#include "meshkit/QslimMesher.hpp"
#include "meshkit/QslimOptions.hpp"
#include "QslimDecimation.hpp"
#include "meshkit/MKCore.hpp"
#include "meshkit/ModelEnt.hpp"
#include "meshkit/RegisterMeshOp.hpp"
#include "moab/ReadUtilIface.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
namespace MeshKit
//Entity Type initialization for edge meshing
moab::EntityType QslimMesher_tps[] = {moab::MBVERTEX, moab::MBEDGE, moab::MBMAXTYPE};
const moab::EntityType* QslimMesher::output_types()
{ return QslimMesher_tps; }
// Construction Function for Qslim Mesher
QslimMesher::QslimMesher(MKCore *mk_core, const MEntVector &me_vec)<--- Member variable 'QslimMesher::_worker' is not initialized in the constructor.
: MeshScheme(mk_core, me_vec)
// setup function: set up the number of intervals for edge meshing through the
// sizing function
void QslimMesher::setup_this()
// make decimate mesher
// will take only one input, a set from ModelEnts ?
ModelEnt * me = mentSelection.begin()->first;
moab::EntityHandle set=me->mesh_handle(); // this is the initial set
_worker = new MeshKit::QslimDecimation(mk_core()->moab_instance(), set);
// execute function: Generate the mesh for decimation
void QslimMesher::execute_this()
// put the result in the range, eventually
_worker->decimate(_opts, mentSelection.begin()->second);
// this will modify the initialSet !!
// Deconstruction function
delete _worker;
} // MeshKit namespace