Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 //
00003 //  File: CubitFacetEdge.hpp
00004 //
00005 //  Purpose:  optionally used with the CubitFacet class if information
00006 //            is required at the edges of facets     
00007 //
00008 //  Notes:    Note that this class does not contain any private data.
00009 //            All data should be defined within the child classes inherited
00010 //            from this class.  The current Cubit data class that inherits
00011 //            from CubitFacetEdge is CubitFacetEdgeData.  This is done so that 
00012 //            other applications using CubitFacetEdges can use their own
00013 //            edge data, but take advantage of the CGM/Cubit functionality.
00014 //            Please do not add private data to this class; instead add the
00015 //            data to the children and access through virtual functions.
00016 // 
00017 //            Do not create a CubitFacetEdge directly.  For example, don't do: 
00018 //              CubitFacetEdge *cfe = new CubitFacetEdge(...);
00019 //            You should instead create the appropriate child class, and 
00020 //            cast it to a CubitFacetEdge for use.  For example:
00021 //              CubitFacetEdge *cfe = (CubitFacetEdge *) new CubitFacetEdgeData(...);
00022 //                        
00023 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00028 // Include for CubitBoolean
00029 #include "CubitDefines.h"
00030 #include "CubitVector.hpp"
00031 #include "DLIList.hpp"
00032 #include "FacetEntity.hpp"
00034 class CubitFacet;
00035 class CubitPoint;
00036 class CubitBox;
00038 class CubitFacetEdge : public FacetEntity
00039 {
00040 private:
00042 protected:
00044   CubitVector controlPoints[3];
00045     //- bezier points on the edge
00047   int bezierOrder;
00048     //- bezier order
00050   int markedFlag;
00051     //- marked flag
00053   IttyBit isFeature;
00054     //- set if this edge is a feature
00056   CubitBoolean isFlipped;
00058 public:
00059   CubitFacetEdge();
00060     //- constructors
00061   virtual ~CubitFacetEdge();
00062     //- destructor
00063   virtual int id() = 0;
00064   virtual void set_id(int /*ent_id*/) {};
00066   int is_flipped()
00067     {
00068       if(isFlipped)
00069         return 1;
00070       return 0;
00071     }
00072   void is_flipped ( int flipped)
00073     {
00074       if(flipped)
00075         isFlipped = CUBIT_TRUE;
00076       else
00077         isFlipped = CUBIT_FALSE;
00078     }
00080   void toggle_is_flipped()
00081     {
00082       isFlipped = !isFlipped;
00083     }
00086   virtual CubitPoint *point( int index ) = 0;
00087     //- get one of its points
00088   virtual CubitFacet *adj_facet( int index) = 0;
00089     //- get one of its adjacent facets
00090   virtual int bezier_order() {return bezierOrder;};
00091   virtual int control_points( CubitVector *ctrl_pts );
00092     //- get the control points (return the order)
00093   virtual CubitVector *control_points() { return controlPoints; };
00094   virtual void control_points( CubitVector *ctrl_pts, int order );
00095     //- set the bezier control points on the edge.
00096     //- end points are assumed to be the first and last
00097     //- ctrl pt so they are not passed in.  Pass in order-1
00098     //- control points (max order = 4)
00099   virtual CubitStatus control_points( CubitFacet *facet, CubitVector *ctrl_pts );
00100     //- return the control pons on the edge of a facet based
00101     //- on its edge use direction
00102   virtual void get_control_points( CubitPoint *point_ptr, CubitVector ctrl_pts[3] );
00103   virtual void set_control_points( CubitPoint *point_ptr, CubitVector ctrl_pts[3] );
00104     //- get and set control points oriented with respect to the
00105     //- point_ptr (ie.  point_ptr is the first control point on the edge)
00106     //- Note: only gets and sets the middle three control points.  The
00107     //- other 2 are the edge vertices.
00108   void set_control_points( const double *ctrl_pt_array );
00109   virtual void set_flag( int my_flag ) {markedFlag = my_flag;};
00110   virtual int get_flag( ) {return markedFlag;};
00111   virtual void facets(DLIList<CubitFacet*> &facet_list ) = 0;
00112   virtual void edges(DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> &edge_list ) = 0;
00113   virtual void points(DLIList<CubitPoint*> &point_list ) = 0;
00114   virtual int num_adj_facets() = 0;
00115   void tris(DLIList<CubitFacet*> &facet_list){ facets(facet_list); }
00116   void tris(int* /*tool_id*/,
00117         DLIList<CubitFacet*> &facet_list){ facets(facet_list); }
00120   //- Implement in the child class if need be. 
00121   //- Assertion will occur if not implemented in the child class
00122   virtual void add_facet(CubitFacet * /*facet_ptr*/){ assert(0); }
00123   virtual CubitStatus remove_facet(CubitFacet * /*facet_ptr*/) = 0;
00124   virtual CubitPoint *start_node() = 0;
00125   virtual CubitPoint *end_node() = 0;
00126   virtual void flip() = 0;
00128   virtual int number_tris() { return num_adj_facets(); }
00129   virtual int number_faces() { return 0; }
00131   virtual void marked (int my_flag ) { set_flag(my_flag); }
00132   virtual int marked() { return get_flag(); }
00135   CubitStatus evaluate_position( const CubitVector &start_position,
00136                                  CubitVector *eval_point,
00137                                  CubitVector *eval_tangent);
00138     //- find closet point on non-linear edge
00139   CubitStatus evaluate( double &t, 
00140                         CubitVector *eval_point,
00141                         CubitVector *eval_tangent );
00142   CubitStatus evaluate_single(double &t,
00143                               CubitVector *outv);
00144   CubitStatus evaluate_single_tangent(double &t,
00145                                       CubitVector *outv);
00146   CubitStatus evaluate_2nd_derivative(double &t,
00147                                       CubitVector *outv);
00148     //- evaluate location -1 < t < 1
00149   CubitStatus closest_point(const CubitVector &point, 
00150                             CubitVector &closest_point );
00151     //- return closest point to linear segment
00153   CubitStatus intersect(CubitVector &aa, CubitVector &bb, // end point of segment
00154                         CubitVector &norm,  // normal of the common plane
00155                         CubitVector &qq,  // return the intersection point 
00156                         CubitBoolean &does_intersect );
00157     // intersect the edge with a segment.  Assumes segment and edge
00158     // are on the same plane (project to facet plane first)
00160   void boundary_edge_points( CubitPoint * &pt0, 
00161                              CubitPoint * &pt1,
00162                              int tool_id = 0);
00163     // return oriented points on a boundary facet edge
00165   double dist_to_edge( const CubitVector &this_point, 
00166                        CubitVector &close_point, 
00167                        CubitBoolean &outside_edge );
00168     // return distance from point to an edge
00170   CubitStatus proj_to_line( const CubitVector &this_point, 
00171                             CubitVector &proj_point );
00172     // project point to line defined by edge
00174   CubitStatus edge_tangent( const CubitVector &point_on_edge, 
00175                             CubitVector &tangent );
00176     // compute tangent vector of edge
00177   CubitStatus edge_curvature( const CubitVector &point_on_edge, 
00178                               CubitVector &curvature,
00179                               CubitFacetEdge *closest_edge );
00180     // compute curvature vector of edge
00181   double length();
00183   CubitVector position_from_fraction( double zero_to_one );
00184   CubitVector center() { return position_from_fraction(0.5); }
00186     // compute and return the edge length
00187   CubitPoint* other_point( CubitPoint *point_ptr );
00188     // return the other point on the facet edge
00190   void get_parents(DLIList<FacetEntity *> &facet_list);
00191     // return the adjacent facets to edge
00193   CubitFacet *other_facet( CubitFacet *facet_ptr );
00194     // return the other facet at the edge
00196   CubitFacet *other_facet_on_surf( CubitFacet *facet_ptr );
00197     // return the other facet at the edge that has the
00198     // same tool id
00200   int num_adj_facets_on_surf( int tool_id );
00201     // return number of adjacent facets with the indicated
00202     // tool id
00204   CubitFacet *adj_facet_on_surf( int tool_id );
00205     // return first facet adjacent the edge with the
00206     // indicated tool id
00208   CubitBoolean contains( CubitPoint *point_ptr );
00209     //- determines if point is contained in edge
00211   void set_as_feature() { isFeature = 1; }
00212   CubitBoolean is_feature( ){return (isFeature ? CUBIT_TRUE : CUBIT_FALSE); }
00213     // set and get the isFeature bit
00215   void debug_draw(int color = -1, int flush = 1, int draw_uv=0);
00216     // debug drawing
00218   CubitPoint *shared_point( CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr );
00219     // get the common point
00220   void add_facets( );
00221     // add this edge to its adjacent facets
00223   CubitBox bounding_box();
00224     // return the bounding box of the edge
00226   static int intersect_2D_segments( double P0[2], double P1[2],
00227                              double P2[2], double P3[2],
00228                              double qq[4] );
00229   static int intersect_intervals( double u0, double u1,
00230                                   double v0, double v1,
00231                                   double w[2] );
00232   static CubitStatus order_edge_list(DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> &edge_list,
00233                                      CubitPoint *start_point,
00234                                      CubitPoint *&end_point);
00235   static CubitPoint *find_start_point_for_edge_list(DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_list);
00237   double angle_between_facets();
00239   inline int less_than(CubitFacetEdge*& e1, CubitFacetEdge*& e2)
00240   {
00241     double len1 = e1->length();
00242     double len2 = e2->length();
00244     if (len1 == len2) return 0;
00245     return (len1 < len2) ? -1 : 1;
00246   }
00248 };
00250 inline void CubitFacetEdge::control_points(
00251   CubitVector *ctrl_pts, int order ) 
00252 {
00253   assert(order > 0 && order <=4);
00254   bezierOrder = order;
00255   for(int i=0; i<order-1; i++){
00256     controlPoints[i] = ctrl_pts[i];
00257   }
00258 }
00260 //======================================================================
00261 // Function: get_control_points (PUBLIC)
00262 // Description: get control points oriented with respect to the
00263 //              point_ptr (ie.  point_ptr is the first control point 
00264 //              on the edge)
00265 // Note: only gets and sets the middle three control points.  The
00266 //       other 2 are the edge vertices.
00267 // Author: sjowen
00268 // Date: 05/01
00269 //======================================================================
00270 inline void CubitFacetEdge::get_control_points( CubitPoint *point_ptr, 
00271                                                 CubitVector ctrl_pts[3] )
00272 {
00273   DLIList<CubitPoint*> my_points;
00274   points(my_points);
00276   if (point_ptr == my_points.get())
00277   {
00278     ctrl_pts[0] = controlPoints[0];
00279     ctrl_pts[1] = controlPoints[1];
00280     ctrl_pts[2] = controlPoints[2];
00281   }
00282   else if(point_ptr ==
00283   {
00284     ctrl_pts[0] = controlPoints[2];
00285     ctrl_pts[1] = controlPoints[1];
00286     ctrl_pts[2] = controlPoints[0];
00287   }
00288   else
00289   {
00290     assert(0);  // point_ptr does not match either point
00291   }
00292 }
00294 //======================================================================
00295 // Function: set_control_points (PUBLIC)
00296 // Description: set control points oriented with respect to the
00297 //              point_ptr (ie.  point_ptr is the first control point 
00298 //              on the edge)
00299 // Note: only gets and sets the middle three control points.  The
00300 //       other 2 are the edge vertices.
00301 // Author: sjowen
00302 // Date: 05/01
00303 //======================================================================
00304 inline void CubitFacetEdge::set_control_points( CubitPoint *point_ptr, 
00305                                                 CubitVector ctrl_pts[3] )
00306 {
00307   DLIList<CubitPoint*> my_points;
00308   points(my_points);
00310   if (point_ptr == my_points.get())
00311   {
00312     controlPoints[0] = ctrl_pts[0];
00313     controlPoints[1] = ctrl_pts[1];
00314     controlPoints[2] = ctrl_pts[2];
00315   }
00316   else if(point_ptr ==
00317   {
00318     controlPoints[0] = ctrl_pts[2];
00319     controlPoints[1] = ctrl_pts[1];
00320     controlPoints[2] = ctrl_pts[0];
00321   }
00322   else
00323   {
00324     assert(0);  // point_ptr does not match either point
00325   }
00326 }
00328 template <> struct DLIListSorter<CubitFacetEdge*>
00329 {
00330   bool operator()(CubitFacetEdge* a, CubitFacetEdge* b) { return a->id() < b->id(); }
00331 };
00333 #endif
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