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Mesh Oriented datABase
(version 5.4.1)
Array-based unstructured mesh datastructure
00001 /* 00002 * Driver to test coupling online, without using IO hdf5 files 00003 * Will instantiate 2 different meshes, that cover the same domain; reports in the end the L 00004 * infinity norm of a field 00005 * 00006 * will report time to build the meshes, instantiate coupler, locate points and interpolate 00007 * M and K are options for number of parts in x and z directions 00008 * 00009 * partitions are ordered lexicographically, (MxNxK) 00010 * 00011 * it needs to be np = MxNxK 00012 * 00013 * if M==K, then the partitions are perfectly aligned 00014 * 00015 * the second mesh is ordered (KxNxM), so if you want them to not be perfectly aligned, make M and 00016 * K different 00017 * 00018 * for example, run with 00019 * M = 16, N=K=1, will verify slabs 00020 * 00021 * -b controls the number of elements in each partition 00022 * 00023 * example 00024 * 00025 * mpiexec -np 16 CoupleMGen -K 4 -N 4 00026 * 00027 * Right now, to build, it needs to install MOAB; coupler is harder if not installed (would need to 00028 * add 00029 * ../tools/mbcoupler , etc, to include and lib paths) 00030 * 00031 * 00032 */ 00033 // MOAB includes 00034 #include "moab/ParallelComm.hpp" 00035 #include "MBParallelConventions.h" 00036 #include "moab/Core.hpp" 00037 #include "mbcoupler/Coupler.hpp" 00038 #include "moab_mpi.h" 00039 #include "mbcoupler/ElemUtil.hpp" 00040 #include "moab/MeshGeneration.hpp" 00041 #include "moab/ProgOptions.hpp" 00042 00043 using namespace moab; 00044 using std::string; 00045 00046 double physField( double x, double y, double z ) 00047 { 00048 00049 double out = sin( M_PI * x ) * cos( M_PI * y ) * sin( M_PI * z ); 00050 00051 return out; 00052 } 00053 00054 int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) 00055 { 00056 int proc_id = 0, size = 1; 00057 00058 MPI_Init( &argc, &argv ); 00059 MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &proc_id ); 00060 MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size ); 00061 00062 Core mcore; 00063 Interface* mb = &mcore; 00064 EntityHandle fileset1, fileset2; // for 2 different meshes 00065 MeshGeneration::BrickOpts opts; 00066 // default options 00067 opts.A = opts.B = opts.C = 1; 00068 opts.M = opts.N = opts.K = 1; 00069 opts.blockSize = 4; 00070 opts.xsize = opts.ysize = opts.zsize = 1.; 00071 opts.ui = CartVect( 1., 0, 0. ); 00072 opts.uj = CartVect( 0., 1., 0. ); 00073 opts.uk = CartVect( 0., 0., 1. ); 00074 opts.newMergeMethod = opts.quadratic = opts.keep_skins = opts.tetra = false; 00075 opts.adjEnts = opts.parmerge = false; 00076 opts.GL = 0; 00077 00078 ProgOptions popts; 00079 00080 popts.addOpt< int >( string( "blockSize,b" ), string( "Block size of mesh (default=4)" ), &opts.blockSize ); 00081 popts.addOpt< int >( string( "xproc,M" ), string( "Number of processors in x dir (default=1)" ), &opts.M ); 00082 popts.addOpt< int >( string( "yproc,N" ), string( "Number of processors in y dir (default=1)" ), &opts.N ); 00083 popts.addOpt< int >( string( "zproc,K" ), string( "Number of processors in z dir (default=1)" ), &opts.K ); 00084 00085 popts.addOpt< int >( string( "xblocks,A" ), string( "Number of blocks on a task in x dir (default=2)" ), &opts.A ); 00086 popts.addOpt< int >( string( "yblocks,B" ), string( "Number of blocks on a task in y dir (default=2)" ), &opts.B ); 00087 popts.addOpt< int >( string( "zblocks,C" ), string( "Number of blocks on a task in x dir (default=2)" ), &opts.C ); 00088 00089 popts.addOpt< double >( string( "xsize,x" ), string( "Total size in x direction (default=1.)" ), &opts.xsize ); 00090 popts.addOpt< double >( string( "ysize,y" ), string( "Total size in y direction (default=1.)" ), &opts.ysize ); 00091 popts.addOpt< double >( string( "zsize,z" ), string( "Total size in z direction (default=1.)" ), &opts.zsize ); 00092 00093 popts.addOpt< void >( "newMerge,w", "use new merging method", &opts.newMergeMethod ); 00094 00095 popts.addOpt< void >( "quadratic,q", "use hex 27 elements", &opts.quadratic ); 00096 00097 popts.addOpt< void >( "keep_skins,k", "keep skins with shared entities", &opts.keep_skins ); 00098 00099 popts.addOpt< void >( "tetrahedrons,t", "generate tetrahedrons", &opts.tetra ); 00100 00101 popts.addOpt< void >( "faces_edges,f", "create all faces and edges", &opts.adjEnts ); 00102 00103 popts.addOpt< int >( string( "ghost_layers,g" ), string( "Number of ghost layers (default=0)" ), &opts.GL ); 00104 00105 popts.addOpt< void >( "parallel_merge,p", "use parallel mesh merge, not vertex ID based merge", &opts.parmerge ); 00106 00107 Coupler::Method method = Coupler::LINEAR_FE; 00108 00109 double toler = 1.e-6; 00110 popts.addOpt< double >( string( "eps,e" ), string( "tolerance for coupling, used in locating points" ), &toler ); 00111 00112 bool writeMeshes = false; 00113 popts.addOpt< void >( "print,p", "write meshes", &writeMeshes ); 00114 00115 popts.parseCommandLine( argc, argv ); 00116 00117 double start_time = MPI_Wtime(); 00118 00119 ErrorCode rval = mb->create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, fileset1 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 00120 rval = mb->create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, fileset2 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 00121 00122 ParallelComm* pc1 = new ParallelComm( mb, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); 00123 MeshGeneration* mgen1 = new MeshGeneration( mb, pc1, fileset1 ); 00124 00125 rval = mgen1->BrickInstance( opts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); // this will generate first mesh on fileset1 00126 00127 double instance_time = MPI_Wtime(); 00128 double current = instance_time; 00129 if( !proc_id ) std::cout << " instantiate first mesh " << instance_time - start_time << "\n"; 00130 // set an interpolation tag on source mesh, from phys field 00131 std::string interpTag( "interp_tag" ); 00132 Tag tag; 00133 rval = mb->tag_get_handle( interpTag.c_str(), 1, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tag, MB_TAG_CREAT | MB_TAG_DENSE );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 00134 00135 Range src_elems; 00136 rval = pc1->get_part_entities( src_elems, 3 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 00137 Range src_verts; 00138 rval = mb->get_connectivity( src_elems, src_verts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 00139 for( Range::iterator vit = src_verts.begin(); vit != src_verts.end(); ++vit ) 00140 { 00141 EntityHandle vert = *vit; //? 00142 00143 double vertPos[3]; 00144 mb->get_coords( &vert, 1, vertPos ); 00145 00146 double fieldValue = physField( vertPos[0], vertPos[1], vertPos[2] ); 00147 00148 rval = mb->tag_set_data( tag, &vert, 1, &fieldValue );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 00149 } 00150 00151 double setTag_time = MPI_Wtime(); 00152 if( !proc_id ) std::cout << " set tag " << setTag_time - current; 00153 current = instance_time; 00154 // change some options, so it is a different mesh 00155 int tmp1 = opts.K; 00156 opts.K = opts.M; 00157 opts.M = tmp1; // swap (opts.K, opts.M) 00158 opts.tetra = !opts.tetra; 00159 opts.blockSize++; 00160 00161 ParallelComm* pc2 = new ParallelComm( mb, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); 00162 MeshGeneration* mgen2 = new MeshGeneration( mb, pc2, fileset2 ); 00163 00164 rval = mgen2->BrickInstance( opts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); // this will generate second mesh on fileset2 00165 00166 double instance_second = MPI_Wtime(); 00167 if( !proc_id ) std::cout << " instance second mesh" << instance_second - current << "\n"; 00168 current = instance_second; 00169 00170 // test the sets are fine 00171 if( writeMeshes ) 00172 { 00173 rval = mb->write_file( "mesh1.h5m", 0, ";;PARALLEL=WRITE_PART;CPUTIME;PARALLEL_COMM=0;", &fileset1, 1 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't write in parallel mesh 1" ); 00174 rval = mb->write_file( "mesh2.h5m", 0, ";;PARALLEL=WRITE_PART;CPUTIME;PARALLEL_COMM=1;", &fileset2, 1 );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "Can't write in parallel mesh 1" ); 00175 double write_files = MPI_Wtime(); 00176 if( !proc_id ) std::cout << " write files " << write_files - current << "\n"; 00177 current = write_files; 00178 } 00179 00180 // Instantiate a coupler, which also initializes the tree 00181 Coupler mbc( mb, pc1, src_elems, 0 ); 00182 00183 double instancecoupler = MPI_Wtime(); 00184 if( !proc_id ) std::cout << " instance coupler " << instancecoupler - current << "\n"; 00185 current = instancecoupler; 00186 00187 // Get points from the target mesh to interpolate 00188 // We have to treat differently the case when the target is a spectral mesh 00189 // In that case, the points of interest are the GL points, not the vertex nodes 00190 std::vector< double > vpos; // This will have the positions we are interested in 00191 int numPointsOfInterest = 0; 00192 00193 Range targ_elems; 00194 Range targ_verts; 00195 00196 // First get all vertices adj to partition entities in target mesh 00197 rval = pc2->get_part_entities( targ_elems, 3 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 00198 00199 rval = mb->get_adjacencies( targ_elems, 0, false, targ_verts, Interface::UNION );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 00200 Range tmp_verts; 00201 // Then get non-owned verts and subtract 00202 rval = pc2->get_pstatus_entities( 0, PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED, tmp_verts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 00203 targ_verts = subtract( targ_verts, tmp_verts ); 00204 // get position of these entities; these are the target points 00205 numPointsOfInterest = (int)targ_verts.size(); 00206 vpos.resize( 3 * targ_verts.size() ); 00207 rval = mb->get_coords( targ_verts, &vpos[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 00208 // Locate those points in the source mesh 00209 // std::cout<<"rank "<< proc_id<< " points of interest: " << numPointsOfInterest << "\n"; 00210 rval = mbc.locate_points( &vpos[0], numPointsOfInterest, 0, toler );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 00211 00212 double locatetime = MPI_Wtime(); 00213 if( !proc_id ) std::cout << " locate points: " << locatetime - current << "\n"; 00214 current = locatetime; 00215 00216 // Now interpolate tag onto target points 00217 std::vector< double > field( numPointsOfInterest ); 00218 00219 rval = mbc.interpolate( method, interpTag, &field[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( rval ); 00220 00221 // compare with the actual phys field 00222 double err_max = 0; 00223 for( int i = 0; i < numPointsOfInterest; i++ ) 00224 { 00225 double trval = physField( vpos[3 * i], vpos[3 * i + 1], vpos[3 * i + 2] ); 00226 double err2 = fabs( trval - field[i] ); 00227 if( err2 > err_max ) err_max = err2; 00228 } 00229 00230 double interpolateTime = MPI_Wtime(); 00231 if( !proc_id ) std::cout << " interpolate points: " << interpolateTime - current << "\n"; 00232 current = interpolateTime; 00233 00234 double gerr; 00235 MPI_Allreduce( &err_max, &gerr, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); 00236 if( 0 == proc_id ) std::cout << "max err " << gerr << "\n"; 00237 00238 delete mgen1; 00239 delete mgen2; 00240 00241 MPI_Finalize(); 00242 00243 return 0; 00244 }