// File: src/algs/Global.hpp
// Wednesday February 11 10:50 2011
// Brief: HarmonicMap class definition: do the harmonic mapping for the surface
// mesh
#ifndef GLOBAL1_HPP
#define GLOBAL1_HPP
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "meshkit/SimpleArray.hpp"
#include <iGeom.h>
#include "meshkit/Matrix.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
typedef MeshKit::Vector<3> Vector3D;
typedef MeshKit::Vector<2> Vector2D;
typedef MeshKit::Matrix<3, 3> Matrix3D;
* \class Global
* \brief define the data structure for Sweeping
namespace MeshKit
static const double dist_tolerance = 1.0e-1;
static const double eps = 1.0e-5;
struct Vertex {
Vertex()<--- Member variable 'Vertex::id' is not initialized in the constructor.<--- Member variable 'Vertex::index' is not initialized in the constructor.<--- Member variable 'Vertex::onCorner' is not initialized in the constructor.
onBoundary = 0;
int id;
int index;
bool onBoundary;
Vector3D xyz;
Vector2D uv;
bool onCorner;
iBase_EntityHandle gVertexHandle;
struct Edge {
int getNumNodes() const
return connect.size();
Vertex* getVertex(int i) const
return connect[i];
vector<Vertex*> connect;//could be 1 or 2
iBase_EntityHandle gEdgeHandle;
int id;
int index;
int edge_type;//-1 corner, 0 side, 1 end, -2 reversal
double e;
struct Face {
int getNumNodes() const
return connect.size();
Vertex* getVertex(int i) const
return connect[i];
int index;
vector<Vertex*> connect;
vector<Edge*> connEdges;
vector<vector<int> > vertexloops;
vector<vector<int> > edgeloops;
iBase_EntityHandle gFaceHandle;
int src_tgt_link;//0--source, 1--target, 2--linking