MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* *****************************************************************
00002     MESQUITE -- The Mesh Quality Improvement Toolkit
00004     Copyright 2004 Sandia Corporation and Argonne National
00005     Laboratory.  Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000
00006     with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
00007     rights in this software.
00009     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00010     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00011     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00012     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00014     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017     Lesser General Public License for more details.
00019     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00020     (lgpl.txt) along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
00021     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
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00026   ***************************************************************** */
00027 /*!
00028   \file   LPtoPTemplate.cpp
00029   \brief
00031   This Objective Function is evaluated using an L P norm to the pth power.
00032   total=(sum (x_i)^pVal)
00033   \author Michael Brewer
00034   \author Thomas Leurent
00035   \date   2002-01-23
00036 */
00037 #include <cmath>
00038 #include "LPtoPTemplate.hpp"
00039 #include "MsqFreeVertexIndexIterator.hpp"
00040 #include "MsqTimer.hpp"
00041 #include "MsqHessian.hpp"
00042 #include "MsqDebug.hpp"
00043 #include "QualityMetric.hpp"
00045 using namespace MBMesquite;
00047 LPtoPTemplate::LPtoPTemplate( QualityMetric* qualitymetric, short Pinput, MsqError& err )
00048     : ObjectiveFunctionTemplate( qualitymetric )
00049 {
00050     pVal = Pinput;
00051     if( pVal < 1 )
00052     {
00053         MSQ_SETERR( err )( "P_VALUE must be greater than 0.", MsqError::INVALID_ARG );
00054         return;
00055     }
00057     dividingByN = false;
00059     clear();
00060 }
00062 LPtoPTemplate::LPtoPTemplate( short P, QualityMetric* qm )
00063     : ObjectiveFunctionTemplate( qm ), pVal( P ), dividingByN( false )
00064 {
00065     clear();
00066 }
00068 void LPtoPTemplate::clear()
00069 {
00070     mCount     = 0;
00071     mPowSum    = 0;
00072     saveCount  = 0;
00073     savePowSum = 0;
00074 }
00076 // Michael:  need to clean up here
00077 LPtoPTemplate::~LPtoPTemplate() {}
00079 ObjectiveFunction* LPtoPTemplate::clone() const
00080 {
00081     return new LPtoPTemplate( *this );
00082 }
00084 double LPtoPTemplate::get_value( double power_sum,
00085                                  size_t count,
00086                                  EvalType type,
00087                                  size_t& global_count,
00088                                  MsqError& /*err*/ )
00089 {
00090     double result = 0;
00091     switch( type )
00092     {
00093         default:
00094         case CALCULATE:
00095             result       = power_sum;
00096             global_count = count;
00097             break;
00099         case ACCUMULATE:
00100             mPowSum += power_sum;
00101             mCount += count;
00102             result       = mPowSum;
00103             global_count = mCount;
00104             break;
00106         case SAVE:
00107             savePowSum   = power_sum;
00108             saveCount    = count;
00109             result       = mPowSum;
00110             global_count = mCount;
00111             break;
00113         case UPDATE:
00114             mPowSum -= savePowSum;
00115             mCount -= saveCount;
00116             savePowSum = power_sum;
00117             saveCount  = count;
00118             mPowSum += savePowSum;
00119             mCount += saveCount;
00120             result       = mPowSum;
00121             global_count = mCount;
00122             break;
00124         case TEMPORARY:
00125             result       = mPowSum - savePowSum + power_sum;
00126             global_count = mCount + count - saveCount;
00127             break;
00128     }
00130     //  if (!global_count)
00131     //    {
00132     //      MSQ_SETERR(err)(" global_count is zero, possibly due to an invalid mesh.",
00133     //      MsqError::INVALID_MESH); return -1;  // result is invalid
00134     //    }
00135     if( dividingByN && global_count ) result /= global_count;
00136     return result;
00137 }
00139 bool LPtoPTemplate::evaluate( EvalType type, PatchData& pd, double& value_out, bool free, MsqError& err )
00140 {
00141     QualityMetric* qm = get_quality_metric();
00142     if( type == ObjectiveFunction::ACCUMULATE )
00143         qm->get_single_pass( pd, qmHandles, free, err );
00144     else
00145         qm->get_evaluations( pd, qmHandles, free, err );
00146     MSQ_ERRFALSE( err );
00148     // calculate OF value for just the patch
00149     std::vector< size_t >::const_iterator i;
00150     double value, working_sum = 0.0;
00151     for( i = qmHandles.begin(); i != qmHandles.end(); ++i )
00152     {
00153         bool result = qm->evaluate( pd, *i, value, err );
00154         if( MSQ_CHKERR( err ) || !result ) return false;
00156         double tmp_val = value;
00157         for( short j = 1; j < pVal; ++j )
00158             tmp_val *= value;
00159         working_sum += fabs( tmp_val );
00160     }
00162     // get overall OF value, update member data, etc.
00163     size_t global_count;
00164     value_out = qm->get_negate_flag() * get_value( working_sum, qmHandles.size(), type, global_count, err );
00165     //  if (!global_count)
00166     //    return false;  // invalid mesh
00167     //  else
00168     return true;
00169 }
00171 bool LPtoPTemplate::evaluate_with_gradient( EvalType type,
00172                                             PatchData& pd,
00173                                             double& OF_val,
00174                                             std::vector< Vector3D >& grad_out,
00175                                             MsqError& err )
00176 {
00177     QualityMetric* qm = get_quality_metric();
00178     qm->get_evaluations( pd, qmHandles, OF_FREE_EVALS_ONLY, err );
00179     MSQ_ERRFALSE( err );
00181     // zero gradient
00182     grad_out.clear();
00183     grad_out.resize( pd.num_free_vertices(), Vector3D( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) );
00184     bool qm_bool = true;
00185     double QM_val;
00186     OF_val = 0.;
00187     int p1;
00189     // calculate OF value and gradient for just the patch
00190     std::vector< size_t >::const_iterator i;
00191     for( i = qmHandles.begin(); i != qmHandles.end(); ++i )
00192     {
00193         qm_bool = qm->evaluate_with_gradient( pd, *i, QM_val, mIndices, mGradient, err );
00194         if( MSQ_CHKERR( err ) || !qm_bool ) return false;
00196         QM_val        = fabs( QM_val );
00197         double QM_pow = 1.0;
00198         double factor = qm->get_negate_flag();
00199         if( pVal == 1 )
00200             QM_pow = 1.0;
00201         else
00202         {
00203             QM_pow = QM_val;
00204             for( p1 = 2; p1 < pVal; ++p1 )
00205                 QM_pow *= QM_val;
00206             factor *= QM_pow * pVal;
00207         }
00209         OF_val += QM_pow * QM_val;
00210         for( size_t j = 0; j < mIndices.size(); ++j )
00211         {
00212             mGradient[j] *= factor;
00213             grad_out[mIndices[j]] += mGradient[j];
00214         }
00215     }
00217     // get overall OF value, update member data, etc.
00218     size_t global_count;
00219     OF_val = qm->get_negate_flag() * get_value( OF_val, qmHandles.size(), type, global_count, err );
00220     //  if (!global_count)
00221     //    return false;  // invalid mesh
00223     if( dividingByN && global_count )
00224     {
00225         const double inv_n = 1.0 / global_count;
00226         std::vector< Vector3D >::iterator g;
00227         for( g = grad_out.begin(); g != grad_out.end(); ++g )
00228             *g *= inv_n;
00229     }
00231     return true;
00232 }
00234 bool LPtoPTemplate::evaluate_with_Hessian_diagonal( EvalType type,
00235                                                     PatchData& pd,
00236                                                     double& OF_val,
00237                                                     std::vector< Vector3D >& grad,
00238                                                     std::vector< SymMatrix3D >& hess_diag,
00239                                                     MsqError& err )
00240 {
00241     QualityMetric* qm = get_quality_metric();
00242     qm->get_evaluations( pd, qmHandles, OF_FREE_EVALS_ONLY, err );
00243     MSQ_ERRFALSE( err );
00245     // zero gradient and hessian
00246     grad.clear();
00247     grad.resize( pd.num_free_vertices(), 0.0 );
00248     hess_diag.clear();
00249     hess_diag.resize( pd.num_free_vertices(), 0.0 );
00251     double QM_val, QM_pow = 1.0;
00252     double fac1, fac2;
00253     const double negate_flag = qm->get_negate_flag();
00254     bool qm_bool;
00255     size_t i;
00256     short p;
00258     // Loops over all elements in the patch.
00259     OF_val = 0.0;
00260     std::vector< size_t >::const_iterator k;
00261     for( k = qmHandles.begin(); k != qmHandles.end(); ++k )
00262     {
00263         // Computes \nabla^2 Q(e). Only the free vertices will have non-zero entries.
00264         qm_bool = qm->evaluate_with_Hessian_diagonal( pd, *k, QM_val, mIndices, mGradient, mDiag, err );
00265         if( MSQ_CHKERR( err ) || !qm_bool ) return false;
00266         QM_val = fabs( QM_val );
00268         // **** Computes Hessian ****
00269         const size_t nve = mIndices.size();
00270         if( pVal == 1 )
00271         {
00272             QM_pow = 1.0;
00273             for( i = 0; i < nve; ++i )
00274             {
00275                 mDiag[i] *= negate_flag;
00276                 hess_diag[mIndices[i]] += mDiag[i];
00277             }
00278             fac1 = 1;
00279         }
00280         else if( pVal >= 2 )
00281         {
00282             // Computes the coefficients:
00283             QM_pow = 1.0;
00284             for( p = 0; p < pVal - 2; ++p )
00285                 QM_pow *= QM_val;
00286             // 1 - computes p(p-1)Q(e)^{p-2}
00287             fac2 = pVal * ( pVal - 1 ) * QM_pow;
00288             // 2 - computes  pQ(e)^{p-1}
00289             QM_pow *= QM_val;
00290             fac1 = pVal * QM_pow;
00292             // fac1 *= qm->get_negate_flag();
00293             // fac2 *= qm->get_negate_flag();
00295             for( i = 0; i < nve; ++i )
00296             {
00297                 SymMatrix3D op( mGradient[i] );
00298                 op *= fac2;
00299                 mDiag[i] *= fac1;
00300                 op += mDiag[i];
00301                 op *= negate_flag;
00302                 hess_diag[mIndices[i]] += op;
00303             }
00304         }
00305         else
00306         {
00307             MSQ_SETERR( err )( " invalid P value.", MsqError::INVALID_STATE );
00308             return false;
00309         }
00311         // **** Computes Gradient ****
00313         // For each vertex in the element ...
00314         for( i = 0; i < nve; ++i )
00315         {
00316             // ... computes p*q^{p-1}*grad(q) ...
00317             mGradient[i] *= fac1 * negate_flag;
00318             // ... and accumulates it in the objective function gradient.
00319             // also scale the gradient by the scaling factor
00320             assert( mIndices[i] < pd.num_free_vertices() );
00321             grad[mIndices[i]] += mGradient[i];
00322         }
00324         // **** computes Objective Function value \sum_{i=1}^{N_e} |q_i|^P ****
00325         OF_val += QM_pow * QM_val;
00326     }
00328     size_t global_count;
00329     OF_val = negate_flag * get_value( OF_val, qmHandles.size(), type, global_count, err );
00330     //  if (!global_count)
00331     //    return false;  // invalid mesh
00333     if( dividingByN && global_count )
00334     {
00335         const double inv_n = 1.0 / global_count;
00336         for( i = 0; i < pd.num_free_vertices(); ++i )
00337         {
00338             grad[i] *= inv_n;
00339             hess_diag[i] *= inv_n;
00340         }
00341     }
00343     return true;
00344 }
00346 /*\ For each element, each entry to be accumulated in the Hessian for
00347     this objective function (\f$ \sum_{e \in E} Q(e)^p \f$ where \f$ E \f$
00348     is the set of all elements in the patch) has the form:
00349     \f$ pQ(e)^{p-1} \nabla^2 Q(e) + p(p-1)Q(e)^{p-2} \nabla Q(e) [\nabla Q(e)]^T \f$.
00351     For \f$ p=2 \f$, this simplifies to
00352     \f$ 2Q(e) \nabla^2 Q(e) + 2 \nabla Q(e) [\nabla Q(e)]^T \f$.
00354     For \f$ p=1 \f$, this simplifies to \f$ \nabla^2 Q(e) \f$.
00356     The \f$ p=1 \f$ simplified version is implemented directly
00357     to speed up computation.
00359     This function does not support vertex-based metrics.
00361     \param pd The PatchData object for which the objective function
00362            hessian is computed.
00363     \param hessian this object must have been previously initialized.
00364 */
00365 bool LPtoPTemplate::evaluate_with_Hessian( EvalType type,
00366                                            PatchData& pd,
00367                                            double& OF_val,
00368                                            std::vector< Vector3D >& grad,
00369                                            MsqHessian& hessian,
00370                                            MsqError& err )
00371 {
00372     QualityMetric* qm = get_quality_metric();
00373     qm->get_evaluations( pd, qmHandles, OF_FREE_EVALS_ONLY, err );
00374     MSQ_ERRFALSE( err );
00375     double negate_flag = qm->get_negate_flag();
00377     // zero gradient and hessian
00378     grad.clear();
00379     grad.resize( pd.num_free_vertices(), 0.0 );
00380     hessian.zero_out();
00382     double QM_val, QM_pow = 1.0;
00383     double fac1, fac2;
00384     Matrix3D elem_outer_product;
00385     bool qm_bool;
00386     size_t i, j, n;
00387     short p;
00389     // Loops over all elements in the patch.
00390     OF_val = 0.0;
00391     std::vector< size_t >::const_iterator k;
00392     for( k = qmHandles.begin(); k != qmHandles.end(); ++k )
00393     {
00394         // Computes \nabla^2 Q(e). Only the free vertices will have non-zero entries.
00395         qm_bool = qm->evaluate_with_Hessian( pd, *k, QM_val, mIndices, mGradient, mHessian, err );
00396         if( MSQ_CHKERR( err ) || !qm_bool ) return false;
00397         QM_val = fabs( QM_val );
00399         // **** Computes Hessian ****
00400         const size_t nve = mIndices.size();
00401         if( pVal == 1 )
00402         {
00403             QM_pow = 1.0;
00404             n      = 0;
00405             for( i = 0; i < nve; ++i )
00406             {
00407                 for( j = i; j < nve; ++j )
00408                 {
00409                     // negate if necessary
00410                     mHessian[n] *= negate_flag;
00411                     hessian.add( mIndices[i], mIndices[j], mHessian[n], err );
00412                     MSQ_ERRFALSE( err );
00413                     ++n;
00414                 }
00415             }
00416             fac1 = 1;
00417         }
00418         else if( pVal >= 2 )
00419         {
00420             // Computes the coefficients:
00421             QM_pow = 1.0;
00422             for( p = 0; p < pVal - 2; ++p )
00423                 QM_pow *= QM_val;
00424             // 1 - computes p(p-1)Q(e)^{p-2}
00425             fac2 = pVal * ( pVal - 1 ) * QM_pow;
00426             // 2 - computes  pQ(e)^{p-1}
00427             QM_pow *= QM_val;
00428             fac1 = pVal * QM_pow;
00430             // fac1 *= qm->get_negate_flag();
00431             // fac2 *= qm->get_negate_flag();
00433             n = 0;
00434             for( i = 0; i < nve; ++i )
00435             {
00436                 for( j = i; j < nve; ++j )
00437                 {
00438                     elem_outer_product.outer_product( mGradient[i], mGradient[j] );
00439                     elem_outer_product *= fac2;
00440                     mHessian[n] *= fac1;
00441                     mHessian[n] += elem_outer_product;
00442                     mHessian[n] *= negate_flag;
00443                     hessian.add( mIndices[i], mIndices[j], mHessian[n], err );
00444                     MSQ_ERRFALSE( err );
00445                     ++n;
00446                 }
00447             }
00448         }
00449         else
00450         {
00451             MSQ_SETERR( err )( " invalid P value.", MsqError::INVALID_STATE );
00452             return false;
00453         }
00455         // **** Computes Gradient ****
00457         // For each vertex in the element ...
00458         for( i = 0; i < nve; ++i )
00459         {
00460             // ... computes p*q^{p-1}*grad(q) ...
00461             mGradient[i] *= fac1 * negate_flag;
00462             // ... and accumulates it in the objective function gradient.
00463             // also scale the gradient by the scaling factor
00464             assert( mIndices[i] < pd.num_free_vertices() );
00465             grad[mIndices[i]] += mGradient[i];
00466         }
00468         // **** computes Objective Function value \sum_{i=1}^{N_e} |q_i|^P ****
00469         OF_val += QM_pow * QM_val;
00470     }
00472     size_t global_count;
00473     OF_val = negate_flag * get_value( OF_val, qmHandles.size(), type, global_count, err );
00474     //  if (!global_count)
00475     //    return false;  // invalid mesh
00477     if( dividingByN && global_count )
00478     {
00479         const double inv_n = 1.0 / global_count;
00480         std::vector< Vector3D >::iterator g;
00481         for( g = grad.begin(); g != grad.end(); ++g )
00482             *g *= inv_n;
00483         hessian.scale( inv_n );
00484     }
00486     return true;
00487 }
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