GeometryContext Class Reference

List of all members.


class  NamedEntity
class  NamedGroup

Public Member Functions

 GeometryContext (iGeom_Instance &igm_p, InputDeck &deck_p)
bool defineLatticeNode (CellCard &cell, iBase_EntityHandle cell_shell, iBase_EntityHandle lattice_shell, int x, int y, int z, entity_collection_t &accum)
entity_collection_t defineCell (CellCard &cell, bool defineEmbedded, iBase_EntityHandle lattice_shell)
entity_collection_t populateCell (CellCard &cell, iBase_EntityHandle cell_shell, iBase_EntityHandle lattice_shell)
entity_collection_t defineUniverse (int universe, iBase_EntityHandle container, const Transform *transform)
void addToVolumeGroup (iBase_EntityHandle cell, const std::string &groupname)
void setVolumeCellID (iBase_EntityHandle cell, int ident)
void setMaterial (iBase_EntityHandle cell, int material, double density)
void setImportances (iBase_EntityHandle cell, const std::map< char, double > &imps)
void updateMaps (iBase_EntityHandle old_cell, iBase_EntityHandle new_cell)
bool mapSanityCheck (iBase_EntityHandle *cells, size_t count)
void tagGroups ()
void tagCellIDsAsEntNames ()
std::string uprefix ()
iBase_EntityHandle createGraveyard (iBase_EntityHandle &boundary)
void createGeometry ()

Protected Member Functions

std::string materialName (int mat, double rho)
std::string importanceName (char impchar, double imp)
NamedGroupgetNamedGroup (const std::string &name)

Protected Attributes

double world_size
int universe_depth
std::map< std::string,
NamedGroup * > 
std::vector< NamedEntity * > named_cells

Detailed Description

Contains geometry functions and the shared data members they all reference.

Definition at line 137 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GeometryContext::GeometryContext ( iGeom_Instance igm_p,
InputDeck deck_p 
) [inline]

Definition at line 265 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

    igm(igm_p), deck(deck_p), world_size(0.0), universe_depth(0)

Member Function Documentation

void GeometryContext::addToVolumeGroup ( iBase_EntityHandle  cell,
const std::string &  groupname 

Definition at line 317 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.


  NamedGroup* group = getNamedGroup( name );
  group->add( cell );

  if( OPT_DEBUG ){ std::cout << uprefix() 
                             << "Added cell to volgroup " << group->getName() << std::endl; }

Definition at line 999 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.


  int igm_result;
  InputDeck::cell_card_list    cells     = deck.getCells();
  InputDeck::surface_card_list surfaces  = deck.getSurfaces();
  InputDeck::data_card_list    datacards = deck.getDataCards();

  // estimate how large the geometry will need to be to accomodate all the surfaces
  for( InputDeck::surface_card_list::iterator i = surfaces.begin(); i!=surfaces.end(); ++i){
    // catch all exceptions from makeSurface at this time; if they exist, they will
    // more properly be displayed to the user at a later time.  Right now we just want
    // to estimate a size and failures can be ignored.
      world_size = std::max( world_size, makeSurface( *i ).getFarthestExtentFromOrigin() );
    } catch(std::runtime_error& e){}

  // translations can extend the size of the world
  double translation_addition = 0;
  for( InputDeck::data_card_list::iterator i = datacards.begin(); i!=datacards.end(); ++i){
    DataCard* c = *i;
    if( c->getKind() == DataCard::TR ){
      double tform_len = dynamic_cast<DataRef<Transform>*>(c)->getData().getTranslation().length();
      translation_addition = std::max (translation_addition, tform_len );

  for( InputDeck::cell_card_list::iterator i = cells.begin(); i!=cells.end(); ++i){
    CellCard* c = *i;
      // translations can come from TRCL data
    if( c->getTrcl().hasData() ){
      double tform_len = c->getTrcl().getData().getTranslation().length();
      translation_addition = std::max( translation_addition, tform_len );
    // translations can also come from fill nodes.  This implementation does *not* take
    // lattices into account, as they are assumed to be contained within other volumes.
    if( c->hasFill() && c->getFill().getOriginNode().hasTransform() ){
      double tform_len = c->getFill().getOriginNode().getTransform().getTranslation().length();
      translation_addition = std::max( translation_addition, tform_len );

  world_size += translation_addition;
  world_size *= 1.2;

  std::cout << "World size: " << world_size << " (trs added " << translation_addition << ")" << std::endl;

  iBase_EntityHandle graveyard = NULL, graveyard_boundary = NULL;
  if( Gopt.make_graveyard ){
    graveyard = createGraveyard ( graveyard_boundary ); 

  std::cout << "Defining geometry..." << std::endl;

  entity_collection_t defined_cells = defineUniverse( 0, graveyard_boundary );
  if( graveyard ){ defined_cells.push_back(graveyard); }

  size_t count = defined_cells.size();
  iBase_EntityHandle *cell_array = new iBase_EntityHandle[ count ];
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i ){
    cell_array[i] = defined_cells[i];

//#ifdef USING_CGMA
    // in CGM's default implementation, each new volume and surface created
    // through CSG operations gets a new unique ID number, so those IDs can
    // be large and widely-spaced.  We want them to start from 1.
    RefEntityFactory::instance()->compress_ref_ids("surface", false );
    RefEntityFactory::instance()->compress_ref_ids("volume", false );

  if( OPT_DEBUG ){ mapSanityCheck(cell_array, count); }

  if( Gopt.tag_cell_IDs ){

  if ( Gopt.imprint_geom ) {
    std::cout << "Imprinting all...\t\t\t" << std::flush;
    iGeom_imprintEnts( igm, cell_array, count, &igm_result );
    CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Imprinting all cells" );
    std::cout << " done." << std::endl;
    double tolerance = world_size / 1.0e7;
    if( Gopt.override_tolerance ){
      tolerance = Gopt.specific_tolerance;

    if ( Gopt.merge_geom ) {
      std::cout << "Merging, tolerance=" << tolerance << "...\t\t" << std::flush;
      iGeom_mergeEnts( igm, cell_array, count,  tolerance, &igm_result );
      CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Merging all cells" );
      std::cout << " done." << std::endl;

  std::string outName = Gopt.output_file;
  std::cout << "Saving file \"" << outName << "\"...\t\t\t" << std::flush;
  iGeom_save( igm, outName.c_str(), "", &igm_result, outName.length(), 0 );
  CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "saving the output file "+outName );
  std::cout << " done." << std::endl;


Create the graveyard bounding cell. The actual graveyard entity is returned. A copy of the inner surface of the graveyard cell is returned in the argument, to be used as the boundary of all further geometry.

Definition at line 967 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

  iBase_EntityHandle inner, outer, graveyard;
  int igm_result;


  double inner_size = 2.0 * world_size;
  iGeom_createBrick( igm, inner_size, inner_size, inner_size, &inner, &igm_result );
  CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Making graveyard" );
  iGeom_copyEnt( igm, inner, &inner_copy, &igm_result );
  CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Copying graveyard" );
  double outer_size = 2.0 * ( world_size + (world_size / 50.0) );
  iGeom_createBrick( igm, outer_size, outer_size, outer_size, &outer, &igm_result );
  CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Making outer graveyard" );

  iGeom_subtractEnts( igm, outer, inner, &graveyard, &igm_result );
  CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "subtracting graveyard" );
  addToVolumeGroup( graveyard, "graveyard" );
  // reset world size to a sphere that bounds the inner shell of this graveyard
  world_size *= sqrt(3.0);
  if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << "Spherical world size for graveyard: " << world_size << std::endl;
  return graveyard;

entity_collection_t GeometryContext::defineCell ( CellCard cell,
bool  defineEmbedded = true,
iBase_EntityHandle  lattice_shell = NULL 

Define a geometric cell from a card

defineEmbeddedIf true, also define the contents of the cell, not just its boundary surfaces.

Definition at line 761 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

  int ident = cell.getIdent();
  const CellCard::geom_list_t& geom = cell.getGeom();
  if( OPT_VERBOSE ) std::cout << uprefix() << "Defining cell " << ident << std::endl;

  int igm_result;

  entity_collection_t tmp;

  std::vector<iBase_EntityHandle> stack;
  for(CellCard::geom_list_t::const_iterator i = geom.begin(); i!=geom.end(); ++i){
    const CellCard::geom_list_entry_t& token = (*i);
    case CellCard::CELLNUM:
      // a cell number appears in a geometry list only because it is being complemented with the # operator
      // thus, when defineCell is called on it, set defineEmbedded to false
      tmp = defineCell( *(deck.lookup_cell_card(token.second)), false);
      assert(tmp.size() == 1);
      stack.push_back( );
    case CellCard::SURFNUM:
        int surface = token.second;
        bool pos = true;
        if( surface < 0){
          pos = false; surface = -surface;
          SurfaceVolume& surf = makeSurface( deck.lookup_surface_card( surface ) );
          iBase_EntityHandle surf_handle = surf.define( pos, igm, world_size );
        catch(std::runtime_error& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; }
    case CellCard::MBODYFACET:
        int cellnum = std::abs(token.second) / 10;
        int facet = std::abs(token.second) - (cellnum*10);
        std::cerr << "Attempting to define facet " << facet << " of cell " << cellnum << std::endl;
        throw std::runtime_error( "Macrobody facets are not yet supported by mcnp2cad." );
    case CellCard::INTERSECT:
        assert( stack.size() >= 2 );
        iBase_EntityHandle s1 = stack.back(); stack.pop_back();
        iBase_EntityHandle s2 = stack.back(); stack.pop_back();
        iBase_EntityHandle result;
        if( intersectIfPossible( igm, s1, s2, &result ) ){
          std::cout << "FAILED INTERSECTION CELL #" << cell.getIdent() << std::endl;
          throw std::runtime_error("Intersection failed");
    case CellCard::UNION:
        assert( stack.size() >= 2 );
        iBase_EntityHandle s[2];
        s[0] = stack.back(); stack.pop_back();
        s[1] = stack.back(); stack.pop_back();
        iBase_EntityHandle result;
        iGeom_uniteEnts( igm, s, 2, &result, &igm_result);
        CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Uniting two entities" );
    case CellCard::COMPLEMENT:
        assert (stack.size() >= 1 );
        iBase_EntityHandle world_sphere = makeWorldSphere(igm, world_size);
        iBase_EntityHandle s = stack.back(); stack.pop_back();
        iBase_EntityHandle result;

        iGeom_subtractEnts( igm, world_sphere, s, &result, &igm_result);
        CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Complementing an entity" );
      throw std::runtime_error( "Unexpected token while evaluating cell geometry");

  assert( stack.size() == 1);

  iBase_EntityHandle cellHandle = stack[0];

  if( cell.getTrcl().hasData() ){
    cellHandle = applyTransform( cell.getTrcl().getData(), igm, cellHandle );

  if( defineEmbedded ){
    return populateCell( cell, cellHandle, lattice_shell );
    return entity_collection_t( 1, cellHandle );
bool GeometryContext::defineLatticeNode ( CellCard cell,
iBase_EntityHandle  cell_shell,
iBase_EntityHandle  lattice_shell,
int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
entity_collection_t accum 

Define node x,y,z in a lattice.

cell_shell is a volume representing lattice node (0,0,0) lattice_shell is the volume into which the node must be intersected

Definition at line 522 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

  const Lattice& lattice = cell.getLattice();
  int lattice_universe =   cell.getUniverse();

  const FillNode* fn = &(lattice.getFillForNode( x, y, z ));                            
  Transform t = lattice.getTxForNode( x, y, z );        
  int igm_result;
  iBase_EntityHandle cell_copy;
  iGeom_copyEnt( igm, cell_shell, &cell_copy, &igm_result );
  CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Copying a lattice cell shell" );
  cell_copy = applyTransform( t, igm, cell_copy );
  if( !boundBoxesIntersect( igm, cell_copy, lattice_shell ) ){
    iGeom_deleteEnt( igm, cell_copy, &igm_result);
    CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Deleting a lattice cell shell" );
    if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << uprefix() << " node failed bbox check" << std::endl;
    return false;

  entity_collection_t node_subcells;
  if( fn->getFillingUniverse() == 0 ){
    // this node of the lattice was assigned universe zero, meaning it's
    // defined to be emtpy. Delete the shell and return true.
    iGeom_deleteEnt( igm, cell_copy, &igm_result );
    CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Deleting a universe-0 lattice cell" );
    return true;
  else if( fn->getFillingUniverse() == lattice_universe ){
    // this node is just a translated copy of the origin element in the lattice
    setVolumeCellID(cell_copy, cell.getIdent());
    if( cell.getMat() != 0 ){ setMaterial( cell_copy, cell.getMat(), cell.getRho() ); }
    if( cell.getImportances().size() ){ setImportances( cell_copy, cell.getImportances()); }
    node_subcells.push_back( cell_copy );
    // this node has an embedded universe

    iBase_EntityHandle cell_copy_unmoved;
    iGeom_copyEnt( igm, cell_shell, &cell_copy_unmoved, &igm_result );
    CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Re-copying a lattice cell shell" );
    node_subcells = defineUniverse(  fn->getFillingUniverse(), cell_copy_unmoved, (fn->hasTransform() ? &(fn->getTransform()) : NULL ) );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < node_subcells.size(); ++i ){
      node_subcells[i] = applyTransform( t, igm, node_subcells[i] );

    iGeom_deleteEnt( igm, cell_copy, &igm_result );
    CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Deleting lattice cell copy" );


  // bound the node with the enclosing lattice shell
  bool success = false;
  for( size_t i = 0; i < node_subcells.size(); ++i ){
    iBase_EntityHandle lattice_shell_copy;
    iGeom_copyEnt( igm, lattice_shell, &lattice_shell_copy, &igm_result );

    iBase_EntityHandle result;
    if( intersectIfPossible( igm, lattice_shell_copy, node_subcells[i], &result, true ) ){
      updateMaps( node_subcells[i], result );
      if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << " node defined successfully" << std::endl;
      accum.push_back( result );
      success = true;
      // lattice_shell_copy and node_subcells[i] were deleted by intersectIfPossible(),
      // so there's no need to delete them explicitly
      updateMaps( node_subcells[i], NULL );
      if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << " node failed intersection" << std::endl;

  return success;
entity_collection_t GeometryContext::defineUniverse ( int  universe,
iBase_EntityHandle  container = NULL,
const Transform transform = NULL 

Define all the cells in a universe.

containerIf non-null, intersect the universe with this boundary volume
transformIf non-null, transform the universe thus.

Definition at line 875 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.


  if( OPT_VERBOSE ) std::cout << uprefix() << "Defining universe " << universe << std::endl;

  InputDeck::cell_card_list u_cells = deck.getCellsOfUniverse( universe );
  entity_collection_t subcells;

  iBase_EntityHandle lattice_shell = NULL;
  if( u_cells.size() == 1 && u_cells[0]->isLattice() ){
    lattice_shell = container;
    // reverse-transform the containing volume before using it as a lattice boundary
      lattice_shell = applyReverseTransform( *transform, igm, lattice_shell );

  // define all the cells of this universe
  for( InputDeck::cell_card_list::iterator i = u_cells.begin(); i!=u_cells.end(); ++i){
    entity_collection_t tmp = defineCell( *(*i), true, lattice_shell );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i){
      subcells.push_back( tmp[i] );
  if( transform ){
    for( size_t i = 0; i < subcells.size(); ++i){
      subcells[i] = applyTransform( *transform, igm, subcells[i] );      

  if( container && !lattice_shell ){
    int igm_result;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < subcells.size(); ++i ){
      if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << uprefix() << "Bounding a universe cell..." << std::flush;    
      bool subcell_removed = false;

      if( boundBoxesIntersect( igm, subcells[i], container )){
        iBase_EntityHandle container_copy;
        iGeom_copyEnt( igm, container, &container_copy, &igm_result);
        CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Copying a universe-bounding cell" );
        iBase_EntityHandle subcell_bounded;
        bool valid_result = intersectIfPossible( igm, container_copy, subcells[i], &subcell_bounded );
        if( valid_result ){
          updateMaps( subcells[i], subcell_bounded );
          subcells[i] = subcell_bounded;
          if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << " ok." <<  std::endl;
          subcell_removed = true;

        // bounding boxes didn't intersect, delete subcells[i].
        // this suggests invalid geometry, but we can continue anyway.
        iGeom_deleteEnt( igm, subcells[i], &igm_result );
        CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Deleting a subcell that didn't intersect a parent's bounding box (strange!)" );
        subcell_removed = true;
      if( subcell_removed ){
        updateMaps( subcells[i], NULL );
        subcells.erase( subcells.begin()+i );
        if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << " removed." << std::endl;
    iGeom_deleteEnt( igm, container, &igm_result );
    CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Deleting a bounding cell" );

  if( OPT_VERBOSE ) std::cout << uprefix() << "Done defining universe " << universe << std::endl;

  return subcells;
NamedGroup* GeometryContext::getNamedGroup ( const std::string &  name) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 255 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

    if( named_groups.find( name ) == named_groups.end() ){
      named_groups[ name ] = new NamedGroup( name );
      if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << "New named group: " << name 
                                << "num groups now " << named_groups.size() << std::endl;
    return named_groups[ name ];
std::string GeometryContext::importanceName ( char  impchar,
double  imp 
) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 176 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

    std::string ret; 
    std::stringstream formatter;
    formatter << "imp." << impchar << "_" << imp;
    formatter >> ret;
    return ret;
bool GeometryContext::mapSanityCheck ( iBase_EntityHandle cells,
size_t  count 

debugging functions to check sanity of named group mappings. Called only if -D enabled

Definition at line 461 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

  bool good = true;
  int igm_result;

  iBase_EntitySetHandle rootset;
  iGeom_getRootSet( igm, &rootset, &igm_result );
  CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Getting root set for sanity check" );

  int num_regions;
  iGeom_getNumOfType( igm, rootset, iBase_REGION, &num_regions, &igm_result );
  CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Getting num regions for sanity check" );

  iBase_EntityHandle * handle_vector = new iBase_EntityHandle[ num_regions ];
  int size = 0;

  std::cout << "Map sanity check: num_regions = " << num_regions << std::endl;
  iGeom_getEntities( igm, rootset, iBase_REGION, &handle_vector, &num_regions, &size, &igm_result );
  CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Getting entities for sanity check" );

  std::cout << "Map sanity check: root set size = " << size << " (" << num_regions << ")" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Cell count: " << count << std::endl;
  // sanity conditions: all the entityhandles in the naming lists are part of the cells list
  std::set< iBase_EntityHandle > allRegions;
  for( size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i ){
    allRegions.insert( cells[i] );
  int named_group_volume_count = 0;
  for( std::map<std::string, NamedGroup*>::iterator i = named_groups.begin(); i!=named_groups.end(); ++i){
    NamedGroup* group = (*i).second;
    named_group_volume_count += group->getEntities().size();

    // graveyard cells are not present in allRegions
    if( group->getName() == "graveyard" )

    entity_collection_t group_cells = group->getEntities();
    for( entity_collection_t::iterator j = group_cells.begin(); j != group_cells.end(); ++j ){
      bool check = allRegions.find( *j ) != allRegions.end();
      if( ! check ){
        std::cout << "Entity handle " << *j << " is not in allRegions!" << std::endl;
      good = good && check;

  std::cout << "Num EntityHandles in NamedGroups: " << named_group_volume_count << std::endl;

  if( good ){ std::cout << "Map sanity check: pass!"  << std::endl; }
  else{ std::cout << "WARNING: Failed map sanity check!" << std::endl; }

  return good;
std::string GeometryContext::materialName ( int  mat,
double  rho 
) [inline, protected]

Metadata and naming: The NamedGroup and NamedEntity mappings are used to keep track of metadata on particular entity handles that map to MCNP cells. EntityHandles change frequently as CSG operations are performed on volumes, so these mappings must be updated, by calling updateMaps(), whenever an EntityHandle changes.

Definition at line 153 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

    std::string ret;
    std::stringstream formatter;
      bool mass_density = false;
      if (rho <= 0){
        mass_density = true;
        rho = -rho;
      char rho_formatted [50];
      sprintf(rho_formatted, "%E", rho);
      formatter << "mat:m" << mat;
          formatter << "/rho:" <<rho_formatted;
          formatter << "/atom:" << rho_formatted;
      formatter << "mat_" << mat << "_rho_" << rho;
    formatter >> ret;
    return ret;

fill a cell with its contents. The cell's boundary is already defined in cell_shell.

Definition at line 633 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

  if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << uprefix() << "Populating cell " << cell.getIdent() << std::endl;

  if( !cell.hasFill() && !cell.isLattice() ){
    // no further geometry inside this cell; set its material
    setVolumeCellID(cell_shell, cell.getIdent());
    if( cell.getMat() != 0 ){ setMaterial( cell_shell, cell.getMat(), cell.getRho() ); }
    if( cell.getImportances().size() ){ setImportances( cell_shell, cell.getImportances()); }
    return entity_collection_t(1, cell_shell );
  else if(cell.hasFill() && !cell.isLattice()){
    // define a simple (non-lattice) fill
    const FillNode& n = cell.getFill().getOriginNode();
    int filling_universe = n.getFillingUniverse();
    if( OPT_DEBUG ){
      std::cout << uprefix() << "Creating cell " << cell.getIdent() 
                << ", which is filled with universe " << filling_universe << std::endl;
    // the contained universe is transformed by the FillNode's transform, if any, or
    // else by the cell's TRCL value, if any.
    const Transform* t;
    if( n.hasTransform() ){
      t = &(n.getTransform());
    } else if( cell.getTrcl().hasData() ){
      t = &(cell.getTrcl().getData() );
    } else { 
      t = NULL; 

    if( OPT_DEBUG && t ) std::cout << uprefix() << " ... and has transform: " << *t << std::endl;

    entity_collection_t subcells = defineUniverse(  filling_universe, cell_shell, t );
    return subcells;
  else {
    // cell is a lattice, bounded by lattice_shell.  cell_shell is the origin element of the lattice and
    // cell->getLattice() has the lattice parameters.

    if( OPT_VERBOSE ) std::cout << uprefix() << "Creating cell " << cell.getIdent() << "'s lattice" << std::endl;

    entity_collection_t subcells;
    const Lattice& lattice = cell.getLattice();
    int num_dims = lattice.numFiniteDirections();
    if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << uprefix() << "  lattice num dims: " << num_dims << std::endl;

    if( lattice.isFixedSize() ){

      if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << uprefix() << "Defining fixed lattice" << std::endl;

      irange xrange = lattice.getXRange(), yrange = lattice.getYRange(), zrange = lattice.getZRange();

      for( int i = xrange.first; i <= xrange.second; ++i){
        for( int j = yrange.first; j <= yrange.second; ++j ){
          for( int k = zrange.first; k <= zrange.second; ++k ){

            if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << uprefix() << "Defining lattice node " << i << ", " << j << ", " << k << std::endl;

            /* bool success = */ defineLatticeNode( cell, cell_shell, lattice_shell, i, j, k, subcells );

            if( num_dims < 3 ) break; // from z loop
          if( num_dims < 2 ) break; // from y loop


      if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << uprefix() << "Defining infinite lattice" << std::endl;
      if( OPT_VERBOSE && Gopt.infinite_lattice_extra_effort ) 
        std::cout << uprefix() << "Infinite lattice extra effort enabled." << std::endl;

      // when extra effort is enabled, initialize done_one to false;
      // the code will keep trying to create lattice elements until at least one 
      // element has been successfully created.
      bool done = false, done_one = !Gopt.infinite_lattice_extra_effort;
      int radius = 0;

      while( !done ){
        done = done_one;
        std::vector<int_triple> shell = makeGridShellOfRadius(radius++, num_dims);

        for( std::vector<int_triple>::iterator i = shell.begin(); i!=shell.end(); ++i){
          int x = (*i).v[0];
          int y = (*i).v[1];
          int z = (*i).v[2];
          if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << uprefix() << "Defining lattice node " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << std::endl;

          bool success = defineLatticeNode( cell, cell_shell, lattice_shell, x, y, z, subcells );
          if( success ){
            done = false;
            done_one = true;


    int igm_result;
    iGeom_deleteEnt( igm, cell_shell, &igm_result );
    CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Deleting cell shell after building lattice" );
    iGeom_deleteEnt( igm, lattice_shell, &igm_result );
    CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Deleting lattice shell after building lattice" );

    return subcells;
void GeometryContext::setImportances ( iBase_EntityHandle  cell,
const std::map< char, double > &  imps 
) [inline]

Definition at line 288 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

    if( Gopt.tag_importances ){
      for( std::map<char, double>::const_iterator i = imps.begin();
           i != imps.end(); ++i )
          char impchar = (*i).first;
          double imp = (*i).second;
          addToVolumeGroup( cell, importanceName( impchar, imp ) );
void GeometryContext::setMaterial ( iBase_EntityHandle  cell,
int  material,
double  density 
) [inline]

Definition at line 282 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

    if( Gopt.tag_materials ){
        addToVolumeGroup( cell, materialName(material,density) );
void GeometryContext::setVolumeCellID ( iBase_EntityHandle  cell,
int  ident 

Definition at line 327 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.


  named_cells.push_back( NamedEntity::makeCellIDName(cell, ident) );


Set the names of cells; only called after cells have their final handles

Definition at line 424 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

  int igm_result;

  std::string name_tag_id = "NAME";
  int name_tag_maxlength = 64;
  iBase_TagHandle name_tag;

  iGeom_getTagHandle( igm, name_tag_id.c_str(), &name_tag, &igm_result, name_tag_id.length() );
  CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Looking up NAME tag" );
  iGeom_getTagSizeBytes( igm, name_tag, &name_tag_maxlength, &igm_result );
  CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Querying NAME tag length" );
  if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << "Name tag length: " << name_tag_maxlength << " actual id " << name_tag << std::endl;

  if( OPT_VERBOSE ){ std::cout << "Naming " << named_cells.size() << " volumes." <<  std::endl; }

  for( std::vector< NamedEntity* >::iterator i = named_cells.begin(); i!=named_cells.end(); ++i){
    std::string name = (*i)->getName();
    iBase_EntityHandle entity = (*i)->getHandle();

    if( name.length() > (unsigned)name_tag_maxlength ){
      name.resize( name_tag_maxlength - 1);
      std::cerr << "Warning: trimmed entity name " << (*i)->getName() 
                << " to length " << name_tag_maxlength << std::endl;

    if( entity == NULL ){ std::cerr << "Error: NULL in named_cells" << std::endl; continue; }
    iGeom_setData( igm, entity, name_tag, name.c_str(), name.length(), &igm_result );
    CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Naming an NamedEntity" );


Create and name groups of entities; only called after all cells have their final handles

Definition at line 374 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.


  // the NamedGroup system used to be used solely to create groups for material specification,
  // but it has since been expanded for importance groups.  Some of the old messages that
  // talk about material groups could be confusing.
  int igm_result;
  std::string name_tag_id = "NAME";
  int name_tag_maxlength = 64;
  iBase_TagHandle name_tag;

  iGeom_getTagHandle( igm, name_tag_id.c_str(), &name_tag, &igm_result, name_tag_id.length() );
  CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Looking up NAME tag" );
  iGeom_getTagSizeBytes( igm, name_tag, &name_tag_maxlength, &igm_result );
  CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Querying NAME tag length" );
  if( OPT_DEBUG ) std::cout << "Name tag length: " << name_tag_maxlength << " actual id " << name_tag << std::endl;

  for( std::map<std::string,NamedGroup*>::iterator i = named_groups.begin(); i != named_groups.end(); ++i ){

    NamedGroup* group = (*i).second;
      std::cout << "Creating volume group " << group->getName() << " of size " << group->getEntities().size() << std::endl;

    iBase_EntitySetHandle set;
    iGeom_createEntSet( igm, 0, &set, &igm_result );
    CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Creating a new entity set " );
    const entity_collection_t& group_list = group->getEntities();
    for( entity_collection_t::const_iterator j = group_list.begin(); j != group_list.end(); ++j ){
      iGeom_addEntToSet( igm, *j, set, &igm_result );
      CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Adding entity to material set" );

    std::string name = group->getName();
    if( name.length() > (unsigned)name_tag_maxlength ){
      name.resize( name_tag_maxlength - 1);
      std::cerr << "Warning: trimmed material name " << group->getName() 
                << " to length " << name_tag_maxlength << std::endl;

    iGeom_setEntSetData( igm, set, name_tag, name.c_str(), name.length(), &igm_result );
    CHECK_IGEOM( igm_result, "Naming a material group's EntitySet" );


Inform metadata system that a cell has changed handled, as from a CSG operation

Definition at line 334 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.


  /* update named_groups.  handling of new_cell == NULL case is performed within NamedGroup class */
  for( std::map<std::string,NamedGroup*>::iterator i = named_groups.begin();
       i != named_groups.end(); ++i )
    NamedGroup* group = (*i).second;
    group->update( old_cell, new_cell );

  /* update named entities.*/
  if( new_cell != NULL ){
    for( std::vector< NamedEntity* >::iterator i = named_cells.begin(); 
         i != named_cells.end(); ++i )
        NamedEntity* ne = *i;
        if( ne->getHandle() == old_cell ){
          ne->setHandle( new_cell );
  else{ /* new_cell == NULL (i.e. cell has disappeared) */

    // this case is expected to be uncommon in most geometries, so the fact that erasing
    // from a std::vector is slow should not be a problem.
    std::vector< NamedEntity* >::iterator i = named_cells.begin();
    while( i != named_cells.end() ){
      if( (*i)->getHandle() == old_cell ){
        delete (*i);

std::string GeometryContext::uprefix ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 308 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

    return std::string( universe_depth, ' ' );

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 248 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

Definition at line 247 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

std::vector< NamedEntity* > GeometryContext::named_cells [protected]

Definition at line 253 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

std::map< std::string, NamedGroup* > GeometryContext::named_groups [protected]

Definition at line 252 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

Definition at line 250 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

double GeometryContext::world_size [protected]

Definition at line 249 of file mcnp2cad.cpp.

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