MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "moab/Core.hpp"
00002 #include "moab/AdaptiveKDTree.hpp"
00003 #include "moab/Range.hpp"
00004 #include <cerrno>
00005 #include <cstdio>
00006 #include <cstdlib>
00007 #include <ctime>
00009 using namespace moab;
00011 void usage( const char* argv0 )
00012 {
00013     fprintf( stderr, "usage: %s [-t] [-d <result_file>] <tree_file> <point_file> [<count>]\n", argv0 );
00014     exit( 1 );
00015 }
00017 void print_file_stats( Interface& moab )
00018 {
00019     ErrorCode rval;
00020     int num_tri;
00021     Range sets;
00022     unsigned long long set_mem, set_am, tag_mem, tag_am;
00024     rval = moab.get_number_entities_by_type( 0, MBTRI, num_tri );
00025     if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) num_tri = -1;
00026     rval = moab.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, sets );
00027     if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) sets.clear();
00029     moab.estimated_memory_use( sets, 0, 0, &set_mem, &set_am, 0, 0, 0, 0, &tag_mem, &tag_am );
00030     printf( "Triangles:   %d\n", num_tri );
00031     printf( "Sets:        %lu\n", (unsigned long)sets.size() );
00032     printf( "Set storage: %llu (%llu)\n", set_mem, set_am );
00033     printf( "Tag storage: %llu (%llu)\n", tag_mem, tag_am );
00034 }
00036 int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
00037 {
00038     double* values;
00039     unsigned long length;
00040     FILE *file, *rfile = 0;
00041     unsigned long count = 0;
00042     clock_t t;
00044     const char* tree_file   = 0;
00045     const char* point_file  = 0;
00046     const char* result_file = 0;
00047     bool query_triangles    = false;
00049     if( argc < 3 || argc > 7 ) usage( argv[0] );
00051     for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
00052     {
00053         if( !strcmp( "-t", argv[i] ) )
00054             query_triangles = true;
00055         else if( !strcmp( "-d", argv[i] ) )
00056         {
00057             ++i;
00058             if( i == argc ) usage( argv[0] );
00059             result_file = argv[i];
00060         }
00061         else if( !tree_file )
00062             tree_file = argv[i];
00063         else if( !point_file )
00064             point_file = argv[i];
00065         else
00066         {
00067             char* endptr;
00068             count = strtol( argv[i], &endptr, 0 );
00069             if( *endptr || count < 1 ) usage( argv[0] );
00070         }
00071     }
00073     file = fopen( point_file, "rb" );
00074     if( !file )
00075     {
00076         perror( point_file );
00077         return 2;
00078     }
00079     fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );
00080     length = ftell( file ) / ( 3 * sizeof( double ) );
00081     fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET );
00082     values = new double[3 * length];
00083     if( length != fread( values, 3 * sizeof( double ), length, file ) )
00084     {
00085         fprintf( stderr, "Error reading %lu points from file \"%s\"\n", length, argv[2] );
00086         delete[] values;
00087         return 2;
00088     }
00089     fclose( file );
00091     if( result_file )
00092     {
00093         rfile = fopen( result_file, "w" );
00094         if( !rfile )
00095         {
00096             perror( result_file );
00097             delete[] values;
00098             return 2;
00099         }
00100     }
00102     if( !count ) count = length;
00104     printf( "Loading tree..." );
00105     fflush( stdout );
00106     t = clock();
00107     Core moab;
00108     ErrorCode rval = moab.load_mesh( tree_file, 0, 0 );
00109     if( MB_SUCCESS != rval )
00110     {
00111         fprintf( stderr, "Failed to read file: %s\n", tree_file );
00112         delete[] values;
00113         return 2;
00114     }
00115     printf( "%0.2f seconds\n", ( clock() - t ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC );
00116     fflush( stdout );
00118     Range range;
00119     AdaptiveKDTree tool( &moab );
00120     tool.find_all_trees( range );
00121     if( range.size() != 1 )
00122     {
00123         fprintf( stderr, "%s : found %d kd-trees\n", argv[1], (int)range.size() );
00124         delete[] values;
00125         return 3;
00126     }
00127     EntityHandle root = range.front();
00129     print_file_stats( moab );
00131     printf( "Running point queries..." );
00132     fflush( stdout );
00133     t = clock();
00134     EntityHandle leaf;
00135     double pt[3];
00136     for( unsigned long i = 0; i < count; ++i )
00137     {
00138         const double* coords = values + 3 * ( i % length );
00139         if( query_triangles )
00140             rval = tool.closest_triangle( root, coords, pt, leaf );
00141         else
00142             rval = tool.point_search( coords, leaf, 0.0, 0.0, NULL, &root );
00143         if( MB_SUCCESS != rval )
00144         {
00145             fprintf( stderr, "Failure (ErrorCode == %d) for point %d (%f, %f, %f)\n", (int)rval,
00146                      (int)( count % length ), coords[0], coords[1], coords[2] );
00147         }
00148         else if( rfile )
00149         {
00150             if( query_triangles )
00151                 fprintf( rfile, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %lu\n", coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], pt[0], pt[1], pt[2],
00152                          (unsigned long)leaf );
00153             else
00154                 fprintf( rfile, "%f %f %f %lu\n", coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], (unsigned long)leaf );
00155         }
00156     }
00157     printf( "%0.2f seconds\n", ( clock() - t ) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC );
00158     fflush( stdout );
00159     delete[] values;
00161     return 0;
00162 }
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