MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp File Reference
#include "iMeshP.h"
#include "moab_mpi.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <unistd.h>
+ Include dependency graph for MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp:

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class  PartMap
struct  EHARR< size >
struct  VtxCopyData


#define STRINGIFY_(X)   #X
#define CHKERR
#define PCHECK
#define ASSERT(A)
#define RUN_TEST(A)   run_test( &( A ), #A )


int is_any_proc_error (int is_my_error)
int test_load (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, PartMap &map, int comm_size)
 Consistency check for parallel load.
int test_get_partitions (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test partition query methods.
int test_get_parts (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test part quyery methods.
int test_get_by_type (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test query by entity type.
int test_get_by_topo (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test query by entity topology.
int test_part_id_handle (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test mapping from part id to part handle.
int test_part_rank (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test get part rank.
int test_get_neighbors (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test querying of part neighbors.
int test_get_part_boundary (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test querying of part boundary entities.
int test_part_boundary_iter (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test querying of part boundary entities.
int test_get_adjacencies (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test adjacent entity query.
int test_entity_iterator (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test entity iterators.
int test_entity_owner (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test entity owner queries.
int test_entity_status (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test entity status.
int test_entity_copy_parts (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test information about entity copies for interface entities.
int test_entity_copies (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test information about entity copies for interface entities.
int test_create_ghost_ents (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test creation of ghost entities.
int test_push_tag_data_iface (iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test commuinication of tag data.
int test_push_tag_data_ghost (iMesh_Instance imesh, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &)
 Test commuinication of tag data.
int test_exchange_ents (iMesh_Instance imesh, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &map)
 Test exchange entities.
int create_mesh (const char *filename, int num_parts)
 Create mesh for use in parallel tests.
int create_mesh_in_memory (int rank, int size, iMesh_Instance imesh, iMeshP_PartitionHandle &prtn, PartMap &map)
int vertex_tag (iMesh_Instance imesh, iBase_EntityHandle vertex, int &tag)
 get unique identifier for each vertex
int get_local_parts (iMesh_Instance instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > &handles, std::vector< iMeshP_Part > *ids=0)
static int get_entities (iMesh_Instance imesh, iBase_EntitySetHandle set, iBase_EntityType type, iMesh_EntityTopology topo, std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &entities)
static int get_part_quads_and_verts (iMesh_Instance imesh, iMeshP_PartHandle part, std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &elems, std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &verts)
static int get_coords (iMesh_Instance imesh, const iBase_EntityHandle *verts, int num_verts, double *coords)
int run_test (int(*func)(iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle, const PartMap &), const char *func_name)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
static int test_get_by_type_topo_all (iMesh_Instance imesh, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, bool test_type, int num_parts)
static int test_get_by_type_topo_local (iMesh_Instance imesh, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, bool test_type)
static void get_part_neighbors (int logical_part_id, int num_parts, int neighbors[5], int &num_neighbors)
static int interface_verts (iMesh_Instance imesh, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, iMeshP_PartHandle local_part, iMeshP_Part other_part, const PartMap &map, std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &vtx_handles)
static int get_part_boundary_verts (iMesh_Instance imesh, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, const PartMap &map, iMeshP_PartHandle part, std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &boundary)
int get_num_adj_quads (iMesh_Instance imesh, iBase_EntityHandle vtx, int &num)
int get_adj (iMesh_Instance imesh, iBase_EntityHandle ent, int type, std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &adj)
int get_boundary_vertices (iMesh_Instance imesh, std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &bdry)
int check_one_layer (iMesh_Instance imesh, iBase_EntityHandle vtx, const std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &sorted_vertices)
int get_num_adj_all (iMesh_Instance imesh, const std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &verts, std::vector< int > &num_local_adj, std::vector< int > &num_all_adj)
int test_push_tag_data_common (iMesh_Instance imesh, iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn, int num_ghost_layers)
 Test commuinication of tag data.


const char *const FILENAME = "iMeshP_test_file"

Define Documentation

#define ASSERT (   A)
do                                                                                                              \
    {                                                                                                               \
        if( is_any_proc_error( !( A ) ) )                                                                           \
        {                                                                                                           \
            int my_rank = 0;                                                                                        \
            MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank );                                                              \
            if( 0 == my_rank )                                                                                      \
                std::cerr << "Failed assertion: " #A << std::endl << "  at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl; \
            return 1;                                                                                               \
        }                                                                                                           \
    } while( false )

Definition at line 43 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

Referenced by test_create_ghost_ents(), test_entity_copies(), test_entity_copy_parts(), test_entity_owner(), test_entity_status(), test_exchange_ents(), test_get_by_type_topo_all(), test_get_by_type_topo_local(), test_get_partitions(), test_get_parts(), test_part_id_handle(), test_part_rank(), and test_push_tag_data_common().

#define RUN_TEST (   A)    run_test( &( A ), #A )

Definition at line 390 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

Referenced by main().

#define STRINGIFY (   X)    STRINGIFY_( X )

Definition at line 18 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

#define STRINGIFY_ (   X)    #X

Definition at line 17 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

Function Documentation

int check_one_layer ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iBase_EntityHandle  vtx,
const std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &  sorted_vertices 

Definition at line 2537 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References CHKERR, get_adj(), iBase_FACE, iBase_FAILURE, iBase_SUCCESS, iBase_VERTEX, ierr, and vtx().

Referenced by test_create_ghost_ents().

    int ierr;
    if( std::binary_search( sorted_vertices.begin(), sorted_vertices.end(), vtx ) ) return iBase_SUCCESS;
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > quads, verts;
    ierr = get_adj( imesh, vtx, iBase_FACE, quads );CHKERR;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < quads.size(); ++i )
        ierr = get_adj( imesh, quads[i], iBase_VERTEX, verts );CHKERR;
        for( size_t j = 0; j < verts.size(); ++j )
            if( std::binary_search( sorted_vertices.begin(), sorted_vertices.end(), verts[j] ) ) return iBase_SUCCESS;

    return iBase_FAILURE;
int create_mesh ( const char *  filename,
int  num_parts 

Create mesh for use in parallel tests.

Definition at line 576 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References CHKERR, iBase_INTEGER, iBase_INTERLEAVED, iBase_SUCCESS, iBase_TAG_ALREADY_EXISTS, id_tag, ierr, iMesh_addEntArrToSet, iMesh_createEntArr, iMesh_createTag, iMesh_createVtxArr, iMesh_dtor, iMesh_getRootSet, iMesh_getTagHandle, iMesh_getTagSizeValues, iMesh_getTagType, iMesh_newMesh, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, iMesh_setIntArrData, iMeshP_createPart, iMeshP_createPartitionAll, iMeshP_saveAll, root_set, and tagname.

    const char* tagname = "GLOBAL_ID";
    int ierr;

    iMesh_Instance imesh;
    iMesh_newMesh( 0, &imesh, &ierr, 0 );CHKERR;

    const int num_full_cols  = 2 * ( num_parts / 2 );
    const int need_half_cols = num_parts % 2;
    const int num_cols       = num_full_cols + 2 * need_half_cols;
    const int num_vtx        = 5 + 5 * num_cols - 4 * ( num_parts % 2 );
    std::vector< EHARR< 5 > > vertices( num_cols + 1 );
    std::vector< EHARR< 4 > > elements( num_cols );
    std::vector< int > vertex_ids( num_vtx );
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > vertex_list( num_vtx );
    for( int i = 0; i < num_vtx; ++i )
        vertex_ids[i] = i + 1;

    // create vertices
    int vl_pos = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i <= num_cols; ++i )
        double coords[15]       = { static_cast< double >( i ), 0, 0, static_cast< double >( i ), 1, 0,
                              static_cast< double >( i ), 2, 0, static_cast< double >( i ), 3, 0,
                              static_cast< double >( i ), 4, 0 };
        iBase_EntityHandle* ptr = vertices[i];
        const int n             = ( num_full_cols == num_cols || i <= num_full_cols ) ? 5 : 3;
        int junk1 = n, junk2 = n;
        iMesh_createVtxArr( imesh, n, iBase_INTERLEAVED, coords, 3 * n, &ptr, &junk1, &junk2, &ierr );CHKERR;
        assert( ptr == vertices[i] );
        assert( junk1 == n );
        assert( junk2 == n );
        for( int j = 0; j < n; ++j )
            vertex_list[vl_pos++] = vertices[i][j];

    // create elements
    for( int i = 0; i < num_cols; ++i )
        iBase_EntityHandle conn[16];
        for( int j = 0; j < 4; ++j )
            conn[4 * j]     = vertices[i][j];
            conn[4 * j + 1] = vertices[i][j + 1];
            conn[4 * j + 2] = vertices[i + 1][j + 1];
            conn[4 * j + 3] = vertices[i + 1][j];
        iBase_EntityHandle* ptr = elements[i];
        const int n             = ( i < num_full_cols ) ? 4 : 2;
        int junk1 = n, junk2 = n, junk3 = n, junk4 = n;
        int stat[4];
        int* ptr2 = stat;
        iMesh_createEntArr( imesh, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, conn, 4 * n, &ptr, &junk1, &junk2, &ptr2, &junk3, &junk4,
                            &ierr );CHKERR;
        assert( ptr == elements[i] );
        assert( junk1 == n );
        assert( junk2 == n );
        assert( ptr2 == stat );
        assert( junk3 == n );
        assert( junk4 == n );

    // create partition
    iMeshP_PartitionHandle partition;
    iMeshP_createPartitionAll( imesh, MPI_COMM_SELF, &partition, &ierr );CHKERR;
    for( int i = 0; i < num_parts; ++i )
        iMeshP_PartHandle part;
        iMeshP_createPart( imesh, partition, &part, &ierr );CHKERR;
        iBase_EntityHandle quads[] = { elements[2 * ( i / 2 )][2 * ( i % 2 )],
                                       elements[2 * ( i / 2 ) + 1][2 * ( i % 2 )],
                                       elements[2 * ( i / 2 )][2 * ( i % 2 ) + 1],
                                       elements[2 * ( i / 2 ) + 1][2 * ( i % 2 ) + 1] };
        iMesh_addEntArrToSet( imesh, quads, 4, part, &ierr );CHKERR;

    // assign global ids to vertices
    iBase_TagHandle id_tag = 0;
    iMesh_getTagHandle( imesh, tagname, &id_tag, &ierr, strlen( tagname ) );
    if( iBase_SUCCESS == ierr )
        int tag_size, tag_type;
        iMesh_getTagSizeValues( imesh, id_tag, &tag_size, &ierr );CHKERR;
        if( tag_size != 1 ) return iBase_TAG_ALREADY_EXISTS;
        iMesh_getTagType( imesh, id_tag, &tag_type, &ierr );CHKERR;
        if( tag_type != iBase_INTEGER ) return iBase_TAG_ALREADY_EXISTS;
        iMesh_createTag( imesh, tagname, 1, iBase_INTEGER, &id_tag, &ierr, strlen( tagname ) );CHKERR;
    iMesh_setIntArrData( imesh, &vertex_list[0], num_vtx, id_tag, &vertex_ids[0], num_vtx, &ierr );CHKERR;

    // write file
    iBase_EntitySetHandle root_set;
    iMesh_getRootSet( imesh, &root_set, &ierr );
    iMeshP_saveAll( imesh, partition, root_set, filename, 0, &ierr, strlen( filename ), 0 );CHKERR;

    iMesh_dtor( imesh, &ierr );CHKERR;

    return 0;
int create_mesh_in_memory ( int  rank,
int  size,
iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn,
PartMap map 

Definition at line 679 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References PartMap::build_map(), CHKERR, iBase_INTEGER, iBase_INTERLEAVED, iBase_SUCCESS, iBase_TAG_ALREADY_EXISTS, id_tag, ierr, iMesh_addEntArrToSet, iMesh_createEntArr, iMesh_createTag, iMesh_createVtxArr, iMesh_getTagHandle, iMesh_getTagSizeValues, iMesh_getTagType, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, iMesh_setIntArrData, iMeshP_createPart, iMeshP_createPartitionAll, iMeshP_syncMeshAll, iMeshP_syncPartitionAll, and MPI_COMM_WORLD.

Referenced by run_test().

    const char* tagname = "GLOBAL_ID";
    int ierr;

    const int num_cols = 2;
    const int num_vtx  = 9;
    // we are on the top or botton row
    int bottom = rank % 2;  // 0  2
                            // 1  3
    std::vector< EHARR< 3 > > vertices( 3 );
    std::vector< EHARR< 2 > > elements( 2 );  // 4 elements per process
    std::vector< int > vertex_ids( num_vtx );
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > vertex_list( num_vtx );
    int start = 1 + 2 * bottom + 10 * ( rank / 2 );

    for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
        for( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
            vertex_ids[i + 3 * j] = start + i + 5 * j;

    // create vertices
    int vl_pos = 0;
    int startI = 2 * ( rank / 2 );  // so it will be 0, 0, 2, 2, ...)
    for( int i = 0; i <= 2; ++i )
        double coords[9] = {
            static_cast< double >( i + startI ), 2. * bottom,     0,
            static_cast< double >( i + startI ), 1 + 2. * bottom, 0,
            static_cast< double >( i + startI ), 2 + 2. * bottom, 0,
        iBase_EntityHandle* ptr = vertices[i];
        const int n             = 3;
        int junk1 = n, junk2 = n;
        iMesh_createVtxArr( imesh, n, iBase_INTERLEAVED, coords, 3 * n, &ptr, &junk1, &junk2, &ierr );CHKERR;
        assert( ptr == vertices[i] );
        assert( junk1 == n );
        assert( junk2 == n );
        for( int j = 0; j < n; ++j )
            vertex_list[vl_pos++] = vertices[i][j];

    // create elements
    for( int i = 0; i < num_cols; ++i )
        iBase_EntityHandle conn[8];
        for( int j = 0; j < 2; ++j )
            conn[4 * j]     = vertices[i][j];
            conn[4 * j + 1] = vertices[i][j + 1];
            conn[4 * j + 2] = vertices[i + 1][j + 1];
            conn[4 * j + 3] = vertices[i + 1][j];
        iBase_EntityHandle* ptr = elements[i];
        const int n             = 2;
        int junk1 = n, junk2 = n, junk3 = n, junk4 = n;
        int stat[4];
        int* ptr2 = stat;
        iMesh_createEntArr( imesh, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, conn, 4 * n, &ptr, &junk1, &junk2, &ptr2, &junk3, &junk4,
                            &ierr );CHKERR;
        assert( ptr == elements[i] );
        assert( junk1 == n );
        assert( junk2 == n );
        assert( ptr2 == stat );
        assert( junk3 == n );
        assert( junk4 == n );

    // create partition
    iMeshP_createPartitionAll( imesh, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &partition, &ierr );CHKERR;

    iMeshP_PartHandle part;
    iMeshP_createPart( imesh, partition, &part, &ierr );CHKERR;
    iBase_EntityHandle quads[] = { elements[0][0], elements[0][1], elements[1][0], elements[1][1] };
    iMesh_addEntArrToSet( imesh, quads, 4, part, &ierr );CHKERR;

    // assign global ids to vertices
    iBase_TagHandle id_tag = 0;
    iMesh_getTagHandle( imesh, tagname, &id_tag, &ierr, strlen( tagname ) );
    if( iBase_SUCCESS == ierr )
        int tag_size, tag_type;
        iMesh_getTagSizeValues( imesh, id_tag, &tag_size, &ierr );CHKERR;
        if( tag_size != 1 ) return iBase_TAG_ALREADY_EXISTS;
        iMesh_getTagType( imesh, id_tag, &tag_type, &ierr );CHKERR;
        if( tag_type != iBase_INTEGER ) return iBase_TAG_ALREADY_EXISTS;
        iMesh_createTag( imesh, tagname, 1, iBase_INTEGER, &id_tag, &ierr, strlen( tagname ) );CHKERR;
    iMesh_setIntArrData( imesh, &vertex_list[0], num_vtx, id_tag, &vertex_ids[0], num_vtx, &ierr );CHKERR;

    // some mesh sync
    iMeshP_syncPartitionAll( imesh, partition, &ierr );CHKERR;
    iMeshP_syncMeshAll( imesh, partition, &ierr );CHKERR;

    ierr = map.build_map( imesh, partition, num_parts );CHKERR;
    return 0;
int get_adj ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iBase_EntityHandle  ent,
int  type,
std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &  adj 

Definition at line 2507 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References iBase_SUCCESS, ierr, and iMesh_getEntAdj.

Referenced by check_one_layer().

    iBase_EntityHandle* list = 0;
    int ierr, num, junk = 0;
    iMesh_getEntAdj( imesh, ent, type, &list, &junk, &num, &ierr );
    if( iBase_SUCCESS == ierr )
        std::copy( list, list + num, std::back_inserter( adj ) );
        free( list );
    return ierr;
int get_boundary_vertices ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &  bdry 

Definition at line 2521 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References CHKERR, get_entities(), get_num_adj_quads(), iBase_SUCCESS, iBase_VERTEX, ierr, iMesh_getRootSet, and iMesh_POINT.

Referenced by test_create_ghost_ents().

    int ierr, n;
    iBase_EntitySetHandle root;
    iMesh_getRootSet( imesh, &root, &ierr );CHKERR;
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > all_verts;
    ierr = get_entities( imesh, root, iBase_VERTEX, iMesh_POINT, all_verts );CHKERR;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < all_verts.size(); ++i )
        ierr = get_num_adj_quads( imesh, all_verts[i], n );CHKERR;
        if( n != 4 ) bdry.push_back( all_verts[i] );
    return iBase_SUCCESS;
static int get_coords ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
const iBase_EntityHandle verts,
int  num_verts,
double *  coords 
) [static]

Definition at line 372 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References iBase_INTERLEAVED, iBase_SUCCESS, ierr, and iMesh_getVtxArrCoords.

Referenced by moab::Core::get_coords(), moab::Core::get_vertex_coordinates(), interface_verts(), moab::Core::list_entity(), and test_entity_owner().

    double* junk1 = coords;
    int junk2     = 3 * num_verts;
    int junk3;
    int ierr;
    iMesh_getVtxArrCoords( imesh, verts, num_verts, iBase_INTERLEAVED, &junk1, &junk2, &junk3, &ierr );
    if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr ) return ierr;
    assert( junk1 == coords );
    assert( junk2 == 3 * num_verts );
    assert( junk3 == 3 * num_verts );
    return iBase_SUCCESS;
static int get_entities ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iBase_EntitySetHandle  set,
iBase_EntityType  type,
iMesh_EntityTopology  topo,
std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &  entities 
) [static]

Definition at line 329 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References iMesh_getEntities, and size.

    iBase_EntityHandle* array = 0;
    int junk = 0, size = 0, err;
    iMesh_getEntities( imesh, set, type, topo, &array, &junk, &size, &err );
    if( !err )
        entities.resize( size );
        std::copy( array, array + size, entities.begin() );
        free( array );
    return err;
int get_local_parts ( iMesh_Instance  instance,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > &  handles,
std::vector< iMeshP_Part > *  ids = 0 

Definition at line 307 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References CHKERR, iBase_SUCCESS, ierr, iMeshP_getLocalParts, iMeshP_getPartIdsFromPartHandlesArr, and size.

Referenced by PartMap::build_map(), test_entity_copies(), test_entity_copy_parts(), test_entity_owner(), test_entity_status(), test_exchange_ents(), test_get_by_type_topo_local(), test_get_part_boundary(), and test_part_boundary_iter().

    iMeshP_PartHandle* arr = 0;
    int ierr, alloc = 0, size;
    iMeshP_getLocalParts( instance, prtn, &arr, &alloc, &size, &ierr );CHKERR;
    handles.resize( size );
    std::copy( arr, arr + size, handles.begin() );
    free( arr );
    if( !ids ) return iBase_SUCCESS;

    ids->resize( size );
    alloc            = size;
    iMeshP_Part* ptr = &( *ids )[0];
    iMeshP_getPartIdsFromPartHandlesArr( instance, prtn, &handles[0], handles.size(), &ptr, &alloc, &size, &ierr );CHKERR;
    assert( size == (int)ids->size() );
    assert( ptr == &( *ids )[0] );
    return iBase_SUCCESS;
int get_num_adj_all ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
const std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &  verts,
std::vector< int > &  num_local_adj,
std::vector< int > &  num_all_adj 

Definition at line 2560 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References CHKERR, get_num_adj_quads(), iBase_SUCCESS, ierr, MPI_COMM_WORLD, size, and vertex_tag().

Referenced by test_create_ghost_ents().

    int ierr, size;
    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );

    std::vector< int > vtx_tags( verts.size() );
    num_local_adj.resize( verts.size() );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < verts.size(); ++i )
        ierr = get_num_adj_quads( imesh, verts[i], num_local_adj[i] );CHKERR;
        ierr = vertex_tag( imesh, verts[i], vtx_tags[i] );CHKERR;

    std::vector< int > counts( size ), displ( size );
    int num_vtx = verts.size();
    ierr        = MPI_Allgather( &num_vtx, 1, MPI_INT, &counts[0], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD );CHKERR;
    displ[0] = 0;
    for( int i = 1; i < size; ++i )
        displ[i] = displ[i - 1] + counts[i - 1];
    int total = displ[size - 1] + counts[size - 1];
    std::vector< int > all_tags( total ), all_adj_counts( total );
    ierr = MPI_Allgatherv( &vtx_tags[0], vtx_tags.size(), MPI_INT, &all_tags[0], &counts[0], &displ[0], MPI_INT,
                           MPI_COMM_WORLD );CHKERR;
    ierr = MPI_Allgatherv( &num_local_adj[0], num_local_adj.size(), MPI_INT, &all_adj_counts[0], &counts[0], &displ[0],
                           MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD );CHKERR;

    num_all_adj.resize( total, 0 );
    for( int i = 0; i < total; ++i )
        std::vector< int >::iterator it = std::find( vtx_tags.begin(), vtx_tags.end(), all_tags[i] );
        if( it == vtx_tags.end() ) continue;
        int idx = it - vtx_tags.begin();
        num_all_adj[idx] += all_adj_counts[i];

    return iBase_SUCCESS;
int get_num_adj_quads ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iBase_EntityHandle  vtx,
int &  num 

Definition at line 2498 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References iBase_FACE, iBase_SUCCESS, ierr, and iMesh_getEntAdj.

Referenced by get_boundary_vertices(), get_num_adj_all(), and test_create_ghost_ents().

    iBase_EntityHandle* list = 0;
    int ierr, junk = 0;
    iMesh_getEntAdj( imesh, vtx, iBase_FACE, &list, &junk, &num, &ierr );
    if( iBase_SUCCESS == ierr ) free( list );
    return ierr;
static int get_part_boundary_verts ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap map,
iMeshP_PartHandle  part,
std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &  boundary 
) [static]

Definition at line 2072 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References CHKERR, get_part_neighbors(), PartMap::get_parts(), iBase_SUCCESS, ierr, iface, interface_verts(), neighbors(), and PartMap::part_from_coords().

Referenced by test_entity_status().

    int ierr, logical_id;
    ierr = map.part_from_coords( imesh, part, logical_id );CHKERR;

    int neighbors[5], num_neighbors;
    get_part_neighbors( logical_id, map.get_parts().size(), neighbors, num_neighbors );

    for( int j = 0; j < num_neighbors; ++j )
        std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > iface;
        ierr = interface_verts( imesh, prtn, part, neighbors[j], map, iface );CHKERR;
        std::copy( iface.begin(), iface.end(), std::back_inserter( boundary ) );

    std::sort( boundary.begin(), boundary.end() );
    boundary.erase( std::unique( boundary.begin(), boundary.end() ), boundary.end() );
    return iBase_SUCCESS;
static void get_part_neighbors ( int  logical_part_id,
int  num_parts,
int  neighbors[5],
int &  num_neighbors 
) [static]

Definition at line 1190 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

Referenced by get_part_boundary_verts(), test_entity_copy_parts(), and test_get_neighbors().

    num_neighbors = 0;
    if( logical_part_id + 1 < num_parts ) neighbors[num_neighbors++] = logical_part_id + 1;
    if( logical_part_id + 2 < num_parts ) neighbors[num_neighbors++] = logical_part_id + 2;
    if( logical_part_id % 2 )
        neighbors[num_neighbors++] = logical_part_id - 1;
        if( logical_part_id > 2 )
            neighbors[num_neighbors++] = logical_part_id - 3;
            neighbors[num_neighbors++] = logical_part_id - 2;
        if( logical_part_id + 3 < num_parts ) neighbors[num_neighbors++] = logical_part_id + 3;
        if( logical_part_id > 1 )
            neighbors[num_neighbors++] = logical_part_id - 1;
            neighbors[num_neighbors++] = logical_part_id - 2;
static int get_part_quads_and_verts ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartHandle  part,
std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &  elems,
std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &  verts 
) [static]

Definition at line 348 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References CHKERR, get_entities(), iBase_FACE, iBase_SUCCESS, iBase_VERTEX, ierr, iMesh_getEntArrAdj, and iMesh_QUADRILATERAL.

Referenced by test_entity_copies(), test_entity_copy_parts(), and test_entity_status().

    int ierr = get_entities( imesh, part, iBase_FACE, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, elems );CHKERR;

    verts.resize( 4 * elems.size() );
    std::vector< int > junk( elems.size() + 1 );
    int junk1 = verts.size(), count, junk2 = junk.size(), junk3;
    iBase_EntityHandle* junk4 = &verts[0];
    int* junk5                = &junk[0];
    iMesh_getEntArrAdj( imesh, &elems[0], elems.size(), iBase_VERTEX, &junk4, &junk1, &count, &junk5, &junk2, &junk3,
                        &ierr );CHKERR;
    assert( junk1 == (int)verts.size() );
    assert( count == (int)( 4 * elems.size() ) );
    assert( junk2 == (int)junk.size() );
    assert( junk4 == &verts[0] );
    assert( junk5 == &junk[0] );
    std::sort( verts.begin(), verts.end() );
    verts.erase( std::unique( verts.begin(), verts.end() ), verts.end() );
    return iBase_SUCCESS;
static int interface_verts ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
iMeshP_PartHandle  local_part,
iMeshP_Part  other_part,
const PartMap map,
std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > &  vtx_handles 
) [static]

Definition at line 1388 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References CHKERR, get_coords(), iBase_FACE, iBase_FAILURE, iBase_SUCCESS, iBase_VERTEX, ierr, iMesh_getEntArrAdj, iMesh_getEntities, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, iMeshP_getPartIdFromPartHandle, PartMap::local_id_from_part_id(), MPI_COMM_WORLD, and rank.

Referenced by get_part_boundary_verts(), test_entity_copy_parts(), test_get_part_boundary(), and test_part_boundary_iter().

    int ierr, rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );

    iMeshP_Part local_id;
    iMeshP_getPartIdFromPartHandle( imesh, prtn, local_part, &local_id, &ierr );CHKERR;

    const int local_logical = map.local_id_from_part_id( local_id );
    const int other_logical = map.local_id_from_part_id( other_part );

    // get grid of local vertices

    iBase_EntityHandle verts[3][3];
    const double xbase = ( local_id / 2 ) * 2;
    const double ybase = ( local_id % 2 ) * 2;

    // get quads in partition
    iBase_EntityHandle quads[4], *ptr = quads;
    int junk1 = 4, junk2;
    iMesh_getEntities( imesh, local_part, iBase_FACE, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, &ptr, &junk1, &junk2, &ierr );CHKERR;
    assert( ptr == quads );
    assert( junk1 == 4 );
    assert( junk2 == 4 );

    // get vertices in quads
    iBase_EntityHandle conn[16];
    int offsets[5], *off_ptr = offsets, junk3 = 5, junk4;
    ptr   = conn;
    junk1 = 16;
    iMesh_getEntArrAdj( imesh, quads, 4, iBase_VERTEX, &ptr, &junk1, &junk2, &off_ptr, &junk3, &junk4, &ierr );CHKERR;
    assert( ptr == conn );
    assert( junk1 == 16 );
    assert( junk2 == 16 );
    assert( off_ptr == offsets );
    assert( junk3 == 5 );
    assert( junk4 == 5 );

    // make unique vertex list
    std::sort( conn, conn + 16 );
    const int num_vtx = std::unique( conn, conn + 16 ) - conn;
    assert( 9 == num_vtx );

    // get vertex coords
    std::vector< double > coords( 27 );
    ierr = get_coords( imesh, conn, 9, &coords[0] );CHKERR;

    // use vertex coords to determine logical position
    for( int i = 0; i < num_vtx; ++i )
        int x = (int)round( coords[3 * i] - xbase );
        int y = (int)round( coords[3 * i + 1] - ybase );
        if( x < 0 || x > 2 || y < 0 || y > 2 )
            std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                      << "  Invalid vertex coordinate: (" << coords[3 * i] << ", " << coords[3 * i + 1] << ", "
                      << coords[3 * i + 2] << ")" << std::endl
                      << "  For logical partition " << local_id << std::endl;
            return iBase_FAILURE;
        verts[x][y] = conn[i];

    if( local_logical % 2 )
        switch( other_logical - local_logical )
            case 0:
                return iBase_FAILURE;
            case 1:  // upper right
                vtx_handles.resize( 1 );
                vtx_handles[0] = verts[2][0];
            case 2:  // right
                vtx_handles.resize( 3 );
                std::copy( verts[2], verts[2] + 3, vtx_handles.begin() );
            case -1:  // above
                vtx_handles.resize( 3 );
                vtx_handles[0] = verts[0][0];
                vtx_handles[1] = verts[1][0];
                vtx_handles[2] = verts[2][0];
            case -2:  // left
                vtx_handles.resize( 3 );
                std::copy( verts[0], verts[0] + 3, vtx_handles.begin() );
            case -3:  // upper left
                vtx_handles.resize( 1 );
                vtx_handles[0] = verts[0][0];
        switch( other_logical - local_logical )
            case 0:
                return iBase_FAILURE;
            case 1:  // below
                vtx_handles.resize( 3 );
                vtx_handles[0] = verts[0][2];
                vtx_handles[1] = verts[1][2];
                vtx_handles[2] = verts[2][2];
            case 2:  // right
                vtx_handles.resize( 3 );
                std::copy( verts[2], verts[2] + 3, vtx_handles.begin() );
            case 3:  // lower right
                vtx_handles.resize( 1 );
                vtx_handles[0] = verts[2][2];
            case -1:  // lower left
                vtx_handles.resize( 1 );
                vtx_handles[0] = verts[0][2];
            case -2:  // left
                vtx_handles.resize( 3 );
                std::copy( verts[0], verts[0] + 3, vtx_handles.begin() );

    return iBase_SUCCESS;
int is_any_proc_error ( int  is_my_error)

Definition at line 57 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References MPI_COMM_WORLD.

Referenced by run_test(), and test_ghost_elements().

    int result;
    int err = MPI_Allreduce( &is_my_error, &result, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    return err || result;
int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 462 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References FILENAME, MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, RUN_TEST, size, test_create_ghost_ents(), test_entity_copies(), test_entity_copy_parts(), test_entity_iterator(), test_entity_owner(), test_entity_status(), test_exchange_ents(), test_get_adjacencies(), test_get_by_topo(), test_get_by_type(), test_get_neighbors(), test_get_part_boundary(), test_get_partitions(), test_get_parts(), test_part_boundary_iter(), test_part_id_handle(), test_part_rank(), test_push_tag_data_ghost(), and test_push_tag_data_iface().

    MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
    int size, rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );

    if( argc > 2 && !strcmp( argv[1], "-p" ) )
#if !defined( _MSC_VER ) && !defined( __MINGW32__ )
        std::cout << "Processor " << rank << " of " << size << " with PID " << getpid() << std::endl;
        // loop forever on requested processor, giving the user time
        // to attach a debugger.  Once the debugger in attached, user
        // can change 'pause'.  E.g. on gdb do "set var pause = 0"
        if( atoi( argv[2] ) == rank )
            volatile int pause = 1;
            while( pause )
        MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );

    int num_errors = 0;
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_get_partitions );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_get_parts );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_get_by_type );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_get_by_topo );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_part_id_handle );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_part_rank );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_get_neighbors );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_get_part_boundary );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_part_boundary_iter );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_get_adjacencies );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_entity_iterator );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_entity_owner );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_entity_status );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_entity_copy_parts );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_entity_copies );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_push_tag_data_iface );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_push_tag_data_ghost );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_create_ghost_ents );
    num_errors += RUN_TEST( test_exchange_ents );

    // wait until all procs are done before writing summary data
    MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );

    // clean up output file
    if( rank == 0 ) remove( FILENAME );

    if( rank == 0 )
        if( !num_errors )
            std::cout << "All tests passed" << std::endl;
            std::cout << num_errors << " TESTS FAILED!" << std::endl;

    return num_errors;
int run_test ( int(*)(iMesh_Instance, iMeshP_PartitionHandle, const PartMap &)  func,
const char *  func_name 

Definition at line 392 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References CHKERR, create_mesh(), create_mesh_in_memory(), FILENAME, ierr, iMesh_dtor, iMesh_newMesh, iMeshP_createPartitionAll, is_any_proc_error(), MPI_COMM_WORLD, PCHECK, rank, size, and test_load().

Referenced by _run_test(), and runner_run_tests().

    int rank, size, ierr;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );
    iMesh_Instance imesh;
    iMesh_newMesh( 0, &imesh, &ierr, 0 );

    iMeshP_PartitionHandle prtn;
    iMeshP_createPartitionAll( imesh, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &prtn, &ierr );

    PartMap map;

    if( rank == 0 )
        ierr = create_mesh( FILENAME, size );
    MPI_Bcast( &ierr, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    if( ierr )
        if( rank == 0 )
            std::cerr << "Failed to create input test file on root processor.  Aborting." << std::endl;

    ierr = test_load( imesh, prtn, map, size );
    if( ierr )
        if( rank == 0 )
            std::cerr << "Failed to load input mesh." << std::endl
                      << "Cannot run further tests." << std::endl
                      << "ABORTING" << std::endl;
    // so we have MPI and no HDF5; in order to run the test we need to create the
    // model in memory, and then call sync to resolve shared ents, as if it was read
    ierr = create_mesh_in_memory( rank, size, imesh, prtn, map );
    MPI_Bcast( &ierr, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    if( ierr )
        if( rank == 0 )
            std::cerr << "Failed to create mesh.  Aborting." << std::endl;

    int result = ( *func )( imesh, prtn, map );
    int is_err = is_any_proc_error( result );
    if( rank == 0 )
        if( is_err )
            std::cout << func_name << " : FAILED!!" << std::endl;
            std::cout << func_name << " : success" << std::endl;

    iMesh_dtor( imesh, &ierr );CHKERR;
    return is_err;

Test creation of ghost entities.


  • iMeshP_createGhostEntsAll

Definition at line 2607 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ASSERT, check_one_layer(), get_boundary_vertices(), get_num_adj_all(), get_num_adj_quads(), iBase_FACE, iBase_SUCCESS, iBase_VERTEX, ierr, iMeshP_createGhostEntsAll, and PCHECK.

Referenced by main().

    int ierr;

    // get boundary vertices
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > bdry;
    ierr = get_boundary_vertices( imesh, bdry );
    // get counts of adjacent entities
    std::vector< int > num_local_adj, num_global_adj;
    ierr = get_num_adj_all( imesh, bdry, num_local_adj, num_global_adj );
    // create one layer of ghost entities
    iMeshP_createGhostEntsAll( imesh, prtn, iBase_FACE, iBase_VERTEX, 1, 0, &ierr );
    // check that each vertex has the correct number of adjacent entities
    int num_incorrect = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < bdry.size(); ++i )
        int n;
        ierr = get_num_adj_quads( imesh, bdry[i], n );
        if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr || num_global_adj[i] != n ) ++num_incorrect;
    ASSERT( 0 == num_incorrect );
    // get new the new boundary
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > new_bdry;
    ierr = get_boundary_vertices( imesh, new_bdry );
    // check that each vertex on the new boundary is separated by
    // at most one layer from the old boundary
    std::sort( bdry.begin(), bdry.end() );
    num_incorrect = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < new_bdry.size(); ++i )
        ierr = check_one_layer( imesh, new_bdry[i], bdry );
        if( ierr ) ++num_incorrect;
    ASSERT( 0 == num_incorrect );
    // make another layer of ghost entiites
    bdry.swap( new_bdry );
    ierr = get_num_adj_all( imesh, bdry, num_local_adj, num_global_adj );
    iMeshP_createGhostEntsAll( imesh, prtn, iBase_FACE, iBase_VERTEX, 2, 0, &ierr );
    // check that each vertex has the correct number of adjacent entities
    num_incorrect = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < bdry.size(); ++i )
        int n;
        ierr = get_num_adj_quads( imesh, bdry[i], n );
        if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr || num_global_adj[i] != n ) ++num_incorrect;
    // check that each vertex on the new boundary is separated by
    // at most one layer from the old boundary
    std::sort( bdry.begin(), bdry.end() );
    num_incorrect = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < new_bdry.size(); ++i )
        ierr = check_one_layer( imesh, new_bdry[i], bdry );
        if( ierr ) ++num_incorrect;
    ASSERT( 0 == num_incorrect );

    return iBase_SUCCESS;
int test_entity_copies ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap  

Test information about entity copies for interface entities.


  • iMeshP_getCopies
  • iMeshP_getCopyOnPart
  • iMeshP_getOwnerCopy

Definition at line 2320 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ASSERT, CHKERR, get_local_parts(), get_part_quads_and_verts(), VtxCopyData::handles, iBase_FAILURE, iBase_SUCCESS, ierr, iMeshP_getCopies, iMeshP_getCopyOnPart, iMeshP_getEntOwnerPart, iMeshP_getOwnerCopy, iMeshP_getPartIdsFromPartHandlesArr, MPI_COMM_WORLD, VtxCopyData::parts, PCHECK, rank, size, and vertex_tag().

Referenced by main().

    int ierr, rank, size;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );

    // generate a unique ID for each vertex using the coordinates.
    // see create_mesh(..): each vertex has integer coordinates (x,y,0)
    //                      with x in [0,inf] and y in [0,4]
    // then to an Allgatherv to exchange handles for each processor

    // cast everything to iBase_EntityHandle so we can pack it all in one communication
    MPI_Datatype tmp_type;
    if( sizeof( iBase_EntityHandle ) == sizeof( unsigned ) )
        tmp_type = MPI_UNSIGNED;
    else if( sizeof( iBase_EntityHandle ) == sizeof( unsigned long ) )
        tmp_type = MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG;
    else if( sizeof( iBase_EntityHandle ) == sizeof( unsigned long long ) )
        tmp_type = MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG;
        return iBase_FAILURE;
    const MPI_Datatype type = tmp_type;  // make it const

    // get local part handles
    std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > parts;
    ierr = get_local_parts( imesh, prtn, parts );
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > part_ids( parts.size() );
    iMeshP_Part* junk1 = &part_ids[0];
    int junk2          = part_ids.size(), junk3;
    iMeshP_getPartIdsFromPartHandlesArr( imesh, prtn, &parts[0], parts.size(), &junk1, &junk2, &junk3, &ierr );
    assert( junk1 == &part_ids[0] );
    assert( junk2 == (int)part_ids.size() );
    assert( junk3 == (int)parts.size() );

    // build list of {vtx_id, part_id, handle} tuples to send
    // also build list of local vertex handles
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > local_data, local_vertices;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i )
        // get vertices
        std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > quads, verts;
        ierr = get_part_quads_and_verts( imesh, parts[i], quads, verts );
        if( ierr ) break;

        // add all vertices to local_data
        for( size_t j = 0; j < verts.size(); ++j )
            int tag = 0;
            ierr    = vertex_tag( imesh, verts[j], tag );
            if( ierr ) break;
            long tmp_h = tag;
            local_data.push_back( (iBase_EntityHandle)tmp_h );
            tmp_h = part_ids[i];
            local_data.push_back( (iBase_EntityHandle)tmp_h );
            local_data.push_back( verts[j] );
        if( ierr ) break;

        std::copy( verts.begin(), verts.end(), std::back_inserter( local_vertices ) );

    // build list of local vertices
    std::sort( local_vertices.begin(), local_vertices.end() );
    local_vertices.erase( std::unique( local_vertices.begin(), local_vertices.end() ), local_vertices.end() );
    std::vector< int > local_vtx_tags( local_vertices.size() );CHKERR;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_vertices.size(); ++i )
        ierr = vertex_tag( imesh, local_vertices[i], local_vtx_tags[i] );
        if( ierr ) break;

    // communicate data
    std::vector< int > gcounts( size ), gdisp( size );
    int local_data_size = local_data.size();
    ierr                = MPI_Allgather( &local_data_size, 1, MPI_INT, &gcounts[0], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD );CHKERR;
    gdisp[0] = 0;
    for( int i = 1; i < size; ++i )
        gdisp[i] = gdisp[i - 1] + gcounts[i - 1];
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > global_data( gdisp[size - 1] + gcounts[size - 1] );
    ierr = MPI_Allgatherv( &local_data[0], local_data_size, type, &global_data[0], &gcounts[0], &gdisp[0], type,
                           MPI_COMM_WORLD );CHKERR;

    // arrange global data in a more useful way
    std::map< int, VtxCopyData > vtx_sharing;
    assert( global_data.size() % 3 == 0 );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < global_data.size(); i += 3 )
        int tag                   = (int)(size_t)global_data[i];
        iMeshP_Part part          = (iMeshP_Part)(size_t)global_data[i + 1];
        iBase_EntityHandle handle = global_data[i + 2];
        vtx_sharing[tag].parts.push_back( part );
        vtx_sharing[tag].handles.push_back( handle );

    // test iMeshP_getCopies for each local vertex
    int num_error = 0, num_incorrect = 0, junk4;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_vertices.size(); ++i )
        int num_copies = -1;
        // iMeshP_Part* part_ids = 0;
        iMeshP_Part* ptr_part_ids  = 0;  // Use ptr_part_ids to avoid shadowing std::vector<iMeshP_Part> part_ids
        iBase_EntityHandle* copies = 0;
        junk2 = junk3 = junk4 = 0;
        iMeshP_getCopies( imesh, prtn, local_vertices[i], &ptr_part_ids, &junk2, &num_copies, &copies, &junk3, &junk4,
                          &ierr );
        if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr )
        assert( junk4 == num_copies );

        VtxCopyData& expected = vtx_sharing[local_vtx_tags[i]];
        if( num_copies != (int) )
            for( size_t j = 0; j <; ++j )
                int idx = std::find( ptr_part_ids, ptr_part_ids + num_copies,[j] ) - ptr_part_ids;
                if( idx == num_copies || copies[idx] != expected.handles[j] )
        free( ptr_part_ids );
        free( copies );
    ASSERT( 0 == num_error );
    ASSERT( 0 == num_incorrect );

    // test iMeshP_getCopyOnPart for each local vertex
    num_error = num_incorrect = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_vertices.size(); ++i )
        VtxCopyData& expected = vtx_sharing[local_vtx_tags[i]];
        for( size_t j = 0; j <; ++j )
            iBase_EntityHandle copy;
            iMeshP_getCopyOnPart( imesh, prtn, local_vertices[i],[j], &copy, &ierr );
            if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr )
            else if( expected.handles[j] != copy )
    ASSERT( 0 == num_error );
    ASSERT( 0 == num_incorrect );

    // test iMeshP_getOwnerCopy for each local vertex
    num_error = num_incorrect = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_vertices.size(); ++i )
        VtxCopyData& expected = vtx_sharing[local_vtx_tags[i]];
        iMeshP_Part owner_id  = 0;
        iMeshP_getEntOwnerPart( imesh, prtn, local_vertices[i], &owner_id, &ierr );
        if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr ) continue;  // not testing getEntOwnerPart here

        size_t idx = std::find(,, owner_id ) -;
        if( idx == ) continue;  // not testing getEntOwnerPart here

        iMeshP_Part owner_id_2  = 0;
        iBase_EntityHandle copy = 0;
        iMeshP_getOwnerCopy( imesh, prtn, local_vertices[i], &owner_id_2, &copy, &ierr );
        if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr )
        else if( owner_id_2 != owner_id && copy != expected.handles[idx] )
    ASSERT( 0 == num_error );
    ASSERT( 0 == num_incorrect );

    return iBase_SUCCESS;
int test_entity_copy_parts ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap map 

Test information about entity copies for interface entities.


  • iMeshP_getNumCopies
  • iMeshP_getCopyParts

Definition at line 2220 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ASSERT, CHKERR, get_local_parts(), get_part_neighbors(), get_part_quads_and_verts(), PartMap::get_parts(), iBase_SUCCESS, ierr, iface, iMeshP_getCopyParts, iMeshP_getNumCopies, interface_verts(), MPI_COMM_WORLD, neighbors(), PartMap::part_from_coords(), PartMap::part_id_from_local_id(), PCHECK, rank, size, and vtx().

Referenced by main().

    int ierr, rank, size;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );

    // get local part handles
    std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > parts;
    ierr = get_local_parts( imesh, prtn, parts );
    ASSERT( !parts.empty() );

    // select a singe part to test
    const iMeshP_PartHandle part = parts[0];
    int logical_id;
    ierr = map.part_from_coords( imesh, part, logical_id );CHKERR;
    const iMeshP_Part part_id = map.part_id_from_local_id( logical_id );

    // get vertices in part
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > quads, verts;
    ierr = get_part_quads_and_verts( imesh, part, quads, verts );

    // get neighbors
    int neighbors[5], num_neighbors;
    get_part_neighbors( logical_id, map.get_parts().size(), neighbors, num_neighbors );

    // build map of sharing data for each vertex
    std::map< iBase_EntityHandle, std::vector< iMeshP_Part > > vert_sharing;
    for( int j = 0; j < num_neighbors; ++j )
        std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > iface;
        ierr = interface_verts( imesh, prtn, part, neighbors[j], map, iface );CHKERR;
        for( size_t k = 0; k < iface.size(); ++k )
            vert_sharing[iface[k]].push_back( map.part_id_from_local_id( neighbors[j] ) );

    // test getNumCopies for each vertex
    std::map< iBase_EntityHandle, std::vector< iMeshP_Part > >::iterator i;
    int num_failed = 0, num_incorrect = 0;
    for( i = vert_sharing.begin(); i != vert_sharing.end(); ++i )
        int count;
        iBase_EntityHandle vtx = i->first;
        iMeshP_getNumCopies( imesh, prtn, vtx, &count, &ierr );
        if( ierr )
        else if( (unsigned)count != i->second.size() + 1 )  // add one for the part we queried from
    ASSERT( 0 == num_failed );
    ASSERT( 0 == num_incorrect );

    // get getCopyParts for each vertex
    num_failed = num_incorrect = 0;
    for( i = vert_sharing.begin(); i != vert_sharing.end(); ++i )
        iMeshP_Part* list = 0;
        int junk          = 0, count;
        iMeshP_getCopyParts( imesh, prtn, i->first, &list, &junk, &count, &ierr );
        if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr )
        if( (unsigned)count != i->second.size() + 1 )
        {  // add one for the part we queried from
            free( list );

        std::vector< iMeshP_Part > expected( i->second );
        expected.push_back( part_id );
        std::sort( list, list + count );
        std::sort( expected.begin(), expected.end() );
        bool eq = std::equal( list, list + count, expected.begin() );
        free( list );
        if( !eq ) ++num_incorrect;
    ASSERT( 0 == num_failed );
    ASSERT( 0 == num_incorrect );

    return iBase_SUCCESS;

Test entity iterators.


  • iMeshP_initEntIter
  • iMeshP_initEntArrIter

Definition at line 1852 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References iBase_SUCCESS.

Referenced by main().

    return iBase_SUCCESS;
int test_entity_owner ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap  

Test entity owner queries.


  • iMeshP_getEntOwnerPart
  • iMeshP_getEntOwnerPartArr
  • iMeshP_isEntOwner
  • iMeshP_isEntOwnerArr

Definition at line 1865 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ASSERT, CHKERR, get_coords(), get_entities(), get_local_parts(), iBase_FACE, iBase_FAILURE, iBase_SUCCESS, iBase_VERTEX, ierr, iMesh_getEntArrAdj, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, iMeshP_getEntOwnerPart, iMeshP_getEntOwnerPartArr, iMeshP_isEntOwner, iMeshP_isEntOwnerArr, MPI_COMM_WORLD, PCHECK, rank, and size.

Referenced by main().

    int ierr, rank, size;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );

    // get local part handles and part ids
    std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > local_handles;
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > local_ids;
    ierr = get_local_parts( imesh, prtn, local_handles, &local_ids );

    // test iMeshP_getEntOwnerPart for quads in each part
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > all_quads;
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > quad_owners;
    int invalid_count = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_handles.size(); ++i )
        std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > quads;
        ierr = get_entities( imesh, local_handles[0], iBase_FACE, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, quads );
        if( ierr ) break;

        for( size_t j = 0; j < quads.size(); ++j )
            all_quads.push_back( quads[j] );
            quad_owners.push_back( local_ids[i] );
            iMeshP_Part owner;
            iMeshP_getEntOwnerPart( imesh, prtn, quads[j], &owner, &ierr );
            if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr ) break;

            if( owner != local_ids[i] ) ++invalid_count;
        if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr ) break;
    ASSERT( 0 == invalid_count );

    // test iMeshP_getEntOwnerPartArr for quads in each part
    invalid_count = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_handles.size(); ++i )
        std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > quads;
        ierr = get_entities( imesh, local_handles[0], iBase_FACE, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, quads );
        if( ierr ) break;

        std::vector< iMeshP_Part > owners( quads.size() ), expected( quads.size(), local_ids[i] );
        int junk         = owners.size(), count;
        iMeshP_Part* ptr = &owners[0];
        iMeshP_getEntOwnerPartArr( imesh, prtn, &quads[0], quads.size(), &ptr, &junk, &count, &ierr );
        if( ierr ) break;
        assert( ptr == &owners[0] );
        assert( junk == (int)owners.size() );
        assert( count == (int)quads.size() );
        if( owners != expected ) ++invalid_count;
    ASSERT( 0 == invalid_count );

    // get all vertices
    iBase_EntityHandle* vtx_arr = 0;
    int junk1                   = 0, num_vtx;
    int *junk2 = 0, junk3 = 0, junk4;
    iMesh_getEntArrAdj( imesh, &all_quads[0], all_quads.size(), iBase_VERTEX, &vtx_arr, &junk1, &num_vtx, &junk2,
                        &junk3, &junk4, &ierr );
    free( junk2 );
    std::sort( vtx_arr, vtx_arr + num_vtx );
    num_vtx = std::unique( vtx_arr, vtx_arr + num_vtx ) - vtx_arr;
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > all_verts( vtx_arr, vtx_arr + num_vtx );
    free( vtx_arr );

    // check consistency between iMeshP_getEntOwnerPart and iMeshP_getEntOwnerPartArr
    // for all vertices
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > vert_owners( all_verts.size() );
    junk1              = vert_owners.size();
    iMeshP_Part* junk5 = &vert_owners[0];
    iMeshP_getEntOwnerPartArr( imesh, prtn, &all_verts[0], all_verts.size(), &junk5, &junk1, &junk3, &ierr );
    assert( junk5 == &vert_owners[0] );
    assert( junk1 == (int)vert_owners.size() );
    assert( junk3 == (int)all_verts.size() );

    invalid_count = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < all_verts.size(); ++i )
        iMeshP_Part owner;
        iMeshP_getEntOwnerPart( imesh, prtn, all_verts[i], &owner, &ierr );
        if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr || owner != vert_owners[i] ) ++invalid_count;
    ASSERT( 0 == invalid_count );

    // get lists for all entities
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > all_entities( all_verts );
    std::copy( all_quads.begin(), all_quads.end(), std::back_inserter( all_entities ) );
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > all_owners( vert_owners );
    std::copy( quad_owners.begin(), quad_owners.end(), std::back_inserter( all_owners ) );

    // check consistency of iMeshP_isEntOwner for all entities
    invalid_count = 0;
    ierr          = iBase_SUCCESS;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_handles.size(); ++i )
        for( size_t j = 0; ierr == iBase_SUCCESS && j < all_entities.size(); ++j )
            int is_owner;
            iMeshP_isEntOwner( imesh, prtn, local_handles[i], all_entities[j], &is_owner, &ierr );
            if( ierr != iBase_SUCCESS ) break;
            if( !is_owner == ( local_ids[i] == all_owners[j] ) ) ++invalid_count;
    ASSERT( 0 == invalid_count );

    // check consistency of iMeshP_isEntOwnerArr for all entities
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_handles.size(); ++i )
        std::vector< int > is_owner_list( all_entities.size() );
        junk1      = is_owner_list.size();
        int* junk6 = &is_owner_list[0];
        iMeshP_isEntOwnerArr( imesh, prtn, local_handles[i], &all_entities[0], all_entities.size(), &junk6, &junk1,
                              &junk3, &ierr );
        if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr ) break;
        assert( junk6 == &is_owner_list[0] );
        assert( junk1 == (int)is_owner_list.size() );
        assert( junk3 == (int)all_entities.size() );
        invalid_count = 0;
        for( size_t j = 0; j < all_entities.size(); ++j )
            if( !( is_owner_list[j] ) == ( local_ids[0] == all_owners[j] ) ) ++invalid_count;
    ASSERT( 0 == invalid_count );

    // check globally consistent owners for all vertices

    // first communicate total number of vertex entries to be sent to root proc
    int local_count = all_verts.size(), global_count = 0;
    ierr = MPI_Reduce( &local_count, &global_count, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );CHKERR;

    // for each vertex, store { (x << 2) | y, owning part id }
    std::vector< int > vtxdata( 2 * all_verts.size() );
    std::vector< double > coords( 3 * all_verts.size() );
    ierr = get_coords( imesh, &all_verts[0], all_verts.size(), &coords[0] );CHKERR;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < all_verts.size(); ++i )
        int x              = (int)round( coords[3 * i] );
        int y              = (int)round( coords[3 * i + 1] );
        vtxdata[2 * i]     = ( x << 3 ) | y;
        vtxdata[2 * i + 1] = vert_owners[i];

    // collect all data on root procesor
    std::vector< int > all_data( 2 * global_count );
    std::vector< int > displ( size ), counts( size );
    for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
        counts[i] = vtxdata.size();
        displ[i]  = i * vtxdata.size();

    // we could have used a simple gather, because all sequences are the same
    ierr = MPI_Gatherv( &vtxdata[0], vtxdata.size(), MPI_INT, &all_data[0], &counts[0], &displ[0], MPI_INT, 0,
                        MPI_COMM_WORLD );CHKERR;

    if( rank == 0 )
        // map from vertex tag to indices into data
        std::multimap< int, int > data_map;
        for( int i = 0; i < global_count; ++i )
            std::pair< int, int > p;
            p.first  = all_data[2 * i];
            p.second = i;
            data_map.insert( p );

        // check consistent data for each vtx
        std::multimap< int, int >::const_iterator a, b;
        for( a = data_map.begin(); a != data_map.end(); a = b )
            for( b = a; b != data_map.end() && a->first == b->first; ++b )
                int idx1 = a->second;
                int idx2 = b->second;
                if( all_data[2 * idx1 + 1] == all_data[2 * idx2 + 1] ) continue;

                ierr = iBase_FAILURE;

                int proc1 = std::lower_bound( displ.begin(), displ.end(), 2 * idx1 ) - displ.begin();
                if( displ[proc1] != 2 * idx1 ) ++proc1;
                int proc2 = std::lower_bound( displ.begin(), displ.end(), 2 * idx2 ) - displ.begin();
                if( displ[proc2] != 2 * idx2 ) ++proc2;

                std::cerr << "Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << " : " << std::endl
                          << "  For vertex at (" << ( a->first >> 2 ) << ", " << ( a->first & 3 ) << ") :" << std::endl
                          << "  Processor " << proc1 << " has " << all_data[2 * idx1 + 1] << " as the owning part"
                          << std::endl
                          << "  Processor " << proc2 << " has " << all_data[2 * idx2 + 1] << " as the owning part"
                          << std::endl;

    return ierr;
int test_entity_status ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap map 

Test entity status.


  • iMeshP_getEntStatus
  • iMeshP_getEntStatusArr

Definition at line 2102 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ASSERT, get_local_parts(), get_part_boundary_verts(), get_part_quads_and_verts(), iBase_SUCCESS, ierr, iMeshP_BOUNDARY, iMeshP_getEntStatus, iMeshP_getEntStatusArr, iMeshP_INTERNAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD, PCHECK, rank, and size.

Referenced by main().

    int ierr, rank, size;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );

    // get local part handles
    std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > parts;
    ierr = get_local_parts( imesh, prtn, parts );

    // for each part
    int num_quad_ent_incorrect = 0, num_quad_ent_error = 0;
    int num_quad_arr_incorrect = 0, num_quad_arr_error = 0;
    int num_vert_ent_incorrect = 0, num_vert_ent_error = 0;
    int num_vert_arr_incorrect = 0, num_vert_arr_error = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i )
        const iMeshP_PartHandle part = parts[i];

        // get quads and vertices
        std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > quads, verts;
        ierr = get_part_quads_and_verts( imesh, part, quads, verts );
        if( ierr ) break;

        // check quad status (no ghosting yet)
        for( size_t j = 0; j < quads.size(); ++j )
            int status;
            iMeshP_getEntStatus( imesh, prtn, part, quads[j], &status, &ierr );
            if( ierr != iBase_SUCCESS )
                ierr = iBase_SUCCESS;

            if( status != iMeshP_INTERNAL ) ++num_quad_ent_incorrect;

        // check quad status using iMeshP_getEntStatusArr
        std::vector< int > stat_list( quads.size() );
        int* junk1 = &stat_list[0];
        int junk2  = stat_list.size(), count;
        iMeshP_getEntStatusArr( imesh, prtn, part, &quads[0], quads.size(), &junk1, &junk2, &count, &ierr );
        if( ierr != iBase_SUCCESS )
            ierr = iBase_SUCCESS;
        assert( junk1 == &stat_list[0] );
        assert( junk2 == (int)stat_list.size() );
        assert( count == (int)quads.size() );
        for( size_t j = 0; j < quads.size(); ++j )
            if( stat_list[j] != iMeshP_INTERNAL ) ++num_quad_arr_incorrect;

        // figure out which vertices are on the boundary
        std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > boundary;
        ierr = get_part_boundary_verts( imesh, prtn, map, part, boundary );
        if( ierr ) break;
        std::sort( boundary.begin(), boundary.end() );

        // check vertex status (no ghosting yet)
        for( size_t j = 0; j < verts.size(); ++j )
            int status;
            iMeshP_getEntStatus( imesh, prtn, part, verts[j], &status, &ierr );
            if( ierr != iBase_SUCCESS )
                ierr = iBase_SUCCESS;
            bool on_boundary = std::binary_search( boundary.begin(), boundary.end(), verts[j] );
            if( status != ( on_boundary ? iMeshP_BOUNDARY : iMeshP_INTERNAL ) ) ++num_vert_ent_incorrect;

        // check vert status using iMeshP_getEntStatusArr
        stat_list.resize( verts.size() );
        junk1 = &stat_list[0];
        junk2 = stat_list.size();
        iMeshP_getEntStatusArr( imesh, prtn, part, &verts[0], verts.size(), &junk1, &junk2, &count, &ierr );
        if( ierr != iBase_SUCCESS )
            ierr = iBase_SUCCESS;
        assert( junk1 == &stat_list[0] );
        assert( junk2 == (int)stat_list.size() );
        assert( count == (int)verts.size() );
        for( size_t j = 0; j < verts.size(); ++j )
            bool on_boundary = std::binary_search( boundary.begin(), boundary.end(), verts[j] );
            if( stat_list[j] != ( on_boundary ? iMeshP_BOUNDARY : iMeshP_INTERNAL ) ) ++num_vert_arr_incorrect;
    PCHECK;  // check if loop interrupted by any internal errors

    ASSERT( 0 == num_quad_ent_error );
    ASSERT( 0 == num_quad_arr_error );
    ASSERT( 0 == num_vert_ent_error );
    ASSERT( 0 == num_vert_arr_error );
    ASSERT( 0 == num_quad_ent_incorrect );
    ASSERT( 0 == num_quad_arr_incorrect );
    ASSERT( 0 == num_vert_ent_incorrect );
    ASSERT( 0 == num_vert_arr_incorrect );

    return iBase_SUCCESS;
int test_exchange_ents ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap map 

Test exchange entities.


  • iMeshP_exchEntArrToPartsAll

Definition at line 2679 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ASSERT, CHKERR, get_entities(), get_local_parts(), PartMap::get_parts(), iBase_FACE, iBase_SUCCESS, ierr, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, iMeshP_exchEntArrToPartsAll, MPI_COMM_WORLD, PCHECK, rank, and size.

Referenced by main().

    int ierr, rank, size;
    int num_err = 0;
    iMeshP_RequestHandle request;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );

    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > all_elems;
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > all_ids;
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > quads;

    // get local part handles and part ids
    std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > local_handles;
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > local_ids;
    ierr = get_local_parts( imesh, prtn, local_handles, &local_ids );

    // get loacal quads before exchange
    ierr = get_entities( imesh, local_handles[0], iBase_FACE, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, quads );CHKERR;
    int n_quads = quads.size();

    // send all elements in local processor to all other processors
    for( size_t i = 0; i < map.get_parts().size(); ++i )
        if( map.get_parts()[i] == (unsigned int)rank ) continue;  // skip own rank

        for( int j = 0; j < n_quads; j++ )
            all_elems.push_back( quads[j] );
            all_ids.push_back( map.get_parts()[i] );

    // exchange entities
    iMeshP_exchEntArrToPartsAll( imesh, prtn, &all_elems[0], all_elems.size(), &all_ids[0], 0, 0, &request, &ierr );
    if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr ) ++num_err;

    // get local quads after exchange
    ierr = get_entities( imesh, local_handles[0], iBase_FACE, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, quads );CHKERR;

    // # of elements should be # of quads * # of processors
    ASSERT( quads.size() == (unsigned int)n_quads * size );

    ASSERT( 0 == num_err );

    return iBase_SUCCESS;

Test adjacent entity query.


  • iMeshP_getAdjEntities

Definition at line 1841 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References iBase_SUCCESS.

Referenced by main().

    return iBase_SUCCESS;
int test_get_by_topo ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap map 

Test query by entity topology.


  • iMeshP_getNumOfTopoAll
  • iMeshP_getNumOfTopo
  • iMeshP_getEntities

Definition at line 1068 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ierr, PartMap::num_parts(), PCHECK, test_get_by_type_topo_all(), and test_get_by_type_topo_local().

Referenced by main().

    int ierr;
    ierr = test_get_by_type_topo_all( imesh, prtn, false, map.num_parts() );
    ierr = test_get_by_type_topo_local( imesh, prtn, false );
    return 0;
int test_get_by_type ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap map 

Test query by entity type.


  • iMeshP_getNumOfTypeAll
  • iMeshP_getNumOfType
  • iMeshP_getEntities

Definition at line 1050 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ierr, PartMap::num_parts(), PCHECK, test_get_by_type_topo_all(), and test_get_by_type_topo_local().

Referenced by main().

    int ierr;
    ierr = test_get_by_type_topo_all( imesh, prtn, true, map.num_parts() );
    ierr = test_get_by_type_topo_local( imesh, prtn, true );
    return 0;
static int test_get_by_type_topo_all ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
bool  test_type,
int  num_parts 
) [static]

Definition at line 889 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ASSERT, CHKERR, get_entities(), iBase_FACE, iBase_VERTEX, ierr, iMesh_addEntArrToSet, iMesh_createEntSet, iMesh_getRootSet, iMesh_POINT, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, iMeshP_getNumOfTopoAll, iMeshP_getNumOfTypeAll, and PCHECK.

Referenced by test_get_by_topo(), and test_get_by_type().

    // calculate number of quads and vertices in entire mesh
    // from number of parts (see create_mesh(..) function.)
    const int expected_global_quad_count = 4 * num_parts;
    const int num_col                    = 2 * ( num_parts / 2 + num_parts % 2 );
    const int expected_global_vtx_count  = num_parts == 1 ? 9 : num_parts % 2 ? 1 + 5 * num_col : 5 + 5 * num_col;

    // test getNumOf*All for root set
    int ierr, count;
    iBase_EntitySetHandle root;
    iMesh_getRootSet( imesh, &root, &ierr );
    if( test_type )
        iMeshP_getNumOfTypeAll( imesh, prtn, root, iBase_VERTEX, &count, &ierr );
        iMeshP_getNumOfTopoAll( imesh, prtn, root, iMesh_POINT, &count, &ierr );
    ASSERT( count == expected_global_vtx_count );
    if( test_type )
        iMeshP_getNumOfTypeAll( imesh, prtn, root, iBase_FACE, &count, &ierr );
        iMeshP_getNumOfTopoAll( imesh, prtn, root, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, &count, &ierr );
    ASSERT( count == expected_global_quad_count );

    // create an entity set containing half of the quads
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > all_quads, half_quads;
    ierr = get_entities( imesh, root, iBase_FACE, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, all_quads );
    assert( 0 == all_quads.size() % 2 );
    half_quads.resize( all_quads.size() / 2 );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < all_quads.size() / 2; ++i )
        half_quads[i] = all_quads[2 * i];
    iBase_EntitySetHandle set;
    iMesh_createEntSet( imesh, 1, &set, &ierr );CHKERR;
    iMesh_addEntArrToSet( imesh, &half_quads[0], half_quads.size(), set, &ierr );CHKERR;

    // test getNumOf*All with defined set
    if( test_type )
        iMeshP_getNumOfTypeAll( imesh, prtn, set, iBase_VERTEX, &count, &ierr );
        iMeshP_getNumOfTopoAll( imesh, prtn, set, iMesh_POINT, &count, &ierr );
    ASSERT( count == 0 );
    if( test_type )
        iMeshP_getNumOfTypeAll( imesh, prtn, set, iBase_FACE, &count, &ierr );
        iMeshP_getNumOfTopoAll( imesh, prtn, set, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, &count, &ierr );
    ASSERT( count == expected_global_quad_count / 2 );

    return 0;
static int test_get_by_type_topo_local ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
bool  test_type 
) [static]

Definition at line 942 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ASSERT, CHKERR, get_entities(), get_local_parts(), iBase_ALL_TYPES, iBase_FACE, iBase_SUCCESS, iBase_VERTEX, ierr, iMesh_addEntArrToSet, iMesh_ALL_TOPOLOGIES, iMesh_createEntSet, iMesh_getRootSet, iMesh_POINT, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, iMeshP_getEntities, iMeshP_getNumOfTopo, and iMeshP_getNumOfType.

Referenced by test_get_by_topo(), and test_get_by_type().

    int ierr;
    iBase_EntitySetHandle root;
    iMesh_getRootSet( imesh, &root, &ierr );

    // select a single part
    std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > parts;
    ierr = get_local_parts( imesh, prtn, parts );CHKERR;
    iMeshP_PartHandle part = parts.front();

    // get the entities contained in the part
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > part_quads, part_all;
    ierr = get_entities( imesh, part, iBase_FACE, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, part_quads );CHKERR;
    ierr = get_entities( imesh, part, iBase_ALL_TYPES, iMesh_ALL_TOPOLOGIES, part_all );CHKERR;

    // compare local counts (using root set)

    int count;
    if( test_type )
        iMeshP_getNumOfType( imesh, prtn, part, root, iBase_FACE, &count, &ierr );
        iMeshP_getNumOfTopo( imesh, prtn, part, root, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, &count, &ierr );CHKERR;
    ASSERT( count == (int)part_quads.size() );

    if( test_type )
        iMeshP_getNumOfType( imesh, prtn, part, root, iBase_ALL_TYPES, &count, &ierr );
        iMeshP_getNumOfTopo( imesh, prtn, part, root, iMesh_ALL_TOPOLOGIES, &count, &ierr );CHKERR;
    ASSERT( count == (int)part_all.size() );

    // compare local contents (using root set)

    iBase_EntityHandle* ptr = 0;
    int num_ent, junk1 = 0;
    iMeshP_getEntities( imesh, prtn, part, root, test_type ? iBase_FACE : iBase_ALL_TYPES,
                        test_type ? iMesh_ALL_TOPOLOGIES : iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, &ptr, &junk1, &num_ent, &ierr );CHKERR;
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > act_quads( ptr, ptr + num_ent );
    free( ptr );
    junk1 = num_ent = 0;
    ptr             = 0;
    iMeshP_getEntities( imesh, prtn, part, root, iBase_ALL_TYPES, iMesh_ALL_TOPOLOGIES, &ptr, &junk1, &num_ent, &ierr );CHKERR;
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > act_all( ptr, ptr + num_ent );
    free( ptr );
    std::sort( part_quads.begin(), part_quads.end() );
    std::sort( part_all.begin(), part_all.end() );
    std::sort( act_quads.begin(), act_quads.end() );
    std::sort( act_all.begin(), act_all.end() );
    ASSERT( part_quads == act_quads );
    ASSERT( part_all == act_all );

    // create an entity set containing half of the quads from the part
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > half_quads( part_quads.size() / 2 );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < half_quads.size(); ++i )
        half_quads[i] = part_quads[2 * i];
    iBase_EntitySetHandle set;
    iMesh_createEntSet( imesh, 1, &set, &ierr );CHKERR;
    iMesh_addEntArrToSet( imesh, &half_quads[0], half_quads.size(), set, &ierr );CHKERR;

    // check if there exists any quads not in the part that we
    // can add to the set
    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > all_quads, other_quads;
    ierr = get_entities( imesh, root, iBase_FACE, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, all_quads );CHKERR;
    std::sort( all_quads.begin(), all_quads.end() );
    std::sort( part_quads.begin(), part_quads.end() );
    std::set_difference( all_quads.begin(), all_quads.end(), part_quads.begin(), part_quads.end(),
                         std::back_inserter( other_quads ) );
    iMesh_addEntArrToSet( imesh, &other_quads[0], other_quads.size(), set, &ierr );CHKERR;

    // compare local counts (using non-root set)

    if( test_type )
        iMeshP_getNumOfType( imesh, prtn, part, set, iBase_FACE, &count, &ierr );
        iMeshP_getNumOfTopo( imesh, prtn, part, set, iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, &count, &ierr );CHKERR;
    ASSERT( count == (int)half_quads.size() );

    if( test_type )
        iMeshP_getNumOfType( imesh, prtn, part, set, iBase_VERTEX, &count, &ierr );
        iMeshP_getNumOfTopo( imesh, prtn, part, set, iMesh_POINT, &count, &ierr );CHKERR;
    ASSERT( count == 0 );

    // compare local contents (using non-root set)

    junk1   = 0;
    num_ent = 0;
    ptr     = 0;
    iMeshP_getEntities( imesh, prtn, part, set, test_type ? iBase_FACE : iBase_ALL_TYPES,
                        test_type ? iMesh_ALL_TOPOLOGIES : iMesh_QUADRILATERAL, &ptr, &junk1, &num_ent, &ierr );CHKERR;
    act_quads.resize( num_ent );
    std::copy( ptr, ptr + num_ent, act_quads.begin() );
    free( ptr );
    std::sort( half_quads.begin(), half_quads.end() );
    std::sort( act_quads.begin(), act_quads.end() );
    ASSERT( act_quads == half_quads );

    return iBase_SUCCESS;
int test_get_neighbors ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap map 

Test querying of part neighbors.


  • iMeshP_getNumPartNbors
  • iMeshP_getNumPartNborsArr
  • iMeshP_getPartNbors
  • iMeshP_getPartNborsArr

Definition at line 1223 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References get_part_neighbors(), iBase_FAILURE, iBase_VERTEX, ierr, iMeshP_getNumPartNbors, iMeshP_getNumPartNborsArr, iMeshP_getPartHandlesFromPartsIdsArr, iMeshP_getPartNbors, iMeshP_getPartNborsArr, PartMap::local_id_from_rank(), MPI_COMM_WORLD, neighbors(), PartMap::num_parts(), PartMap::part_id_from_local_id(), PartMap::part_id_from_rank(), PCHECK, rank, and size.

Referenced by main().

    int ierr, rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );

    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > local_parts;
    map.part_id_from_rank( rank, local_parts );

    // get handles for local parts
    std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > handles( local_parts.size() );
    iMeshP_PartHandle* ptr = &handles[0];
    int junk1 = handles.size(), junk2 = 0;
    iMeshP_getPartHandlesFromPartsIdsArr( imesh, prtn, &local_parts[0], local_parts.size(), &ptr, &junk1, &junk2,
                                          &ierr );
    assert( ptr == &handles[0] );
    assert( junk2 == (int)handles.size() );

    // get logical ids for local parts
    std::vector< int > logical_ids;
    map.local_id_from_rank( rank, logical_ids );

    // get neighbors for each local part
    std::vector< std::vector< iMeshP_Part > > neighbors( logical_ids.size() );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < logical_ids.size(); ++i )
        int logical_neighbors[5], num_neighbors;
        get_part_neighbors( logical_ids[i], map.num_parts(), logical_neighbors, num_neighbors );
        neighbors[i].resize( num_neighbors );
        for( int j = 0; j < num_neighbors; ++j )
            neighbors[i][j] = map.part_id_from_local_id( logical_neighbors[j] );
        std::sort( neighbors[i].begin(), neighbors[i].end() );

    // test iMeshP_getNumPartNbors
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > invalid, failed;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_parts.size(); ++i )
        int count;
        iMeshP_getNumPartNbors( imesh, prtn, handles[i], iBase_VERTEX, &count, &ierr );
        if( ierr )
            failed.push_back( local_parts[i] );
        else if( count != (int)neighbors[i].size() )
            invalid.push_back( local_parts[i] );
    if( !failed.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": iMeshP_getNumPartNbors failed for " << failed.size() << " parts."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !invalid.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": iMeshP_getNumPartNbors was incorrect for " << invalid.size()
                  << " parts." << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;

    // test iMeshP_getPartNbors
    ierr = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_parts.size(); ++i )
        int count, junk = 0, another_count;
        iMeshP_Part* list = 0;
        iMeshP_getPartNbors( imesh, prtn, handles[i], iBase_VERTEX, &another_count, &list, &junk, &count, &ierr );
        assert( count == another_count );
        if( ierr )
            failed.push_back( local_parts[i] );
            std::sort( list, list + count );
            std::vector< iMeshP_Part > cpy( list, list + count );
            if( cpy != neighbors[i] ) invalid.push_back( local_parts[i] );
            free( list );
    if( !failed.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": iMeshP_getPartNbors failed for " << failed.size() << " parts."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !invalid.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": iMeshP_getPartNbors was incorrect for " << invalid.size() << " parts."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;

    // test iMeshP_getNumPartNborsArr
    std::vector< int > count_vect( handles.size() );
    int* count_arr = &count_vect[0];
    junk1          = handles.size();
    iMeshP_getNumPartNborsArr( imesh, prtn, &handles[0], handles.size(), iBase_VERTEX, &count_arr, &junk1, &junk2,
                               &ierr );
    assert( count_arr == &count_vect[0] );
    assert( junk2 == (int)handles.size() );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_parts.size(); ++i )
        if( count_arr[i] != (int)neighbors[i].size() ) invalid.push_back( local_parts[i] );
    if( !invalid.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": iMeshP_getNumPartNborsArr was incorrect for " << invalid.size()
                  << " parts." << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;

    // test iMeshP_getPartNborsArr
    iMeshP_Part* nbor_arr = 0;
    junk1 = handles.size(), junk2 = 0;
    int junk3 = 0, nbor_size;
    iMeshP_getPartNborsArr( imesh, prtn, &handles[0], handles.size(), iBase_VERTEX, &count_arr, &junk1, &junk2,
                            &nbor_arr, &junk3, &nbor_size, &ierr );
    assert( count_arr == &count_vect[0] );
    assert( junk2 == (int)handles.size() );
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > all_nbors( nbor_arr, nbor_arr + nbor_size );
    free( nbor_arr );
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part >::iterator j = all_nbors.begin();
    bool bad_length                        = false;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_parts.size(); ++i )
        if( all_nbors.end() - j > count_arr[i] )
            bad_length = true;
        if( count_arr[i] != (int)neighbors[i].size() )
            invalid.push_back( local_parts[i] );
            std::vector< iMeshP_Part >::iterator e = j + count_arr[i];
            std::sort( j, e );
            if( !std::equal( j, e, neighbors[i].begin() ) ) invalid.push_back( local_parts[i] );
    if( bad_length )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": iMeshP_getPartNborsArr had inconsistent result array lengths."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !invalid.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": iMeshP_getPartNborsArr was incorrect for " << invalid.size()
                  << " parts." << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;

    return 0;
int test_get_part_boundary ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap map 

Test querying of part boundary entities.


  • iMeshP_getNumPartBdryEnts
  • iMeshP_getPartBdryEnts

Definition at line 1532 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References CHKERR, moab::error(), get_local_parts(), PartMap::get_parts(), iBase_FAILURE, iBase_SUCCESS, iBase_VERTEX, ierr, iMesh_POINT, iMeshP_ALL_PARTS, iMeshP_getNumPartBdryEnts, iMeshP_getPartBdryEnts, interface_verts(), MPI_COMM_WORLD, and rank.

Referenced by main().

    int ierr, rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );

    // get local part handles and part ids, and global part id list
    std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > local_handles;
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > local_ids;
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > all_parts = map.get_parts();
    std::map< iMeshP_PartHandle, std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > > part_bdry;
    ierr = get_local_parts( imesh, prtn, local_handles, &local_ids );CHKERR;

    // for each combination of local part with any other part,
    // check for valid function values.
    std::vector< std::pair< iMeshP_Part, iMeshP_Part > > num_failed, num_error, list_failed, list_error, error;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_handles.size(); ++i )
        iMeshP_PartHandle local_handle = local_handles[i];
        iMeshP_Part local_id           = local_ids[i];
        for( std::vector< iMeshP_Part >::iterator j = all_parts.begin(); j != all_parts.end(); ++j )
            iMeshP_Part other_id = *j;
            if( other_id == local_id ) continue;

            std::pair< iMeshP_Part, iMeshP_Part > part_pair;
            part_pair.first  = local_id;
            part_pair.second = other_id;

            // get expected values
            std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > shared_verts;
            ierr = interface_verts( imesh, prtn, local_handle, other_id, map, shared_verts );
            if( ierr != iBase_SUCCESS )
                error.push_back( part_pair );
            std::sort( shared_verts.begin(), shared_verts.end() );

            // test iMeshP_getNumPartBdryEnts
            int count;
            iMeshP_getNumPartBdryEnts( imesh, prtn, local_handle, iBase_VERTEX, iMesh_POINT, other_id, &count, &ierr );
            if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr )
                num_error.push_back( part_pair );
            else if( count != (int)shared_verts.size() )
                num_failed.push_back( part_pair );

            // test iMeshP_getPartBdryEnts
            iBase_EntityHandle* ptr = 0;
            int junk                = 0;
            iMeshP_getPartBdryEnts( imesh, prtn, local_handle, iBase_VERTEX, iMesh_POINT, other_id, &ptr, &junk, &count,
                                    &ierr );
            if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr )
                list_error.push_back( part_pair );
                std::copy( ptr, ptr + count, std::back_inserter( part_bdry[local_handles[i]] ) );
                std::sort( ptr, ptr + count );
                if( (int)shared_verts.size() != count || !std::equal( shared_verts.begin(), shared_verts.end(), ptr ) )
                    list_failed.push_back( part_pair );
                free( ptr );

    if( !error.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  Internal error for " << error.size() << " part pairs." << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !num_error.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMeshP_getNumPartBdryEnts return error for " << num_error.size() << " part pairs." << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !list_error.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMeshP_getPartBdryEnts return error for " << list_error.size() << " part pairs." << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !num_failed.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMeshP_getNumPartBdryEnts return incorrect results for " << num_failed.size() << " part pairs."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !list_failed.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMeshP_getPartBdryEnts return incorrect results for " << list_failed.size() << " part pairs."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;

    if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr ) return ierr;

    // test with iMeshP_ALL_PARTS
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_handles.size(); ++i )
        std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle >& exp_bdry = part_bdry[local_handles[i]];
        std::sort( exp_bdry.begin(), exp_bdry.end() );
        exp_bdry.erase( std::unique( exp_bdry.begin(), exp_bdry.end() ), exp_bdry.end() );
        std::pair< iMeshP_Part, iMeshP_Part > part_pair;
        part_pair.first  = local_ids[i];
        part_pair.second = iMeshP_ALL_PARTS;

        int num = 0;
        iMeshP_getNumPartBdryEnts( imesh, prtn, local_handles[i], iBase_VERTEX, iMesh_POINT, iMeshP_ALL_PARTS, &num,
                                   &ierr );
        if( ierr )
            num_error.push_back( part_pair );
        else if( num != (int)exp_bdry.size() )
            num_failed.push_back( part_pair );

        iBase_EntityHandle* bdry = 0;
        int junk = num = 0;
        iMeshP_getPartBdryEnts( imesh, prtn, local_handles[i], iBase_VERTEX, iMesh_POINT, iMeshP_ALL_PARTS, &bdry,
                                &junk, &num, &ierr );
        if( ierr )
            list_error.push_back( part_pair );
            std::sort( bdry, bdry + num );
            if( num != (int)exp_bdry.size() || !std::equal( bdry, bdry + num, exp_bdry.begin() ) )
                list_failed.push_back( part_pair );
            free( bdry );
    if( !num_error.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMeshP_getNumPartBdryEnts return error for " << num_error.size() << " part pairs." << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !list_error.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMeshP_getPartBdryEnts return error for " << list_error.size() << " part pairs." << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !num_failed.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMeshP_getNumPartBdryEnts return incorrect results for " << num_failed.size() << " part pairs."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !list_failed.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMeshP_getPartBdryEnts return incorrect results for " << list_failed.size() << " part pairs."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;

    return ierr;
int test_get_partitions ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap  

Test partition query methods.


  • iMeshP_getPartitionComm
  • iMeshP_getNumPartitions
  • iMeshP_getPartitions

Definition at line 824 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ASSERT, ierr, iMeshP_getNumPartitions, iMeshP_getPartitionComm, iMeshP_getPartitions, MPI_COMM_WORLD, PCHECK, and size.

Referenced by main().

    int ierr;

    // test iMeshP_getPartitionCom
    MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_SELF;
    iMeshP_getPartitionComm( imesh, prtn, &comm, &ierr );
    ASSERT( comm == MPI_COMM_WORLD );

    // test iMeshP_getPartitions
    iMeshP_PartitionHandle* array = 0;
    int alloc = 0, size = -1;
    iMeshP_getPartitions( imesh, &array, &alloc, &size, &ierr );
    ASSERT( array != 0 );
    ASSERT( alloc == size );
    ASSERT( size > 0 );
    int idx = std::find( array, array + size, prtn ) - array;
    free( array );
    ASSERT( idx < size );

    // test iMesP_getNumPartitions
    int size2 = -1;
    iMeshP_getNumPartitions( imesh, &size2, &ierr );
    ASSERT( size2 == size );
    return 0;
int test_get_parts ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap map 

Test part quyery methods.


  • iMeshP_getNumGlobalParts
  • iMeshP_getNumLocalParts
  • iMeshP_getLocalParts

Definition at line 861 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ASSERT, PartMap::count_from_rank(), iBase_SUCCESS, ierr, iMeshP_getLocalParts, iMeshP_getNumGlobalParts, iMeshP_getNumLocalParts, MPI_COMM_WORLD, PartMap::num_parts(), PCHECK, rank, and size.

Referenced by main().

    int size, rank, ierr;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size );

    int num_part_g;
    iMeshP_getNumGlobalParts( imesh, prtn, &num_part_g, &ierr );
    ASSERT( num_part_g == map.num_parts() );

    int num_part_l;
    iMeshP_getNumLocalParts( imesh, prtn, &num_part_l, &ierr );
    ASSERT( num_part_l == map.count_from_rank( rank ) );

    std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > parts( num_part_l );
    iMeshP_PartHandle* ptr = &parts[0];
    int junk1 = num_part_l, count = -1;
    iMeshP_getLocalParts( imesh, prtn, &ptr, &junk1, &count, &ierr );
    assert( ptr == &parts[0] );
    assert( junk1 == num_part_l );
    ASSERT( count == num_part_l );

    return iBase_SUCCESS;
int test_load ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
PartMap map,
int  comm_size 

Consistency check for parallel load.

All other tests depend on this one.

Definition at line 803 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References PartMap::build_map(), CHKERR, FILENAME, iBase_SUCCESS, ierr, iMesh_getRootSet, iMeshP_loadAll, PCHECK, and root_set.

Referenced by run_test().

    int ierr;

    iBase_EntitySetHandle root_set;
    iMesh_getRootSet( imesh, &root_set, &ierr );
    const char* opt = "moab:PARTITION=PARALLEL_PARTITION";
    iMeshP_loadAll( imesh, prtn, root_set, FILENAME, opt, &ierr, strlen( FILENAME ), strlen( opt ) );

    ierr = map.build_map( imesh, prtn, proc_size );CHKERR;
    return iBase_SUCCESS;
int test_part_boundary_iter ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap map 

Test querying of part boundary entities.


  • iMeshP_initPartBdryEntIter
  • iMeshP_initPartBdryEntArrIter

Definition at line 1699 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References CHKERR, get_local_parts(), PartMap::get_parts(), iBase_FAILURE, iBase_SUCCESS, iBase_VERTEX, ierr, iMesh_endEntArrIter, iMesh_endEntIter, iMesh_getNextEntArrIter, iMesh_getNextEntIter, iMesh_POINT, iMeshP_initPartBdryEntArrIter, iMeshP_initPartBdryEntIter, interface_verts(), MPI_COMM_WORLD, and rank.

Referenced by main().

    int ierr, rank, has_data;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );

    // get local part handles and part ids, and global part id list
    std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > local_handles;
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > local_ids;
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > all_parts = map.get_parts();
    ierr                                 = get_local_parts( imesh, prtn, local_handles, &local_ids );CHKERR;

    std::vector< std::pair< iMeshP_Part, iMeshP_Part > > single_failed, single_error, single_step_error, array_failed,
        array_error, array_step_error;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < local_handles.size(); ++i )
        iMeshP_PartHandle local_handle = local_handles[i];
        iMeshP_Part local_id           = local_ids[i];
        for( std::vector< iMeshP_Part >::iterator j = all_parts.begin(); j != all_parts.end(); ++j )
            iMeshP_Part other_id = *j;
            if( other_id == local_id ) continue;

            std::pair< iMeshP_Part, iMeshP_Part > part_pair;
            part_pair.first  = local_id;
            part_pair.second = other_id;

            // get expected values
            std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > shared_verts;
            ierr = interface_verts( imesh, prtn, local_handle, other_id, map, shared_verts );
            if( ierr != iBase_SUCCESS || 0 == shared_verts.size() ) continue;
            std::sort( shared_verts.begin(), shared_verts.end() );

            // test single entity iterator
            iBase_EntityIterator siter;
            iMeshP_initPartBdryEntIter( imesh, prtn, local_handle, iBase_VERTEX, iMesh_POINT, other_id, &siter, &ierr );
            if( ierr != iBase_SUCCESS )
                single_error.push_back( part_pair );
                std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > results;
                for( ;; )
                    iBase_EntityHandle handle;
                    iMesh_getNextEntIter( imesh, siter, &handle, &has_data, &ierr );
                    if( ierr != iBase_SUCCESS )
                        single_step_error.push_back( part_pair );
                    if( !has_data ) break;
                    results.push_back( handle );

                std::sort( results.begin(), results.end() );
                if( results.size() != shared_verts.size() ||
                    !std::equal( results.begin(), results.end(), shared_verts.begin() ) )
                    single_failed.push_back( part_pair );
            iMesh_endEntIter( imesh, siter, &ierr );

            // test array iterator
            iBase_EntityArrIterator aiter;
            iMeshP_initPartBdryEntArrIter( imesh, prtn, local_handle, iBase_VERTEX, iMesh_POINT, shared_verts.size(),
                                           other_id, &aiter, &ierr );
            if( ierr != iBase_SUCCESS )
                array_error.push_back( part_pair );
                iMesh_endEntArrIter( imesh, aiter, &ierr );
            iBase_EntityHandle results[5], *ptr = results;
            int junk = 5, count;
            iMesh_getNextEntArrIter( imesh, aiter, &ptr, &junk, &count, &has_data, &ierr );
            if( ierr != iBase_SUCCESS || !has_data )
                array_step_error.push_back( part_pair );
                iMesh_endEntArrIter( imesh, aiter, &ierr );
            iMesh_endEntArrIter( imesh, aiter, &ierr );
            assert( count <= 5 );
            assert( ptr == results );
            std::sort( ptr, ptr + count );
            if( count != (int)shared_verts.size() || !std::equal( shared_verts.begin(), shared_verts.end(), results ) )
                array_failed.push_back( part_pair );

    if( !single_error.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMeshP_initPartBdryEntIter return error for " << single_error.size() << " part pairs."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !single_step_error.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMesh_getNextEntIter return error for " << single_step_error.size() << " part pairs."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !single_failed.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMeshP_initPartBdryEntIter iterator iterated over invalid entities for " << single_failed.size()
                  << " part pairs." << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;

    if( !array_error.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMeshP_initPartBdryEntArrIter return error for " << array_error.size() << " part pairs."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !array_step_error.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMesh_getNextEntArrIter return error for " << array_step_error.size() << " part pairs."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !array_failed.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": Error at " __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl
                  << "  iMeshP_initPartBdryEntArrIter iterator iterated over invalid entities for "
                  << array_failed.size() << " part pairs." << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;

    return ierr;
int test_part_id_handle ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap map 

Test mapping from part id to part handle.


  • iMeshP_getPartIdFromPartHandle
  • iMeshP_getPartIdsFromPartHandlesArr
  • iMeshP_getPartHandleFromPartId
  • iMeshP_getPartHandlesFromPartsIdsArr
  • iMeshP_getRankOfPart
  • iMeshP_getRankOfPartArr


  • iMeshP_getPartIdFromPartHandle
  • iMeshP_getPartIdsFromPartHandlesArr
  • iMeshP_getPartHandleFromPartId
  • iMeshP_getPartHandlesFromPartsIdsArr

Definition at line 1086 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ASSERT, CHKERR, ierr, iMeshP_getPartHandleFromPartId, iMeshP_getPartHandlesFromPartsIdsArr, iMeshP_getPartIdFromPartHandle, iMeshP_getPartIdsFromPartHandlesArr, MPI_COMM_WORLD, PartMap::part_id_from_rank(), PCHECK, and rank.

Referenced by main().

    // get local part ids
    int rank, ierr;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > ids;
    map.part_id_from_rank( rank, ids );

    // check single-part functions and build list of part handles
    std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > handles( ids.size() );
    size_t i;
    for( i = 0; i < ids.size(); ++i )
        iMeshP_getPartHandleFromPartId( imesh, prtn, ids[i], &handles[i], &ierr );CHKERR;
        iMeshP_Part id;
        iMeshP_getPartIdFromPartHandle( imesh, prtn, handles[i], &id, &ierr );CHKERR;
        if( id != ids[i] ) break;
    ASSERT( i == ids.size() );

    // test iMeshP_getPartIdsFromPartHandlesArr
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > ids2( ids.size() );
    int junk1 = ids.size(), junk2 = 0;
    iMeshP_Part* ptr = &ids2[0];
    iMeshP_getPartIdsFromPartHandlesArr( imesh, prtn, &handles[0], handles.size(), &ptr, &junk1, &junk2, &ierr );
    ASSERT( ptr == &ids2[0] );
    ASSERT( junk2 == (int)ids2.size() );
    ASSERT( ids == ids2 );

    // test iMeshP_getPartHandlesFromPartsIdsArr
    std::vector< iMeshP_PartHandle > handles2( handles.size() );
    junk1                   = handles.size();
    junk2                   = 0;
    iMeshP_PartHandle* ptr2 = &handles2[0];
    iMeshP_getPartHandlesFromPartsIdsArr( imesh, prtn, &ids[0], ids.size(), &ptr2, &junk1, &junk2, &ierr );
    ASSERT( ptr2 == &handles2[0] );
    ASSERT( junk2 == (int)handles2.size() );
    ASSERT( handles == handles2 );

    return 0;
int test_part_rank ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
const PartMap map 

Test get part rank.


  • iMeshP_getRankOfPart
  • iMeshP_getRankOfPartArr

Definition at line 1136 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ASSERT, PartMap::get_parts(), PartMap::get_ranks(), iBase_FAILURE, iBase_SUCCESS, ierr, iMeshP_getRankOfPart, iMeshP_getRankOfPartArr, MPI_COMM_WORLD, PCHECK, and rank.

Referenced by main().

    int ierr = 0, rank;
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > invalid, failed;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );

    // test iMeshP_getRankOfPart
    for( size_t i = 0; i < map.get_parts().size(); ++i )
        int pr;
        iMeshP_getRankOfPart( imesh, prtn, map.get_parts()[i], &pr, &ierr );
        if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr )
            failed.push_back( map.get_parts()[i] );
        else if( pr != map.get_ranks()[i] )
            invalid.push_back( map.get_parts()[i] );
    if( !failed.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": iMeshP_getRankOfPart failed for " << failed.size() << " parts."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;
    if( !invalid.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": iMeshP_getRankOfPart was incorrect for " << invalid.size() << " parts."
                  << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;

    // test iMeshP_getRankOfPartArr
    std::vector< int > ranks( map.get_parts().size() );
    int junk1 = ranks.size(), junk2, *ptr = &ranks[0];
    iMeshP_getRankOfPartArr( imesh, prtn, &map.get_parts()[0], map.get_parts().size(), &ptr, &junk1, &junk2, &ierr );
    assert( ptr == &ranks[0] );
    assert( junk1 == (int)ranks.size() );
    ASSERT( junk2 == (int)ranks.size() );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < map.get_parts().size(); ++i )
        if( ranks[i] != map.get_ranks()[i] ) invalid.push_back( map.get_parts()[i] );
    if( !invalid.empty() )
        std::cerr << "Processor " << rank << ": iMeshP_getRankOfPartArr was incorrect for " << invalid.size()
                  << " parts." << std::endl;
        ierr = iBase_FAILURE;

    return 0;
int test_push_tag_data_common ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iMeshP_PartitionHandle  prtn,
int  num_ghost_layers 

Test commuinication of tag data.


  • iMeshP_pushTags
  • iMeshP_pushTagsEnt

Definition at line 2736 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References ASSERT, CHKERR, get_entities(), iBase_FACE, iBase_INTEGER, iBase_SUCCESS, iBase_VERTEX, id_tag, ierr, iMesh_createTag, iMesh_getIntArrData, iMesh_getIntData, iMesh_getRootSet, iMesh_getTagHandle, iMesh_POINT, iMesh_setIntArrData, iMeshP_createGhostEntsAll, iMeshP_getEntOwnerPartArr, iMeshP_getNumCopies, iMeshP_getRankOfPartArr, iMeshP_pushTags, iMeshP_pushTagsEnt, MPI_COMM_WORLD, PCHECK, and rank.

Referenced by test_push_tag_data_ghost(), and test_push_tag_data_iface().

    const char* src_name = "test_src";
    const char* dst_name = "test_dst";
    int ierr, rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank );

    if( num_ghost_layers )
        iMeshP_createGhostEntsAll( imesh, prtn, iBase_FACE, iBase_VERTEX, num_ghost_layers, 0, &ierr );

    iBase_TagHandle src_tag, dst_tag;
    iMesh_createTag( imesh, src_name, 1, iBase_INTEGER, &src_tag, &ierr, strlen( src_name ) );CHKERR;
    iMesh_createTag( imesh, dst_name, 1, iBase_INTEGER, &dst_tag, &ierr, strlen( dst_name ) );CHKERR;

    iBase_EntitySetHandle root;
    iMesh_getRootSet( imesh, &root, &ierr );CHKERR;

    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > verts;
    ierr = get_entities( imesh, root, iBase_VERTEX, iMesh_POINT, verts );CHKERR;

    // test iMeshP_pushTags
    // each processor writes its rank on all vertices
    // after push, each vertex should be tagged with the rank of its owner

    std::vector< int > tag_vals( verts.size(), rank );
    iMesh_setIntArrData( imesh, &verts[0], verts.size(), src_tag, &tag_vals[0], tag_vals.size(), &ierr );CHKERR;

    iMeshP_pushTags( imesh, prtn, src_tag, dst_tag, iBase_VERTEX, iMesh_POINT, &ierr );

    tag_vals.resize( verts.size(), -1 );
    iBase_TagHandle id_tag;
    iMesh_getTagHandle( imesh, "GLOBAL_ID", &id_tag, &ierr, strlen( "GLOBAL_ID" ) );
    std::vector< int > ids( verts.size() );
    int *junk1 = &ids[0], junk2 = ids.size(), junk3;
    iMesh_getIntArrData( imesh, &verts[0], verts.size(), id_tag, &junk1, &junk2, &junk3, &ierr );
    int errcount = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < verts.size(); ++i )
        iMesh_getIntData( imesh, verts[i], dst_tag, &tag_vals[i], &ierr );
        if( ierr != iBase_SUCCESS )
            std::cerr << "Rank " << rank << " : getIntData failed for vertex " << ids[i] << std::endl;
    ASSERT( 0 == errcount );

    //  int *junk1 = &tag_vals[0], junk2 = tag_vals.size(), junk3;
    //  iMesh_getIntArrData( imesh, &verts[0], verts.size(), dst_tag, &junk1, &junk2, &junk3, &ierr
    //  ); PCHECK; assert( junk1 == &tag_vals[0] ); assert( junk2 == (int)tag_vals.size() ); assert(
    //  junk3 == (int)verts.size() );

    std::vector< int > expected( verts.size() );
    std::vector< iMeshP_Part > parts( verts.size() );
    iMeshP_Part* junk4 = &parts[0];
    junk2              = parts.size();
    iMeshP_getEntOwnerPartArr( imesh, prtn, &verts[0], verts.size(), &junk4, &junk2, &junk3, &ierr );
    assert( junk4 == &parts[0] );
    assert( junk2 == (int)parts.size() );
    assert( junk3 == (int)verts.size() );
    junk1 = &expected[0];
    junk2 = expected.size();
    iMeshP_getRankOfPartArr( imesh, prtn, &parts[0], parts.size(), &junk1, &junk2, &junk3, &ierr );
    assert( junk1 == &expected[0] );
    assert( junk2 == (int)expected.size() );
    assert( junk3 == (int)parts.size() );

    ASSERT( tag_vals == expected );

    // test iMeshP_pushTagsEnt
    // write -1 on all vertices
    // For each vertex owned by this processor and shared with more than
    // two others, write the rank of the owning processor.

    tag_vals.resize( verts.size(), -1 );
    iMesh_setIntArrData( imesh, &verts[0], verts.size(), src_tag, &tag_vals[0], tag_vals.size(), &ierr );
    tag_vals.resize( verts.size(), -1 );
    iMesh_setIntArrData( imesh, &verts[0], verts.size(), dst_tag, &tag_vals[0], tag_vals.size(), &ierr );

    std::vector< iBase_EntityHandle > some;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < verts.size(); ++i )
        int num;
        iMeshP_getNumCopies( imesh, prtn, verts[i], &num, &ierr );
        if( iBase_SUCCESS != ierr ) break;
        if( num > 2 )
            some.push_back( verts[i] );
            expected[i] = -1;

    tag_vals.resize( some.size(), rank );
    iMesh_setIntArrData( imesh, &some[0], some.size(), src_tag, &tag_vals[0], tag_vals.size(), &ierr );

    iMeshP_pushTagsEnt( imesh, prtn, src_tag, dst_tag, &some[0], some.size(), &ierr );

    tag_vals.resize( verts.size(), -1 );
    junk1 = &tag_vals[0];
    junk2 = tag_vals.size();
    iMesh_getIntArrData( imesh, &verts[0], verts.size(), dst_tag, &junk1, &junk2, &junk3, &ierr );CHKERR;
    assert( junk1 == &tag_vals[0] );
    assert( junk2 == (int)tag_vals.size() );
    assert( junk3 == (int)verts.size() );

    ASSERT( tag_vals == expected );
    return iBase_SUCCESS;

Test commuinication of tag data.


  • iMeshP_pushTags
  • iMeshP_pushTagsEnt

Definition at line 2877 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References test_push_tag_data_common().

Referenced by main().

    return test_push_tag_data_common( imesh, prtn, 1 );

Test commuinication of tag data.


  • iMeshP_pushTags
  • iMeshP_pushTagsEnt

Definition at line 2866 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References test_push_tag_data_common().

Referenced by main().

    return test_push_tag_data_common( imesh, prtn, 0 );
int vertex_tag ( iMesh_Instance  imesh,
iBase_EntityHandle  vertex,
int &  tag 

get unique identifier for each vertex

Definition at line 787 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

References CHKERR, ierr, and iMesh_getVtxCoord.

Referenced by get_num_adj_all(), and test_entity_copies().

    int ierr;
    double x, y, z;
    iMesh_getVtxCoord( imesh, vertex, &x, &y, &z, &ierr );CHKERR;

    int xc = (int)round( x );
    int yc = (int)round( y );
    tag    = 5 * xc + yc + 1;
    return ierr;

Variable Documentation

const char* const FILENAME = "iMeshP_test_file"

Definition at line 19 of file MOAB_iMeshP_unit_tests.cpp.

Referenced by main(), run_test(), and test_load().

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