iMOAB.h File Reference
#include "imoab_protos.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define iMOAB_AppID   int*
#define iMOAB_String   char*
#define iMOAB_GlobalID   int
#define iMOAB_LocalID   int
#define ErrCode   int




ErrCode iMOAB_Initialize (int argc, iMOAB_String *argv)
 Initialize the iMOAB interface implementation.
ErrCode iMOAB_InitializeFortran ()
 Initialize the iMOAB interface implementation from Fortran driver.
ErrCode iMOAB_Finalize ()
 Finalize the iMOAB interface implementation.
ErrCode iMOAB_RegisterApplication (iMOAB_String app_name, MPI_Comm *comm, iMOAB_AppID pid)
 Register application - Create a unique application ID and bootstrap interfaces for further queries.
ErrCode iMOAB_RegisterFortranApplication (iMOAB_String app_name, int *comm, iMOAB_AppID pid, int app_name_length)
 Register a Fortran-based application - Create a unique application ID and bootstrap interfaces for further queries.
ErrCode iMOAB_DeregisterApplication (iMOAB_AppID pid)
 De-Register application: delete mesh (set) associated with the application ID.
ErrCode iMOAB_ReadHeaderInfo (iMOAB_String filename, int *num_global_vertices, int *num_global_elements, int *num_dimension, int *num_parts, int filename_length)
 Get global information from the file.
ErrCode iMOAB_LoadMesh (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_String filename, iMOAB_String read_options, int *num_ghost_layers, int filename_length, int read_options_length)
 Load a MOAB mesh file in parallel and exchange ghost layers as requested.
ErrCode iMOAB_WriteMesh (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_String filename, iMOAB_String write_options, int filename_length, int write_options_length)
 Write a MOAB mesh along with the solution tags to a file.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetMeshInfo (iMOAB_AppID pid, int *num_visible_vertices, int *num_visible_elements, int *num_visible_blocks, int *num_visible_surfaceBC, int *num_visible_vertexBC)
 Obtain local mesh information based on the loaded file.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetVertexID (iMOAB_AppID pid, int *vertices_length, iMOAB_GlobalID *global_vertex_ID)
 Get the global vertex IDs for all locally visible (owned and shared/ghosted) vertices.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetVertexOwnership (iMOAB_AppID pid, int *vertices_length, int *visible_global_rank_ID)
 Get vertex ownership information.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetVisibleVerticesCoordinates (iMOAB_AppID pid, int *coords_length, double *coordinates)
 Get vertex coordinates for all local (owned and ghosted) vertices.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetBlockID (iMOAB_AppID pid, int *block_length, iMOAB_GlobalID *global_block_IDs)
 Get the global block IDs for all locally visible (owned and shared/ghosted) blocks.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetBlockInfo (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_GlobalID *global_block_ID, int *vertices_per_element, int *num_elements_in_block)
 Get the global block information and number of visible elements of belonging to a block (MATERIAL SET).
ErrCode iMOAB_GetVisibleElementsInfo (iMOAB_AppID pid, int *num_visible_elements, iMOAB_GlobalID *element_global_IDs, int *ranks, iMOAB_GlobalID *block_IDs)
 Get the visible elements information.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetBlockElementConnectivities (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_GlobalID *global_block_ID, int *connectivity_length, int *element_connectivity)
 Get the connectivities for elements within a certain block.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetElementConnectivity (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_LocalID *elem_index, int *connectivity_length, int *element_connectivity)
 Get the connectivity for one element only.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetElementOwnership (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_GlobalID *global_block_ID, int *num_elements_in_block, int *element_ownership)
 Get the element ownership within a certain block i.e., processor ID of the element owner.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetElementID (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_GlobalID *global_block_ID, int *num_elements_in_block, iMOAB_GlobalID *global_element_ID, iMOAB_LocalID *local_element_ID)
 Get the global IDs for all locally visible elements belonging to a particular block.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetPointerToSurfaceBC (iMOAB_AppID pid, int *surface_BC_length, iMOAB_LocalID *local_element_ID, int *reference_surface_ID, int *boundary_condition_value)
 Get the surface boundary condition information.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetPointerToVertexBC (iMOAB_AppID pid, int *vertex_BC_length, iMOAB_LocalID *local_vertex_ID, int *boundary_condition_value)
 Get the vertex boundary condition information.
ErrCode iMOAB_DefineTagStorage (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_String tag_storage_name, int *tag_type, int *components_per_entity, int *tag_index, int tag_storage_name_length)
 Define a MOAB Tag corresponding to the application depending on requested types.
ErrCode iMOAB_SetIntTagStorage (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_String tag_storage_name, int *num_tag_storage_length, int *entity_type, int *tag_storage_data, int tag_storage_name_length)
 Store the specified values in a MOAB integer Tag.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetIntTagStorage (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_String tag_storage_name, int *num_tag_storage_length, int *entity_type, int *tag_storage_data, int tag_storage_name_length)
 Get the specified values in a MOAB integer Tag.
ErrCode iMOAB_SetDoubleTagStorage (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_String tag_storage_name, int *num_tag_storage_length, int *entity_type, double *tag_storage_data, int tag_storage_name_length)
 Store the specified values in a MOAB double Tag.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetDoubleTagStorage (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_String tag_storage_name, int *num_tag_storage_length, int *entity_type, double *tag_storage_data, int tag_storage_name_length)
 Retrieve the specified values in a MOAB double Tag.
ErrCode iMOAB_SynchronizeTags (iMOAB_AppID pid, int *num_tag, int *tag_indices, int *ent_type)
 Exchange tag values for given tags.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetNeighborElements (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_LocalID *local_index, int *num_adjacent_elements, iMOAB_LocalID *adjacent_element_IDs)
 retrieve the adjacencies for the element entities.
ErrCode iMOAB_GetNeighborVertices (iMOAB_AppID pid, iMOAB_LocalID *local_vertex_ID, int *num_adjacent_vertices, iMOAB_LocalID *adjacent_vertex_IDs)
 Get the adjacencies for the vertex entities. (not implemented yet)

Detailed Description

iMOAB: a language-agnostic, lightweight interface to MOAB

Supports usage from C/C++, Fortran (77/90/2003), Python

1) All data in the interface are exposed via POD-types.
2) Pass everything by reference, so we do not have to use VAL()
3) Arrays are allocated by the client code. No concerns about de-allocation of the data will be taken up by the interface.
4) Always pass the pointer to the start of array along with the total allocated size for the array.
5) Return the filled array requested by client along with optionally the actual length of the array that was filled. (for typical cases, should be the allocated length)

Definition in file iMOAB.h.

Define Documentation

#define ErrCode   int

Definition at line 39 of file iMOAB.h.

#define iMOAB_AppID   int*

Definition at line 35 of file iMOAB.h.

#define iMOAB_GlobalID   int

Definition at line 37 of file iMOAB.h.

#define iMOAB_LocalID   int

Definition at line 38 of file iMOAB.h.

#define iMOAB_String   char*

Definition at line 36 of file iMOAB.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 45 of file iMOAB.h.

Function Documentation

ErrCode iMOAB_DefineTagStorage ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_String  tag_storage_name,
int *  tag_type,
int *  components_per_entity,
int *  tag_index,
int  tag_storage_name_length 

Define a MOAB Tag corresponding to the application depending on requested types.

In MOAB, for most solution vectors, we only need to create a "Dense", "Double" Tag. A sparse tag can be created too. If the tag is already existing in the file, it will not be created. If it is a new tag, memory will be allocated when setting the values. Default values are 0 for for integer tags, 0.0 for double tags, 0 for entity handle tags.

Operations: Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]tag_storage_name(iMOAB_String) The tag name to store/retrieve the data in MOAB
[in]tag_type(int*) The type of MOAB tag (Dense/Sparse, Double/Int/EntityHandle), enum MOAB_TAG_TYPE
[in]components_per_entity(int*) The total size of vector dimension per entity for the tag (e.g., number of doubles per entity)
[out]tag_index(int*) The tag index which can be used as identifier in synchronize methods
[in]tag_storage_name_length(int) The length of the tag_storage_name string

De-Register application: delete mesh (set) associated with the application ID.

The associated communicator will be released, and all associated mesh entities and sets will be deleted from the mesh data structure. Associated tag storage data will be freed too.

Operations: Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID

Finalize the iMOAB interface implementation.

It will delete the internally reference counted MOAB instance, if the reference count reaches 0.

Operations: Collective

ErrCode iMOAB_GetBlockElementConnectivities ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_GlobalID global_block_ID,
int *  connectivity_length,
int *  element_connectivity 

Get the connectivities for elements within a certain block.

input is the block ID. Should we change to visible block local index?

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]global_block_ID(iMOAB_GlobalID*) The global block ID of the set being queried
[in]connectivity_length(int*) The allocated size of array (typical size := vertices_per_element*num_elements_in_block)
[out]element_connectivity(int*) The connectivity array to store element ordering in MOAB canonical numbering scheme (array allocated by client); array contains vertex indices in the local numbering order for vertices elements are in the same order as provided by GetElementOwnership and GetElementID
ErrCode iMOAB_GetBlockID ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
int *  block_length,
iMOAB_GlobalID global_block_IDs 

Get the global block IDs for all locally visible (owned and shared/ghosted) blocks.

Block IDs are corresponding to MATERIAL_SET tags for material sets. Usually the block ID is exported from Cubit as a unique integer value. First blocks are local, and next blocks are fully ghosted. First blocks have at least one owned cell/element, ghost blocks have only ghost cells. Internally, a block corresponds to a mesh set with a MATERIAL_SET tag value equal to the block ID.

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]block_length(int*) The allocated size of array (typical size := num_visible_blocks)
[out]global_block_IDs(iMOAB_GlobalID*) The global IDs for all locally visible blocks (array allocated by client)
ErrCode iMOAB_GetBlockInfo ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_GlobalID global_block_ID,
int *  vertices_per_element,
int *  num_elements_in_block 

Get the global block information and number of visible elements of belonging to a block (MATERIAL SET).

A block has to be homogeneous, it can contain elements of a single type

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]global_block_ID(iMOAB_GlobalID) The global block ID of the set to be queried
[out]vertices_per_element(int*) The number of vertices per element
[out]num_elements_in_block(int*) The number of elements in block
ErrCode iMOAB_GetDoubleTagStorage ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_String  tag_storage_name,
int *  num_tag_storage_length,
int *  entity_type,
double *  tag_storage_data,
int  tag_storage_name_length 

Retrieve the specified values in a MOAB double Tag.

Operations: Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]tag_storage_name(iMOAB_String) The tag name to store/retreive the data in MOAB
[in]num_tag_storage_length(int) The size of tag storage data (e.g., num_visible_vertices*components_per_entity or num_visible_elements*components_per_entity)
[in]entity_type(int*) type 0 for vertices, 1 for primary elements
[out]tag_storage_data(double*) The array data of type double to be copied from the internal tag memory; The data is assumed to be contiguous over the local set of visible entities (either vertices or elements)
[in]tag_storage_name_length(int) The length of the tag_storage_name string
ErrCode iMOAB_GetElementConnectivity ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_LocalID elem_index,
int *  connectivity_length,
int *  element_connectivity 

Get the connectivity for one element only.

it was added for convenience, it should not be needed.

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID.
[in]elem_index(iMOAB_LocalID *) Local element index.
[in,out]connectivity_length(int *) On input, maximum length of connectivity. On output, actual length.
[out]element_connectivity(int*) The connectivity array to store connectivity in MOAB canonical numbering scheme. Array contains vertex indices in the local numbering order for vertices
ErrCode iMOAB_GetElementID ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_GlobalID global_block_ID,
int *  num_elements_in_block,
iMOAB_GlobalID global_element_ID,
iMOAB_LocalID local_element_ID 

Get the global IDs for all locally visible elements belonging to a particular block.

The method will return also the local index of each element, in the local range that contains all visible elements

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]global_block_ID(iMOAB_GlobalID*) The global block ID of the set being queried
[in]num_elements_in_block(int*) The allocated size of global element ID array, same as num_elements_in_block returned from GetBlockInfo()
[out]global_element_ID(iMOAB_GlobalID*) The global IDs for all locally visible elements (array allocated by client)
[out]local_element_ID(iMOAB_LocalID*) (Optional) The local IDs for all locally visible elements (index in the range of all primary elements in the rank)
ErrCode iMOAB_GetElementOwnership ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_GlobalID global_block_ID,
int *  num_elements_in_block,
int *  element_ownership 

Get the element ownership within a certain block i.e., processor ID of the element owner.

: Should we use local block index for input, instead of the global block ID ?

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]global_block_ID(iMOAB_GlobalID) The global block ID of the set being queried
[in]num_elements_in_block(int*) The allocated size of ownership array, same as num_elements_in_block returned from GetBlockInfo()
[out]element_ownership(int*) The ownership array to store processor ID for all elements (array allocated by client)
ErrCode iMOAB_GetIntTagStorage ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_String  tag_storage_name,
int *  num_tag_storage_length,
int *  entity_type,
int *  tag_storage_data,
int  tag_storage_name_length 

Get the specified values in a MOAB integer Tag.

Operations: Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]tag_storage_name(iMOAB_String) The tag name to store/retreive the data in MOAB
[in]num_tag_storage_length(int*) The size of tag storage data (e.g., num_visible_vertices*components_per_entity or num_visible_elements*components_per_entity)
[in]entity_type(int*) type 0 for vertices, 1 for primary elements
[out]tag_storage_data(int*) The array data of type int to be copied from the internal tag memory; The data is assumed to be contiguous over the local set of visible entities (either vertices or elements)
[in]tag_storage_name_length(iMOAB_String) The length of the tag_storage_name string
ErrCode iMOAB_GetMeshInfo ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
int *  num_visible_vertices,
int *  num_visible_elements,
int *  num_visible_blocks,
int *  num_visible_surfaceBC,
int *  num_visible_vertexBC 

Obtain local mesh information based on the loaded file.

Number of visible vertices and cells include ghost entities. All arrays returned have size 3. Local entities are first, then ghost entities are next. Shared vertices can be owned in MOAB sense by different tasks. Ghost vertices and cells are always owned by other tasks.

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[out]num_visible_vertices(int*) The number of vertices in the current partition/process arranged as: owned/shared only, ghosted, total_visible (array allocated by client, size := 3)
[out]num_visible_elements(int*) The number of elements in current partition/process arranged as: owned only, ghosted/shared, total_visible (array allocated by client, size := 3)
[out]num_visible_blocks(int*) The number of material sets in local mesh in current partition/process arranged as: owned only, ghosted/shared, total_visible (array allocated by client, size := 3)
[out]num_visible_surfaceBC(int*) The number of mesh surfaces that have a NEUMANN_SET BC defined in local mesh in current partition/process arranged as: owned only, ghosted/shared, total_visible (array allocated by client, size := 3)
[out]num_visible_vertexBC(int*) The number of vertices that have a DIRICHLET_SET BC defined in local mesh in current partition/process arranged as: owned only, ghosted/shared, total_visible (array allocated by client, size := 3)
ErrCode iMOAB_GetNeighborElements ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_LocalID local_index,
int *  num_adjacent_elements,
iMOAB_LocalID adjacent_element_IDs 

retrieve the adjacencies for the element entities.

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]local_index(iMOAB_LocalID*) The local element ID for which adjacency information is needed
[out]num_adjacent_elements(int*) The total number of adjacent elements
[out]adjacent_element_IDs(iMOAB_LocalID*) The local element IDs of all adjacent elements to the current one (typically, num_total_sides for internal elements or num_total_sides-num_sides_on_boundary for boundary elements)
ErrCode iMOAB_GetNeighborVertices ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_LocalID local_vertex_ID,
int *  num_adjacent_vertices,
iMOAB_LocalID adjacent_vertex_IDs 

Get the adjacencies for the vertex entities. (not implemented yet)

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]local_vertex_ID(iMOAB_LocalID*) The local vertex ID for which adjacency information is needed
[out]num_adjacent_vertices(int*) The total number of adjacent vertices
[out]adjacent_vertex_IDs(iMOAB_LocalID*) The local element IDs of all adjacent vertices to the current one (typically, num_total_sides for internal elements or num_total_sides-num_sides_on_boundary for boundary elements)
ErrCode iMOAB_GetPointerToSurfaceBC ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
int *  surface_BC_length,
iMOAB_LocalID local_element_ID,
int *  reference_surface_ID,
int *  boundary_condition_value 

Get the surface boundary condition information.

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]surface_BC_length(int*) The allocated size of surface boundary condition array, same as num_visible_surfaceBC returned by GetMeshInfo()
[out]local_element_ID(iMOAB_LocalID*) The local element IDs that contains the side with the surface BC
[out]reference_surface_ID(int*) The surface number with the BC in the canonical reference element (e.g., 1 to 6 for HEX, 1-4 for TET)
[out]boundary_condition_value(int*) The boundary condition type as obtained from the mesh description (value of the NeumannSet defined on the element)
ErrCode iMOAB_GetPointerToVertexBC ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
int *  vertex_BC_length,
iMOAB_LocalID local_vertex_ID,
int *  boundary_condition_value 

Get the vertex boundary condition information.

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]vertex_BC_length(int) The allocated size of vertex boundary condition array, same as num_visible_vertexBC returned by GetMeshInfo()
[out]local_vertex_ID(iMOAB_LocalID*) The local vertex ID that has Dirichlet BC defined
[out]boundary_condition_value(int*) The boundary condition type as obtained from the mesh description (value of the Dirichlet_Set tag defined on the vertex)
ErrCode iMOAB_GetVertexID ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
int *  vertices_length,
iMOAB_GlobalID global_vertex_ID 

Get the global vertex IDs for all locally visible (owned and shared/ghosted) vertices.

The array should be allocated by the client, sized with the total number of visible vertices from iMOAB_GetMeshInfo method.

Operations: Not collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]vertices_length(int*) The allocated size of array (typical size := num_visible_vertices)
[out]global_vertex_ID(iMOAB_GlobalID*) The global IDs for all locally visible vertices (array allocated by client)
ErrCode iMOAB_GetVertexOwnership ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
int *  vertices_length,
int *  visible_global_rank_ID 

Get vertex ownership information.

For each vertex based on the local ID, return the process that owns the vertex (local, shared or ghost)

Shared vertices could be owned by different tasks. Local and shared vertices are first, ghost vertices are next in the array. Ghost vertices are always owned by a different process ID. Array allocated by the client with total size of visible vertices.

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]vertices_length(int*) The allocated size of array (typically size := num_visible_vertices)
[out]visible_global_rank_ID(int*) The processor rank owning each of the local vertices
ErrCode iMOAB_GetVisibleElementsInfo ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
int *  num_visible_elements,
iMOAB_GlobalID element_global_IDs,
int *  ranks,
iMOAB_GlobalID block_IDs 

Get the visible elements information.

Return for all visible elements the global IDs, ranks they belong to, block ids they belong to.

: should we return also the index for each block?

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]num_visible_elements(int*) The number of visible elements (returned by GetMeshInfo)
[out]element_global_IDs(iMOAB_GlobalID*) element global ids
[out]ranks(int*) The owning ranks of elements
[out]block_IDs(iMOAB_GlobalID*) The block ids the elements belong to
ErrCode iMOAB_GetVisibleVerticesCoordinates ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
int *  coords_length,
double *  coordinates 

Get vertex coordinates for all local (owned and ghosted) vertices.

coordinates are returned in an array allocated by client, interleaved. (do need an option for blocked coordinates ?) size of the array is dimension times number of visible vertices. The local ordering is implicit, owned/shared vertices are first, then ghosts.

Operations: Not Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]coords_length(int*) The size of the allocated coordinate array (array allocated by client, size := 3*num_visible_vertices)
[out]coordinates(double*) The pointer to client allocated memory that will be filled with interleaved coordinates
ErrCode iMOAB_Initialize ( int  argc,
iMOAB_String argv 

Initialize the iMOAB interface implementation.

Will create the MOAB instance, if not created already (reference counted).

Operations: Collective

[in]argc(int) Number of command line arguments
[in]argv(iMOAB_String*) Command line arguments

Initialize the iMOAB interface implementation from Fortran driver.

It will create the MOAB instance, if not created already (reference counted).

Operations: Collective

ErrCode iMOAB_LoadMesh ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_String  filename,
iMOAB_String  read_options,
int *  num_ghost_layers,
int  filename_length,
int  read_options_length 

Load a MOAB mesh file in parallel and exchange ghost layers as requested.

All communication is MPI-based, and read options include parallel loading information, resolving shared entities. Local MOAB instance is populated with mesh cells and vertices in the corresponding local partitions.

This will also exchange ghost cells and vertices, as requested. The default bridge dimension is 0 (vertices), and all additional lower dimensional sub-entities are exchanged (mesh edges and faces). The tags in the file are not exchanged by default. Default tag information for GLOBAL_ID, MATERIAL_SET, NEUMANN_SET and DIRICHLET_SET is exchanged. Global ID tag is exchanged for all cells and vertices. Material sets, Neumann sets and Dirichlet sets are all augmented with the ghost entities.

Operations: Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]filename(iMOAB_String) The MOAB mesh file (H5M) to load onto the internal application mesh set
[in]read_options(iMOAB_String) Additional options for reading the MOAB mesh file in parallel
[in]num_ghost_layers(int*) The total number of ghost layers to exchange during mesh loading
[in]filename_length(int) Length of the filename string
[in]read_options_length(int) Length of the read options string
ErrCode iMOAB_ReadHeaderInfo ( iMOAB_String  filename,
int *  num_global_vertices,
int *  num_global_elements,
int *  num_dimension,
int *  num_parts,
int  filename_length 

Get global information from the file.

It should be called on master task only, and information obtained could be broadcasted by the user. It is a fast lookup in the header of the file.

Operations: Not collective

[in]filename(iMOAB_String) The MOAB mesh file (H5M) to probe for header information
[out]num_global_vertices(int*) The total number of vertices in the mesh file
[out]num_global_elements(int*) The total number of elements (of highest dimension only)
[out]num_dimension(int*) The highest dimension of elements in the mesh (Edge=1, Tri/Quad=2, Tet/Hex/Prism/Pyramid=3)
[out]num_parts(int*) The total number of partitions available in the mesh file, typically partitioned with mbpart during pre-processing
[in]filename_length(int) Length of the file name string
ErrCode iMOAB_RegisterApplication ( iMOAB_String  app_name,
MPI_Comm *  comm,
iMOAB_AppID  pid 

Register application - Create a unique application ID and bootstrap interfaces for further queries.

Internally, a mesh set will be associated with the application ID and all subsequent queries on the MOAB instance will be directed to this mesh/file set.

Operations: Collective

[in]app_name(iMOAB_String) Application name (PROTEUS, NEK5000, etc)
[in]comm(MPI_Comm*) MPI communicator to be used for all mesh-related queries originating from this application
[out]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
ErrCode iMOAB_RegisterFortranApplication ( iMOAB_String  app_name,
int *  comm,
iMOAB_AppID  pid,
int  app_name_length 

Register a Fortran-based application - Create a unique application ID and bootstrap interfaces for further queries.

Internally, the comm object, usually a 32 bit integer in Fortran, will be converted using MPI_Comm_f2c and stored as MPI_Comm. A mesh set will be associated with the application ID and all subsequent queries on the MOAB instance will be directed to this mesh/file set.

Operations: Collective

[in]app_name(iMOAB_String) Application name (PROTEUS, NEK5000, etc)
[in]comm(int*) Fortran MPI communicator to be used for all mesh-related queries originating from this application
[out]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]app_name_length(int) Length of application name string.
ErrCode iMOAB_SetDoubleTagStorage ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_String  tag_storage_name,
int *  num_tag_storage_length,
int *  entity_type,
double *  tag_storage_data,
int  tag_storage_name_length 

Store the specified values in a MOAB double Tag.

Operations: Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]tag_storage_name(iMOAB_String) The tag name to store/retreive the data in MOAB
[in]num_tag_storage_length(int*) The size of tag storage data (e.g., num_visible_vertices*components_per_entity or num_visible_elements*components_per_entity)
[in]entity_type(int*) type 0 for vertices, 1 for primary elements
[out]tag_storage_data(double*) The array data of type double to replace the internal tag memory; The data is assumed to be contiguous over the local set of visible entities (either vertices or elements)
[in]tag_storage_name_length(iMOAB_String) The length of the tag_storage_name string
ErrCode iMOAB_SetIntTagStorage ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_String  tag_storage_name,
int *  num_tag_storage_length,
int *  entity_type,
int *  tag_storage_data,
int  tag_storage_name_length 

Store the specified values in a MOAB integer Tag.

Values are set on vertices or elements, depending on entity_type

we could change the api to accept as input the tag index, as returned by iMOAB_DefineTagStorage.

Operations: Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]tag_storage_name(iMOAB_String) The tag name to store/retreive the data in MOAB
[in]num_tag_storage_length(int*) The size of tag storage data (e.g., num_visible_vertices*components_per_entity or num_visible_elements*components_per_entity)
[in]entity_type(int*) type 0 for vertices, 1 for primary elements
[out]tag_storage_data(int*) The array data of type int to replace the internal tag memory; The data is assumed to be contiguous over the local set of visible entities (either vertices or elements)
[in]tag_storage_name_length(iMOAB_String) The length of the tag_storage_name string
ErrCode iMOAB_SynchronizeTags ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
int *  num_tags,
int *  tag_indices,
int *  ent_type 

Exchange tag values for given tags.

Operations: Collective

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]num_tags(int*) Number of tags to exchange
[in]tag_indices(int*) Array with tag indices of interest (size = *num_tags)
[in]ent_type(int*) type of entity for tag exchange
ErrCode iMOAB_WriteMesh ( iMOAB_AppID  pid,
iMOAB_String  filename,
iMOAB_String  write_options,
int  filename_length,
int  write_options_length 

Write a MOAB mesh along with the solution tags to a file.

The interface will write one single file (H5M) and for serial files (VTK/Exodus), it will write one file per task. Write options include parallel write options, if needed. Only the mesh set and solution data associated to the application will be written to the file.

Operations: Collective for parallel write, non collective for serial write.

[in]pid(iMOAB_AppID) The unique pointer to the application ID
[in]filename(iMOAB_String) The MOAB mesh file (H5M) to write all the entities contained in the internal application mesh set
[in]write_options(iMOAB_String) Additional options for writing the MOAB mesh in parallel
[in]filename_length(int) Length of the filename string
[in]write_options_length(int) Length of the write options string
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