FacetDataUtil Class Reference

#include <FacetDataUtil.hpp>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void edges_by_count (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facets, unsigned int count, DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &edges)
static void ordered_point_edge_bdry (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facets, DLIList< FacetEntity * > &point_edge_chain)
static CubitStatus partial_chain (DLIList< FacetEntity * > &point_edge_chain, FacetEntity *point1, FacetEntity *point2, DLIList< FacetEntity * > &chain_between)
static void get_facet_points (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &cubit_facets, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &facet_points)
static void get_boundary_points (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &point_list)
static void get_boundary_edges (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &edge_list)
static void get_points (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &point_list)
static void copy_facets (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &old_facet_list, DLIList< CubitFacet * > &new_facet_list, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &new_point_list, DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &new_edge_list)
static void get_edges (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &edge_list)
static double quality (CubitVector &c1, CubitVector &c2, CubitVector &c3, CubitVector &surf_normal)
static CubitStatus collapse_short_edges (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list, CubitBoolean non_manifold_only)
static void check (DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &edge_list, DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list)
static void draw_edge (CubitFacetEdge *edge)
static int edge_compare (CubitFacetEdge *&ea, CubitFacetEdge *&eb)
static CubitStatus is_point_in_polyhedron (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &tfacet_list, CubitVector &point_coords, CubitPointContainment &is_point_in)
static CubitStatus pt_in_tri_2d (double xpt, double ypt, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, CubitPointContainment &is_point_in)
static void random_positive_ray (CubitVector &ray)
static bool ray_intersects_boundingbox (CubitVector &point, CubitVector &ray, const CubitBox &bbox)
static CubitStatus write_facets (const char *file_name, DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list)
static CubitStatus split_into_shells (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &tfacet_list, DLIList< CubitQuadFacet * > &qfacet_list, DLIList< DLIList< CubitFacet * > * > &shell_list, CubitBoolean &is_water_tight)
static CubitStatus stitch_facets (DLIList< DLIList< CubitFacet * > * > &shell_list, double tol, CubitBoolean &is_water_tight, CubitBoolean write_results=CUBIT_TRUE)
static void delete_facets (DLIList< DLIList< CubitFacet * > * > &shell_list)
static void delete_facets (DLIList< CubitFacet * > &facet_list)
static void delete_facet (CubitFacet *facet_ptr)
static void destruct_facet_no_delete (CubitFacet *facet_ptr)
static CubitPointContainment intersect_facet (CubitVector &start, CubitVector &end, CubitFacet *facet_ptr, CubitVector &qq, CubitVector &ac, CubitBoolean bound=CUBIT_TRUE)
static CubitStatus get_bbox_of_points (DLIList< CubitPoint * > &point_list, CubitBox &bbox)
static CubitVector squared_distance_to_segment (CubitVector &p, CubitVector &p0, CubitVector &p1, double &distance2)
static int get_bbox_intersections (CubitVector &point1, CubitVector &point2, const CubitBox &bbox, CubitVector &intersection_1, CubitVector &intersection_2)
static void mark_facets (DLIList< FacetEntity * > &facet_list, int mark_value)
static CubitStatus merge_coincident_vertices (DLIList< DLIList< CubitFacet * > * > &shell_list, double tol, int &mpmerge, int &nemerge, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &unmerged_points)
static CubitStatus merge_coincident_vertices (DLIList< CubitPoint * > &points)
static CubitStatus merge_points (CubitPoint *pt0, CubitPoint *pt1, int &nemerge, RTree< CubitFacetEdge * > *r_tree=NULL)
static CubitStatus find_facet (DLIList< CubitFacet * > temp_split_facets, CubitPoint *pnt0, CubitPoint *pnt1, DLIList< CubitFacet * > &select_facets)

Static Private Member Functions

static CubitStatus get_adj_facets_on_shell (CubitFacet *start_facet_ptr, DLIList< CubitFacet * > *shell_ptr, CubitBoolean &is_water_tight, int mydebug)
static CubitStatus merge_colinear_vertices (DLIList< DLIList< CubitFacet * > * > &shell_list, double tol, DLIList< CubitPoint * > &merge_points, int &mpmerge, int &nemerge, int &nnomerge)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file FacetDataUtil.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

void FacetDataUtil::check ( DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &  edge_list,
DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list 
) [static]

Definition at line 875 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.


  CubitBox box;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge;
  int ii;
  int nedges = 0;
  for(ii=0; ii<edge_list.size(); ii++)
    edge = edge_list.get_and_step();
    if (edge->marked() == 1)
    int nadj = edge->num_adj_facets();
    if (nadj <= 1)
      CubitVector v0 = edge->point(0)->coordinates();
      CubitVector v1 = edge->point(1)->coordinates();
      CubitVector min(CUBIT_MIN(v0.x(), v1.x()), CUBIT_MIN(v0.y(), v1.y()), CUBIT_MIN(v0.z(), v1.z()));
      CubitVector max(CUBIT_MAX(v0.x(), v1.x()), CUBIT_MAX(v0.y(), v1.y()), CUBIT_MAX(v0.z(), v1.z()));
      CubitBox ebox(min, max);
      if (nedges == 0)
        box.reset(min, max);
        box |= ebox;
//      dcolor(3);
//      dfldraw(facet_list);
  if (nedges > 0)
CubitStatus FacetDataUtil::collapse_short_edges ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
CubitBoolean  non_manifold_only 
) [static]

Definition at line 638 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.


  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  int ncollapse = 0;

  // get the edges

  DLIList <CubitFacetEdge *>edge_list;
  DLIList <CubitPoint *> point_list;
  DLIList <CubitFacet *> one_facet;
  DLIList <CubitFacetEdge *> facet_edges;
  FacetDataUtil::get_edges( facet_list, edge_list );
  FacetDataUtil::get_points( facet_list, point_list );

  // determine average length and get the collapse threshold

  int ii, jj, kk;
  double len;
  double tot_len = 0.0;
  for(ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
  CubitFacetEdge *edge;
  for(ii=0; ii<edge_list.size(); ii++)
    edge = edge_list.get_and_step();
    len = edge->length();
    tot_len += len;
  len = tot_len / edge_list.size();
  double collapse_tol = COLLAPSE_TOLERANCE * len;
  //check(edge_list, facet_list);

  // get a list of the edges that qualify for collapse

  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>short_edges;
  for(ii=0; ii<edge_list.size(); ii++)
    edge = edge_list.get_and_step();
    if (non_manifold_only && edge->num_adj_facets() == 2)
    len = edge->length();
    if (len < collapse_tol)
  //sort them


  // main loop

  int nedges = short_edges.size();
  for(ii=0; ii<nedges; ii++)
    edge = short_edges.get_and_step();
    if (edge->marked() == 1)
    len = edge->length();

    bool collapse = true;
    CubitPoint *pt[2];
    CubitPoint *pt1, *pt2;
    pt[0] = edge->point(0);
    pt[1] = edge->point(1);

    // compute a new candidate location for the merged points

    CubitVector new_location;
    CubitVector cpt[2];
    cpt[0] = pt[0]->coordinates();
    cpt[1] = pt[1]->coordinates();
    new_location = (cpt[0] + cpt[1]) * 0.5;

    for (jj=0; jj<2 && collapse; jj++)
      DLIList<CubitFacet *> adjfacets;
      pt[jj]->facets( adjfacets );

      // check all facets adjacent this point that don't contain the edge
      // to make sure the resulting facet will be valid (we aren't inverting anything)

      for(kk=0; kk<adjfacets.size() && collapse; kk++)
        CubitFacet *facet = adjfacets.get_and_step();
        pt1 = facet->next_node( pt[jj] );
        pt2 = facet->next_node( pt1 );
        int eidx = facet->edge_index( edge );
        if (eidx < 0)
          // don't check facets that have the current edge - they'll be deleted anyway

          CubitVector cpt1 = pt1->coordinates();
          CubitVector cpt2 = pt2->coordinates();
          CubitVector norm = facet->normal();
          double q0 = FacetDataUtil::quality(cpt[jj], cpt1, cpt2, norm);
          double q1 = FacetDataUtil::quality(new_location, cpt1, cpt2, norm);
          if (!(q1 > 0.0 || q1 > q0))
            collapse = false;

    if (collapse)
      DLIList<CubitFacet *> new_facets;
      CubitPoint *collpt = pt[0];
      CubitPoint *delpt = pt[1];
      DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> adjedges;
      CubitFacetEdge *adjedge;
      delpt->edges( adjedges );
      CubitFacet *facet;

      int mydebug = 0;
      if (mydebug)
        draw_edge( edge );


      // delete all facets adjacent to the delpt.

      DLIList<CubitFacet *> adjfacets;
      delpt->facets( adjfacets );

      for(jj=0; jj<adjfacets.size(); jj++)
        facet = adjfacets.get_and_step();
        pt1 = facet->next_node(delpt);
        pt2 = facet->next_node(pt1);
        int eidx = facet->edge_index( edge );
        delete facet;
        facet = NULL;
        if (eidx >= 0)
          //if this facet is adjecnt the edge, then just remove it from the list

          // get or create edges as needed

          CubitFacetEdge *e[3];
          e[0] = collpt->get_edge( pt1 );
          e[1] = pt1->get_edge( pt2 );
          e[2] = pt2->get_edge( collpt );
          for (kk=0; kk<3; kk++)
            if (!(e[kk]))
              switch (kk)
              case 0: e[kk] = (CubitFacetEdge *) new CubitFacetEdgeData( collpt, pt1 ); break;
              case 1: e[kk] = (CubitFacetEdge *) new CubitFacetEdgeData( pt1, pt2 ); break;
              case 2: e[kk] = (CubitFacetEdge *) new CubitFacetEdgeData( pt2, collpt ); break;
              edge_list.append( e[kk] );

          // create a new facet with the points from the old facet and the collpt

          facet = new CubitFacetData( e[0], e[1], e[2] );

          // create edges on the facet

          facet_list.change_to( facet );

      for(jj=0; jj<adjedges.size(); jj++)
        adjedge = adjedges.get_and_step();
        adjedge->marked(1);  // mark it for deletion later
        assert(adjedge->num_adj_facets() == 0);
      assert(delpt->num_adj_facets() == 0);

      //check(edge_list, facet_list);


  PRINT_INFO("Collapsed %d short edges in triangulation\n", ncollapse);

  // delete points and edges that aren't used
  if (ncollapse > 0)
    for(ii=0; ii<edge_list.size(); ii++)
      edge = edge_list.get_and_step();
      if (edge->marked())
        assert(edge->num_adj_facets() == 0);
        delete edge;
      else if(edge->num_adj_facets() < 2){
        PRINT_ERROR("Unexpected result while collapsing an edge.\n");
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
          //assert(edge->num_adj_facets() >= 2);
    CubitPoint *point;
    for(ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
      point = point_list.get_and_step();
      if (point->num_adj_facets() == 0)
        delete point;

  return rv;
void FacetDataUtil::copy_facets ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  old_facet_list,
DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  new_facet_list,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  new_point_list,
DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &  new_edge_list 
) [static]

Definition at line 434 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  // get a unique set of points from the facets

  DLIList<CubitPoint *> old_point_list;
  get_points(old_facet_list, old_point_list);
  CubitPoint **point_array = new CubitPoint* [old_point_list.size()];

  //- copy the points

  int ii;
  CubitPoint *new_point, *the_point;
  for(ii=0; ii<old_point_list.size(); ii++)
    the_point = old_point_list.get_and_step();
    new_point = new CubitPointData( the_point->coordinates() );
    the_point->marked( ii );
    new_point_list.append( new_point );
    point_array[ii] = new_point;
    if (the_point->is_feature())

  //- copy the facets

  int jj, idx;
  CubitFacet *new_facet, *the_facet;
  CubitPoint *points[3];

  for (ii=0; ii<old_facet_list.size(); ii++)
    the_facet = old_facet_list.get_and_step();
    for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++)
      idx = the_facet->point(jj)->marked();
      points[jj] = point_array[idx];
    new_facet = new CubitFacetData( points[0], points[1], points[2] );
    new_facet_list.append( new_facet );

  //- copy the edges

  int idx0, idx1;
  CubitFacetEdge *new_edge;
  CubitFacetEdge *old_edge;
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>old_edge_list;
  get_edges(old_facet_list, old_edge_list);
  for(ii=0; ii<old_edge_list.size(); ii++)
    old_edge = old_edge_list.get_and_step();
    idx0 = old_edge->point(0)->marked();
    idx1 = old_edge->point(1)->marked();
    new_edge = new CubitFacetEdgeData( point_array[idx0], point_array[idx1] );
    if (old_edge->is_feature())
    new_edge_list.append( new_edge );

  delete [] point_array;

void FacetDataUtil::delete_facet ( CubitFacet facet_ptr) [static]

Definition at line 2255 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  DLIList<CubitPoint *>point_list;
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>edge_list;

  delete facet_ptr;

  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
  CubitPoint *point_ptr;
  int ii;

  for (ii=0; ii<edge_list.size(); ii++)
    edge_ptr = edge_list.get_and_step();
    if (edge_ptr->num_adj_facets() == 0)
      delete edge_ptr;

  for (ii=0; ii<3; ii++)
    point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
    if (point_ptr->num_adj_facets() == 0)
      delete point_ptr;

void FacetDataUtil::delete_facets ( DLIList< DLIList< CubitFacet * > * > &  shell_list) [static]

Definition at line 2220 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  int ii;
  for (ii=0; ii<shell_list.size(); ii++)
    DLIList<CubitFacet*> *facet_list_ptr = shell_list.get_and_step();
    delete_facets( *facet_list_ptr );
void FacetDataUtil::delete_facets ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list) [static]

Definition at line 2237 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  int ii;
  CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
  for (ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
    delete_facet( facet_ptr );
void FacetDataUtil::destruct_facet_no_delete ( CubitFacet facet_ptr) [static]

Definition at line 2285 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  CubitFacetData* facet_d_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetData*>(facet_ptr);
    PRINT_ERROR("Can't work with Facet pointer that isn't a facet data object.\n");
  DLIList<CubitPoint *>point_list;
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>edge_list;

  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
  CubitPoint *point_ptr;
  int ii;

  for (ii=0; ii<edge_list.size(); ii++)
    edge_ptr = edge_list.get_and_step();
    if (edge_ptr->num_adj_facets() == 0)
      delete edge_ptr;

  for (ii=0; ii<3; ii++)
    point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
    if (point_ptr->num_adj_facets() == 0)
      delete point_ptr;

void FacetDataUtil::draw_edge ( CubitFacetEdge edge) [static]

Definition at line 922 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  DLIList<CubitFacet *>adjfacets;
  edge->facets( adjfacets );
  int ii,jj;
  CubitFacet *facet;
  CubitBox box;
  for(jj=0; jj<2; jj++)
    CubitPoint *p = edge->point(jj);
    p->facets( adjfacets );
    for(ii=0; ii<adjfacets.size(); ii++)
      facet = adjfacets.get_and_step();
      if (jj==0 && ii==0)
        box = facet->bounding_box();
        box |= facet->bounding_box();
int FacetDataUtil::edge_compare ( CubitFacetEdge *&  ea,
CubitFacetEdge *&  eb 
) [static]

Definition at line 620 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  double la = ea->length();
  double lb = eb->length();
  if (la < lb)
    return -1;
  else if (lb < la)
    return 1;
  return 0;
void FacetDataUtil::edges_by_count ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facets,
unsigned int  count,
DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &  edges 
) [static]

Definition at line 28 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  int i;
  int j;

  // get a list of all edges from the facets
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_list;
  for (i=facets.size(); i>0; i--)
    CubitFacet* p_facet = facets.get_and_step();
    for (j=0; j<3; j++)

  // reset edge marks
  for (i=edge_list.size(); i>0; i--)

  // mark with the hit count
  for (i=edge_list.size(); i>0; i--)
    CubitFacetEdge* p_edge = edge_list.get_and_step();
    p_edge->marked(p_edge->marked() + 1);

  // create the output list of edges hit the number of times passed in
  for (i=edge_list.size(); i>0; i--)
    CubitFacetEdge* p_edge = edge_list.get_and_step();
    if (static_cast<unsigned>(p_edge->marked()) == count)

  // reset edge marks
  for (i=edge_list.size(); i>0; i--)
CubitStatus FacetDataUtil::find_facet ( DLIList< CubitFacet * >  temp_split_facets,
CubitPoint pnt0,
CubitPoint pnt1,
DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  select_facets 
) [static]

Definition at line 2686 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  int i;
  CubitFacet *ptr_facet;
  for( i = 0; i < temp_split_facets.size(); i++ )
    ptr_facet = temp_split_facets.get_and_step();

    if( ptr_facet->contains( pnt0 ) && ptr_facet->contains( pnt1 ) )
      select_facets.append( ptr_facet);

  if( select_facets.size() )
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
CubitStatus FacetDataUtil::get_adj_facets_on_shell ( CubitFacet start_facet_ptr,
DLIList< CubitFacet * > *  shell_ptr,
CubitBoolean is_water_tight,
int  mydebug 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 1400 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  int found = 0;
  int ii, jj;
  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  DLIList<CubitFacet*> temp_list;
  CubitFacet *facet_ptr = NULL;
  CubitFacet *adj_facet_ptr = NULL;
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>edge_list;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = NULL;
  DLIList<CubitFacet *>adj_facet_list;

  // add this facet to the list

  temp_list.append( start_facet_ptr );
  start_facet_ptr->marked( 0 );

  while (temp_list.size())
    facet_ptr = temp_list.pop();
    if (facet_ptr->marked() == 0)
      shell_ptr->append( facet_ptr );
      if (mydebug)
        GfxDebug::draw_facet(facet_ptr, CUBIT_RED_INDEX);
      facet_ptr->edges( edge_list );
      for (ii=0; ii<edge_list.size(); ii++)
        edge_ptr = edge_list.get_and_step();
        edge_ptr->facets( adj_facet_list );
        found = 0;

        for (jj=0; jj<adj_facet_list.size() && !found; jj++)
          adj_facet_ptr = adj_facet_list.get_and_step();
          if (adj_facet_ptr != facet_ptr)

            // go to its neighbor if it is part of the surface

            if (adj_facet_ptr->marked() == 1)
              temp_list.append( adj_facet_ptr );
              adj_facet_ptr->marked( 0 );
              found = 1;

        if (is_water_tight && adj_facet_list.size() == 1)
          is_water_tight = CUBIT_FALSE;

  return stat;
int FacetDataUtil::get_bbox_intersections ( CubitVector point1,
CubitVector point2,
const CubitBox bbox,
CubitVector intersection_1,
CubitVector intersection_2 
) [static]

Definition at line 2481 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  int debug = 0;
  if( debug )
    GfxDebug::draw_point( point1, CUBIT_RED_INDEX );
    GfxDebug::draw_point( point2, CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX );
  double coords[6];
  coords[0] = bbox.min_x();
  coords[1] = bbox.max_x();
  coords[2] = bbox.min_y();
  coords[3] = bbox.max_y();
  coords[4] = bbox.min_z();
  coords[5] = bbox.max_z();

  DLIList<CubitVector*> intersections;
  int ii;
  for( ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++ )
      //Define four points for each plane.
    double box_points[4][3];

      //ii = 0 -> x-planes
      //ii = 1 -> y_planes
      //ii = 2 -> z_planes

      //Only the coordinates for the plane we are in
      //change.  The other two are constant for the
      //jj loops below.
    box_points[0][(ii + 1) % 3] = coords[((ii*2)+2) % 6];
    box_points[1][(ii + 1) % 3] = coords[((ii*2)+3) % 6];
    box_points[2][(ii + 1) % 3] = coords[((ii*2)+3) % 6];
    box_points[3][(ii + 1) % 3] = coords[((ii*2)+2) % 6];

    box_points[0][(ii + 2) % 3] = coords[((ii*2)+4) % 6];
    box_points[1][(ii + 2) % 3] = coords[((ii*2)+4) % 6];
    box_points[2][(ii + 2) % 3] = coords[((ii*2)+5) % 6];
    box_points[3][(ii + 2) % 3] = coords[((ii*2)+5) % 6];
    int jj;
    for( jj = 0; jj < 2; jj++ )
      CubitPoint* points[4];
      int kk;
      for( kk = 0; kk < 4; kk++ )
        box_points[kk][ii] = coords[(ii*2)+jj];
        points[kk] = new CubitPointData( box_points[kk][0], box_points[kk][1], box_points[kk][2] );
        //Create two facets for this plane to check for intersections.
      CubitFacet* facets[2];
      facets[0] = new CubitFacetData( points[0], points[1], points[3] );
      facets[1] = new CubitFacetData( points[1], points[2], points[3] );

      for( kk = 0; kk < 2; kk++ )
        CubitVector intersection;
        CubitVector area_coord;

          //Make sure the points are not parrellel with the facet.
        CubitVector dir = point2 - point1;
        CubitVector normal = facets[kk]->normal();
        if( fabs(dir % normal) < CUBIT_RESABS )
        CubitPointContainment contain = intersect_facet( point1, point2, facets[kk],
                                                         intersection, area_coord, CUBIT_FALSE );
        if( CUBIT_PNT_UNKNOWN == contain )
            //The points are in a plane.  Return 0.
          delete facets[0];
          delete facets[1];
          int ll;
          for( ll = 0; ll < 4; ll++ )
              delete points[ll];
          for( ll = intersections.size(); ll > 0; ll-- )
              delete intersections.get_and_step();

          return 0;
        if( CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY == contain ||
            CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE == contain )
            //The point intersects the facet so it's inside the box's surface.
          CubitVector* new_intersection = new CubitVector;
          *new_intersection = intersection;
          intersections.append( new_intersection );

          if( debug )
            GfxDebug::draw_point( *new_intersection, CUBIT_CYAN_INDEX );
      delete facets[0];
      delete facets[1];
      for( kk = 0; kk < 4; kk++ )
          delete points[kk];      

    //Check for duplicate intersections.
  for( ii = 0; ii < intersections.size(); ii++ )
    CubitVector* base_vec =;
    if( NULL == base_vec )
    int jj;
    for( jj = ii+1; jj < intersections.size(); jj++ )
      CubitVector* compare_vec =;
      if( NULL != compare_vec )
        if( base_vec->distance_between_squared( *compare_vec ) < GEOMETRY_RESABS * GEOMETRY_RESABS )
          delete intersections.get();
          intersections.change_to( NULL );
  intersections.remove_all_with_value( NULL );

  if( intersections.size() > 2 )
    assert( intersections.size() <= 2 );
    return -1;
  else if( intersections.size() > 0 )
    intersection_1 = *intersections.get();
    if( intersections.size() > 1 )
        intersection_2 = *;
    //Delete memory.
  for( ii = intersections.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
      delete intersections.get_and_step();
  return intersections.size();
CubitStatus FacetDataUtil::get_bbox_of_points ( DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  point_list,
CubitBox bbox 
) [static]

Definition at line 2411 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

double x, y, z, min[3], max[3];
int i;
CubitPoint *point;
  min[0] = min[1] = min[2] = CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
  max[0] = max[1] = max[2] = -CUBIT_DBL_MAX + 1.;

  for ( i = 0; i < point_list.size(); i++ ) {
    point = point_list.get_and_step();
    x = point->x();
    if ( min[0] > x ) min[0] = x;
    if ( max[0] < x ) max[0] = x;
    y = point->y();
    if ( min[1] > y ) min[1] = y;
    if ( max[1] < y ) max[1] = y;
    z = point->z();
    if ( min[2] > z ) min[2] = z;
    if ( max[2] < z ) max[2] = z;

void FacetDataUtil::get_boundary_edges ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &  edge_list 
) [static]

Definition at line 364 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  int ii, jj;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge;
  CubitFacet *facet;
  for(ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
    facet = facet_list.get_and_step();
    for(jj=0; jj<3; jj++)
      edge = facet->edge( jj );
      if (1 == edge->num_adj_facets())
void FacetDataUtil::get_boundary_points ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  point_list 
) [static]

Definition at line 314 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  int ii, jj;
  CubitPoint *pt;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge;
  CubitFacet *facet;
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>edge_list;
  for(ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
    facet = facet_list.get_and_step();
    for(jj=0; jj<3; jj++)
      edge = facet->edge( jj );
      if (1 == edge->num_adj_facets())
        edge->point( 0 )->marked( 0 );
        edge->point( 1 )->marked( 0 );
  for(ii=0; ii<edge_list.size(); ii++)
    edge = edge_list.get_and_step();
    pt = edge->point( 0 );
    if (pt->marked() == 0)
      pt->marked( 1 );
      point_list.append( pt );
    pt = edge->point( 1 );
    if (pt->marked() == 0)
      pt->marked( 1 );
      point_list.append( pt );
  for(ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)

void FacetDataUtil::get_edges ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
DLIList< CubitFacetEdge * > &  edge_list 
) [static]

Definition at line 509 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  int i, j;
  CubitPoint *p0, *p1;
  CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
  DLIList<CubitFacet *> adj_facet_list;

  // mark the edges and create any that are missing
  facet_list.reset();  //have to reset this list to that the CubitFacetEdgeData's
                         //get constructed correctly
  for ( i = 0; i < facet_list.size(); i++)
    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
    for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
      edge_ptr = facet_ptr->edge(j);
      if (!(edge_ptr))
        facet_ptr->get_edge_pts(j, p0, p1);
        edge_ptr = (CubitFacetEdge *) new CubitFacetEdgeData( p0, p1 );
      edge_ptr->set_flag( 0 );

  // create a unique list of edges

  for ( i = 0; i < facet_list.size(); i++)
    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
    for (j=0; j<3; j++)
      edge_ptr = facet_ptr->edge(j);
      if(edge_ptr && 0 == edge_ptr->get_flag())
        edge_ptr->set_flag( 1 );
        edge_list.append( edge_ptr );

  // reset the flags on the edges

  for ( i = 0; i < facet_list.size(); i++)
    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
    for (j=0; j<3; j++)
      edge_ptr = facet_ptr->edge(j);
      if( edge_ptr )
        edge_ptr->set_flag( 0 );
void FacetDataUtil::get_facet_points ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  cubit_facets,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  facet_points 
) [static]

Definition at line 274 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  int i;
  DLIList<CubitPoint*> cubit_points(cubit_facets.size() * 3);
  for( i = cubit_facets.size(); i--; )
    CubitFacet* facet = cubit_facets.step_and_get();
    for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
      CubitPoint* pt = dynamic_cast<CubitPoint*>(facet->point(j));
  for( i = cubit_points.size(); i--; )
    CubitPoint* pt = cubit_points.step_and_get();
    pt->marked( pt->marked() + 1);
  for( i = cubit_points.size(); i--; )
    CubitPoint* pt = cubit_points.step_and_get();
    pt->marked( pt->marked() - 1 );
    if( pt->marked() > 0 )

  facet_points = cubit_points;
void FacetDataUtil::get_points ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  point_list 
) [static]

Definition at line 390 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  CubitFacet *facet;
  CubitPoint *pt;
  int ii, jj;
  for(ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
    facet = facet_list.get_and_step();
    facet->point( 0 )->marked( 0 );
    facet->point( 1 )->marked( 0 );
    facet->point( 2 )->marked( 0 );

  for (ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
    facet = facet_list.get_and_step();
    for(jj=0; jj<3; jj++)
      pt = facet->point(jj);
      if (pt->marked() == 0)

  for(ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
    facet = facet_list.get_and_step();
    facet->point( 0 )->marked( 0 );
    facet->point( 1 )->marked( 0 );
    facet->point( 2 )->marked( 0 );
CubitPointContainment FacetDataUtil::intersect_facet ( CubitVector start,
CubitVector end,
CubitFacet facet_ptr,
CubitVector qq,
CubitVector ac,
CubitBoolean  bound = CUBIT_TRUE 
) [static]

Definition at line 2330 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.


  CubitPlane fplane = facet_ptr->plane();
  double dstart = fplane.distance(start);
  double dend = fplane.distance(end);

  // points are both in the plane of the facet - can't handle this case

  if (fabs(dstart) < GEOMETRY_RESABS &&
      fabs(dend) < GEOMETRY_RESABS)

  // one point is on the plane

  if (fabs(dstart) < GEOMETRY_RESABS)
    qq = start;
  else if (fabs(dend) < GEOMETRY_RESABS)
    qq = end;

  // points are both on the same side of the plane
  else if(dstart*dend > 0.0 &&
          (bound || fabs(dstart-dend) < CUBIT_RESABS) )
  // points are on opposite sides of plane: if bound == false then compute intersection with plane

    CubitVector dir = end-start;
    qq = fplane.intersect(start, dir);

  FacetEvalTool::facet_area_coordinate( facet_ptr, qq, ac );
//mod mbrewer ... the original code would call a point
    // on the boundary if any area coordinate was near
    // zero, regardless of whether another area coordinate
    // was negative... making it outside.
//   if (fabs(ac.x()) < GEOMETRY_RESABS ||
//       fabs(ac.y()) < GEOMETRY_RESABS ||
//       fabs(ac.z()) < GEOMETRY_RESABS)
//   {
//     return CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY;
//   }
  if ( (fabs(ac.x()) < GEOMETRY_RESABS && (ac.y() > -GEOMETRY_RESABS &&
                                           ac.z() > -GEOMETRY_RESABS) )||
       (fabs(ac.y()) < GEOMETRY_RESABS && (ac.x() > -GEOMETRY_RESABS &&
                                           ac.z() > -GEOMETRY_RESABS) )||
       (fabs(ac.z()) < GEOMETRY_RESABS && (ac.x() > -GEOMETRY_RESABS &&
                                           ac.y() > -GEOMETRY_RESABS) ) ){
  else if (ac.x() < 0.0 || ac.y() < 0.0 || ac.z() < 0.0)

CubitStatus FacetDataUtil::is_point_in_polyhedron ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  tfacet_list,
CubitVector point_coords,
CubitPointContainment is_point_in 
) [static]

Definition at line 960 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

unsigned int i;
CubitBox bbox;
CubitFacet *facet;
CubitVector bbox_min, bbox_max, ray;
CubitStatus status;
CubitPointContainment pt_status;
bool is_outside, recast, is_on_plane;
double xpt, ypt, zpt;
double rayx, rayy, rayz;
int number_of_recasts;

  point_coords.get_xyz(xpt, ypt, zpt);
  recast = true;
  number_of_recasts = 0;
  while ( (recast == true) && (number_of_recasts < 10) ) {
    recast = false;
    is_outside = true;
    random_positive_ray(ray); // a random positively-pointing ray
    for ( i = tfacet_list.size(); i > 0; i-- ) {
      facet = tfacet_list.get_and_step();
      bbox = facet->bounding_box();
      bbox_min = bbox.minimum();
      bbox_max = bbox.maximum();
      //  Because the ray is positive in direction, discard bounding boxes
      //  that are entirely < the starting point.
      if ( (xpt-bbox_max.x()) > CUBIT_RESABS ) continue;
      if ( (ypt-bbox_max.y()) > CUBIT_RESABS ) continue;
      if ( (zpt-bbox_max.z()) > CUBIT_RESABS ) continue;
      if ( ray_intersects_boundingbox(point_coords,ray,bbox) == false )
      CubitPlane plane = facet->plane();
      CubitVector normal = plane.normal();
      double xnorm, ynorm, znorm;
      xnorm = normal.x();
      ynorm = normal.y();
      znorm = normal.z();
      //  Intersect the ray with the facet plane.  If ray is perpendicular to
      //  facet plane and point is on it, recast the ray and try again.
      double denominator = rayx*xnorm + rayy*ynorm + rayz*znorm;
      double distanc = xnorm*xpt + ynorm*ypt + znorm*zpt + plane.coefficient();
      if ( fabs(denominator) < GEOMETRY_RESABS )
        if ( fabs(distanc) < GEOMETRY_RESABS ) {
          recast = true;
    } else continue;  // point is not on plane and ray is parallel to plane
      double t, xintpt, yintpt, zintpt;
      t = -distanc;
      t /= denominator;
      if ( fabs(t) < GEOMETRY_RESABS ) is_on_plane = true;
      else if ( t < GEOMETRY_RESABS ) continue;
      else is_on_plane = false;
      xintpt = xpt + t*rayx;
      yintpt = ypt + t*rayy;
      zintpt = zpt + t*rayz;
      CubitPoint *pt;
      //  We need to project the triangle onto 2D.  Use the smaller components of
      //  the normal to detemine a good projection.
      double x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2;
      if ( (fabs(xnorm) >= fabs(ynorm)) && (fabs(xnorm) >= fabs(znorm)) ){  //  Use y,z
        pt = facet->point(0);
        x0 = pt->y(); y0 = pt->z();
        pt = facet->point(1);
        x1 = pt->y(); y1 = pt->z();
        pt = facet->point(2);
        x2 = pt->y(); y2 = pt->z();
        status = pt_in_tri_2d(yintpt,zintpt,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,pt_status);
      } else if (fabs(ynorm) >= fabs(znorm)) {  //  Use z,x
        pt = facet->point(0);
        x0 = pt->x(); y0 = pt->z();
        pt = facet->point(1);
        x1 = pt->x(); y1 = pt->z();
        pt = facet->point(2);
        x2 = pt->x(); y2 = pt->z();
        status = pt_in_tri_2d(xintpt,zintpt,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,pt_status);
      } else {  // Use x,y
        pt = facet->point(0);
        x0 = pt->x(); y0 = pt->y();
        pt = facet->point(1);
        x1 = pt->x(); y1 = pt->y();
        pt = facet->point(2);
        x2 = pt->x(); y2 = pt->y();
        status = pt_in_tri_2d(xintpt,yintpt,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,pt_status);

      if ( status == CUBIT_FAILURE ) {
        recast = true;
      if ( pt_status == CUBIT_PNT_OUTSIDE ) continue;
      //  Is the point on the triangle?
      if ( is_on_plane == true ) {
        is_point_in = CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY;
        return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
      if ( pt_status == CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE ) is_outside = ! is_outside;
      else if ( pt_status == CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY ) {
        recast = true;
    if ( recast == true ) {
      number_of_recasts += 1;
  if ( recast == true ) {
    PRINT_ERROR("Number of recasts in point-in-polygon exceeded 10.\n");
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  if ( is_outside == false ) is_point_in = CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE;
  else is_point_in = CUBIT_PNT_OUTSIDE;

void FacetDataUtil::mark_facets ( DLIList< FacetEntity * > &  facet_list,
int  mark_value 
) [static]

Definition at line 2648 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  int ifacet;
  FacetEntity *facet_ptr;
  for (ifacet = 0; ifacet<facet_list.size(); ifacet++ )
    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
    CubitFacet *cfacet_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacet *> (facet_ptr);
    if( cfacet_ptr )
      for (int ii=0; ii<3; ii++)
      CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetEdge*>(facet_ptr);
      if( edge_ptr )
        for (int ii=0; ii<2; ii++)        
CubitStatus FacetDataUtil::merge_coincident_vertices ( DLIList< DLIList< CubitFacet * > * > &  shell_list,
double  tol,
int &  mpmerge,
int &  nemerge,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  unmerged_points 
) [static]

Definition at line 1954 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  int mydebug = 0;
  npmerge = 0;
  nemerge = 0;
  int ii, jj, kk, ll, shell_id;
  KDDTree <CubitPoint*> kd_tree(tol, false);
  CubitPoint::set_box_tol( tol );
  DLIList<CubitFacet *> *shell_ptr = NULL;
  CubitPoint *pt;
  DLIList<CubitPoint *>boundary_points;
  DLIList<CubitPoint *> del_points;
  for (ii=0; ii<shell_list.size(); ii++)
    shell_ptr = shell_list.get_and_step();

    // get the boundary points from the shell - these are candidates for merging.
    // note that this won't merge internal facets

    DLIList<CubitPoint *>shell_boundary_points;
    FacetDataUtil::get_boundary_points(*shell_ptr, shell_boundary_points);

    // mark each of the points with a shell id so we know when to merge shells
    // and add them to the kdtree for fast spatial searching

    shell_id = ii+1;
    for(jj=0; jj<shell_boundary_points.size(); jj++)
      pt = shell_boundary_points.get_and_step();

  // find points that are coincident

  CubitBox ptbox;
  CubitVector ptmin, ptmax, coord;
  DLIList<CubitPoint *>close_points;
  CubitPoint *close_pt = NULL;
  CubitFacet *facet;

  for(ii=0; ii<boundary_points.size(); ii++)
    pt = boundary_points.get_and_step();
    if (pt->marked() < 0)  // has already been merged

    // find the closest points in the kdtree

    coord = pt->coordinates();
    ptmin.set( coord.x() - tol, coord.y() - tol, coord.z() - tol );
    ptmax.set( coord.x() + tol, coord.y() + tol, coord.z() + tol );
    ptbox.reset( ptmin, ptmax );
    kd_tree.find(ptbox, close_points);

    // if it didn't find anything to merge with, then we aren't water-tight

    CubitBoolean was_merged = CUBIT_FALSE;

    // We did find something - go try to merge

    for (jj=0; jj<close_points.size(); jj++)
      close_pt = close_points.get_and_step();
      if (close_pt == pt)
      if (close_pt->marked() < 0)  // has already been merged
      assert(close_points.size() >= 1);

      // make sure this point is not already one of its neighbors
      // so we don't collapse a triangle

      CubitBoolean is_adjacent = CUBIT_FALSE;
      close_pt->adjacent_points( adj_pt_list );
      for (kk=0; kk<adj_pt_list.size() && !is_adjacent; kk++)
        if (adj_pt_list.get_and_step() == pt)
          is_adjacent = CUBIT_TRUE;
      if (!is_adjacent)
        // merge the points

        merge_points( pt, close_pt, nemerge );
        was_merged = CUBIT_TRUE;

        // see if shells need to merge and then merge

        shell_id = pt->marked();
        if (shell_id != close_pt->marked())

          // get the shell containing the close point.  Nullify the
          // pointer in the shell list and move all of its facets
          // to the other shell.

          int delete_shell = close_pt->marked();
          DLIList<CubitFacet *> *delete_shell_ptr = NULL;
          for (ll=0; ll<delete_shell; ll++)
            delete_shell_ptr = shell_list.get_and_step();

          // mark all the points on the delete_shell as now being part of
          // the other shell.

          for(ll=0; ll<delete_shell_ptr->size(); ll++)
            facet = delete_shell_ptr->get_and_step();
            facet->point( 0 )->marked( shell_id );
            facet->point( 1 )->marked( shell_id );
            facet->point( 2 )->marked( shell_id );

          // append the two lists together

          for (ll=0; ll<shell_id; ll++)
            shell_ptr = shell_list.get_and_step();
          *shell_ptr += (*delete_shell_ptr);
          delete delete_shell_ptr;

        // set the marked flag to negative to indicate that it has been
        // merged and it need to be deleted.

        if (close_pt->marked() > 0)
          close_pt->marked( -close_pt->marked() );
        del_points.append( close_pt );
    if (was_merged)
      if (pt->marked() > 0)
        pt->marked( -pt->marked() );
      // check to see if it was already merged
      if (close_points.size() == 1 && close_pt == pt)
        CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
        DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>adj_edges;
        CubitBoolean on_boundary = CUBIT_FALSE;
        for(kk=0; kk<adj_edges.size() && !on_boundary; kk++)
          edge_ptr = adj_edges.get_and_step();
          if (edge_ptr->num_adj_facets() == 1)
            on_boundary = CUBIT_TRUE;
        if (on_boundary)
            //PRINT_INFO("Merging 'boundary' points.\n");
            //if (pt->marked() > 0) pt->marked( -pt->marked() );
          if (pt->marked() > 0) pt->marked( -pt->marked() );
        // otherwise save it as an unmerged point to be handled later

  // compress the shell list


  // delete points that were merged

  for (ii=0; ii<del_points.size(); ii++)
    pt = del_points.get_and_step();
    if (pt->marked() < 0)
      assert( pt->num_adj_facets() == 0 );
      delete pt;

  //double-check that these are still boundary points.
  //found case where two shells were tied together by a single facet point.
  //this point was initially deemed an unmerged boundary point but later
  //adjacent boundary edges got merged so it should not be a boundary 
  //point anymore.
  for( int k=0; k<unmerged_points.size(); k++ )
    DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>adj_edges;
    CubitBoolean on_boundary = CUBIT_FALSE;
    for(kk=0; kk<adj_edges.size(); kk++)
      CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr = adj_edges.get_and_step();
      if (edge_ptr->num_adj_facets() == 1)
        on_boundary = CUBIT_TRUE;
    if( CUBIT_FALSE == on_boundary )
      unmerged_points[k] = NULL;
  if (mydebug)
    CubitFacetEdge *edge;
    for (ii=0; ii<shell_list.size(); ii++)
      shell_ptr = shell_list.get_and_step();
      for(jj=0; jj<shell_ptr->size(); jj++)
        facet = shell_ptr->get_and_step();
        for(kk=0; kk<3; kk++)
          edge = facet->edge(kk);
          DLIList<FacetEntity *> myfacet_list;
          edge->get_parents( myfacet_list );
          assert(myfacet_list.size() == edge->num_adj_facets());
          if (myfacet_list.size() != 2)
            dedraw( edge );      



Definition at line 1932 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  CubitPoint *surviving_point = points.pop();
  while( points.size() )
    int nemerge = 0;
    merge_points( surviving_point, points.pop(), nemerge );   

CubitStatus FacetDataUtil::merge_colinear_vertices ( DLIList< DLIList< CubitFacet * > * > &  shell_list,
double  tol,
DLIList< CubitPoint * > &  merge_points,
int &  mpmerge,
int &  nemerge,
int &  nnomerge 
) [static, private]

Definition at line 1552 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  nnomerge = 0;
  int mydebug = 0;

  int ii, jj, kk, ll, mm, pt_shell_id, edge_shell_id;
  RTree <CubitFacetEdge*> r_tree(tol);
  DLIList<CubitFacet *> *shell_ptr = NULL;
  CubitPoint *pt;
  CubitFacetEdge *edge;
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>boundary_edges;
  for (ii=0; ii<shell_list.size(); ii++)
    shell_ptr = shell_list.get_and_step();

    // get the boundary edges from the shell - these are candidates for merging.
    // note that this won't merge internal facets

    DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>shell_boundary_edges;
    FacetDataUtil::get_boundary_edges(*shell_ptr, shell_boundary_edges);    

    // mark each of the edges with a shell id so we know when to merge shells
    // and add them to the kdtree for fast spatial searching
    edge_shell_id = ii+1;
    for(jj=0; jj<shell_boundary_edges.size(); jj++)
      edge = shell_boundary_edges.get_and_step();
    for(jj=0; jj<shell_ptr->size(); jj++)
      shell_ptr->get_and_step()->marked( edge_shell_id );

  // find points in merge_point_list that are colinear with edges in boundary_edges

  CubitBox ptbox;
  CubitVector ptmin, ptmax, coord;
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>close_edges;
  CubitFacetEdge *close_edge;
  CubitFacet *facet;
  CubitPoint *p0, *p1;
  for(ii=0; ii<merge_point_list.size(); ii++)
    pt = merge_point_list.get_and_step();
    if (pt->marked() < 0)  // has already been merged

    // find the closest edges in the rtree

    coord = pt->coordinates();
    ptmin.set( coord.x() - tol, coord.y() - tol, coord.z() - tol );
    ptmax.set( coord.x() + tol, coord.y() + tol, coord.z() + tol );
    ptbox.reset( ptmin, ptmax );
    r_tree.find(ptbox, close_edges);

    //remove any close edges that already share the merge point
    DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> adj_edges;
    for (jj=close_edges.size(); jj--; )
      close_edge = close_edges.get();

      if (close_edge->point(0) == pt || close_edge->point(1) == pt)
        close_edges.change_to( NULL );
        adj_edges.append( close_edge );

    close_edges.remove_all_with_value( NULL );

    if( close_edges.size() == 0 && adj_edges.size() > 0 )
      //use a coareser tolerance to get some edges
      //one tenth the average length of attached edges
      double temp_tol = 0;
      for( int i=adj_edges.size(); i--; )
        temp_tol += adj_edges.get_and_step()->length();

      temp_tol /= adj_edges.size();
      temp_tol *= 0.1;      

      //bump up tolerance to get more edges
      ptmin.set( coord.x() - temp_tol, coord.y() - temp_tol, coord.z() - temp_tol );
      ptmax.set( coord.x() + temp_tol, coord.y() + temp_tol, coord.z() + temp_tol );
      ptbox.reset( ptmin, ptmax );
      r_tree.find(ptbox, close_edges);

    // We did find something - go try to merge

    CubitBoolean was_merged = CUBIT_FALSE;
    for (jj=0; jj<close_edges.size() && !was_merged; jj++)
      // test the next edge on the list

      close_edge = close_edges.get_and_step();

      // make sure the edge does not contain the merge point

      if (close_edge->point(0) == pt || close_edge->point(1) == pt)
      // check to see if the edge is within tolerance of the merge point

      CubitVector loc_on_edge;
      CubitBoolean is_outside_edge;
      double dist = close_edge->dist_to_edge(pt->coordinates(),
        loc_on_edge, is_outside_edge);

      // allow for some surface curvature. permit the point to be close to
      // the edge but not on.  May want to modify this factor if it not closing
      // the facets correctly.  If it's too big, it may get edges that aren't
      // really adjacent.
      double edge_tol = 0.1 * close_edge->length();
      if (is_outside_edge || dist > edge_tol)

      // go merge the point with the edge
      was_merged = CUBIT_TRUE;

      if (mydebug)
        DLIList<CubitFacet *> fl;
        pt->facets( fl );
        CubitFacet *f = close_edge->adj_facet(0);

      // remove close_edge from the rtree
      r_tree.remove( close_edge );
      edge_shell_id = close_edge->marked();

      // split the edge

      assert(1 == close_edge->num_adj_facets());  // assumes we are splitting a boundary facet
      facet = close_edge->adj_facet(0);
      CubitFacetData *dfacet = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetData *>(facet);
      CubitPoint *new_pt = dfacet->split_edge(close_edge->point(0),
      int facet_tool_id = facet->tool_id();

      // add any new facets to the shell and create missing edges

      for (ll=0; ll<edge_shell_id; ll++)
        shell_ptr = shell_list.get_and_step();
      DLIList<CubitFacet *>adj_facets;
      new_pt->facets( adj_facets );
      for (ll=0; ll<adj_facets.size(); ll++)
        facet = adj_facets.get_and_step();
        if (!facet->marked())
          for (mm=0; mm<3; mm++) {
            if (!(edge = facet->edge(mm)))
              facet->get_edge_pts(mm, p0, p1);
              edge = (CubitFacetEdge *) new CubitFacetEdgeData( p0, p1 );
              edge->marked( 0 );

      // merge the points,
      merge_points( pt, new_pt, nemerge, &r_tree );

      // add any new edges to the rtree

      DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> adj_edges;
      pt->edges( adj_edges );
      for (kk=0; kk<adj_edges.size(); kk++)
        CubitFacetEdge *adj_edge = adj_edges.get_and_step();
        if (!adj_edge->marked() && adj_edge->num_adj_facets() == 1)

      // see if shells need to merge and then merge

      pt_shell_id = pt->marked();
      if (pt_shell_id != edge_shell_id)

        // get the shell containing the close point.  Nullify the
        // pointer in the shell list and move all of its facets
        // to the other shell.

        int delete_shell = edge_shell_id;
        DLIList<CubitFacet *> *delete_shell_ptr = NULL;
        for (ll=0; ll<delete_shell; ll++)
          delete_shell_ptr = shell_list.get_and_step();

          return CUBIT_FAILURE;

        // mark all the points on the delete_shell as now being part of
        // the other shell.

        for(ll=0; ll<delete_shell_ptr->size(); ll++)
          facet = delete_shell_ptr->get_and_step();
          facet->marked( pt_shell_id );
          facet->point( 0 )->marked( pt_shell_id );
          facet->point( 1 )->marked( pt_shell_id );
          facet->point( 2 )->marked( pt_shell_id );
          facet->edge( 0 )->marked( pt_shell_id );
          facet->edge( 1 )->marked( pt_shell_id );
          facet->edge( 2 )->marked( pt_shell_id );

        // append the two lists together

        for (ll=0; ll<pt_shell_id; ll++)
          shell_ptr = shell_list.get_and_step();
        *shell_ptr += (*delete_shell_ptr);
        delete delete_shell_ptr;

      // set the marked flag to negative to indicate that it has been
      // merged and it needs to be deleted.

      new_pt->marked( -new_pt->marked() );
      pt->marked( -pt->marked() );
    } // close_edges
    if (!was_merged)
      if (mydebug)
        CubitVector mmin(-1e10, -1e10, -1e10);
        CubitVector mmax(1e10, 1e10, 1e10);
        ptbox.reset(mmin, mmax);
        r_tree.find(ptbox, close_edges);
        for(int zz=0; zz<close_edges.size(); zz++)
          edge = close_edges.get_and_step();
          CubitVector loc_on_edge;
          CubitBoolean is_on_edge;
          double dist = edge->dist_to_edge(pt->coordinates(), loc_on_edge, is_on_edge);
          PRINT_INFO("edge %d dist = %f is_on_edge = %d\n", edge->id(), dist, is_on_edge);
  } // merge_point_list

  // compress the shell list


  // delete points that were merged

  for (ii=0; ii<del_points.size(); ii++)
    pt = del_points.get_and_step();
    if (pt->marked() < 0)
      assert( pt->num_adj_facets() == 0 );
      delete pt;

CubitStatus FacetDataUtil::merge_points ( CubitPoint pt0,
CubitPoint pt1,
int &  nemerge,
RTree< CubitFacetEdge * > *  r_tree = NULL 
) [static]

Definition at line 1871 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  int mydebug = 0;

  // merge the points
  pt0->merge_points( pt1, CUBIT_TRUE );

  if (mydebug)
    DLIList<CubitFacet *>adj_facets;
    pt0->facets( adj_facets );

  // merge edges

  int ll, mm;
  bool edge_merged;
  do {
    edge_merged = false;
    CubitFacetEdge *edge, *other_edge;

    DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> adj_edges;
    pt0->edges( adj_edges );
    for(ll=0; ll<adj_edges.size() && !edge_merged; ll++)
      edge = adj_edges.get_and_step();
      for(mm=0; mm<adj_edges.size() && !edge_merged; mm++)
        other_edge = adj_edges.get_and_step();
        if (other_edge != edge &&
            edge->other_point(pt0) == other_edge->other_point(pt0))
          CubitFacetEdgeData *dedge = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetEdgeData*>(edge);
          CubitFacetEdgeData *dother_edge = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetEdgeData*>(other_edge);
          // mbrewer (11/16/2005 for Bug 5049)
//            r_tree->remove(dother_edge);
             CubitBoolean temp_bool = r_tree->remove(dother_edge);
               PRINT_DEBUG_139("FacetDataUtil:  D_OTHER_EDGE did not exist in RTREE.\n");
          if (dedge->merge_edges( dother_edge ) == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
            edge_merged = true;
  } while (edge_merged);
void FacetDataUtil::ordered_point_edge_bdry ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facets,
DLIList< FacetEntity * > &  point_edge_chain 
) [static]

Definition at line 85 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  assert(point_edge_chain.size() == 0);
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> unordered_edges;

  int use_count = 1; // get boundary edges (used only once by facets in the facet list)
  FacetDataUtil::edges_by_count(facets, use_count, unordered_edges);

//  Adds the start_edge to the list of boundary_edges and then attempts to find the
//  next edge by getting all of the edges belonging to the second point on this
//  edge and searching for an unmarked (-1) boundary edge.  Does this until it can't
//  find another edge.

  // mark all edges connected to points of boundary edges with -2
  // NOTE: using negative marks, since as boundary edges are added to the ordered list they
  // get marked with the order in which they are found

  // TODO - this seems very inefficient
  int i;
  int j;
  int k;
  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> pt_edge_list;
  CubitFacetEdge* cur_edge;
  for (i=unordered_edges.size(); i>0; i--)
    cur_edge = unordered_edges.get_and_step();
    for (j=0; j<2; j++)
      for (k=pt_edge_list.size(); k>0; k--)

  // mark all boundary edges with -1
  for (i=unordered_edges.size(); i>0; i--)

  CubitPoint *edge_pt1, *edge_pt2, *pt2, *originalpt1;
  CubitFacetEdge *start_edge;
  CubitFacetEdge *this_edge;
  CubitBoolean keepgoing;

  int i_found_some = 0;
  start_edge = unordered_edges.get();

  // find the orientation of the first edge with respect to one of the facets
  // then order the edges accordingly
  int e_index;
  int start_edge_sense = 0;
  for (i=facets.size(); i>0; i--)
    CubitFacet* p_facet = facets.get_and_step();
    if ( (e_index = p_facet->edge_index(start_edge)) >= 0 )
      start_edge_sense = p_facet->edge_use(e_index);

  i_found_some += 1;
  if (1 == start_edge_sense)
    originalpt1 = start_edge->point(0);
    pt2 = start_edge->point(1);
    assert(-1 == start_edge_sense);
    originalpt1 = start_edge->point(1);
    pt2 = start_edge->point(0);

//  Look for an edge having pt2 as a point and also being on the boundary.

  keepgoing = CUBIT_TRUE;
  while ( keepgoing == CUBIT_TRUE ) {
    keepgoing = CUBIT_FALSE;
    for ( i = pt_edge_list.size(); i > 0; i-- ) {
      this_edge = pt_edge_list.get_and_step();
      if ( this_edge->marked() == -1 ) {
        i_found_some += 1;

        edge_pt1 = this_edge->point(0);
        edge_pt2 = this_edge->point(1);
        if (pt2 == edge_pt1)
          pt2 = edge_pt2;
          assert(pt2 == edge_pt2);
          pt2 = edge_pt1;

          keepgoing = CUBIT_TRUE;
  // clear marks
  for (i=unordered_edges.size(); i>0; i--)
    cur_edge = unordered_edges.get_and_step();
    for (j=0; j<2; j++)
      for (k=pt_edge_list.size(); k>0; k--)

  assert(pt2 == originalpt1);
CubitStatus FacetDataUtil::partial_chain ( DLIList< FacetEntity * > &  point_edge_chain,
FacetEntity point1,
FacetEntity point2,
DLIList< FacetEntity * > &  chain_between 
) [static]

Definition at line 238 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  // make sure the edges_between list is empty
  assert(chain_between.size() == 0);
  assert(point1 != point2);

  // find the start point in the list
  int pt1_index = point_edge_chain.where_is_item(point1);

  if (-1 == pt1_index)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;


  CubitBoolean b_done = CUBIT_FALSE;
  while (!b_done)
    if (point_edge_chain.get() == point2)
      b_done = CUBIT_TRUE;


CubitStatus FacetDataUtil::pt_in_tri_2d ( double  xpt,
double  ypt,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  x1,
double  y1,
double  x2,
double  y2,
CubitPointContainment is_point_in 
) [static]

Definition at line 1089 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

//  From Schneider & Eberly, "Geometric Tools for COmputer Graphics",
//  Chap. 13.3.1.  If triangle is needle-thin, CUBIT_FAILURE might be
//  returned, in wich case is_point_in is undefined.

double c0, c1, c2;
double e0x, e1x, e2x, e0y, e1y, e2y;
double n0x, n1x, n2x, n0y, n1y, n2y;
double denom0, denom1, denom2;

  e0x = x1 - x0; e0y = y1 - y0;
  e1x = x2 - x1; e1y = y2 - y1;
  e2x = x0 - x2; e2y = y0 - y2;
  n0x = e0y; n0y = -e0x;
  n1x = e1y; n1y = -e1x;
  n2x = e2y; n2y = -e2x;
  denom0 = n1x*e0x + n1y*e0y;
  if ( fabs(denom0) < CUBIT_RESABS ) {
    PRINT_ERROR("Failure in pt_in_tri_2d; needle-thin triangle encountered.\n");
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  denom1 = n2x*e1x + n2y*e1y;
  if ( fabs(denom1) < CUBIT_RESABS ) {
    PRINT_ERROR("Failure in pt_in_tri_2d; needle-thin triangle encountered.\n");
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  denom2 = n0x*e2x + n0y*e2y;
  if ( fabs(denom2) < CUBIT_RESABS ) {
    PRINT_ERROR("Failure in pt_in_tri_2d; needle-thin triangle encountered.\n");
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  c0 = -( n1x*(xpt-x1) + n1y*(ypt-y1) )/denom0;
  c1 = -( n2x*(xpt-x2) + n2y*(ypt-y2) )/denom1;
  c2 = -( n0x*(xpt-x0) + n0y*(ypt-y0) )/denom2;

  if ( (c0 > 0.0) && (c1 > 0.0) && (c2 > 0.0) ) is_point_in = CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE;
  else if ( (c0 < 0.0) || (c1 < 0.0) || (c2 < 0.0) ) is_point_in = CUBIT_PNT_OUTSIDE;
  else is_point_in = CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY;


double FacetDataUtil::quality ( CubitVector c1,
CubitVector c2,
CubitVector c3,
CubitVector surf_normal 
) [static]

Definition at line 573 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

#define TWO_ROOT_THREE  3.46410161514
   double area2, alpha;
   double length1, length2, length3;
   CubitVector edge1, edge2, edge3;

   // create edges from the vertices

   edge1 = c3 - c2;
   edge2 = c3 - c1;
   edge3 = c2 - c1;

   // compute twice the area

   CubitVector normal = edge3 * edge2;
   area2 = normal.length();

   length1 = edge1.length_squared();
   length2 = edge2.length_squared();
   length3 = edge3.length_squared();

   alpha = TWO_ROOT_THREE * area2 / (length1 + length2 + length3);

   // modify the alpha metric by the dot product of the triangle normal
   // with the surface normal.

   if (fabs(area2) < CUBIT_RESABS)
     alpha = 0.0;
     normal /= area2;
     double dot = normal % surf_normal;
     double penalty = pow(dot, 5);
     alpha *= penalty;

   return alpha;

Definition at line 1144 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  double temp;
  double rayx = 0.0, rayy = 0.0, rayz = 0.0;

  temp = 0.0;
  while ( temp < 1.e-6 ) {
    rayx = (double(rand())/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
    rayy = (double(rand())/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
    rayz = (double(rand())/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
    temp = sqrt(rayx*rayx + rayy*rayy + rayz*rayz);
  rayx /= temp;
  rayy /= temp;
  rayz /= temp;


bool FacetDataUtil::ray_intersects_boundingbox ( CubitVector point,
CubitVector ray,
const CubitBox bbox 
) [static]

Definition at line 1170 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

double t, xtest, ytest, ztest;
double xdir, ydir, zdir, xpt, ypt, zpt, xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax;
CubitVector bbox_min, bbox_max;

  bbox_min = bbox.minimum();
  bbox_max = bbox.maximum();
  xmin -= GEOMETRY_RESABS;  //  So we don't miss any.

 //  Notice that we are only interested in bboxes on the non-negative side of t.
  if ( fabs(xdir) > CUBIT_RESABS ) {
    // test xmin plane
    t = (xmin - xpt)/xdir;
    if ( t >= 0.0 ) {
      ytest = ypt + t*ydir;
      ztest = zpt + t*zdir;
      if ( (ytest >= ymin) && (ytest <= ymax) && (ztest >= zmin) && (ztest <= zmax) )
        return true;
    // test xmax plane
    t = (xmax - xpt)/xdir;
    if ( t > 0.0 ) {
      ytest = ypt + t*ydir;
      ztest = zpt + t*zdir;
      if ( (ytest >= ymin) && (ytest <= ymax) && (ztest >= zmin) && (ztest <= zmax) )
        return true;
  if ( fabs(ydir) > CUBIT_RESABS ) {
    // test ymin plane
    t = (ymin - ypt)/ydir;
    if ( t >= 0.0 ) {
      xtest = xpt + t*xdir;
      ztest = zpt + t*zdir;
      if ( (xtest >= xmin) && (xtest <= xmax) && (ztest >= zmin) && (ztest <= zmax) )
        return true;
    // test ymax plane

    t = (ymax - ypt)/ydir;
    if ( t > 0.0 ) {
      xtest = xpt + t*xdir;
      ztest = zpt + t*zdir;
      if ( (xtest >= xmin) && (xtest <= xmax) && (ztest >= zmin) && (ztest <= zmax) )
        return true;
  if ( fabs(zdir) > CUBIT_RESABS ) {
    // test zmin plane
    t = (zmin - zpt)/zdir;
    if ( t > 0.0 ) {
      xtest = xpt + t*xdir;
      ytest = ypt + t*ydir;
      if ( (xtest >= xmin) && (xtest <= xmax) && (ytest >= ymin) && (ytest <= ymax) )
        return true;
    // test zmax plane
    t = (zmax - zpt)/zdir;
    if ( t > 0.0 ) {
      xtest = xpt + t*xdir;
      ytest = ypt + t*ydir;
      if ( (xtest >= xmin) && (xtest <= xmax) && (ytest >= ymin) && (ytest <= ymax) )
        return true;

  return false;
CubitStatus FacetDataUtil::split_into_shells ( DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  tfacet_list,
DLIList< CubitQuadFacet * > &  qfacet_list,
DLIList< DLIList< CubitFacet * > * > &  shell_list,
CubitBoolean is_water_tight 
) [static]

Definition at line 1297 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
    //need to init this variable otherwise the caller must have.
  is_water_tight = CUBIT_TRUE;

  // combine the quads and tri lists

  DLIList <CubitFacet *> facet_list = tfacet_list;
  int ii;
  CubitQuadFacet *qfacet_ptr;
  for (ii=0; ii<qfacet_list.size(); ii++)
    qfacet_ptr = qfacet_list.get_and_step();
    facet_list.append(qfacet_ptr->get_tri_facet( 0 ));
    facet_list.append(qfacet_ptr->get_tri_facet( 1 ));

  // mark all the facets to begin with

  CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
  for (ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
    facet_ptr->marked( 1 );

  // populate the facet edge lists

  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> edge_list;
  FacetDataUtil::get_edges( facet_list, edge_list );

  // some debug stuff to draw the facets

  int mydebug=0;
  if (mydebug)
    for (ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
      facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();

  // Go through the surfaceElemList and pull facets off one by one as we
  // determine which surface it belongs to.  Continue until we have depleted
  // the list

  int jj;
  int num_surfs_created = 0;
  int num_facets_remaining = facet_list.size();
  while( num_facets_remaining > 0)
    // create a new shell to hold the face info

    DLIList<CubitFacet *> *shell_ptr = new DLIList<CubitFacet *>;

    // start with the first facet and create a list of all elements
    // attached to the facet

    CubitBoolean shell_is_water_tight = CUBIT_TRUE;
    CubitFacet *start_facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
    stat = get_adj_facets_on_shell( start_facet_ptr, shell_ptr,
                                    shell_is_water_tight, mydebug );
    if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return stat;
    if (!shell_is_water_tight)
      is_water_tight = CUBIT_FALSE;

    shell_list.append( shell_ptr );

    // remove the facets in this shell from the facet list

    for( jj = facet_list.size(); jj > 0; jj-- )
      facet_ptr = facet_list.get();
      if (facet_ptr->marked() == 0)
        facet_list.change_to( NULL );
    facet_list.remove_all_with_value( NULL );
    num_facets_remaining = facet_list.size();

CubitVector FacetDataUtil::squared_distance_to_segment ( CubitVector p,
CubitVector p0,
CubitVector p1,
double &  distance2 
) [static]

Definition at line 2444 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

CubitVector YmPO, D;
double t;

  D = p1 - p0;
  YmPO = p - p0;
  t = D.x()*YmPO.x() + D.y()*YmPO.y() + D.z()*YmPO.z();
  if ( t < 0.0 ) {
    distance2 = YmPO.x()*YmPO.x() + YmPO.y()*YmPO.y() + YmPO.z()*YmPO.z();
    return p0;
  double DdD;
  DdD = D.x()*D.x() + D.y()*D.y() + D.z()*D.z();
  if ( t >= DdD ) {
    CubitVector YmP1;
    YmP1 = p - p1;
    distance2 = YmP1.x()*YmP1.x() + YmP1.y()*YmP1.y() + YmP1.z()*YmP1.z();
    return p1;
  //  closest point is interior to segment
  distance2 = YmPO.x()*YmPO.x() + YmPO.y()*YmPO.y() + YmPO.z()*YmPO.z() - t*t/DdD;
  return p0 + (t/DdD)*(p1 - p0);
CubitStatus FacetDataUtil::stitch_facets ( DLIList< DLIList< CubitFacet * > * > &  shell_list,
double  tol,
CubitBoolean is_water_tight,
CubitBoolean  write_results = CUBIT_TRUE 
) [static]

Definition at line 1475 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.


  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  int npmerge = 0;
  int nemerge = 0;
  DLIList<CubitPoint*> unmerged_points;
  is_water_tight = CUBIT_FALSE;

  rv = merge_coincident_vertices( shell_list, tol, npmerge, nemerge, unmerged_points );
  if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
    return rv;

  int nnomerge = unmerged_points.size();
  if (nnomerge == 0)
    is_water_tight = CUBIT_TRUE;
    rv = merge_colinear_vertices( shell_list, tol, unmerged_points,
                                  npmerge, nemerge, nnomerge );
    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
      return rv;

    if (nnomerge == 0)
      is_water_tight = CUBIT_TRUE;
      int mydebug = 0;
      if (mydebug)  // make sure its really water-tight
        DLIList<CubitFacet *> *shell_ptr;
        DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>boundary_edges;
        for (int ii=0; ii<shell_list.size(); ii++)
          shell_ptr = shell_list.get_and_step();
          FacetDataUtil::get_boundary_edges(*shell_ptr, boundary_edges);
        if (boundary_edges.size() > 0)
          PRINT_ERROR("Not Water-tight!\n");

  if (write_result)
    if (npmerge > 0 || nemerge > 0)
      PRINT_INFO("%d facet vertices and %d facet edges were successfully merged.\n",
                 npmerge, nemerge);
    if (is_water_tight)
      PRINT_INFO("Facets are water-tight.\n");
      PRINT_INFO("%d facet vertices on model boundary detected that could not be merged.\n", nnomerge);

  return rv;
CubitStatus FacetDataUtil::write_facets ( const char *  file_name,
DLIList< CubitFacet * > &  facet_list 
) [static]

Definition at line 1255 of file FacetDataUtil.cpp.

  FILE *fp = fopen(file_name, "w");
  if (!fp)
    PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't open file %s for writing a facet file.\n", file_name);
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  DLIList<CubitPoint*> point_list;
  get_points(facet_list, point_list);

  fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", point_list.size(), facet_list.size());
  CubitPoint *pt;
  int ii;
  for (ii=1; ii<=point_list.size(); ii++)
    pt = point_list.get_and_step();
    fprintf(fp, "%d %f %f %f\n", ii, pt->x(), pt->y(), pt->z() );

  CubitFacet *facet;
  for (ii=1; ii<=facet_list.size(); ii++)
    facet = facet_list.get_and_step();
    fprintf(fp, "%d %d %d %d\n", ii, facet->point(0)->id(),
             facet->point(1)->id(), facet->point(2)->id());



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