AbstractTree< Z > | |
AGT_3D_Arc | |
AgtLine | |
AgtTriList | |
AnalyticGeometryTool | Performs calculations on analytic geometry |
AppUtil | |
AreaHashTuple | |
ArrayBasedContainer | |
ArrayMemory | |
AutoMidsurfaceTool | |
Hasher< Y, B >::BaseIter< T > | |
BasicTopologyEntity | |
ModelQueryEngine::BeginQuery | |
Body | Body class |
BodySM | |
BoundaryConstrainTool< SURF, TRI, EDGE, NODE, TRICHILD > | |
BoundaryEdgeData | |
BoundaryPointData | |
BoundingBoxTool | Class for bounding boxes (primarily for "tight" bounding boxes) |
BoxVolume | |
BridgeManager | |
CAActuateSet | |
CAAssemblyData | |
CABodies | |
CACompositeVG | |
CADeferredAttrib | |
CAEntityColor | |
CAEntityId | |
CAEntityName | |
CAEntitySense | |
CAEntityTol | |
CAGroup | |
CAMergePartner | |
CAMergeStatus | |
CAPartitionVG | |
Card | |
CardRef< T > | |
CASourceFeature | Attribute for managing RefEntity source feature types |
CastingDLIIterator< ListType, OutType > | |
CastingDynamicDLIIterator< ListType, OutType > | |
CATag | |
CAUniqueId | |
CAVirtualVG | |
NCubitFile::CCubitFile | |
WeightedOctree< X, C, E >::Cell | |
GetLongOpt::Cell | |
CellCard | |
CellCardImpl | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel | |
CGMAIterator | |
CGMApp | |
CGMEngineDynamicLoader | Functionality from cgm engines residing in dynamically loadable libraries |
OCCHistory::CGMEvent | |
CGMFileOptions | Parse options string passed to file IO routines |
CGMHistory | |
CGMMemFile | |
CGMParallelComm | Parallel communications in CGM |
CGMProcConfig | Multi-CPU information for parallel CGM |
CGMReadParallel | |
CGMTagManager | |
Chain | |
ChollaCurve | |
ChollaEngine | |
ChollaEntity | |
ChollaMesh | |
ChollaPoint | |
ChollaSkinTool | |
ChollaSurface | |
ChollaVolume | |
ChordalAxis | |
NCubitFile::CIOWrapper | |
Circle3 | |
CubitConcurrent::ClassFunctionTask< X > | |
CubitConcurrent::ClassFunctionTaskArg1< X, Param1 > | |
CubitConcurrent::ClassFunctionTaskArg2< X, Param1, Param2 > | |
NCubitFile::CMetaData | |
CoEdge | |
CubitLoops< C, V >::CoEdge | |
CoEdgeDataList | |
CoEdgeSM | |
CoFace | |
CollapseAngleTool | |
CollapseCurveTool | |
CollectionEntity | |
CommandFeedback | |
CompositeAttrib | |
CompositeBody | |
CompositeCoEdge | |
CompositeCombineEvent | |
CompositeCoSurf | |
CompositeCurve | |
CompositeEngine | |
CompositeEntry | |
CompositeGeom | |
CompositeLoop | |
CompositeLump | |
CompositePoint | |
CompositeShell | |
CompositeSurface | |
CompositeTool | |
CompSurfFacets | |
ConeSurface | |
ContainmentPoint | |
CoVertex | |
CoVolume | |
CpuTimer | |
CSATagData | |
NCubitFile::CSimModel | |
Cubit2DPoint | |
CubitAttrib | |
CubitAttribFactory | |
CubitAttribManager | |
CubitAttribUser | |
CubitBox | |
CubitBoxStruct | |
CubitColor | |
CubitConcurrent | Api for concurrency |
CubitCoordEvent | |
CubitCoordinateSystem | |
CubitDirIterator | |
CubitEntity | |
CubitEquation | |
CubitEvaluator | |
CubitEvaluatorData | |
CubitEvent | |
CubitEventDispatcher | |
CubitFacet | |
CubitFacetData | |
CubitFacetEdge | |
CubitFacetEdgeData | |
CubitFile | |
CubitFileUtil | |
CubitInputFile | |
CubitLoops< C, V > | |
CubitMatrix | |
CubitMessage | |
CubitMessageErrorHandler | |
CubitMessageHandler | |
CubitObservable | |
CubitObserver | |
CubitOctree | |
CubitOctreeCell | |
CubitOctreeGenerator | |
CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes | |
CubitOctreeNode | |
CubitOperationEvent | |
CubitPlane | |
CubitPlaneStruct | |
CubitPoint | |
CubitPointComparator | |
CubitPointData | |
CubitPolygon | |
CubitQtConcurrent | Api for concurrency based on Qt |
CubitQuadFacet | |
CubitQuadFacetData | |
CubitSilence | |
CubitSimpleAttrib | |
CubitSparseMatrix | |
CubitString | String class that represents a UTF-8 string |
CubitTransformMatrix | |
CubitUndo | |
CubitUtil | |
CubitVectOctTreeEval | |
CubitVector | |
CubitVectorStruct | |
CubitViewParam | |
Curve | |
CurveFacetEvalTool | |
CurveFacets | |
CurveOverlapFacet | |
CurveSM | |
CylinderEvaluator | |
CylinderEvaluatorData | |
CylinderSurface | |
DAG | |
DagDrawingTool | |
DagListTool | |
DagNodeRow | |
DagNodeTable | |
DagType | |
DataCard | |
DataRef< T > | |
DefaultCubitMessageHandler | |
DefaultOctreeCell | |
DefaultPointQuery< X > | |
DefaultWeightedNodeQuery< X > | |
DeprecatedCommandError | |
dist_vert_curve_struct | |
dist_vert_struct | |
dist_vert_surf_struct | |
dist_vert_vert_struct | |
DLIList< X > | |
DLIListIterator< X > | |
DLIListSorter< X > | |
DLIListSorter< ChollaCurve * > | |
DLIListSorter< ChollaPoint * > | |
DLIListSorter< ChollaSurface * > | |
DLIListSorter< ChollaVolume * > | |
DLIListSorter< CubitFacet * > | |
DLIListSorter< CubitFacetEdge * > | |
DLIListSorter< CubitPoint * > | |
DLIListSorter< CubitString > | |
DLIListSorter< double > | |
DLIListSorter< int > | |
DLIListSorter< RefEdge * > | |
DLIListSorter< RefEntity * > | |
DLIListSorter< RefFace * > | |
DLIListSorter< RefVertex * > | |
DLIListSorter< RefVolume * > | |
DLList | |
DLListIterator | |
DLT_IdTable | |
DynamicDLIIterator< X > | |
DynamicDLIIteratorImpl< ListType, OutType > | |
DynamicTreeIterator< TreeType, OutType, Which > | |
edgecompfn_less | |
edgecompfn_more | |
EllipsoidSurface | |
CGMHistory::Event | |
ExternalCoordinateSystem | |
FacetAttrib | |
FacetAttribSet | |
FacetBody | |
FacetboolInterface | |
FacetCoEdge | |
FacetCurve | |
FacetDataUtil | |
FacetEntity | |
Faceter | |
FaceterFacetData | |
FaceterPointData | |
FacetEvalTool | |
FacetGeometryCreator | |
FacetLoop | |
FacetLump | |
FacetModifyEngine | |
FacetParamTool | |
FacetPoint | |
FacetProjectTool | |
FacetQueryEngine | |
FacetShapes | |
FacetShell | |
FacetSurface | |
FB_Coord | |
FB_Edge | |
FB_Triangle | |
FBClassify | |
FBDataUtil | |
FBImprint | |
FBIntersect | |
FBPolyhedron | |
FBRetriangulate | |
FBTiler | |
FBTilerChainVert | |
FileOptions | Parse options string passed to file IO routines |
Fill | |
FillNode | |
FSBoundingBox | |
GeomDataObserver | |
GeometryContext | |
GeometryEntity | |
GeometryEvent | |
GeometryFeatureEngine | Defines an interface for GeometryFeatureEngine |
GeometryFeatureTool | This is a singleton pattern class for the feature functions |
GeometryHealerEngine | |
GeometryHealerTool | Class used for healing geometry. engine -specific |
GeometryIdSetEvent | |
GeometryModifyEngine | |
GeometryModifyTool | Interface class for modifying geometry |
GeometryQueryEngine | |
GeometryQueryTool | Interface class for querying geometry |
GeometryUtil | |
GeomMeasureTool | Calculates measurements and statistics for a given entity |
GeomPoint | |
GeomSeg | |
GeoNode | |
GeoTet | |
GetLongOpt | |
GfxDebug | |
GfxPreview | |
GMem | |
GPoint | |
GPointOctTreeEval | |
GridSearchTree | |
GridSearchTreeNode | |
GroupingEntity | |
GSaveOpen | |
GridSearchTreeNode::GSTNodeComparator | |
Hasher< Y, B > | |
HasherVector< Y, S > | |
CubitDirIterator::Helper | |
HexVolume | |
HiddenEntitySet | |
ChollaCurve::hpp | |
iBase_Error | |
GeometryQueryTool::IGEComp | |
iGeomArrayManager | |
IGUIObservers | |
ImmediateRef< T > | |
ImprintBoundaryTool | |
ImprintLineSegment | |
ImprintMatchData | |
ImprintPointData | |
IndexedDouble | |
InitCGMA | |
InputDeck | |
int_triple | |
IntegerHash | |
IntermediateGeomEngine | |
IntersectionTool | |
InvalidEntity | |
Hasher< Y, B >::iterator | |
ManagedPtrVector< X >::iterator | |
Hasher< Y, B >::IterTag | |
KDDTree< Z > | |
KDDTreeNode< Y > | |
KDTree | |
Lattice | |
RStarTree< Z >::LessThan | |
RTree< Z >::LessThan | |
Line3 | |
InputDeck::LineExtractor | |
LocalToleranceTool | |
Loop | |
LoopAngles | |
LoopIntersection | |
LoopParamTool | |
LoopSM | |
Lump | |
LumpSM | |
ManagedPtrVector< X > | A vector of pointers to objects that are automatically deleted when the container itself is deleted |
MapSelect1st< Pair, First > | |
MapSelect2nd< Pair, Second > | |
MedialTool2D | |
MedialTool3D | |
MemoryBlock | |
MemoryManager | |
MergeEvent | |
MergeTool | |
MergeToolAssistant | |
MessageFlag | |
mgcEigen | |
mgcEigenD | |
MidPlaneTool | |
ModelEntity | |
ModelExportOptions | |
ModelQueryEngine | |
CubitConcurrent::Mutex | |
CubitConcurrent::MutexLocker | |
my_sort | |
GeometryContext::NamedEntity | |
GeometryContext::NamedGroup | |
NextBlend | |
NullRef< T > | |
OBBox2 | |
OBBox3 | |
OCCAttribSet | |
OCCBody | |
OCCCoEdge | |
OCCCurve | |
OCCDrawTool | |
OCCHistory::OCCEvent | |
OCCHistory | |
OCCLoop | |
OCCLump | |
OCCModifyEngine | |
OCCPoint | |
OCCQueryEngine | |
OCCShapeAttributeSet | |
OCCShell | |
OCCSurface | |
OctreeFacetPointData | |
OctreeIntersectionData | |
OctTree< X, E > | |
OctTreeCell< X, E > | |
OctTreeEntry< X, E > | |
OffsetSplitTool | |
OldUnmergeCode | |
OrderedMap< X, Y > | |
OrderedSet< X > | |
ParamCubitPlane | |
ParamTool | |
PartitionBody | |
PartitionCoEdge | |
PartitionCoSurf | |
PartitionCurve | |
PartitionEngine | |
PartitionEntity | |
PartitionLoop | |
PartitionLump | |
PartitionLumpImprint | |
PartitionPoint | |
PartitionShell | |
PartitionSurface | |
PartitionTool | |
PartPTCurve | |
PartSurfFacetTool | |
PeriodicParamTool | |
PlanarParamTool | |
Plane3 | |
PlaneSurface | |
Point2 | |
Point3 | |
PointerRef< T > | |
PointGridSearch | |
PointLoopFacetor | |
PointSM | |
CGMHistory::PortEvent | |
PriorityQueue< Object > | |
ProcData | |
ProgOpt | |
ProgOptions | |
program_option_struct | |
ProgressTool | |
PST_CoEdge | |
PST_Edge | |
PST_Entity | |
PST_EntityOwner | |
PST_Face | |
PST_Point | |
RandomMersenne | |
RccVolume | |
RealMutex | |
Rectoid3 | |
RecVolume | |
RefCollection | |
RefEdge | |
RefEntity | Base class for all geometry entities, body, volume, surface.. |
RefEntityFactory | |
RefEntityName | |
RefEntityNameMaps | |
RefFace | |
RefGroup | |
RefVertex | |
RefVolume | RefVolume class |
RppVolume | |
RStarTree< Z > | |
RStarTreeNode< Y > | |
RTree< Z > | |
RTreeNode< Y > | |
NCubitFile::CSimModel::SBCSetReturnBuffer | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel::SBlockReturnBuffer | |
NCubitFile::CSimModel::SConstraintReturnBuffer | |
NCubitFile::CSimModel::SCubitFileAmplitudeEntry | |
NCubitFile::CSimModel::SCubitFileBCEntry | |
NCubitFile::CSimModel::SCubitFileBCSetEntry | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel::SCubitFileBlockEntry | |
NCubitFile::CSimModel::SCubitFileConstraintEntry | |
NCubitFile::CCubitFile::SCubitFileContentsHeader | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel::SCubitFileFEModelHeader | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel::SCubitFileGeomEntry | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel::SCubitFileGroupEntry | |
NCubitFile::CSimModel::SCubitFileICEntry | |
NCubitFile::CSimModel::SCubitFileMaterialEntry | |
NCubitFile::CMetaData::SCubitFileMetaDataEntry | |
NCubitFile::CMetaData::SCubitFileMetaDataHeader | |
NCubitFile::CCubitFile::SCubitFileModelEntry | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel::SCubitFileNodeSetEntry | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel::SCubitFileSideSetEntry | |
NCubitFile::CSimModel::SCubitFileSimModelHeader | |
NCubitFile::CSimModel::SCubitFileSimModelHeader2 | |
SDLList | |
SegmentedCurve | |
NCubitFile::SElemData | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel::SElemReturnBuffer | |
SenseEntity | |
SetSelect< Item > | |
SettingHandler | |
SettingHolder | |
NCubitFile::SGroupData | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel::SGroupReturnBuffer | |
Shell | |
ShellSM | |
SilentCubitMessageHandler | |
SimpleArray< T > | |
SimplifyTool | Tool to automatically simplify geometry |
NCubitFile::SMaterialData | |
NCubitFile::CSimModel::SMaterialReturnBuffer | |
NCubitFile::SModelData | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel::SNodeReturnBuffer | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel::SNodeSetReturnBuffer | |
sort_by_second< X > | |
SphereEvaluator | |
SphereEvaluatorData | |
SphereSurface | |
SplitCompositeSurfaceTool | |
SplitSurfaceTool | Tool class for splitting surfaces |
NCubitFile::SSideSetData_10 | |
NCubitFile::SSideSetData_11 | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel::SSideSetReturnBuffer_10 | |
NCubitFile::CFEModel::SSideSetReturnBuffer_11 | |
SSParam | |
SSSide | |
StubProgressTool | |
SubCurve | |
SubEntitySet | |
SubSurface | |
Surface | |
SurfaceCard | |
SurfaceFacets | |
SurfaceOverlapFacet | |
SurfaceOverlapTool | Tool to find surfaces and curves that overlap |
SurfaceSM | |
SurfaceVolume | |
SurfParamTool | Transforms between a surface's uv parameter and xyz space |
CGMTagManager::TagInfo | |
CubitConcurrent::Task | |
CubitConcurrent::TaskGroup | |
TBOwner | |
TBOwnerSet | |
TBPoint | |
TDCellIndex | |
TDChordal | |
TDCompare | |
TDDelaunay< TRIA, NODE > | |
TDFacetboolData | |
TDFacetBoundaryEdge | |
TDFacetBoundaryPoint | |
TDGeomFacet | |
TDInterpNode | |
TDOctreeRefEdge | |
TDOctreeRefFace | |
TDParallel | |
TDPtr | |
TDSourceFeature | Source feature tool data |
TDSplitSurface | |
TDSplitSurfaceExtend | |
TDSurfaceOverlap | |
TDUniqueId | |
TDUPtr< T > | |
TDUPtrListNode | |
TDVector | |
TDVGFacetOwner | |
TDVGFacetSplit | |
TestParamTool | Transforms between a surface's uv parameter and xyz space |
TetFacetorTool< TET, SUBTET, NODE > | |
TextProgressTool | |
CubitConcurrent::ThreadLocalStorage< T > | |
CubitConcurrent::ThreadLocalStorageInterface | |
ToolData | |
ToolDataUser | |
TopologyBridge | |
TopologyEntity | |
TopologyEvent | |
TorusSurface | |
Transform | |
TransformCard | |
TransformEvent | |
TreeSelectFind< TreeType, Y, Which > | |
TreeStack | |
Triangle | |
Triangle3 | |
TtyProgressTool | |
UnMergeEvent | |
VariableArray< T > | |
Vector3d | |
vector_const_reference_type< T > | A list class, similar to a std::vector<> |
vector_const_reference_type< bool > | |
vert_curve_dist_sort | |
vert_curve_dist_sort_ptr | |
vert_surf_dist_sort | |
vert_vert_dist_sort_ptr | |
VertexFacets | |
VertexStuff | |
vertstuffcompfn_less | |
VGArray< T > | |
VirtualImprintTool | |
VirtualQueryEngine | |
VolumeCache | |
VolumeFacets | |
WeightedOctree< X, C, E > | |