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Mesh Oriented datABase
(version 5.4.1)
Array-based unstructured mesh datastructure
00001 #include <iostream> 00002 #include <fstream> 00003 #include <cmath> 00004 #include <ctime> 00005 #include <cstdlib> 00006 #include <cassert> 00007 00008 #include "mcnpmit.hpp" 00009 00010 #include "moab/CartVect.hpp" 00011 #include "moab/Core.hpp" 00012 #include "MBTagConventions.hpp" 00013 #include "moab/AdaptiveKDTree.hpp" 00014 #include "moab/GeomUtil.hpp" 00015 #include "moab/FileOptions.hpp" 00016 #include "../tools/mbcoupler/ElemUtil.hpp" 00017 00018 #define MBI mb_instance() 00019 00020 McnpData* mc_instance(); 00021 moab::Interface* mb_instance(); 00022 MCNPError read_files( int, char** ); 00023 MCNPError next_double( std::string, double&, int& ); 00024 MCNPError next_int( std::string, int&, int& ); 00025 00026 moab::Tag coord_tag, rotation_tag, cfd_heating_tag, cfd_error_tag; 00027 00028 std::string h5m_filename; 00029 std::string CAD_filename; 00030 std::string output_filename; 00031 00032 bool skip_build = false; 00033 bool read_qnv = false; 00034 00035 clock_t start_time, load_time, build_time, interp_time; 00036 00037 int main( int argc, char** argv ) 00038 { 00039 MCNPError result; 00040 00041 start_time = clock(); 00042 00043 // Read in file names from command line 00044 result = read_files( argc, argv ); 00045 if( result == MCNP_FAILURE ) return 1; 00046 00047 result = MCNP->initialize_tags(); 00048 00049 // Parse the MCNP input file 00050 if( !skip_build ) 00051 { 00052 00053 result = MCNP->read_mcnpfile( skip_build ); 00054 if( result == MCNP_FAILURE ) 00055 { 00056 std::cout << "Failure reading MCNP file!" << std::endl; 00057 return 1; 00058 } 00059 } 00060 00061 load_time = clock() - start_time; 00062 00063 // Make the KD-Tree 00064 moab::ErrorCode MBresult; 00065 moab::AdaptiveKDTree kdtree( MBI ); 00066 moab::EntityHandle root; 00067 00068 MBI->tag_get_handle( "CoordTag", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_INTEGER, coord_tag, moab::MB_TAG_DENSE | moab::MB_TAG_CREAT ); 00069 MBI->tag_get_handle( "RotationTag", 16, moab::MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, rotation_tag, 00070 moab::MB_TAG_DENSE | moab::MB_TAG_CREAT ); 00071 00072 if( skip_build ) 00073 { 00074 MBresult = MBI->load_mesh( h5m_filename.c_str() ); 00075 00076 if( moab::MB_SUCCESS == MBresult ) 00077 { 00078 std::cout << std::endl << "Read in mesh from h5m file." << std::endl << std::endl; 00079 std::cout << "Querying mesh file..." << std::endl; 00080 } 00081 else 00082 { 00083 std::cout << "Failure reading h5m file!" << std::endl; 00084 std::cerr << "Error code: " << MBI->get_error_string( MBresult ) << " (" << MBresult << ")" << std::endl; 00085 std::string message; 00086 if( moab::MB_SUCCESS == MBI->get_last_error( message ) && !message.empty() ) 00087 std::cerr << "Error message: " << message << std::endl; 00088 return 1; 00089 } 00090 00091 moab::Range tmprange; 00092 kdtree.find_all_trees( tmprange ); 00093 root = tmprange[0]; 00094 } 00095 else 00096 { 00097 std::cout << "Building KD-Tree..." << std::endl; 00098 moab::FileOptions opts( "CANDIDATE_PLANE_SET=SUBDIVISION" ); 00099 MBresult = kdtree.build_tree( MCNP->elem_handles, &root, &opts ); 00100 if( MBresult == moab::MB_SUCCESS ) 00101 { 00102 00103 MBI->tag_set_data( coord_tag, &root, 1, &( MCNP->coord_system ) ); 00104 MBI->tag_set_data( rotation_tag, &root, 1, &( MCNP->rotation_matrix ) ); 00105 00106 std::cout << "KD-Tree has been built successfully!" << std::endl << std::endl; 00107 MBresult = MBI->write_mesh( ( MCNP->MCNP_filename + ".h5m" ).c_str() ); 00108 00109 std::cout << "Querying mesh file..." << std::endl; 00110 } 00111 else 00112 { 00113 std::cout << "Error building KD-Tree!" << std::endl << std::endl; 00114 std::cerr << "Error code: " << MBI->get_error_string( MBresult ) << " (" << MBresult << ")" << std::endl; 00115 std::string message; 00116 if( moab::MB_SUCCESS == MBI->get_last_error( message ) && !message.empty() ) 00117 std::cerr << "Error message: " << message << std::endl; 00118 return 1; 00119 } 00120 } 00121 00122 int coord_sys; 00123 double rmatrix[16]; 00124 00125 MBresult = MBI->tag_get_data( coord_tag, &root, 1, &coord_sys );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00126 MBresult = MBI->tag_get_data( rotation_tag, &root, 1, &rmatrix );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00127 00128 build_time = clock() - load_time; 00129 00130 // Read the CAD mesh data and query the tree 00131 std::ifstream cadfile; 00132 std::ofstream outfile; 00133 00134 outfile.open( output_filename.c_str() ); 00135 00136 int num_pts; 00137 int n; 00138 long int nl = 0; 00139 char* ctmp; 00140 int elems_read = 0; 00141 int p = 0; 00142 char line[10000]; 00143 00144 // Used only when reading a mesh file to get vertex info 00145 double* cfd_coords = NULL; 00146 moab::Range::iterator cfd_iter; 00147 moab::EntityHandle meshset; 00148 00149 if( read_qnv ) 00150 { 00151 cadfile.open( CAD_filename.c_str() ); 00152 cadfile.getline( line, 10000 ); 00153 cadfile.getline( line, 10000 ); 00154 result = next_int( line, num_pts, p ); 00155 } 00156 else 00157 { 00158 00159 meshset = 0; 00160 MBresult = MBI->load_file( CAD_filename.c_str(), &meshset );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00161 assert( 0 != meshset ); 00162 00163 moab::Range cfd_verts; 00164 MBresult = MBI->get_entities_by_type( meshset, moab::MBVERTEX, cfd_verts, true );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00165 num_pts = cfd_verts.size(); 00166 00167 cfd_coords = new double[3 * num_pts]; 00168 MBresult = MBI->get_coords( cfd_verts, cfd_coords );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00169 00170 cfd_iter = cfd_verts.begin(); 00171 MBresult = MBI->tag_get_handle( "heating_tag", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, cfd_heating_tag, 00172 moab::MB_TAG_DENSE | moab::MB_TAG_CREAT );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00173 MBresult = MBI->tag_get_handle( "error_tag", 1, moab::MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, cfd_error_tag, 00174 moab::MB_TAG_DENSE | moab::MB_TAG_CREAT );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00175 00176 std::cout << std::endl << "Read in mesh with query points." << std::endl << std::endl; 00177 } 00178 00179 double testpt[3]; 00180 double transformed_pt[3]; 00181 double taldata; 00182 double errdata; 00183 00184 moab::CartVect testvc; 00185 00186 bool found = false; 00187 00188 // MBRange verts; 00189 std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > verts; 00190 moab::Range range; 00191 moab::CartVect box_max, box_min; 00192 00193 moab::CartVect hexverts[8]; 00194 moab::CartVect tmp_cartvect; 00195 std::vector< double > coords; 00196 00197 double tal_sum = 0.0, err_sum = 0.0, tal_sum_sqr = 0.0, err_sum_sqr = 0.0; 00198 00199 // double davg = 0.0; 00200 // unsigned int nmax = 0, nmin = 1000000000 ; 00201 00202 for( unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)num_pts; i++ ) 00203 { 00204 00205 // if (i%status_freq == 0) 00206 // std::cerr << "Completed " << i/status_freq << "%" << std::endl; 00207 00208 // Grab the coordinates to query 00209 if( read_qnv ) 00210 { 00211 cadfile.getline( line, 10000 ); 00212 00213 nl = std::strtol( line, &ctmp, 10 ); 00214 n = (unsigned int)nl; 00215 testpt[0] = std::strtod( ctmp + 1, &ctmp ); 00216 testpt[1] = std::strtod( ctmp + 1, &ctmp ); 00217 testpt[2] = std::strtod( ctmp + 1, NULL ); 00218 } 00219 else 00220 { 00221 testpt[0] = cfd_coords[3 * i]; 00222 testpt[1] = cfd_coords[3 * i + 1]; 00223 testpt[2] = cfd_coords[3 * i + 2]; 00224 n = i + 1; 00225 } 00226 00227 result = MCNP->transform_point( testpt, transformed_pt, coord_sys, rmatrix ); 00228 00229 testvc[0] = transformed_pt[0]; 00230 testvc[1] = transformed_pt[1]; 00231 testvc[2] = transformed_pt[2]; 00232 00233 // Find the leaf containing the point 00234 moab::EntityHandle tree_node; 00235 MBresult = kdtree.point_search( transformed_pt, tree_node ); 00236 if( moab::MB_SUCCESS != MBresult ) 00237 { 00238 double x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0; 00239 if( CARTESIAN == coord_sys ) 00240 { 00241 x = testvc[0]; 00242 y = testvc[1]; 00243 z = testvc[2]; 00244 } 00245 else if( CYLINDRICAL == coord_sys ) 00246 { 00247 x = testvc[0] * cos( 2 * M_PI * testvc[2] ); 00248 y = testvc[0] * sin( 2 * M_PI * testvc[2] ); 00249 z = testvc[1]; 00250 } 00251 else 00252 { 00253 std::cout << "MOAB WARNING: Unhandled error code during point search in KdTree, " 00254 "ErrorCode = " 00255 << MBresult << " and Coord xyz=" << x << " " << y << " " << z << std::endl; 00256 } 00257 std::cout << "No leaf found, MCNP coord xyz=" << x << " " << y << " " << z << std::endl; 00258 ++cfd_iter; 00259 continue; 00260 } 00261 00262 range.clear(); 00263 MBresult = MBI->get_entities_by_type( tree_node, moab::MBHEX, range );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00264 00265 // davg += (double) range.size(); 00266 // if (range.size() > nmax) nmax = range.size(); 00267 // if (range.size() < nmin) nmin = range.size(); 00268 00269 for( moab::Range::iterator rit = range.begin(); rit != range.end(); ++rit ) 00270 { 00271 verts.clear(); 00272 const moab::EntityHandle* connect; 00273 int num_connect; 00274 MBresult = MBI->get_connectivity( *rit, connect, num_connect, true );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00275 00276 coords.resize( 3 * num_connect ); 00277 MBresult = MBI->get_coords( connect, num_connect, &coords[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00278 00279 for( unsigned int j = 0; j < (unsigned int)num_connect; j++ ) 00280 { 00281 hexverts[j][0] = coords[3 * j]; 00282 hexverts[j][1] = coords[3 * j + 1]; 00283 hexverts[j][2] = coords[3 * j + 2]; 00284 } 00285 00286 if( moab::ElemUtil::point_in_trilinear_hex( hexverts, testvc, 1.e-6 ) ) 00287 { 00288 MBresult = MBI->tag_get_data( MCNP->tally_tag, &( *rit ), 1, &taldata );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00289 MBresult = MBI->tag_get_data( MCNP->relerr_tag, &( *rit ), 1, &errdata );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00290 00291 outfile << n << "," << testpt[0] << "," << testpt[1] << "," << testpt[2] << "," << taldata << "," 00292 << errdata << std::endl; 00293 00294 if( !read_qnv ) 00295 { 00296 MBresult = MBI->tag_set_data( cfd_heating_tag, &( *cfd_iter ), 1, &taldata );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00297 MBresult = MBI->tag_set_data( cfd_error_tag, &( *cfd_iter ), 1, &errdata );MB_CHK_ERR( MBresult ); 00298 } 00299 00300 found = true; 00301 elems_read++; 00302 00303 tal_sum = tal_sum + taldata; 00304 err_sum = err_sum + errdata; 00305 tal_sum_sqr = tal_sum_sqr + taldata * taldata; 00306 err_sum_sqr = err_sum_sqr + errdata * errdata; 00307 00308 break; 00309 } 00310 } 00311 00312 if( !read_qnv ) ++cfd_iter; 00313 00314 if( !found ) 00315 { 00316 std::cout << n << " " << testvc << std::endl; 00317 } 00318 found = false; 00319 } 00320 00321 cadfile.close(); 00322 outfile.close(); 00323 00324 if( result == MCNP_SUCCESS ) 00325 { 00326 std::cout << "Success! " << elems_read << " elements interpolated." << std::endl << std::endl; 00327 } 00328 else 00329 { 00330 std::cout << "Failure during query! " << elems_read << " elements interpolated." << std::endl << std::endl; 00331 } 00332 00333 double tal_std_dev = sqrt( ( 1.0 / elems_read ) * ( tal_sum_sqr - ( 1.0 / elems_read ) * tal_sum * tal_sum ) ); 00334 double err_std_dev = sqrt( ( 1.0 / elems_read ) * ( err_sum_sqr - ( 1.0 / elems_read ) * err_sum * err_sum ) ); 00335 00336 std::cout << "Tally Mean: " << tal_sum / elems_read << std::endl; 00337 std::cout << "Tally Standard Deviation: " << tal_std_dev << std::endl; 00338 std::cout << "Error Mean: " << err_sum / elems_read << std::endl; 00339 std::cout << "Error Standard Deviation: " << err_std_dev << std::endl; 00340 00341 interp_time = clock() - build_time; 00342 00343 if( !read_qnv ) 00344 { 00345 std::string out_mesh_fname = output_filename; 00346 MBresult = MBI->write_mesh( ( out_mesh_fname + ".h5m" ).c_str(), &meshset, 1 ); 00347 // MBresult = MBI->write_file( (cfd_mesh_fname + ".vtk").c_str(), "vtk", NULL, &meshset, 1, 00348 // &cfd_heating_tag, 1); 00349 } 00350 00351 std::cout << "Time to read in file: " << (double)load_time / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << std::endl; 00352 std::cout << "Time to build kd-tree: " << (double)build_time / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << std::endl; 00353 std::cout << "Time to interpolate data: " << (double)interp_time / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << std::endl; 00354 00355 return 0; 00356 } 00357 00358 MCNPError read_files( int argc, char** argv ) 00359 { 00360 MCNPError result = MCNP_FAILURE; 00361 00362 // Check to see if appropriate command lines specified 00363 if( argc < 3 ) 00364 { 00365 std::cout << "Source and Target mesh filenames NOT specified!"; 00366 std::cout << std::endl; 00367 return MCNP_FAILURE; 00368 } 00369 00370 // Set the MCNP or H5M filename 00371 std::string str; 00372 str = argv[1]; 00373 00374 unsigned int itmp = str.find( ".h5m" ); 00375 if( ( itmp > 0 ) && ( itmp < str.length() ) ) 00376 { 00377 skip_build = true; 00378 h5m_filename = str; 00379 } 00380 else 00381 { 00382 result = MCNP->set_filename( str ); 00383 } 00384 00385 // Set the CAD filename 00386 str = argv[2]; 00387 CAD_filename = str; 00388 00389 itmp = str.find( ".qnv" ); 00390 if( ( itmp > 0 ) && ( itmp < str.length() ) ) read_qnv = true; 00391 00392 // Set the output filename 00393 str = argv[3]; 00394 output_filename = str; 00395 00396 return result; 00397 } 00398 00399 MCNPError next_double( std::string s, double& d, int& p ) 00400 { 00401 00402 unsigned int slen = s.length(); 00403 unsigned int j; 00404 00405 for( unsigned int i = p; i < slen; i++ ) 00406 { 00407 if( ( ( s[i] >= 48 ) && ( s[i] <= 57 ) ) || ( s[i] == 45 ) ) 00408 { 00409 00410 j = s.find( ",", i ); 00411 if( j > slen ) j = slen; 00412 00413 d = std::atof( s.substr( i, j - i ).c_str() ); 00414 p = j + 1; 00415 00416 return MCNP_SUCCESS; 00417 } 00418 } 00419 00420 return DONE; 00421 } 00422 00423 MCNPError next_int( std::string s, int& k, int& p ) 00424 { 00425 00426 unsigned int slen = s.length(); 00427 unsigned int j; 00428 00429 for( unsigned int i = p; i < slen; i++ ) 00430 { 00431 if( ( ( s[i] >= 48 ) && ( s[i] <= 57 ) ) || ( s[i] == 45 ) ) 00432 { 00433 00434 j = s.find( ",", i ); 00435 if( j > slen ) j = slen; 00436 00437 k = std::atoi( s.substr( i, j - i ).c_str() ); 00438 p = j + 1; 00439 00440 return MCNP_SUCCESS; 00441 } 00442 } 00443 00444 return DONE; 00445 } 00446 00447 McnpData* mc_instance() 00448 { 00449 static McnpData inst; 00450 return &inst; 00451 } 00452 00453 moab::Interface* mb_instance() 00454 { 00455 static moab::Core inst; 00456 return &inst; 00457 }