#include "meshkit/MKCore.hpp" #include "meshkit/MeshOp.hpp" #include "meshkit/ModelEnt.hpp" #include "meshkit/CoreGen.hpp" #ifdef USE_MPI #include "mpi.h" #endif using namespace MeshKit; void test_coregen_default(int argc, char **argv); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { test_coregen_default(argc, argv); return 0; } void test_coregen_default(int argc, char **argv) { // serial process int nrank = 0, nprocs =1; //Initialize MPI #ifdef HAVE_PARALLEL_MOAB MPI::Init(argc, argv); nprocs = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size(); nrank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank(); #endif MKCore *mk; mk = new MKCore(); // create a model entity vector for construting coregen meshop, note that NO model entities are required. MEntVector nullMEntVec; // construct the meshop and set name CoreGen *cg = (CoreGen*) mk->construct_meshop("CoreGen", nullMEntVec); cg->set_name("coregen"); // setup input/output files for creating the 'Reactor Core' model cg->prepareIO(argc, argv, nrank, nprocs, std::string(MESH_DIR)); mk->setup_and_execute(); mk->save_mesh("cgd.h5m"); #ifdef HAVE_PARALLEL_MOAB MPI::COMM_WORLD.Barrier(); MPI::Finalize(); #endif delete mk; }