Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //-----------------------------------------------------------
00002 // Class: MedialTool2D
00003 // Description:  Creates medials for 2D surfaces.  Uses the CMU
00004 //               code for creating the medial.  This class
00005 //               serves as the interface to that.
00006 // Creator: David white
00007 // Date: 6/21/2002
00008 //-----------------------------------------------------------
00009 #include "MedialTool2D.hpp"
00010 #include "CubitMessage.hpp"
00011 #ifdef USING_MEDIAL
00012 #include "GfxDebug.hpp"
00013 #include "CubitVector.hpp"
00014 #include "RefEdge.hpp"
00015 #include "RefFace.hpp"
00016 #include "CoEdge.hpp"
00017 #include "Curve.hpp"
00018 #include "RefVertex.hpp"
00019 #include "GeometryQueryEngine.hpp"
00020 #include "VirtualGeometryEngine.hpp"
00021 //----------medial includes---------------------
00022 #include "medial/medial_util/MedialDefines.hpp"
00023 #include "medial/medial2D/Medial2DAPI.hpp"
00024 #include "medial/medial_util/Vec3D.hpp"
00025 #include "medial/medial2D/MedialVertex.hpp"
00026 #include "medial/medial2D/MedialSegment.hpp"
00027 //----------medial includes---------------------
00028 #endif //USING_MEDIAL
00031 MedialTool2D::MedialTool2D(RefFace *ref_face)
00032 {
00033   myRefFace = ref_face;
00034 }
00035 MedialTool2D::~MedialTool2D()
00036 {
00037     //do nothing for now.
00038 }
00039 #ifndef USING_MEDIAL
00040 CubitStatus MedialTool2D::create_medial_axis(DLIList <RefEdge*>&, double, double)
00041 {
00042   PRINT_ERROR("Medial Axis Code is not included with this version of CGM.\n");
00043   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
00044 }
00045 #endif //USING_MEDIAL
00046 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00047 //Functions that get compiled only when compiling in the medial stuff
00048 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00049 #ifdef USING_MEDIAL
00063 CubitStatus MedialTool2D::create_medial_axis( DLIList <RefEdge*> &medial_axis,
00064                                               double cell_size,
00065                                               double angle_tol)
00066 {
00067     //first get the loop of edges.
00068   PointLoopList boundary_point_loops;
00069   CubitStatus stat = get_boundary_points(myRefFace,
00070                                          boundary_point_loops);
00072     //Now convert these to segments.
00073   MedialSegmentPLoop boundary_segments;
00074   stat = convert_to_segments(boundary_point_loops, boundary_segments);
00076   MedialSegmentPArray output_segments;
00077   MedialVertexPArray output_points;
00078   int results = Medial2DAPI::create_medial(boundary_segments, output_points,
00079                                            output_segments, cell_size,
00080                                            angle_tol);
00081   if ( results != 1 )
00082   {
00083     PRINT_ERROR("Medial Extraction Failed.\n");
00084     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
00085   }
00087     // create geometry from the medial results
00088 //  create_medial_geometry( output_points, output_segments, medial_axis );
00089   draw_results(output_points, output_segments);
00091   free_medial_memory(output_points, output_segments);
00093   return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
00094 }
00097 void MedialTool2D::draw_results( MedialVertexPArray &output_points,
00098                                  MedialSegmentPArray &output_segments )
00099 {
00100   int ii;
00101   CubitVector vec, vec_2;
00102   Vec3D point, start_point, end_point;
00103   MedialVertex *vertex, *start, *end;
00104   MedialSegment *seg;
00105   for ( ii = 0; ii < output_points.size(); ii++ )
00106   {
00107     vertex = output_points[ii];
00108     point = vertex->coordinates();
00109     convert_from_vec3d(point,vec);
00110     GfxDebug::draw_point(&vec,CUBIT_RED_INDEX);
00111     GfxDebug::flush();
00112   }
00113   GfxDebug::flush();
00115   for ( ii = 0; ii < output_segments.size(); ii++ )
00116   {
00117     seg = output_segments[ii];
00118     start = seg->get_start();
00119     end = seg->get_end();
00120     start_point = start->coordinates();
00121     end_point = end->coordinates();
00122     GfxDebug::draw_line( start_point.x, start_point.y,
00123                          start_point.z, end_point.x,
00124                          end_point.y, end_point.z,
00125                          CUBIT_CYAN_INDEX);
00126     GfxDebug::flush();
00127   }
00128   GfxDebug::flush();
00129 }
00138 void MedialTool2D::free_medial_memory(MedialVertexPArray &vertices,
00139                                       MedialSegmentPArray &segments)
00140 {
00141   int ii;
00142   MedialSegment *currs;
00143   MedialVertex *currv;
00145   for(ii=0; ii < segments.size(); ii++)
00146   {
00147     currs = segments[ii];
00148     delete currs;
00149   }
00151   for(ii=0; ii < vertices.size(); ii++)
00152   {
00153     currv = vertices[ii];
00154     delete currv;
00155   }
00156 }
00160 CubitStatus MedialTool2D::convert_to_segments(
00161   PointLoopList &boundary_point_loops,
00162   MedialSegmentPLoop &boundary_segments)
00163 {
00164   int ii;
00165   PointList *point_loop;
00166   int jj;
00167   MedialVertex *start_vert, *end_vert;
00168   MedialSegment *new_seg;
00169   MedialSegmentPArray *new_vector;
00170   for ( ii = 0; ii < boundary_point_loops.size(); ii++ )
00171   {
00172     point_loop = boundary_point_loops.get_and_step();
00173     new_vector = new MedialSegmentPArray;
00174     for ( jj = 0; jj < point_loop->size(); jj++ )
00175     {
00176       start_vert = point_loop->get_and_step();
00177       end_vert = point_loop->get();
00178       new_seg = new MedialSegment(start_vert, end_vert);
00179       new_vector->push_back(new_seg);
00180     }
00181     boundary_segments.push_back(new_vector);
00182   }
00183   return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
00184 }
00187 CubitStatus MedialTool2D::get_boundary_points( RefFace *ref_face,
00188                                                PointLoopList &boundary_point_loops )
00189 {
00190   DLIList<DLIList<CoEdge*>*> co_edge_loops;
00191   ref_face->co_edge_loops(co_edge_loops);
00192   int ii, jj;
00193   DLIList <CoEdge*> *co_edge_list_ptr;
00194   PointList *new_point_loop_ptr, tmp_point_list;
00195   RefEdge *ref_edge_ptr;
00196   CoEdge *co_edge_ptr;
00197   CubitStatus stat;
00198   CubitSense sense;
00199   RefVertex *temp_vert;
00200   double tolerance = 500*GEOMETRY_RESABS;
00203   for ( ii = co_edge_loops.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
00204   {
00205     co_edge_list_ptr = co_edge_loops.get_and_step();
00206     new_point_loop_ptr = new PointList;
00207     for ( jj = co_edge_list_ptr->size(); jj > 0; jj-- )
00208     {
00209       co_edge_ptr = co_edge_list_ptr->get_and_step();
00210       ref_edge_ptr = co_edge_ptr->get_ref_edge_ptr();
00211       tmp_point_list.clean_out();
00212       stat = get_curve_facets( ref_edge_ptr, tmp_point_list );
00213       PRINT_DEBUG_129("curve %d has %d points\n",
00214                       ref_edge_ptr->id(),
00215                       tmp_point_list.size());
00216       if ( stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
00217         return CUBIT_FAILURE;
00218       tmp_point_list.reset();
00219         //the points are in order from start vertex to end vertex.
00220         //append them now according to the loop.
00222         //Assign the points to be part owned by the vertex, rather than the
00223         //curve.
00224       if ( ref_edge_ptr->start_vertex() !=
00225            ref_edge_ptr->end_vertex() )
00226       {
00227         MedialVertex *temp_point = tmp_point_list.get();
00228         Vec3D temp_v1 = temp_point->coordinates();
00229         CubitVector v1;
00230         convert_from_vec3d(temp_v1, v1);
00231         CubitVector v2 = ref_edge_ptr->start_vertex()->coordinates();
00232         if ( !v1.within_tolerance(v2, tolerance) )
00233         {
00234           PRINT_ERROR("Problem with surface geometry\n"
00235                       "Check surface %d, especially curve %d\n",
00236                       myRefFace->id(), ref_edge_ptr->id());
00237           return CUBIT_FAILURE;
00238         }
00239         temp_vert = ref_edge_ptr->start_vertex();
00240         temp_point = tmp_point_list.prev();
00241         temp_v1 = temp_point->coordinates();
00242         convert_from_vec3d(temp_v1, v1);
00243         v2 = ref_edge_ptr->end_vertex()->coordinates();    
00244         if (!v1.within_tolerance(v2, tolerance))
00245         {
00246           PRINT_ERROR("Problem with surface geometry\n"
00247                       "Check surface %d and %d, especially curve %d\n",
00248                       myRefFace->id(), ref_edge_ptr->id());
00249           return CUBIT_FAILURE;
00250         }
00251         temp_vert = ref_edge_ptr->end_vertex();
00252       }
00253       else
00254       {
00256       }
00257       tmp_point_list.reset();
00258       sense = co_edge_ptr->get_sense();
00259       if ( CUBIT_FORWARD != sense )
00260         tmp_point_list.reverse();
00261         //Now take off the last point as it is a duplicate with the
00262         //other list...
00263       tmp_point_list.reset();
00264       if ( co_edge_list_ptr->size() != 1 )
00265         tmp_point_list.pop();
00266       (*new_point_loop_ptr) += tmp_point_list;
00267     }
00268     boundary_point_loops.append(new_point_loop_ptr);
00269   }
00270     //clean up the list memory.
00271   for(ii = co_edge_loops.size(); ii>0; ii-- )
00272     delete co_edge_loops.pop();
00273   co_edge_loops.clean_out();
00275   return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
00276 }
00278 CubitStatus MedialTool2D::get_curve_facets( RefEdge* curve, PointList &segments ) 
00279 {
00280   const double COS_ANGLE_TOL =  0.996194698091745545198705; // cos(5)
00281   GMem curve_graphics;
00282   double tolerance = 500*GEOMETRY_RESABS;
00284   const double dist_tol = tolerance;
00285   const double dist_tol_sqr = dist_tol*dist_tol;
00286   int n;
00287   curve->get_curve_ptr()->get_geometry_query_engine()->get_graphics_edges( 
00288     curve, n, &curve_graphics );
00290   GPoint* gp = curve_graphics.point_list();
00291   CubitVector lastv(gp[0].x, gp[0].y, gp[0].z);
00292   Vec3D last_v3d;
00293   convert_to_vec3d(lastv, last_v3d);
00294   MedialVertex* last = new MedialVertex(last_v3d);
00295   int num_points = curve_graphics.pointListCount;
00296   segments.append( last );
00297   int ii;
00298   CubitBoolean remove_second_to_end = CUBIT_FALSE;
00299   for ( ii = 1; ii < num_points; ii++ )
00300   {
00301     CubitVector pos(  gp[ii].x, gp[ii].y, gp[ii].z );
00302     CubitVector step1 = (pos - lastv);
00303     double len1 = step1.length();
00304     if( len1 < dist_tol && ii != num_points - 1) 
00305       continue;
00306     else if ( len1 < dist_tol && ii == num_points-1 )
00307     {
00308       remove_second_to_end = CUBIT_TRUE;
00309     }
00310     Vec3D point;
00311     convert_to_vec3d(pos,point);
00312     last = new MedialVertex(point);
00313     segments.append( last );
00314     lastv = pos;
00315   }
00316     // Now check if the segment list is reversed wrt the curve direction.
00317   segments.reset();
00318   if ( remove_second_to_end )
00319   {
00320     if ( segments.size() == 2 )
00321     {
00322     }
00323     else
00324     {
00325         //Remove the second to last one.  To do
00326         //this efficiently (don't do remove), pop
00327         //the last one, then save that and
00328         //re-add it after poping the second one.
00329       MedialVertex *temp = segments.pop();
00330       segments.pop();
00331       segments.append(temp);
00332     }
00333   }
00334   segments.reset();
00335   if( curve->start_vertex() != curve->end_vertex() )
00336   {
00337     CubitVector start_vec, end_vec;
00338     start_vec = curve->start_vertex()->coordinates();
00339     end_vec = curve->end_vertex()->coordinates();
00340     Vec3D temp_pos = segments.get()->coordinates();
00341     CubitVector start_seg;
00342     convert_from_vec3d(temp_pos, start_seg);
00343     double dist_1 = (start_seg - start_vec).length_squared();
00344     double dist_2 = (start_seg - end_vec).length_squared();
00345     if ( dist_1 > dist_2 )
00346       segments.reverse();
00347   }
00348   else
00349   {
00350     double u1, u2;
00351     CubitVector next_1, next_2;
00352     Vec3D temp_next_1, temp_next_2;
00353     temp_next_1 =>coordinates();
00354     temp_next_2 =>coordinates();
00355     convert_from_vec3d(temp_next_1, next_1);
00356     convert_from_vec3d(temp_next_2, next_2);
00357     u1 = curve->u_from_position( next_1 );
00358     u2 = curve->u_from_position( next_2 );    
00359     if( (u2 < u1) && (curve->start_param() <= curve->end_param()) )
00360       segments.reverse();
00361   }
00362     //clean up the periodic curve case (last seg may be too small.)
00363   if ( curve->start_vertex() == curve->end_vertex() )
00364   {
00365     segments.reset();
00366     CubitVector start_v, last_v;
00367     Vec3D temp_start_v, temp_last_v;
00368     temp_start_v = segments.get()->coordinates();
00369     temp_last_v = segments.prev()->coordinates();
00370     convert_from_vec3d(temp_start_v, start_v);
00371     convert_from_vec3d(temp_last_v, last_v);
00372     double dist = (start_v - last_v).length();
00373     if ( dist < dist_tol )
00374     {
00375         //remove the last one.
00376       segments.pop();
00377     }
00378   }
00379   if ( segments.size() < 2 )
00380   {
00381     PRINT_ERROR("Problem with getting boundary segments.\n");
00382     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
00383   }
00384   return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
00385 }
00386 void MedialTool2D::convert_from_vec3d(Vec3D &vec, CubitVector &new_vec)
00387 {
00388   new_vec.set(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);
00389 }
00390 void MedialTool2D::convert_to_vec3d(CubitVector& vec, Vec3D &new_vec)
00391 {
00392   new_vec.x = vec.x();
00393   new_vec.y = vec.y();
00394   new_vec.z = vec.z();
00395 }
00404 CubitStatus MedialTool2D::create_medial_geometry(MedialVertexPArray &output_points,
00405                                    MedialSegmentPArray &output_segments,
00406                                    DLIList<RefEdge*> &medial_axis)
00407 {
00408     int ii;
00409   int jj;
00410   int iii;
00411   int jjj;
00412   int r=0;
00413   MedialSegment *seg1, *seg2, *curr_seg;
00414   MedialVertex  *start1, *start2, *end1, *end2;
00415   Vec3D start_point1, start_point2, end_point1, end_point2;
00416   for( ii=0; ii < output_segments.size(); ii++)//finding a segment attached to only one segment
00417   {
00418       seg1 = output_segments[ii];
00419       start1 = seg1->get_start();
00420       end1 = seg1->get_end();
00421       start_point1 = start1->coordinates();
00422       end_point1 = end1->coordinates();
00423       for ( jj = 0; jj < output_segments.size(); jj++)
00424       {
00425           seg2 = output_segments[jj];
00426           start2 = seg2->get_start();
00427           end2 = seg2->get_end();
00428           start_point2 = start2->coordinates();
00429           end_point2 = end2->coordinates();
00430           if ( start_point1 == start_point2 || start_point1 == end_point2 || end_point1 == start_point2 || end_point1 == end_point2)
00431               r=r+1;
00432       }
00433       if( r == 2)
00434           break;
00435       else 
00436           r=0;
00437   }
00439   curr_seg = output_segments[ii];
00440   DLIList<DLIList<MedialSegment*>*> segment_listoflist;
00441   DLIList<MedialSegment*> *seg_list;
00443   r = 0;// 
00444   int w = 0;
00445   int b = 0;
00446   int y = 0;
00447   int x = 0; //no. of points at which more than one medial are emerging
00448   int a[50];//tracks number of medials attached to a particular point ( used as a[x] )
00449   int v[50];//tracks segments attached to a particular segment in the output_segments list 
00450   int u[50];//no. of medials emerging from a point
00451   int z[50][50];//first subscript represents no. of diverging points ; second represents no.of medial attached to a particular diverging point
00452   u[0] = -1;
00453   int flag = 0;
00455    seg_list  = new DLIList<MedialSegment*>;
00456    seg_list->append(curr_seg);
00457    output_segments[ii] = NULL;
00458    seg1 = curr_seg;
00460   for( ii=0; ii < output_segments.size()-1; ii++)
00461   {
00463       start1 = seg1->get_start();
00464       end1 = seg1->get_end();
00465       start_point1 = start1->coordinates();
00466       end_point1 = end1->coordinates();
00468       for ( jj = 0; jj < output_segments.size(); jj++)
00469       {
00470           if( output_segments[jj] == NULL)
00471               continue;
00472           else
00473           {
00474               for ( jjj = 0; jjj <= b; jjj++)
00475               {
00476                   if ( jj == u[jjj] )
00477                   {
00478                       flag = 1;
00479                       break;
00480                   }
00481               }
00482               if ( flag )
00484               {
00485                   flag = 0;
00486                   continue;
00487               }
00488               else
00489               {
00490                   seg2 = output_segments[jj];
00491                   start2 = seg2->get_start();
00492                   end2 = seg2->get_end();
00493                   start_point2 = start2->coordinates();
00494                   end_point2 = end2->coordinates();
00495               }
00496           }
00500           if ( start_point1 == start_point2 || start_point1 == end_point2 || end_point1 == start_point2 || end_point1 == end_point2)
00501           {
00502               w = r;
00503               v[w] = jj;
00504               curr_seg = output_segments[jj];
00505               r = r+1;
00507           }
00508       }//endof for jj
00510       if( r == 1)// only one segment attached to a given segment
00511       {
00512           seg_list->append(curr_seg);
00513           seg1 = curr_seg;
00514           output_segments[v[w]] = NULL;
00515           curr_seg = NULL;
00516           r = 0;
00517           if ( ii == output_segments.size()-2 )
00518           {
00519               segment_listoflist.append(seg_list);
00520           }
00522       }// end of if ( r == 1 )
00524       else
00525       {
00526           if( r == 0)// no segment attached to a given segment
00527           {
00528               segment_listoflist.append(seg_list);
00529               if ( x == 0 && y == 0 )//getting a segment with only one segment attached to it
00530               {
00531                   for( ii=0; ii < output_segments.size(); ii++)
00532                   {
00533                       if ( output_segments [ii] == NULL)
00534                               continue;
00535                       else
00536                       {
00537                           seg1 = output_segments[ii];
00538                           start1 = seg1->get_start();
00539                           end1 = seg1->get_end();
00540                           start_point1 = start1->coordinates();
00541                           end_point1 = end1->coordinates();
00542                       }
00543                       for ( jj = 0; jj < output_segments.size(); jj++)
00544                       {
00545                           if ( output_segments[jj] == NULL )
00546                               continue;
00547                           else
00548                           {
00549                               seg2 = output_segments[jj];
00550                               start2 = seg2->get_start();
00551                               end2 = seg2->get_end();
00552                               start_point2 = start2->coordinates();
00553                               end_point2 = end2->coordinates();
00554                           }// end of if ( output_segments[jj] == NULL )
00555                           if ( start_point1 == start_point2 || start_point1 == end_point2 || end_point1 == start_point2 || end_point1 == end_point2)
00556                                   r=r+1;
00557                       }// end of for ( jj = 0; jj < output_segments.size(); jj++)
00558                       if( r == 2)
00559                           break;
00560                       else 
00561                           r=0;
00562                   }// end of for( ii=0; ii < output_segments.size(); ii++)
00563                   seg1 = output_segments[ii];
00564                   output_segments[ii] = NULL;
00565                   seg_list  = new DLIList<MedialSegment*>;
00566                   seg_list->append(seg1);
00567                   r = 0;
00569               }
00570               else
00571               {
00572                   while( output_segments[z[x][y]] == NULL)
00573                   {
00574                       y = y-1;
00575                       if( y < 0)
00576                       {
00577                           x = x-1;
00578                           if( x < 1 )
00579                               break;
00580                            else
00581                                y = a[x];
00582                       }// end of if ( y < 0 )
00584                   } //end of while( output_segments[z[x][y]] == NULL)
00585                   if ( x <= 0 && y <= -1 ) 
00586                   {
00587                       for( ii=0; ii < output_segments.size(); ii++)
00588                       {
00589                           if ( output_segments [ii] == NULL)
00590                               continue;
00591                           else
00592                           {
00593                               seg1 = output_segments[ii];
00594                               start1 = seg1->get_start();
00595                               end1 = seg1->get_end();
00596                               start_point1 = start1->coordinates();
00597                               end_point1 = end1->coordinates();
00598                           }// end of if ( output_segments [ii] == NULL)
00599                           for ( jj = 0; jj < output_segments.size(); jj++)
00600                           {
00601                               if ( output_segments[jj] == NULL )
00602                                   continue;
00603                               else
00604                               {
00605                                   seg2 = output_segments[jj];
00606                                   start2 = seg2->get_start();
00607                                   end2 = seg2->get_end();
00608                                   start_point2 = start2->coordinates();
00609                                   end_point2 = end2->coordinates();
00610                               }// end of else to  if ( output_segments[jj] == NULL )
00611                               if ( start_point1 == start_point2 || start_point1 == end_point2 || end_point1 == start_point2 || end_point1 == end_point2)
00612                                         r=r+1;
00613                           }// end of for ( jj = 0; jj < output_segments.size(); jj++)
00614                           if( r == 2)
00615                               break;
00616                           else
00617                               r=0;
00618                       }// end of for( ii=0; ii < output_segments.size(); ii++)
00619                       seg1 = output_segments[ii];
00620                       output_segments[ii] = NULL;
00621                       seg_list  = new DLIList<MedialSegment*>;
00622                       seg_list->append(seg1);
00623                       r = 0;
00624                       x = 0;
00625                       y = 0;
00626                   }
00627                   else
00628                   {
00629                       seg1 = output_segments[z[x][y]];
00630                       output_segments[z[x][y]] = NULL;
00631                       seg_list  = new DLIList<MedialSegment*>;
00632                       seg_list->append(seg1);
00633                       r = 0;
00635                   }
00636               }
00638           }// end of if ( r == 0 )
00640           else
00641           {
00642               if ( r>1 )//more than one segments attached to a given segment
00643               {
00644                   segment_listoflist.append(seg_list);
00645                   x = x+1;
00646                   a[x] = w;
00647                   y = w;
00648                   b = w;
00649                   for( iii = 0; iii < r; iii++)
00650                   {
00651                       z[x][iii] = v[iii];
00652                       u[iii] = v[iii];
00653                   }
00654                   seg1 = output_segments[z[x][y]];
00655                   output_segments[z[x][y]] = NULL;
00656                   seg_list  = new DLIList<MedialSegment*>;
00657                   seg_list->append(seg1);
00658                   r = 0;
00659               }// end of if ( r > 1)
00660           }// end of else to if ( r == 0 )
00661       }// end of else to if ( r == 1)
00662   }// end of for( ii=0; ii < output_segments.size()-1; ii++)  
00664   segment_listoflist.reset();
00665   MedialSegment *first_seg, *second_seg;
00666   MedialVertex  *start, *end, *intermediate_start, *intermediate_end, *secondseg_start, *secondseg_end ;
00667   Vec3D start_point, end_point, intermediate_prev_end_point, intermediate_curr_start_point, intermediate_curr_end_point, secondseg_startpoint, secondseg_endpoint;
00668   DLIList<CubitVector*> curve_vectors;
00669   CubitVector cubit_start_vertex, cubit_end_vertex, cubit_intermediate_vertex;
00671   for ( ii = 0; ii < segment_listoflist.size(); ii++)
00672   {
00673       seg_list  = new DLIList<MedialSegment*>;
00674       seg_list = segment_listoflist.get_and_step();
00675       curve_vectors.clean_out();
00676       for ( jj = 0; jj < seg_list->size(); jj++)
00677       {
00678          first_seg = seg_list->next(jj);
00680           if ( seg_list->size() == 1 )//seg_list contains only one segment
00681           {
00682               start =first_seg->get_start();
00683               end =first_seg->get_end();
00684               start_point = start->coordinates();
00685               end_point = end->coordinates();
00686               convert_from_vec3d(start_point,cubit_start_vertex);
00687               convert_from_vec3d(end_point,cubit_end_vertex);
00688           }// end of if ( seg_list->size() == 1 )
00689           else
00690           {
00691               if ( jj == 0)//for the first segment in the seg_list list
00692               {
00693                   start =first_seg->get_start();
00694                   end =first_seg->get_end();
00695                   start_point = start->coordinates();
00696                   end_point = end->coordinates();
00697                   second_seg = seg_list->next(jj+1);
00698                   secondseg_start = second_seg->get_start();
00699                   secondseg_end = second_seg->get_end();
00700                   secondseg_startpoint = secondseg_start->coordinates();
00701                   secondseg_endpoint = secondseg_end->coordinates();
00703                   if ( end_point == secondseg_startpoint || end_point == secondseg_endpoint )
00704                   {
00705                       convert_from_vec3d(start_point,cubit_start_vertex);
00706                       intermediate_prev_end_point = end_point;
00707                   }// end of if ( end_point == secondseg_startpoint || end_point == secondseg_endpoint )
00708                   else if ( start_point == secondseg_startpoint || start_point == secondseg_endpoint )
00709                   {
00710                       convert_from_vec3d(end_point,cubit_start_vertex);
00711                       intermediate_prev_end_point = start_point;
00713                   }//end of if ( start_point == secondseg_startpoint || start_point == secondseg_endpoint )
00715               }// end of if ( jj== 0 )
00716               else
00717               {
00718                   intermediate_start =first_seg->get_start();
00719                   intermediate_end =first_seg->get_end();
00720                   intermediate_curr_start_point = intermediate_start->coordinates();
00721                   intermediate_curr_end_point = intermediate_end->coordinates();
00722                   if ( intermediate_curr_start_point == intermediate_prev_end_point )
00723                   {
00724                       convert_from_vec3d(intermediate_curr_start_point,cubit_intermediate_vertex);
00725                       intermediate_prev_end_point = intermediate_curr_end_point;
00727                   }// end of if ( intermediate_curr_start_point == intermediate_prev_end_point )
00728                   else if ( intermediate_curr_end_point == intermediate_prev_end_point )
00729                   {
00730                       convert_from_vec3d(intermediate_curr_end_point,cubit_intermediate_vertex);
00731                       intermediate_prev_end_point = intermediate_curr_start_point;
00733                   }// end of if ( intermediate_curr_end_point == intermediate_prev_end_point )
00735                   curve_vectors.append(&cubit_intermediate_vertex);
00737                   if ( jj == seg_list->size()-1 )//for the last segment in the seg_list
00738                   {
00739                       convert_from_vec3d(intermediate_prev_end_point,cubit_end_vertex);
00741                   }// end of if ( jj == seg_list->size()-1 )
00743               }//end of else to if ( jj == 0 )
00744           }//end of else to if ( seg_list->size() == 1 ) 
00745       }// end of for ( jj = 0; jj < seg_list->size(); jj++)
00747       RefVertex *first_ref = VirtualGeometryEngine::instance()->create_VirtualVertex(cubit_start_vertex);
00748       RefVertex *last_ref = VirtualGeometryEngine::instance()->create_VirtualVertex(cubit_end_vertex);;
00749       assert( first_ref && last_ref );
00750       RefEdge *ref_edge = NULL;
00751       if ( curve_vectors.size() == 0)//only one segment 
00752       {
00754           ref_edge = VirtualGeometryEngine::instance()->create_VirtualEdge(first_ref, last_ref);
00755           medial_axis.append( ref_edge );
00757       }//end of if ( curve_vectors.size() == 0)
00758       else
00759       {
00761           ref_edge = VirtualGeometryEngine::instance()->create_VirtualEdge(first_ref, last_ref, curve_vectors);
00762           medial_axis.append( ref_edge );
00765       }// end of if ( curve_vectors.size() == 0)
00767       seg_list->clean_out();
00769   }//end of for ( ii = 0; ii < segment_listoflist.size(); ii++)
00772   return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
00773 }
00775 #endif //USING_MEDIAL
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