SplitSurfaceTool Class Reference

Tool class for splitting surfaces. More...

#include <SplitSurfaceTool.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SplitSurfaceTool ()
 ~SplitSurfaceTool ()
CubitStatus preview (RefFace *ref_face_ptr, DLIList< CubitVector * > &locations, DLIList< DLIList< CubitVector * > * > &vec_lists, CubitBoolean create_ref_edges_flg, CubitBoolean clear_previous_previews=CUBIT_TRUE)
CubitStatus preview (DLIList< RefFace * > &ref_face_list, DLIList< CubitVector * > &locations, DLIList< DLIList< DLIList< CubitVector * > * > * > &list_of_vec_lists, CubitBoolean create_ref_edges_flg, CubitBoolean clear_previous_previews=CUBIT_TRUE)
 Overloaded preview function to handle multiple surfaces (see above).
CubitStatus calculate_split_curves (DLIList< RefFace * > &ref_face_list, int num_segs, double fraction, double distance, RefEdge *from_curve_ptr, DLIList< RefVertex * > &corner_vertex_list, DLIList< RefVertex * > &through_vertex_list, RefEdge *curve_dir_ptr, CubitBoolean preview_flg, CubitBoolean create_ref_edges_flg, CubitBoolean just_curves_flg, DLIList< DLIList< Curve * > * > &curve_lists_list)
CubitStatus split_surface (RefFace *ref_face_ptr, DLIList< DLIList< CubitVector * > * > &vec_lists)
CubitStatus split_surface (DLIList< RefFace * > &ref_face_list, DLIList< DLIList< DLIList< CubitVector * > * > * > &list_of_vec_lists)
 Overloaded split function to allow multiple surfaces to be split (see above).
CubitStatus split_surface (RefFace *ref_face_ptr, DLIList< Curve * > &curve_list)
 Split function for simple surface splitting using a list of predefined curves.
CubitStatus split_surfaces (DLIList< RefFace * > &ref_face_list, int num_segs, double fraction, double distance, RefEdge *from_curve_ptr, DLIList< RefVertex * > &corner_vertex_list, DLIList< RefVertex * > &through_vertex_list, RefEdge *curve_dir_ptr=NULL, CubitBoolean preview_flg=CUBIT_FALSE, CubitBoolean create_ref_edges_flg=CUBIT_FALSE)
CubitStatus split_surfaces (DLIList< RefFace * > &ref_face_list, int num_segs, double fraction, double distance, RefEdge *from_curve_ptr, DLIList< RefVertex * > &corner_vertex_list, DLIList< RefVertex * > &through_vertex_list, RefEdge *curve_dir_ptr, DLIList< DLIList< Curve * > * > &curve_lists_list)
CubitStatus split_surfaces (DLIList< RefFace * > &ref_face_list, int num_segs, double fraction, double distance, RefEdge *from_curve_ptr, DLIList< RefVertex * > &corner_vertex_list, DLIList< RefVertex * > &through_vertex_list, RefEdge *curve_dir_ptr, DLIList< Curve * > &curve_list)
 Same as above except this method simply returns a simple list of Curves.
CubitStatus split_surfaces_extend (DLIList< RefFace * > &ref_face_list, DLIList< RefVertex * > &ref_vertex_list, CubitBoolean preview_flg=CUBIT_FALSE, CubitBoolean create_ref_edges_flg=CUBIT_FALSE)
void free_curves_lists (DLIList< DLIList< Curve * > * > &curve_lists_list, CubitBoolean free_curves_flg=CUBIT_TRUE)
CubitStatus draw_preview (DLIList< Curve * > &curve_list, int color=CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX)
 preview the curves
Curvecreate_curve (DLIList< CubitVector * > &vec_list, Surface *surf_ptr, double tolerance=GEOMETRY_RESABS, CubitBoolean iterate=CUBIT_FALSE, CubitBoolean draw_pnts=CUBIT_FALSE, CubitBoolean project_curve=CUBIT_TRUE)
CubitStatus calculate_split_curves (RefFace *ref_face_ptr, DLIList< DLIList< CubitVector * > * > &vec_lists, DLIList< Curve * > &curve_list)
CubitStatus calculate_split_curves (Surface *surf_ptr, DLIList< DLIList< CubitVector * > * > &vec_lists, DLIList< Curve * > &curve_list)

Static Public Member Functions

static void set_tolerance (double tol)
 Set the tolerance (function returns previous tolerance)
static double get_tolerance ()
static void set_auto_detect_triangles_flg (CubitBoolean auto_detect_flg)
 Set the auto detect triangles flag.
static CubitBoolean get_auto_detect_triangles_flg ()
 Get the auto detect triangles flag.
static void set_side_angle_threshold (double angle)
 Set the side angle threshold.
static double get_side_angle_threshold ()
static void set_point_angle_threshold (double tol)
 Set the point angle threshold.
static double get_point_angle_threshold ()
static void set_parametric_flg (CubitBoolean parametric_flg)
 Set the parametric flag.
static CubitBoolean get_parametric_flg ()
static void set_extend_gap_threshold (double threshold=CUBIT_DBL_MAX)
 Set the extend gap threshold. Only split if gap is less than this.
static double get_extend_gap_threshold ()
 Get the extend gap threshold.
static void set_extend_tolerance (double tol)
static double get_extend_tolerance ()
 Get the extend tolerance.
static void set_extend_normal_flg (CubitBoolean extend_normal_flg)
static CubitBoolean get_extend_normal_flg ()
 Return extend normal setting.
static void initialize_settings ()
 Initialize settings for this class.

Private Member Functions

CubitStatus split_surfaces (DLIList< RefFace * > &ref_face_list, int num_segs, double fraction, double distance, RefEdge *from_curve_ptr, DLIList< RefVertex * > &corner_vertex_list, DLIList< RefVertex * > &through_vertex_list, RefEdge *curve_dir_ptr, CubitBoolean preview_flg, CubitBoolean create_ref_edges_flg, CubitBoolean just_curves_flg, DLIList< DLIList< Curve * > * > &curve_lists_list)
CubitStatus check_valid_faces ()
CubitStatus order_face_list ()
CubitStatus get_neighbors (RefFace *seed_ref_face, DLIList< RefFace * > &input_ref_faces, DLIList< RefFace * > &neighbor_ref_faces)
CubitStatus get_outer_loops ()
CubitStatus get_outer_coedge_loop ()
CubitStatus find_loop_start (CoEdge *&start_co_edge_ptr)
CubitStatus get_outer_vertices (DLIList< RefVertex * > &ref_vertex_list)
CubitStatus get_outer_curves (DLIList< RefEdge * > &ref_edge_list)
CubitStatus pick_4_corners ()
CubitStatus pick_expanded_corners (RefFace *ref_face_ptr, DLIList< CoEdge * > &co_edge_list, int &offset, double epsilon, int &A_i, int &B_i)
CubitStatus pick_4_corners_simple ()
CubitStatus update_corners_for_triangle ()
CubitStatus remove_corner (int corner_to_remove, int collapsed_corner, CubitBoolean set_collapsed_first)
CubitStatus fill_corners (int best_corner_1, int best_corner_2, int best_corner_3, int best_corner_4)
CubitStatus fill_side_intervals (int best_corner_1, int best_corner_2, int best_corner_3, int best_corner_4)
CubitStatus order_selected_corners (DLIList< RefVertex * > &outer_vertex_list)
int number_in_list (DLIList< RefVertex * > &corner_vertex_list, RefVertex *ref_vertex_ptr)
CubitBoolean is_in_outer_loop (RefVertex *ref_vertex_ptr)
CubitStatus compute_angles (double *&angles, double &turn_angle_sum)
void order_corners (int &corner_1, int &corner_2, int &corner_3, int &corner_4)
void order_corners (int &corner_1, int &corner_2, int &corner_3)
CubitStatus adjust_for_split_direction (RefEdge *curve_dir_ptr, RefEdge *from_curve_ptr, DLIList< RefVertex * > &corner_vertex_list)
double get_side_length (int side)
double compute_next_angle (DLIList< CoEdge * > &co_edge_list)
CubitStatus reorient_loop (int start_offset)
CubitStatus shuffle_corners_forward ()
CubitStatus shuffle_zero_side_forward ()
CubitStatus populate_curve_loops ()
CubitBoolean is_edge_in_list (RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr, DLIList< CoEdge * > &co_edge_list)
CubitStatus check_face_loop (RefFace *ref_face_ptr, CubitBoolean &is_loop)
CubitStatus check_for_loop (RefFace *ref_face_ptr1, RefFace *ref_face_ptr2, CubitBoolean &is_loop, CoEdge *&start_co_edge_ptr)
CubitStatus ordered_co_edges (RefFace *ref_face_ptr, DLIList< CoEdge * > &co_edge_list)
CoEdgeget_next_co_edge (CoEdge *prev_co_edge_ptr, DLIList< CoEdge * > &co_edge_list)
RefVertexstart_vertex (CoEdge *co_edge_ptr)
RefVertexend_vertex (CoEdge *co_edge_ptr)
CoEdgeget_complimentary_co_edge (CoEdge *co_edge_ptr, DLIList< CoEdge * > co_edge_list)
CubitStatus get_attached_coedges_start (CoEdge *co_edge_ptr, DLIList< CoEdge * > &co_edge_list, DLIList< CoEdge * > &attached_co_edge_list)
CubitStatus remove_other_corner_coedges (CoEdge *co_edge_1, CoEdge *co_edge_2, DLIList< CoEdge * > &all_co_edge_list, DLIList< CoEdge * > &att_co_edge_list)
CubitStatus add_tooldata (DLIList< CoEdge * > &co_edge_list, int vertex_type)
CubitBoolean is_vertex_on_side (RefVertex *ref_vertex_ptr, int side)
CubitBoolean is_vertex_in_surface (RefVertex *ref_vertex_ptr, RefFace *ref_face)
CubitBoolean is_curve_in_outer_loop (RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr)
CubitBoolean is_curve_on_side (RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr, int side)
CubitBoolean is_chain_two_triangles ()
CubitBoolean is_triangle ()
CubitStatus check_through_vertices (const char *type)
CoEdgeprev_co_edge (CoEdge *co_edge_ptr)
CubitStatus position_co_edge_list (int i, DLIList< CoEdge * > &co_edge_list)
CubitStatus get_a_coedges (DLIList< CoEdge * > &co_edge_list, DLIList< CoEdge * > &a_coedges)
CubitStatus get_b_coedges (DLIList< CoEdge * > &co_edge_list, DLIList< CoEdge * > &b_coedges)
CubitStatus get_c_coedges (DLIList< CoEdge * > &co_edge_list, DLIList< CoEdge * > &c_coedges)
CubitStatus get_d_coedges (DLIList< CoEdge * > &co_edge_list, int num_so_far, DLIList< CoEdge * > &d_coedges)
CubitStatus find_spline_curves (RefFace *ref_face_ptr, int num_segs, double distance, DLIList< Curve * > *curve_list_ptr, double tolerance, CubitBoolean parametric_flg=CUBIT_FALSE, CubitBoolean preview_flg=CUBIT_FALSE, CubitBoolean create_ref_edges_flg=CUBIT_FALSE)
CubitStatus fill_boundary_coords (TDSplitSurface *tdss, int nr, int nc, CubitVector ***coords)
CubitStatus draw_boundary_coords (TDSplitSurface *tdss)
CubitStatus smooth_interior_coords (RefFace *ref_face_ptr, TDSplitSurface *tdss, double tolerance, int nr, int nc, double distance, CubitVector ***coords)
CubitStatus fill_interior_coords (TDSplitSurface *tdss, int nr, int nc, CubitVector ***coords)
CubitVectormake_interior_coord (CubitVector ***coords, int nr, int nc, double ada, double tse, int j, int i)
CubitStatus fill_boundary_coords (TDSplitSurface *tdss, int nr, int nc, Cubit2DPoint ***coords)
Cubit2DPointget_uv_point (RefFace *ref_face_ptr, CubitVector *vec_ptr)
CubitStatus fill_interior_coords (TDSplitSurface *tdss, int nr, int nc, Cubit2DPoint ***coords)
CubitStatus get_tse_array (TDSplitSurface *tdss, int tse_ints, DLIList< double > &tse_array)
Cubit2DPointmake_interior_coord (Cubit2DPoint ***coords, int nr, int nc, double ada, double tse, int j, int i)
CubitStatus draw_points (DLIList< CubitVector * > &pnt_list, int color, int flush=CUBIT_TRUE)
CubitStatus draw_point (CubitVector &pnt, int color, int flush=CUBIT_FALSE)
CubitStatus draw_preview (Curve *curve_ptr, CubitBoolean flush=CUBIT_TRUE, int color=CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX)
CubitStatus create_ref_edges (DLIList< Curve * > &curve_list, DLIList< RefEdge * > &ref_edge_list)
int number_coedges (RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr, RefFace *ref_face_ptr)
void delete_surf_tooldatas (DLIList< RefFace * > &ref_face_list)
void delete_coedge_tooldatas (DLIList< CoEdge * > &co_edge_list)
void delete_vertex_tooldatas (DLIList< RefVertex * > &ref_vertex_list)
void list_sides_debug ()
CubitBoolean check_points_straight (Surface *surf_ptr, DLIList< CubitVector * > &point_list, double tolerance)
Curvecheck_points_arc (Surface *surf_ptr, GeometryModifyEngine *gme, DLIList< CubitVector * > &point_list, double resabs, double tolerance)
Curvecheck_if_arc (GeometryModifyEngine *gme, Surface *surf_ptr, DLIList< CubitVector * > &point_list, CubitVector &start_pnt, CubitVector &mid_pnt, CubitVector &end_pnt, double resabs, double tolerance, double &deviation)
CubitStatus get_arc_mid_pnt (Surface *surf_ptr, CubitVector &start_pnt, CubitVector &end_pnt, CubitVector &mid_pnt, double tolerance)
Curvecreate_arc_two (GeometryModifyEngine *gme, Surface *surf_ptr, CubitVector &start_pnt, CubitVector &end_pnt, double resabs, double tolerance)
Curvecreate_arc_three (GeometryModifyEngine *gme, Surface *surf_ptr, CubitVector &start_pnt, CubitVector &mid_pnt, CubitVector &end_pnt, double resabs)
CubitStatus reflect_arc_pnt (CubitVector &vec1, CubitVector &vec2, CubitVector &vec3, CubitVector &pnt_to_reflect, CubitVector &out_pnt)
CubitBoolean is_point_on_surface (Surface *surf_ptr, CubitVector &pnt, double resabs)
int count_surfaces_in_owning_body (RefFace *ref_face_ptr, Body *&body_ptr)
int count_surfaces_in_body (Body *body_ptr)
int count_curves_in_body (Body *body_ptr)
void cleanup_for_extend_op (DLIList< RefVertex * > &ref_vertex_list, DLIList< DLIList< Surface * > * > &body_surf_list_list, DLIList< DLIList< DLIList< Curve * > * > * > &curve_lists_lists_list, CubitBoolean free_curves_flg=CUBIT_TRUE)
void find_nearest_curve_for_normal_projection (RefEdge *hit_edge_ptr, CubitVector &start_loc, RefFace *face, CubitVector &ray_dir, RefEdge *&new_edge_ptr, CubitVector &new_end_loc)

Private Attributes

DLIList< RefFace * > refFaceChain
DLIList< RefVertex * > throughVertexList
DLIList< CoEdge * > outerCoEdgeLoop
CoEdgecornerCoEdge [4]
CubitBoolean isLoop
int sideInterval [4]

Static Private Attributes

static CubitBoolean parametricFlg = CUBIT_FALSE
static double splitTolerance = 1.0
static CubitBoolean autoDetectTriangles = CUBIT_TRUE
static double sideAngleThreshold = 27.0
static double pointAngleThreshold = 45.0
static double extendGapThreshold = CUBIT_DBL_MAX
static CubitBoolean extendNormalFlg = CUBIT_FALSE
static double extendTolerance = .1

Detailed Description

Tool class for splitting surfaces.

Definition at line 33 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 56 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  for(i=0; i<4; i++)
    sideInterval[i] = 0;
    cornerCoEdge[i] = NULL;
  isLoop = CUBIT_FALSE;

Definition at line 39 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.


Member Function Documentation

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::add_tooldata ( DLIList< CoEdge * > &  co_edge_list,
int  vertex_type 
) [private]

Definition at line 2614 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();

    // Something's wrong if we have are trying to put a tooldata on a CoEdge that
    // already has one.
    if( (TDSplitSurface *)co_edge_ptr->get_TD(&TDSplitSurface::is_split_surface) )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Internal error in split surface function - please report this.\n" );
      PRINT_DEBUG_154( "       Function add_tooldata.\n" );
      PRINT_DEBUG_154( "       Curve = %d on surface %d\n", co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id(),
        co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face()->id() );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    co_edge_ptr->add_TD( new TDSplitSurface( vertex_type ) );
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::adjust_for_split_direction ( RefEdge curve_dir_ptr,
RefEdge from_curve_ptr,
DLIList< RefVertex * > &  corner_vertex_list 
) [private]

Definition at line 3629 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Adjust the loops to the split direction. The split direction is
  // determined as follows:
  // 1) For multiple surfaces - always across the chain.
  //          split direction
  //   c2        <-------->            c1
  //   +---------+-----------+-----------+
  //   |         |           |           |
  //   |_  _  _  |_  _  _  _ | _  _  _  _|
  //   |         |  split    |           |side 0
  //   |         |           |           |
  //   +---------+-----------+-----------+
  //   c3            side 3              c0
  // 2) If a "from" curve is specfied, put the "from" curve on 
  //    side 3, so that the fraction and distance goes from the
  //    right side.

  // For single surfaces, the logic is a little more tricky:
  // 1) From optional "direction" curve given by user (parallel to split) 
  // 2) From optional "from" curve given by user (parallel to split)
  // 3) From optional through vertex list given by user.
  // 4) From optional corner vertices given by user, if given in a 
  //    sensible order (ie., not criss-crossed). Split direction
  //    will be perpendicular to the side from first to second
  //    selected corner (ie., perpendicular to c0-c1 in the 
  //    diagram below).
  // 5) From aspect ratio of patch - split along "skinny" direction.
  //          split direction
  //   c2        <-------->            c1
  //   +-------------------------------+
  //   |                               |
  //   |_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _|
  //   |           split               |
  //   |                               |
  //   +-------------------------------+
  //   c3                              c0
  //   In all cases check for incompatible inputs (i.e., conflicting 
  //   "direction" and "from" curves, conflicting "through" vertices
  //   on single surfaces, etc.)


  if( refFaceChain.size() > 1 && corner_vertex_list.size() )
    RefFace *start_surf = refFaceChain.get();
    RefFace *end_surf = refFaceChain.get();

    // We might have to shuffle the selected corners to orient them to split 
    // across the surfaces.  To be valid, we must have the two starting 
    // corners in the start surface and the two ending corners in the end 
    // surface.  Shuffle the corners until this condition is met.  If
    // we shuffle three times and the condition is still not met, we have
    // been given invalid vertices.
    // Here is a case we must be able to handle, with corners specified
    // as shown.  We must shuffle three times.

    //  C3                        C2
    //   +-----+------------------+
    //   |\     \                 |
    //   |  \    \                |
    //   |    \    \     end      |
    //   |      \   \             |
    //   |        \   \           |
    //   |          \   \         |
    //   |            \   \       |
    //   |              \  \      |
    //   |                \  \    |
    //   |     start        \ \   |
    //   |                    \ \ |
    //   |                      \\|
    //   +------------------------+
    //  C0                        C1

    if( !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[0]), start_surf ) ||
        !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[1]), start_surf ) ||
        !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[2]), end_surf ) ||
        !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[3]), end_surf ) )
      if( !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[0]), start_surf ) ||
          !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[1]), start_surf ) ||
          !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[2]), end_surf ) ||
          !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[3]), end_surf ) )
        if( !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[0]), start_surf ) ||
            !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[1]), start_surf ) ||
            !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[2]), end_surf ) ||
            !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[3]), end_surf ) )
          if( !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[0]), start_surf ) ||
              !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[1]), start_surf ) ||
              !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[2]), end_surf ) ||
              !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[3]), end_surf ) )
            PRINT_ERROR( "Selected vertices are invalid.  Two vertices must be on\n"
              "       start surface and two on end surface of chain.\n" );
            return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  if( refFaceChain.size() > 1 )
    if( curve_dir_ptr )
      // Check for rare case with two triangles - that case allows a switch in
      // direction
      if( is_chain_two_triangles() )
        if( is_curve_on_side( curve_dir_ptr, 0 ) ||
            is_curve_on_side( curve_dir_ptr, 2 ) )

        if( throughVertexList.size() > 2 )
          PRINT_ERROR( "For two triangle case, you can only specify 2 'through' vertices.\n" );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;

        // Make sure through vertices (if any) are on side 0 or 2
        if( check_through_vertices( "'direction'" ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        PRINT_WARNING( "Curve direction ignored - not necessary for a chain of surfaces.\n" );
    // Flip sides if user selected a from curve
    if( from_curve_ptr )
      // Check for rare case with two triangles - that case allows a switch in
      // direction
      if( is_chain_two_triangles() )
        if( is_curve_on_side( from_curve_ptr, 0 ) ||
            is_curve_on_side( from_curve_ptr, 2 ) )
          if( curve_dir_ptr )
            PRINT_ERROR( "From curve must be parallel to direction of split.\n" );
            return CUBIT_FAILURE;

        // Next two checks are redundant if a direction was specified, but that 
        // doesn't hurt anything.
        if( throughVertexList.size() > 2 )
          PRINT_ERROR( "For two triangle case, you can only specify 2 'through' vertices.\n" );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;

        // Make sure through vertices (if any) are on side 0 or 2
        if( check_through_vertices( "'from'" ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        // Make sure this curve is on side 3
        if( is_curve_on_side( from_curve_ptr, 0 ) ||
            is_curve_on_side( from_curve_ptr, 2 ) )
          PRINT_ERROR( "From curve must be parallel to direction of split.\n" );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        if( is_curve_on_side( from_curve_ptr, 1 ) )
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
    // SINGLE surface
    // Special case for triangle
    if( is_triangle() && (curve_dir_ptr || from_curve_ptr ) )
      // For a triangle, curve_dir_ptr and from_curve_ptr mean the same
      // thing.  Do a check.
      if( curve_dir_ptr && from_curve_ptr && (from_curve_ptr != curve_dir_ptr) )
        PRINT_ERROR( "For triangle case, specifying both a 'direction' and 'from'\n"
          "       curve is redundant - these have the same meaning.\n" );
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;

      if( from_curve_ptr && !curve_dir_ptr )
        curve_dir_ptr = from_curve_ptr;

      // Desired state: 0 interval side opposite the side that curve_dir_ptr
      // is on.  Then ensure that side past selected curve is side 0.  A
      // tricky bit of logic!        

      // Start out by setting zero side to side 0
      if( sideInterval[1] == 0 )
      else if (sideInterval[2] == 0 )
      else if( sideInterval[3] == 0 )

      // Move zero side and ensure that side past selected curve is side 0.
      if( is_curve_on_side( curve_dir_ptr, 1 ) )
        // Zero side should be 3

      else if( is_curve_on_side( curve_dir_ptr, 2 ) )
      else if( is_curve_on_side( curve_dir_ptr, 3 ) )

      // Check through vertices to make sure they are valid
      if( check_through_vertices( "'direction'" ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;

      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
    else if( curve_dir_ptr )
      // Curve should be on side 1 or 3 - otherwise adjust the loops forward
      if( is_curve_on_side( curve_dir_ptr, 0 ) )
      else if( is_curve_on_side( curve_dir_ptr, 2 ) )

      // Now check if there is a from curve too, along with curve direction
      if( from_curve_ptr )
        if( is_curve_on_side( from_curve_ptr, 0 ) ||
          is_curve_on_side( from_curve_ptr, 2 ) )
          PRINT_ERROR( "'Direction' and 'From' curves must be on same or opposite\n"
            "       sides of logical rectangle\n" );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        // Must be on side 3
        if( is_curve_on_side( from_curve_ptr, 1 ) )

      // Check through vertices to make sure they are valid
      if( check_through_vertices( "'direction'" ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;

      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

    // Single surface WITHOUT a direction given
    if( from_curve_ptr )
      // Curve should be on side 3 - otherwise adjust the loops forward
      if( is_curve_on_side( from_curve_ptr, 2 ) )
      else if( is_curve_on_side( from_curve_ptr, 1 ) )
      else if( is_curve_on_side( from_curve_ptr, 0 ) )

      // Check through vertices to make sure they are valid
      if( check_through_vertices( "'from'" ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;

      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

    // Single surface WITHOUT a 'direction' or 'from' curve given - if through
    // vertices let them determine the split direction.
    if( throughVertexList.size() > 2 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "For a single surface, you can only specify 2 'through' vertices.\n" );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    RefVertex *start_vertex_ptr = NULL;
    RefVertex *end_vertex_ptr = NULL;
    if( throughVertexList.size() > 0 )
      start_vertex_ptr = throughVertexList.get_and_step();
    if( throughVertexList.size() > 1 )
      end_vertex_ptr = throughVertexList.get();

    // First check for start and end vertices
    if( start_vertex_ptr || end_vertex_ptr )
      if( start_vertex_ptr )
        // Check if on side A
        if( !is_vertex_on_side( start_vertex_ptr, 0 ) )
          // Shuffle forward and check again
          if( !is_vertex_on_side( start_vertex_ptr, 0 ) )
            // Shuffle forward and check again
            if( !is_vertex_on_side( start_vertex_ptr, 0 ) )
              // Shuffle forward and check again
              if( !is_vertex_on_side( start_vertex_ptr, 0 ) )
                PRINT_ERROR( "Specified 'through' vertex %d is not valid\n",
                  start_vertex_ptr->id() );
                return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      if( end_vertex_ptr )
        // Check if on side C
        if( !is_vertex_on_side( end_vertex_ptr, 2 ) )
          // Shuffle forward and check again
          if( !is_vertex_on_side( end_vertex_ptr, 2 ) )
            // Shuffle forward and check again
            if( !is_vertex_on_side( end_vertex_ptr, 2 ) )
              // Shuffle forward and check again
              if( !is_vertex_on_side( end_vertex_ptr, 2 ) )
                PRINT_ERROR( "Specified 'through' vertex %d is not valid\n",
                  end_vertex_ptr->id() );
                return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      if( start_vertex_ptr && end_vertex_ptr )
        if( !is_vertex_on_side( start_vertex_ptr, 0 ) ||
            !is_vertex_on_side( end_vertex_ptr, 2 ) )
          PRINT_ERROR( "Specified 'through' vertices invalid - both not on split path.\n" );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;

      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

    // If second corner is 1 or 3, use the direction implied.  Otherwise,
    // user gave corners in a criss-crossed manner and we can't gain any
    // implied direction from them.
    else if( corner_vertex_list.size() && 
             corner_vertex_list.step_and_get() == start_vertex( cornerCoEdge[1]) )
      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
    else if( corner_vertex_list.size() && 
             corner_vertex_list.get() == start_vertex( cornerCoEdge[3]) )
      // We use aspect ratio to determine split direction.  Split along
      // narrowest direction.

      // Skip if we have a triangle
      if( is_triangle() )
        return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

      double len0 = get_side_length( 0 );
      double len1 = get_side_length( 1 );
      double len2 = get_side_length( 2 );
      double len3 = get_side_length( 3 );

      double ratio = (len0+len2) / (len1+len3);
      PRINT_DEBUG_154( "Ratio = %f\n", ratio );

      if( ratio < 1.0001 )
        return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
        PRINT_DEBUG_154( "Ratio deems we adjust forward\n" );
    // If we got this far, we need to adjust the split direction - move
    // loops forward by sideInterval[0] (start at corner 1)

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::calculate_split_curves ( RefFace ref_face_ptr,
DLIList< DLIList< CubitVector * > * > &  vec_lists,
DLIList< Curve * > &  curve_list 

Calculate the split curves based on the surface and user parameters. The curves are created from the input vec_lists (straight lines, arcs or splines). The input locations are the original input locations from the user.

Definition at line 266 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  Surface *surf_ptr = ref_face_ptr->get_surface_ptr();

  return calculate_split_curves(surf_ptr, vec_lists, curve_list);
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::calculate_split_curves ( Surface surf_ptr,
DLIList< DLIList< CubitVector * > * > &  vec_lists,
DLIList< Curve * > &  curve_list 

Calculate the split curves based on the surface and user parameters. The curves are created from the input vec_lists (straight lines, arcs or splines). The input locations are the original input locations from the user.

Definition at line 276 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  Curve *curve_ptr;
  DLIList<CubitVector*> *vec_list_ptr;

  for( i=vec_lists.size(); i--; )
    vec_list_ptr = vec_lists.get_and_step();

    if( vec_list_ptr->size() < 2 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to create a curve from less than two locations.\n" );

    curve_ptr = create_curve( *vec_list_ptr, surf_ptr );

    if( curve_ptr )
      curve_list.append( curve_ptr );
      if( DEBUG_FLAG( 100 ) )
        draw_preview( curve_ptr, CUBIT_TRUE, CUBIT_RED_INDEX );

  if( !curve_list.size() )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::calculate_split_curves ( DLIList< RefFace * > &  ref_face_list,
int  num_segs,
double  fraction,
double  distance,
RefEdge from_curve_ptr,
DLIList< RefVertex * > &  corner_vertex_list,
DLIList< RefVertex * > &  through_vertex_list,
RefEdge curve_dir_ptr,
CubitBoolean  preview_flg,
CubitBoolean  create_ref_edges_flg,
CubitBoolean  just_curves_flg,
DLIList< DLIList< Curve * > * > &  curve_lists_list 

Calculates the curves to split a chain of surfaces. ref_face_list - chain of surfaces to split. Can be given in any order as long as they are connected. Can be a continuous loop of surfaces. If a single surface is given, by default it will be split along the narrowest aspect ratio of the surface (i.e., along a fillet). Periodic surfaces are not handled. num_segs - the number of segments to create (must be >= 2 ); fraction - the fraction along the surfaces to split, not valid if num_segs > 2. This value is not used if a distance is specified instead. distance - if 2 segments, allow the split to be at a user specified distance across the surface. Specify -1.0 to use the fraction instead. from_curve_ptr - (OPTIONAL) if user specified a fraction or distance, orient from this curve. If not specified, a default is chosen automatically. corner_vertex_list - (OPTIONAL) the user can specify the corners of the, chain, typically if the detected corners are incorrect. The split direction is from corners 0-1 to corners 2-3 (for single surfaces, if not overridden by curve_dir_ptr). through_vertex_list - (OPTIONAL) user specifies forced vertices for the split to run through (on curves). Not valid with more than 2 segments. curve_dir_ptr - (OPTIONAL) for single surfaces, the direction of split can be specified by picking a curve on the surface. preview_flg - if CUBIT_TRUE, just draw the curves that will be used to split instead of actually splitting. create_ref_edges_flg - valid only if preview_flg=CUBIT_TRUE. If CUBIT_TRUE, create RefEdges *instead* of splitting. Note this function also utilizes five additional settings which are supplied through the set_tolerance, set_parametric_flg, set_auto_detect_triangles_flg, set_side_angle_threshold, and set_point_angle_threshold functions.

Definition at line 767 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  refFaceChain = ref_face_list;
  throughVertexList = through_vertex_list;

  // Get tolerance and parametric_flg from member variables
  double tolerance = splitTolerance;
  CubitBoolean parametric_flg = parametricFlg;

  // Check for valid fraction
  if( fraction<0.0 || fraction>1.0 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Fraction must be between 0.0 and 1.0 - aborting.\n" );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Check for valid number of segments
  if( num_segs < 2 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Number of specified segments must be >= 2\n" );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Not valid to specify through vertices with multiple segments
  if( num_segs > 2 && throughVertexList.size() )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Through vertices specified - not valid if number of segments > 2\n" );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Check number of through vertices
  if( throughVertexList.size() > refFaceChain.size()+1 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Too many 'through' vertices specified.\n"
      "       Can only be equal to one more than the number of surfaces to split.\n" );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // If a distance was specified, set the parametric flag to FALSE
  if( distance != -1.0 )
    parametric_flg = CUBIT_FALSE;

  // Check the individual surfaces for errors (multiple loops, hardlines)
  if( check_valid_faces() == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Order the face list from one end of the chain to the other.  This function
  // also checks for the isLoop condition.
  if( order_face_list() == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  if( DEBUG_FLAG(154) )
    DLIList<CubitEntity*> cubit_faces;
    CAST_LIST(refFaceChain, cubit_faces, CubitEntity);
    CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( "\nOrdered surface list: ", 
      cubit_faces, 80, "\n", CUBIT_FALSE );

  // Get all the outer loops, in the proper order.  This also makes sure 
  // they start at the beginning of the first surface in the chain.
  if( get_outer_loops() == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Make sure direction and from curves are valid, if specified
  if( curve_dir_ptr && !is_curve_in_outer_loop( curve_dir_ptr ) )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Specified direction curve %d not found on side of logical rectangle\n",
      curve_dir_ptr->id() );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  if( from_curve_ptr && !is_curve_in_outer_loop( from_curve_ptr ) )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Specified from curve %d not found on side of logical rectangle\n",
      from_curve_ptr->id() );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Find the corners
  if( corner_vertex_list.size() )
    if( corner_vertex_list.size() != 4 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "You must select exactly 4 corner vertices\n" );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    if( isLoop )
      PRINT_WARNING( "Ignoring specified corners since continuous loop situation\n" );
      // Now order these vertices properly w/respect to the outerCoEdgeLoop
      if( order_selected_corners( corner_vertex_list ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    // Pick the corners based on angle criteria
    if( refFaceChain.size() > 1 )
      if( pick_4_corners() == CUBIT_FAILURE )
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      // Single surface case
      if( pick_4_corners_simple() == CUBIT_FAILURE )
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Adjust the surface to the split direction.  This function also adjusts
  // and checks for errors if a throughVertexList was specified.
  if( adjust_for_split_direction( curve_dir_ptr, from_curve_ptr, corner_vertex_list )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // If previewing, draw the corners in RED
  if( preview_flg == CUBIT_TRUE )
    CubitVector temp_vec = start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[0])->coordinates();
    draw_point( temp_vec, CUBIT_RED_INDEX );
    temp_vec = start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[1])->coordinates();
    draw_point( temp_vec, CUBIT_RED_INDEX );
    temp_vec = start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[2])->coordinates();
    draw_point( temp_vec, CUBIT_RED_INDEX );
    temp_vec = start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[3])->coordinates();
    draw_point( temp_vec, CUBIT_RED_INDEX, CUBIT_TRUE );

  if( DEBUG_FLAG(154) )
    DLIList<RefEdge*> curve_list;
    get_outer_curves( curve_list );
    DLIList<CubitEntity*> cubit_edges;
    CAST_LIST(curve_list, cubit_edges, CubitEntity);
    CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( "Ordered curves outer loop: ", 
      cubit_edges, 80, "\n", CUBIT_FALSE );
    PRINT_INFO( "Best corner 1 = Vertex %d\n", start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[0])->id() );
    PRINT_INFO( "Best corner 2 = Vertex %d\n", start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[1])->id() );
    PRINT_INFO( "Best corner 3 = Vertex %d\n", start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[2])->id() );
    PRINT_INFO( "Best corner 4 = Vertex %d\n", start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[3])->id() );

    PRINT_INFO( "Side interval #1 = %d\n", sideInterval[0] );
    PRINT_INFO( "Side interval #2 = %d\n", sideInterval[1] );
    PRINT_INFO( "Side interval #3 = %d\n", sideInterval[2] );
    PRINT_INFO( "Side interval #4 = %d\n", sideInterval[3] );

  // Add a tooldata to each surface for later use
  RefFace *ref_face_ptr;
  for( i=refFaceChain.size(); i--; )
    ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get_and_step();
    ref_face_ptr->add_TD( new TDSplitSurface( ref_face_ptr ) );

  // Add curve loops to each tooldata.  These curve loops will form the
  // boundary of a mapped mesh algorithm that will find the interior
  // points for the split locations.
  if( populate_curve_loops() == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    delete_surf_tooldatas( refFaceChain );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Now build up the coordinates and get the curve(s) for each surface
  // curve_lists_list will contain a list of curve lists for each surface

  // Keep track of new RefEdges created
  DLIList<RefEdge*> new_ref_edge_list;

  TDSplitSurface *tdss;
  for(i=refFaceChain.size(); i--; )
    ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get_and_step();
    tdss = (TDSplitSurface *)ref_face_ptr->

    // Setup matched curve tessellations on all curves (the tessellations
    // are "matched" from side to side - the points on each side are
    // at identical parameter values along the side).  This is not a 
    // perfect solution but seems to work okay for the typical geometry
    // types this tool is used on.
    if( tdss->tessellate_sides( tolerance, fraction, distance, num_segs,
        throughVertexList ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      delete_vertex_tooldatas( through_vertex_list );
      delete_surf_tooldatas( refFaceChain );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    // curve_list_ptr will contain a list of curves for the individual surface
    DLIList<Curve*> *curve_list_ptr = new DLIList<Curve*>;
    curve_lists_list.append( curve_list_ptr );

    // Use a mapping concept to get the spline coordinates of the curve to
    // split with.  The function find_spline_curves will populate curve_list_ptr
    // with potentially multiple curves (typically there will only be one curve 
    // though).
    if( find_spline_curves( ref_face_ptr, num_segs, distance, curve_list_ptr,
                            tolerance, parametric_flg, preview_flg,
                            create_ref_edges_flg ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      delete_vertex_tooldatas( throughVertexList );
      delete_surf_tooldatas( refFaceChain );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    if( just_curves_flg == CUBIT_TRUE )

    if( preview_flg == CUBIT_TRUE )
      if( create_ref_edges_flg == CUBIT_FALSE )
        draw_preview( *curve_list_ptr );
        create_ref_edges( *curve_list_ptr, new_ref_edge_list );

        // This just draws each curve as we go, same as preview does

  // Let the user know if new curves were created
  if( preview_flg == CUBIT_TRUE && create_ref_edges_flg == CUBIT_TRUE
      && new_ref_edge_list.size() )
    DLIList<CubitEntity*> cubit_entity_list;
    CAST_LIST( new_ref_edge_list, cubit_entity_list, CubitEntity );
    CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( "Created new curves: ", cubit_entity_list );

  // Determine if all of the 'through' vertices were used - if not give a warning
  if( throughVertexList.size() )
    DLIList<RefVertex*> non_used_through_vertex_list;
    RefVertex *ref_vertex_ptr;
    for( i=throughVertexList.size(); i--; )
      ref_vertex_ptr = throughVertexList.get_and_step();
      tdss = (TDSplitSurface *)ref_vertex_ptr->
      if( !tdss )
        non_used_through_vertex_list.append( ref_vertex_ptr );
    if( non_used_through_vertex_list.size() )
      DLIList<CubitEntity*> cubit_verts;
      CAST_LIST(non_used_through_vertex_list, cubit_verts, CubitEntity);
      CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( "WARNING - unused 'through' vertices: ", 
        cubit_verts, 80, "\n", CUBIT_FALSE );
      PRINT_INFO("         They were not found on the split path.\n" );

  // Remove tooldatas
  delete_vertex_tooldatas( throughVertexList );
  delete_surf_tooldatas( refFaceChain );

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::check_face_loop ( RefFace ref_face_ptr,
CubitBoolean is_loop 
) [private]

Definition at line 1301 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  is_loop = CUBIT_FALSE;
  // Get list of coedges for this surface
  DLIList<CoEdge*> co_edge_list;
  if( ordered_co_edges( ref_face_ptr, co_edge_list ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  int i;
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  DLIList<RefEdge*> ref_edge_list;
  RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr;
  int prev_i = -99;
  RefEdge *prev_ref_edge_ptr = NULL;
  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
    ref_edge_ptr = co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr();

    if( ref_edge_list.is_in_list( ref_edge_ptr ) )
      // This may be a loop.
      is_loop = CUBIT_TRUE;

      // Make sure it is not a hardline.  Check for situation where loop
      // turns back on itself.

      if( ref_edge_ptr==prev_ref_edge_ptr && prev_i==i+1 )
        PRINT_ERROR( "Detected hardline in Surface %d - cannot split.\n", 
          ref_face_ptr->id() );
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    prev_i = i;
    prev_ref_edge_ptr = ref_edge_ptr;

    ref_edge_list.append( ref_edge_ptr );

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::check_for_loop ( RefFace ref_face_ptr1,
RefFace ref_face_ptr2,
CubitBoolean is_loop,
CoEdge *&  start_co_edge_ptr 
) [private]

Definition at line 1348 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // This algorithm is not perfect, but should cover most cases.
  RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr;

  is_loop = CUBIT_FALSE;
  // Get list of coedges for the first surface
  DLIList<CoEdge*> co_edge_list1;
  if( ordered_co_edges( ref_face_ptr1, co_edge_list1 ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Get list of refedges for the second surface
  DLIList<RefEdge*> ref_edge_list2;
  DLIList<Loop*> loop_list;
  ref_face_ptr2->ordered_loops( loop_list );
  if( loop_list.size() > 1 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Only surfaces with a single loop are allowed.\n"
      "       Surface %d has %d loops.\n", ref_face_ptr2->id(), 
      loop_list.size() );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  loop_list.get()->ordered_ref_edges( ref_edge_list2 );

  // Walk around the first surface

  // First, position the list at a starting coedge - one that is shared with
  // the other surface.
  int i, j;
  for( i=0; i<co_edge_list1.size(); i++ )
    ref_edge_ptr = co_edge_list1.get()->get_ref_edge_ptr();
    if( ref_edge_list2.is_in_list( ref_edge_ptr ) )
      if( i==0 ) // Backup until we are at the start
        for( j=co_edge_list1.size(); j--; )
          ref_edge_ptr = co_edge_list1.get()->get_ref_edge_ptr();
          if( ref_edge_list2.is_in_list( ref_edge_ptr ) )
  // Now the list is positioned at the start of one of the shared chains of 
  // curves.
  start_co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list1.get();

  // Walk along the first surface
  int found_break = 0;
  for( i=co_edge_list1.size(); i--; )
    ref_edge_ptr = co_edge_list1.get_and_step()->get_ref_edge_ptr();

    if( found_break && ref_edge_list2.is_in_list( ref_edge_ptr ) )
      is_loop = CUBIT_TRUE;
      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

    if( !ref_edge_list2.is_in_list( ref_edge_ptr ) )
      found_break = 1;

Curve * SplitSurfaceTool::check_if_arc ( GeometryModifyEngine gme,
Surface surf_ptr,
DLIList< CubitVector * > &  point_list,
CubitVector start_pnt,
CubitVector mid_pnt,
CubitVector end_pnt,
double  resabs,
double  tolerance,
double &  deviation 
) [private]

Definition at line 6407 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Check if 3 points are colinear
  double a = (start_pnt-mid_pnt).length();
  double b = (mid_pnt-end_pnt).length();
  double c = (end_pnt-start_pnt).length();
  double denom = sqrt((a+b+c)*(b+c-a)*(c+a-b)*(a+b-c));
  if( denom < GEOMETRY_RESABS )
    deviation = 99999.0;
    return 0;
  // Create an actual arc and do some comparisons

  TBPoint *start_Point = gme->make_Point( start_pnt );
  TBPoint *end_Point = gme->make_Point( end_pnt );
  TBPoint *mid_Point = gme->make_Point( mid_pnt );
  if( start_Point == NULL || mid_Point == NULL || end_Point == NULL )
    if( start_Point ) start_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(start_Point);
    if( mid_Point ) mid_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(mid_Point);
    if( end_Point ) end_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(end_Point);
    return 0;

  // Create a 3-pt arc with the GeometryModifyEngine
  Curve *curve_ptr = gme->create_arc_three( start_Point, 
                                            end_Point );

  if( mid_Point ) mid_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(mid_Point);

  if( curve_ptr == NULL )
    if( start_Point ) start_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(start_Point);
    if( end_Point ) end_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(end_Point);
    return 0;

  // Now check all points to see if they are within tolerance to the arc
  // At the same time, check to make sure that each point on the arc is
  // within GEOMETRY_RESABS of the surface (otherwise an imprint will likely
  // not occur).
  int i;
  CubitVector closest_loc;
  double max_deviation = -1.0;
  for( i=point_list.size(); i--; )
    CubitVector *vec_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
    if( curve_ptr->closest_point( *vec_ptr, closest_loc ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
       curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
      return 0;

    deviation = vec_ptr->distance_between( closest_loc );
    if( deviation > max_deviation )
      max_deviation = deviation;

    if( deviation > tolerance )
       curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
      return 0;

    // Now make sure within GEOMETRY_RESABS (actually resbas) to the surface
    if( is_point_on_surface( surf_ptr, closest_loc, resabs ) == CUBIT_FALSE )
       curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
      return 0;

  deviation = max_deviation;
  return curve_ptr;
Curve * SplitSurfaceTool::check_points_arc ( Surface surf_ptr,
GeometryModifyEngine gme,
DLIList< CubitVector * > &  point_list,
double  resabs,
double  tolerance 
) [private]

Definition at line 6108 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  if( point_list.size() < 2 )
    return 0;

  CubitVector start_pnt( *point_list.get_and_back() );
  CubitVector end_pnt( *point_list.get() );

  if( point_list.size() == 2 )
    return create_arc_two( gme, surf_ptr, start_pnt, end_pnt, resabs,
                           tolerance );

  // Get a mid point location
  CubitVector mid_pnt;
  int mid = point_list.size()/2;
  point_list.step( mid );
  mid_pnt = *point_list.get();

  // Check if 3 points are colinear
  double a = (start_pnt-mid_pnt).length();
  double b = (mid_pnt-end_pnt).length();
  double c = (end_pnt-start_pnt).length();
  double denom = sqrt((a+b+c)*(b+c-a)*(c+a-b)*(a+b-c));
  if( denom < GEOMETRY_RESABS )
    return 0;

  // Special case if 3 points
  if( point_list.size() == 3 )
    return create_arc_three( gme, surf_ptr, start_pnt, mid_pnt, end_pnt, resabs );

  // Get a potentially more accurate arc mid_pnt
  get_arc_mid_pnt( surf_ptr, start_pnt, end_pnt, mid_pnt, tolerance );

  // Create an actual arc and do some comparisons
  double deviation;
  Curve *curve_ptr = check_if_arc( gme, surf_ptr, point_list, start_pnt,
                                   mid_pnt, end_pnt, resabs, tolerance, deviation );

  if( curve_ptr )
    return curve_ptr;

  // Try harder to find an arc - use each point as the center point
  int i;
  CubitVector *mid_pnt_ptr;
  for( i=point_list.size()-2; i--; )
    mid_pnt_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();

    curve_ptr = check_if_arc( gme, surf_ptr, point_list, start_pnt,
                              *mid_pnt_ptr, end_pnt, resabs, tolerance,
                              deviation );

    if( curve_ptr )
      return curve_ptr;

    if( deviation > tolerance )
      return 0;

  return 0;
CubitBoolean SplitSurfaceTool::check_points_straight ( Surface surf_ptr,
DLIList< CubitVector * > &  point_list,
double  tolerance 
) [private]

Definition at line 6009 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  GeometryType geom_type = surf_ptr->geometry_type();

  // Get start and end point
  CubitVector start_pnt( *point_list.get_and_back() );
  CubitVector end_pnt( *point_list.get() );

  // If 2 or 3 points, check points along a straight line to make sure they
  // lie on the surface.  If we only have 2 points and we meet this criteria
  // we are done.
  if( point_list.size() < 4 )
    if( point_list.size()==2 && geom_type == PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE )
      return CUBIT_TRUE;

    // Check several points on the straight line - see if on surface

    CubitVector check_pnt;
    check_pnt.set( start_pnt.x() + .25 * (end_pnt.x() - start_pnt.x()),
                   start_pnt.y() + .25 * (end_pnt.y() - start_pnt.y()),
                   start_pnt.z() + .25 * (end_pnt.z() - start_pnt.z()) );
    if( is_point_on_surface( surf_ptr, check_pnt, GEOMETRY_RESABS ) == CUBIT_FALSE ) 
      return CUBIT_FALSE;

    check_pnt.set( start_pnt.x() + .5 * (end_pnt.x() - start_pnt.x()),
                   start_pnt.y() + .5 * (end_pnt.y() - start_pnt.y()),
                   start_pnt.z() + .5 * (end_pnt.z() - start_pnt.z()) );
    if( is_point_on_surface( surf_ptr, check_pnt, GEOMETRY_RESABS ) == CUBIT_FALSE )
      return CUBIT_FALSE;

    check_pnt.set( start_pnt.x() + .75 * (end_pnt.x() - start_pnt.x()),
                   start_pnt.y() + .75 * (end_pnt.y() - start_pnt.y()),
                   start_pnt.z() + .75 * (end_pnt.z() - start_pnt.z()) );
    if( is_point_on_surface( surf_ptr, check_pnt, GEOMETRY_RESABS ) == CUBIT_FALSE )
      return CUBIT_FALSE;

    if( point_list.size() == 2 )
      return CUBIT_TRUE;

  // Get vector along the line
  CubitVector ln_vec = end_pnt - start_pnt;
  int i;
  for( i=point_list.size()-2; i--; )
    CubitVector *pnt = point_list.get_and_step();
    // Get vector from point to line origin
    CubitVector vec = *pnt - start_pnt;
    // Calculate distance from point to origin
    double distpnt_orig = vec.length();
    // Take dot product of vec & unit vector to get distance to intersection 
    // along the line
    double dot = fabs( vec % ln_vec );
    // Calculate distance from point to line w/sqrt (use fabs to account for
    // tiny roundoff error that could result in a negative number)
    double distance = sqrt(fabs(distpnt_orig*distpnt_orig - dot*dot));
    if( distance > tolerance )
      return CUBIT_FALSE;
    if( geom_type != PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE )
      // Find the actual intersection point and determine if it is within
      // GEOMETRY_RESABS of the surface
      // Travel along the line to get the intersection point
      CubitVector int_pnt;
      start_pnt.next_point( ln_vec, dot, int_pnt );
      // Find the closest point on the surface
      CubitVector closest_loc_on_surf;
      if( surf_ptr->closest_point( int_pnt, &closest_loc_on_surf ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
        return CUBIT_FALSE;
      // Find the distance between these two points
      double dist = int_pnt.distance_between( closest_loc_on_surf );
      if( dist > GEOMETRY_RESABS )
          return CUBIT_FALSE;

  return CUBIT_TRUE;
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::check_through_vertices ( const char *  type) [private]

Definition at line 4126 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  if( throughVertexList.size() )
    RefVertex *start_vertex_ptr = NULL;
    RefVertex *end_vertex_ptr = NULL;
    start_vertex_ptr = throughVertexList.get_and_step();
    if( throughVertexList.size() > 1 )
      end_vertex_ptr = throughVertexList.get();
    if( start_vertex_ptr )
      if( is_vertex_on_side( start_vertex_ptr, 0 ) || 
          is_vertex_on_side( start_vertex_ptr, 2 ) )
        if( throughVertexList.size() == 1 )
          PRINT_ERROR( "Through vertice(s) not compatible with %s curve given\n",
          type );
          PRINT_ERROR( "Through vertices not compatible with %s curve given\n",
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    if( end_vertex_ptr )
      if( is_vertex_on_side( end_vertex_ptr, 0 ) || 
          is_vertex_on_side( end_vertex_ptr, 2 ) )
        PRINT_ERROR( "%s", "Through vertices not compatible with %s curve given\n" );
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;  

Definition at line 1154 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Make sure each face doesn't have multiple loops or hardlines
  int i;
  RefFace *ref_face_ptr;
  CubitBoolean is_loop;
  for( i=refFaceChain.size(); i--; )
    ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get_and_step();
    if( check_face_loop( ref_face_ptr, is_loop ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    if( refFaceChain.size()>1 && is_loop==CUBIT_TRUE )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Surface %d loops back on itself - cannot split chain.\n",
        ref_face_ptr->id() );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
void SplitSurfaceTool::cleanup_for_extend_op ( DLIList< RefVertex * > &  ref_vertex_list,
DLIList< DLIList< Surface * > * > &  body_surf_list_list,
DLIList< DLIList< DLIList< Curve * > * > * > &  curve_lists_lists_list,
CubitBoolean  free_curves_flg = CUBIT_TRUE 
) [private]

Definition at line 7194 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  RefVertex *ref_vertex_ptr;

  // Remove tooldatas from vertices
  for( i=ref_vertex_list.size(); i--; )
    ref_vertex_ptr = ref_vertex_list.get_and_step();
    ref_vertex_ptr->delete_TD( &TDSplitSurfaceExtend::is_split_surface_extend );

  // Free allocated lists in body_surf_list_list
  while( body_surf_list_list.size() ) delete body_surf_list_list.pop();

  // Free allocated lists in curve_list_lists_list, as well as Curves (if not
  // attached to RefEdges).
  DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*> *curve_list_lists_ptr;
  for( i=curve_lists_lists_list.size(); i--; )
    curve_list_lists_ptr = curve_lists_lists_list.get();

    free_curves_lists( *curve_list_lists_ptr );
    delete curve_list_lists_ptr;


CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::compute_angles ( double *&  angles,
double &  turn_angle_sum 
) [private]

Definition at line 3385 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  const int num_angles = outerCoEdgeLoop.size();
  angles = new double[ num_angles ];
  turn_angle_sum = 0.;
  int i;
  for(i=0; i<num_angles; i++) 
    angles[i] = compute_next_angle( outerCoEdgeLoop );
    //turn_angle_sum += CUBIT_PI - angles[i]; // Not currently used
double SplitSurfaceTool::compute_next_angle ( DLIList< CoEdge * > &  co_edge_list) [private]

Definition at line 3401 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  CoEdge *co_edge_1 = co_edge_list.prev();
  CoEdge *co_edge_2 = co_edge_list.get_and_step();

  // Coordinates of common point
  CubitVector vertex_point = start_vertex( co_edge_2 )->coordinates();
  // Find normal to the the face at the common vertex
  RefFace *ref_face1 = co_edge_1->get_ref_face();
  CubitVector normal1 = ref_face1->normal_at(vertex_point, NULL);

  RefFace *ref_face2 = co_edge_2->get_ref_face();
  CubitVector normal2 = ref_face2->normal_at(vertex_point, NULL);

  CubitVector normal = (normal1 + normal2)/2; // Average

  // Find directed tangents to determine interior angle
  // Use sense of edge with respect to this face's loop.
  CubitVector tangent_1, tangent_2;
  co_edge_1->get_ref_edge_ptr()->tangent( vertex_point, tangent_1 );
  co_edge_2->get_ref_edge_ptr()->tangent( vertex_point, tangent_2 );
  if ( co_edge_1->get_sense() == CUBIT_REVERSED )
    tangent_1 = -tangent_1;
  if ( co_edge_2->get_sense() == CUBIT_REVERSED )
    tangent_2 = -tangent_2;
  //  At this point we have the tangents going in the correct loop
  //  sense.
  //  Now get tangent pointing away from the center for the correct
  //  angle
  tangent_1 = -tangent_1;

  // Return angle from given tangents and normal to face
  double angle = normal.vector_angle( tangent_2, tangent_1 );

  PRINT_DEBUG_154( " Angle at vertex %d = %f\n", start_vertex( co_edge_2 )->id(), 
                   angle*180.0/CUBIT_PI );
  return angle;
int SplitSurfaceTool::count_curves_in_body ( Body body_ptr) [private]

Definition at line 6665 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Return number of edges in the body
  DLIList<RefEdge*> ref_edge_list;
  body_ptr->ref_edges( ref_edge_list );
  return ref_edge_list.size();
int SplitSurfaceTool::count_surfaces_in_body ( Body body_ptr) [private]

Definition at line 6656 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Return number of surfaces in the body
  DLIList<RefFace*> ref_face_list;
  body_ptr->ref_faces( ref_face_list );
  return ref_face_list.size();
int SplitSurfaceTool::count_surfaces_in_owning_body ( RefFace ref_face_ptr,
Body *&  body_ptr 
) [private]

Definition at line 6634 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Returns: Number of surfaces in the owning body of the RefFace
  //          -1 - RefFace is free (no owning body)
  //          -2 - RefFace is owned by more than one body
  body_ptr = 0;
  DLIList<Body*> body_list;

  ref_face_ptr->bodies( body_list );
  if( body_list.size() == 0 )
    return -1;
  else if( body_list.size() > 1 )
    return -2;
  body_ptr = body_list.get();
  DLIList<RefFace*> ref_face_list;
  body_ptr->ref_faces( ref_face_list );
  return ref_face_list.size();
Curve * SplitSurfaceTool::create_arc_three ( GeometryModifyEngine gme,
Surface surf_ptr,
CubitVector start_pnt,
CubitVector mid_pnt,
CubitVector end_pnt,
double  resabs 
) [private]

Definition at line 6343 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  TBPoint *start_Point = gme->make_Point( start_pnt );
  TBPoint *end_Point = gme->make_Point( end_pnt );
  TBPoint *mid_Point = gme->make_Point( mid_pnt );
  if( start_Point == NULL || mid_Point == NULL || end_Point == NULL )
    if( start_Point ) start_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(start_Point);
    if( mid_Point ) mid_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(mid_Point);
    if( end_Point ) end_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(end_Point);
    return 0;

  // Create a 3-pt arc with the GeometryModifyEngine
  Curve *curve_ptr = gme->create_arc_three( start_Point, 
                                            end_Point );

  if( mid_Point ) mid_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(mid_Point);

  if( !curve_ptr )
    if( start_Point ) start_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(start_Point);
    if( end_Point ) end_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(end_Point);
    return 0;

  // Check 1/4 and 3/4 location - make sure on surface
  CubitVector check_loc;
  if( curve_ptr->position_from_fraction( .25, check_loc ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
     curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
    return 0;

  // Now make sure within GEOMETRY_RESABS to the surface
  if( is_point_on_surface( surf_ptr, check_loc, resabs ) == CUBIT_FALSE )
     curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
    return 0;

  if( curve_ptr->position_from_fraction( .75, check_loc ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
     curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
    return 0;

  // Now make sure within GEOMETRY_RESABS to the surface
  if( is_point_on_surface( surf_ptr, check_loc, resabs ) == CUBIT_FALSE )
     curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
    return 0;

  return curve_ptr;
Curve * SplitSurfaceTool::create_arc_two ( GeometryModifyEngine gme,
Surface surf_ptr,
CubitVector start_pnt,
CubitVector end_pnt,
double  resabs,
double  tolerance 
) [private]

Definition at line 6265 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  CubitVector mid_pnt;
  if( get_arc_mid_pnt( surf_ptr, start_pnt, end_pnt, mid_pnt, tolerance )
    return 0;

  // Check if 3 points are colinear
  double a = (start_pnt-mid_pnt).length();
  double b = (mid_pnt-end_pnt).length();
  double c = (end_pnt-start_pnt).length();
  double denom = sqrt((a+b+c)*(b+c-a)*(c+a-b)*(a+b-c));
  if( denom < GEOMETRY_RESABS )
    return 0;

  TBPoint *start_Point = gme->make_Point( start_pnt );
  TBPoint *end_Point = gme->make_Point( end_pnt );
  TBPoint *mid_Point = gme->make_Point( mid_pnt );
  if( start_Point == NULL || mid_Point == NULL || end_Point == NULL )
    if( start_Point ) start_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(start_Point);
    if( mid_Point ) mid_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(mid_Point);
    if( end_Point ) end_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(end_Point);
    return 0;

  // Create a 3-pt arc with the GeometryModifyEngine
  Curve *curve_ptr = gme->create_arc_three( start_Point, 
                                            end_Point );

  if( mid_Point ) mid_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(mid_Point);

  if( !curve_ptr )
    if( start_Point ) start_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(start_Point);
    if( end_Point ) end_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(end_Point);
    return 0;

  // Check 1/4 and 3/4 location - make sure on surface
  CubitVector check_loc;
  if( curve_ptr->position_from_fraction( .25, check_loc ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
    return 0;

  // Now make sure within GEOMETRY_RESABS to the surface
  if( is_point_on_surface( surf_ptr, check_loc, resabs ) == CUBIT_FALSE )
    curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
    return 0;

  if( curve_ptr->position_from_fraction( .75, check_loc ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
    return 0;

  // Now make sure within GEOMETRY_RESABS to the surface
  if( is_point_on_surface( surf_ptr, check_loc, resabs ) == CUBIT_FALSE )
    curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
    return 0;

  return curve_ptr;
Curve * SplitSurfaceTool::create_curve ( DLIList< CubitVector * > &  vec_list,
Surface surf_ptr,
double  tolerance = GEOMETRY_RESABS,
CubitBoolean  iterate = CUBIT_FALSE,
CubitBoolean  draw_pnts = CUBIT_FALSE,
CubitBoolean  project_curve = CUBIT_TRUE 

Definition at line 5795 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  Curve *curve_ptr = NULL;

  if( vec_list.size() < 2 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to create a curve from less than two locations.\n" );
    return NULL;

  GeometryModifyEngine* gme = 
    GeometryModifyTool::instance()->get_engine( surf_ptr );

  if (NULL == gme)
    PRINT_ERROR("No geometry modify engine available.  Unable to create split curve.\n");
    return NULL;

  GeometryQueryEngine* gqe = surf_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine();
  // Note the user can set the following value through
  //  set geometry accuracy <val>
  double resabs = gqe->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();

  // Find start and end locations
  CubitVector *start_pnt = vec_list.get_and_back();
  CubitVector *end_pnt = vec_list.get();
  // Check to see if a simple straight line should be created.  Use 1/2 the
  // tolerance because points can deviate on either side of the straight line
  // (unless tolerance is resabs - then just use it).
  if( check_points_straight( surf_ptr, vec_list, 
                             tolerance==resabs ? resabs : 0.5*tolerance  ) )
    // Create a straight line on the surface
    TBPoint *start_Point = gme->make_Point( *start_pnt );
    TBPoint *end_Point = gme->make_Point( *end_pnt );
    if( start_Point == NULL || end_Point == NULL )
      if( start_Point ) start_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(start_Point);
      if( end_Point ) end_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(end_Point);
      return NULL;
    curve_ptr = gme->make_Curve( start_Point, end_Point, surf_ptr );
    if( draw_pnts == CUBIT_TRUE )
      // Drawing here is a bit of a hack but it saves storing the point
      // list
      draw_point( *start_pnt, CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX );
      draw_point( *end_pnt, CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX );

    // Free memory
   // start_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(start_Point );
  //  end_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(end_Point );

    return curve_ptr;

  // Check to see if an arc should be created.  Use 1/2 the tolerance because 
  // points can deviate on either side of the arc (unless tolerance is resabs -
  // then just use resabs).
  if( (curve_ptr = check_points_arc( surf_ptr, gme, vec_list, resabs, 
                                    tolerance==resabs ? resabs : 0.5*tolerance ) ) != NULL )
    if( draw_pnts == CUBIT_TRUE )
      // Drawing here is a bit of a hack but it saves storing the point
      // lists
      draw_point( *start_pnt, CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX );
      draw_point( *end_pnt, CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX );
    return curve_ptr;

  // Ok - its not a straight line or arc, so create a spline

  // Copy the vectors since we are going to add to the list
  DLIList<CubitVector*> spline_points;
  int i;
  for( i=vec_list.size(); i--; )
    spline_points.append( new CubitVector(*vec_list.get_and_step()) );

  int times_through_loop = 0;
  int done = 0;
  while( !done )

    // Create a spline.  Do not create on the surface since that can be
    // computationally expensive and we are going to iterate.  Later we
    // will project the final result to the surface.  Note: the preceeding
    // statement is not true - the gme->make_Curve function would not 
    // actually create the curve on the surface - it only projects the 
    // points to the surface then makes a free spline - this is puzzling.
    TBPoint *start_Point = gme->make_Point( *start_pnt );
    TBPoint *end_Point = gme->make_Point( *end_pnt );
    if( start_Point == NULL || end_Point == NULL )
      while( spline_points.size() ) delete spline_points.pop();
      if( start_Point ) start_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(start_Point);
      if( end_Point ) end_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(end_Point);
      return NULL;

    if( spline_points.size() == 2 )
      curve_ptr = gme->make_Curve( STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE, start_Point, end_Point, NULL );
      curve_ptr = gme->make_Curve( SPLINE_CURVE_TYPE, start_Point, end_Point, 
                                 spline_points );

    if( curve_ptr == NULL )
      while( spline_points.size() ) delete spline_points.pop();
      return NULL;

    if( iterate == CUBIT_FALSE )
    // Check to see if spline is close enough
    CubitVector *start_vec_ptr, *end_vec_ptr;
    CubitVector mid_vec;
    double dist;
    int insert_num = 0;
    for( i=spline_points.size()-1; i--; )
      start_vec_ptr = spline_points.get_and_step();
      end_vec_ptr = spline_points.get();
      mid_vec = (*start_vec_ptr + *end_vec_ptr)/2.0;
      // Check distance from mid_vec to Curve
      CubitVector mid_vec_crv;
      curve_ptr->closest_point( mid_vec, mid_vec_crv );
      double x2 = mid_vec.x()-mid_vec_crv.x();
      x2 = x2*x2;
      double y2 = mid_vec.y()-mid_vec_crv.y();
      y2 = y2*y2;
      double z2 = mid_vec.z()-mid_vec_crv.z();
      z2 = z2*z2;
      dist = sqrt( x2+y2+z2 );
      if( dist > tolerance )
        // Insert the midpoint location into the list
        spline_points.insert( new CubitVector( mid_vec ) );

    if( insert_num == 0 )

    if( times_through_loop > 100 )
      PRINT_WARNING( "Unable to closely approximate spline\n" );

    if( !done )
       curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
    if( insert_num > 0 ) {
      PRINT_DEBUG_154( "Inserted %d points when creating spline\n", insert_num );

  // Project the spline to the surface (if the surface is not planar)
  DLIList<Surface*> surf_list;
  surf_list.append( surf_ptr );
  DLIList<Curve*> curve_list;
  curve_list.append( curve_ptr );
  DLIList<Curve*> curve_list_new;

  if( gme->project_edges( surf_list, curve_list, curve_list_new ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    PRINT_WARNING( "Unable to project curve to surface - split may fail\n" );
      curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
      curve_ptr = curve_list_new.get();

  if( curve_ptr && draw_pnts == CUBIT_TRUE )
    // Drawing here is a bit of a hack but it saves storing the point
    // lists
    draw_points( spline_points, CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX, CUBIT_FALSE );

  // Free memory
  while( spline_points.size() ) delete spline_points.pop();

  return curve_ptr;
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::create_ref_edges ( DLIList< Curve * > &  curve_list,
DLIList< RefEdge * > &  ref_edge_list 
) [private]

Definition at line 5770 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  Curve *curve_ptr;
  RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr;
  for( i=curve_list.size(); i--; )
    curve_ptr = curve_list.get_and_step();
    ref_edge_ptr = GeometryQueryTool::instance()->make_free_RefEdge(curve_ptr);
    if( ref_edge_ptr ) ref_edge_list.append( ref_edge_ptr );
void SplitSurfaceTool::delete_coedge_tooldatas ( DLIList< CoEdge * > &  co_edge_list) [private]

Definition at line 1132 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    CoEdge *co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
    co_edge_ptr->delete_TD( &TDSplitSurface::is_split_surface );
void SplitSurfaceTool::delete_surf_tooldatas ( DLIList< RefFace * > &  ref_face_list) [private]

Definition at line 1121 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  for( i=ref_face_list.size(); i--; )
    RefFace *ref_face_ptr = ref_face_list.get_and_step();
    ref_face_ptr->delete_TD( &TDSplitSurface::is_split_surface );
void SplitSurfaceTool::delete_vertex_tooldatas ( DLIList< RefVertex * > &  ref_vertex_list) [private]

Definition at line 1143 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  for( i=ref_vertex_list.size(); i--; )
    RefVertex *ref_vertex_ptr = ref_vertex_list.get_and_step();
    ref_vertex_ptr->delete_TD( &TDSplitSurface::is_split_surface );

Definition at line 4950 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  if( !DEBUG_FLAG(154) )
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  int i;
  CubitVector *vec_ptr;
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  DLIList<CoEdge*> *co_edge_list_ptr;
  DLIList<RefEdge*> curve_list;
  DLIList<CubitEntity*> cubit_curves;

  // Note: sideB and sideD contain the corner coords (sideA and sideC just 
  //       contain the interior coords)

  PRINT_INFO( "Surface %d, Side A, %d coords, YELLOW\n", 
    tdss->ref_face_ptr()->id(), tdss->coord_list_size_a() );
  co_edge_list_ptr = tdss->get_a_coedges();
  for( i=co_edge_list_ptr->size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list_ptr->get_and_step();
    curve_list.append( co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr() );
  CAST_LIST(curve_list, cubit_curves, CubitEntity);
  CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( " Curves: ", 
    cubit_curves, 80, "\n", CUBIT_FALSE );

  for( i=tdss->coord_list_size_a(); i--; )
    vec_ptr = tdss->coord_list_get_and_step_a();
    PRINT_DEBUG_100( " create vertex %f %f %f color yellow\n", vec_ptr->x(),
      vec_ptr->y(), vec_ptr->z() );
    GfxDebug::draw_point( *vec_ptr, CUBIT_YELLOW_INDEX );

  PRINT_INFO( "Surface %d, Side B, %d coords, MAGENTA\n", 
    tdss->ref_face_ptr()->id(), tdss->coord_list_size_b() );

  co_edge_list_ptr = tdss->get_b_coedges();
  for( i=co_edge_list_ptr->size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list_ptr->get_and_step();
    curve_list.append( co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr() );
  CAST_LIST(curve_list, cubit_curves, CubitEntity);
  CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( " Curves: ", 
    cubit_curves, 80, "\n", CUBIT_FALSE );

  for( i=tdss->coord_list_size_b(); i--; )
    vec_ptr = tdss->coord_list_get_and_step_b();
    PRINT_DEBUG_100( " create vertex %f %f %f color magenta\n", vec_ptr->x(),
      vec_ptr->y(), vec_ptr->z() );
    GfxDebug::draw_point( *vec_ptr, CUBIT_MAGENTA_INDEX );

  PRINT_INFO( "Surface %d, Side C, %d coords, GREEN\n", 
    tdss->ref_face_ptr()->id(), tdss->coord_list_size_c() );

  co_edge_list_ptr = tdss->get_c_coedges();
  for( i=co_edge_list_ptr->size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list_ptr->get_and_step();
    curve_list.append( co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr() );
  CAST_LIST(curve_list, cubit_curves, CubitEntity);
  CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( " Curves: ", 
    cubit_curves, 80, "\n", CUBIT_FALSE );

  for( i=tdss->coord_list_size_c(); i--; )
    vec_ptr = tdss->coord_list_get_and_step_c();
    PRINT_DEBUG_100( " create vertex %f %f %f color green\n", vec_ptr->x(),
      vec_ptr->y(), vec_ptr->z() );
    GfxDebug::draw_point( *vec_ptr, CUBIT_GREEN_INDEX );

  PRINT_INFO( "Surface %d, Side D, %d coords, RED\n", 
    tdss->ref_face_ptr()->id(), tdss->coord_list_size_d() );

  co_edge_list_ptr = tdss->get_d_coedges();
  for( i=co_edge_list_ptr->size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list_ptr->get_and_step();
    curve_list.append( co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr() );
  CAST_LIST(curve_list, cubit_curves, CubitEntity);
  CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( " Curves: ", 
    cubit_curves, 80, "\n", CUBIT_FALSE );

  for( i=tdss->coord_list_size_d(); i--; )
    vec_ptr = tdss->coord_list_get_and_step_d();
    PRINT_DEBUG_100( " create vertex %f %f %f color red\n", vec_ptr->x(),
      vec_ptr->y(), vec_ptr->z() );
    GfxDebug::draw_point( *vec_ptr, CUBIT_RED_INDEX );

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::draw_point ( CubitVector pnt,
int  color,
int  flush = CUBIT_FALSE 
) [private]

Definition at line 654 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  GfxPreview::draw_point( pnt, color );
  if( flush )
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::draw_points ( DLIList< CubitVector * > &  pnt_list,
int  color,
int  flush = CUBIT_TRUE 
) [private]

Definition at line 635 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  for( i=pnt_list.size(); i--; )
    CubitVector *pnt_ptr = pnt_list.get_and_step();
    draw_point( *pnt_ptr, color );

  if( flush )

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::draw_preview ( DLIList< Curve * > &  curve_list,
int  color = CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX 

preview the curves

Definition at line 5728 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  Curve *curve_ptr;

  for( i=curve_list.size(); i--; )
    curve_ptr = curve_list.get_and_step();
    draw_preview( curve_ptr, CUBIT_FALSE, color );


CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::draw_preview ( Curve curve_ptr,
CubitBoolean  flush = CUBIT_TRUE,
int  color = CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX 
) [private]

Definition at line 5746 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  CubitStatus result;
  GMem g_mem;
  // get the graphics 
  result = curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->
    get_graphics( curve_ptr, &g_mem );
  if (result==CUBIT_FAILURE || g_mem.pointListCount == 0)
    PRINT_WARNING("Unable to preview a curve\n" );
  // Draw the polyline
  GfxPreview::draw_polyline( g_mem.point_list(), g_mem.pointListCount, color );
  if( flush )

RefVertex * SplitSurfaceTool::end_vertex ( CoEdge co_edge_ptr) [private]

Definition at line 2470 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  if( co_edge_ptr == NULL )
    return NULL;

  RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr = co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr();
  if ( co_edge_ptr->get_sense() == CUBIT_REVERSED )
    return ref_edge_ptr->start_vertex();
    return ref_edge_ptr->end_vertex();
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::fill_boundary_coords ( TDSplitSurface tdss,
int  nr,
int  nc,
CubitVector ***  coords 
) [private]

Definition at line 4892 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  //                                sideC
  //                            coords[nr-1][c]
  //               _________________________________________
  //         (0,1)|                                         |(1,1)
  //              |                                         |
  //              |                                         |
  //              |                                         |
  //              |                                         |
  //              |                                         |
  // coords[r][0] |                                         |
  //              |                                         | coords[r][nc-1] 
  //       sideD  |                                         |
  //              | ada (row)                               | sideB
  //              | ^                                       |
  //              | |                                       |
  //              | | (tse,ada)                             |
  //              | |                                       |
  //              | +----->tse (column)                     |
  //         (0,0)|_________________________________________|(1,0)
  //                            coords[0][c]    
  //                               sideA
  // Split direction is vertical in the above diagram.

  // Debug (with DEBUG_FLAG_154)
  draw_boundary_coords( tdss );

  int r, c;

  // Note: sideB and sideD contain the corner coords (sideA and sideC just 
  //       contain the interior coords)
  tdss->coord_list_last_c(); // Will need to be traversed backwards
  tdss->coord_list_last_d(); // Will need to be traversed backwards

  for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
    // Rows go up B and D (note these contain the corner coords)
    coords[r][0] = tdss->coord_list_get_and_back_d();
    coords[r][nc-1] = tdss->coord_list_get_and_step_b();

  for( c=1; c<nc-1; c++ )
    // Columns go up A and C (note these DO NOT contain the corner coords)
    coords[0][c] = tdss->coord_list_get_and_step_a();
    coords[nr-1][c] = tdss->coord_list_get_and_back_c();

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::fill_boundary_coords ( TDSplitSurface tdss,
int  nr,
int  nc,
Cubit2DPoint ***  coords 
) [private]

Definition at line 5515 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  //                                sideC
  //                            coords[nr-1][c]
  //               _________________________________________
  //         (0,1)|                                         |(1,1)
  //              |                                         |
  //              |                                         |
  //              |                                         |
  //              |                                         |
  //              |                                         |
  // coords[r][0] |                                         |
  //              |                                         | coords[r][nc-1] 
  //       sideD  |                                         |
  //              | ada (row)                               | sideB
  //              | ^                                       |
  //              | |                                       |
  //              | | (tse,ada)                             |
  //              | |                                       |
  //              | +----->tse (column)                     |
  //         (0,0)|_________________________________________|(1,0)
  //                            coords[0][c]    
  //                               sideA
  // Split direction is vertical in the above diagram.

  // Debug (with DEBUG_FLAG_154)
  draw_boundary_coords( tdss );

  int r, c;
  RefFace *ref_face_ptr = tdss->ref_face_ptr();

  // Note: sideB and sideD contain the corner coords (sideA and sideC just 
  //       contain the interior coords)
  tdss->coord_list_last_c(); // Will need to be traversed backwards
  tdss->coord_list_last_d(); // Will need to be traversed backwards

  for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
    // Rows go up B and D (note these contain the corner coords)
    coords[r][0] = get_uv_point( ref_face_ptr, tdss->coord_list_get_and_back_d() );
    coords[r][nc-1] = get_uv_point( ref_face_ptr, tdss->coord_list_get_and_step_b() );

  for( c=1; c<nc-1; c++ )
    // Columns go up A and C (note these DO NOT contain the corner coords)
    coords[0][c] = get_uv_point( ref_face_ptr, tdss->coord_list_get_and_step_a() );
    coords[nr-1][c] = get_uv_point( ref_face_ptr, tdss->coord_list_get_and_back_c() );

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::fill_corners ( int  best_corner_1,
int  best_corner_2,
int  best_corner_3,
int  best_corner_4 
) [private]
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::fill_interior_coords ( TDSplitSurface tdss,
int  nr,
int  nc,
CubitVector ***  coords 
) [private]

Definition at line 5071 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int r, c;

  int ada_ints = nr-1;
  int tse_ints = nc-1;

  double ada, tse;

  DLIList<double> tse_array;
  if( get_tse_array( tdss, tse_ints, tse_array ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  // Create all the new coords in the interior of the array
  if( tdss )
    // Initialize list position

    // Must use side that is not collapsed
    if( tdss->is_b_collapsed() && tdss->is_d_collapsed() )
      ; // Nothing to do
    else if( tdss->is_b_collapsed() == CUBIT_FALSE )
      ada = tdss->param_list_get_and_step_b();
      // Must go backwards on this list
      ada = tdss->param_list_get_and_back_d();
  for( r=1; r<ada_ints; r++ )
    if( tdss )
      if( tdss->is_b_collapsed() && tdss->is_d_collapsed() )
        ada = (double)r/(double)ada_ints;
      else if( tdss->is_b_collapsed() )
        ada = tdss->param_list_get_and_back_d()/tdss->length_d();
        ada = tdss->param_list_get_and_step_b()/tdss->length_b();
      ada = (double)r/(double)ada_ints;

    for( c=1; c<tse_ints; c++ )
      tse = tse_array.get_and_step();
      // Create a new coord at the mapped location on the face
      coords[r][c] = make_interior_coord( coords, nr, nc, ada, tse, r, c );
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::fill_interior_coords ( TDSplitSurface tdss,
int  nr,
int  nc,
Cubit2DPoint ***  coords 
) [private]

Definition at line 5583 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int r, c;

  int ada_ints = nr-1;
  int tse_ints = nc-1;

  double ada, tse;

  DLIList<double> tse_array;
  if( get_tse_array( tdss, tse_ints, tse_array ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  // Create all the new coords in the interior of the array
  if( tdss )
    // Initialize list position

    // Must use side that is not collapsed
    if( tdss->is_b_collapsed() && tdss->is_d_collapsed() )
      ; // Nothing to do
    else if( tdss->is_b_collapsed() == CUBIT_FALSE )
      ada = tdss->param_list_get_and_step_b();
      // Must go backwards on this list
      ada = tdss->param_list_get_and_back_d();
  for( r=1; r<ada_ints; r++ )
    if( tdss )
      if( tdss->is_b_collapsed() && tdss->is_d_collapsed() )
        ada = (double)r/(double)ada_ints;
      else if( tdss->is_b_collapsed() )
        ada = tdss->param_list_get_and_back_d()/tdss->length_d();
        ada = tdss->param_list_get_and_step_b()/tdss->length_b();
      ada = (double)r/(double)ada_ints;

    for( c=1; c<tse_ints; c++ )
      tse = tse_array.get_and_step();
      // Create a new coord at the mapped location on the face
      coords[r][c] = make_interior_coord( coords, nr, nc, ada, tse, r, c );
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::fill_side_intervals ( int  best_corner_1,
int  best_corner_2,
int  best_corner_3,
int  best_corner_4 
) [private]

Definition at line 3373 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  sideInterval[0] = best_corner_2 - best_corner_1;
  sideInterval[1] = best_corner_3 - best_corner_2;
  sideInterval[2] = best_corner_4 - best_corner_3;
  sideInterval[3] = best_corner_1 + outerCoEdgeLoop.size() - best_corner_4;

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::find_loop_start ( CoEdge *&  start_co_edge_ptr) [private]

Definition at line 1841 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // For non-isLoop situation, start of loop will be first non-shared curve
  // on surface loop
  int i, j;
  RefFace *ref_face_ptr;
  if( !isLoop )
    // First, get the outer curve loop of the surfaces
    ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get_and_step();

    DLIList<CoEdge*> co_edge_list;
    if( ordered_co_edges( ref_face_ptr, co_edge_list ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    // If we have one surface just return
    if( refFaceChain.size() == 1 )
      start_co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get();
      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

    // Get the list of coedges in the next surface in the chain
    ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get();
    DLIList<CoEdge*> next_co_edge_list;
    if( ordered_co_edges( ref_face_ptr, next_co_edge_list ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    // Find a coedge on first surface that shares a curve with the next surface
    CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
    RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr;
    int found = 0;
    for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
      co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
      ref_edge_ptr = co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr();
      if( is_edge_in_list( ref_edge_ptr, next_co_edge_list ) )
        found = 1;

    // This should never happen
    if( !found )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to find curves shared between surfaces\n" );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    // Loop until we find a curve not shared with the other surface - this
    // is the start
    for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
      co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
      ref_edge_ptr = co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr();
      if( !is_edge_in_list( ref_edge_ptr, next_co_edge_list ) )
        start_co_edge_ptr = co_edge_ptr;
        return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

    // This should never happen
    PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to find start of loop - please report this\n" );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // isLoop situation
  if( refFaceChain.size() == 1 )
    // Find first edge that has two coedges on this surface - this is the
    // start of the list
    ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get_and_step();

    DLIList<CoEdge*> co_edge_list;
    if( ordered_co_edges( ref_face_ptr, co_edge_list ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    for( i=0; i<co_edge_list.size(); i++ )
      RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get()->get_ref_edge_ptr();
      if( number_coedges( ref_edge_ptr, ref_face_ptr ) == 2 )
        if( i==0 ) // Backup until we are at the start
          for( j=co_edge_list.size(); j--; )
            ref_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get()->get_ref_edge_ptr();
            if( number_coedges( ref_edge_ptr, ref_face_ptr ) == 1 )

    start_co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get();
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  if( refFaceChain.size() == 2 )
    RefFace *ref_face_ptr1 = refFaceChain.get_and_step();
    RefFace *ref_face_ptr2 = refFaceChain.get();
    CubitBoolean is_loop; // Dummy
    return check_for_loop( ref_face_ptr1, ref_face_ptr2, is_loop, start_co_edge_ptr );

  // Case refFaceChain.size() > 2

  // Use first and last surfaces.  Also, adjust order of refFaceChain to
  // account for user's selection of start and end vertex, if selected.
  RefFace *start_surf = refFaceChain.get_and_back();
  RefFace *end_surf = refFaceChain.get();
  // Get list of coedges for the first surface
  DLIList<CoEdge*> start_co_edge_list;
  if( ordered_co_edges( start_surf, start_co_edge_list ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Get list of refedges for the last surface
  DLIList<RefEdge*> end_ref_edge_list;
  DLIList<Loop*> loop_list;
  end_surf->ordered_loops( loop_list );
  loop_list.get()->ordered_ref_edges( end_ref_edge_list );

  // Walk around the first surface
  RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr;

  // First, position the list at a starting coedge - one that is shared with
  // the other surface.
  for( i=0; i<start_co_edge_list.size(); i++ )
    ref_edge_ptr = start_co_edge_list.get()->get_ref_edge_ptr();
    if( end_ref_edge_list.is_in_list( ref_edge_ptr ) )
      if( i==0 ) // Backup until we are at the start
        for( j=start_co_edge_list.size(); j--; )
          ref_edge_ptr = start_co_edge_list.get()->get_ref_edge_ptr();
          if( end_ref_edge_list.is_in_list( ref_edge_ptr ) )
  // Now the list is positioned at the start of one of the shared chains of 
  // curves.
  start_co_edge_ptr = start_co_edge_list.get();

void SplitSurfaceTool::find_nearest_curve_for_normal_projection ( RefEdge hit_edge_ptr,
CubitVector start_loc,
RefFace face,
CubitVector ray_dir,
RefEdge *&  new_edge_ptr,
CubitVector new_end_loc 
) [private]

Definition at line 7229 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // traverse the curves in the surface and find the closest curve to the hardline
  // which the hardline can extend normal to

  DLIList<RefEdge*> edge_list;

  std::map<double, std::pair<RefEdge*, CubitVector> > potential_curves_map;

  // maybe traverse all curves all of the time, and use the one closest to the point
  int i;
  for (i=edge_list.size(); i--;)
    RefEdge* edge = edge_list.get_and_step();

    if (edge == hit_edge_ptr)

    CubitVector closest_point;
    edge->closest_point(start_loc, closest_point);

    // Only valid if location is ON the curve
    CubitPointContainment contain = edge->point_containment( closest_point );
    if( contain == CUBIT_PNT_ON )
      // check to make sure angle isn't too bad
      // have a user setting for this in the future
      // but for now, use 90 degrees
      CubitVector split_direction = closest_point - start_loc;
      if (split_direction.length_squared() <= GEOMETRY_RESABS) //ignore self

      double angle = ray_dir.interior_angle(split_direction);
      if (fabs(angle) <= 90.0)
        double dist = start_loc.distance_between(closest_point);
        potential_curves_map.insert(std::map<double, std::pair<RefEdge*, CubitVector> >::value_type(
          dist, std::make_pair(edge, closest_point)));

  if (potential_curves_map.size())
    std::map<double, std::pair<RefEdge*, CubitVector> >::iterator iter = potential_curves_map.begin();
    new_edge_ptr = (iter->second).first;
    new_end_loc = (iter->second).second;

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::find_spline_curves ( RefFace ref_face_ptr,
int  num_segs,
double  distance,
DLIList< Curve * > *  curve_list_ptr,
double  tolerance,
CubitBoolean  parametric_flg = CUBIT_FALSE,
CubitBoolean  preview_flg = CUBIT_FALSE,
CubitBoolean  create_ref_edges_flg = CUBIT_FALSE 
) [private]

Definition at line 4687 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i, j;

  TDSplitSurface *tdss = (TDSplitSurface *)ref_face_ptr->

  TopologyBridge* bridge = 0;
//   GeometryModifyEngine* gme = 
  GeometryModifyTool::instance()->get_engine( ref_face_ptr, &bridge );
  Surface* surf_ptr = dynamic_cast<Surface*>(bridge);

  // Interpolate to find the spline points
  //                          sideC
  //                        a[nr-1][i]
  //          _________________________________________
  //    (0,1)|                                         |(1,1)
  //         |                                         |
  //         |                                         |
  //         |                                         |
  //         |                                         |
  //         |                                         |
  // a[j][0] |                                         |
  //         |                                         | a[j][nc-1] 
  //  sideD  |                                         |
  //         | ada (row)                               | sideB
  //         | ^                                       |
  //         | |                                       |
  //         | | (tse,ada)                             |
  //         | |                                       |
  //         | +----->tse (column)                     |
  //    (0,0)|_________________________________________|(1,0)
  //                           a[0][i]    
  //                            sideA
  // Split direction is vertical in the above diagram.
  if( ref_face_ptr->is_parametric() && parametric_flg==CUBIT_TRUE )
    PRINT_DEBUG_154( "Using 2D mapping to find interior points\n" );
    // Do the mapping in parametric space - we have found this is
    // more accurate (especially since we don't have the benefit of
    // any elemental smoothing when we are done).  However, we have
    // also found that occasionally, especially on conic surfaces,
    // the mapping will create points in the wrong space of the 
    // surface (i.e., on the "other side".).  For this reason we
    // default to 3D mapping.
    // Allocate a matrix of CubitVector pointers
    int nr = tdss->coord_list_size_b(); // number of rows
    int nc = num_segs+1;                // number of columns
    Cubit2DPoint ***coords;
    coords = new Cubit2DPoint **[nr];
    for( j=0; j<nr; j++ )
      coords[j] = new Cubit2DPoint *[nc];
    // Initialize      
    for( i=0; i<nr; i++ )
      for( j=0; j<nc; j++ )
        coords[i][j] = NULL;
    // Fill the boundary coordinates into coords
    fill_boundary_coords( tdss, nr, nc, coords );
    // Fill the interior coords
    fill_interior_coords( tdss, nr, nc, coords );
    // Generate the 3D vectors
    CubitVector vec;

    for( j=1; j<nc-1; j++ )
      DLIList<CubitVector*> spline_points;
      for( i=0; i<nr; i++ )
        vec = ref_face_ptr->position_from_u_v( coords[i][j]->x(), coords[i][j]->y() );
        spline_points.append( new CubitVector( vec ) );

      // Create the curve from the vectors
      CubitBoolean project_curve = CUBIT_TRUE;
      if( preview_flg == CUBIT_TRUE && create_ref_edges_flg == CUBIT_FALSE )
        project_curve = CUBIT_FALSE;
      Curve *curve_ptr = create_curve( spline_points, surf_ptr, tolerance, 
                                       CUBIT_TRUE, preview_flg, project_curve );      

      // Free spline points
      while( spline_points.size() ) delete spline_points.pop();
      if( curve_ptr == NULL )
        // Just fail if a curve can't be created
        PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to create curve on Surface %d\n", ref_face_ptr->id() );
        while( curve_list_ptr->size() ) delete curve_list_ptr->pop();
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        curve_list_ptr->append( curve_ptr );
    // Free memory - all of the Cubit2DPoints were allocated      
    for( i=0; i<nr; i++ )
      for( j=0; j<nc; j++ )
        delete coords[i][j];
    // Free matrix memory
    for( i=0; i<nr; i++ )
      delete []coords[i];
    delete []coords;
    coords = NULL;
    // Need to do the mapping in 3D space and project back to surface
    PRINT_DEBUG_154( "Using 3D mapping to find interior points\n" );
    // Allocate a matrix of CubitVector pointers
    int nr = tdss->coord_list_size_b(); // number of rows
    int nc = num_segs+1;                // number of columns
    CubitVector ***coords;
    coords = new CubitVector **[nr];
    for( i=0; i<nr; i++ )
      coords[i] = new CubitVector *[nc];
    // Initialize      
    for( i=0; i<nr; i++ )
      for( j=0; j<nc; j++ )
        coords[i][j] = NULL;
    // Fill the boundary coordinates into coords
    fill_boundary_coords( tdss, nr, nc, coords );
    // Fill the interior coords
    fill_interior_coords( tdss, nr, nc, coords );

    // Smooth the 3D points (note - don't check result - the function only gives
    // a warning if it fails).
    smooth_interior_coords( ref_face_ptr, tdss, tolerance, nr, nc, distance, coords );
    // Create split curves
    for( j=1; j<nc-1; j++ )
      DLIList<CubitVector*> spline_points;
      for( i=0; i<nr; i++ )
        ref_face_ptr->move_to_surface( *(coords[i][j]) );
        spline_points.append( new CubitVector( *(coords[i][j]) ) );

      // Create the curve from the vectors
      CubitBoolean project_curve = CUBIT_TRUE;
      if( preview_flg == CUBIT_TRUE && create_ref_edges_flg == CUBIT_FALSE )
        project_curve = CUBIT_FALSE;
      Curve *curve_ptr = create_curve( spline_points, surf_ptr, tolerance,
        CUBIT_TRUE, preview_flg, project_curve ); 

      // Free spline points
      while( spline_points.size() ) delete spline_points.pop();
      if( curve_ptr == NULL )
        // Just fail if a curve can't be created
        PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to create curve on Surface %d\n", ref_face_ptr->id() );
        while( curve_list_ptr->size() ) delete curve_list_ptr->pop();
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        curve_list_ptr->append( curve_ptr );
    // Free interior points (the boundary locations were not allocated for 
    // the matrix)     
    for( i=1; i<nr-1; i++ )
      for( j=1; j<nc-1; j++ )
        delete coords[i][j];
    // Free matrix memory
    for( i=0; i<nr; i++ )
      delete []coords[i];
    delete []coords;
    coords = NULL;

  return CUBIT_SUCCESS; 
void SplitSurfaceTool::free_curves_lists ( DLIList< DLIList< Curve * > * > &  curve_lists_list,
CubitBoolean  free_curves_flg = CUBIT_TRUE 

Free the curves and lists memory. If free_curves_flg is CUBIT_TRUE, free the Curves as well (however, the function checks if a RefEdge is attached to the Curve - if a RefEdge is attached the Curve is not freed).

Definition at line 1096 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  while( curve_lists_list.size() )
    DLIList<Curve*> *curve_list_ptr = curve_lists_list.pop();
    if( free_curves_flg == CUBIT_TRUE )
      while( curve_list_ptr->size() )
        Curve *curve_ptr = curve_list_ptr->pop();
        // If there is no RefEdge attached to this Curve, delete it
        RefEdge* ref_edge_ptr = dynamic_cast<RefEdge*>(curve_ptr->topology_entity());
        if( !ref_edge_ptr )
           curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );

    delete curve_list_ptr;
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::get_a_coedges ( DLIList< CoEdge * > &  co_edge_list,
DLIList< CoEdge * > &  a_coedges 
) [private]

Definition at line 4489 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Get all curves until end vertex type = 2 or 3 or 4 (3 or 4 in case of triangle)
  int i;
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  CoEdge *next_co_edge_ptr;
  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
    a_coedges.append( co_edge_ptr );

    next_co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get();
    // Get the tooldata from the next coedge (need value on end vertex of 
    // first coedge).
    TDSplitSurface *tdss = (TDSplitSurface *)next_co_edge_ptr->

    if( !tdss )

    if( tdss->get_type() == 2 || tdss->get_type() == 3 
        || tdss->get_type() == 4 )
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::get_arc_mid_pnt ( Surface surf_ptr,
CubitVector start_pnt,
CubitVector end_pnt,
CubitVector mid_pnt,
double  tolerance 
) [private]

Definition at line 6182 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Possible Surface types.
  GeometryType geom_type = surf_ptr->geometry_type();

  // If surface is a cone, sphere or torus, we will *try* to get a more accurate
  // mid point location.  This can often result in a better arc.
  if( (geom_type == CONE_SURFACE_TYPE || 
      geom_type == SPHERE_SURFACE_TYPE ||
      geom_type == TORUS_SURFACE_TYPE) &&
      surf_ptr->is_parametric() )
    // Determine if arc traverses approximately along the uv space of the surface
    // Using the surface uv space to create the arc should be the most accurate
    // method of creating the arc.

    double start_u, start_v;
    if( surf_ptr->u_v_from_position ( start_pnt, start_u, start_v )
      == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    double end_u, end_v;
    if( surf_ptr->u_v_from_position ( end_pnt, end_u, end_v )
      == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    // Use average.  Note this could go to the opposite side of the surface
    // - I'm not sure how to handle this other than checking the resultant 
    // point and flipping to the other side if it is off.
    double mid_u, mid_v;
    mid_u = (start_u+end_u)/2.0;
    mid_v = (start_v+end_v)/2.0;

    CubitVector new_mid_pnt = surf_ptr->position_from_u_v( mid_u, mid_v );

    CubitPointContainment pnt_on_flg;
    pnt_on_flg = surf_ptr->point_containment( mid_u, mid_v );
    if( pnt_on_flg == CUBIT_PNT_OUTSIDE ||
        pnt_on_flg == CUBIT_PNT_UNKNOWN )
      CubitVector mid_pnt_ref;

      if( reflect_arc_pnt( start_pnt, new_mid_pnt, end_pnt, new_mid_pnt, mid_pnt_ref ) ==
        // Make sure the point is on the surface
        CubitVector mid_pnt_ref_on;
        surf_ptr->closest_point( mid_pnt_ref, &mid_pnt_ref_on );
        if( mid_pnt_ref.distance_between( mid_pnt_ref_on ) < tolerance )
          pnt_on_flg = surf_ptr->point_containment( mid_pnt_ref );
          if( pnt_on_flg == CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE ||
              pnt_on_flg == CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY )
            mid_pnt = mid_pnt_ref_on;
            return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
      mid_pnt = new_mid_pnt;
      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::get_attached_coedges_start ( CoEdge co_edge_ptr,
DLIList< CoEdge * > &  co_edge_list,
DLIList< CoEdge * > &  attached_co_edge_list 
) [private]

Definition at line 2506 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  CoEdge *attached_co_edge_ptr;

  RefVertex *start_vertex_ptr;
  start_vertex_ptr = start_vertex( co_edge_ptr );

  RefVertex *attached_start_vertex_ptr;

  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    attached_co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();

    attached_start_vertex_ptr = start_vertex( attached_co_edge_ptr );

    if( attached_start_vertex_ptr == start_vertex_ptr )
      attached_co_edge_list.append( attached_co_edge_ptr );

Get the auto detect triangles flag.

Definition at line 812 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ return autoDetectTriangles; }
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::get_b_coedges ( DLIList< CoEdge * > &  co_edge_list,
DLIList< CoEdge * > &  b_coedges 
) [private]

Definition at line 4519 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Keep getting curves as long as end vertex type = 3 or 4 (stop at 4)
  int i;
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  CoEdge *next_co_edge_ptr;
  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
    next_co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_back();
    // Get the tooldata from the end vertex
    TDSplitSurface *tdss = (TDSplitSurface *)next_co_edge_ptr->

    if( !tdss )
      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

    if( tdss->get_type() == 4 )
      b_coedges.append( co_edge_ptr );
      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

    if( tdss->get_type() == 3 )
      b_coedges.append( co_edge_ptr );

    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::get_c_coedges ( DLIList< CoEdge * > &  co_edge_list,
DLIList< CoEdge * > &  c_coedges 
) [private]

Definition at line 4558 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Keep getting curves until end vertex type = 6 or 7 or 0 (for triangle)
  int i;
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  CoEdge *next_co_edge_ptr;
  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
    next_co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_back();
    // Get the tooldata from the end vertex
    TDSplitSurface *tdss = (TDSplitSurface *)next_co_edge_ptr->

    if( !tdss )
      c_coedges.append( co_edge_ptr );

    if( tdss->get_type() == 6 || tdss->get_type() == 7 ||
        tdss->get_type() == 0 )
      c_coedges.append( co_edge_ptr );
      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
    c_coedges.append( co_edge_ptr );

CoEdge * SplitSurfaceTool::get_complimentary_co_edge ( CoEdge co_edge_ptr,
DLIList< CoEdge * >  co_edge_list 
) [private]

Definition at line 2484 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Note: co_edge_list must be copied so that the calling code's list
  //       position is not changed.
  RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr = co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr();
  CoEdge *shared_co_edge_ptr;
  int i;
  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    shared_co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
    if( shared_co_edge_ptr == NULL )
    if( shared_co_edge_ptr == co_edge_ptr )
    if( shared_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr() == ref_edge_ptr )
      return shared_co_edge_ptr;
  return NULL;
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::get_d_coedges ( DLIList< CoEdge * > &  co_edge_list,
int  num_so_far,
DLIList< CoEdge * > &  d_coedges 
) [private]

Definition at line 4597 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Get remaining curves
  if( co_edge_list.size() == num_so_far )
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  if( num_so_far > co_edge_list.size() )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Unexpected error in algorithm; aborting.\n" );
    PRINT_DEBUG_154( "       Surface = %d, num_so_far = %d\n", 
      co_edge_list.get()->get_ref_face()->id(), num_so_far );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  int i;
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  for( i=co_edge_list.size()-num_so_far; i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
    d_coedges.append( co_edge_ptr );

double SplitSurfaceTool::get_extend_gap_threshold ( ) [inline, static]

Get the extend gap threshold.

Definition at line 844 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ return extendGapThreshold; }

Return extend normal setting.

Definition at line 860 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ return extendNormalFlg; }
double SplitSurfaceTool::get_extend_tolerance ( ) [inline, static]

Get the extend tolerance.

Definition at line 852 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ return extendTolerance; }
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::get_neighbors ( RefFace seed_ref_face,
DLIList< RefFace * > &  input_ref_faces,
DLIList< RefFace * > &  neighbor_ref_faces 
) [private]

Definition at line 1426 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i, j;

  // Copy the input_ref_faces_copy list so as to not change it
  DLIList<RefFace*> input_ref_faces_copy(input_ref_faces.size());
  input_ref_faces_copy = input_ref_faces;

  // Get the edges
  DLIList<RefEdge*> ref_edge_list;
  seed_ref_face->ref_edges( ref_edge_list );

  // Get all ref_faces attached to these edges
  RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr;
  RefFace *ref_face_ptr;
  for( i=ref_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    ref_edge_ptr = ref_edge_list.get_and_step();

    DLIList<RefFace*> attached_ref_faces;
    ref_edge_ptr->ref_faces( attached_ref_faces );

    for( j=attached_ref_faces.size(); j--; )
      ref_face_ptr = attached_ref_faces.get_and_step();

      if( ref_face_ptr == seed_ref_face )

      // Don't consider ref_faces that aren't in the input list
      if( input_ref_faces_copy.is_in_list( ref_face_ptr ) )
        neighbor_ref_faces.append_unique( ref_face_ptr );

  // Respect the incoming order of ref_faces
  if( neighbor_ref_faces.size() == 2 )
    RefFace *first_neighbor = neighbor_ref_faces.get_and_step();
    RefFace *second_neighbor = neighbor_ref_faces.get_and_step();
    for( i=input_ref_faces_copy.size(); i--; )
      ref_face_ptr = input_ref_faces_copy.get_and_step();
      if( ref_face_ptr == first_neighbor )
      else if( ref_face_ptr == second_neighbor )
        // Reverse the order

CoEdge * SplitSurfaceTool::get_next_co_edge ( CoEdge prev_co_edge_ptr,
DLIList< CoEdge * > &  co_edge_list 
) [private]

Definition at line 2390 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  RefVertex *end_vertex_ptr = end_vertex( prev_co_edge_ptr );

  // Find all potential connected coedges
  int i;
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  DLIList<CoEdge*> connected_co_edge_list;
  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
    if( end_vertex_ptr == start_vertex( co_edge_ptr ) )
      connected_co_edge_list.append( co_edge_ptr );

  // We should always have one or two connected coedges - if not error
  if( connected_co_edge_list.size() == 0 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Didn't find connected coedge after Curve %d on Surface %d\n", 
      prev_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face()->id() );
    return NULL;
  else if( connected_co_edge_list.size() == 1 )
    return connected_co_edge_list.get();
  else if( connected_co_edge_list.size() > 2 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Found %d coedges after Curve %d on Surface %d\n", 
      prev_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face()->id() );
    return NULL;
  else if( connected_co_edge_list.size() == 2 )
    // Avoid looping back on ourselves
    if( prev_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr() == 
      connected_co_edge_list.get()->get_ref_edge_ptr() )
      return connected_co_edge_list.step_and_get();
      return connected_co_edge_list.get();

  return NULL;  

Definition at line 1557 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.


  // Walk around the loop

  // Start by gathering a list of all coedges
  int i;
  DLIList<CoEdge*> co_edge_list;

  RefFace *ref_face_ptr;
  for( i=refFaceChain.size(); i--; )
    ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get_and_step();
    if( ordered_co_edges( ref_face_ptr, co_edge_list ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

//  PRINT_INFO( "Entire coedge loop, starting at beginning -\n" );
//  PRINT_INFO( "-------------------------------------------\n" );
//  co_edge_list.reset();
//  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
//  {
//    CoEdge *co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
//    PRINT_INFO( " Curve %d on Surface %d\n",
//      co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id(), 
//      co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face()->id() );
//  }

  CoEdge *start_co_edge_ptr;
  if( find_loop_start( start_co_edge_ptr ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to find loop start\n" ); // TODO: better message
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

//  PRINT_INFO( "Loop start = Curve %d on Surface %d\n", 
//  start_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id(),
//  start_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face()->id() );

  // Remove CoEdges on curves shared between surfaces (except for the starting
  // chain for isLoop situation).  For isLoop, lets create a list of those to
  // be added back in later (keep_co_edge_list).
  DLIList<CoEdge*> keep_co_edge_list;
  CoEdge *shared_co_edge_ptr;
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;  
  if( isLoop )
    // Method - traverse co_edge_list, adding coedges to keep_co_edge_list 
    // until we don't find a coedge that shares a RefEdge with another coedge.  
    // We use the term "complimentary" CoEdge to refer to the other CoEdge that
    // shares the common RefEdge.
    // To illustrate, in the diagram below, assume S1 is the first surface and
    // S2 is the last surface in the surface loop we are splitting (note that
    // S1 can equal S2).  C1, C2 and C3 make up the "chain" of curvs, or "seam"
    // that is between S1 and S2.  Note that C1 has 2 CoEdges, one owned by S1 
    // and one owned by S2.  So, starting at C1 on S1, we step through the list
    // until we encounter a CoEdge that does not have a "complimentary" CoEdge.  
    // Just keep track of the CoEdges as we go.
    //     ------------+------------
    //    .            |            .
    //    .            |C1          .
    //    .            |            .
    //    .        ^   +   |        .
    //    .        |   |   |        .
    //    .   S2   |   |C2 |   S1   .
    //    .        |   |   v        .
    //    .            +            .
    //    .            |            .
    //    .            |C3          .
    //    .            |            .
    //     ------------+------------      

    // For this code, it is important that all the ordered coedges from the 
    // starting surface are at the beginning of the co_edge_list (otherwise, we 
    // will traverse partway up the first chain and then back).  So we rebuild 
    // co_edge_list - putting all the ordered coedges from the first surface at
    // the beginning of co_edge_list. 
    DLIList<CoEdge*> temp_co_edge_list = co_edge_list;
    temp_co_edge_list.move_to( start_co_edge_ptr );

    RefFace *start_ref_face_ptr = start_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face();

    for( i=temp_co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
      co_edge_ptr = temp_co_edge_list.get();
      if( co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face() == start_ref_face_ptr )
        co_edge_list.append( co_edge_ptr );
        temp_co_edge_list.change_to( NULL );
    temp_co_edge_list.remove_all_with_value( NULL );

    co_edge_list += temp_co_edge_list;

//    PRINT_INFO( "Entire coedge loop -\n" );
//    PRINT_INFO( "--------------------\n" );
//    co_edge_list.reset();
//    for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
//    {
//      CoEdge *co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
//      PRINT_INFO( " Curve %d on Surface %d\n",
//        co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id(), 
//        co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face()->id() );
//    }

//    PRINT_INFO( "Coedges to keep - \n" );
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get();
    RefFace *ref_ref_face_ptr = co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face();
    RefFace *shared_ref_face_ptr;
    shared_co_edge_ptr = get_complimentary_co_edge( co_edge_ptr, co_edge_list );
    RefFace *ref_shared_ref_face_ptr = shared_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face();
    for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
      // Keep track of the starting and ending chain which we will lose in the
      // code below that removes all coedges that share a refedge. To do this, 
      // add coedges until we don't find a shared one, or the reference surfaces
      // change (ref_ref_face_ptr || ref_shared_ref_face_ptr).  Why look at
      // the reference surfaces?  Because there could be a triangle as in the
      // diagram below.
      //     ------------+-------------
      //    .            |             .
      //    .            |C1           .
      //    .            |             .
      //    .        ^   +   |    S1   .
      //    .        |   |   |         .
      //    .   S2   |   |C2 |       / .
      //    .        |   |   v     /   .
      //    .            +       /     .
      //    .            |     /       .
      //    .            |C3 /     S3  .
      //    .            | /           .
      //     ------------+-------------      
      co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
      ref_face_ptr = co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face();
      shared_co_edge_ptr = get_complimentary_co_edge( co_edge_ptr, co_edge_list );
      if( !shared_co_edge_ptr )
      shared_ref_face_ptr = shared_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face();
      if( ref_face_ptr==ref_ref_face_ptr && 
          shared_ref_face_ptr==ref_shared_ref_face_ptr  )
        keep_co_edge_list.append( co_edge_ptr );
//        PRINT_INFO( " Keeping Curve %d on Surface %d\n", 
//          co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id(), 
//          co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face()->id() );
        keep_co_edge_list.append( shared_co_edge_ptr );
//        PRINT_INFO( " Keeping Curve %d on Surface %d\n", 
//          shared_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id(), 
//          shared_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face()->id() );

  // Remove all coedges that share a RefEdge
  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    // Add coedges until we don't find a shared one - this adds just the
    // first chain.
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get();
    if( co_edge_ptr == NULL )
    shared_co_edge_ptr = get_complimentary_co_edge( co_edge_ptr, co_edge_list );
    if( shared_co_edge_ptr )
      // This is not very efficient, but okay since we have relatively short
      // lists.
      co_edge_list.move_to( shared_co_edge_ptr );
//      PRINT_INFO( " Removing Curve %d on Surface %d\n",
//        shared_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id(), 
//          shared_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face()->id() );

      co_edge_list.change_to( NULL );
      co_edge_list.move_to( co_edge_ptr );
//      PRINT_INFO( " Removing Curve %d on Surface %d\n",
//        co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id(), 
//          co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face()->id() );

      co_edge_list.change_to( NULL );

  co_edge_list.remove_all_with_value( NULL );

  // Add back in the removed coedges if isLoop
  if( isLoop )
    // Put them at the beginning for a slight efficiency gain
    DLIList<CoEdge*> temp_co_edge_list = co_edge_list;
    co_edge_list += keep_co_edge_list;
    co_edge_list += temp_co_edge_list;

  // Walk around the loop until we encounter the start coedge again.
  // Note loop is positioned at starting coedge.
  CoEdge *prev_co_edge_ptr = start_co_edge_ptr;
  outerCoEdgeLoop.append( start_co_edge_ptr );
  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = get_next_co_edge( prev_co_edge_ptr, co_edge_list );

    if( co_edge_ptr == NULL )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Selected surfaces do not appear to form logical rectangle\n" );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    if( co_edge_ptr == start_co_edge_ptr ) // We're done

    outerCoEdgeLoop.append( co_edge_ptr );
    prev_co_edge_ptr = co_edge_ptr;
    co_edge_list.remove( co_edge_ptr );

  // Set the corners and such if isLoop
  if( isLoop )
    // Start of first curve is first corner
    int best_corner_1, best_corner_2, best_corner_3=-1, best_corner_4=-1;

    best_corner_1 = 0;
    best_corner_2 = keep_co_edge_list.size()/2;
    for( i=0; i<outerCoEdgeLoop.size()+1; i++ )
      co_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step();
      if( i == best_corner_1 )
        cornerCoEdge[0] = co_edge_ptr;

      if( i == best_corner_2 )
        cornerCoEdge[1] = co_edge_ptr;

      if( start_vertex(co_edge_ptr) == start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[1]) )
        best_corner_3 = i;
        cornerCoEdge[2] = co_edge_ptr;

      if( start_vertex(co_edge_ptr) == start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[0]) )
        if( i==outerCoEdgeLoop.size() )
          best_corner_4 = i-1;
          best_corner_4 = i;
        cornerCoEdge[3] = co_edge_ptr;

    if( best_corner_3==-1 || best_corner_4==-1 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "unable to find corners\n" );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    fill_side_intervals( best_corner_1, best_corner_2, best_corner_3, best_corner_4 );

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::get_outer_curves ( DLIList< RefEdge * > &  ref_edge_list) [private]

Definition at line 2027 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  for( i=outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i--; )
    ref_edge_list.append( outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step()->get_ref_edge_ptr() );

Definition at line 1490 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Get the outer curve loop
  if( get_outer_coedge_loop() == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // If we found a loop, we already setup the rest of the datastructures
  if( isLoop )
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // Make sure the loop has at least 3 vertices, to form at least a 
  // degenerate rectangle
  if( outerCoEdgeLoop.size() < 3 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Selected surfaces do not appear to form logical rectangle\n" );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Orient the loops so they start at the first CoEdge of the 
  // starting RefFace in the chain
  if( refFaceChain.size() > 1 )
    RefFace *first_ref_face = refFaceChain.get();

    // Move forward in the vertex list until we are on a surface
    // other than the first one
    int i;
    CoEdge *co_edge_ptr = NULL;
    for( i=outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i--; )
      co_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step();
      if( co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face() != first_ref_face )

    // Now move forward in the list until we are on the first surface
    for( i=outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i--; )
      co_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get();
      if( co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face() == first_ref_face )

    PRINT_DEBUG_154( "First vertex on first surface = %d\n", start_vertex( co_edge_ptr )->id() );
    PRINT_DEBUG_154( "Index of vertex list = %d\n", outerCoEdgeLoop.get_index() );

    // Reorient the lists appropriately
    reorient_loop( outerCoEdgeLoop.get_index() );

    if( DEBUG_FLAG(154) )
      DLIList<RefVertex*> ref_vertex_list;
      get_outer_vertices( ref_vertex_list );
      DLIList<CubitEntity*> cubit_verts;
      CAST_LIST(ref_vertex_list, cubit_verts, CubitEntity);
      CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( "New vertex list: ", 
        cubit_verts, 80, "\n", CUBIT_FALSE );

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::get_outer_vertices ( DLIList< RefVertex * > &  ref_vertex_list) [private]

Definition at line 2015 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;

  for( i=outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i--; )
    ref_vertex_list.append( start_vertex( outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step() ) );


Get the parametric flag. If the parametric_flg is CUBIT_TRUE, find spline locations in the parametric space of the surface, otherwise initially find the spline locations in 3D space then project back to the surface. Typically, the parametric space gives better results (on curvy surfaces, it will result in a spline that is much closer to the middle of the surface). However, sometimes the parameter space is bad or the mapping algorigm gets confused (frequently on conic surfaces, resulting in points revolved 180 deg away), so the 3D method gives a better result. Note the default is thus 3D.

Definition at line 836 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ return parametricFlg; }
double SplitSurfaceTool::get_point_angle_threshold ( ) [inline, static]

Get the point angle threshold. If there is a corner angle less than this value and another corner angle within the side threshold to 180, a triangle is created.

Definition at line 828 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ return pointAngleThreshold; }
double SplitSurfaceTool::get_side_angle_threshold ( ) [inline, static]

Get the side angle threshold. If there is a corner angle within this threshold to 180 and another corner angle less than the point threshold, a triangle is created.

Definition at line 820 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ return sideAngleThreshold; }
double SplitSurfaceTool::get_side_length ( int  side) [private]

Definition at line 4176 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr;
  double length = 0.0;
  switch( side )
  case 0:
    for( i=sideInterval[0]; i--; )
      ref_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step()->get_ref_edge_ptr();
      length += ref_edge_ptr->measure();

  case 1:
    outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[0] );
    for( i=sideInterval[1]; i--; )
      ref_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step()->get_ref_edge_ptr();
      length += ref_edge_ptr->measure();

  case 2:

    outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[0]+sideInterval[1] );
    for( i=sideInterval[2]; i--; )
      ref_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step()->get_ref_edge_ptr();
      length += ref_edge_ptr->measure();

  case 3:

    outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[0]+sideInterval[1]+sideInterval[2] );
    for( i=sideInterval[3]; i--; )
      ref_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step()->get_ref_edge_ptr();
      length += ref_edge_ptr->measure();

  return length;
double SplitSurfaceTool::get_tolerance ( ) [inline, static]

Get the tolerance. In layman's terms, the tolerance controls how closely the split actually follows the center of the surface. In the code, it determines how accurately to facet the bounding curves (the facets are used to interpolate points on the surface using a mapping concept). It is also used in an iterative procedure in fitting splines to the line segments generated by the mapping (just fitting a spline through the interpolated points was found to give very bad results - instead we check the deviation of the spline from the line segments and add additional points until the resultant spline is within tolerance to the line segments.

Definition at line 804 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ return splitTolerance; }
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::get_tse_array ( TDSplitSurface tdss,
int  tse_ints,
DLIList< double > &  tse_array 
) [private]

Definition at line 5647 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int c;
  double tse;


  for( c = 1; c < tse_ints; c++ )
    if( tdss )
      if( tdss->is_a_collapsed() && tdss->is_c_collapsed() )
        tse = (double)c/(double)tse_ints;
      else if( tdss->is_a_collapsed() )
        // Just use C (go backwards on side C)
        tse =  tdss->param_list_get_and_back_c()/tdss->length_c();
      else if( tdss->is_c_collapsed() )
        // Just use A
        tse = tdss->param_list_get_and_step_a()/tdss->length_a();
        // Take average fractional location across the surface
        tse = (tdss->param_list_get_and_step_a()/tdss->length_a() + 1.0 - 
      tse = (double)c/(double)tse_ints;
    tse_array.append( tse );


Cubit2DPoint * SplitSurfaceTool::get_uv_point ( RefFace ref_face_ptr,
CubitVector vec_ptr 
) [private]

Definition at line 5573 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  double u, v;
  ref_face_ptr->u_v_from_position( *vec_ptr, u, v );
  return( new Cubit2DPoint( u, v ) );

Definition at line 4068 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  if( refFaceChain.size() != 2 )
    return CUBIT_FALSE;

  //  C3-0-1-2                 C2-3-0-1
  //   +------------------------+
  //   |\                       |
  //   |  \                     |
  //   |    \          end      |
  //   |      \                 |
  //   |        \               |
  //   |          \             |
  //   |            \           |
  //   |              \         |
  //   |                \       |
  //   |     start        \     |
  //   |                    \   |
  //   |                      \ |
  //   +------------------------+
  //  C0-1-2-3                 C1-2-3-0

  // 4 possibilities (see diagram above - corners 0-1-2-3 or 1-2-3-0 etc
  // going ccw from bottom left)

  CoEdge *c0 = cornerCoEdge[0];
  CoEdge *c1 = cornerCoEdge[1];
  CoEdge *c2 = cornerCoEdge[2];
  CoEdge *c3 = cornerCoEdge[3];

  if( (prev_co_edge(c0)->get_ref_face() == c0->get_ref_face() &&
      prev_co_edge(c1)->get_ref_face() != c1->get_ref_face() &&
      prev_co_edge(c2)->get_ref_face() == c2->get_ref_face() &&
      prev_co_edge(c3)->get_ref_face() != c3->get_ref_face() ) ||

      (prev_co_edge(c1)->get_ref_face() == c1->get_ref_face() &&
      prev_co_edge(c2)->get_ref_face() != c2->get_ref_face() &&
      prev_co_edge(c3)->get_ref_face() == c3->get_ref_face() &&
      prev_co_edge(c0)->get_ref_face() != c0->get_ref_face() ) )
    // 2-triangle case
    return CUBIT_TRUE;

  return CUBIT_FALSE;

Definition at line 4362 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  for( i=outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i--; )
    if( ref_edge_ptr == outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step()->get_ref_edge_ptr() )
      return CUBIT_TRUE;
  return CUBIT_FALSE;
CubitBoolean SplitSurfaceTool::is_curve_on_side ( RefEdge ref_edge_ptr,
int  side 
) [private]

Definition at line 4375 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  if( sideInterval[side] == 0 )
    return CUBIT_FALSE;

  // Position outerCoEdge loop to start of corner (note switch statement
  // falls through - case 3 will step 3 times).
  switch( side )
  case 3:
    outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[2] );
  case 2:
    outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[1] );
  case 1:
    outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[0] );

  // Compare against each coedge on the given side
  int i;
  for( i=sideInterval[side]; i--; )
    if( ref_edge_ptr == outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step()->get_ref_edge_ptr() )
      return CUBIT_TRUE;

  return CUBIT_FALSE;
CubitBoolean SplitSurfaceTool::is_edge_in_list ( RefEdge ref_edge_ptr,
DLIList< CoEdge * > &  co_edge_list 
) [private]

Definition at line 2442 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
    if( co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr() == ref_edge_ptr )
      return CUBIT_TRUE;
  return CUBIT_FALSE;

Definition at line 3615 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;

  for( i=outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i--; )
    if( ref_vertex_ptr == start_vertex( outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step() ) )
      return CUBIT_TRUE;
  return CUBIT_FALSE;
CubitBoolean SplitSurfaceTool::is_point_on_surface ( Surface surf_ptr,
CubitVector pnt,
double  resabs 
) [private]

Definition at line 6618 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Make sure within GEOMETRY_RESABS to the surface
  CubitVector closest_loc_on_surf;
  if( surf_ptr->closest_point( pnt, &closest_loc_on_surf ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return CUBIT_FALSE;

  double dist = pnt.distance_between( closest_loc_on_surf );
  if( dist > resabs ) // Was GEOMETRY_RESABS
    return CUBIT_FALSE;
  return CUBIT_TRUE;

Definition at line 4116 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  if( sideInterval[0]==0 || sideInterval[1]==0 ||
    sideInterval[2]==0 || sideInterval[3]==0 )
    return CUBIT_TRUE;
    return CUBIT_FALSE;
CubitBoolean SplitSurfaceTool::is_vertex_in_surface ( RefVertex ref_vertex_ptr,
RefFace ref_face 
) [private]

Definition at line 4351 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Base on finding RefFaces since there will typically be fewer RefFaces
  // to search than RefVertices
  DLIList<RefFace*> ref_face_list;
  ref_vertex_ptr->ref_faces( ref_face_list );
  return ref_face_list.is_in_list( ref_face_ptr );
CubitBoolean SplitSurfaceTool::is_vertex_on_side ( RefVertex ref_vertex_ptr,
int  side 
) [private]

Definition at line 4302 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Note this will return CUBIT_TRUE if the input vertex is on one of the
  // specified corners.

  // Position outerCoEdge loop to start of corner (note switch statement
  // falls through - case 3 will step 3 times).
  switch( side )
  case 3:
    outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[2] );
  case 2:
    outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[1] );
  case 1:
    outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[0] );

  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get();
  CubitVector ref_coords = ref_vertex_ptr->coordinates();

  if( sideInterval[side] == 0 )
    // Compare coordinates
    RefVertex *start_vertex_ptr = start_vertex( co_edge_ptr );
    if( start_vertex_ptr == ref_vertex_ptr )
      return CUBIT_TRUE;
    if( ref_coords.about_equal( start_vertex_ptr->coordinates() ) )
      return CUBIT_TRUE;
      return CUBIT_FALSE;

  // Check if it is on each coedge
  CubitPointContainment pnt_containment;
  int i;
  for( i=sideInterval[side]; i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step();
    pnt_containment = co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr()->
      point_containment( ref_coords );
    if( pnt_containment == CUBIT_PNT_ON )
      return CUBIT_TRUE;

  return CUBIT_FALSE;

Definition at line 4624 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  if( !DEBUG_FLAG(154) )

  int i, j;
  RefFace *ref_face_ptr;
  TDSplitSurface *tdss;

  for( i=refFaceChain.size(); i--; )
    ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get_and_step();
    tdss = (TDSplitSurface *)ref_face_ptr->
    PRINT_INFO( "Surface %d:\n", ref_face_ptr->id() );
    DLIList<CoEdge*> *side_co_edge_list;
    side_co_edge_list = tdss->get_a_coedges();
    DLIList<RefEdge*> side_ref_edge_list;
    for( j=side_co_edge_list->size(); j--; )
      side_ref_edge_list.append( side_co_edge_list->get_and_step()->get_ref_edge_ptr() );
    DLIList<CubitEntity*> cubit_edges;
    CAST_LIST(side_ref_edge_list, cubit_edges, CubitEntity);
    CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( "Side 0: ", 
      cubit_edges, 80, "\n", CUBIT_FALSE );
    side_co_edge_list = tdss->get_b_coedges();
    for( j=side_co_edge_list->size(); j--; )
      side_ref_edge_list.append( side_co_edge_list->get_and_step()->get_ref_edge_ptr() );
    CAST_LIST(side_ref_edge_list, cubit_edges, CubitEntity);
    CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( "Side 1: ", 
      cubit_edges, 80, "\n", CUBIT_FALSE );
    side_co_edge_list = tdss->get_c_coedges();
    for( j=side_co_edge_list->size(); j--; )
      side_ref_edge_list.append( side_co_edge_list->get_and_step()->get_ref_edge_ptr() );
    CAST_LIST(side_ref_edge_list, cubit_edges, CubitEntity);
    CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( "Side 2: ", 
      cubit_edges, 80, "\n", CUBIT_FALSE );
    side_co_edge_list = tdss->get_d_coedges();
    for( j=side_co_edge_list->size(); j--; )
      side_ref_edge_list.append( side_co_edge_list->get_and_step()->get_ref_edge_ptr() );
    CAST_LIST(side_ref_edge_list, cubit_edges, CubitEntity);
    CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( "Side 3: ", 
      cubit_edges, 80, "\n", CUBIT_FALSE );
CubitVector * SplitSurfaceTool::make_interior_coord ( CubitVector ***  coords,
int  nr,
int  nc,
double  ada,
double  tse,
int  j,
int  i 
) [private]

Definition at line 5472 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  double temp_x, temp_y, temp_z;
  CubitVector *vec;
  int ada_ints = nr-1;
  int tse_ints = nc-1;

  temp_x =   (1.0 - ada)*coords[0][c]->x()
          + ada*coords[ada_ints][c]->x()
          + (1.0 - tse)*coords[r][0]->x()
          + tse*coords[r][tse_ints]->x()
          - (1.0 - tse)*(1.0 - ada)*coords[0][0]->x()
          - (1.0 - tse)*ada*coords[ada_ints][0]->x()
          - tse*(1.0 - ada)*coords[0][tse_ints]->x()
          - tse*ada*coords[ada_ints][tse_ints]->x();

  temp_y =   (1.0 - ada)*coords[0][c]->y() 
          + ada*coords[ada_ints][c]->y()
          + (1.0 - tse)*coords[r][0]->y() 
          + tse*coords[r][tse_ints]->y()
          - (1.0 - tse)*(1.0 - ada)*coords[0][0]->y()
          - (1.0 - tse)*ada*coords[ada_ints][0]->y()
          - tse*(1.0 - ada)*coords[0][tse_ints]->y()
          - tse*ada*coords[ada_ints][tse_ints]->y();

  temp_z =   (1.0 - ada)*coords[0][c]->z() 
          + ada*coords[ada_ints][c]->z()
          + (1.0 - tse)*coords[r][0]->z() 
          + tse*coords[r][tse_ints]->z()
          - (1.0 - tse)*(1.0 - ada)*coords[0][0]->z()
          - (1.0 - tse)*ada*coords[ada_ints][0]->z()
          - tse*(1.0 - ada)*coords[0][tse_ints]->z()
          - tse*ada*coords[ada_ints][tse_ints]->z();

  vec = new CubitVector( temp_x, temp_y, temp_z );

  return vec;
Cubit2DPoint * SplitSurfaceTool::make_interior_coord ( Cubit2DPoint ***  coords,
int  nr,
int  nc,
double  ada,
double  tse,
int  j,
int  i 
) [private]

Definition at line 5694 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  double temp_x, temp_y;
  Cubit2DPoint *pnt;
  int ada_ints = nr-1;
  int tse_ints = nc-1;

  temp_x =   (1.0 - ada)*coords[0][c]->x()
          + ada*coords[ada_ints][c]->x()
          + (1.0 - tse)*coords[r][0]->x()
          + tse*coords[r][tse_ints]->x()
          - (1.0 - tse)*(1.0 - ada)*coords[0][0]->x()
          - (1.0 - tse)*ada*coords[ada_ints][0]->x()
          - tse*(1.0 - ada)*coords[0][tse_ints]->x()
          - tse*ada*coords[ada_ints][tse_ints]->x();

  temp_y =   (1.0 - ada)*coords[0][c]->y() 
          + ada*coords[ada_ints][c]->y()
          + (1.0 - tse)*coords[r][0]->y() 
          + tse*coords[r][tse_ints]->y()
          - (1.0 - tse)*(1.0 - ada)*coords[0][0]->y()
          - (1.0 - tse)*ada*coords[ada_ints][0]->y()
          - tse*(1.0 - ada)*coords[0][tse_ints]->y()
          - tse*ada*coords[ada_ints][tse_ints]->y();

  pnt = new Cubit2DPoint( temp_x, temp_y );

  return pnt;
int SplitSurfaceTool::number_coedges ( RefEdge ref_edge_ptr,
RefFace ref_face_ptr 
) [private]

Definition at line 5787 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  DLIList<CoEdge*> co_edge_list;
  ref_edge_ptr->get_co_edges( co_edge_list, ref_face_ptr );
  return co_edge_list.size();
int SplitSurfaceTool::number_in_list ( DLIList< RefVertex * > &  corner_vertex_list,
RefVertex ref_vertex_ptr 
) [private]

Definition at line 3597 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int num = 0;
  int i;
  RefVertex *check_ptr;
  for( i=4; i--; )
    check_ptr = corner_vertex_list.get_and_step();
    if( check_ptr == ref_vertex_ptr )

  return num;
void SplitSurfaceTool::order_corners ( int &  corner_1,
int &  corner_2,
int &  corner_3,
int &  corner_4 
) [private]

Definition at line 3444 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // sort the corners by indices
  int swap_temp;
#define SWAP( a, b ) swap_temp = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = swap_temp
  if ( corner_1 > corner_2 ) {
    SWAP( corner_1, corner_2 );
  if ( corner_2 > corner_3 ) {
    SWAP( corner_2, corner_3 );
  if ( corner_3 > corner_4 ) {
    SWAP( corner_3, corner_4 );
  // 4 is now set
  order_corners( corner_1, corner_2, corner_3 );
#undef SWAP
void SplitSurfaceTool::order_corners ( int &  corner_1,
int &  corner_2,
int &  corner_3 
) [private]

Definition at line 3465 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // sort the corners by indices
  int swap_temp;
#define SWAP( a, b ) swap_temp = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = swap_temp
  if ( corner_1 > corner_2 ) {
    SWAP( corner_1, corner_2 );
  if ( corner_2 > corner_3 ) {
    SWAP( corner_2, corner_3 );
  // 3 is now set
  if ( corner_1 > corner_2 ) {
    SWAP( corner_1, corner_2 );
  // 2 is now set
  // 1 is set as its the only one left
#undef SWAP

Definition at line 1178 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  RefFace *ref_face_ptr = NULL;

  if( refFaceChain.size() > 1 )
    // First make sure surfaces are at least connected
    for( i=refFaceChain.size(); i--; )
      ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get_and_step();

      DLIList<RefFace*> neighbor_ref_faces;
      get_neighbors( ref_face_ptr, refFaceChain, neighbor_ref_faces );
      if( neighbor_ref_faces.size() == 0 )
        PRINT_ERROR( "You must select a continuous chain of surfaces.\n"
          "       Surface %d is not attached to the other surfaces.\n",
          ref_face_ptr->id() );
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  if( refFaceChain.size() < 3 )
    if( refFaceChain.size() == 1 )
      // Check for isLoop situation.  Assume we have a loop if some of
      // the RefEdges have 2 CoEdges that don't immediately loop back
      // on themselves (this is a hardline).
      ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get();
      if( check_face_loop( ref_face_ptr, isLoop ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;

      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

    if( refFaceChain.size() == 2 )
      // Check for isLoop situation.  Assume we have a loop if two separate
      // chains of curves from the first surface are shared by the second
      // surface.
      RefFace *ref_face_ptr1 = refFaceChain.get_and_step();
      RefFace *ref_face_ptr2 = refFaceChain.get();
      CoEdge *start_co_edge_ptr = NULL; // Dummy
      if( check_for_loop( ref_face_ptr1, ref_face_ptr2, isLoop, start_co_edge_ptr )
        == CUBIT_FAILURE )
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // Get the face list going from one end to the other
  DLIList<RefFace*> ordered_face_list;

  // Find an end - would have only one attached face
  int found = 0;
  for( i=refFaceChain.size(); i--; )
    ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get_and_step();

    DLIList<RefFace*> neighbor_ref_faces;
    get_neighbors( ref_face_ptr, refFaceChain, neighbor_ref_faces );
    if( neighbor_ref_faces.size() == 1 )
      found = 1;
    else if( neighbor_ref_faces.size() == 0 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "You must select a continuous chain of surfaces.\n"
        "       Surface %d is not attached to the other surfaces.\n",
        ref_face_ptr->id() );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Check for continuous loop of surfaces
  if( !found )
    // This is a continuous loop of surfaces - just use the first one the 
    // user picked as starting surface of the patch.
    isLoop = CUBIT_TRUE;
    ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get();

  // Walk across the surfaces
  ordered_face_list.append( ref_face_ptr );
  DLIList<RefFace*> remaining_face_list = refFaceChain;
  remaining_face_list.remove( ref_face_ptr );
  int num_faces = refFaceChain.size()-1;

  for( i=num_faces; i--; )
    DLIList<RefFace*> neighbor_ref_faces;
    get_neighbors( ref_face_ptr, remaining_face_list, neighbor_ref_faces );
    if( (!isLoop && neighbor_ref_faces.size() != 1) ||
        (i==num_faces-1 && isLoop && neighbor_ref_faces.size() != 2) ||
        (i!=num_faces-1 && isLoop && neighbor_ref_faces.size() != 1) )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Selected surfaces do not appear to form logical rectangle\n" );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    ref_face_ptr = neighbor_ref_faces.get();
    ordered_face_list.append( ref_face_ptr );
    remaining_face_list.remove( ref_face_ptr );

  refFaceChain = ordered_face_list;

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::order_selected_corners ( DLIList< RefVertex * > &  outer_vertex_list) [private]

Definition at line 3487 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;

  RefVertex *ref_vertex_ptr;
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;

  // Verify that these corners exist in the outerCoEdgeLoop
  for( i = corner_vertex_list.size(); i--; )
    ref_vertex_ptr = corner_vertex_list.get_and_step();

    if( is_in_outer_loop( ref_vertex_ptr ) == CUBIT_FALSE )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Selected corner, Vertex %d, not found in outer loop of patch.\n",
        ref_vertex_ptr->id() );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // We need to start at the first corner the user selected - shuffle the
  // lists to do this.
  RefVertex *start_corner = corner_vertex_list.get();

  int offset = 0;
  for( i=outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i--; )
    ref_vertex_ptr = start_vertex( outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step() );
    if( ref_vertex_ptr == start_corner )

  // Now shuffle the lists to get them into the proper order
  if( offset )
    DLIList<CoEdge*> outer_co_edge_loop = outerCoEdgeLoop;

    // Set the loop at start offset
    outer_co_edge_loop.step( offset );
    for( i=outer_co_edge_loop.size(); i--; )
      outerCoEdgeLoop.append( outer_co_edge_loop.get_and_step() );

  // Cruise through the outer coedge list to get the proper corner order 
  int corner = 0;
  int num = 0;
  int side_interval = 0;

  co_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step();

  // Special case for first corner (always at first corner to start)
  num = number_in_list( corner_vertex_list, start_vertex(co_edge_ptr) );
  if( num > 2 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Vertex %d was selected for %d of the corners - max is 2\n",
      start_vertex(co_edge_ptr)->id(), num );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  cornerCoEdge[corner++] = co_edge_ptr;
  if( num == 2 )
    sideInterval[corner-1] = 0;
    cornerCoEdge[corner++] = co_edge_ptr;

  for( i=1; i<outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i++ )
    co_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step();

    num = number_in_list( corner_vertex_list, start_vertex(co_edge_ptr) );
    if( num > 2 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Vertex %d was selected for %d of the corners - max is 2\n",
        start_vertex(co_edge_ptr)->id(), num );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    if( num > 0 )
      sideInterval[corner-1] = side_interval;
      side_interval = 0;
      cornerCoEdge[corner++] = co_edge_ptr;

      if( num == 2 )
        sideInterval[corner-1] = 0;
        cornerCoEdge[corner++] = co_edge_ptr;

  sideInterval[3] = outerCoEdgeLoop.size() - sideInterval[0] - sideInterval[1] - sideInterval[2];

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::ordered_co_edges ( RefFace ref_face_ptr,
DLIList< CoEdge * > &  co_edge_list 
) [private]

Definition at line 2357 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  DLIList<Loop*> loop_list;
  ref_face_ptr->ordered_loops( loop_list );

  if( loop_list.size() > 1 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Only surfaces with a single loop are allowed.\n"
      "       Surface %d has %d loops.\n", ref_face_ptr->id(), 
      loop_list.size() );

    //if you are splitting a single surface across a vertex pair
    //recomment the 'split surface <id> across' command
    if( 1 == refFaceChain.size() && 2 == throughVertexList.size() )
      PRINT_INFO("Perhaps try the 'Split Surface <id> Across ...' command instead.\n");

    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  if( loop_list.size() == 0 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Surface %d does not contain any loops - cannot split\n",
      ref_face_ptr->id() );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  loop_list.get()->ordered_co_edges( co_edge_list );


Definition at line 2639 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Special case - for the loop situation the corners are already picked
  if( isLoop )
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // Find 4 reasonable corners preferably close to PI/2.  We find at least 
  // 2 corners from the starting surface and 2 from the ending surface.
  // Note that at this point, the vertex loop starts at the beginning
  // of the first surface in the chain.

  // Check for trivial case
  if( outerCoEdgeLoop.size() == 4 )
    cornerCoEdge[0] = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step();
    cornerCoEdge[1] = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step();
    cornerCoEdge[2] = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step();
    cornerCoEdge[3] = outerCoEdgeLoop.get();
    sideInterval[0] = 1;
    sideInterval[1] = 1;
    sideInterval[2] = 1;
    sideInterval[3] = 1;

    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // Initialize variables
  RefFace *start_surf = refFaceChain.get();
  RefFace *end_surf = refFaceChain.get();
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  int A_i=-1, B_i=-1, D_i=-1, E_i=-1;

  // Walk along the loop, to find the best corners for the first and last
  // surfaces.  The leading edge (B) tries to push forward, but the rear (A) 
  // tries to hang back.  Move the lead forward, then check to see if the rear
  // should move into it's old spot.

  // Note that the outerCoEdgeLoop starts at the first vertex of the starting
  // surface (shown after A in this diagram).
  // Final result for this patch results in corners where the 0's are shown.

  //          E     D
  //          0-----+-------+------0 
  //          |     |       |      |
  //        F |     |       |      | 
  //   +------+     |       |      +------+
  //   |            |       |             |   ^
  //   |    End     |       |    Start    |   | Loop
  //   |  Surface   |       |   Surface   |   | Direction
  //   |            |       |             |   |
  //   +------+     |       |      +------+
  //          |     |       |      | C
  //          |     |       |      |
  //          0-----+-------+------0 B
  //                        A

  double epsilon = .001745; // Angles considered comparable within about .1 degrees.
  int offset = 0;

  pick_expanded_corners( start_surf, outerCoEdgeLoop, offset, epsilon, A_i, B_i );
  PRINT_DEBUG_154( "First pass picked %d and %d on surf %d\n",
    A_i, B_i, start_surf->id() );

  // Advance the vertex and coedge lists until we are on the end_surf

  // Special case - if vertices are shared between start and end surface, we
  // want the opportunity to use the start vertex on the end surface, even
  // though we may have already picked it. We want to consider it again so
  // that we can find the best corners on the end surface.  Since we will 
  // always find at least two corners on a surface, if we did not consider
  // all vertices on the end surface, we might find a garbage vertex.  If
  // we do pick up a duplicate, we will clean it out and find the next best
  // vertex later.  If we did not do this, in the figure below, the first
  // pass through pick_expanded corners would find C1 and C2.  The next
  // pass would find C3 and C4.  We don't want C4, but we would pick it 
  // just because pick_expanded_corners must pick exactly two corners.  
  // Instead, lets pick C2 and C3 the next time around and pickup the lower
  // left corner as a cleanup step later.
  //               C4
  //   C1 +--------+--------------------+ C3
  //      |         \                   |
  //      |           \                 |
  //      |             \      end      |
  //      |               \             |
  //      |                 \           |
  //      |    start          \         |
  //      |                     \       |
  //      |                       \     |
  //      |                         \   |
  //      |                           \ |
  //      +--------+--------------------+ C2
  // Backup (to consider last vertex again, as explained above)
  int i;
  for( i=0; i<outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i++ )
    co_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get();
    if( is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(co_edge_ptr), end_surf ) )

  pick_expanded_corners( end_surf, outerCoEdgeLoop, offset, epsilon, D_i, E_i );

  PRINT_DEBUG_154( "Second pass picked %d and %d on surf %d\n",
    D_i, E_i, end_surf->id() );

  if( E_i == outerCoEdgeLoop.size() )
    E_i = 0;

  // Error checking
  if( A_i==B_i )
    B_i = -1;
  if( A_i==D_i )
    D_i = -1;
  if( A_i==E_i )
    E_i = -1;
  if( B_i==D_i )
    D_i = -1;
  if( B_i==E_i )
    E_i = -1;
  if( D_i==E_i )
    E_i = -1;
  if( A_i==-1 || B_i==-1 || D_i==-1 || E_i==-1 )
    // Most likely error case is that we only found three corners.  Here
    // is an example where this can happen.  Notice that the upper left
    // corner did not get selected.  This is because when processing the
    // left surface, the best corners were found that were "expanded out"
    // the farthest - thus we missed the "inside" corner.
    //    +-----------------------------+ C
    //    |                            /|
    //    |                          /  |
    //    |                        /    |
    //    |                      /      |
    //    |                    /        |
    //    |                  /          |
    //    |                /            |
    //    |              /              |
    //    |            /                |
    //    |          /                  |
    //  C +--------+--------------------+ C

    // In this case, lets just cop out and find the next best corner(s)
    int num = 0;
    if( A_i==-1 )
    if( B_i==-1 )
    if( D_i==-1 )
    if( E_i==-1 )

    if( num>2 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to pick corners - please specify manually.\n"
        "       Type 'help split surface' for proper syntax\n" );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    int best_corner_1 = -1, best_corner_2 = -1;

    double diff;
    double pi2 = CUBIT_PI/2.0;
    double min = CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
    for( i=0; i<outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i++ )
      co_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get();

      if( i==A_i || i==B_i || i==D_i || i==E_i ||
          (!is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(co_edge_ptr), start_surf ) &&
           !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(co_edge_ptr), end_surf ) ) )

      diff = fabs( pi2 - compute_next_angle( outerCoEdgeLoop ) );

      if( diff < min )
        best_corner_1 = i;
        min = diff;

    if( best_corner_1 == -1 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to pick corners - please specify manually.\n"
        "       Type 'help split surface' for proper syntax\n" );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    if( num>1 )
      min = CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
      for( i=0; i<outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i++ )
        co_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get();
        if( i==A_i || i==B_i || i==D_i || i==E_i ||
          i==best_corner_1 ||
          (!is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(co_edge_ptr), start_surf ) &&
           !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(co_edge_ptr), end_surf ) ) )
        diff = fabs( pi2 - compute_next_angle( outerCoEdgeLoop ) );
        if( diff < min )
          best_corner_2 = i;
          min = diff;
      if( best_corner_2 == -1 )
        PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to pick corners - please specify manually.\n"
          "       Type 'help split surface' for proper syntax\n" );
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    int best_corner[6];

    // Find the four corners we have
    i = 0;
    if( A_i != -1 )
      best_corner[i++] = A_i;
    if( B_i != -1 )
      best_corner[i++] = B_i;
    if( D_i != -1 )
      best_corner[i++] = D_i;
    if( E_i != -1 )
      best_corner[i++] = E_i;
    if( best_corner_1 != -1 )
      best_corner[i++] = best_corner_1;
    if( best_corner_2 != -1 )
      best_corner[i++] = best_corner_2;

    if( i>4 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Internal error in split surface function - please report\n" );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    order_corners( best_corner[0], best_corner[1], best_corner[2], best_corner[3] );

    A_i = best_corner[0];
    B_i = best_corner[1];
    D_i = best_corner[2];
    E_i = best_corner[3];

  // Fill cornerCoEdge array
  fill_corners( A_i, B_i, D_i, E_i );

  // Make sure we found at least two vertices on start surf and two vertices
  // on end surf
  if( !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[0]), start_surf ) ||
      !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[1]), start_surf ) ||
      !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[2]), end_surf ) ||
      !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(cornerCoEdge[3]), end_surf ) )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to pick corners - please specify manually.\n"
      "       Type 'help split surface' for proper syntax\n" );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Fill sideInterval array
  fill_side_intervals( A_i, B_i, D_i, E_i );

  // Get loops in proper position (from start)
  reorient_loop( A_i );

  if( autoDetectTriangles == CUBIT_TRUE )
    // Check to see if any corners are close to 180 and should be removed
    // to create a triangle or triangles
    if( update_corners_for_triangle() == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;


Definition at line 3031 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Special case - for the loop situation the corners are already picked
  if( isLoop )
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // We simply find the 4 corners closest to PI/2 - used
  // when we only have one surface.  Results sometimes 
  // aren't ideal....but user can pick corners in these
  // situations.

  // Store best quadruple
  int best_corner_1, best_corner_2, best_corner_3, best_corner_4;

  const int number_vertices = outerCoEdgeLoop.size();
  if( number_vertices == 3 )
    // Triangle - special case (default to split to first tip of triangle)
    best_corner_1 = 0;
    best_corner_2 = 0;
    best_corner_3 = 1;
    best_corner_4 = 2;
    const int num_angles = number_vertices;  
    // Compute angles
    double *angles;
    double turn_angle_sum = 0.;
    compute_angles( angles, turn_angle_sum );
    // For now just find the 4 vertices that are closest to PI/2
    int i;
    double diff;
    double pi2 = CUBIT_PI/2.0;
    double min = CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
    for( i=0; i<num_angles; i++ )
      diff = fabs( pi2 - angles[i] );
      if( diff < min )
        best_corner_1 = i;
        min = diff;
    min = CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
    for( i=0; i<num_angles; i++ )
      diff = fabs( pi2 - angles[i] );
      if( diff < min && i != best_corner_1 )
        best_corner_2 = i;
        min = diff;
    min = CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
    for( i=0; i<num_angles; i++ )
      diff = fabs( pi2 - angles[i] );
      if( diff < min && i != best_corner_1 && i != best_corner_2 )
        best_corner_3 = i;
        min = diff;
    min = CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
    for( i=0; i<num_angles; i++ )
      diff = fabs( pi2 - angles[i] );
      if( diff < min && i != best_corner_1 && i != best_corner_2 && i != best_corner_3 )
        best_corner_4 = i;
        min = diff;

    delete [] angles;
    order_corners( best_corner_1, best_corner_2, best_corner_3, best_corner_4 );

  // Fill cornerCoEdge and sideInterval arrays
  fill_corners( best_corner_1, best_corner_2, best_corner_3, best_corner_4 );
  fill_side_intervals( best_corner_1, best_corner_2, best_corner_3, best_corner_4 );

  // Get loops in proper position (from start)
  reorient_loop( best_corner_1 );

  if( autoDetectTriangles == CUBIT_TRUE )
    // Check to see if any corners are close to 180 and should be removed
    // to create a triangle
    if( update_corners_for_triangle() == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::pick_expanded_corners ( RefFace ref_face_ptr,
DLIList< CoEdge * > &  co_edge_list,
int &  offset,
double  epsilon,
int &  A_i,
int &  B_i 
) [private]

Definition at line 2950 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  double pi2 = CUBIT_PI/2.0; // Target angle (find vertices closest to this)
  double A = -1.0, B = -1.0, C;
  int old_B_i;
  double old_B;

  A_i = -1;
  B_i = -1;

  int initial_offset = offset;

  int i;
  for( i=0; i<co_edge_list.size(); i++ )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get();

    // If no longer in the surface we are done
    if( !is_vertex_in_surface( start_vertex(co_edge_ptr), ref_face_ptr ) )
      A_i += initial_offset;
      B_i += initial_offset;
      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
    // Calculate difference of angle from PI/2.  Looking for smaller C as 
    // compared to previous A & B.  This also steps the lists.
    C = fabs( pi2 - compute_next_angle( co_edge_list ) );
    if( A == -1.0 ) // Initialization of A
      A_i = i;
      A = C;
    else if( B == -1.0 ) // Initialization of B
      B_i = i;
      B = C;
    // Check if B should move forward (it wants to!)
    else if( fabs(C - B) < epsilon || C < B ) // C == B || C < B
    {                                         // C <= B (effectively)
      // Push B forward to C's spot.
      old_B = B;
      old_B_i = B_i;
      B = C;
      B_i = i;
      // Check if A should move into B's old spot (it doesn't want to!)
      if( !(fabs(old_B - A)<epsilon) && old_B < A ) // old_B != A && old_B < A
      {                                             // old_B < A (effectively)
        // Push A forward to B's old spot
        A = old_B;
        A_i = old_B_i;
    // Also look for smaller C as compared to A
    else if( !(fabs(C - A)<epsilon) && C < A ) // C != A && C < A
    {                                          // C < A (effectively)
      // Push B forward to C's spot.
      old_B = B;
      old_B_i = B_i;
      B = C;
      B_i = i;
      // Push A forward to B's old spot
      A = old_B;
      A_i = old_B_i;

  A_i += initial_offset;
  B_i += initial_offset;

Definition at line 2039 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int i;
  RefFace *ref_face_ptr;
  TDSplitSurface *tdss;

  if( refFaceChain.size() == 1 )
    ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get();
    tdss = (TDSplitSurface *)ref_face_ptr->get_TD(&TDSplitSurface::is_split_surface);
    tdss->add_coedges( outerCoEdgeLoop, sideInterval );
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  // Steps
  // 1. Go through each CoEdge on outside, adding TD to each CoEdge
  //    (with data for the start vertex of the CoEdge), marking them
  //    per the code in the diagram below. 
  //    6    5   4
  //    +----+---+ 
  //    |        | 
  //    |        | 
  //   7+        +3 
  //    |        | 
  //   7+----+---+3 
  //    |        | 
  //    |        | 
  //   7+        +3 
  //    |        | 
  //   7+-+---+--+3 
  //    |        | 
  //    |        | 
  //   7+        +3 
  //    |        | 
  //    +---+----+ 
  //    0   1    2 
  // 2. Traverse through the curves in each surface, assigning 
  //    curves to proper side of surface utilizing vertex classification
  //    from above.
  // First gather a list of all coedges
  DLIList<CoEdge*> all_co_edge_list;
  for( i=refFaceChain.size(); i--; )
    ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get_and_step();
    ordered_co_edges( ref_face_ptr, all_co_edge_list );
  RefFace *start_surf = refFaceChain.get();
  RefFace *end_surf = refFaceChain.get();
  // STEP 1
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  int type = 0;
  CoEdge *prev_co_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step();
  for( i=0; i<outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i++ )
    co_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step();
    // Get all CoEdges whose start vertices are attached to the start of this
    // CoEdge.
    DLIList<CoEdge*> att_co_edge_list;
    get_attached_coedges_start( co_edge_ptr, all_co_edge_list, att_co_edge_list );
    // This should never happen, but check anyway
    if( att_co_edge_list.size() == 0 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to find any curves attached to the start of Curve %d\n",
        co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id() );
      delete_coedge_tooldatas( all_co_edge_list );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    // Remove CoEdges from outerCoEdgeLoop
    att_co_edge_list -= outerCoEdgeLoop;
    // Add back in the current co_edge_ptr
    att_co_edge_list.append( co_edge_ptr );
    // Special case - need to remove possible wrong CoEdges.  If isLoop remove
    // all of the other CoEdges that are on the outerCoEdgeLoop (particularly
    // necessary as we traverse up and down the "seam", and at the corners).
    // If a corner, we need to deal with a possible triangle there by keeping
    // the proper CoEdge.
    if( isLoop )
      // Find corner number from i
      int corner = -1;
      if( i == 0 )
        corner = 0;
      else if( i == sideInterval[0] )
        corner = 1;
      else if( i == sideInterval[0] + sideInterval[1] )
        corner = 2;
      else if( i== sideInterval[0] + sideInterval[1] + sideInterval[2] )
        corner = 3;
      if( corner != -1 )
        // Remove coedges that belong to the other corner shared by this corner
        if( remove_other_corner_coedges( prev_co_edge_ptr, co_edge_ptr,
          all_co_edge_list, att_co_edge_list ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
          delete_coedge_tooldatas( all_co_edge_list );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    // DEBUG
    //      if( att_co_edge_list.size() > 1 )
    //      {
    //        PRINT_INFO( "Att_co_edge_list.size() = %d\n", att_co_edge_list.size() );
    //        att_co_edge_list.reset();
    //        for( int k=att_co_edge_list.size(); k--; )
    //          PRINT_INFO( "  Adding TD to Curve = %d, Surface = %d\n", att_co_edge_list.get()->
    //          get_ref_edge_ptr()->id(), att_co_edge_list.get_and_step()->get_ref_face()->id() );
    //      }
    //      else
    //        PRINT_INFO( " Adding TD to Curve %d on Surface %d\n",
    //        att_co_edge_list.get()->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id(),
    //        att_co_edge_list.get()->get_ref_face()->id() );
    switch (type)
    case 0:
      if( add_tooldata( att_co_edge_list, 0 ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
        delete_coedge_tooldatas( all_co_edge_list );
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      if( cornerCoEdge[0] != cornerCoEdge[1] )
        type = 1;
        type = 3;
    case 1:
      if( co_edge_ptr != cornerCoEdge[1] )
        if( add_tooldata( att_co_edge_list, 1 ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
          delete_coedge_tooldatas( all_co_edge_list );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        if( add_tooldata( att_co_edge_list, 2 ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
          delete_coedge_tooldatas( all_co_edge_list );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        if( cornerCoEdge[1] != cornerCoEdge[2] )
          type = 3;
          type = 5;
    case 3:
      if( co_edge_ptr != cornerCoEdge[2] )
        if( add_tooldata( att_co_edge_list, 3 ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
          delete_coedge_tooldatas( all_co_edge_list );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        if( add_tooldata( att_co_edge_list, 4 ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
          delete_coedge_tooldatas( all_co_edge_list );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        if( cornerCoEdge[2] != cornerCoEdge[3] )
          type = 5;
          type = 7;
    case 5:
      if( co_edge_ptr != cornerCoEdge[3] )
        if( add_tooldata( att_co_edge_list, 5 ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
          delete_coedge_tooldatas( all_co_edge_list );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        if( add_tooldata( att_co_edge_list, 6 ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
          delete_coedge_tooldatas( all_co_edge_list );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        type = 7;
    case 7:
      if( add_tooldata( att_co_edge_list, 7 ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
        delete_coedge_tooldatas( all_co_edge_list );
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    prev_co_edge_ptr = co_edge_ptr;
  // Debug
  if( DEBUG_FLAG(154) )
    for( i=outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i--; )
      co_edge_ptr = outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step();
      TDSplitSurface *tdssv = (TDSplitSurface *)co_edge_ptr->
      PRINT_INFO( "Vertex %d - type %d\n", start_vertex( co_edge_ptr )->id(),
        tdssv->get_type() );
  // STEP 2
  for( i=0; i<refFaceChain.size(); i++ )
    ref_face_ptr = refFaceChain.get_and_step();
    tdss = (TDSplitSurface *)ref_face_ptr->
    // Get loop of coedges on this surface
    DLIList<CoEdge*> co_edge_list;
    ordered_co_edges( ref_face_ptr, co_edge_list );
    // Now, get to the start of the loop.  This will either be on vertex 0 or
    // the last vertex 7 (see diagram above).
    position_co_edge_list( i, co_edge_list );
    PRINT_DEBUG_154( "Surface %d: start of loop = curve %d\n", 
      ref_face_ptr->id(), co_edge_list.get()->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id() );
    // Now that we have the loop positioned properly, we can add the proper
    // curves (classified by side) to the TD on the surface.      
    DLIList<CoEdge*> side_coedges;
    int num_so_far = 0;
    // Check for special case - side A collapsed - triangle tip at start of
    // split
    if( ref_face_ptr == start_surf && cornerCoEdge[0] == cornerCoEdge[1] )
      get_a_coedges( co_edge_list, side_coedges );
    num_so_far = side_coedges.size();
    // Side A could be collapsed (in case of triangle tip at start of split)
    if( side_coedges.size() )
      tdss->add_a_coedges( side_coedges );
      tdss->add_a_coedges( side_coedges, start_vertex( cornerCoEdge[0] ) );
    get_b_coedges( co_edge_list, side_coedges );
    num_so_far += side_coedges.size();
    // Side B could be collapsed (if we are on a triangle)
    if( side_coedges.size() )
      tdss->add_b_coedges( side_coedges );
      tdss->add_b_coedges( side_coedges, start_vertex( co_edge_list.get() ) );
    // Check for special case - side C collapsed - triangle tip at end of
    // split
    if( ref_face_ptr == end_surf && cornerCoEdge[2] == cornerCoEdge[3] )
      get_c_coedges( co_edge_list, side_coedges );
    num_so_far += side_coedges.size();
    // Side C could be collapsed (in case of triangle tip at end of split)
    if( side_coedges.size() )
      tdss->add_c_coedges( side_coedges );
      tdss->add_c_coedges( side_coedges, start_vertex( cornerCoEdge[2] ) );
    if( get_d_coedges( co_edge_list, num_so_far, 
      side_coedges ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      // Remove tooldatas from coedges
      delete_coedge_tooldatas( all_co_edge_list );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    // Side D could be collapsed (if we are on a triangle)
    if( side_coedges.size() )
      tdss->add_d_coedges( side_coedges );
      tdss->add_d_coedges( side_coedges, start_vertex( co_edge_list.get() ) );
  // Remove tooldatas from coedges
  delete_coedge_tooldatas( all_co_edge_list );

  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;  
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::position_co_edge_list ( int  i,
DLIList< CoEdge * > &  co_edge_list 
) [private]

Definition at line 4405 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  //    6    5   4
  //    +----+---+ 
  //    |        | 
  //    |        | 
  //   7+        +3 
  //    |        | 
  //   7+----+---+3 
  //    |        | 
  //    |        | 
  //   7+        +3 
  //    |        | 
  //   7+-+---+--+3 
  //    |        | 
  //    |        | 
  //   7+        +3 
  //    |        | 
  //    +---+----+ 
  //    0   1    2 
  // Now, get to the start of the loop.  This will either be on vertex 0 or
  // the last vertex 7 (see diagram above).

  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  CoEdge *next_co_edge_ptr;
  for( i=co_edge_list.size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_step();
    next_co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get_and_back();
    // Get the tooldata from the start vertex
    TDSplitSurface *tdssv_start = (TDSplitSurface *)co_edge_ptr->
    if( tdssv_start )
      if( tdssv_start->get_type() == 0 )
        break; // This is the start
      else if (tdssv_start->get_type() == 7)
        // Check end of curve - if not a 7 or 0 we are done
        TDSplitSurface *tdssv_end = (TDSplitSurface *)next_co_edge_ptr->
        if( !tdssv_end )
        if( tdssv_end->get_type() != 7 && tdssv_end->get_type() != 0 )
      else if (tdssv_start->get_type() == 6)
        // Check end of curve - if not a 7 or 0 we are done
        //  (it will typically be NULL or type 3 - see top surface
        //   in diagram below)
        //    6   5    4    
        //    +---+----+
        //    | \      |
        //    |   \    |
        //    |     +  |
        //    |       \|
        //   7+-+---+--+3 
        //    |        | 
        //    |        | 
        //   7+        +3 
        //    |        | 
        //    +---+----+ 
        //    0   1    2 
        TDSplitSurface *tdssv_end = (TDSplitSurface *)next_co_edge_ptr->
        if( !tdssv_end )
        if( tdssv_end->get_type() != 7 && tdssv_end->get_type() != 0 )

CoEdge * SplitSurfaceTool::prev_co_edge ( CoEdge co_edge_ptr) [private]

Definition at line 4169 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  outerCoEdgeLoop.move_to( co_edge_ptr );
  return outerCoEdgeLoop.prev();
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::preview ( RefFace ref_face_ptr,
DLIList< CubitVector * > &  locations,
DLIList< DLIList< CubitVector * > * > &  vec_lists,
CubitBoolean  create_ref_edges_flg,
CubitBoolean  clear_previous_previews = CUBIT_TRUE 

Preview function for simple surface splitting. Temporary Curves are created on the RefFace and displayed. The curves are created from the input vec_lists (straight lines, arcs or splines). The input locations are the original input locations from the user, which are displayed as well as the Curves. The clear_previous_previews flag controls whether previous previews are cleared from the graphics window.

Definition at line 105 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Create curves from the input vec_lists (locations are just the original
  // locations the user specified - these need to be drawn)
  int i, j;
  Curve *curve_ptr;
  DLIList<CubitVector*> *vec_list_ptr;
  DLIList<Surface*> surfs;

  Surface *surf_ptr = ref_face_ptr->get_surface_ptr();

  // Support composite surfaces by getting the surfaces underlying
  // the composite and creating split curves for them individually.
  GeometryQueryEngine *gqe = surf_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine();
  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
  gqe->get_underlying_surfaces(surf_ptr, tbs);
  if(tbs.size() > 0)
    for(j=tbs.size(); j>0; j--)

  // Clear previous previews if necessary
  if( clear_previous_previews == CUBIT_TRUE )

  for( i=vec_lists.size(); i--; )
    vec_list_ptr = vec_lists.get_and_step();

    if( vec_list_ptr->size() < 2 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to create a curve from less than two locations.\n" );

    for(j=surfs.size(); j>0; j--)
      Surface *cur_surf = surfs.get_and_step();
      curve_ptr = create_curve( *vec_list_ptr, cur_surf );

      if( curve_ptr )
        if( create_ref_edges_flg == CUBIT_TRUE )
          RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr;
          ref_edge_ptr = GeometryQueryTool::instance()->make_free_RefEdge(curve_ptr);
          if( ref_edge_ptr )
            PRINT_INFO( "Created new curve %d\n", ref_edge_ptr->id() );
          draw_preview( curve_ptr, CUBIT_FALSE );
          curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
  // Draw locations too
  draw_points( locations, CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX );
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::preview ( DLIList< RefFace * > &  ref_face_list,
DLIList< CubitVector * > &  locations,
DLIList< DLIList< DLIList< CubitVector * > * > * > &  list_of_vec_lists,
CubitBoolean  create_ref_edges_flg,
CubitBoolean  clear_previous_previews = CUBIT_TRUE 

Overloaded preview function to handle multiple surfaces (see above).

Definition at line 179 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

   //Reset ref_face_list and list_of_vec_lists (just in case)

   // Clear previous previews if necessary
   if( clear_previous_previews == CUBIT_TRUE )
   int qq;
   for( qq = ref_face_list.size(); qq > 0 ; qq--)
      //Initialize the values to be used upon each iteration
      RefFace* ref_face_ptr = ref_face_list.get_and_step();
      DLIList<DLIList<CubitVector*>*> vec_lists = *( list_of_vec_lists.get_and_step() );

      int i, j;
      Curve *curve_ptr;
      DLIList<CubitVector*> *vec_list_ptr;
      DLIList<Surface*> surfs;

      Surface *surf_ptr = ref_face_ptr->get_surface_ptr();

      // Support composite surfaces by getting the surfaces underlying
      // the composite and creating split curves for them individually.
      GeometryQueryEngine *gqe = surf_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine();
      DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
      gqe->get_underlying_surfaces(surf_ptr, tbs);
      if(tbs.size() > 0)
         for(j=tbs.size(); j>0; j--)

      for( i=vec_lists.size(); i--; )
         vec_list_ptr = vec_lists.get_and_step();

         if( vec_list_ptr->size() < 2 )
            PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to create a curve from less than two locations.\n" );

         for(j=surfs.size(); j>0; j--)
            Surface *cur_surf = surfs.get_and_step();
            curve_ptr = create_curve( *vec_list_ptr, cur_surf );

            if( curve_ptr )
               if( create_ref_edges_flg == CUBIT_TRUE )
                  RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr;
                  ref_edge_ptr = GeometryQueryTool::instance()->make_free_RefEdge(curve_ptr);
                  if( ref_edge_ptr )
                     PRINT_INFO( "Created new curve %d\n", ref_edge_ptr->id() );
                  draw_preview( curve_ptr, CUBIT_FALSE );
                  curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
  // Draw locations too
  draw_points( locations, CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX );
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::reflect_arc_pnt ( CubitVector vec1,
CubitVector vec2,
CubitVector vec3,
CubitVector pnt_to_reflect,
CubitVector out_pnt 
) [private]

Definition at line 6496 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  double a = (vec1-vec2).length();
  double b = (vec2-vec3).length();
  double c = (vec3-vec1).length();
  double denom = sqrt((a+b+c)*(b+c-a)*(c+a-b)*(a+b-c));
  if(denom < GEOMETRY_RESABS )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  AnalyticGeometryTool *agt = AnalyticGeometryTool::instance();
  // Find the circle radius
  double rad = (a*b*c)/denom;
  // Find a coordinate system in the plane of the arc
  // Start by getting normal to arc
  CubitVector z = (vec1-vec2)*(vec2-vec3);
  CubitVector x;
  CubitVector y;
  z.orthogonal_vectors( x,y );

  // Now we are going to transform the points to a local coordinate
  // system in the plane of the arc - thats where we can work to
  // determine the equation of the circle (in 2D).
  double mtx_global_to_local[4][4];
  double mtx_local_to_global[4][4];

  double xt[3], yt[3], zt[3], origint[3];
  agt->copy_pnt( x, xt );
  agt->copy_pnt( y, yt );
  agt->copy_pnt( z, zt );
  agt->copy_pnt( vec1, origint );

  agt->vecs_to_mtx( xt, yt, zt, origint, mtx_local_to_global );
  agt->inv_trans_mtx( mtx_local_to_global, mtx_global_to_local );

  double vec1_loc[3], vec2_loc[3], vec3_loc[3];
  agt->copy_pnt( vec1, vec1_loc );
  agt->copy_pnt( vec2, vec2_loc );
  agt->copy_pnt( vec3, vec3_loc );

  agt->transform_pnt( mtx_global_to_local, vec1_loc, vec1_loc );
  agt->transform_pnt( mtx_global_to_local, vec2_loc, vec2_loc );
  agt->transform_pnt( mtx_global_to_local, vec3_loc, vec3_loc );

//  PRINT_INFO( "vec1_loc = %f, %f, %f\n", vec1_loc[0], vec1_loc[1], vec1_loc[2] );
//  PRINT_INFO( "vec2_loc = %f, %f, %f\n", vec2_loc[0], vec2_loc[1], vec2_loc[2] );
//  PRINT_INFO( "vec3_loc = %f, %f, %f\n", vec3_loc[0], vec3_loc[1], vec3_loc[2] );

  double x_1 = vec1_loc[0];
  double y_1 = vec1_loc[1];
  double x_2 = vec2_loc[0];
  double y_2 = vec2_loc[1];
  double x_3 = vec3_loc[0];
  double y_3 = vec3_loc[1];
  double N_1_mat[2][2];
  N_1_mat[0][0] = (x_2*x_2 + y_2*y_2-(x_1*x_1 + y_1*y_1));
  N_1_mat[0][1] = y_2-y_1;
  N_1_mat[1][0] = (x_3*x_3 + y_3*y_3-(x_1*x_1 + y_1*y_1));
  N_1_mat[1][1] = y_3-y_1;
  double N_2_mat[2][2];
  N_2_mat[0][0] = x_2-x_1;
  N_2_mat[0][1] = (x_2*x_2 + y_2*y_2-(x_1*x_1 + y_1*y_1));
  N_2_mat[1][0] = x_3-x_1;
  N_2_mat[1][1] = (x_3*x_3 + y_3*y_3-(x_1*x_1 + y_1*y_1));
  double D_mat[2][2];
  D_mat[0][0] = x_2-x_1;
  D_mat[0][1] = y_2-y_1;
  D_mat[1][0] = x_3-x_1;
  D_mat[1][1] = y_3-y_1;
  double N_1 = N_1_mat[0][0]*N_1_mat[1][1] - N_1_mat[0][1]*N_1_mat[1][0];
  double N_2 = N_2_mat[0][0]*N_2_mat[1][1] - N_2_mat[0][1]*N_2_mat[1][0];
  double D = D_mat[0][0]*D_mat[1][1] - D_mat[0][1]*D_mat[1][0];

  double center_loc[3];
  center_loc[0] = N_1/(2.0*D);
  center_loc[1] = N_2/(2.0*D);
  center_loc[2] = 0.0;

//  double centert[3];
//  agt->transform_pnt( mtx_local_to_global, center_loc, centert );
//  CubitVector center( centert );
//  PRINT_INFO( "Arc Center = %f, %f, %f\n", center.x(), center.y(), center.z() );
//  GfxDebug::draw_point( center, CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX );

  // Now that we have the center, it is simple matter to find the reflected
  // point from pnt_to_reflect by traversing 2*rad along a vector from
  // pnt_to_reflect to center.
  double pnt_to_reflectt[3];
  agt->copy_pnt( pnt_to_reflect, pnt_to_reflectt );
  double pnt_to_reflect_loc[3];
  agt->transform_pnt( mtx_global_to_local, pnt_to_reflectt, pnt_to_reflect_loc );
  double trav_vec[3];
  if( agt->get_vec( pnt_to_reflect_loc, center_loc, trav_vec ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  agt->unit_vec( trav_vec, trav_vec );

  double ref_pnt_loc[3];
  agt->next_pnt( pnt_to_reflect_loc, trav_vec, 2.0*rad, ref_pnt_loc );

  // Now transform this point to the global csys
  double ref_pntt[3];
  agt->transform_pnt( mtx_local_to_global, ref_pnt_loc, ref_pntt );

  out_pnt.set( ref_pntt[0], ref_pntt[1], ref_pntt[2] );

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::remove_corner ( int  corner_to_remove,
int  collapsed_corner,
CubitBoolean  set_collapsed_first 
) [private]

Definition at line 3240 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Need to adjust:
  //  outerCoEdgeLoop
  //  cornerCoEdge
  //  sideInterval

  // Shuffle the corners so that corner to remove is 2nd corner
  switch( corner_to_remove )
  case 0:
    collapsed_corner += 1;

    // Ensure collapsed_corner does not wrap the array (note we could have used
    // the remainder function instead, as follows:
    // int remainder = 0;
    // collapsed_corner = (remainder=collapsed_corner%4) ? remainder : collapsed_corner;
    if( collapsed_corner == 4 )
      collapsed_corner = 0;    

  case 1:
  case 2:
    collapsed_corner -= 1;
  case 3:
    collapsed_corner -= 2;

  if( collapsed_corner < 0 )
    collapsed_corner += 4;

  switch( collapsed_corner )
  case 0:
    sideInterval[1] = sideInterval[0] + sideInterval[1];
    sideInterval[0] = 0;
  case 1:
    PRINT_ERROR( "Algorithm error in auto-detecting triangle - please report.\n" );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  case 2:
    sideInterval[0] = sideInterval[0] + sideInterval[1];
    sideInterval[1] = 0;
  case 3:
    sideInterval[0] = sideInterval[0] + sideInterval[1];
    sideInterval[1] = sideInterval[2];
    sideInterval[2] = 0;

  // Now redo cornerCoEdge array
  cornerCoEdge[0] = outerCoEdgeLoop.get();
  outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[0] );
  cornerCoEdge[1] = outerCoEdgeLoop.get();
  outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[1] );
  cornerCoEdge[2] = outerCoEdgeLoop.get();
  outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[2] );
  cornerCoEdge[3] = outerCoEdgeLoop.get();

  if( set_collapsed_first == CUBIT_TRUE )
    // Adjust the arrays so that collapsed_corner is at the front
    switch( collapsed_corner )
    case 2:
    case 3:
    // Return to original position
    switch( corner_to_remove )
    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::remove_other_corner_coedges ( CoEdge co_edge_1,
CoEdge co_edge_2,
DLIList< CoEdge * > &  all_co_edge_list,
DLIList< CoEdge * > &  att_co_edge_list 
) [private]

Definition at line 2533 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // If only one attached coedge there is nothing to do
  if( att_co_edge_list.size() == 1 )
    // It should be co_edge_2
    if( att_co_edge_list.get() != co_edge_2 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Internal error in split surface function - please report this.\n" );
      PRINT_DEBUG_154( "       Function remove_other_coedges.\n" );
      PRINT_DEBUG_154( "       Using curves %d and %d on surface %d, got curve %d\n",
        co_edge_1->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id(), co_edge_2->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id(),
        co_edge_1->get_ref_face()->id(), att_co_edge_list.get()->get_ref_edge_ptr()->id() );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // If we got this far, there are CoEdges we must examine to determine if they
  // belong with this corner or the other corner that shares this vertex.

  DLIList<CoEdge*> keep_co_edge_list;

  // Always keep co_edge_2 (the tooldata represents the start vertex on this coedge)
  keep_co_edge_list.append( co_edge_2 );
  att_co_edge_list.remove( co_edge_2 );

  // Traverse from co_edge_2
  DLIList<CoEdge*> keep_co_edge_list2;
  int done = 0;
  CoEdge *comp_co_edge_ptr = co_edge_2;
  CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
  while( !done )
    RefFace *ref_face_ptr = comp_co_edge_ptr->get_ref_face();
    DLIList<CoEdge*> co_edge_list;
    ordered_co_edges( ref_face_ptr, co_edge_list );
    co_edge_list.move_to( comp_co_edge_ptr );
    co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list.get();
    if( co_edge_ptr == co_edge_1 )

    comp_co_edge_ptr = get_complimentary_co_edge( co_edge_ptr, all_co_edge_list );

    keep_co_edge_list2.append( comp_co_edge_ptr );

    // Avoid infinite loop, in case of something we didn't anticipate
    if( keep_co_edge_list2.size() > att_co_edge_list.size() )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Internal error in split surface function - please report this.\n" );
      PRINT_DEBUG_154( "       Function remove_other_coedges #1.\n" );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  int i;
  for( i=keep_co_edge_list2.size(); i--; )
    co_edge_ptr = keep_co_edge_list2.get_and_step();
    if( !att_co_edge_list.is_in_list( co_edge_ptr ) )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Internal error in split surface function - please report this.\n" );
      PRINT_DEBUG_154( "       Function remove_other_coedges #2.\n" );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  keep_co_edge_list += keep_co_edge_list2;


  att_co_edge_list = keep_co_edge_list;

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::reorient_loop ( int  start_offset) [private]

Definition at line 4226 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  if( start_offset == 0 )
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  DLIList<CoEdge*> outer_co_edge_loop( outerCoEdgeLoop.size() );

  outerCoEdgeLoop.step( start_offset );

  int i;
  for( i=outerCoEdgeLoop.size(); i--; )
    outer_co_edge_loop.append( outerCoEdgeLoop.get_and_step() );



  outerCoEdgeLoop = outer_co_edge_loop;

void SplitSurfaceTool::set_auto_detect_triangles_flg ( CubitBoolean  auto_detect_flg) [inline, static]

Set the auto detect triangles flag.

Definition at line 808 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

void SplitSurfaceTool::set_extend_gap_threshold ( double  threshold = CUBIT_DBL_MAX) [inline, static]

Set the extend gap threshold. Only split if gap is less than this.

Definition at line 840 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ extendGapThreshold = gap; }
void SplitSurfaceTool::set_extend_normal_flg ( CubitBoolean  extend_normal_flg) [inline, static]

Set the extend normal flag. If projecting normal to curve is less distance, use that instead of extending curve, if this setting is true.

Definition at line 856 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ extendNormalFlg = extend_normal_flg; }
void SplitSurfaceTool::set_extend_tolerance ( double  tol) [inline, static]

Set the extend tolerance. Snaps to vertices along curves within this tolerance so as to avoid creating short curves when splitting surfaces with the extend method.

Definition at line 848 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ extendTolerance = tol; }
void SplitSurfaceTool::set_parametric_flg ( CubitBoolean  parametric_flg) [inline, static]

Set the parametric flag.

Definition at line 832 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ parametricFlg = parametric_flg; }
void SplitSurfaceTool::set_point_angle_threshold ( double  tol) [inline, static]

Set the point angle threshold.

Definition at line 824 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

void SplitSurfaceTool::set_side_angle_threshold ( double  angle) [inline, static]

Set the side angle threshold.

Definition at line 816 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ sideAngleThreshold = tol; }
void SplitSurfaceTool::set_tolerance ( double  tol) [inline, static]

Set the tolerance (function returns previous tolerance)

Definition at line 800 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

{ splitTolerance = tol; }

Definition at line 4250 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Simply move loops forward by sideInterval[0] (start at corner 1)
  reorient_loop( sideInterval[0] );
  // Shuffle sideInterval and cornerCoEdge too
  int side_interval_temp = sideInterval[0];
  sideInterval[0] = sideInterval[1];
  sideInterval[1] = sideInterval[2];
  sideInterval[2] = sideInterval[3];
  sideInterval[3] = side_interval_temp;

  CoEdge *corner_coedge_temp = cornerCoEdge[0];
  cornerCoEdge[0] = cornerCoEdge[1];
  cornerCoEdge[1] = cornerCoEdge[2];
  cornerCoEdge[2] = cornerCoEdge[3];
  cornerCoEdge[3] = corner_coedge_temp;

Definition at line 4272 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  if( sideInterval[0] == 0 )
    cornerCoEdge[1] = cornerCoEdge[2];
    sideInterval[0] = sideInterval[1];
    sideInterval[1] = 0;
  else if( sideInterval[1] == 0 )
    cornerCoEdge[2] = cornerCoEdge[3];
    sideInterval[1] = sideInterval[2];
    sideInterval[2] = 0;
  else if( sideInterval[2] == 0 )
    cornerCoEdge[3] = cornerCoEdge[0];
    sideInterval[2] = sideInterval[3];
    sideInterval[3] = 0;
  else if( sideInterval[3] == 0 )
    cornerCoEdge[0] = cornerCoEdge[1];
    sideInterval[3] = sideInterval[0];
    sideInterval[0] = 0;
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::smooth_interior_coords ( RefFace ref_face_ptr,
TDSplitSurface tdss,
double  tolerance,
int  nr,
int  nc,
double  distance,
CubitVector ***  coords 
) [private]

Definition at line 5135 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  int r, c; // Row, Column
  CubitVector *vec_ptr;

  // Preserve original coordinates and restore to those if there is an error 
  // (just give warning).
  DLIList<CubitVector*> backup_coords( nr*nc );
  for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
    for( c=0; c<nc; c++ )
      backup_coords.append( new CubitVector( *coords[r][c] ) );

  // Problem: after doing a 3D map, when the interior coordinates are projected
  // back to the surface they may not lie at the correct percentage across the
  // surface (thus a fillet may not be split exactly in the middle).

  // Solution: create spline curves on the surface (perpendicular to the split
  // direction) at each coordinate.  Move the coordinate to the proper fraction
  // distance along the spline curve.  The trick is to find the proper fraction
  // distance - we use a mapping concept to determine the fraction.  The real 
  // need for the "fraction map" is that point A and point B in the diagram
  // below can be at different percentages along sideA and sideC, so the 
  // internal fractions need to be "smoothed out".  An alternative to this
  // "spline" technique might be to do something like real Winslow smoothing,
  // but that would require a lot more work to implement...

  // Setup fraction "map" (actual surface split is vertical in diagram below) -
  // note the splines perpendicular to the split direction).
  //                           sideC            A
  //          _________________________+________+____________
  //    (0,1)|                                               |(1,1)
  //         |                                               |
  //         |                                               |
  //         +............spline......+........+.............+ 
  //         |                                               |
  //         |                                               |
  //         |                                               |
  //         |                                               | 
  //  sideD  +............spline.....+........+..............+ 
  //         |                                               |
  //         | y (row)                                       | sideB (tessellations)
  //         | ^                                             |
  //         | |                                             |
  //         | | (x,y)                                       |
  //         | |                                             |
  //         | +----->x (column)              B              |
  //    (0,0)|_____________________+________ +______________ |(1,0)
  //                            sideA (split locations)

  Cubit2DPoint ***frac_coords;
  frac_coords = new Cubit2DPoint **[nr];
  for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
    frac_coords[r] = new Cubit2DPoint *[nc];
  // Initialize      
  for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
    for( c=0; c<nc; c++ )
      frac_coords[r][c] = NULL;
  // Fill the boundary "fractions" into frac_coords

  frac_coords[0][0] = new Cubit2DPoint( 0.0, 0.0 );
  frac_coords[0][nc-1] = new Cubit2DPoint( 1.0, 0.0 );
  frac_coords[nr-1][0] = new Cubit2DPoint( 0.0, 1.0 );
  frac_coords[nr-1][nc-1] = new Cubit2DPoint( 1.0, 1.0 );

  // Note: sideB and sideD contain the corner coords (sideA and sideC just 
  //       contain the interior coord)
  tdss->param_list_get_and_step_b(); // Move off the corner
  tdss->param_list_last_c(); // Will need to be traversed backwards
  tdss->param_list_last_d(); // Will need to be traversed backwards
  tdss->param_list_get_and_back_d(); // Move off the corner

  double frac_a, frac_b, frac_c, frac_d;
  for( r=1; r<nr-1; r++ )
    // Rows go up B and D (note these contain the corner coords)
    if( tdss->is_b_collapsed() && tdss->is_d_collapsed() )
      frac_b = double(r)/double(nr-1);
      frac_d = frac_b;
    else if( tdss->is_d_collapsed() )
      // Use B for both sides
      frac_b = tdss->param_list_get_and_step_b()/tdss->length_b();
      frac_d = frac_b;
    else if( tdss->is_b_collapsed() )
      // Use D for both sides
      frac_d = (tdss->length_d()-tdss->param_list_get_and_back_d())/tdss->length_d();
      frac_b = frac_d;
      frac_b = tdss->param_list_get_and_step_b()/tdss->length_b();
      frac_d = (tdss->length_d()-tdss->param_list_get_and_back_d())/tdss->length_d();

    frac_coords[r][0] = new Cubit2DPoint( 0.0, frac_d );
    frac_coords[r][nc-1] = new Cubit2DPoint( 1.0, frac_b );

//    PRINT_INFO( "frac_coords[%d][0] = %f, %f\n", r, frac_coords[r][0]->x(),
//    frac_coords[r][0]->y() );
//    PRINT_INFO( "frac_coords[%d][%d] = %f, %f\n", r, nc-1, frac_coords[r][nc-1]->x(),
//    frac_coords[r][nc-1]->y() );

  for( c=1; c<nc-1; c++ )
    // Columns go up A and C (note these DO NOT contain the corner coords)
    if( tdss->is_a_collapsed() && tdss->is_c_collapsed() )
      frac_a = double(c)/double(nc-1);
      frac_c = frac_a;
    else if( tdss->is_a_collapsed() )
      // Use C for both sides
      frac_c = (tdss->length_c()-tdss->param_list_get_and_back_c())/tdss->length_c();
      frac_a = frac_c;
    else if( tdss->is_c_collapsed() )
      // Use A for both sides
      frac_a = tdss->param_list_get_and_step_a()/tdss->length_a();
      frac_c = frac_a;
      frac_a = tdss->param_list_get_and_step_a()/tdss->length_a();
      frac_c = (tdss->length_c()-tdss->param_list_get_and_back_c())/tdss->length_c();

    frac_coords[0][c] = new Cubit2DPoint( frac_a, 0.0 );
    frac_coords[nr-1][c] = new Cubit2DPoint( frac_c, 1.0 );

//    PRINT_INFO( "frac_coords[0][%d] = %f, %f\n", c, frac_coords[0][c]->x(), 
//    frac_coords[0][c]->y() );
//    PRINT_INFO( "frac_coords[%d][%d] = %f, %f\n", nr-1, c, frac_coords[nr-1][c]->x(),
//    frac_coords[nr-1][c]->y() );

  // Fill interior coordinates
  fill_interior_coords( tdss, nr, nc, frac_coords );

  // Now create the splines

  TopologyBridge* bridge = 0;
  GeometryModifyEngine* gme = 
    GeometryModifyTool::instance()->get_engine( ref_face_ptr, &bridge );
//   Surface* surf_ptr = dynamic_cast<Surface*>(bridge);

  for( r=1; r<nr-1; r++ )
    // Move interior points to surface
    for( c=1; c<nc-1; c++ )
      ref_face_ptr->move_to_surface( *(coords[r][c]) );

    // Make a spline across the surface
    DLIList<CubitVector*> spline_points;
    for( c=0; c<nc; c++ )
      spline_points.append( coords[r][c] );

    CubitVector *start_pnt = spline_points.get_and_back();
    CubitVector *end_pnt = spline_points.get();

    TBPoint *start_Point = gme->make_Point( *start_pnt );
    TBPoint *end_Point = gme->make_Point( *end_pnt );
    if( start_Point == NULL || end_Point == NULL )
      PRINT_WARNING( "Unable to adjust split positions - split may be inaccurate\n" );

      // Restore ALL original points & move to surface
      for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
        for( c=0; c<nc; c++ )
          vec_ptr = backup_coords.get_and_step();
          ref_face_ptr->move_to_surface( *vec_ptr );
          coords[r][c]->set( *vec_ptr );
          delete vec_ptr;

      // Free memory
      if( start_Point ) start_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(start_Point);
      if( end_Point ) end_Point->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(end_Point);
      for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
        for( c=0; c<nc; c++ )
          delete frac_coords[r][c];
      for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
        delete []frac_coords[r];
      delete []frac_coords;
      frac_coords = NULL;
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    // Here, note it is not necessary to create the curve on the surface
    Curve *curve_ptr = gme->make_Curve( SPLINE_CURVE_TYPE, start_Point, end_Point, 
                                        spline_points );

    // Debug
    if( DEBUG_FLAG( 100 ) )
      draw_preview( curve_ptr, CUBIT_TRUE, CUBIT_RED_INDEX );

    if( curve_ptr == NULL )
      PRINT_WARNING( "Unable to adjust split positions - split may be inaccurate\n" );

      // Restore ALL original points & move to surface
      for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
        for( c=0; c<nc; c++ )
          vec_ptr = backup_coords.get_and_step();
          ref_face_ptr->move_to_surface( *vec_ptr );
          coords[r][c]->set( *vec_ptr );
          delete vec_ptr;

      // Free memory
      for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
        for( c=0; c<nc; c++ )
          delete frac_coords[r][c];
      for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
        delete []frac_coords[r];
      delete []frac_coords;
      frac_coords = NULL;
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    // Space interior points along the Curve per the original fractions
    double curve_length = curve_ptr->measure();
    for ( c=1; c<nc-1; c++ )
      vec_ptr = spline_points.get_and_step();
      // Find total length of curve and multiply by the fraction
      double mv_distance;
      if( distance == -1.0 )
        mv_distance = curve_length*(frac_coords[r][c]->x());
        mv_distance = distance;
      CubitVector curve_position;
      if( curve_ptr->point_from_arc_length ( *start_pnt, mv_distance, curve_position )
        == CUBIT_FAILURE )
        PRINT_WARNING( "Unable to adjust split positions - split may be inaccurate\n" );

        // Restore ALL original points & move to surface
        for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
          for( c=0; c<nc; c++ )
            vec_ptr = backup_coords.get_and_step();
            ref_face_ptr->move_to_surface( *vec_ptr );
            coords[r][c]->set( *vec_ptr );
            delete vec_ptr;

        // Free memory
        for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
          for( c=0; c<nc; c++ )
            delete frac_coords[r][c];
        // Free matrix memory
        for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
          delete []frac_coords[r];
        delete []frac_coords;
        frac_coords = NULL;
        // Free spline
        curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;

      vec_ptr->set( curve_position );

    curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );

  // Free memory - all of the frac_coords were allocated      
  for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
    for( c=0; c<nc; c++ )
      delete frac_coords[r][c];
  // Free matrix memory
  for( r=0; r<nr; r++ )
    delete []frac_coords[r];
  delete []frac_coords;
  frac_coords = NULL;
  // Free backup coords
  while( backup_coords.size() )
    delete backup_coords.pop();

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::split_surface ( RefFace ref_face_ptr,
DLIList< DLIList< CubitVector * > * > &  vec_lists 

Split function for simple surface splitting. Temporary Curves are created on the RefFace and used to split the RefFace. The curves are created from the input vec_lists (straight lines, arcs or splines). The input locations are the original input locations from the user, which are displayed for user reference.

Definition at line 375 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Count number of surfaces in owning body prior to split - this is used to
  // determine if split is actually successful.
  Body *body_ptr;
  int num_surfaces_prior = count_surfaces_in_owning_body( ref_face_ptr, body_ptr );
  if( num_surfaces_prior == -1 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Cannot split a surface that is not part of a volume\n" );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  else if( num_surfaces_prior == -2 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Cannot split a surface that is contained by multiple volumes\n" );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  int num_curves_prior = count_curves_in_body( body_ptr );

  int original_id = ref_face_ptr->id();
  Surface *surf_ptr = ref_face_ptr->get_surface_ptr();

  // Clear any previews

  // Find the splitting curves
  DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*> curve_lists_list;

  // Support composite surfaces by getting the surfaces underlying
  // the composite and creating split curves for them individually.
  GeometryQueryEngine *gqe = surf_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine();
  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
  gqe->get_underlying_surfaces(surf_ptr, tbs);
  CubitStatus err = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  if(tbs.size() > 0)
    err = CUBIT_FAILURE;
    for(int k=tbs.size(); k>0; k--)
      Surface *srf = dynamic_cast<Surface*>(tbs.get_and_step());
        DLIList<Curve*> *curve_list = new DLIList<Curve*>;
        CubitStatus tmp_status = calculate_split_curves( srf, vec_lists, *curve_list );
        // If at least one split is successful return success.  We anticipate that some curves
        // won't imprint on some of the underlying surfaces of the composite surface.  Because
        // we are allowing success this way there are sometimes errors that get printed even
        // though we are calling it a success.  Need to find a good way to fix this.
          err = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
    DLIList<Curve*> *curve_list = new DLIList<Curve*>;
    err = calculate_split_curves( ref_face_ptr, vec_lists, *curve_list );

  if( err == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      DLIList<Curve*> *cur_list = curve_lists_list.pop();
        Curve* curve_ptr = cur_list->pop();
        curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
      delete cur_list;
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Perform the split on the real (e.g. OCC) geometry.
  DLIList<Surface*> surface_list;
  surface_list.append( surf_ptr );

  Body *new_body_ptr;

  if( GeometryModifyTool::instance()->imprint( surface_list,
    curve_lists_list, new_body_ptr ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      DLIList<Curve*> *cur_list = curve_lists_list.pop();
        Curve* curve_ptr = cur_list->pop();
        curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
      delete cur_list;
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    DLIList<Curve*> *cur_list = curve_lists_list.pop();
        Curve* curve_ptr = cur_list->pop();
        curve_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->delete_solid_model_entities(curve_ptr );
    delete cur_list;

  // Draw locations too
  //draw_points( locations, CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX );

  int num_surfaces_after = count_surfaces_in_body( body_ptr );
  if( num_surfaces_after > num_surfaces_prior )
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
    int num_curves_after = count_curves_in_body( body_ptr );
    if( num_curves_after > num_curves_prior )
      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  PRINT_ERROR( "Split failed - surface %d was not split\n", original_id );
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::split_surface ( DLIList< RefFace * > &  ref_face_list,
DLIList< DLIList< DLIList< CubitVector * > * > * > &  list_of_vec_lists 

Overloaded split function to allow multiple surfaces to be split (see above).

Definition at line 503 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

   //Initialize inputs to imprint function call     
   DLIList<Surface*> surface_list;
   DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*> curve_lists_list;

   // Clear any previews

   //Reset all lists

   int hh;
   for( hh = ref_face_list.size() ; hh > 0 ; hh--)
      // Count number of surfaces in owning body prior to split - this is used to
      // determine if split is actually successful.   0
      RefFace* ref_face_ptr = ref_face_list.get_and_step();
      Body* body_ptr;
      int num_surfaces_prior = count_surfaces_in_owning_body( ref_face_ptr, body_ptr );
      if( num_surfaces_prior == -1 )
         PRINT_ERROR( "Cannot split a surface that is not part of a volume\n" );
         return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      else if( num_surfaces_prior == -2 )
         PRINT_ERROR( "Cannot split a surface that is contained by multiple volumes\n" );
         return CUBIT_FAILURE;
      Surface *surf_ptr = ref_face_ptr->get_surface_ptr();

      // Support composite surfaces by getting the surfaces underlying
      // the composite and creating split curves for them individually.
      GeometryQueryEngine *gqe = surf_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine();
      DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
      gqe->get_underlying_surfaces(surf_ptr, tbs);
      CubitStatus err = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
      if(tbs.size() > 0)
         err = CUBIT_FAILURE;
         for(int k=tbs.size(); k>0; k--)
            Surface *srf = dynamic_cast<Surface*>(tbs.get_and_step());
               DLIList<Curve*> *curve_list = new DLIList<Curve*>;
               DLIList<DLIList<CubitVector*>*> temp_vec_lists = *( list_of_vec_lists.get_and_step() );
               CubitStatus tmp_status = calculate_split_curves( srf, temp_vec_lists, *curve_list );
               // If at least one split is successful return success.  We anticipate that some curves
               // won't imprint on some of the underlying surfaces of the composite surface.  Because
               // we are allowing success this way there are sometimes errors that get printed even
               // though we are calling it a success.  Need to find a good way to fix this.
                  err = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
         DLIList<Curve*> *curve_list = new DLIList<Curve*>;
         DLIList<DLIList<CubitVector*>*> temp_vec_lists = *( list_of_vec_lists.get_and_step() );
         err = calculate_split_curves( ref_face_ptr, temp_vec_lists, *curve_list );

      if( err == CUBIT_FAILURE )
            DLIList<Curve*> *cur_list = curve_lists_list.pop();
               delete cur_list->pop();
            delete cur_list;
         return CUBIT_FAILURE;

      surface_list.append( surf_ptr );

   // Perform the split on the real (e.g. OCC) geometry.
   Body *new_body_ptr;

   if( GeometryModifyTool::instance()->imprint( surface_list,
      curve_lists_list, new_body_ptr ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
         DLIList<Curve*> *cur_list = curve_lists_list.pop();
            delete cur_list->pop();
         delete cur_list;
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

      DLIList<Curve*> *cur_list = curve_lists_list.pop();
         delete cur_list->pop();
      delete cur_list;

   //NOTE: current assumption is failure will not occur since user does not
   //      control input parameters to this function (may need to fix).
   //int num_surfaces_after = count_surfaces_in_body( body_ptr );

   //if( num_surfaces_after > num_surfaces_prior )
   //   return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
   //   int num_curves_after = count_curves_in_body( body_ptr );
   //   if( num_curves_after > num_curves_prior )
   //      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

   //PRINT_ERROR( "Split failed - surface %d was not split\n", original_id );
   //return CUBIT_FAILURE;

   return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::split_surface ( RefFace ref_face_ptr,
DLIList< Curve * > &  curve_list 

Split function for simple surface splitting using a list of predefined curves.

Definition at line 313 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Count number of surfaces in owning body prior to split - this is used to
  // determine if split is actually successful.
  Body *body_ptr;
  int num_surfaces_prior = count_surfaces_in_owning_body( ref_face_ptr, body_ptr );
  int num_curves_prior = count_curves_in_body( body_ptr );

  if( num_surfaces_prior == -1 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Cannot split a surface that is not part of a volume\n" );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  else if( num_surfaces_prior == -2 )
    PRINT_ERROR( "Cannot split a surface that is contained by multiple volumes\n" );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Clear any previews

  // Perform the split on the real (e.g. OCC) geometry.
  Surface *surf_ptr = ref_face_ptr->get_surface_ptr();

  DLIList<Surface*> surface_list;
  surface_list.append( surf_ptr );
  DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*> curve_lists_list;
  curve_lists_list.append( &curve_list );

  Body *new_body_ptr;

  if( GeometryModifyTool::instance()->imprint( surface_list,
    curve_lists_list, new_body_ptr ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    while( curve_list.size() ) 
      delete curve_list.pop();
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  while( curve_list.size() ) 
    delete curve_list.pop();

  // Draw locations too
  // draw_points( locations, CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX );
  int num_surfaces_after = count_surfaces_in_body( body_ptr );
  if( num_surfaces_after > num_surfaces_prior )
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
    int num_curves_after = count_curves_in_body( body_ptr );
    if( num_curves_after > num_curves_prior )
      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
  PRINT_ERROR( "Split failed - surface %d was not split\n", ref_face_ptr->id() );
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::split_surfaces ( DLIList< RefFace * > &  ref_face_list,
int  num_segs,
double  fraction,
double  distance,
RefEdge from_curve_ptr,
DLIList< RefVertex * > &  corner_vertex_list,
DLIList< RefVertex * > &  through_vertex_list,
RefEdge curve_dir_ptr = NULL,
CubitBoolean  preview_flg = CUBIT_FALSE,
CubitBoolean  create_ref_edges_flg = CUBIT_FALSE 

Splits the chain of surfaces. ref_face_list - chain of surfaces to split. Can be given in any order as long as they are connected. Can be a continuous loop of surfaces. If a single surface is given, by default it will be split along the narrowest aspect ratio of the surface (i.e., along a fillet). Periodic surfaces are not handled. num_segs - the number of segments to create (must be >= 2 ); fraction - the fraction along the surfaces to split, not valid if num_segs > 2. This value is not used if a distance is specified instead. distance - if 2 segments, allow the split to be at a user specified distance across the surface. Specify -1.0 to use the fraction instead. from_curve_ptr - (OPTIONAL) if user specified a fraction or distance, orient from this curve. If not specified, a default is chosen automatically. corner_vertex_list - (OPTIONAL) the user can specify the corners of the, chain, typically if the detected corners are incorrect. The split direction is from corners 0-1 to corners 2-3 (for single surfaces, if not overridden by curve_dir_ptr). through_vertex_list - (OPTIONAL) user specifies forced vertices for the split to run through (on curves). Not valid with more than 2 segments. curve_dir_ptr - (OPTIONAL) for single surfaces, the direction of split can be specified by picking a curve on the surface. preview_flg - if CUBIT_TRUE, just draw the curves that will be used to split instead of actually splitting. create_ref_edges_flg - valid only if preview_flg=CUBIT_TRUE. If CUBIT_TRUE, create RefEdges *instead* of splitting. Note this function also utilizes five additional settings which are supplied through the set_tolerance, set_parametric_flg, set_auto_detect_triangles_flg, set_side_angle_threshold, and set_point_angle_threshold functions.

Definition at line 665 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  CubitStatus status;

  CubitBoolean just_curves_flg = CUBIT_FALSE;
  DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*> curve_lists_list;

  // Clear any previous previews

  // Call the primary function
  status = split_surfaces( ref_face_list, num_segs, fraction, distance, 
                           from_curve_ptr, corner_vertex_list, 
                           through_vertex_list, curve_dir_ptr,
                           preview_flg, create_ref_edges_flg,
                           just_curves_flg, curve_lists_list );

  free_curves_lists( curve_lists_list );

  return status;
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::split_surfaces ( DLIList< RefFace * > &  ref_face_list,
int  num_segs,
double  fraction,
double  distance,
RefEdge from_curve_ptr,
DLIList< RefVertex * > &  corner_vertex_list,
DLIList< RefVertex * > &  through_vertex_list,
RefEdge curve_dir_ptr,
DLIList< DLIList< Curve * > * > &  curve_lists_list 

Same as above except this method simply returns a list of lists of Curves (one list per input RefFace). This method is intended for use by a programmer (rather than a user from GeometryCommands). Note it is the calling functions responsibility to free the memory allocated in curve_lists_list, as well as the Curves (note this can be accomplished with the function free_curves_lists).

Definition at line 697 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  CubitStatus status;
  CubitBoolean preview_flg = CUBIT_FALSE;
  CubitBoolean create_ref_edges_flg = CUBIT_FALSE;
  CubitBoolean just_curves_flg = CUBIT_TRUE;

  // Call the primary function
  status = split_surfaces( ref_face_list, num_segs, fraction, distance, 
                           from_curve_ptr, corner_vertex_list, 
                           through_vertex_list, curve_dir_ptr,
                           preview_flg, create_ref_edges_flg,
                           just_curves_flg, curve_lists_list );

  return status;
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::split_surfaces ( DLIList< RefFace * > &  ref_face_list,
int  num_segs,
double  fraction,
double  distance,
RefEdge from_curve_ptr,
DLIList< RefVertex * > &  corner_vertex_list,
DLIList< RefVertex * > &  through_vertex_list,
RefEdge curve_dir_ptr,
DLIList< Curve * > &  curve_list 

Same as above except this method simply returns a simple list of Curves.

Definition at line 723 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  CubitStatus status;
  CubitBoolean preview_flg = CUBIT_FALSE;
  CubitBoolean create_ref_edges_flg = CUBIT_FALSE;
  CubitBoolean just_curves_flg = CUBIT_TRUE;
  DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*> curve_lists_list;

  // Call the primary function
  status = split_surfaces( ref_face_list, num_segs, fraction, distance, 
                           from_curve_ptr, corner_vertex_list, 
                           through_vertex_list, curve_dir_ptr,
                           preview_flg, create_ref_edges_flg,
                           just_curves_flg, curve_lists_list );

  // Convert the curves to the simple curve_list
  int i, j;
  for( i=curve_lists_list.size(); i--; )
    DLIList<Curve*> *curve_list_ptr = curve_lists_list.get_and_step();

    for( j=curve_list_ptr->size(); j--; )
      Curve *curve_ptr = curve_list_ptr->get_and_step();
      curve_list.append( curve_ptr );

  free_curves_lists( curve_lists_list, CUBIT_FALSE );

  return status;
CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::split_surfaces ( DLIList< RefFace * > &  ref_face_list,
int  num_segs,
double  fraction,
double  distance,
RefEdge from_curve_ptr,
DLIList< RefVertex * > &  corner_vertex_list,
DLIList< RefVertex * > &  through_vertex_list,
RefEdge curve_dir_ptr,
CubitBoolean  preview_flg,
CubitBoolean  create_ref_edges_flg,
CubitBoolean  just_curves_flg,
DLIList< DLIList< Curve * > * > &  curve_lists_list 
) [private]

Definition at line 1054 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.


  // Find the splitting curves
  if( calculate_split_curves( ref_face_list, num_segs, fraction, distance,
                              from_curve_ptr, corner_vertex_list, through_vertex_list,
                              curve_dir_ptr, preview_flg, create_ref_edges_flg,
                              just_curves_flg, curve_lists_list ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;                         
  // Do the splitting
  if( preview_flg==CUBIT_FALSE && just_curves_flg==CUBIT_FALSE )
    int i;
    DLIList<Surface*> surface_list;
    for( i=refFaceChain.size(); i--; )
      surface_list.append( refFaceChain.get_and_step()->get_surface_ptr() );

    Body *new_body_ptr;
    if( GeometryModifyTool::instance()->imprint( surface_list,
      curve_lists_list, new_body_ptr ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

CubitStatus SplitSurfaceTool::split_surfaces_extend ( DLIList< RefFace * > &  ref_face_list,
DLIList< RefVertex * > &  ref_vertex_list,
CubitBoolean  preview_flg = CUBIT_FALSE,
CubitBoolean  create_ref_edges_flg = CUBIT_FALSE 

Splits surfaces by extending curves at the end of hardlines across the surface. Only works on planar surfaces and by extending linear curves. If specified vertex list is provided, only try to extend curves attached to those vertices, and error out if unable to perform the operation using any vertex. If no vertex list is provided, find appropriate vertices automatically, and limit the split to gaps less than or equal to the specified "split surface extend gap threshold". {ref_face_list} - list of connected surfaces to split {ref_vertex_list} - (OPTIONAL) - vertices to extend from. Function will error out if unable to extend from any vertex. If not supplied, function will automatically find valid vertices to extend from on the surfaces, and will limit the split to gaps less than or equal to the specified extend gap threshold (see setting below). {preview_flg} - routine only displays graphics preview of splits {create_ref_edges_flg} - valid only if preview_flg=CUBIT_TRUE. If CUBIT_TRUE, create RefEdges *instead* of splitting. Note this function also utilizes thress additional settings which are supplied through the set_extend_gap_threshold, set_extend_tolerance and set_extend_normal functions.

Definition at line 6674 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // In the below code, "manual" mode refers to when vertices are passed in. In
  // this mode, an extension must occur from each given vertex for success.
  // "Auto" mode refers to when no vertices are passed in.  In this mode the 
  // vertices (curves to extend) are found automatically - the ends of 
  // hardlines.  Only in auto mode are the gap threshold and normal settings
  // valid.
  int i, j;
  RefFace *ref_face_ptr = NULL;
  RefVertex *ref_vertex_ptr = NULL;
  GeometryModifyEngine *gme = NULL;
  TDSplitSurfaceExtend *tdsse = NULL;

  // Clear previous graphics previews
  CubitBoolean auto_flg = CUBIT_TRUE;
  if( ref_vertex_list.size() )
    auto_flg = CUBIT_FALSE;

  // Copy input face list since we don't want to modify it
  DLIList<RefFace*> copied_ref_face_list = ref_face_list;
  // Check for errors
  for( i=copied_ref_face_list.size(); i--; )
    ref_face_ptr = copied_ref_face_list.get();

    // Check for free and merged surfaces... for both manual and auto cases.
    //  (we make this fatal for the auto case too since the user can correct
    //   these and may not even know about them)
    DLIList<Body*> body_list;
    ref_face_ptr->bodies( body_list );
    if( body_list.size()==0 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Surface %d is not contained within a parent body.\n"
        "       It cannot be split.\n", ref_face_ptr->id() );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
    else if( body_list.size() > 1 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Surface %d is merged and cannot be split.\n",
        ref_face_ptr->id() );
      return CUBIT_FAILURE;

    // Check for nonplanar surface.  For auto case, just remove these, but
    // for manual case, give a fatal error.
    if( ref_face_ptr->is_planar() == CUBIT_FALSE )
      if( auto_flg == CUBIT_TRUE )
        copied_ref_face_list.change_to( NULL );
        // Error out
        PRINT_ERROR( "The 'split across extend' command only works on planar surfaces.\n"
          "       Surface %d is nonplanar\n", ref_face_ptr->id() );
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  copied_ref_face_list.remove_all_with_value( NULL );

  // If we don't have any faces left, we exit (could only occur for auto case...
  // make this a warning instead of an error).
  if( !copied_ref_face_list.size() )
    PRINT_WARNING( "No valid surfaces found to be split. Note to be split, they\n"
      "         must be nonplanar, contained in a body, and not merged.\n" );
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // Mark each of the input vertices with a tooldata
  for( i=ref_vertex_list.size(); i--; )
    ref_vertex_ptr = ref_vertex_list.get_and_step();
    ref_vertex_ptr->add_TD( new TDSplitSurfaceExtend() );

  // Store list of faces and new curves sorted by body and face
  DLIList<DLIList<Surface*>*> body_surf_list_list;
  DLIList<DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*>*> curve_lists_lists_list;

  // Store ids of Curves that are extended
  DLIList<int> ext_curve_ids;

  // Operate by common body - pull faces out of the input face list that are
  // from a common Body and place them in a separate list (split_face_list).  
  Body *curr_Body_ptr;
  while( copied_ref_face_list.size() )
    DLIList<RefFace*> split_face_list; // Holds faces from common body

    // Store new curves for this body, sorted by face
    DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*> *curve_lists_list_ptr;
    curve_lists_list_ptr = new DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*>;
    curve_lists_lists_list.append( curve_lists_list_ptr );

    curr_Body_ptr = NULL;

    for( i=copied_ref_face_list.size(); i--; )
      ref_face_ptr = copied_ref_face_list.get();

      DLIList<Body*> body_list;
      ref_face_ptr->bodies( body_list );

      if( curr_Body_ptr == NULL )
        curr_Body_ptr = body_list.get();

      if( curr_Body_ptr == body_list.get() )
        split_face_list.append( ref_face_ptr );
        copied_ref_face_list.change_to( NULL );


    copied_ref_face_list.remove_all_with_value( NULL );

    DLIList<Surface*> *body_surf_list_ptr;
    body_surf_list_ptr = new DLIList<Surface*>;
    body_surf_list_list.append( body_surf_list_ptr );

    // Loop through each face on the common body
    RefFace *split_face_ptr;
    DLIList<Curve*> *curve_list_ptr;
    for( i=split_face_list.size(); i--; )
      split_face_ptr = split_face_list.get_and_step();
      body_surf_list_ptr->append( split_face_ptr->get_surface_ptr() );

      curve_list_ptr = new DLIList<Curve*>;
      curve_lists_list_ptr->append( curve_list_ptr );

      // Get the RefEdges to fire a ray at (from surface)
      DLIList<RefEdge*> ref_edge_list;
      split_face_ptr->ref_edges( ref_edge_list );
      DLIList<RefEntity*> at_entity_list;
      CAST_LIST( ref_edge_list, at_entity_list, RefEntity );

      // Fire a ray from each vertex in an outward direction from the tangent
      // of the owning curve at the at_entity_list
      DLIList<RefVertex*> tmp_vertex_list;
      split_face_ptr->ref_vertices( tmp_vertex_list );

      for( j=tmp_vertex_list.size(); j--; )
        ref_vertex_ptr = tmp_vertex_list.get_and_step();

        // The vertex must be part of the surface being considered, plus
        // the attached curve must be on the surface.  We must have one and
        // only one attached curve.  This curve must be linear.

        // For manual case, only consider vertices that are in the input list
        if( auto_flg == CUBIT_FALSE )
          tdsse = (TDSplitSurfaceExtend *)ref_vertex_ptr->
          if( !tdsse ) continue;

        // Get attached RefEdges to this vertex
        DLIList<RefEdge*> att_ref_edge_list;
        ref_vertex_ptr->ref_edges( att_ref_edge_list );

        RefEdge *extend_edge_ptr = 0;
        RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr;
        int k;
        for( k=att_ref_edge_list.size(); k--; )
          ref_edge_ptr = att_ref_edge_list.get_and_step();
          if( ref_edge_ptr->is_directly_related( split_face_ptr ) )
            if( !extend_edge_ptr ) 
              extend_edge_ptr = ref_edge_ptr;
              extend_edge_ptr = 0;

        if( !extend_edge_ptr )

        // For now, limit this to linear curves.  Technically, we should be able
        // to extend non-linear curves though.
        Curve *curve_ptr = extend_edge_ptr->get_curve_ptr();
        if( curve_ptr->geometry_type() != STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE )

        RefVertex *start_vertex_ptr, *end_vertex_ptr;

        start_vertex_ptr = extend_edge_ptr->start_vertex();
        end_vertex_ptr = extend_edge_ptr->end_vertex();

        DLIList<double> ray_params;
        CubitVector start_loc = ref_vertex_ptr->coordinates();

        // Find direction to fire ray
        CubitVector ray_dir;

        if( ref_vertex_ptr == start_vertex_ptr )
          ray_dir = start_vertex_ptr->coordinates() - 
          ray_dir = end_vertex_ptr->coordinates() - 


        // Remove the curve being extended from the at_entity_list
        DLIList<RefEntity*> tmp_at_entity_list = at_entity_list;
        tmp_at_entity_list.remove_all_with_value( extend_edge_ptr );

        // Fire the ray, asking for only one hit
        DLIList<RefEntity*> hit_entity_list;
        if( GeometryQueryTool::instance()->fire_ray( start_loc, ray_dir,
          tmp_at_entity_list, ray_params, 1, 0.0, &hit_entity_list  ) 
          == CUBIT_FAILURE  ||
          ray_params.size() == 0 || ray_params.get() == 0.0 )

        //PRINT_INFO( "Got hit from vertex %d on surface %d at distance %lf\n", 
        //  ref_vertex_ptr->id(), split_face_ptr->id(), ray_params.get() )

        CubitVector end_loc;
        double ray_param = ray_params.get();

        // Note the hit entity could be a curve or a vertex
        RefEntity *hit_entity_ptr = 0;
        RefEdge *hit_edge_ptr = 0;
        if( hit_entity_list.size() ) // In case fire_ray didn't return hit ents
          hit_entity_ptr = hit_entity_list.get();
          hit_edge_ptr = CAST_TO( hit_entity_ptr, RefEdge );

        if( extendNormalFlg == CUBIT_TRUE )
          // Try going normal to the curve hit.
          double norm_dist = CUBIT_DBL_MAX;

          if( hit_edge_ptr )
            hit_edge_ptr->closest_point( start_loc, end_loc );

            // Only valid if end_loc is ON the curve
            CubitPointContainment contain = hit_edge_ptr->
                point_containment( end_loc );

            if( contain != CUBIT_PNT_ON )
                // find the nearest curve which the vertex can be extended to and normal
                RefEdge* new_edge_ptr = NULL;
                CubitVector new_end_loc;
                    hit_edge_ptr, start_loc, split_face_ptr, ray_dir, new_edge_ptr, new_end_loc);

                if (new_edge_ptr)
                    hit_edge_ptr = new_edge_ptr;
                    end_loc = new_end_loc;

            norm_dist = start_loc.distance_between( end_loc );

          // Use shortest distance between closest normal and ray_param
          if( ray_param < norm_dist )
            start_loc.next_point( ray_dir, ray_param, end_loc );
          // Use ray_dir along ray
          start_loc.next_point( ray_dir, ray_param, end_loc );

        // For auto mode, check to see if we are out of the extendGapThreshold
        if( auto_flg && 
           ( start_loc.distance_between( end_loc ) > extendGapThreshold ) )

        // Check for close vertex
        if( hit_edge_ptr )
          double arc_length;
          // Check distance to start of curve
          arc_length = hit_edge_ptr->get_arc_length( end_loc, 0 );

          if( arc_length <= extendTolerance )
            end_loc = hit_edge_ptr->start_coordinates();
            PRINT_INFO( "Snapping to close vertex for curve %d extended from vertex %d\n",
              extend_edge_ptr->id(), ref_vertex_ptr->id() );
            // Check distance to end of curve
            arc_length = hit_edge_ptr->get_arc_length( end_loc, 1 );

            if( arc_length <= extendTolerance )
              end_loc = hit_edge_ptr->end_coordinates();
              PRINT_INFO( "Snapping to close vertex for curve %d extended from vertex %d\n",
                extend_edge_ptr->id(), ref_vertex_ptr->id() );

        curve_ptr = NULL;

        // Create curve (from start_vec to end_vec)
        Surface *surf_ptr = split_face_ptr->get_surface_ptr();

        gme = GeometryModifyTool::instance()->get_engine( surf_ptr );
        if( gme == NULL )
          PRINT_ERROR("No geometry modify engine available for surface %d\n"
            "       Unable to create split curve.\n", split_face_ptr->id());
          // Remove tooldatas and free memory
          cleanup_for_extend_op( ref_vertex_list, body_surf_list_list,
            curve_lists_lists_list );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;

        // Create a straight line on the surface
        TBPoint *start_Point = gme->make_Point( start_loc );
        TBPoint *end_Point = gme->make_Point( end_loc );
        if( start_Point == NULL || end_Point == NULL )
          PRINT_ERROR("Unable to create points for curve on surface %d\n",
            split_face_ptr->id() );
          // Remove tooldatas and free memory
          cleanup_for_extend_op( ref_vertex_list, body_surf_list_list,
            curve_lists_lists_list );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
        curve_ptr = gme->make_Curve( start_Point, end_Point, surf_ptr );
        if( !curve_ptr )
          PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to create split curve from vertex %d on surface %d\n",
            ref_vertex_ptr->id(), split_face_ptr->id() );
          // Remove tooldatas and free memory
          cleanup_for_extend_op( ref_vertex_list, body_surf_list_list,
            curve_lists_lists_list );
          return CUBIT_FAILURE;

        curve_list_ptr->append( curve_ptr );

        // Keep track of which curves are extended
        ext_curve_ids.append( extend_edge_ptr->id() );

        if( tdsse )


    curr_Body_ptr = 0;

  // For manual mode, check to make sure that all vertices had success,
  // otherwise, this is an error.  Note... vertices seem to live through
  // these operations.
  DLIList<int> vertex_id_list;
  for( i=ref_vertex_list.size(); i--; )
    ref_vertex_ptr = ref_vertex_list.get_and_step();

    tdsse = (TDSplitSurfaceExtend *)ref_vertex_ptr->

    if( !tdsse ) continue;

    if( !tdsse->is_success() )
      vertex_id_list.append( ref_vertex_ptr->id() );
  if( vertex_id_list.size() )
    if( vertex_id_list.size() == 1 )
      PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to extend from vertex %d\n", ref_vertex_ptr->id() );
      PRINT_ERROR( "Unable to extend from vertices\n" );
      CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( "       Problem vertices: ", vertex_id_list );
    PRINT_INFO( "       Vertices must be at the end of only one curve on the surface to split,\n"
                "       extended curves must be linear, and surfaces to split must be planar.\n" );

    // Remove tooldatas and free memory
    cleanup_for_extend_op( ref_vertex_list, body_surf_list_list,
      curve_lists_lists_list );
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  // Give message as to which curves were extended
  char msg[50];
  if( ext_curve_ids.size() )
    // Remove duplicates (curves extended from both ends)

    // Give a nice message
    if( ext_curve_ids.size() == 1 )
      CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( "1 curve extended: ", ext_curve_ids );
      sprintf( msg, "%d curves extended: ", ext_curve_ids.size() );
      CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( msg, ext_curve_ids );
    // Might as well exit
    PRINT_INFO( "No curves found to extend\n" );
    // Remove tooldatas and free memory
    cleanup_for_extend_op( ref_vertex_list, body_surf_list_list, 
      curve_lists_lists_list );
    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

  // Do the splitting
  DLIList<Surface*> *surf_list_ptr;
  DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*> *curve_lists_list_ptr;
  if( preview_flg==CUBIT_FALSE && create_ref_edges_flg==CUBIT_FALSE )
    for( i=body_surf_list_list.size(); i--; )
      surf_list_ptr = body_surf_list_list.get_and_step();
      curve_lists_list_ptr = curve_lists_lists_list.get_and_step();

      Body *new_body_ptr;
      if( GeometryModifyTool::instance()->imprint( *surf_list_ptr,
        *curve_lists_list_ptr, new_body_ptr ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
        // Remove tooldatas and free memory
        cleanup_for_extend_op( ref_vertex_list, body_surf_list_list, 
          curve_lists_lists_list );
        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  else if( preview_flg==CUBIT_TRUE && create_ref_edges_flg==CUBIT_TRUE )
    // Just create the RefEdges
    DLIList<RefEdge*> new_ref_edge_list;

    for( i=curve_lists_lists_list.size(); i--; )
      curve_lists_list_ptr = curve_lists_lists_list.get_and_step();

      for( j=curve_lists_list_ptr->size(); j--; )
        DLIList<Curve*> *curve_list_ptr = curve_lists_list_ptr->get_and_step();

        create_ref_edges( *curve_list_ptr, new_ref_edge_list );
    // Let the user know about the new curves created
    if( new_ref_edge_list.size() )
      DLIList<CubitEntity*> cubit_entity_list;
      CAST_LIST( new_ref_edge_list, cubit_entity_list, CubitEntity );
      CubitUtil::list_entity_ids( "Created new curves: ", cubit_entity_list );
    // Just preview
    for( i=body_surf_list_list.size(); i--; )
      curve_lists_list_ptr = curve_lists_lists_list.get_and_step();

      for( j=curve_lists_list_ptr->size(); j--; )
        DLIList<Curve*> *curve_list_ptr = curve_lists_list_ptr->get_and_step();

        // Draw the curves
        draw_preview( *curve_list_ptr );

  // Flush the graphics

  // Remove tooldatas and free memory
  cleanup_for_extend_op( ref_vertex_list, body_surf_list_list, 
    curve_lists_lists_list );

RefVertex * SplitSurfaceTool::start_vertex ( CoEdge co_edge_ptr) [private]

Definition at line 2456 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  if( co_edge_ptr == NULL )
    return NULL;

  RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr = co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr();
  if ( co_edge_ptr->get_sense() == CUBIT_REVERSED )
    return ref_edge_ptr->end_vertex();
    return ref_edge_ptr->start_vertex();

Definition at line 3135 of file SplitSurfaceTool.cpp.

  // Get four angles, in degrees
  double angle[4];
  angle[0] = 180.0/CUBIT_PI * compute_next_angle( outerCoEdgeLoop );
  outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[0]-1 );
  angle[1] = 180.0/CUBIT_PI * compute_next_angle( outerCoEdgeLoop );
  outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[1]-1 );
  angle[2] = 180.0/CUBIT_PI * compute_next_angle( outerCoEdgeLoop );
  outerCoEdgeLoop.step( sideInterval[2]-1 );
  angle[3] = 180.0/CUBIT_PI * compute_next_angle( outerCoEdgeLoop );

  if( refFaceChain.size() > 1 )
    // If a chain, do for both sides.  Check end surface first (otherwise
    // arrays could be previously modified when checking the other side)
    int corner_to_remove = -1;
    int collapsed_corner = -1;

    if( fabs(180.0-angle[2])<=sideAngleThreshold && angle[3] <= pointAngleThreshold )
      corner_to_remove = 2;
      collapsed_corner = 3;
    else if( fabs(180.0-angle[3])<=sideAngleThreshold && angle[2] <= pointAngleThreshold )
      corner_to_remove = 3;
      collapsed_corner = 2;

    if( corner_to_remove != -1 )
      remove_corner( corner_to_remove, collapsed_corner, CUBIT_FALSE );

    // Now check start surface
    corner_to_remove = -1;
    collapsed_corner = -1;

    if( fabs(180.0-angle[0])<=sideAngleThreshold && angle[1] <= pointAngleThreshold )
      corner_to_remove = 0;
      collapsed_corner = 1;
    else if( fabs(180.0-angle[1])<=sideAngleThreshold && angle[0] <= pointAngleThreshold )
      corner_to_remove = 1;
      collapsed_corner = 0;

    if( corner_to_remove != -1 )
      remove_corner( corner_to_remove, collapsed_corner, CUBIT_TRUE );
    // Determine angle within sideAngleThreshold and closest to 180
    double diff = CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
    int best_side_corner = -1;
    int i;
    for( i=0; i<4; i++ )
      if( fabs(180.0-angle[i])<=sideAngleThreshold && fabs(180.0-angle[i])<diff )
        best_side_corner = i;
        diff = fabs(180.0-angle[i]);

    if( best_side_corner == -1 )
      //PRINT_INFO( "No angle within criteria above sideAngleThreshold\n" );
      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

    //PRINT_INFO( "Best side corner = %d, angle = %f\n", best_side_corner, 
    //  angle[best_side_corner] );

    // Determine angle most below pointAngleThreshold
    diff = CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
    int best_point_corner = -1;
    for( i=0; i<4; i++ )
      if( angle[i] <= pointAngleThreshold && (pointAngleThreshold-angle[i]) < diff )
        best_point_corner = i;
        diff = pointAngleThreshold - angle[i];

    if( best_point_corner == -1 )
      //PRINT_INFO( "No angle within criteria below pointAngleThreshold\n" );
      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;

    //PRINT_INFO( "Best point corner = %d, angle = %f\n", best_point_corner, 
    //  angle[best_point_corner] );

    if( best_side_corner != -1 && best_point_corner != -1 )
      remove_corner( best_side_corner, best_point_corner, CUBIT_TRUE );


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 794 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

Definition at line 783 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

Definition at line 784 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

double SplitSurfaceTool::extendTolerance = .1 [static, private]

Definition at line 787 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

Definition at line 795 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

Definition at line 793 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

Definition at line 773 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

double SplitSurfaceTool::pointAngleThreshold = 45.0 [static, private]

Definition at line 779 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

Definition at line 791 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

double SplitSurfaceTool::sideAngleThreshold = 27.0 [static, private]

Definition at line 776 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

Definition at line 796 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

double SplitSurfaceTool::splitTolerance = 1.0 [static, private]

Definition at line 774 of file SplitSurfaceTool.hpp.

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