Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // Filename      : LocalToleranceTool.cpp
00003 //
00004 // Purpose       : The tool used to calculate local tolerance at RefEntities (Vert, Curve, Surface, Volume)
00005 //
00006 // Special Notes :
00007 //
00008 // Creator       : William Roshan Quadros
00009 //
00010 // Creation Date : 11/16/2010
00011 //
00012 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00014 #include <string.h>
00015 #include <assert.h>
00016 #include <stdlib.h>
00017 #include <math.h>
00018 #include <sstream>
00019 #include <iostream>
00021 #include "LocalToleranceTool.hpp"
00023 #include "CubitDefines.h"
00024 #include "GeometryDefines.h"
00025 #include "GeometryQueryTool.hpp"
00026 #include "MergeTool.hpp"
00028 #include "RefEntityFactory.hpp"
00029 #include "BodySM.hpp"
00030 #include "BasicTopologyEntity.hpp"
00032 #include "RefEntity.hpp"
00033 #include "RefVertex.hpp"
00034 #include "RefEdge.hpp"
00035 #include "RefFace.hpp"
00036 #include "RefVolume.hpp"
00039 // Instance of static members
00040 LocalToleranceTool* LocalToleranceTool::instance_ = 0;
00042 //===================================================================================
00043 // Description: constructor
00044 // Notes:  
00045 // Author: roshan
00046 // Date: 11/16/2010
00047 //===================================================================================
00048 LocalToleranceTool::LocalToleranceTool()
00049 {
00051 }
00053 //===================================================================================
00054 // Description: destructor
00055 // Notes:  
00056 // Author: roshan
00057 // Date: 11/16/2010
00058 //===================================================================================
00059 LocalToleranceTool::~LocalToleranceTool()
00060 {
00062 }
00064 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00065 // Purpose       : Controls access and creation of the sole instance of this
00066 //                 class.
00067 //
00068 // Special Notes :
00069 //
00070 // Creator       : William Roshan Quadros
00071 //
00072 // Creation Date : 11/16/2010
00073 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00075 LocalToleranceTool* LocalToleranceTool::instance(void)
00076 {
00077    // Check to see if we have created an instance of the class
00078    // If not, proceed to create one.
00080   //if (LocalToleranceTool::instance_ == 0)
00081   // {
00082   //   LocalToleranceTool::instance_ = new LocalToleranceTool() ;
00084   //    
00085   // }
00087    // Return the a pointer to the instance of the class.
00088   return NULL; //LocalToleranceTool::instance_ ;
00089 }
00091 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00092 // Purpose       : Deletes instance variable
00093 //
00094 // Special Notes :
00095 //
00096 // Creator       : William Roshan Quadros
00097 //
00098 // Creation Date : 11/16/2010
00099 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00100 void LocalToleranceTool::delete_instance()
00101 {
00102   if( NULL != instance_ )
00103   {
00104     delete instance_;
00105     instance_ = NULL;
00106   }
00107 }
00109 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00110 // Purpose       : calculates the local tolerances at all ref_entities of input bodies
00111 //
00112 // Special Notes :
00113 //
00114 // Creator       : William Roshan Quadros
00115 //
00116 // Creation Date : 11/16/2010
00117 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00118 bool LocalToleranceTool::calculate_local_tolerances( DLIList<BodySM*> body_sm_list )
00119 {
00120   bool rv = true;
00121   const double default_vert_local_tol = 0.001;
00122   const double default_edge_local_tol = 0.01;
00123   const double default_face_local_tol = 0.02;
00124   const double default_vol_local_tol = 0.03;
00125   int i;
00127   // get all bodies
00128   DLIList<Body *> bodies;
00129   RefEntityFactory::instance()->bodies( bodies );
00131   // find all ref_vert in the bodies
00132   DLIList<RefVertex *> ref_verts;
00133   GeometryQueryTool::instance()->ref_vertices( ref_verts );
00135   // for now set default value in all ref_vert
00136   RefVertex *ref_vert;
00137   for( i = 0; i < ref_verts.size(); i++ )
00138   {
00139     ref_vert = ref_verts.get_and_step();
00140     ref_vert->local_tolerance( default_vert_local_tol );
00141   }
00143   // find all ref_edge in the bodies
00144   DLIList<RefEdge *> ref_edges;
00145   GeometryQueryTool::instance()->ref_edges( ref_edges );
00147   // for now set default value in all ref_edges
00148   RefEdge *ref_edge;
00149   for( i = 0; i < ref_edges.size(); i++ )
00150   {
00151     ref_edge = ref_edges.get_and_step();
00152     ref_edge->local_tolerance( default_edge_local_tol );
00153   }
00155   // find all ref_face in the bodies
00156   DLIList<RefFace *> ref_faces;
00157   GeometryQueryTool::instance()->ref_faces( ref_faces );
00159   // for now set default value in all ref_faces
00160   RefFace *ref_face;
00161   for( i = 0; i < ref_faces.size(); i++ )
00162   {
00163     ref_face = ref_faces.get_and_step();
00164     ref_face->local_tolerance( default_face_local_tol );
00165   }
00167   // find all ref_vol in the bodies
00168   DLIList<RefVolume *> ref_vols;
00169   GeometryQueryTool::instance()->ref_volumes( ref_vols );
00171   // for now set default value in all ref_vols
00172   RefVolume *ref_vol;
00173   for( i = 0; i < ref_vols.size(); i++ )
00174   {
00175     ref_vol = ref_vols.get_and_step();
00176     ref_vol->local_tolerance( default_vol_local_tol );
00177   }
00179   return rv;
00180 }
00182 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00183 // Purpose       : calculates the local tolerances automatically at all the ref_entities of input bodies
00184 //
00185 // Special Notes :
00186 //
00187 // Creator       : William Roshan Quadros
00188 //
00189 // Creation Date : 11/16/2010
00190 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00191 bool LocalToleranceTool::calculate_local_tolerances_automatically( DLIList<BodySM*> body_sm_list )
00192 {
00193   bool rv = true;
00195   // find mergable surfaces
00196   double geom_factor = GeometryQueryTool::get_geometry_factor();
00197   double merge_tolerance = geom_factor*GEOMETRY_RESABS;
00198   DLIList< DLIList<Surface*>*> lists_of_mergeable_surfaces;
00199   MergeTool::instance()->find_only_mergeable_surfaces ( body_sm_list, lists_of_mergeable_surfaces, merge_tolerance );
00202   /* Pseudocode for future use
00203   // Map holding overlapping surface pairs
00204   overlapping_surfs_map;
00205   // Add all surfs to spatial tree
00206   SpatialTree.add(all_surfs);
00207   // Create array of all surfs sorted by surface area (smallest to largest)
00208   all_surf_array.sort();
00209   // Loop through progressively larger merge tolerances
00210   for(cur_tol=.00001; cur_tol < .1; cur_tol *= 10.0)
00211   {
00212     // Each time array size may change because surfs have been removed.
00213     int num_surfs = all_surf_array.size(), i;
00214     for(i=0; i<num_surfs; i++)
00215     {
00216       cur_surf = all_surf_array[i];
00217       // Get surfs that are close to the current surf.
00218       close_surfs = SpatialTree.get_close_surfs(cur_surf);
00219       // Keep a running total of overlap area so we know when current surf
00220       // is overlapping completely with other surfs.
00221       double overlap_area = 0.0;
00222       int j;
00223       // Loop over all of the close surfs and look for overlaps.
00224       for(j=close_surfs.size(); j>0; j--)
00225       {
00226         cur_close_surf = close_surfs.get_and_step();
00227         // If there is already a map entry between these two surfs don't check them again.
00228         if(!overlapping_surfs_map.entry_exists(cur_surf, cur_close_surf))
00229         {
00230           // Measure overlap for these two surfs at current tolerance
00231           cur_overlap = measure_overlap(cur_surf, cur_close_surf, cur_tol);
00232           if(cur_overlap > 0.0)
00233           {
00234             // add entry for these two surfs (at the current tol)
00235             overlapping_surfs_map.add_entry(cur_surf, cur_close_surf, cur_tol);
00236             // Update the overlapping area for cur_surf
00237             overlap_area += cur_overlap;
00238             // If overlapping area for cur_surf is all of cur_surf then we are done processing it.
00239             if(overlap_area == cur_surf.surface_area())
00240             {
00241               // Remove cur_surf from all_surf_array
00242               // Remove cur_surf from SpatialTree (if this helps with efficiency)
00243               // jump out of processing of cur_surf
00244               j=0;
00245             }
00246           }
00247         }
00248       }
00249     }
00250   }
00251   */
00252   return rv;
00253 }
00255 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00256 // Purpose       : debugging function to print local tolerances at all ref_entities of the input bodies
00257 //
00258 // Special Notes :
00259 //
00260 // Creator       : William Roshan Quadros
00261 //
00262 // Creation Date : 11/16/2010
00263 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00264 bool LocalToleranceTool::print_local_tolerances( DLIList<BodySM*> body_sm_list )
00265 {
00266   bool rv = true;
00267   int i;
00269   // get all bodies
00270   DLIList<Body *> bodies;
00271   RefEntityFactory::instance()->bodies( bodies );
00273   // find all ref_vert in the bodies
00274   DLIList<RefVertex *> ref_verts;
00275   GeometryQueryTool::instance()->ref_vertices( ref_verts );
00277   // for now set default value in all ref_vert
00278   RefVertex *ref_vert;
00279   for( i = 0; i < ref_verts.size(); i++ )
00280   {
00281     ref_vert = ref_verts.get_and_step();
00282     PRINT_INFO( " vert id %d, local_tol %f \n", ref_vert->id(), ref_vert->local_tolerance() );
00283   }
00285   // find all ref_edge in the bodies
00286   DLIList<RefEdge *> ref_edges;
00287   GeometryQueryTool::instance()->ref_edges( ref_edges );
00289   // for now set default value in all ref_edges
00290   RefEdge *ref_edge;
00291   for( i = 0; i < ref_edges.size(); i++ )
00292   {
00293     ref_edge = ref_edges.get_and_step();
00294     PRINT_INFO( " edge id %d, local_tol %f \n", ref_edge->id(), ref_edge->local_tolerance() );
00295   }
00297   // find all ref_face in the bodies
00298   DLIList<RefFace *> ref_faces;
00299   GeometryQueryTool::instance()->ref_faces( ref_faces );
00301   // for now set default value in all ref_faces
00302   RefFace *ref_face;
00303   for( i = 0; i < ref_faces.size(); i++ )
00304   {
00305     ref_face = ref_faces.get_and_step();
00306     PRINT_INFO( " face id %d, local_tol %f \n", ref_face->id(), ref_face->local_tolerance() );
00307   }
00309   // find all ref_vol in the bodies
00310   DLIList<RefVolume *> ref_vols;
00311   GeometryQueryTool::instance()->ref_volumes( ref_vols );
00313   // for now set default value in all ref_vols
00314   RefVolume *ref_vol;
00315   for( i = 0; i < ref_vols.size(); i++ )
00316   {
00317     ref_vol = ref_vols.get_and_step();
00318     PRINT_INFO( " vol id %d, local_tol %f \n", ref_vol->id(), ref_vol->local_tolerance() );
00319   }
00321   return rv;
00322 }
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