Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // Filename      : OCCSurface.hpp
00003 //
00004 // Purpose       : 
00005 //
00006 // Special Notes :
00007 //
00008 // Creator       : Jane Hu  
00009 //
00010 // Creation Date : 
00011 //
00012 // Owner         : 
00013 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00015 #ifndef SURFACE_OCC_HPP
00016 #define SURFACE_OCC_HPP
00019 // ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
00020 // ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
00022 // ********** BEGIN OCC INCLUDES          **********
00024 #include "TopoDS_Face.hxx"
00026 // ********** END OCC INCLUDES          **********
00029 // ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES          **********
00031 #include "CubitDefines.h"
00032 #include "Surface.hpp"
00034 // ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES          **********
00036 class TopologyEntity;
00037 class RefVolume;
00038 class RefFace;
00039 class RefVolume;
00040 class OCCShell;
00041 class OCCAttrib;
00043 class OCCBody;
00044 class OCCLump;
00045 class OCCLoop;
00046 class OCCCoEdge;
00047 class OCCCurve;
00048 class OCCPoint;
00049 class BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape;
00050 class BRepAlgoAPI_BooleanOperation;
00051 class BRepBuilderAPI_ModifyShape;
00052 class LocOpe_SplitShape;
00053 class TopoDS_Vertex;
00056 class OCCSurface : public Surface
00057 {
00059 public :
00061   OCCSurface(TopoDS_Face *theFace);
00063   virtual ~OCCSurface() ;
00064     //- The destructor
00066   //if op is of BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet2d type, need to input the 
00067   //removed_vertex for update.
00068   static CubitStatus update_OCC_entity(TopoDS_Face& old_surface,
00069                                        TopoDS_Shape& new_surface,
00070                                        BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape *op,
00071                                        TopoDS_Vertex* removed_vertex = NULL,
00072                                        LocOpe_SplitShape* sp = NULL);
00074   virtual CubitStatus closest_point_along_vector(CubitVector& from_point, 
00075     CubitVector& along_vector,
00076     CubitVector& point_on_surface);  //This function has not been implemented.
00079   void add_hardpoint(OCCPoint* HardPoint){myHardPoints.append(HardPoint);}
00080   void remove_hardpoint(OCCPoint* HardPoint){myHardPoints.remove(HardPoint);}
00081   DLIList<OCCPoint*> get_hardpoints() {return myHardPoints;}
00083   virtual void append_simple_attribute_virt(const CubitSimpleAttrib&);
00084     //R void
00085     //I 
00086     //I- 
00087     //I- that is to be appended to this OSME object.
00088     //- The purpose of this function is to append a 
00089     //- attribute to the OSME. The  is attached to each of the 
00090     //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
00092   virtual void remove_simple_attribute_virt(const CubitSimpleAttrib&);
00093     //R void
00094     //I CubitSimpleAttrib*
00095     //I- A reference to a CubitSimpleAttrib object which is the object
00096     //I- that is to be removed to this OSME object.
00097     //- The purpose of this function is to remove a simple
00098     //- attribute from the OSME. The attribute is attached to each of the
00099     //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
00101   virtual void remove_all_simple_attribute_virt();
00102     //R void
00103     //I-
00104     //- The purpose of this function is to remove all simple
00105     //- attributes from the OSME. 
00107   virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib>&);
00108   virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(const CubitString& name,
00109                                            DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib>&);
00110     //R CubitSimpleAttrib*
00111     //R- the returned cubit simple attribute.
00112     //- The purpose of this function is to get the attributes
00113     //- of the geometry entity. The name is attached to the underlying solid
00114     //- model entity(ies) this one points to.
00115     //- MJP Note:
00116     //- This is the code that implements the requirement that names
00117     //- of VGI Entities propagate across solid model boolean
00118     //- operations.  The success of this relies, of course, on the underlying
00119     //- solid modeler being able to propagate attributes across
00120     //- such operations on its entities. If it cannot, then "names"
00121     //- of VGI entities will not propagate.
00123   virtual CubitBox bounding_box() const ;
00124     // see comments in GeometryEntity.hpp
00126   virtual GeometryQueryEngine* 
00127   get_geometry_query_engine() const;
00128     //R GeometryQueryEngine*
00129     //R- A pointer to the geometric modeling engine associated with
00130     //R- the object.
00131     //- This function returns a pointer to the geometric modeling engine
00132     //- associated with the object.
00134   // Added by CAT
00135   virtual CubitStatus get_point_normal( CubitVector& ,
00136                                         CubitVector& );
00137     //- Only valid for planar surfaces
00138     //- Finds the underlying plane's origin and normal vector
00139     //- Returns CubitFailure if not a plane.  The origin and normal 
00140     //- are returned directly from the underlying format for a plane.
00142   virtual void closest_point_trimmed(CubitVector from_point,
00143                                      CubitVector& point_on_surface);
00144     //R void
00145     //I CubitVector
00146     //I- point from which to find closest point on trimmed surface
00147     //O CubitVector
00148     //O- point on trimmed surface closest to passed-in point
00149     //- This function finds the closest point on a TRIMMED surface to the
00150     //- passed-in point.
00152   virtual CubitStatus closest_point_uv_guess(  
00153       CubitVector const& location,
00154       double &u, double &v,
00155       CubitVector* closest_location = NULL,
00156       CubitVector* unit_normal = NULL );
00158   virtual CubitSense get_shell_sense(ShellSM*) const;
00160   virtual CubitStatus closest_point(  
00161     CubitVector const& location, 
00162     CubitVector* closest_location = NULL,
00163     CubitVector* unit_normal_ptr = NULL,
00164     CubitVector* curvature1_ptr = NULL,
00165     CubitVector* curvature2_ptr = NULL);
00166     //R CubitStatus
00168     //I location
00169     //I- The point to which the closest point on the surface is desired.
00170     //O closest_location
00171     //O- The point on the Surface, closest to the 
00172     //O- input location (which might not be on the Surface).  This is
00173     //O- input as a reference so that the function can modify its
00174     //O- contents.
00175     //O unit_normal_ptr
00176     //O- The normal (represented as a unit vector) at the closest_location.
00177     //O- If this pointer is NULL, the normal is not returned.
00178     //O curvature1_ptr
00179     //O- The first principal curvature of the surface at closest_location.
00180     //O- If this pointer is NULL, this curvature is not returned.
00181     //O curvature2_ptr
00182     //O- The second principal curvature of the surface at closest_location.
00183     //O- If this pointer is NULL, this curvature is not returned.
00184     //- This function computes the point on the surface closest to the input 
00185     //- location -- i.e., closest_location. 
00186     //- The first Facet FACE in the list
00187     //- is queried.
00188     //-
00189     //- If the input pointer values of unit_normal, curvature1 and
00190     //- curvature2
00191     //- are non-NULL, the normal and principal curvatures, too, are
00192     //- returned.  These are computed at closest_location, not at the
00193     //- input location.
00194     //-
00195     //- NOTE:
00196     //- It is assumed that if the calling code needs the normal or the 
00197     //- principal curvatures, it will *allocate* space for the CubitVectors
00198     //- before sending in the pointers.
00200   virtual CubitStatus principal_curvatures(
00201     CubitVector const& location, 
00202     double& curvature_1,
00203     double& curvature_2,
00204     CubitVector* closest_location = NULL );
00205     //R CubitStatus
00207     //I location
00208     //I- The point at which the curvatures are being requested -- it is also
00209     //I- the point to which the closest point on the surface is returned.
00210     //I- curvatures.
00211     //O closest_location
00212     //O- The point on the surface, closest to the input location (this
00213     //O- might not be on the surface).  This is input as a reference 
00214     //O- so that the function can modify its contents.
00215     //O curvature_1/2
00216     //O- Returned principal curvature magnitudes.
00217     //- This functions computes the point on the surface that is closest
00218     //- to the input location and then calculates the magnitudes of the
00219     //- principal curvatures at this (possibly, new) point on the surface. 
00221     virtual CubitStatus evaluate( double u, double v,
00222     CubitVector *position,
00223     CubitVector *normal,
00224     CubitVector *curvature1,
00225     CubitVector *curvature2 );
00229   virtual CubitVector position_from_u_v (double u, double v);
00230     //R CubitVector
00231     //R- Returned position vector.
00232     //I u, v
00233     //I- Input point in {u.v} space
00234     //- This function returns the coordinates in world space of a point
00235     //- in the parameter space of this Surface object.
00237   virtual CubitStatus u_v_from_position (CubitVector const& location,
00238                                          double& u, 
00239                                          double& v,
00240                                          CubitVector*
00241                                          closest_location = NULL );
00242     //R CubitStatus
00244     //I location
00245     //I- The input point in global space
00246     //O closest_point
00247     //O- The point on the Surface closest to the input location
00248     //O u, v
00249     //O- The returned u, v coordinate values (in local parametric space)
00250     //O- of the closest_point
00251     //I refvolume_ptr
00252     //- This function returns the {u, v} coordinates of the point 
00253     //- on the Surface closest to the input point (specified in global
00254     //- space). The closest_location is also returned.
00256   virtual CubitBoolean is_periodic();
00257     //R CubitBoolean
00259     //- This function determines whether the underlying geometry of the
00260     //- OCCSurface is periodic or not.  Returns CUBIT_TRUE if it is and 
00261     //- CUBIT_FALSE if it is not.
00262     //- MJP NOTE: 
00263     //- The first Facet FACE in the list is queried.  It is assumed
00264     //- that all the FACEs have the same underlying surface.
00266     virtual CubitBoolean is_periodic_in_U( double& period );
00267     //R CubitBoolean
00269     //O period
00270     //O- The value of the period in the U direction.
00271     //- Determines whether the Facet surface object associated
00272     //- with one of the FACEs of this OCCSurface object is 
00273     //- periodic in the U direction or not.  If it is, it
00274     //- returns CUBIT_TRUE and the value of the period. Otherwise,
00275     //- it returns CUBIT_FALSE and a value of 0.0 or the period.
00276     //- MJP NOTE: 
00277     //- The first Facet FACE in the list is queried.  It is assumed
00278     //- that all the FACEs have the same underlying surface.
00280   virtual CubitBoolean is_periodic_in_V( double& period );
00281     //R CubitBoolean
00283     //O period
00284     //O- The value of the period in the V direction.
00285     //- Determines whether the Facet surface object associated
00286     //- with one of the FACEs of this OCCSurface object is 
00287     //- periodic in the V direction or not.  If it is, it
00288     //- returns CUBIT_TRUE and the value of the period. Otherwise,
00289     //- it returns CUBIT_FALSE and a value of 0.0 or the period.
00290     //- MJP NOTE: 
00291     //- The first Facet FACE in the list is queried.  It is assumed
00292     //- that all the FACEs have the same underlying surface.
00294   virtual CubitBoolean is_singular_in_U( double u_param );
00295   virtual CubitBoolean is_singular_in_V( double v_param );
00296     //R CubitBoolean
00298     //I double u/v parameter value.
00299     //- Determines if the surface is singular in a given direction
00300     //- at a given parameter value.
00302   virtual CubitBoolean is_closed_in_U();  
00303   virtual CubitBoolean is_closed_in_V();
00304     //R CubitBoolean
00306     //- Determines if the surface is closed, smoothly or not in the
00307     //- given parameter direction.
00308     //- A periodic surface is always closed but a closed surface is
00309     //- is not always periodic.
00311   virtual CubitStatus uv_derivitives( double u_param,
00312                                       double v_param,
00313                                       CubitVector &du,
00314                                       CubitVector &dv );
00315     //R CubitStatus
00317     //O- du, dv
00318     //- Determines the u and v derivitives from the given parameter
00319     //- values.
00321   TopoDS_Face *get_TopoDS_Face()
00322   {if (myTopoDSFace && !myTopoDSFace->IsNull()) assert (myTopoDSFace->ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE); return myTopoDSFace;}
00323   void set_TopoDS_Face(TopoDS_Face& face); 
00325   int get_loops(DLIList<OCCLoop*>&);
00327   int get_coedges(DLIList<OCCCoEdge*>&);
00329   int get_curves(DLIList<OCCCurve*>&); 
00331   int get_points(DLIList<OCCPoint*>& points);
00333   void set_shell(OCCShell* shell)
00334   { myShell = shell;}
00336   void set_lump(OCCLump* lump)
00337   { myLump = lump;}
00339   void set_body(OCCBody* body)
00340   { myBody = body;}
00342   OCCShell* my_shell() {return myShell;}
00344   OCCLump* my_lump() {return myLump;}
00346   OCCBody* my_body() {return myBody;}
00348   CubitStatus get_bodies(DLIList<OCCBody*> &bodies);
00350   virtual CubitBoolean is_parametric();
00351     //R CubitBoolean
00353             //- This method returns CUBIT_TRUE if a parametric representation
00354             //- is available for the surface
00356   virtual CubitBoolean get_param_range_U( double& lower_bound,
00357                                           double& upper_bound );
00358     //R CubitBoolean
00360     //O lower_bound
00361     //O- The lower bound of the parametric range in the U direction.
00362     //O- This is set to 0.0 if the surface is not parametric.
00363     //O upper_bound
00364     //O- The upper bound of the parametric range in the U direction.
00365     //O- This is set to 0.0 if the surface is not parametric.
00366     //- Returns the lower and upper parametric bounds of the 
00367     //- surface in U, if it is parametric.  Otherwise, it returns
00368     //- CUBIT_FALSE and zeroes for the upper and lower parametric
00369     //- bounds.
00370     //- MJP NOTE: 
00371     //- The first Facet FACE in the list is queried.  It is assumed
00372     //- that all the FACEs have the same underlying surface.
00374   virtual CubitBoolean get_param_range_V( double& lower_bound,
00375                                           double& upper_bound );
00376     //R CubitBoolean
00378     //O lower_bound
00379     //O- The lower bound of the parametric range in the V direction.
00380     //O- This is set to 0.0 if the surface is not parametric.
00381     //O upper_bound
00382     //O- The upper bound of the parametric range in the V direction.
00383     //O- This is set to 0.0 if the surface is not parametric.
00384     //- Returns the lower and upper parametric bounds of the 
00385     //- surface in V, if it is parametric.  Otherwise, it returns
00386     //- CUBIT_FALSE and zeroes for the upper and lower parametric
00387     //- bounds.
00388     //- MJP NOTE: 
00389     //- The first Facet FACE in the list is queried.  It is assumed
00390     //- that all the FACEs have the same underlying surface.
00392   virtual CubitBoolean is_position_on( CubitVector &test_position );
00393     //R CubitBoolean
00395     //I CubitVector
00396     //I- position, point where we want to test, whether or not it
00397     //- is on the surface.
00399   virtual CubitPointContainment point_containment( const CubitVector &point );
00400   virtual CubitPointContainment point_containment( double u, double v );
00402   virtual CubitStatus get_projected_distance_on_surface( CubitVector *pos1,
00403                                                          CubitVector *pos2,
00404                                                          double &distance );
00406   virtual CubitStatus get_nurb_params( bool &rational,
00407                                        int &degree_u,
00408                                        int &degree_v,
00409                                        int &num_cntrl_pts_u,
00410                                        int &num_cntrl_pts_v,
00411                                        DLIList<CubitVector> &cntrl_pts,
00412                                        DLIList<double> &weights,
00413                                        DLIList<double> &u_knots,
00414                                        DLIList<double> &v_knots ) const ;
00415       //- Only valid for nurbs surfaces
00416       //O rational
00417       //O-   True if the nurb is rational
00418       //O degree_u
00419       //O-   The degree of the nurb in the u direction
00420       //O degree_v
00421       //O-   The degree of the nurb in the v direction
00422       //O num_cntrl_pts_u
00423       //O-   Number of control points in the u direction
00424       //O num_cntrl_pts_v
00425       //O-   Number of control points in the v direction
00426       //O cntrl_pts
00427       //O-   The control points stored as
00428       //O-           cntrl_pts[0                ] = pt[u=0][v=0]
00429       //O-           cntrl_pts[1                ] = pt[u=1][v=0]
00430       //O-               ...
00431       //O-           cntrl_pts[num_cntrl_pts_u-1] = pt[u=?][v=0]
00432       //O-           cntrl_pts[num_cntrl_pts_u  ] = pt[u=0][v=1]
00433       //O-               ...
00434       //O weights
00435       //O-   If rational, weights for each control point, stored in the same
00436       //O-   order as the control points.  No weights are returned if
00437       //O-   rational == false
00438       //O u_knots
00439       //O-   knot vector in the u direction
00440       //O v_knots
00441       //O-   knot vector in the v direction
00443   virtual CubitStatus get_sphere_params( CubitVector &center,
00444                                          double &radius ) const ;
00445       //- Only valid for spherical surfaces
00446       //O center
00447       //O- The center of the sphere
00448       //O radius
00449       //O- The radius of the sphere
00451   virtual CubitStatus get_cone_params( CubitVector &center,
00452                                        CubitVector &normal,
00453                                        CubitVector &major_axis,
00454                                        double &radius_ratio,
00455                                        double &sine_angle,
00456                                        double &cos_angle ) const ;
00457       //- Only valid for conical surfaces.  Cylinders are a special case of conicals.
00458       //O center
00459       //O-
00460       //O normal
00461       //O-
00462       //O major_axis
00463       //O-
00464       //O radius_ratio
00465       //O-
00466       //O sine_angle
00467       //O-
00468       //O cos_angle
00469       //O-
00471   virtual CubitStatus get_torus_params( CubitVector &center,
00472                                         CubitVector &normal,
00473                                         double &major_radius,
00474                                         double &minor_radius ) const ;
00475       //- Only valid for torus surfaces.
00476       //O center
00477       //O-
00478       //O normal
00479       //O-
00480       //O major_radius
00481       //O-
00482       //O minor_radius
00483       //O-
00485   GeometryType geometry_type();
00486     //R GeometryType (enum)
00487     //R- The enumerated type of the geometric representation
00489   virtual double measure();
00490     //R double
00491     //R- The numeric value of the measure (its units depend on the dimension
00492     //R- of the RefEntity being "measured")
00493     //- A generic geometric extent function.
00494     //- Returns volume for Lump, area for Surface, length for Curve and 
00495     //- 1.0 for Point
00497   CubitVector center_point();
00498   virtual CubitSense get_geometry_sense();
00499     //- Return the relative surface sense. (see below)
00501   virtual void get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents );
00502   virtual void get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children );
00504   CubitBoolean is_flat();     
00505   CubitBoolean is_spherical(); 
00506   CubitBoolean is_conical();  
00508   CubitStatus update_OCC_entity( BRepBuilderAPI_ModifyShape *aBRepTrsf,
00509                                  BRepAlgoAPI_BooleanOperation *op = NULL);
00510 protected: 
00512 private:
00513     //CubitSense sense_;
00514     //- The sense of the RefFace that owns this Surface with respect
00515     //- to the positive sense of the first FACE in FACEPtrList_.
00516     //- When a Surface is first constructed, this value is arbitrarily
00517     //- set to CUBIT_FORWARD.
00518     //- In the case of Surfaces, the normal is used in determining
00519     //- the relative sense value.
00520     //- MJP NOTE:
00521     //- Not only does the RefFace have a sense wrt its Surface, but each
00522     //- Facet FACE has a sense wrt its underlying "surface" object.
00524   TopoDS_Face *myTopoDSFace;
00526   //Following 3 members are only for sheeted body.
00527   OCCShell* myShell;
00528   OCCLump* myLump;
00529   OCCBody* myBody;
00530   DLIList<OCCPoint*> myHardPoints;
00532 };
00535 // ********** BEGIN INLINE FUNCTIONS       **********
00536 // ********** END INLINE FUNCTIONS         **********
00538 // ********** BEGIN FRIEND FUNCTIONS       **********
00539 // ********** END FRIEND FUNCTIONS         **********
00541 // ********** BEGIN EXTERN FUNCTIONS       **********
00542 // ********** END EXTERN FUNCTIONS         **********
00544 #endif
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