FacetEvalTool Class Reference

#include <FacetEvalTool.hpp>

List of all members.

Private Member Functions

bool have_data_to_calculate_bbox (void)
void set_up_grid_search (double geom_factor)

Private Attributes

int toolID
int interpOrder
DLIList< CubitFacet * > myFacetList
DLIList< CubitFacet * > markedFacetList
DLIList< CubitPoint * > myPointList
DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > myEdgeList
DLIList< DLIList
< CubitFacetEdge * > * > 
AbstractTree< CubitFacet * > * aTree
double myArea
double compareTol
int isFlat
CubitBoolean isParameterized
double minDot
int output_id

Static Private Attributes

static double timeGridSearch = 0.0
static double timeFacetProject = 0.0
static int numEvals = 0
void facets_from_search_grid (CubitVector &this_point, DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, double &tol_used)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void facets_from_search_grid (CubitVector &this_point, double compare_tol, DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list)
 get the closest facets using a given tolerance
CubitStatus get_points_from_facets (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &point_list)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus get_edges_from_facets (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &edge_list)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void destroy_facets ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void debug_draw_edges (int color=-1)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void debug_draw_edge (CubitFacetEdge *edge, int color=-1)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void debug_draw_vec (CubitVector &vec, int color=-1)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void debug_draw_facet_normals (int color=-1)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void debug_draw_point_normals (int color=-1)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void debug_draw_bezier_edges (int color=-1)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void debug_draw_bezier_facets (int color=-1)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void debug_draw_bezier_facet (CubitFacet *facet, int color=-1)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void debug_draw_line (CubitVector &begin, CubitVector &end, int color=-1)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void debug_draw_eval_bezier_facet (CubitFacet *facet)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void debug_draw_location (CubitVector &location, int color=-1)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void write_loops ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus project_to_facets (CubitVector &this_point, CubitBoolean trim, CubitBoolean *outside, CubitVector *closest_point_ptr, CubitVector *normal_ptr)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus init_gradient ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus init_quadrics ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus eval_quadratic (CubitFacet *facet, int pt_idx, CubitVector &eval_pt, CubitVector &qpoint, CubitVector &qnorm)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void on_circle (CubitVector &ptA, CubitVector &normA, CubitVector &ptB, CubitVector &normB, CubitVector &eval_pt, CubitVector &pt_on_circle, CubitVector &normal)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void eval_quadric (CubitFacet *facet, int pt_index, CubitVector &eval_pt, CubitVector &qpt)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus get_close_points (CubitPoint *point, CubitPoint **close_point, int &num_close, int max_close, int min_close)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void check_faceting ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus mark_edge_pairs (CubitPoint *point)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus pair_edges ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus eval_bezier_patch (CubitFacet *facet, CubitVector &areacoord, CubitVector &pt)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus eval_bezier_patch_normal (CubitFacet *facet, CubitVector &areacoord, CubitVector &normal)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus hodograph (CubitFacet *facet, CubitVector &areacoord, CubitVector Nijk[10])
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus project_to_patch (CubitFacet *facet, CubitVector &ac, const CubitVector &pt, CubitVector &eval_pt, CubitVector *eval_norm, CubitBoolean &outside, double compare_tol, int edge_id)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static void ac_at_edge (CubitVector &fac, CubitVector &eac, int edge_id)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitBoolean is_at_vertex (CubitFacet *facet, const CubitVector &pt, CubitVector &ac, double compare_tol, CubitVector &eval_pt, CubitVector *eval_norm_ptr)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitBoolean move_ac_inside (CubitVector &ac, double tol)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
 FacetEvalTool ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
 ~FacetEvalTool ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus initialize (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &point_list, int interp_order, double min_dot)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
int tool_id ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus reverse_facets ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
int get_output_id ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void set_output_id (int id)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus save (FILE *fp)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus restore (FILE *fp, unsigned int endian, int num_facets, int num_edges, int num_points, CubitFacet **facets, CubitFacetEdge **edges, CubitPoint **points)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitBox bounding_box ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void set_bounding_box (CubitBox &box)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void reset_bounding_box ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
double area ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void calculate_area ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
double get_min_dot ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus closest_point (CubitVector &this_point, CubitVector *closest_point_ptr, CubitVector *normal_ptr=NULL)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus closest_point_trimmed (CubitVector &this_point, CubitVector *closest_point_ptr, CubitBoolean &lies_outside, CubitVector *normal_ptr=NULL)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitFacetclosest_facet (const CubitVector &point)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
int is_flat ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus eval_facet (CubitFacet *facet, CubitVector &pt, CubitVector &areacoord, CubitVector &close_point, CubitBoolean &outside_facet)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
DLIList< DLIList
< CubitFacetEdge * > * > * 
loops ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
int interp_order ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void get_facets (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void get_edges (DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &edge_list)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void get_points (DLIList< CubitPoint * > &point_list)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void remove_facets (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void replace_facets (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
int num_facets () const
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
int num_points () const
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
double compare_tol ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void compare_tol (double tol)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void debug_draw_facets (int color=-1)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
void transform_control_points (CubitTransformMatrix &rotmat)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus init_bezier_surface ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus parameterize ()
CubitStatus get_intersections (CubitVector point1, CubitVector point2, DLIList< CubitVector * > &intersection_list, bool bounded=CUBIT_FALSE)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
CubitStatus get_loops_from_facets (DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &all_edge_list, DLIList< DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > * > &loop_list)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus reverse_facets (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facets)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus eval_facet (CubitFacet *facet, CubitVector &areacoord, CubitVector *eval_point, CubitVector *eval_normal)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus project_to_facet (CubitFacet *facet, const CubitVector &pt, CubitVector &areacoord, CubitVector &close_point, CubitBoolean &outside, double compare_tol)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus project_to_facets (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, CubitFacet *&last_facet, int interp_order, double compare_tol, const CubitVector &this_point, CubitBoolean trim, CubitBoolean *outside, CubitVector *closest_point_ptr, CubitVector *normal_ptr)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus eval_edge (CubitFacet *facet, int vert0, int vert1, CubitVector &pt_on_plane, CubitVector &close_point)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus project_to_facetedge (CubitFacet *facet, int vert0, int vert1, const CubitVector &the_point, CubitVector &pt_on_plane, CubitVector &close_point, CubitBoolean &outside_facet, CubitBoolean must_be_on_edge=CUBIT_FALSE)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus eval_point (CubitFacet *facet, int vertex_id, CubitVector &close_point)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus eval_facet_normal (CubitFacet *facet, CubitVector &areacoord, CubitVector &normal)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static void project_to_facet_plane (CubitFacet *facet, const CubitVector &pt, CubitVector &point_on_plane, double &dist)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static void facet_area_coordinate (CubitFacet *facet, const CubitVector &pt_on_plane, CubitVector &areacoord)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitBoolean is_outside (CubitFacet *facet, CubitVector &areacoord)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static double get_grid_search_time ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static double get_facet_project_time ()
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus init_bezier_facet (CubitFacet *facet)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus init_bezier_edge (CubitFacetEdge *edge, double min_dot)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus init_boundary_bezier_edge (CubitFacetEdge *edge)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus init_edge_control_points (CubitVector &P0, CubitVector &P3, CubitVector &N0, CubitVector &N3, CubitVector &T0, CubitVector &T3, CubitVector Pi[3])
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus init_edge_control_points_single (CubitVector &P0, CubitVector &P3, CubitVector &T0, CubitVector &T3, CubitVector Pi[3])
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus init_facet_control_points (CubitVector N[6], CubitVector P[3][5], CubitVector G[6])
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitStatus compute_curve_tangent (CubitFacetEdge *edge, double min_dot, CubitVector &T0, CubitVector &T3)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static CubitFacetEdgenext_boundary_edge (CubitFacetEdge *this_edge, CubitPoint *p0)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static int intersect_ray (CubitVector &origin, CubitVector &direction, CubitFacet *facet, CubitVector *point, double &distance)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static int intersect_ray (CubitVector &origin, CubitVector &direction, CubitFacetEdge *facet, CubitVector *point, double &distance)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance
static double contained_volume (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facets)
 get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

Detailed Description

Definition at line 42 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 134 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  static int counter = 1;
  toolID = counter++;
  myBBox = NULL;
  aTree = NULL;
  lastFacet = NULL;
  isFlat = -999;
  myArea = -1.0;
  interpOrder = 0;
  minDot = 0;
  isParameterized = CUBIT_FALSE;

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 154 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  if ( DEBUG_FLAG(110) )
    PRINT_INFO("num facets       = %d\n",myFacetList.size());
    PRINT_INFO("numEvals         = %d\n",numEvals);
    PRINT_INFO("timeFacetProject = %f\n",timeFacetProject);
    PRINT_INFO("timeGridSearch   = %f\n",timeGridSearch);

  if (aTree != NULL)
    delete aTree;

  if (myBBox) delete myBBox;

  int i;
  for (i=myLoopList.size(); i>0; i--)
    delete myLoopList.get_and_step();

Member Function Documentation

void FacetEvalTool::ac_at_edge ( CubitVector fac,
CubitVector eac,
int  edge_id 
) [static, private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 1712 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  double u = 0.0, v = 0.0, w = 0.0;
  switch (edge_id)
  case 0:
    u = 0.0;
    v = fac.y() / (fac.y() + fac.z());
    w = 1.0 - v;
  case 1:
    u = fac.x() / (fac.x() + fac.z());
    v = 0.0;
    w = 1.0 - u;
  case 2:
    u = fac.x() / (fac.x() + fac.y());
    v = 1.0 - u;
    w = 0.0;
  eac.set(u, v, w);
double FacetEvalTool::area ( )

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 4072 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  if (myArea < 0.0)
  return myArea;

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 1820 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  if ( !myBBox )
    int ii;
    CubitPoint *point_ptr;
    double x, y, z;
    double x_min = CUBIT_DBL_MAX, x_max = -CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
    double y_min = CUBIT_DBL_MAX, y_max = -CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
    double z_min = CUBIT_DBL_MAX, z_max = -CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
    for ( ii = myPointList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
      point_ptr = myPointList.get_and_step();
      x = point_ptr->x();
      y = point_ptr->y();
      z = point_ptr->z();
      if ( x < x_min )
        x_min = x;
      if ( y < y_min )
        y_min = y;
      if ( z < z_min )
        z_min = z;
      if ( x > x_max )
        x_max = x;
      if ( y > y_max )
        y_max = y;
      if ( z > z_max )
        z_max = z;
    if (interpOrder == 4)
      CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
      CubitVector ctrl_pts[6];
      int jj;
      for ( ii = myEdgeList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
        edge_ptr = myEdgeList.get_and_step();
        for (jj=1; jj<4; jj++)
          x = ctrl_pts[jj].x();
          y = ctrl_pts[jj].y();
          z = ctrl_pts[jj].z();
          if ( x < x_min )
            x_min = x;
          if ( y < y_min )
            y_min = y;
          if ( z < z_min )
            z_min = z;
          if ( x > x_max )
            x_max = x;
          if ( y > y_max )
            y_max = y;
          if ( z > z_max )
            z_max = z;
      CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
      for ( ii = myFacetList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
        facet_ptr = myFacetList.get_and_step();
        for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++)
          x = ctrl_pts[jj].x();
          y = ctrl_pts[jj].y();
          z = ctrl_pts[jj].z();
          if ( x < x_min )
            x_min = x;
          if ( y < y_min )
            y_min = y;
          if ( z < z_min )
            z_min = z;
          if ( x > x_max )
            x_max = x;
          if ( y > y_max )
            y_max = y;
          if ( z > z_max )
            z_max = z;
    CubitVector min_v(x_min, y_min, z_min );
    CubitVector max_v(x_max, y_max, z_max );
    myBBox = new CubitBox( min_v, max_v );
  return *(myBBox);

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 4084 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

    myArea = 0.0;
    int ii;
    CubitFacet *facet;
    for (ii=0; ii<myFacetList.size(); ii++)
      facet = myFacetList.get_and_step();
      myArea += facet->area();
void FacetEvalTool::check_faceting ( ) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3630 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int ii;
  for (ii = 0; ii< myFacetList.size(); ii++)
      myFacetList.get_and_step()->debug_draw( CUBIT_YELLOW_INDEX );

  CubitFacet *facet = myFacetList.get_and_step();
  CubitVector snorm = facet->normal();
  for (ii=1; ii<myFacetList.size(); ii++)
    facet = myFacetList.get_and_step();
    CubitVector norm = facet->normal();
    if (norm % snorm < 0.8)
      facet->debug_draw( CUBIT_RED_INDEX );
      facet->debug_draw( CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX );

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 1956 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitVector non_const(point);
  CubitBoolean junk;
  CubitStatus result = project_to_facets( non_const, true, &junk, 0, 0 ); 
  return result ? lastFacet : 0;
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::closest_point ( CubitVector this_point,
CubitVector closest_point_ptr,
CubitVector normal_ptr = NULL 

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 1918 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitBoolean trim = CUBIT_FALSE;
  CubitBoolean outside;
  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  static int count = 0;  count++;

  int mydebug = 0;
  if (mydebug)
    debug_draw_vec( this_point, CUBIT_RED_INDEX );

  rv = project_to_facets( this_point, trim, &outside, 
                          closest_point_ptr, normal_ptr );

  if (DEBUG_FLAG(49))
    if (closest_point_ptr)
      double dist = closest_point_ptr->distance_between( this_point );
      if (dist > 1.0)
        PRINT_ERROR("Appears to be bad projection in FacetEvalTool::project_to_facets\n");

  if (mydebug && closest_point_ptr)
    debug_draw_vec( *closest_point_ptr, CUBIT_GREEN_INDEX );
  return rv;
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::closest_point_trimmed ( CubitVector this_point,
CubitVector closest_point_ptr,
CubitBoolean lies_outside,
CubitVector normal_ptr = NULL 

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3364 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.


  CubitBoolean trim = CUBIT_TRUE;
  return project_to_facets ( this_point, trim, &lies_outside,
                             closest_point_ptr, normal_ptr );
double FacetEvalTool::compare_tol ( ) [inline]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 383 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

{ return compareTol; };
void FacetEvalTool::compare_tol ( double  tol) [inline]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 384 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

{ compareTol = tol; };
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::compute_curve_tangent ( CubitFacetEdge edge,
double  min_dot,
CubitVector T0,
CubitVector T3 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 4213 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.


  CubitPoint *p0 = edge->point( 0 );
  CubitPoint *p1 = edge->point( 1 );
  CubitFacetEdge *prev_edge = next_boundary_edge( edge, p0 );
  if (prev_edge == NULL)  // could be end of a hard line
    T0 = p1->coordinates() - p0->coordinates();  
    CubitPoint *p2 = prev_edge->other_point( p0 );
    CubitVector e0 = p0->coordinates() - p2->coordinates();
    CubitVector e1 = p1->coordinates() - p0->coordinates();
    if (e0 % e1 >= min_dot)
      T0 = (p0->coordinates() - p2->coordinates()) + 
           (p1->coordinates() - p0->coordinates());
      T0 = e1;

  CubitFacetEdge *next_edge = next_boundary_edge( edge, p1 );
  if (next_edge == NULL)  // could be end of a hard line
    T3 = p1->coordinates() - p0->coordinates();
    CubitPoint *p2 = next_edge->other_point( p1 );
    CubitVector e0 = p2->coordinates() - p1->coordinates();
    CubitVector e1 = p1->coordinates() - p0->coordinates();
    if (e0 % e1 >= min_dot)
      T3 = (p2->coordinates() - p1->coordinates()) + 
           (p1->coordinates() - p0->coordinates());
      T3 = e1;
double FacetEvalTool::contained_volume ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facets) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 4750 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitVector p0, p1, p2, p3, normal;
  double volume = 0.0;
  for (int i = facets.size(); i--; )
    CubitFacet* facet = facets.get_and_step();
    p1 = facet->point(0)->coordinates();
    p2 = facet->point(1)->coordinates();
    p3 = facet->point(2)->coordinates();
    normal = (p3 - p1) * (p2 - p1);
    double two_area = normal.length();
    if (two_area > CUBIT_RESABS )
      normal /= two_area;
      double height = normal % (p0 - p1);
      double vol = two_area * height;
      volume += vol;
  volume /= 6.0;
  return volume;
void FacetEvalTool::debug_draw_bezier_edges ( int  color = -1) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3804 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int ii, i;
  CubitVector ctrl_pts[5], begin, end;
  if ( color == -1 )
    color = CUBIT_RED_INDEX;
  for ( ii = myEdgeList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    CubitFacetEdge *edge = myEdgeList.get_and_step();
    edge->control_points( ctrl_pts );
    for (i=1; i<5; i++) {
      begin = ctrl_pts[i-1];
      end = ctrl_pts[i];
      GfxDebug::draw_line(begin.x(), begin.y(), begin.z(),
                          end.x(), end.y(), end.z(), color);
void FacetEvalTool::debug_draw_bezier_facet ( CubitFacet facet,
int  color = -1 
) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3850 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitVector areacoord( 0.3333333333333333333, 
                         0.3333333333333333333 );

  // interpolate internal control points

  CubitVector gctrl_pts[6];
  facet->get_control_points( gctrl_pts );
  CubitVector P_facet[3];

  P_facet[0] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord.y() + areacoord.z())) *
               (areacoord.y() * gctrl_pts[3] +
                areacoord.z() * gctrl_pts[4]);
  P_facet[1] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord.x() + areacoord.z())) *
               (areacoord.x() * gctrl_pts[0] +
                areacoord.z() * gctrl_pts[5]);
  P_facet[2] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord.x() + areacoord.y())) *
               (areacoord.x() * gctrl_pts[1] +
                areacoord.y() * gctrl_pts[2]);

  CubitVector cp0[5], cp1[5], cp2[5];


  debug_draw_line(cp0[1], cp2[3], color);
  debug_draw_line(cp0[2], P_facet[1], color);
  debug_draw_line(P_facet[1], cp2[2], color);
  debug_draw_line(cp0[3], P_facet[2], color);
  debug_draw_line(P_facet[2], P_facet[0], color);
  debug_draw_line(P_facet[0], cp2[1], color);

  debug_draw_line(cp1[1], P_facet[2], color);
  debug_draw_line(P_facet[2], P_facet[1], color);
  debug_draw_line(P_facet[1], cp2[3], color);
  debug_draw_line(cp1[2], P_facet[0], color);
  debug_draw_line(P_facet[0], cp2[2], color);
  debug_draw_line(cp1[3], cp2[1], color);

  debug_draw_line(cp0[1], P_facet[1], color);
  debug_draw_line(P_facet[1], P_facet[0], color);
  debug_draw_line(P_facet[0], cp1[3], color);
  debug_draw_line(cp0[2], P_facet[2], color);
  debug_draw_line(P_facet[2], cp1[2], color);
  debug_draw_line(cp0[3], cp1[1], color);
void FacetEvalTool::debug_draw_bezier_facets ( int  color = -1) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3831 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int ii;
  if ( color == -1 )
    color = CUBIT_WHITE_INDEX;
  for ( ii = myFacetList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    debug_draw_bezier_facet( myFacetList.get_and_step(), color );
void FacetEvalTool::debug_draw_edge ( CubitFacetEdge edge,
int  color = -1 
) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3780 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  if ( color == -1 ) {
  CubitPoint *begin_point = edge->point(0);
  CubitPoint *end_point = edge->point(1);
void FacetEvalTool::debug_draw_edges ( int  color = -1) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3753 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int ii;
  if ( color == -1 )
    color = CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX;
  for ( ii = myEdgeList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    CubitFacetEdge *edge = myEdgeList.get_and_step();
    CubitPoint *begin_point = edge->point(0);
    CubitPoint *end_point = edge->point(1);

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3912 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitVector areacoord, pt, loc;
  double u, v, w;
  CubitBoolean outside;
#if 0 
  for (int i=0; i<=10; i++) {
    v = w = 0.5 * (double)i/10.0;
    u = 1.0 - v - w;
    areacoord.set(u, v, w);
    eval_facet(facet, pt, areacoord, loc, outside);
    v = 0.25 * (double)i/10.0;
    w = 0.75 * (double)i/10.0;
    u = 1.0 - v - w;
    areacoord.set(u, v, w);
    eval_facet(facet, pt, areacoord, loc, outside);
    w = 0.25 * (double)i/10.0;
    v = 0.75 * (double)i/10.0;
    u = 1.0 - v - w;
    areacoord.set(u, v, w);
    eval_facet(facet, pt, areacoord, loc, outside);
  for (int j=0; j<=10; j++) {
    for (int i=0; i<=20; i++) {
      u = ((double)j/10.0) * (double)i/20.0;
      w = (1.0 - ((double)j/10.0)) * (double)i/20.0;
      v = 1.0 - u - w;
      areacoord.set(u, v, w);
  eval_facet(facet, pt, areacoord, loc, outside);
#if 0
  for (i=0; i<=10; i++) {
    u = v = 0.5 * (double)i/10.0;
    w = 1.0 - u - v;
    areacoord.set(u, v, w);
    eval_facet(facet, pt, areacoord, loc, outside);
    u = 0.25 * (double)i/10.0;
    v = 0.75 * (double)i/10.0;
    w = 1.0 - u - v;
    areacoord.set(u, v, w);
    eval_facet(facet, pt, areacoord, loc, outside);
    v = 0.25 * (double)i/10.0;
    u = 0.75 * (double)i/10.0;
    w = 1.0 - u - v;
    areacoord.set(u, v, w);
    eval_facet(facet, pt, areacoord, loc, outside);

void FacetEvalTool::debug_draw_facet_normals ( int  color = -1) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3697 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int ii,jj;
  if ( color == -1 )
    color = CUBIT_RED_INDEX;
  for ( ii = myFacetList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    CubitFacet *facet = myFacetList.get_and_step();
    CubitVector center(0.0e0, 0.0e0, 0.0e0);
    for (jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++) 
      center += facet->point(jj)->coordinates();
    center /= 3.0;
    CubitVector normal = facet->normal();
    double mag = sqrt(FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(normal.x()) + FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(normal.y()) + FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(normal.z()));
    mag = sqrt(mag);
    CubitVector end = center + normal*mag;
    GfxDebug::draw_line(center.x(), center.y(), center.z(),
                        end.x(), end.y(), end.z(), color);
void FacetEvalTool::debug_draw_facets ( int  color = -1)

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3664 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int ii;
  if ( color == -1 )
  CubitBoolean flush_it = CUBIT_FALSE;
  for ( ii = myFacetList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    myFacetList.get_and_step()->debug_draw(color, flush_it);
void FacetEvalTool::debug_draw_line ( CubitVector begin,
CubitVector end,
int  color = -1 
) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3978 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  GfxDebug::draw_line(begin.x(), begin.y(), begin.z(),
                      end.x(), end.y(), end.z(), color);
void FacetEvalTool::debug_draw_location ( CubitVector location,
int  color = -1 
) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3990 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  if ( color == -1 )
  GfxDebug::draw_point(loc, color);
void FacetEvalTool::debug_draw_point_normals ( int  color = -1) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3728 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int ii;
  if ( color == -1 )
    color = CUBIT_RED_INDEX;
  double len = 0.1 * sqrt(FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(myBBox->x_range()) +
                            FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(myBBox->y_range()) +
  for ( ii = myPointList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    CubitPoint *point = myPointList.get_and_step();
    CubitVector normal = point->normal();
    CubitVector end = point->coordinates() + normal*len;
    GfxDebug::draw_line(point->x(), point->y(), point->z(),
                        end.x(), end.y(), end.z(), color);
void FacetEvalTool::debug_draw_vec ( CubitVector vec,
int  color = -1 
) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3683 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  if ( color == -1 )
  GfxDebug::draw_point(vec, color);
void FacetEvalTool::destroy_facets ( ) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3382 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int i, j;
  CubitPoint *point;
  CubitFacet *facet;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge;
  CubitFacetEdgeData *cfe_data = NULL;
  for( i = myFacetList.size(); i > 0; i-- )
    facet = myFacetList.pop();
    for (j = 0; j<3; j++)
      point = facet->point( j );
      point->remove_facet( facet );
      edge = facet->edge( j );
      cfe_data = CAST_TO( edge, CubitFacetEdgeData );
      if (cfe_data)
        cfe_data->remove_facet( facet );
    delete facet;
  for( i = myEdgeList.size(); i > 0; i-- )
    edge = myEdgeList.pop();
    if (edge && edge->num_adj_facets() == 0)
      delete edge;
  for( i = myPointList.size(); i > 0; i-- )
    point = myPointList.pop();
    if (point && point->num_adj_facets() == 0)
      delete point;
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::eval_bezier_patch ( CubitFacet facet,
CubitVector areacoord,
CubitVector pt 
) [static, private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 1017 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  // interpolate internal control points

  CubitVector gctrl_pts[6];
  facet->get_control_points( gctrl_pts );
  CubitVector P_facet[3];
  if (fabs(areacoord.y() + areacoord.z()) < 1.0e-6) {
    pt = facet->point(0)->coordinates();
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  if (fabs(areacoord.x() + areacoord.z()) < 1.0e-6) {
    pt = facet->point(1)->coordinates();
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  if (fabs(areacoord.x() + areacoord.y()) < 1.0e-6) {
    pt = facet->point(2)->coordinates();
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  P_facet[0] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord.y() + areacoord.z())) *
               (areacoord.y() * gctrl_pts[3] +
                areacoord.z() * gctrl_pts[4]);
  P_facet[1] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord.x() + areacoord.z())) *
               (areacoord.x() * gctrl_pts[0] +
                areacoord.z() * gctrl_pts[5]);
  P_facet[2] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord.x() + areacoord.y())) *
               (areacoord.x() * gctrl_pts[1] +
                areacoord.y() * gctrl_pts[2]);

  // sum the contribution from each of the control points

  pt.set(0.0e0, 0.0e0, 0.0e0);
  CubitFacetEdge *edge;
  edge = facet->edge( 2 );
  CubitVector ctrl_pts[5];
  edge->control_points(facet, ctrl_pts);

  //i=4; j=0; k=0;
  double B = FacetEvalToolUtils::quart(areacoord.x());
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[0];

  //i=3; j=1; k=0;
  B = 4.0 * FacetEvalToolUtils::cube(areacoord.x()) * areacoord.y();
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[1];

  //i=2; j=2; k=0;
  B = 6.0 * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.x()) * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.y());
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[2];

  //i=1; j=3; k=0;
  B = 4.0 * areacoord.x() * FacetEvalToolUtils::cube(areacoord.y());
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[3];

  edge = facet->edge( 0 );
  edge->control_points(facet, ctrl_pts);

  //i=0; j=4; k=0;
  B = FacetEvalToolUtils::quart(areacoord.y());
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[0];

  //i=0; j=3; k=1;
  B = 4.0 * FacetEvalToolUtils::cube(areacoord.y()) * areacoord.z();
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[1];

  //i=0; j=2; k=2;
  B = 6.0 * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.y()) * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.z());
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[2];

  //i=0; j=1; k=3;
  B = 4.0 * areacoord.y() * FacetEvalToolUtils::cube(areacoord.z());
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[3];

  edge = facet->edge( 1 );
  edge->control_points(facet, ctrl_pts);

  //i=0; j=0; k=4;
  B = FacetEvalToolUtils::quart(areacoord.z());
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[0];

  //i=1; j=0; k=3;
  B = 4.0 * areacoord.x() * FacetEvalToolUtils::cube(areacoord.z());
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[1];

  //i=2; j=0; k=2;
  B = 6.0 * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.x()) * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.z());
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[2];

  //i=3; j=0; k=1;
  B = 4.0 * FacetEvalToolUtils::cube(areacoord.x()) * areacoord.z();
  pt += B * ctrl_pts[3];

  //i=2; j=1; k=1;
  B = 12.0 * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.x()) * areacoord.y() * areacoord.z();
  pt += B * P_facet[0];

  //i=1; j=2; k=1;
  B = 12.0 * areacoord.x() * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.y()) * areacoord.z();
  pt += B * P_facet[1];

  //i=1; j=1; k=2;
  B = 12.0 * areacoord.x() * areacoord.y() * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.z());
  pt += B * P_facet[2];

CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::eval_bezier_patch_normal ( CubitFacet facet,
CubitVector areacoord,
CubitVector normal 
) [static, private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 1135 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  // interpolate internal control points

  CubitVector gctrl_pts[6];
  facet->get_control_points( gctrl_pts );
  if (fabs(areacoord.y() + areacoord.z()) < 1.0e-6) {
    normal = facet->point(0)->normal(facet);
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  if (fabs(areacoord.x() + areacoord.z()) < 1.0e-6) {
    normal = facet->point(1)->normal(facet);
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  if (fabs(areacoord.x() + areacoord.y()) < 1.0e-6) {
    normal = facet->point(2)->normal(facet);
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // compute the hodograph of the quartic Gregory patch

  CubitVector Nijk[10];

  // sum the contribution from each of the control points

  normal.set(0.0e0, 0.0e0, 0.0e0);

  //i=3; j=0; k=0;
  double Bsum = 0.0;
  double B = FacetEvalToolUtils::cube(areacoord.x());
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[0];

  //i=2; j=1; k=0;
  B = 3.0 * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.x()) * areacoord.y();
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[1];

  //i=1; j=2; k=0;
  B = 3.0 * areacoord.x() * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.y());
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[2];

  //i=0; j=3; k=0;
  B = FacetEvalToolUtils::cube(areacoord.y());
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[3];

  //i=2; j=0; k=1;
  B = 3.0 * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.x()) * areacoord.z();
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[4];

    //i=1; j=1; k=1;
  B = 6.0 * areacoord.x() * areacoord.y() * areacoord.z();
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[5];

  //i=0; j=2; k=1;
  B = 3.0 * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.y()) * areacoord.z();
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[6];

  //i=1; j=0; k=2;
  B = 3.0 * areacoord.x() * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.z());
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[7];

  //i=0; j=1; k=2;
  B = 3.0 * areacoord.y() * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(areacoord.z());
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[8];

  //i=0; j=0; k=3;
  B = FacetEvalToolUtils::cube(areacoord.z());
  Bsum += B;
  normal += B * Nijk[9];

  assert(fabs(Bsum - 1.0) < 1e-9);


CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::eval_edge ( CubitFacet facet,
int  vert0,
int  vert1,
CubitVector pt_on_plane,
CubitVector close_point 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 2853 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitPoint *pt0 = facet->point(vert0);
  CubitPoint *pt1 = facet->point(vert1);

  // the edge vector

  CubitVector e0 ( pt1->x() - pt0->x(),
                   pt1->y() - pt0->y(),
                   pt1->z() - pt0->z() );
  // vector from vert0 to point

  CubitVector v0 ( pt_on_plane.x() - pt0->x(),
                   pt_on_plane.y() - pt0->y(),
                   pt_on_plane.z() - pt0->z() );
  // project to edge

  double len = v0%e0;
  close_point.x ( pt0->x() + e0.x() * len );
  close_point.y ( pt0->y() + e0.y() * len );
  close_point.z ( pt0->z() + e0.z() * len );

CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::eval_facet ( CubitFacet facet,
CubitVector areacoord,
CubitVector eval_point,
CubitVector eval_normal 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 2519 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  int mydebug = 0;
  if (mydebug)
    dcolor( CUBIT_RED_INDEX );
    dfdraw( facet );
    dcolor( CUBIT_YELLOW_INDEX );

  CubitPoint *pt0 = facet->point(0);
  CubitPoint *pt1 = facet->point(1);
  CubitPoint *pt2 = facet->point(2);
  CubitVector close_point;

  CubitVector this_point;
  this_point.x( areacoord.x() * pt0->x() +
                areacoord.y() * pt1->x() +
                areacoord.z() * pt2->x() );
  this_point.y( areacoord.x() * pt0->y() +
                areacoord.y() * pt1->y() +
                areacoord.z() * pt2->y() );
  this_point.z( areacoord.x() * pt0->z() +
                areacoord.y() * pt1->z() +
                areacoord.z() * pt2->z() );

  int eval_order = facet->eval_order();
  if (eval_order != 0)
    if (facet->is_flat())
      eval_order = 0;

  switch(eval_order) {
  case 0:
    if (eval_point)
      *eval_point = this_point;
    if (eval_normal)
      eval_facet_normal(facet, areacoord, *eval_normal);

  case 4:
    eval_bezier_patch( facet, 
                       close_point );
    //project_to_patch(facet, areacoord, this_point, close_point, 
    //                 eval_normal, outside );

    //for now over-ride the normal from project_to_patch -- it is bogus
    if (eval_normal)
      eval_facet_normal(facet, areacoord, *eval_normal);
    if (eval_point)
      *eval_point = close_point;

    // the interpolation order for now is limited to 0 and 4
    // something other than that is being attempted (or eval_order is not
    // returning the correct value)

  return rv;
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::eval_facet ( CubitFacet facet,
CubitVector pt,
CubitVector areacoord,
CubitVector close_point,
CubitBoolean outside_facet 

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 2597 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.


  CubitPoint *pt0 = facet->point(0);
  CubitPoint *pt1 = facet->point(1);
  CubitPoint *pt2 = facet->point(2);

  int interp_order = facet->eval_order();
  if (interp_order != 0 && facet->is_flat())
    interp_order = 0;

  switch(interp_order) {
  case 0:
    close_point.x( areacoord.x() * pt0->x() +
                   areacoord.y() * pt1->x() +
                   areacoord.z() * pt2->x() );
    close_point.y( areacoord.x() * pt0->y() +
                   areacoord.y() * pt1->y() +
                   areacoord.z() * pt2->y() );
    close_point.z( areacoord.x() * pt0->z() +
                   areacoord.y() * pt1->z() +
                   areacoord.z() * pt2->z() );
    outside_facet = CUBIT_FALSE;
  case 1:
      CubitVector tp0 = pt0->project_to_tangent_plane( pt );
      CubitVector tp1 = pt1->project_to_tangent_plane( pt );
      CubitVector tp2 = pt2->project_to_tangent_plane( pt );
      close_point.x( areacoord.x() * tp0.x() +
                     areacoord.y() * tp1.x() +
                     areacoord.z() * tp2.x() );
      close_point.y( areacoord.x() * tp0.y() +
                     areacoord.y() * tp1.y() +
                     areacoord.z() * tp2.y() );
      close_point.z( areacoord.x() * tp0.z() +
                     areacoord.y() * tp1.z() +
                     areacoord.z() * tp2.z() );
      outside_facet = CUBIT_FALSE;
  case 2:
      CubitVector qp0, qp1, qp2, qn0, qn1, qn2;
      eval_quadratic( facet, 0, pt, qp0, qn0 );
      eval_quadratic( facet, 1, pt, qp1, qn1 );
      eval_quadratic( facet, 2, pt, qp2, qn2 );

      close_point.x( areacoord.x() * qp0.x() +
                     areacoord.y() * qp1.x() +
                     areacoord.z() * qp2.x() );
      close_point.y( areacoord.x() * qp0.y() +
                     areacoord.y() * qp1.y() +
                     areacoord.z() * qp2.y() );
      close_point.z( areacoord.x() * qp0.z() +
                     areacoord.y() * qp1.z() +
                     areacoord.z() * qp2.z() );
      outside_facet = CUBIT_FALSE;
  case 3:
      CubitVector qp0, qp1, qp2;
      eval_quadric( facet, 0, pt, qp0 );
      eval_quadric( facet, 1, pt, qp1 );
      eval_quadric( facet, 2, pt, qp2 );

      close_point.x( areacoord.x() * qp0.x() +
                     areacoord.y() * qp1.x() +
                     areacoord.z() * qp2.x() );
      close_point.y( areacoord.x() * qp0.y() +
                     areacoord.y() * qp1.y() +
                     areacoord.z() * qp2.y() );
      close_point.z( areacoord.x() * qp0.z() +
                     areacoord.y() * qp1.z() +
                     areacoord.z() * qp2.z() );
      outside_facet = CUBIT_FALSE;
  case 4:
      //CubitStatus stat = eval_bezier_patch( facet, areacoord, pt );
      //close_point = pt;
      //outside_facet = CUBIT_FALSE;
      double compare_tol = /*sqrt(facet->area()) **/ 1.0e-3;
      int edge_id = -1;
      project_to_patch(facet, areacoord, pt, close_point, NULL, 
                       outside_facet, compare_tol, edge_id );

CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::eval_facet_normal ( CubitFacet facet,
CubitVector areacoord,
CubitVector normal 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 2909 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  switch(facet->eval_order()) {
  case 0:
    normal = facet->normal();
  case 1: case 2: case 3:
      CubitVector norm0 = facet->point(0)->normal( facet );
      CubitVector norm1 = facet->point(1)->normal( facet );
      CubitVector norm2 = facet->point(2)->normal( facet );
      normal.x( areacoord.x() * norm0.x() +
                areacoord.y() * norm1.x() +
                areacoord.z() * norm2.x() );
      normal.y( areacoord.x() * norm0.y() +
                areacoord.y() * norm1.y() +
                areacoord.z() * norm2.y() );
      normal.z( areacoord.x() * norm0.z() +
                areacoord.y() * norm1.z() +
                areacoord.z() * norm2.z() );
  case 4:
      normal = facet->normal();
      eval_bezier_patch_normal(facet, areacoord, normal);

      // check for reasonableness of the normal

#if 0
      if (DEBUG_FLAG(110))
        CubitVector norm0 = facet->point(0)->normal( facet );
        CubitVector norm1 = facet->point(1)->normal( facet );
        CubitVector norm2 = facet->point(2)->normal( facet );
        CubitVector lin_normal;
        lin_normal.x( areacoord.x() * norm0.x() +
                  areacoord.y() * norm1.x() +
                  areacoord.z() * norm2.x() );
        lin_normal.y( areacoord.x() * norm0.y() +
                  areacoord.y() * norm1.y() +
                  areacoord.z() * norm2.y() );
        lin_normal.z( areacoord.x() * norm0.z() +
                  areacoord.y() * norm1.z() +
                  areacoord.z() * norm2.z() );

        PRINT_INFO("(facet %4d) ac=%7.5lf %7.5lf %7.5lf\n", 
          facet->id(), areacoord.x(), areacoord.y(), areacoord.z());
        PRINT_INFO("            bn=%7.5lf %7.5lf %7.5lf\n",
          normal.x(), normal.y(), normal.z());
        PRINT_INFO("            ln=%7.5lf %7.5lf %7.5lf\n",
          lin_normal.x(), lin_normal.y(), lin_normal.z());

        const double tol = 1e-2;
        if (fabs(lin_normal.x() - normal.x()) > tol ||
            fabs(lin_normal.y() - normal.y()) > tol ||
            fabs(lin_normal.z() - normal.z()) > tol)
          int mydebug = 0;
          if (mydebug)
            CubitVector pt;
            eval_bezier_patch(facet, areacoord, pt);


CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::eval_point ( CubitFacet facet,
int  vertex_id,
CubitVector close_point 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 2891 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  close_point.x (facet->point(vertex_id)->x());
  close_point.y (facet->point(vertex_id)->y());
  close_point.z (facet->point(vertex_id)->z());

CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::eval_quadratic ( CubitFacet facet,
int  pt_idx,
CubitVector eval_pt,
CubitVector qpoint,
CubitVector qnorm 
) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3006 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  // interpolate a point on a circle that is defined by two points and
  // two normals.  The first pont is a vertex on the facet, the second
  // is a point on the opposite edge.  The point to be interpolated lies
  // somewhere between the two

  CubitVector normA = facet->point(pt_idx)->normal( facet );
  CubitVector ptA = facet->point(pt_idx)->coordinates();
  int idx0 = -1, idx1 = -1;
  switch(pt_idx) {
  case 0:
    idx0 = 1;
    idx1 = 2;
  case 1:
    idx0 = 2;
    idx1 = 0;
  case 2:
    idx0 = 0;
    idx1 = 1;
  CubitVector ptB, normB, pt0, pt1, norm0, norm1;
  pt0 = facet->point(idx0)->coordinates();
  pt1 = facet->point(idx1)->coordinates();
  norm0 = facet->point(idx0)->normal( facet );
  norm1 = facet->point(idx1)->normal( facet ); 
  on_circle( pt0, norm0, pt1, norm1,
             eval_pt, ptB, normB );
  on_circle( ptA, normA, ptB, normB,
             eval_pt, qpoint, qnorm );


void FacetEvalTool::eval_quadric ( CubitFacet facet,
int  pt_index,
CubitVector eval_pt,
CubitVector qpt 
) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3123 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  // transform the point to the local system

  CubitPoint *point = facet->point(pt_index);
  CubitVector loc_eval_pt;
  point->transform_to_local( eval_pt, loc_eval_pt );
//  point->transform_to_local( point->coordinates(), loc_pt );
  // interpolate a "z" value in the local coordinate system

  double *coef = point->coef_vector();
  loc_eval_pt.z( coef[0] * loc_eval_pt.x() +
                 coef[1] * loc_eval_pt.y() +
                 coef[2] * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(loc_eval_pt.x()) +
                 coef[3] * loc_eval_pt.x() * loc_eval_pt.y() +
                 coef[4] * FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(loc_eval_pt.y()) );
//  loc_eval_pt.z( point->z() -
//                 coef[0] * loc_eval_pt.x() -
//                 coef[1] * loc_eval_pt.y() +
//                 coef[2] * sqr(loc_eval_pt.x()) +
//                 coef[3] * loc_eval_pt.x() * loc_eval_pt.y() +
//                 coef[4] * sqr(loc_eval_pt.y()) );

  // transform back to global system

  point->transform_to_global( loc_eval_pt, qpt );

void FacetEvalTool::facet_area_coordinate ( CubitFacet facet,
const CubitVector pt_on_plane,
CubitVector areacoord 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3194 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  double area2;
  CubitVector normal = facet->normal();
  CubitPoint *pt0 = facet->point(0);
  CubitPoint *pt1 = facet->point(1);
  CubitPoint *pt2 = facet->point(2);
  double tol = GEOMETRY_RESABS * 1.e-5;
  CubitVector v1( pt1->x() - pt0->x(),
                  pt1->y() - pt0->y(),
                  pt1->z() - pt0->z());//(*p1-*p0);
  CubitVector v2( pt2->x() - pt0->x(),
                  pt2->y() - pt0->y(),
                  pt2->z() - pt0->z());// = (*p2-*p0);
  area2 = (v1*v2).length_squared();
  if(area2 < 100 * tol){
      tol = .01 * area2;
  CubitVector absnorm( fabs(normal.x()), fabs(normal.y()), fabs(normal.z()) );
  // project to the closest coordinate plane so we only have to do this in 2D

  if (absnorm.x() >= absnorm.y() && absnorm.x() >= absnorm.z()) {
    area2 = FacetEvalToolUtils::determ3(pt0->y(), pt0->z(),
                                        pt1->y(), pt1->z(),
                                        pt2->y(), pt2->z());
    if (fabs(area2) < tol) {
      areacoord.set( -CUBIT_DBL_MAX, -CUBIT_DBL_MAX, -CUBIT_DBL_MAX );
    else if ( pt_on_plane.within_tolerance( pt0->coordinates(), GEOMETRY_RESABS ) )
        areacoord.set( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    else if ( pt_on_plane.within_tolerance( pt1->coordinates(), GEOMETRY_RESABS ) )
        areacoord.set( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
    else if ( pt_on_plane.within_tolerance( pt2->coordinates(), GEOMETRY_RESABS ) )
        areacoord.set( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
    else {
        FacetEvalToolUtils::determ3( pt_on_plane.y(), pt_on_plane.z(),
                                     pt1->y(), pt1->z(), pt2->y(), pt2->z() ) / area2 );
        FacetEvalToolUtils::determ3( pt0->y(), pt0->z(),
                                     pt_on_plane.y(), pt_on_plane.z(),
                                     pt2->y(), pt2->z() ) / area2 );
        FacetEvalToolUtils::determ3( pt0->y(), pt0->z(), pt1->y(), pt1->z(),
                                     pt_on_plane.y(), pt_on_plane.z() ) / area2 );
  else if(absnorm.y() >= absnorm.x() && absnorm.y() >= absnorm.z()) {
    area2 = FacetEvalToolUtils::determ3(pt0->x(), pt0->z(),
                                        pt1->x(), pt1->z(),
                                        pt2->x(), pt2->z());
    if (fabs(area2) < tol) {
      areacoord.set( -CUBIT_DBL_MAX, -CUBIT_DBL_MAX, -CUBIT_DBL_MAX );
    else if ( pt_on_plane.within_tolerance( pt0->coordinates(), GEOMETRY_RESABS ) )
        areacoord.set( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    else if ( pt_on_plane.within_tolerance( pt1->coordinates(), GEOMETRY_RESABS ) )
        areacoord.set( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
    else if ( pt_on_plane.within_tolerance( pt2->coordinates(), GEOMETRY_RESABS ) )
        areacoord.set( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
    else {
        FacetEvalToolUtils::determ3( pt_on_plane.x(), pt_on_plane.z(),
                                     pt1->x(), pt1->z(), pt2->x(), pt2->z() ) / area2 );
        FacetEvalToolUtils::determ3( pt0->x(), pt0->z(),
                                     pt_on_plane.x(), pt_on_plane.z(),
                                     pt2->x(), pt2->z() ) / area2 );
        FacetEvalToolUtils::determ3( pt0->x(), pt0->z(), pt1->x(), pt1->z(),
                                     pt_on_plane.x(), pt_on_plane.z() ) / area2 );
  else { 
    area2 = FacetEvalToolUtils::determ3(pt0->x(), pt0->y(),
                                        pt1->x(), pt1->y(),
                                        pt2->x(), pt2->y());
    if (fabs(area2) < tol) {
      areacoord.set( -CUBIT_DBL_MAX, -CUBIT_DBL_MAX, -CUBIT_DBL_MAX );
    else if ( pt_on_plane.within_tolerance( pt0->coordinates(), GEOMETRY_RESABS ) )
        areacoord.set( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    else if ( pt_on_plane.within_tolerance( pt1->coordinates(), GEOMETRY_RESABS ) )
        areacoord.set( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
    else if ( pt_on_plane.within_tolerance( pt2->coordinates(), GEOMETRY_RESABS ) )
        areacoord.set( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
    else {
        FacetEvalToolUtils::determ3( pt_on_plane.x(), pt_on_plane.y(),
                                     pt1->x(), pt1->y(), pt2->x(), pt2->y() ) / area2 );
        FacetEvalToolUtils::determ3( pt0->x(), pt0->y(),
                                     pt_on_plane.x(), pt_on_plane.y(),
                                     pt2->x(), pt2->y() ) / area2 );
        FacetEvalToolUtils::determ3( pt0->x(), pt0->y(), pt1->x(), pt1->y(),
                                     pt_on_plane.x(), pt_on_plane.y() ) / area2 );
void FacetEvalTool::facets_from_search_grid ( CubitVector this_point,
DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
double &  tol_used 
) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 1971 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  double tol = compareTol * 10;
  while (facet_list.size() == 0)
    CubitVector ptmin( this_point.x() - tol, 
                       this_point.y() - tol, 
                       this_point.z() - tol );
    CubitVector ptmax( this_point.x() + tol, 
                       this_point.y() + tol, 
                       this_point.z() + tol );
    CubitBox ptbox(ptmin,ptmax);

    if (0 == facet_list.size())
      tol *= 2.0;

  tol_used = tol;
void FacetEvalTool::facets_from_search_grid ( CubitVector this_point,
double  compare_tol,
DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list 
) [private]

get the closest facets using a given tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
compare_tolThe tolerance at which the facets were found
facet_listThe list of facets near the point

Definition at line 2002 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  double tol = compare_tol;

  CubitVector ptmin( this_point.x() - tol, 
                     this_point.y() - tol, 
                     this_point.z() - tol );
  CubitVector ptmax( this_point.x() + tol, 
                     this_point.y() + tol, 
                     this_point.z() + tol );
  CubitBox ptbox(ptmin,ptmax);
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::get_close_points ( CubitPoint point,
CubitPoint **  close_point,
int &  num_close,
int  max_close,
int  min_close 
) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 479 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.


  // get the points immediately adjacent

  DLIList<CubitFacet*> adj_facet_list;
  if (adj_facet_list.size() > max_close) {
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  point->adjacent_points(close_point, num_close);
  // if we don't have enough yet, then go to the next level

  if (num_close < min_close) {
    CubitPoint *cpoint[100];
    CubitPoint *cur_point;
    CubitBoolean found;
    int nclose, cnclose;
    nclose = num_close;
    for(int i=0; i<num_close; i++) {
      cur_point = close_point[i];
      DLIList<CubitFacet*> cadj_facet_list;
      if (cadj_facet_list.size() + nclose > max_close) {
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      for(int k=0; k<cnclose; k++) {

        // check that it is not already on the list

        found = CUBIT_FALSE;
        for(int l=0; l<nclose && !found; l++) {
          if (close_point[l] == cpoint[k] ||
              cpoint[k] == point) {
            found = CUBIT_TRUE;
        if (!found) {

          // make sure the normal at this point is not more than 90 degrees 
          // from the normal at the point
          double dot = cpoint[k]->normal() % point->normal();
          if (dot > GEOMETRY_RESABS) {

            // add the point to the list

            close_point[nclose++] = cpoint[k];
    num_close = nclose;
    if (num_close < min_close) {
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
void FacetEvalTool::get_edges ( DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &  edge_list) [inline]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 369 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

{ edge_list += myEdgeList; };
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::get_edges_from_facets ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &  edge_list 
) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3561 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int i, j, k;
  CubitPoint *p0, *p1;
  CubitFacet *facet, *adj_facet;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge;
  for ( i = 0; i < facet_list.size(); i++) {
    facet = facet_list.get_and_step();
    for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
      if (!(edge = facet->edge(j))) 
        facet->get_edge_pts( j, p0, p1 );
        edge = NULL;
        k = -1;
        //find another facet on this surface sharing these two points        
        adj_facet = facet->shared_facet( p0, p1 );

        if (adj_facet) {
          edge = adj_facet->edge_from_pts(p0, p1, k);
        if (!edge) {          
          edge = (CubitFacetEdge *) 
            new CubitFacetEdgeData( p0, p1, facet, adj_facet, j, k );          
          facet->add_edge( edge );          
      edge->set_flag( 0 );
    // create a unique list of edges

  for ( i = 0; i < facet_list.size(); i++)
    facet = facet_list.get_and_step();
    for (j=0; j<3; j++)
      edge = facet->edge(j);
      if ( !edge )
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      if (0 == edge->get_flag())
        edge->set_flag( 1 );
        edge_list.append( edge );

  // reset the flags on the edges

  for ( i = 0; i < edge_list.size(); i++) 
    edge = edge_list.get_and_step();
    edge->set_flag( 0 );
static double FacetEvalTool::get_facet_project_time ( ) [inline, static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 389 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

    { return timeFacetProject;}
void FacetEvalTool::get_facets ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list) [inline]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 368 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

{ facet_list += myFacetList; };
static double FacetEvalTool::get_grid_search_time ( ) [inline, static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 387 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

    { return timeGridSearch;}
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::get_intersections ( CubitVector  point1,
CubitVector  point2,
DLIList< CubitVector * > &  intersection_list,
bool  bounded = CUBIT_FALSE 

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 4498 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

    //Find the points were the line intersects the bounding box.
  CubitVector intersect_1;
  CubitVector intersect_2;
  CubitBox bbox = *myBBox;

    //Increase the size of the box in each direction.
    //Don't use scale because the box may be too thin (planar surface).
  double offset = 2.0 * (point1 - point2).length();
  CubitVector min;
  min.x( bbox.min_x() - offset );
  min.y( bbox.min_y() - offset );
  min.z( bbox.min_z() - offset );
  CubitVector max;
  max.x( bbox.max_x() + offset );
  max.y( bbox.max_y() + offset );
  max.z( bbox.max_z() + offset );

  bbox.reset( min, max );
  int box_intersections = FacetDataUtil::get_bbox_intersections( point1, point2, bbox,
                                                                 intersect_1, intersect_2 );

    //The bounding box is larger than the surface we are checking.
    //This means that if there are less than two intersections
    //the line will not intersect the surface.
  if( 2 > box_intersections )
      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  bbox.reset( intersect_1 );
  bbox |= intersect_2;
    //Find the facets that are intersected by the bbox that was just created.
  DLIList<CubitFacet*> search_facets;
  if( aTree )
      //Get the facets from the tree.
    aTree->find( bbox, search_facets );
      search_facets = myFacetList;

  int ii;
  for( ii = search_facets.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    CubitFacet* test_facet = search_facets.get_and_step();

    CubitVector intersection;
    CubitVector area_coord;
    CubitPointContainment contain = FacetDataUtil::intersect_facet( intersect_1, intersect_2, test_facet,
                                                                    intersection, area_coord );

    if( bounded )
      CubitVector dir1 = point2 - point1;
      CubitVector dir2 = intersection - point1;

      if( dir2.length_squared() > (GEOMETRY_RESABS * GEOMETRY_RESABS) )
        if( dir1 % dir2 < 0 ||
            ( ( dir2.length_squared() - dir1.length_squared() ) >
            //The inserction point is not between the two end points.
          contain = CUBIT_PNT_OUTSIDE;
    if( CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY == contain ||
        CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE == contain )
        //The point intersects the facets.
      CubitVector* new_intersection = new CubitVector;
      *new_intersection = intersection;
      intersection_list.append( new_intersection );

    //Remove duplicate intersections.
  for( ii = 0; ii < intersection_list.size(); ii++ )
    CubitVector* base_vec =;
    if( NULL == base_vec )
    int jj;
    for( jj = ii+1; jj < intersection_list.size(); jj++ )
      CubitVector* compare_vec =;
      if( NULL != compare_vec )
        if( base_vec->distance_between_squared( *compare_vec ) < GEOMETRY_RESABS * GEOMETRY_RESABS )
          delete intersection_list.get();
          intersection_list.change_to( NULL );
  intersection_list.remove_all_with_value( NULL );

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3473 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int i;
  int mydebug = 0;
  CubitFacetEdge* edge, *startedge;
  CubitFacet *facet, *nextfacet;
  CubitBoolean found;  

  if (mydebug)
    for (i = 0; i< myFacetList.size(); i++)
      myFacetList.get_and_step()->debug_draw( CUBIT_GREEN_INDEX, false);

  for ( i = 0; i < all_edge_list.size(); i++)
    startedge = all_edge_list.get_and_step();
    if (startedge->get_flag() == 0) {
      startedge->set_flag( 1 );

      // Find an edge without a neighboring facet or a facet that
      // is not on the current surface to start a loop

      if (startedge->num_adj_facets_on_surf(toolID) == 1)
        // Start a new loop

        DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> *edge_list = new DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*>;
        loop_list.append( edge_list );
        edge_list->append( startedge );
        if (mydebug) debug_draw_edge(startedge);

        // find the next ccw edge on the loop.  Edges are placed on the
        // list based on ccw order wrt the orientation of the facets
        // (ie. same orientation as facets)

        edge = startedge;
        facet = edge->adj_facet_on_surf(toolID);               
        int num_failures = 0;
        do {
          found = CUBIT_FALSE;
          do {
            edge = facet->next_edge( edge );
            assert(edge != NULL);
            edge->set_flag( 1 );

            nextfacet = edge->other_facet_on_surf(facet);
            if (nextfacet == NULL) {
              if (edge != startedge) {
                num_failures = 0;
                edge_list->append( edge );                
              found = CUBIT_TRUE;
            else {
              facet = nextfacet;            
          } while (!found && num_failures < myFacetList.size() );
        } while (edge != startedge && num_failures < myFacetList.size() );

        if( edge != startedge )
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // reset the flags

  for ( i = 0; i < all_edge_list.size(); i++) {
    all_edge_list.get_and_step()->set_flag( 0 );
double FacetEvalTool::get_min_dot ( ) [inline]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 259 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

{return minDot;};
int FacetEvalTool::get_output_id ( ) [inline]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 236 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

{ return output_id; }
void FacetEvalTool::get_points ( DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  point_list) [inline]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 370 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

{ point_list += myPointList; };
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::get_points_from_facets ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  point_list 
) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3429 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int i, j;

  DLIList<CubitPoint*> all_points;
  for ( i = 0; i < facet_list.size(); i++)
    CubitFacet* facet = facet_list.get_and_step();    
  for ( i = 0; i < all_points.size(); i++)
    all_points.get_and_step()->marked( CUBIT_FALSE );

  for ( j = 0; j < all_points.size(); j++)
    CubitPoint* point = all_points.get_and_step();
    if (!point->marked())

  // unmark the found points
  for (i = 0; i < point_list.size(); i++)
bool FacetEvalTool::have_data_to_calculate_bbox ( void  ) [private]

Definition at line 1773 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  if(myPointList.size() > 0 ||
     (interpOrder == 4 && 
         (myEdgeList.size() > 0 || 
          myFacetList.size() > 0)))
    return true;
  return false;
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::hodograph ( CubitFacet facet,
CubitVector areacoord,
CubitVector  Nijk[10] 
) [static, private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 1246 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.


  // compute the control points on the interior of the patch based on areacoord

  CubitVector gctrl_pts[6];
  facet->get_control_points( gctrl_pts );
  CubitVector P_facet[3];

  P_facet[0] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord.y() + areacoord.z())) *
               (areacoord.y() * gctrl_pts[3] +
                areacoord.z() * gctrl_pts[4]);
  P_facet[1] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord.x() + areacoord.z())) *
               (areacoord.x() * gctrl_pts[0] +
                areacoord.z() * gctrl_pts[5]);
  P_facet[2] = (1.0e0 / (areacoord.x() + areacoord.y())) *
               (areacoord.x() * gctrl_pts[1] +
                areacoord.y() * gctrl_pts[2]);

  // corner control points are just the normals at the points
  //3, 0, 0
  Nijk[0] = facet->point(0)->normal(facet);
  //0, 3, 0
  Nijk[3] = facet->point(1)->normal(facet);
  //0, 0, 3
  Nijk[9] = facet->point(2)->normal(facet);

  // fill in the boundary control points.  Define as the normal to the local
  // triangle formed by the quartic control point lattice
  CubitFacetEdge *edge;
  edge = facet->edge( 2 );
  CubitVector ctrl_pts[5];
  edge->control_points(facet, ctrl_pts);

  //2, 1, 0
  Nijk[1] = (ctrl_pts[2] - ctrl_pts[1]) * (P_facet[0] - ctrl_pts[1]);

  //1, 2, 0
  Nijk[2] = (ctrl_pts[3] - ctrl_pts[2]) * (P_facet[1] - ctrl_pts[2]);

  edge = facet->edge( 0 );
  edge->control_points(facet, ctrl_pts);

  //0, 2, 1
  Nijk[6] = (ctrl_pts[1] - P_facet[1]) * (ctrl_pts[2] - P_facet[1]);

  //0, 1, 2
  Nijk[8] = (ctrl_pts[2] - P_facet[2]) * (ctrl_pts[3] - P_facet[2]);

  edge = facet->edge( 1 );
  edge->control_points(facet, ctrl_pts);

  //1, 0, 2
  Nijk[7] = (P_facet[2] - ctrl_pts[2]) * (ctrl_pts[1] - ctrl_pts[2]);

  //2, 0, 1
  Nijk[4] = (P_facet[0] - ctrl_pts[3]) * (ctrl_pts[2] - ctrl_pts[3]);

  //1, 1, 1
  Nijk[5] = (P_facet[1] - P_facet[0]) * (P_facet[2] - P_facet[0]);

  int mydebug = 0;
  if (mydebug)
#define ONE_THIRD 0.33333333333333333333333333333333333
#define TWO_THIRDS .666666666666666666666666666666666666667
    int ii;
    CubitVector ac, pt;
    for(ii=0; ii<10; ii++)
      case 0: ac.set(1.0,        0.0,        0.0       ); break;
      case 1: ac.set(TWO_THIRDS, ONE_THIRD,  0.0       ); break;
      case 2: ac.set(ONE_THIRD,  TWO_THIRDS, 0.0       ); break;
      case 3: ac.set(0.0,        1.0,        0.0       ); break;
      case 4: ac.set(TWO_THIRDS, 0.0,        ONE_THIRD ); break;
      case 5: ac.set(ONE_THIRD,  ONE_THIRD,  ONE_THIRD ); break;
      case 6: ac.set(0.0,        TWO_THIRDS, ONE_THIRD ); break;
      case 7: ac.set(ONE_THIRD,  0.0,        TWO_THIRDS); break;
      case 8: ac.set(0.0,        ONE_THIRD,  TWO_THIRDS); break;
      case 9: ac.set(0.0,        0.0,        1.0       ); break;
      eval_bezier_patch(facet, ac, pt);

CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::init_bezier_edge ( CubitFacetEdge edge,
double  min_dot 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 777 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  TDFacetBoundaryEdge *td_bfe =
    TDFacetBoundaryEdge::get_facet_boundary_edge( edge );
  if (td_bfe)
    stat = td_bfe->init_control_points( min_dot );
    if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return stat;
    stat = td_bfe->merge_control_points();
    CubitVector ctrl_pts[3];
    CubitVector P0 = edge->point(0)->coordinates();
    CubitVector P3 = edge->point(1)->coordinates();
    CubitVector N0 = edge->point(0)->normal( edge );
    CubitVector N3 = edge->point(1)->normal( edge );
    CubitVector T0, T3;
    if (edge->num_adj_facets() <= 1)
      stat = compute_curve_tangent( edge, min_dot, T0, T3 );
      if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
        return stat;
      T0 = P3 - P0;
      T3 = T0;
    stat = init_edge_control_points( P0, P3, N0, N3, T0, T3, ctrl_pts );
    if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return stat;
    edge->control_points( ctrl_pts, 4 );
  return stat;

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 899 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.


  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  CubitVector P[3][5];
  CubitVector N[6], G[6];
  stat = facet->get_edge_control_points( P );
  if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return stat;

  // retreive the normals from the edge points.  Note we duplicate the
  // pointer data here only because of the edge_use

  int mydebug = 0;
  if (mydebug)
  for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
    CubitFacetEdge *edge = facet->edge(i);
    if (facet->edge_use(i) == 1) {
      N[i*2] = edge->point(0)->normal( facet );
      N[i*2+1] = edge->point(1)->normal( facet );
    else {
      N[i*2] = edge->point(1)->normal( facet );
      N[i*2+1] = edge->point(0)->normal( facet );

  // init the facet control points.

  stat = init_facet_control_points( N, P, G );
  if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return stat;
  facet->set_control_points ( G );
  return stat;

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 722 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  // initialize the edges

  int i;
  CubitStatus status = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge;
    // figure out which edges should be paired for C1 continuity.
  status = pair_edges();
    return status;
  for (i=0; i<myEdgeList.size() && status == CUBIT_SUCCESS; i++) {
    edge = myEdgeList.get_and_step();
    status = init_bezier_edge( edge, minDot );
    if (status != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return status;
  int mydebug = 0;
  if (mydebug)
  // initialize the facets

  if (status == CUBIT_SUCCESS) {
    CubitFacet *facet;
    for (i=0; i<myFacetList.size() && status == CUBIT_SUCCESS; i++) {
      facet = myFacetList.get_and_step();
      status = init_bezier_facet( facet );
  if(status != CUBIT_SUCCESS){
      PRINT_ERROR("Problem initializing bezier facet.\n");
      return status;

  // reset the bounding box to account for new control points


  //draw_eval_bezier_facet( myFacetList.get_and_step() );
  // draw_bezier_facet( myFacetList.get_and_step() );

  return status;

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 826 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitVector Vi[4];
  Vi[0] = P0;
  Vi[3] = P3;
  double di = P0.distance_between( P3 );
  double ai = N0 % N3;
  double ai0 = N0 % T0;
  double ai3 = N3 % T3;
  double denom = 4 - FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(ai);
  if (fabs(denom) < 1e-20) {
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  double row = 6.0e0 * (2.0e0 * ai0 + ai * ai3) / denom;
  double omega = 6.0e0 * (2.0e0 * ai3 + ai * ai0) / denom;
  Vi[1] = Vi[0] + (di * (((6.0e0 * T0) - ((2.0e0 * row) * N0) + (omega * N3)) / 18.0e0));
  Vi[2] = Vi[3] - (di * (((6.0e0 * T3) + (row * N0) - ((2.0e0 * omega) * N3)) / 18.0e0));
  CubitVector Wi[3];
  Wi[0] = Vi[1] - Vi[0];
  Wi[1] = Vi[2] - Vi[1];
  Wi[2] = Vi[3] - Vi[2];

  Pi[0] = 0.25 * Vi[0] + 0.75 * Vi[1];
  Pi[1] = 0.50 * Vi[1] + 0.50 * Vi[2];
  Pi[2] = 0.75 * Vi[2] + 0.25 * Vi[3];


get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 867 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitVector Vi[4];
  Vi[0] = P0;
  Vi[3] = P3;
  double di = P0.distance_between( P3 );
  double ai = T0 % T3;
  double denom = 4 - FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(ai);
  if (fabs(denom) < 1e-20) {
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  Vi[1] = Vi[0] + (di * (((6.0e0 * T0)) / 18.0e0));
  Vi[2] = Vi[3] - (di * (((6.0e0 * T3)) / 18.0e0));

  Pi[0] = 0.25 * Vi[0] + 0.75 * Vi[1];
  Pi[1] = 0.50 * Vi[1] + 0.50 * Vi[2];
  Pi[2] = 0.75 * Vi[2] + 0.25 * Vi[3];


get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 947 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitVector Di[4], Ai[3], N0, N3, Vi[4], Wi[3];
  double denom;
  double lambda[2], mu[2];

  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
    N0 = N[i*2];
    N3 = N[i*2+1];
    Vi[0] = P[i][0];
    Vi[1] = (P[i][1] - 0.25 * P[i][0]) / 0.75;
    Vi[2] = (P[i][3] - 0.25 * P[i][4]) / 0.75;
    Vi[3] = P[i][4];
    Wi[0] = Vi[1] - Vi[0];
    Wi[1] = Vi[2] - Vi[1];
    Wi[2] = Vi[3] - Vi[2];
    Di[0] = P[(i+2)%3][3] - 0.5*(P[i][1] + P[i][0]);
    Di[3] = P[(i+1)%3][1] - 0.5*(P[i][4] + P[i][3]);
    if(Wi[0].length() == 0.0)
      Ai[0] = N0 * Wi[0];
      lambda[0] = Di[0] % Wi[0];
      Ai[0] = (N0 * Wi[0]) / Wi[0].length();
      lambda[0] = (Di[0] % Wi[0]) / (Wi[0] % Wi[0]);
    if(Wi[2].length() == 0.0)
      Ai[2] = N3 * Wi[2];
      lambda[1] = Di[3] % Wi[2];
      Ai[2] = (N3 * Wi[2]) / Wi[2].length();
      lambda[1] = (Di[3] % Wi[2]) / (Wi[2] % Wi[2]);
    Ai[1] = Ai[0] + Ai[2];
    denom = Ai[1].length();
    if (denom > 0)
      Ai[1] /= denom;
    mu[0] = (Di[0] % Ai[0]);
    mu[1] = (Di[3] % Ai[2]);
    G[i*2] = 0.5 * (P[i][1] + P[i][2]) + 
              0.66666666666666 * lambda[0] * Wi[1] +
              0.33333333333333 * lambda[1] * Wi[0] +
              0.66666666666666 * mu[0] * Ai[1] +
              0.33333333333333 * mu[1] * Ai[0];
    G[i*2+1] = 0.5 * (P[i][2] + P[i][3]) +
              0.33333333333333 * lambda[0] * Wi[2] +
              0.66666666666666 * lambda[1] * Wi[1] +
              0.33333333333333 * mu[0] * Ai[2] +
              0.66666666666666 * mu[1] * Ai[1];
  return stat;

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 299 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int i,j;

  // retrieve all faces attached to the points in point_list

  for (i = 0; i < myPointList.size(); i++)
    CubitPoint* point = myPointList.get_and_step();

    DLIList<CubitFacet*> adj_facet_list;
    if (adj_facet_list.size() > 0) {
      CubitVector avg_normal(0.0e0, 0.0e0, 0.0e0);
      double totangle = 0.0e0;

      // weight the normal by the spanning angle at the point

      for (j = 0; j < adj_facet_list.size(); j++)
        CubitFacet* facet = adj_facet_list.get_and_step();
        double angle = facet->angle( point );
        facet->weight( angle );
        totangle += angle;
      for (j = 0; j < adj_facet_list.size(); j++)
        CubitFacet* facet = adj_facet_list.get_and_step();
        CubitVector normal = facet->normal();
        avg_normal += (facet->weight() / totangle) * normal;
      double coefd = -(point->coordinates()%avg_normal);
      point->d_coef( coefd );

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 347 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  // use the normal at the vertices as a local space with which to do 
  // interpolation.  A quadric will be approximated from the surrounding
  // vertices.  Interpolation will provide a "z" deviation from the tangent
  // plane at the vertex

  // define a basis set of vectors at each point (assumes the gradients
  // have already been approximated

  int i,j;
  CubitPoint* point;
  for (i = 0; i < myPointList.size(); i++)
    point = myPointList.get_and_step();

  // set up for least squares

  CubitStatus status;
#define MAX_CLOSE_POINTS 100
  CubitPoint *close_points[MAX_CLOSE_POINTS];
  CubitVector coords[MAX_CLOSE_POINTS], cp;
  double weight[MAX_CLOSE_POINTS];
  int num_close;
  CubitMatrix lhs(5,5);
  CubitMatrix rhs(5,1);
  CubitMatrix coef(5,1);
  for (i = 0; i < myPointList.size(); i++)
    point = myPointList.get_and_step();
    status = get_close_points( point, close_points, num_close, 
                               MAX_CLOSE_POINTS, 5 );
    if (status != CUBIT_SUCCESS) {
      return status;

    // transform to local system in x-y
    // determine weights based on inverse distance

    weight[0] = 0.0e0;
    double maxdist = -1e100;
    double totweight = 0.0e0;
    for(j=0; j<num_close; j++) {
      cp = close_points[j]->coordinates();
      point->transform_to_local( cp, coords[j] );
      weight[j] = sqrt( FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(coords[j].x()) + FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(coords[j].y()) );
      if (weight[j] > maxdist) maxdist = weight[j];
    maxdist *= 1.1e0;
    for (j=0; j<num_close; j++) {
      weight[j] = FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr((maxdist-weight[j])/(maxdist*weight[j]));
      totweight += weight[j];

    // fill up the matrices


    double dx, dy, wjdx, wjdy, dx2, dy2, dxdy, dz;
    for (j=0; j<num_close; j++) {
      weight[j] /= totweight;
      weight[j] = 1; // BUGFIX: ignore weights for now and reset weights to 1
      dx = /*-*/ coords[j].x(); //BUGFIX: Why we need -ve coords?
      dy = /*-*/ coords[j].y(); //BUGFIX: Why we need -ve coords?
      wjdx = weight[j] * dx;
      wjdy = weight[j] * dy;
      dx2 = FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr( dx );
      dy2 = FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr( dy );
      dxdy = dx * dy;
      dz = coords[j].z(); 
      lhs.add( 0, 0, wjdx * dx );
      lhs.add( 0, 1, wjdx * dy );
      lhs.add( 0, 2, wjdx * dx2 );
      lhs.add( 0, 3, wjdx * dxdy );
      lhs.add( 0, 4, wjdx * dy2 );
      rhs.add( 0, 0, wjdx * dz ); // BUGFIX: dz was missing
      lhs.add( 1, 1, wjdy * dy );
      lhs.add( 1, 2, wjdy * dx2 );
      lhs.add( 1, 3, wjdy * dxdy );
      lhs.add( 1, 4, wjdy * dx * dy2 );
      rhs.add( 1, 0, wjdy * dz ); // BUGFIX: dz was missing
      lhs.add( 2, 2, wjdx * dx2 * dx );
      lhs.add( 2, 3, wjdx * dx2 * dy );
      lhs.add( 2, 4, wjdx * dx * dy2 ); 
      rhs.add( 2, 0, wjdx * dx * dz );// BUGFIX: dz was missing

      lhs.add( 3, 3, wjdx * dx * dy2 );
      lhs.add( 3, 4, wjdx * dy * dy2 );
      rhs.add( 3, 0, wjdx * dy * dz ); // BUGFIX: dz was missing
      lhs.add( 4, 4, wjdy * dy * dy2 );
      rhs.add( 4, 0, wjdy * dy * dz ); // BUGFIX: dz was missing
    lhs.set( 1, 0, lhs.get(0,1) );
    lhs.set( 2, 0, lhs.get(0,2) );
    lhs.set( 2, 1, lhs.get(1,2) );
    lhs.set( 3, 0, lhs.get(0,3) );
    lhs.set( 3, 1, lhs.get(1,3) );
    lhs.set( 3, 2, lhs.get(2,3) );
    lhs.set( 4, 0, lhs.get(0,4) );
    lhs.set( 4, 1, lhs.get(1,4) );
    lhs.set( 4, 2, lhs.get(2,4) );
    lhs.set( 4, 3, lhs.get(3,4) );
    // solve the system

    status = lhs.solveNxN( rhs, coef );
    if (status != CUBIT_SUCCESS) {
      return status;

    // store the quadric coefficents with the point

    point->coef_vector( coef );
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::initialize ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  point_list,
int  interp_order,
double  min_dot 

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 44 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  myFacetList = facet_list;
  myPointList = point_list;
  isParameterized = CUBIT_FALSE;
  minDot = min_dot;
  output_id = -1;

  // mark all of the facets on this surface with the toolID

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i< myFacetList.size(); i++)
    myFacetList.get_and_step()->set_tool_id( toolID );

  // generate the list of points, if not already defined

  if (myPointList.size() == 0)
    get_points_from_facets( facet_list, myPointList );
  interpOrder = 0;  // default to project to linear facet

  // set the bounding box and compareTol and setup grid search
  myBBox = NULL;
  aTree = NULL;
  lastFacet = NULL;
  isFlat = -999;
  isFlat = is_flat();

  if (interp_order == -1) {
    interpOrder = 0;  // use linear as default interp order
  else {
    interpOrder = interp_order;

  // generate edges 

  if ( CUBIT_SUCCESS != get_edges_from_facets( facet_list, myEdgeList ) ||
       CUBIT_SUCCESS != get_loops_from_facets( myEdgeList, myLoopList ) )
    PRINT_ERROR("Unable to initialize Facet Evaluation Tool.\n");
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  if (interpOrder > 0) {
    if (interpOrder == 3) { // least_squares
    else if(interpOrder == 4) { // spline

  // compute the area of all facets

  myArea = -1.0;
  myArea = area();

  int mydebug = 0;
  if (mydebug)
    debug_draw_eval_bezier_facet( myFacetList.get_and_step() );
    if (interpOrder > 0) debug_draw_point_normals();

int FacetEvalTool::interp_order ( ) [inline]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 365 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

{ return interpOrder; };
int FacetEvalTool::intersect_ray ( CubitVector origin,
CubitVector direction,
CubitFacet facet,
CubitVector point,
double &  distance 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 4610 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

    // This algorithm can be found at

    CubitVector n;           // triangle vectors
    CubitVector w0, w;       // ray vectors
    double a, b;             // params to calc ray-plane intersect

    // get triangle edge vectors and plane normal
    //CubitVector normal = facet->normal();
    CubitPoint *pt0 = facet->point(0);
    CubitPoint *pt1 = facet->point(1);
    CubitPoint *pt2 = facet->point(2);
    double tol = GEOMETRY_RESABS;
    CubitVector u( pt1->x() - pt0->x(),
                    pt1->y() - pt0->y(),
                    pt1->z() - pt0->z()); //(*p1-*p0);
    CubitVector v( pt2->x() - pt0->x(),
                    pt2->y() - pt0->y(),
                    pt2->z() - pt0->z()); // = (*p2-*p0);

    //u = T.V1 - T.V0;
    //v = T.V2 - T.V0;
    n = u * v;             // cross product
    if (n.length_squared() == 0)   // triangle is degenerate
        return -1;                 // do not deal with this case

    //dir = R.P1 - R.P0;             // ray direction vector
    //w0 = R.P0 - T.V0;
    w0 = CubitVector(origin.x() - pt0->x(),
        origin.y() - pt0->y(),
        origin.z() - pt0->z());

    a = -(n%w0);
    b = (n%direction);
    if (fabs(b) < tol) {     // ray is parallel to triangle plane
        if (a == 0)                // ray lies in triangle plane
            return 2;
        else return 0;             // ray disjoint from plane

    // get intersect point of ray with triangle plane
    distance = a / b;
    if (distance < 0.0)                   // ray goes away from triangle
        return 0;                  // => no intersect
    // for a segment, also test if (r > 1.0) => no intersect

    point->set(origin + distance * direction);           // intersect point of ray and plane

    // the distance we want to return is real distance, not distance/magnitude
    distance *= direction.length();

    // is point inside facet?
    double uu, uv, vv, wu, wv, D;
    uu = u%u;
    uv = u%v;
    vv = v%v;
    //w = *I - T.V0;
    w = CubitVector(point->x() - pt0->x(),
                    point->y() - pt0->y(),
                    point->z() - pt0->z());
    wu = w%u;
    wv = w%v;
    D = uv * uv - uu * vv;

    // get and test parametric coords
    double s, t;
    s = (uv * wv - vv * wu) / D;
    if (s < 0.0 || s > 1.0)        // point is outside facet
        return 0;
    t = (uv * wu - uu * wv) / D;
    if (t < 0.0 || (s + t) > 1.0)  // point is outside facet
        return 0;

    return 1;                      // point is in facet

int FacetEvalTool::intersect_ray ( CubitVector origin,
CubitVector direction,
CubitFacetEdge facet,
CubitVector point,
double &  distance 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 4689 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

    // This algorithm can be found at
    double tol = GEOMETRY_RESABS;

    CubitPoint* p0 = facet_edge->point(0);
    CubitPoint* p1 = facet_edge->point(1);
    CubitVector u0 = CubitVector(p0->x(), p0->y(), p0->z());
    CubitVector u1 = CubitVector(p1->x(), p1->y(), p1->z());
    CubitVector u = CubitVector(u0, u1);
    CubitVector v = direction;

    CubitVector w = CubitVector(origin, u0);

    double sc, tc;         // sc is fraction along facet edge, tc is distance along ray
    double a = u%u;        // always >= 0
    double b = u%v;
    double c = v%v;        // always >= 0
    double d = u%w;
    double e = v%w;
    double D = a*c - b*b;  // always >= 0

    // compute the line parameters of the two closest points
    if (D < tol)
        // the lines are almost parallel
        sc = 0.0;
        tc = (b>c ? d/b : e/c);   // use the largest denominator
        sc = (b*e - c*d) / D;
        tc = (a*e - b*d) / D;

    // get the difference of the two closest points
    CubitVector dP = CubitVector(w + (sc * u) - (tc * v));  // = <0 0 0> if intersection

    double distance = sqrt(dP % dP); // return the closest distance (0 if intersection)

    point->set(u0 + (sc * u));
    hit_distance = tc; //distance from origin to intersection point

    if (distance < tol)
        //check if parallel (infinite intersection)
        if (D < tol)
            return 2;
        //check if on edge
        if (sc <= 1.0 && sc >= 0.0)
            return 1;
            return 0;

    return 0;
CubitBoolean FacetEvalTool::is_at_vertex ( CubitFacet facet,
const CubitVector pt,
CubitVector ac,
double  compare_tol,
CubitVector eval_pt,
CubitVector eval_norm_ptr 
) [static, private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 1650 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  double dist;
  CubitVector vert_loc;
  const double actol = 0.1;
  if (fabs(ac.x()) < actol && fabs(ac.y()) < actol) {
    vert_loc = facet->point(2)->coordinates();
    dist = pt.distance_between( vert_loc );
    if (dist <= compare_tol)
      eval_pt = vert_loc;
      if (eval_norm_ptr) 
        *eval_norm_ptr = facet->point(2)->normal( facet );
      return CUBIT_TRUE;

  if (fabs(ac.x()) < actol && fabs(ac.z()) < actol) {
    vert_loc = facet->point(1)->coordinates();
    dist = pt.distance_between( vert_loc );
    if (dist <= compare_tol)
      eval_pt = vert_loc;
      if (eval_norm_ptr) 
        *eval_norm_ptr = facet->point(1)->normal( facet );
      return CUBIT_TRUE;

  if (fabs(ac.y()) < actol && fabs(ac.z()) < actol) {
    vert_loc = facet->point(0)->coordinates();
    dist = pt.distance_between( vert_loc );
    if (dist <= compare_tol)
      eval_pt = vert_loc;
      if (eval_norm_ptr) 
        *eval_norm_ptr = facet->point(0)->normal( facet );
      return CUBIT_TRUE;

  return CUBIT_FALSE;

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 271 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int ii;
  if (isFlat != -999) {
    return isFlat;
  else {
    isFlat = CUBIT_TRUE;
    CubitVector firstnormal = myFacetList.get_and_step()->normal();
    CubitVector normal;
    for ( ii = myFacetList.size(); ii > 1 &&isFlat; ii-- ){
      normal = myFacetList.get_and_step()->normal();
      if (fabs(normal%firstnormal) < 0.9987654321) {
        isFlat = CUBIT_FALSE;
  return isFlat;
CubitBoolean FacetEvalTool::is_outside ( CubitFacet facet,
CubitVector areacoord 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3324 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  if (areacoord.x() < -GEOMETRY_RESABS) {
    if (NULL == facet->shared_facet_on_surf( facet->point(1), 
                                             facet->tool_id() )) {
      return CUBIT_TRUE;
  if (areacoord.y() < -GEOMETRY_RESABS) {
    if (NULL == facet->shared_facet_on_surf( facet->point(2), 
                                             facet->tool_id() )) {
      return CUBIT_TRUE;
  if (areacoord.z() < -GEOMETRY_RESABS) {
    if (NULL == facet->shared_facet_on_surf( facet->point(0), 
                                             facet->tool_id() )) {
      return CUBIT_TRUE;
  return CUBIT_FALSE;

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 362 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

{ return &myLoopList; };

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 556 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int i,j;
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_list;
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_list_init;
  CubitPoint* prev_point = NULL;
  CubitPoint* next_point = NULL;
  CubitFacetEdge* prev_edge = NULL;
  CubitFacetEdge* next_edge = NULL;
  CubitVector e0, e1;
  double current_dot;
  TDFacetBoundaryEdge *td_fbe = NULL;
    // make a list with only the boundary edges
  for(i=0; i< edge_list_init.size(); i++){
    prev_edge = edge_list_init.get_and_step();
    td_fbe = TDFacetBoundaryEdge::get_facet_boundary_edge(prev_edge);
    //if there is one or none, we don't need to bother looking
    // for pairs.
  if(edge_list.size() < 2)
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  int num_edges=edge_list.size();
  std::vector<int> other_index(num_edges);
  std::vector<double> dot_array(num_edges);
  bool pair_exists = false;
    // loop over the edges.  For each edge, find the edge that would
    // make the best other edge to pair this one with
  for(i = 0; i<num_edges; i++){
    prev_point = prev_edge->other_point(point);
      // now figure out which other edge would be the best pair with
      // this one.  This could be sped up by only looking at the edges
      // i+1 to num_edges, but ever this more exhaustive search is not
      // guaranteed to make an optimal pairing... we take the longer
      // approach hoping it will give slightly better results for
      // hard problems...
    for(j = 0; j<num_edges; j++){
        next_edge = edge_list[j];
        next_point = next_edge->other_point(point);
        e0 = point->coordinates() - next_point->coordinates();
        e1 = prev_point->coordinates() - point->coordinates();
        current_dot = e0%e1;
          //if the current dot satisfies the feature angle criterion
          // and is better than any other we've seen so far for this
          // given edge, save it.
        if(current_dot >= minDot && current_dot > dot_array[i]){
          pair_exists=true;//keep track of whether a pair has been saved
    //if there aren't any pairs, don't bother moving forward.
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
    //now find the best pair.  That is the pair with biggest
    // dot product.  Then find the next, and so on until we
    // are done.
  double best_this_time = CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
  int best_index=-1;
    // given num_edges > 2 and each edge is paired with at most
    // one other edge at this node, there can't be more than
    // num_edges - 1 pairs.  Actually, num_edges / 2, but
    // it is just a safety check anyway, so num_edges-1 will work.
  for(i=0;i<num_edges-1 && best_this_time >= minDot; i++){
    best_this_time = -1.0;
    best_index = -1;
      //loop over and find the biggest dot
    for(j=0;j<num_edges; j++){
      if(dot_array[j] > best_this_time){
        best_this_time = dot_array[j];
        best_index = j;
      //if we found a pair that we can make C1
    if(best_index >= 0){
        //Don't let the above loop find either of these again
        // (unless they are the 'other' in the pair).
      dot_array[best_index] = -1.0;
      dot_array[other_index[best_index]] = -1.0;

        //First, make sure the other in the pair hasn't already
        // been used.
      CubitFacetEdge* edge_1 = edge_list[best_index];
      CubitFacetEdge* edge_2 = edge_list[other_index[best_index]];
      td_fbe = TDFacetBoundaryEdge::get_facet_boundary_edge( edge_2 );
        PRINT_ERROR("Expected a tool data.\n");
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        //figure out whether it should be stored as prev or next
      if(point == edge_2->point(0)){
          //if something has already been stored here, then
          // need to skip this pair
          edge_1 = NULL;
          edge_1 = NULL;
        //edge_1 will be NULL if we decided above to skip this pair
      if(edge_1){//otherwise save edge_2 in the appropriate spot
          // for edge_1's tool data.
        td_fbe = TDFacetBoundaryEdge::get_facet_boundary_edge( edge_1 );
          PRINT_ERROR("Expected another tool data.\n");
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        if(point == edge_1->point(0))
CubitBoolean FacetEvalTool::move_ac_inside ( CubitVector ac,
double  tol 
) [static, private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 1749 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int nout = 0;
  if (ac.x() < -tol) {
    ac.x( 0.0 );
    ac.y( ac.y() / (ac.y() + ac.z()) );
    ac.z( 1.0 - ac.y() );
  if (ac.y() < -tol) {
    ac.y( 0.0 );
    ac.x( ac.x() / (ac.x() + ac.z()) );
    ac.z( 1.0 - ac.x() );
  if (ac.z() < -tol) {
    ac.z( 0.0 );
    ac.x( ac.x() / (ac.x() + ac.y()) );
    ac.y( 1.0 - ac.x() );
  return (nout > 0) ? CUBIT_TRUE : CUBIT_FALSE;

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 4284 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitFacetEdge *next_edge = NULL;

  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_list;
  p0->edges( edge_list );
  int ii;

  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = NULL;
  for (ii=0; ii<edge_list.size() && next_edge == NULL; ii++)
    edge_ptr = edge_list.get_and_step();
    if (edge_ptr != this_edge)
      if (edge_ptr->num_adj_facets() <= 1)
        next_edge = edge_ptr;

  return next_edge;
int FacetEvalTool::num_facets ( ) const [inline]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 377 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

{return myFacetList.size();};
int FacetEvalTool::num_points ( ) const [inline]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 380 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

{return myPointList.size();};
void FacetEvalTool::on_circle ( CubitVector ptA,
CubitVector normA,
CubitVector ptB,
CubitVector normB,
CubitVector eval_pt,
CubitVector pt_on_circle,
CubitVector normal 
) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3056 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  // angle between the normals
  double cosang = normA%normB;

  // check for flat surfaces - project to the segment

  if (cosang >= 0.99999 || cosang <= -0.99999) {
    CubitVector vAB = ptB - ptA;
    CubitVector vAeval_pt = eval_pt - ptA;
    double len = vAB%vAeval_pt;
    pt_on_circle = ptA + len * vAB;
    if (cosang <= -0.99999) {  // this is bad! (facet spans 180 degrees)
      normal = normA;
    else {
      normal = 0.5e0 * (normA + normB);
  else {

    // curved surface
    // define a common plane at eval_pt

    CubitVector pnorm = normA*normB;
    double pcoefd = -pnorm%eval_pt;

    // project everything to common plane

    double pdist = pnorm%ptA + pcoefd;
    CubitVector pptA = ptA - pnorm * pdist;
    pdist = pnorm%ptB + pcoefd;
    CubitVector pptB = ptB - pnorm * pdist; 
    double angle = acos(cosang);
    double dist = pptA.distance_between(pptB);

    // kradius is the radius of curvature
    // center is the center of curvature
    // centerA and centerB should be the same within tol

    double kradius = dist / (2.0e0 * sin( angle * 0.5e0 ));
    CubitVector centerA = pptA - kradius * normA;
    CubitVector centerB = pptB - kradius * normB;
    CubitVector center = (centerA + centerB) * 0.5e0;

    normal = eval_pt - center;
    pt_on_circle = center + kradius * normal;

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 702 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitStatus status = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  int i;
  CubitPoint* point = NULL;
  for( i=0;i<myPointList.size(); i++){
    point = myPointList.get_and_step();
    status = mark_edge_pairs(point);
      return status;
  return status;


Definition at line 4101 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.


  if (myLoopList.size() != 1)
    PRINT_WARNING("Cannot parameterize surface.  Multiple loops detected\n");
    isParameterized = CUBIT_FALSE;
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // make arrays out of the points and facets

  double *points = new double [3 * myPointList.size()];
  int *facets = new int [3 * myFacetList.size()];
  if (!points || !facets)
    PRINT_ERROR("Could not define parameterization for surface (out of memory)\n");
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  int ii;
  CubitPoint *pt;
  for (ii=0; ii<myPointList.size(); ii++)
    pt = myPointList.get_and_step();
    points[ii*3] = pt->x();
    points[ii*3+1] = pt->y();
    points[ii*3+2] = pt->z();
  CubitFacet *facet;
  CubitPoint *pts[3];
  for (ii=0; ii<myFacetList.size(); ii++)
    facet = myFacetList.get_and_step();    
    facet->points( pts[0], pts[1], pts[2] );
    facets[ii*3]   = pts[0]->marked();
    facets[ii*3+1] = pts[1]->marked();
    facets[ii*3+2] = pts[2]->marked();

  // do the parameterization

// comment out for now
// Note to sjowen:  this depends on FacetParamTool and facetParamTool is a ParamTool
// (which is in geom directory). We ned a solution that breaks that dependency.
//  FacetParamTool facetparamtool( myPointList.size(), myFacetList.size(),
//                                 points, facets );
    PRINT_ERROR("Surface Parameterizer Failed\n");
    isParameterized = CUBIT_FALSE;
    double *sizes = NULL;
    double *uv = NULL;//facetparamtool.get_uvs_sizing( ratio, sizes ); 

    // update the points with uv values

    TDFacetBoundaryPoint *td_fbp;
    CubitBoolean on_internal_boundary;
    for (ii=0; ii<myPointList.size(); ii++)
      pt = myPointList.get_and_step();
      DLIList <CubitFacet *> facet_list;
      pt->facets_on_surf( toolID, facet_list, on_internal_boundary );
      if (on_internal_boundary)
        td_fbp = TDFacetBoundaryPoint::get_facet_boundary_point( pt );
        if (!td_fbp)
          TDFacetBoundaryPoint::add_facet_boundary_point( pt );
          td_fbp = TDFacetBoundaryPoint::get_facet_boundary_point( pt );
          td_fbp->add_surf_facets( facet_list );
          td_fbp->set_uv( facet_list.get(), uv[ii*2], uv[ii*2+1] );
          if (td_fbp->set_uv( facet_list.get(),
              uv[ii*2], uv[ii*2+1] ) != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
            td_fbp->add_surf_facets( facet_list );
            td_fbp->set_uv( facet_list.get(), uv[ii*2], uv[ii*2+1] );
        pt->set_uv( uv[ii*2], uv[ii*2+1] );
    isParameterized = CUBIT_TRUE;
    PRINT_INFO("Surface Parameterization succeeded\n");
    delete [] sizes;
    delete [] uv;

  // clean up

  delete [] points;
  delete [] facets;
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::project_to_facet ( CubitFacet facet,
const CubitVector pt,
CubitVector areacoord,
CubitVector close_point,
CubitBoolean outside,
double  compare_tol 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 2705 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.


  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  CubitPoint *pt0 = facet->point(0);
  CubitPoint *pt1 = facet->point(1);
  CubitPoint *pt2 = facet->point(2);

  int interp_order = facet->eval_order();
  if (facet->is_flat())
    interp_order = 0;

  switch(interp_order) {
  case 0:
    close_point.x( areacoord.x() * pt0->x() +
                   areacoord.y() * pt1->x() +
                   areacoord.z() * pt2->x() );
    close_point.y( areacoord.x() * pt0->y() +
                   areacoord.y() * pt1->y() +
                   areacoord.z() * pt2->y() );
    close_point.z( areacoord.x() * pt0->z() +
                   areacoord.y() * pt1->z() +
                   areacoord.z() * pt2->z() );
    outside_facet = CUBIT_FALSE;
  case 1:
  case 2:
  case 3:
    assert(0);  // not available from this function 
  case 4:
      int edge_id = -1;
      stat = project_to_patch(facet, areacoord, pt, close_point, NULL, 
                              outside_facet, compare_tol, edge_id );

  return stat;
void FacetEvalTool::project_to_facet_plane ( CubitFacet facet,
const CubitVector pt,
CubitVector point_on_plane,
double &  dist 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 3164 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitVector normal = facet->normal();
  CubitPoint *facPoint = facet->point(0);
  double coefd = -(normal.x() * facPoint->x() +
                   normal.y() * facPoint->y() +
                   normal.z() * facPoint->z());
  double dist = normal.x() * pt.x() +
                normal.y() * pt.y() +
                normal.z() * pt.z() + coefd;
  dist_to_plane = fabs(dist);

  point_on_plane.set( pt.x() - normal.x() * dist,
                      pt.y() - normal.y() * dist,
                      pt.z() - normal.z() * dist );

CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::project_to_facetedge ( CubitFacet facet,
int  vert0,
int  vert1,
const CubitVector the_point,
CubitVector pt_on_plane,
CubitVector close_point,
CubitBoolean outside_facet,
CubitBoolean  must_be_on_edge = CUBIT_FALSE 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 2761 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitPoint *pt0 = facet->point(vert0);
  CubitPoint *pt1 = facet->point(vert1);

  // the edge vector

  CubitVector e0 ( pt1->x() - pt0->x(),
                   pt1->y() - pt0->y(),
                   pt1->z() - pt0->z() );
  // vector from vert0 to point

  CubitVector v0 ( pt_on_plane.x() - pt0->x(),
                   pt_on_plane.y() - pt0->y(),
                   pt_on_plane.z() - pt0->z() );

  CubitVector v1 ( pt_on_plane.x() - pt1->x(),
                   pt_on_plane.y() - pt1->y(),
                   pt_on_plane.z() - pt1->z() );
  // project to edge

  double projection1 = v0%e0;
  double projection2 = v1%(-e0);

  if( !must_be_on_edge || (projection1 > 0 && projection2 > 0 ))
    close_point.x ( pt0->x() + e0.x() * projection1 );
    close_point.y ( pt0->y() + e0.y() * projection1 );
    close_point.z ( pt0->z() + e0.z() * projection1 );
  else //we are closer to one a facet vertex than to the edge
    if(   the_point.distance_between( pt0->coordinates() ) 
        < the_point.distance_between( pt1->coordinates())) 
      close_point = pt0->coordinates();
      close_point = pt1->coordinates();

  // project the point on the facet (if the order is higher than 0)

  outside_facet = CUBIT_TRUE;
  if (facet->eval_order() > 0 && !facet->is_flat()) {
    CubitVector areacoord;
    facet_area_coordinate( facet, close_point, areacoord ); 
    int edge_id = -1;
    if ((vert0 == 0 && vert1 == 1) ||
        (vert0 == 1 && vert1 == 0)) 
      edge_id = 2;
    else if ((vert0 == 1 && vert1 == 2) ||
             (vert0 == 2 && vert1 == 1))
      edge_id = 0;
    else if ((vert0 == 2 && vert1 == 0) ||
             (vert0 == 0 && vert1 == 2))
      edge_id = 1;
      assert(0);  //edge_id wasn't set

    double compare_tol = projection1 * 1.0e-3;
    if (project_to_patch( facet, areacoord, the_point, close_point, 
                          NULL, outside_facet, compare_tol, edge_id )!= CUBIT_SUCCESS) {
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;     

CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::project_to_facets ( CubitVector this_point,
CubitBoolean  trim,
CubitBoolean outside,
CubitVector closest_point_ptr,
CubitVector normal_ptr 
) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 2029 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CpuTimer function_time;
  if (DEBUG_FLAG(110))

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // if there are a lot of facets on this surface - use the grid search first 
  // to narrow the selection

  if (aTree != NULL)
    DLIList<CubitFacet *> facet_list;
    double search_tol = DBL_MAX;
    facets_from_search_grid( this_point, facet_list, search_tol );
    if ( DEBUG_FLAG(110) )
      timeGridSearch += function_time.cpu_secs();

    if (facet_list.size())
      CubitVector grid_close_pt;
      rv = project_to_facets(facet_list,lastFacet,interpOrder,compareTol,
                             this_point,trim,outside, &grid_close_pt,

      if (CUBIT_SUCCESS == rv)
        if (closest_point_ptr)
          *closest_point_ptr = grid_close_pt;

        // when we do the projection, if we end up with the closest point being farther
        // away than the grid search tolerance, we may have missed a closer facet
        // so redo the grid search using the distance as a tolerance
        double distance = grid_close_pt.distance_between( this_point );
        if (distance > search_tol)
          DLIList<CubitFacet*> facets_within_distance;
          CubitVector grid_close_pt2;
          facets_from_search_grid(this_point, distance, facets_within_distance);
          if (facets_within_distance.size() &&
              (facets_within_distance != facet_list) )
            rv = project_to_facets(facets_within_distance, lastFacet, interpOrder, compareTol,
                                   this_point, trim, outside, &grid_close_pt2,
            if (CUBIT_SUCCESS == rv)
              double distance2 = grid_close_pt2.distance_between( this_point );
              if (distance2 < distance)
                if (closest_point_ptr)
                  *closest_point_ptr = grid_close_pt2;

      if ( DEBUG_FLAG(110) )
        timeFacetProject += function_time.cpu_secs();
        if (closest_point_ptr)
          double dist = closest_point_ptr->distance_between( this_point );
          if (dist > compareTol * 100)
            PRINT_ERROR("Appears to be bad projection in FacetEvalTool::project_to_facets\n");
            rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // otherwise just use the complete list of facets

    rv = project_to_facets(myFacetList,lastFacet,interpOrder,compareTol,
    if ( DEBUG_FLAG(110) )
      timeFacetProject += function_time.cpu_secs();

  return rv;
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::project_to_facets ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
CubitFacet *&  last_facet,
int  interp_order,
double  compare_tol,
const CubitVector this_point,
CubitBoolean  trim,
CubitBoolean outside,
CubitVector closest_point_ptr,
CubitVector normal_ptr 
) [static]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 2146 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int ncheck, ii, nincr=0;
  static int calls=0;
  static int nncheck=0;
  static int ntol=0;
  static int mydebug=0;
  CubitBoolean outside_facet, best_outside_facet;
  CubitVector close_point, best_point, best_areacoord;
  CubitFacet *best_facet = NULL; 
  CubitFacet *facet;
  assert (facet_list.size() > 0);
  double big_dist = compare_tol * 1.0e3;

  // set the first facet to be checked as the last one located

  if (last_facet) {
    if (!facet_list.move_to(last_facet)) {
  else {

  // so we don't evaluate a facet more than once - mark the facets
  // as we evaluate them.  Put the evaluated facets on a used_facet_list
  // so we clear the marks off when we are done.  Note: this assumes
  // theat marks are initially cleared.
  DLIList<CubitFacet *>used_facet_list;
  for(ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)

  int nfacets = facet_list.size();
  int nevald = 0;
  double tol = compare_tol * 10;
  const double atol = 0.001;
  double mindist = CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
  CubitBoolean eval_all = CUBIT_FALSE;
  CubitBoolean done = CUBIT_FALSE;
  best_outside_facet = CUBIT_TRUE;
  while(!done) {

    // define a bounding box around the point

    double ptmin_x = this_point.x() - tol;
    double ptmin_y = this_point.y() - tol;
    double ptmin_z = this_point.z() - tol;
    double ptmax_x = this_point.x() + tol;
    double ptmax_y = this_point.y() + tol;
    double ptmax_z = this_point.z() + tol;

    bool debug = false;

    if( debug )
      for( int i=used_facet_list.size(); i--; )
        used_facet_list.get_and_step()->debug_draw(CUBIT_GREEN_INDEX, 0 );      

    ncheck = 0;
    for ( ii = facet_list.size(); ii > 0 && !done; ii-- ) 
      facet = facet_list.get_and_step();
      if (facet->marked())

      // Try to trivially reject this facet with a bounding box test
      // (Does the bounding box of the facet intersect with the 
      // bounding box of the point)

      if( debug )
        facet->debug_draw( CUBIT_RED_INDEX );

      if (!eval_all)
        const CubitBox &bbox = facet->bounding_box();
        if (ptmax_x < bbox.min_x() ||
            ptmin_x > bbox.max_x()) {
        if (ptmax_y < bbox.min_y() ||
            ptmin_y > bbox.max_y()) {
        if (ptmax_z < bbox.min_z() ||
            ptmin_z > bbox.max_z()) {

      // skip zero area facets
      if(facet->area() <= 0.0)

      // Only facets that pass the bounding box test will get past here!

      // Project point to plane of the facet and determine its area coordinates

      ncheck++; nevald++;
      CubitVector pt_on_plane;
      double dist_to_plane;
      project_to_facet_plane( facet, this_point, pt_on_plane, dist_to_plane );

      CubitVector areacoord;
      facet_area_coordinate( facet, pt_on_plane, areacoord );
      if (interp_order != 0)

        // modify the areacoord - project to the bezier patch- snaps to the 
        // edge of the patch if necessary

        if (project_to_facet( facet, this_point, areacoord, 
                        close_point, outside_facet, compare_tol ) != CUBIT_SUCCESS) 
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;

        // If sign of areacoords are all positive then its inside the triangle
        // and we are done - go interpolate the point. (use an absolute
        // tolerance since the coordinates arenormalized)
        if (areacoord.x() > -atol && 
            areacoord.y() > -atol && 
            areacoord.z() > -atol) {
          if (dist_to_plane < compare_tol && !trim) 
            close_point = this_point;
            close_point = pt_on_plane;
          outside_facet = CUBIT_FALSE;

        // otherwise find the closest vertex or edge to the projected point

        else if (areacoord.x() < atol) 
          outside_facet = CUBIT_TRUE;
          if (areacoord.y() < atol) 
            if (eval_point( facet, 2, close_point ) != CUBIT_SUCCESS) 
              return CUBIT_FAILURE;
          else if(areacoord.z() < atol) 
            if (eval_point( facet, 1, close_point ) != CUBIT_SUCCESS) 
              return CUBIT_FAILURE;
            if(project_to_facetedge( facet, 1, 2, this_point, pt_on_plane, 
              close_point, outside_facet, trim ) !=CUBIT_SUCCESS) 
              return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        else if (areacoord.y() < atol)
          outside_facet = CUBIT_TRUE;
          if (areacoord.z() < atol) 
            if (eval_point( facet, 0, close_point )!= CUBIT_SUCCESS) 
              return CUBIT_FAILURE;
            if(project_to_facetedge( facet, 2, 0, this_point, pt_on_plane, 
              close_point, outside_facet, trim ) !=CUBIT_SUCCESS) 
              return CUBIT_FAILURE;
          outside_facet = CUBIT_TRUE;
          if(project_to_facetedge( facet, 0, 1, this_point, pt_on_plane, 
            close_point, outside_facet, trim ) !=CUBIT_SUCCESS) 
            return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      // keep track of the minimum distance
      double dist = close_point.distance_between( this_point );
      if( trim )
        if( dist < mindist )
          mindist = dist;
          best_point = close_point;
          best_facet = facet;
          best_areacoord = areacoord;
          best_outside_facet = outside_facet;
      else if ( (best_outside_facet == outside_facet && dist < mindist) ||
          (best_outside_facet && !outside_facet && (dist < big_dist || !best_facet)) )
        mindist = dist;
        best_point = close_point;
        best_facet = facet;
        best_areacoord = areacoord;
        best_outside_facet = outside_facet;

        if (dist < compare_tol && !trim) {
          done = CUBIT_TRUE;
        big_dist = 10.0 * mindist;

    // We are done if we found at least one triangle.  Otherwise
    // increase the tolerance and try again

    if (!done)
      if (nevald == nfacets)
        done = CUBIT_TRUE;
        if (ncheck > 0) {
          if (best_outside_facet) {
            if (nincr < 10)
              tol *= 2.0;
            // getting here means that the compare_tol probably is too small
            // just try all the remaining facets
              eval_all = CUBIT_TRUE;
            done = CUBIT_TRUE;
        else {
          if (nincr >= 10)
            eval_all = CUBIT_TRUE;
            tol *= 2.0e0;
  }  // while(!done)
  if(best_facet == NULL){      
      PRINT_ERROR("Unable to determine facet correctly.\n");
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  // make sure we actually got something
  assert(best_facet != NULL);

  // if the closest point is outside of a facet, then evaluate the point
  // on the facet using its area coordinates (otherwise it would be 
  // trimmed to an edge or point)

  if ( !trim && best_outside_facet && interp_order != 4) {
    if (project_to_facet( best_facet, this_point, best_areacoord, 
      best_point, best_outside_facet, compare_tol ) 
      != CUBIT_SUCCESS) {
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    // see if its really outside (it could just be on an edge where the
    // curvature is convex)

    best_outside_facet = is_outside( best_facet, best_areacoord );

  // evaluate the normal if required

  if (normal_ptr) {
    CubitVector normal;
    if (eval_facet_normal( best_facet, best_areacoord, normal ) 
      != CUBIT_SUCCESS) {
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    *normal_ptr = normal;

  if (closest_point_ptr) {
    *closest_point_ptr = best_point;
  *outside = best_outside_facet;
  last_facet = best_facet;

  // clear the marks from the used facets

  for (ii=0; ii<used_facet_list.size(); ii++)
    facet = used_facet_list.get_and_step();
    facet->marked( 0 );

  if (mydebug) {
    nncheck+= ncheck;
    if (calls%100==0){
      PRINT_INFO("calls = %d, ckecks = %d, ntol = %d\n",calls,nncheck,ntol);
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::project_to_patch ( CubitFacet facet,
CubitVector ac,
const CubitVector pt,
CubitVector eval_pt,
CubitVector eval_norm,
CubitBoolean outside,
double  compare_tol,
int  edge_id 
) [static, private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 1362 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  CubitStatus status = CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // see if we are at a vertex

#define INCR 0.01  
  const double tol = compare_tol;

  if (is_at_vertex( facet, pt, ac, compare_tol, eval_pt, eval_norm ))
    outside = CUBIT_FALSE;
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // check if the start ac is inside the patch -if not, then move it there
  int nout = 0;
  const double atol = 0.001;
  if(move_ac_inside( ac, atol ))

  int diverge = 0;
  int iter = 0;
  CubitVector newpt;
  eval_bezier_patch(facet, ac, newpt);
  CubitVector move = pt - newpt;
  double lastdist = move.length();
  double bestdist = lastdist;
  CubitVector bestac = ac;
  CubitVector bestpt = newpt;
  CubitVector bestnorm;

  // If we are already close enough, then return now

  if (lastdist <= tol && !eval_norm && nout == 0) {
    eval_pt = pt;
    outside = CUBIT_FALSE;
    return status;
  double ratio, mag, umove, vmove, det, distnew, movedist;
  CubitVector lastpt = newpt;
  CubitVector lastac = ac;
  CubitVector norm;
  CubitVector xpt, ypt, zpt, xac, yac, zac, xvec, yvec, zvec;
  CubitVector du, dv, newac;
  CubitBoolean done = CUBIT_FALSE;
  while (!done) {

    // We will be locating the projected point within the u,v,w coordinate
    // system of the triangular bezier patch.  Since u+v+w=1, the components
    // are not linearly independant.  We will choose only two of the 
    // coordinates to use and compute the third.

    int system;
    if (lastac.x() >= lastac.y() && lastac.x() >= lastac.z()) {
      system = 0;
    else if (lastac.y() >= lastac.z()) {
      system = 1;
    else {
      system = 2;

    // compute the surface derivatives with respect to each 
    // of the barycentric coordinates

    if (system == 1 || system == 2) {
      xac.x( lastac.x() + INCR );
      if (lastac.y() + lastac.z() == 0.0)
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      ratio = lastac.z() / (lastac.y() + lastac.z());
      xac.y( (1.0 - xac.x()) * (1.0 - ratio) );
      xac.z( 1.0 - xac.x() - xac.y() );
      eval_bezier_patch(facet, xac, xpt);
      xvec = xpt - lastpt;
      xvec /= INCR;
    if (system == 0 || system == 2) {
      yac.y( lastac.y() + INCR );
      if (lastac.x() + lastac.z() == 0.0)
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      ratio = lastac.z() / (lastac.x() + lastac.z());
      yac.x( (1.0 - yac.y()) * (1.0 - ratio) );
      yac.z( 1.0 - yac.x() - yac.y() );
      eval_bezier_patch(facet, yac, ypt);
      yvec = ypt - lastpt;
      yvec /= INCR;
    if (system == 0 || system == 1) {
      zac.z( lastac.z() + INCR );
      if (lastac.x() + lastac.y() == 0.0)
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      ratio = lastac.y() / (lastac.x() + lastac.y());
      zac.x( (1.0 - zac.z()) * (1.0 - ratio) );
      zac.y( 1.0 - zac.x() - zac.z() );
      eval_bezier_patch(facet, zac, zpt);
      zvec = zpt - lastpt;
      zvec /= INCR;

    // compute the surface normal

    switch (system) {
    case 0:
      du = yvec;
      dv = zvec;
    case 1:
      du = zvec;
      dv = xvec;
    case 2:
      du = xvec;
      dv = yvec;
    norm = du * dv;
    mag = norm.length();
    if (mag < DBL_EPSILON) {
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;  
      // do something else here (it is likely a flat triangle - 
      // so try evaluating just an edge of the bezier patch)
    norm /= mag;
    if (iter == 0)
      bestnorm = norm;

    // project the move vector to the tangent plane

    move = (norm * move) * norm;

    // compute an equivalent u-v-w vector

    CubitVector absnorm( fabs(norm.x()), fabs(norm.y()), fabs(norm.z()) );
    if (absnorm.z() >= absnorm.y() && absnorm.z() >= absnorm.x()) {
      det = du.x() * dv.y() - dv.x() * du.y();
      if (fabs(det) <= DBL_EPSILON) {
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;  // do something else here
      umove = (move.x() * dv.y() - dv.x() * move.y()) / det;
      vmove = (du.x() * move.y() - move.x() * du.y()) / det;
    else if (absnorm.y() >= absnorm.z() && absnorm.y() >= absnorm.x()) {
      det = du.x() * dv.z() - dv.x() * du.z();
      if (fabs(det) <= DBL_EPSILON) {
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      umove = (move.x() * dv.z() - dv.x() * move.z()) / det;
      vmove = (du.x() * move.z() - move.x() * du.z()) / det;
    else {
      det = du.y() * dv.z() - dv.y() * du.z();
      if (fabs(det) <= DBL_EPSILON) {
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      umove = (move.y() * dv.z() - dv.y() * move.z()) / det;
      vmove = (du.y() * move.z() - move.y() * du.z()) / det;

    /* === compute the new u-v coords and evaluate surface at new location */

    switch (system) {
    case 0:
      newac.y( lastac.y() + umove );
      newac.z( lastac.z() + vmove );
      newac.x( 1.0 - newac.y() - newac.z() );
    case 1:
      newac.z( lastac.z() + umove );
      newac.x( lastac.x() + vmove );
      newac.y( 1.0 - newac.z() - newac.x() );
    case 2:
      newac.x( lastac.x() + umove );
      newac.y( lastac.y() + vmove );
      newac.z( 1.0 - newac.x() - newac.y() );

    // Keep it inside the patch

    if ( newac.x() >= -atol && 
         newac.y() >= -atol && 
         newac.z() >= -atol) {
      nout = 0;
    else {
      if (move_ac_inside( newac, atol ) == CUBIT_TRUE)

    // Evaluate at the new location

    if (edge_id != -1)
      ac_at_edge( newac, newac, edge_id );  // move to edge first
    eval_bezier_patch(facet, newac, newpt);

    // Check for convergence

    distnew = pt.distance_between(newpt);
    move = newpt - lastpt;
    movedist = move.length();
    if (movedist < tol || 
        distnew < tol ) {
      done = CUBIT_TRUE;
      if (distnew < bestdist)
        bestdist = distnew;
        bestac = newac;
        bestpt = newpt;
        bestnorm = norm;
    else {

      // don't allow more than 30 iterations

      if (iter > 30) {
        //if (movedist > tol * 100.0) nout=1;
        done = CUBIT_TRUE;

      // Check for divergence - don't allow more than 5 divergent
      // iterations

      if (distnew > lastdist) {
        if (diverge > 10) {
          done = CUBIT_TRUE;
          //if (movedist > tol * 100.0) nout=1;

      // Check if we are continuing to project outside the facet.  
      // If so, then stop now

      if (nout > 3) {
        done = CUBIT_TRUE;

      // set up for next iteration

      if (!done) {
        if (distnew < bestdist)
          bestdist = distnew;
          bestac = newac;
          bestpt = newpt;
          bestnorm = norm;
        lastdist = distnew;
        lastpt = newpt;
        lastac = newac;
        move = pt - lastpt;

  eval_pt = bestpt;
  if (eval_norm) {
    *eval_norm = bestnorm;
  outside = (nout > 0) ? CUBIT_TRUE : CUBIT_FALSE;
  ac = bestac;

  return status;
void FacetEvalTool::remove_facets ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list)

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 179 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  facets = myFacetList;
  for ( int i = facets.size(); i--; )
void FacetEvalTool::replace_facets ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list)

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 224 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 1792 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

    if (myBBox != NULL)
      delete myBBox;
      myBBox = NULL;

    double diag = sqrt(FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(myBBox->x_range()) +
                       FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(myBBox->y_range()) +
    compareTol = 1.0e-3 * diag;

    set_up_grid_search( diag );
CubitStatus FacetEvalTool::restore ( FILE *  fp,
unsigned int  endian,
int  num_facets,
int  num_edges,
int  num_points,
CubitFacet **  facets,
CubitFacetEdge **  edges,
CubitPoint **  points 

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 4394 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  NCubitFile::CIOWrapper cio(endian, fp);
  typedef NCubitFile::UnsignedInt32 int32;

  // read interpOrder, isFlat, isParameterized 
  int int_data[3];
  cio.Read(reinterpret_cast<int32*>(int_data), 3);
  interpOrder = int_data[0];
  isFlat = int_data[1];
  isParameterized = (int_data[2] != 0);

  // read myArea, minDot
  double double_data[2];
  cio.Read( double_data, 2);
  myArea = double_data[0];
  minDot  = double_data[1];

  lastFacet = NULL;

  // read the facet ids and assign facets to this eval tool
  int nfacets; 
  cio.Read(reinterpret_cast<int32*>(&nfacets), 1);
  int32 *facet_id = NULL;
  if (nfacets > 0)
    facet_id = new int32 [nfacets];
    cio.Read(facet_id, nfacets);
    int ii, id;
    for(ii=0; ii<nfacets; ii++)
      id = facet_id[ii];
      if (ii < 0 || ii >= num_facets)
        delete [] facet_id;
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      myFacetList.append( facets[id] );
      facets[id]->set_tool_id( toolID );
    delete [] facet_id;

  // read the edges
  int nedges; 
  cio.Read(reinterpret_cast<int32*>(&nedges), 1);
  int32 *edge_id = NULL;
  if (nedges > 0)
    edge_id = new int32 [nedges];
    cio.Read(edge_id, nedges);
    int ii, id;
    for(ii=0; ii<nedges; ii++)
      id = edge_id[ii];
      if (ii < 0 || ii >= num_edges)
        delete [] edge_id;
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      myEdgeList.append( edges[id] );
    delete [] edge_id;

  // read the points
  int npoints; 
  cio.Read(reinterpret_cast<int32*>(&npoints), 1);
  int32 *point_id = NULL;
  if (npoints > 0)
    point_id = new int32 [npoints];
    cio.Read(point_id, npoints);
    int ii, id;
    for(ii=0; ii<npoints; ii++)
      id = point_id[ii];
      if (ii < 0 || ii >= num_points)
        delete [] point_id;
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      myPointList.append( points[id] );
    delete [] point_id;

  double diag = sqrt(FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(myBBox->x_range()) +
                       FacetEvalToolUtils::sqr(myBBox->y_range()) +
  compareTol = 1.0e-3 * diag;


get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 189 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int i;
  CubitFacet* temp_facet;
  for(i=0; i<myFacetList.size(); i++){
      PRINT_ERROR("Unexpected NULL pointer for facet.\n");
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;


get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 206 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int i;
  CubitFacet* temp_facet;
  for(i=0; i<facets.size(); i++){
      PRINT_ERROR("Unexpected NULL pointer for facet.\n");
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 4318 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  NCubitFile::CIOWrapper cio(fp);
  typedef NCubitFile::UnsignedInt32 int32;

  cio.Write(reinterpret_cast<int32*>(&interpOrder), 1);
  cio.Write(reinterpret_cast<int32*>(&isFlat), 1);
  int32 is_param = isParameterized ? 1 : 0;
  cio.Write(&is_param, 1);

  cio.Write(&myArea, 1);
  cio.Write(&minDot, 1);

   // write ids of facets that belong to this tool 
  int32 ii;
  CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
  int32 nfacets = myFacetList.size();
  int32* facet_id = new int32 [nfacets];
  for (ii=0; ii<nfacets; ii++)
    facet_ptr = myFacetList.get_and_step();
    facet_id[ii] = facet_ptr->id();
  cio.Write(&nfacets, 1);
  if (nfacets > 0)
    cio.Write(facet_id, nfacets);
  delete [] facet_id;

   // write ids of edges that belong to this tool 
  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
  int32 nedges = myEdgeList.size();
  int32* edge_id = new int32 [nedges];
  for (ii=0; ii<nedges; ii++)
    edge_ptr = myEdgeList.get_and_step();
    edge_id[ii] = edge_ptr->id();
    //volatile int test_int = edge_id[ii] + 1;   // this is a test line to look for uninitialized data rjm
  cio.Write( &nedges, 1);
  if (nedges > 0)
    cio.Write(edge_id, nedges);
  delete [] edge_id;

   // write ids of points that belong to this tool
  CubitPoint *point_ptr;
  int32 npoints = myPointList.size();
  int32* point_id = new int32 [npoints];
  for (ii=0; ii<npoints; ii++)
    point_ptr = myPointList.get_and_step();
    point_id[ii] = point_ptr->id();
  cio.Write(&npoints, 1);
  if (npoints > 0)
    cio.Write(point_id, npoints);
  delete [] point_id;

void FacetEvalTool::set_bounding_box ( CubitBox box) [inline]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 248 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

{ *myBBox = box; }
void FacetEvalTool::set_output_id ( int  id) [inline]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 237 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

{ output_id = id; }
void FacetEvalTool::set_up_grid_search ( double  geom_factor) [private]

Definition at line 244 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

    delete aTree;
  if (myFacetList.size() < GRID_SEARCH_THRESHOLD)
    aTree = NULL;
    aTree = new KDDTree<CubitFacet*> (GEOMETRY_RESABS*geom_factor, false/*self-balancing off*/);
    for ( int ii = myFacetList.size(); ii > 0; ii--  )
int FacetEvalTool::tool_id ( ) [inline]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 230 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

    { return toolID; };

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 4028 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  if (interpOrder != 4)

  CubitVector control_points[6];
  CubitFacet *facet;
  int ii, jj;
  for (ii=0; ii<myFacetList.size(); ii++)
    facet = myFacetList.get_and_step();
    facet->get_control_points( control_points );
    for (jj=0; jj<6; jj++)
      control_points[jj] = tfmat * control_points[jj];
    facet->set_control_points( control_points );

  CubitFacetEdge *edge;
  for (ii=0; ii<myEdgeList.size(); ii++)
    edge = myEdgeList.get_and_step();
    if (!edge->get_flag())
      edge->control_points( control_points );
      // assumes the end control points (the vertices) have already 
      // been transformed

      control_points[0] = tfmat * control_points[1];
      control_points[1] = tfmat * control_points[2];
      control_points[2] = tfmat * control_points[3];
      edge->control_points( control_points, 4 );
void FacetEvalTool::write_loops ( ) [private]

get the closest facets using an expanding tolerance

this_pointThe point near which we want to find facets
facet_listThe list of facets near the point
tol_usedThe highest tolerance at which the search was performed

Definition at line 4004 of file FacetEvalTool.cpp.

  int ii, jj;
  for (ii=0; ii<myLoopList.size(); ii++)
    DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> *loop = myLoopList.get_and_step();
    PRINT_INFO("======= Loop %d =========\n", ii);
    for (jj=0; jj<loop->size(); jj++)
      CubitFacetEdge *edge = loop->get_and_step();
      CubitPoint *point0 = edge->point( 0 );
      CubitPoint *point1 = edge->point( 1 );
      PRINT_INFO("  (%d) %f, %f, %f   (%d) %f, %f, %f\n",
        point0->id(), point0->x(), point0->y(), point0->z(),
        point1->id(), point1->x(), point1->y(), point1->z());

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 61 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

double FacetEvalTool::compareTol [private]

Definition at line 67 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

Definition at line 50 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

int FacetEvalTool::isFlat [private]

Definition at line 71 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

Definition at line 73 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

Definition at line 69 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

Definition at line 54 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

double FacetEvalTool::minDot [private]

Definition at line 75 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

double FacetEvalTool::myArea [private]

Definition at line 65 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

Definition at line 63 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

Definition at line 58 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

Definition at line 52 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

Definition at line 59 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

Definition at line 56 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

int FacetEvalTool::numEvals = 0 [static, private]

Definition at line 47 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

int FacetEvalTool::output_id [private]

Definition at line 77 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

double FacetEvalTool::timeFacetProject = 0.0 [static, private]

Definition at line 46 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

double FacetEvalTool::timeGridSearch = 0.0 [static, private]

Definition at line 45 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

int FacetEvalTool::toolID [private]

Definition at line 49 of file FacetEvalTool.hpp.

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