];
    int dum;
    const EntityHandle* start_ent =
        std::lower_bound( adj_vec, adj_vec + num_adj, CREATE_HANDLE( dim_pair.first, MB_START_ID, dum ) );
    const EntityHandle* end_ent =
        std::lower_bound( start_ent, adj_vec + num_adj, CREATE_HANDLE( dim_pair.second, MB_END_ID, dum ) );

    // copy the the meshsets
    target_entities.insert( target_entities.end(), start_ent, end_ent );

    return result;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_down_adjacency_elements ( EntityHandle  source_entity,
const unsigned int  target_dimension,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities,
const bool  create_if_missing,
const int  create_adjacency_option = -1 
) [private]

Definition at line 687 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References moab::CN::AdjacentSubEntities(), moab::CN::ConnMap::conn, ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_connectivity(), get_down_adjacency_elements_poly(), get_element(), moab::CN::HasMidNodes(), moab::CN::HONodeIndex(), MB_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE, MB_SUCCESS, MBPOLYGON, MBPOLYHEDRON, moab::CN::mConnectivityMap, moab::CN::ConnMap::num_corners_per_sub_element, moab::CN::NumSubEntities(), moab::CN::ConnMap::target_type, thisMB, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by get_adjacencies(), get_elements(), get_up_adjacency_elements(), and get_zero_to_n_elements().


    EntityType source_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( source_entity );

    if( source_type == MBPOLYHEDRON || source_type == MBPOLYGON )
        return get_down_adjacency_elements_poly( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing,
                                                 create_adjacency_option );

    // make this a fixed size to avoid cost of working with STL vectors
    EntityHandle vertex_array[27] = {};
    ErrorCode temp_result;

    const EntityHandle* vertices = NULL;
    int num_verts                = 0;

    // I know there are already vertex adjacencies for this - call
    // another function to get them
    std::vector< EntityHandle > storage;
    ErrorCode result = thisMB->get_connectivity( source_entity, vertices, num_verts, false, &storage );
    if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

    int has_mid_nodes[4];
    CN::HasMidNodes( source_type, num_verts, has_mid_nodes );

    std::vector< int > index_list;
    int num_sub_ents = CN::NumSubEntities( source_type, target_dimension );

    for( int j = 0; j < num_sub_ents; j++ )
        const CN::ConnMap& cmap = CN::mConnectivityMap[source_type][target_dimension - 1];

        int verts_per_sub = cmap.num_corners_per_sub_element[j];

        // get the corner vertices
        for( int i = 0; i < verts_per_sub; i++ )
            vertex_array[i] = vertices[cmap.conn[j][i]];

        // get the ho nodes for sub-subfacets
        if( has_mid_nodes[1] && target_dimension > 1 )
            // has edge mid-nodes; for each edge, get the right mid-node and put in vertices
            // first get the edge indices
            int int_result = CN::AdjacentSubEntities( source_type, &j, 1, target_dimension, 1, index_list );
            if( 0 != int_result ) return MB_FAILURE;
            for( unsigned int k = 0; k < index_list.size(); k++ )
                int tmp_index = CN::HONodeIndex( source_type, num_verts, 1, index_list[k] );
                if( tmp_index >= (int)num_verts ) return MB_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE;

                // put this vertex on the end; reuse verts_per_sub as an index
                vertex_array[verts_per_sub++] = vertices[tmp_index];
        // get the ho nodes for the target dimension
        if( has_mid_nodes[target_dimension] )
            // get the ho node index for this subfacet
            int tmp_index = CN::HONodeIndex( source_type, num_verts, target_dimension, j );
            if( tmp_index >= num_verts ) return MB_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE;
            vertex_array[verts_per_sub++] = vertices[tmp_index];

        EntityHandle tmp_target = 0;
        temp_result = get_element( vertex_array, verts_per_sub, cmap.target_type[j], tmp_target, create_if_missing,
                                   source_entity, create_adjacency_option );

        if( temp_result != MB_SUCCESS )
            result = temp_result;
        else if( 0 != tmp_target )
            target_entities.push_back( tmp_target );

        // make sure we're not writing past the end of our fixed-size array
        if( verts_per_sub > 27 ) return MB_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE;

    return result;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_down_adjacency_elements_poly ( EntityHandle  source_entity,
const unsigned int  target_dimension,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities,
const bool  create_if_missing,
const int  create_adjacency_option = -1 
) [private]

Definition at line 771 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References add_adjacency(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Core::create_element(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, get_adjacencies(), moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), moab::Core::get_connectivity(), moab::Range::insert(), MB_MULTIPLE_ENTITIES_FOUND, MB_SUCCESS, MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE, MBEDGE, MBPOLYGON, MBPOLYHEDRON, moab::Range::size(), thisMB, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), and smoab::UNION.

Referenced by get_down_adjacency_elements().


    EntityType source_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( source_entity );

    if( !( source_type == MBPOLYHEDRON && target_dimension > 0 && target_dimension < 3 ) &&
        !( source_type == MBPOLYGON && target_dimension == 1 ) )
        return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;

    // make this a fixed size to avoid cost of working with STL vectors
    std::vector< EntityHandle > vertex_array;

    // I know there are already vertex adjacencies for this - call
    // another function to get them
    ErrorCode result = get_adjacencies( source_entity, 0, false, vertex_array );
    if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

    ErrorCode tmp_result;
    if( source_type == MBPOLYGON )
        result = MB_SUCCESS;
        // put the first vertex on the end so we have a ring
        vertex_array.push_back( *vertex_array.begin() );
        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex_array.size() - 1; i++ )
            Range vrange, adj_edges;
            vrange.insert( vertex_array[i] );
            vrange.insert( vertex_array[i + 1] );
            // account for padded polygons; if the vertices are the same, skip
            if( vrange.size() == 1 ) continue;
            tmp_result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( vrange, 1, false, adj_edges );
            if( MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result ) result = tmp_result;
            if( adj_edges.size() == 1 )
                // single edge - don't check adjacencies
                target_entities.push_back( *adj_edges.begin() );
            else if( adj_edges.size() != 0 )
                // multiple ones - need to check for explicit adjacencies
                unsigned int start_sz = target_entities.size();
                const EntityHandle* explicit_adjs;
                int num_exp;
                for( Range::iterator rit = adj_edges.begin(); rit != adj_edges.end(); ++rit )
                    // TODO check return value
                    this->get_adjacencies( *rit, explicit_adjs, num_exp );
                    if( NULL != explicit_adjs &&
                        std::find( explicit_adjs, explicit_adjs + num_exp, source_entity ) != explicit_adjs + num_exp )
                        target_entities.push_back( *rit );
                if( target_entities.size() == start_sz )
                    result = MB_MULTIPLE_ENTITIES_FOUND;
                    target_entities.push_back( *adj_edges.begin() );
                // we have no adjacent edge yet; we need to create one and also add
                // them to the adjacency of the vertices
                if( create_if_missing )
                    EntityHandle newEdge;
                    EntityHandle v[2] = { vertex_array[i], vertex_array[i + 1] };
                    result            = thisMB->create_element( MBEDGE, v, 2, newEdge );
                    if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
                    // we also need to add explicit adjacency, so next time we do not
                    // create again (because we do not find the edge if it is not adjacent to the
                    // vertices
                    // if (create_adjacency_option >= 0)
                    result = add_adjacency( v[0], newEdge );
                    if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
                    result = add_adjacency( v[1], newEdge );
                    if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
                    target_entities.push_back( newEdge );
        return result;

        if( target_dimension == 2 )
            result = thisMB->get_connectivity( &source_entity, 1, target_entities );
            std::vector< EntityHandle > dum_vec;
            result = thisMB->get_connectivity( &source_entity, 1, dum_vec );
            if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
            result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &dum_vec[0], dum_vec.size(), 1, create_if_missing, target_entities,
                                              Interface::UNION );
            return result;

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_element ( const EntityHandle vertex_list,
const int  vertex_list_size,
const EntityType  target_type,
EntityHandle target_entity,
const bool  create_if_missing,
const EntityHandle  source_entity = 0,
const int  create_adjacency_option = -1 

get the element defined by the vertices in vertex_list, of the type target_type, passing back in target_entity; if create_if_missing is true and no entity is found, one is created; if create_adjacency_option is >= 0, adjacencies from entities of that dimension to target_entity are created (only create_adjacency_option=0 is supported right now, so that never creates other ancillary entities); explicitly require the vertex_list_size for consistency, even though we could probably get it from target_type

get the element defined by the vertices in vertex_list, of the type target_type, passing back in target_entity; if create_if_missing is true and no entity is found, one is created; if create_adjacency_option is >= 0, adjacencies from entities of that dimension to target_entity are created (only create_adjacency_option=0 is supported right now, so that never creates other ancillary entities)

Definition at line 183 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References moab::MeshTopoUtil::common_entity(), moab::Core::create_element(), moab::CREATE_HANDLE(), create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), moab::CN::Dimension(), moab::Core::dimension_from_handle(), moab::dum, entities_equivalent(), ErrorCode, get_adjacencies(), MB_END_ID, MB_MULTIPLE_ENTITIES_FOUND, MB_START_ID, MB_SUCCESS, mVertElemAdj, thisMB, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by get_down_adjacency_elements().


    // look over nodes to see if this entity already exists
    target_entity = 0;
    ErrorCode result;
    const EntityHandle *i_adj, *end_adj;

    // need vertex adjacencies, so create if necessary
    if( mVertElemAdj == false ) create_vert_elem_adjacencies();

    // get the adjacency list
    const EntityHandle* adj_vec;
    int num_adj;
    result = get_adjacencies( vertex_list[0], adj_vec, num_adj );
    if( result != MB_SUCCESS || adj_vec == NULL ) return result;

    // check to see if any of these are equivalent to the vertex list
    int dum;

    // use a fixed-size array, for speed; there should never be more than 5 equivalent entities
    EntityHandle temp_vec[15];
    int temp_vec_size = 0;

    i_adj   = std::lower_bound( adj_vec, adj_vec + num_adj, CREATE_HANDLE( target_type, MB_START_ID, dum ) );
    end_adj = std::lower_bound( i_adj, adj_vec + num_adj, CREATE_HANDLE( target_type, MB_END_ID, dum ) );
    for( ; i_adj != end_adj; ++i_adj )
        if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( *i_adj ) != target_type ) continue;

        if( true == entities_equivalent( *i_adj, vertex_list, vertex_list_size, target_type ) )
            temp_vec[temp_vec_size++] = *i_adj;

    if( temp_vec_size == 0 && !create_if_missing ) return result;

    // test for size against fixed-size array
    assert( temp_vec_size <= 15 );

    // test for empty first, 'cuz it's cheap
    if( temp_vec_size == 0 && true == create_if_missing )

        // Create the element with this handle (handle is a return type and should be the last
        // parameter)
        result = thisMB->create_element( target_type, vertex_list, vertex_list_size, target_entity );

    // next most likely is one entity
    else if( temp_vec_size == 1 )
        target_entity = temp_vec[0];

    // least likely, most work - leave for last test
        // multiple entities found - look for direct adjacencies
        if( 0 != source_entity )

            int num_adjs;
            for( dum = 0; dum < temp_vec_size; dum++ )
                result = get_adjacencies( temp_vec[dum], adj_vec, num_adjs );
                if( std::find( adj_vec, ( adj_vec + num_adjs ), source_entity ) != ( adj_vec + num_adjs ) )
                    // found it, return it
                    target_entity = temp_vec[dum];

            if( 0 == target_entity &&
                thisMB->dimension_from_handle( source_entity ) > CN::Dimension( target_type ) + 1 )
                // still have multiple entities, and source dimension is two greater than target,
                // so there may not be any explicit adjacencies between the two; look for common
                // entities of the intermediate dimension
                MeshTopoUtil mtu( thisMB );
                int intermed_dim = CN::Dimension( target_type ) + 1;
                for( dum = 0; dum < temp_vec_size; dum++ )
                    if( 0 != mtu.common_entity( temp_vec[dum], source_entity, intermed_dim ) )
                        target_entity = temp_vec[dum];

        if( target_entity == 0 )
            // if we get here, we didn't find a matching adjacency; just take the first one, but
            // return a non-success result
            target_entity = temp_vec[0];
            result        = MB_MULTIPLE_ENTITIES_FOUND;

    return result;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_elements ( EntityHandle  source_entity,
const unsigned int  target_dimension,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities,
const bool  create_if_missing,
const int  create_adjacency_option = -1 

Get adjacencies for a single source entity.

get the elements contained by source_entity, of type target_type, passing back in target_entities; if create_if_missing is true and no entity is found, one is created; if create_adjacency_option is >= 0, adjacencies from entities of that dimension to each target_entity are created (this function uses AEntityFactory::get_element for each element)

Get adjacent entities.

source_entityThe entity for which to retrieve the adjacencies.
target_dimensionRetrieve adjacent entities of this dimension. Must be in the range [1,3], where 4 is used to indicated entity sets.
target_entitiesRequested adjacent entities will be appended to this list.
create_if_missingIf true, adjacent elements of the specified dimension will be created if they do not already exist. If the target dimension is less than the dimension of the input entity and greater than zero, the elements will be created as required to represent the "sides" of the source element. If the target dimension is greater than that of the source entity and less than 3, then sides of the specified dimension on that are a) of greater dimension and b) adjacent to the input entity will be created.
create_adjacency_optionIf create_adjacency_option is >= 0, adjacencies from entities of that dimension to each target_entity are created (this function uses AEntityFactory::get_element for each element)

Definition at line 92 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), moab::CN::Dimension(), ErrorCode, get_down_adjacency_elements(), get_up_adjacency_elements(), get_zero_to_n_elements(), MB_SUCCESS, MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE, MBENTITYSET, mVertElemAdj, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

    // check for trivial case first
    const EntityType source_type    = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( source_entity );
    const unsigned source_dimension = CN::Dimension( source_type );

    if( source_type >= MBENTITYSET || target_dimension < 1 || target_dimension > 3 )
        return MB_TYPE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
    else if( source_dimension == target_dimension )
        target_entities.push_back( source_entity );
        return MB_SUCCESS;

    ErrorCode result;
    if( mVertElemAdj == false )
        result = create_vert_elem_adjacencies();
        if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

    if( source_dimension == 0 )
        result = get_zero_to_n_elements( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing,
                                         create_adjacency_option );
    else if( source_dimension > target_dimension )
        result = get_down_adjacency_elements( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing,
                                              create_adjacency_option );
    else  // if(source_dimension < target_dimension)
        result = get_up_adjacency_elements( source_entity, target_dimension, target_entities, create_if_missing,
                                            create_adjacency_option );

    return result;
void moab::AEntityFactory::get_memory_use ( unsigned long long &  total_entity_storage,
unsigned long long &  total_storage 

Definition at line 1456 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References moab::TypeSequenceManager::begin(), moab::TypeSequenceManager::end(), moab::SequenceManager::entity_map(), get_adjacency_ptr(), MBENTITYSET, MBVERTEX, moab::Core::sequence_manager(), moab::SequenceData::size(), t, and thisMB.

    entity_total = memory_total = 0;

    // iterate through each element type
    SequenceData* prev_data = 0;
    for( EntityType t = MBVERTEX; t != MBENTITYSET; t++ )
        TypeSequenceManager::iterator i;
        TypeSequenceManager& seqman = thisMB->sequence_manager()->entity_map( t );
        for( i = seqman.begin(); i != seqman.end(); ++i )
            if( !( *i )->data()->get_adjacency_data() ) continue;

            if( prev_data != ( *i )->data() )
                prev_data = ( *i )->data();
                memory_total += prev_data->size() * sizeof( AdjacencyVector* );

            const AdjacencyVector* vec;
            for( EntityHandle h = ( *i )->start_handle(); h <= ( *i )->end_handle(); ++h )
                get_adjacency_ptr( h, vec );
                if( vec ) entity_total += vec->capacity() * sizeof( EntityHandle ) + sizeof( AdjacencyVector );

    memory_total += sizeof( *this ) + entity_total;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_memory_use ( const Range entities,
unsigned long long &  total_entity_storage,
unsigned long long &  total_amortized_storage 

Definition at line 1488 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), moab::SequenceManager::entity_map(), ErrorCode, MB_SUCCESS, moab::Core::sequence_manager(), moab::SequenceData::size(), and thisMB.

    min_per_ent = amortized = 0;
    SequenceData* prev_data = 0;
    RangeSeqIntersectIter iter( thisMB->sequence_manager() );
    ErrorCode rval = iter.init( ents_in.begin(), ents_in.end() );
    if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;

        AdjacencyVector** array = iter.get_sequence()->data()->get_adjacency_data();
        if( !array ) continue;

        EntityID count    = iter.get_end_handle() - iter.get_start_handle() + 1;
        EntityID data_occ = thisMB->sequence_manager()
                                ->entity_map( iter.get_sequence()->type() )
                                .get_occupied_size( iter.get_sequence()->data() );

        if( iter.get_sequence()->data() != prev_data )
            prev_data = iter.get_sequence()->data();
            amortized += sizeof( AdjacencyVector* ) * iter.get_sequence()->data()->size() * count / data_occ;

        array += iter.get_start_handle() - iter.get_sequence()->data()->start_handle();
        for( EntityID i = 0; i < count; ++i )
            if( array[i] ) min_per_ent += sizeof( EntityHandle ) * array[i]->capacity() + sizeof( AdjacencyVector );
    } while( MB_SUCCESS == ( rval = iter.step() ) );

    amortized += min_per_ent;
    return ( rval == MB_FAILURE ) ? MB_SUCCESS : rval;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_polyhedron_vertices ( const EntityHandle  source_entity,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities 

get the vertices for a polyhedron (special implementation because for polyhedra connectivity array stores faces)

Definition at line 138 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), moab::Core::get_connectivity(), MB_SUCCESS, thisMB, and moab::Interface::UNION.

Referenced by get_adjacencies().

    // get the connectivity array pointer
    const EntityHandle* connect = NULL;
    int num_connect             = 0;
    ErrorCode result            = thisMB->get_connectivity( source_entity, connect, num_connect );
    if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

    // now get the union of those polygons' vertices
    result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( connect, num_connect, 0, false, target_entities, Interface::UNION );
    return result;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_up_adjacency_elements ( EntityHandle  source_entity,
const unsigned int  target_dimension,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities,
const bool  create_if_missing,
const int  create_adjacency_option = -1 
) [private]

Definition at line 907 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References moab::CREATE_HANDLE(), moab::CN::Dimension(), ErrorCode, get_adjacency_ptr(), moab::Core::get_connectivity(), get_down_adjacency_elements(), moab::intersect(), MB_SUCCESS, MBENTITYSET, MBPOLYHEDRON, thisMB, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), and moab::CN::TypeDimensionMap.

Referenced by get_adjacencies(), and get_elements().

  ErrorCode rval;
  const std::vector<EntityHandle> *vtx_adj, *vtx2_adj;
  std::vector<EntityHandle> duplicates;

    // Handle ranges
  const size_t in_size = target_entities.size();
  const EntityType src_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(source_entity);
  DimensionPair target_types = CN::TypeDimensionMap[target_dimension];
  const EntityHandle src_beg_handle = CREATE_HANDLE( src_type, 0 );
  const EntityHandle src_end_handle = CREATE_HANDLE( src_type+1, 0 );
  const EntityHandle tgt_beg_handle = CREATE_HANDLE( target_types.first, 0 );
  const EntityHandle tgt_end_handle = CREATE_HANDLE( target_types.second+1, 0 );

    // get vertices
  assert(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(source_entity) != MBPOLYHEDRON); // can't go up from a region
  std::vector<EntityHandle> conn_storage;
  const EntityHandle* conn;
  int conn_len;
  rval = thisMB->get_connectivity( source_entity, conn, conn_len, true, &conn_storage );
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
    return rval;

    // shouldn't be here if source entity is not an element
  assert(conn_len > 1);

    // create necessary entities. this only makes sense if there exists of a
    // dimension greater than the target dimension.
  if (create_if_missing && target_dimension < 3 && CN::Dimension(src_type) < 2) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < conn_len; ++i) {
      rval = get_adjacency_ptr( conn[i], vtx_adj );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
        return rval;
      assert(vtx_adj != NULL); // should contain at least source_entity

      std::vector<EntityHandle> tmp2, tmp(*vtx_adj); // copy in case adjacency vector is changed
      for (size_t j = 0; j < tmp.size(); ++j) {
        if (CN::Dimension(TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(tmp[j])) <= (int)target_dimension)
        if (TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(tmp[j]) == MBENTITYSET)

        rval = get_down_adjacency_elements( tmp[j], target_dimension, tmp2, true, option );
        if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
          return rval;

    // get elements adjacent to first vertex
  rval = get_adjacency_ptr( conn[0], vtx_adj );
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
    return rval;
  assert(vtx_adj != NULL); // should contain at least source_entity
    // get elements adjacent to second vertex
  rval = get_adjacency_ptr( conn[1], vtx2_adj );
  if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
    return rval;
  assert(vtx2_adj != NULL);

    // Put intersect of all entities except source entity with
    // the same type as the source entity in 'duplicates'
  std::vector<EntityHandle>::const_iterator it1, it2, end1, end2;
  it1 = std::lower_bound( vtx_adj->begin(), vtx_adj->end(), src_beg_handle );
  it2 = std::lower_bound( vtx2_adj->begin(), vtx2_adj->end(), src_beg_handle );
  end1 = std::lower_bound( it1, vtx_adj->end(), src_end_handle );
  end2 = std::lower_bound( it2, vtx2_adj->end(), src_end_handle );
  assert(end1 != it1); // should at least contain source entity
  duplicates.resize( end1 - it1 - 1 );
  std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator ins = duplicates.begin();
  for (; it1 != end1; ++it1) {
    if (*it1 != source_entity) {
      *ins = *it1;
  duplicates.erase( intersect( duplicates.begin(), duplicates.end(), it2, end2 ), duplicates.end() );

    // Append to input list any entities of the desired target dimension
  it1 = std::lower_bound( end1, vtx_adj->end(), tgt_beg_handle );
  it2 = std::lower_bound( end2, vtx2_adj->end(), tgt_beg_handle );
  end1 = std::lower_bound( it1, vtx_adj->end(), tgt_end_handle );
  end2 = std::lower_bound( it2, vtx2_adj->end(), tgt_end_handle );
  std::set_intersection( it1, end1, it2, end2, std::back_inserter( target_entities ) );

    // for each additional vertex
  for (int i = 2; i < conn_len; ++i) {
    rval = get_adjacency_ptr( conn[i], vtx_adj );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      return rval;
    assert(vtx_adj != NULL); // should contain at least source_entity

    it1 = std::lower_bound( vtx_adj->begin(), vtx_adj->end(), src_beg_handle );
    end1 = std::lower_bound( it1, vtx_adj->end(), src_end_handle );
    duplicates.erase( intersect( duplicates.begin(), duplicates.end(), it1, end1 ), duplicates.end() );

    it1 = std::lower_bound( end1, vtx_adj->end(), tgt_beg_handle );
    end1 = std::lower_bound( it1, vtx_adj->end(), tgt_end_handle );
    target_entities.erase( intersect( target_entities.begin()+in_size, target_entities.end(),
                           it1, end1 ), target_entities.end() );

    // if no duplicates, we're done
  if (duplicates.empty())
    return MB_SUCCESS;

    // Check for explicit adjacencies.  If an explicit adjacency
    // connects candidate target entity to an entity equivalent
    // to the source entity, then assume that source entity is *not*
    // adjacent
  const std::vector<EntityHandle>* adj_ptr;
    // check adjacencies from duplicate entities to candidate targets
  for (size_t i = 0; i < duplicates.size(); ++i) {
    rval = get_adjacency_ptr( duplicates[i], adj_ptr );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      return rval;
    if (!adj_ptr)

    for (size_t j = 0; j < adj_ptr->size(); ++j) {
      std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator k =
        std::find( target_entities.begin()+in_size, target_entities.end(), (*adj_ptr)[j] );
      if (k != target_entities.end())

  // If target dimension is 3 and source dimension is 1, also need to
  // check for explicit adjacencies to intermediate faces
  if (CN::Dimension(src_type) > 1 || target_dimension < 3)
    return MB_SUCCESS;

    // Get faces adjacent to each element and check for explict
    // adjacencies from duplicate entities to faces
  for (size_t i = 0; i < duplicates.size(); ++i) {
    rval = get_adjacency_ptr( duplicates[i], adj_ptr );
    if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
      return rval;
    if (!adj_ptr)

    size_t j;
    for (j = 0; j < adj_ptr->size(); ++j) {
      const std::vector<EntityHandle>* adj_ptr2;
      rval = get_adjacency_ptr( (*adj_ptr)[j], adj_ptr2 );
      if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
        return rval;
      if (!adj_ptr2)

      for (size_t k = 0; k < adj_ptr2->size(); ++k) {
        std::vector<EntityHandle>::iterator it;
        it = std::find( target_entities.begin()+in_size, target_entities.end(), (*adj_ptr2)[k] );
        if (it != target_entities.end()) {
          j = adj_ptr->size(); // break outer loop

  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_vertices ( EntityHandle  h,
const EntityHandle *&  vect_out,
int &  count_out,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  storage 
) [private]

Definition at line 35 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), moab::Core::get_connectivity(), MBPOLYHEDRON, thisMB, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), and remove_all_adjacencies().

    ErrorCode result;
        result    = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &h, 1, 0, false, storage );
        vect_out  = &storage[0];
        count_out = storage.size();
        result = thisMB->get_connectivity( h, vect_out, count_out, false, &storage );
    return result;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::get_zero_to_n_elements ( EntityHandle  source_entity,
const unsigned int  target_dimension,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  target_entities,
const bool  create_if_missing,
const int  create_adjacency_option = -1 
) [private]

Definition at line 648 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References ErrorCode, moab::GeomUtil::first(), moab::FIRST_HANDLE(), get_adjacencies(), get_down_adjacency_elements(), moab::LAST_HANDLE(), MB_SUCCESS, and moab::CN::TypeDimensionMap.

Referenced by get_adjacencies(), and get_elements().

    AdjacencyVector::iterator start_ent, end_ent;

    // get the adjacency vector
    AdjacencyVector* adj_vec = NULL;
    ErrorCode result         = get_adjacencies( source_entity, adj_vec );
    if( result != MB_SUCCESS || adj_vec == NULL ) return result;

    if( target_dimension < 3 && create_if_missing )
        std::vector< EntityHandle > tmp_ents;

        start_ent = std::lower_bound( adj_vec->begin(), adj_vec->end(),
                                      FIRST_HANDLE( CN::TypeDimensionMap[target_dimension + 1].first ) );

        end_ent = std::lower_bound( start_ent, adj_vec->end(), LAST_HANDLE( CN::TypeDimensionMap[3].second ) );

        std::vector< EntityHandle > elems( start_ent, end_ent );

        // make target_dimension elements from all adjacient higher-dimension elements
        for( start_ent = elems.begin(); start_ent != elems.end(); ++start_ent )
            get_down_adjacency_elements( *start_ent, target_dimension, tmp_ents, create_if_missing, 0 );

    DimensionPair dim_pair = CN::TypeDimensionMap[target_dimension];
    start_ent              = std::lower_bound( adj_vec->begin(), adj_vec->end(), FIRST_HANDLE( dim_pair.first ) );
    end_ent                = std::lower_bound( start_ent, adj_vec->end(), LAST_HANDLE( dim_pair.second ) );
    target_entities.insert( target_entities.end(), start_ent, end_ent );
    return MB_SUCCESS;

in preparation for merging two entities, adjust adjacencies so that entity_to_keep will be adjacent to the "right" entities after merge (also checks for potential formation of equivalent entities and creates explicit adjacencies accordingly)

Definition at line 1270 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References add_adjacency(), moab::Range::begin(), check_equiv_entities(), dim, moab::CN::Dimension(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, explicitly_adjacent(), get_adjacencies(), moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), moab::Core::get_connectivity(), MB_SUCCESS, MBENTITYSET, moab::Core::replace_entities(), moab::Core::set_connectivity(), thisMB, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

    int ent_dim = CN::Dimension( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( entity_to_keep ) );
    ErrorCode result;

    // check for newly-formed equivalent entities, and create explicit adjacencies
    // to distinguish them; this must be done before connectivity of higher-dimensional
    // entities is changed below, and only needs to be checked if merging vertices
    if( ent_dim == 0 )
        result = check_equiv_entities( entity_to_keep, entity_to_remove );
        if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

    // check adjacencies TO removed entity
    for( int dim = 1; dim < ent_dim; dim++ )
        Range adjs;
        result = thisMB->get_adjacencies( &entity_to_remove, 1, dim, false, adjs );
        if( result != MB_SUCCESS ) return result;
        // for any explicit ones, make them adjacent to keeper
        for( Range::iterator rit = adjs.begin(); rit != adjs.end(); ++rit )
            if( this->explicitly_adjacent( *rit, entity_to_remove ) )
                result = this->add_adjacency( *rit, entity_to_keep );
                if( result != MB_SUCCESS ) return result;

    // check adjacencies FROM removed entity
    std::vector< EntityHandle > conn, adjs;
    result = this->get_adjacencies( entity_to_remove, adjs );
    if( result != MB_SUCCESS ) return result;
    // set them all, and if to_entity is a set, add to that one too
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < adjs.size(); i++ )
        if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( adjs[i] ) == MBENTITYSET )
            // result = this->add_adjacency(entity_to_keep, adjs[i]);
            // if(result != MB_SUCCESS) return result;
            // result = thisMB->add_entities(adjs[i], &entity_to_keep, 1);
            // if(result != MB_SUCCESS) return result;
            result = thisMB->replace_entities( adjs[i], &entity_to_remove, &entity_to_keep, 1 );
            if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
        else if( ent_dim == 0 )
            result = thisMB->get_connectivity( &adjs[i], 1, conn );

            if( result == MB_SUCCESS )
                std::replace( conn.begin(), conn.end(), entity_to_remove, entity_to_keep );
                result = thisMB->set_connectivity( adjs[i], &conn[0], conn.size() );
                if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
                return result;
            result = this->add_adjacency( entity_to_keep, adjs[i] );
            if( result != MB_SUCCESS ) return result;

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::notify_change_connectivity ( EntityHandle  entity,
const EntityHandle old_array,
const EntityHandle new_array,
int  number_nodes 

calling code notifying that an entity changed its connectivity

Definition at line 1211 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References add_adjacency(), ErrorCode, MB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, MB_SUCCESS, MBPOLYHEDRON, mVertElemAdj, remove_adjacency(), and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

    EntityType source_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( entity );
    if( source_type == MBPOLYHEDRON ) return MB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;

    // find out which ones to add and which to remove
    std::vector< EntityHandle > old_verts, new_verts;
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < number_verts; i++ )
        if( old_array[i] != new_array[i] )
            old_verts.push_back( old_array[i] );
            new_verts.push_back( new_array[i] );

    ErrorCode result;

    if( mVertElemAdj == true )
        // update the vertex-entity adjacencies
        std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator adj_iter;
        for( adj_iter = old_verts.begin(); adj_iter != old_verts.end(); ++adj_iter )
            if( std::find( new_verts.begin(), new_verts.end(), *adj_iter ) == new_verts.end() )
                result = remove_adjacency( *adj_iter, entity );
                if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;
        for( adj_iter = new_verts.begin(); adj_iter != new_verts.end(); ++adj_iter )
            if( std::find( old_verts.begin(), old_verts.end(), *adj_iter ) == old_verts.end() )
                result = add_adjacency( *adj_iter, entity );
                if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::notify_create_entity ( const EntityHandle  entity,
const EntityHandle node_array,
const int  number_nodes 

calling code notifying this that to update connectivity of 'entity'

Definition at line 615 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References add_adjacency(), ErrorCode, get_adjacencies(), MB_SUCCESS, MBPOLYHEDRON, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), and vert_elem_adjacencies().

Referenced by moab::NCHelperDomain::create_mesh(), moab::NCHelperScrip::create_mesh(), moab::ParCommGraph::receive_mesh(), and moab::ReadUtil::update_adjacencies().

    ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS, tmp_result;
    if( vert_elem_adjacencies() )
        // iterate through nodes and add adjacency information
        if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( entity ) == MBPOLYHEDRON )
            // polyhedron - get real vertex connectivity
            std::vector< EntityHandle > verts;
            tmp_result = get_adjacencies( entity, 0, false, verts );
            if( MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result ) return tmp_result;
            for( std::vector< EntityHandle >::iterator vit = verts.begin(); vit != verts.end(); ++vit )
                tmp_result = add_adjacency( *vit, entity );
                if( MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result ) result = tmp_result;
            for( unsigned int i = number_nodes; i--; )
                tmp_result = add_adjacency( node_array[i], entity );
                if( MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result ) result = tmp_result;

    return result;

calling code notifying this that an entity is getting deleted

calling code is notifying this that an entity is going to be deleted from the database

Definition at line 1529 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References dim, ErrorCode, get_adjacencies(), MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, MB_SUCCESS, MBVERTEX, remove_all_adjacencies(), and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

    if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( entity ) == MBVERTEX )
        std::vector< EntityHandle > adj_entities;
        for( int dim = 1; dim < 4; ++dim )
            ErrorCode rval = get_adjacencies( entity, dim, false, adj_entities );
            if( rval != MB_SUCCESS && rval != MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND ) return rval;
            if( !adj_entities.empty() ) return MB_FAILURE;

    // remove any references to this entity from other entities
    return remove_all_adjacencies( entity, true );
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::remove_adjacency ( EntityHandle  base_entity,
EntityHandle  adjacency_to_remove 

remove an adjacency from from the base_entity.

Definition at line 399 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References ErrorCode, get_adjacencies(), MB_SUCCESS, MBENTITYSET, moab::Core::remove_entities(), thisMB, and moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE().

Referenced by moab::MeshSet::create_adjacencies(), notify_change_connectivity(), moab::range_tool< pair_iter_t >::ranged_remove_entities(), moab::MeshSet::remove_adjacencies(), remove_all_adjacencies(), moab::MeshSet::replace_entities(), moab::vector_remove_range(), moab::vector_remove_ranges(), and moab::vector_remove_vector().

    ErrorCode result;

    if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( base_entity ) == MBENTITYSET )
        return thisMB->remove_entities( base_entity, &adj_to_remove, 1 );

    // get the adjacency tag
    AdjacencyVector* adj_list = NULL;
    result                    = get_adjacencies( base_entity, adj_list );
    if( adj_list == NULL || MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

    // remove the specified entity from the adjacency list and truncate
    // the list to the new length
    adj_list->erase( std::remove( adj_list->begin(), adj_list->end(), adj_to_remove ), adj_list->end() );

    return result;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::remove_all_adjacencies ( EntityHandle  base_entity,
const bool  delete_adj_list = false 

remove all adjacencies from from the base_entity.

Definition at line 419 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References moab::Core::clear_meshset(), moab::CN::Dimension(), ErrorCode, explicitly_adjacent(), get_adjacencies(), get_vertices(), MB_SUCCESS, MBENTITYSET, MBVERTEX, remove_adjacency(), set_adjacency_ptr(), thisMB, moab::TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(), and vert_elem_adjacencies().

Referenced by notify_delete_entity().

    ErrorCode result;
    EntityType base_type = TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( base_entity );

    if( base_type == MBENTITYSET ) return thisMB->clear_meshset( &base_entity, 1 );
    const int base_ent_dim = CN::Dimension( base_type );

    // Remove adjacencies from element vertices back to
    // this element.  Also check any elements adjacent
    // to the vertex and of higher dimension than this
    // element for downward adjacencies to this element.
    if( vert_elem_adjacencies() && base_type != MBVERTEX )
        EntityHandle const *connvect = 0, *adjvect = 0;
        int numconn = 0, numadj = 0;
        std::vector< EntityHandle > connstorage;
        result = get_vertices( base_entity, connvect, numconn, connstorage );
        if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

        for( int i = 0; i < numconn; ++i )
            result = get_adjacencies( connvect[i], adjvect, numadj );
            if( MB_SUCCESS != result ) return result;

            bool remove_this = false;
            for( int j = 0; j < numadj; ++j )
                if( adjvect[j] == base_entity ) remove_this = true;

                if( CN::Dimension( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( adjvect[j] ) ) != base_ent_dim &&
                    explicitly_adjacent( adjvect[j], base_entity ) )
                    remove_adjacency( adjvect[j], base_entity );

            if( remove_this ) remove_adjacency( connvect[i], base_entity );

    // get the adjacency tag
    AdjacencyVector* adj_list = 0;
    result                    = get_adjacencies( base_entity, adj_list );
    if( MB_SUCCESS != result || !adj_list ) return result;

    // check adjacent entities for references back to this entity
    for( AdjacencyVector::reverse_iterator it = adj_list->rbegin(); it != adj_list->rend(); ++it )
        remove_adjacency( *it, base_entity );

    if( delete_adj_list )
        result = set_adjacency_ptr( base_entity, NULL );

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::AEntityFactory::set_adjacency_ptr ( EntityHandle  entity,
std::vector< EntityHandle > *  ptr 
) [private]

Definition at line 1440 of file AEntityFactory.cpp.

References moab::SequenceData::allocate_adjacency_data(), moab::EntitySequence::data(), ErrorCode, moab::SequenceManager::find(), moab::SequenceData::get_adjacency_data(), MB_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED, MB_SUCCESS, moab::Core::sequence_manager(), moab::SequenceData::start_handle(), and thisMB.

Referenced by get_adjacencies(), and remove_all_adjacencies().

    EntitySequence* seq;
    ErrorCode rval = thisMB->sequence_manager()->find( entity, seq );
    if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;

    if( !seq->data()->get_adjacency_data() && !seq->data()->allocate_adjacency_data() )

    const EntityHandle index          = entity - seq->data()->start_handle();
    std::vector< EntityHandle >*& ref = seq->data()->get_adjacency_data()[index];
    delete ref;
    ref = ptr;
    return MB_SUCCESS;

Member Data Documentation

whether vertex to element adjacencies are begin done

Definition at line 176 of file AEntityFactory.hpp.

Referenced by AEntityFactory(), create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), get_adjacencies(), get_element(), get_elements(), notify_change_connectivity(), and vert_elem_adjacencies().

List of all members.

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