MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
mbslavepart.cpp File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "moab/ProgOptions.hpp"
#include "moab/Core.hpp"
#include "moab/AdaptiveKDTree.hpp"
#include "moab/BVHTree.hpp"
#include "moab/IntxMesh/IntxUtils.hpp"
+ Include dependency graph for mbslavepart.cpp:

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template<typename K , typename V >
static V get_map_value (const std::map< K, V > &m, const K &key, const V &defval)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Function Documentation

template<typename K , typename V >
static V get_map_value ( const std::map< K, V > &  m,
const K &  key,
const V &  defval 
) [static]

Definition at line 29 of file mbslavepart.cpp.

Referenced by main().

    typename std::map< K, V >::const_iterator it = m.find( key );
    if( it == m.end() )
        return defval;
        return it->second;
int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 42 of file mbslavepart.cpp.

References moab::Core::add_entities(), moab::Core::add_parent_child(), ProgOptions::addOpt(), moab::AdaptiveKDTree::build_tree(), moab::Range::clear(), moab::Core::create_meshset(), moab::Core::delete_entities(), moab::E, moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_coords(), moab::Core::get_entities_by_dimension(), moab::Core::get_entities_by_type_and_tag(), get_map_value(), moab::Core::globalId_tag(), ie, leaf, moab::Core::load_file(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_TAG_CREAT, MB_TAG_SPARSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MBENTITYSET, moab::Range::merge(), MESHSET_SET, MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER, MPI_COMM_WORLD, outfile, ProgOptions::parseCommandLine(), moab::AdaptiveKDTree::point_search(), ProgOptions::printHelp(), read_options, moab::Core::remove_entities(), moab::AdaptiveKDTree::reset_tree(), moab::IntxUtils::ScaleToRadius(), moab::Range::size(), moab::Core::tag_get_data(), moab::Core::tag_get_handle(), moab::Core::tag_set_data(), moab::tolerance, tree, moab::Interface::UNION, and moab::Core::write_file().

    int nprocs = 1, dimension = 3;
    int proc_id = 0;
    MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &proc_id );
    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs );

    int defaultpart  = 0;
    double tolerance = 1e-2, treetolerance = 1e-13, btolerance = 1e-4;
    std::string masterfile, slavefile, outfile( "slavemesh.h5m" );
    bool keepsparts    = false;
    bool use_spherical = false;
    ProgOptions opts;

    opts.addOpt< std::string >( "master,m", "Master mesh filename", &masterfile );
    opts.addOpt< std::string >( "slave,s", "Slave mesh filename", &slavefile );
    opts.addOpt< std::string >( "output,o", "Output partitioned mesh filename", &outfile );
    opts.addOpt< int >( "dim,d", "Dimension of entities to use for partitioning", &dimension );
    opts.addOpt< int >( "defaultpart,p", "Default partition number if target element is not found on source grid",
                        &defaultpart );
    opts.addOpt< double >( "eps,e", "Tolerance for the point search", &tolerance );
    opts.addOpt< double >( "beps,b", "Tolerance for the bounding box search", &btolerance );
    opts.addOpt< void >( "keep,K",
                         "Keep the existing partitions in the slave mesh (use PARALLEL_PARTITION_SLAVE instead)",
                         &keepsparts );
    opts.addOpt< void >( "spherical", "Hint that the meshes are defined on a spherical surface (Climate problems)",
                         &use_spherical );
    opts.parseCommandLine( argc, argv );

    if( masterfile.empty() || slavefile.empty() )
        exit( 1 );

    ErrorCode error;
    Core* mbCore = new Core();

    // Set the read options for parallel file loading
    const std::string partition_set_name = "PARALLEL_PARTITION";
    const std::string global_id_name     = "GLOBAL_ID";
    std::vector< std::string > read_opts, write_opts;
    std::string read_options( "" ), write_options( "" );

    if( nprocs > 1 )
        read_options  = "PARALLEL=READ_PART;PARTITION=" + partition_set_name + ";PARALLEL_RESOLVE_SHARED_ENTS";
        write_options = "PARALLEL=WRITE_PART";

    EntityHandle masterfileset, slavefileset;
    error = mbCore->create_meshset( moab::MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER | moab::MESHSET_SET, masterfileset );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    error = mbCore->create_meshset( moab::MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER | moab::MESHSET_SET, slavefileset );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

    // Load file
    error = mbCore->load_file( masterfile.c_str(), &masterfileset, read_options.c_str() );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    error = mbCore->load_file( slavefile.c_str(), &slavefileset, read_options.c_str() );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    // if (error != MB_SUCCESS && size > 1)
    // {
    //   std::string newread_options = "PARALLEL=BCAST_DELETE;PARALLEL_RESOLVE_SHARED_ENTS";
    //   error = mbCore->load_file(slavefile.c_str(), &slavefileset, newread_options.c_str());
    // }
    // else MB_CHK_ERR(error);

    Tag gidtag = 0, parttag = 0, sparttag = 0;
    int dum_id = -1;
    error      = mbCore->tag_get_handle( partition_set_name.c_str(), 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, parttag,
                                         MB_TAG_SPARSE | MB_TAG_CREAT, &dum_id );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    gidtag = mbCore->globalId_tag();
    if( keepsparts )
        error = mbCore->tag_get_handle( std::string( partition_set_name + "_SLAVE" ).c_str(), 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER,
                                        sparttag, MB_TAG_CREAT | MB_TAG_SPARSE, &dum_id );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

    Range melems, msets, selems, ssets;

    // Get the partition sets on the master mesh
    std::map< int, int > mpartvals;
    error = mbCore->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( masterfileset, MBENTITYSET, &parttag, NULL, 1, msets,
                                                  moab::Interface::UNION, true );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    if( msets.size() == 0 )
        std::cout << "No partition sets found in the master mesh. Quitting..." << std::endl;
        exit( 1 );

    for( unsigned i = 0; i < msets.size(); ++i )
        EntityHandle mset = msets[i];

        moab::Range msetelems;
        error = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( mset, dimension, msetelems );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
        melems.merge( msetelems );

        int partID;
        error = mbCore->tag_get_data( parttag, &mset, 1, &partID );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

        // Get the global ID and use that as the indicator
        std::vector< int > gidMelems( msetelems.size() );
        error = mbCore->tag_get_data( gidtag, msetelems, );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

        for( unsigned j = 0; j < msetelems.size(); ++j )
            mpartvals[gidMelems[j]] = partID;
            // mpartvals[msetelems[j]]=partID;
#ifdef VERBOSE
        std::cout << "Part " << partID << " has " << msetelems.size() << " elements." << std::endl;

    // Get information about the slave file set
    error = mbCore->get_entities_by_type_and_tag( slavefileset, MBENTITYSET, &parttag, NULL, 1, ssets,
                                                  moab::Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    // TODO: expand and add other dimensional elements
    error = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( slavefileset, dimension, selems );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

    std::cout << "Master (elements, parts) : (" << melems.size() << ", " << msets.size()
              << "), Slave (elements, parts) : (" << selems.size() << ", " << ssets.size() << ")" << std::endl;

    double master_radius = 1.0, slave_radius = 1.0;
    std::vector< double > mastercoords;
    Range masterverts, slaveverts;
        error = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( masterfileset, 0, masterverts );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
        error = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( slavefileset, 0, slaveverts );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    if( use_spherical )
        double points[6];
        EntityHandle mfrontback[2] = { masterverts[0], masterverts[masterverts.size() - 1] };
        error                      = mbCore->get_coords( &mfrontback[0], 2, points );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
        master_radius = 0.5 * ( std::sqrt( points[0] * points[0] + points[1] * points[1] + points[2] * points[2] ) +
                                std::sqrt( points[3] * points[3] + points[4] * points[4] + points[5] * points[5] ) );
        EntityHandle sfrontback[2] = { slaveverts[0], slaveverts[slaveverts.size() - 1] };
        error                      = mbCore->get_coords( &sfrontback[0], 2, points );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
        slave_radius = 0.5 * ( std::sqrt( points[0] * points[0] + points[1] * points[1] + points[2] * points[2] ) +
                               std::sqrt( points[3] * points[3] + points[4] * points[4] + points[5] * points[5] ) );
        // Let us rescale both master and slave meshes to a unit sphere
        error = moab::IntxUtils::ScaleToRadius( mbCore, masterfileset, 1.0 );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
        error = moab::IntxUtils::ScaleToRadius( mbCore, slavefileset, 1.0 );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

        std::map< int, moab::Range > spartvals;
        int npoints_notfound = 0;
            FileOptions fopts( ( use_spherical ? "SPHERICAL" : "" ) );
            moab::EntityHandle tree_root = masterfileset;

            moab::AdaptiveKDTree tree( mbCore );
            error = tree.build_tree( melems, &tree_root, &fopts );

            // moab::BVHTree tree(mbCore);
            // error = tree.build_tree(melems, &tree_root);MB_CHK_ERR(error);

            for( size_t ie = 0; ie < selems.size(); ie++ )
                moab::EntityHandle selem, leaf;
                double point[3];
                selem = selems[ie];

                // Get the element centroid to be queried
                error = mbCore->get_coords( &selem, 1, point );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

                std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > leaf_elems;

                // Search for the closest source element in the master mesh corresponding
                // to the target element centroid in the slave mesh
                error = tree.point_search( point, leaf, treetolerance, btolerance );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

                // We only care about the dimension that the user specified.
                // MOAB partitions are ordered by elements anyway.
                error = mbCore->get_entities_by_dimension( leaf, dimension, leaf_elems, true );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

                if( leaf != 0 && leaf_elems.size() )

                    // Now get the master element centroids so that we can compute
                    // the minimum distance to the target point
                    std::vector< double > centroids( leaf_elems.size() * 3 );
                    error = mbCore->get_coords( &leaf_elems[0], leaf_elems.size(), &centroids[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

                    if( !leaf_elems.size() )
                        std::cout << ie << ": "
                                  << " No leaf elements found." << std::endl;
                    // else std::cout << ie << " found " << leaf_elems.size() << " leaves for
                    // current point " << std::endl;

                    double dist = 1e10;
                    int pinelem = -1;
                    for( size_t il = 0; il < leaf_elems.size(); ++il )
                        const double* centroid = &centroids[il * 3];
                        const double locdist   = std::pow( point[0] - centroid[0], 2 ) +
                                               std::pow( point[1] - centroid[1], 2 ) +
                                               std::pow( point[2] - centroid[2], 2 );
                        if( locdist < dist && locdist < 1.0E-2 )
                            dist    = locdist;
                            pinelem = il;

#ifdef VERBOSE
                            int gidMelem;
                            error = mbCore->tag_get_data( gidtag, &leaf_elems[il], 1, &gidMelem );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
                            std::cout << "\t Trial leaf " << il << " set " << gidMelem
                                      << " and part = " << get_map_value( mpartvals, gidMelem, -1 )
                                      << " with distance = " << locdist << std::endl;

                    if( pinelem < 0 )
#ifdef VERBOSE
                        std::cout << ie
                                  << ": [Error] - Could not find a minimum distance within the "
                                     "leaf nodes."
                                  << std::endl;
                        spartvals[defaultpart].insert( selems[ie] );
                        int gidMelem;
                        error = mbCore->tag_get_data( gidtag, &leaf_elems[pinelem], 1, &gidMelem );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

                        int mpartid = get_map_value( mpartvals, gidMelem, -1 );
                        if( mpartid < 0 )
                            std::cout << "[WARNING]: Part number for element " << leaf_elems[pinelem]
                                      << " with global ID = " << gidMelem << " not found.\n";

#ifdef VERBOSE
                        std::cout << "Adding element " << ie << " set " << mpartid << " with distance = " << dist
                                  << std::endl;
                        spartvals[mpartid].insert( selems[ie] );
#ifdef VERBOSE
                    std::cout << "[WARNING]: Adding element " << ie << " to default (part) set " << defaultpart
                              << std::endl;
                    spartvals[defaultpart].insert( selems[ie] );
            error = tree.reset_tree();MB_CHK_ERR( error );
        if( npoints_notfound )
            std::cout << "Could not find " << npoints_notfound
                      << " points in the master mesh. Added to defaultpart set = " << defaultpart << std::endl;

        if( use_spherical )
            error = moab::IntxUtils::ScaleToRadius( mbCore, slavefileset, slave_radius );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

        error = mbCore->delete_entities( &masterfileset, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
        // Find parallel partition sets in the slave mesh - and delete it since we are going to
        // overwrite the sets
        if( !keepsparts )
            std::cout << "Deleting " << ssets.size() << " sets in the slave mesh" << std::endl;
            error = mbCore->remove_entities( slavefileset, ssets );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

        size_t ntotslave_elems = 0, ntotslave_parts = 0;
        for( std::map< int, moab::Range >::iterator it = spartvals.begin(); it != spartvals.end(); ++it )
            int partID = it->first;
            moab::EntityHandle pset;
            error = mbCore->create_meshset( moab::MESHSET_SET, pset );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
            error = mbCore->add_entities( pset, it->second );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
            error = mbCore->add_parent_child( slavefileset, pset );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

#ifdef VERBOSE
            std::cout << "Slave Part " << partID << " has " << it->second.size() << " elements." << std::endl;
            ntotslave_elems += it->second.size();

            if( keepsparts )
                error = mbCore->tag_set_data( sparttag, &pset, 1, &partID );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
                error = mbCore->tag_set_data( parttag, &pset, 1, &partID );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
        std::cout << "Slave mesh: given " << selems.size() << " elements, and assigned " << ntotslave_elems
                  << " elements to " << ntotslave_parts << " parts.\n";
        assert( ntotslave_elems == selems.size() );

        // mbCore->print_database();

        // Write the re-partitioned slave mesh to disk
        if( nprocs == 1 )
            error = mbCore->write_file( "slavemesh.vtk", "VTK", NULL, &slavefileset, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
        error = mbCore->write_file( outfile.c_str(), NULL, write_options.c_str(), &slavefileset, 1 );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
        // error = mbCore->write_file(outfile.c_str(), NULL,
        // write_options.c_str());MB_CHK_ERR(error);
    catch( std::exception& e )
        std::cout << " exception caught during tree initialization " << e.what() << std::endl;
    delete mbCore;

    exit( 0 );
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