MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**
00002  * MOAB, a Mesh-Oriented datABase, is a software component for creating,
00003  * storing and accessing finite element mesh data.
00004  *
00005  * Copyright 2004 Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
00006  * DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government
00007  * retains certain rights in this software.
00008  *
00009  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00010  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00011  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00012  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00013  *
00014  */
00019 //
00020 // Class: SweptElementData
00021 //
00022 // Purpose: represent a rectangular element of mesh
00023 //
00024 // A SweptElement represents a rectangular element of mesh, including both vertices and
00025 // elements, and the parametric space used to address that element.  Vertex data,
00026 // i.e. coordinates, may not be stored directly in the element, but the element returns
00027 // information about the vertex handles of vertices in the element.  Vertex and element
00028 // handles associated with the element are each contiguous.
00030 #include "SequenceData.hpp"
00031 #include "moab/HomXform.hpp"
00032 #include "moab/CN.hpp"
00033 #include "SweptVertexData.hpp"
00034 #include "Internals.hpp"
00035 #include "moab/Range.hpp"
00037 #include <vector>
00038 #include <algorithm>
00040 namespace moab
00041 {
00043 class SweptElementData : public SequenceData
00044 {
00046     //! structure to hold references to bounding vertex blocks
00047     class VertexDataRef
00048     {
00049       private:
00050         HomCoord minmax[2];
00051         HomXform xform, invXform;
00052         SweptVertexData* srcSeq;
00054       public:
00055         friend class SweptElementData;
00057         VertexDataRef( const HomCoord& min, const HomCoord& max, const HomXform& tmp_xform, SweptVertexData* this_seq );
00059         bool contains( const HomCoord& coords ) const;
00060     };
00062   private:
00063     //! parameter min/max/stride, in homogeneous coords ijkh
00064     HomCoord elementParams[3];
00066     //! difference between max and min params plus one (i.e. # VERTICES in
00067     //! each parametric direction)
00068     int dIJK[3];
00070     //! difference between max and min params (i.e. # ELEMENTS in
00071     //! each parametric direction)
00072     int dIJKm1[3];
00074     //! bare constructor, so compiler doesn't create one for me
00075     SweptElementData();
00077     //! list of bounding vertex blocks
00078     std::vector< VertexDataRef > vertexSeqRefs;
00080   public:
00081     //! constructor
00082     SweptElementData( EntityHandle start_handle,
00083                       const int imin,
00084                       const int jmin,
00085                       const int kmin,
00086                       const int imax,
00087                       const int jmax,
00088                       const int kmax,
00089                       const int* Cq );
00091     virtual ~SweptElementData();
00093     //! get handle of vertex at homogeneous coords
00094     inline EntityHandle get_vertex( const HomCoord& coords ) const;
00095     inline EntityHandle get_vertex( int i, int j, int k ) const
00096     {
00097         return get_vertex( HomCoord( i, j, k ) );
00098     }
00100     //! get handle of element at i, j, k
00101     EntityHandle get_element( const int i, const int j, const int k ) const;
00103     //! get min params for this element
00104     const HomCoord& min_params() const;
00106     //! get max params for this element
00107     const HomCoord& max_params() const;
00109     //! get the number of vertices in each direction, inclusive
00110     void param_extents( int& di, int& dj, int& dk ) const;
00112     //! given a handle, get the corresponding parameters
00113     ErrorCode get_params( const EntityHandle ehandle, int& i, int& j, int& k ) const;
00115     //! convenience functions for parameter extents
00116     int i_min() const
00117     {
00118         return ( elementParams[0].hom_coord() )[0];
00119     }
00120     int j_min() const
00121     {
00122         return ( elementParams[0].hom_coord() )[1];
00123     }
00124     int k_min() const
00125     {
00126         return ( elementParams[0].hom_coord() )[2];
00127     }
00128     int i_max() const
00129     {
00130         return ( elementParams[1].hom_coord() )[0];
00131     }
00132     int j_max() const
00133     {
00134         return ( elementParams[1].hom_coord() )[1];
00135     }
00136     int k_max() const
00137     {
00138         return ( elementParams[1].hom_coord() )[2];
00139     }
00141     //! test the bounding vertex sequences and determine whether they fully
00142     //! define the vertices covering this element block's parameter space
00143     bool boundary_complete() const;
00145     //! test whether this sequence contains these parameters
00146     inline bool contains( const HomCoord& coords ) const;
00148     //! get connectivity of an entity given entity's parameters
00149     inline ErrorCode get_params_connectivity( const int i,
00150                                               const int j,
00151                                               const int k,
00152                                               std::vector< EntityHandle >& connectivity ) const;
00154     //! add a vertex seq ref to this element sequence;
00155     //! if bb_input is true, bounding box (in eseq-local coords) of vseq being added
00156     //! is input in bb_min and bb_max (allows partial sharing of vseq rather than the whole
00157     //! vseq); if it's false, the whole vseq is referenced and the eseq-local coordinates
00158     //! is computed from the transformed bounding box of the vseq
00159     ErrorCode add_vsequence( SweptVertexData* vseq,
00160                              const HomCoord& p1,
00161                              const HomCoord& q1,
00162                              const HomCoord& p2,
00163                              const HomCoord& q2,
00164                              const HomCoord& p3,
00165                              const HomCoord& q3,
00166                              bool bb_input          = false,
00167                              const HomCoord& bb_min = HomCoord::unitv[0],
00168                              const HomCoord& bb_max = HomCoord::unitv[0] );
00170     SequenceData* subset( EntityHandle start,
00171                           EntityHandle end,
00172                           const int* sequence_data_sizes,
00173                           const int* tag_data_sizes ) const;
00175     static EntityID calc_num_entities( EntityHandle start_handle, int irange, int jrange, int krange );
00177     unsigned long get_memory_use() const;
00178 };
00180 inline EntityHandle SweptElementData::get_element( const int i, const int j, const int k ) const
00181 {
00182     return start_handle() + ( i - i_min() ) + ( j - j_min() ) * dIJKm1[0] + ( k - k_min() ) * dIJKm1[0] * dIJKm1[1];
00183 }
00185 inline const HomCoord& SweptElementData::min_params() const
00186 {
00187     return elementParams[0];
00188 }
00190 inline const HomCoord& SweptElementData::max_params() const
00191 {
00192     return elementParams[1];
00193 }
00195 //! get the number of vertices in each direction, inclusive
00196 inline void SweptElementData::param_extents( int& di, int& dj, int& dk ) const
00197 {
00198     di = dIJK[0];
00199     dj = dIJK[1];
00200     dk = dIJK[2];
00201 }
00203 inline ErrorCode SweptElementData::get_params( const EntityHandle ehandle, int& i, int& j, int& k ) const
00204 {
00205     if( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( ehandle ) != TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( start_handle() ) ) return MB_FAILURE;
00207     int hdiff = ehandle - start_handle();
00209     // use double ?: test below because on some platforms, both sides of the : are
00210     // evaluated, and if dIJKm1[1] is zero, that'll generate a divide-by-zero
00211     k = ( dIJKm1[1] > 0 ? hdiff / ( dIJKm1[1] > 0 ? dIJKm1[0] * dIJKm1[1] : 1 ) : 0 );
00212     j = ( hdiff - ( k * dIJKm1[0] * dIJKm1[1] ) ) / dIJKm1[0];
00213     i = hdiff % dIJKm1[0];
00215     k += elementParams[0].k();
00216     j += elementParams[0].j();
00217     i += elementParams[0].i();
00219     return ( ehandle >= start_handle() && ehandle < start_handle() + size() && i >= i_min() && i <= i_max() &&
00220              j >= j_min() && j <= j_max() && k >= k_min() && k <= k_max() )
00221                ? MB_SUCCESS
00222                : MB_FAILURE;
00223 }
00225 inline bool SweptElementData::contains( const HomCoord& temp ) const
00226 {
00227     // upper bound is < instead of <= because element params max is one less
00228     // than vertex params max
00229     return ( temp >= elementParams[0] && temp < elementParams[1] );
00230 }
00232 inline bool SweptElementData::VertexDataRef::contains( const HomCoord& coords ) const
00233 {
00234     return ( minmax[0] <= coords && minmax[1] >= coords );
00235 }
00237 inline SweptElementData::VertexDataRef::VertexDataRef( const HomCoord& this_min,
00238                                                        const HomCoord& this_max,
00239                                                        const HomXform& tmp_xform,
00240                                                        SweptVertexData* this_seq )
00241     : xform( tmp_xform ), invXform( tmp_xform.inverse() ), srcSeq( this_seq )
00242 {
00243     minmax[0] = HomCoord( this_min );
00244     minmax[1] = HomCoord( this_max );
00245 }
00247 inline EntityHandle SweptElementData::get_vertex( const HomCoord& coords ) const
00248 {
00249     assert( boundary_complete() );
00250     for( std::vector< VertexDataRef >::const_iterator it = vertexSeqRefs.begin(); it != vertexSeqRefs.end(); ++it )
00251     {
00252         if( ( *it ).minmax[0] <= coords && ( *it ).minmax[1] >= coords )
00253         {
00254             // first get the vertex block-local parameters
00255             HomCoord local_coords = coords / ( *it ).xform;
00257             // now get the vertex handle for those coords
00258             return ( *it ).srcSeq->get_vertex( local_coords );
00259         }
00260     }
00262     // got here, it's an error
00263     return 0;
00264 }
00266 inline ErrorCode SweptElementData::add_vsequence( SweptVertexData* vseq,
00267                                                   const HomCoord& p1,
00268                                                   const HomCoord& q1,
00269                                                   const HomCoord& p2,
00270                                                   const HomCoord& q2,
00271                                                   const HomCoord& p3,
00272                                                   const HomCoord& q3,
00273                                                   bool bb_input,
00274                                                   const HomCoord& bb_min,
00275                                                   const HomCoord& bb_max )
00276 {
00277     // compute the transform given the vseq-local parameters and the mapping to
00278     // this element sequence's parameters passed in minmax
00279     HomXform M;
00280     M.three_pt_xform( p1, q1, p2, q2, p3, q3 );
00282     // min and max in element seq's parameter system may not be same as those in
00283     // vseq's system, so need to take min/max
00285     HomCoord minmax[2];
00286     if( bb_input )
00287     {
00288         minmax[0] = bb_min;
00289         minmax[1] = bb_max;
00290     }
00291     else
00292     {
00293         minmax[0] = vseq->min_params() * M;
00294         minmax[1] = vseq->max_params() * M;
00295     }
00297     // check against other vseq's to make sure they don't overlap
00298     for( std::vector< VertexDataRef >::const_iterator vsit = vertexSeqRefs.begin(); vsit != vertexSeqRefs.end();
00299          ++vsit )
00300         if( ( *vsit ).contains( minmax[0] ) || ( *vsit ).contains( minmax[1] ) ) return MB_FAILURE;
00302     HomCoord tmp_min( std::min( minmax[0].i(), minmax[1].i() ), std::min( minmax[0].j(), minmax[1].j() ),
00303                       std::min( minmax[0].k(), minmax[1].k() ) );
00304     HomCoord tmp_max( std::max( minmax[0].i(), minmax[1].i() ), std::max( minmax[0].j(), minmax[1].j() ),
00305                       std::max( minmax[0].k(), minmax[1].k() ) );
00307     // set up a new vertex sequence reference
00308     VertexDataRef tmp_seq_ref( tmp_min, tmp_max, M, vseq );
00310     // add to the list
00311     vertexSeqRefs.push_back( tmp_seq_ref );
00313     return MB_SUCCESS;
00314 }
00316 inline ErrorCode SweptElementData::get_params_connectivity( const int i,
00317                                                             const int j,
00318                                                             const int k,
00319                                                             std::vector< EntityHandle >& connectivity ) const
00320 {
00321     if( contains( HomCoord( i, j, k ) ) == false ) return MB_FAILURE;
00323     connectivity.push_back( get_vertex( i, j, k ) );
00324     connectivity.push_back( get_vertex( i + 1, j, k ) );
00325     if( CN::Dimension( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( start_handle() ) ) < 2 ) return MB_SUCCESS;
00326     connectivity.push_back( get_vertex( i + 1, j + 1, k ) );
00327     connectivity.push_back( get_vertex( i, j + 1, k ) );
00328     if( CN::Dimension( TYPE_FROM_HANDLE( start_handle() ) ) < 3 ) return MB_SUCCESS;
00329     connectivity.push_back( get_vertex( i, j, k + 1 ) );
00330     connectivity.push_back( get_vertex( i + 1, j, k + 1 ) );
00331     connectivity.push_back( get_vertex( i + 1, j + 1, k + 1 ) );
00332     connectivity.push_back( get_vertex( i, j + 1, k + 1 ) );
00333     return MB_SUCCESS;
00334 }
00336 }  // namespace moab
00338 #endif
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