MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
moab::ParCommGraph Class Reference

#include <ParCommGraph.hpp>

Public Types


Public Member Functions

virtual ~ParCommGraph ()
 ParCommGraph (MPI_Comm joincomm, MPI_Group group1, MPI_Group group2, int coid1, int coid2)
 collective constructor, will be called on all sender tasks and receiver tasks
 ParCommGraph (const ParCommGraph &)
 copy constructor will copy only the senders, receivers, compid1, etc
ErrorCode compute_trivial_partition (std::vector< int > &numElemsPerTaskInGroup1)
 Based on the number of elements on each task in group 1, partition for group 2, trivially.
ErrorCode pack_receivers_graph (std::vector< int > &packed_recv_array)
 pack information about receivers view of the graph, for future sending to receiver root
bool is_root_sender ()
bool is_root_receiver ()
int sender (int index)
int receiver (int index)
int get_component_id1 ()
int get_component_id2 ()
int get_context_id ()
void set_context_id (int other_id)
EntityHandle get_cover_set ()
void set_cover_set (EntityHandle cover)
ErrorCode split_owned_range (int sender_rank, Range &owned)
ErrorCode split_owned_range (Range &owned)
ErrorCode send_graph (MPI_Comm jcomm)
ErrorCode send_graph_partition (ParallelComm *pco, MPI_Comm jcomm)
ErrorCode send_mesh_parts (MPI_Comm jcomm, ParallelComm *pco, Range &owned)
ErrorCode receive_comm_graph (MPI_Comm jcomm, ParallelComm *pco, std::vector< int > &pack_array)
ErrorCode receive_mesh (MPI_Comm jcomm, ParallelComm *pco, EntityHandle local_set, std::vector< int > &senders_local)
ErrorCode release_send_buffers ()
ErrorCode send_tag_values (MPI_Comm jcomm, ParallelComm *pco, Range &owned, std::vector< Tag > &tag_handles)
ErrorCode receive_tag_values (MPI_Comm jcomm, ParallelComm *pco, Range &owned, std::vector< Tag > &tag_handles)
const std::vector< int > & senders ()
const std::vector< int > & receivers ()
ErrorCode settle_send_graph (TupleList &TLcovIDs)
void SetReceivingAfterCoverage (std::map< int, std::set< int > > &idsFromProcs)
void settle_comm_by_ids (int comp, TupleList &TLBackToComp, std::vector< int > &valuesComp)
ErrorCode set_split_ranges (int comp, TupleList &TLBackToComp1, std::vector< int > &valuesComp1, int lenTag, Range &ents_of_interest, int type)
ErrorCode form_tuples_to_migrate_mesh (Interface *mb, TupleList &TLv, TupleList &TLc, int type, int lenTagType1)
ErrorCode form_mesh_from_tuples (Interface *mb, TupleList &TLv, TupleList &TLc, int type, int lenTagType1, EntityHandle fset, Range &primary_ents, std::vector< int > &values_entities)
ErrorCode compute_partition (ParallelComm *pco, Range &owned, int met)
ErrorCode dump_comm_information (std::string prefix, int is_send)

Private Member Functions

void find_group_ranks (MPI_Group group, MPI_Comm join, std::vector< int > &ranks)
 find ranks of a group with respect to an encompassing communicator

Private Attributes

MPI_Comm comm
std::vector< int > senderTasks
std::vector< int > receiverTasks
bool rootSender
bool rootReceiver
int rankInGroup1
int rankInGroup2
int rankInJoin
int joinSize
int compid1
int compid2
int context_id
EntityHandle cover_set
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > recv_graph
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > recv_sizes
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > sender_graph
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > sender_sizes
< ParallelComm::Buffer * > 
int * comm_graph
std::map< int, Rangesplit_ranges
std::vector< MPI_Request > sendReqs
std::vector< int > corr_tasks
std::vector< int > corr_sizes
TypeGraph graph_type
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > involved_IDs_map
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > map_index
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > map_ptr

Detailed Description

Definition at line 55 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 58 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 73 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

    // TODO Auto-generated destructor stub
moab::ParCommGraph::ParCommGraph ( MPI_Comm  joincomm,
MPI_Group  group1,
MPI_Group  group2,
int  coid1,
int  coid2 

collective constructor, will be called on all sender tasks and receiver tasks

[in]joincommjoint MPI communicator that covers both sender and receiver MPI groups
[in]group1MPI group formed with sender tasks; (sender usually loads the mesh in a migrate scenario)
[in]group2MPI group formed with receiver tasks; (receiver usually receives the mesh in a migrate scenario)
[in]coid1sender component unique identifier in a coupled application (in climate simulations could be the Atmosphere Comp id = 5 or Ocean Comp ID , 17)
[in]coid2receiver component unique identifier in a coupled application (it is usually the coupler, 2, in E3SM)

this graph will be formed on sender and receiver tasks, and, in principle, will hold info about how the local entities are distributed on the other side

Its major role is to help in migration of data, from component to the coupler and vice-versa; Each local entity has a corresponding task (or tasks) on the other side, to where the data needs to be sent

important data stored in ParCommGraph, immediately it is created

  • all sender and receiver tasks ids, with respect to the joint communicator
  • local rank in sender and receiver group (-1 if not part of the respective group)
  • rank in the joint communicator (from 0)

Definition at line 20 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References comm, comm_graph, context_id, cover_set, find_group_ranks(), graph_type, INITIAL_MIGRATE, joinSize, rankInGroup1, rankInGroup2, rankInJoin, receiverTasks, rootReceiver, rootSender, and senderTasks.

    : comm( joincomm ), compid1( coid1 ), compid2( coid2 )
    // find out the tasks from each group, in the joint communicator
    find_group_ranks( group1, comm, senderTasks );
    find_group_ranks( group2, comm, receiverTasks );

    rootSender = rootReceiver = false;
    rankInGroup1 = rankInGroup2 = rankInJoin = -1;  // not initialized, or not part of the group

    int mpierr = MPI_Group_rank( group1, &rankInGroup1 );
    if( MPI_SUCCESS != mpierr || rankInGroup1 == MPI_UNDEFINED ) rankInGroup1 = -1;

    mpierr = MPI_Group_rank( group2, &rankInGroup2 );
    if( MPI_SUCCESS != mpierr || rankInGroup2 == MPI_UNDEFINED ) rankInGroup2 = -1;

    mpierr = MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &rankInJoin );
    if( MPI_SUCCESS != mpierr )  // it should be a fatal error
        rankInJoin = -1;

    mpierr = MPI_Comm_size( comm, &joinSize );
    if( MPI_SUCCESS != mpierr )  // it should be a fatal error
        joinSize = -1;

    if( 0 == rankInGroup1 ) rootSender = true;
    if( 0 == rankInGroup2 ) rootReceiver = true;
    graph_type = INITIAL_MIGRATE;  // 0
    comm_graph = NULL;
    context_id = -1;
    cover_set  = 0;  // refers to nothing yet

copy constructor will copy only the senders, receivers, compid1, etc

Definition at line 53 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References comm, comm_graph, compid1, compid2, context_id, cover_set, graph_type, joinSize, rankInGroup1, rankInGroup2, rankInJoin, receiverTasks, rootReceiver, rootSender, and senderTasks.

    comm          = src.comm;
    senderTasks   = src.senderTasks;    // these are the sender tasks in joint comm
    receiverTasks = src.receiverTasks;  // these are all the receiver tasks in joint comm
    rootSender    = src.rootSender;
    rootReceiver  = src.rootReceiver;
    rankInGroup1  = src.rankInGroup1;
    rankInGroup2  = src.rankInGroup2;  // group 1 is sender, 2 is receiver
    rankInJoin    = src.rankInJoin;
    joinSize      = src.joinSize;
    compid1       = src.compid1;
    compid2       = src.compid2;
    comm_graph    = NULL;
    graph_type    = src.graph_type;
    context_id    = src.context_id;
    cover_set     = src.cover_set;

Member Function Documentation

Definition at line 1129 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::ProcConfig::crystal_router(), moab::Core::dimension_from_handle(), moab::Range::empty(), moab::TupleList::enableWriteAccess(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), moab::ParallelComm::get_moab(), moab::TupleList::get_n(), moab::ParallelComm::get_shared_entities(), moab::ParallelComm::get_sharing_data(), moab::Core::globalId_tag(), moab::TupleList::inc_n(), moab::TupleList::initialize(), MAX_SHARING_PROCS, mb, MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, np, ZoltanPartitioner::partition_owned_cells(), moab::TupleList::print_to_file(), moab::ParallelComm::proc_config(), moab::ParallelComm::rank(), moab::Range::rbegin(), receiverTasks, rootSender, moab::Range::size(), split_ranges, moab::Range::subset_by_dimension(), moab::Core::tag_get_data(), moab::TupleList::vi_rd, moab::TupleList::vi_wr, moab::TupleList::vul_rd, and moab::TupleList::vul_wr.

    // we are on a task on sender, and need to compute a new partition;
    // primary cells need to be distributed to nb receivers tasks
    // first, we will use graph partitioner, with zoltan;
    // in the graph that we need to build, the first layer of ghosts is needed;
    // can we avoid that ? For example, we can find out from each boundary edge/face what is the
    // other cell (on the other side), then form the global graph, and call zoltan in parallel met 1
    // would be a geometric partitioner, and met 2 would be a graph partitioner for method 1 we do
    // not need any ghost exchange

    // find first edges that are shared
    if( owned.empty() )
        return MB_SUCCESS;  // nothing to do? empty partition is not allowed, maybe we should return
                            // error?
    Core* mb = (Core*)pco->get_moab();

    double t1, t2, t3;
    t1               = MPI_Wtime();
    int primaryDim   = mb->dimension_from_handle( *owned.rbegin() );
    int interfaceDim = primaryDim - 1;  // should be 1 or 2
    Range sharedEdges;
    ErrorCode rval;

    std::vector< int > shprocs( MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
    std::vector< EntityHandle > shhandles( MAX_SHARING_PROCS );

    Tag gidTag = mb->globalId_tag();
    int np;
    unsigned char pstatus;

    std::multimap< int, int > extraGraphEdges;
    // std::map<int, int> adjCellsId;
    std::map< int, int > extraCellsProc;
    // if method is 2, no need to do the exchange for adjacent cells across partition boundary
    // these maps above will be empty for method 2 (geometry)
    if( 1 == met )
        rval = pco->get_shared_entities( /*int other_proc*/ -1, sharedEdges, interfaceDim,
                                         /*const bool iface*/ true );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );

#ifdef VERBOSE
        std::cout << " on sender task " << pco->rank() << " number of shared interface cells " << sharedEdges.size()
                  << "\n";
        // find to what processors we need to send the ghost info about the edge
        // first determine the local graph; what elements are adjacent to each cell in owned range
        // cells that are sharing a partition interface edge, are identified first, and form a map
        TupleList TLe;                                     // tuple list for cells
        TLe.initialize( 2, 0, 1, 0, sharedEdges.size() );  // send to, id of adj cell, remote edge

        std::map< EntityHandle, int > edgeToCell;  // from local boundary edge to adjacent cell id
        // will be changed after
        for( Range::iterator eit = sharedEdges.begin(); eit != sharedEdges.end(); eit++ )
            EntityHandle edge = *eit;
            // get the adjacent cell
            Range adjEnts;
            rval = mb->get_adjacencies( &edge, 1, primaryDim, false, adjEnts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
            if( adjEnts.size() > 0 )
                EntityHandle adjCell = adjEnts[0];
                int gid;
                rval = mb->tag_get_data( gidTag, &adjCell, 1, &gid );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
                rval = pco->get_sharing_data( edge, &shprocs[0], &shhandles[0], pstatus, np );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
                int n                = TLe.get_n();
                TLe.vi_wr[2 * n]     = shprocs[0];
                TLe.vi_wr[2 * n + 1] = gid;
                TLe.vul_wr[n]        = shhandles[0];  // the remote edge corresponding to shared edge
                edgeToCell[edge]     = gid;           // store the map between edge and local id of adj cell

#ifdef VERBOSE
        std::stringstream ff2;
        ff2 << "TLe_" << pco->rank() << ".txt";
        TLe.print_to_file( ff2.str().c_str() );
        // send the data to the other processors:
        ( pco->proc_config().crystal_router() )->gs_transfer( 1, TLe, 0 );
        // on receiver side, each local edge will have the remote cell adjacent to it!

        int ne = TLe.get_n();
        for( int i = 0; i < ne; i++ )
            int sharedProc         = TLe.vi_rd[2 * i];       // this info is coming from here, originally
            int remoteCellID       = TLe.vi_rd[2 * i + 1];   // this is the id of the remote cell, on sharedProc
            EntityHandle localCell = TLe.vul_rd[i];          // this is now local edge/face on this proc
            int localCellId        = edgeToCell[localCell];  // this is the local cell  adjacent to edge/face
            // now, we will need to add to the graph the pair <localCellId, remoteCellID>
            std::pair< int, int > extraAdj = std::make_pair( localCellId, remoteCellID );
            extraGraphEdges.insert( extraAdj );
            // adjCellsId [edgeToCell[localCell]] = remoteCellID;
            extraCellsProc[remoteCellID] = sharedProc;
#ifdef VERBOSE
            std::cout << "local ID " << edgeToCell[localCell] << " remote cell ID: " << remoteCellID << "\n";
    t2 = MPI_Wtime();
    if( rootSender ) std::cout << " time preparing the input for Zoltan:" << t2 - t1 << " seconds. \n";
        // so adj cells ids; need to call zoltan for parallel partition
    ZoltanPartitioner* mbZTool = new ZoltanPartitioner( mb, pco );
    if( 1 <= met )  //  partition in zoltan, either graph or geometric partitioner
        std::map< int, Range > distribution;  // how to distribute owned elements by processors in receiving groups
        // in how many tasks do we want to be distributed?
        int numNewPartitions = (int)receiverTasks.size();
        Range primaryCells   = owned.subset_by_dimension( primaryDim );
        rval = mbZTool->partition_owned_cells( primaryCells, extraGraphEdges, extraCellsProc, numNewPartitions,
                                               distribution, met );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
        for( std::map< int, Range >::iterator mit = distribution.begin(); mit != distribution.end(); mit++ )
            int part_index = mit->first;
            assert( part_index < numNewPartitions );
            split_ranges[receiverTasks[part_index]] = mit->second;
    // delete now the partitioner
    delete mbZTool;
    t3 = MPI_Wtime();
    if( rootSender ) std::cout << " time spent by Zoltan " << t3 - t2 << " seconds. \n";
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParCommGraph::compute_trivial_partition ( std::vector< int > &  numElemsPerTaskInGroup1)

Based on the number of elements on each task in group 1, partition for group 2, trivially.

Operations: it is called on every receiver task; decides how are all elements distributed

Note: establish how many elements are sent from each task in group 1 to tasks in group 2 This call is usually made on a root / master process, and will construct local maps that are member data, which contain the communication graph, in both directions Also, number of elements migrated/exchanged between each sender/receiver

[in]numElemsPerTaskInGroup1(std::vector<int> &) number of elements on each sender task

Definition at line 100 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References MB_SUCCESS, receiverTasks, recv_graph, recv_sizes, sender_graph, sender_sizes, and senderTasks.

Referenced by test_trivial_partition().



    if( numElemsPerTaskInGroup1.size() != senderTasks.size() )
        return MB_FAILURE;  // each sender has a number of elements that it owns

    // first find out total number of elements to be sent from all senders
    int total_elems = 0;
    std::vector< int > accum;
    accum.push_back( 0 );

    int num_senders = (int)senderTasks.size();

    for( size_t k = 0; k < numElemsPerTaskInGroup1.size(); k++ )
        total_elems += numElemsPerTaskInGroup1[k];
        accum.push_back( total_elems );

    int num_recv = ( (int)receiverTasks.size() );
    // in trivial partition, every receiver should get about total_elems/num_receivers elements
    int num_per_receiver = (int)( total_elems / num_recv );
    int leftover         = total_elems - num_per_receiver * num_recv;

    // so receiver k will receive  [starts[k], starts[k+1] ) interval
    std::vector< int > starts;
    starts.resize( num_recv + 1 );
    starts[0] = 0;
    for( int k = 0; k < num_recv; k++ )
        starts[k + 1] = starts[k] + num_per_receiver;
        if( k < leftover ) starts[k + 1]++;

    // each sender will send to a number of receivers, based on how the
    // arrays starts[0:num_recv] and accum[0:sendr] overlap
    int lastUsedReceiverRank = 0;  // first receiver was not treated yet
    for( int j = 0; j < num_senders; j++ )
        // we could start the receiver loop with the latest receiver that received from previous
        // sender
        for( int k = lastUsedReceiverRank; k < num_recv; k++ )
            // if overlap:
            if( starts[k] < accum[j + 1] && starts[k + 1] > accum[j] )
                recv_graph[receiverTasks[k]].push_back( senderTasks[j] );
                sender_graph[senderTasks[j]].push_back( receiverTasks[k] );

                // we still need to decide what is the overlap
                int sizeOverlap = 1;  // at least 1, for sure
                // 1
                if( starts[k] >= accum[j] )  // one end is starts[k]
                    if( starts[k + 1] >= accum[j + 1] )  // the other end is accum[j+1]
                        sizeOverlap = accum[j + 1] - starts[k];
                    else  //
                        sizeOverlap = starts[k + 1] - starts[k];
                else  // one end is accum[j]
                    if( starts[k + 1] >= accum[j + 1] )  // the other end is accum[j+1]
                        sizeOverlap = accum[j + 1] - accum[j];
                        sizeOverlap = starts[k + 1] - accum[j];
                recv_sizes[receiverTasks[k]].push_back( sizeOverlap );  // basically, task k will receive from
                                                                        //   sender j, sizeOverlap elems
                sender_sizes[senderTasks[j]].push_back( sizeOverlap );
                if( starts[k] > accum[j + 1] )
                    lastUsedReceiverRank = k - 1;  // so next k loop will start a little higher, we
                                                   // probably finished with first few receivers (up
                                                   // to receiver lastUsedReceiverRank)
                    break;  // break the k loop, we distributed all elements from sender j to some
                            // receivers

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParCommGraph::dump_comm_information ( std::string  prefix,
int  is_send 

Definition at line 1601 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References COVERAGE, DOF_BASED, graph_type, INITIAL_MIGRATE, involved_IDs_map, MB_SUCCESS, rankInGroup1, rankInGroup2, rankInJoin, moab::Range::size(), and split_ranges.

    if( -1 != rankInGroup1 && 1 == is_send )  // it is a sender task
        std::ofstream dbfile;
        std::stringstream outf;
        outf << prefix << "_sender_" << rankInGroup1 << "_joint" << rankInJoin << "_type_" << (int)graph_type << ".txt"; outf.str().c_str() );

        if( graph_type == COVERAGE )
            for( std::map< int, std::vector< int > >::iterator mit = involved_IDs_map.begin();
                 mit != involved_IDs_map.end(); mit++ )
                int receiver_proc        = mit->first;
                std::vector< int >& eids = mit->second;
                dbfile << "receiver: " << receiver_proc << " size:" << eids.size() << "\n";
        else if( graph_type == INITIAL_MIGRATE )  // just after migration
            for( std::map< int, Range >::iterator mit = split_ranges.begin(); mit != split_ranges.end(); mit++ )
                int receiver_proc = mit->first;
                Range& eids       = mit->second;
                dbfile << "receiver: " << receiver_proc << " size:" << eids.size() << "\n";
        else if( graph_type == DOF_BASED )  // just after migration, or from computeGraph
            for( std::map< int, std::vector< int > >::iterator mit = involved_IDs_map.begin();
                 mit != involved_IDs_map.end(); mit++ )
                int receiver_proc = mit->first;
                dbfile << "receiver: " << receiver_proc << " size:" << mit->second.size() << "\n";
    if( -1 != rankInGroup2 && 0 == is_send )  // it is a receiver task
        std::ofstream dbfile;
        std::stringstream outf;
        outf << prefix << "_receiver_" << rankInGroup2 << "_joint" << rankInJoin << "_type_" << (int)graph_type
             << ".txt"; outf.str().c_str() );

        if( graph_type == COVERAGE )
            for( std::map< int, std::vector< int > >::iterator mit = involved_IDs_map.begin();
                 mit != involved_IDs_map.end(); mit++ )
                int sender_proc          = mit->first;
                std::vector< int >& eids = mit->second;
                dbfile << "sender: " << sender_proc << " size:" << eids.size() << "\n";
        else if( graph_type == INITIAL_MIGRATE )  // just after migration
            for( std::map< int, Range >::iterator mit = split_ranges.begin(); mit != split_ranges.end(); mit++ )
                int sender_proc = mit->first;
                Range& eids     = mit->second;
                dbfile << "sender: " << sender_proc << " size:" << eids.size() << "\n";
        else if( graph_type == DOF_BASED )  // just after migration
            for( std::map< int, std::vector< int > >::iterator mit = involved_IDs_map.begin();
                 mit != involved_IDs_map.end(); mit++ )
                int sender_proc = mit->first;
                dbfile << "receiver: " << sender_proc << " size:" << mit->second.size() << "\n";
    return MB_SUCCESS;
void moab::ParCommGraph::find_group_ranks ( MPI_Group  group,
MPI_Comm  join,
std::vector< int > &  ranks 
) [private]

find ranks of a group with respect to an encompassing communicator

Operations: Local, usually called on root process of the group

[out]ranks( std::vector<int>) ranks with respect to the joint communicator

Definition at line 81 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

Referenced by ParCommGraph().

    MPI_Group global_grp;
    MPI_Comm_group( joincomm, &global_grp );

    int grp_size;

    MPI_Group_size( group, &grp_size );
    std::vector< int > rks( grp_size );
    ranks.resize( grp_size );

    for( int i = 0; i < grp_size; i++ )
        rks[i] = i;

    MPI_Group_translate_ranks( group, grp_size, &rks[0], global_grp, &ranks[0] );
    MPI_Group_free( &global_grp );
ErrorCode moab::ParCommGraph::form_mesh_from_tuples ( Interface mb,
TupleList TLv,
TupleList TLc,
int  type,
int  lenTagType1,
EntityHandle  fset,
Range primary_ents,
std::vector< int > &  values_entities 

Definition at line 1391 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References moab::Interface::add_entities(), moab::Interface::create_element(), moab::Interface::create_vertex(), ErrorCode, moab::TupleList::get_n(), moab::Interface::globalId_tag(), moab::Range::insert(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_CHK_SET_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, MB_TAG_CREAT, MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MBPOLYGON, MBQUAD, MBTRI, moab::Range::size(), split_ranges, moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), moab::Interface::tag_get_handle(), moab::Interface::tag_set_data(), moab::TupleList::vi_rd, and moab::TupleList::vr_rd.

    // might need to fill also the split_range things
    // we will always need GlobalID tag
    Tag gidtag = mb->globalId_tag();
    // for Type1, we need GLOBAL_DOFS tag;
    Tag gds;
    ErrorCode rval;
    std::vector< int > def_val( lenTagType1, 0 );
    if( type == 1 )
        // we may need to create this tag
        rval = mb->tag_get_handle( "GLOBAL_DOFS", lenTagType1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, gds, MB_TAG_CREAT | MB_TAG_DENSE,
                                   &def_val[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );

    std::map< int, EntityHandle > vertexMap;  //
    Range verts;
    // always form vertices and add them to the fset;
    int n = TLv.get_n();
    EntityHandle vertex;
    for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        int gid = TLv.vi_rd[2 * i + 1];
        if( vertexMap.find( gid ) == vertexMap.end() )
            // need to form this vertex
            rval = mb->create_vertex( &( TLv.vr_rd[3 * i] ), vertex );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
            vertexMap[gid] = vertex;
            verts.insert( vertex );
            rval = mb->tag_set_data( gidtag, &vertex, 1, &gid );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
            // if point cloud,
        if( 2 == type )  // point cloud, add it to the split_ranges ?
            split_ranges[TLv.vi_rd[2 * i]].insert( vertexMap[gid] );
        // todo : when to add the values_entities ?
    rval = mb->add_entities( fset, verts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
    if( 2 == type )
        primary_ents = verts;
        values_entities.resize( verts.size() );  // just get the ids of vertices
        rval = mb->tag_get_data( gidtag, verts, &values_entities[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
        return MB_SUCCESS;

    n              = TLc.get_n();
    int size_tuple = 2 + ( ( type != 1 ) ? 0 : lenTagType1 ) + 1 + 10;  // 10 is the max number of vertices in cell

    EntityHandle new_element;
    Range cells;
    std::map< int, EntityHandle > cellMap;  // do no tcreate one if it already exists, maybe from other processes
    for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        int from_proc  = TLc.vi_rd[size_tuple * i];
        int globalIdEl = TLc.vi_rd[size_tuple * i + 1];
        if( cellMap.find( globalIdEl ) == cellMap.end() )  // need to create the cell
            int current_index = 2;
            if( 1 == type ) current_index += lenTagType1;
            int nnodes = TLc.vi_rd[size_tuple * i + current_index];
            std::vector< EntityHandle > conn;
            conn.resize( nnodes );
            for( int j = 0; j < nnodes; j++ )
                conn[j] = vertexMap[TLc.vi_rd[size_tuple * i + current_index + j + 1]];
            EntityType entType = MBQUAD;
            if( nnodes > 4 ) entType = MBPOLYGON;
            if( nnodes < 4 ) entType = MBTRI;
            rval = mb->create_element( entType, &conn[0], nnodes, new_element );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't create new element " );
            cells.insert( new_element );
            cellMap[globalIdEl] = new_element;
            rval                = mb->tag_set_data( gidtag, &new_element, 1, &globalIdEl );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't set global id tag on cell " );
            if( 1 == type )
                // set the gds tag
                rval = mb->tag_set_data( gds, &new_element, 1, &( TLc.vi_rd[size_tuple * i + 2] ) );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't set gds tag on cell " );
        split_ranges[from_proc].insert( cellMap[globalIdEl] );
    rval = mb->add_entities( fset, cells );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
    primary_ents = cells;
    if( 1 == type )
        values_entities.resize( lenTagType1 * primary_ents.size() );
        rval = mb->tag_get_data( gds, primary_ents, &values_entities[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
    else  // type == 3
        values_entities.resize( primary_ents.size() );  // just get the ids !
        rval = mb->tag_get_data( gidtag, primary_ents, &values_entities[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParCommGraph::form_tuples_to_migrate_mesh ( Interface mb,
TupleList TLv,
TupleList TLc,
int  type,
int  lenTagType1 

Definition at line 1304 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::TupleList::enableWriteAccess(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Interface::get_connectivity(), moab::Interface::get_coords(), moab::TupleList::get_n(), moab::Interface::globalId_tag(), moab::TupleList::inc_n(), moab::TupleList::initialize(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, moab::Range::size(), split_ranges, moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), moab::Interface::tag_get_handle(), moab::TupleList::vi_wr, and moab::TupleList::vr_wr.

    // we will always need GlobalID tag
    Tag gidtag = mb->globalId_tag();
    // for Type1, we need GLOBAL_DOFS tag;
    Tag gds;
    ErrorCode rval;
    if( type == 1 )
        rval = mb->tag_get_handle( "GLOBAL_DOFS", gds );
    // find vertices to be sent, for each of the split_ranges procs
    std::map< int, Range > verts_to_proc;
    int numv = 0, numc = 0;
    for( auto it = split_ranges.begin(); it != split_ranges.end(); it++ )
        int to_proc = it->first;
        Range verts;
        if( type != 2 )
            rval = mb->get_connectivity( it->second, verts );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
            numc += (int)it->second.size();
            verts = it->second;
        verts_to_proc[to_proc] = verts;
        numv += (int)verts.size();
    // first vertices:
    TLv.initialize( 2, 0, 0, 3, numv );  // to proc, GLOBAL ID, 3 real coordinates
    // use the global id of vertices for connectivity
    for( auto it = verts_to_proc.begin(); it != verts_to_proc.end(); it++ )
        int to_proc  = it->first;
        Range& verts = it->second;
        for( Range::iterator vit = verts.begin(); vit != verts.end(); ++vit )
            EntityHandle v   = *vit;
            int n            = TLv.get_n();  // current size of tuple list
            TLv.vi_wr[2 * n] = to_proc;      // send to processor

            rval = mb->tag_get_data( gidtag, &v, 1, &( TLv.vi_wr[2 * n + 1] ) );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
            rval = mb->get_coords( &v, 1, &( TLv.vr_wr[3 * n] ) );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
            TLv.inc_n();  // increment tuple list size
    if( type == 2 ) return MB_SUCCESS;  // no need to fill TLc
    // to proc, ID cell, gdstag, nbv, id conn,
    int size_tuple = 2 + ( ( type != 1 ) ? 0 : lenTagType1 ) + 1 + 10;  // 10 is the max number of vertices in cell

    std::vector< int > gdvals;

    TLc.initialize( size_tuple, 0, 0, 0, numc );  // to proc, GLOBAL ID, 3 real coordinates
    for( auto it = split_ranges.begin(); it != split_ranges.end(); it++ )
        int to_proc  = it->first;
        Range& cells = it->second;
        for( Range::iterator cit = cells.begin(); cit != cells.end(); ++cit )
            EntityHandle cell         = *cit;
            int n                     = TLc.get_n();  // current size of tuple list
            TLc.vi_wr[size_tuple * n] = to_proc;
            int current_index         = 2;
            rval                      = mb->tag_get_data( gidtag, &cell, 1, &( TLc.vi_wr[size_tuple * n + 1] ) );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
            if( 1 == type )
                rval = mb->tag_get_data( gds, &cell, 1, &( TLc.vi_wr[size_tuple * n + current_index] ) );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
                current_index += lenTagType1;
            // now get connectivity
            const EntityHandle* conn = NULL;
            int nnodes               = 0;
            rval                     = mb->get_connectivity( cell, conn, nnodes );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
            // fill nnodes:
            TLc.vi_wr[size_tuple * n + current_index] = nnodes;
            rval = mb->tag_get_data( gidtag, conn, nnodes, &( TLc.vi_wr[size_tuple * n + current_index + 1] ) );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
            TLc.inc_n();  // increment tuple list size
    return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 153 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

References compid1.

        return compid1;

Definition at line 157 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

References compid2.

        return compid2;

Definition at line 162 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

References context_id.

        return context_id;

Definition at line 171 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

References cover_set.

        return cover_set;

Definition at line 138 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

References rootReceiver.

        return rootReceiver;

Definition at line 133 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

References rootSender.

Referenced by send_graph(), send_graph_partition(), and send_mesh_parts().

        return rootSender;
ErrorCode moab::ParCommGraph::pack_receivers_graph ( std::vector< int > &  packed_recv_array)

pack information about receivers view of the graph, for future sending to receiver root

Operations: Local, called on root process of the senders group

[out]packed_recv_arraypacked data will be sent to the root of receivers, and distributed from there, and will have this information, for each receiver, concatenated receiver 1 task, number of senders for receiver 1, then sender tasks for receiver 1, receiver 2 task, number of senders for receiver 2, sender tasks for receiver 2, etc Note: only the root of senders will compute this, and send it over to the receiver root, which will distribute it over each receiver; We do not pack the sizes of data to be sent, only the senders for each of the receivers (could be of size O(n^2) , where n is the number of tasks ; but in general, it should be more like O(n) ). Each sender sends to a "finite" number of receivers, and each receiver receives from a finite number of senders). We need this info to decide how to set up the send/receive waiting game for non-blocking communication )

Definition at line 189 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References MB_SUCCESS, receiverTasks, recv_graph, and senders().

Referenced by send_graph().

    // it will basically look at local data, to pack communication graph, each receiver task will
    // have to post receives for each sender task that will send data to it; the array will be
    // communicated to root receiver, and eventually distributed to receiver tasks

     * packed_array will have receiver, number of senders, then senders, etc
    if( recv_graph.size() < receiverTasks.size() )
        // big problem, we have empty partitions in receive
        std::cout << " WARNING: empty partitions, some receiver tasks will receive nothing.\n";
    for( std::map< int, std::vector< int > >::iterator it = recv_graph.begin(); it != recv_graph.end(); it++ )
        int recv                    = it->first;
        std::vector< int >& senders = it->second;
        packed_recv_array.push_back( recv );
        packed_recv_array.push_back( (int)senders.size() );

        for( int k = 0; k < (int)senders.size(); k++ )
            packed_recv_array.push_back( senders[k] );

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParCommGraph::receive_comm_graph ( MPI_Comm  jcomm,
ParallelComm pco,
std::vector< int > &  pack_array 

Definition at line 357 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References moab::ParallelComm::comm(), ierr, MB_SUCCESS, rootReceiver, and sender().

    // first, receive from sender_rank 0, the communication graph (matrix), so each receiver
    // knows what data to expect
    MPI_Comm receive = pco->comm();
    int size_pack_array, ierr;
    MPI_Status status;
    if( rootReceiver )
         * MPI_Probe(
        int source,
        int tag,
        MPI_Comm comm,
        MPI_Status* status)
        ierr = MPI_Probe( sender( 0 ), 20, jcomm, &status );
        if( 0 != ierr )
            std::cout << " MPI_Probe failure: " << ierr << "\n";
            return MB_FAILURE;
        // get the count of data received from the MPI_Status structure
        ierr = MPI_Get_count( &status, MPI_INT, &size_pack_array );
        if( 0 != ierr )
            std::cout << " MPI_Get_count failure: " << ierr << "\n";
            return MB_FAILURE;
#ifdef VERBOSE
        std::cout << " receive comm graph size: " << size_pack_array << "\n";
        pack_array.resize( size_pack_array );
        ierr = MPI_Recv( &pack_array[0], size_pack_array, MPI_INT, sender( 0 ), 20, jcomm, &status );
        if( 0 != ierr ) return MB_FAILURE;
#ifdef VERBOSE
        std::cout << " receive comm graph ";
        for( int k = 0; k < (int)pack_array.size(); k++ )
            std::cout << " " << pack_array[k];
        std::cout << "\n";

    // now broadcast this whole array to all receivers, so they know what to expect
    ierr = MPI_Bcast( &size_pack_array, 1, MPI_INT, 0, receive );
    if( 0 != ierr ) return MB_FAILURE;
    pack_array.resize( size_pack_array );
    ierr = MPI_Bcast( &pack_array[0], size_pack_array, MPI_INT, 0, receive );
    if( 0 != ierr ) return MB_FAILURE;
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParCommGraph::receive_mesh ( MPI_Comm  jcomm,
ParallelComm pco,
EntityHandle  local_set,
std::vector< int > &  senders_local 

Definition at line 410 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References moab::Core::a_entity_factory(), moab::Interface::add_entities(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::ParallelComm::Buffer::buff_ptr, buffer, corr_sizes, corr_tasks, moab::AEntityFactory::create_vert_elem_adjacencies(), moab::Range::empty(), moab::Range::end(), entities, ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_connectivity(), moab::ParallelComm::get_moab(), ierr, mb, MB_CHK_ERR, MB_CHK_SET_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, MB_TAG_CREAT, MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MBVERTEX, moab::ParallelComm::Buffer::mem_ptr, moab::Range::merge(), moab::AEntityFactory::notify_create_entity(), rankInJoin, moab::ParallelComm::Buffer::reset_ptr(), moab::Range::size(), split_ranges, moab::Range::subset_by_dimension(), moab::Range::subset_by_type(), moab::subtract(), moab::Interface::tag_get_handle(), moab::Interface::tag_set_data(), moab::ParallelComm::unpack_buffer(), moab::AEntityFactory::vert_elem_adjacencies(), and moab::Interface::write_file().

    ErrorCode rval;
    int ierr;
    MPI_Status status;
    // we also need to fill corresponding mesh info on the other side
    corr_tasks = senders_local;
    Range newEnts;

    Tag orgSendProcTag;  // this will be a tag set on the received mesh, with info about from what
                         // task / PE the
    // primary element came from, in the joint communicator ; this will be forwarded by coverage
    // mesh
    int defaultInt = -1;  // no processor, so it was not migrated from somewhere else
    rval           = pco->get_moab()->tag_get_handle( "orig_sending_processor", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, orgSendProcTag,
                                                      MB_TAG_DENSE | MB_TAG_CREAT, &defaultInt );MB_CHK_SET_ERR( rval, "can't create original sending processor tag" );
    if( !senders_local.empty() )
        for( size_t k = 0; k < senders_local.size(); k++ )
            int sender1 = senders_local[k];
            // first receive the size of the buffer using probe
                 * MPI_Probe(
                int source,
                int tag,
                MPI_Comm comm,
                MPI_Status* status)
            ierr = MPI_Probe( sender1, 2, jcomm, &status );
            if( 0 != ierr )
                std::cout << " MPI_Probe failure in ParCommGraph::receive_mesh " << ierr << "\n";
                return MB_FAILURE;
            // get the count of data received from the MPI_Status structure
            int size_pack;
            ierr = MPI_Get_count( &status, MPI_CHAR, &size_pack );
            if( 0 != ierr )
                std::cout << " MPI_Get_count failure in ParCommGraph::receive_mesh  " << ierr << "\n";
                return MB_FAILURE;

            /* ierr = MPI_Recv (&size_pack, 1, MPI_INT, sender1, 1, jcomm, &status);
             if (0!=ierr) return MB_FAILURE;*/
            // now resize the buffer, then receive it
            ParallelComm::Buffer* buffer = new ParallelComm::Buffer( size_pack );
            // buffer->reserve(size_pack);

            ierr = MPI_Recv( buffer->mem_ptr, size_pack, MPI_CHAR, sender1, 2, jcomm, &status );
            if( 0 != ierr )
                std::cout << " MPI_Recv failure in ParCommGraph::receive_mesh " << ierr << "\n";
                return MB_FAILURE;
            // now unpack the buffer we just received
            Range entities;
            std::vector< std::vector< EntityHandle > > L1hloc, L1hrem;
            std::vector< std::vector< int > > L1p;
            std::vector< EntityHandle > L2hloc, L2hrem;
            std::vector< unsigned int > L2p;

            buffer->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
            std::vector< EntityHandle > entities_vec( entities.size() );
            std::copy( entities.begin(), entities.end(), entities_vec.begin() );
            rval = pco->unpack_buffer( buffer->buff_ptr, false, -1, -1, L1hloc, L1hrem, L1p, L2hloc, L2hrem, L2p,
                                       entities_vec );
            delete buffer;
            if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;

            std::copy( entities_vec.begin(), entities_vec.end(), range_inserter( entities ) );
            // we have to add them to the local set
            rval = pco->get_moab()->add_entities( local_set, entities );
            if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
            // corr_sizes is the size of primary entities received
            Range verts              = entities.subset_by_dimension( 0 );
            Range local_primary_ents = subtract( entities, verts );
            if( local_primary_ents.empty() )
                // it is possible that all ents sent were vertices (point cloud)
                // then consider primary entities the vertices
                local_primary_ents = verts;
                // set a tag with the original sender for the primary entity
                // will be used later for coverage mesh
                std::vector< int > orig_senders( local_primary_ents.size(), sender1 );
                rval = pco->get_moab()->tag_set_data( orgSendProcTag, local_primary_ents, &orig_senders[0] );
            corr_sizes.push_back( (int)local_primary_ents.size() );

            newEnts.merge( entities );
            // make these in split ranges
            split_ranges[sender1] = local_primary_ents;

#ifdef VERBOSE
            std::ostringstream partial_outFile;

            partial_outFile << "part_send_" << sender1 << "."
                            << "recv" << rankInJoin << ".vtk";

            // the mesh contains ghosts too, but they are not part of mat/neumann set
            // write in serial the file, to see what tags are missing
            std::cout << " writing from receiver " << rankInJoin << " from sender " << sender1
                      << " entities: " << entities.size() << std::endl;
            rval = pco->get_moab()->write_file( partial_outFile.str().c_str(), 0, 0, &local_set,
                                                1 );  // everything on local set received
            if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;
    // make sure adjacencies are updated on the new elements

    if( newEnts.empty() )
        std::cout << " WARNING: this task did not receive any entities \n";
    // in order for the merging to work, we need to be sure that the adjacencies are updated
    // (created)
    Range local_verts        = newEnts.subset_by_type( MBVERTEX );
    newEnts                  = subtract( newEnts, local_verts );
    Core* mb                 = (Core*)pco->get_moab();
    AEntityFactory* adj_fact = mb->a_entity_factory();
    if( !adj_fact->vert_elem_adjacencies() )
        for( Range::iterator it = newEnts.begin(); it != newEnts.end(); ++it )
            EntityHandle eh          = *it;
            const EntityHandle* conn = NULL;
            int num_nodes            = 0;
            rval                     = mb->get_connectivity( eh, conn, num_nodes );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
            adj_fact->notify_create_entity( eh, conn, num_nodes );

    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParCommGraph::receive_tag_values ( MPI_Comm  jcomm,
ParallelComm pco,
Range owned,
std::vector< Tag > &  tag_handles 

Get the size of the specified tag in bytes

Definition at line 782 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::ParallelComm::Buffer::buff_ptr, buffer, COVERAGE, DOF_BASED, moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::ParallelComm::get_moab(), moab::Core::globalId_tag(), graph_type, moab::Core::id_from_handle(), ierr, INITIAL_MIGRATE, involved_IDs_map, map_index, map_ptr, mb, MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, moab::ParallelComm::Buffer::mem_ptr, rankInJoin, moab::ParallelComm::Buffer::reset_ptr(), sendReqs, moab::Range::size(), split_ranges, moab::Core::tag_get_bytes(), moab::Core::tag_get_data(), moab::Core::tag_get_length(), and moab::Core::tag_set_data().

    // opposite to sending, we will use blocking receives
    int ierr;
    MPI_Status status;
    // basically, owned.size() needs to be equal to sum(corr_sizes)
    // get info about the tag size, type, etc
    Core* mb = (Core*)pco->get_moab();
    // get info about the tag
    //! Get the size of the specified tag in bytes
    ErrorCode rval;
    int total_bytes_per_entity = 0;
    std::vector< int > vect_bytes_per_tag;
#ifdef VERBOSE
    std::vector< int > tag_sizes;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < tag_handles.size(); i++ )
        int bytes_per_tag;
        rval = mb->tag_get_bytes( tag_handles[i], bytes_per_tag );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
        total_bytes_per_entity += bytes_per_tag;
        vect_bytes_per_tag.push_back( bytes_per_tag );
#ifdef VERBOSE
        int tag_size;
        rval = mb->tag_get_length( tag_handles[i], tag_size );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
        tag_sizes.push_back( tag_size );

    if( graph_type == INITIAL_MIGRATE )
        // std::map<int, Range> split_ranges;
        // rval = split_owned_range ( owned);MB_CHK_ERR ( rval );

        // use the buffers data structure to allocate memory for receiving the tags
        for( std::map< int, Range >::iterator it = split_ranges.begin(); it != split_ranges.end(); it++ )
            int sender_proc = it->first;
            Range ents      = it->second;  // primary entities, with the tag data, we will receive
            int size_buffer = 4 + total_bytes_per_entity *
                                      (int)ents.size();  // hopefully, below 2B; if more, we have a big problem ...
            ParallelComm::Buffer* buffer = new ParallelComm::Buffer( size_buffer );

            buffer->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );

            *( (int*)buffer->mem_ptr ) = size_buffer;
            // int size_pack = buffer->get_current_size(); // debug check

            ierr = MPI_Recv( buffer->mem_ptr, size_buffer, MPI_CHAR, sender_proc, 222, jcomm, &status );
            if( ierr != 0 ) return MB_FAILURE;
            // now set the tag
            // copy to tag

            for( size_t i = 0; i < tag_handles.size(); i++ )
                rval = mb->tag_set_data( tag_handles[i], ents, (void*)( buffer->buff_ptr ) );
                buffer->buff_ptr += vect_bytes_per_tag[i] * ents.size();
            delete buffer;  // no need for it afterwards
            MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
    else if( graph_type == COVERAGE )  // receive buffer, then extract tag data, in a loop
        // we know that we will need to receive some tag data in a specific order (by ids stored)
        // first, get the ids of the local elements, from owned Range; unpack the buffer in order
        Tag gidTag = mb->globalId_tag();
        std::vector< int > gids;
        gids.resize( owned.size() );
        rval = mb->tag_get_data( gidTag, owned, &gids[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
        std::map< int, EntityHandle > gidToHandle;
        size_t i = 0;
        for( Range::iterator it = owned.begin(); it != owned.end(); it++ )
            EntityHandle eh        = *it;
            gidToHandle[gids[i++]] = eh;
        // now, unpack the data and set it to the tag
        for( std::map< int, std::vector< int > >::iterator mit = involved_IDs_map.begin();
             mit != involved_IDs_map.end(); mit++ )
            int sender_proc          = mit->first;
            std::vector< int >& eids = mit->second;
            int size_buffer          = 4 + total_bytes_per_entity *
                                      (int)eids.size();  // hopefully, below 2B; if more, we have a big problem ...
            ParallelComm::Buffer* buffer = new ParallelComm::Buffer( size_buffer );
            buffer->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
            *( (int*)buffer->mem_ptr ) = size_buffer;  // this is really not necessary, it should receive this too

            // receive the buffer
            ierr = MPI_Recv( buffer->mem_ptr, size_buffer, MPI_CHAR, sender_proc, 222, jcomm, &status );
            if( ierr != 0 ) return MB_FAILURE;
// start copy
#ifdef VERBOSE
            std::ofstream dbfile;
            std::stringstream outf;
            outf << "recvFrom_" << sender_proc << "_on_proc_" << rankInJoin << ".txt";
   outf.str().c_str() );
            dbfile << "recvFrom_" << sender_proc << " on proc  " << rankInJoin << "\n";

            // copy tag data from buffer->buff_ptr
            // data is arranged by tag , and repeat the loop for each entity ()
            // maybe it should be arranged by entity now, not by tag (so one loop for entities,
            // outside)

            for( std::vector< int >::iterator it = eids.begin(); it != eids.end(); it++ )
                int eID                                      = *it;
                std::map< int, EntityHandle >::iterator mit2 = gidToHandle.find( eID );
                if( mit2 == gidToHandle.end() )
                    std::cout << " on rank: " << rankInJoin << " cannot find entity handle with global ID " << eID
                              << "\n";
                    return MB_FAILURE;
                EntityHandle eh = mit2->second;
                for( i = 0; i < tag_handles.size(); i++ )
                    rval = mb->tag_set_data( tag_handles[i], &eh, 1, (void*)( buffer->buff_ptr ) );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
#ifdef VERBOSE
                    dbfile << "global ID " << eID << " local handle " << mb->id_from_handle( eh ) << " vals: ";
                    double* vals = (double*)( buffer->buff_ptr );
                    for( int kk = 0; kk < tag_sizes[i]; kk++ )
                        dbfile << " " << *vals;
                    dbfile << "\n";
                    buffer->buff_ptr += vect_bytes_per_tag[i];

            // delete receive buffer
            delete buffer;
#ifdef VERBOSE
    else if( graph_type == DOF_BASED )
        // need to fill up the values for each tag, in the order desired, from the buffer received
        // get all the tags, for all owned entities, and pack the buffers accordingly
        // we do not want to get the tags by entity, it may be too expensive
        std::vector< std::vector< double > > valuesTags;
        valuesTags.resize( tag_handles.size() );
        for( size_t i = 0; i < tag_handles.size(); i++ )
            int bytes_per_tag;
            rval = mb->tag_get_bytes( tag_handles[i], bytes_per_tag );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
            valuesTags[i].resize( owned.size() * bytes_per_tag / sizeof( double ) );
            // fill the whole array, we will pick up from here
            // we will fill this array, using data from received buffer
            // rval = mb->tag_get_data(owned, (void*)( &(valuesTags[i][0])) );MB_CHK_ERR ( rval );
        // now, unpack the data and set the tags
        sendReqs.resize( involved_IDs_map.size() );
        for( std::map< int, std::vector< int > >::iterator mit = involved_IDs_map.begin();
             mit != involved_IDs_map.end(); mit++ )
            int sender_proc                     = mit->first;
            std::vector< int >& eids            = mit->second;
            std::vector< int >& index_in_values = map_index[sender_proc];
            std::vector< int >& index_ptr       = map_ptr[sender_proc];  // this is eids.size()+1;
            int size_buffer                     = 4 + total_bytes_per_entity *
                                      (int)eids.size();  // hopefully, below 2B; if more, we have a big problem ...
            ParallelComm::Buffer* buffer = new ParallelComm::Buffer( size_buffer );
            buffer->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );

            // receive the buffer
            ierr = MPI_Recv( buffer->mem_ptr, size_buffer, MPI_CHAR, sender_proc, 222, jcomm, &status );
            if( ierr != 0 ) return MB_FAILURE;
            // use the values in buffer to populate valuesTag arrays, fill it up!
            int j = 0;
            for( std::vector< int >::iterator it = eids.begin(); it != eids.end(); it++, j++ )
                for( size_t i = 0; i < tag_handles.size(); i++ )
                    // right now, move just doubles; but it could be any type of tag
                    double val = *( (double*)( buffer->buff_ptr ) );
                    buffer->buff_ptr += 8;  // we know we are working with doubles only !!!
                    for( int k = index_ptr[j]; k < index_ptr[j + 1]; k++ )
                        valuesTags[i][index_in_values[k]] = val;
            // we are done with the buffer in which we received tags, release / delete it
            delete buffer;
        // now we populated the values for all tags; set now the tags!
        for( size_t i = 0; i < tag_handles.size(); i++ )
            // we will fill this array, using data from received buffer
            rval = mb->tag_set_data( tag_handles[i], owned, (void*)( &( valuesTags[i][0] ) ) );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
    return MB_SUCCESS;
int moab::ParCommGraph::receiver ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 148 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

References receiverTasks.

Referenced by send_graph().

        return receiverTasks[index];
const std::vector< int >& moab::ParCommGraph::receivers ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 210 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

References receiverTasks.

Referenced by split_owned_range().

        return receiverTasks;

Definition at line 557 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References comm_graph, ierr, localSendBuffs, MB_SUCCESS, and sendReqs.

    int ierr, nsize = (int)sendReqs.size();
    std::vector< MPI_Status > mult_status;
    mult_status.resize( sendReqs.size() );
    ierr = MPI_Waitall( nsize, &sendReqs[0], &mult_status[0] );

    if( ierr != 0 ) return MB_FAILURE;
    // now we can free all buffers
    delete[] comm_graph;
    comm_graph = NULL;
    std::vector< ParallelComm::Buffer* >::iterator vit;
    for( vit = localSendBuffs.begin(); vit != localSendBuffs.end(); ++vit )
        delete( *vit );
    return MB_SUCCESS;

use tag 10 to send size and tag 20 to send the packed array

Definition at line 265 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References comm_graph, ErrorCode, ierr, is_root_sender(), MB_SUCCESS, pack_receivers_graph(), receiver(), and sendReqs.

Referenced by send_graph_partition().

    if( is_root_sender() )
        int ierr;
        // will need to build a communication graph, because each sender knows now to which receiver
        // to send data the receivers need to post receives for each sender that will send data to
        // them will need to gather on rank 0 on the sender comm, global ranks of sender with
        // receivers to send build communication matrix, each receiver will receive from what sender

        std::vector< int > packed_recv_array;
        ErrorCode rval = pack_receivers_graph( packed_recv_array );
        if( MB_SUCCESS != rval ) return rval;

        int size_pack_array = (int)packed_recv_array.size();
        comm_graph          = new int[size_pack_array + 1];
        comm_graph[0]       = size_pack_array;
        for( int k = 0; k < size_pack_array; k++ )
            comm_graph[k + 1] = packed_recv_array[k];
        // will add 2 requests
        /// use tag 10 to send size and tag 20 to send the packed array
        sendReqs.resize( 1 );
        // do not send the size in advance, because we use probe now
        /*ierr = MPI_Isend(&comm_graph[0], 1, MPI_INT, receiver(0), 10, jcomm, &sendReqs[0]); // we
        have to use global communicator if (ierr!=0) return MB_FAILURE;*/
        ierr = MPI_Isend( &comm_graph[1], size_pack_array, MPI_INT, receiver( 0 ), 20, jcomm,
                          &sendReqs[0] );  // we have to use global communicator
        if( ierr != 0 ) return MB_FAILURE;
    return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 1500 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References buffer, moab::ParallelComm::comm(), compid1, compid2, ErrorCode, ierr, is_root_sender(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, recv_graph, send_graph(), senders(), senderTasks, and split_ranges.

    // first, accumulate the info to root of sender; use gatherv
    // first, accumulate number of receivers from each sender, to the root receiver
    int numberReceivers =
        (int)split_ranges.size();            // these are ranges of elements to be sent to each receiver, from this task
    int nSenders = (int)senderTasks.size();  //
    // this sender will have to send to this many receivers
    std::vector< int > displs( 1 );  // displacements for gatherv
    std::vector< int > counts( 1 );
    if( is_root_sender() )
        displs.resize( nSenders + 1 );
        counts.resize( nSenders );

    int ierr = MPI_Gather( &numberReceivers, 1, MPI_INT, &counts[0], 1, MPI_INT, 0, pco->comm() );
    if( ierr != MPI_SUCCESS ) return MB_FAILURE;
    // compute now displacements
    if( is_root_sender() )
        displs[0] = 0;
        for( int k = 0; k < nSenders; k++ )
            displs[k + 1] = displs[k] + counts[k];
    std::vector< int > buffer;
    if( is_root_sender() ) buffer.resize( displs[nSenders] );  // the last one will have the total count now

    std::vector< int > recvs;
    for( std::map< int, Range >::iterator mit = split_ranges.begin(); mit != split_ranges.end(); mit++ )
        recvs.push_back( mit->first );
    ierr =
        MPI_Gatherv( &recvs[0], numberReceivers, MPI_INT, &buffer[0], &counts[0], &displs[0], MPI_INT, 0, pco->comm() );
    if( ierr != MPI_SUCCESS ) return MB_FAILURE;

    // now form recv_graph map; points from the
    // now form the graph to be sent to the other side; only on root
    if( is_root_sender() )
        std::ofstream dbfileSender;
        std::stringstream outf;
        outf << "S_" << compid1 << "_R_" << compid2 << "_SenderGraph.txt"; outf.str().c_str() );
        dbfileSender << " number senders: " << nSenders << "\n";
        dbfileSender << " senderRank \treceivers \n";
        for( int k = 0; k < nSenders; k++ )
            int indexInBuff = displs[k];
            int senderTask  = senderTasks[k];
            dbfileSender << senderTask << "\t\t";
            for( int j = 0; j < counts[k]; j++ )
                int recvTask = buffer[indexInBuff + j];
                dbfileSender << recvTask << " ";
            dbfileSender << "\n";
        for( int k = 0; k < nSenders; k++ )
            int indexInBuff = displs[k];
            int senderTask  = senderTasks[k];
            for( int j = 0; j < counts[k]; j++ )
                int recvTask = buffer[indexInBuff + j];
                recv_graph[recvTask].push_back( senderTask );  // this will be packed and sent to root receiver, with
                                                               // nonblocking send
        std::ofstream dbfile;
        std::stringstream outf2;
        outf2 << "S_" << compid1 << "_R_" << compid2 << "_RecvGraph.txt"; outf2.str().c_str() );
        dbfile << " number receivers: " << recv_graph.size() << "\n";
        dbfile << " receiverRank \tsenders \n";
        for( std::map< int, std::vector< int > >::iterator mit = recv_graph.begin(); mit != recv_graph.end(); mit++ )
            int recvTask                = mit->first;
            std::vector< int >& senders = mit->second;
            dbfile << recvTask << "\t\t";
            for( std::vector< int >::iterator vit = senders.begin(); vit != senders.end(); vit++ )
                dbfile << *vit << " ";
            dbfile << "\n";
        // this is the same as trivial partition
        ErrorCode rval = send_graph( jcomm );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );

    return MB_SUCCESS;

not anymore !

Definition at line 299 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References buffer, corr_sizes, corr_tasks, ErrorCode, moab::Interface::get_adjacencies(), moab::ParallelComm::Buffer::get_current_size(), moab::ParallelComm::get_moab(), ierr, moab::ParallelComm::INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE, is_root_sender(), localSendBuffs, MB_SUCCESS, moab::ParallelComm::Buffer::mem_ptr, moab::Range::merge(), moab::ParallelComm::pack_buffer(), rankInGroup1, moab::ParallelComm::Buffer::reset_ptr(), sender_graph, sender_sizes, senderTasks, sendReqs, split_owned_range(), split_ranges, and moab::Interface::UNION.


    ErrorCode rval;
    if( split_ranges.empty() )  // in trivial partition
        rval = split_owned_range( rankInGroup1, owned );
        if( rval != MB_SUCCESS ) return rval;
        // we know this on the sender side:
        corr_tasks = sender_graph[senderTasks[rankInGroup1]];  // copy
        corr_sizes = sender_sizes[senderTasks[rankInGroup1]];  // another copy

    int indexReq = 0;
    int ierr;                             // MPI error
    if( is_root_sender() ) indexReq = 1;  // for sendReqs
    sendReqs.resize( indexReq + split_ranges.size() );
    for( std::map< int, Range >::iterator it = split_ranges.begin(); it != split_ranges.end(); it++ )
        int receiver_proc = it->first;
        Range ents        = it->second;

        // add necessary vertices too
        Range verts;
        rval = pco->get_moab()->get_adjacencies( ents, 0, false, verts, Interface::UNION );
        if( rval != MB_SUCCESS )
            std::cout << " can't get adjacencies. for entities to send\n";
            return rval;
        ents.merge( verts );
        ParallelComm::Buffer* buffer = new ParallelComm::Buffer( ParallelComm::INITIAL_BUFF_SIZE );
        buffer->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
        rval = pco->pack_buffer( ents, false, true, false, -1, buffer );
        if( rval != MB_SUCCESS )
            std::cout << " can't pack buffer for entities to send\n";
            return rval;
        int size_pack = buffer->get_current_size();

        // TODO there could be an issue with endian things; check !!!!!
        // we are sending the size of the buffer first as an int!!!
        /// not anymore !
        /* ierr = MPI_Isend(buffer->mem_ptr, 1, MPI_INT, receiver_proc, 1, jcomm,
         &sendReqs[indexReq]); // we have to use global communicator if (ierr!=0) return MB_FAILURE;

        ierr = MPI_Isend( buffer->mem_ptr, size_pack, MPI_CHAR, receiver_proc, 2, jcomm,
                          &sendReqs[indexReq] );  // we have to use global communicator
        if( ierr != 0 ) return MB_FAILURE;
        localSendBuffs.push_back( buffer );
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParCommGraph::send_tag_values ( MPI_Comm  jcomm,
ParallelComm pco,
Range owned,
std::vector< Tag > &  tag_handles 

Get the size of the specified tag in bytes

Definition at line 577 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::ParallelComm::Buffer::buff_ptr, buffer, COVERAGE, DOF_BASED, moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::ParallelComm::get_moab(), moab::Core::globalId_tag(), graph_type, moab::Core::id_from_handle(), ierr, INITIAL_MIGRATE, involved_IDs_map, localSendBuffs, map_index, map_ptr, mb, MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SET_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, moab::ParallelComm::Buffer::mem_ptr, rankInJoin, moab::ParallelComm::Buffer::reset_ptr(), sendReqs, moab::Range::size(), split_ranges, moab::Core::tag_get_bytes(), moab::Core::tag_get_data(), and moab::Core::tag_get_length().

    // basically, owned.size() needs to be equal to sum(corr_sizes)
    // get info about the tag size, type, etc
    int ierr;
    Core* mb = (Core*)pco->get_moab();
    // get info about the tag
    //! Get the size of the specified tag in bytes
    int total_bytes_per_entity = 0;  // we need to know, to allocate buffers
    ErrorCode rval;
    std::vector< int > vect_bytes_per_tag;
#ifdef VERBOSE
    std::vector< int > tag_sizes;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < tag_handles.size(); i++ )
        int bytes_per_tag;
        rval = mb->tag_get_bytes( tag_handles[i], bytes_per_tag );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
        int tag_size1;  // length
        rval = mb->tag_get_length( tag_handles[i], tag_size1 );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
        if( graph_type == DOF_BASED )
            bytes_per_tag = bytes_per_tag / tag_size1;  // we know we have one double per tag , per ID sent;
                                                        // could be 8 for double, 4 for int, etc
        total_bytes_per_entity += bytes_per_tag;
        vect_bytes_per_tag.push_back( bytes_per_tag );
#ifdef VERBOSE
        int tag_size;
        rval = mb->tag_get_length( tag_handles[i], tag_size );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
        tag_sizes.push_back( tag_size );

    int indexReq = 0;
    if( graph_type == INITIAL_MIGRATE )  // original send
        // use the buffers data structure to allocate memory for sending the tags
        sendReqs.resize( split_ranges.size() );

        for( std::map< int, Range >::iterator it = split_ranges.begin(); it != split_ranges.end(); it++ )
            int receiver_proc = it->first;
            Range ents        = it->second;  // primary entities, with the tag data
            int size_buffer   = 4 + total_bytes_per_entity *
                                      (int)ents.size();  // hopefully, below 2B; if more, we have a big problem ...
            ParallelComm::Buffer* buffer = new ParallelComm::Buffer( size_buffer );

            buffer->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
            for( size_t i = 0; i < tag_handles.size(); i++ )
                // copy tag data to buffer->buff_ptr, and send the buffer (we could have used
                // regular char arrays)
                rval = mb->tag_get_data( tag_handles[i], ents, (void*)( buffer->buff_ptr ) );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
                // advance the butter
                buffer->buff_ptr += vect_bytes_per_tag[i] * ents.size();
            *( (int*)buffer->mem_ptr ) = size_buffer;
            // int size_pack = buffer->get_current_size(); // debug check
            ierr = MPI_Isend( buffer->mem_ptr, size_buffer, MPI_CHAR, receiver_proc, 222, jcomm,
                              &sendReqs[indexReq] );  // we have to use global communicator
            if( ierr != 0 ) return MB_FAILURE;
            localSendBuffs.push_back( buffer );  // we will release them after nonblocking sends are completed
    else if( graph_type == COVERAGE )
        // we know that we will need to send some tag data in a specific order
        // first, get the ids of the local elements, from owned Range; arrange the buffer in order
        // of increasing global id
        Tag gidTag = mb->globalId_tag();
        std::vector< int > gids;
        gids.resize( owned.size() );
        rval = mb->tag_get_data( gidTag, owned, &gids[0] );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
        std::map< int, EntityHandle > gidToHandle;
        size_t i = 0;
        for( Range::iterator it = owned.begin(); it != owned.end(); it++ )
            EntityHandle eh        = *it;
            gidToHandle[gids[i++]] = eh;
        // now, pack the data and send it
        sendReqs.resize( involved_IDs_map.size() );
        for( std::map< int, std::vector< int > >::iterator mit = involved_IDs_map.begin();
             mit != involved_IDs_map.end(); mit++ )
            int receiver_proc        = mit->first;
            std::vector< int >& eids = mit->second;
            int size_buffer          = 4 + total_bytes_per_entity *
                                      (int)eids.size();  // hopefully, below 2B; if more, we have a big problem ...
            ParallelComm::Buffer* buffer = new ParallelComm::Buffer( size_buffer );
            buffer->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
#ifdef VERBOSE
            std::ofstream dbfile;
            std::stringstream outf;
            outf << "from_" << rankInJoin << "_send_to_" << receiver_proc << ".txt";
   outf.str().c_str() );
            dbfile << "from " << rankInJoin << " send to " << receiver_proc << "\n";
            // copy tag data to buffer->buff_ptr, and send the buffer (we could have used regular
            // char arrays) pack data by tag, to be consistent with above, even though we loop
            // through the entities for each tag

            for( std::vector< int >::iterator it = eids.begin(); it != eids.end(); it++ )
                int eID         = *it;
                EntityHandle eh = gidToHandle[eID];
                for( i = 0; i < tag_handles.size(); i++ )
                    rval = mb->tag_get_data( tag_handles[i], &eh, 1, (void*)( buffer->buff_ptr ) );
                    if( rval != MB_SUCCESS )
                        delete buffer;  // free parallel comm buffer first

                        MB_SET_ERR( rval, "Tag get data failed" );
#ifdef VERBOSE
                    dbfile << "global ID " << eID << " local handle " << mb->id_from_handle( eh ) << " vals: ";
                    double* vals = (double*)( buffer->buff_ptr );
                    for( int kk = 0; kk < tag_sizes[i]; kk++ )
                        dbfile << " " << *vals;
                    dbfile << "\n";
                    buffer->buff_ptr += vect_bytes_per_tag[i];

#ifdef VERBOSE
            *( (int*)buffer->mem_ptr ) = size_buffer;
            // int size_pack = buffer->get_current_size(); // debug check
            ierr = MPI_Isend( buffer->mem_ptr, size_buffer, MPI_CHAR, receiver_proc, 222, jcomm,
                              &sendReqs[indexReq] );  // we have to use global communicator
            if( ierr != 0 ) return MB_FAILURE;
            localSendBuffs.push_back( buffer );  // we will release them after nonblocking sends are completed
    else if( graph_type == DOF_BASED )
        // need to fill up the buffer, in the order desired, send it
        // get all the tags, for all owned entities, and pack the buffers accordingly
        // we do not want to get the tags by entity, it may be too expensive
        std::vector< std::vector< double > > valuesTags;
        valuesTags.resize( tag_handles.size() );
        for( size_t i = 0; i < tag_handles.size(); i++ )

            int bytes_per_tag;
            rval = mb->tag_get_bytes( tag_handles[i], bytes_per_tag );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
            valuesTags[i].resize( owned.size() * bytes_per_tag / sizeof( double ) );
            // fill the whole array, we will pick up from here
            rval = mb->tag_get_data( tag_handles[i], owned, (void*)( &( valuesTags[i][0] ) ) );MB_CHK_ERR( rval );
        // now, pack the data and send it
        sendReqs.resize( involved_IDs_map.size() );
        for( std::map< int, std::vector< int > >::iterator mit = involved_IDs_map.begin();
             mit != involved_IDs_map.end(); mit++ )
            int receiver_proc                   = mit->first;
            std::vector< int >& eids            = mit->second;
            std::vector< int >& index_in_values = map_index[receiver_proc];
            std::vector< int >& index_ptr       = map_ptr[receiver_proc];  // this is eids.size()+1;
            int size_buffer                     = 4 + total_bytes_per_entity *
                                      (int)eids.size();  // hopefully, below 2B; if more, we have a big problem ...
            ParallelComm::Buffer* buffer = new ParallelComm::Buffer( size_buffer );
            buffer->reset_ptr( sizeof( int ) );
#ifdef VERBOSE
            std::ofstream dbfile;
            std::stringstream outf;
            outf << "from_" << rankInJoin << "_send_to_" << receiver_proc << ".txt";
   outf.str().c_str() );
            dbfile << "from " << rankInJoin << " send to " << receiver_proc << "\n";
            // copy tag data to buffer->buff_ptr, and send the buffer
            // pack data by tag, to be consistent with above
            int j = 0;
            for( std::vector< int >::iterator it = eids.begin(); it != eids.end(); it++, j++ )
                int index_in_v = index_in_values[index_ptr[j]];
                for( size_t i = 0; i < tag_handles.size(); i++ )
                    // right now, move just doubles; but it could be any type of tag
                    *( (double*)( buffer->buff_ptr ) ) = valuesTags[i][index_in_v];
                    buffer->buff_ptr += 8;  // we know we are working with doubles only !!!
            *( (int*)buffer->mem_ptr ) = size_buffer;
            // int size_pack = buffer->get_current_size(); // debug check
            ierr = MPI_Isend( buffer->mem_ptr, size_buffer, MPI_CHAR, receiver_proc, 222, jcomm,
                              &sendReqs[indexReq] );  // we have to use global communicator
            if( ierr != 0 ) return MB_FAILURE;
            localSendBuffs.push_back( buffer );  // we will release them after nonblocking sends are completed
    return MB_SUCCESS;
int moab::ParCommGraph::sender ( int  index) [inline]

Definition at line 143 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

References senderTasks.

Referenced by receive_comm_graph().

        return senderTasks[index];
const std::vector< int >& moab::ParCommGraph::senders ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 206 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

References senderTasks.

Referenced by pack_receivers_graph(), and send_graph_partition().

        return senderTasks;
    }  // reference copy; refers to sender tasks in joint comm
void moab::ParCommGraph::set_context_id ( int  other_id) [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

References context_id.

        context_id = other_id;

Definition at line 175 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

References cover_set.

        cover_set = cover;
ErrorCode moab::ParCommGraph::set_split_ranges ( int  comp,
TupleList TLBackToComp1,
std::vector< int > &  valuesComp1,
int  lenTag,
Range ents_of_interest,
int  type 

Definition at line 1259 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References moab::TupleList::get_n(), MB_SUCCESS, rootSender, moab::Range::size(), split_ranges, and moab::TupleList::vi_wr.

    // settle split_ranges // same role as partitioning
    if( rootSender ) std::cout << " find split_ranges on component " << comp << "  according to read map \n";
    // Vector to store element
    // with respective present index
    int n = TLBackToComp1.get_n();
    // third_method = true; // do not rely only on involved_IDs_map.size(); this can be 0 in some
    // cases
    std::map< int, std::set< int > > uniqueIDs;

    for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        int to_proc  = TLBackToComp1.vi_wr[3 * i + 2];
        int globalId = TLBackToComp1.vi_wr[3 * i + 1];
        uniqueIDs[to_proc].insert( globalId );

    for( int i = 0; i < (int)ents_of_interest.size(); i++ )
        EntityHandle ent = ents_of_interest[i];
        for( int j = 0; j < lenTag; j++ )
            int marker = valuesComp1[i * lenTag + j];
            for( auto mit = uniqueIDs.begin(); mit != uniqueIDs.end(); mit++ )
                int proc                = mit->first;
                std::set< int >& setIds = mit->second;
                if( setIds.find( marker ) != setIds.end() )
                    split_ranges[proc].insert( ent );

    return MB_SUCCESS;
void moab::ParCommGraph::SetReceivingAfterCoverage ( std::map< int, std::set< int > > &  idsFromProcs)

Definition at line 1017 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References COVERAGE, graph_type, and involved_IDs_map.

    for( std::map< int, std::set< int > >::iterator mt = idsFromProcs.begin(); mt != idsFromProcs.end(); mt++ )
        int fromProc            = mt->first;
        std::set< int >& setIds = mt->second;
        involved_IDs_map[fromProc].resize( setIds.size() );
        std::vector< int >& listIDs = involved_IDs_map[fromProc];
        size_t indx                 = 0;
        for( std::set< int >::iterator st = setIds.begin(); st != setIds.end(); st++ )
            int valueID     = *st;
            listIDs[indx++] = valueID;
    graph_type = COVERAGE;
void moab::ParCommGraph::settle_comm_by_ids ( int  comp,
TupleList TLBackToComp,
std::vector< int > &  valuesComp 

Definition at line 1037 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References DOF_BASED, moab::GeomUtil::first(), moab::TupleList::get_n(), graph_type, involved_IDs_map, map_index, map_ptr, rankInJoin, rootReceiver, rootSender, and moab::TupleList::vi_wr.

    // settle comm graph on comp
    if( rootSender || rootReceiver ) std::cout << " settle comm graph by id on component " << comp << "\n";
    int n = TLBackToComp.get_n();
    // third_method = true; // do not rely only on involved_IDs_map.size(); this can be 0 in some
    // cases
    std::map< int, std::set< int > > uniqueIDs;

    for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        int to_proc  = TLBackToComp.vi_wr[3 * i + 2];
        int globalId = TLBackToComp.vi_wr[3 * i + 1];
        uniqueIDs[to_proc].insert( globalId );

    // Vector to store element
    // with respective present index
    std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > vp;
    vp.reserve( valuesComp.size() );

    // Inserting element in pair vector
    // to keep track of previous indexes in valuesComp
    for( int i = 0; i < (int)valuesComp.size(); ++i )
        vp.push_back( std::make_pair( valuesComp[i], i ) );
    // Sorting pair vector
    sort( vp.begin(), vp.end() );

    // vp[i].first, second

    // count now how many times some value appears in ordered (so in valuesComp)
    for( std::map< int, std::set< int > >::iterator it = uniqueIDs.begin(); it != uniqueIDs.end(); it++ )
        int procId                  = it->first;
        std::set< int >& nums       = it->second;
        std::vector< int >& indx    = map_ptr[procId];
        std::vector< int >& indices = map_index[procId];
        indx.resize( nums.size() + 1 );
        int indexInVp = 0;
        int indexVal  = 0;
        indx[0]       = 0;  // start from 0
        for( std::set< int >::iterator sst = nums.begin(); sst != nums.end(); sst++, indexVal++ )
            int val = *sst;
            involved_IDs_map[procId].push_back( val );
            indx[indexVal + 1] = indx[indexVal];
            while( ( indexInVp < (int)valuesComp.size() ) && ( vp[indexInVp].first <= val ) )  // should be equal !
                if( vp[indexInVp].first == val )
                    indx[indexVal + 1]++;
                    indices.push_back( vp[indexInVp].second );
#ifdef VERBOSE
    std::stringstream f1;
    std::ofstream dbfile;
    f1 << "Involve_" << comp << "_" << rankInJoin << ".txt"; f1.str().c_str() );
    for( std::map< int, std::vector< int > >::iterator mit = involved_IDs_map.begin(); mit != involved_IDs_map.end();
         mit++ )
        int corrTask                = mit->first;
        std::vector< int >& corrIds = mit->second;
        std::vector< int >& indx    = map_ptr[corrTask];
        std::vector< int >& indices = map_index[corrTask];

        dbfile << " towards proc " << corrTask << " \n";
        for( int i = 0; i < (int)corrIds.size(); i++ )
            dbfile << corrIds[i] << " [" << indx[i] << "," << indx[i + 1] << ")  : ";
            for( int j = indx[i]; j < indx[i + 1]; j++ )
                dbfile << indices[j] << " ";
            dbfile << "\n";
        dbfile << " \n";

    graph_type = DOF_BASED;
    // now we need to fill back and forth information, needed to fill the arrays
    // for example, from spectral to involved_IDs_map, in case we want to send data from
    // spectral to phys

Definition at line 989 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References COVERAGE, moab::TupleList::get_n(), graph_type, involved_IDs_map, MB_SUCCESS, and moab::TupleList::vi_wr.

    // fill involved_IDs_map with data
    // will have "receiving proc" and global id of element
    int n      = TLcovIDs.get_n();
    graph_type = COVERAGE;  // do not rely only on involved_IDs_map.size(); this can be 0 in some cases
    for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        int to_proc      = TLcovIDs.vi_wr[2 * i];
        int globalIdElem = TLcovIDs.vi_wr[2 * i + 1];
        involved_IDs_map[to_proc].push_back( globalIdElem );
#ifdef VERBOSE
    for( std::map< int, std::vector< int > >::iterator mit = involved_IDs_map.begin(); mit != involved_IDs_map.end();
         mit++ )
        std::cout << " towards task " << mit->first << " send: " << mit->second.size() << " cells " << std::endl;
        for( size_t i = 0; i < mit->second.size(); i++ )
            std::cout << " " << mit->second[i];
        std::cout << std::endl;
    return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode moab::ParCommGraph::split_owned_range ( int  sender_rank,
Range owned 

Definition at line 217 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::insert(), MB_SUCCESS, receivers(), sender_graph, sender_sizes, senderTasks, split_ranges, and moab::subtract().

Referenced by send_mesh_parts(), and test_trivial_partition().

    int senderTask                   = senderTasks[sender_rank];
    std::vector< int >& distribution = sender_sizes[senderTask];
    std::vector< int >& receivers    = sender_graph[senderTask];
    if( distribution.size() != receivers.size() )  //
        return MB_FAILURE;

    Range current = owned;  // get the full range first, then we will subtract stuff, for
    // the following ranges

    Range rleftover = current;
    for( size_t k = 0; k < receivers.size(); k++ )
        Range newr;
        newr.insert( current.begin(), current.begin() + distribution[k] );
        split_ranges[receivers[k]] = newr;

        rleftover = subtract( current, newr );
        current   = rleftover;

    return MB_SUCCESS;

Definition at line 243 of file ParCommGraph.cpp.

References moab::Range::begin(), corr_sizes, corr_tasks, moab::Range::insert(), MB_SUCCESS, split_ranges, and moab::subtract().

    if( corr_tasks.size() != corr_sizes.size() )  //
        return MB_FAILURE;

    Range current = owned;  // get the full range first, then we will subtract stuff, for
    // the following ranges

    Range rleftover = current;
    for( size_t k = 0; k < corr_tasks.size(); k++ )
        Range newr;
        newr.insert( current.begin(), current.begin() + corr_sizes[k] );
        split_ranges[corr_tasks[k]] = newr;

        rleftover = subtract( current, newr );
        current   = rleftover;

    return MB_SUCCESS;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 263 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by ParCommGraph().

Definition at line 288 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by ParCommGraph(), release_send_buffers(), and send_graph().

Definition at line 270 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by get_component_id1(), ParCommGraph(), and send_graph_partition().

Definition at line 270 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by get_component_id2(), ParCommGraph(), and send_graph_partition().

Definition at line 271 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by get_context_id(), ParCommGraph(), and set_context_id().

std::vector< int > moab::ParCommGraph::corr_sizes [private]

Definition at line 302 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by receive_mesh(), send_mesh_parts(), and split_owned_range().

std::vector< int > moab::ParCommGraph::corr_tasks [private]

Definition at line 300 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by receive_mesh(), send_mesh_parts(), and split_owned_range().

Definition at line 269 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by ParCommGraph().

std::map< int, std::vector< int > > moab::ParCommGraph::map_index [private]

Definition at line 312 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by receive_tag_values(), send_tag_values(), and settle_comm_by_ids().

std::map< int, std::vector< int > > moab::ParCommGraph::map_ptr [private]

Definition at line 313 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by receive_tag_values(), send_tag_values(), and settle_comm_by_ids().

Definition at line 268 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by dump_comm_information(), ParCommGraph(), and send_mesh_parts().

Definition at line 268 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by dump_comm_information(), and ParCommGraph().

std::map< int, std::vector< int > > moab::ParCommGraph::recv_graph [private]
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > moab::ParCommGraph::recv_sizes [private]

Definition at line 279 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by compute_trivial_partition().

std::map< int, std::vector< int > > moab::ParCommGraph::sender_graph [private]

Definition at line 281 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by compute_trivial_partition(), send_mesh_parts(), and split_owned_range().

std::map< int, std::vector< int > > moab::ParCommGraph::sender_sizes [private]

Definition at line 283 of file ParCommGraph.hpp.

Referenced by compute_trivial_partition(), send_mesh_parts(), and split_owned_range().

std::vector< MPI_Request > moab::ParCommGraph::sendReqs [private]

List of all members.

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