Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //- Class: CurveOverlapFacet
00002 //- Description: Facet definition class for efficient processing
00003 //-              for OverlapTool.  
00004 //- Owner: Corey Ernst 
00005 //- Created: August 11, 2005
00007 #include "CurveOverlapFacet.hpp"
00008 #include "IntersectionTool.hpp"
00009 #include "GfxPreview.hpp"
00011 //AnalyticGeometryTool* CurveOverlapFacet::agt = AnalyticGeometryTool::instance();
00013 // Constructor
00014 CurveOverlapFacet::CurveOverlapFacet( GPoint p[2] )
00015 {
00016   p0.set( p[0].x, p[0].y, p[0].z);
00017   p1.set( p[1].x, p[1].y, p[1].z);
00019   CubitVector min;
00020   min.set( CUBIT_MIN( p[0].x, p[1].x ),
00021            CUBIT_MIN( p[0].y, p[1].y ),
00022            CUBIT_MIN( p[0].z, p[1].z ) );
00024   CubitVector max;
00025   max.set( CUBIT_MAX( p[0].x, p[1].x ),
00026            CUBIT_MAX( p[0].y, p[1].y ),
00027            CUBIT_MAX( p[0].z, p[1].z ) );
00029   boundingBox.reset( min, max );
00031   facetLength = 0.0;
00032 }
00034 // Destructor
00035 CurveOverlapFacet::~CurveOverlapFacet()
00036 {
00037 }
00039 double CurveOverlapFacet::distance_overlapping( CurveOverlapFacet *other_facet )
00040 {
00041   //determine which is the smaller facet
00042   CurveOverlapFacet *short_facet, *long_facet;
00043   if( this->length() < other_facet->length() )
00044   {
00045     short_facet = this;
00046     long_facet = other_facet;
00047   }
00048   else
00049   {
00050     short_facet = other_facet;
00051     long_facet = this;
00052   }
00054   CubitVector long_facet_vector(long_facet->p1 - long_facet->p0);
00055   double long_facet_length = long_facet_vector.length();
00056   long_facet_vector.normalize();
00058   CubitVector l_p0_to_s_p0( short_facet->p0 - long_facet->p0 );   
00059   CubitVector l_p0_to_s_p1( short_facet->p1 - long_facet->p0 );   
00061   double dot_to_s_p0 = l_p0_to_s_p0 % long_facet_vector; 
00062   double dot_to_s_p1 = l_p0_to_s_p1 % long_facet_vector; 
00064   //no overlap
00065   if( ( dot_to_s_p0 <= 0.0 && dot_to_s_p1 <= 0.0) || 
00066       ( dot_to_s_p0 >= long_facet_length  && 
00067         dot_to_s_p1 >= long_facet_length ) )
00068   {
00069     return 0.0;
00070   }
00072   //overlap like this:
00073   // o-----------o
00074   //        o---------------------o           
00075   if(  dot_to_s_p0 > 0.0 && dot_to_s_p1 < 0.0 ) 
00076     return dot_to_s_p0;
00077   if( dot_to_s_p1 > 0.0 && dot_to_s_p0 < 0.0 ) 
00078     return dot_to_s_p1;
00079   if( dot_to_s_p0 > long_facet_length &&
00080       dot_to_s_p1 < long_facet_length )
00081     return long_facet_length - dot_to_s_p1;
00082   if( dot_to_s_p1 > long_facet_length &&
00083       dot_to_s_p0 < long_facet_length )
00084     return long_facet_length - dot_to_s_p0;
00087   //overlap like this 
00088   // o-----------o
00089   // o---------------------o           
00090   // or this:
00091   //    o-----------o
00092   // o---------------------o           
00093   // or this:
00094   // o---------------------o           
00095   // o---------------------o           
00096   if( (dot_to_s_p0 <= long_facet_length &&
00097        dot_to_s_p1 < long_facet_length ) || 
00098       (dot_to_s_p1 <= long_facet_length &&
00099        dot_to_s_p0 < long_facet_length ) ) 
00100     return fabs( dot_to_s_p0 - dot_to_s_p1 );
00102   return 0.0;
00104 /*
00105   //create vectors
00106   CubitVector v0( long_facet->p1 - long_facet->p0 ); 
00107   CubitVector v1( short_facet->p0 - long_facet->p0 ); 
00108   CubitVector v2( short_facet->p1 - long_facet->p0 ); 
00109   CubitVector normalized_v0 = v0;
00110   normalized_v0.normalize();
00112   //project v1 and v2 onto v0
00113   double dot1 = normalized_v0 % v1; 
00114   double dot2 = normalized_v0 % v2; 
00115   v1 = normalized_v0 * dot1;
00116   v2 = normalized_v0 * dot2;
00117   double length0 = v0.length();
00118   double length1 = v1.length();
00119   double length2 = v2.length();
00121   //no overlap at all
00122   if( (length1 > long_facet->length() && length2 > long_facet->length() ) ||
00123       (dot1 <= 0 && dot2 <= 0 ) )
00124   {
00125     return 0.0;
00126   }
00127   else if( dot1 <= 0 && dot2 > 0 )
00128   {
00129     return length2; 
00130   }
00131   else if( length2 <= 0 && length1 > 0 )
00132   {
00133     return length1; 
00134   }
00135   else if( length1 > length0 )
00136   {
00137     return length0 - length2;
00138   }
00139   else if( length2 > length0 )
00140   {
00141     return length0 - length1;
00142   }
00143   //else
00144     return fabs( length2 - length1 );
00145 */
00146 /*
00147   CubitVector tmp_vec1( p0.x, p0.y, p0.z);
00148   CubitVector tmp_vec2( p1.x, p1.y, p1.z);
00150   CubitVector tmp_vec3( other_facet->p0.x, other_facet->p0.y, other_facet->p0.z);
00151   CubitVector tmp_vec4( other_facet->p1.x, other_facet->p1.y, other_facet->p1.z);
00154   IntersectionTool int_tool( GEOMETRY_RESABS );
00156   CubitVector closest_point_seg_1;
00157   CubitVector closest_point_seg_2;
00158   double sc, tc;
00159   CubitStatus stat = int_tool.closest_points_on_segments( p0, p1, 
00160                             other_facet->p0, other_facet->p1,
00161                             closest_point_seg_1, closest_point_seg_2,
00162                             sc, tc );
00163   //Make sure the closest points aren't the end points.  If they are
00164   //and we are within tolerance, it may be that the tolerance is too big
00165   //cause we shouldn't be at a cross if the closest point is an end point...
00166   if ( sc > 0. && sc < 1. && tc > 0. && tc < 1. &&
00167        closest_point_seg_1.within_tolerance(closest_point_seg_2, 0.001) )
00168   {
00172   }
00173   return 0.0;
00174   */
00175 }
00177 double CurveOverlapFacet::angle( CurveOverlapFacet *other_facet )
00178 {
00179   CubitVector vec1 = p1 - p0;
00180   CubitVector vec2 = other_facet->p1 - other_facet->p0;
00182   double angle = vec1.interior_angle( vec2 );
00183   return angle;
00184 }
00186 double CurveOverlapFacet::length()
00187 {
00188   if( facetLength == 0.0 )
00189   {
00190     CubitVector tmp_vec = p1 - p0;
00191     facetLength = tmp_vec.length();
00192   }
00193   return facetLength;
00194 }
00196 double CurveOverlapFacet::facet_to_facet_distance( CurveOverlapFacet *other_facet )
00197 {
00198   CubitVector u = p1 - p0;
00199   CubitVector v = other_facet->p1 - other_facet->p0;
00200   CubitVector w = p0 - other_facet->p0;
00201   double a = u%u;
00202   double b = u%v;
00203   double c = v%v;
00204   double d = u%w;
00205   double e = v%w;
00206   double D = a*c - b*b;
00207   double sc, sN, sD = D;
00208   double tc, tN, tD = D;
00210   // compute the line parameters of the two closest points
00211   if( D < GEOMETRY_RESABS )  
00212   {
00213     sN = 0.0;        // force using point P0 on segment S1
00214     sD = 1.0;        // to prevent possible division by 0.0 later
00215     tN = e;
00216     tD = c;
00217   }
00218   else // get the closest points on the infinite lines
00219   {
00220     sN = (b*e - c*d);
00221     tN = (a*e - b*d);
00222     if (sN < 0.0) 
00223     {       // sc < 0 => the s=0 edge is visible
00224       sN = 0.0;
00225       tN = e;
00226       tD = c;
00227     }
00228     else if (sN > sD) 
00229     {  // sc > 1 => the s=1 edge is visible
00230       sN = sD;
00231       tN = e + b;
00232       tD = c;
00233     }
00234   }
00236   if (tN < 0.0) 
00237   {           // tc < 0 => the t=0 edge is visible
00238     tN = 0.0;
00239     // recompute sc for this edge
00240     if (-d < 0.0)
00241       sN = 0.0;
00242     else if (-d > a)
00243       sN = sD;
00244     else 
00245     {
00246       sN = -d;
00247       sD = a;
00248     }
00249   }
00250   else if (tN > tD) 
00251   {      // tc > 1 => the t=1 edge is visible
00252     tN = tD;
00253     // recompute sc for this edge
00254     if ((-d + b) < 0.0)
00255       sN = 0;
00256     else if ((-d + b) > a)
00257       sN = sD;
00258     else 
00259     {
00260       sN = (-d + b);
00261       sD = a;
00262     }
00263   }
00265   // finally do the division to get sc and tc
00266   sc = (fabs(sN) < GEOMETRY_RESABS ? 0.0 : sN / sD);
00267   tc = (fabs(tN) < GEOMETRY_RESABS ? 0.0 : tN / tD);
00269   // get the difference of the two closest points
00270   CubitVector   dP = w + (sc * u) - (tc * v);  // = S1(sc) - S2(tc)
00272   return dP.length();   // return the closest distance
00273 }
00275 void CurveOverlapFacet::draw( int color ) 
00276 {
00277   GfxPreview::draw_line( p0, p1, color );
00278   return;
00279 }
00281 CubitVector CurveOverlapFacet::start_point()
00282 {
00283   return p0; 
00284 }
00286 CubitVector CurveOverlapFacet::end_point()
00287 {
00288   return p1; 
00289 }
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