MeshKit  1.0
gen Namespace Reference


struct  edge


bool error (const bool error_has_occured, const std::string message)
void moab_printer (ErrorCode error_code)
void print_vertex_cubit (const EntityHandle vertex)
void print_vertex_coords (const EntityHandle vertex)
void print_triangles (const Range tris)
void print_triangle (const EntityHandle tri, bool print_edges)
void print_edge (const EntityHandle edge)
void print_range (const Range range)
void print_range_of_edges (const Range range)
void print_vertex_count (const EntityHandle input_meshset)
void print_arcs (const std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > arcs)
void print_arc_of_edges (const std::vector< EntityHandle > arc_of_edges)
void print_loop (const std::vector< EntityHandle > loop_of_verts)
ErrorCode find_closest_vert (const EntityHandle reference_vert, const std::vector< EntityHandle > arc_of_verts, unsigned &position, const double dist_limit)
ErrorCode find_closest_vert (const double tol, const EntityHandle reference_vert, const std::vector< EntityHandle > loop_of_verts, std::vector< unsigned > &positions, std::vector< double > &dists)
ErrorCode merge_vertices (Range verts, const double tol)
ErrorCode squared_dist_between_verts (const EntityHandle v0, const EntityHandle v1, double &d)
double dist_between_verts (const CartVect v0, const CartVect v1)
ErrorCode dist_between_verts (const EntityHandle v0, const EntityHandle v1, double &d)
double dist_between_verts (double coords0[], double coords1[])
double dist_between_verts (EntityHandle vert0, EntityHandle vert1)
double length (std::vector< EntityHandle > edges)
unsigned int n_adj_edges (EntityHandle vert, Range edges)
bool edges_adjacent (EntityHandle edge0, EntityHandle edge1)
ErrorCode get_direction (const EntityHandle from_vert, const EntityHandle to_vert, CartVect &dir)
double edge_point_dist (const CartVect a, const CartVect b, const CartVect c)
double edge_point_dist (const EntityHandle endpt0, const EntityHandle endpt1, const EntityHandle pt)
double edge_point_dist (const EntityHandle edge, const EntityHandle pt)
double triangle_area (const CartVect a, const CartVect b, const CartVect c)
ErrorCode triangle_area (const EntityHandle conn[], double &area)
ErrorCode triangle_area (const EntityHandle tri, double &area)
double triangle_area (const Range tris)
bool triangle_degenerate (const EntityHandle tri)
bool triangle_degenerate (const EntityHandle v0, const EntityHandle v1, const EntityHandle v2)
ErrorCode triangle_normals (const Range tris, std::vector< CartVect > &normals)
ErrorCode triangle_normal (const EntityHandle tri, CartVect &normal)
ErrorCode triangle_normal (const EntityHandle v0, const EntityHandle v1, const EntityHandle v2, CartVect &normal)
ErrorCode triangle_normal (const CartVect coords0, const CartVect coords1, const CartVect coords2, CartVect &normal)
ErrorCode line_point_dist (const EntityHandle line_pt1, const EntityHandle line_pt2, const EntityHandle pt0, double &dist)
ErrorCode point_line_projection (const EntityHandle line_pt1, const EntityHandle line_pt2, const EntityHandle pt0)
ErrorCode point_line_projection (const EntityHandle line_pt1, const EntityHandle line_pt2, const EntityHandle pt0, CartVect &projected_coords, double &parameter)
ErrorCode point_line_projection (const EntityHandle line_pt1, const EntityHandle line_pt2, const EntityHandle pt0, double &dist_along_edge)
double area2 (const EntityHandle pt_a, const EntityHandle pt_b, const EntityHandle pt_c, const CartVect plane_normal)
bool left (const EntityHandle a, const EntityHandle b, const EntityHandle c, const CartVect n)
bool left_on (const EntityHandle a, const EntityHandle b, const EntityHandle c, const CartVect n)
bool collinear (const EntityHandle a, const EntityHandle b, const EntityHandle c, const CartVect n)
bool logical_xor (const bool x, const bool y)
bool intersect_prop (const EntityHandle a, const EntityHandle b, const EntityHandle c, const EntityHandle d, const CartVect n)
bool between (const EntityHandle pt_a, const EntityHandle pt_b, const EntityHandle pt_c, const CartVect n)
bool intersect (const EntityHandle a, const EntityHandle b, const EntityHandle c, const EntityHandle d, const CartVect n)
bool diagonalie (const EntityHandle a, const EntityHandle b, const CartVect n, const std::vector< EntityHandle > verts)
bool in_cone (const EntityHandle a, const EntityHandle b, const CartVect n, const std::vector< EntityHandle > verts)
bool diagonal (const EntityHandle a, const EntityHandle b, const CartVect n, const std::vector< EntityHandle > verts)
ErrorCode ear_init (const std::vector< EntityHandle > verts, const CartVect n, std::vector< bool > &is_ear)
ErrorCode ear_clip_polygon (std::vector< EntityHandle > verts, CartVect n, Range &new_tris)
int geom_id_by_handle (const EntityHandle set)
ErrorCode save_normals (Range tris, Tag normal_tag)
ErrorCode flip (const EntityHandle tri, const EntityHandle vert0, const EntityHandle vert2, const EntityHandle surf_set)
ErrorCode ordered_verts_from_ordered_edges (const std::vector< EntityHandle > ordered_edges, std::vector< EntityHandle > &ordered_verts)
ErrorCode dist_between_arcs (bool debug, const std::vector< EntityHandle > arc0, const std::vector< EntityHandle > arc1, double &dist)
int compare_edge (const void *a, const void *b)
ErrorCode find_skin (Range tris, const int dim, Range &skin_edges, const bool temp_bool)
ErrorCode measure_volume (const EntityHandle volume, double &result, bool debug, bool verbose)
ErrorCode get_signed_volume (const EntityHandle surf_set, double &signed_volume)
ErrorCode measure (const EntityHandle set, const Tag geom_tag, double &size, bool debug, bool verbose)
ErrorCode get_curve_surf_sense (const EntityHandle surf_set, const EntityHandle curve_set, int &sense, bool debug)
 gets the surface sense with respect to the curve and returns the value to sense
ErrorCode surface_sense (EntityHandle volume, int num_surfaces, const EntityHandle *surfaces, int *senses_out)
ErrorCode surface_sense (EntityHandle volume, EntityHandle surface, int &sense_out)
 get sense of surface(s) wrt volume
Tag get_tag (const char *name, int size, TagType store, DataType type, const void *def_value, bool create_if_missing)
ErrorCode delete_surface (EntityHandle surf, Tag geom_tag, Range tris, int id, bool debug, bool verbose)
ErrorCode remove_surf_sense_data (EntityHandle del_surf, bool debug)
 removes sense data from all curves associated with the surface given to the function
ErrorCode combine_merged_curve_senses (std::vector< EntityHandle > &curves, Tag merge_tag, bool debug)
 combines the senses of any curves tagged as merged in the vector curves
ErrorCode get_sealing_mesh_tags (double &facet_tol, double &sme_resabs_tol, Tag &geom_tag, Tag &id_tag, Tag &normal_tag, Tag &merge_tag, Tag &faceting_tol_tag, Tag &geometry_resabs_tag, Tag &size_tag, Tag &orig_curve_tag)
ErrorCode get_geometry_meshsets (Range geometry_sets[], Tag geom_tag, bool verbose)
ErrorCode check_for_geometry_sets (Tag geom_tag, bool verbose)
void moab_printer (moab::ErrorCode error_code)
 prints a string of the error code returned from MOAB to standard output
void print_vertex_cubit (const moab::EntityHandle vertex)
void print_vertex_coords (const moab::EntityHandle vertex)
void print_triangles (const moab::Range tris)
void print_triangle (const moab::EntityHandle triangle, bool print_edges)
void print_edge (const moab::EntityHandle edge)
void print_vertex_count (const moab::EntityHandle input_meshset)
void print_range (const moab::Range range)
void print_range_of_edges (const moab::Range range)
void print_arc_of_edges (const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > arc_of_edges)
void print_arcs (const std::vector< std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > > arcs)
void print_loop (const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > loop_of_verts)
moab::ErrorCode find_closest_vert (const moab::EntityHandle reference_vert, const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > arc_of_verts, unsigned &position, const double dist_limit)
moab::ErrorCode find_closest_vert (const double tol, const moab::EntityHandle reference_vert, const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > loop_of_verts, std::vector< unsigned > &positions, std::vector< double > &dists)
moab::ErrorCode merge_vertices (moab::Range vertices, const double tol)
moab::ErrorCode squared_dist_between_verts (const moab::EntityHandle v0, const moab::EntityHandle v1, double &d)
 returns the square of the distance between v0 and v1
double dist_between_verts (const moab::CartVect v0, const moab::CartVect v1)
 returns the distance between v0 and v1
moab::ErrorCode dist_between_verts (const moab::EntityHandle v0, const moab::EntityHandle v1, double &d)
double dist_between_verts (moab::EntityHandle vert0, moab::EntityHandle vert1)
double length (std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > curve)
unsigned int n_adj_edges (moab::EntityHandle vert, moab::Range edges)
bool edges_adjacent (moab::EntityHandle edge0, moab::EntityHandle edge1)
moab::ErrorCode get_direction (const moab::EntityHandle from_vert, const moab::EntityHandle to_vert, moab::CartVect &dir)
double edge_point_dist (const moab::CartVect a, const moab::CartVect b, const moab::CartVect c)
double edge_point_dist (const moab::EntityHandle endpt0, const moab::EntityHandle endpt1, const moab::EntityHandle pt)
double edge_point_dist (const moab::EntityHandle edge, const moab::EntityHandle pt)
moab::ErrorCode point_curve_min_dist (const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > curve, const moab::EntityHandle pt, double &min_dist, const double max_dist_along_curve)
moab::ErrorCode point_curve_min_dist (const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > curve, const moab::EntityHandle pt, double &min_dist)
double triangle_area (const moab::CartVect a, const moab::CartVect b, const moab::CartVect c)
moab::ErrorCode triangle_area (const moab::EntityHandle conn[], double &area)
moab::ErrorCode triangle_area (const moab::EntityHandle triangle, double &area)
double triangle_area (moab::Range triangles)
bool triangle_degenerate (const moab::EntityHandle triangle)
bool triangle_degenerate (const moab::EntityHandle v0, const moab::EntityHandle v1, const moab::EntityHandle v2)
moab::ErrorCode triangle_normals (const moab::Range triangles, std::vector< moab::CartVect > &normals)
 gets the normal vectors of all triangles in moab::Range triangles and returns them as MBCartVect's in normals
moab::ErrorCode triangle_normal (const moab::EntityHandle triangle, moab::CartVect &normal)
moab::ErrorCode triangle_normal (const moab::EntityHandle v0, const moab::EntityHandle v1, const moab::EntityHandle v2, moab::CartVect &normal)
moab::ErrorCode triangle_normal (const moab::CartVect v0, const moab::CartVect v1, const moab::CartVect v2, moab::CartVect &normal)
moab::ErrorCode line_point_dist (const moab::EntityHandle line_pt1, const moab::EntityHandle line_pt2, const moab::EntityHandle pt0, double &dist)
moab::ErrorCode point_line_projection (const moab::EntityHandle line_pt1, const moab::EntityHandle line_pt2, const moab::EntityHandle pt0)
moab::ErrorCode point_line_projection (const moab::EntityHandle line_pt1, const moab::EntityHandle line_pt2, const moab::EntityHandle pt0, moab::CartVect &projected_coords, double &parameter)
moab::ErrorCode point_line_projection (const moab::EntityHandle line_pt1, const moab::EntityHandle line_pt2, const moab::EntityHandle pt0, double &dist_along_edge)
moab::ErrorCode ear_clip_polygon (std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > polygon_of_verts, const moab::CartVect plane_normal_vector, moab::Range &new_tris)
int geom_id_by_handle (const moab::EntityHandle set)
moab::ErrorCode save_normals (moab::Range tris, moab::Tag normal_tag)
 gets the normal vector of each triangle in tris and tags each triangle with its normal vector
moab::ErrorCode flip (const moab::EntityHandle tri, const moab::EntityHandle vert0, const moab::EntityHandle vert2, const moab::EntityHandle surf_set)
moab::ErrorCode ordered_verts_from_ordered_edges (const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > ordered_edges, std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > &ordered_verts)
 creates a set of ordered verts from the a set of ordered edges. uses commone vertex between edges to check continuity.
moab::ErrorCode dist_between_arcs (bool debug, const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > arc0, const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > arc1, double &dist)
moab::ErrorCode find_skin (moab::Range tris, const int dim, moab::Range &skin_edges, const bool)
moab::ErrorCode measure (const moab::EntityHandle set, const moab::Tag geom_tag, double &size, bool debug, bool verbose)
moab::ErrorCode get_curve_surf_sense (const moab::EntityHandle surf_set, const moab::EntityHandle curve_set, int &sense, bool debug=false)
moab::ErrorCode surface_sense (moab::EntityHandle volume, int num_surfaces, const moab::EntityHandle *surfaces, int *senses_out)
moab::ErrorCode surface_sense (moab::EntityHandle volume, moab::EntityHandle surface, int &sense_out)
moab::Tag get_tag (const char *name, int size, moab::TagType store, moab::DataType type, const void *def_value, bool create_if_missing)
moab::ErrorCode delete_surface (moab::EntityHandle surf, moab::Tag geom_tag, moab::Range tris, int id, bool debug, bool verbose)
moab::ErrorCode remove_surf_sense_data (moab::EntityHandle del_surf, bool debug)
moab::ErrorCode combine_merged_curve_senses (std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > &curves, moab::Tag merge_tag, bool debug=false)
moab::ErrorCode get_sealing_mesh_tags (double &facet_tol, double &sme_resabs_tol, moab::Tag &geom_tag, moab::Tag &id_tag, moab::Tag &normal_tag, moab::Tag &merge_tag, moab::Tag &faceting_tol_tag, moab::Tag &geometry_resabs_tag, moab::Tag &size_tag, moab::Tag &orig_curve_tag)
 used to get all mesh tags necessary for sealing a mesh
moab::ErrorCode get_geometry_meshsets (moab::Range geometry_sets[], moab::Tag geom_tag, bool verbose=false)
 sets the tracking and ordering options of meshsets retrieved from the mesh
moab::ErrorCode check_for_geometry_sets (moab::Tag geom_tag, bool verbose)

Function Documentation

double gen::area2 ( const EntityHandle  pt_a,
const EntityHandle  pt_b,
const EntityHandle  pt_c,
const CartVect  plane_normal 

Definition at line 896 of file gen.cpp.

bool gen::between ( const EntityHandle  pt_a,
const EntityHandle  pt_b,
const EntityHandle  pt_c,
const CartVect  n 

Definition at line 966 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::check_for_geometry_sets ( moab::Tag  geom_tag,
bool  verbose 

returns moab::MB_SUCCESS if there exists geometry sets of each dimension in the model returns MB_FAILURE if there are no geometry sets of any dimension in the model

ErrorCode gen::check_for_geometry_sets ( Tag  geom_tag,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 2214 of file gen.cpp.

bool gen::collinear ( const EntityHandle  a,
const EntityHandle  b,
const EntityHandle  c,
const CartVect  n 

Definition at line 938 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::combine_merged_curve_senses ( std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > &  curves,
moab::Tag  merge_tag,
bool  debug = false 
ErrorCode gen::combine_merged_curve_senses ( std::vector< EntityHandle > &  curves,
Tag  merge_tag,
bool  debug 

combines the senses of any curves tagged as merged in the vector curves

Definition at line 1981 of file gen.cpp.

int compare_edge ( const void *  a,
const void *  b 

Definition at line 1439 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::delete_surface ( moab::EntityHandle  surf,
moab::Tag  geom_tag,
moab::Range  tris,
int  id,
bool  debug,
bool  verbose 
ErrorCode gen::delete_surface ( EntityHandle  surf,
Tag  geom_tag,
Range  tris,
int  id,
bool  debug,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 1869 of file gen.cpp.

bool gen::diagonal ( const EntityHandle  a,
const EntityHandle  b,
const CartVect  n,
const std::vector< EntityHandle >  verts 

Definition at line 1050 of file gen.cpp.

bool gen::diagonalie ( const EntityHandle  a,
const EntityHandle  b,
const CartVect  n,
const std::vector< EntityHandle >  verts 

Definition at line 1004 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::dist_between_arcs ( bool  debug,
const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle >  arc0,
const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle >  arc1,
double &  dist 

returns the average distance between the vertices in arc0 and arc1. assumes the vertices are ordered appropriately

ErrorCode gen::dist_between_arcs ( bool  debug,
const std::vector< EntityHandle >  arc0,
const std::vector< EntityHandle >  arc1,
double &  dist 

Definition at line 1279 of file gen.cpp.

double gen::dist_between_verts ( const moab::CartVect  v0,
const moab::CartVect  v1 

returns the distance between v0 and v1

moab::ErrorCode gen::dist_between_verts ( const moab::EntityHandle  v0,
const moab::EntityHandle  v1,
double &  d 
double gen::dist_between_verts ( moab::EntityHandle  vert0,
moab::EntityHandle  vert1 
double gen::dist_between_verts ( const CartVect  v0,
const CartVect  v1 

Definition at line 436 of file gen.cpp.

ErrorCode gen::dist_between_verts ( const EntityHandle  v0,
const EntityHandle  v1,
double &  d 

Definition at line 440 of file gen.cpp.

double dist_between_verts ( double  coords0[],
double  coords1[] 

Definition at line 459 of file gen.cpp.

double gen::dist_between_verts ( EntityHandle  vert0,
EntityHandle  vert1 

Definition at line 464 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::ear_clip_polygon ( std::vector< moab::EntityHandle >  polygon_of_verts,
const moab::CartVect  plane_normal_vector,
moab::Range &  new_tris 
ErrorCode gen::ear_clip_polygon ( std::vector< EntityHandle >  verts,
CartVect  n,
Range &  new_tris 

Definition at line 1081 of file gen.cpp.

ErrorCode gen::ear_init ( const std::vector< EntityHandle >  verts,
const CartVect  n,
std::vector< bool > &  is_ear 

Definition at line 1061 of file gen.cpp.

double gen::edge_point_dist ( const moab::CartVect  a,
const moab::CartVect  b,
const moab::CartVect  c 
double gen::edge_point_dist ( const moab::EntityHandle  endpt0,
const moab::EntityHandle  endpt1,
const moab::EntityHandle  pt 
double gen::edge_point_dist ( const moab::EntityHandle  edge,
const moab::EntityHandle  pt 
double gen::edge_point_dist ( const CartVect  a,
const CartVect  b,
const CartVect  c 

Definition at line 580 of file gen.cpp.

double gen::edge_point_dist ( const EntityHandle  endpt0,
const EntityHandle  endpt1,
const EntityHandle  pt 

Definition at line 609 of file gen.cpp.

double gen::edge_point_dist ( const EntityHandle  edge,
const EntityHandle  pt 

Definition at line 624 of file gen.cpp.

bool gen::edges_adjacent ( moab::EntityHandle  edge0,
moab::EntityHandle  edge1 
bool gen::edges_adjacent ( EntityHandle  edge0,
EntityHandle  edge1 

Definition at line 540 of file gen.cpp.

bool error ( const bool  error_has_occured,
const std::string  message 

Definition at line 25 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::find_closest_vert ( const moab::EntityHandle  reference_vert,
const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle >  arc_of_verts,
unsigned &  position,
const double  dist_limit 
moab::ErrorCode gen::find_closest_vert ( const double  tol,
const moab::EntityHandle  reference_vert,
const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle >  loop_of_verts,
std::vector< unsigned > &  positions,
std::vector< double > &  dists 
ErrorCode gen::find_closest_vert ( const EntityHandle  reference_vert,
const std::vector< EntityHandle >  arc_of_verts,
unsigned &  position,
const double  dist_limit 

Return the closest vertex to the arc. For efficiency: only get_coords on the reference vertex once if specified, limit search length along curve

Definition at line 254 of file gen.cpp.

ErrorCode gen::find_closest_vert ( const double  tol,
const EntityHandle  reference_vert,
const std::vector< EntityHandle >  loop_of_verts,
std::vector< unsigned > &  positions,
std::vector< double > &  dists 

Definition at line 301 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::find_skin ( moab::Range  tris,
const int  dim,
moab::Range &  skin_edges,
const bool   
ErrorCode gen::find_skin ( Range  tris,
const int  dim,
Range &  skin_edges,
const bool  temp_bool 

Definition at line 1456 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::flip ( const moab::EntityHandle  tri,
const moab::EntityHandle  vert0,
const moab::EntityHandle  vert2,
const moab::EntityHandle  surf_set 
ErrorCode gen::flip ( const EntityHandle  tri,
const EntityHandle  vert0,
const EntityHandle  vert2,
const EntityHandle  surf_set 

Definition at line 1193 of file gen.cpp.

int gen::geom_id_by_handle ( const moab::EntityHandle  set)

Definition at line 516 of file test_facetmeshreader_senses.cpp.

int gen::geom_id_by_handle ( const EntityHandle  set)

Definition at line 1166 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::get_curve_surf_sense ( const moab::EntityHandle  surf_set,
const moab::EntityHandle  curve_set,
int &  sense,
bool  debug = false 
ErrorCode gen::get_curve_surf_sense ( const EntityHandle  surf_set,
const EntityHandle  curve_set,
int &  sense,
bool  debug 

gets the surface sense with respect to the curve and returns the value to sense

Definition at line 1735 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::get_direction ( const moab::EntityHandle  from_vert,
const moab::EntityHandle  to_vert,
moab::CartVect &  dir 
ErrorCode gen::get_direction ( const EntityHandle  from_vert,
const EntityHandle  to_vert,
CartVect &  dir 

Definition at line 559 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::get_geometry_meshsets ( moab::Range  geometry_sets[],
moab::Tag  geom_tag,
bool  verbose = false 

sets the tracking and ordering options of meshsets retrieved from the mesh

ErrorCode gen::get_geometry_meshsets ( Range  geometry_sets[],
Tag  geom_tag,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 2169 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::get_sealing_mesh_tags ( double &  facet_tol,
double &  sme_resabs_tol,
moab::Tag &  geom_tag,
moab::Tag &  id_tag,
moab::Tag &  normal_tag,
moab::Tag &  merge_tag,
moab::Tag &  faceting_tol_tag,
moab::Tag &  geometry_resabs_tag,
moab::Tag &  size_tag,
moab::Tag &  orig_curve_tag 

used to get all mesh tags necessary for sealing a mesh

ErrorCode gen::get_sealing_mesh_tags ( double &  facet_tol,
double &  sme_resabs_tol,
Tag &  geom_tag,
Tag &  id_tag,
Tag &  normal_tag,
Tag &  merge_tag,
Tag &  faceting_tol_tag,
Tag &  geometry_resabs_tag,
Tag &  size_tag,
Tag &  orig_curve_tag 

Definition at line 2065 of file gen.cpp.

ErrorCode gen::get_signed_volume ( const EntityHandle  surf_set,
double &  signed_volume 

Calculate the signed volumes beneath the surface (x 6.0). Use the triangle's cannonical sense. Do not take sense tags into account. Code taken from DagMC::measure_volume.

Definition at line 1674 of file gen.cpp.

moab::Tag gen::get_tag ( const char *  name,
int  size,
moab::TagType  store,
moab::DataType  type,
const void *  def_value,
bool  create_if_missing 
Tag gen::get_tag ( const char *  name,
int  size,
TagType  store,
DataType  type,
const void *  def_value,
bool  create_if_missing 

Definition at line 1848 of file gen.cpp.

bool gen::in_cone ( const EntityHandle  a,
const EntityHandle  b,
const CartVect  n,
const std::vector< EntityHandle >  verts 

Definition at line 1028 of file gen.cpp.

bool gen::intersect ( const EntityHandle  a,
const EntityHandle  b,
const EntityHandle  c,
const EntityHandle  d,
const CartVect  n 

Definition at line 992 of file gen.cpp.

bool gen::intersect_prop ( const EntityHandle  a,
const EntityHandle  b,
const EntityHandle  c,
const EntityHandle  d,
const CartVect  n 

Definition at line 952 of file gen.cpp.

bool gen::left ( const EntityHandle  a,
const EntityHandle  b,
const EntityHandle  c,
const CartVect  n 

Definition at line 918 of file gen.cpp.

bool gen::left_on ( const EntityHandle  a,
const EntityHandle  b,
const EntityHandle  c,
const CartVect  n 

Definition at line 928 of file gen.cpp.

double gen::length ( std::vector< moab::EntityHandle >  curve)
double gen::length ( std::vector< EntityHandle >  edges)

Definition at line 479 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::line_point_dist ( const moab::EntityHandle  line_pt1,
const moab::EntityHandle  line_pt2,
const moab::EntityHandle  pt0,
double &  dist 
ErrorCode gen::line_point_dist ( const EntityHandle  line_pt1,
const EntityHandle  line_pt2,
const EntityHandle  pt0,
double &  dist 

Definition at line 820 of file gen.cpp.

bool gen::logical_xor ( const bool  x,
const bool  y 

Definition at line 948 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::measure ( const moab::EntityHandle  set,
const moab::Tag  geom_tag,
double &  size,
bool  debug,
bool  verbose 
ErrorCode gen::measure ( const EntityHandle  set,
const Tag  geom_tag,
double &  size,
bool  debug,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 1697 of file gen.cpp.

ErrorCode gen::measure_volume ( const EntityHandle  volume,
double &  result,
bool  debug,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 1579 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::merge_vertices ( moab::Range  vertices,
const double  tol 

finds any vertices within the moab::Range vertices that are with in tol of each other and merges them

ErrorCode gen::merge_vertices ( Range  verts,
const double  tol 

Definition at line 338 of file gen.cpp.

void gen::moab_printer ( moab::ErrorCode  error_code)

prints a string of the error code returned from MOAB to standard output

void gen::moab_printer ( ErrorCode  error_code)

Definition at line 39 of file gen.cpp.

unsigned int gen::n_adj_edges ( moab::EntityHandle  vert,
moab::Range  edges 
unsigned int gen::n_adj_edges ( EntityHandle  vert,
Range  edges 

Definition at line 526 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::ordered_verts_from_ordered_edges ( const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle >  ordered_edges,
std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > &  ordered_verts 

creates a set of ordered verts from the a set of ordered edges. uses commone vertex between edges to check continuity.

ErrorCode gen::ordered_verts_from_ordered_edges ( const std::vector< EntityHandle >  ordered_edges,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  ordered_verts 

Definition at line 1248 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::point_curve_min_dist ( const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle >  curve,
const moab::EntityHandle  pt,
double &  min_dist,
const double  max_dist_along_curve 
moab::ErrorCode gen::point_curve_min_dist ( const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle >  curve,
const moab::EntityHandle  pt,
double &  min_dist 
moab::ErrorCode gen::point_line_projection ( const moab::EntityHandle  line_pt1,
const moab::EntityHandle  line_pt2,
const moab::EntityHandle  pt0 
moab::ErrorCode gen::point_line_projection ( const moab::EntityHandle  line_pt1,
const moab::EntityHandle  line_pt2,
const moab::EntityHandle  pt0,
moab::CartVect &  projected_coords,
double &  parameter 
moab::ErrorCode gen::point_line_projection ( const moab::EntityHandle  line_pt1,
const moab::EntityHandle  line_pt2,
const moab::EntityHandle  pt0,
double &  dist_along_edge 
ErrorCode gen::point_line_projection ( const EntityHandle  line_pt1,
const EntityHandle  line_pt2,
const EntityHandle  pt0 

Definition at line 836 of file gen.cpp.

ErrorCode gen::point_line_projection ( const EntityHandle  line_pt1,
const EntityHandle  line_pt2,
const EntityHandle  pt0,
CartVect &  projected_coords,
double &  parameter 

Definition at line 849 of file gen.cpp.

ErrorCode gen::point_line_projection ( const EntityHandle  line_pt1,
const EntityHandle  line_pt2,
const EntityHandle  pt0,
double &  dist_along_edge 

Definition at line 873 of file gen.cpp.

void gen::print_arc_of_edges ( const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle >  arc_of_edges)
void gen::print_arc_of_edges ( const std::vector< EntityHandle >  arc_of_edges)

Definition at line 216 of file gen.cpp.

void gen::print_arcs ( const std::vector< std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > >  arcs)
void gen::print_arcs ( const std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > >  arcs)

Definition at line 209 of file gen.cpp.

void gen::print_edge ( const moab::EntityHandle  edge)
void gen::print_edge ( const EntityHandle  edge)

Definition at line 159 of file gen.cpp.

void gen::print_loop ( const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle >  loop_of_verts)
void gen::print_loop ( const std::vector< EntityHandle >  loop_of_verts)

Definition at line 235 of file gen.cpp.

void gen::print_range ( const moab::Range  range)
void gen::print_range ( const Range  range)

Definition at line 180 of file gen.cpp.

void gen::print_range_of_edges ( const moab::Range  range)
void gen::print_range_of_edges ( const Range  range)

Definition at line 188 of file gen.cpp.

void gen::print_triangle ( const moab::EntityHandle  triangle,
bool  print_edges 
void gen::print_triangle ( const EntityHandle  tri,
bool  print_edges 

Definition at line 132 of file gen.cpp.

void gen::print_triangles ( const moab::Range  tris)
void gen::print_triangles ( const Range  tris)

Definition at line 126 of file gen.cpp.

void gen::print_vertex_coords ( const moab::EntityHandle  vertex)
void gen::print_vertex_coords ( const EntityHandle  vertex)

Definition at line 114 of file gen.cpp.

void gen::print_vertex_count ( const moab::EntityHandle  input_meshset)
void gen::print_vertex_count ( const EntityHandle  input_meshset)

Definition at line 197 of file gen.cpp.

void gen::print_vertex_cubit ( const moab::EntityHandle  vertex)
void gen::print_vertex_cubit ( const EntityHandle  vertex)

Definition at line 100 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::remove_surf_sense_data ( moab::EntityHandle  del_surf,
bool  debug 
ErrorCode gen::remove_surf_sense_data ( EntityHandle  del_surf,
bool  debug 

removes sense data from all curves associated with the surface given to the function

Definition at line 1907 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::save_normals ( moab::Range  tris,
moab::Tag  normal_tag 

gets the normal vector of each triangle in tris and tags each triangle with its normal vector

ErrorCode gen::save_normals ( Range  tris,
Tag  normal_tag 

Definition at line 1180 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::squared_dist_between_verts ( const moab::EntityHandle  v0,
const moab::EntityHandle  v1,
double &  d 

returns the square of the distance between v0 and v1

ErrorCode gen::squared_dist_between_verts ( const EntityHandle  v0,
const EntityHandle  v1,
double &  d 

Definition at line 414 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::surface_sense ( moab::EntityHandle  volume,
int  num_surfaces,
const moab::EntityHandle *  surfaces,
int *  senses_out 
moab::ErrorCode gen::surface_sense ( moab::EntityHandle  volume,
moab::EntityHandle  surface,
int &  sense_out 
ErrorCode gen::surface_sense ( EntityHandle  volume,
int  num_surfaces,
const EntityHandle *  surfaces,
int *  senses_out 

Definition at line 1779 of file gen.cpp.

ErrorCode gen::surface_sense ( EntityHandle  volume,
EntityHandle  surface,
int &  sense_out 

get sense of surface(s) wrt volume

Definition at line 1819 of file gen.cpp.

double gen::triangle_area ( const moab::CartVect  a,
const moab::CartVect  b,
const moab::CartVect  c 
moab::ErrorCode gen::triangle_area ( const moab::EntityHandle  conn[],
double &  area 
moab::ErrorCode gen::triangle_area ( const moab::EntityHandle  triangle,
double &  area 
double gen::triangle_area ( moab::Range  triangles)
double gen::triangle_area ( const CartVect  a,
const CartVect  b,
const CartVect  c 

Definition at line 686 of file gen.cpp.

ErrorCode gen::triangle_area ( const EntityHandle  conn[],
double &  area 

Definition at line 693 of file gen.cpp.

ErrorCode gen::triangle_area ( const EntityHandle  tri,
double &  area 

Definition at line 701 of file gen.cpp.

double gen::triangle_area ( const Range  tris)

Definition at line 715 of file gen.cpp.

bool gen::triangle_degenerate ( const moab::EntityHandle  triangle)
bool gen::triangle_degenerate ( const moab::EntityHandle  v0,
const moab::EntityHandle  v1,
const moab::EntityHandle  v2 
bool gen::triangle_degenerate ( const EntityHandle  tri)

Definition at line 727 of file gen.cpp.

bool gen::triangle_degenerate ( const EntityHandle  v0,
const EntityHandle  v1,
const EntityHandle  v2 

Definition at line 738 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::triangle_normal ( const moab::EntityHandle  triangle,
moab::CartVect &  normal 
moab::ErrorCode gen::triangle_normal ( const moab::EntityHandle  v0,
const moab::EntityHandle  v1,
const moab::EntityHandle  v2,
moab::CartVect &  normal 
moab::ErrorCode gen::triangle_normal ( const moab::CartVect  v0,
const moab::CartVect  v1,
const moab::CartVect  v2,
moab::CartVect &  normal 
ErrorCode gen::triangle_normal ( const EntityHandle  tri,
CartVect &  normal 

Definition at line 759 of file gen.cpp.

ErrorCode gen::triangle_normal ( const EntityHandle  v0,
const EntityHandle  v1,
const EntityHandle  v2,
CartVect &  normal 

Definition at line 777 of file gen.cpp.

ErrorCode gen::triangle_normal ( const CartVect  coords0,
const CartVect  coords1,
const CartVect  coords2,
CartVect &  normal 

Definition at line 800 of file gen.cpp.

moab::ErrorCode gen::triangle_normals ( const moab::Range  triangles,
std::vector< moab::CartVect > &  normals 

gets the normal vectors of all triangles in moab::Range triangles and returns them as MBCartVect's in normals

ErrorCode gen::triangle_normals ( const Range  tris,
std::vector< CartVect > &  normals 

Definition at line 744 of file gen.cpp.

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