TetFacetorTool.cpp File Reference
#include <math.h>
#include "GeometryDefines.h"
#include "TetFacetorTool.hpp"
#include "TDDelaunay.hpp"
#include "TDInterpNode.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define MY_INLINE
#define TET_FACETOR_TOOL   template<class TET, class SUBTET, class NODE> MY_INLINE TetFacetorTool<TET, SUBTET, NODE>::
#define TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I   template<class TET, class SUBTET, class NODE> MY_INLINE int TetFacetorTool<TET, SUBTET, NODE>::
#define TET_FACETOR_TOOL__V   template<class TET, class SUBTET, class NODE> MY_INLINE void TetFacetorTool<TET, SUBTET, NODE>::
#define TET_FACETOR_TOOL__D   template<class TET, class SUBTET, class NODE> MY_INLINE double TetFacetorTool<TET, SUBTET, NODE>::
#define TET_FACETOR_TOOL__B   template<class TET, class SUBTET, class NODE> MY_INLINE CubitBoolean TetFacetorTool<TET, SUBTET, NODE>::
#define TET_FACETOR_TOOL__T   template<class TET, class SUBTET, class NODE> MY_INLINE TET *TetFacetorTool<TET, SUBTET, NODE>::
#define SQR(x)   ((x) * (x))


TET_FACETOR_TOOL TetFacetorTool ()
TET_FACETOR_TOOL ~TetFacetorTool ()
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I initialize (CubitBox &bounding_box)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I get_tets (std::vector< TET * > &tet_list)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__T get_outside_tet ()
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I get_interior_tets (std::vector< TET * > &tet_list)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I tesselate (std::vector< NODE * > &node_list, std::vector< TET * > &tet_list)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I init_box (std::vector< NODE * > &node_list)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I create_bbox_tets ()
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I remove_bbox_tets ()
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I insert_nodes (std::vector< NODE * > &node_list)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I insert_one_node (NODE *node_ptr)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I natural_neighbor_tets (CubitVector &xx, std::vector< TET * > &neighbor_tet_list, NODE *&exact_node)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I watson_insert (NODE *node_ptr, std::vector< TET * > &neighbor_tet_list)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I locate_point (CubitVector &xx, NODE *&exact_node, TET *&containing_tet)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I exhaustive_locate_point (CubitVector &xx, NODE *&exact_node, TET *&containing_tet)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__B point_in_circumsphere (TET *tet_ptr, CubitVector &xx, std::vector< TET * > &neighbor_tet_list)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I circumsphere (TET *tet_ptr, CubitVector &center, double &radius_squared)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__V set_tet_visited (TET *tet_ptr, int new_visit_flag)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I tet_visited (TET *tet_ptr)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__D tet_volume (const CubitVector &a, const CubitVector &b, const CubitVector &c, const CubitVector &d)
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I read_data (const char *filename, std::vector< NODE * > &node_list)

Define Documentation

#define MY_INLINE

Definition at line 34 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

#define SQR (   x)    ((x) * (x))

Definition at line 65 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

#define TET_FACETOR_TOOL   template<class TET, class SUBTET, class NODE> MY_INLINE TetFacetorTool<TET, SUBTET, NODE>::

Definition at line 56 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

#define TET_FACETOR_TOOL__B   template<class TET, class SUBTET, class NODE> MY_INLINE CubitBoolean TetFacetorTool<TET, SUBTET, NODE>::

Definition at line 60 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

#define TET_FACETOR_TOOL__D   template<class TET, class SUBTET, class NODE> MY_INLINE double TetFacetorTool<TET, SUBTET, NODE>::

Definition at line 59 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

#define TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I   template<class TET, class SUBTET, class NODE> MY_INLINE int TetFacetorTool<TET, SUBTET, NODE>::

Definition at line 57 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

#define TET_FACETOR_TOOL__T   template<class TET, class SUBTET, class NODE> MY_INLINE TET *TetFacetorTool<TET, SUBTET, NODE>::

Definition at line 61 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

#define TET_FACETOR_TOOL__V   template<class TET, class SUBTET, class NODE> MY_INLINE void TetFacetorTool<TET, SUBTET, NODE>::

Definition at line 58 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

Function Documentation

TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I circumsphere ( TET *  tet_ptr,
CubitVector center,
double &  radius_squared 

Definition at line 1052 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  ToolData *td = tet_ptr->get_TD( TDDelaunay< TET, NODE >::is_delaunay );
    TDDelaunay< TET, NODE > *td_del = dynamic_cast<TDDelaunay< TET, NODE >*> (td);
    if(td_del == NULL) {
        td_del = new TDDelaunay<TET, NODE>();
        tet_ptr->add_TD( td_del );

    return td_del->circumsphere( tet_ptr, center, radius_squared );

Definition at line 289 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  // use the class global bBox as the bounds of the initial tets

  CubitVector maxbox, minbox;
  maxbox = bBox.maximum();
  minbox = bBox.minimum();

  // Initialize the class global vars

  lastTet = NULL;
  tetVisited = CUBIT_INT_MIN;

  // For tolerance, find a representative (non-zero) number from
  // the nodes to determine relative magnitude of numbers.  Take the
  // log of this number, subtract 6 from it, then use this number
  // as the exponent (likely a negative number) for the tolerance

  double tol = CUBIT_MAX(fabs(maxbox.x()),fabs(maxbox.y()));
  tol = CUBIT_MAX(tol,fabs(maxbox.z()));
  double temp = CUBIT_MAX(fabs(minbox.x()),fabs(minbox.y()));
  temp = CUBIT_MAX(temp,fabs(minbox.z()));
  tol = CUBIT_MAX(tol,temp);
  tol = pow(10.0, (double)(log10(tol) - 6.0));
  csTol = tol * tol;

  // create the bounding box nodes

  CubitVector coor;
  int ii;
  for (ii=0; ii<8; ii++) 
    switch (ii) {
      case 0: coor.set(minbox.x(), minbox.y(), minbox.z()); break;
      case 1: coor.set(maxbox.x(), minbox.y(), minbox.z()); break;
      case 2: coor.set(maxbox.x(), maxbox.y(), minbox.z()); break;
      case 3: coor.set(minbox.x(), maxbox.y(), minbox.z()); break;
      case 4: coor.set(minbox.x(), minbox.y(), maxbox.z()); break;
      case 5: coor.set(maxbox.x(), minbox.y(), maxbox.z()); break;
      case 6: coor.set(maxbox.x(), maxbox.y(), maxbox.z()); break;
      case 7: coor.set(minbox.x(), maxbox.y(), maxbox.z()); break;
    boxNodes[ii] = new NODE(coor);

  // create 5 tets to fill the box
  const int itet_config[5][4] = {{0,1,3,4},{1,2,3,6},{1,5,6,4},
  NODE *tet_nodes[4];
  TET *new_tet;
  int jj;
  for (ii=0; ii<5; ii++)
    for (jj=0; jj<4; jj++)
      tet_nodes[jj] = boxNodes[itet_config[ii][jj]];
    new_tet = new SUBTET( tet_nodes );
    for (jj=0; jj<4; jj++)
    tetList.push_back( new_tet );

TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I exhaustive_locate_point ( CubitVector xx,
NODE *&  exact_node,
TET *&  containing_tet 

Definition at line 868 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  // Use the last tet to be located as the first try.  If there is
  // no last tet, then use one tet on the global list

  exact_node = NULL;
  containing_tet = NULL;
  TET *cur_tet;
  double tol = GEOMETRY_RESABS;
  NODE *na, *nb, *nc, *nd;
  CubitVector A, B, C, D;
  double volcoord_A, volcoord_B, volcoord_C, volcoord_D, vol;
  CubitBoolean found = CUBIT_FALSE;
  for (size_t ii=0; ii<tetList.size() && !found; ii++)
    cur_tet = tetList[ii];

    // Don't chak tets we have already chaked.  tetVisited should be 
    // current (was set in locate_point)

    if (tet_visited(cur_tet) == tetVisited)
    set_tet_visited( cur_tet, tetVisited );

    // Get the coords of the nodes on the tet and compute the
    // barycentric coords (areacoords) of the point with respect 
    // to the tet.  If all area coords are positive, then 
    // the point is inside the tet.  If any are negative
    // then choose the next try as the adjacent tet to
    // the area coord that was the smallest

    cur_tet->tet_nodes( na, nb, nc, nd );
    A = na->coordinates();
    B = nb->coordinates();
    C = nc->coordinates();
    D = nd->coordinates();
    volcoord_A = tet_volume(B, C, D, xx);
    volcoord_B = tet_volume(A, D, C, xx);
    volcoord_C = tet_volume(A, B, D, xx);
    volcoord_D = tet_volume(A, C, B, xx);
    vol = tet_volume(A, C, B, D);

    // normalize coords

    //vol = volcoord_A + volcoord_B + volcoord_C + volcoord_D;
    if (fabs(vol) > CUBIT_RESABS) 
      volcoord_A /= vol;
      volcoord_B /= vol;
      volcoord_C /= vol;
      volcoord_D /= vol;
      tol = GEOMETRY_RESABS;
      tol = csTol;

    if (volcoord_A > -tol && 
        volcoord_B > -tol && 
        volcoord_C > -tol &&
        volcoord_D > -tol) 
      found = TRUE;

      // if three of the areacoords are +-tol then we are at an existing node

      if (volcoord_B < tol && volcoord_C < tol && volcoord_D < tol) 
        exact_node = na;
      else if (volcoord_A < tol && volcoord_C < tol && volcoord_D < tol) 
        exact_node = nb;
      else if (volcoord_A < tol && volcoord_B < tol && volcoord_D < tol) 
        exact_node = nc;
      else if (volcoord_A < tol && volcoord_B < tol && volcoord_C < tol) 
        exact_node = nd;

      // this is the general case where all areacoords are positive.
      // we have located the tet xx is contained in

        containing_tet = cur_tet;
  if (!found)
    lastTet = NULL;
    return CUBIT_FALSE;
  lastTet = containing_tet;

Definition at line 125 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  return remove_bbox_tets();
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I get_interior_tets ( std::vector< TET * > &  tet_list)

Definition at line 166 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  size_t ii, jj;
  TET *tet_ptr;
  NODE *nodes[4];
  int found = 0;
  for (ii=0; ii<tetList.size(); ii++)
    tet_ptr = tetList.get_and_step();  
    tet_ptr->tet_nodes(nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2], nodes[3]);
    found = 0;
    for(jj=0; jj<4 && !found; jj++)
      if (is_bbox(nodes[jj]))
        found = 1;
    if (!found)

  return tet_list.size();

Definition at line 150 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  NODE *node = boxNodes[0];
  std::vector<TET *> *tet_list_ptr = node->tet_list();
  assert(tet_list_ptr != NULL && tet_list_ptr->size() > 0);
  return tet_list_ptr->get();
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I get_tets ( std::vector< TET * > &  tet_list)

Definition at line 137 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  tet_list += tetList;
  return tet_list.size();
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I init_box ( std::vector< NODE * > &  node_list)

Definition at line 241 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.


  // loop through nodes to set bounding box

  CubitVector coor;
  NODE *node_ptr;
  unsigned int ii;
  for (ii=0; ii<node_list.size(); ii++)
    node_ptr = node_list[ii];
    coor = node_ptr->coordinates();

    if (coor.x() > maxbox.x()) maxbox.x( coor.x() );
    if (coor.x() < minbox.x()) minbox.x( coor.x() );
    if (coor.y() > maxbox.y()) maxbox.y( coor.y() );
    if (coor.y() < minbox.y()) minbox.y( coor.y() );
    if (coor.z() > maxbox.z()) maxbox.z( coor.z() );
    if (coor.z() < minbox.z()) minbox.z( coor.z() );

  // Expand the bounding box by 20% of the size of the diagonal

  double dx = maxbox.x() - minbox.x();
  double dy = maxbox.y() - minbox.y();
  double dz = maxbox.z() - minbox.z();
  double expand = 0.2 * sqrt(SQR(dx) + SQR(dy) + SQR(dz));
  minbox.x( minbox.x() - expand );
  minbox.y( minbox.y() - expand );
  minbox.z( minbox.z() - expand );
  maxbox.x( maxbox.x() + expand );
  maxbox.y( maxbox.y() + expand );
  maxbox.z( maxbox.z() + expand );

  bBox.reset( minbox, maxbox );

  return create_bbox_tets();

Definition at line 111 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  bBox = bounding_box;
  return create_bbox_tets();
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I insert_nodes ( std::vector< NODE * > &  node_list)

Definition at line 424 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  unsigned int ii;
  NODE *node_ptr;
  int num_failed = 0;
  for (ii=0; ii<node_list.size(); ii++)
    node_ptr = node_list[ii];
    if(insert_one_node( node_ptr ) == CUBIT_FAILURE)

  // If any failed to insert the first time, then try them again

  if (num_failed > 0) 
    num_failed = 0;
    for (ii=0; ii<node_list.size(); ii++)
      node_ptr = node_list[ii];
      if (node_ptr->number_tets() == 0)
        if(insert_one_node( node_ptr ) == CUBIT_FAILURE)
  return num_failed;

TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I insert_one_node ( NODE *  node_ptr)

Definition at line 468 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.


  // Get all tets whose circumsphere contain the point

  CubitVector xx = node_ptr->coordinates();
  std::vector<TET *> neighbor_tet_list;
  NODE *duplicate_node = NULL;
  int stat = natural_neighbor_tets( xx, neighbor_tet_list, duplicate_node );
  if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return stat;

  // If this new node fell exactly on top of an existing node, then
  // ignore it

  if (duplicate_node != NULL)
    PRINT_WARNING("Duplicate node detected in Delaunay insertion at (%f %f %f).\n"
                  "  Ignoring node and continuing.\n", xx.x(), xx.y(), xx.z());
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // insert the node using the bowyer-watson algorithm

  stat = watson_insert( node_ptr, neighbor_tet_list );

  return stat;


Definition at line 407 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  int ii;
  for(ii=0; ii<8; ii++)
    if(n == boxNodes[ii])
      return 1;
  return 0;
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I locate_point ( CubitVector xx,
NODE *&  exact_node,
TET *&  containing_tet 

Definition at line 717 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  // Use the last tet to be located as the first try.  If there is
  // no last tet, then use one tet on the global list

  exact_node = NULL;
  containing_tet = NULL;
  TET *cur_tet = lastTet;
  if (cur_tet == NULL)
    cur_tet = tetList[0];

  // keep track of the tets we visit by marking as we go - 
  // increment the visit flag for this call

  TET *adj_tet = NULL;
  double tol = GEOMETRY_RESABS;
  NODE *na, *nb, *nc, *nd;
  CubitVector A, B, C, D;
  double volcoord_A, volcoord_B, volcoord_C, volcoord_D, vol;
  CubitBoolean found = CUBIT_FALSE;
  while (!found) 
    set_tet_visited( cur_tet, tetVisited );

    // Get the coords of the nodes on the tet and compute the
    // barycentric coords (areacoords) of the point with respect 
    // to the tet.  If all area coords are positive, then 
    // the point is inside the tet.  If any are negative
    // then choose the next try as the adjacent tet to
    // the area coord that was the smallest

    cur_tet->tet_nodes( na, nb, nc, nd );
    A = na->coordinates();
    B = nb->coordinates();
    C = nc->coordinates();
    D = nd->coordinates();
    volcoord_A = tet_volume(B, C, D, xx);
    volcoord_B = tet_volume(A, D, C, xx);
    volcoord_C = tet_volume(A, B, D, xx);
    volcoord_D = tet_volume(A, C, B, xx);
    vol = tet_volume(A, C, B, D);

    // check for inverted tet
    assert (vol > 0.0);

    // normalize coords

    //vol = volcoord_A + volcoord_B + volcoord_C + volcoord_D;
    if (fabs(vol) > CUBIT_RESABS) 
      volcoord_A /= vol;
      volcoord_B /= vol;
      volcoord_C /= vol;
      volcoord_D /= vol;
      tol = GEOMETRY_RESABS;
      tol = csTol;

    if (volcoord_A > -tol && 
        volcoord_B > -tol && 
        volcoord_C > -tol &&
        volcoord_D > -tol) 
      found = TRUE;

      // if three of the areacoords are +-tol then we are at an existing node

      if (volcoord_B < tol && volcoord_C < tol && volcoord_D < tol) 
        exact_node = na;
      else if (volcoord_A < tol && volcoord_C < tol && volcoord_D < tol) 
        exact_node = nb;
      else if (volcoord_A < tol && volcoord_B < tol && volcoord_D < tol) 
        exact_node = nc;
      else if (volcoord_A < tol && volcoord_B < tol && volcoord_C < tol) 
        exact_node = nd;

      // this is the general case where all areacoords are positive.
      // we have located the tet xx is contained in

        containing_tet = cur_tet;

    // at least one of the areacoords is negative.  Advance to the next adjacent
    // tet.  Choose the adjacent tet based on the sign of the areacoords

      if (volcoord_A <= volcoord_B && 
          volcoord_A <= volcoord_C &&
          volcoord_A <= volcoord_D) 
        adj_tet = (TET *)cur_tet->get_connected_tet( nb, nc, nd );
      else if (volcoord_B <= volcoord_A && 
               volcoord_B <= volcoord_C &&
               volcoord_B <= volcoord_D) 
        adj_tet = (TET *)cur_tet->get_connected_tet( nd, nc, na );
      else if (volcoord_C <= volcoord_A && 
               volcoord_C <= volcoord_B &&
               volcoord_C <= volcoord_D) 
        adj_tet = (TET *)cur_tet->get_connected_tet( nd, na, nb );
        adj_tet = (TET *)cur_tet->get_connected_tet( nc, nb, na );
      cur_tet = adj_tet;
      // Check if we just left the triangulation or we have already been 
      // to this tet.  If so, use the exhaustive search
      if(cur_tet == NULL  || tet_visited( cur_tet ) == tetVisited)
        return exhaustive_locate_point(xx, exact_node, containing_tet);
  lastTet = containing_tet;
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I natural_neighbor_tets ( CubitVector xx,
std::vector< TET * > &  neighbor_tet_list,
NODE *&  exact_node 

Definition at line 506 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  // Determine the tet where the point is located.  If its at a node
  // return now with success (trivial interpolation case)

  TET *containing_tet;
  int stat = locate_point( xx, exact_node, containing_tet );
  if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return stat;
  if (exact_node != NULL)
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // Put the tet that contains the point as the first one on the list 
  // and mark it as visited

  neighbor_tet_list.push_back( containing_tet );
  set_tet_visited( containing_tet, ++tetVisited );

  // Recursively search, (starting with the tet the point is in)
  // search for all tets whose circumsphere contain the point and place 
  // on the neighbor_tet_list

  int iface;
  TET *adj_tet = NULL;
  NODE *na, *nb, *nc, *nd;
  containing_tet->tet_nodes(na, nb, nc, nd);
  for (iface=0; iface<4; iface++) 
      case 0: adj_tet = (TET *)containing_tet->get_connected_tet( nb, nc, nd ); break;
      case 1: adj_tet = (TET *)containing_tet->get_connected_tet( nd, nc, na ); break;
      case 2: adj_tet = (TET *)containing_tet->get_connected_tet( nd, na, nb ); break;
      case 3: adj_tet = (TET *)containing_tet->get_connected_tet( nc, nb, na ); break;
    if (adj_tet != NULL)
      if (tet_visited(adj_tet) != tetVisited)
        point_in_circumsphere( adj_tet, xx, neighbor_tet_list );

TET_FACETOR_TOOL__B point_in_circumsphere ( TET *  tet_ptr,
CubitVector xx,
std::vector< TET * > &  neighbor_tet_list 

Definition at line 981 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  // The circumsphere of the face has been previously stored with the
  // face.  Determine distance squared from center of circle to point

  set_tet_visited(tet_ptr, tetVisited);
  double radsq;
  CubitVector cc;
  circumsphere(tet_ptr, cc, radsq);

  double dist2 = (SQR(xx.x()-cc.x()) + 
                  SQR(xx.y()-cc.y()) + 
                  SQR(xx.z()-cc.z())) - radsq;

  CubitBoolean inside_csph;
  if (dist2 > csTol) 
    inside_csph = CUBIT_FALSE;
  else if (dist2 < -csTol) 
    inside_csph = CUBIT_TRUE;
    inside_csph = CUBIT_TRUE; // (numerically on the sphere)

  if (inside_csph) 
    // add it to the list and go check its neighbors


    int iface;
    TET *adj_tet = NULL;
    NODE *na, *nb, *nc, *nd;
    tet_ptr->tet_nodes( na, nb, nc, nd );
    for (iface=0; iface<4; iface++) 
        case 0: adj_tet = (TET *)tet_ptr->get_connected_tet( nb, nc, nd ); break;
        case 1: adj_tet = (TET *)tet_ptr->get_connected_tet( nd, nc, na ); break;
        case 2: adj_tet = (TET *)tet_ptr->get_connected_tet( nd, na, nb ); break;
        case 3: adj_tet = (TET *)tet_ptr->get_connected_tet( nc, nb, na ); break;
      if (adj_tet != NULL)
        if (tet_visited(adj_tet) != tetVisited)
          point_in_circumsphere( adj_tet, xx, neighbor_tet_list );
  return inside_csph;
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I read_data ( const char *  filename,
std::vector< NODE * > &  node_list 

Definition at line 1141 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  // open the file

  FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
  if (fp == NULL)
    PRINT_ERROR("Could not open file %s for reading\n", filename);
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  PRINT_INFO("Reading data...\n");

  // read the number of nodes

  int iline = 1;
  char line[128];
  if (fgets(line, 128, fp) == NULL)
    PRINT_ERROR("Format error in facet file %s on line %d\n", filename, iline);
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  int nnodes = 0;
  int n = sscanf(line, "%d", &nnodes);
  if (n != 1)
    PRINT_ERROR("Format error in data file %s on line %d\n", filename, iline);
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  if (nnodes <= 0)
    PRINT_ERROR("Expecting number of nodes in data file %s on line %d\n", filename, iline);
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // read the nodes

  int ii;
  double xx, yy, zz, data;
  NODE *new_node;
  for (ii=0; ii<nnodes; ii++)
    if (fgets(line, 128, fp)== NULL)
      PRINT_ERROR("Format error in data file %s on line %d\n", filename, iline);
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    n = sscanf(line, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &xx, &yy, &zz, &data );
    if (n < 3 || n > 4)
      PRINT_ERROR("Format error in data file %s on line %d\n", filename, iline);
      PRINT_INFO("  Expecting 3 doubles and an optional data value, but instead read %d values\n", n);
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    CubitVector pt( xx, yy, zz );
    new_node = (NODE *) new NODE( pt );
    node_list.push_back( new_node );

    if (n==4)
      TDInterpNode *td_interp = new TDInterpNode(data);
          new_node->add_TD( td_interp );



Definition at line 364 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  int stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  int found;
  TET *tet_ptr;
  unsigned int ii, jj, kk;

  NODE *nodes[4];
  for (ii=0; ii<tetList.size(); ii++)
    found = 0;
    tet_ptr = tetList[ii];  
    tet_ptr->tet_nodes(nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2], nodes[3]);
    for(jj=0; jj<4 && !found; jj++)
      if (is_bbox(nodes[jj]))
        found = 1;
        for(kk=0; kk<4; kk++)
        tetList[ii] = NULL;
        delete tet_ptr;
  tet_ptr = NULL;
  tetList.erase(std::remove(tetList.begin(), tetList.end(), tet_ptr), tetList.end());

  for (ii=0; ii<8; ii++)
    delete boxNodes[ii];

  return stat;
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__V set_tet_visited ( TET *  tet_ptr,
int  new_visit_flag 

Definition at line 1071 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  ToolData *td = tet_ptr->get_TD( TDDelaunay< TET, NODE >::is_delaunay );
    TDDelaunay< TET, NODE > *td_del = dynamic_cast<TDDelaunay< TET, NODE >*> (td);
    if(td_del == NULL) {
        td_del = new TDDelaunay<TET, NODE>();
        tet_ptr->add_TD( td_del );

    td_del->visit_flag( new_visit_flag );
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I tesselate ( std::vector< NODE * > &  node_list,
std::vector< TET * > &  tet_list 

Definition at line 199 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  int stat;

  // create a set of tets in a bounding box to start
  stat = init_box( node_list );

  // insert all the nodes
  if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    int num_failed = insert_nodes( node_list );
    stat = (num_failed==0) ? CUBIT_SUCCESS : CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // remove the nodes at the bounding box.
  // this should give you a convex hull of the points (provided your points
  // are dense enough)

  if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    stat = remove_bbox_tets();

  // copy the local list to the tet_list argument to pass back
  if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<tetList.size(); ii++)

  return stat;
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I tet_visited ( TET *  tet_ptr)

Definition at line 1090 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  ToolData *td = tet_ptr->get_TD( TDDelaunay< TET, NODE >::is_delaunay );
  if (td == NULL)
    return CUBIT_INT_MIN;
    TDDelaunay< TET, NODE > *td_del = dynamic_cast<TDDelaunay< TET, NODE >*> (td);
    if(td_del == NULL) 
    return CUBIT_INT_MIN;
  return td_del->visit_flag();
TET_FACETOR_TOOL__D tet_volume ( const CubitVector a,
const CubitVector b,
const CubitVector c,
const CubitVector d 

Definition at line 1120 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

   CubitVector da = a - d;
   CubitVector db = b - d;
   CubitVector dc = c - d;
   double vol = da.x()*(db.y()*dc.z() - dc.y()*db.z()) + 
                da.y()*(db.z()*dc.x() - dc.z()*db.x()) +
                da.z()*(db.x()*dc.y() - dc.x()*db.y());
   vol /= 6.0;

   return vol;

Definition at line 82 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  //update private variables
  mDebug = 1;

TET_FACETOR_TOOL__I watson_insert ( NODE *  node_ptr,
std::vector< TET * > &  neighbor_tet_list 

Definition at line 562 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

  TET *tet_ptr;
  unsigned int ii,jj;

  // mark all the tets in the list

  for (ii=0; ii<neighbor_tet_list.size(); ii++)
    set_tet_visited(neighbor_tet_list[ii], tetVisited);

  // Go through the neighbor tets and find the faces that are not 
  // adjacent to any other tet in the neighbor list.  These faces
  // will serve as base facets for new tets

  std::vector<TET *> new_tet_list;
  CubitVector cc;
  double radsq;
  TET *adj_tet = NULL, *new_tet = NULL;
  std::vector<NODE *> cavity_nodes;
  NODE *nodes[4];
  size_t itet, iface;
  size_t ntet = 0;
  NODE *na, *nb, *nc, *nd;

  // form the list of boundary faces of the cavity
  for (itet=0; itet<neighbor_tet_list.size(); itet++) 
    tet_ptr = neighbor_tet_list[itet];
    tet_ptr->tet_nodes(na, nb, nc, nd);
    for (iface=0; iface<4; iface++) 
        case 0: adj_tet = (TET *)tet_ptr->get_connected_tet( nb, nc, nd ); break;
        case 1: adj_tet = (TET *)tet_ptr->get_connected_tet( nd, nc, na ); break;
        case 2: adj_tet = (TET *)tet_ptr->get_connected_tet( nd, na, nb ); break;
        case 3: adj_tet = (TET *)tet_ptr->get_connected_tet( nc, nb, na ); break;
      if (adj_tet == NULL || tet_visited(adj_tet) != tetVisited)
          case 0:
          case 1:
          case 2:
          case 3:

  for (itet=0; itet<ntet; itet++)

    // form a new tet with this face and the node
    nodes[0] = cavity_nodes[itet*3];
    nodes[1] = cavity_nodes[itet*3+1];
    nodes[2] = cavity_nodes[itet*3+2];
    nodes[3] = node_ptr;

    // check volume of this new tet - if its less than zero then the cavity is 
    // not strictly star-shaped.  fail the insertion, delete any new tets already
    // created and return now.

    double vol = tet_volume(nodes[0]->coordinates(), 
    if (vol < 0.0)
      for (ii=0; ii<new_tet_list.size(); ii++)
        tet_ptr = new_tet_list[ii]; 
        tet_ptr->tet_nodes(nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2], nodes[3]);
        for(jj=0; jj<4; jj++)
        delete tet_ptr;        
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    new_tet = new SUBTET(nodes);
    for (ii=0; ii<4; ii++)

    // define the circumsphere.  If it fails, then fail this
    // insertion, delete any tets already created and return now.

    if (circumsphere(new_tet, cc, radsq) == CUBIT_FAILURE)
      for (ii=0; ii<new_tet_list.size(); ii++)
        tet_ptr = new_tet_list[ii]; 
        tet_ptr->tet_nodes(nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2], nodes[3]);
        for(jj=0; jj<4; jj++)
        delete tet_ptr;       
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    set_tet_visited(new_tet, tetVisited);

  // Set last face for Locate Point

  if (new_tet != NULL)
    lastTet = new_tet;

  // Delete all tets in the neighbor tet list

  for (itet=0; itet<neighbor_tet_list.size(); itet++) 
    tet_ptr = neighbor_tet_list[itet];
    tet_ptr->tet_nodes(nodes[0], nodes[1], nodes[2], nodes[3]);
    for(jj=0; jj<4; jj++)
    tetList.erase(std::find(tetList.begin(), tetList.end(), tet_ptr));
    delete tet_ptr;

  for (ii=0; ii<new_tet_list.size(); ii++)
    tetList.push_back( new_tet_list[ii] );

Definition at line 97 of file TetFacetorTool.cpp.

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