Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
Array-based unstructured mesh datastructure
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Usage: MOAB-Tempest tool
00003  *
00004  * Generate a Cubed-Sphere mesh: ./mbtempest -t 0 -res 25 -f cubed_sphere_mesh.exo
00005  * Generate a RLL mesh: ./mbtempest -t 1 -res 25 -f rll_mesh.exo
00006  * Generate a Icosahedral-Sphere mesh: ./mbtempest -t 2 -res 25 <-dual> -f icosa_mesh.exo
00007  *
00008  * Now you can compute the intersections between the meshes too!
00009  *
00010  * Generate the overlap mesh: ./mbtempest -t 3 -l cubed_sphere_mesh.exo -l rll_mesh.exo -f
00011  * overlap_mesh.exo
00012  *
00013  */
00015 #include <iostream>
00016 #include <iomanip>
00017 #include <cstdlib>
00018 #include <vector>
00019 #include <string>
00020 #include <sstream>
00021 #include <cassert>
00023 #include "moab/Core.hpp"
00024 #include "moab/IntxMesh/IntxUtils.hpp"
00025 #include "moab/Remapping/TempestRemapper.hpp"
00026 #include "moab/Remapping/TempestOnlineMap.hpp"
00027 #include "moab/ProgOptions.hpp"
00028 #include "moab/CpuTimer.hpp"
00029 #include "DebugOutput.hpp"
00031 //#ifndef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00032 //    #error mbtempest tool requires MPI configuration
00033 //#endif
00035 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00036 // MPI includes
00037 #include "moab_mpi.h"
00038 #include "moab/ParallelComm.hpp"
00039 #include "MBParallelConventions.h"
00040 #endif
00042 struct ToolContext
00043 {
00044     moab::Interface* mbcore;
00045 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00046     moab::ParallelComm* pcomm;
00047 #endif
00048     const int proc_id, n_procs;
00049     moab::DebugOutput outputFormatter;
00050     int blockSize;
00051     std::vector< std::string > inFilenames;
00052     std::vector< Mesh* > meshes;
00053     std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > meshsets;
00054     std::vector< int > disc_orders;
00055     std::vector< std::string > disc_methods;
00056     std::vector< std::string > doftag_names;
00057     std::string fvMethod;
00058     std::string outFilename;
00059     std::string intxFilename;
00060     std::string baselineFile;
00061     moab::TempestRemapper::TempestMeshType meshType;
00062     bool computeDual;
00063     bool computeWeights;
00064     bool verifyWeights;
00065     bool enforceConvexity;
00066     int ensureMonotonicity;
00067     bool rrmGrids;
00068     bool kdtreeSearch;
00069     bool fCheck;
00070     bool fVolumetric;
00071     int dumpTask;
00072     GenerateOfflineMapAlgorithmOptions mapOptions;
00074 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00075     ToolContext( moab::Interface* icore, moab::ParallelComm* p_pcomm )
00076         : mbcore( icore ), pcomm( p_pcomm ), proc_id( pcomm->rank() ), n_procs( pcomm->size() ),
00077           outputFormatter( std::cout, pcomm->rank(), 0 ),
00078 #else
00079     ToolContext( moab::Interface* icore )
00080         : mbcore( icore ), proc_id( 0 ), n_procs( 1 ), outputFormatter( std::cout, 0, 0 ),
00081 #endif
00082           blockSize( 5 ), fvMethod("none"), outFilename( "" ), intxFilename( "intxFile.h5m" ), baselineFile( "" ),
00083           meshType( moab::TempestRemapper::DEFAULT ), computeDual( false ), computeWeights( false ),
00084           verifyWeights( false ), enforceConvexity( false ), ensureMonotonicity( 0 ), rrmGrids( false ),
00085           kdtreeSearch( true ), fCheck( n_procs > 1 ? false : true ), fVolumetric( false ), dumpTask(-1)
00086     {
00087         inFilenames.resize( 2 );
00088         doftag_names.resize( 2 );
00089         timer = new moab::CpuTimer();
00091         outputFormatter.set_prefix( "[MBTempest]: " );
00092     }
00094     ~ToolContext()
00095     {
00096         // for (unsigned i=0; i < meshes.size(); ++i) delete meshes[i];
00097         meshes.clear();
00098         inFilenames.clear();
00099         disc_orders.clear();
00100         disc_methods.clear();
00101         doftag_names.clear();
00102         outFilename.clear();
00103         intxFilename.clear();
00104         baselineFile.clear();
00105         meshsets.clear();
00106         delete timer;
00107     }
00109     void timer_push( std::string operation )
00110     {
00111         timer_ops = timer->time_since_birth();
00112         opName    = operation;
00113     }
00115     void timer_pop()
00116     {
00117         double locElapsed = timer->time_since_birth() - timer_ops, avgElapsed = 0, maxElapsed = 0;
00118 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00119         MPI_Reduce( &locElapsed, &maxElapsed, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, pcomm->comm() );
00120         MPI_Reduce( &locElapsed, &avgElapsed, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, pcomm->comm() );
00121 #else
00122         maxElapsed = locElapsed;
00123         avgElapsed = locElapsed;
00124 #endif
00125         if( !proc_id )
00126         {
00127             avgElapsed /= n_procs;
00128             std::cout << "[LOG] Time taken to " << opName.c_str() << ": max = " << maxElapsed
00129                       << ", avg = " << avgElapsed << "\n";
00130         }
00131         // std::cout << "\n[LOG" << proc_id << "] Time taken to " << opName << " = " <<
00132         // timer->time_since_birth() - timer_ops << std::endl;
00133         opName.clear();
00134     }
00136     void ParseCLOptions( int argc, char* argv[] )
00137     {
00138         ProgOptions opts;
00139         int imeshType                  = 0;
00140         std::string expectedFName      = "output.exo";
00141         std::string expectedMethod     = "fv";
00142         std::string expectedFVMethod   = "none";
00143         std::string expectedDofTagName = "GLOBAL_ID";
00144         int expectedOrder              = 1;
00146         if( !proc_id )
00147         {
00148             std::cout << "Command line options provided to mbtempest:\n  ";
00149             for( int iarg = 0; iarg < argc; ++iarg )
00150                 std::cout << argv[iarg] << " ";
00151             std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
00152         }
00154         opts.addOpt< int >( "type,t",
00155                             "Type of mesh (default=CS; Choose from [CS=0, RLL=1, ICO=2, OVERLAP_FILES=3, "
00156                             "OVERLAP_MEMORY=4, OVERLAP_MOAB=5])",
00157                             &imeshType );
00159         opts.addOpt< int >( "res,r", "Resolution of the mesh (default=5)", &blockSize );
00161         opts.addOpt< void >( "dual,d", "Output the dual of the mesh (relevant only for ICO mesh type)", &computeDual );
00163         opts.addOpt< std::string >( "file,f", "Output computed mesh or remapping weights to specified filename",
00164                                     &outFilename );
00165         opts.addOpt< std::string >(
00166             "load,l", "Input mesh filenames for source and target meshes. (relevant only when computing weights)",
00167             &expectedFName );
00169         opts.addOpt< void >( "advfront,a",
00170                              "Use the advancing front intersection instead of the Kd-tree based algorithm "
00171                              "to compute mesh intersections. (relevant only when computing weights)" );
00173         opts.addOpt< std::string >( "intx,i", "Output TempestRemap intersection mesh filename", &intxFilename );
00175         opts.addOpt< void >( "weights,w",
00176                              "Compute and output the weights using the overlap mesh (generally "
00177                              "relevant only for OVERLAP mesh)",
00178                              &computeWeights );
00180         opts.addOpt< std::string >( "method,m", "Discretization method for the source and target solution fields",
00181                                     &expectedMethod );
00183         opts.addOpt< int >( "order,o", "Discretization orders for the source and target solution fields",
00184                             &expectedOrder );
00186         opts.addOpt< std::string >( "global_id,g",
00187                                     "Tag name that contains the global DoF IDs for source and target solution fields",
00188                                     &expectedDofTagName );
00190         opts.addOpt< void >( "noconserve",
00191                              "Do not apply conservation to the resultant weights (relevant only "
00192                              "when computing weights)",
00193                              &mapOptions.fNoConservation );
00195         opts.addOpt< void >( "volumetric",
00196                              "Apply a volumetric projection to compute the weights (relevant only "
00197                              "when computing weights)",
00198                              &fVolumetric );
00200         opts.addOpt< int >( "monotonicity", "Ensure monotonicity in the weight generation. Options=[0,1,2,3]",
00201                             &ensureMonotonicity );
00203         opts.addOpt< std::string >( "fvmethod",
00204                                     "Sub-type method for FV-FV projections (invdist, delaunay, bilin, "
00205                                     "intbilin, intbilingb, none. Default: none)",
00206                                     &expectedFVMethod );
00208         opts.addOpt< void >( "enforce_convexity", "check convexity of input meshes to compute mesh intersections",
00209                              &enforceConvexity );
00211         opts.addOpt< void >( "nobubble", "do not use bubble on interior of spectral element nodes",
00212                              &mapOptions.fNoBubble );
00214         opts.addOpt< int > ("export,x", "export files for task ", &dumpTask); // debugging option
00216         opts.addOpt< void >( "sparseconstraints", "do not use bubble on interior of spectral element nodes",
00217                              &mapOptions.fSparseConstraints );
00219         opts.addOpt< void >( "rrmgrids",
00220                              "At least one of the meshes is a regionally refined grid (relevant to "
00221                              "accelerate intersection computation)",
00222                              &rrmGrids );
00224         opts.addOpt< void >( "checkmap", "Check the generated map for conservation and consistency", &fCheck );
00226         opts.addOpt< void >( "verify",
00227                              "Verify the accuracy of the maps by projecting analytical functions "
00228                              "from source to target "
00229                              "grid by applying the maps",
00230                              &verifyWeights );
00232         opts.addOpt< std::string >( "baseline", "Output baseline file", &baselineFile );
00234         opts.parseCommandLine( argc, argv );
00236         // By default - use Kd-tree based search; if user asks for advancing front, disable Kd-tree
00237         // algorithm
00238         kdtreeSearch = opts.numOptSet( "advfront,a" ) == 0;
00240         switch( imeshType )
00241         {
00242             case 0:
00243                 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::CS;
00244                 break;
00246             case 1:
00247                 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::RLL;
00248                 break;
00250             case 2:
00251                 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::ICO;
00252                 break;
00254             case 3:
00255                 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_FILES;
00256                 break;
00258             case 4:
00259                 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_MEMORY;
00260                 break;
00262             case 5:
00263                 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_MOAB;
00264                 break;
00266             default:
00267                 meshType = moab::TempestRemapper::DEFAULT;
00268                 break;
00269         }
00271         if( meshType > moab::TempestRemapper::ICO ) // compute overlap mesh and maps possibly
00272         {
00273             opts.getOptAllArgs( "load,l", inFilenames );
00274             opts.getOptAllArgs( "order,o", disc_orders );
00275             opts.getOptAllArgs( "method,m", disc_methods );
00276             opts.getOptAllArgs( "global_id,i", doftag_names );
00278             assert( inFilenames.size() == 2 );
00279             assert( disc_orders.size() == 2 );
00280             assert( disc_methods.size() == 2 );
00281             assert( ensureMonotonicity >= 0 && ensureMonotonicity <= 3 );
00283             // get discretization order parameters
00284             if( disc_orders.size() == 0 ) disc_orders.resize( 2, 1 );
00285             if( disc_orders.size() == 1 ) disc_orders.push_back( 1 );
00287             // get discretization method parameters
00288             if( disc_methods.size() == 0 ) disc_methods.resize( 2, "fv" );
00289             if( disc_methods.size() == 1 ) disc_methods.push_back( "fv" );
00291             // get DoF tagname parameters
00292             if( doftag_names.size() == 0 ) doftag_names.resize( 2, "GLOBAL_ID" );
00293             if( doftag_names.size() == 1 ) doftag_names.push_back( "GLOBAL_ID" );
00295             // for computing maps and overlaps, set discretization orders
00296             mapOptions.nPin           = disc_orders[0];
00297             mapOptions.nPout          = disc_orders[1];
00298             mapOptions.fSourceConcave = false;
00299             mapOptions.fTargetConcave = false;
00301             mapOptions.strMethod = "";
00303             if( expectedFVMethod != "none" )
00304             {
00305                 mapOptions.strMethod += expectedFVMethod + ";";
00306                 // These FV projection methods are non-conservative; specify it explicitly
00307                 mapOptions.fNoConservation = true;
00308             }
00309             switch( ensureMonotonicity )
00310             {
00311                 case 0:
00312                     mapOptions.fMonotone = false;
00313                     break;
00314                 case 3:
00315                     mapOptions.strMethod += "mono3;";
00316                     break;
00317                 case 2:
00318                     mapOptions.strMethod += "mono2;";
00319                     break;
00320                 default:
00321                     mapOptions.fMonotone = true;
00322             }
00323             mapOptions.fNoCorrectAreas = false;
00324             mapOptions.fNoCheck        = !fCheck;
00326             //assert( fVolumetric && fInverseDistanceMap == false );  // both options cannot be active
00327             if( fVolumetric ) mapOptions.strMethod += "volumetric;";
00328         }
00330         // clear temporary string name
00331         expectedFName.clear();
00333         mapOptions.strOutputMapFile = outFilename;
00334         mapOptions.strOutputFormat  = "Netcdf4";
00335     }
00337   private:
00338     moab::CpuTimer* timer;
00339     double timer_ops;
00340     std::string opName;
00341 };
00343 // Forward declare some methods
00344 static moab::ErrorCode CreateTempestMesh( ToolContext&, moab::TempestRemapper& remapper, Mesh* );
00345 inline double sample_slow_harmonic( double dLon, double dLat );
00346 inline double sample_fast_harmonic( double dLon, double dLat );
00347 inline double sample_constant( double dLon, double dLat );
00348 inline double sample_stationary_vortex( double dLon, double dLat );
00350 int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
00351 {
00352     moab::ErrorCode rval;
00353     NcError error( NcError::verbose_nonfatal );
00354     std::stringstream sstr;
00356     int proc_id = 0, nprocs = 1;
00357 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00358     MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
00359     MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &proc_id );
00360     MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs );
00361 #endif
00363     moab::Interface* mbCore = new( std::nothrow ) moab::Core;
00365     if( NULL == mbCore )
00366     {
00367         return 1;
00368     }
00370     ToolContext* runCtx;
00371 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00372     moab::ParallelComm* pcomm = new moab::ParallelComm( mbCore, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0 );
00374     runCtx                   = new ToolContext( mbCore, pcomm );
00375     const char* writeOptions = ( nprocs > 1 ? "PARALLEL=WRITE_PART" : "" );
00376 #else
00377     runCtx                   = new ToolContext( mbCore );
00378     const char* writeOptions = "";
00379 #endif
00380     runCtx->ParseCLOptions( argc, argv );
00382     const double radius_src  = 1.0 /*2.0*acos(-1.0)*/;
00383     const double radius_dest = 1.0 /*2.0*acos(-1.0)*/;
00385     moab::DebugOutput& outputFormatter = runCtx->outputFormatter;
00387 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00388     moab::TempestRemapper remapper( mbCore, pcomm );
00389 #else
00390     moab::TempestRemapper remapper( mbCore );
00391 #endif
00392     remapper.meshValidate     = true;
00393     remapper.constructEdgeMap = false;
00394     remapper.initialize();
00396     // Default area_method = lHuiller; Options: Girard, GaussQuadrature (if TR is available)
00398     moab::IntxAreaUtils areaAdaptor( moab::IntxAreaUtils::GaussQuadrature );
00399 #else
00400     moab::IntxAreaUtils areaAdaptor( moab::IntxAreaUtils::lHuiller );
00401 #endif
00403     Mesh* tempest_mesh = new Mesh();
00404     runCtx->timer_push( "create Tempest mesh" );
00405     rval = CreateTempestMesh( *runCtx, remapper, tempest_mesh );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00406     runCtx->timer_pop();
00408     const double epsrel = ReferenceTolerance;  // ReferenceTolerance is defined in Defines.h in tempestremap;
00409                                                // Defines.h is included in SparseMatrix.h
00410                                                // SparseMatrix.h is included in OfflineMap.h
00411                                                // OfflineMap.h is included in TempestOnlineMap.hpp
00412                                                // TempestOnlineMap.hpp is included in this file, and is part of MOAB
00413     // Some constant parameters
00415     const double boxeps = 1e-6;
00417     if( runCtx->meshType == moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_MEMORY )
00418     {
00419         // Compute intersections with MOAB
00420         // For the overlap method, choose between: "fuzzy", "exact" or "mixed"
00421         assert( runCtx->meshes.size() == 3 );
00423 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00424         rval = pcomm->check_all_shared_handles();MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00425 #endif
00427         // Load the meshes and validate
00428         rval = remapper.ConvertTempestMesh( moab::Remapper::SourceMesh );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00429         rval = remapper.ConvertTempestMesh( moab::Remapper::TargetMesh );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00430         remapper.SetMeshType( moab::Remapper::OverlapMesh, moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_FILES );
00431         rval = remapper.ConvertTempestMesh( moab::Remapper::OverlapMesh );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00432         rval = mbCore->write_mesh( "tempest_intersection.h5m", &runCtx->meshsets[2], 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00434         // print verbosely about the problem setting
00435         {
00436             moab::Range rintxverts, rintxelems;
00437             rval = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( runCtx->meshsets[0], 0, rintxverts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00438             rval = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( runCtx->meshsets[0], 2, rintxelems );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00439             outputFormatter.printf( 0, "The source set contains %lu vertices and %lu elements \n", rintxverts.size(),
00440                                     rintxelems.size() );
00442             moab::Range bintxverts, bintxelems;
00443             rval = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( runCtx->meshsets[1], 0, bintxverts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00444             rval = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( runCtx->meshsets[1], 2, bintxelems );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00445             outputFormatter.printf( 0, "The target set contains %lu vertices and %lu elements \n", bintxverts.size(),
00446                                     bintxelems.size() );
00447         }
00449         moab::EntityHandle intxset;  // == remapper.GetMeshSet(moab::Remapper::OverlapMesh);
00451         // Compute intersections with MOAB
00452         {
00453             // Create the intersection on the sphere object
00454             runCtx->timer_push( "setup the intersector" );
00456             moab::Intx2MeshOnSphere* mbintx = new moab::Intx2MeshOnSphere( mbCore );
00457             mbintx->set_error_tolerance( epsrel );
00458             mbintx->set_box_error( boxeps );
00459             mbintx->set_radius_source_mesh( radius_src );
00460             mbintx->set_radius_destination_mesh( radius_dest );
00461 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00462             mbintx->set_parallel_comm( pcomm );
00463 #endif
00464             rval = mbintx->FindMaxEdges( runCtx->meshsets[0], runCtx->meshsets[1] );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00466 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00467             moab::Range local_verts;
00468             rval = mbintx->build_processor_euler_boxes( runCtx->meshsets[1], local_verts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00470             runCtx->timer_pop();
00472             moab::EntityHandle covering_set;
00473             runCtx->timer_push( "communicate the mesh" );
00474             rval = mbintx->construct_covering_set( runCtx->meshsets[0], covering_set );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );  // lots of communication if mesh is distributed very differently
00475             runCtx->timer_pop();
00476 #else
00477             moab::EntityHandle covering_set = runCtx->meshsets[0];
00478 #endif
00479             // Now let's invoke the MOAB intersection algorithm in parallel with a
00480             // source and target mesh set representing two different decompositions
00481             runCtx->timer_push( "compute intersections with MOAB" );
00482             rval = mbCore->create_meshset( moab::MESHSET_SET, intxset );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't create new set" );
00483             rval = mbintx->intersect_meshes( covering_set, runCtx->meshsets[1], intxset );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't compute the intersection of meshes on the sphere" );
00484             runCtx->timer_pop();
00486             // free the memory
00487             delete mbintx;
00488         }
00490         {
00491             moab::Range intxelems, intxverts;
00492             rval = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( intxset, 2, intxelems );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00493             rval = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( intxset, 0, intxverts, true );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00494             outputFormatter.printf( 0, "The intersection set contains %lu elements and %lu vertices \n",
00495                                     intxelems.size(), intxverts.size() );
00497             double initial_sarea =
00498                 areaAdaptor.area_on_sphere( mbCore, runCtx->meshsets[0],
00499                                             radius_src, proc_id );  // use the target to compute the initial area
00500             double initial_tarea =
00501                 areaAdaptor.area_on_sphere( mbCore, runCtx->meshsets[1],
00502                                             radius_dest, proc_id );  // use the target to compute the initial area
00503             double intx_area = areaAdaptor.area_on_sphere( mbCore, intxset, radius_src, proc_id );
00505             outputFormatter.printf( 0, "mesh areas: source = %12.10f, target = %12.10f, intersection = %12.10f \n",
00506                                     initial_sarea, initial_tarea, intx_area );
00507             outputFormatter.printf( 0, "relative error w.r.t source = %12.10e, target = %12.10e \n",
00508                                     fabs( intx_area - initial_sarea ) / initial_sarea,
00509                                     fabs( intx_area - initial_tarea ) / initial_tarea );
00510         }
00512         // Write out our computed intersection file
00513         rval = mbCore->write_mesh( "moab_intersection.h5m", &intxset, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00515         if( runCtx->computeWeights )
00516         {
00517             runCtx->timer_push( "compute weights with the Tempest meshes" );
00518             // Call to generate an offline map with the tempest meshes
00519             OfflineMap weightMap;
00520             int err = GenerateOfflineMapWithMeshes( *runCtx->meshes[0], *runCtx->meshes[1], *runCtx->meshes[2],
00521                                                     runCtx->disc_methods[0],  // std::string strInputType
00522                                                     runCtx->disc_methods[1],  // std::string strOutputType,
00523                                                     runCtx->mapOptions, weightMap );
00524             runCtx->timer_pop();
00526             std::map< std::string, std::string > mapAttributes;
00527             if( err )
00528             {
00529                 rval = moab::MB_FAILURE;
00530             }
00531             else
00532             {
00533                 weightMap.Write( "", mapAttributes );
00534             }
00535         }
00536     }
00537     else if( runCtx->meshType == moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_MOAB )
00538     {
00539         // Usage: mpiexec -n 2 tools/mbtempest -t 5 -l mycs_2.h5m -l myico_2.h5m -f myoverlap_2.h5m
00540 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00541         rval = pcomm->check_all_shared_handles();MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00542 #endif
00543         // print verbosely about the problem setting
00544         {
00545             moab::Range srcverts, srcelems;
00546             rval = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( runCtx->meshsets[0], 0, srcverts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00547             rval = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( runCtx->meshsets[0], 2, srcelems );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00548             rval = moab::IntxUtils::fix_degenerate_quads( mbCore, runCtx->meshsets[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00549             rval = areaAdaptor.positive_orientation( mbCore, runCtx->meshsets[0], radius_src, proc_id );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00550             if( runCtx->enforceConvexity )
00551             {
00552                 rval = moab::IntxUtils::enforce_convexity( mbCore, runCtx->meshsets[0], proc_id );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00553             }
00554             if( !proc_id )
00555                 outputFormatter.printf( 0, "The source set contains %lu vertices and %lu elements \n",
00556                                         srcverts.size(), srcelems.size() );
00558             moab::Range tgtverts, tgtelems;
00559             rval = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( runCtx->meshsets[1], 0, tgtverts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00560             rval = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( runCtx->meshsets[1], 2, tgtelems );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00561             rval = moab::IntxUtils::fix_degenerate_quads( mbCore, runCtx->meshsets[1] );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00562             rval = areaAdaptor.positive_orientation( mbCore, runCtx->meshsets[1], radius_dest, proc_id );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00563             if( runCtx->enforceConvexity )
00564             {
00565                 rval = moab::IntxUtils::enforce_convexity( mbCore, runCtx->meshsets[1], proc_id );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00566             }
00568             if( !proc_id )
00569                 outputFormatter.printf( 0, "The target set contains %lu vertices and %lu elements \n",
00570                                         tgtverts.size(), tgtelems.size() );
00571         }
00573         // First compute the covering set such that the target elements are fully covered by the
00574         // lcoal source grid
00575         runCtx->timer_push( "construct covering set for intersection" );
00576         rval = remapper.ConstructCoveringSet( epsrel, 1.0, 1.0, boxeps, runCtx->rrmGrids );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00577         runCtx->timer_pop();
00578         if (runCtx->dumpTask == proc_id)
00579         {
00580             moab::EntityHandle covSet = remapper.GetMeshSet( moab::Remapper::CoveringMesh );
00581             sstr.str( "" );
00582             sstr << "InitialCoverage_" << proc_id << ".h5m";
00583             rval = mbCore->write_file( sstr.str().c_str(), NULL, NULL, &covSet, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00584         }
00585         // Compute intersections with MOAB with either the Kd-tree or the advancing front algorithm
00586         runCtx->timer_push( "setup and compute mesh intersections" );
00587         rval = remapper.ComputeOverlapMesh( runCtx->kdtreeSearch, false );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00588         runCtx->timer_pop();
00590         if (runCtx->dumpTask == proc_id)
00591         {
00592             moab::EntityHandle tgtSet = remapper.GetMeshSet( moab::Remapper::TargetMesh );
00593             moab::EntityHandle covSet = remapper.GetMeshSet( moab::Remapper::CoveringMesh );
00594             moab::EntityHandle intxSet = remapper.GetMeshSet( moab::Remapper::OverlapMesh );
00595             sstr.str( "" );
00596             sstr << "Target_" << proc_id << ".h5m";
00597             rval = mbCore->write_file( sstr.str().c_str(), NULL, NULL, &tgtSet, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00598             sstr.str( "" );
00599             sstr << "Coverage_" << proc_id << ".h5m";
00600             rval = mbCore->write_file( sstr.str().c_str(), NULL, NULL, &covSet, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00601             sstr.str( "" );
00602             sstr << "Intersect_" << proc_id << ".h5m";
00603             rval = mbCore->write_file( sstr.str().c_str(), NULL, NULL, &intxSet, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00604         }
00605         // print some diagnostic checks to see if the overlap grid resolved the input meshes
00606         // correctly
00607         {
00608             double local_areas[3],
00609                 global_areas[3];  // Array for Initial area, and through Method 1 and Method 2
00610             // local_areas[0] = area_on_sphere_lHuiller ( mbCore, runCtx->meshsets[1], radius_src );
00611             local_areas[0] = areaAdaptor.area_on_sphere( mbCore, runCtx->meshsets[0], radius_src, proc_id );
00612             local_areas[1] = areaAdaptor.area_on_sphere( mbCore, runCtx->meshsets[1], radius_dest, proc_id );
00613             local_areas[2] = areaAdaptor.area_on_sphere( mbCore, runCtx->meshsets[2], radius_src, proc_id );
00615 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00616             MPI_Allreduce( &local_areas[0], &global_areas[0], 3, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
00617 #else
00618             global_areas[0]                 = local_areas[0];
00619             global_areas[1]                 = local_areas[1];
00620             global_areas[2]                 = local_areas[2];
00621 #endif
00622             if( !proc_id )
00623             {
00624                 outputFormatter.printf( 0,
00625                                         "initial area: source mesh = %12.14f, target mesh = "
00626                                         "%12.14f, overlap mesh = %12.14f\n",
00627                                         global_areas[0], global_areas[1], global_areas[2] );
00628                 // outputFormatter.printf ( 0, " area with l'Huiller: %12.14f with Girard:
00629                 // %12.14f\n", global_areas[2], global_areas[3] ); outputFormatter.printf ( 0, "
00630                 // relative difference areas = %12.10e\n", fabs ( global_areas[2] - global_areas[3]
00631                 // ) / global_areas[2] );
00632                 outputFormatter.printf( 0, "relative error w.r.t source = %12.14e, and target = %12.14e\n",
00633                                         fabs( global_areas[0] - global_areas[2] ) / global_areas[0],
00634                                         fabs( global_areas[1] - global_areas[2] ) / global_areas[1] );
00635             }
00636         }
00638         if( runCtx->intxFilename.size() )
00639         {
00640             moab::EntityHandle writableOverlapSet;
00641             rval = mbCore->create_meshset( moab::MESHSET_SET, writableOverlapSet );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't create new set" );
00642             moab::EntityHandle meshOverlapSet = remapper.GetMeshSet( moab::Remapper::OverlapMesh );
00643             moab::Range ovEnts;
00644             rval = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( meshOverlapSet, 2, ovEnts );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't create new set" );
00645             rval = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( meshOverlapSet, 0, ovEnts );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't create new set" );
00647 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00648             // Do not remove ghosted entities if we still haven't computed weights
00649             // Remove ghosted entities from overlap set before writing the new mesh set to file
00650             if( nprocs > 1 )
00651             {
00652                 moab::Range ghostedEnts;
00653                 rval = remapper.GetOverlapAugmentedEntities( ghostedEnts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00654                 ovEnts = moab::subtract( ovEnts, ghostedEnts );
00655             }
00656 #endif
00657             rval = mbCore->add_entities( writableOverlapSet, ovEnts );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Deleting ghosted entities failed" );
00659             size_t lastindex = runCtx->intxFilename.find_last_of( "." );
00660             sstr.str( "" );
00661             sstr << runCtx->intxFilename.substr( 0, lastindex ) << ".h5m";
00662             if( !runCtx->proc_id )
00663                 std::cout << "Writing out the MOAB intersection mesh file to " << sstr.str() << std::endl;
00665             // Write out our computed intersection file
00666             rval = mbCore->write_file( sstr.str().c_str(), NULL, writeOptions, &writableOverlapSet, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00667         }
00669         if( runCtx->computeWeights )
00670         {
00671             runCtx->meshes[2] = remapper.GetMesh( moab::Remapper::OverlapMesh );
00672             if( !runCtx->proc_id ) std::cout << std::endl;
00674             runCtx->timer_push( "setup computation of weights" );
00675             // Call to generate the remapping weights with the tempest meshes
00676             moab::TempestOnlineMap* weightMap = new moab::TempestOnlineMap( &remapper );
00677             runCtx->timer_pop();
00679             runCtx->timer_push( "compute weights with TempestRemap" );
00680             rval = weightMap->GenerateRemappingWeights(
00681                 runCtx->disc_methods[0],  // std::string strInputType
00682                 runCtx->disc_methods[1],  // std::string strOutputType,
00683                 runCtx->mapOptions,       // const GenerateOfflineMapAlgorithmOptions& options
00684                 runCtx->doftag_names[0],  // const std::string& source_tag_name
00685                 runCtx->doftag_names[1]   // const std::string& target_tag_name
00686             );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00687             runCtx->timer_pop();
00689             // Invoke the CheckMap routine on the TempestRemap serial interface directly, if running
00690             // on a single process
00691             if( nprocs == 1 )
00692             {
00693                 const double dNormalTolerance = 1.0E-8;
00694                 const double dStrictTolerance = 1.0E-12;
00695                 weightMap->CheckMap( runCtx->fCheck, runCtx->fCheck, runCtx->fCheck && ( runCtx->ensureMonotonicity ),
00696                                      dNormalTolerance, dStrictTolerance );
00697             }
00699             if( runCtx->outFilename.size() )
00700             {
00701                 // Write the map file to disk in parallel using either HDF5 or SCRIP interface
00702                 rval = weightMap->WriteParallelMap( runCtx->outFilename.c_str() );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00704                 // Write out the metadata information for the map file
00705                 if( proc_id == 0 )
00706                 {
00707                     size_t lastindex = runCtx->outFilename.find_last_of( "." );
00708                     sstr.str( "" );
00709                     sstr << runCtx->outFilename.substr( 0, lastindex ) << ".meta";
00711                     std::ofstream metafile( sstr.str() );
00712                     metafile << "Generator = MOAB-TempestRemap (mbtempest) Offline Regridding "
00713                                 "Weight Generator"
00714                              << std::endl;
00715                     metafile << "domain_a = " << runCtx->inFilenames[0] << std::endl;
00716                     metafile << "domain_b = " << runCtx->inFilenames[1] << std::endl;
00717                     metafile << "domain_aNb = "
00718                              << ( runCtx->intxFilename.size() ? runCtx->intxFilename : "outOverlap.h5m" ) << std::endl;
00719                     metafile << "map_aPb = " << runCtx->outFilename << std::endl;
00720                     metafile << "type_src = " << runCtx->disc_methods[0] << std::endl;
00721                     metafile << "np_src = " << runCtx->disc_orders[0] << std::endl;
00722                     metafile << "concave_src = " << ( runCtx->mapOptions.fSourceConcave ? "true" : "false" )
00723                              << std::endl;
00724                     metafile << "type_dst = " << runCtx->disc_methods[1] << std::endl;
00725                     metafile << "np_dst = " << runCtx->disc_orders[1] << std::endl;
00726                     metafile << "concave_dst = " << ( runCtx->mapOptions.fTargetConcave ? "true" : "false" )
00727                              << std::endl;
00728                     metafile << "mono_type = " << runCtx->ensureMonotonicity << std::endl;
00729                     metafile << "bubble = " << ( runCtx->mapOptions.fNoBubble ? "false" : "true" ) << std::endl;
00730                     metafile << "version = "
00731                              << "MOAB v5.1.0+" << std::endl;
00732                     metafile.close();
00733                 }
00734             }
00736             if( runCtx->verifyWeights )
00737             {
00738                 // Let us pick a sampling test function for solution evaluation
00739                 moab::TempestOnlineMap::sample_function testFunction =
00740                     &sample_stationary_vortex;  // &sample_slow_harmonic;
00742                 runCtx->timer_push( "describe a solution on source grid" );
00743                 moab::Tag srcAnalyticalFunction;
00744                 rval = weightMap->DefineAnalyticalSolution( srcAnalyticalFunction, "AnalyticalSolnSrcExact",
00745                                                             moab::Remapper::SourceMesh, testFunction );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00746                 runCtx->timer_pop();
00747                 // rval = mbCore->write_file ( "srcWithSolnTag.h5m", NULL, writeOptions,
00748                 // &runCtx->meshsets[0], 1 ); MB_CHK_ERR ( rval );
00750                 runCtx->timer_push( "describe a solution on target grid" );
00751                 moab::Tag tgtAnalyticalFunction;
00752                 moab::Tag tgtProjectedFunction;
00753                 rval = weightMap->DefineAnalyticalSolution( tgtAnalyticalFunction, "AnalyticalSolnTgtExact",
00754                                                             moab::Remapper::TargetMesh, testFunction,
00755                                                             &tgtProjectedFunction, "ProjectedSolnTgt" );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00756                 // rval = mbCore->write_file ( "tgtWithSolnTag.h5m", NULL, writeOptions,
00757                 // &runCtx->meshsets[1], 1 ); MB_CHK_ERR ( rval );
00758                 runCtx->timer_pop();
00760                 runCtx->timer_push( "compute solution projection on target grid" );
00761                 rval = weightMap->ApplyWeights( srcAnalyticalFunction, tgtProjectedFunction );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00762                 runCtx->timer_pop();
00763                 rval = mbCore->write_file( "tgtWithSolnTag2.h5m", NULL, writeOptions, &runCtx->meshsets[1], 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00765                 if( nprocs == 1 && runCtx->baselineFile.size() )
00766                 {
00767                     // save the field from tgtWithSolnTag2 in a text file, and global ids for cells
00768                     moab::Range tgtCells;
00769                     rval = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( runCtx->meshsets[1], 2, tgtCells );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00770                     std::vector< int > globIds;
00771                     globIds.resize( tgtCells.size() );
00772                     std::vector< double > vals;
00773                     vals.resize( tgtCells.size() );
00774                     moab::Tag projTag;
00775                     rval = mbCore->tag_get_handle( "ProjectedSolnTgt", projTag );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00776                     moab::Tag gid = mbCore->globalId_tag();
00777                     rval          = mbCore->tag_get_data( gid, tgtCells, &globIds[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00778                     rval = mbCore->tag_get_data( projTag, tgtCells, &vals[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00779                     std::fstream fs;
00780            runCtx->baselineFile.c_str(), std::fstream::out );
00781                     fs << std::setprecision( 15 );  // maximum precision for doubles
00782                     for( size_t i = 0; i < tgtCells.size(); i++ )
00783                         fs << globIds[i] << " " << vals[i] << "\n";
00784                     fs.close();
00785                     // for good measure, save the source file too, with the tag AnalyticalSolnSrcExact
00786                     // it will be used later to test, along with a target file
00787                     rval = mbCore->write_file( "srcWithSolnTag.h5m", NULL, writeOptions, &runCtx->meshsets[0], 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00788                 }
00789                 runCtx->timer_push( "compute error metrics against analytical solution on target grid" );
00790                 std::map< std::string, double > errMetrics;
00791                 rval = weightMap->ComputeMetrics( moab::Remapper::TargetMesh, tgtAnalyticalFunction,
00792                                                   tgtProjectedFunction, errMetrics, true );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00793                 runCtx->timer_pop();
00794             }
00796             delete weightMap;
00797         }
00798     }
00800     // Clean up
00801     remapper.clear();
00802     delete runCtx;
00803     delete mbCore;
00805 #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_MPI
00806     MPI_Finalize();
00807 #endif
00808     exit( 0 );
00809 }
00811 static moab::ErrorCode CreateTempestMesh( ToolContext& ctx, moab::TempestRemapper& remapper, Mesh* tempest_mesh )
00812 {
00813     moab::ErrorCode rval = moab::MB_SUCCESS;
00814     int err;
00815     moab::DebugOutput& outputFormatter = ctx.outputFormatter;
00817     if( !ctx.proc_id )
00818     {
00819         outputFormatter.printf( 0, "Creating TempestRemap Mesh object ...\n" );
00820     }
00822     if( ctx.meshType == moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_FILES )
00823     {
00824         // For the overlap method, choose between: "fuzzy", "exact" or "mixed"
00825         err = GenerateOverlapMesh( ctx.inFilenames[0], ctx.inFilenames[1], *tempest_mesh, ctx.outFilename, "NetCDF4",
00826                                    "exact", true );
00828         if( err )
00829         {
00830             rval = moab::MB_FAILURE;
00831         }
00832         else
00833         {
00834             ctx.meshes.push_back( tempest_mesh );
00835         }
00836     }
00837     else if( ctx.meshType == moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_MEMORY )
00838     {
00839         // Load the meshes and validate
00840         ctx.meshsets.resize( 3 );
00841         ctx.meshes.resize( 3 );
00842         ctx.meshsets[0] = remapper.GetMeshSet( moab::Remapper::SourceMesh );
00843         ctx.meshsets[1] = remapper.GetMeshSet( moab::Remapper::TargetMesh );
00844         ctx.meshsets[2] = remapper.GetMeshSet( moab::Remapper::OverlapMesh );
00846         // First the source
00847         rval = remapper.LoadMesh( moab::Remapper::SourceMesh, ctx.inFilenames[0], moab::TempestRemapper::DEFAULT );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00848         ctx.meshes[0] = remapper.GetMesh( moab::Remapper::SourceMesh );
00850         // Next the target
00851         rval = remapper.LoadMesh( moab::Remapper::TargetMesh, ctx.inFilenames[1], moab::TempestRemapper::DEFAULT );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00852         ctx.meshes[1] = remapper.GetMesh( moab::Remapper::TargetMesh );
00854         // Now let us construct the overlap mesh, by calling TempestRemap interface directly
00855         // For the overlap method, choose between: "fuzzy", "exact" or "mixed"
00856         err = GenerateOverlapWithMeshes( *ctx.meshes[0], *ctx.meshes[1], *tempest_mesh, "" /*ctx.outFilename*/,
00857                                          "NetCDF4", "exact", false );
00859         if( err )
00860         {
00861             rval = moab::MB_FAILURE;
00862         }
00863         else
00864         {
00865             remapper.SetMesh( moab::Remapper::OverlapMesh, tempest_mesh );
00866             ctx.meshes[2] = remapper.GetMesh( moab::Remapper::OverlapMesh );
00867             // ctx.meshes.push_back(*tempest_mesh);
00868         }
00869     }
00870     else if( ctx.meshType == moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_MOAB )
00871     {
00872         ctx.meshsets.resize( 3 );
00873         ctx.meshes.resize( 3 );
00874         ctx.meshsets[0] = remapper.GetMeshSet( moab::Remapper::SourceMesh );
00875         ctx.meshsets[1] = remapper.GetMeshSet( moab::Remapper::TargetMesh );
00876         ctx.meshsets[2] = remapper.GetMeshSet( moab::Remapper::OverlapMesh );
00878         const double radius_src  = 1.0 /*2.0*acos(-1.0)*/;
00879         const double radius_dest = 1.0 /*2.0*acos(-1.0)*/;
00881         const char* additional_read_opts = ( ctx.n_procs > 1 ? "NO_SET_CONTAINING_PARENTS;" : "" );
00882         std::vector< int > smetadata, tmetadata;
00883         // Load the source mesh and validate
00884         rval = remapper.LoadNativeMesh( ctx.inFilenames[0], ctx.meshsets[0], smetadata, additional_read_opts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00885         if( smetadata.size() )
00886         {
00887             // remapper.SetMeshType( moab::Remapper::SourceMesh,
00888             //                       static_cast< moab::TempestRemapper::TempestMeshType >( smetadata[0] ), &smetadata
00889             //                       );
00890             remapper.SetMeshType( moab::Remapper::SourceMesh,
00891                                   static_cast< moab::TempestRemapper::TempestMeshType >( smetadata[0] ) );
00892         }
00893         // Rescale the radius of both to compute the intersection
00894         rval = moab::IntxUtils::ScaleToRadius( ctx.mbcore, ctx.meshsets[0], radius_src );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00895         rval = remapper.ConvertMeshToTempest( moab::Remapper::SourceMesh );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00896         ctx.meshes[0] = remapper.GetMesh( moab::Remapper::SourceMesh );
00898         // Load the target mesh and validate
00899         rval = remapper.LoadNativeMesh( ctx.inFilenames[1], ctx.meshsets[1], tmetadata, additional_read_opts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00900         if( tmetadata.size() )
00901         {
00902             // remapper.SetMeshType( moab::Remapper::TargetMesh,
00903             //                       static_cast< moab::TempestRemapper::TempestMeshType >( tmetadata[0] ), &tmetadata
00904             //                       );
00905             remapper.SetMeshType( moab::Remapper::TargetMesh,
00906                                   static_cast< moab::TempestRemapper::TempestMeshType >( tmetadata[0] ) );
00907         }
00908         rval = moab::IntxUtils::ScaleToRadius( ctx.mbcore, ctx.meshsets[1], radius_dest );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00909         rval = remapper.ConvertMeshToTempest( moab::Remapper::TargetMesh );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
00910         ctx.meshes[1] = remapper.GetMesh( moab::Remapper::TargetMesh );
00911     }
00912     else if( ctx.meshType == moab::TempestRemapper::ICO )
00913     {
00914         err = GenerateICOMesh( *tempest_mesh, ctx.blockSize, ctx.computeDual, ctx.outFilename, "NetCDF4" );
00916         if( err )
00917         {
00918             rval = moab::MB_FAILURE;
00919         }
00920         else
00921         {
00922             ctx.meshes.push_back( tempest_mesh );
00923         }
00924     }
00925     else if( ctx.meshType == moab::TempestRemapper::RLL )
00926     {
00927         err = GenerateRLLMesh( *tempest_mesh,                     // Mesh& meshOut,
00928                                ctx.blockSize * 2, ctx.blockSize,  // int nLongitudes, int nLatitudes,
00929                                0.0, 360.0,                        // double dLonBegin, double dLonEnd,
00930                                -90.0, 90.0,                       // double dLatBegin, double dLatEnd,
00931                                false, false, false,  // bool fGlobalCap, bool fFlipLatLon, bool fForceGlobal,
00932                                "" /*ctx.inFilename*/, "",
00933                                "",  // std::string strInputFile, std::string strInputFileLonName, std::string
00934                                     // strInputFileLatName,
00935                                ctx.outFilename, "NetCDF4",  // std::string strOutputFile, std::string strOutputFormat
00936                                true                         // bool fVerbose
00937         );
00939         if( err )
00940         {
00941             rval = moab::MB_FAILURE;
00942         }
00943         else
00944         {
00945             ctx.meshes.push_back( tempest_mesh );
00946         }
00947     }
00948     else  // default
00949     {
00950         err = GenerateCSMesh( *tempest_mesh, ctx.blockSize, ctx.outFilename, "NetCDF4" );
00952         if( err )
00953         {
00954             rval = moab::MB_FAILURE;
00955         }
00956         else
00957         {
00958             ctx.meshes.push_back( tempest_mesh );
00959         }
00960     }
00962     if( ctx.meshType != moab::TempestRemapper::OVERLAP_MOAB && !tempest_mesh )
00963     {
00964         std::cout << "Tempest Mesh is not a complete object; Quitting...";
00965         exit( -1 );
00966     }
00968     return rval;
00969 }
00971 ///////////////////////////////////////////////
00972 //         Test functions
00974 double sample_slow_harmonic( double dLon, double dLat )
00975 {
00976     return ( 2.0 + cos( dLat ) * cos( dLat ) * cos( 2.0 * dLon ) );
00977 }
00979 double sample_fast_harmonic( double dLon, double dLat )
00980 {
00981     return ( 2.0 + pow( sin( 2.0 * dLat ), 16.0 ) * cos( 16.0 * dLon ) );
00982     // return (2.0 + pow(cos(2.0 * dLat), 16.0) * cos(16.0 * dLon));
00983 }
00985 double sample_constant( double /*dLon*/, double /*dLat*/ )
00986 {
00987     return 1.0;
00988 }
00990 double sample_stationary_vortex( double dLon, double dLat )
00991 {
00992     const double dLon0 = 0.0;
00993     const double dLat0 = 0.6;
00994     const double dR0   = 3.0;
00995     const double dD    = 5.0;
00996     const double dT    = 6.0;
00998     ///     Find the rotated longitude and latitude of a point on a sphere
00999     ///     with pole at (dLonC, dLatC).
01000     {
01001         double dSinC = sin( dLat0 );
01002         double dCosC = cos( dLat0 );
01003         double dCosT = cos( dLat );
01004         double dSinT = sin( dLat );
01006         double dTrm = dCosT * cos( dLon - dLon0 );
01007         double dX   = dSinC * dTrm - dCosC * dSinT;
01008         double dY   = dCosT * sin( dLon - dLon0 );
01009         double dZ   = dSinC * dSinT + dCosC * dTrm;
01011         dLon = atan2( dY, dX );
01012         if( dLon < 0.0 )
01013         {
01014             dLon += 2.0 * M_PI;
01015         }
01016         dLat = asin( dZ );
01017     }
01019     double dRho = dR0 * cos( dLat );
01020     double dVt  = 3.0 * sqrt( 3.0 ) / 2.0 / cosh( dRho ) / cosh( dRho ) * tanh( dRho );
01022     double dOmega;
01023     if( dRho == 0.0 )
01024     {
01025         dOmega = 0.0;
01026     }
01027     else
01028     {
01029         dOmega = dVt / dRho;
01030     }
01032     return ( 1.0 - tanh( dRho / dD * sin( dLon - dOmega * dT ) ) );
01033 }
01035 ///////////////////////////////////////////////
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