Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //- Class: SDLList
00002 //- Description: SDLList is a doubly linked list class that accepts generic
00003 //-              pointers to any object.  It is controlled by a macro that
00004 //-              substitutes the specific pointer definitions in the class
00005 //-              declaration. The list is implemented as an array that is 
00006 //-              grown by a specified amount when the list becomes full.
00007 //-              Insertions and deletions at any point other than the end
00008 //-              of the list are handled inefficiently at the current time
00009 //-              since all data from that point to the end is bubbled
00010 //-              down/up to fill/create the void. Operators {+} and {+=} 
00011 //-              are provided as an efficient means of assigning one list
00012 //-              to another or appending one list onto another.
00013 //-
00014 //-              The macro {SDLListdeclare(name,typePtr)} is defined to
00015 //-              create specific instances of the SDLList class.
00016 //-              {name} is the name of the SDLList class created, and
00017 //-              {typePtr} is the type of elements stored in the list.
00018 //-              The macro also defines the functions {push(item)} and 
00019 //-              {pop()} which allow {SDLLists} to perform like stacks.
00020 //-
00021 //- Assumptions: All data are stored contiguously in the array with 
00022 //-              empty slots at the end of the array.
00023 //-
00024 //- Owner: Greg Sjaardema
00025 //- Checked by: Jim Hipp, 3/28/94
00026 //- Version: $Id: 
00028 #ifndef SDLLIST_HPP
00029 #define SDLLIST_HPP
00031 #include "DLList.hpp"
00032 #include "CubitDefines.h"
00033 #include "CubitMessage.hpp"
00034 #include <cstring>
00035 #include <cassert>
00036 #include "CGMUtilConfigure.h"
00038 const int ORDER_ASCENDING  = 0;
00039 const int ORDER_DESCENDING = 1;
00040 //- sort direction specifiers for the SSDLListDeclare Constructor
00042 class CUBIT_UTIL_EXPORT SDLList : public DLList
00043 {
00044 public:
00046   SDLList (int size);
00047   //- Constructor: Create a list with initial size {size}. The list
00048   //- will be grown by {size} each time it is filled. Memory for the
00049   //- list is not allocated until the first element is inserted using
00050   //- {insertLink}. 
00051   //- If {size} is zero, the default increment ({INCREMENT}) will be used
00052   //- From an efficiency standpoint, it is very important that the 
00053   //- increment be set large enough to reduce the number of list 
00054   //- growths, but small enough to not waste memory.
00055   //- It is more efficient to sligthly overestimate the size than 
00056   //- to underestimate the size.
00058   SDLList(const SDLList& copy_from);  //- Copy Constructor
00059   SDLList(const DLList& copy_from);  //- Copy Constructor
00061   virtual ~SDLList();
00062   //- Destructor: Free all resources used by this list.
00064   SDLList& operator=(const SDLList&);
00065   //- Create a copy of a list.
00067   virtual void merge_unique(DLList& merge_list, int merge_list_unique );
00068   //- Merges the contents of the list, merge_list, with those of "this"
00069   //- list, ensuring that items that are being added do not already
00070   //- exist in "this" list. If the items are known to appear in the
00071   //- merge_list only once, then it can be done faster.
00073   SetDynamicMemoryAllocation(memoryManager)
00074   //- overloaded new and delete operators
00076 protected:
00078   void insert_link(void* newBody);
00079   //- put new item in list after current item and make it current
00081   void insert_link_first(void* new_item);
00082   //- put new item in list at index 0 and make it current
00084   void append_link(void* newBody);  
00085   //- put new item at end of list and keep pointer where it is.
00086   //- This call should be used to add items to a list if order 
00087   //- of items is not important.
00089   void* extract_link();
00090   //- remove the item at the current location and return a pointer to it.
00091   //- used for efficiency in cases where preservation of list order is not
00092   //- important.  moves last list item (itemCount - 1) to current index and
00093   //- decrements itemCount.  eliminates the need to perform the list bubble
00094   //- down (i.e. cut_link) but sacrifices list order in the process.  this
00095   //- function should not be used when up-stream order from the removed node
00096   //- is important.  when processing a list using this function the user
00097   //- should reset the list to the head (index = 0) before beginning to
00098   //- ensure all list nodes are processed properly.
00099   //- Returns {NULL} if there are no items in list
00101   void *change_item_to(void* newBody);
00102   //- Sets the item at the current index value to {newBody} and
00103   //- returns the old value at that location.
00104   //- Returns {NULL} if there are no items in list
00106   void sort_list();
00107   //- sort_list sorts SDLLists in an ascending or descending fashion
00108   //- (depending on the assignment of compare_order function pointer).  The
00109   //- list is sorted using a standard Heap Sort algorithm.
00111   CubitBoolean move_to_item_sorted(void* value);
00112   //- move_to_item_sorted performs a binary search on the list to locate
00113   //- the item (object) that has functionType functionName() = value
00114   //- (see SSDLListdeclare macro for description of functionType and
00115   //- functionName).  If a matching item is found then the current
00116   //- index is set to the matching item index and TRUE is returned.  If the
00117   //- object is not found then index is unchanged and FALSE is returned.
00119   void insert_item_sorted(void* value, void* new_item);
00120   //- insert_item_sorted uses compare function (compare_order) to perform a
00121   //- binary search to find the insert index in the list. The function then
00122   //- calls insert_link after setting the index to the insert position - 1.
00124   void* move_to_and_remove_item_sorted(void* value);
00125   //- move_to_and_remove_item_sorted uses move_to_item_sorted function to
00126   //- perform a binary search to locate the item's index which has
00127   //- functionType functionName() = value.  If found, remove_link is called
00128   //- to remove and return the item from the list.  Otherwise, NULL is
00129   //- returned.
00131   int (*compare_order_obj)(void* object_1, void* object_2);
00132   int (*compare_order)(void* object_1, void* object_2);
00133   int (*compare_equal)(void* object_1, void* object_2);
00134   //- compare function pointers are assigned within the macro definition
00135   //- SSDLListDeclare
00137   void set_sorted_flag(const int sorted_flag);
00138   //- set listIsSorted flag
00140   CubitBoolean where_is_item_sorted( void *value, int &item_index );
00141   //- Return True if item with given value is in the list, else false.
00142   //- Return in item_index the index of item of that value in list, 
00143   //- or -1 if an item of that value is not in the list.
00144   //- This information should never be passed outside the class.
00146 private:
00148   void binary_search(int* min_location, int* max_location, void* item) const;
00149   //- binary_search performs a standard array based binary search (essentially
00150   //- bisection) to bracket/locate an insert/search position.
00152   static MemoryManager memoryManager;
00153   //- memory management static objects for performing block allocation
00154 };
00156 // *** inline function definitions *******************************************
00158 //- Add item to end of list, do not change current index value.
00159 //- This function used to reduce time required to do an insert 
00160 //- followed by a move_to back to where we were.
00161  inline void SDLList::append_link ( void* new_item )
00162 {
00163     assert(new_item != NULL);
00164     // see if the list must be lengthened
00166     if ( itemCount == listLength )
00167         lengthen_list();
00169     listArray[itemCount++] = new_item;
00170 }
00172 inline void SDLList::set_sorted_flag(const int sorted_flag)
00173 {
00174     listIsSorted = sorted_flag;
00175 }
00178 // *** macro definitions *****************************************************
00180 // Three separate derived classes are possible from SDLList all of which are
00181 // defined by one of the following macros:
00182 // 
00183 //    SDLListdeclare(name, typePtr)
00184 //    SSDLListdeclare(name, typePtr, functionName, functionType)
00185 //    SSDLListIntrinsicdeclare(name, typePtr)
00186 //
00187 // The first is the standard SDLList declaration macro, the second provides
00188 // sorting/searching functionality, and the third provides sorting/searching
00189 // functionallity for simple intrinsic data lists.  All three are described in
00190 // more detail below.  Two support macros
00191 //
00192 //    CommonDefine(typePtr, notSorted)
00193 //    CommonSortedDefine(name, typePtr)
00194 //
00195 // are also defined but are not meant to be utilized externally.  They simply
00196 // collect class definitions that are common to the three list defintions
00197 // macros described above
00199 // The following macro defintion provides the core functionality for the
00200 // standard SDLListdeclare as-well-as the sorted SSDLListdeclare macros.
00201 // typePtr is still the type pointer of the data stored by the list.
00202 // notSorted is simply a semi-colon (;) for the standard list (if white space
00203 // is used for the parameter the CPP outputs a warning message that a NULL
00204 // string is being substituted for the parameter ... the proper outcome but
00205 // the excessive warning messages are a real nuisance) and a call to the
00206 // set_sort_flag function (with an argument of False) for the sorted lists.
00207 #define CommonDefine2(typePtr, notSorted)                                    \
00208                                                                              \
00209     typePtr remove()         {return (typePtr) cut_link();}                  \
00210     int omit(typePtr objPtr) {return omit_link((void*) objPtr);}             \
00211     typePtr get() const      {return (typePtr) get_item();}                  \
00212     typePtr next() const     {return (typePtr) next_item();}                 \
00213     typePtr next( int n ) const {return (typePtr) next_item(n);}             \
00214     typePtr prev() const     {return (typePtr) prev_item();}                 \
00215     typePtr prev(int n) const {return (typePtr) prev_item(n);}                \
00216     typePtr get_and_step()   {return (typePtr) get_item_and_step();}         \
00217     typePtr get_and_back()   {return (typePtr) get_item_and_back();}         \
00218     typePtr step_and_get()   {return (typePtr) step_and_get_item();}         \
00219                                                                              \
00220     int move_between(typePtr objPtr1, typePtr objPtr2)                       \
00221     {                                                                        \
00222         if (nullItem && (((typePtr) nullItem == objPtr1) ||                  \
00223                      ((typePtr) nullItem == objPtr2) ))                  \
00224       return CUBIT_FALSE;                                                \
00225         else                                                                 \
00226       return (move_between_items(((void*) objPtr1), ((void*) objPtr2))); \
00227     }                                                                        \
00228     typePtr pop()                {last(); return remove();}                  \
00229     typePtr push(typePtr objPtr)                                             \
00230         { last(); append(objPtr); return objPtr; }                           \
00231                                                                              \
00232     void insert_first(typePtr objPtr)                                        \
00233         { notSorted insert_link_first((void*) objPtr); }                     \
00234     void append(typePtr objPtr)                                              \
00235         { notSorted append_link((void*) objPtr); }                           \
00236     typePtr extract()                                                        \
00237         { notSorted return (typePtr) extract_link(); }                       \
00238     typePtr nullify()                                                        \
00239         { notSorted return (typePtr) nullify_link(); }                       \
00240     typePtr change_to(typePtr objPtr)                                        \
00241         { notSorted return (typePtr) change_item_to((void*) objPtr); }       \
00242                                                                              \
00245 // The macro CommonSortedDefine contains common public functions used by
00246 // SSDLListdeclare and SSDLListIntrinsicdeclare
00247 #define CommonSortedDefine(name, typePtr)                                    \
00248                                                                              \
00249     name(int size_in = 0, int direction = ORDER_ASCENDING) : SDLList(size_in)       \
00250     {                                                                        \
00251       assert(sizeof(typePtr) == sizeof(void*));                              \
00252       if (direction == ORDER_DESCENDING)                                     \
00253       {                                                                      \
00254         compare_order = &name::compare_descend;                              \
00255         compare_order_obj = &name::compare_descend_obj;                      \
00256       }                                                                      \
00257       else                                                                   \
00258       {                                                                      \
00259         compare_order = &name::compare_ascend;                               \
00260         compare_order_obj = &name::compare_ascend_obj;                       \
00261       }                                                                      \
00262       compare_equal = &name::compare_equate;                                 \
00263       set_sorted_flag(CUBIT_TRUE);                                           \
00264     }                                                                        \
00265                                                                              \
00266     void sort()                      { sort_list(); }                        \
00267     void  set_list_order_ascend()                                            \
00268     {                                                                        \
00269       compare_order_obj = &name::compare_ascend_obj;                         \
00270       compare_order = &name::compare_ascend; sort_list();                    \
00271     }                                                                        \
00272     void  set_list_order_descend()                                           \
00273     {                                                                        \
00274       compare_order_obj = &name::compare_descend_obj;                        \
00275       compare_order = &name::compare_descend; sort_list();                   \
00276     }                                                                        \
00278 // The sorted SDLList declaration macro creates an ordered list class that
00279 // is derived from SDLList.  The class (name) stores pointers to data of
00280 // type typePtr.  List ordering is provided by sorting the objects based
00281 // on the returned value of one of the objects functions (functionName()).
00282 // The return type of functionName is functionType.  Searching functionality
00283 // is provided (with move_to) to locate the object (typePtr objPtr) or a 
00284 // value (functionType value) of the object utilizing an binary search.
00285 #define SDLListdeclare(name, typePtr, functionName, functionType)            \
00286                                                                              \
00287 class name : public SDLList                                                   \
00288 {                                                                            \
00289                                                                              \
00290   public:                                                                    \
00291                                                                              \
00292     CommonSortedDefine(name, typePtr)                                        \
00293     CommonDefine(typePtr, set_sorted_flag(CUBIT_FALSE);)                     \
00294                                                                              \
00295     void insert(typePtr objPtr)                                              \
00296     {                                                                        \
00297       functionType value = objPtr->functionName();                           \
00298       insert_item_sorted((void*) &value, (void*) objPtr);                    \
00299     }                                                                        \
00300     typePtr remove(typePtr objPtr)                                           \
00301     {                                                                        \
00302       assert(objPtr != NULL);                                                \
00303       functionType value = objPtr->functionName();                           \
00304       return (typePtr) move_to_and_remove_item_sorted((void*) &value);       \
00305     }                                                                        \
00306     typePtr remove(functionType value)                                       \
00307     {                                                                        \
00308       return (typePtr) move_to_and_remove_item_sorted((void*) &value);       \
00309     }                                                                        \
00310     CubitBoolean move_to(typePtr objPtr)                                     \
00311     {                                                                        \
00312       if (nullItem && ((typePtr) nullItem == objPtr))                        \
00313         return CUBIT_FALSE;                                                  \
00314       else                                                                   \
00315       {                                                                      \
00316         assert(objPtr != NULL);                                              \
00317         functionType value = objPtr->functionName();                         \
00318         return move_to_item_sorted((void*) &value);                          \
00319       }                                                                      \
00320     }                                                                        \
00321     CubitBoolean move_to(functionType value)                                 \
00322     {                                                                        \
00323       return move_to_item_sorted((void*) &value);                            \
00324     }                                                                        \
00325     int is_in_list(functionType value)                                       \
00326     {                                                                        \
00327       int item_index;                                                        \
00328       int return_value =                                                     \
00329         where_is_item_sorted((void*) &value, item_index) ?                   \
00330         item_index + 1 : 0;                                                  \
00331       return return_value;                                                   \
00332     }                                                                        \
00333     int is_in_list(typePtr objPtr)                                           \
00334     {                                                                        \
00335       if (nullItem && ((typePtr) nullItem == objPtr))                        \
00336         return CUBIT_FALSE;                                                  \
00337       else                                                                   \
00338       {                                                                      \
00339         assert(objPtr != NULL);                                              \
00340         functionType value = objPtr->functionName();                         \
00341         return is_in_list( value );                                          \
00342       }                                                                      \
00343     }                                                                        \
00344                                                                              \
00345   private:                                                                   \
00346                                                                              \
00347     static int compare_ascend_obj(void* object_1, void* object_2)            \
00348     {                                                                        \
00349       return (((typePtr) object_1)->functionName() >=                        \
00350           ((typePtr) object_2)->functionName());                       \
00351     }                                                                        \
00352     static int compare_descend_obj(void* object_1, void* object_2)           \
00353     {                                                                        \
00354       return (((typePtr) object_1)->functionName() <=                        \
00355               ((typePtr) object_2)->functionName());                       \
00356     }                                                                        \
00357                                                                              \
00358     static int compare_ascend(void* value, void* object)                     \
00359     {                                                                        \
00360       return (*((functionType*) value) >=                                    \
00361           ((typePtr) object)->functionName());                         \
00362     }                                                                        \
00363     static int compare_descend(void* value, void* object)                    \
00364     {                                                                        \
00365       return (*((functionType*) value) <=                                    \
00366               ((typePtr) object)->functionName());                         \
00367     }                                                                        \
00368     static int compare_equate(void* value, void* object)                     \
00369     {                                                                        \
00370       return (*((functionType*) value) ==                                    \
00371           ((typePtr) object)->functionName());                         \
00372     }                                                                        \
00373 };                                                                           \
00376 // The sorted Intrinsic SDLList declaration macro creates an ordered intrinsic
00377 // list class that is derived from SDLList.  The class (name) stores values of
00378 // typePtr through casting to void* pointers.  This macro only works for lists
00379 // of integers or floats.  No capability is currently supported for lists of
00380 // doubles.
00381 #define SSDLListIntrinsicdeclare(name, typePtr)                              \
00382                                                                              \
00383 class name : public SDLList                                                  \
00384 {                                                                            \
00385                                                                              \
00386   public:                                                                    \
00387                                                                              \
00388     CommonSortedDefine(name, typePtr)                                        \
00389     CommonDefine(typePtr, set_sorted_flag(CUBIT_FALSE);)                     \
00390                                                                              \
00391     void insert(typePtr objPtr)                                              \
00392     {                                                                        \
00393       insert_item_sorted((void*) objPtr, (void*) objPtr);                    \
00394     }                                                                        \
00395     typePtr remove(typePtr objPtr)                                           \
00396     {                                                                        \
00397       return (typePtr) move_to_and_remove_item_sorted((void*) objPtr);       \
00398     }                                                                        \
00399     int move_to(typePtr objPtr)                                              \
00400     {                                                                        \
00401       return move_to_item_sorted((void*) objPtr);                            \
00402     }                                                                        \
00403     int is_in_list(typePtr objPtr)                                           \
00404     {                                                                        \
00405       int item_index;                                                        \
00406       int return_value =                                                     \
00407         where_is_item_sorted((void*) &objPtr, item_index) ?                  \
00408         item_index + 1 : 0;                                                  \
00409       return return_value;                                                   \
00410     }                                                                        \
00411                                                                              \
00412   private:                                                                   \
00413                                                                              \
00414     static int compare_ascend_obj(void* object_1, void* object_2)            \
00415     {                                                                        \
00416       return (((typePtr) object_1) >= ((typePtr) object_2));                 \
00417     }                                                                        \
00418     static int compare_descend_obj(void* object_1, void* object_2)           \
00419     {                                                                        \
00420       return (((typePtr) object_1) <= ((typePtr) object_2));                 \
00421     }                                                                        \
00422                                                                              \
00423     static int compare_ascend(void* object_1, void* object_2)                \
00424     {                                                                        \
00425       return (((typePtr) object_1) >= ((typePtr) object_2));                 \
00426     }                                                                        \
00427     static int compare_descend(void* object_1, void* object_2)               \
00428     {                                                                        \
00429       return (((typePtr) object_1) <= ((typePtr) object_2));                 \
00430     }                                                                        \
00431     static int compare_equate(void* object_1, void* object_2)                \
00432     {                                                                        \
00433       return (((typePtr) object_1) == ((typePtr) object_2));                 \
00434     }                                                                        \
00435 };                                                                           \
00437 #endif //- SDLLIST_HPP
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