#include <iostream> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstring> #include <cstring> #include "meshkit/MKCore.hpp" #include "meshkit/MeshOp.hpp" #include "meshkit/ModelEnt.hpp" #include "meshkit/TriangleMesher.hpp" using namespace MeshKit; MKCore *mk; std::string usage_string = "-o <file> Output final model to given file.\n" "-i <file> input file \n" "-O <options> passed to Triangle mesher \n" "-d <1, 2, 3> (create the mesh in x, y, z normal planes direction, default z(3)) " "\n"; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // check command line arg const char *filename = 0; const char *outfile = 0; //process options // process all options, as given with regular qslim // the last argument must be the input file // one argument must be -o <the output file>, otherwise it is the standard output // in the process, a mesh file is read (instanced) and the // set of triangles is passed // it could be the root set for the mesh std::string fstr; char * opts = (char *)("pc"); int direction = 3; // default double fretting = 1.e+38;// huge, do not eliminate anything in general if (argc<=1) { std::cout<<usage_string; std::cout << "\n\n"; std::cout<< "default arguments: -i TriangleInput.h5m -o mesh.h5m -O pc -f 2. \n"; //opts = "pc"; fstr=(std::string) MESH_DIR "/TriangleInput.h5m"; filename = fstr.c_str(); //opts = "pc"; // convex hull, poly input // ostr = "out.smf"; // outfile = ostr.c_str(); } else { int i=1;// will loop through arguments, and process them for (i=1; i<argc ; i++) { if (argv[i][0]=='-') { switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'i': { filename = argv[i+1]; i+=1; break; } case 'o': { outfile = argv[i+1]; i+=1; break; } case 'O': { opts = argv[i+1]; i+=1; break; } case 'd': { direction = atoi(argv[i+1]); i+=1; break; } case 'f': { fretting = atof(argv[i+1]); i+=1; break; } default : { std::cout << "unsupported wrong input argument " << argv[i] <<std::endl; return 1; } } } } } // initialize everything mk = new MKCore(); mk->load_mesh(filename); MEntVector selection, dum; mk->get_entities_by_dimension(2, dum); selection.push_back(*dum.rbegin());// push just the last one retrieved from core TriangleMesher *qm = (TriangleMesher*) mk->construct_meshop("TriangleMesher", selection); qm->set_options(opts, direction, fretting); mk->setup_and_execute(); if(outfile) { std::cout << "writing output to " << outfile << std::endl; mk->moab_instance()->write_mesh(outfile);// write everything left } return 0; }