#ifndef ARC_HPP
#define ARC_HPP
#include <vector>
#include "moab/Core.hpp"
#include "gen.hpp"
#include "moab/Skinner.hpp"
#include "MBTagConventions.hpp"
namespace arc {
/// check that edge is going in the same direction as one of the edges on tri.
/// If this is not the case, the edge is reversed.
moab::ErrorCode orient_edge_with_tri( const moab::EntityHandle edge,
const moab::EntityHandle tri );
// checks for degeneracy of edges in the moab::Range edges and deletes degenerates if found
moab::ErrorCode remove_degenerate_edges( moab::Range &edges, const bool debug );
/// deletes any duplicate edges in moab::Range edges for which one goes from vertex a to
/// vertex b and the other from b to a
moab::ErrorCode remove_opposite_pairs_of_edges( moab::Range &edges, const bool debug );
moab::ErrorCode remove_opposite_pairs_of_edges_fast( moab::Range &edges, const bool debug );
moab::ErrorCode get_next_oriented_edge( const moab::Range edges,
const moab::EntityHandle edge,
moab::EntityHandle &next_edge );
// Given a range of edges and a vertex, find the edge the contains the
// endpoint. Also return the opposite endpoint of the edge. This checks
// to ensure that only one edge is found.
moab::ErrorCode get_next_edge_and_vert_by_edge( const moab::Range edges_in,
const moab::EntityHandle edge_in,
const moab::EntityHandle vertex_in,
moab::EntityHandle &edge_out,
moab::EntityHandle &vertex_out );
moab::ErrorCode create_loops_from_oriented_edges_fast( moab::Range edges,
std::vector< std::vector<moab::EntityHandle> > &loops_of_edges,
const bool debug );
moab::ErrorCode create_loops_from_oriented_edges( moab::Range edges,
std::vector< std::vector<moab::EntityHandle> > &loops_of_edges,
const bool debug );
moab::ErrorCode order_verts_by_edge( moab::Range unordered_edges, std::vector<moab::EntityHandle> &ordered_verts );
/// gets the moab entities in the meshset, set, and returns them to vec
moab::ErrorCode get_meshset( const moab::EntityHandle set, std::vector<moab::EntityHandle> &vec);
/// clears the given meshset set and then adds the entities desired to the meshset
/// (apparently child_parent_relations are taken care of here? Edges are created how?)
moab::ErrorCode set_meshset( const moab::EntityHandle set, const std::vector<moab::EntityHandle> vec );<--- Function parameter 'vec' should be passed by reference.
/// goes through curve_sets and finds any curves with coincident ( dist. apart <= FACET_TOL) front and back points.
/// it then merges the curves topologically. Any merged curves aren't deleted until prepare surfaces.
moab::ErrorCode merge_curves(moab::Range curve_sets, const double FACET_TOL,
moab::Tag idTag, moab::Tag merge_tag, const bool debug );