#include <CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.hpp>
Definition at line 27 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.hpp.
CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes::CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes | ( | DLIList< RefEntity * > & | entity_list | ) |
Definition at line 25 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.cpp.
:CubitOctreeGenerator( ), entityList(entity_list){ entityList = entity_list; cubitOctree = new CubitOctree( this); }
Definition at line 36 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.hpp.
Definition at line 98 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.cpp.
{ DLIList< RefFace *> vol_ref_faces; DLIList<CubitFacet *> *facet_list; DLIList<CubitPoint*> *point_list; DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> *ptr_facet_edge_list; DLIList<OctreeFacetPointData *> facet_point_data_list; //, vfacet_point_data_list; DLIList<CubitOctreeCell*> refine_cell_list; // DLIList<CubitFacet*> global_facet_list; int index; int i, j, k, l; CubitPoint *ptr_point; CubitFacet *ptr_facet, *ptr_adj_facet0, *ptr_adj_facet1; CubitFacetEdge *ptr_edge; RefFace *ptr_ref_face; OctreeFacetPointData *facet_point_data; CubitVector normal0, normal1; double internal_angle; Body *volume; TDOctreeRefFace *td_ref_face; // PR-CubitOctree has the property that the cell size depends on the density of the facet points // Higher the density the finer will be the facet cell size. // Step 1: The CubitOctree is built only till MaxDepth based on facet information // 1. Small features that have smaller curve length are detected using facet density // 2. Surface/Curve curvature are detected based on di-hedral angle between the adj facets. // Also the aspect ratio of facets are used because it is found that when the surface has curvature on only one directio // the facet aspect ratio will be very high. for( index = 0; index < entityList.size(); index++ ){ volume = CAST_TO( entityList.get_and_step(), Body ); vol_ref_faces.clean_out(); volume->ref_faces( vol_ref_faces ); vol_ref_faces.reset(); // get volume facets and insert points from those facets for( i = 0; i < vol_ref_faces.size(); i++ ){ ptr_ref_face = vol_ref_faces.get_and_step(); td_ref_face = TDOctreeRefFace::get_td( ptr_ref_face ); if( td_ref_face->get_visit() == CUBIT_FALSE ){ td_ref_face->set_visit( CUBIT_TRUE ); // grab facets here if stitching // add to global list for facet point insertion /*int num_parents = CAST_TO(ptr_ref_face,RefFace)->num_parent_ref_entities(); if (num_parents == 1) { global_facet_list += *facet_list; } else {*/ // Generated OctreeFacetPointData based on facet vertices point_list = td_ref_face->get_ptr_cubit_point_list(); for( j = 0; j < point_list->size(); j++ ){ ptr_point = point_list->get_and_step(); facet_point_data = new OctreeFacetPointData( ptr_point->coordinates(), ptr_point ); facet_point_data_list.push( facet_point_data ); } // point_list.clean_out(); //} // Generate OctreeFacetPointData based on facet centroid facet_list = td_ref_face->get_ptr_cubit_facet_list(); for( j = 0; j < facet_list->size(); j++ ){ ptr_facet = facet_list->get_and_step(); facet_point_data = new OctreeFacetPointData( ptr_facet->center(), ptr_facet ); facet_point_data_list.push( facet_point_data ); } /* Generate OctreeFacetPointData based on aspect ratio of facet for( j = 0; j < facet_list->size(); j++ ){ ptr_facet = facet_list->get_and_step(); OctreeFacetPointData::generate_facet_point_data_at_slender_facet( ptr_facet, facet_point_data_list ); } */ // Generate OctreeFacetPointData based on surface curvature ptr_facet_edge_list = td_ref_face->get_ptr_cubit_facet_edge_list(); for( j = 0; j < ptr_facet_edge_list->size(); j++ ){ ptr_edge = ptr_facet_edge_list->get_and_step(); if( ptr_edge->num_adj_facets() == 2 ){ // mark adjacent facets ptr_adj_facet0 = ptr_edge->adj_facet(0); ptr_adj_facet1 = ptr_edge->adj_facet(1); normal0 = ptr_adj_facet0->normal(); normal1 = ptr_adj_facet1->normal(); if (normal0.length_squared() > 0.0 && normal1.length_squared() > 0.0) { internal_angle = normal0.interior_angle(normal1); } else { internal_angle = 0.0; } //PRINT_INFO("%f ", internal_angle ); if( internal_angle > ANGLE_BETWEEN_FACETS_NORMAL_FOR_OCTREE_BASED_ON_SURF_CURVATURE_FACTOR * ANG_FACET_EXTRACT[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL] ){ OctreeFacetPointData::generate_facet_point_data_based_on_curvature( ptr_edge, /*internal_angle,*/ facet_point_data_list ); } } } // now check for pairs of adjacents with dihedral angles along their shared edge // the CubitOctree should be refined in these regions so we have enough grid nodes to generate 3dmat points // disabling for now :( because there is a problem in FacetDataUtil's facet stitching code if (0) { DLIList<DLIList<RefEdge*> > edge_loops; ptr_ref_face->ref_edge_loops(edge_loops); for (i=0; i < edge_loops.size(); ++i) { DLIList<RefEdge*>& edge_loop = edge_loops.get_and_step(); for (j=0; j < edge_loop.size(); ++j) { DLIList<RefEntity*> parents; RefEdge *edge = edge_loop.get_and_step(); TDOctreeRefEdge *td_ref_edge = TDOctreeRefEdge::get_td(edge); if( td_ref_edge->get_visit() == CUBIT_FALSE ) { td_ref_edge->set_visit( CUBIT_TRUE ); edge->get_parent_ref_entities(parents); // check Refface's for bad facets in case it hasn't been done // already for (k=0; k < parents.size(); ++k) { RefFace *parent = CAST_TO(parents.get_and_step(), RefFace); if (parent == NULL) {continue;} TDOctreeRefFace *td_parent = TDOctreeRefFace::get_td(parent); if (td_parent == NULL) {continue;} if (td_parent->get_create_2dmat()) { td_parent->check_valid_facets(CUBIT_TRUE); } } for (k=0; k < parents.size(); ++k) { for (l=k+1; l < parents.size(); ++l) { // SVDrawTool::clear_non_retained(); DLIList<CubitFacet*> crease_facets; DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> crease_edges; cubitOctree->find_cells_based_on_surface_angle(refine_cell_list, crease_edges, crease_facets, CAST_TO(parents[k],RefFace), CAST_TO(parents[l],RefFace), CUBIT_FALSE, 2.0*CUBIT_PI/3.0); // will need to store crease_edges and facets // SVDrawTool::mouse_xforms(); } } } } } } } } } /* DLIList<DLIList<CubitFacet*>*> shells; shells.append(&global_facet_list); CubitBoolean dummy; FacetDataUtil::stitch_facets(shells, OCTREE_EPSILON, dummy); if (shells.size() == 1) { FacetDataUtil::get_points(global_facet_list, point_list); for( j = 0; j < point_list.size(); j++ ) { ptr_point = point_list.get_and_step(); facet_point_data = new OctreeFacetPointData( ptr_point->coordinates(), ptr_point ); facet_point_data_list.push( facet_point_data ); } } else { PRINT_INFO("Stitch resulted in multiple shells!!!!!!!!!!\n"); } */ // Reset the visit to CUBIT_FALSE reset_td_octree_ref_face_visit( CUBIT_FALSE ); reset_td_octree_ref_edge_visit( CUBIT_FALSE ); facet_point_data_list.reset(); for( i = 0; i < facet_point_data_list.size(); i++ ){ facet_point_data = facet_point_data_list.get_and_step(); //SkeletonDebug::draw_point( facet_point_data->coordinates(), CUBIT_MAGENTA_INDEX ); cubitOctree->subdivide_octree_based_on_facet_point( facet_point_data, cubitOctree->get_max_depth() ); } // refine the cells on edges with large enough dihedral angles // disabling for now //int target_depth = skeletonProxy->get_source_entity_max_depth(); //cubitOctree->refine_cells_to_target_depth(refine_cell_list, target_depth); return CUBIT_TRUE; }
Definition at line 986 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.cpp.
{ DLIList< RefEdge *> vol_mref_edges; RefEdge *ptr_mref_edge; TDOctreeRefEdge *td_mref_edge; int i; int index; Body *volume; // Reset the marker of edges for( index = 0; index < entityList.size(); index++ ){ volume = CAST_TO( entityList.get_and_step(), Body ); vol_mref_edges.clean_out(); volume->ref_edges( vol_mref_edges ); for( i = 0; i < vol_mref_edges.size(); i++ ){ ptr_mref_edge = vol_mref_edges.get_and_step(); if( ptr_mref_edge->marked() == CUBIT_FALSE ){ ptr_mref_edge->marked( CUBIT_TRUE ); // Add TD for MRefEdge TDOctreeRefEdge::add_td(ptr_mref_edge); td_mref_edge = TDOctreeRefEdge::get_td(ptr_mref_edge); td_mref_edge->generate_gpoint_list(ANG_FACET_EXTRACT[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL] * OCTREE_TOLERANCE_FOR_CURVE_DECIMATION_FACTOR ); } } } // Reset the marker of edges for( index = 0; index < entityList.size(); index++ ){ volume = CAST_TO( entityList.get_and_step(), Body ); vol_mref_edges.clean_out(); volume->ref_edges( vol_mref_edges ); for( i = 0; i < vol_mref_edges.size();i++ ){ vol_mref_edges.get_and_step()->marked( CUBIT_FALSE ); } } return CUBIT_TRUE; }
Definition at line 797 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.cpp.
{ DLIList< RefFace *> vol_ref_faces; RefFace *ptr_ref_face; TDOctreeRefFace *td_mref_face; DLIList<CubitFacet *> *facet_list; DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> *facet_edge_list; DLIList<CubitPoint*> *point_list; int i; int index; Body *volume; CubitBoolean identified_engine = CUBIT_FALSE; CubitBoolean is_facet_geom = CUBIT_FALSE; for( index = 0; index < entityList.size(); index++ ){ volume = CAST_TO( entityList.get_and_step(), Body ); vol_ref_faces.clean_out(); volume->ref_faces( vol_ref_faces ); identified_engine = CUBIT_FALSE; for( i = 0; i < vol_ref_faces.size(); i++ ){ ptr_ref_face = vol_ref_faces.get_and_step(); if( ptr_ref_face->marked() == CUBIT_FALSE ){ if (identified_engine == CUBIT_FALSE) { if (ptr_ref_face->get_geometry_query_engine()->get_engine_version_string().find("Facet") != CubitString::npos) { is_facet_geom = CUBIT_TRUE; } identified_engine = CUBIT_TRUE; } ptr_ref_face->marked( CUBIT_TRUE ); // Add TD for MRefFace TDOctreeRefFace::add_td(ptr_ref_face); facet_list = new DLIList<CubitFacet *>; facet_edge_list = new DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>; point_list = new DLIList<CubitPoint*>; //PRINT_DEBUG_157(" \n\nRef Face = %d \n ", ptr_ref_face->id()); //facet_list->clean_out(); //point_list->clean_out(); //facet_edge_list->clean_out(); if (is_facet_geom) { DLIList<CubitFacet*> facets; DLIList<CubitPoint*> points; FacetSurface *facet_surf_ptr = CAST_TO(ptr_ref_face->get_surface_ptr(),FacetSurface); if (facet_surf_ptr != NULL) { facet_surf_ptr->get_my_facets(facets,points); } FacetDataUtil::copy_facets(facets,*facet_list,*point_list,*facet_edge_list); /*PRINT_INFO("Grabbed %d facets from surface %d\n", facet_list->size(),ptr_ref_face); PRINT_INFO("Grabbed %d facet edges from surface %d\n", facet_edge_list->size(),ptr_ref_face); PRINT_INFO("Grabbed %d facet points from surface %d\n", point_list->size(),ptr_ref_face);*/ } else { GMem gmem; //Surface* surf_ptr = ptr_ref_face->get_surface_ptr(); //surf_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine()->get_graphics(surf_ptr, &gmem); int angle = 15; float distance = 0; //SVDrawTool::get_facet_tolerance(angle, distance); angle = static_cast<int>(ANG_FACET_EXTRACT[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL]); //PRINT_INFO("\n Facets extracted with angle %d and distance %f \n", angle, distance ); ptr_ref_face->get_graphics( gmem, angle, distance, 0 ); ChollaEngine::get_facets(gmem, *facet_list, *point_list); /* // delete point_list; // point_list = new DLIList<CubitPoint*>; point_list->clean_out(); DLIList<DLIList<CubitFacet *> *> shell_list; CubitBoolean dummy2; double tol = SKL_EPSILON; DLIList <CubitQuadFacet *> qfacet_list; FacetDataUtil::split_into_shells(*facet_list, qfacet_list,shell_list, dummy2); FacetDataUtil::stitch_facets(shell_list,tol,dummy2,false); //int nv,ne; //DLIList<CubitPoint*> un; //FacetDataUtil::merge_coincident_vertices(shell_list,tol,nv,ne,un); facet_list = shell_list.get(); PRINT_INFO("skl: number of shells = %d\n", shell_list.size()); FacetDataUtil::get_edges( *facet_list, *facet_edge_list ); FacetDataUtil::get_points(*facet_list,*point_list); SVDrawTool::draw_facets(*facet_list,CUBIT_GREEN_INDEX); */ FacetDataUtil::get_edges( *facet_list, *facet_edge_list ); /* // checks for problems with gfx facets // debug use only int v; for (v=0; v < facet_edge_list->size(); ++v) { CubitFacetEdge *temp_edge = facet_edge_list->get_and_step(); if (temp_edge->num_adj_facets() != 2 && temp_edge->num_adj_facets() != 1) { PRINT_INFO("Skeleton sizing function, copying gfx facets: edge has %d adj facets!\n", temp_edge->num_adj_facets()); SVDrawTool::draw_vector(temp_edge->point(0)->coordinates(), temp_edge->point(1)->coordinates(), CUBIT_RED_INDEX); SVDrawTool::mouse_xforms(); } } int w; for (v=0; v < facet_list->size(); ++v) { CubitFacet *first = (*facet_list)[v]; for (w=v+1; w < facet_list->size(); ++w) { CubitFacet *second = (*facet_list)[w]; if (first == second) { PRINT_INFO("Skeleton Sizing Function: gfx facet list contains a duplicate, ids are %d,%d\n", first->id(), second->id()); } } } */ } td_mref_face = TDOctreeRefFace::get_td(ptr_ref_face); /* td_mref_face->set_ptr_cubit_facet_list(facet_list); td_mref_face->set_ptr_cubit_facet_edge_list(facet_edge_list); td_mref_face->set_ptr_cubit_point_list(point_list); */ if( td_mref_face->get_ptr_cubit_facet_list() ) { delete td_mref_face->get_ptr_cubit_facet_list(); td_mref_face->set_ptr_cubit_facet_list(facet_list); } else { td_mref_face->set_ptr_cubit_facet_list(facet_list); } if( td_mref_face->get_ptr_cubit_facet_edge_list() ) { delete td_mref_face->get_ptr_cubit_facet_edge_list(); td_mref_face->set_ptr_cubit_facet_edge_list(facet_edge_list); } else { td_mref_face->set_ptr_cubit_facet_edge_list(facet_edge_list); } if( td_mref_face->get_ptr_cubit_point_list() ) { delete td_mref_face->get_ptr_cubit_point_list(); td_mref_face->set_ptr_cubit_point_list(point_list); } else { td_mref_face->set_ptr_cubit_point_list(point_list); } // check for bad facets and disable 2dmat if necessary td_mref_face->check_valid_facets(CUBIT_TRUE); //if (!create_2dmat) {td_mref_face->set_create_2dmat(CUBIT_FALSE);} } } } // Reset the marker of faces for( index = 0; index < entityList.size(); index++ ){ volume = CAST_TO( entityList.get_and_step(), Body ); vol_ref_faces.clean_out(); volume->ref_faces( vol_ref_faces ); for( i = 0; i < vol_ref_faces.size(); i++ ){ vol_ref_faces.get_and_step()->marked( CUBIT_FALSE ); } } return CUBIT_TRUE; }
void CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes::color_octreenode_via_grassfire | ( | DLIList< CubitOctreeNode * > & | queue_for_mat_generation | ) |
Definition at line 1027 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.cpp.
{ PriorityQueue<CubitOctreeNode *> heap( CubitOctreeNode::compare_function); CubitOctreeNode *ptr_grid_node; // ************************* For Testing Purpose *************************** // int i; //for( i = 0; i < queue_for_mat_generation.size(); i++ ){ //ptr_grid_node = queue_for_mat_generation.get_and_step(); //PRINT_DEBUG_157(" boundary node distance = %f \n",ptr_grid_node->get_distance() ); //PRINT_DEBUG_157(" boundary node visit = %d \n",ptr_grid_node->get_visit() ); //PRINT_DEBUG_157(" mat initial grid = %f %f %f %f \n", ptr_grid_node->get_distance(), ptr_grid_node->get_coord().x(), ptr_grid_node->get_coord().y(), ptr_grid_node->get_coord().z() ); //GfxDebug::draw_point( ptr_grid_node->get_coord().x(), ptr_grid_node->get_coord().y(), ptr_grid_node->get_coord().z(), CUBIT_YELLOW_INDEX ); //ptr_grid_node->display( this, DISTANCE ); //} // ************************* For Testing Purpose *************************** //PRINT_DEBUG_157(" Num of initial points for mat generation = %d \n", queue_for_mat_generation.size() ); // Initialize the heap while( queue_for_mat_generation.size() > 0 ){ heap.push( queue_for_mat_generation.pop() ); } // distance by default is CUBIT_DBL_MAX, and the white boundary nodes's distance is set to -1. //PRINT_DEBUG_157(" heap size = %d", heap.size() ); //int draw_count = 1; while( heap.size() > 0 ){ // PRINT_INFO( " manhattan in process before opo() = %d \n",queue.size() ); ptr_grid_node =; heap.pop(); ptr_grid_node->find_distance_at_adj_node( &heap ); // PRINT_INFO( " manhattan in process after NumberAdjNode() = %d \n", queue.size() ); } }
CubitBoolean CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes::find_intersection_between_octree_and_facets | ( | DLIList< CubitOctreeNode * > & | queue_for_mat_generation | ) |
Definition at line 319 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.cpp.
{ DLIList< RefFace *> vol_ref_faces; RefFace *ptr_ref_face; TDOctreeRefFace *td_ref_face; DLIList< CubitFacet *> *facet_list; CubitFacet *ptr_facet; DLIList<CubitOctreeCell *> CubitOctree_cell_list; DLIList< CubitOctreeNode *> CubitOctree_grid_node_list; DLIList<CubitOctreeNode*> all_grid_nodes; //CubitVector facet_normal; //DLIList< CubitPoint *> *point_list; int i, j, k; int index; Body *volume; // CpuTimer total_idata_time; for( index = 0; index < entityList.size(); index++ ){ volume = CAST_TO( entityList.get_and_back(), Body ); vol_ref_faces.clean_out(); volume->ref_faces( vol_ref_faces ); //vol_ref_faces.reset(); //int cell_count = 0; //CubitBox facet_bbox; //PRINT_INFO(" \nRef Volume = %d ", volume->id()); for( i = 0; i < vol_ref_faces.size(); i++ ){ ptr_ref_face = vol_ref_faces.get_and_step(); td_ref_face = TDOctreeRefFace::get_td( ptr_ref_face ); if(td_ref_face->get_visit() == CUBIT_FALSE){ td_ref_face->set_visit( CUBIT_TRUE ); //PRINT_INFO(" \nRef Face = %d ", ptr_ref_face->id()); RefFace *current_ref_face = CAST_TO(ptr_ref_face, RefFace); /*if (current_ref_face->sense(CAST_TO(volume,Body)) == CUBIT_REVERSED) { temp_facet_normal *= -1.0; }*/ // PRINT_INFO("Number of parent ref Entities for face %d: %d\n", current_ref_face->id(), current_ref_face->num_parent_ref_entities()); // get the sense so we know which way to propagate the 3DMAT front inwards CubitSense ref_face_sense = CUBIT_FORWARD; //current_ref_face->sense(volume); // in the case of a merged face, figure out if two parent vols share the same // sizing function. If so, propagate in both directions if (current_ref_face->is_merged() /*&& current_ref_face->num_parent_ref_entities() == 2*/) { DLIList<RefEntity*> parent_ents; current_ref_face->get_parent_ref_entities(parent_ents); if (parent_ents.size() == 2) { Body *other_parent_vol = CAST_TO(parent_ents.get_and_step(),Body); if (other_parent_vol == volume) {other_parent_vol = CAST_TO(parent_ents.get(),Body);} if (other_parent_vol != NULL) { // if the other parent volume has the same sizing function, // pass CUBIT_UNKNOWN to CubitOctreeCell::set_color_and_idatas // It will then set up the front normals to propagate in both directions ref_face_sense = CUBIT_UNKNOWN; } } } facet_list = td_ref_face->get_ptr_cubit_facet_list(); //PRINT_INFO("Surface %d: facets: %d\n", ptr_ref_face->id(), facet_list->size()); for( j = 0; j < facet_list->size(); j++ ){ ptr_facet = facet_list->get_and_step(); //CubitVector temp_facet_normal = ptr_facet->normal(); //SVDrawTool::draw_vector(ptr_facet->center(), ptr_facet->center()+temp_facet_normal, (i%8)+1); //#ifndef NDEBUG // SkeletonDebug::draw_facet( ptr_facet, CUBIT_BLUE_INDEX ); //#endif //facet_bbox = ptr_facet->bounding_box(); //draw_box( facet_bbox ); //facet_normal = ptr_facet->normal(); //if( ptr_facet->is_backwards() ){ // facet_normal = facet_normal * -1; //} //GfxDebug::draw_line( ptr_facet->center().x(), ptr_facet->center().y(), ptr_facet->center().z(), ptr_facet->center().x()+facet_normal.x(), ptr_facet->center().y()+facet_normal.y(), ptr_facet->center().z()+facet_normal.z(), CUBIT_WHITE_INDEX ); CubitOctree_cell_list.clean_out(); CubitOctree_grid_node_list.clean_out(); //PRINT_INFO(" Before find_octree_cells_contatined \n"); cubitOctree->find_octree_cells_contained_inside_bbox( ptr_facet, CubitOctree_cell_list ); //PRINT_INFO(" Before mark_positive_and_negative_grid_nodes \n"); cubitOctree->mark_positive_and_negative_octree_grid_nodes( ptr_facet, CubitOctree_cell_list, CubitOctree_grid_node_list ); //PRINT_INFO(" Before find_intersection_between_grid_edge_facet \n"); if ( OCTREE_DEFAULT_INTERSECTION_METHOD[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL] == SAT_INTERSECT){ //PRINT_INFO("%d cells in bbox\n", CubitOctree_cell_list.size()); for (k=0; k < CubitOctree_cell_list.size(); ++k) { CubitOctreeCell *current_cell = CubitOctree_cell_list.get_and_step(); // if (current_cell->get_mark() == CUBIT_FALSE) {continue;} //current_cell->set_mark(CUBIT_FALSE); if (current_cell->does_facet_intersect_octreecell(ptr_facet)) { /* double corners[3]; double half_edge_length = current_cell->get_dimension()/2.0; CubitVector center = current_cell->get_center(); center.get_xyz(corners); float box[6] = {corners[0]-half_edge_length, corners[1]-half_edge_length, corners[2]-half_edge_length, corners[0]+half_edge_length, corners[1]+half_edge_length, corners[2]+half_edge_length}; SVDrawTool::draw_cube(box, CUBIT_GREEN_INDEX, SVDrawTool::WIRE);*/ current_cell->set_color_and_intersection_datas(ptr_facet, ptr_ref_face, #ifdef USE_octree_BGMESH cubitOctree->get_greycelllist(), #endif ref_face_sense); //cubitOctree->get_greycelllist()->append(current_cell); } /*if (ref_face_sense) { // SVDrawTool::mouse_xforms(); }*/ } for( k = 0; k < CubitOctree_grid_node_list.size(); k++ ) { CubitOctreeNode *ptr_grid_node = CubitOctree_grid_node_list.get_and_step(); if (ptr_grid_node->get_visit() == CUBIT_FALSE) { all_grid_nodes.append(ptr_grid_node); ptr_grid_node->set_visit(CUBIT_TRUE); } ptr_grid_node->set_mark( CUBIT_FALSE ); if( ptr_grid_node->get_halfspace_direction() == OCTREE_POSITIVE ) { ptr_grid_node->set_halfspace_direction( OCTREE_NEGATIVE ); } } } if (OCTREE_DEFAULT_INTERSECTION_METHOD[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL] == GRID_EDGE_INT) { cubitOctree->find_intersection_between_grid_edges_and_facet( CUBIT_OCTREE_VOLUME, ptr_ref_face, ptr_facet, CubitOctree_grid_node_list ); } } } } } // Reset the visit to CUBIT_FALSE reset_td_octree_ref_face_visit( CUBIT_FALSE ); //SVDrawTool::mouse_xforms(); // PRINT_INFO("profiling: time for intersecting and making idatas: %f\n", total_idata_time.cpu_secs()); if (OCTREE_DEFAULT_INTERSECTION_METHOD[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL] == SAT_INTERSECT) { //CpuTimer front_color_time; for (i=0; i < all_grid_nodes.size(); ++i) { CubitOctreeNode *grid_node = all_grid_nodes.get_and_step(); DLIList<OctreeIntersectionData*> *idata_list = grid_node->get_idata_list(); //idata_list->uniquify_unordered(); if (idata_list->size() > 0) { DLIList<OctreeIntersectionData*> closest_ones; //OctreeIntersectionData *closest = NULL; double min_list_dist = CUBIT_DBL_MAX; for (k=0; k < idata_list->size(); ++k) { if (idata_list->get()->is_merged()) {idata_list->step();} double temp_dist = idata_list->get()->get_length(); if (temp_dist < min_list_dist - OCTREE_EPSILON) { closest_ones.clean_out(); // closest = idata_list->get(); closest_ones.append(idata_list->get()); min_list_dist = temp_dist; } else if (fabs(temp_dist - min_list_dist) <= OCTREE_EPSILON) { closest_ones.append(idata_list->get()); } idata_list->step(); } bool white = false; for (j=0; j < closest_ones.size(); ++j) { if (closest_ones.get_and_step()->get_halfspace()) { white = true; break; } } //closest = closest_ones.get(); // if (!white) {SVDrawTool::draw_vector(grid_node->get_coord(), closest->get_int_point(), CUBIT_RED_INDEX);} // this is the closest facet encountered by the current grid node so far // update color of node based on this facet if (white) { grid_node->set_color(CUBIT_WHITE_INDEX); cubitOctree->get_whitenodelist()->append(grid_node); } else if (!white) { // if ( (grid_node->get_coord()-closest->get_facet_ptr()->center()) % (closest->get_normal()) < 0) // { // PRINT_INFO("Adding a white node to queue !!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); // } // uncomment this // for (j=0; j < grid_node->get_idata_list()->size(); ++j) // { // OctreeIntersectionData *idata = grid_node->get_idata_list()->get_and_step(); // double proj_length = fabs((grid_node->get_coord() - idata->get_int_point())%idata->get_facet_normal()); // idata->set_length(proj_length); // } // SVDrawTool::draw_vector(grid_node->get_coord(), closest->get_int_point(), CUBIT_RED_INDEX); grid_node->set_color(CUBIT_BLACK_INDEX); queue_for_mat_generation.append(grid_node); } else { //PRINT_INFO("Couldn't pick halfspace to color node!\n"); } } grid_node->set_visit(CUBIT_FALSE); } for (i=0; i < cubitOctree->get_whitenodelist()->size(); ++i) { CubitOctreeNode *ptr_grid_node = cubitOctree->get_whitenodelist()->get_and_step(); DLIList<OctreeIntersectionData*> *idata_list = ptr_grid_node->get_idata_list(); for (k=0; k < idata_list->size(); ++k) { OctreeIntersectionData *idata = idata_list->get_and_step(); if (idata != NULL) {delete idata;} } idata_list->clean_out(); CubitOctreeNode *adj_node = NULL; for (k=0; k < 6; ++k) { adj_node = ptr_grid_node->get_adj_node(k); if (adj_node != NULL) { if (adj_node->get_color() != CUBIT_BLACK_INDEX && adj_node->get_color() != CUBIT_WHITE_INDEX) { adj_node->set_color(CUBIT_YELLOW_INDEX); } //SVDrawTool::draw_point(adj_node->get_coord(), adj_node->get_color()); } } } // PRINT_INFO("profiling: time to color front nodes: %f\n", front_color_time.cpu_secs()); } // PRINT_INFO("Testing: Cell Count = %d", cell_count ); if (OCTREE_DEFAULT_INTERSECTION_METHOD[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL] == SAT_INTERSECT) { // CpuTimer front_init; for( i = 0; i < queue_for_mat_generation.size(); i++ ){ queue_for_mat_generation.get_and_step()->SAT_find_face_distance_average_normal( /*skeletonSizingFunction, queue_for_mat_generation*/ ); } //PRINT_INFO("profiling: time to init front: %f\n", front_init.cpu_secs()); } return CUBIT_TRUE; }
void CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes::find_optimal_min_and_max_depth | ( | RefEntity * | volume, |
int & | local_min_depth, | ||
int & | local_max_depth | ||
) | [static] |
Definition at line 621 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.cpp.
{ Body *volume = dynamic_cast<Body *> (entity); if( NULL == volume) return; CubitBox bbox = volume->bounding_box(); // calculate min_depth by comparing min_range with max_range in log scale double max_range = std::max( std::max( bbox.x_range(), bbox.y_range()), bbox.z_range() ); double min_range = std::min( std::min( bbox.x_range(), bbox.y_range()), bbox.z_range() ); local_min_depth = (int)(log( max_range / min_range ) / log(2.0)) + 1; // add plus 1 just to give enough one extra level of depth if( local_min_depth < MIN_DEPTH_OCTREE[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL] ) local_min_depth = MIN_DEPTH_OCTREE[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL]; if( local_min_depth > MAX_DEPTH_OCTREE[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL] ) local_min_depth = MAX_DEPTH_OCTREE[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL]; // calculate max_depth by comparing the min curve length with max_range in log scale DLIList< RefEdge *> list_edges; volume->ref_edges( list_edges ); int i; RefEdge *ptr_edge; double min_edge_len = DBL_MAX; double len; CubitVector start_pt, mid_pt, end_pt; for( i = 0; i < list_edges.size(); i++ ) { ptr_edge = list_edges.get_and_step(); //len = ptr_edge->length_from_u( ptr_edge->start_param(), ptr_edge->end_param() ); start_pt = ptr_edge->start_coordinates(); end_pt = ptr_edge->end_coordinates(); ptr_edge->mid_point(mid_pt); len = (mid_pt - start_pt).length() + (end_pt - mid_pt).length(); if( len < min_edge_len ) { min_edge_len = len; } } local_max_depth = (int)(log( max_range / min_edge_len) / log(2.0) ) + 1; /* // calculate max_depth by comparing the min mesh size with max_range in log scale double min_mesh_size = max_range; double mesh_size; for( i = 0; i < list_edges.size(); i++ ) { ptr_edge = list_edges.get_and_step(); mesh_size = max_range; MeshToolProxy* mesh_tool_ptr = MeshToolProxy::mesh_tool(ptr_edge); SizeIntervalType hardness; double tmp_size = mesh_tool_ptr->requested_interval_size(hardness); if (hardness > CALCULATED) { mesh_size = tmp_size/ 2.0; } if( mesh_size < min_mesh_size ) { min_mesh_size = mesh_size; } } local_max_depth = std::max( local_max_depth, (int)(log( max_range / min_mesh_size) / log(2.0) ) + 1 ); */ /* // calculate max_depth by comparing the min mesh size with max_range in log scale DLIList< RefFace *> list_faces; volume->ref_faces( list_faces ); min_mesh_size = max_range; RefFace *ptr_face; for( i = 0; i < list_faces.size(); i++ ) { ptr_face = list_faces.get_and_step(); mesh_size = max_range; MeshToolProxy* mesh_tool_ptr = MeshToolProxy::mesh_tool(ptr_face); SizeIntervalType hardness; double tmp_size = mesh_tool_ptr->requested_interval_size(hardness); if (hardness > CALCULATED) { mesh_size = tmp_size/2.0; } if( mesh_size < min_mesh_size ) { min_mesh_size = mesh_size; } } local_max_depth = std::max( local_max_depth, (int)(log( max_range / min_mesh_size) / log(2.0) ) + 1 ); */ if( local_max_depth > MAX_DEPTH_OCTREE[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL] ) local_max_depth = MAX_DEPTH_OCTREE[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL]; // make sure local_max_depth is atleast one depth higher than local_min_depth if( local_max_depth <= local_min_depth ) local_max_depth = local_min_depth + 1; }
void CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes::find_optimal_min_and_max_octree_depths | ( | DLIList< RefEntity * > & | entity_list, |
int & | min_depth, | ||
int & | max_depth | ||
) | [static] |
Definition at line 724 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.cpp.
{ DLIList< int > list_min_depth; DLIList< int > list_max_depth; // traverse through the list of volumes and find optimal depth Body*volume; int index; int local_min_depth, local_max_depth; for( index = 0; index < entity_list.size(); index++ ) { volume = CAST_TO( entity_list.get_and_step(), Body ); if( volume ) { CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes::find_optimal_min_and_max_depth( volume, local_min_depth, local_max_depth ); list_min_depth.append( local_min_depth ); list_max_depth.append( local_max_depth ); } } // find resultant min_depth and max_depth // for now let us take the floor of the average depth int avg_min_depth = 0; int avg_max_depth = 0; for( index = 0; index < list_min_depth.size(); index++ ) { avg_min_depth += list_min_depth[index]; avg_max_depth += list_max_depth[index]; } avg_min_depth /= list_min_depth.size(); avg_max_depth /= list_max_depth.size(); // assign min of initial value and avg depths as final answer min_depth = std::min( min_depth, avg_min_depth ); max_depth = std::min( max_depth, avg_max_depth ); }
Definition at line 1072 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.cpp.
{ // all the functions of skeleton sizing function are called here CpuTimer octgentime; double time_octree_generation; //ProgressTool *progressToolPtr = AppUtil::instance()->progress_tool(); //assert(progressToolPtr != NULL ); //char title[42]="Octree Generation in Progress ..."; //progressToolPtr->start(0, 100, title, NULL, CUBIT_TRUE, CUBIT_TRUE); //PRINT_DEBUG_157("\nENTER: Octree Generation \n"); CpuTimer preproctime; build_td_mref_faces(); build_td_mref_edges(); // this is used to store size and also used in 3D MAT generation CpuTimer gen_latt; int min_depth = MIN_DEPTH_OCTREE[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL]; int max_depth = MAX_DEPTH_OCTREE[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL]; CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes::find_optimal_min_and_max_octree_depths( entityList, min_depth, max_depth ); get_octree_lattice()->set_max_depth(std::min( get_octree_lattice()->get_max_depth(), max_depth) ); get_octree_lattice()->set_min_depth(std::max( get_octree_lattice()->get_min_depth(), min_depth) ); //PRINT_INFO("\nOctree min_depth = %d, max_depth = %d\n", min_depth, max_depth); generate_lattice(); //PRINT_INFO("profiling: time in generate_lattice: %f\n", gen_latt.cpu_secs()); // PRINT_DEBUG_157("AFTER: octree lattice generation\n"); //PRINT_DEBUG_157("BEFORE smooth transiton number of nodes = %d\n",gridNodeVector.size() ); CpuTimer time_to_balance; get_octree_lattice()->establish_smooth_transition_of_cells( max_depth ); //OCTREE_MAX_DEPTH_OCTREE[OCTREE_TIME_ACCURACY_LEVEL] ); // PRINT_INFO("profiling: time to balance octree: %f\n", time_to_balance.cpu_secs()); // PRINT_DEBUG_157("AFTER smooth transiton \n" ); // Finds the intersection between the facets and the octree CpuTimer intersection_time; DLIList<CubitOctreeNode *> queue_for_3Dmat_generation; find_intersection_between_octree_and_facets( queue_for_3Dmat_generation ); //PRINT_INFO("profiling: intersection time: %f\n", intersection_time.cpu_secs()); //PRINT_DEBUG_157("AFTER intersection between facets and octree \n" ); //PRINT_DEBUG_157("\nDONE: Octree Generation \n" ); //progressToolPtr->percent(1.0); if( AppUtil::instance()->interrupt() ){ //CubitBoolean interruptStatus; PRINT_WARNING("\n Killed octree generation...\n"); //interruptStatus = CUBIT_TRUE; //progressToolPtr->end(); return CUBIT_FAILURE; } color_octreenode_via_grassfire( queue_for_3Dmat_generation ); color_lattice_cell(); time_octree_generation = octgentime.cpu_secs(); PRINT_INFO("Total time for octree generation: %f\n", time_octree_generation); return CUBIT_SUCCESS; }
CubitBoolean CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes::generate_lattice | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Implements CubitOctreeGenerator.
Definition at line 74 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.cpp.
{ // initialize CubitOctree root cubitOctree->initialize_octree_generation(); // Builds the tree fully till the level min_depthibcbtghs.lib cubitOctree->build_octree_till_min_depth( cubitOctree->get_root() ); // Builds the tree based on facets' points, centroid, dimension ... // Note that the points on the curves belong to more than one face // Therefore the CubitOctree is subdivided till the maxDepth build_octree_till_skl_max_depth_based_on_facets(); // Adjacents cells can be found by visiting the adjacent cells of every node // Cells are split till the difference in the levels of adjacent cells is 1. // At every node find the maximum and minimum cell. Split the maximum cell if // it deffers by 2 or more in depth. //PRINT_DEBUG_157(" Number of nodes = %d", gridNodeVector.size() ); return CUBIT_TRUE; }
void CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes::get_bounding_box | ( | CubitVector & | min, |
CubitVector & | max | ||
) | [virtual] |
Implements CubitOctreeGenerator.
Definition at line 32 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.cpp.
{ RefEntity *volume; int index; CubitBox bound_box; min.x( CUBIT_DBL_MAX ); min.y( CUBIT_DBL_MAX ); min.z( CUBIT_DBL_MAX ); max.x( -CUBIT_DBL_MAX ); max.y( -CUBIT_DBL_MAX ); max.z( -CUBIT_DBL_MAX ); for( index = 0; index < entityList.size(); index++ ){ volume = entityList.get_and_step(); bound_box = volume->bounding_box(); if( bound_box.minimum().x() < min.x() ) min.x( bound_box.minimum().x()); if( bound_box.minimum().y() < min.y() ) min.y( bound_box.minimum().y()); if( bound_box.minimum().z() < min.z() ) min.z( bound_box.minimum().z()); if( bound_box.maximum().x() > max.x() ) max.x( bound_box.maximum().x()); if( bound_box.maximum().y() > max.y() ) max.y( bound_box.maximum().y()); if( bound_box.maximum().z() > max.z() ) max.z( bound_box.maximum().z()); } }
void CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes::reset_td_octree_ref_edge_visit | ( | const CubitBoolean | type | ) |
Definition at line 780 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.cpp.
{ int index, i; Body *volume; DLIList<RefEdge *> vol_ref_edges; for( index = 0; index < entityList.size(); index++ ){ volume = CAST_TO( entityList.get_and_step(), Body ); vol_ref_edges.clean_out(); volume->ref_edges( vol_ref_edges ); for( i = 0; i < vol_ref_edges.size(); i++ ){ TDOctreeRefEdge::get_td( vol_ref_edges.get_and_step() )->set_visit( type ); } } return; }
void CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes::reset_td_octree_ref_face_visit | ( | const CubitBoolean | type | ) |
Definition at line 762 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.cpp.
{ int index, i; Body *volume; DLIList<RefFace *> vol_ref_faces; for( index = 0; index < entityList.size(); index++ ){ volume = CAST_TO( entityList.get_and_step(), Body ); vol_ref_faces.clean_out(); volume->ref_faces( vol_ref_faces ); for( i = 0; i < vol_ref_faces.size(); i++ ){ TDOctreeRefFace::get_td( vol_ref_faces.get_and_step() )->set_visit( type ); } } return; }
void CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes::testing | ( | ) |
DLIList<RefEntity*>& CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes::entityList [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file CubitOctreeGeneratorVolumes.hpp.