MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* *****************************************************************
00002     MESQUITE -- The Mesh Quality Improvement Toolkit
00004     Copyright 2006 Sandia National Laboratories.  Developed at the
00005     University of Wisconsin--Madison under SNL contract number
00006     624796.  The U.S. Government and the University of Wisconsin
00007     retian certain rights to this software.
00009     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00010     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00011     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00012     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00014     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017     Lesser General Public License for more details.
00019     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00020     (lgpl.txt) along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
00021     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00023     (2010) [email protected]
00025   ***************************************************************** */
00027 /** \file HexLagrangeShapeTest.cpp
00028  *  \brief
00029  *  \author Jason Kraftcheck
00030  */
00032 #include "Mesquite.hpp"
00033 #include "HexLagrangeShape.hpp"
00034 #include "TopologyInfo.hpp"
00035 #include "MsqError.hpp"
00036 #include "IdealElements.hpp"
00037 #include "JacobianCalculator.hpp"
00039 #include "UnitUtil.hpp"
00041 #include <vector>
00042 #include <algorithm>
00043 #include <iostream>
00044 #include <sstream>
00046 using namespace MBMesquite;
00047 using namespace std;
00048 const double epsilon = 1e-6;
00049 #define ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( v1, v2, location ) \
00050     ASSERT_MESSAGE( value_message( ( location ), ( v1 ), ( v2 ) ), test_value( ( v1 ), ( v2 ) ) )
00052 static bool test_value( double v1, double v2 )
00053 {
00054     return fabs( v1 - v2 ) < epsilon;
00055 }
00057 static inline CppUnit::Message value_message( unsigned location, double v1, double v2 )
00058 {
00059     CppUnit::Message m( "equality assertion failed" );
00061     std::ostringstream buffer1;
00062     buffer1 << "Expected : " << v1;
00063     m.addDetail( buffer1.str() );
00065     std::ostringstream buffer2;
00066     buffer2 << "Actual   : " << v2;
00067     m.addDetail( buffer2.str() );
00069     std::ostringstream buffer3;
00070     buffer3 << "Location : ";
00071     if( location < 9 )
00072         buffer3 << "Corner " << location;
00073     else if( location < 20 )
00074         buffer3 << "Edge " << location - 8;
00075     else if( location < 26 )
00076         buffer3 << "Face " << location - 20;
00077     else if( location == 26 )
00078         buffer3 << "Mid-element";
00079     else
00080         buffer3 << "INVALID!!";
00081     m.addDetail( buffer3.str() );
00082     return m;
00083 }
00085 static bool test_value( MsqVector< 3 > v1, MsqVector< 3 > v2 )
00086 {
00087     return length( v1 - v2 ) < epsilon;
00088 }
00090 static inline CppUnit::Message value_message( unsigned location, MsqVector< 3 > v1, MsqVector< 3 > v2 )
00091 {
00092     CppUnit::Message m( "equality assertion failed" );
00094     std::ostringstream buffer1;
00095     buffer1 << "Expected : [" << v1[0] << ", " << v1[1] << ", " << v1[2] << "]";
00096     m.addDetail( buffer1.str() );
00098     std::ostringstream buffer2;
00099     buffer2 << "Actual   : [" << v2[0] << ", " << v2[1] << ", " << v2[2] << "]";
00100     m.addDetail( buffer2.str() );
00102     std::ostringstream buffer3;
00103     buffer3 << "Location : ";
00104     if( location < 9 )
00105         buffer3 << "Corner " << location;
00106     else if( location < 20 )
00107         buffer3 << "Edge " << location - 8;
00108     else if( location < 26 )
00109         buffer3 << "Face " << location - 20;
00110     else if( location == 26 )
00111         buffer3 << "Mid-element";
00112     else
00113         buffer3 << "INVALID!!";
00114     m.addDetail( buffer3.str() );
00115     return m;
00116 }
00118 class HexLagrangeShapeTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture
00119 {
00120   private:
00121     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( HexLagrangeShapeTest );
00123     CPPUNIT_TEST( test_corners_coeff );
00124     CPPUNIT_TEST( test_edges_coeff );
00125     CPPUNIT_TEST( test_faces_coeff );
00126     CPPUNIT_TEST( test_mid_coeff );
00128     CPPUNIT_TEST( test_corners_derivs );
00129     CPPUNIT_TEST( test_edges_derivs );
00130     CPPUNIT_TEST( test_faces_derivs );
00131     CPPUNIT_TEST( test_mid_derivs );
00133     CPPUNIT_TEST( test_ideal_jacobian );
00137     HexLagrangeShape sf;
00139   public:
00140     void test_corner_coeff( int corner );
00141     void test_edge_coeff( int edge );
00142     void test_face_coeff( int face );
00143     void test_mid_coeff();
00145     void test_corner_derivs( int corner );
00146     void test_edge_derivs( int edge );
00147     void test_face_derivs( int face );
00148     void test_mid_derivs();
00150     NodeSet allNodes;
00151     void setUp()
00152     {
00153         allNodes.set_all_nodes( HEXAHEDRON );
00154     }
00156     void test_corners_coeff();
00157     void test_edges_coeff();
00158     void test_faces_coeff();
00160     void test_corners_derivs();
00161     void test_edges_derivs();
00162     void test_faces_derivs();
00164     void test_ideal_jacobian();
00165 };
00167 CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( HexLagrangeShapeTest, "HexLagrangeShapeTest" );
00168 CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION( HexLagrangeShapeTest, "Unit" );
00170 // Indices
00171 enum
00172 {
00173     XI   = 0,
00174     ETA  = 1,
00175     ZETA = 2
00176 };
00177 // Parameter range
00178 const double min_xi = 0;
00179 const double max_xi = 1;
00180 const double mid_xi = 0.5 * ( min_xi + max_xi );
00182 // Some lagrange polynomial terms
00183 static double l21( double xi )
00184 {
00185     return ( 2 * xi - 1 ) * ( xi - 1 );
00186 }
00187 static double l22( double xi )
00188 {
00189     return 4 * xi * ( 1 - xi );
00190 }
00191 static double l23( double xi )
00192 {
00193     return xi * ( 2 * xi - 1 );
00194 }
00195 // First derivatives of lagrange polynomial terms
00196 static double dl21( double xi )
00197 {
00198     return 4 * xi - 3;
00199 }
00200 static double dl22( double xi )
00201 {
00202     return 4 - 8 * xi;
00203 }
00204 static double dl23( double xi )
00205 {
00206     return 4 * xi - 1;
00207 }
00208 // Indexible polynomail terms
00209 typedef double ( *f_t )( double );
00210 f_t l[4]         = { 0, &l21, &l22, &l23 };
00211 f_t dl[4]        = { 0, &dl21, &dl22, &dl23 };
00212 const int C[][3] = {
00213     { 1, 1, 1 },  //   0
00214     { 3, 1, 1 },  //   1
00215     { 3, 3, 1 },  //   2
00216     { 1, 3, 1 },  //   3
00218     { 1, 1, 3 },  //   4
00219     { 3, 1, 3 },  //   5
00220     { 3, 3, 3 },  //   6
00221     { 1, 3, 3 },  //   7
00223     { 2, 1, 1 },  //   8
00224     { 3, 2, 1 },  //   9
00225     { 2, 3, 1 },  //  10
00226     { 1, 2, 1 },  //  11
00228     { 1, 1, 2 },  //  12
00229     { 3, 1, 2 },  //  13
00230     { 3, 3, 2 },  //  14
00231     { 1, 3, 2 },  //  15
00233     { 2, 1, 3 },  //  16
00234     { 3, 2, 3 },  //  17
00235     { 2, 3, 3 },  //  18
00236     { 1, 2, 3 },  //  19
00238     { 2, 1, 2 },  //  20
00239     { 3, 2, 2 },  //  21
00240     { 2, 3, 2 },  //  22
00241     { 1, 2, 2 },  //  23
00243     { 2, 2, 1 },  //  24
00244     { 2, 2, 3 },  //  25
00246     { 2, 2, 2 }  //  26
00247 };
00249 const double corners[8][3] = { { min_xi, min_xi, min_xi }, { max_xi, min_xi, min_xi }, { max_xi, max_xi, min_xi },
00250                                { min_xi, max_xi, min_xi }, { min_xi, min_xi, max_xi }, { max_xi, min_xi, max_xi },
00251                                { max_xi, max_xi, max_xi }, { min_xi, max_xi, max_xi } };
00253 static MsqVector< 3 > XI_corner( int i )
00254 {
00255     return MsqVector< 3 >( corners[i] );
00256 }
00258 static MsqVector< 3 > XI_edge( int i )
00259 {
00260     const unsigned* idx = TopologyInfo::edge_vertices( HEXAHEDRON, i );
00261     return 0.5 * ( XI_corner( idx[0] ) + XI_corner( idx[1] ) );
00262 }
00264 static MsqVector< 3 > XI_face( int i )
00265 {
00266     unsigned n;
00267     const unsigned* idx   = TopologyInfo::face_vertices( HEXAHEDRON, i, n );
00268     MsqVector< 3 > result = XI_corner( idx[0] );
00269     for( unsigned j = 1; j < n; ++j )
00270         result += XI_corner( idx[j] );
00271     result *= 1.0 / n;
00272     return result;
00273 }
00275 static MsqVector< 3 > XI_elem()
00276 {
00277     const double vals[] = { mid_xi, mid_xi, mid_xi };
00278     return MsqVector< 3 >( vals );
00279 }
00281 static double N( int i, MsqVector< 3 > xi )
00282 {
00283     const int* c = C[i];
00284     return l[c[XI]]( xi[XI] ) * l[c[ETA]]( xi[ETA] ) * l[c[ZETA]]( xi[ZETA] );
00285 }
00287 static MsqVector< 3 > dN( int i, MsqVector< 3 > xi )
00288 {
00289     MsqVector< 3 > result;
00290     const int* c = C[i];
00291     result[XI]   = dl[c[XI]]( xi[XI] ) * l[c[ETA]]( xi[ETA] ) * l[c[ZETA]]( xi[ZETA] );
00292     result[ETA]  = l[c[XI]]( xi[XI] ) * dl[c[ETA]]( xi[ETA] ) * l[c[ZETA]]( xi[ZETA] );
00293     result[ZETA] = l[c[XI]]( xi[XI] ) * l[c[ETA]]( xi[ETA] ) * dl[c[ZETA]]( xi[ZETA] );
00294     return result;
00295 }
00297 static void get_coeffs( MsqVector< 3 > xi, double coeffs_out[27] )
00298 {
00299     for( int i = 0; i < 27; ++i )
00300         coeffs_out[i] = N( i, xi );
00301 }
00303 static void get_derivs( MsqVector< 3 > xi, MsqVector< 3 > derivs_out[27] )
00304 {
00305     for( int i = 0; i < 27; ++i )
00306         derivs_out[i] = dN( i, xi );
00307 }
00309 static void check_valid_indices( const size_t* vertices, size_t num_vtx )
00310 {
00311     // check valid size of list (at least fout, at most all nodes)
00312     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( num_vtx <= 27 );
00313     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( num_vtx >= 4 );
00314     // make sure vertex indices are valid (in [0,26])
00315     size_t vertcopy[27];
00316     std::copy( vertices, vertices + num_vtx, vertcopy );
00317     std::sort( vertcopy, vertcopy + num_vtx );
00318     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( vertcopy[num_vtx - 1] <= 26 );  // max value less than 27
00319                                                     // make sure there are no duplicates in the list
00320     const size_t* iter = std::unique( vertcopy, vertcopy + num_vtx );
00321     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( iter == vertcopy + num_vtx );
00322 }
00324 static void check_no_zeros( const MsqVector< 3 >* derivs, size_t num_vtx )
00325 {
00326     for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_vtx; ++i )
00327     {
00328         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( length( derivs[i] ) > 1e-6 );
00329     }
00330 }
00332 static void compare_coefficients( const double* coeffs,
00333                                   const size_t* indices,
00334                                   size_t num_coeff,
00335                                   const double* expected_coeffs,
00336                                   unsigned loc )
00337 {
00338     // find the location in the returned list for each node
00339     size_t revidx[27];
00340     double test_vals[27];
00341     for( size_t i = 0; i < 27; ++i )
00342     {
00343         revidx[i]    = std::find( indices, indices + num_coeff, i ) - indices;
00344         test_vals[i] = ( revidx[i] == num_coeff ) ? 0.0 : coeffs[revidx[i]];
00345     }
00347     // compare expected and actual coefficient values
00348     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[0], test_vals[0], loc );
00349     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[1], test_vals[1], loc );
00350     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[2], test_vals[2], loc );
00351     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[3], test_vals[3], loc );
00352     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[4], test_vals[4], loc );
00353     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[5], test_vals[5], loc );
00354     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[6], test_vals[6], loc );
00355     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[7], test_vals[7], loc );
00356     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[8], test_vals[8], loc );
00357     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[9], test_vals[9], loc );
00358     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[10], test_vals[10], loc );
00359     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[11], test_vals[11], loc );
00360     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[12], test_vals[12], loc );
00361     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[13], test_vals[13], loc );
00362     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[14], test_vals[14], loc );
00363     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[15], test_vals[15], loc );
00364     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[16], test_vals[16], loc );
00365     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[17], test_vals[17], loc );
00366     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[18], test_vals[18], loc );
00367     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[19], test_vals[19], loc );
00368     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[20], test_vals[20], loc );
00369     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[21], test_vals[21], loc );
00370     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[22], test_vals[22], loc );
00371     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[23], test_vals[23], loc );
00372     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[24], test_vals[24], loc );
00373     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[25], test_vals[25], loc );
00374     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected_coeffs[26], test_vals[26], loc );
00375 }
00377 static void compare_derivatives( const size_t* vertices,
00378                                  size_t num_vtx,
00379                                  const MsqVector< 3 >* actual,
00380                                  const MsqVector< 3 >* expected,
00381                                  unsigned loc )
00382 {
00383     check_valid_indices( vertices, num_vtx );
00384     check_no_zeros( actual, num_vtx );
00386     // Input has values in dxi & deta & dzeta only for nodes in 'vertices'
00387     // Convert to values for every possible node, with zero's for
00388     // nodes that are not present.
00389     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( num_vtx <= 9 );
00390     MsqVector< 3 > expanded[27];
00391     std::fill( expanded, expanded + 27, MsqVector< 3 >( 0.0 ) );
00392     for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_vtx; ++i )
00393     {
00394         CPPUNIT_ASSERT( vertices[i] <= 26 );
00395         expanded[vertices[i]] = actual[i];
00396     }
00398     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[0], expanded[0], loc );
00399     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[1], expanded[1], loc );
00400     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[2], expanded[2], loc );
00401     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[3], expanded[3], loc );
00402     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[4], expanded[4], loc );
00403     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[5], expanded[5], loc );
00404     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[6], expanded[6], loc );
00405     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[7], expanded[7], loc );
00406     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[8], expanded[8], loc );
00407     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[9], expanded[9], loc );
00408     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[10], expanded[10], loc );
00409     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[11], expanded[11], loc );
00410     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[12], expanded[12], loc );
00411     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[13], expanded[13], loc );
00412     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[14], expanded[14], loc );
00413     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[15], expanded[15], loc );
00414     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[16], expanded[16], loc );
00415     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[17], expanded[17], loc );
00416     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[18], expanded[18], loc );
00417     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[19], expanded[19], loc );
00418     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[20], expanded[20], loc );
00419     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[21], expanded[21], loc );
00420     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[22], expanded[22], loc );
00421     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[23], expanded[23], loc );
00422     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[24], expanded[24], loc );
00423     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[25], expanded[25], loc );
00424     ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL( expected[26], expanded[26], loc );
00425 }
00427 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_corner_coeff( int corner )
00428 {
00429     MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
00431     double expected[27];
00432     get_coeffs( XI_corner( corner ), expected );
00434     double coeff[100];
00435     size_t num_coeff = 11, indices[100];
00436     sf.coefficients( Sample( 0, corner ), allNodes, coeff, indices, num_coeff, err );
00437     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );
00439     compare_coefficients( coeff, indices, num_coeff, expected, corner );
00440 }
00442 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_edge_coeff( int edge )
00443 {
00444     MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
00446     double expected[27];
00447     get_coeffs( XI_edge( edge ), expected );
00449     double coeff[100];
00450     size_t num_coeff = 11, indices[100];
00451     sf.coefficients( Sample( 1, edge ), allNodes, coeff, indices, num_coeff, err );
00452     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );
00454     compare_coefficients( coeff, indices, num_coeff, expected, edge + 8 );
00455 }
00457 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_face_coeff( int face )
00458 {
00459     MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
00461     double expected[27];
00462     get_coeffs( XI_face( face ), expected );
00464     double coeff[100];
00465     size_t num_coeff = 11, indices[100];
00466     sf.coefficients( Sample( 2, face ), allNodes, coeff, indices, num_coeff, err );
00467     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );
00469     compare_coefficients( coeff, indices, num_coeff, expected, face + 20 );
00470 }
00472 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_mid_coeff()
00473 {
00474     MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
00476     double expected[27];
00477     get_coeffs( XI_elem(), expected );
00479     double coeff[100];
00480     size_t num_coeff = 11, indices[100];
00481     sf.coefficients( Sample( 3, 0 ), allNodes, coeff, indices, num_coeff, err );
00482     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );
00484     compare_coefficients( coeff, indices, num_coeff, expected, 26 );
00485 }
00487 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_corner_derivs( int corner )
00488 {
00489     MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
00491     MsqVector< 3 > expected[27];
00492     get_derivs( XI_corner( corner ), expected );
00494     size_t vertices[100], num_vtx = 23;
00495     MsqVector< 3 > derivs[100];
00496     sf.derivatives( Sample( 0, corner ), allNodes, vertices, derivs, num_vtx, err );
00497     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );
00499     compare_derivatives( vertices, num_vtx, derivs, expected, corner );
00500 }
00502 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_edge_derivs( int edge )
00503 {
00504     MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
00506     MsqVector< 3 > expected[27];
00507     get_derivs( XI_edge( edge ), expected );
00509     size_t vertices[100], num_vtx = 23;
00510     MsqVector< 3 > derivs[100];
00511     sf.derivatives( Sample( 1, edge ), allNodes, vertices, derivs, num_vtx, err );
00512     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );
00514     compare_derivatives( vertices, num_vtx, derivs, expected, edge + 8 );
00515 }
00517 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_face_derivs( int face )
00518 {
00519     MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
00521     MsqVector< 3 > expected[27];
00522     get_derivs( XI_face( face ), expected );
00524     size_t vertices[100], num_vtx = 23;
00525     MsqVector< 3 > derivs[100];
00526     sf.derivatives( Sample( 2, face ), allNodes, vertices, derivs, num_vtx, err );
00527     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );
00529     compare_derivatives( vertices, num_vtx, derivs, expected, face + 20 );
00530 }
00532 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_mid_derivs()
00533 {
00534     MsqPrintError err( std::cout );
00536     MsqVector< 3 > expected[27];
00537     get_derivs( XI_elem(), expected );
00539     size_t vertices[100], num_vtx = 23;
00540     MsqVector< 3 > derivs[100];
00541     sf.derivatives( Sample( 3, 0 ), allNodes, vertices, derivs, num_vtx, err );
00542     CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !err );
00544     compare_derivatives( vertices, num_vtx, derivs, expected, 26 );
00545 }
00547 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_corners_coeff()
00548 {
00549     for( unsigned i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
00550         test_corner_coeff( i );
00551 }
00553 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_edges_coeff()
00554 {
00555     for( unsigned i = 0; i < 12; ++i )
00556         test_edge_coeff( i );
00557 }
00559 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_faces_coeff()
00560 {
00561     for( unsigned i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
00562         test_face_coeff( i );
00563 }
00565 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_corners_derivs()
00566 {
00567     for( unsigned i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
00568         test_corner_derivs( i );
00569 }
00571 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_edges_derivs()
00572 {
00573     for( unsigned i = 0; i < 12; ++i )
00574         test_edge_derivs( i );
00575 }
00577 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_faces_derivs()
00578 {
00579     for( unsigned i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
00580         test_face_derivs( i );
00581 }
00583 void HexLagrangeShapeTest::test_ideal_jacobian()
00584 {
00585     MsqError err;
00586     MsqMatrix< 3, 3 > J_act, J_exp( 1.0 );
00587     sf.ideal( Sample( 3, 0 ), J_act, err );
00588     ASSERT_NO_ERROR( err );
00590     // Matrices should be a rotation of each other.
00591     // First, calculate tentative rotation matrix
00592     MsqMatrix< 3, 3 > R = inverse( J_exp ) * J_act;
00593     // next check that it is a rotation
00594     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL( 1.0, det( R ), 1e-6 );          // no scaling
00595     ASSERT_MATRICES_EQUAL( transpose( R ), inverse( R ), 1e-6 );  // orthogonal
00596 }
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