MeshKit  1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 #include "MKVersion.h"
00003 #include "meshkit/MeshImprove.hpp"
00004 #include <iostream>
00005 #include <math.h>
00006 #include <map>
00008 //#include "SweepWrapper.hpp"
00009 #include "moab/mesquite/UntangleWrapper.hpp"
00010 #include "moab/mesquite/ShapeImprover.hpp"
00011 #include "moab/mesquite/SmartLaplacianSmoother.hpp"
00012 #include "SweepWrapper.hpp"
00013 #include "SmartLaplaceWrapper.hpp"
00014 #include "moab/mesquite/ShapeImprovementWrapper.hpp"
00016 #include "moab/mesquite/IdealWeightInverseMeanRatio.hpp"
00017 #include "moab/mesquite/QualityAssessor.hpp"
00018 #include "moab/mesquite/InstructionQueue.hpp"
00019 #include "moab/mesquite/TerminationCriterion.hpp"
00021 #include "moab/mesquite/LaplaceWrapper.hpp"
00022 #include "moab/mesquite/SizeAdaptShapeWrapper.hpp"
00023 #include "moab/mesquite/PaverMinEdgeLengthWrapper.hpp"
00024 #include "moab/mesquite/DeformingDomainWrapper.hpp"
00025 #include <moab/mesquite/MsqError.hpp>
00026 #include <moab/mesquite/ShapeImprovementWrapper.hpp>
00027 #include "moab/mesquite/MsqIMesh.hpp"
00028 #include "moab/mesquite/MsqIGeom.hpp"
00029 #ifdef HAVE_FBIGEOM
00030 #include "meshkit/MsqFBiGeom.hpp"
00031 #endif
00032 using namespace MESQUITE_NS;
00034 namespace MeshKit {
00036 MeshImprove::MeshImprove(MKCore* core, bool isLaplacian, bool isUntangle,
00037     bool isShapeImprove, bool isSizeAdapt, iGeom * ig_inst)
00038 {
00039   mk_core = core;
00040   IsLaplacian = isLaplacian;
00041   IsUntangle = isUntangle;
00042   IsShapeImprove = isShapeImprove;
00043   IsSizeAdapt = isSizeAdapt;
00044   if (ig_inst)
00045     igeom_inst = ig_inst;
00046   else
00047     igeom_inst = mk_core->igeom_instance();// it will pick the first one
00048 }
00050 void MeshImprove::SurfMeshImprove(iBase_EntityHandle surface,
00051     iBase_EntitySetHandle surfMesh, iBase_EntityType entity_type)
00052 {
00054   MsqError mError;
00055   const char* VERTEX_FIXED_TAG_NAME = "MesquiteVertexFixed";
00057   iBase_TagHandle fixed_tag = 0;
00058   iMesh::Error m_err = mk_core->imesh_instance()->getTagHandle(
00059       VERTEX_FIXED_TAG_NAME, fixed_tag);
00060   if (m_err) {
00061     m_err = mk_core->imesh_instance()->createTag(VERTEX_FIXED_TAG_NAME, 1,
00062         iBase_INTEGER, fixed_tag);
00063     IBERRCHK(m_err, "Trouble create the tag handle.");
00064   }
00066   MsqIMesh mesh_adapter(mk_core->imesh_instance()->instance(), surfMesh,
00067       entity_type, mError, &fixed_tag);
00068   cout << "error =" << mError << endl;
00069   if (mError)
00070     throw mError;
00072   //get all the vertices in surface mesh: entity_handles_out---quads     adj_entity_handles_out---vertices
00073   std::vector<iBase_EntityHandle> entity_handles_out, adj_entity_handles_out;
00074   std::vector<int> offsets_out, adj_entity_indices_out;
00076   m_err = mk_core->imesh_instance()->getAdjEntIndices(surfMesh, entity_type,
00077       iMesh_ALL_TOPOLOGIES, iBase_VERTEX, entity_handles_out,
00078       adj_entity_handles_out, adj_entity_indices_out, offsets_out);
00079   IBERRCHK(m_err, "Trouble get the adjacent entity indices.");
00081   cout << "number of faces is " << entity_handles_out.size() << endl;
00082   cout << "number of vertices is " << adj_entity_handles_out.size() << endl;
00084   //set fixed flag on all vertices
00085   std::vector<int> tag_data(adj_entity_handles_out.size(), 1);
00086   m_err = mk_core->imesh_instance()->setIntArrData(&adj_entity_handles_out[0],
00087       adj_entity_handles_out.size(), fixed_tag, &tag_data[0]);
00088   IBERRCHK(m_err, "Trouble set an array of int data for a list of vertices.");
00090   //clear fixed flag for vertices contained directly in set
00091   int count = -1;
00092   m_err
00093       = mk_core->imesh_instance()->getNumOfType(surfMesh, iBase_VERTEX, count);
00094   IBERRCHK(m_err, "Trouble get the number of vertices in the set.");
00096   adj_entity_handles_out.clear();
00098   cout << "Num of Vertices on the target surface is " << count << endl;
00100   m_err = mk_core->imesh_instance()->getEntities(surfMesh, iBase_VERTEX,
00101       iMesh_ALL_TOPOLOGIES, adj_entity_handles_out);
00102   IBERRCHK(m_err, "Trouble get the nodes from the mesh entity set.");
00104   tag_data.clear();
00105   tag_data.resize(adj_entity_handles_out.size(), 0);
00107   m_err = mk_core->imesh_instance()->setIntArrData(&adj_entity_handles_out[0],
00108       adj_entity_handles_out.size(), fixed_tag, &tag_data[0]);
00109   IBERRCHK(m_err, "Trouble set an array of int data for mesh nodes.");
00111   //Finally smooth the mesh
00113   //SweepWrapper smoother( 1e-6,  "COORDINATES_MAP");
00114   if (IsUntangle) {
00115     UntangleWrapper smoother;
00116     //smoother.set_cpu_time_limit(300);
00117     smoother.set_vertex_movement_limit_factor(0.001);
00119     if (surface) {
00120 #ifdef HAVE_FBIGEOM
00121       if (this->igeom_inst->isFBiGeom())
00122       {
00123         MsqFBiGeom fbgeom_adapter((FBiGeom *)igeom_inst, surface);
00124         MeshDomainAssoc mesh_and_domain(&mesh_adapter, &fbgeom_adapter);
00125         smoother.run_instructions(&mesh_and_domain, mError);
00126         cout << "Mesquite error in fb surface mesh smoothing=" << mError << endl;
00127       }
00128       else
00129       {
00130 #endif
00131       MsqIGeom geom_adapter(mk_core->igeom_instance()->instance(), surface);
00132       MeshDomainAssoc mesh_and_domain(&mesh_adapter, &geom_adapter);
00133       smoother.run_instructions(&mesh_and_domain, mError);
00134       cout << "Mesquite error in surface mesh smoothing=" << mError << endl;
00135 #ifdef HAVE_FBIGEOM
00136     }
00137 #endif
00138     } else {
00139       smoother.run_instructions(&mesh_adapter, mError);
00140       cout << "Mesquite error in surface mesh smoothing=" << mError << endl;
00141     }
00142   }
00144   //use the SmartLaplaceWrapper class the smooth the target surface mesh
00145   if (IsLaplacian) {
00146     LaplaceWrapper sl_smooth;
00147     TerminationCriterion terminate;
00148     terminate.write_iterations("mesquite.gpt", mError);
00149     if (surface) {
00150 #ifdef HAVE_FBIGEOM
00151       if (this->igeom_inst->isFBiGeom())
00152       {
00153         MsqFBiGeom fbgeom_adapter((FBiGeom *)igeom_inst, surface);
00154         MeshDomainAssoc mesh_and_domain(&mesh_adapter, &fbgeom_adapter);
00155         sl_smooth.run_instructions(&mesh_and_domain, mError);
00156         cout << "Mesquite error in fb smart Laplacian surface mesh smoothing with the geometry domain=" << mError << endl;
00157       }
00158       else
00159       {
00160 #endif
00161       MsqIGeom geom_adapter(mk_core->igeom_instance()->instance(), surface);
00162       MeshDomainAssoc mesh_and_domain(&mesh_adapter, &geom_adapter);
00163       sl_smooth.run_instructions(&mesh_and_domain, mError);
00164       cout
00165           << "Mesquite error in the smart Laplacian surface mesh smoothing with the geometry domain="
00166           << mError << endl;
00167 #ifdef HAVE_FBIGEOM
00168     }
00169 #endif
00170     } else {
00171       MeshDomainAssoc mesh_and_domain(&mesh_adapter, 0);
00172       sl_smooth.run_instructions(&mesh_and_domain, mError);
00173       cout
00174           << "Mesquite error in the smart Laplacian surface mesh smoothing without the geometry domain="
00175           << mError << endl;
00176     }
00177   }
00179   //use the ShapeImprover class to smooth the target surface mesh
00180   if (IsShapeImprove) {
00181     IdealWeightInverseMeanRatio extra_metric;
00182     ShapeImprovementWrapper smoother1;
00183     smoother1.quality_assessor().add_quality_assessment(&extra_metric);
00184     //smoother1.set_vertex_movement_limit_factor(0.01);
00185     //smoother1.set_cpu_time_limit(300);
00186     if (surface) {
00187 #ifdef HAVE_FBIGEOM
00188       if (this->igeom_inst->isFBiGeom())
00189       {
00190         MsqFBiGeom fbgeom_adapter((FBiGeom *)igeom_inst, surface);
00191         MeshDomainAssoc mesh_and_domain(&mesh_adapter, &fbgeom_adapter);
00192         smoother1.run_instructions(&mesh_and_domain, mError);
00193         cout << "Mesquite error in ShapeImprover fb surface mesh smoothing=" << mError << endl;
00194       }
00195       else
00196       {
00197 #endif
00198       MsqIGeom geom_adapter(mk_core->igeom_instance()->instance(), surface);
00199       MeshDomainAssoc mesh_and_domain(&mesh_adapter, &geom_adapter);
00200       smoother1.run_instructions(&mesh_and_domain, mError);
00201       cout << "Mesquite error in the ShapeImprover surface mesh smoothing="
00202           << mError << endl;
00203 #ifdef HAVE_FBIGEOM
00204     }
00205 #endif
00206     } else {
00207       MeshDomainAssoc mesh_and_domain(&mesh_adapter, 0);
00208       smoother1.run_instructions(&mesh_and_domain, mError);
00209       cout << "Mesquite error in the ShapeImprover surface mesh smoothing="
00210           << mError << endl;
00211     }
00212   }
00214   //Use the Minimum Edge-Length Improvement
00216   if (IsSizeAdapt) {
00217     SizeAdaptShapeWrapper Smooth_SizeAdapt(1.0e-2);
00218     if (surface) {
00219 #ifdef HAVE_FBIGEOM
00220       if (this->igeom_inst->isFBiGeom())
00221       {
00222         MsqFBiGeom fbgeom_adapter((FBiGeom *)igeom_inst, surface);
00223         MeshDomainAssoc mesh_and_domain(&mesh_adapter, &fbgeom_adapter);
00224         Smooth_SizeAdapt.run_instructions(&mesh_and_domain, mError);
00225         cout << "Mesquite error in SizeAdaptShape fb surface mesh smoothing=" << mError << endl;
00226       }
00227       else
00228       {
00229 #endif
00230       MsqIGeom geom_adapter(mk_core->igeom_instance()->instance(), surface);
00231       MeshDomainAssoc mesh_and_domain(&mesh_adapter, &geom_adapter);
00232       Smooth_SizeAdapt.run_instructions(&mesh_and_domain, mError);
00233       cout << "Mesquite error in the SizeAdaptShape surface mesh smoothing="
00234           << mError << endl;
00235 #ifdef HAVE_FBIGEOM
00236     }
00237 #endif
00239     } else {
00240       Smooth_SizeAdapt.run_instructions(&mesh_adapter, mError);
00241       cout << "Mesquite error in the SizeAdaptShape surface mesh smoothing="
00242           << mError << endl;
00243     }
00244   }
00246 }
00248 void MeshImprove::VolumeMeshImprove(iBase_EntitySetHandle volMesh,
00249     iBase_EntityType entity_type)
00250 {
00252   cout << "Volume smoothing is starting..." << endl;
00254   MsqError mError;
00255   const char* VERTEX_FIXED_TAG_NAME = "MesquiteVertexFixed";
00257   iBase_TagHandle fixed_tag = 0;
00259   iMesh::Error m_err = mk_core->imesh_instance()->getTagHandle(
00260       VERTEX_FIXED_TAG_NAME, fixed_tag);
00261   if (m_err) {
00262     m_err = mk_core->imesh_instance()->createTag(VERTEX_FIXED_TAG_NAME, 1,
00263         iBase_INTEGER, fixed_tag);
00264     IBERRCHK(m_err, "Trouble create a taghandle.");
00265   }
00267   MsqIMesh mesh_adapter(mk_core->imesh_instance()->instance(), volMesh,
00268       entity_type, mError, &fixed_tag);
00269   cout << "error =" << mError << endl;
00270   if (mError)
00271     throw mError;
00273   //get all the vertices in volume mesh
00274   int num_vtx, count;
00275   std::vector<iBase_EntityHandle> faces, verts;
00276   std::vector<int> indices, offsets;
00278   m_err = mk_core->imesh_instance()->getAdjEntIndices(volMesh, entity_type,
00279       iMesh_ALL_TOPOLOGIES, iBase_VERTEX, faces, verts, indices, offsets);
00280   IBERRCHK(m_err, "Trouble get the quads and nodes on the target surface.");
00281   num_vtx = verts.size();
00283   cout << "number of faces is " << faces.size() << endl;
00284   cout << "number of vertices is " << verts.size() << endl;
00286   //set fixed flag on all vertices
00287   vector<int> tag_data(num_vtx, 1);
00288   m_err = mk_core->imesh_instance()->setIntArrData(&verts[0], verts.size(),
00289       fixed_tag, &tag_data[0]);
00290   IBERRCHK(m_err, "Trouble set an array of int data for nodes on the target surface.");
00292   //clear fixed flag for vertices contained directly in set
00293   m_err = mk_core->imesh_instance()->getNumOfType(volMesh, iBase_VERTEX, count);
00294   IBERRCHK(m_err, "Trouble get the number of interior nodes on the target surface.");
00296   //get the interior mesh nodes on the target surface
00297   verts.clear();
00298   cout << "Num of Vertices on the target surface is " << count << endl;
00300   m_err = mk_core->imesh_instance()->getEntities(volMesh, iBase_VERTEX,
00301       iMesh_ALL_TOPOLOGIES, verts);
00302   IBERRCHK(m_err, "Trouble get the number of interior nodes on the target surface.");
00304   tag_data.clear();
00305   tag_data.resize(verts.size(), 0);
00306   m_err = mk_core->imesh_instance()->setIntArrData(&verts[0], verts.size(),
00307       fixed_tag, &tag_data[0]);
00308   IBERRCHK(m_err, "Trouble set the int data for interior nodes on the target surface.");
00310   //using the UntangleWrapper class to smooth the mesh with the inverted elements.
00311   UntangleWrapper smoother1;
00313   smoother1.set_cpu_time_limit(1000);
00314   smoother1.set_vertex_movement_limit_factor(0.001);
00316   smoother1.run_instructions(&mesh_adapter, mError);
00318   //Finally smooth the mesh
00319   //Use the ShapeImprover class to smooth the target surface mesh
00320   ShapeImprover smoother2;
00321   smoother2.set_cpu_time_limit(1000);
00322   smoother2.set_vertex_movement_limit_factor(0.001);
00323   smoother2.run_instructions(&mesh_adapter, mError);
00324   if (mError)
00325     cout << "Mesquite error in volume mesh smoothing is as follows\n" << mError
00326         << std::endl;
00327   /*
00329    SweepWrapper smoother3( 1e-6,  "COORDINATES_MAP");
00330    ShapeImprovementWrapper smoother2(mError);
00333    smoother2.run_instructions(&mesh_adapter, mError);
00335    if (mError)
00336    cout << "Mesquite error in volume mesh smoothing=" << mError << endl;
00337    */
00339 }
00341 MeshImprove::~MeshImprove()
00342 {
00343   cout << "It is over now in smoothing" << endl;
00344 }
00346 }
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