ChollaEngine Class Reference

#include <ChollaEngine.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ChollaEngine ()
 ChollaEngine (DLIList< FacetEntity * > &face_list, DLIList< FacetEntity * > &edge_list, DLIList< FacetEntity * > &point_list)
 ChollaEngine (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &edge_list, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &point_list)
 ChollaEngine (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &edge_list, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &point_list, DLIList< ChollaVolume * > &cholla_volumes, DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &cholla_surfaces, DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &cholla_curves, DLIList< ChollaPoint * > &cholla_points)
 ~ChollaEngine ()
void delete_me ()
CubitStatus create_geometry (CubitBoolean use_feature_angle=CUBIT_TRUE, double angle=135.0, int interp_order=0, CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold=CUBIT_TRUE, CubitBoolean split_surfaces=CUBIT_FALSE)
 Creates the geometry infrastructure based on the given mesh data.
void get_volumes (DLIList< ChollaVolume * > &cholla_volume_list)
void get_surfaces (DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &cholla_surface_list)
void get_curves (DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &cholla_curve_list)
void get_points (DLIList< ChollaPoint * > &cholla_point_list)
void delete_eval_tools ()
void delete_eval_tools_but_not_facets ()
 delete the eval tools associated with the cholla geom entities
CubitStatus collapse_curve (ChollaCurve *cholla_curve, ChollaPoint *point_to_keep)
CubitStatus disassociate_surface (ChollaSurface *cholla_surf)
CubitStatus collapse_surface (ChollaSurface *cholla_surface)
CubitStatus remove_facet_entity (CubitFacet *facet, ChollaSurface *cholla_surf=NULL)
CubitStatus remove_facet_entity (CubitFacetEdge *facet_edge, ChollaCurve *cholla_curve=NULL)
CubitStatus remove_facet_entity (CubitPoint *facet_pnt, ChollaPoint *cholla_point=NULL)
CubitStatus remove_facet_entity (CubitFacet *facet, std::set< ChollaEntity * > &cholla_surfs)
CubitStatus remove_facet_entity (CubitFacetEdge *facet_edge, std::set< ChollaEntity * > &cholla_curves)
CubitStatus remove_facet_entity (CubitPoint *facet_pnt, std::set< ChollaEntity * > &cholla_points)
CubitStatus replace_facet_entity (CubitFacetEdge *remove_edge, CubitFacetEdge *replace_edge, std::set< ChollaEntity * > cholla_curves)
void set_flip_flag (CubitBoolean flip)
void print_me ()
void dump (const char *filename, double angle)
CubitStatus create_curve (int block_id, ChollaPoint *new_ch_pnt0, ChollaPoint *new_ch_pnt1, ChollaCurve *&new_ch_curve)
CubitStatus create_point (CubitPoint *pnt, ChollaPoint *&new_ch_pnt)
CubitStatus create_surface (int block_id, ChollaSurface *&new_ch_surf)
CubitStatus disassociate_curve (ChollaCurve *ch_curve, bool disassociate_with_vert=true, bool disassociate_with_surf=true, bool disassociate_with_model=true)
void remove_curve (ChollaCurve *ch_curve)
void remove_surface (ChollaSurface *ch_surface)
void remove_point (ChollaPoint *ch_pnt)
CubitStatus detach_volumes ()
CubitStatus build_surface_and_curve_eval_tools (DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &cholla_surface_list, int interp_order, double min_dot)
CubitStatus rebuild_surface_and_curve_eval_tools (DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &cholla_surface_list, int interp_order, double min_dot)
CubitStatus verify_points_to_curves ()
CubitStatus build_eval_tools ()
CubitStatus merge_two_points (ChollaPoint *point_to_keep, ChollaPoint *point_to_del)

Static Public Member Functions

static CubitStatus make_features (DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &feature_edge_list, CubitBoolean split_surfaces)
static void mark_features (DLIList< CubitPoint * > &feature_points)
static void mark_features (DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &feature_edges)
static CubitStatus fix_geometry (CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold, CubitBoolean split_surfaces, CubitBoolean use_feature_angle, double min_dot, DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &feature_edge_list)
 fix the control points so they are C-zero
static CubitStatus check_all_facet_orientations (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, CubitBoolean do_flip=CUBIT_FALSE)
 ensure facets are all oriented consistently
static CubitStatus determine_curve_orientation (ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr, ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr, CubitSense &orientation)
 determine orienation of curve w.r.t. the surface
static CubitStatus get_facets (GMem &gmem, DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &dl_point_list, bool insert_null_facets=false)

Private Member Functions

void set_up_tool_datas ()
void delete_tool_datas ()
int facet_dimension (FacetEntity *facet_ptr)
 returns the dimension of the facet entity.
CubitStatus create_volume_boundaries (DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &facet_surface_sheets, CubitBoolean use_feature_angle, double min_dot, CubitBoolean split_surfaces)
 creates the correct facetsurfaces for all the element blocks.
CubitStatus create_surface_boundaries (DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &cholla_surface_list, DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &cholla_curve_list, CubitBoolean use_feature_angle, double min_dot)
 creates the correct blockcurves for all the surfaces
CubitStatus create_curve_boundaries (DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &cholla_curve_list, DLIList< ChollaPoint * > &cholla_point_list)
 creates the correct blockpoints for all the curves
CubitStatus classify_edge (FacetEntity *edge_ptr, DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &cholla_curve_list, ChollaSurface *fsm_ptr)
CubitStatus classify_point (CubitPoint *point_ptr, DLIList< ChollaPoint * > &cholla_point_list, ChollaCurve *fcm_ptr)
CubitStatus build_eval_tools (DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &cholla_surface_list, DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &cholla_curve_list, int interp_order, CubitBoolean use_feature_angle, double min_dot, CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold, CubitBoolean split_surfaces)
 build the CUBIT geometry based on the Facet entity class lists
CubitStatus build_curve_eval_tools (DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &cholla_curve_list, int interp_order)
CubitStatus init_hash_curves ()
 functions for hashing curves - to speed up edge classification
void delete_hash_curves ()
int get_curve_hash_key (DLIList< ChollaSurface * > *bsm_list_ptr)
CubitStatus init_hash_points ()
 functions for hashing points - to speed up node classification
void delete_hash_points ()
int get_point_hash_key (DLIList< ChollaCurve * > *bsm_list_ptr)
CubitStatus clean_geometry (CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold, CubitBoolean split_surfaces, CubitBoolean use_feature_angle, double min_dot, DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &cholla_curve_list)
CubitStatus detach_surfaces (DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &chsurfs, DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &chcurves, ChollaVolume *detaching_volume, std::map< ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface * > &surf_map, std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &curve_map, std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &point_map)
CubitStatus detach_curves (DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &curves, ChollaVolume *detaching_volume, std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &curve_map, std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &point_map)
CubitStatus detach_curve (ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr, DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &new_surfs, ChollaVolume *chvol2_ptr, std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &curve_map, std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &point_map)
CubitStatus detach_point (ChollaPoint *chpt_ptr, ChollaVolume *chvol2_ptr, std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &point_map, std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &curve_map)
CubitStatus detach_facets (DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &chsurfs, DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &chcurves, ChollaVolume *chvol, std::map< ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface * > &surf_map, std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &curve_map, std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &point_map)
CubitStatus detach_facet_edges (DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &chcurves, ChollaVolume *detaching_volume, std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &curve_map, std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &point_map)
CubitStatus copy_facets_at_interface (DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &chsurfs, DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &chcurves, std::vector< CubitPoint * > &new_points, std::vector< CubitFacetEdge * > &new_edges, std::map< ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface * > &surf_map, std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &curve_map, std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &point_map)
CubitStatus copy_facet_edges_at_interface (DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &chcurves, std::vector< CubitPoint * > &new_points, std::vector< CubitFacetEdge * > &new_edges, std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &curve_map, std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &point_map)
CubitStatus copy_points_at_interface (DLIList< FacetEntity * > &facet_list, std::vector< CubitPoint * > &new_points, std::map< ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface * > &surf_map, std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &curve_map, std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &point_map)
CubitStatus copy_edges_at_interface (DLIList< FacetEntity * > &facet_list, std::vector< CubitPoint * > &new_points, std::vector< CubitFacetEdge * > &new_edges, std::map< ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface * > &surf_map, std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &curve_map, std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &point_map)
CubitStatus connect_facets_at_interface (DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &chsurfs, DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &churves, ChollaVolume *chvol_ptr, std::vector< CubitPoint * > &new_points, std::vector< CubitFacetEdge * > &new_edges)
CubitStatus connect_points_at_interface (ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr, ChollaVolume *chvol_ptr, std::vector< CubitPoint * > &new_points)
CubitStatus connect_edges_at_interface (ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr, ChollaVolume *chvol_ptr, std::vector< CubitFacetEdge * > &new_edges)
CubitStatus set_new_facet_owners (int type, FacetEntity *fe_ptr, FacetEntity *newfe_ptr, std::map< ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface * > &surf_map, std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &curve_map, std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &point_map)
CubitStatus set_curve_endpoints (std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &point_map, std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &curve_map)

Static Private Member Functions

static CubitStatus check_facet_orientation (CubitFacet *facet, CubitBoolean do_flip, int &nfacets, int mydebug=0)
 make sure the facets are oriented consistently
static CubitStatus crack_open_point (CubitPoint *point_ptr, int mydebug)
static CubitStatus insert_discontinuity_at_point (CubitPoint *point_ptr)
static CubitStatus get_facets_at_point (CubitPoint *point_ptr, CubitFacet *facet_ptr, DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &feature_edge_list)
static CubitStatus fix_edge (CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr, DLIList< CubitFacet * > &update_facet_list)
 fix control points on a single edge and its partners
static CubitStatus fix_split_edge (CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr, DLIList< CubitFacet * > &update_facet_list)
static CubitStatus fix_split_non_manifold_edge (CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr, double min_dot, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &changed_points)
static CubitStatus fix_non_manifold_edge (CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr, double min_dot, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &changed_points)
static CubitStatus update_edges_at_points (CubitBoolean split_surfaces, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &point_list, DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_update_list, double mindot)
static CubitStatus merge_normals (CubitPoint *pt0, CubitPoint *pt1)
 set the normals on two points so they are the same

Private Attributes

DLIList< FacetEntity * > faceList
DLIList< FacetEntity * > edgeList
DLIList< FacetEntity * > pointList
DLIList< ChollaVolume * > chollaVolumeList
DLIList< ChollaSurface * > chollaSurfaceList
DLIList< ChollaCurve * > chollaCurveList
DLIList< ChollaPoint * > chollaPointList
DLIList< ChollaCurve * > * hashCurveArray
int hashCurveSize
DLIList< ChollaPoint * > * hashPointArray
int hashPointSize
CubitBoolean doFlip

Detailed Description

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename : ChollaEngine.hpp

Purpose : For a list of facets, builds a topology of surfaces, curves and vertices

Special Notes :

Creator : Steven J. Owen

Date : 4/29/2001

Owner : Steven J. Owen -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 40 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


Definition at line 41 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

ChollaEngine::ChollaEngine ( DLIList< FacetEntity * > &  face_list,
DLIList< FacetEntity * > &  edge_list,
DLIList< FacetEntity * > &  point_list 


Definition at line 52 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  faceList = face_list;
  edgeList = edge_list;
  pointList = point_list;
  hashCurveArray = NULL;
  hashCurveSize = 0;
  hashPointArray = NULL;
  hashPointSize = 0;
  doFlip = CUBIT_FALSE;
ChollaEngine::ChollaEngine ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &  edge_list,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  point_list 


Definition at line 70 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

ChollaEngine::ChollaEngine ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &  edge_list,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  point_list,
DLIList< ChollaVolume * > &  cholla_volumes,
DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &  cholla_surfaces,
DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  cholla_curves,
DLIList< ChollaPoint * > &  cholla_points 


Definition at line 91 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CAST_LIST(facet_list, faceList, FacetEntity);
  CAST_LIST(edge_list, edgeList, FacetEntity);
  CAST_LIST(point_list, pointList, FacetEntity);
  //set_up_tool_datas();  TDGeomFacet tooldatas should have already been added

  hashCurveArray = NULL;
  hashCurveSize = 0;
  hashPointArray = NULL;
  hashPointSize = 0;
  doFlip = CUBIT_FALSE;
  chollaVolumeList = cholla_volumes;
  chollaSurfaceList = cholla_surfaces;
  chollaCurveList = cholla_curves;
  chollaPointList = cholla_points;


Definition at line 246 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.


Member Function Documentation

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::build_curve_eval_tools ( DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  cholla_curve_list,
int  interp_order 
) [private]

build the CUBIT geometry based on the Facet entity class lists From the facet curve list, create geometric curves for each

Definition at line 1060 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  int kk;
  for ( kk = cholla_curve_list.size(); kk > 0; kk-- )
    ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = cholla_curve_list.get_and_step();
    CurveFacetEvalTool *curv_eval_tool_ptr = chcurv_ptr->get_eval_tool();
    if (curv_eval_tool_ptr == NULL)
      CubitPoint *start_point, *end_point;
      chcurv_ptr->get_ends( start_point, end_point );
      // if this is a curve without a parent surface then handle it 
      // differently.  (Curves with parents use the surface to evaluate to
      // With only a curve, it must evaluate to the curve)
      // Note the CurveFacetEvalTool for curves that have parent surfaces
      // are computed in build_surface_eval_tools
      DLIList<ChollaSurface*> chsurf_list = chcurv_ptr->get_surfaces();
      if (chsurf_list.size() == 0)
        DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_list;
        DLIList<CubitPoint*> point_list;  // needs to be filled in
        facet_list = chcurv_ptr->get_facet_list();
        DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_list;
        CAST_LIST( facet_list, edge_list, CubitFacetEdge );
        if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
          return stat;     

        curv_eval_tool_ptr = new CurveFacetEvalTool;
        stat = curv_eval_tool_ptr->initialize( edge_list, point_list );

        if ( stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
            return stat;
        //fix up the orientation of the Cholla curve
        stat = chcurv_ptr->order_edges();
        if ( stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
          return stat;
        DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_ents;
        facet_ents = chcurv_ptr->get_facet_list();
        DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_facets;
        CAST_LIST(facet_ents, edge_facets, CubitFacetEdge );
        DLIList<CubitPoint*> ordered_points;
        for( int k=0; k<edge_facets.size(); k++ )
          CubitFacetEdge *tmp_edge = edge_facets.get_and_step();          
          if( k==0 )
            ordered_points.append( tmp_edge->point(0) );            
            ordered_points.append( tmp_edge->point(1) );            
            ordered_points.append( tmp_edge->point(1) );                      

        FacetEvalTool *surf_eval_tool = chsurf_list.get()->get_eval_tool();
        CurveFacetEvalTool *curv_eval_tool_ptr = new CurveFacetEvalTool;       
        stat = curv_eval_tool_ptr->initialize( edge_facets, ordered_points, surf_eval_tool );          

        if ( stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
          return stat;
        chcurv_ptr->assign_eval_tool( curv_eval_tool_ptr );           
  return stat;

Definition at line 136 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitBoolean use_feature_angle = CUBIT_FALSE; 
  double min_dot = 0.0;                    
  int interp_order = 0;                 
  CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold = CUBIT_FALSE;
  CubitBoolean split_surfaces = CUBIT_FALSE;

  return build_eval_tools( chollaSurfaceList,
                           interp_order, use_feature_angle, 
                           min_dot, smooth_non_manifold,
                           split_surfaces );
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::build_eval_tools ( DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &  cholla_surface_list,
DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  cholla_curve_list,
int  interp_order,
CubitBoolean  use_feature_angle,
double  min_dot,
CubitBoolean  smooth_non_manifold,
CubitBoolean  split_surfaces 
) [private]

build the CUBIT geometry based on the Facet entity class lists

Definition at line 1031 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;  

  if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    stat = build_surface_and_curve_eval_tools( cholla_surface_list,
                                   interp_order, min_dot );  
  if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    stat = build_curve_eval_tools( cholla_curve_list, interp_order );

  if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    if (interp_order == 4)
      stat = clean_geometry( smooth_non_manifold, split_surfaces,
                           use_feature_angle, min_dot, cholla_curve_list );
  return stat;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::build_surface_and_curve_eval_tools ( DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &  cholla_surface_list,
int  interp_order,
double  min_dot 

From the facet surface list, create geometric surface, loops and coedges for each surface in the list

Definition at line 1148 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  int ii, kk;

  // make sure the facet flags have been reset

  for ( kk = cholla_surface_list.size(); kk > 0; kk-- )
    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = cholla_surface_list.get_and_step();

  // now loop through surfaces and create them

  for ( kk = cholla_surface_list.size(); kk > 0; kk-- )
    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = cholla_surface_list.get_and_step();
    DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_entity_list;    
    DLIList<CubitPoint*> point_list;
    DLIList<CubitFacet*> facet_list;
    CAST_LIST( facet_entity_list, facet_list, CubitFacet );

    FacetEvalTool *eval_tool_ptr = new FacetEvalTool();
    eval_tool_ptr->initialize(facet_list, point_list, interp_order, min_dot);


    // go through each of this surface's curves and create CurveFacetEvalTools

    DLIList<ChollaCurve *> chcurv_list;
    chsurf_ptr->get_curves( chcurv_list );
    for (ii=0; ii<chcurv_list.size(); ii++)
      ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = chcurv_list.get_and_step();   

      if (chcurv_ptr->get_eval_tool() == NULL)
        //fix up the orientation of the Cholla curve
        stat = chcurv_ptr->order_edges();
        if ( stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
          PRINT_ERROR("Problems ordering edges!!!!!\n");          
          return stat;
        DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_ents;
        facet_ents = chcurv_ptr->get_facet_list();
        DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_facets;
        CAST_LIST(facet_ents, edge_facets, CubitFacetEdge );
        DLIList<CubitPoint*> ordered_points;
        for( int k=0; k<edge_facets.size(); k++ )
          CubitFacetEdge *tmp_edge = edge_facets.get_and_step();          
          if( k==0 )
            ordered_points.append( tmp_edge->point(0) );            
            ordered_points.append( tmp_edge->point(1) );            
            ordered_points.append( tmp_edge->point(1) );                      

        CurveFacetEvalTool *curv_eval_tool_ptr = new CurveFacetEvalTool;       
        stat = curv_eval_tool_ptr->initialize( edge_facets, ordered_points, eval_tool_ptr );          

        if ( stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
          return stat;
        chcurv_ptr->assign_eval_tool( curv_eval_tool_ptr );     
  return stat;

ensure facets are all oriented consistently

Definition at line 1481 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  //return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  // mark facets

  int ii;
  for (ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)

  int mydebug = 0;
  if (mydebug)

  // recursively loop through all facets making sure we are oriented the same
  int nfacets = 0;
  CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
  while ( nfacets < facet_list.size() )
    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
    if (facet_ptr->marked() == 1)
      stat = check_facet_orientation( facet_ptr, do_flip, nfacets, mydebug );
      if (stat!= CUBIT_SUCCESS)
        return stat;
  return stat;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::check_facet_orientation ( CubitFacet facet,
CubitBoolean  do_flip,
int &  nfacets,
int  mydebug = 0 
) [static, private]

make sure the facets are oriented consistently

Definition at line 1527 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.


  int jj;
  CubitFacet *adjfacet, *facet;
  CubitPoint *cpt0, *cpt1, *adjpt;
  DLIList<CubitFacet *>temp_flist;
  DLIList<CubitFacet *>adj_facet_list;
  if (mydebug)
  start_facet->marked( 0 );
  int adjidx; 
    facet = temp_flist.pop();
    if (facet->marked() == 0)
      for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++)
        cpt0 = facet->point(jj);
        cpt1 = facet->point((jj+1)%3);
        facet->shared_facets(cpt0, cpt1, adj_facet_list);
          adjfacet = adj_facet_list.get();
          if (adjfacet->marked() == 1)
            adjidx = adjfacet->point_index( cpt1 ); 
            if (adjidx == -1)
              return CUBIT_FAILURE;
            adjpt = adjfacet->point((adjidx+1)%3);
            if (adjpt != cpt0)
              // the orientation is not consistent -- flip the orientation of the 
              // adjacent facet

              // an assertion here means that the facets really don't share an
              // edge.  Should not happen!
              if (adjfacet->point((adjidx+2)%3) != cpt0)
                return CUBIT_FAILURE;
              if (do_flip)
                  adjfacet->is_backwards( 0 );
                  adjfacet->is_backwards( 1 );

            // put its neighbor on the list to be processed later

            if (adjfacet->marked() == 1)
              temp_flist.append( adjfacet );
              adjfacet->marked( 0 );
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::classify_edge ( FacetEntity edge_ptr,
DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  cholla_curve_list,
ChollaSurface fsm_ptr 
) [private]

sorts a edge into its correct curve based on its associated blocks and sidesets. Creates a new facet curve if necessary.

Definition at line 707 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // see if we have already classified this edge (from another surface)

  TDGeomFacet *td_gm_edge = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(edge_ptr);
  if (td_gm_edge->get_hit_flag() != 0)
    return rv;

  // get the surfaces adjacent to this edge

  DLIList<ChollaSurface*> this_chsurf_list;
  td_gm_edge->get_cholla_surfs( this_chsurf_list );
  int this_num_adj = this_chsurf_list.size();
  // see if the surfaces defined on this face match any 
  // of the existing block curves

  DLIList<ChollaSurface*> *chsurf_list_ptr;
  ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = NULL;
  int found = 0;
  int key = get_curve_hash_key( &this_chsurf_list );
  int ii;
  for (ii=0; ii<hashCurveArray[key].size() && !found; ii++)
    chcurv_ptr = hashCurveArray[key].get();
    // the first one checked should be the same as the last one checked (don't
    // use get_and_step here)  This should speed things up

    // check if surfaces are the same

    chsurf_list_ptr = chcurv_ptr->get_surface_list_ptr( );
    int num_adj = chsurf_list_ptr->size();
    if (num_adj == this_num_adj)
      found = 1;
      int jj, kk;
      for (jj=chsurf_list_ptr->size(); jj>0 && found; jj--)
        int same_surf = 0;
        ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = chsurf_list_ptr->get_and_step();
        for(kk=this_chsurf_list.size(); kk>0 && !same_surf; kk--)
          ChollaSurface *this_chsurf_ptr = this_chsurf_list.get_and_step();
          if (this_chsurf_ptr == chsurf_ptr)
            same_surf = 1;
        if (!same_surf)
          found = 0;
    if (!found)

  // if the unique set of surfaces that this edge is associated 
  // with was found to already exist for a facet curve -- add the
  // edge to the block curve

  if (found)

    // add the edge to the block curve mesh (make sure it is only added once)

    //int was_added = 
    chcurv_ptr->add_facet_unique( edge_ptr );

    // add the curve to the surface (if needed)

    cholla_surf_mesh_ptr->add_curve_unique( chcurv_ptr );

    // add the curve to the edge
    td_gm_edge->add_cholla_curve( chcurv_ptr );

  // if the unique set of surfaces that this edge is associated
  // with is not found, then create a new facet curve and add the edge to it


    // create it and update surface and nodeset info

    int block_id = td_gm_edge->get_block_id();
    ChollaCurve *new_chcurv_ptr = new ChollaCurve( block_id ); 
    for (int mm=0; mm<this_num_adj; mm++)
      new_chcurv_ptr->add_surface( this_chsurf_list.get_and_step() );

    // add the edge

    new_chcurv_ptr->add_facet( edge_ptr );

    // update the surface with this new curve

    cholla_surf_mesh_ptr->add_curve( new_chcurv_ptr );

    // add the new curve to the global list

    cholla_curve_list.append( new_chcurv_ptr ); 

    // add the curve to the edge
    td_gm_edge->add_cholla_curve( new_chcurv_ptr );

    // add the new curve to the hash table

    hashCurveArray[key].append( new_chcurv_ptr );
  return rv;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::classify_point ( CubitPoint point_ptr,
DLIList< ChollaPoint * > &  cholla_point_list,
ChollaCurve fcm_ptr 
) [private]

sorts a node into correct point based on its associated curve. Creates a new facet point if necessary

Definition at line 882 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  int ii;
  int found = 0;
  TDGeomFacet *td_node = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( point_ptr );
  ChollaPoint *chpnt_ptr = NULL;
  DLIList<ChollaCurve*> fcm_list;
  int key = get_point_hash_key( &fcm_list );
  for (ii = 0; ii < hashPointArray[key].size() && !found; ii++)
    chpnt_ptr = hashPointArray[key].get();
    FacetEntity *this_point_ptr = chpnt_ptr->get_facets();
    if (this_point_ptr == point_ptr)
      found = 1;

  if (found)
    chpnt_ptr->add_curve( chcurv_ptr );
    chcurv_ptr->add_point( chpnt_ptr );
    ChollaPoint *new_chpnt_ptr = new ChollaPoint(); 
    new_chpnt_ptr->add_facet( point_ptr );
    new_chpnt_ptr->add_curve( chcurv_ptr );
    chcurv_ptr->add_point( new_chpnt_ptr );
    cholla_point_list.append( new_chpnt_ptr );
    hashPointArray[key].append( new_chpnt_ptr );
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::clean_geometry ( CubitBoolean  smooth_non_manifold,
CubitBoolean  split_surfaces,
CubitBoolean  use_feature_angle,
double  min_dot,
DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  cholla_curve_list 
) [private]

fix the edge control points and the normals so they are conforming (or non-conforming) accross curves

Definition at line 1443 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  int iedge;
  ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr;
  FacetEntity *fedge_ptr;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
  DLIList <FacetEntity *> facet_list; 
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> feature_edge_list;
  int icurve;
  for (icurve=0; icurve<cholla_curve_list.size(); icurve++)
    chcurv_ptr = cholla_curve_list.get_and_step();
    facet_list = chcurv_ptr->get_facet_list( );
    for (iedge=0; iedge<facet_list.size(); iedge++)
      fedge_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
      edge_ptr = CAST_TO( fedge_ptr, CubitFacetEdge );
      feature_edge_list.append( edge_ptr );

  return fix_geometry( smooth_non_manifold,split_surfaces, 
                       use_feature_angle,mindot, feature_edge_list );
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::collapse_curve ( ChollaCurve cholla_curve,
ChollaPoint point_to_keep 

Definition at line 3080 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  // Make sure there are no underlying facet edges connected with this curve
  if( cholla_curve->get_facet_list().size() )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  // Disassociate from cholla_surfaces 
  DLIList<ChollaSurface *> &ref_surfaces = cholla_curve->get_surfaces();
  int i;
  ChollaSurface *cholla_surface;
  for( i = 0; i < ref_surfaces.size(); i++ )
    cholla_surface = ref_surfaces.get_and_step();
    cholla_surface->remove_curve( cholla_curve );

  // Disassociate from cholla point_to_delete 
  // Make sure curve has at least one point
  DLIList<ChollaPoint *> &cholla_pnts = cholla_curve->get_points();
  if( 0 == cholla_pnts.size()  )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    // free eval tool
  if( cholla_curve->get_eval_tool() )
    delete cholla_curve->get_eval_tool(); 

  // find the point to delete
  ChollaPoint *first_pnt = cholla_pnts.get_and_step();
  ChollaPoint *last_pnt = cholla_pnts.get();
  ChollaPoint *point_to_del = NULL;
  switch( cholla_pnts.size() )

  case 2:    
    if( point_to_keep == last_pnt )
      point_to_del = first_pnt;
      if( point_to_keep == first_pnt )
        point_to_del = last_pnt;

    // disassociate end points from cholla_curve
    if( point_to_del )
      point_to_del->remove_curve( cholla_curve );
      cholla_pnts.remove( point_to_del );
    if( point_to_keep )
      point_to_keep->remove_curve( cholla_curve );
      cholla_pnts.remove( point_to_keep );

    // Merge two points 
    merge_two_points( point_to_keep, point_to_del );


  case 1:
    // disassociate end points from cholla_curve
    point_to_del = first_pnt;
    point_to_del->remove_curve( cholla_curve );
    cholla_pnts.remove( point_to_del );
    if( 0 == point_to_del->get_curve_list_ptr()->size() )
      // remove point_to_del from ChollaEngine
      remove_point( point_to_del );

      // free point_to_del
      delete point_to_del;

    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Disassociate curve from chollaEngine
  this->remove_curve( cholla_curve );

  // free the cholla_curve
  delete cholla_curve;


Definition at line 3263 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  // Make sure there are no facets 
  if( cholla_surf->get_facet_list().size() )
     return CUBIT_FAILURE; 

  disassociate_surface( cholla_surf );
  // free cholla surface
  delete cholla_surf;

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::connect_edges_at_interface ( ChollaCurve chcurv_ptr,
ChollaVolume chvol_ptr,
std::vector< CubitFacetEdge * > &  new_edges 
) [private]

Definition at line 4374 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  DLIList<FacetEntity *> fe_list = chcurv_ptr->get_facet_list();
  for (int ie=0; ie<fe_list.size(); ie++)
    FacetEntity *fe_ptr = fe_list.get_and_step();
    CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetEdge *> (fe_ptr);
    assert(edge_ptr != NULL);
    DLIList<CubitFacet *> efacet_list;
    for (int ifacet=0; ifacet<efacet_list.size(); ifacet++)
      CubitFacet *facet_ptr = efacet_list.get_and_step();
      TDGeomFacet *td_geom = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( facet_ptr );
      if (td_geom->is_in_volume( chvol_ptr ))
        edge_ptr->remove_facet( facet_ptr );
        CubitFacetEdge *newedge_ptr = new_edges[edge_ptr->marked()];
        newedge_ptr->add_facet( facet_ptr );
        int edidx = facet_ptr->edge_index(edge_ptr);
        CubitFacetData *cfd_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetData *> (facet_ptr);
        cfd_ptr->edge(newedge_ptr, edidx);
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::connect_facets_at_interface ( DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &  chsurfs,
DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  churves,
ChollaVolume chvol_ptr,
std::vector< CubitPoint * > &  new_points,
std::vector< CubitFacetEdge * > &  new_edges 
) [private]

Definition at line 4260 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;  
  DLIList<ChollaCurve *> chcurv_list;
  for( int i=chsurfs.size(); i--; )
    ChollaSurface *tmp_surf = chsurfs.get_and_step();    
    DLIList<ChollaCurve*> tmp_curves;
    tmp_surf->get_curves( tmp_curves );
    chcurv_list += tmp_curves;

  chcurv_list += chcurves;

  for (int icrv = 0; icrv < chcurv_list.size(); icrv++)
    ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = chcurv_list.get_and_step();    
    rv = connect_points_at_interface( chcurv_ptr, chvol_ptr, new_points );
    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return rv;
    rv = connect_edges_at_interface( chcurv_ptr, chvol_ptr, new_edges );
    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return rv;

  return rv;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::connect_points_at_interface ( ChollaCurve chcurv_ptr,
ChollaVolume chvol_ptr,
std::vector< CubitPoint * > &  new_points 
) [private]

Definition at line 4307 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  DLIList<CubitPoint *> cp_list;
  chcurv_ptr->get_facet_points(cp_list, CUBIT_TRUE);
  for (int ip = 0; ip<cp_list.size(); ip++)
    CubitPoint *cp_ptr = cp_list.get_and_step();
    CubitPoint *newcp_ptr = new_points[cp_ptr->marked()];
    // set the point into edges that are on volume 2.
    // Note that there is no direct reference from points to edges in our data structure 
    // so no need to add/remove the edge from the point
    DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> pedge_list;
    for (int iedge=0; iedge<pedge_list.size(); iedge++)
      CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = pedge_list.get_and_step();
      TDGeomFacet *td_geom = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( edge_ptr );
      if (td_geom->is_in_volume( chvol_ptr ))
        CubitPoint *p0 = edge_ptr->point(0);
        CubitPoint *p1 = edge_ptr->point(1);
        CubitFacetEdgeData *cfed_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetEdgeData *> (edge_ptr);
        if (p0 == cp_ptr)
          cfed_ptr->set_point( newcp_ptr, 0 );
        else if (p1 == cp_ptr)
          cfed_ptr->set_point( newcp_ptr, 1 );
    // remove facets in volume 2 from the point and add the to the new point
    // update the point reference on the facet
    DLIList<CubitFacet *> pfacet_list;
    for (int ifacet = 0; ifacet < pfacet_list.size(); ifacet++)
      CubitFacet *facet_ptr = pfacet_list.get_and_step();
      TDGeomFacet *td_geom = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( facet_ptr );
      if (td_geom->is_in_volume( chvol_ptr ))
        cp_ptr->remove_facet( facet_ptr );        
        newcp_ptr->add_facet( facet_ptr );
        int ptidx = facet_ptr->point_index(cp_ptr);
        CubitFacetData *cfd_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetData *> (facet_ptr);
        cfd_ptr->set_point(newcp_ptr, ptidx);
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::copy_edges_at_interface ( DLIList< FacetEntity * > &  facet_list,
std::vector< CubitPoint * > &  new_points,
std::vector< CubitFacetEdge * > &  new_edges,
std::map< ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface * > &  surf_map,
std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &  curve_map,
std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &  point_map 
) [private]

Definition at line 4196 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  int ieloc = 0;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr, *newedge_ptr;
  for (int ifacet = 0; ifacet<facet_list.size(); ifacet++)
    FacetEntity *facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
    CubitFacet *cfacet_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacet *> (facet_ptr);
    if( cfacet_ptr )
      for (int ii=0; ii<3; ii++)
        edge_ptr = cfacet_ptr->edge(ii);
        if (edge_ptr->marked() == FACET_ENTITY_UNINITIALIZED)
          CubitPoint *p0 = edge_ptr->point( 0 );
          CubitPoint *p1 = edge_ptr->point( 1 );
          int idx0 = p0->marked();
          int idx1 = p1->marked();
          CubitPoint *newp0 = new_points[idx0];
          CubitPoint *newp1 = new_points[idx1];
          newedge_ptr = (CubitFacetEdge *) new CubitFacetEdgeData( newp0, newp1 );
          FacetEntity *fe_ptr = dynamic_cast<FacetEntity *> (edge_ptr);
          FacetEntity *newfe_ptr = dynamic_cast<FacetEntity *> (newedge_ptr);
          set_new_facet_owners( 1, fe_ptr, newfe_ptr, surf_map, curve_map, point_map );
      CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetEdge*>(facet_ptr);
      if (edge_ptr->marked() == FACET_ENTITY_UNINITIALIZED)
        CubitPoint *p0 = edge_ptr->point( 0 );
        CubitPoint *p1 = edge_ptr->point( 1 );
        int idx0 = p0->marked();
        int idx1 = p1->marked();
        CubitPoint *newp0 = new_points[idx0];
        CubitPoint *newp1 = new_points[idx1];
        newedge_ptr = (CubitFacetEdge *) new CubitFacetEdgeData( newp0, newp1 );
        FacetEntity *fe_ptr = dynamic_cast<FacetEntity *> (edge_ptr);
        FacetEntity *newfe_ptr = dynamic_cast<FacetEntity *> (newedge_ptr);
        set_new_facet_owners( 1, fe_ptr, newfe_ptr, surf_map, curve_map, point_map );
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::copy_facet_edges_at_interface ( DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  chcurves,
std::vector< CubitPoint * > &  new_points,
std::vector< CubitFacetEdge * > &  new_edges,
std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &  curve_map,
std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &  point_map 
) [private]

Definition at line 4089 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  // first set the marked flags on all facets entities to -1  
  DLIList<FacetEntity *> facet_list;
  for( int i=chcurves.size(); i--; )
    ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = chcurves.get_and_step();
    DLIList<FacetEntity*> tmp_facet_list = chcurv_ptr->get_facet_list();
    facet_list += tmp_facet_list;

  FacetDataUtil::mark_facets(facet_list, FACET_ENTITY_UNINITIALIZED);
  // create a copy of each of the facet entities on the surface.  The marked flag in the facet will
  // keep track of the new entity created.  It will be a location in the new_points or new_edges
  // array.  Once we are finished with creating points and edges, we can create the new facets
  // given the references in the marked flags.
  // create new points

  std::map<ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface *> dummy_surf_map;
  rv = copy_points_at_interface(facet_list, new_points, dummy_surf_map, curve_map, point_map);
  if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return rv;
  // create new edges
  rv = copy_edges_at_interface(facet_list, new_points, new_edges, dummy_surf_map, curve_map, point_map);
  if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return rv;  
  return rv;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::copy_facets_at_interface ( DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &  chsurfs,
DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  chcurves,
std::vector< CubitPoint * > &  new_points,
std::vector< CubitFacetEdge * > &  new_edges,
std::map< ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface * > &  surf_map,
std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &  curve_map,
std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &  point_map 
) [private]

Definition at line 3974 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  // first set the marked flags on all facets entities on this surface to -1
  int ifacet;
  DLIList<FacetEntity *> facet_list;
  for( int i=chsurfs.size(); i--; )
    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = chsurfs.get_and_step();
    chsurf_ptr->get_facets( facet_list );

  for( int i=chcurves.size(); i--; )
    DLIList<FacetEntity*> tmp_facets = chcurves.get_and_step()->get_facet_list();
    facet_list += tmp_facets;

  FacetDataUtil::mark_facets(facet_list, FACET_ENTITY_UNINITIALIZED);
  // create a copy of each of the facet entities on the surface.  The marked flag in the facet will
  // keep track of the new entity created.  It will be a location in the new_points or new_edges
  // array.  Once we are finished with creating points and edges, we can create the new facets
  // given the references in the marked flags.
  // create new points
  rv = copy_points_at_interface(facet_list, new_points, surf_map, curve_map, point_map);
  if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return rv;
  // create new edges
  rv = copy_edges_at_interface(facet_list, new_points, new_edges, surf_map, curve_map, point_map);
  if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return rv;
  // create new facets
  DLIList<CubitFacet *> new_facets;
  for (ifacet = 0; ifacet<facet_list.size(); ifacet++)
    FacetEntity *facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
    CubitFacet *cfacet_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacet *> (facet_ptr);
    if( cfacet_ptr )
      CubitFacetEdge *fedge, *newfedges[3];
      CubitFacet *newcfacet_ptr;
      for (int ii=0; ii<3; ii++)
        fedge = cfacet_ptr->edge(ii);
        int idx = fedge->marked();
        newfedges[ii] = new_edges[idx];
      newcfacet_ptr = (CubitFacet *) new CubitFacetData(newfedges[0], newfedges[1], newfedges[2]);
      new_facets.append( newcfacet_ptr );
      FacetEntity *newfacet_ptr = dynamic_cast<FacetEntity *> (newcfacet_ptr);
      set_new_facet_owners( 2, facet_ptr, newfacet_ptr, surf_map, curve_map, point_map );
  // make sure facets are oriented consistently on new volume
  if( new_facets.size() )
    CubitFacet *start_facet = new_facets.get(); 
    CubitBoolean do_flip = CUBIT_TRUE;
    int nfacets;
    int mydebug = 0;
    rv = check_facet_orientation(start_facet, do_flip, nfacets, mydebug );
  return rv;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::copy_points_at_interface ( DLIList< FacetEntity * > &  facet_list,
std::vector< CubitPoint * > &  new_points,
std::map< ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface * > &  surf_map,
std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &  curve_map,
std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &  point_map 
) [private]

Definition at line 4137 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  int iploc = 0;
  FacetEntity *fe_ptr, *newfe_ptr;
  CubitPoint *point_ptr, *newpoint_ptr;

  for (int ifacet = 0; ifacet<facet_list.size(); ifacet++)
    FacetEntity *facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
    CubitFacet *cfacet_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacet*>(facet_ptr);
    if( cfacet_ptr )
      for (int ii=0; ii<3; ii++)
        point_ptr = cfacet_ptr->point(ii);        
        if (point_ptr->marked() == FACET_ENTITY_UNINITIALIZED)
          newpoint_ptr = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( point_ptr->x(), point_ptr->y(), point_ptr->z() );
          fe_ptr = dynamic_cast<FacetEntity *> (point_ptr);
          newfe_ptr = dynamic_cast<FacetEntity *> (newpoint_ptr);
          set_new_facet_owners(0, fe_ptr, newfe_ptr, surf_map, curve_map, point_map );
      CubitFacetEdge *cfacet_edge_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetEdge*>(facet_ptr);      
      for (int ii=0; ii<2; ii++)
        point_ptr = cfacet_edge_ptr->point(ii);
        if (point_ptr->marked() == FACET_ENTITY_UNINITIALIZED)
          newpoint_ptr = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( point_ptr->x(), point_ptr->y(), point_ptr->z() );
          fe_ptr = dynamic_cast<FacetEntity *> (point_ptr);
          newfe_ptr = dynamic_cast<FacetEntity *> (newpoint_ptr);
          set_new_facet_owners(0, fe_ptr, newfe_ptr, surf_map, curve_map, point_map );
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::crack_open_point ( CubitPoint point_ptr,
int  mydebug 
) [static, private]

split the surface facets at a point if required based on features. Create new points and edges as needed

Definition at line 1771 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // get facets at this point and mark them all ready for recursion function
  // get_facets_at_point

  int ii, jj;
  DLIList<CubitFacet *> facet_list;
  point_ptr->facets( facet_list );
  CubitFacet *facet_ptr, *adj_facet_ptr;
  for (ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
    facet_ptr->marked( 0 );

  // go through and find groups of adjacent facets that will form part of
  // new surfaces

  int totfacets = facet_list.size();
  int numfacets = 0;
  while(numfacets < totfacets)
    point_ptr->facets( facet_list );
    facet_ptr = facet_list.get();
    DLIList<CubitFacet *> adj_facet_list;
    DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>feature_edge_list;

    // make a list of all facets adjacet this point that are bounded
    // by feature edges.  Start with facet_ptr and recurse until
    // we bump into feature edges at the point.

    rv = get_facets_at_point( point_ptr, facet_ptr, adj_facet_list, 
                              feature_edge_list );
    numfacets += adj_facet_list.size();

    // if the number of facets for this feature are the same as the number of
    // facets at this point, then we are done with this point.  Otherwise
    // create new point and edges 

    if (numfacets < totfacets)
      // create a new point and update the facets

      CubitPoint *new_point_ptr = 
         new CubitPointData( point_ptr->coordinates() );
      TDGeomFacet::add_geom_facet( new_point_ptr , -1);
      for (ii=0; ii<adj_facet_list.size(); ii++)
        adj_facet_ptr = adj_facet_list.get_and_step();

        // facet modifications can only occur with native CUBIT facet data
        // if we are using someone else's data (ie. Sierra) then fail.
        // (Should not be using split_surfaces = TRUE)

        CubitFacetData *cfd_ptr = CAST_TO( adj_facet_ptr, CubitFacetData );
        if (!cfd_ptr)
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        new_point_ptr->add_facet( adj_facet_ptr );
        point_ptr->remove_facet( adj_facet_ptr );
        int pidx = adj_facet_ptr->point_index( point_ptr );
        cfd_ptr->set_point( new_point_ptr, pidx );

      // The existing and the new points in some cases have to maintain 
      // the same normal...  so they need to keep track of
      // each other.  They will likely wind up on different surfaces
      // and we don't want to go search for them later

      TDGeomFacet *td_existing_point = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( point_ptr );
      TDGeomFacet *td_new_point = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( new_point_ptr );
      DLIList<CubitPoint *> partner_point_list;

      // add the existing point's partner list to the new point

      CubitPoint *partner_point_ptr;
      TDGeomFacet *td_partner;
      td_existing_point->get_partner_points( partner_point_list );
      for (ii=0; ii<partner_point_list.size(); ii++)
        partner_point_ptr = partner_point_list.get_and_step();
        td_partner = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( partner_point_ptr );
          //added mbrewer:  the check for a pointer here shouldn't
          // be necessary, but I have a case where it fails.  I don't
          // see where the logic is wrong.
          TDGeomFacet::add_geom_facet( partner_point_ptr , -1);
          td_partner = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( partner_point_ptr );
        td_partner->add_partner_point( new_point_ptr );
        td_new_point->add_partner_point( partner_point_ptr );

      // Add each other as a partner

      td_existing_point->add_partner_point( new_point_ptr );
      td_new_point->add_partner_point( point_ptr );

      // create new edges at the point

      CubitFacetEdgeData *cfed_ptr;
      for (ii=0; ii<feature_edge_list.size(); ii++)
        CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = feature_edge_list.get_and_step();
        cfed_ptr = CAST_TO( edge_ptr, CubitFacetEdgeData );
        if (!cfed_ptr)
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;
        for (jj=0; jj<adj_facet_list.size() && rv == CUBIT_FAILURE; jj++)
          rv = cfed_ptr->remove_facet( adj_facet_list.get_and_step() );
        if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
          return rv;
        CubitPoint *p1 = edge_ptr->other_point( point_ptr );

        // create a new edge - the edge constructor will update
        // the facet and its edge use.

        CubitFacetEdge *new_edge_ptr =
          new CubitFacetEdgeData( new_point_ptr, p1 );
        TDGeomFacet::add_geom_facet( new_edge_ptr, -1 );
        if (mydebug)

        // The existing and the new edges have to maintain the same 
        // control point locations, so they need to keep track of
        // each other.  They will likely wind up on different surfaces
        // and we don't want to go search for them later

        TDGeomFacet *td_existing_edge = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( edge_ptr );
        TDGeomFacet *td_new_edge = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( new_edge_ptr );
        DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> partner_edge_list;

        // add the existing edge's partner list to the new edge

        CubitFacetEdge *partner_edge_ptr;
        td_existing_edge->get_partner_edges( partner_edge_list );
        for (jj=0; jj<partner_edge_list.size(); jj++)
          partner_edge_ptr = partner_edge_list.get_and_step();
          td_partner = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( partner_edge_ptr );
          td_partner->add_partner_edge( new_edge_ptr );
          td_new_edge->add_partner_edge( partner_edge_ptr );

        // Add each other as a partner

        td_existing_edge->add_partner_edge( new_edge_ptr );
        td_new_edge->add_partner_edge( edge_ptr );

      // update the other edges with the new point

      for (ii=0; ii<adj_facet_list.size(); ii++)
        adj_facet_ptr = adj_facet_list.get_and_step();
        for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++)
          CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = adj_facet_ptr->edge( jj );
          cfed_ptr = CAST_TO( edge_ptr, CubitFacetEdgeData );
          if (!cfed_ptr)
            return CUBIT_FAILURE;
          if (cfed_ptr->point( 0 ) == point_ptr)
            cfed_ptr->set_point( new_point_ptr, 0 );
          if (cfed_ptr->point( 1 ) == point_ptr)
            cfed_ptr->set_point( new_point_ptr, 1 );

  return rv;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::create_curve ( int  block_id,
ChollaPoint new_ch_pnt0,
ChollaPoint new_ch_pnt1,
ChollaCurve *&  new_ch_curve 

Definition at line 3401 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.


  new_ch_curve = new ChollaCurve( block_id );

  // associate with cholla points
  new_ch_curve->add_point( new_ch_pnt0 );
  new_ch_pnt0->add_curve( new_ch_curve );
  new_ch_curve->add_point( new_ch_pnt1 );
  new_ch_pnt1->add_curve( new_ch_curve );

  // update start and end facet points
  new_ch_curve->set_start( CAST_TO( new_ch_pnt0->get_facets(), CubitPointData) );
  new_ch_curve->set_end( CAST_TO( new_ch_pnt1->get_facets(), CubitPointData) );

  // add it to cholla engine
  chollaCurveList.append( new_ch_curve ); 

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::create_curve_boundaries ( DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  cholla_curve_list,
DLIList< ChollaPoint * > &  cholla_point_list 
) [private]

creates the correct blockpoints for all the curves

Definition at line 834 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.


  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // hash the points for speed

  stat = init_hash_points();
  if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return stat;

  // loop through each of the end nodes on the curves
  // Determine which point it is a part of.
  // Create a new ChollaPoint for each point

  //int mydebug = 0;
  int ii, kk;
  for ( ii = cholla_curve_list.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = cholla_curve_list.get_and_step();
    CubitPoint *point_ptr[2];
    chcurv_ptr->get_ends( point_ptr[0], point_ptr[1] );
    for ( kk = 0; kk < 2; kk++)
      stat = classify_point( point_ptr[kk], cholla_point_list, chcurv_ptr );
      if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
        return stat;
  return stat;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::create_geometry ( CubitBoolean  use_feature_angle = CUBIT_TRUE,
double  angle = 135.0,
int  interp_order = 0,
CubitBoolean  smooth_non_manifold = CUBIT_TRUE,
CubitBoolean  split_surfaces = CUBIT_FALSE 

Creates the geometry infrastructure based on the given mesh data.

Definition at line 274 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  if (0)
    dump("cyl.cholla", angle);

  //- convert feature angle to a dot product

  double min_dot = 0.0;
  if (use_feature_angle)
    if (angle > 180.0) angle = 180.0;
    if (angle < 0.0) angle = 0.0;
    double rad_angle = (180.0 - angle) * CUBIT_PI / 180.0;
    min_dot = cos( rad_angle );

  //- create one facet surface to start with

  ChollaSkinTool c_skin_tool;
  ChollaSurface *cholla_surface_ptr = NULL;
  CubitStatus stat = c_skin_tool.skin_2d(faceList, cholla_surface_ptr);
  if ( stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
    return stat;
  if ( cholla_surface_ptr )

  // before building the surfaces, orient the facets so they are consistent
  DLIList<CubitFacet *>total_facet_list;
  CAST_LIST( faceList, total_facet_list, CubitFacet );
  //stat = check_all_facet_orientations( total_facet_list, doFlip );
  if (stat!=CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return stat;
  // generate the topology from the facets

  stat = create_volume_boundaries( chollaSurfaceList,
                                   use_feature_angle, min_dot, 
                                   split_surfaces );
  if ( stat == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return stat;

  stat = create_surface_boundaries( chollaSurfaceList, chollaCurveList,
                                    use_feature_angle, min_dot );
  if ( stat == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return stat;

  stat = create_curve_boundaries( chollaCurveList, chollaPointList );
  if ( stat == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return stat;

    // Okay.  Now we are ready to actually build the geometry.
  int mydebug = 0;
  if (mydebug)

  stat = build_eval_tools( chollaSurfaceList,
                           interp_order, use_feature_angle, 
                           min_dot, smooth_non_manifold,
                           split_surfaces );

  return stat;

Definition at line 3428 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  new_ch_pnt = new ChollaPoint();
  new_ch_pnt->add_facet( pnt );
  double *coordinate = new double[3];
  CubitVector coord_vect = pnt->coordinates();
  coordinate[0] = coord_vect[0];
  coordinate[1] = coord_vect[1];
  coordinate[2] = coord_vect[2];
  new_ch_pnt->assign_geometric_point( (void*) coordinate );

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::create_surface ( int  block_id,
ChollaSurface *&  new_ch_surf 

Definition at line 3389 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  new_ch_surf = new ChollaSurface( block_id );
  // add it to cholla engine
  chollaSurfaceList.append( new_ch_surf ); 

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::create_surface_boundaries ( DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &  cholla_surface_list,
DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  cholla_curve_list,
CubitBoolean  use_feature_angle,
double  min_dot 
) [private]

creates the correct blockcurves for all the surfaces

Definition at line 489 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;

    // determine the boundaries for each surface.  One curve per surface

  int ii;
  for ( ii = cholla_surface_list.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = cholla_surface_list.get_and_step();
    DLIList<ChollaCurve*> chcurve_list;
    chsurf_ptr->get_curves( chcurve_list );
    if (chcurve_list.size() == 0)
      DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_list;
      ChollaSkinTool c_skin_tool;
      stat = c_skin_tool.skin_2d(facet_list, chsurf_ptr);
      if ( stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
        return stat;

  // create a hash list of curves - to speed up classification

  stat = init_hash_curves();
  if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return stat;

  // loop through each of the edges on the surfaces
  // Determine which curve it is a part of.
  // Create a new ChollaCurve for each curve
  // Curves are created wherever there is a unique set of associated
  // surfaces 

  int jj, kk;
  for ( ii = cholla_surface_list.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )

    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = cholla_surface_list.get_and_step();
    DLIList<ChollaCurve*> chcurve_list;
    chsurf_ptr->get_curves( chcurve_list );

    // curently there should only be one curve list per surface

    for (jj=chcurve_list.size(); jj>0; jj--)
      ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = chcurve_list.get_and_step();
      DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_list =  chcurv_ptr->get_facet_list();
      FacetEntity *edge_ptr;
      for ( kk = 0; kk < facet_list.size(); kk++)
        edge_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
        stat = classify_edge( edge_ptr, cholla_curve_list, chsurf_ptr );
        if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS) 
          return stat;

      // delete this ChollaCurve - it should have been replaced by one
      // or more curves bounding this surface

      chsurf_ptr->remove_curve( chcurv_ptr );
      delete chcurv_ptr;

  // Split these curves so that there is only one string of continuous
  // edges per curve (it will also order the edges and set the start
  // and end nodes for each curve) 

  int num_curves = cholla_curve_list.size();

  for ( ii = num_curves; ii > 0 && stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS; ii-- )
    ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = cholla_curve_list.get();

    // if necessary mark nodes that will serve as feature breaks (vertices 
    // will be generatedat them)

    if (use_feature_angle)
      stat = chcurv_ptr->feature_angle( min_dot );
      if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
         return stat;

    // split the curve based on various criteria

    stat = chcurv_ptr->split_curve( cholla_curve_list );

    // delete this curve (new curves were created in split_curve)

    delete chcurv_ptr;

  // update the point->curve associativity

  for (ii=0; ii<cholla_curve_list.size(); ii++)
    ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = cholla_curve_list.get_and_step();
    CubitPoint *start_ptr, *end_ptr;
    chcurv_ptr->get_ends( start_ptr, end_ptr );
    TDGeomFacet *td = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( start_ptr );
    td->add_cholla_curve( chcurv_ptr );
    td = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( end_ptr );
    td->add_cholla_curve( chcurv_ptr );

  return stat;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::create_volume_boundaries ( DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &  facet_surface_sheets,
CubitBoolean  use_feature_angle,
double  min_dot,
CubitBoolean  split_surfaces 
) [private]

creates the correct facetsurfaces for all the element blocks.

Definition at line 356 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // Split these surfaces so that there is only one set of continuous
  // faces per surface 

  int ii;
  int num_surfaces = cholla_surface_sheets.size();
  for ( ii = num_surfaces; ii > 0; ii-- )

    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = cholla_surface_sheets.get_and_step();

    DLIList<FacetEntity*> surf_facet_list;
    FacetEntity *sfacet;    
    DLIList<CubitFacet*> facet_list;
    CubitFacet *facet;
    CubitFacetEdge *fedge;
    int kk, mm;
    int mydebug = 0;
    DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> feature_edge_list;
    for ( kk = surf_facet_list.size(); kk > 0; kk-- ) {
      sfacet = surf_facet_list.get_and_step();
      facet = facet_list.get();
      TDFacetboolData* tdf = TDFacetboolData::get(facet);
      if ( tdf ) {
        int *cptr;
        cptr = tdf->get_edge_indices( (bool) facet->is_backwards());
        for ( mm = 0; mm < 3; mm++ ) {
          if ( cptr[mm] != 0 ) {
            fedge = facet->edge((2+mm)%3);
            TDGeomFacet::add_geom_facet(fedge, -1);
            feature_edge_list.append( fedge );
    // make a list of feature edges

    rv = chsurf_ptr->add_preexisting_feature_edges( feature_edge_list );
        if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
            return rv;
    if (use_feature_angle)
      rv = chsurf_ptr->feature_angle( min_dot, feature_edge_list );
      rv = chsurf_ptr->non_manifold_edges( feature_edge_list );
    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return rv;

     // crack the surface at the feature edges.  create new edges and
     // points so the facet representation is discontinuous.

    rv = make_features( feature_edge_list, split_surfaces );
    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
       return rv;

    // split up the surface

    rv = chsurf_ptr->split_surface( cholla_surface_sheets );
    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
       return rv;

  // Clean up any edges that do not form complete loops as a result of 
  // feature angle.  For this implementation we will allow features to exist
  // within the surface without defining a complete loop. -- so the next
  // piece of code is never executed.

  CubitBoolean use_complete_loops_only = CUBIT_FALSE;
  if (use_feature_angle && use_complete_loops_only)
    for ( ii = cholla_surface_sheets.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
      ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = cholla_surface_sheets.get_and_step();

  // Now that we've broken everything into surfaces, update the surface IDs
  // on the boundary facet tool data

  if (!split_surfaces)
    for ( ii = cholla_surface_sheets.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
      ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = cholla_surface_sheets.get_and_step();
  return rv;

Definition at line 178 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.


  int ii;
  ChollaSurface *cs_ptr = NULL;
  FacetEvalTool *fe_tool_ptr;
  for (ii = chollaSurfaceList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    cs_ptr = chollaSurfaceList.get_and_step();
    fe_tool_ptr = cs_ptr->get_eval_tool();
    if (fe_tool_ptr)
      delete fe_tool_ptr;
  ChollaCurve *cc_ptr = NULL;
  CurveFacetEvalTool *ce_tool_ptr;
  for (ii = chollaCurveList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    cc_ptr = chollaCurveList.get_and_step();
    ce_tool_ptr = cc_ptr->get_eval_tool();
    if (ce_tool_ptr)
      delete ce_tool_ptr;

delete the eval tools associated with the cholla geom entities

Definition at line 209 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.


  int ii;
  ChollaSurface *cs_ptr = NULL;
  FacetEvalTool *fe_tool_ptr;
  for (ii = chollaSurfaceList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    cs_ptr = chollaSurfaceList.get_and_step();
    fe_tool_ptr = cs_ptr->get_eval_tool();
    if (fe_tool_ptr)
      DLIList<CubitFacet *>facets;
      delete fe_tool_ptr;
  ChollaCurve *cc_ptr = NULL;
  CurveFacetEvalTool *ce_tool_ptr;
  for (ii = chollaCurveList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    cc_ptr = chollaCurveList.get_and_step();
    ce_tool_ptr = cc_ptr->get_eval_tool();
    if (ce_tool_ptr)
      delete ce_tool_ptr;

Definition at line 661 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  if (hashCurveArray)
   delete [] hashCurveArray;
  hashCurveArray = NULL;
  hashCurveSize = 0;

Definition at line 974 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  if (hashPointArray)
   delete [] hashPointArray;
  hashPointArray = NULL;
  hashPointSize = 0;

Definition at line 255 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  int ii;
    //clean up any data remaining.
  for (ii = chollaPointList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    delete chollaPointList.remove();
  for (ii = chollaCurveList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    delete chollaCurveList.remove();
  for (ii = chollaSurfaceList.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
    delete chollaSurfaceList.remove();
void ChollaEngine::delete_tool_datas ( ) [private]

Definition at line 154 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  int ii;
  FacetEntity *fe_ptr;
  for (ii=0; ii<faceList.size(); ii++)
    fe_ptr = faceList.get_and_step();
    fe_ptr->delete_TD( &TDGeomFacet::is_geom_facet );
  for (ii=0; ii<edgeList.size(); ii++)
    fe_ptr = edgeList.get_and_step();
    fe_ptr->delete_TD( &TDGeomFacet::is_geom_facet );
  for (ii=0; ii<pointList.size(); ii++)
    fe_ptr = pointList.get_and_step();
    fe_ptr->delete_TD( &TDGeomFacet::is_geom_facet );
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::detach_curve ( ChollaCurve chcurv_ptr,
DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &  new_surfs,
ChollaVolume chvol2_ptr,
std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &  curve_map,
std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &  point_map 
) [private]

Definition at line 3839 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  // create a copy of the curve on the surface and add it to volume 2  

  ChollaCurve *newchcurv_ptr = new ChollaCurve( chcurv_ptr->get_block_id() );
  chollaCurveList.append( newchcurv_ptr );
  curve_map.insert(std::pair<ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve *>(chcurv_ptr, newchcurv_ptr));
  for( int i=new_surfs.size(); i--; )
    ChollaSurface *newchsurf_ptr = new_surfs.get_and_step();

  // any surfaces attached to this chcurv that are in vol2 are removed and the newchcurv is added
  DLIList<ChollaSurface *> chcsurf_list = chcurv_ptr->get_surfaces();
  for (int icsurf = 0; icsurf < chcsurf_list.size(); icsurf++)
    ChollaSurface *chcsurf_ptr = chcsurf_list.get_and_step();

    //if the adjacent surfaces are in both volumes, don't do anything
    if(chcsurf_ptr->is_in_volume(chvol2_ptr) )      

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::detach_curves ( DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  curves,
ChollaVolume detaching_volume,
std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &  curve_map,
std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &  point_map 
) [private]

Definition at line 3788 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  DLIList<ChollaSurface*> tmp_surfs;
  DLIList<ChollaPoint*> points_to_detach;
  for( int i=curves.size(); i--; )
    ChollaCurve *tmp_curve = curves.get_and_step();    

    //get the surfaces in 'detaching_volume'
    tmp_surfs = tmp_curve->get_surfaces();
    for( int k=0; k<tmp_surfs.size(); k++ )
      if( !tmp_surfs[k]->is_in_volume( detaching_volume) )
        tmp_surfs[k] = NULL;      

    rv = detach_curve( tmp_curve, tmp_surfs, detaching_volume, curve_map, point_map );
    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return rv;

    DLIList<ChollaPoint*> tmp_pts = tmp_curve->get_points();
    points_to_detach += tmp_pts;

  //go through the map, setting up merge partners
  std::map<ChollaCurve*, ChollaCurve*>::iterator iter = curve_map.begin();
  for( ; iter != curve_map.end(); iter++ )
    ChollaCurve *ch_curv = iter->first;
    ChollaCurve *new_ch_curv = iter->second;

    ch_curv->set_merge_partner( new_ch_curv );
    new_ch_curv->set_merge_partner( ch_curv );
  return rv;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::detach_facet_edges ( DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  chcurves,
ChollaVolume detaching_volume,
std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &  curve_map,
std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &  point_map 
) [private]

Definition at line 4058 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  std::vector<CubitPoint *> new_points;
  std::vector<CubitFacetEdge *> new_edges;
  rv = copy_facet_edges_at_interface( chcurves, new_points, new_edges, curve_map, point_map );
  if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return rv;

  for (int i=chcurves.size(); i--; )
    ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = chcurves.get_and_step();    
    rv = connect_points_at_interface( chcurv_ptr, detaching_volume, new_points );
    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return rv;
    rv = connect_edges_at_interface( chcurv_ptr, detaching_volume, new_edges );
    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return rv;
  return rv;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::detach_facets ( DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &  chsurfs,
DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  chcurves,
ChollaVolume chvol,
std::map< ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface * > &  surf_map,
std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &  curve_map,
std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &  point_map 
) [private]

Definition at line 3943 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  std::vector<CubitPoint *> new_points;
  std::vector<CubitFacetEdge *> new_edges;
  rv = copy_facets_at_interface( chsurfs, chcurves, new_points, new_edges,
                                 surf_map, curve_map, point_map );
  if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return rv;
  rv = connect_facets_at_interface( chsurfs, chcurves, chvol, new_points, new_edges );
  if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return rv;
  return rv;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::detach_point ( ChollaPoint chpt_ptr,
ChollaVolume chvol2_ptr,
std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &  point_map,
std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &  curve_map 
) [private]

Definition at line 3884 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  ChollaPoint *newchpt_ptr = new ChollaPoint();
  chollaPointList.append( newchpt_ptr );
  point_map.insert(std::pair<ChollaPoint*, ChollaPoint*>(chpt_ptr, newchpt_ptr));  
  //find the curves that it is in
  DLIList<ChollaCurve *> chptcurv_list = chpt_ptr->get_curves();
  for (int iptcurv = 0; iptcurv < chptcurv_list.size(); iptcurv++)
    ChollaCurve *chptcurv_ptr = chptcurv_list.get_and_step();

    // for curves that were copied (on the interface), add the new chollapoint to the new curve

    std::map<ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve *>::iterator cmap_it;
    cmap_it = curve_map.find(chptcurv_ptr);
    if (cmap_it != curve_map.end())
      ChollaCurve *new_chcurv_ptr = cmap_it->second;      
      chpt_ptr->set_merge_partner( newchpt_ptr );
      newchpt_ptr->set_merge_partner( chpt_ptr );
      // remove curve in vol 2 (not on interface) from the original point and add it to the new point
      if (chptcurv_ptr->is_in_volume(chvol2_ptr))

        chpt_ptr->set_merge_partner( newchpt_ptr );
        newchpt_ptr->set_merge_partner( chpt_ptr );

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::detach_surfaces ( DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &  chsurfs,
DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  chcurves,
ChollaVolume detaching_volume,
std::map< ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface * > &  surf_map,
std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &  curve_map,
std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &  point_map 
) [private]

Definition at line 3674 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  // detach the surface from its volumes

  DLIList<ChollaCurve*> all_curves_in_surfs;
  DLIList<ChollaPoint*> all_points_in_surfs;

  std::multimap<ChollaCurve*, ChollaSurface*> orig_curve_to_new_surf_map;
  for( int i=chsurfs.size(); i--; )
    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = chsurfs.get_and_step();
    DLIList<ChollaVolume *> chvol_list;
    ChollaVolume *chvol1_ptr = chvol_list.get_and_step();
    ChollaVolume *chvol2_ptr = chvol_list.get();

    if( chvol2_ptr != vol_getting_new_surfs )      
      chvol1_ptr = chvol2_ptr;
      chvol2_ptr = vol_getting_new_surfs;      

    if (NULL == chvol1_ptr || NULL == chvol2_ptr) {
      PRINT_ERROR("Unexpected NULL pointer for cholla volume.\n");
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    assert(chvol1_ptr != chvol2_ptr);

    // create a copy of the non-manifold surface and attach it to volume 2

    ChollaSurface *newchsurf_ptr = new ChollaSurface( chsurf_ptr->get_block_id() );
    surf_map.insert(std::pair<ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface *>(chsurf_ptr, newchsurf_ptr));


    // detach the curves  
    DLIList<ChollaCurve *> chcurv_list;

    for( int k=chcurv_list.size(); k--; )
      ChollaCurve *chcurve = chcurv_list.get_and_step();
      orig_curve_to_new_surf_map.insert( std::pair<ChollaCurve*, ChollaSurface*>( chcurve, newchsurf_ptr ) );

    all_curves_in_surfs += chcurv_list;

    DLIList<ChollaPoint*> chpt_list;
    chsurf_ptr->get_vertices( chpt_list );
    all_points_in_surfs += chpt_list;

  for(int icurv = 0; icurv < all_curves_in_surfs.size(); icurv++)
    ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = all_curves_in_surfs.get_and_step();

    std::multimap<ChollaCurve*, ChollaSurface*>::iterator iter, upper_iter;
    DLIList<ChollaSurface*> new_surfs;

    iter = orig_curve_to_new_surf_map.find( chcurv_ptr );

    assert( iter != orig_curve_to_new_surf_map.end() );

    upper_iter = orig_curve_to_new_surf_map.upper_bound( iter->first );

    for(; iter!=upper_iter; ++iter )
      new_surfs.append( iter->second );

    rv = detach_curve( chcurv_ptr, new_surfs, vol_getting_new_surfs, curve_map, point_map );
    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return rv;  

  for( int i=chcurves.size(); i--; )
    DLIList<ChollaPoint*> tmp_pts = chcurves.get_and_step()->get_points();
    all_points_in_surfs += tmp_pts;

  rv = detach_curves( chcurves, vol_getting_new_surfs, curve_map, point_map );
  if( rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
    return rv;

  //add the points in the cholla     
  for (int ipt = 0; ipt < all_points_in_surfs.size(); ipt++)
    ChollaPoint *chpt_ptr = all_points_in_surfs.get_and_step();
    rv = detach_point( chpt_ptr, vol_getting_new_surfs, point_map, curve_map );
    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return rv;
  return rv;

Definition at line 3487 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  // define maps between the original entities and their copies so we can 
  // use them for detaching the facets
  std::map<ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface *> surf_map;
  std::multimap<ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve *> curve_map;
  std::multimap<ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint *> point_map; 
  for( int i=chollaVolumeList.size(); i--; )
    ChollaVolume *chvol = chollaVolumeList.get_and_step();
    DLIList<ChollaSurface*> ch_surfaces;
    chvol->get_surfaces( ch_surfaces );    

    std::map<ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve *> tmp_curve_map;
    std::map<ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint *> tmp_point_map; 
    DLIList<ChollaSurface*> surfaces_to_detach;
    DLIList<ChollaCurve*> curves_to_detach;
    for( int j=ch_surfaces.size(); j--; )
      ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = ch_surfaces.get_and_step();     

      // look for any surfaces that are associated with exactly two volumes
      if (chsurf_ptr->num_volumes() == 2)      
        surfaces_to_detach.append( chsurf_ptr );   
        //look for any curves that are attached to two volumes
        DLIList<ChollaCurve*> ch_curves;
        chsurf_ptr->get_curves( ch_curves );
        for( int k=ch_curves.size(); k--; )
          ChollaCurve *tmp_curve = ch_curves.get_and_step();
          if( tmp_curve->num_volumes() > 1 )
            curves_to_detach.append( tmp_curve );

    //filter out curves that are in surfs in 'surfaces_to_detach'
    //since they will get detached when the parent surface gets detached
    for( int j=curves_to_detach.size(); j--; )
      ChollaCurve *tmp_curve = curves_to_detach.get();
      DLIList<ChollaSurface*> tmp_surfs = tmp_curve->get_surfaces();

      for( int k=tmp_surfs.size(); k--; )
        ChollaSurface *tmp_surf = tmp_surfs.get_and_step();
        if( surfaces_to_detach.is_in_list( tmp_surf ) )
    curves_to_detach.remove_all_with_value( NULL );

    if( surfaces_to_detach.size() || curves_to_detach.size() )
      rv = detach_surfaces( surfaces_to_detach, curves_to_detach, chvol, surf_map, tmp_curve_map, tmp_point_map );
      if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      //for all detached surfaces, detach all the facets and create new ones for
      //the detached surfaces
      rv = detach_facets(surfaces_to_detach, curves_to_detach, chvol, surf_map, tmp_curve_map, tmp_point_map);
      if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
        return rv;

      // set the cubitpoints at the correct start/end locations on the cholla curves   
      rv = set_curve_endpoints(tmp_point_map, tmp_curve_map );
      if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
        return rv;

    //append the map to the multi-map
    std::map<ChollaCurve*, ChollaCurve*>::iterator iter = tmp_curve_map.begin();
    for( ; iter!=tmp_curve_map.end(); iter++)
      curve_map.insert( std::pair<ChollaCurve*,ChollaCurve*>(iter->first, iter->second) );

    //append the map to the multi-map
    std::map<ChollaPoint*, ChollaPoint*>::iterator pt_iter = tmp_point_map.begin();
    for( ; pt_iter!=tmp_point_map.end(); pt_iter++)
      point_map.insert( std::pair<ChollaPoint*,ChollaPoint*>(pt_iter->first, pt_iter->second) );   
  // create the evaluation tools on the new entities
  CubitBoolean use_feature_angle = CUBIT_FALSE; 
  double min_dot = 0.0;                    
  int interp_order = 0;                 
  CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold = CUBIT_FALSE;
  CubitBoolean split_surfaces = CUBIT_FALSE;
  DLIList<ChollaSurface *> cholla_surfaces;
  DLIList<ChollaCurve *> cholla_curves;
  // get lists of new surfaces and curves from the maps
  std::map<ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface *>::iterator smap_it;
  for (smap_it=surf_map.begin(); smap_it != surf_map.end(); smap_it++)
  std::multimap<ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve *>::iterator cmap_it;
  for (cmap_it=curve_map.begin(); cmap_it != curve_map.end(); cmap_it++)
  // rebuild the new curves so the edges are oriented correctly
  for (int ii=0; ii<cholla_curves.size(); ii++)
    ChollaCurve *cholla_curve = cholla_curves.get_and_step();
    DLIList<ChollaPoint *>  cholla_points = cholla_curve->get_points();    
    int periodic = 0;
    if (cholla_points.size() == 1)
      periodic = 1;
      assert(cholla_points.size() == 2);  // assuming we have exactly two end points so far
    CubitPoint *start_point, *end_point;
    cholla_curve->get_ends(start_point, end_point);        
    int max_edges = cholla_curve->num_edges();
    cholla_curve->clean_out_edges();  // edges will be added in build_curve_from_edges 
    rv = cholla_curve->build_curve_from_edges( start_point, periodic, max_edges, NULL, cholla_curve );
    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return rv;
  // replace the facets on the existing eval tools on the curves and surfaces bounding the interface.
  // for simplicity, just replace them on all the existing eval tools on 
  for (int icurv = 0; icurv < chollaCurveList.size(); icurv++)
    ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = chollaCurveList.get_and_step();
    CurveFacetEvalTool *ceval = chcurv_ptr->get_eval_tool();
    if (ceval != NULL)
      DLIList<FacetEntity *> fedges = chcurv_ptr->get_facet_list();
      DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> edges;
      CAST_LIST( fedges, edges, CubitFacetEdge );
  for (int isurf=0; isurf<chollaSurfaceList.size(); isurf++)
    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = chollaSurfaceList.get_and_step();
    FacetEvalTool *seval = chsurf_ptr->get_eval_tool();
    if (seval != NULL)
      DLIList<FacetEntity *> ffacets = chsurf_ptr->get_facet_list();
      DLIList<CubitFacet *> facets;
      CAST_LIST( ffacets, facets, CubitFacet );
  // build the eval tools
  rv = build_eval_tools(cholla_surfaces,
                        interp_order, use_feature_angle, 
                        min_dot, smooth_non_manifold,
                        split_surfaces );
  return rv;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::determine_curve_orientation ( ChollaSurface chsurf_ptr,
ChollaCurve chcurv_ptr,
CubitSense orientation 
) [static]

determine orienation of curve w.r.t. the surface

Definition at line 1346 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  // get the first mesh edge on the curve. use it to determine the 
  // orientation of the curve with respect to the surface

  DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_list = chcurv_ptr->get_facet_list();
  FacetEntity *facet_ptr = facet_list.get();
  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = CAST_TO( facet_ptr, CubitFacetEdge );
  if (!edge_ptr)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE; // facet edges are not on the list - we shouldn't be here

  // get the adjacent face on this surface

  DLIList<FacetEntity*> adj_face_list;
  edge_ptr->get_parents( adj_face_list );

  DLIList<FacetEntity*> face_ptrs;
  int jj;
  for ( jj = 0; jj < adj_face_list.size(); jj++ )
    FacetEntity* face_ptr = adj_face_list.get_and_step();    
    TDGeomFacet *td_gm_face = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(face_ptr); 
    DLIList<ChollaSurface*> chsurf_list;
      td_gm_face->get_cholla_surfs( chsurf_list );
      if (chsurf_list.size())
        ChollaSurface *face_chsurf_ptr = chsurf_list.get();
        if(face_chsurf_ptr == chsurf_ptr)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;  // didn't find an adj face on the surface ???

  // if there are two, we'll just say the orientation is unknown
  // this happens when there is a non-manifold, callers are responsible for dealing with those
  if(face_ptrs.size() >= 2)
    orientation = CUBIT_UNKNOWN;
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  FacetEntity* face_ptr = face_ptrs[0];

  // determine orientation of nodes on this mesh face

  CubitPoint *start_ptr, *end_ptr;
  chcurv_ptr->get_ends( start_ptr, end_ptr );
  end_ptr = edge_ptr->other_point( start_ptr );
  if (end_ptr == NULL)    
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;  // the edge list may not be ordered correctly??
  CubitPoint *points[3];
  CubitFacet *tri_ptr = CAST_TO( face_ptr, CubitFacet );
  tri_ptr->points( points[0], points[1], points[2] );
  int found = 0;
  for ( jj = 0; jj < 3 && !found; jj++ )
    if (points[jj] == start_ptr)
      int next_jj = (jj + 1)%3;
      int prev_jj = (jj + 2)%3;
      if(points[next_jj] == end_ptr)
        found = 1;
        orientation = CUBIT_FORWARD;
      else if(points[prev_jj] == end_ptr)
        found = 1;
        orientation = CUBIT_REVERSED;
  if (!found)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;  // couldn't determine the orientation

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::disassociate_curve ( ChollaCurve ch_curve,
bool  disassociate_with_vert = true,
bool  disassociate_with_surf = true,
bool  disassociate_with_model = true 

Definition at line 3444 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  // remove ch_curve from ch_point
  int i;
  if( disassociate_with_vert )
    for( i = 0; i < ch_curve->get_points().size(); i++ )
      ch_curve->get_points().get_and_step()->remove_curve( ch_curve );
    // remove ch_points

  if( disassociate_with_surf )
    // remove ch_curve in ch_surface
    ChollaSurface *ptr_ch_surf;   
    for( i = 0; i < ch_curve->get_surfaces().size(); i++ )
      ptr_ch_surf = ch_curve->get_surfaces().get_and_step();
      ptr_ch_surf->remove_curve( ch_curve );
    // remove ch_surface

  if( disassociate_with_model )
    // remove from ch_engie
    this->remove_curve( ch_curve );


Definition at line 3212 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

   // remove surface from volume
  DLIList<ChollaVolume *> cholla_volumes;
  int i;
  ChollaVolume *cholla_volume;
  for (i=0; i<cholla_volumes.size(); i++)
    cholla_volume = cholla_volumes.get_and_step();
    cholla_volume->remove_surface( cholla_surf );
   // Disassociate curves from suface
  DLIList< ChollaCurve *> cholla_curves;
  cholla_surf->get_curves( cholla_curves );
  ChollaCurve *cholla_curve;
  for( i = 0; i < cholla_curves.size(); i++ )
    cholla_curve = cholla_curves.get_and_step();
    cholla_curve->remove_surface( cholla_surf );
    cholla_surf->remove_curve( cholla_curve );

  // Remove facet tool if available ?
  if( cholla_surf->get_eval_tool() )
#ifdef _DEBUG
    //PRINT_INFO("WARNING: delete ch_surf->facet_eval_tool safely \n");//   
    //delete cholla_surf->get_eval_tool();
    // set eval tool to NULL
  // remove from ChollaEngine
  remove_surface( cholla_surf );


void ChollaEngine::dump ( const char *  filename,
double  angle 

Definition at line 2786 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  int include_results = 0;
  int num_face = faceList.size();
  int num_edge = edgeList.size();
  int num_vert = pointList.size();
  int *face_edge = new int [3*num_face];
  int *edge_vert = new int [2*num_edge];
  double *vert = new double [3*num_vert];

  int ii;
  CubitVector loc;
  CubitPoint *point_ptr;
  for (ii=0; ii<num_vert; ii++)
    point_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitPoint *>(pointList.get_and_step());
    point_ptr->set_id( ii );
    loc = point_ptr->coordinates();
    vert[ii*3] = loc.x();
    vert[ii*3+1] = loc.y();
    vert[ii*3+2] = loc.z();

  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
  for (ii=0; ii<num_edge; ii++)
    edge_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetEdge *>(edgeList.get_and_step());
    edge_ptr->set_id( ii );
    edge_vert[ii*2] = edge_ptr->point( 0 )->id();
    edge_vert[ii*2+1] = edge_ptr->point( 1 )->id();

  CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
  for(ii=0; ii<num_face; ii++)
    facet_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacet *>(faceList.get_and_step());
    face_edge[ii*3] = facet_ptr->edge( 0 )->id();
    face_edge[ii*3+1] = facet_ptr->edge( 1 )->id();
    face_edge[ii*3+2] = facet_ptr->edge( 2 )->id();

  double *edge_control_points = new double [3*3*num_edge];
  double *tri_control_points = new double [3*6*num_face];
  double *quad_control_points = NULL;

  char mesh_filename[256];
  sprintf(mesh_filename, "%s.mesh", filename);
  dumpMesh(mesh_filename, include_results, angle, num_face, 0, num_edge,
           num_vert, face_edge, NULL, edge_vert, vert, edge_control_points, 
           tri_control_points, quad_control_points);

  constructBezier( angle, num_face, 0, num_edge, num_vert, face_edge, NULL,
                   edge_vert, vert, edge_control_points, tri_control_points,
                   quad_control_points );

  char result_filename[256];
  sprintf(result_filename, "%s.results", filename);
  dumpResults(result_filename, num_edge, num_face, 0, 
              edge_control_points, tri_control_points, quad_control_points );

  include_results = 1;
  char full_filename[256];
  sprintf(full_filename, "%s.full", filename);
  dumpMesh(full_filename, include_results, angle, num_face, 0, num_edge,
           num_vert, face_edge, NULL, edge_vert, vert, edge_control_points, 
           tri_control_points, quad_control_points);

  delete [] face_edge;
  delete [] edge_vert;
  delete [] vert;
  delete [] edge_control_points;
  delete [] tri_control_points;
int ChollaEngine::facet_dimension ( FacetEntity facet_ptr) [private]

returns the dimension of the facet entity.

Definition at line 1015 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  if (CAST_TO(facet_ptr, CubitFacet) != NULL)
    return 2;
  if (CAST_TO(facet_ptr, CubitFacetEdge) != NULL)
    return 1;
  if (CAST_TO(facet_ptr, CubitPoint) != NULL)
    return 0;
  return -1;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::fix_edge ( CubitFacetEdge edge_ptr,
DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  update_facet_list 
) [static, private]

fix control points on a single edge and its partners

Definition at line 2263 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  if (edge_ptr->num_adj_facets() == 1)
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  TDFacetBoundaryEdge *td_fbe =
    TDFacetBoundaryEdge::get_facet_boundary_edge( edge_ptr );
  if (!td_fbe)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  edge_ptr->facets( update_facet_list );
  CubitStatus stat = td_fbe->merge_control_points();
  return stat;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::fix_geometry ( CubitBoolean  smooth_non_manifold,
CubitBoolean  split_surfaces,
CubitBoolean  use_feature_angle,
double  min_dot,
DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &  feature_edge_list 
) [static]

fix the control points so they are C-zero

Definition at line 2110 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // unmark all the edges and points

  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr; 
  int iedge;
  int flag = (smooth_non_manifold) ? 0 : 1;
  for (iedge = 0; iedge < feature_edge_list.size(); iedge++)
    edge_ptr = feature_edge_list.get_and_step();
    edge_ptr->set_flag( flag );
    edge_ptr->point( 0 )->marked( flag );
    edge_ptr->point( 1 )->marked( flag );

  // for non-manifold edges, find sets of adjacent facets that 
  // we can smooth across.  If adjacent facets do not satisfy the
  // feature angle criteria, then they should have C1 continuity
  // across the edge.  To do this, the normals at the edge's
  // points on partner edges will need to be the same.  This next
  // piece of code potentially alters the point normals.  As a result
  // edge and facet control points will need to be updated.

  DLIList<CubitFacet *>update_facet_list;
  if (smooth_non_manifold)
    DLIList <CubitPoint *> changed_points;
    for (iedge = 0; iedge < feature_edge_list.size(); iedge++)
      edge_ptr = feature_edge_list.get_and_step();
      if (edge_ptr->get_flag() == 1)
      edge_ptr->set_flag( 1 );
      if (split_surfaces)
        stat = fix_split_non_manifold_edge( edge_ptr, mindot, 
                                            changed_points );
        stat = fix_non_manifold_edge( edge_ptr, mindot, 
                                      changed_points );
      if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
        return stat;
    if (changed_points.size() > 0)
      stat = update_edges_at_points( split_surfaces,
                                     mindot );
    if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return stat;

  // For all cases we need to ensure that partner edges share the same
  // control, point locations.  This piece of code goes through and
  // computes an average location for control points on partner edges
  // and sets them back on the edge

  for (iedge = 0; iedge < feature_edge_list.size(); iedge++)
    edge_ptr = feature_edge_list.get_and_step();
    if (edge_ptr->get_flag() == 2)
    edge_ptr->set_flag( 2 );
    if (split_surfaces)
      stat = fix_split_edge( edge_ptr, update_facet_list );
      stat = fix_edge( edge_ptr, update_facet_list );
    if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return stat;

  // since we have potentially modified the point normals and edge 
  // control points, we need to fix the facet control points (interior
  // to the facet) The update_facet_list contains a non-unique list of
  // facets that will need to be recomputed.

  int ii;
  CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
  for (ii=0; ii<update_facet_list.size(); ii++)
    update_facet_list.get_and_step()->marked( 0 );

  for (ii=0; ii<update_facet_list.size(); ii++)
    facet_ptr = update_facet_list.get_and_step();
    if (facet_ptr->marked() == 0)
      facet_ptr->marked( 1 );
      stat = FacetEvalTool::init_bezier_facet( facet_ptr );
      if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
        return stat;

  for (ii=0; ii<update_facet_list.size(); ii++)
    update_facet_list.get_and_step()->marked( 0 );

  return stat;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::fix_non_manifold_edge ( CubitFacetEdge edge_ptr,
double  min_dot,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  changed_points 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 2525 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  // first check if this edge has 3 or more adjacent facets.  Return now if not

  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  int nfacets = edge_ptr->num_adj_facets();
  if (nfacets < 3)
    return stat;

  TDFacetBoundaryEdge *td_fbe =
    TDFacetBoundaryEdge::get_facet_boundary_edge( edge_ptr );
  if (td_fbe == NULL)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;  // there is supposed to be a tool data here!

  // make an array of partner edges

  int *partner0 = new int [nfacets];
  int *partner1 = new int [nfacets];
  double *partner_dot = new double [nfacets];
  int num_partners = 0;
  CubitFacet **facets = new CubitFacet * [nfacets];
  if (!facets || !partner0 || !partner1 || !partner_dot)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  DLIList <CubitFacet *>adj_facets;
  edge_ptr->facets( adj_facets );
  int ii;
  for (ii=0; ii< adj_facets.size(); ii++)
    facets[ii] = adj_facets.get_and_step();
    facets[ii]->marked( 1 );

  // check each facet against every other facet at this edge to
  // see if we need to enforce continuity.  There may be several
  // cases where the feature angle criteria is (not) met.  Find
  // the pair that has the greatest dot product between them.
  // If more than 1 pair has the same dot product and meets criteria
  // then it arbitrarily uses the first one.

  int jj, kk;
  for (ii=0; ii<nfacets-1; ii++)
    CubitFacet *facet_ptr = facets[ii];
    CubitVector normal = facet_ptr->normal();
    double best_dot = -1.0;
    for (jj=ii+1; jj<nfacets; jj++)
      CubitFacet *afacet_ptr = facets[jj];
      CubitVector anormal = afacet_ptr->normal();
      double dot = fabs(normal % anormal);
      if (dot > min_dot && dot > best_dot)

        // check to see if this partner pair has not already
        // been used in another partnership.  If so, then check
        // to see if this match is better.  Otherwise, ignore
        // this match.

        int found = 0;
        for (kk=0; kk<num_partners; kk++)
          if (partner0[kk] == ii || partner0[kk] == jj ||
              partner1[kk] == ii || partner1[kk] == jj)
            found = 1;
            if (dot > partner_dot[kk])
              partner_dot[kk] = dot;
              partner0[kk] = ii;
              partner1[kk] = jj;
        if (!found)
          partner_dot[num_partners] = dot;
          partner0[num_partners] = ii;
          partner1[num_partners] = jj;
        best_dot = dot;

  // we found a partner facet(s) that needs to have C1 continuity
  // across this facet.  Merge the normals on the edge so they
  // are the same

  if (num_partners > 0)
    CubitPoint *pt0 = edge_ptr->point(0);
    CubitPoint *pt1 = edge_ptr->point(1);
    TDFacetBoundaryPoint *td_fbp0 =
      TDFacetBoundaryPoint::get_facet_boundary_point( pt0 );
    TDFacetBoundaryPoint *td_fbp1 =
      TDFacetBoundaryPoint::get_facet_boundary_point( pt1 );
    if (!td_fbp0 || !td_fbp1) {
      delete [] facets;
      delete [] partner0;
      delete [] partner1;
      delete [] partner_dot;
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    for (ii=0; ii<num_partners; ii++)
      td_fbp0->merge_normals( facets[partner0[ii]], facets[partner1[ii]] );
      td_fbp1->merge_normals( facets[partner0[ii]], facets[partner1[ii]] );
    pt0->marked( 1 );
    pt1->marked( 1 );
    changed_points.append( pt0 );
    changed_points.append( pt1 );
  delete [] facets;
  delete [] partner0;
  delete [] partner1;
  delete [] partner_dot;

  return stat;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::fix_split_edge ( CubitFacetEdge edge_ptr,
DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  update_facet_list 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 2285 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.


  // we only need to do this if the edge has any partners.  Otherwise return

  TDGeomFacet *td = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( edge_ptr );
  if (td->num_partner_edges() == 0)
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  // get the control points for this edge (oriented with
  // respect to point(0) on the edge)--- This means that
  // the rest of the partners to this edge must also
  // provide control points with respect to the same orientation

  CubitVector control_points[3];
  CubitPoint *start_ptr = edge_ptr->point(0);
  edge_ptr->get_control_points( start_ptr, control_points );

  // get all this edge's partners

  int ii;
  CubitVector partner_control_points[3];
  CubitFacetEdge *partner_edge_ptr;
  CubitPoint *partner_start_ptr;
  DLIList <CubitFacetEdge *> partner_edge_list;
  td->get_partner_edges( partner_edge_list );
  for (ii=0; ii<partner_edge_list.size(); ii++)
    partner_edge_ptr = partner_edge_list.get_and_step();
    partner_edge_ptr->set_flag( 2 );

    // determine the same orientation as the first edge

    partner_start_ptr = partner_edge_ptr->point(0);
    TDGeomFacet *td_point = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( partner_start_ptr );
    if (!td_point->is_partner( start_ptr ))
      partner_start_ptr = partner_edge_ptr->point(1);
      td_point = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( partner_start_ptr );
      if (!td_point->is_partner( start_ptr ))
        PRINT_ERROR("Topology error generating facet geometry\n");
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    // get the partner's control points and add to the current
    // totals

    partner_edge_ptr->get_control_points( partner_start_ptr, 
                                      partner_control_points );
    control_points[0] += partner_control_points[0];
    control_points[1] += partner_control_points[1];
    control_points[2] += partner_control_points[2];

    // add this edge's adjacent facets to the update facet list

    partner_edge_ptr->facets( update_facet_list );
  edge_ptr->facets( update_facet_list );

  // average the control point locations

  int nedges = partner_edge_list.size() + 1;
  control_points[0] /= (double)nedges;
  control_points[1] /= (double)nedges;
  control_points[2] /= (double)nedges;

  // set the new control points back on the edges

  edge_ptr->set_control_points( start_ptr, control_points );

  TDGeomFacet *td_point;
  for (ii=0; ii<partner_edge_list.size(); ii++)
    partner_edge_ptr = partner_edge_list.get_and_step();

    // determine the same orientation as the first edge

    partner_start_ptr = partner_edge_ptr->point(0);
    td_point = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( partner_start_ptr );
    if (!td_point->is_partner( start_ptr ))
      partner_start_ptr = partner_edge_ptr->point(1);
      td_point = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( partner_start_ptr );
      if (!td_point->is_partner( start_ptr ))
        PRINT_ERROR("Topology error generating facet geometry\n");
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    partner_edge_ptr->set_control_points( partner_start_ptr,
                                           control_points );
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::fix_split_non_manifold_edge ( CubitFacetEdge edge_ptr,
double  min_dot,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  changed_points 
) [static, private]

fix normals at non-manifold edges to maintain continuity across facets that don't meet feature angle criteria

Definition at line 2390 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  // first check if this edge has 3 or more adjacent facets.  Return now if not

  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  TDGeomFacet *td = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( edge_ptr );
  int nedges = td->num_partner_edges() + 1;
  if (nedges < 3)
    return stat;

  // make an array of partner edges

  std::vector<int> partner0(nedges);
  std::vector<int> partner1(nedges);
  std::vector<double> partner_dot(nedges);
  int num_partners = 0;
  std::vector<CubitFacetEdge*> edges(nedges);

  edges[0] = edge_ptr;
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> partner_list;
  td->get_partner_edges( partner_list );
  int ii;
  for (ii=0; ii< partner_list.size(); ii++)
    edges[ii+1] = partner_list.get_and_step();
    edges[ii+1]->set_flag( 1 );

  // check each facet against every other facet at this edge to
  // see if we need to enforce continuity.  There may be several
  // cases where the feature angle criteria is (not) met.  Find
  // the pair that has the greatest dot product between them.
  // If more than 1 pair has the same dot product and meets criteria
  // then it arbitrarily uses the first one.

  int jj, kk;
  for (ii=0; ii<nedges-1; ii++)
    CubitFacet *facet_ptr = edges[ii]->adj_facet( 0 );
    CubitVector normal = facet_ptr->normal();
    double best_dot = -1.0;
    for (jj=ii+1; jj<nedges; jj++)
      CubitFacet *afacet_ptr = edges[jj]->adj_facet( 0 );
      CubitVector anormal = afacet_ptr->normal();
      double dot = fabs(normal % anormal);
      if (dot > min_dot && dot > best_dot)

        // check to see if this partner pair has not already
        // been used in another partnership.  If so, then check
        // to see if this match is better.  Otherwise, ignore
        // this match.

        int found = 0;
        for (kk=0; kk<num_partners; kk++)
          if (partner0[kk] == ii || partner0[kk] == jj ||
              partner1[kk] == ii || partner1[kk] == jj)
            found = 1;
            if (dot > partner_dot[kk])
              partner_dot[kk] = dot;
              partner0[kk] = ii;
              partner1[kk] = jj;
        if (!found)
          partner_dot[num_partners] = dot;
          partner0[num_partners] = ii;
          partner1[num_partners] = jj;
        best_dot = dot;

  // we found a partner facet(s) that needs to have C1 continuity
  // across this facet.  Merge the normals on the edge so they
  // are the same

  for (ii=0; ii<num_partners; ii++)
    CubitFacetEdge *edge0 = edges[partner0[ii]];
    CubitFacetEdge *edge1 = edges[partner1[ii]];
    for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++)
      CubitPoint *pt0 = edge0->point(jj);

      // find its point partner on the partner edge

      CubitPoint *pt1 = edge1->point( 0 );
      td = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( pt0 );
      if (!td->is_partner( pt1 ))
        pt1 = edge1->point( 1 );
        if (!td->is_partner( pt1 ))
          PRINT_ERROR("Internal error defining continuity across non-manifold edges\n");
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      if (pt0->marked() == 0 || pt1->marked() == 0)
        pt0->marked( 1 );
        pt1->marked( 1 );
        changed_points.append( pt0 );
        changed_points.append( pt1 );
        stat = merge_normals( pt0, pt1 );
        if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
          return stat;
  return stat;
int ChollaEngine::get_curve_hash_key ( DLIList< ChollaSurface * > *  bsm_list_ptr) [private]

Definition at line 675 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  int key, j;
  ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr;
  if (fsm_list_ptr->size() == 0)
    key = 0;
    key = INT_MAX;
    for (j=0; j<fsm_list_ptr->size(); j++)
      chsurf_ptr = fsm_list_ptr->get_and_step();
      if (chsurf_ptr->get_id() < key)
        key = chsurf_ptr->get_id();
  key = key % hashCurveSize;
  return key;
void ChollaEngine::get_curves ( DLIList< ChollaCurve * > &  cholla_curve_list) [inline]

Definition at line 78 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

    { cholla_curve_list += chollaCurveList; }
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::get_facets ( GMem gmem,
DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  dl_point_list,
bool  insert_null_facets = false 
) [static]

Definition at line 2991 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  if(gMem.fListCount == 0)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  GPoint* plist = gMem.point_list();
  CubitPoint **point_list = (CubitPoint **)
    new CubitPointData *[gMem.pointListCount];
  double x, y, z;
  int i,j;
  for (i = 0; i<gMem.pointListCount; i++) 
    x = plist[i].x;
    y = plist[i].y;
    z = plist[i].z;
    CubitPoint *new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData(x, y, z);
    point_list[i] = new_point;
  int *face_list = gMem.facet_list();
  int step;
  DLIList<CubitPoint*> temp_points;
  CubitFacet *new_facet;
  int ii, index_to_point;
  CubitStatus stat1;
  for ( i = 0; i < gMem.fListCount; i++ )
    step = face_list[i];
      //Now get the points for this facet.
    switch (step)
      case 3:
        ii = i + 1;
        for( j = ii; j < ii+step; j++ )
          index_to_point = face_list[j];
          assert(index_to_point >= 0 && index_to_point <= gMem.pointListCount );

        if( temp_points.get() != &&
            temp_points.get() != &&
   != )
          new_facet = (CubitFacet *)
          new CubitFacetData(temp_points.get(), 
        i = i+step;
      case 4:
      case 5:
      case 6:
        stat1 = create_tri_facets(face_list,i, point_list,
        if ( stat1 != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
          PRINT_ERROR("Facets were not triangular and couldn't be split\n");
          return stat1;
        i = i+step;
          //We currently can't handle this...
          //Eventually we will have to split this polygon into more facets.
        PRINT_ERROR("Facets were not triangular, and couldn't be made so.\n");
        PRINT_ERROR("Surface has: %d points forming a facet.\n", step);
        if( insert_null_facets )
          facet_list.append( NULL );
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  delete [] point_list;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::get_facets_at_point ( CubitPoint point_ptr,
CubitFacet facet_ptr,
DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &  feature_edge_list 
) [static, private]

recursive function - returns a list of facets adjacent to a point that are bounded by feature edges

Definition at line 2061 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
  CubitFacet *adj_facet;
  facet_ptr->marked( 1 );

  for (int ii=0; ii<3; ii++)
    edge_ptr = facet_ptr->edge( ii );
    if (edge_ptr->contains( point_ptr ))
      if (!edge_ptr->is_feature())
        if (edge_ptr->num_adj_facets() >2)
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        adj_facet = edge_ptr->other_facet( facet_ptr );
        if (adj_facet == NULL)
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        if (adj_facet->marked() == 0)
          rv = get_facets_at_point( point_ptr, adj_facet, 
                                    facet_list, feature_edge_list );
          if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
            return rv;
        if (edge_ptr->num_adj_facets() > 1)
          feature_edge_list.append_unique( edge_ptr );
  return rv;
int ChollaEngine::get_point_hash_key ( DLIList< ChollaCurve * > *  bsm_list_ptr) [private]

Definition at line 988 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  int key, j;
  ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr;
  if (fcm_list_ptr->size() == 0)
    key = 0;
    key = INT_MAX;
    for (j=0; j<fcm_list_ptr->size(); j++)
      chcurv_ptr = fcm_list_ptr->get_and_step();
      if (chcurv_ptr->get_id() < key)
        key = chcurv_ptr->get_id();
  key = key % hashPointSize;
  return key;
void ChollaEngine::get_points ( DLIList< ChollaPoint * > &  cholla_point_list) [inline]

Definition at line 80 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

    { cholla_point_list += chollaPointList; }
void ChollaEngine::get_surfaces ( DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &  cholla_surface_list) [inline]

Definition at line 76 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

    { cholla_surface_list += chollaSurfaceList; }
void ChollaEngine::get_volumes ( DLIList< ChollaVolume * > &  cholla_volume_list) [inline]

Definition at line 74 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

    { cholla_volume_list += chollaVolumeList; }

functions for hashing curves - to speed up edge classification

Definition at line 619 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  /* === find the next highest prime number */

  int num_surfs = chollaSurfaceList.size();
  int i;
  hashCurveSize = num_surfs;
  if (num_surfs < 30) hashCurveSize = 31;
    while (i<hashCurveSize*0.5 + 1) {
      if (hashCurveSize % i == 0) {
      else {
  hashCurveArray = new DLIList<ChollaCurve*>[hashCurveSize];

  int key = 0;
  ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr;
  DLIList<ChollaSurface*> *fsm_list_ptr; 
  for (i=0; i<chollaCurveList.size(); i++)
    chcurv_ptr = chollaCurveList.get_and_step();
    fsm_list_ptr = chcurv_ptr->get_surface_list_ptr();
    key = get_curve_hash_key( fsm_list_ptr );
    hashCurveArray[key].append( chcurv_ptr );   

functions for hashing points - to speed up node classification

Definition at line 932 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  /* === find the next highest prime number */

  int num_curves = chollaCurveList.size();
  int i;
  hashPointSize = num_curves;
  if (num_curves < 30) hashPointSize = 31;
    while (i<hashPointSize*0.5 + 1) {
      if (hashPointSize % i == 0) {
      else {
  hashPointArray = new DLIList<ChollaPoint*>[hashPointSize];

  int key = 0;
  ChollaPoint *chpnt_ptr;
  DLIList<ChollaCurve*> *fcm_list_ptr; 
  for (i=0; i<chollaPointList.size(); i++)
    chpnt_ptr = chollaPointList.get_and_step();
    fcm_list_ptr = chpnt_ptr->get_curve_list_ptr();
    key = get_point_hash_key( fcm_list_ptr );
    hashPointArray[key].append( chpnt_ptr );   

does the same as crack_open_point, but does not create new facet entities at surface boundaries. Instead, it creates facet boundary tooldatas to hold the additional control point and normal data

Definition at line 1963 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // get facets at this point and mark them all ready for recursion function
  // get_facets_at_point

  int ii;
  DLIList<CubitFacet *> facet_list;
  point_ptr->facets( facet_list );
  CubitFacet *facet_ptr = NULL;
  for (ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
    facet_ptr->marked( 0 );

  int mydebug = 0;
  if (mydebug) {

  // go through and find groups of adjacent facets that will form part of
  // new surfaces

  TDFacetBoundaryPoint *td_fbp = 
    TDFacetBoundaryPoint::get_facet_boundary_point( point_ptr );
  int totfacets = facet_list.size();
  int numfacets = 0;
  while(numfacets < totfacets)
    ii = 0;
    int found = 0;
    while(!found && ii < totfacets )
      facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
      if (facet_ptr != NULL)
        found = 1;
    DLIList<CubitFacet *> adj_facet_list;
    DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>feature_edge_list;

    // make a list of all facets adjacet this point that are bounded
    // by feature edges.  Start with facet_ptr and recurse until
    // we bump into feature edges at the point.

    rv = get_facets_at_point( point_ptr, facet_ptr, adj_facet_list, 
                              feature_edge_list );

    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return rv;
    numfacets += adj_facet_list.size();
    for (ii=0; ii<adj_facet_list.size(); ii++)
      facet_list.move_to( adj_facet_list.get_and_step() );
      facet_list.change_to( NULL );

    // create a new boundary point tooldata if needed and add the facets
    // associated with this surface

    if (td_fbp == NULL)
      TDFacetBoundaryPoint::add_facet_boundary_point( point_ptr );
      td_fbp = TDFacetBoundaryPoint::get_facet_boundary_point( point_ptr );
    td_fbp->add_surf_facets( adj_facet_list );

    // create new boundary edge tooldatas at the point
    for (ii=0; ii<feature_edge_list.size(); ii++)
      CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = feature_edge_list.get_and_step();

      TDFacetBoundaryEdge *td_fbe = 
        TDFacetBoundaryEdge::get_facet_boundary_edge( edge_ptr );
      if (td_fbe == NULL)
        TDFacetBoundaryEdge::add_facet_boundary_edge( edge_ptr );
        td_fbe = TDFacetBoundaryEdge::get_facet_boundary_edge( edge_ptr );
      td_fbe->add_surf_facet( adj_facet_list );

  return rv;
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::make_features ( DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &  feature_edge_list,
CubitBoolean  split_surfaces 
) [static]

Create the new features by cracking the facets at feature edges. Creates new edges and points and updates connectivity

Definition at line 1706 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  int ii, jj;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
  CubitPoint *point_ptr;
  int mydebug = 0;
  for (ii=0; ii<feature_edge_list.size(); ii++)
    edge_ptr = feature_edge_list.get_and_step();
    for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++)
      point_ptr = edge_ptr->point( jj );
      point_ptr->marked( 0 );
    edge_ptr->set_flag( 1 );  // mark edges as being feature edges

  if (mydebug)

  for (ii=0; ii<feature_edge_list.size(); ii++)
    edge_ptr = feature_edge_list.get_and_step();
    for (jj=0; jj<2; jj++)
      point_ptr = edge_ptr->point( jj );
      if (0 == point_ptr->marked())
        if (split_surfaces)
          rv = crack_open_point( point_ptr, mydebug );
          rv = insert_discontinuity_at_point( point_ptr );
        if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
          return rv;

  for (ii=0; ii<feature_edge_list.size(); ii++)
    feature_edge_list.get_and_step()->set_flag( 0 );
  return rv;
void ChollaEngine::mark_features ( DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  feature_points) [static]

assumes that valid CubitPoint* are supplied marks the CubitPoints as features to manually break up curves and surfaces

Definition at line 2869 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  int ii;
  TDGeomFacet *td_gm = NULL;
  CubitPoint *curr_pt = NULL;

    // loop through supplied CubitPoint*
    // set the hit flag on each one
  for (ii=0; ii < feature_points.size(); ++ii)
    curr_pt = feature_points.get_and_step();
    TDGeomFacet::add_geom_facet(curr_pt, -1);
    td_gm = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet(curr_pt);
void ChollaEngine::mark_features ( DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &  feature_edges) [static]

Definition at line 2894 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  int ii;
  CubitFacetEdge *curr_edge = NULL;
    // loop through supplied CubitFaceEdge*
    // set the hit flag on each one

  for (ii=0; ii < feature_edges.size(); ++ii)
    curr_edge = feature_edges.get_and_step();
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::merge_normals ( CubitPoint pt0,
CubitPoint pt1 
) [static, private]

set the normals on two points so they are the same

Definition at line 2663 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.


  DLIList<CubitFacet*> adj_facet_list0;
  if (adj_facet_list0.size() == 0)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  CubitVector avg_normal(0.0e0, 0.0e0, 0.0e0);
  double totangle = 0.0e0;
  double angle;
  CubitFacet *facet;
  int j;

  // weight the normal by the spanning angle at the point

  for (j = 0; j < adj_facet_list0.size(); j++)
    facet = adj_facet_list0.get_and_step();
    angle = facet->angle( pt0 );
    facet->weight( angle );
    totangle += angle;
  DLIList<CubitFacet*> adj_facet_list1;
  if (adj_facet_list1.size() == 0)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  for (j = 0; j < adj_facet_list1.size(); j++)
    facet = adj_facet_list1.get_and_step();
    angle = facet->angle( pt1 );
    facet->weight( angle );
    totangle += angle;

  // computed weighted normal

  CubitVector normal;
  for (j = 0; j < adj_facet_list0.size(); j++)
    facet = adj_facet_list0.get_and_step();
    normal = facet->normal();
    avg_normal += (facet->weight() / totangle) * normal;
  // orientation of facets may be opposite on opposing surfaces.
  // Check for this case and correct of necessary
  CubitVector norm0, norm1;
  norm0 = pt0->normal();
  norm1 = pt1->normal();
  double dot = norm0 % norm1;
  double sign = 1.0;
  if (dot < 0.0)
    sign = -1.0;

  for (j = 0; j < adj_facet_list1.size(); j++)
    facet = adj_facet_list1.get_and_step();
    normal = sign * facet->normal();
    avg_normal += (facet->weight() / totangle) * normal;

  // set the new normal on both points

  CubitVector temp_vector = sign * avg_normal;
  double coefd = -(pt0->coordinates()%avg_normal);
  pt0->d_coef( coefd );
  pt1->d_coef( sign * coefd );

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::merge_two_points ( ChollaPoint point_to_keep,
ChollaPoint point_to_del 

Definition at line 3177 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  // move cholla curves from point_to_del to point_to_keep
  DLIList<ChollaCurve *> &del_pnt_curves = point_to_del->get_curves();
  int i;
  ChollaCurve *cholla_curve;
  for( i = 0; i < del_pnt_curves.size(); i++ )
    cholla_curve = del_pnt_curves.get_and_step();
    cholla_curve->remove_point( point_to_del );
    cholla_curve->add_point( point_to_keep );
    point_to_keep->add_curve( cholla_curve );

  // if point_to_keep facet is null use point_to_del's facet
  if( NULL == point_to_keep->get_facets() && point_to_del->get_facets() )
    point_to_keep->add_facet( point_to_del->get_facets() );
  // what we should do with data member id?  should we move if point_to_keep->get_id() !=  0?

  // remove point_to_del from ChollaEngine
  remove_point( point_to_del );

  // free point_to_del
  delete point_to_del;


Definition at line 2749 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  FILE *fp = fopen( "fbg.out", "w" );
  int ii, jj, kk;
  for (ii=0; ii<chollaSurfaceList.size(); ii++)
    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = chollaSurfaceList.get_and_step();
    fprintf( fp, "*********** Surface %d ***************\n", chsurf_ptr->get_id());
    DLIList<ChollaCurve *> fcm_list;
    chsurf_ptr->get_curves( fcm_list );
    for (jj=0; jj<fcm_list.size(); jj++)
      ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = fcm_list.get_and_step();
      fprintf(fp, "   Curve %d\n", chcurv_ptr->get_id() );
      //CubitVector start, end;
      DLIList<ChollaPoint *> fpm_list = chcurv_ptr->get_points();
      for (kk=0; kk<fpm_list.size(); kk++)
        ChollaPoint *chpnt_ptr = fpm_list.get_and_step();
        FacetEntity *facet_point = chpnt_ptr->get_facets();
        if (facet_point)
          CubitPoint *point_ptr = CAST_TO(facet_point, CubitPoint);
          CubitVector pt = point_ptr->coordinates();
          fprintf(fp, "      (%d) x = %8.4f y = %8.4f z = %8.4f\n",
                  chpnt_ptr->get_id(), pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z());
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::rebuild_surface_and_curve_eval_tools ( DLIList< ChollaSurface * > &  cholla_surface_list,
int  interp_order,
double  min_dot 

Definition at line 1232 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  int ii, kk;

  // make sure the facet flags have been reset
  for ( kk = cholla_surface_list.size(); kk > 0; kk-- )
    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = cholla_surface_list.get_and_step();

  // get unique list of curves
  DLIList<ChollaCurve *> all_chcurves;
  for ( kk = cholla_surface_list.size(); kk > 0; kk-- )
    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = cholla_surface_list.get_and_step();
    DLIList<ChollaCurve *> chcurv_list;
    chsurf_ptr->get_curves( chcurv_list );
    all_chcurves += chcurv_list;    

  // now loop through surfaces and create them

  for ( kk = cholla_surface_list.size(); kk > 0; kk-- )
    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = cholla_surface_list.get_and_step();
    DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_entity_list;
    DLIList<CubitPoint*> point_list;
    DLIList<CubitFacet*> facet_list;
    CAST_LIST( facet_entity_list, facet_list, CubitFacet );

    FacetEvalTool *eval_tool_ptr = chsurf_ptr->get_eval_tool();
    if (NULL != eval_tool_ptr)
      DLIList<CubitFacet*> facets;
      delete eval_tool_ptr;

    eval_tool_ptr = new FacetEvalTool();
    if ( CUBIT_SUCCESS != eval_tool_ptr->initialize(facet_list, point_list, interp_order, min_dot) )
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    //eval_tool_ptr = new FacetEvalTool();


  // go through each of the curves and create CurveFacetEvalTools
  for (ii=0; ii<all_chcurves.size(); ii++)
    ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = all_chcurves.get_and_step();    

    CubitStatus rv = chcurv_ptr->order_edges();
    if (CUBIT_SUCCESS != rv) {
      PRINT_ERROR("Failed to order edges.\n");
      return rv;

    CurveFacetEvalTool* curve_eval = chcurv_ptr->get_eval_tool();
    if (NULL != curve_eval)
      DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> eval_facets;
      delete curve_eval;

    DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_ents;
    facet_ents = chcurv_ptr->get_facet_list();
    DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_facets;
    CAST_LIST(facet_ents, edge_facets, CubitFacetEdge );
    DLIList<CubitPoint*> ordered_points;

    for( int k=0; k<edge_facets.size(); k++ )
      CubitFacetEdge *tmp_edge = edge_facets.get_and_step();          
      if( k==0 )
        ordered_points.append( tmp_edge->point(0) );            
        ordered_points.append( tmp_edge->point(1) );            
        ordered_points.append( tmp_edge->point(1) );                      

    CurveFacetEvalTool *curv_eval_tool_ptr = new CurveFacetEvalTool;       
    stat = curv_eval_tool_ptr->initialize( edge_facets, ordered_points);          

    if ( stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
      return stat;
    chcurv_ptr->assign_eval_tool( curv_eval_tool_ptr );       

  return stat; 
void ChollaEngine::remove_curve ( ChollaCurve ch_curve) [inline]

Definition at line 177 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

{ chollaCurveList.remove( ch_curve ); }
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::remove_facet_entity ( CubitFacet facet,
ChollaSurface cholla_surf = NULL 

Definition at line 3277 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  this->faceList.remove( facet );

  if( cholla_surf )
    cholla_surf->remove_facet( facet );

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::remove_facet_entity ( CubitFacetEdge facet_edge,
ChollaCurve cholla_curve = NULL 

Definition at line 3287 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  this->edgeList.remove( facet_edge );

  if( cholla_curve )
    cholla_curve->remove_facet( facet_edge );

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::remove_facet_entity ( CubitPoint facet_pnt,
ChollaPoint cholla_point = NULL 

Definition at line 3297 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  this->pointList.remove( facet_pnt );

  if( cholla_point )
    cholla_point->remove_facet(/* facet_pnt */);

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::remove_facet_entity ( CubitFacet facet,
std::set< ChollaEntity * > &  cholla_surfs 

Definition at line 3307 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  std::set<ChollaEntity *>::iterator set_it;
  for( set_it = cholla_surfs.begin(); set_it != cholla_surfs.end(); set_it++ )
    if( dynamic_cast< ChollaSurface *>(*set_it) )
      static_cast<ChollaSurface *>(*set_it)->remove_facet( facet );

  this->faceList.remove( facet );

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::remove_facet_entity ( CubitFacetEdge facet_edge,
std::set< ChollaEntity * > &  cholla_curves 

Definition at line 3323 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  std::set<ChollaEntity *>::iterator set_it;
  for( set_it = cholla_curves.begin(); set_it != cholla_curves.end(); set_it++ )
    if( dynamic_cast<ChollaCurve*>(*set_it) )
      dynamic_cast<ChollaCurve*>(*set_it)->remove_facet( facet_edge );

  this->edgeList.remove( facet_edge );

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::remove_facet_entity ( CubitPoint facet_pnt,
std::set< ChollaEntity * > &  cholla_points 

Definition at line 3355 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  this->pointList.remove( facet_pnt );

  std::set<ChollaEntity *>::iterator set_it;
  for( set_it = cholla_points.begin(); set_it != cholla_points.end(); set_it++ )
    if( dynamic_cast<ChollaPoint*>(*set_it) )
      static_cast<ChollaPoint*>(*set_it)->remove_facet( facet_pnt );

void ChollaEngine::remove_point ( ChollaPoint ch_pnt) [inline]

Definition at line 179 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

{ chollaPointList.remove( ch_pnt ); }
void ChollaEngine::remove_surface ( ChollaSurface ch_surface) [inline]

Definition at line 178 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

{ chollaSurfaceList.remove( ch_surface ); }
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::replace_facet_entity ( CubitFacetEdge remove_edge,
CubitFacetEdge replace_edge,
std::set< ChollaEntity * >  cholla_curves 

Definition at line 3340 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  std::set<ChollaEntity *>::iterator set_it; 
  for( set_it = cholla_curves.begin(); set_it != cholla_curves.end(); set_it++ )
    if( dynamic_cast<ChollaCurve*>(*set_it) )
      static_cast<ChollaCurve*>(*set_it)->replace_facet( remove_edge, replace_edge );

CubitStatus ChollaEngine::set_curve_endpoints ( std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &  point_map,
std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &  curve_map 
) [private]

Definition at line 4524 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  DLIList<ChollaPoint*> original_chpts;
  DLIList<ChollaPoint*> new_chpts;
  DLIList<ChollaCurve*> original_chcurves;
  DLIList<ChollaCurve*> new_chcurves;  

  std::map<ChollaCurve*, ChollaCurve*>::iterator curv_iter = curve_map.begin();
  for(; curv_iter!=curve_map.end(); curv_iter++ )
    ChollaCurve *orig_curve = curv_iter->first;
    ChollaCurve *new_curve = curv_iter->second;

    original_chcurves.append( orig_curve );
    new_chcurves.append( new_curve );
    DLIList<ChollaPoint*> tmp_pts = orig_curve->get_points();
    original_chpts += tmp_pts;

    tmp_pts = new_curve->get_points();
    new_chpts += tmp_pts;

  std::map<ChollaPoint*,ChollaPoint*>::iterator pt_iter;
  for( int i=original_chpts.size(); i--; )
    ChollaPoint *orig_pt = original_chpts.get_and_step();

    pt_iter = point_map.find( orig_pt );
    assert( pt_iter != point_map.end() );

    ChollaPoint *new_pt = pt_iter->second;    
    CubitPoint *new_cp = dynamic_cast<CubitPoint *>(new_pt->get_facets());
    CubitPoint *orig_cp = dynamic_cast<CubitPoint *>(orig_pt->get_facets());

    //get the curves attached to it that are in the original surface
    DLIList<ChollaCurve*> adj_curves = orig_pt->get_curves();

    for( int j=adj_curves.size(); j--; )
      ChollaCurve *orig_curve = adj_curves.get_and_step();

      curv_iter = curve_map.find( orig_curve );

      //use the original curve's start/end pts as a guide to set the new curve's start/end pts
      if( curv_iter != curve_map.end() )
        //if there is a corresponding new curve, get it
        ChollaCurve *new_curve_in_new_surf = curv_iter->second;

        CubitPoint *start, *end;
        orig_curve->get_ends(start, end);        
        assert(orig_cp != NULL);
        assert(start!= NULL);
        assert(end != NULL);

        if ( orig_cp == start )
        if ( orig_cp == end )

  //for each new point
  for( int i=new_chpts.size(); i--; )
    ChollaPoint *new_point = new_chpts.get_and_step();

    DLIList<ChollaCurve*> curves_in_pt = new_point->get_curves();

    for( int k=curves_in_pt.size(); k--; )
      ChollaCurve *curve_in_pt = curves_in_pt.get_and_step();

      //get adjacent curves that are not new (not in 'new_curves')
      if( !original_chcurves.is_in_list( curve_in_pt ) )
        DLIList<ChollaPoint *> chpts_on_curve = curve_in_pt->get_points();        
        // one point on the curve assumes a periodic curve.  set both ends the same

        if (chpts_on_curve.size() == 1)
          ChollaPoint *chpt_on_crv = chpts_on_curve.get();
          CubitPoint *cp = dynamic_cast<CubitPoint *> (chpt_on_crv->get_facets());

        // standard case. one point of curve is on the interface and one is not.
        // In this case, one of the points has been replaced with a new point.
        // so one of the end point pointers are out of date.  Determine which one
        // and then set it.

        else if (chpts_on_curve.size() == 2)
          ChollaPoint *chpt1_on_crv = chpts_on_curve.get_and_step();
          ChollaPoint *chpt2_on_crv = chpts_on_curve.get();
          CubitPoint *cp1 = dynamic_cast<CubitPoint *> (chpt1_on_crv->get_facets());
          CubitPoint *cp2 = dynamic_cast<CubitPoint *> (chpt2_on_crv->get_facets());
          CubitPoint *curstart, *curend;
          curve_in_pt->get_ends(curstart, curend);
          assert(curstart != NULL);
          assert(curend != NULL);

          if (curstart == cp1)
          else if (curstart == cp2)
          else if (curend == cp2)
          else if (curend == cp1)
            //do this by proximity
            double dist1 = curstart->coordinates().distance_between( cp1->coordinates() );
            double dist2 = curstart->coordinates().distance_between( cp2->coordinates() );

            if( dist1 < dist2 )
              curve_in_pt->set_start( cp1 );
            else if(dist2 < dist1 )
              curve_in_pt->set_start( cp2 );
void ChollaEngine::set_flip_flag ( CubitBoolean  flip) [inline]

Definition at line 151 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

{ doFlip = flip; }
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::set_new_facet_owners ( int  type,
FacetEntity fe_ptr,
FacetEntity newfe_ptr,
std::map< ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface * > &  surf_map,
std::map< ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve * > &  curve_map,
std::map< ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint * > &  point_map 
) [private]

Definition at line 4412 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  // The tooldata on the original facet entity should tell us what cholla entity it belongs
  // to.  Using the map, we can then determine its new cholla entity partner.  With the
  // new merge partner, set the ownership of the new facet.  Note that this manages one-to-many
  // ownership cases where a facet lies on (or is owned by) any number of geometric entities
  TDGeomFacet *td_geom = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( fe_ptr );
  TDGeomFacet::add_geom_facet(newfe_ptr, td_geom->get_block_id());
  // the original facet entity is owned by one or more surfaces
  DLIList<ChollaSurface *> surf_list;
  td_geom->get_cholla_surfs( surf_list );  
  for (int jj=0; jj<surf_list.size(); jj++)
    ChollaSurface *surf_ptr = surf_list.get_and_step();
    std::map<ChollaSurface *, ChollaSurface *>::iterator map_it;
    map_it = surf_map.find( surf_ptr );
    assert(map_it != surf_map.end());
    ChollaSurface *newsurf_ptr = map_it->second;    
    TDGeomFacet *newtdgeom = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( newfe_ptr );
    newtdgeom->add_cholla_surf( newsurf_ptr );
    // add this facet entity to the cholla surface only if this is a facet
    if (type == 2)

  // the original facet entity is owned by one or more curves
  DLIList<ChollaCurve *> curv_list;
  td_geom->get_cholla_curves( curv_list );
  for (int jj=0; jj<curv_list.size(); jj++)
    ChollaCurve *curv_ptr = curv_list.get_and_step();
    std::map<ChollaCurve *, ChollaCurve *>::iterator map_it, upper_iter;
    map_it = curve_map.find( curv_ptr );
    assert(map_it != curve_map.end());       
    ChollaCurve *newcurv_ptr = NULL;
    newcurv_ptr = map_it->second;
    TDGeomFacet *newtdgeom = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( newfe_ptr );
    newtdgeom->add_cholla_curve( newcurv_ptr );
    // add this facet entity to the cholla curve only if this is a facetedge
    if (type == 1)
  // the original facet entity is owned by one or more points (vertices)
  DLIList<ChollaPoint *> point_list;
  td_geom->get_cholla_points( point_list );
  for (int jj=0; jj<point_list.size(); jj++)
    ChollaPoint *point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
    std::map<ChollaPoint *, ChollaPoint *>::iterator map_it, upper_iter;
    map_it = point_map.find( point_ptr );
    assert(map_it != point_map.end());
    ChollaPoint *newchpoint_ptr = NULL;
    newchpoint_ptr = map_it->second;
    TDGeomFacet *newtdgeom = TDGeomFacet::get_geom_facet( newfe_ptr );
    newtdgeom->add_cholla_point( newchpoint_ptr );
    // add this facet entity to the cholla point only if this is a cubitpoint
    if (type == 0)

void ChollaEngine::set_up_tool_datas ( ) [private]

Definition at line 120 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  int ii;
  FacetEntity *fe_ptr;
  for (ii=0; ii<faceList.size(); ii++)
    fe_ptr = faceList.get_and_step();
    TDGeomFacet::add_geom_facet( fe_ptr, -1 );
  for (ii=0; ii<pointList.size(); ii++)
    fe_ptr = pointList.get_and_step();
    TDGeomFacet::add_geom_facet( fe_ptr, -1 );
CubitStatus ChollaEngine::update_edges_at_points ( CubitBoolean  split_surfaces,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  point_list,
DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_update_list,
double  mindot 
) [static, private]

update the edge control points at all edges connected to points in point_list

Definition at line 2221 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  CubitPoint *point_ptr;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
  DLIList <CubitFacetEdge *> edge_list;
  int ii;
  for (ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
    point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
    point_ptr->edges( edge_list );
    point_ptr->facets( facet_update_list );
  for (ii=0; ii<edge_list.size(); ii++)
    edge_ptr = edge_list.get_and_step();
    edge_ptr->set_flag( 0 );
  for (ii=0; ii<edge_list.size(); ii++)
    edge_ptr = edge_list.get_and_step();
    if (edge_ptr->get_flag() == 0)
      edge_ptr->set_flag( 1 );
      stat = FacetEvalTool::init_bezier_edge( edge_ptr, mindot );
  return stat;

Definition at line 4501 of file ChollaEngine.cpp.

  for (int ii=0; ii<chollaPointList.size(); ii++)
    ChollaPoint *chpt = chollaPointList.get_and_step();
    if (!chpt->verify_curves())
      PRINT_ERROR("ChollaPoint %d not associated with one of its curves.\n", chpt->get_id());
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  for (int ii=0; ii<chollaCurveList.size(); ii++)
    ChollaCurve *chcrv = chollaCurveList.get_and_step();
    if (!chcrv->verify_points())
      PRINT_ERROR("ChollaCurve %d not associated with one of its points.\n", chcrv->get_id());
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 208 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

Definition at line 209 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

Definition at line 206 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

Definition at line 217 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

Definition at line 204 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

Definition at line 203 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

Definition at line 211 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

Definition at line 212 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

Definition at line 213 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

Definition at line 214 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

Definition at line 205 of file ChollaEngine.hpp.

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