/* * * Test the MeshOp graph code in MeshKit. Do this by building a graph * which looks like: * * R * / \ * A B * / \ | * C D / * \ | / * \|/ * L * and traversing it using BFS and RBFS (reverse BFS). Do this by registering * a MeshOp that does nothing but print its name during the setup/execute * functions. * */ #include "meshkit/MKCore.hpp" #include "meshkit/MeshOp.hpp" #include "meshkit/RegisterMeshOp.hpp" using namespace MeshKit; class MyScheme; class MyScheme : public MeshKit::MeshOp { public: MyScheme(MKCore*, const MEntVector &); inline void setup_this() {std::cout << "myScheme (setup), node " << get_name() << std::endl; } inline void execute_this() {std::cout << "myScheme (execute), node " << get_name() << std::endl; } inline void mesh_types(std::vector<moab::EntityType> &tps) { } static const char* name() { return "MyScheme"; } static bool can_mesh(iBase_EntityType dim) { return dim == iBase_REGION; } static bool can_mesh(ModelEnt* ent) { return canmesh_region(ent); } static const moab::EntityType* output_types() { static moab::EntityType end = moab::MBMAXTYPE; return &end; } const moab::EntityType* mesh_types_arr() const { return output_types(); } }; inline MyScheme::MyScheme(MKCore *mk_core, const MEntVector & me_vec) : MeshOp(mk_core, me_vec) {} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// RegisterMeshOp<MyScheme> INIT; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// int main(int argc, char **argv) { // start up MK and register my scheme with it MKCore mk; // create the scheme objects MeshOp *A = mk.construct_meshop("MyScheme"), *B = mk.construct_meshop("MyScheme"), *C = mk.construct_meshop("MyScheme"), *D = mk.construct_meshop("MyScheme"); A->set_name("A"); B->set_name("B"); C->set_name("C"); D->set_name("D"); // put them in the graph //mk.get_graph().addArc(A->get_node(), C->get_node()); mk.insert_node(A, C); //mk.get_graph().addArc(A->get_node(), D->get_node()); mk.insert_node(A, D); // now traverse mk.setup(); mk.execute(); mk.print_graph(); }